Drug-Induced Immune Hemolytic Anemia: the Last 30 Years of Changes P
George Garratty 1935–2014 Journal of Blood Group Serology and Molecular Genetics VOLUME 30, N UMBER 2, 2014 Immunohematology Journal of Blood Group Serology and Molecular Genetics Volume 30, Number 2, 2014 CONTENTS Introduction to Immunohematology Special Edition on 43 Drug-Induced Immune Cytopenias P.A. Arndt and R.M. Leger R EPORT 44 Drug-induced immune hemolytic anemia: the last 30 years of changes P. A . A r ndt R EPORT 55 Drug-induced immune thrombocytopenia: incidence, clinical features, laboratory testing, and pathogenic mechanisms B.R. Curtis R EPORT 66 Drugs that have been shown to cause drug-induced immune hemolytic anemia or positive direct antiglobulin tests: some interesting findings since 2007 G. Garratty and P.A. Arndt C A SE R EPORT 80 Diagnostic pitfalls of drug-induced immune hemolytic anemia A. Salama and B. Mayer R EPORT 85 How we investigate drug-induced immune hemolytic anemia R.M. Leger, P.A. Arndt, and G. Garratty R EPORT 95 Drug-induced immune neutropenia/agranulocytosis B.R. Curtis 102 A NNOUNCEMENTS 105 A DVERT I SEMENTS 109 I NSTRUCT I ONS FOR A UTHORS E D I TOR - I N -C H I EF E D I TOR ia L B OA RD Sandra Nance, MS, MT(ASCP)SBB Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Patricia Arndt, MT(ASCP)SBB Thierry Peyrard, PharmD, PhD Pomona, California Paris, France M A N AG I NG E D I TOR Barbara J. Bryant, MD Mark Popovsky, MD Cynthia Flickinger, MT(ASCP)SBB Milwaukee, Wisconsin Braintree, Massachusetts Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Lilian Castilho, PhD S. Gerald Sandler, MD Campinas, Brazil Washington, District of Columbia TECHN I C A L E D I TORS Christine Lomas-Francis, MSc Martha R.
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