Diocese of Gloucester North Cotswold Deanery Vale & Cotswold Edge

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Diocese of Gloucester North Cotswold Deanery Vale & Cotswold Edge Diocese of Gloucester North Cotswold Deanery Vale & Cotswold Edge Team Ministry The Parishes of Pebworth, Dorsington, Honeybourne, Willersey with Saintbury, Weston sub Edge and Aston sub Edge Contents Page General Introduction 3 Structure of the Group 3 The Vicarage 3 Worship 4 Sunday services 4 Weekdays 4 Occasional Offices 5 Spirituality and Discipleship 5 Pastoral Care 5 Engagement with young people 6 Community Engagement 6 Governance 7 Finance 8 Parish share 8 Charitable giving 8 Fundraising 8 New housing developments 8 Vision for the Future 9 Taking the church out to the villages 9 Involving young people 9 Drawing the different villages/parishes together 9 Sustainability for the future 9 New Housing Developments 9 What the churches would like as a priest 10 What the churches would offer a priest 10 Individual Parishes 11 Pebworth 11 Dorsington 11 Honeybourne 12 Aston sub Edge 13 Weston sub Edge 13 Willersey with Saintbury 14 Appendix 1 Service pattern across the group 16 Appendix 2 Parish data 17 Benefice Profile Final with Vicarage 10.08.2016 Page 2 of 17 General Introduction Structure of the Group The group of rural parishes is situated in the beautiful Vale of Evesham on the edge of the Cotswolds area of outstanding natural beauty. Evesham and Stratford upon Avon are both a short car journey away. Cheltenham, Gloucester, Worcester, Coventry and Birmingham and all within an hour’s drive. There is a railway station in Honeybourne that provides regular services to Worcester and London. There are primary schools in three of the villages. There are secondary schools in the nearby towns. The Group has six open churches and form one part of the Vale & Cotswold Edge Team Ministry in addition to this post staffed by a Team Rector based at Chipping Campden and a Team Vicar in Blockley, all part of the North Cotswold Deanery. This grouping only came into being following a major pastoral re-organisation in late 2014. The group covers parts of three neighbouring counties, Warwickshire, Worcestershire and Gloucestershire. The six villages vary considerably in size, see Appendix 1. Whilst the major land use is agriculture and market gardening, most of the population work in neighbouring towns such as Evesham, Cheltenham and Stratford on Avon and also further afield. There is a basic group website (http://www.cotswoldedgenorthbenefice.org/index.asp) which the Group looks forward to developing. Most villages have village or Parish Magazines enabling details of church services to reach all villagers. There is a part-time volunteer Administrative Assistant attached to the group of six parishes. There are no readers in the Benefice. There is a retired Bishop living in Honeybourne, and two other retired priests living in Willersey. Honeybourne Vicarage The vicarage was built in the 1980s and stands approximately in the middle of the village. The property is detached and has solar panels with gardens enclosed on two sides of the house with the main garden totally enclosed with mature beds and a patio area. There is a separate garage and parking. Benefice Profile Final with Vicarage 10.08.2016 Page 3 of 17 The house consists of front door vestibule with glass panelled door leading into large entrance hall; 2 reception rooms, the lounge with patio door onto the garden and dining room with double doors allowing the rooms to be used as one; door to large breakfast kitchen; separate utility room; toilet and a large study which is accessed from the front door vestibule. On the first floor the master bedroom with en-suite and comprehensive range of fitted wardrobes; 2 double bedrooms; 1 single/box room; family bathroom and airing cupboard. Both the en-suite and the family bathroom have been upgraded along with the kitchen. Worship Sunday services Sunday worship across the group is based on a range of different types of service, with an emphasis on the Eucharist. There is a balance of contemporary and traditional language, and both Common Worship and BCP are equally valued. Vestments are usually worn. Non- Eucharistic services include Family Praise, Evensong and Songs of Praise. Evensong is generally sung. The aim – not always achieved at present – is to have at least two Eucharists every Sunday, one in the northern part of the group (Dorsington, Pebworth and Honeybourne) and one in the southern part (Aston sub edge, Weston sub Edge and Willersey). In months with five Sundays, a joint Eucharist is held at one of the churches on a rotating basis on the fourth Sunday. Aston sub Edge celebrates the farming year, such as Plough Sunday, Lammas Sunday etc., with a walk around neighbouring farmland on Rogation Sunday. The church at Willersey has close ties with Willersey Methodist Church, holding joint services where there is a fifth Sunday in the month. Weekdays Morning Prayer is normally said in one of the churches each weekday, the idea being to have Morning Prayer once a week in each church. Other regular midweek services are Honeyangels, a mother & toddler group which meets every Tuesday morning at Honeybourne, and a midweek BCP Eucharist at Willersey. Joint services – are also arranged Benefice Profile Final with Vicarage 10.08.2016 Page 4 of 17 at one church in the group on a rotating basis on festivals such as Ash Wednesday, Ascension Day, All Souls, Corpus Christi etc. Occasional Offices Baptisms, weddings and funerals take place in all of the churches – figures for the last three years are shown in Appendix 1. The policy is in principle to accept all requests for baptisms on the basis that this establishes contact with a family, even if they are not regular churchgoers. Honeyangels is often a source of requests for baptism and a vehicle for follow-up to baptisms. Some of the baptisms take place in public services and as a general policy this is encouraged. However, policies on baptisms and weddings tend to be on a parish by parish basis, and the group would like to develop a more structured basis for these policies. Churchyards in Pebworth, Dorsington, Weston sub Edge and Aston sub Edge are still open, whilst those in Honeybourne and Willersey are closed and there are village cemeteries. Spirituality and Discipleship Candidates for confirmation are prepared by the wider Team. Lent and Advent Groups, meeting variously in parishioners’ homes, village halls or one or more of the churches, Lent lunches (sometimes held jointly with Willersey Methodists) and Bible Study groups all provide opportunities for development of our spirituality. Pastoral Care The villages have a wide range of housing, from large Cotswold houses and substantial farmhouses, to Housing Association accommodation in some of the villages. There has been considerable new housing development in some of the villages in recent years, again with a mixture of housing. Benefice Profile Final with Vicarage 10.08.2016 Page 5 of 17 Engagement with Young People There are primary schools in Pebworth, Honeybourne and Willersey, where the Clergy take assemblies. The Vicar is a school governor at Honeybourne and (ex- officio) at Willersey, where the school is a Voluntary Controlled C of E Primary School. Children from the schools have been brought into the churches for Experience Easter, Experience Pentecost, Experience Harvest and seasonal services. Messy church is held 3-4 times/year in a church or a village hall. A series of Messy Churches “All God’s World” was held over a week during the 2015 summer holiday across several churches in the group. Another form of “Fresh Expressions” is the Tuesday morning ‘Honeyangels’ Mother & Toddler service. There are a variety of scouting organisations that meet in the villages. Weston sub-Edge Youth Club meets twice a month. Community Engagement There has been significant new housing development in Pebworth and Honeybourne, and visits are made to new residents as they arrive: a Church Strawberry Tea Party was held for them in summer 2015. Information packs have been prepared for new inhabitants which are delivered in co- operation with the developers. Benefice Profile Final with Vicarage 10.08.2016 Page 6 of 17 Christmas and Easter Cards, with details of upcoming services, are distributed to all houses in the group. Pebworth, Honeybourne, Weston sub Edge and Willersey all have village Halls. There are Senior Citizens’ Clubs which meet regularly in Honeybourne, Weston sub Edge and Willersey. Members of congregations and churchwardens feed information back to the clergy for visits to the sick and bereaved. Governance All parishes have faithful and committed members, however, some parishes are dependent upon a small number of members who have served the church for many years. A number of parishes have found it difficult to recruit the full complement of lay officers and PCC members. Within the local Group, two of the churches (Aston sub Edge and Weston sub Edge) form a single Parish, although they have separate PCCs and churchwardens and have been run as separate entities for many years. Weston sub Edge and Dorsington are currently without churchwardens. Pebworth and Dorsington work together and this mutual support is expected to develop in the future. Benefice Profile Final with Vicarage 10.08.2016 Page 7 of 17 Finance Parish Share Details of Parish Share for each Parish are shown in Appendix 1. All parishes have met their Parish Share commitment for the past three years, in a number of cases giving a sum over and above the agreed Share. Charitable Giving A number of Parishes have a policy of allocating a sum of money each year to charitable giving, trying to give to local and national charities and where possible to retain some money in reserve for any international disaster. A house-to-house collection for Christian Aid Week together with a soup lunch is organised by the church in Honeybourne each May.
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