Wilderness Stewardship Division National Park Service Wilderness Stewardship Program U.S. Department of the Interior

Keeping It Wild in the National Park Service

a USer gUide to integrating WilderneSS character into parK planning, ManageMent, and Monitoring

January 2014 Cover photos: (Top) NPS/Suzy Stutzman, Great Sand Dunes Wilderness, Great Sand Dunes National Park (Left) NPS/Peter Landres, recommended wilderness, Canyonlands National Park (Right) NPS/Peter Landres, recommended wilderness, Cedar Breaks National Monument Keeping it Wild in the national parK Service a USer gUide to integrating WilderneSS character into parK planning, ManageMent, and Monitoring

Developed by the National Park Service Wilderness Character Integration Team with funding and support from the NPS Office of Park Planning and Special Studies and the Wilderness Stewardship Division A Companion Document to the 2014 Wilderness Stewardship Plan Handbook: Planning to Preserve Wilderness Character

WASO 909/121797; January 2014

execUtive SUMMary

This User Guide was developed to help National Park Service (NPS) staff effectively and efficiently fulfill the mandate from the 1964 Wilderness Act and NPS policy to “preserve wilderness character” now and into the future. This mandate applies to all congressionally designated wilderness and other park lands that are, by policy, managed as wilderness, including eligible, potential, proposed, or recommended wilderness. This User Guide builds on the ideas in Keeping It Wild: An Interagency Strategy to Monitor Trends in Wilderness Character Across the National Wilderness Preservation System (Landres and others 2008). The User Guide offers practical guidance and tools to integrate wilderness character into park planning, management, and monitoring, and is divided into six chapters and a companion document: • Chapter 1, Introduction to the User Guide and Wilderness Character—Describes the context for why wilderness and wilderness character are important and the special role of the National Park Service in its preservation; defines the concept of wilderness character and the general benefits of its integration into planning, management, and monitoring. • Chapter 2, Building Blocks for Integrating Wilderness Character—Describes the fundamental information needed to effectively integrate wilderness character into park planning, management, and monitoring. • Chapter 3, Integrating Wilderness Character into Planning—Describes how to address wilderness character in a park foundation document and selected park planning products, which can serve as examples for other types of planning efforts. • Chapter 4, Integrating Wilderness Character into Management and Operations— Describes how wilderness character relates to NPS Director’s Order 41: Wilderness Stewardship, staff training, minimum requirements analysis, scientific activities, environmental compliance, emergency services, and natural and cultural resources. • Chapter 5, Monitoring Change in Wilderness Character—Describes how to identify and prioritize measures to assess current conditions and track change in wilderness character over time in a park in a way that is nationally consistent and locally relevant. • Chapter 6, Emerging Tools to Integrate Wilderness Character—Describes several new tools that are still being developed, including: wilderness character mapping, the wilderness character monitoring database, and evaluating the “extent necessary” for commercial services. Other tools will be added as they are developed. • Wilderness Stewardship Plan Handbook 2014—Describes the development and components of a wilderness stewardship plan driven by the concept of wilderness character. The Handbook is a standalone document not included within the User Guide, but directly associated with it. The User Guide is not prescriptive but instead offers a wide range of guidance and tools for incorporating wilderness character into park planning, management, and monitoring. Each chapter may be used in any order that makes the most sense. On page xii, the table “Where Can I Find What I Need?” enables quick reference to topics of interest. In addition, worksheets and examples are included in the User Guide and are also on the NPS Wilderness Character tab under the Wilderness Stewardship Program Sharepoint site at http://share.inside.nps.gov/sites/WASO/WSD/WC.

iii acKnoWledgMentS

Developing Keeping It Wild in the National Park Service: A User Guide to Integrating Wilderness Character into Park Planning, Management, and Monitoring and the accompanying Wilderness Stewardship Plan Handbook: Planning to Preserve Wilderness Character would not have been possible without the vision, funding, and support of Patrick Gregerson, NPS Office of Park Planning and Special Studies, and Garry Oye, NPS Wilderness Stewardship Division. The User Guide was developed by the Wilderness Character Integration Team. All the members of this Team generously gave their time and effort to openly and civilly discuss and debate, argue, consider other viewpoints, and finally reach consensus on literally hundreds of issues. All the members of this Team contributed their vision, passion, and 234 years of combined on-the-ground experience to write the User Guide. These team members, in alphabetical order, are Michael Bilecki, Carol Cook, Sarah Craighead, Jeremy Curtis, Tim Devine, Sandee Dingman, Michael Haynie, Chris Holbeck, Chip Jenkins, Peter Landres, Adrienne Lindholm, Melissa Memory, Christina Mills, Ray O’Neil, Ruth Scott, Miki Stuebe, Suzy Stutzman, Karen Trevino, Frank Turina, and Wade Vagias. Dozens of other people were instrumental in producing the User Guide. Of particular note, Mary Lucid used her accounting acumen to make it all happen, Erin Drake was the consummate professional helping in enumerable ways to ensure that the User Guide was successfully completed, and Ángel López made the User Guide look so good. The Team is extremely grateful to several people who helped write various sections in the User Guide: Dave Vana-Miller helped write the “Resource Stewardship Strategy” section in chapter 3, Don Weeks helped with the climate change section in chapter 3, and Jeff Manley helped write the initial draft of the fire management plan section in chapter 4. Several people helped with their insight, expertise, and patience to integrate wilderness character with cultural resources (Jill Cowley, Michele Jesperson, Sande McDermott, and Jeff Rasic), and foundation documents (Sarah Conlin and Tokey Boswell). In addition, the first group of NPS Wilderness Fellows in 2010 (Monica Patel, Emily Biesecker, Christina Mills, Lisanne Petracca, Katie Hawks, Alicia Burtner, and Brian Tarpinian) helped lay the foundation for several of the tools offered in the User Guide with their passion, insight, and creativity. The Team sincerely appreciates all the time and effort of the reviewers who provided comments on the April 2012 version of the User Guide and the Handbook that was released for comment on the Planning, Environment, and Public Comment (PEPC) planning tool: Kenneth Biddle, Susan Dolan, Michael Edwards, Mark Husbands, Michael Rees, Bruce Rogers, Danny Rosencrans, Sam Tamburo, Dave Trevino, Dave Vana-Miller. In addition to these individuals, the Intermountain Regional Wilderness Executive Committee and the Alaska Regional Cultural Resources Team provided many substantial and helpful review comments.

iv The Team also greatly appreciates all the comments from the staff at all the units that were formal pilot test sites for the User Guide: the Denver Service Center, Death Valley National Park, Fire Island National Seashore, Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve, Olympic National Park, Pinnacles National Park, Rocky Mountain National Park, Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks, and Mojave National Preserve. Many of the ideas presented in the User Guide were informally piloted tested and honed by many parks that participated early-on in different workshops. The Team is extremely grateful to all of the superintendents and staff at these parks for their willingness to be early adopters and engage in a little experimentation to figure out what works and what doesn’t. These parks, in rough chronological order, were: Haleakala National Park, Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park, Everglades National Park, Guadalupe Mountains National Park, Buffalo National River, El Malpais National Monument, Fire Island National Seashore, Lassen Volcanic National Park, Death Valley National Park, Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve, Lake Clark National Park and Preserve, Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve, Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks, , Olympic National Park, North Cascades National Park, Dinosaur National Monument, Noatak National Preserve, Rocky Mountain National Park, Saguaro National Park, and Denali National Park and Preserve. Russ Cash from Zion National Park graciously provided material for appendix 4.1 on the cabin restoration. Dave Craig was of crucial help in honing the writing of the User Guide and the Handbook. And Danette Paige was always in the background helping to keep track of budgets and travel for this large team.

v Brief taBle of contentS

Where Can I Find What I Need? xii

Chapter 1—Introduction to the User Guide and Wilderness Character 3

Chapter 2—Building Blocks for Integrating Wilderness Character 19

Chapter 3—Integrating Wilderness Character into Planning 31

Chapter 4—Integrating Wilderness Character into Management and Operations 65

Chapter 5—Monitoring Change in Wilderness Character 97

Chapter 6—Emerging Tools and Topics to Integrate Wilderness Character 121

Glossary 133

Selected References 140

Appendixes 142

detailed taBle of contentS

Executive Summary iii

Acknowledgments iv

List of Tables ix

List of Figures x

List of Acronyms xi

Where Can I Find What I Need? xii

Chapter 1—Introduction to the User Guide and Wilderness Character 3 Organization and Content 4 How to Use the User Guide 5 The Relevance of Wilderness Today 5 The Special Role of the National Park Service in Preserving Wilderness Character 6 Why Preserve Wilderness Character 7 Defining Wilderness Character 8 Benefits of Defining and Using Wilderness Character 14 How Wilderness Character Intersects with Other Laws and Allowed Uses 16

vi Chapter 2—Building Blocks for Integrating Wilderness Character 19 Wilderness Basics 20 Wilderness Character Assessment 24 Integrate Wilderness Character into Management and Operations 24 The Next Step: Wilderness Stewardship Planning 25

Chapter 3—Integrating Wilderness Character into Planning 31 Park Foundation Document 33 Other Consideration for Foundation Planning: Wild and Scenic Rivers Values 36 Resource Stewardship Strategy 39 Long Range Interpretive Plan 45 Exotic Plant Management Plan 46 Management Plan 50 Fire Management Plan 54 Planning for Effects of Climate Change on Wilderness Character 60

Chapter 4—Integrating Wilderness Character into Management and Operations 65 Minimum Requirements Analysis 66 Scientific Activities 72 Environmental Compliance 75 Facility Management and Maintenance Activities 80 Emergency Services, Law Enforcement, and Wildland Fire 84 Natural Resources 89 Cultural Resources 90 Wilderness Character Training for Park Staff 93

Chapter 5—Monitoring Change in Wilderness Character 97 Introduction 97 Identifying Measures 102 Prioritizing Measures 109 Weighting Measures 110 Gathering Data 111 Using the Information 113 Dealing with a Downward Trend in Wilderness Character 116

Chapter 6—Emerging Tools and Topics to Integrate Wilderness Character 121 Mapping Wilderness Character 121 Wilderness Character Monitoring Database 127 Determining the “Extent Necessary” for Commercial Services 128

Glossary 133

Selected References 140

vii Appendixes Appendix 1—How this User Guide was Developed 142 Appendix 2 1—Developing a Wilderness Character Narrative with an Interdisciplinary Group 145 Purpose of a Wilderness Character Narrative 145 Approaches for Developing a Wilderness Character Narrative 146 Steps for Developing a Wilderness Character Narrative 147 Appendix 2 2—Worksheet for a Wilderness Character Narrative Workshop 150 Appendix 2 3—Worksheets for Remotely Developing a Wilderness Character Narrative 152 Appendix 2 4—Wilderness Character Narrative for Lake Clark Wilderness 163 Appendix 2 5—Wilderness Character Narrative for Olympic Wilderness 171 Appendix 2 6—Examples of Wilderness Stewardship Planning 179 Appendix 3 1—Examples from Park Foundation Documents Incorporating Wilderness Character 181 Appendix 3 2—Examples of General Management Plans (GMPs) and Wilderness Character 184 Appendix 4 1—Principles to Foster Wilderness and Cultural Resource Integration 185 The Diversity of Cultural Resources and Cultural Resource Laws in Wilderness 185 Principles to Foster Better Communication 186 Appendix 4 2—An Example of Preserving Cultural Resources and Wilderness Character 188 Appendix 5 1—Indicators, Measures, and NPS Data Sources for the Qualities of Wilderness Character 194 Appendix 5 2—Example of Measures Identified at Lake Clark National Park and Preserve, Alaska 200 Appendix 5 3—Worksheet to Prioritize Measures 202 Appendix 5 4—Example of Worksheet Used to Prioritize Measures from Guadalupe Mountains Wilderness 205 Appendix 5 5—Data Sources Generally Available in the National Park Service 209 Appendix 6 1—Strategic Questions to Answer in Developing a Wilderness Character Map 211 Appendix 6 2—Weighting of Measures Used in Developing a Map of Wilderness Character at Death Valley National Park 215 Appendix 6 3—Quickstart Overview of the Wilderness Character Monitoring Database 217

viii liSt of taBleS

Table 1 Terminology of wilderness character that is used and not used in the User Guide...... 12

Table 2 The qualities of wilderness character and their associated indicators. . . . .13

Table 3 The wilderness connection in a park foundation document...... 35

Table 4 Components of GMP management zones for parks with wilderness resources...... 38

Table 5 Comparison of terms in the wilderness character framework and resource stewardship strategies...... 44

Table 6 Indicators and measures related to invasive and exotic species management plans (not all wilderness character indicators are included)...... 48

Table 7 Indicators and measures related to climbing management plans (not all wilderness character qualities or indicators are discussed)...... 52

Table 8 Crosswalk of fire management plan template sections (version as of June 16, 2010) to the concept of wilderness character...... 55

Table 9 Indicators and measures relevant to fire management plans (not all wilderness character indicators are discussed)...... 57

Table 10 A hypothetical example showing how trends are combined across measures and indicators to show the trend in the undeveloped quality of wilderness character...... 100

Table 11 Hypothetical examples measuring positive change in wilderness character ...... 105

Table 12 Generalized (and hypothetical) example of indicators, measures, and data sources identified for the tangible cultural resources recognized in the other features of value quality of wilderness character ...... 107

Table 13 Example of weighting measures in the undeveloped quality of wilderness character at Death Valley National Park, California and Nevada ...... 110

Table 14 Examples of wilderness stewardship planning, arranged alphabetically ...... 179

Table 15 Indicators, measures, and NPS data sources for the qualities of wilderness...... 194

ix Table 16 Examples of measures identified at Lake Clark National Park and Preserve, Alaska...... 200

Table 17 Data sources generally available in the National Park Service. Note that this table is highly dynamic and subject to change over time...... 209

Table 18 Weighting of measures used in developing a map of wilderness character at Death Valley National Park...... 215

liSt of figUreS

Figure 1 Building blocks for integrating wilderness character into wilderness stewardship...... 19

Figure 2 Flowchart showing the general process to respond to downward trends in wilderness character...... 119

Figure 3 Overall flowchart for building a map of wilderness character for Death Valley Wilderness...... 122

Figure 4 The natural quality (A), untrammeled quality (B), undeveloped quality (C), and solitude or primitive and unconfined quality (D) of wilderness character at Death Valley Wilderness...... 124

Figure 5 Wilderness character at Death Valley Wilderness from the combined qualities ...... 125

Figure 6 Fife Cabin in Zion National Park before restoration (left) and after (right) following close communication between cultural resource and wilderness staff to both preserve the cabin and wilderness character...... 193

x liSt of acronyMS

Acronym Definition ANILCA Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act ASMIS Archeological Sites Management and Information System BAER Burned Area Emergency Response CIR Case Incident Report CLI Cultural Landscape Inventory CUA Commercial Use Authorization DO NPS Director’s Orders EA Environmental Assessment EIS Environmental Impact Assessment EPMP Exotic Plant Management Plan FMP Fire Management Plan FMSS Facility Management Software System FRCC Fire Regime Condition Class GIS Geographic Information System GMP General Management Plan I&M Inventory and Monitoring IMP Integrated Pest Management IRMA Integrated Resource Management Applications LCS List of Classified Structures LRIP Long Range Interpretive Plan MIST Minimum Impact Suppression Tactics MRA Minimum Requirements Analysis MRDG Minimum Requirements Decision Guide NEPA National Environmental Policy Act NHPA National Historic Preservation Act NPS National Park Service NRSS Natural Resource Stewardship and Science NWPS National Wilderness Preservation System QAQC Quality Assurance and Quality Control RM Reference Manual RSS Resource Stewardship Strategy SOP Standard Operating Procedure SUP Special Use Permit WASO Washington Support Office WCIT Wilderness Character Integration Team WFDSS Wildland Fire Decision Support System WFMI Wildland Fire Management Information WSC Wilderness Stewardship Committee WSP Wilderness Stewardship Plan

xi Where can i find What i need? The table below provides an alphabetical list of specific needs and where to look within this User Guide, and the Handbook.

Wilderness Stewardship Plan Handbook Wilderness Character and: User Guide 2014 Alternatives in planning, minimum requirements Chapter 3 Part I analysis, and compliance Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Baseline for monitoring trend Chapter 5 Part I Building blocks for integrating wilderness Chapter 2 Introduction character Civic engagement and consultation Part I Climbing management Chapter 3 Appendix 4 2 Climate change Chapter 3 Appendix 4 1 Commercial services Chapter 6 Appendix 4 3 Cultural resources Chapter 1 Appendix 4 1 Chapter 4 Data collection for wilderness character Chapter 5 Part I monitoring Emergency services, law enforcement, and Chapter 4 Appendix 4 3 wildland fire Facility management and maintenance Chapter 4 Appendix 4 3 Fire management plans Chapter 3 Foundation document Chapter 3 Introduction General management plans Chapter 3 Part I Interpretation and education Chapter 4 Appendix 4 3 Invasive / exotic species management plans Chapter 3 Long range interpretive plans Chapter 3 Mapping wilderness character Chapter 6 Appendix 3 1 Measures – identifying and prioritizing for Chapter 5 Part I wilderness character monitoring Minimum Requirements Decision Guide (MRDG), Chapter 4 Part I minimum requirements analysis (MRA) National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Chapter 4 Part II compliance Park foundations Chapter 2 Introduction Chapter 3 Planning framework Part I Reporting trends in wilderness character Chapter 5 Resource stewardship strategy (RSS) Chapter 3 Scientific activities Chapter 4 Part I Standards – identifying and selecting Part I Training on wilderness character Chapter 4 Visitor use management and capacity Part I Wilderness character narratives Chapter 2 Introduction

xii 1


The richest values of wilderness lie not in the days of Daniel Boone, nor even in the present, but rather in the future. —Aldo Leopold

Photo: NPS/Colin Cook, recommended wilderness, Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore

Chapter 1—Introduction to the User Guide and Wilderness Character 3

haracter the

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ilderneSS W ntrodUction and

1—i Uide g Ser hapter U c to directs federal agencies Wilderness Act The 1964 to preserve its wilderness wilderness so as manage is to help of this User Guide The intent character. is preserved wilderness character ensure that future throughout the National now and into the The User Guide is a “how-to” Park Service (NPS). guidance, tools, templates, manual that provides a park to help NPS staff—from and examples to the (WASO)—integrate Office the Washington character into park planning, concept of wilderness monitoring. NPS Director’s management, and Stewardship, section 6.2, Order 41: Wilderness park to integrate the directs each wilderness park planning, concept of wilderness character into User Guide management, and monitoring. The RM is a component of NPS Reference Manual 41: Wilderness Stewardship, and is designed for park procedures flexibility to use with established and protocols. The User Guide will improve NPS understanding of wilderness character, staff and integrate it into internal how to effectively and its external communication about wilderness that more stewardship, and how to make decisions preserve wilderness character. effectively The User Guide was developed by the NPS to help NPS Team Wilderness Character Integration manage designated wilderness and effectively staff managed as other park lands that are, by policy, proposed, wilderness, including eligible, potential, team was co- or recommended wilderness. This and Special chartered by the NPS Park Planning Stewardship Studies Division and the Wilderness Division in 2010 to build on the ideas in Keeping It in Wild: An Interagency Strategy to Monitor Trends Wilderness Character Across the National Wilderness Preservation System (Landres and others 2008). This team was chartered to develop practical guidance and tools to integrate wilderness character into park planning, management, and monitoring. Details about this team and the process used to develop this User Guide are in appendix 1.1. Photo: NPS/Patrick Gregerson, NPS/Patrick Photo: Phillip Burton Wilderness, Point Reyes National Seashore Reyes Point Wilderness, Phillip Burton Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 4 Yosemite NationalPark Yosemite Wilderness, Photo: NPS/HaleyBercot,

and acompaniondocument: This UserGuideisdividedintosixchapters,asetofappendixes, o rganization • • • • • • • http://share.inside.nps.gov/sites/WASO/WSD/WC. found onlineontheWildernessCharacterSharepoint siteat within theUserGuide,butdirectlyassociatedwithit.TheHandbookcanbe wilderness character. TheHandbookisastandalonedocumentnotincluded and componentsofawildernessstewardshipplandrivenbytheconcept be addedastheyaredeveloped. evaluating the“extentnecessary”forcommercialservices.Othertoolswill character mapping,thewildernessmonitoringdatabase,and several newtoolsthatarestillbeingdeveloped,including:wilderness nationally consistentandlocallyrelevant. track changeinwildernesscharacterovertimeaparkwaythatis how toidentifyandprioritizemeasuresassesscurrentconditions and naturalculturalresources. analysis, scientificactivities,environmentalcompliance,emergencyservices, Order 41:WildernessStewardship,staff training,minimumrequirements Operations—Describes howwildernesscharacterrelatestoNPSDirector’s types ofplanningefforts. selected parkplanningproducts,whichcanserveasexamplesforother how toaddresswildernesscharacterinaparkfoundationdocumentand and howwildernesscharacterisbuiltintotheHandbook. wilderness characterintoparkplanning,management,andmonitoring, Describes thefundamentalinformationneededtoeffectively integrate benefits ofitsintegrationintoplanning,management,andmonitoring. preservation; definestheconceptofwildernesscharacterandgeneral are importantandthespecialroleofNationalParkServiceinits Describes thecontextforwhywildernessandcharacter Wilderness StewardshipPlanHandbook2014—Describesthedevelopment Chapter 6—EmergingTools toIntegrateWilderness Character—Describes Chapter 5—MonitoringChangeinWildernessCharacter—Describes Chapter 4—IntegratingWildernessCharacterintoManagementand Chapter 3—IntegratingWildernessCharacterintoPlanning—Describes Chapter 2—BuildingBlocksforIntegratingWildernessCharacter— Chapter 1—IntroductiontotheUserGuideandWildernessCharacter—

and c ontent Chapter 1—Introduction to the User Guide and Wilderness Character 5

Denali Wilderness, Denali Denali Wilderness, & Preserve National Park Photo: NPS/Jacob Frank, Frank, NPS/Jacob Photo: “The wilderness trims our “The wilderness puts us in bravado and Particularly in our place. times like these, traumatic us, nature challenges us, revitalizes us, humbles restores exhilarates us and us our souls. It reminds a that we are part of larger universe, stewards of our rather than masters world.” The Nicholas Kristof, 2011, Times New York oday t Uide g ilderneSS Ser W U of the

Se U elevance to

r oW he t irreplaceable source for a wide range of Wilderness is a unique, vital, and ethical, and other values (Cordell, ecological, cultural, social, economic, and Putney 2003). With the rapid Bergstrom, and Bowker 2005; Harmon our world faces, wilderness is more relevant environmental and social changes wilderness provides one of the best today than in times past. For example, of climate and learning about the effects baseline reference areas for assessing youth to engage and connect with nature; change; one of the best places for peoples’ cultural heritage; one of the one of the best places to protect native ecosystem services; and one of the areas best sources of clean water and other and cooperation between greater efficiency where we can learn how to foster federal agencies managing wilderness. government agencies, with four different of humility and restraint, wilderness With its strong philosophical foundation of increasing development and change. NPS is especially important in this time “In a changing world, these unique places Director Jon Jarvis recently wrote 2010). [national parks and wilderness] remain more valuable than ever” (Tweed Wilderness character lies at the core of wilderness and its stewardship. be effectively Understanding the concept of wilderness character and how it can integrated into park planning, management, and monitoring is and efficiently for crucial to preserving the enduring benefits and values of wilderness future generations. h of are provided a list sense that users in the is not prescriptive The User Guide character idea of wilderness User Guide breaks the Instead, the follow. steps to and then and monitoring, planning, management, sections of into practical into wilderness character for incorporating and guidance a set of tools offers be used of the tools may and any of the User Guide Each chapter each section. “Where Can I Find What makes the most sense. The table in any order that to topics of the User Guide enables quick access I Need?” at the beginning and examples many of the documents, worksheets, of interest. In addition, the NPS Wilderness Character tab User Guide can be found on referenced in this site at Stewardship Program Sharepoint under the Wilderness . http://share.inside.nps.gov/sites/WASO/WSD/WC over time a dynamic document that is refined The User Guide is intended to be into park planning, integrating wilderness character as experience is gained examples will be monitoring. Furthermore, additional management, and and the NPS Wilderness Character added to the appendices of the User Guide for guidance and tools on Sharepoint site to provide “one-stop-shopping” integrating wilderness character. Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 6 understanding andtoolstomanagewildernessthishigherstandard. its wildernesscharacter. OneofthepurposesthisUserGuideistoprovide managed, andwildernessrequiresahighermanagementstandardtopreserve there areimportantdifferences inhowwilderness andbackcountrylandsare the NationalParkService,topreservewildernesscharacter.” Inotherwords, that, “theWildernessActchargesagenciesmanagingwilderness,inthiscase has “ahigherstandardofprotectionthanbackcountry.” Thispaperalsostated the unparalleledleveloflegalprotectionwilderness”andthatwilderness backcountry andwilderness,hasmoremanagementdiscretionthan System, in2005.Thispaperstatedthat,“Whiletherearesimilaritiesbetween the DistinctionBetweenWildernessandBackcountryinNationalPark (now theWildernessLeadershipCouncil)issuedGuidancePaper#4:Embracing contrast withbackcountry, theNPSNationalWilderness SteeringCommittee To clarifylong-standingconfusionaboutthemanagementofwildernessin important distinctionsbetweenhowwildernessandbackcountryaremanaged. Wilderness designationisalegaloverlayonNPSbackcountrylands,andthereare Will NPSmanagementjurisdictionautomaticallypreservewildernesscharacter? the comingyears. Director’s 2012ACalltoActionthatwillguideNPSgoalsandoperationsin in thisUserGuidealignwithandsupportnewNPSefforts, suchastheNPS is thecoreofthisleadership.Furthermore,guidanceandtoolspresented clearly aleadingwildernessfederalagency, andpreservingwildernesscharacter own unimpairedstandard.”Basedonthesefacts,theNationalParkServiceis and eachwildernessarea’s conditionwillbemeasuredandassessedagainstits “The principleofnondegradationwillbeappliedtowildernessmanagement, chapter 6,“WildernessPreservationandManagement,”section6.3.7,statesthat, federal wildernessmanagementagencies.Third,NPSManagementPolicies2006, recommended aswilderness,afargreaterproportionthaninanyoftheother is eitherdesignatedwilderness,orformallyeligible,potential,proposed, proportion thananyotherfederalagency. Second,about83%of NPS acreage System (NWPS)iscurrentlyadministeredbytheNationalParkService,agreater character. First,40%(43,890,590acres)oftheNationalWildernessPreservation The NationalParkServiceplaysavitalandcriticalroleinpreservingwilderness in t the fabricofawilderness park’s dailyoperations. effort, time,andmoney. Preservingwildernesscharacter simplybecomespartof staff dotheirverybesttopreservewildernesscharacterthroughefficient useof permitting activitiesinwilderness.Rather, theUserGuidewasdevelopedtohelp for collectingmonitoringdata,ordevelopnewcumbersome reviewprocessesfor that parksinventnewwaystowriteplanningdocuments, developnewprotocols into establishedprocedures,guidelines,tools,and protocols.Theydonotsuggest cost. Theyweredeliberatelydesignedtointegrate wildernesscharacterconcepts character? TheguidanceandtoolsinthisUserGuide need notrequireadditional Will itcostmoretofulfillthisNPSleadershiprole to preservewilderness The CosttoPreserveCharacter Wilderness he p reServing S pecial r W ole ilderneSS


the n c ational haracter p arK S ervice

Chapter 1—Introduction to the User Guide and Wilderness Character 7 Photo: NPS/Mark Kinzer, NPS/Mark Kinzer, Photo: Majory Stoneman Douglas Everglades Wilderness, National Park haracter c ilderneSS W reServe p hy W areas, of these “for the protection established the NWPS Wilderness Act The 1964 Congress (United (Section 2(a)). wilderness character” of their the preservation Rohlf and Honnold 1999; legal scholars (McCloskey 1983) and States Congress the is to preserve legal mandate primary affirmative that the 1988) confirmed Zahniser (1962), as wilderness. areas designated character of all wilderness this when he wrote, “The of the Wilderness Act, emphasized principal author character of the areas Act is to preserve the wilderness purpose of the Wilderness any particular use.” the wilderness system, not to establish to be included in Preservation 2006, chapter 6, “Wilderness Likewise, NPS Management Policies in the national parks states that, “The purpose of wilderness and Management,” of wilderness character.” includes the preservation since in the nearly five decades mandate and NPS policy, Despite a clear legal definition of wilderness Act there has been no formal passage of the Wilderness integrate staff and no guidelines to help agency character (Scott 2002), or assess how wilderness character wilderness character into park stewardship these deficiencies is the complexity is changing over time. Compounding of associated values and meanings of wilderness itself, with its diversity about wilderness stewardship, and often leading to misunderstandings National Park Service and and between the miscommunication among NPS staff and consistent guidelines for improving on-the- the public. This lack of definition to legal challenges over the management ground stewardship are contributing of wilderness (Appel 2010). Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 8 Death Valley NationalPark Photo: NPS/Peter Landres, Death Valley Wilderness, Wilderness Act’s section2(c),“DefinitionofWilderness”: in understandinganddescribingwildernesscharacterallbasedonthe based ontheuseoffivequalitieswildernesscharacter, allequallyimportant and severalyearsofagencyexperienceapplyingtheseideas,thisUserGuideis location, agencyadministration,orotherattribute.BuildingonKeepingItWild language oftheWildernessAct,andapplytoeverywildernessregardlesssize, link conditionsinthewildernessanditsmanagementdirectlytostatutory and necessary“qualities”ofwildernesscharacter. Thesequalitiesaretangible, wilderness fromotherlands.”Furthermore,thispublicationidentifieddistinct combination ofbiophysical,experiential,andsymbolicidealsthatdistinguishes The interagencypublicationKeepingItWilddefinedwildernesscharacteras“the d efining • • accumulated fromdecadesoffireexclusion. herbicides toeradicateorcontrolnonindigenousspecies,reducingfuels when theseactionsareintendedtoprotectresources,suchasspraying not taken.Itisdegradedwhensuchmanagementactionsaretaken,even wilderness. Itissupportedorpreservedwhensuchmanagementactionsare or manipulatesthecomponentsprocessesofecologicalsystemsinside quality isinfluencedbyanyactivityoractionthatintentionallycontrols intentional actionsofmodernhumancontrolormanipulation.This many others. processes suchaswaterfloworfireregimes, effects ofclimatechange,and species, occurrenceofnonindigenousalterationecological ecological processes.Thisqualityisdegradedbythelossofindigenous example, bycontrollingorremovingnonindigenousspeciesrestoring effects ofmoderncivilization.Thisqualityispreservedorimproved,for Untrammeled—Wilderness isessentiallyunhinderedandfreefromthe Natural—Wilderness ecologicalsystemsaresubstantiallyfreefromthe W ilderneSS c haracter Chapter 1—Introduction to the User Guide and Wilderness Character 9

Gates Arctic of The National & Preserve Park Photo: NPS/Al Smith, Gates Gates NPS/Al Smith, Photo: of the Arctic Wilderness, Wilderness Wilderness of Recreation— Type and Unconfined Primitive or a Solitude its primeval character and influence, Undeveloped—Wilderness retains features that Wilderness preserves other tangible Other Features of Value— provides outstanding opportunities for solitude or primitive and and or primitive solitude for opportunities outstanding provides opportunity for about the quality is primarily recreation. This unconfined that affect by settings and is influenced experience wilderness, people to management or improved by quality is preserved This these opportunities. inside of modern civilization encounters, signs reduce visitor actions that and management recreation facilities, agency-provided wilderness, quality is degraded by In contrast, this behavior. restrictions on visitor that increase these. management actions or modern human without permanent improvement and is essentially commonly called the quality is influenced by what are occupation. This uses, which are the uses” or “nonconforming” “section 4(c) prohibited and the use structures, installations, habitations, presence of modern transport. This motorized equipment, or mechanical of motor vehicles, installations, and by the absence of structures and quality is preserved uses. It is degraded by the presence of refraining from these prohibited whether by the agency for administrative structures and by prohibited uses, uses. (Note or unauthorized the agency, purposes, by others authorized by to visitor use and recreation are that structures and installations related than the undeveloped quality.) included in the solitude quality rather or historical value. This quality is based are of scientific, educational, scenic, the Wilderness Act which states that on the last clause of section 2(c) of geological, or other features a wilderness “may also contain ecological, or historical value.” This quality captures of scientific, educational, scenic, that may not be covered in the other important elements of the wilderness resources. This quality is four qualities, such as cultural or paleontological resources are preserved and their loss or preserved or improved when these this quality of wilderness character. impacts to such features degrade • • • Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 10 Photo: NPS/LaurenLaRocca, Glacier Bay Wilderness,Glacier Glacier BayNational Park &Preserve of thewildernessandunderstandingitscharacter. included, theintentistoincludethosethatsignificantlycontributesetting features ofvaluequality. Whilemanydifferent typesoffeaturescouldbe the volcanoesinKatmaiWilderness,wouldbelikelycandidatesforother enabling legislation,suchasthehistoricsitesinDeathValley Wildernessand which ismostappropriateforthepark.Featuresmentionedinparkorwilderness or theotherfeaturesofvaluequalityandparkstaffs willneedtodetermine National NaturalLandmarksitesmaybeassignedtoeitherthenaturalquality it maybedifficult toassign afeaturetoonequalityoranother. Forexample, qualities thathavescientific,educational,scenic,orhistoricalvalue.Insomecases paleontological resources,oranyfeaturesnotcoveredundertheotherfour throughout anentirewilderness.Suchfeaturescouldincludeculturalresources, typically occurinspecificlocations,whereastheotherfourqualitiesapply wording intheWildernessActthisqualityfocuseson“features”andfeatures to understandingwildernesscharacterasalltheotherqualities.Second,from single wilderness.Whenpresent,thisqualityisofequalstatureandimportance not bepresentinawilderness,whereastheotherfourqualitiesapplytoevery two ways.First,fromthewordinginWildernessActthisqualitymayor publication. Theotherfeaturesofvaluequalityisdifferent fromtheothersin are onlysummarizedaboveanddescribedindetailtheKeepingItWild untrammeled, solitudeorprimitiveandunconfinedrecreation,undeveloped) the wildernessanditscharacter. Thefirstfourqualities(natural, Together, thesefivequalitiescomprisethetangibleorphysicalsettingof Chapter 1—Introduction to the User Guide and Wilderness Character 11 Photo: NPS/Mike Bilecki, Bilecki, NPS/Mike Photo: Fire Island High Otis Pike Fire Island Wilderness, Dune National Seashore These five qualities interact in direct and subtle ways that may complement complement that may ways and subtle direct in interact five qualities These to ignition fire a natural allowing example, others. For with the or conflict In of a wilderness. qualities and untrammeled both the natural burn preserves the quality, the untrammeled ignition degrades suppressing a natural contrast, the undeveloped degrades motorized equipment or other use of helicopters may degrade of suppression effects the long-term qualities, and and solitude of wilderness or improve one quality to protect A decision quality. the natural For example, designated degrade another quality. character may directly prevent vegetation trampling, necessary to protect solitude or campsites may be by requiring visitors to elements of the solitude quality but degrades other framework of wilderness sites. In all cases, using the only in designated action—it is a tool drive a particular decision or management character does not in evaluating potential systematic, and consistent be comprehensive, to help staff decision. to make an informed and transparent benefits and impacts to form something of separate pieces that interact Like a violin composed this music evokes), sum of its parts (music and the feeling greater than the a complex set of relationships between the these five qualities together form the values and benefits that society derives land, its stewardship, its users, and form both the physical and stewardship from wilderness. These five qualities in turn provides tangible scientific, cultural, setting of a wilderness. This setting to society (Cordell, Bergstrom, and Bowker educational, and economic values the scientific value of wilderness as a 2005). For example, this setting allows of climate change. The the effects reference baseline to assess and understand provides a connection to the place setting of cultural resources in a wilderness the history of insight into can “discover,” by the artifact and relics that a visitor to past generations and ancestors. Spiritual the area, and enhance connection (Cafaro 2001), and other intangible values (Ashley 2007; Moore 2007), ethical from this wilderness setting. and benefits to society also derive Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 12 Table 1.Terminology ofwildernesscharacterthatisusedandnotintheUserGuide. Wilderness values Wilderness Wilderness resources Wilderness Characters Qualities Wilderness characteristics Wilderness Wilderness characters Wilderness Wilderness qualities Wilderness Wild character Wild Wilderness character Wilderness Term orPhrase Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes No Yes Used? the UserGuide. table 1providesaguidetotheterminologythatisusedandnotin among different users,agencies, andwiththepublic.Basedonlawpolicy, terms andphrasestobeusedbydifferent people,inturnresultingconfusion a relativelynewconceptbuttherehasbeensufficient timeforseveraldifferent the explicitdescriptionofwildernesscharacterislessthanadecadeold,itstill to useconsistentnomenclaturewhenintegratingwildernesscharacter. Because One oftheintendedoutcomesthisUserGuideisforparkstaff nationwide every NPSwilderness. indicator forculturalresources isprovidedinthistablebecausetheseoccur in be identifiedlocallybecause theyareuniquetoeachpark,althoughan (table 2).Incontrast,indicatorsfortheotherfeatures ofvaluequalitymust Keeping ItWild;theseindicatorsareintendedtoapplyeverywilderness qualities thatapplynationwideandthroughouta wildernessarederivedfrom different majorelementsorcomponentsofthatquality. Indicatorsforthe Each qualityofwildernesscharacterhasassociated indicatorsthatdescribe Character Indicators AssociatedwithEachQualityof Wilderness Terminology Character ofWilderness society derivefrom wilderness. A generalphrasereferring to anyofthemeanings,benefits,orvaluespeople inside awilderness. A generalphrasereferring toanyoftheparticularresources (naturalorcultural) Shorthand reference characters” andshouldnotbeused. to“wilderness Refers to the qualities of wilderness character.Refers tothequalitiesofwilderness Land Managementlands. qualities”andshouldbeusedonlywhenreferring“wilderness toBureau of studyareas.managing wilderness Thisphraseissometimesmistakenly usedfor Comes from Bureau ofLandManagementlawandpolicy direction for character” or the “wilderness qualities.”Thisphraseshouldnotbeused. character” orthe“wilderness confusion becauseit’s notclearifitisbeingusedtodescribe“wilderness qualities.”Thisphrasetypicallycauses A phrasesometimesusedfor“wilderness regardless ofsize,location,agencyadministration,or otherattribute. Act,andapplytoeverywilderness the statutorylanguageofWilderness are anditsmanagementdirectly tangible,linkconditionsinthewilderness to Act.Qualitiesare intermsthat further describedinKeepingItWild Wilderness asdescribedinsection2(c)ofthe1964 major attributesofallwildernesses character.Refers tooneormore ofthequalitieswilderness Qualitiesare and shouldnotbeused. “wild” isusedinmanydifferent wayssothemeaningofthisphraseisuncertain character”buttheterm A phrasesometimesusedasshorthandfor“wilderness distinguishes wilderness fromdistinguishes wilderness otherlands.” as“thecombinationofbiophysical,experiential,andsymbolicidealsthat Wild ActandisdefinedinKeepingIt This phrasecomesfrom the1964Wilderness Definition andComments Chapter 1—Introduction to the User Guide and Wilderness Character 13

Photo: NPS/James Tricker, Photo: Tricker, NPS/James Buffalo National River Buffalo Wilderness, National River Indicator Plant and animal species and communities animal species and Plant and Physical resources processes Biophysical by the federal land manager that manipulate Actions authorized the biophysical environment manipulate by the federal land manager that Actions not authorized the biophysical environment sounds of people inside the wilderness sights and Remoteness from outside the wilderness and modified areas occupied Remoteness from recreation self-reliant Facilities that decrease visitor behavior on Management restrictions installations, and developments structures, Nonrecreational Inholdings or mechanical transport Use of motor vehicles, motorized equipment, integral to wilderness character Deterioration or loss of cultural resources Other locally identified indicators Untrammeled and Solitude or primitive recreation unconfined Undeveloped of value Other features Natural Quality The qualities of wilderness character and their associated indicators. associated and their character of wilderness qualities 2. The Table Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 14 communication andhelpsstaff makemoreinformeddecisions: At thelocallevel,understandingthesequalitiesimprovesinternalandexternal foundation andframeworkforconsistentstewardshipacrossallwildernessareas. tradeoffs. Atthenational level,thequalitiesofwildernesscharacterprovidea Act tohelpstaff andthepublicunderstandwildernessassessstewardship wilderness characterprovidesastandardnomenclaturebasedontheWilderness common understandingbasedonthelanguageofWildernessAct.Defining focus discussionofwildernessfromdiversepersonalandculturalmeaningstoa One oftheprimarybenefitsdefiningwildernesscharacteristhatithelps B enefitS • • • likelihood thatdecisionswillstandthetestofacourt challenge. making. Suchtransparencyandaccountabilitymay alsoimprovethe also beevaluatedinaconsistentandsystematicmanner toaiddecision Using thesefivequalitiesofwildernesscharacter, cumulativeimpactscan natural, undeveloped,andsolitudeorprimitive unconfinedqualities. evaluated intermsofthepositiveandnegativeeffects ofthetoileton to installatoiletinheavilyusedareareduceresource damagecanbe comprehensively, systematically, andefficiently. Forexample,aproposal five qualitieshelpsstaff evaluatetheimpactsofpotentialdecisionsmore wilderness character. Discussinghowproposedactionsmayaffect the how individualdecisionsandactionsworktowarddegradingorpreserving see howvariousmanagementpiecesfittogethertoaffect wilderness,and and itsstewardship. to help the public better understand the values and meanings of wilderness character canalsohelpinterpretiveandeducationalstaff designprograms better communicationanddialogue.Usingtheconceptofwilderness discuss wildernessanditsstewardshipwiththepublic,inturnfostering character offer atangibleandconsistent frameworkforparkstaff to have different meaningstodifferent people.Thequalitiesofwilderness laden andpublicdiscussionscanquicklybogdowninwordsideasthat a park’s wildernessanditsstewardship.Wildernessissuesareoftenvalue- nomenclature providesaclearerbasisfordiscussionswiththepublicabout their usemaynotbeasconvenient. preserve theundevelopedqualityofwildernesscharactereventhough reasons whynonmotorizedequipmentandnonmechanicaltransport degrades theuntrammeledquality. Trail crewswouldunderstandthe in thenaturalqualityofwildernesscharacterandhowcollaringanimals how dataonmammalpopulationsdirectlycontributestotrackingchange wilderness stewardship.Forexample,awildlifebiologistwouldunderstand within aparkbyunderstandinghowtheirworkdirectlycontributesto wilderness characteristheresponsibilityofalldivisionsandprograms Better decisions—Understandingwildernesscharactercanhelpallstaff Better communicationwiththepublic—Externally, standardized Better communicationamongparkstaff—Internally, staff willrealizethat

of d efining

and U Sing W ilderneSS c haracter Chapter 1—Introduction to the User Guide and Wilderness Character 15

Park & Preserve Park Photo: NPS/James Tricker, Photo: Tricker, NPS/James Arctic Gates of the Gates of Wilderness, the Arctic National , and defensibility. Creating a legacy of staff experience and knowledge about a wilderness Creating a legacy of staff Clarifying how stewardship decisions and actions influence trends Clarifying how stewardship decisions stewardship goals—Wilderness Providing a set of key wilderness Providing a comprehensive and systematic approach to using the framework of wilderness character—Such a legacy may be in the most meaningful way to document and understand the changes wilderness character that are occurring in a wilderness and its stewardship turnover and the over time. This legacy is especially important with staff increasing pace of environmental and social change. There are tradeoffs in almost all aspects of in almost all aspects of in wilderness character—There are tradeoffs what is gained and what is lost in wilderness stewardship, and evaluating determine character helps staff terms of the five qualities of wilderness and where. priorities for what should be done, fraught with uncertainty and personal stewardship has traditionally been not be done. The five qualities of opinions about what should or should legislative direction of the Wilderness Act wilderness character help link the management action, or lack thereof. and other enabling legislation to evaluating and describing impacts in project planning and compliance documents—A standardized approach improves accountability, transparency • • • • In addition to improving communication and decision making, the concept of In addition to improving communication wilderness stewardship by: wilderness character benefits park Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 16 stipulations thatwillhelppreservewildernesscharacter. the newtentplatformandmayhelpmanager developappropriateuse may helpthemanagerdirectpermitholdertobestplacelocate wilderness character. Datacollectedfortrackingchangeinwildernesscharacter wilderness stewardshipisimproving,ordegrading,theundevelopedqualityof installations andfacilitiesinawildernessunitistheonlywaytoknowwhether would bedetrimentaltowildernesscharacterornot.Infact,documentingall character isalreadybeingimpactedandhelpdetermineifthenewtentplatform (chapter 5)willhelpthemanagerunderstanddegreetowhichwilderness (chapter 4).Tracking changeinwildernesscharacterandestablishingabaseline manage thisinawaythatminimizesimpactstowildernesscharacter level ofdevelopmentthatisappropriateincertainpartsthepark,andhowto (chapter 3)helpsthemanagermakedecisionsaboutsitingnewfacilitiesand particular parkunit.Incorporatingwildernesscharacterintoplanning define theelementsofwildernesscharacterthatareuniqueandspecialin such requests.Awildernesscharacternarrative(chapter2)helpsthemanager in theUserGuidecanhelpmanagermakeamoreinformeddecisionabout new facilitywouldbedetrimentaltowildernesscharacter. Implementingtools is allowedunderANILCAstipulations,thougharequestmaybedeniedifthe activities. Newtemporaryfacilitiesrelatedtothetakingoffishandwildlife of thepublictoconstructanewtentplatforminwildernesssupporthunting For example,awildernessmanagerinAlaskamayreceiverequestbymember and isnotadeterminationaboutwhethertheactivityacceptableornot. wilderness characterevenfromlegallyallowedactivitiesissimplyinformation the undevelopedqualityofwildernesscharacter. Acknowledgingimpactsto purposes inAlaska’s wildernessunits.Theseusesarelegalbutstilldegrade surface transportationtraditionallyemployedbylocalresidentsforsubsistence Act (ANILCA)allowuseofsnowmobiles,motorboats,andothermeans For example,provisionsintheAlaskaNationalInterestLandsConservation allowable andlegalusesmayhavenegativeimpactsonwildernesscharacter. decisions inimplementingalllawsandpolicy;parkstaff maydiscoverthateven the largerconceptofwildernesscharactertohelpthemmakemoreinformed Guide isintendedtohelpparkstaff lookatwildernessstewardshipthrough specific provisionsinawildernessunit’s enablinglegislation.Instead,theUser individual wildernessunits,anditisnotmeanttobeamanualforaddressing The UserGuideisnotintendedtoreconcilenuancesofpolicyandlawin h i nterSectS oW W ilderneSS

With o c ther haracter l aWS

and a lloWed U SeS 2

Building Blocks for Integrating Wilderness Character

Thousands of tired, nerve- shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out that going to the mountatins is going home; that wilderness is a necessity; that mountain parks and reservations are useful not only as fountains of timber and irrigating rivers, but as fountains of life. —John Muir

Photo: NPS/Jane Cipra, Death Valley Wilderness, Death Valley National Park Photo: NPS/Haley Bercot, Yosemite Wilderness, Yosemite National Park Chapter 2—Building Blocks for Integrating Wilderness Character 19

Photo: NPS/ Peter Landres, Landres, NPS/ Peter Photo: Arctic Gates of the Gates of Wilderness, & Preserve Park the Arctic National


Use Minimum Requirements Analysis Consider Wilderness Character in Operations Integrate Wilderness Character into Management and Operations • • . wilderness


integrating haracter

c For

Select Measures Collect Baseline Data Conduct Monitoring locKS • • • Wilderness Character Assessment wilderness

B Blocks

ilderneSS into W Uilding uilding 2—B 1. B 1. ntegrating i igure Gather Background Wilderness Information Develop a Wilderness Character Narrative Identify Issues for Future Wilderness Stewardship Planning F hapter • • • Wilderness Basics Building blocks provide the foundation for effectively integrating wilderness integrating effectively foundation for blocks provide the Building break down monitoring. They and into planning, management, character achievable and stewardship into wilderness of outstanding the components of what a shared understanding blocks establish steps. Building meaningful articulate those values for about each wilderness area and is most important park containing wilderness is character framework. Each inclusion in a wilderness monitoring developing wilderness-related plans, stage in probably at a different provides maximum guidelines. This approach programs, and operational that works this foundation in the order to begin building flexibility for staff of wilderness and effectiveness in greater efficiency best for them, resulting are illustrated below: building blocks and their content stewardship. The c for Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 20 • • Stewardship: for Wilderness Building Blocks Rocky Mountain National to them makes the most sense character where it integrate wilderness flexibility to begin to Give parks the planning stewardship and of wilderness Are key elements Photo: NPS/JohnMarino, Mountain National Park Park Wilderness,Rocky foundation documents. for moreinformationregardingtheconnectionofwildernesscharacterandpark in greaterefficiency and betterproducts.Refertochapter3oftheUserGuide building blockshouldbedevelopedconcurrentlywiththedocument,resulting wilderness resourcesisdevelopingafoundationdocument,theelementsinthis produce foundationdocumentsforallparksbytheyear2016.Ifaparkwith years, theNPSParkPlanningProgramwillbeimplementinganinitiativeto identification forfuturewildernessstewardshipplanning.Overthenextseveral wilderness information;(2)characternarrative;and(3)issue stewardship anddevelopmentofaparkfoundationdocument:(1)background This buildingblockgroupstogetherthreeelementsthatservebothwilderness wilderness stewardshipplan. other typesofplans.Itcanalsoprovidethesubstancefirstchaptera incorporated intosectionsofaparkfoundationdocument,andcaninform be sharedwithstaff andthepublic.Thisdocumentcanbeadapted fundamental informationaboutawilderness,includingmaps,whichcan The productofthisbuildingblockisaconcisedocumentsummarizing W designated wildernesses). index.cfm?fuse=NWPS&sec=legislativeHistory forthelegislativehistoryofall bills, andlaws(seetheLawPolicysectionathttp://www.wilderness.net/ to locateandsummarize,includescongressionaltestimony, reports, or updatedinformation.Thelegislativehistoryofawildernessisalsoimportant potential wildernesswhichshouldbemonitoredforanynonconforminguses designated wildernessmayalsohaveeligible,proposed,recommended,or part ofthepark’s geographicinformationsystem(GIS)database. Parkswith Stewardship DivisionOffice. Thewilderness boundaryshouldbeanintegral and legaldescriptiononfileattheparkwith Washington Wilderness resides. Fordesignatedwilderness,thereshouldbeanofficial boundarymap information, summarizeitscontent,andreferencewheretheinformation or betweenregionalandtheWashington offices. Itisimportanttolocatebasic and boundaries.Formanyparks,thisinformationisscatteredamongdivisions It iscriticaltodocumentacommonunderstandingofparkwildernessstatus Gather BackgroundInformation Wilderness ilderneSS B aSicS Chapter 2—Building Blocks for Integrating Wilderness Character 21 Park-specific wilderness legislation and legislative history, or if not designated, history of wilderness study and current status. An accurate GIS map of the wilderness. Park purpose, significance, and fundamental resources and values should embrace the wilderness character of this wilderness in the park foundation document. The relationship of wilderness planning to the general management plan and other plans. • • • • Background Background Wilderness Information Photo: NPS, recommended recommended NPS, Photo: Teton Grand wilderness, National Park Many parks have areas that have not been formally designated by Congress by Congress designated been formally not that have areas parks have Many study or level of some through have been areas but these as wilderness, also managed these lands are Per NPS policy, for wilderness. recommendation also research, wilderness should undesignated Each park with as wilderness. for these areas and information. For basic wilderness and summarize document, use the park should wilderness, or recommended potential, proposed, eligible, boundary is This planning and management. boundary for “official” the most receiving appropriate public along in the study process the one that is farthest 2006 NPS Management Policies, chapter 6.2, “Identification involvement (see example, a wilderness study of the Wilderness Resource”). For and Designation the National Park in Teton was completed for Grand with public involvement went to Congress was last formal recommendation that mid 1970s, and the changes to that identified more recent possible has staff May 11, 1978. Although (compliant with the been any further public involvement map, there has not since 1978. Hence, Policy Act) on wilderness boundaries National Environmental remains the 1978 wilderness for this park map for recommended the official wilderness status and boundary map should version that went to Congress. The database. GIS layer of the park’s be current, accurate, and an integral and fundamental resources and values Statements of park purpose, significance, of park wilderness. A park probably has should reflect the wilderness character statements in a general management plan or existing purpose and significance may have identified fundamental resources a statement for management, and may be updating statements of purpose, significance, and values. Park staff in a new park foundation document. and fundamental resources and values are common to many types of plans, Regardless, these foundational elements wilderness character of a park. Refer to and should adequately address the these foundational elements in plans. chapter 3 for more information regarding relationship of wilderness stewardship to other It is also important to identify the agreements as programmatic such efforts plans (existing and future) and to maintenance, or for the preservation, officer with the state historic preservation accordance with section 106 of the National treatment of cultural resources in a recently completed For example, efforts. Historic Preservation Act, and similar general direction for the wilderness general management plan may set stewardship plan may precede and inform a stewardship plan, or the wilderness plan. future update to the fire management Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 22 Grand CanyonNationalPark wilderness character. by each quality of wilderness, organized and special about the of what is unique qualitative description The narrative is a Character Narrative Wilderness Photo: NPS/MattHelmeid, recommended wilderness,

character. Anarrativemaybeusedinseveralways: foreseeable future,andincludesadescriptionofmajorinfluencesonwilderness This narrativeisapositive,affirming descriptionofawildernessnowandintothe specific wilderness,organizedbyeachofthequalitieswildernesscharacter. A wildernesscharacternarrativedescribeswhatisuniqueandspecialabouta Develop a Wilderness Character Narrative Develop aWilderness • • • • • environmental impactanalyses. including decisionsaboutminimumrequirements,scientificactivities,and provides arobustwaytoframeandarticulatemanagementdecisions, public aboutthecurrentandfuturestateofawilderness. interpretive themesandservesasastartingpointfordiscussionwiththe identifying appropriatemeasurestoassesstrendsinwildernesscharacter. primary forcesthataffect these,anarrativeprovidessolidbasisfor that needtofunctiontogethereffectively preservewildernesscharacter. experience), itfostersintegrationamongdifferent staff andprogramareas document andservesasaframeworkforwildernessstewardshipplan. By makingtheconceptofwildernesscharactertangibleandspecific,it By explainingwhatisuniqueandspecialaboutawilderness,itinforms By clarifyingwhatthekeyelementsareofwildernesscharacterand By addressingmultipleresources(includingnatural,cultural,andvisitor By providingconsiderabledetail,itcomplementstheparkfoundation Chapter 2—Building Blocks for Integrating Wilderness Character 23 dship Planning Preliminary identification of wilderness issues informs the scope of additional data and planning needs. Identify Issues for Issues Identify Wilderness Future Stewar The last piece of this building block is to identify issues for future wilderness The last piece of this building block Identify issues using wilderness character narratives stewardship planning efforts. is similar to and other relevant stakeholders. This effort and discussions with staff of additional internal scoping for a plan, and will help inform the type and level The effort planning that may be needed for adequate wilderness stewardship. develop may also identify areas in which more data are required to competently that a key specific planning alternatives. For example, the team may identify initiating issue for the plan will be addressing high levels of day-use visitation, data collection on current day use levels. Identify Issues for Future Wilderness Stewardship Planning Wilderness Stewardship Identify Issues for Future Wilderness character narratives should be developed by an interdisciplinary an interdisciplinary by be developed should narratives character Wilderness relevant, and when staff of park section broad cross a representing group or in review. during the process and tribes other stakeholders can include method is for ways. The optimal in several can be developed These narratives identified group with an character workshop conduct a wilderness a lead to process a remote facilitated is to conduct 2.1). Another method (appendix in person individual interviews is to conduct 2.2). A third method (appendix about developing group (appendix 2.3). More information with each identified or in a workshop setting, narrative through interviews a wilderness character character narratives, are and examples of wilderness including worksheets 2.1–2.5. contained in appendices to park foundation narratives have a close relationship Wilderness character or if informed by, character narrative can be documents. A wilderness statements, and can inform park purpose and significance developed first, interpretive themes for fundamental resources, values, and also help identify important to the park. document and why these are so a park foundation developing a foundation document, it is For a park with wilderness resources wilderness character narrative three to six highly recommended to develop a workshop. This could be done with a separate months ahead of the foundation at the park or a remotely facilitated wilderness character narrative workshop (as described in appendices 2.1–2.2). wilderness character narrative process park foundations informed by wilderness Pilot testing has demonstrated that and relevant representation of character narratives had more precise wilderness in their foundations. can also be the place to describe the The wilderness character narrative that are important to a wilderness. intangible aspects of wilderness character ethnographic resources or the spiritual These intangible aspects, such as tribal if not the wilderness, are difficult values of a particular location within these and management processes. Yet, impossible to address in park planning the wilderness character of the area. still may be important for understanding in the wilderness character narrative allows Describing these intangible resources and respected. their importance to be acknowledged Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 24 • • • Operations Management and Character into Wilderness Integrate • • • Assessment Character Wilderness wilderness committee. interdisciplinary Create a park and scientific activities. commercial services, for special uses, issuing permits and actions, including in routine decisions wilderness character guidance for using Establish park requirements analysis. for minimum procedures Establish park Conduct monitoring. Collect baseline data. Select measures. chapter 5fordetaileddiscussiononthistopic.Thebasicstepsareto: process, andlateradoptedintoaplanadjustedifnecessary. Referto and establishingabaselinecanbedoneaheadofmorecompleteplanning the publicaboutcurrentstatusofwildernesscharacter. Selectingmeasures to identifyanyimmediateconcernsinwilderness,andinformmanagers Every parkwithwildernessresourcesisencouragedtodothisassoonpossible and regularlymonitoringeachmeasureatspecifiedintervalstoidentifytrends. conditions, enteringbaselineinformationintoawildernesscharacterdatabase, character assessmentinvolvesselectingrelevantmeasures,establishingbaseline Keeping ItWild,istrackingchangeinwildernesscharacterovertime.Wilderness The keytoeffective wilderness stewardship,asenvisionedandembracedin W specific tothepark.Seechapter4forgreaterdetail onallofthesetopics. permits forspecialparkusesand/orcommercialservices, andotheractions maintenance), establishinganinterdisciplinarywilderness committee,issuing administrative activitiesinwilderness(forexample, searchandrescuetrail for evaluatingscientificactivities,developingstandard operatingproceduresfor Other waystoguidewildernessmanagementmay includeadoptingaframework consistent withtheminimumrequirementconcept.” 2006, section6.3.5:“Allmanagementdecisionsaffecting wildernessmustbe be usedforallproposedactionsinwildernessper NPS ManagementPolicies triggered byanyofthesection4(c)prohibiteduses;however, thisanalysisshould to accomplishtheaction.Historically, thisminimumrequirementanalysiswas action isnecessaryinwilderness,andifso,theappropriateminimumactivity should haveanexplicitlydocumentedMRAprocessthatfirstdeterminesif of wildernessthathavethepotentialtodegradecharacter. Eachpark a minimumrequirementsanalysis(MRA)ofallactivitiesoccurringinanycategory management actionsshouldbebasedoncarefulplanning.NPSpolicymandates Park operationscanhavemanydiverseeffects onwildernesscharacter, and into i ntegrate ilderneSS • • • M and nationallevels. collected atleastonceeveryfiveyearsforreportingpark,regional, refer tochapter6. character tobetrackedovertime.Formoreinformationonthisdatabase, wilderness characterdatabase,whichwillallowtrendsin Measures mayberevisitedandrevisedduringaplanningeffort. measures areencouragedifexistingonesnotadequateorappropriate. evaluated basedondatathatarealreadybeingcollected,althoughnew wilderness qualitytodescribeitscurrentcondition.Somemeasuresmaybe Conduct monitoring—Dataforeachselectedmeasureshouldbe Collect baselinedata—Oncecollected,shouldbeenteredintothe Select measures—Atleastonemeasureisselectedforeachindicatorof anageMent W c ilderneSS haracter

and c o a haracter perationS SSeSSMent

Chapter 2—Building Blocks for Integrating Wilderness Character 25

Park & Preserve Park Landres, NPS/Peter Photo: Wilderness, Death Valley National Park Valley Death Photo: NPS/Garry Oye, NPS/Garry Oye, Photo: Arctic Gates of the Gates of Wilderness, the Arctic National lanning p teWardShip S ilderneSS : W tep S ext n he t a desired condition, rather than on merely Park planning focuses on achieving wilderness resources all parks with policy, reacting to current conditions. By plan that guides wilderness character should have a wilderness stewardship A wilderness stewardship plan will preservation now and into the future. building blocks above. Developing a plan incorporate most or all of the three setting goals, developing strategies, analyzing also requires engaging the public, making decisions. A participatory approach alternative courses of action, and and accountable. The more effective to planning makes wilderness stewardship for stewardship based on the preservation resulting plan provides a foundation unique wilderness. Guidance for completing of the wilderness character of each be found in the the Handbook that is available a wilderness stewardship plan can on the NPS Wilderness Character Sharepoint site http://share.inside.nps.gov/sites/ . WASO/WSD/WC Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 26 activities, andfuturepriorities.Hereareafewthingstoconsider: should determinethepaththatbestfitswiththeirinterests,talents,ongoing There aremanyavenuesfordevelopingthesebuildingblocks,andparkstaff Where ShouldaParkStart? • • • staff identifiesnewdesiredconditions. more dataaboutthequalityofwildernesscharacter iscollectedorwhen Measures arestrongestwhentiedtoplanning,and canbeadjustedas indicators andmeasuresmostrelevanttocurrentpark management. wilderness character, an initialbaselinebeginstheprocessofidentifying history ordevelopingawildernesscharacternarrative maynotfullycapture Though measuresselectedwithoutthebenefitof fullyreviewinglegislative together withneighboringagencies(see“Wilderness Fellows”below). future change.Aparkmayhaveanopportunitytoaccomplishthiswork emphasizing theselectionofmeasuresandestablishingabaselinetotrack mitigate adverseimpacts.Otheragenciesthatmanagewildernessarealso monitoring trendsinwildernesscharactertomorequicklyidentifyand wilderness informationisimportant,itmostcriticalforparkstobegin the “WildernessCharacterAssessment”block.Whilegatheringbasic start wouldbeselectingmeasuresandestablishingabaselineunder wilderness charactertrainingcanbefoundinchapter4. net/index.cfm?fuse=NWPS&sec=training. Additionalinformationabout Training Center. Theircurrentofferings areathttp://www.wilderness. source ofwildernesstrainingistheArthurCarhartNationalWilderness and monitoring(e.g.,newon-linemodules,futurewebinars).Theprimary and morespecifictraininginwildernesscharacterplanning,management, wilderness training(e.g.,unitcourses,regionalon-linemodules) into ManagementandOperations”buildingblock. other internalguidancedevelopedforthe“IntegrateWildernessCharacter for developingandimplementingstandardoperatingprocedures(SOP) building blocks.Thewildernesscommitteewouldprobablyberesponsible the conceptofwildernesscharacterandchartapathtocompleting other perspectives.Thecommitteeshouldhaveasolidunderstandingof fire management,facilities,interpretationandeducation,planning, natural andculturalresourcemanagement,visitorprotection, for decisionmaking.Thecommitteeshouldincluderepresentativesfrom mission andcharteroragreementidentifyingresponsibilities,aprocess divisions ofthepark,aclearlydefinedroleforwildernesscoordinator, a effective wildernesscommittee requiresmembershipthatrepresentsall leadership fromthesuperintendentandwildernesscoordinator. An first stepistorevitalize(orestablish)aparkwildernesscommitteewith and commitmenttowildernessstewardship.Insuchcases,apositive If aparkcannotbeginallbuildingblocksconcurrently, oneplaceto Training maybeveryhelpfultoparkstaff. Optionsincludegeneral Some parksmayneedtoestablishstrongerinternalwildernessawareness Chapter 2—Building Blocks for Integrating Wilderness Character 27 Photo: NPS, Congaree Congaree NPS, Photo: National Monument Swamp Congaree Wilderness, National Park that is There are regional wilderness coordinators and planners at the Denver There are regional wilderness coordinators and planners at the Denver Wilderness Fellows are a great catalyst for assisting a park in adopting Wilderness Fellows are a great catalyst to begin a wilderness stewardship Some parks may be ready and willing available on the NPS Wilderness Character Sharepoint site at http://share. available on the NPS Wilderness Character . A park-specific wilderness character inside.nps.gov/sites/WASO/WSD/WC preliminary internal scoping for the training session combined with some plan is a great way to initiate a wilderness stewardship planning effort. Service Center who are knowledgeable about the building blocks and staff wilderness stewardship plans, and can provide advice, facilitate park start workshops, and help in other ways particularly if a park is about to work on a wilderness stewardship plan. a wilderness character framework. This program, which began in 2010, a wilderness character framework. students in parks to accomplish many places highly qualified and motivated wilderness character assessments of the building block tasks. Exemplary and Lassen National River, Buffalo for Guadalupe Mountains, Everglades, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service were led by Wilderness Fellows. The Volcanic for baseline wilderness character is currently using Wilderness Fellow funding source, but interested assessments. There is no single ongoing ecosystem study units, regions, cooperative parks can work with WASO, model. and other agencies to replicate this would be folded into the plan. In such a case, the building blocks to the Handbook Refer effort. wilderness stewardship planning • • • Several parks have completed initial building blocks for wilderness stewardship, Several parks have completed initial building blocks for wilderness but have yet to develop a plan. (Note that while the Wilderness Character was developing and testing these ideas, it used other names Integration Team for the building blocks, including core elements and wilderness foundations.) Buffalo Examples of building blocks from Guadalupe Mountains, Everglades, are all available on the NPS Wilderness and Lassen Volcanic National River, . Character Sharepoint site at http://share.inside.nps.gov/sites/WASO/WSD/WC Examples of completed wilderness stewardship plans that have incorporated wilderness character are listed in appendix 2.6 Examples of Completed Building Blocks and Wilderness Plans Stewardship Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program Program Stewardship Wilderness Division | Stewardship Wilderness

Photo: NPS, Lassen Volcanic Wilderness, Lassen Volcanic National Park 28 3

Integrating Wilderness Character into Planning

“If future generations are to remember us with gratitude rather than contempt, we must leave them something more than the miracles of technology. We must leave them a glimpse of the world as it was in the beginning, not just after we got through with it.” –President Lyndon B. Johnson

Photo: NPS/Alicia Burtner, recommended wilderness, Grand Canyon National Park

Chapter 3—Integrating Wilderness Character into Planning 31 lanning p nto

i haracter ntegrating c 3—i park foundation document general management plan resource stewardship strategy long range interpretive plan exotic plant management plan climbing management plan fire management plan planning for climate change • • • • • • • • ilderneSS hapter c of uses a wide variety Park Service The National resources of preserving achieve its mandate plans to with For parks for future generations. unimpaired should character resources, wilderness wilderness only in a wilderness stewardship be addressed not Handbook), but also fully plan (see accompanying plans for the park. Planning integrated into other need to ensure teams and park management is addressed across the that wilderness character planning. This chapter of the spectrum of park on how wilderness User Guide provides guidance addressed in park foundation character can be types of plans. The plan types documents and several the goal of are meant to serve as examples with throughout the inspiring planners to apply the ideas full spectrum of NPS planning. in this The representative plan types included chapter are: a general Descriptions of each plan type include and overview background on the planning product and of the relationship between the product Plan descriptions include wilderness character. relevant qualities, indicators, and measures from Keeping It Wild. It is important to understand how the outcome of a park management plan may and how considerations character, wilderness affect the development of wilderness character affect of a plan. It is anticipated that the information from these sections can be applied to a variety of planning products. W Photo: NPS/Peter Landres, NPS/Peter Photo: Bridge Canyon Wilderness, Lake Mead National Recreation Area Area Mead National Recreation Lake Wilderness, Bridge Canyon Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewarship Program 32 Yosemite NationalPark Yosemite Wilderness, Photo: NPS/MattMelcher,

planning activitiesandareaddressedinchapter4. activities undertheNationalEnvironmentalPolicyAct(NEPA) arealso partof wilderness stewardshipplanisdescribedinchapter2.Environmentalcompliance http://share.inside.nps.gov/sites/WASO/WSD/WC. Thepurposeandscopeofa Handbook canbefoundontheNPSWildernessCharacterSharepointsiteat Stewardship PlanHandbookbyincorporatingwildernesscharacter. Theupdated Stewardship PlanHandbook2014.Theupdatesthe2004Wilderness Wilderness stewardshipplanningisaddressedinitsowndocument: visitor experience.Aprocessformodifyingmeasuresisdescribedinchapter5. or additionalmeasures.Thisisoftenparticularlytrueofmeasuresthatrelateto and thepurposesofaspecificplan,orstaff mayidentifyaneedfordifferent cases whereameasureneedstobemodifiedbestservemonitoringobjectives measures tomonitorthestatusofwildernesscharacter. Therearelikelytobe Park planningshouldstrivetomaintainyearlyconsistencyinusingparticular recommended fortheplanningprocessanddocument. A tieredapproachthatincorporatesparkwideandarea-specificcontentis specific operatingproceduresforcertainactivities,ortheissuanceofpermits. for wildernessareas,touchingon(forexample)minimumrequirementsanalyses, environment section.Somemanagementproposalswouldprobablybedistinct resources andvaluesselectedforimpactanalysisdescribedintheaffected wilderness, qualitiesofwildernesscharacterwouldbeaddedtotheset area. Issuestobeaddressedmightvarybylocationsomeextent,andwithin both wildernessandnonwildernessareas,thatsomecomponentswilldiffer by on theissue,butplannersshouldrecognizeindoingplansthatencompass park outsideofwilderness.Thischapterdoesnotprovidedetailedguidance Several oftheseplantypescouldbeparkwideinscope,addressingareasthe Chapter 3—Integrating Wilderness Character into Planning 33 ocUMent d oUndation f A purpose statement describes the specific reason(s) for Purpose—A purpose statement describes the Significance—Significance statements describe why the park is important establishing a particular park. It is grounded in an analysis of park enabling establishing a particular park. It is beyond a restatement of the law, and any subsequent legislation, goes new legislation (such as designating and may be changed over time as statement for a park with designated wilderness) is adopted. The purpose resource. The category of wilderness should reference the wilderness should potential wilderness, if associated with a congressional designation, also be considered. Wilderness areas in the categories of eligible, proposed, they or recommended would not be addressed in park purpose because have not been designated by Congress. The purpose statement is both sweeping and brief, and as such, should not get into much detail about wilderness character. within a global, national, regional, and systemwide context. They reaffirm natural and cultural resources contribute to our national how a park’s heritage. With few exceptions, designated and potential wilderness importance and should be reflected in some way contributes to a park’s been in the set of significance statements. In some cases, wilderness has to incorporated into a single significance statement. In others, references wilderness (or the qualities of wilderness character) are woven throughout should be to try to capture what is special or the statements. The effort Park is distinctive (e.g., designated wilderness at Rocky Mountain National within close access to a major metropolitan area). • • arK p statement that have a foundation park system is to of the national Every unit decisions. The park management for planning and basic guidance will provide including among all stakeholders, understanding fosters a shared foundation the the park through important about of what is most and staff, NPS managers fundamental purpose, significance, park of core components: identification themes. This shared and values, and interpretive and important resources can be adequately to ensure that these components understanding helps and management activities. in subsequent planning considered and protected administrative commitments, describes special mandates and The foundation also final component of the for park management. The which provide context needs that, along with the assessment of planning and data foundation is the the park. A park atlas, a series provides a focus for planning at core components, park and its setting, is also a from available GIS data about the of maps compiled document. part of the foundation overarching guidance to other plans, A park foundation document provides and wilderness stewardship plans. including general management plans character can be more successfully As discussed in chapter 2, wilderness if a wilderness character narrative has incorporated into a foundation document been developed first. designation a wilderness area character, Along with the qualities of wilderness this section has a foundational components. Accordingly, is related to the park’s chapter because it covers not only wilderness broader scope than others in this potential, recommended, proposed, and character but all categories (designated, eligible) of the wilderness resource. foundation document are most relevant in The following components of a park resource. the consideration of the wilderness Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewarship Program 34 Photo: NPS/Everglades National Park • • • • Important ResourcesandValues” sectionofthepark foundationdocument. referencing specificqualitiesofwildernesscharacterinthe“Other values relatedtowilderness.Forparkswitheligiblewilderness,consider narratives areespeciallyhelpfulinidentifyingfundamentalresourcesand wilderness characterthansignificancestatements.Wilderness resources andvaluesstatementscanincorporatemoreinformationabout related valuessuchasunobstructedviewsordarknightskies.Fundamental referring tooneormorewildernesscharacterqualities,byidentifying should beincludedinfundamentalresourcesandvalues,typicallyby significance. Forparkswithdesignatedandpotentialwilderness,wilderness considered criticaltoachievingapark’s purposeandmaintaining its Policies 2006). categories ofwilderness(see pages79–81inNPSManagement their status;andbriefly address themanagementimplicationsfor potential, recommended, proposed,andeligiblewildernessareas;describe additional supportinginformation. to thatparticularpark.Seethesection“LongRange InterpretivePlan”for should recognizeoneormorequalitiesofwilderness character, asrelevant part ofapark’s purposeorsignificance,thesetofinterpretivethemes significance. Ifwildernessorcharacter has beenidentifiedas perspective fromwhichtounderstandandappreciate parkpurposeand Important Resources andValues” sectionofthe park foundation document. consider referencingspecificqualitiesofwildernesscharacterinthe“Other significance. Forparkswithrecommended,proposed,oreligiblewilderness, fundamental tothepurposeofparkandmaybeunrelatedits warrant specialconsiderationinplanningandmanagementbutarenot Fundamental resourcesandvalues—Thesevaluesare Special mandatesandadministrative commitments—Referencedesignated, Interpretive themes—Thesethemesarenecessarytoprovidepeoplea Other importantresourcesandvalues— These resourcesandvalues Chapter 3—Integrating Wilderness Character into Planning 35 Collect the following (as relevant to the park): wilderness legislation and associated (as relevant Collect the following wilderness and hearings, wilderness map, wilderness subcommittee reports study, congressional includes prompts/instructions Confirm that the foundation workbook eligibility assessment. If completed, the wilderness should be character narrative wilderness character. for addressing made available. of wilderness GIS map identifying each category in the park (designated, Include a current and if possible, eligible wilderness). proposed, potential, recommended, to wilderness in the and potential wilderness,For parks with designated include a reference park purpose statement. wilderness, consider capturing what is special For parks with designated and potential strongly in the set of significance statements. or distinctive about wilderness resources purpose or If wilderness or wilderness has been identified as part of a park’s character of wilderness qualities recognize one or more themes should significance, the set of interpretive character. wilderness, wildernessFor parks with designated and potential summarize the key relevant and values. resources character qualities in the set of fundamental and eligible wilderness, proposed, of recommended, in the categories For parks with areas specific qualities of wilderness character. consider referencing and eligible wilderness areas; proposed, recommended, designated, potential, Reference the management implications for the categories of describe their status; and briefly address wilderness. to issues, and opportunities related potential threats, trends, conditions, Identify the current data. wilderness relevant character and existing key which may include gathering data; and products, Identify needs for wilderness-related plans or eligibility plan, study, wildernessconducting surveys; and undertaking a stewardship Describe wildernessassessment. Indicate the priority for these. planning issues. Indicate that wilderness of wilderness to other plans to ensure character is the relationship planning efforts. updates and new planning in future addressed Include “Wilderness including wilderness Basics” (wilderness information, background land status, and hearings, current subcommittee reports legislation and associated congressional planning) in a wildernesswilderness character narrative, and issues for future stewardship foundation document appendix, if at all possible. Wilderness Connection Wilderness Park atlas Park purpose Park significance themes Interpretive Fundamental resources and values Other important resources and values Special mandates and administrative commitments Analysis of fundamental and other important and values resources Assessment of planning and data needs Appendix Data gathering and Data gathering and for preparation foundation workshop Park Foundation Park Foundation Document The wilderness connection to park foundation documents is presented in table is presented documents park foundation to connection wilderness The in are provided documents foundation from park examples Specific 3 below. 3.1. appendix document. in a park foundation connection The wilderness 3. Table Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewarship Program 36 Photo: NPS/NyssaLandres, Wilderness, Gatesofthe Gates ofthe Arctic Park &Preserve Arctic National scenic riversvalues. values relatedtowildernesscharactercaninformthedevelopmentofwildand undeveloped quality).Similarly, fundamentalandotherimportantresources the wildernesscharacternarrativesandselectionofmeasures(inparticular, the wilderness. Riverclassification,whetherwild,scenic,orrecreational,caninform inform opportunitiesforsolitudeandprimitiveunconfinedrecreationin quality couldinformnaturalqualitiesofwilderness,andriverrecreation and wildscenicriversoverlap.Forexample,ecologicalintegritywater narratives andselectionofmeasuresforwildernessqualitieswhere and scenicriversvaluescaninformthedevelopmentofwildernesscharacter reciprocal relationshipamongthesedistinctfoundationalelements.Wild for identifyingthemisspecifictotheWildandScenicRiversAct.Therea important resourcesandvaluesinaparkfoundation,althoughtheprocess have afoundationalfunctionfortheriverunit,similartofundamentaland outstandingly remarkablevalues)inparkfoundationdocuments.Thesevalues for treatingrivervalues(waterquality, free-flowingcondition,and The NPSWildandScenicRiversProgramiscurrentlydevelopingguidelines Wild andScenicRiversValues Other ConsiderationforFoundationPlanning:

Chapter 3—Integrating Wilderness Character into Planning 37 lan p anageMent M Parks with wilderness resources identified in Parkwide desired conditions—Parks with wilderness resources identified as the Visitor use management—Visitor use management is defined their purpose and significance statements should incorporate wilderness their purpose and significance statements desired conditions, or goals and character and values into parkwide the goals and objectives statement for objectives. An example is found in document (see appendix 3.2). It is the Apostle Islands National Seashore a simple statement about preserving noteworthy because it goes beyond begins to express wilderness qualities, even and wilderness character, was published. though it was developed before Keeping It Wild managing both the characteristics dynamic process of planning for and of visitor use and the setting in which that use takes place. This is to accomplished through a diverse range of strategies and tools used visitor sustain desired resource conditions and visitor experiences, including Indicators and standards will be used to ensure desired conditions capacity. for visitor experience and resource conditions without exceeding visitor The term “standards” in the visitor use management framework capacity. is equivalent to “measures” in Keeping It Wild, and “standards” used in the visitor use management framework can be drawn from identifying Visitor use management is often dealt measures for wilderness character. an with in a separate section in the planning document, although it is inherent aspect of management zoning. • • eneral g comprising plan, (GMP) is a comprehensive management plan A general in the NPS Park parks. As stated for level of decision-making the broadest management plan of a general 2004 the purpose Program Standards Planning clearly defined share a and stakeholders that park managers is “to ensure and experiences, for visitor conditions, opportunities of resource understanding that will best achieve management, access, and development general kinds of enjoyment of its resources unimpaired for the purpose and conserve the park’s must include wilderness A park with wilderness resources future generations.” vision. of this long-range and comprehensive character as part management plans are wilderness character and general Connections between plan (WSP). There plans, in particular a wilderness stewardship relevant to other in these two types in how the following topics are addressed is some similarity while plan has parkwide relevance the general management of plans; however, areas and is considered plan is specific to wilderness the wilderness stewardship where wilderness constitutes a major portion an implementation plan. In parks for combining a general management plan of park lands, there is the potential as was done for Apostle Islands National with a wilderness stewardship plan, Plan / Wilderness Management Plan Lakeshore Final General Management and Preserve General Management Plan and Gates of the Arctic National Park Draft EA 2012). Amendment / Wilderness Study (Internal wilderness character can be integrated Below are some of the key areas where into a general management plan: Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewarship Program 38 Table 4.ComponentsofGMPmanagementzonesforparkswithwildernessresources. Visitor usemanagement Visitor Management actions Resource conditions experience Visitor Component Means ofAddressingWildernessCharacter opportunities forsolitudeorprimitiveandunconfined recreation (related tovisitorexperience). Measures (related forthenaturalqualityofwilderness toresource condition)andthequalityof Desired conditionforundevelopedanduntrammeledqualities. resource. Desired conditionfornaturalqualityandotherfeatures ofvaluequality, suchasacultural Desired conditionforopportunitiessolitudeorprimitiveandunconfined recreation quality. provided inappendix 3.2. Additional examplesofgeneral managementplansforparkswithwilderness are unconfined recreationat thepotentialexpenseofopportunitiesforsolitude. allowed backcountryvisitors tomoveaboutatwillemphasizedprimitiveand and requiringapredetermined itinerary. AnotheralternativeatIsleRoyalethat expense ofprimitiveandunconfinedrecreationby maintainingcampsitequotas National Parkonealternativeemphasizedopportunities forsolitudeatthe opportunities forsolitudemaybesimultaneouslyreduced. AtIsleRoyale a waytoemphasizeprimitiveandunconfinedrecreation, recognizingthat which arelocatedwithinwilderness.A“DunesPlay Zone”wasdevelopedas fundamental visitoropportunityasclimbinganddescending thehighdunes, As anexample,GreatSandDunesNationalParkand Preserveidentifiesa • • management zoningschemeareshowninthetable4. Several waystosupporttheintegrationofwildernesscharacterina stewardship planning(seeHandbook). subdivision ofGMPmanagementzonesmaybenecessaryduringwilderness is designedtopreservewildernesscharacter. Furtherrefinementand and managementneeds;makesurethateachzonecontainingwilderness one managementzonebecauseofthediversitywildernesscharacter are specifictowilderness.Awildernessareawillprobablyhavemorethan wilderness stewardship.Itispreferabletodeveloponeormorezonesthat nonwilderness, whichmaynotadequatelyaddressthehighstandardsof wilderness character. SomeGMPzonesmayapplytobothwildernessand wilderness resourcescanbeenhancedbyincludingconsiderationof and allowablemanagementactions.GMPzoningforaparkwith park. Zonesareusedtomanagevisitorexperience,resourceconditions, plan identifydesiredconditionsfordifferent geographicareasofthe is preservedorimproved. wilderness charactermayvaryaslongthewhole ofwildernesscharacter discussed inzoning,managementemphasisacrossthefivequalitiesof with different emphasesonthequalitiesofwildernesscharacter. As alternative, asappropriate.Thethemeorconceptcouldbearticulated Wilderness charactercouldinformoneoftheunderlyingconceptsforeach allocate managementzoningindifferent combinationsoverthelandscape. concept toachieveadifferent balanceof actionsandoutcomes.Theyoften management actions.Alternativesaretypicallydevelopedaroundacentral Management zones—zonesinageneralmanagement Alternatives—General managementplanscontaindifferent alternativesfor Chapter 3—Integrating Wilderness Character into Planning

Photo: NPS/Haley Bercot, Great Sand Dunes Wilderness, Great Sand Dunes National Park & Preserve reSoUrce SteWardShip Strategy Guided by management direction expressed in NPS policy statements, a resource stewardship strategy (RSS) is essentially a comparison of “where we are versus where we want to be” for the park’s high-priority natural and cultural resources, and a set of strategies for how to achieve the desired conditions. The resource stewardship strategy is a document designed to: 1. provide an objective (i.e., quantitative) basis for assessing the condition of natural and cultural resources relative to reference conditions that correspond to the qualitative desired conditions established in NPS policy- level condition statements; and 2. document the science- and scholarship-based comprehensive strategies to achieve and maintain those reference conditions. These strategies, which are reviewed by subject matter experts and provide the primary focus of the resource stewardship strategy, provide a logical, integrated and sequential planning framework to help guide park investment decisions in resource stewardship, and improve accountability for a park’s multiyear, cumulative monetary investment in resource stewardship. A resource stewardship strategy is an internal administrative document that does not undergo public review under the National Environmental Policy Act. Requirements of resource stewardship planning are described in Draft NPS Director’s Order 2-1: Resource Stewardship Planning.

39 Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewarship Program 40 Wilderness, Petrified Forest Photo: NPS/AliciaBurtner, Petrified Forest National National Park refined andvettedthroughapublicparticipatoryprocess. are incorporatedintothewildernessstewardshipplanwheretheycanbefurther measures andreferenceconditionsrelevanttowildernesscharactermonitoring If aresourcestewardshipstrategypredateswildernessplan, from theplanwouldbeincorporatedintoresourcestewardshipstrategy. a resourcestewardshipstrategy, wildernesscharactermeasuresandstandards wilderness area.Ifastewardshipplanhasbeenproducedpriorto monitoring, althoughthisdatamayornotbespatiallyrestrictedtothe planning. Theseoutcomesmayhelpfilldataneedsforwildernesscharacter directly relatetowildernesscharactermonitoringandstewardship The outcomesfromresourcestewardshipstrategiesandassociatedactionsmay Chapter 3—Integrating Wilderness Character into Planning 41 Ideally, values—Ideally, resources and and fundamental Park significance Section 1: The current of knowledge about these resources— Section 2: Status the wilderness both In measures— and indicators of Identification 3: Section the resource stewardship strategy draws from existing statements of park existing statements strategy draws from stewardship the resource resources and and other important of fundamental and the list significance of wilderness Aspects foundation document. in a park values formulated (see section above) in a park foundation document character reflected strategy. into the resource stewardship should be incorporated in the resource character should be included condition of wilderness about existing data and knowledge While evaluating stewardship strategy. data regarding on the status of knowledge and park resources, focus historical, or ecological data Although biological, wilderness character. the number of available, information on solitude, are often readily number of acres taken within wilderness, or the management actions usually is actions or external disturbances by management affected the resource stewardship strategy following completing not. However, monitoring would probably result implementation of wilderness character can be incorporated into this section. in a significant amount of data that measurable parameters for resource character and RSS frameworks, identify are identified for the resource conditions. As indicators and measures those established in the wilderness stewardship plan stewardship strategy, better integrate the preservation of should be adopted if applicable to In some cases, stewardship strategy. wilderness character into the resource in the resource stewardship strategy, a measure may be applied parkwide measure may be used in wilderness but a spatially explicit subset of that the “acres infested” as identified in a character monitoring. For example, in the park may be a good RSS database of nonnative plant populations analysis of where acres infested occur measure, but a more specific GIS character monitoring. Other in wilderness may be used in wilderness location within the park (e.g., air quality measures are collected at only one parkwide, including in the wilderness. data) and must be inferred to apply within the wilderness, such Still other measures will only be meaningful be as those associated with untrammeled indicators, and thus may not identify identified as RSS measures. In such cases, it still might be useful to such measures within the RSS process because many of the strategies to identified in the resource stewardship strategy will have the potential related to wilderness The RSS indicators and measures degrade this quality. character can be interwoven into the categories already used in the those resource stewardship strategy by simply adding a symbol to identify detail in that apply to wilderness character (and perhaps elaborate in more an appendix), or wilderness character may be its own category. • • • In addition, each of the five major sections of a resource stewardship strategy strategy stewardship a resource of major sections five of the each In addition, character: wilderness to address opportunities provides Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewarship Program 42 Monument Cedar BreaksNational recommended wilderness, Photo: NPS/Peter Landres,

• • character isacceptable. and virtuallyanystrategythatservestopreserveimprovewilderness wilderness specificwillbevariablebasedonthegeographyofpark serves toprotectwildernesscharacter. Theextenttowhichstrategiesare native plantcommunitiesbyreducinginvasivenonnativeplants)thatalso focused onawidespreadvaluewithinthepark(forexample,maintaining night skiesfromNPSlightsources).Inothercases,thestrategymightbe character throughoutthewildernessarea(e.g.,continueprotectingdark function toariver).Theycouldalsofocusonpreservingwilderness wilderness characteratthatlocation(e.g.,restoringnormalhydrologic specific placesthatdegradewildernesscharacter, thusservingtoimprove Comprehensive strategiescouldbedevelopedtoaddressspecificimpactsin are focusedonspecificlocations,othersapplythroughoutthepark. results ofcompletedactivitiesareknown.Somecomprehensivestrategies updating thesestrategiesasnewinformationbecomesavailableandthe stewardship strategyalsoincludesrecommendationsforassessingand or maintainreferenceconditionsforpriorityresources.Theresource sequence ofactivitiesoractionsthatindicatehowtheparkwouldachieve the RSSprocess. wilderness stewardshipplanandsomayornotbeavailabletoinform Wilderness characterstandardswouldprobablybedeterminedina under theWildernessActistopreserveorimprovewildernesscharacter). the estimatedvalueattimeofdesignation(becauseNPScharge the referenceconditionforwildernesscharactermeasuresshouldbe improved, thatgoalcouldbereflectedasareferencecondition.Otherwise assessment, andidentifiedanaspectofwildernesscharacterthatcouldbe If aparkhascompletedwildernesscharacternarrativeorbaseline reference conditionsindicateagoalorstandardtoachieveandmaintain. character standardsidentifythelimitsofacceptablecondition,while character frameworkbutdonotdirectlycorrespondtothem.Wilderness consensus. Thesevaluesaresimilarto“standards”inthewilderness represent acceptableresourceconditionsbasedonscientificandscholarly Section 5:Comprehensivestrategies—strategiesarea Section 4:Identificationofreferenceconditions—Referenceconditions stewardship strategy. of theactivity, notnecessarilyaspartoftheresource analysis iscompletedjustpriortoimplementation in chapter4.Typically theminimumrequirements minimum requirementsanalysisprocess,asdescribed character shouldbecarefullyevaluatedthrougha Proposed activitiesoractionsthataffect wilderness can alsobeappliedinassessmentsandupdates. directions intheresourcestewardshipstrategyand contribute tothedevelopmentofmanagement Trend dataonwildernesscharacter, ifavailable,can Chapter 3—Integrating Wilderness Character into Planning

Photo: NPS/Michael Haynie, Guadalupe Mountains Wilderness, Guadalupe Mountains National Park

Applying RSS and Wilderness Character Measures In applying RSS indicators and measures to wilderness character, a general assumption is that there are more indicators and measures in a resource stewardship strategy than are needed in a wilderness character framework, and that not all measures of wilderness character are necessary in a resource stewardship strategy (particularly some of the undeveloped, untrammeled, and solitude measures). Two examples for wilderness character in a resource stewardship strategy follow: • One approach is to ascribe aspects of wilderness character within a single indicator category. For example, Guadalupe Mountains National Park organized RSS indicators into “Geologic Resources,” “Scenic Resources,” “Natural Resources” (biotic), and “Cultural Resources.” Wilderness as a resource was placed under Natural Resources, even though some indicators under all four broad categories apply to wilderness character. A variation to this approach is to create a category of RSS indicators called “Wilderness Character” and put all the relevant measures into that section. • A second approach is to integrate wilderness character measures into the resource stewardship strategy such that there are some measures in several RSS indicator categories. In this case, it may be useful to include an annotation for those measures that are wilderness related and, if necessary, elaborate on them in more detail in an appendix or separate section of the resource stewardship strategy. This would facilitate the extraction of those indicators and measures that are wilderness related so that they can be used to inform wilderness stewardship planning, population of the wilderness character monitoring database, or other wilderness focused efforts beyond the resource stewardship strategy. In either scenario, it may be a challenge to include measures appropriate to tracking the untrammeled quality (e.g., actions taken to manipulate the biophysical environment), as these types of measures haven’t typically been included in the resource stewardship strategy or most other NPS planning or monitoring processes. To the extent that it is reasonable to include them in the resource stewardship strategy based on the geography of the park and the focus of the resource stewardship strategy, they should be included in the indicators and measures. To facilitate identifying measures that can be used in the resource stewardship strategy that are relevant to wilderness character, table 5 provides a crosswalk between RSS and wilderness character terms. 43 Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewarship Program 44 Table 5.Comparisonoftermsinthewildernesscharacterframeworkandresourcestewardshipstrategies. Monitoring Strategies Actions Standards Measures Indicators Reference condition Desired conditions Term Framework Wilderness Character trend inresource condition. measure overtimetodetermine Common toboth:Repeated characteractions. wilderness Not used,butmaybesimilarto desired conditions. analysis tomaintainorrestore implemented afteraproblem Management actionsare action. serve astriggersformanagement measures shouldnotexceed.They each measure, orathreshold that Minimum acceptableconditionfor trends. which dataare collectedtoassess on Specific aspectofwilderness in whichtoorganizemeasures. question. Theseserveascategories indicator underamonitoring all casesthere ismore thanone character.wilderness Innearly associated withaqualityof within eachmonitoringquestion Distinct andimportantelements characterstandards.wilderness Not used,butissimilarto • • • • • cultural resources) Other features ofvalue(e.g., recreation or primitiveandunconfined Opportunities forsolitude Undeveloped Natural Untrammeled condition. move theconditionofresources towards thereference Sequence ofactivitiesoractionsthatare intendedto Not used,butmaybesimilartoRSSstrategies. a resource stewardship strategy. Not used,butissimilarto“reference condition”asusedin particular placeandtime. qualitatively evaluatetheconditionofanindicatorata One ormore specificmeasurements usedtoquantify or overall conditionofthepriorityresource. “information rich”andthatrepresent or“indicate”the resources orvaluesforapark)thatare particularly priority resource (i.e.,thefundamentalorotherimportant A selectedsubsetofcomponentsorelementsa opinion. relatively undisturbedsites,predictive models,orexpert regulatory orprogram standard, historicaldata,datafrom consensus. Thereference conditionmightbebasedon a with appropriate informationandscientificorscholarly intended torepresent anacceptableresource condition, the current conditionvalues.Thereference conditionis that isintendedtoprovide contextforcomparisonwith values foranindicatororspecificmeasure ofcondition A quantifiableorotherwiseobjectivevaluerangeof level conditionstatements. maintain. Thesedesired conditionsare tiedtoNPSpolicy- that parkmanagementhascommittedtoachieveand a setofresources andvalues,includingvisitorexperiences, A qualitativedescriptionoftheintegrityandcharacterfor Resource StewardshipStrategies Chapter 3—Integrating Wilderness Character into Planning 45 lan p nterpretive i ange r ong l comprehensive component of the plan (LRIP) is a range interpretive The long Order 6: Interpretation Director’s outlined in NPS plan (CIP), as interpretive a vision plan articulates long range interpretive (DO 6). The and Education and media, facilities, the future and recommends interpretive for the park’s goals, achieving management meeting visitor needs, best suited for programs answer what and to park stories. Planning documents and connecting visitors impacts and why are the local resources and potential why questions (e.g., What range interpretive plan also or worth protecting?). The long are they significant do interpreters deliver messages on how questions (e.g., How explicitly focuses to participates in efforts so that the public supports and to diverse audiences long range interpretive Using recommendations in the preserve resources?). plan and an interpretive develops an annual implementation plan, a park also interpretive plan. elements comprise the comprehensive database. These three for wilderness section 6.14, calls Order 41: Wilderness Stewardship, NPS Director’s stewardship to be “an integral component” of a long resources, and character, any classification of wilderness are to include range interpretive plan. Parks with reflect that wilderness. The long range and address interpretive themes that of guiding visitor education about wilderness interpretive plan has the dual role rules that protect it), as well as ensuring that character (both its value and any directly or indirectly have an adverse effect interpretive programming does not on the qualities of wilderness character. a parkwide basis should incorporate Interpretive themes developed on an The planning process represents key messages on wilderness character. current themes adequately reflect wilderness opportunity to determine whether as expressed values related to wilderness character, Resources and character. foundation document, or park plan, can in the wilderness character narrative, development. contribute to interpretive theme into a long range interpretive plan gives Incorporating wilderness character interpretive messages are relevant an analytical tool to ensure that park staff character themes. Messages about in communicating wilderness and effective discussion of the idea of wilderness by wilderness character can help focus of personal and cultural meanings, to moving from an acknowledgement Act. Such messages provide opportunities language found within the Wilderness understanding for visitors to reflect on wilderness character and reach a common of wilderness and its value. the team In planning the best ways to communicate with various audiences, developing a long range interpretive plan can use the wilderness character that may framework to consider the potential impacts to wilderness character benefits. result from various message-related activities, as well as their potential solitude For example, considering potential impacts on the opportunities for would quality helps identify when and where guided activities in wilderness activities. have the least impact, while still providing for the benefits of these plan to See chapter 4 for information on linking a long range interpretive interpretive activities and education. National Park Wilderness and Backcountry Education Strategy The Death Valley in an provides an example of how wilderness character has been incorporated Sharepoint interpretive plan, and can be found on the NPS Wilderness Character . site at http://share.inside.nps.gov/sites/WASO/WSD/WC Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewarship Program 46 considers effects towildernesscharacter include: Keeping ItWild.Stepsfordevelopinganexoticplantmanagementplanthat measures inthewildernesscharactermonitoringframeworkasdescribed plant managementplanshouldrelatedirectlytothequalities,indicators,and inherent characteristicofnonnativeplantmanagement.Outcomesanexotic including manualandchemicalmethods;themanipulationofplants,an include accessingbackcountryworklocations;arangeoftreatmentmethods, Activities toaddressnonnativespeciesthatcouldaffect wildernesscharacter the NationalParkService,theycanbehighlyvariable. an environmentalassessment(EA)format.Althoughtheseplansarecommonin templates foranexoticplantmanagementplan;howevertheytypicallyfollow particular species,andthetypesofmethodstobeused.Therearenoprescribed and presentsaprogramofmanagementactionincludingreasonstoaddress The planarticulatescurrentandfutureconcernsaboutparticularspecies elements neededtoachieveparkgoalsformanagingexotic(nonnative)plants. management, andlaysacourseforthefuturebyidentifyingadditionalprogram management planprovidesacontextforsystematicevaluationandadaptive and documentationforprojectmanagerscooperators.Anexoticplant resource managementprogramsandprovidescomprehensiveguidance An exoticplantmanagementplan(EPMP)supportspark-levelnatural e xotic • • • achieve desiredresults. recognizes thatmultipletoolsmaybeneededatdifferent locationsto in determiningthemostappropriatetool(s)forweed control,and management isanapproachthatinherentlyconsiders sitecharacteristics detection anderadicationofincipientpopulations. Integratedpest a largelyweed-freewilderness,theremightbehigh priorityforearly goals ofwildernessstewardshipandnonnativeplant management.In lands, orspecificlocationswithinwilderness,when assessingtheoverall and wildernesscharacter—Determinetherelativepriorityof nonnative plantmanagement. to treatmentareasandusethisanalysisinformdecisionsregarding actions mayimprovethenaturalquality. Consider themeansofaccess treatment methodsdegradestheundevelopedquality;however, these untrammeled qualityanduseofmotorizedtoolsrequiredbysome For example,theactiontocontrolweedsinwildernessdegrades character andtheresultingtradeoffs ofdifferent managementactions. weed treatmentintermsoftheeffects on thequalitiesofwilderness conclusion. wilderness. Managementactioninwildernessshouldneverbeaforegone practices, discusswhetherweedtreatmentsshouldbeimplementedin Identify logicalconnectionsbetweenanexoticplantmanagementplan Analyze tradeoffs—Identify therangeofactionsrequiredforaparticular Determine thescopeofnecessaryaction—Consideringcurrentpolicyand p lant M anageMent p lan Chapter 3—Integrating Wilderness Character into Planning 47 Photo: NPS, Yosemite Yosemite Photo: NPS, Yosemite Wilderness, National Park When developing alternative alternative developing When measures— mitigation specific Provide analysis—When a park is conducting Use a minimum requirements mitigation measures, be sure to consider their impacts on wilderness on wilderness impacts their to consider be sure measures, mitigation within a minimum rather than solely within the plan, character plan. For appendix to the included as an analysis, often requirements motorized that do not allow be developed alternatives could example, focus on but instead in wilderness, mechanical equipment access or been tools that have These might include methods. manual control as horse-mounted for use in wilderness, such specifically developed systems. herbicide sprayer actions must be in wilderness, potential nonnative plant management requirements analysis a programmatic minimum analyzed either through minimum requirements treatments, or individual developed for nonnative of the two. for individual actions, or a combination analyses developed • • Indicators and Measures Indicators and can provide direction for monitoring The exotic plant management plan appropriate measures and potential wilderness character trends by identifying have not yet identified measures or developed sources of data. If staff and exotic species management and its effect monitoring protocols for invasive the plan can also help determine standards by which to on wilderness character, plan and wilderness character If a wilderness stewardship assess these effects. the exotic plant management monitoring measures have been developed, the content of these plans, and to formulate plan can be designed to integrate to wilderness least detrimental effect management actions that have the data for wilderness character monitoring. Additional and also provide character, sources and applications are in table 6 below. guidance and suggestions for data Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewarship Program 48 character indicatorsareincluded). Table 6.Indicatorsandmeasuresrelatedtoinvasiveexoticspeciesmanagementplans(notallwilderness Quality

Natural Untrammeled processes Biophysical communities species and Plant andanimal environment the biophysical manipulate manager that the federalland authorized by Actions Indicator Measure nonnative species or numberofinvasive Abundance, distribution, wilderness of nonnativespeciesinto pathways formovement Area andmagnitudeof species Number ofnonnative or fire pathogens, soil,water, manage plants,animals, Number ofactionsto Discussion ecosystems. and supportsnative of nativeplantspecies a formofconservation management initselfis Nonnative plant benefit thismeasure. species woulddirectly Reduction ofnonnative multiple scales. invasive speciesat parks andmanaging points withinandoutside about examiningentry interagency thinking Consistent with ecosystems. and supportsnative of nativeplantspecies a formofconservation management initselfis Nonnative plant benefit thismeasure. species woulddirectly Reduction ofnonnative treated successfully. plant populationis control afteranonnative further manipulationor communities withno restoration ofnativeplant plants tomovetoward manipulate nonnative Generally theseplans Data Suggestions targeted forcontrol. and distributionofspeciesthatare can beusedtoqueryabundance and ManagementDatabase, recorded intheAlienPlantControl National ParkServiceare typically Actual weedtreatments inthe wilderness charactermonitoring. wilderness needed tousethisdatainform refinements wouldusuallybe as aparkwideanalysis.Additional plan, buttypicallyare presented in theexoticplantmanagement invasion are sometimesincluded Primary vectorsandpathwaysfor based application. periodically intheNPSpeciesweb- the listofspeciesisupdated Provide amechanismbywhich anticipated actions. better resolution regarding could beincorporatedtoprovide An annualworkplancomponent Chapter 3—Integrating Wilderness Character into Planning 49 Record cards from staff and staff from cards Record volunteers help track encounter rates. It may not be possible to determine actual impact to park visitors unless to also analyzed visitor use data are aural in determine if visitors were of the noise. proximity The decision to allow motorized to allow motorized The decision in the is often included equipment management plan, exotic plant of planned uses but the details minimum usually found in are decision analysis requirements cases, these documents. In many on an annual basis for done are activities, such recurring or routine as nonnative plant management. be necessary In those cases, it will data after to collect actual use or hours of the fact (e.g., days chainsaw use). closely with the cultural Work which to determine staff resources elements of the landscape are significant (generally described in a cultural landscape inventory) and what nonnative plant may be used in the treatments cultural landscape and under what conditions. Data Suggestions Data Although generally short-term and minimally adverse, visitors may experience impacts from and visibility the presence and their of crews actions. When motorized equipment is determined to be necessary to meet the goals of the exotic plant management plan, consider the intensity, and duration frequency, of soundscape intrusion. Cultural landscapes may contain invasive nonnative species that can naturalize and or cultural spread; landscapes may be impacted by the invasion of nonnative species; or cultural landscapes may contain historic noninvasive exotics that need to be preserved. Use of motorized Use of motorized and transport equipment short-term may have the on adverse effects and visitor landscape experience. Discussion Number of authorized in actions that result disturbances to cultural (visitor and resources use [e.g., commercial catholes, trampling, landings]; hearths, aircraft findings of adverse and for projects effect operations) Number of trail contacts Number of trail contacts visitors have with work the (through crews or of the crews presence visibility of management actions) Extent and magnitude of intrusions on the natural soundscape Type and amount of and amount Type and administrative use of nonemergency motorized motor vehicles, or mechanical equipment, transport Measure

Deterioration or loss of cultural integral resources to wilderness character Remoteness from Remoteness from sights and sounds of people inside the wilderness Remoteness occupied from and modified outside of areas wilderness Use of motor Use of motor vehicles, motorized equipment, or mechanical transport Indicator Other features locally defined. Other features

Other features of value of features Other Solitude Undeveloped Quality Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewarship Program 50 anticipated impactstowildernesscharactersuchas: adversely affect wildernesscharacter. Aclimbingplanshouldidentifycurrentand A numberofclimbingactionsandvisitorusepatternshavethepotentialto wilderness character, consideringthat: conditions forvisitoruseshouldbedevelopedanddefinedinthecontextof Climbing providessought-aftervisitorexperiencesinwildernessanddesired standing debatesaroundtheconnectionofclimbingandwildernesscharacter. of climbingmanagementplansforwildernessparksandmayhelpresolvelong- wilderness areas.Theseruleswillcreatethefoundationforanewgeneration Director’s Order41includesaspecificlistofrulestoguideclimbingpracticesin Stewardship Plan,orotheractivity-levelplan.” climbing managementstrategieswillbeincludedaspartofthepark’s Wilderness of otherparkvisitors.”Inaddition,“Ifclimbingactivitiesoccurinwilderness, wilderness resourcesorcharacter, orinterferesignificantlywiththeexperience occurrence, continuationorexpansionwouldresultinunacceptableimpactsto climbing useorrelatedactivitymustberestrictedprohibitedwhenits Section 7.2ofDirector’s Order41elaboratesonthisbydirectingthat“any NPS recognizesthatclimbingisalegitimateandappropriateuseofwilderness. or removableanchorsaregenerallyusedtosupportanascentdescent.The canyoneering, andcaving,whereclimbingequipmentsuchasropesfixed Climbing includesrockclimbing,snowandicemountaineering, c liMBing • • • • • • • adversely affect theundevelopedqualityandopportunities forsolitude. quality ofwilderness,such asaculturalresource. presence ofotherpeopleandpotentiallythe featuresofvalue or diffuse impacts,aswellopportunitiesforsolitudebyindicatingthe access thesesitesmayadverselyaffect thenaturalqualitythroughdirect primitive recreationqualitiesofwilderness. caches maybeconsideredanimpactonthenatural, undeveloped,and wilderness character. certain recreationareasinwildernessdegradethe solitudequalityof wilderness character. adversely affects theprimitiveandunconfinedrecreationqualitiesof however, theimpositionofmanagementrestrictionsonvisitorbehavior adverse impactonwildernessresourceswillalwaysbethepreferredchoice. or violatetheWildernessAct.However, climbingpracticeswiththeleast purposes doesnotnecessarilyimpairthefutureenjoymentofwilderness of wildernessaresoughtafterbyclimbers. appropriate inwildernessandsolitudeunconfinedrecreationqualities Impacts associatedwithclimbing rescues,suchastheuseofhelicopters, Impacts associatedwithclimbingbasecampsitesand theroutesusedto The installationoffixedgearandthepresence abandonedgearor The sizeofclimbinggroupsandtheirtendencytoconcentrateusewithin Permitting, enforcement,andeducationcanreduceoravoidconflicts; The occasionalplacementofafixedanchorforbelay, rappel,orprotection Rock climbingisatraditionalformofprimitiverecreationthat M anageMent p lan Chapter 3—Integrating Wilderness Character into Planning 51

Photo: Shenandoah Wilderness, NPS, Shenandoah National Park Indicators and Measures Indicators If staff is looking to define wilderness character or develop monitoring monitoring or develop character wilderness to define is looking If staff standards) monitoring visitor-use actions (including the management protocols, the within need to be considered management plan in the climbing prescribed then Measure(s) will and indicators. character qualities of wilderness framework character is either level wilderness determine at what be developed to need to management actions. If the by the visitor activities and enhanced or degraded character monitoring stewardship plan and wilderness park has a wilderness of actions that could and knows in advance the kinds measures in place measures or thresholds select the appropriate character, degrade wilderness there is no degradation of associated with climbing so for monitoring impacts and suggestions for data 7 provides more guidance Table wilderness character. sources and applications. Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewarship Program 52 or indicatorsarediscussed). Table 7.Indicatorsandmeasuresrelatedtoclimbingmanagementplans(notallwildernesscharacterqualities Quality

Solitude Undeveloped Natural recreation self-reliant decrease Facilities that the wilderness people inside and soundsof from sights Remoteness equipment motorized use of Unauthorized transport or mechanical equipment, motorized vehicles, Use ofmotor communities species and animal Plant and resources Physical Indicator Measure recreation facilities of user-created Type andnumber wilderness that are insidethe or travelroutes affected byaccess Area ofwilderness manager the federalland not authorizedby equipment use of motorized Type andamount transport or mechanical equipment, vehicles, motorized use ofmotor of emergency Type andamount concern sensitive, orof and endangered, listed asthreatened species thatare of indigenous number distribution, or Abundance, of soilorcrusts disturbance orloss magnitude of Extent and Discussion routes. associated withclimbing installations often Fixed anchorsare users. wilderness climbers andnonclimbing sense ofsolitudeforother potentially affecting the people inwilderness, Such trailsare asignof may behighlyvisible. routes are commonand access popularclimbing Informal trailsusedto 2.12). drills isprohibited (36CFR Use ofmotorizedpower locations. seasons andpopular impacts duringhighuse or nearlycontinuous uses mayhavelong-term High frequency ofsuch and visitorexperience. effects onthelandscape have short-termadverse transport. Suchusesmay motorized equipmentand that require theuseof and rescue operations result inincreased search Climbing activitiesmay areas. within cliffs androcky roosting andonrare plants impact onbird nesting/ Climbers mayhavean crusts. in impactstosoilor climbing routes mayresult use atthebaseofpopular Concentration ofvisitor informal trails. to theamount,persistence,andlocationof useful toolstoquantifyandtrackchanges GIS dataandaerialphotographycanbe search andrescue operations. or frequency ofmotorizeduseinsupport incident record forduration,location,and/ standard reporting requirement inthecase emergency. Considerimplementinga detail inthecaseincidentreport foreach equipment isnotroutinely describedin Emergency useofmotorizedtransportor U.S. Forest Servicetechguide long-term monitoringprograms. plants andanimals.Considerimplementing Document andsurveycliff-associated rare extent andseasonalityofthisimpact. and/or GPSdatacollectiontodocumentthe This willprobably require heads-updigitizing Data Suggestions Chapter 3—Integrating Wilderness Character into Planning

53 Photo: NPS, Denali Denali NPS, Photo: Denali National Wilderness, & Preserve Park Data Suggestions Data Climbing blogs/websites may reveal such such reveal blogs/websites may Climbing tribal actions. Likewise, unauthorized may raise it as a concernmembers to park managers. with climbing routes Review proposed their data sources and staff cultural resources of concern. to identify areas Some climbing activities Some climbing place in may take of areas unauthorized to spiritual importance traditional tribes or in cultural properties. routes Authorized climbing should be located away sites but cultural from still be come may there potential for disturbances to unknown cultural resources. Discussion Number of Number of unauthorized result actions that in disturbances to cultural (looting, resources activities, trespass noncompliance with National Historic Act Preservation Number of authorized actions in that result disturbances to cultural resources (visitor and use commercial [e.g., catholes, trampling, hearths, landings]; aircraft findings of adverse for projects effect and operations) Measure

Indicator Deterioration or loss of cultural resources integral to wilderness character Other features locally defined. Other features Other features of value of features Other Quality Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewarship Program 54 Sequoia andKings Canyon Photo: NPS, Sequoia-Kings Canyon Wilderness, National P arks managed topreservewildernesscharacter. fire managementplanandguidethedeterminationofhowcanbestbe character, andassociatedindicatorsmeasures,canbereflectedinthe to wildernesscharacter. Inbrief,theexpressionofqualitieswilderness and liststhemostobviousareasofafiremanagementplanthatarerelevant FMP templateoutlineinReferenceManual18:WildlandFireManagement guidance andtoolsinadedicatedsection.Table 8isbasedonthecurrent of theNPSDirector’s Order41:WildernessStewardship,whichoffers specific importance oftheconnectionbetweenfireandwildernessisaprimaryfocus Fire managementplansandwildernesscharacterarecloselyintertwined.The is requiredeveryfiveyears. with theannualworkprogram.AcomprehensiveFMPreviewandupdatedplan laws andmanagementobjectivestoevaluateconformitycompliance The firemanagementplanshouldbereviewedannuallytoensurecurrencywith suppress, contain,orallowit,bothwithinparkboundariesandoutsideofthem. the potentiallywide-reachingimpactscausedbyfireandmanagementactionsto interagency consistencywhendealingwithfire,andthechallengesofmanaging plan elements.Thisdegreeofdetailmirrorsthecomplexitymaintaining management planrequiresthatahighlevelofdetailbeprovidedforvarious Director’s Order18:WildlandFireManagement).Theplanningprocessforafire area activities,andenvironmentallawsregulations(particularlyNPS actions; andtomaintainconsistencywithresourcemanagementobjectives, and alternatives;toidentifysignificantvaluesforprotectivemanagement firefighter andpublicsafety;toincludefiremanagementstrategies,tactics, The purposeofthefiremanagementplan(FMP)istoprovideguidancefor f ire M anageMent p lan Chapter 3—Integrating Wilderness Character into Planning 55 This is an opportunity to describe the biophysical and geographic features of of and geographic features the biophysical opportunity to describe This is an wilderness aspects of wildernessto highlight specific and perhaps character identified in the wilderness character narrative. that were the WildernessReference 41 NPS Reference Manual , and any Act, DO-41, provisions or designated wildernesssite-specific acts that with specific apply DO-41 provisions (e.g., California Act). Desert Protection direction wilderness,to all categories of in other categories, whether designated or servicewide wildernessaddition to the policy in reflecting Wilderness Act and park-specific designations. management general in the park’s wilderness character is addressed Where plan, or wilderness stewardship strategy, stewardship plan, resource into this section. forward wilderness be brought character concepts should Protection of wilderness character might be carried forward from a general from of wilderness be carried forward Protection character might or wilderness stewardship strategy, stewardship management plan, resource management plan as a goal in this section. In some cases plan into the fire may be used to inform wilderness management objectives character fire management or vice versa. For example, the fire and standards, measures unplanned human caused ignitions plan might include an objective to reduce to the wilderness character measure related by X%, which is directly quality) and number of regimes (natural natural fire from departure regarding quality). (untrammeled actions to manage fire Use this section to discuss how wilderness should frame certain character or tactics. Discuss wilderness management strategies character as a fire strategy for natural ignitions in value at risk. For example, a suppression will eventually degrade the natural quality ecosystem a fire-dependent degrades the fire and the use of prescribed of wilderness character, specific administrative This is the section where untrammeled quality. such as no bulldozers without written would be mentioned, prohibitions to other as well as references the superintendent, permission from decision analysis (MRDA) / minimum minimum requirements predetermined management analysis that constitute a constraint on fire requirements actions. of wilderness protection character in the MIST guidelines and Reference of wildernessidentify specific considerations for protection character. Incorporate wilderness character considerations into Wildland Decision Fire to set initial documents as appropriate Support System (WFDSS) preplanning and standard and restrictions, priorities, management requirements response language to include in delegation of authority for transfer to an incident management team. (e.g., seeding, construction treatments rehab or restricted Identify prohibited in wilderness). Identify wilderness structures character as a of flood control value to be protected. Relationship to Wilderness Character to Wilderness Relationship FMP Template Section FMP Template Environment—List Management (e.g., management designations different or constrain fire wilderness) affect that management activities 2.1 Fire Policy—Identify and cite key Policy—Identify 2.1 Fire interagency and NPS guidance of sources or drive actions that affect and direction described in the FMP Management Planning— 2.2 Park/Resource and direction Identify and cite requirements that contained in park-specific documents management actions fire influence or affect and Management Goals 3.1.1. Fire management Objectives—List the fire goals and objectives. These provide for the fire direction the programmatic within the They should be stated program. and resource land context of the approved to the extent management plan direction exists. that direction 3.2 Fire Management Unit Specific Management Unit Specific 3.2 Fire Characteristics, Management Constraints and Guidance—Describe restrictions include implementation; that affect and considerations for unplanned ignitions fuels treatments Activities—Identify 4.2.2. Preparedness tactics (MIST) minimum impact suppression guidelines used in the park, including wilderness considerations if applicable 4.3 Management of Unplanned Ignitions 4.4 Burned Emergency Response Area (BAER)—Describe short and long-term guidelines, and standards, rehabilitation procedures Crosswalk of fire management plan template sections (version as of June 16, 2010) to the concept the concept to 16, 2010) as of June (version sections template plan fire management of 8. Crosswalk Table character. of wilderness Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewarship Program 56 National Park Wilderness,Lassen Volcanic NPS,Lassen Volcanic Photo: Rehabilitation Appendix K:Standards forMIST, BAER,and considerations guidelines forthepark,includingwilderness Appendix G:Preparedness Plan—MIST 5.2 Monitoring 4.8 DataandRecords Management Implementation Procedures 4.5.2 GeneralFuelsManagement Treatments 4.5 ManagementofPlannedFuels FMP Template Section

Relationship toWildernessCharacter wilderness. BAER plansshouldincludeanMRDAanalysisforactionsproposed within natural post-fire watershed response, andplant restoration methods. stabilization treatments (e.g.,hillslopetreatments) that attempttoalter character.the qualitiesofwilderness Ofparticularrelevance are watershed Provide arationaleforwhatisornotappropriate regarding in wilderness conditions, fire behavior, andopportunities. may alsochangefrom incidenttoonthesameunitgivenunique guidelines applyspecificallytotheirlocalsituationalcontext.MISTtactics that are followedthesameeverywhere. Eachunitneeds todefinehowMIST of philosophicalguidelinesandsuggestions,notasingleset‘tactics’ resources?”wilderness Recognizethat the MISTguidelinesare more ofaset the MISTguidelinesadequatelyprotectcharacterandnotjust wilderness character. Indevelopingthissection,aguidingquestiontoaskis“Do Address specificactionsorguidelinesfortheprotection ofwilderness monitoring. especially forfuelstreatments,character wouldbeusedtoinformwilderness Identify where dataacquired through standard fire effects monitoring, andanysuppression inwilderness actionstakeninwilderness. burned perimeters are available,usetheactualfire polygontodeterminewhat asthemeasurethe ignitionpoint(inoroutofwilderness) orifmapped into thefire program standards.charactermonitoring,use Forwilderness charactermonitoringandbuildthoserequirementssupport wilderness Identify specifictypesofinformationneededfrom thefire program to in wilderness. when developingminimumrequirements forimplementationoffuelsprojects Include directly orbyreference standards and/orprocedures tobefollowed environmental screening formforfuelstreatments. characterintheminimumrequirementswilderness decisionanalysisand a factorintheproject prioritizationcriteriaforfuelstreatments. Include Consider includingrestoration characteras ormaintenanceofwilderness Chapter 3—Integrating Wilderness Character into Planning 57 This can typically be derived from LANDFIRE Fire Regime LANDFIRE Fire This can typically be derived from regime on local fire Condition Class (FRCC) maps or based Regime Condition Class and/or applicable Fire research. will usually be included and discussed in the local research and post-treatment management plan. Estimated pre- fire data field to be required regime condition class is a fire fuel treatment. for each proposed reported This is a standard element reported for all wildland fires, all wildland fires, for element reported This is a standard the Wildland to derive it from and it may be possible Fire (WFMI) database, the ICS- Management Information Where Report narrative. Fire 209 form, or the DI-1202 it mapped as points rather than polygons, locations are was in ignition to determine if fire may not be possible or out of wilderness. as a polygon If perimeter mapping the in standard identify this as a program is necessary, precise this to derive a more management plan. Use fire action in wilderness. of suppression measure This can be derived from the fire source code in the WFMI source fire the This can be derived from Report narrative. database, ICS-209 form, or DI-1202 Fire mapped as points rather than locations are Where if ignition polygons it may not be possible to determine was in or out of wilderness. as a If perimeter mapping standard identify this as a program polygon is necessary, management plan. in the fire Data Suggestions Discussion connection. Direct This could either be a way to judge the impact of or justify its fire use. prescriptive Direct connection. Direct Direct connection. Direct Departure Departure natural from regimes fire averaged over the wilderness (Note: or stratified by vegetation type or regime or fire management unit) Percent of of Percent natural fire starts that a received suppression response Number of unauthorized actions*by agencies, citizen groups, or individuals that manipulate plants, animals, pathogens, soil, or fire water, (*deliberate ignitions caused by humans) Measure

Biophysical processes Indicator Actions authorized by the federal land manager that manipulate the biophysical environment Actions not authorized by the federal land manager that manipulate the biophysical environment

Natural Untrammeled Quality Indicators and Measures Indicators The outcomes of FMPs have direct connections to the wilderness character character to the wilderness connections have direct of FMPs outcomes The explicitly several measures It Wild, including described in Keeping framework on the more guidance Table 9 provides to fire management. dedicated and application. for data sources and suggestions connections character indicators (not all wilderness management plans relevant to fire and measures Indicators 9. Table are discussed). Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewarship Program 58 Quality

wilderness, BigCypress Undeveloped Photo: NPS, eligible National Preserve transport mechanical or equipment, motorized vehicles, Use ofmotor transport mechanical or equipment, motorized vehicles, Use ofmotor Indicator Measure transport or mechanical equipment, motorized vehicles, use ofmotor emergency amount of Type and transport or mechanical equipment, motorized vehicles, use ofmotor nonemergency and administrative amount of Type and avoid it. and strategiesto motorized use, would justify situations that plan todetermine fire management covered inthe Would be Direct connection. implementation. within plan plan conditions measure toguide Would bea Direct connection. Discussion Data Suggestions fire managementplan. monitoring, establishspecificprogram standards for the these detailsare character neededtoinformwilderness lands.If andnonwilderness that involvebothwilderness types ofequipmentusedorexactlocationsforincidents be incompletedataandoftenwillnotdistinguishthe Resource AdvisorReport.However, thiswillprobably the DI-1202Fire Reportnarrative,ICS-209forms,ora fire informationonactualusemaybederivedfrom planning inconjunctionwiththeWFDSSprocess. Post- specific MRAaspartofthelong-termimplementation events willbenefitfrom thecompletionofanincident- motorized equipmentonunplannedignitions.Long-term assess generalsideboards andexceptionstotheuseof fire managementplanandcompliancedocumentsto Use MRApreplanning duringdevelopmentofthe actually used. implementation, theplannedtoolsmaynotbewhatare atthetimeof Note thatduetosafetyandotherconcerns Additional analysismaybeusefulforeachspecificproject. fire managementplanandcompliancedocumentation. requirements analysisaspartofthedevelopment Proposed usescanbeassessedusingaminimum Chapter 3—Integrating Wilderness Character into Planning 59 The fire management plan should identify cultural plan should identify management The fire to advisors resource that will serve as staff resources by fire cultural resources damage to mitigate potential related use. Suppression or fire operations suppression suppression during should be addressed damages damage repair. fire during prescribed staff Consult cultural resources known cultural resources to mitigate plan preparation planning for unknown for contingency and provide serve as should staff Cultural resources cultural resources. to mitigate potential damage to cultural advisors resource operations. Suppression- suppression by fire resources during suppression damages should be addressed related damage repair. should include cultural management plan The fire cultural in the BAER section to preidentify resources flooding or soil types at risk due to post-fire resource personnel should be and cultural resource erosion, of the BAER plan after a fire. involved in preparation Data Suggestions Data Discussion Direct connection Direct ignited for human (arson or fires that accidental) damage cultural resources. Direct connection Direct for disturbances caused by naturally ignited and post- fire watershed fire effects. Direct connection Direct for management- ignited prescribed and fires suppression activities that may disturb unknown cultural resources. Number of Number of unauthorized actions that in result disturbances to cultural resources (looting, trespass activities, noncompliance with the National Historic Preservation Act) Number of authorized actions that in result disturbances to cultural resources (visitor and use commercial [e.g., catholes, trampling, hearths, aircraft landings]; findings of adverse effect and for projects operations) Number of naturally caused disturbances (e.g., erosion, animal digging, floods, rising sea levels, fires, throws) tree Measure

Deterioration Deterioration or loss of cultural resources integral to wilderness character Indicator Other features locally defined. Other features Other features of value of features Other Quality Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewarship Program 60 National Park &Preserve Wilderness,Glacier Bay Banks, Photo: NPS/Allison GlacierBay observations andscientificprojections.The2010NPSClimateChangeResponse understanding ofclimatechangeanditsimpactswillevolveovertimethrough in parkplanningandmanagementdemandsflexibilitytoaccommodatehow climate changeinparkplanningandmanagement.Considering An adaptiveplanningframeworkistheNPSconceptualapproachforconsidering depending onthelocalizedeffects ofchange.Someexamplesinclude: Responses toclimatechangewillbehighlyvariablefromplaceplace, effects ofexpandingcivilization. compromise thedegreetowhichprotectedareasfunctionasarefugefrom difficult decisionsabout wildernessstewardshipbecauseitwillfundamentally values forwhichtheseareasweredesignated.Climatechangewillforcemany change, particularlytothedegreethatitishuman-caused,threatensall free fromhumandevelopment,disturbance,andmanipulation.Climate aside toprotectvaluedbiologicaland/orphysicalattributesinanaturalstate of wilderness.Landsdesignatedforprotectionaswildernesshavebeenset allows publicaccesstoparksandwilderness,onthesocietalimplications climate changeonthequalitiesofwildernesscharacter, theinfrastructurethat The NationalParkServiceincreasinglyneedstoconsidertheeffects ofglobal on p lanning W • • • populations remainundisturbed. within wildernesses.Itisalsoimportanttoensurethatcriticalhabitatand or restoringundisturbedcorridorsandelevationgradientsamong change, lossofbioticdiversitycanbeminimizedbysustainingand/ sustained. grazing needtobemanagedandnaturaldisturbanceregimes that waterqualityisnotimpaired,ongoingusessuchasrecreationand source ofmuchtheremaininghigh-qualitywater—iscritical.To ensure quality andquantity, properstewardshipofwilderness watersheds—the wildland-urban interface,andacceleratedclimatechange. catastrophic fireelevatedbypastsuppressionpractices,theenlarging Given thechallengesspecieswillhaveinmovingresponsetoclimate Given thatclimatechangewillmorethanlikelyadverselyaffect water Restoration ofthenaturalprocessfireinwildernesstoreducerisk ilderneSS

for e c ffectS haracter

nrintra.nps.gov/climatechange/planning.cfm. park planning.Thesiteis availableathttp://www1. and examplesofclimatechangeconsiderationsin science information,dataandreferencematerials; resources includepolicyandguidance;climate site dedicatedtoclimatechangeplanning.Site Science directoratehavedevelopedanintranet Division intheNaturalResourceStewardshipand Response ProgramandtheWater Resources all levelsofNPSPlanning.”TheClimateChange climate changeconsiderationsandresponsesin Strategy instructsNPSplannersto“Incorporate of c liMate c hange

Chapter 3—Integrating Wilderness Character into Planning 61 What are the trends in actions that control or manipulate the “earth and or manipulate that control the trends in actions What are natural in terrestrial, aquatic, and atmospheric What are the trends inside wilderness? in nonrecreational development What are the trends in mechanization inside wilderness? What are the trends in cultural resources inside wilderness? What are the trends for in outstanding opportunities What are the trends opportunities for primitive and What are the trends in outstanding its community of life” inside wilderness? its community of processes inside wilderness? solitude inside wilderness? unconfined recreation inside wilderness? • • • • • • • As an example, the monitoring question, “What are the trends in terrestrial, As an example, the monitoring question, inside wilderness?” could be explored further aquatic, and atmospheric resources change have on those could climate effect by considering the following: What should be developed that will produce resources? What monitoring protocols What resources are most vulnerable to a “trend analysis” for those resources? Rather than looking at all the resources, the range of plausible climate futures? indicator and measure that might prove to be consider those fitting a particular and for which a data source already exists. a likely candidate for a vital sign, challenging is: What are the trends in A trend question that could be more As parks become more involved in monitoring mechanization inside wilderness? and with the potential for more research requests for wilderness character, a greater need for mechanical equipment? within wildernesses, will there be vehicles, motorized equipment, and The related indicator is: “Use of motor is: “What is the type and amount (weather mechanical transport.” The measure to get equipment vehicle access groundwater, stations, use of pumps to check on each request to determine if there is a into areas)?” Parks will need to assess activities trend toward increased mechanization, as requests for more scientific related to climate change are put forward. include a Once trend data are available, each question could be expanded to climate change second question: “How might those trends vary under different a key question is: “How do we adapt to these changes in the scenarios?” Finally, face of climate change?” During any planning process, there is an opportunity to explore the specific the specific explore to an opportunity there is process, any planning During under and measures indicators and the change climate between relationship begin 5). As parks It Wild (see Chapter in Keeping question each monitoring work through the be helpful to strategies it may through adaptation to think of trend questions. the following set with questions in conjunction monitoring Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewarship Program Stewarship Wilderness Division | Stewardship Wilderness

Photo: NPS/Michael Haynie/ A scenario planning process has been used as a tool to further climate change Doug Buehler, Guadalupe planning at selected parks and landscapes across the country. The process Mountains Wilderness, continues to evolve into a versatile tool that can be applied at various spatial Guadalupe Mountains scales. Potential entry points for wilderness character in scenario planning for National Park parks with wilderness include: • Existing wilderness character indicators and measures can be used to help park staff think about what a specific wilderness area might look like under various climate change scenarios. • Plant and animal species and communities are important indicators. The measures used to determine wilderness character trends will be critical for wilderness character monitoring; they can also be tied directly to the critical monitoring recommended in climate change scenario planning. • If a park does not have existing wilderness character indicators and measures, and is thinking about developing a wilderness stewardship plan or wilderness character monitoring protocols, it would be appropriate to consider scenario planning as a first step. Wilderness character indicators and measures could be tied directly to scenario planning monitoring. The Climate Change Intranet site’s “Scenario Planning” subpage http://www1. nrintra.nps.gov/climatechange/planscenarios.cfm contains case examples and references and will be a useful source in the consideration of scenario planning.

62 4

Integrating Wilderness Character into Management and Operations

I believe we have a profound fundamental need for areas of the earth where we stand without our mechanisms that make us immediate masters over out environment. —Howard Zahniser

Photo: NPS/Keith Brumid-Smith, Stephen Mather Wilderness, North Cascades National Park

Chapter 4—Integrating Wilderness Character into Management and Operations 65


perationS o haracter and ntegrating

c 4—i ilderneSS anageMent hapter M c can decisions and management Daily operations impacts to wilderness immediate have significant as well as more gradual, cumulative character, from a wide range Management decisions effects. character. wilderness can affect of park divisions information and conceptual This chapter includes of decision making in the areas frameworks to guide analysis, scientific activities, minimum requirements facility management environmental compliance, activities, emergency services, and maintenance and education, and natural interpretive activities management. This chapter and cultural resource for also includes information and resources helps ensure wilderness character training, which by a consistent and knowledgeable approach that can in making day-to-day decisions park staff guidance Emerging wilderness character. affect is included in on commercial services in wilderness chapter 6. W

Photo: NPS/Daniel Silva, Photo: Theodore Theodore Roosevelt Wilderness, Theodore Roosevelt National Park Theodore Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 66 Wilderness, • • • Key Points: the analysis. team should complete An interdisciplinary convenience. above cost and should be considered Wilderness character requirements decision. any minimum consideration of be the primary character should Preserving wilderness Photo: NPS, Denali DenaliNational Park & Preserve character shouldbeevaluatedduringbothsteps: The minimumrequirementsanalysisisatwo-stepprocess,andwilderness management scenarios. with examplesofhowwildernesscharacterhasbeenaddressedinavariety be foundonlineathttp://www.wilderness.net/index.cfm?fuse=MRDG along Center, approvedbythefourfederalagenciesadministeringwilderness.Itcan Guide (MRDG)developedbytheArthurCarhartNationalWildernessTraining analysis process.Onesuchmethod/formistheMinimumRequirementDecision Various methodsandstandardizedformshavebeendevelopedtodocumentthe so theactionisconsideredfrommultipleperspectives. interdisciplinary teamtodevelopandreviewtheminimumrequirementsanalysis accomplish theaction.Thebestwaytomeettheserequirementsisbyusingan so, whatactivityistrulytheminimum(methodortool)necessaryto analysis musthonestlyevaluatewhetherornottheactionisnecessaryandif of proposedactions,usingwildernesscharacterasamajorcriterion.The they mustclearlyweighanddocumentthepositivenegativeimpacts Although parkmanagershaveflexibilityinhowtheyapplytheMRAprocess, primary considerationofanyMRAdecisionforpotentialactionsinwilderness. minimize anyadverseeffects. Preservingwildernesscharactershouldbethe the minimumnecessarytoaccomplishaparticularobjective,andifso,how if potentialactionsbytheNationalParkServiceorgovernmentagentsare analysis guidescompliancewithNPSmanagementpolicies,andhelpsdetermine for waystominimizeormediateanyadverseeffects. Aminimumrequirements character, andshouldthusbeevaluatedonitsbasicnecessity, andexamined Any managementactionwithinwildernesshasthepotentialtoaffect wilderness M iniMUM • • minimize impactsonwildernessresourcesandcharacter. Wilderness Act. impact towildernessresourcesandcharacter, inaccordancewiththe for administrationoftheareaaswildernessandcausesnosignificant Step 2—Determinethetechniquesandtypesofequipmentnecessaryto Step 1—Determinewhethertheproposedmanagementactionisnecessary r eqUireMentS a nalySiS Chapter 4—Integrating Wilderness Character into Management and Operations 67 Step 2: Step 1: Step 2 Decision: wilderness character wilderness Identify and describe and describe rationale a range of alternatives Is administrative action Is administrative process as it pertains to process as Compare the alternatives necessary within wilderness? necessary within What is the Minimum Activity Identify the Minimum Activity impacts to wilderness character wilderness character. If yes, then If yes, wilderness character. The minimum requirements analysis requirements The minimum improve one or more of the qualities improve one or more of the qualities Filter the proposal primarily based on Filter the proposal if the action is necessary to preserve or if the action is necessary primarily based on positive and negative Untrammeled—This quality is degraded by Undeveloped—This quality is degraded by Natural—This quality is degraded by intended Outstanding opportunities for solitude or a Other features of value—This quality refers to modern human activities or actions that modern human activities or actions control or manipulate the components inside or processes of ecological systems wilderness. the presence of structures, installations, vehicles, habitations, and by the use of motor transport motorized equipment, or mechanical ability to occupy or that increases people’s modify the environment. of modern civilization or unintended effects on the ecological systems inside a wilderness since the area was designated. primitive and unconfined type of recreation— This quality is degraded by settings that reduce these opportunities, such as visitor encounters, signs of modern civilization, recreation facilities, and management restrictions on visitor behavior. specific, unique aspects of a wilderness area that contribute to its wilderness character. These may or may not be present in an area, and may be degraded by a variety of specific factors such as deterioration in the condition of a cultural site or loss of an endangered species within the area. • • • • • Step 1: Is the Action Necessary? Action 1: Is the Step First identify the problem or situation that prompts that prompts or situation the problem identify First bridge for example, a need for action; a possible a major river crossing. washed out over has been situation; to address this proposed actions Describe from any bridge or refrain replace the for example, activities, methods, and tools used action. Specific example, the decision to to address the issue—for transport bridge materials— use a helicopter to at this time. This first step should not be identified or used ignored altogether, is often glossed over, which should be part of step to describe a solution, the foundation for a minimum 2. Step 1 provides and must be requirements analysis taken seriously. filters, but Step 1 involves the use of several filter discussed wilderness character will be the only the proposed here. This filter assesses whether improve one or action is necessary to preserve or character: more of the qualities of wilderness Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 68 Cascades National Park NPS, Wilderness, North StephenMather Photo:

filters wereconsidered. action mayornothavebeendeterminednecessaryonceallthestep1 wilderness character, andthenproceedtostep2.Intheweedexampleabove, document therationale,includinghowactionsupportspreservationof If anactionisdeterminednecessaryinstep1,afterconsideringallthefilters, control nonnativeinvasiveweeds: preserve ordegradecertainqualitiesofwildernesscharacteristreatmentto recreation qualitiesofwildernesscharacter. Aproposedactionthatwould would benosignificantchangetoeithertheundevelopedorprimitive neither increasesnordecreasesthenumberofstructuresinwilderness,sothere status ofwildernesscharacter. Forexample,replacinganexistingtrailbridge to aproposedaction,oractionmaycausenochangetheexisting In somecases,notallofthequalitieswildernesscharactermayberelevant • • • • • nonnative speciesthatarenowconsideredanhistoricculturalresource. accounted forintheotherqualities,unless,example,therewere negligible impactsonanysignificantadditionalvaluenotalready is determinedtobenecessary. will varyamongthespecificalternativesdeterminedinstep2,ifanaction only beshort-term;however, thelikelihoodandmagnitudeofaneffect whom mayaffect opportunitiesforsolitude.Theeffect onthisqualitymay of recreation—Weed treatmentrequiresfieldtechnicians,thepresenceof would degradethisquality. quality, althoughifnontargetnativespecieswereadverselyaffected this specific alternativesinstep2. action isdeterminedtobenecessary, assesstheimpactsofimplementing motorized equipmentormechanicaltransportisused.Inthatcase,ifan “the earthanditscommunityoflife.” action, evenifnecessary, isanintentionalhuman-causedmanipulationof Other featuresofvalue—Itislikelythatweedtreatmentwouldhave Outstanding opportunitiesforsolitudeoraprimitiveandunconfinedtype Natural—Weed treatmentimprovesnaturalnessand helpspreservethis Undeveloped—Weed treatmentdoesnotdegradethisqualityunless Untrammeled—Weed treatmentwoulddegradethisquality becausethe Chapter 4—Integrating Wilderness Character into Management and Operations 69

Yosemite Wilderness, Wilderness, Yosemite , Photo: NPS National Park Yosemite No action uses No section 4(c) prohibited prohibited uses Minimal section 4(c) 4(c) prohibited uses Proposed section (e.g., a combination of motorized and nonmotorized methods or tools) of motorized and nonmotorized (e.g., a combination • • • • Step 2: Determine the Minimum Activity. the Minimum 2: Determine Step The level of detail required in the description of alternatives and effects varies and effects required in the description of alternatives The level of detail necessary to complete an of the activity (method or tool) by the complexity is included to help confirm whether or not an action. A “no action” alternative and to facilitate a comprehensive comparison action in wilderness is necessary, identify all alternatives that were considered If an action is necessary, of effects. to implement, along with the rationale for and rejected as not being feasible that a proposed action is possible to dismissing each alternative. Determining wilderness character is a on effect accomplish but would have an unacceptable infeasible. valid reason for declaring an alternative This step involves developing a range of alternatives that describe what what describe that of alternatives a range developing step involves This be tool) will to as minimum (often referred methods and techniques specific measures place, what mitigation activity will take and where the used, when and resource to the wilderness general effects and the will be necessary, character. wilderness including, as applicable: a full range of feasible alternatives, Identify and describe Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 70 wilderness characterqualities: narrative thepositiveandnegativeimpactsofeachalternativeinterms of wildernesscharacter. Criteriashouldbeappliedbydescribinginadetailed in wilderness,withmostmanagementactionshavinganeffect onsomequality impact toanyqualityofwildernesscharacter. This,however, would beararecase be selectedifitwasdeterminedthattherewouldnopositiveornegative character willbetheonlycriteriondiscussedhere.A“noimpact”responsewould the othercriteria,suchaseconomicbenefitsandconvenience.Wilderness character istobeconsideredbeforeandgivensignificantlymoreweightthan NPS managementpoliciesstatethatthepotentialdisruptiontowilderness an activity, includingdesign,construction,management,removal,orrestoration. legislated specialprovisions,economicvalues,andconvenienceforeachphaseof on wildernesscharacter, thesecriteriamayincludemaintainingtraditionalskills, wilderness resourcesandcharacterusingseveralcriteria.Inadditiontoeffects Compare thepotentialeffects ofimplementingeachactionalternativeon • • • • • of wildernesscharacter. MRA proposedalternative. Allwildernessareasmaynothavethisquality describing thepotentialeffects ontheseotherfeaturesofvalueforeach identified asapartofwildernesscharacterspecific tothewildernessby aircraft, structures,orinstallations. from theuseofmotorizedequipment,mechanical transport,landingof which couldaffect thewildernessexperience.Includeeffects onvisitors or degraded.Describetheimpactsthatwillbenoticeable tothevisitorand solitude oraprimitiveandunconfinedtypeofrecreation willbeprotected type ofrecreation—Identifyhowopportunitiesforvisitorstoexperience disease, ornonnativespecies. conditions withintheregionallandscapefrom,forexample,insects, applicable, adiscussionoftheeffects related toprotectingnatural biological diversity, andself-regulatingecosystems. Include,where fish, plants)includingendangered,threatened,orrarespecies,natural degrade, orrestorenaturalconditions(e.g.,air, water, soil,wildlife, character. or installationsonmaintainingtheundevelopedqualityofwilderness of theuseanymotorizedequipment,mechanicaltransport,structures, areas of“growingmechanization.”Includeinthediscussioneffects man’s workwillremainsubstantiallyunnoticeable,”andtocontrastother of theNaturalquality. insignificant effect and,ifappropriate,include theseeffects inadiscussion weed treatmentorprescribedfire.Inthiscase,simplystatethatthereisan those thatarebroaderinscaleorimpacttoecologicalsystems,suchas by eachproposedalternative.Typically, actionsthataffect thisqualityare of ecologicalsystemsareintentionallycontrolled,manipulated,orhindered Other featuresofvalue—Addressotherandvaluesthathavebeen Outstanding opportunitiesforsolitudeoraprimitiveandunconfined Natural—Describe thepotentialforeachproposedalternativetoprotect, Undeveloped—Wilderness ismeanttobeaplacewhere“theimprintof Untrammeled—Discuss thedegreetowhichcomponentsorprocesses Chapter 4—Integrating Wilderness Character into Management and Operations

In some cases, the impact to wilderness character by two different alternatives Photo: NPS, recommended will be relatively equal. If this occurs, comparison using these other criteria wilderness, Kobuk Valley can help decide which of these alternatives is preferable. If a compromise National Park of wilderness resources or character is unavoidable, only those actions that preserve, or improve wilderness character and/or have localized, short-term adverse impacts will be acceptable. Select the alternative that uses the minimum activity (method or tool) necessary to administer the area as wilderness and that also conforms to all laws and agency policy. Describe the rationale for the selection in terms of the positive or negative impacts to the qualities of wilderness character. The rationale for the selected alternative should demonstrate that the decision is the result of an objective evaluation of the alternatives. It should not be a justification for a predetermined decision, a bias toward a certain alternative, or an alternative or method not related to the preservation of wilderness character.

71 Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 72 • • • • Key Points: impacts. well as cumulative inactive projects as proposed, active, and monitor and log Managers should in the process. with researchers early wilderness character the importance of expectations and communicate Park staff should if necessary. requirements analysis and the minimum in Wilderness, for ScientificActivities Evaluate Proposals A Frameworkto the proposal through Managers should vet character. impacts to wilderness benefits outweigh the encouraged when the Scientific activities are Cascades NationalPark NPS, StephenMather Wilderness, North Photo:

management andthebroaderscientificcommunity. between thesegroups,andincreasingthebenefitsofresearchtobothwilderness between parkstaff andscientists,thereby decreasingtraditionalconflict The wildernesscharacterframeworkcontributestoimprovedcommunication evaluate proposals,decisions,andcumulativeimpactsinabroadercontext. and desiredfutureconditionsforwildernesscharacter, whichhelpsmanagers wilderness characterframeworkalsoallowsmanagerstosetlong-termgoals of wildernesscharacteranddocumenthowthesedecisionsaremade.The defensible decisionsbyweighingimpactsandbenefitstoeachofthequalities thorough minimumrequirementsanalysisallowswildernessmanagerstomake high degreeofrigorandshouldundergoaminimumrequirementsanalysis.A Proposals forscientificactivitieswithinwildernessmustbeevaluatedwitha wilderness, providedthebenefitsoutweighimpactstowildernesscharacter. National ParkServiceencouragesscientificstudythatadvancesunderstandingof hand, somescientificactivitiesarecriticaltowildernesspreservation,andthe structures, manipulatingtheenvironment,ordecreasingsolitude.Onother activities havethepotentialtoimpactwildernesscharacterbyincreasing preservation ofwildernesscharacterasitsprinciplemandate,andscientific activities inwilderness.TheWildernessActalso,however, emphasizesthe wilderness stewardship,andtheWildernessActNPSpolicysupportscientific Science andresearch,includingphysicalsocial,areanintegralpartof S cientific a ctivitieS Chapter 4—Integrating Wilderness Character into Management and Operations 73

Photo: NPS, Rocky Mountain Rocky Mountain NPS, Photo: National Wilderness, Park Rocky Mountain National Park Provide researchers with information on wilderness character, prohibited on wilderness character, Provide researchers with information for evaluating proposed scientific Develop standard operating procedures research projects, as well as all Monitor proposed, active, and inactive Outline wilderness stewardship goals and desired conditions of wilderness uses, and minimum requirements analysis before they present a proposal. uses, and minimum requirements to wilderness character (see “Other activities and their impacts and benefits and Benefits to Wilderness to Evaluate Proposals and Their Impacts Tools below). Character,” wilderness. This helps ensure the existing scientific structures within and structures no longer needed for active removal of scientific equipment impacts of these projects. research, and also tracks the cumulative character to help guide proposal evaluations. • • • • An effective process for management of scientific activities in wilderness will process for management of scientific An effective incorporate these actions: Improving the Management of Scientific Activities in Wilderness the Management of Scientific Improving Evaluating a Proposal for Scientific Activity in Wilderness in Activity for Scientific a Proposal Evaluating When evaluating a proposal for scientific activities in wilderness, managers managers wilderness, in activities scientific for a proposal evaluating When in Activities Proposals for Scientific to Evaluate A Framework should consult Scientific “Research and available in the and others 2010), (Landres Wilderness at http://www.wilderness.net/toolboxes/documents Toolbox” Activities , and /resSciAct/Scientific%20Activities%20Evaluation%20Framework.pdf The framework is analysis to vet the proposal. use a minimum requirements scientific activities to help impacts and benefits of a mechanism to evaluate a proposal based on a or recommendations on managers make decisions Managers should also complete of benefits and impacts. standardized assessment if the proposed activity is MRA process to determine a documented, two-step Much minimize impacts to wilderness character. and if so, how to necessary, by weighing impacts requirements analysis can be informed of the minimum above. Scientific activities may the framework referenced and benefits through requirements analysis, or uses, which mandates a minimum involve prohibited which can be on wilderness character, cumulative effects may have significant requirements analysis. Failure to pass thoroughly assessed through a minimum cause for automatic rejection of a proposal, the MRA stage is not necessarily a to restructure their research activities in such but may inform researchers on how impacts to wilderness character. a way as to reduce or eliminate adverse Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 74 National Park &Preserve Photo: NPS, GlacierBay Wilderness , GlacierBay Other resourcesandexamplesareavailableat: tools providedinclude: determine theappropriatenessofaproposedactivity. Examplesof guidanceand character throughfilterquestionsandotherprocessesthathelpmanagers evaluative tools,framework,andworksheetsconsiderimpactstowilderness worksheets, andexamplesforevaluatingtheseactivitiesinwilderness.The http://www.wilderness.net/toolboxes provideslawandpolicyguidance,tools, The “ResearchandScientificActivities Toolbox” availableonline at and Benefits to Wilderness Character and BenefitstoWilderness Other Tools toEvaluateProposals andTheirImpacts • • • • • http://www.wilderness.net/index.cfm?fuse=MRDG http://share.inside.nps.gov/sites/WASO/WSD/WC http://www.wilderness.net/index.cfm?fuse=toolboxes&sec=resSciAct www.nps.gov/akso/Docs/Wilderness.pdf resSciAct/Scientific%20Activities%20Evaluation%20Framework.pdf Wilderness Managers:http://www.wilderness.net/toolboxes/documents/ Arthur CarhartMinimumRequirementsDecisionGuide&Examples: NPS WildernessCharacterSharepointsite: Worksheets andInstructions(ProposalEvaluation Tools): Wilderness ResearchinAlaska’s NationalParks: Scientific ActivitiesandResearchinNPSWilderness:Guidelinesfor

Chapter 4—Integrating Wilderness Character into Management and Operations

75 Lassen Volcanic Lassen Volcanic National Park Photo: NPS, Lassen Volcanic Volcanic Lassen NPS, Photo: Wilderness, oMpliance c Scoping and preparing an environmental screening form Scoping and preparing an environmental Selecting impact topics Environment” Developing the “Affected Developing the “Alternatives” the “Environmental Consequences” Writing Identifying the NPS preferred alternative Preparing a decision document 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. nvironMental For comprehensive guidance about NEPA For comprehensive guidance about NEPA Order 12: requirements, see NPS Director’s Conservation Planning, Environmental Impact Analysis, and Decision Making and the NPS Director’s Order 12 Handbook, available online at http:// planning.nps.gov/document/do12handbook1.pdf. The following sections describe how to address wilderness character at key stages in the NEPA process. References to several examples of NEPA documents that address wilderness character are included at the end of the section. e while complying character to address wilderness addresses how This section is to increase A desired outcome Policy Act. National Environmental with the impact and environmental assessments among environmental consistency this If used consistently, and review. development to facilitate their statements reviewers and both by planning understanding, will improve broad approach Enhancing wilderness character. way proposed actions affect the public, of the stewardship. should also improve wilderness documents consistency in NEPA with section 106 of is not intended to address compliance Note that this section with floodplain and wetlands Preservation Act, compliance the National Historic resources. requirements, specific agencies to fully consider Policy Act requires federal The National Environmental prior to implementation. impacts of any proposed action the environmental may wilderness character plans with the potential to affect A variety of NPS studies and wilderness In addition to wilderness documentation. require NEPA general management plans, commercial management plans, these may include plans, and air tour management plans. services plans, visitor use management install footbridges or food lockers, or build NPS actions to treat invasive plants, process. would trigger a NEPA climate monitoring stations in wilderness, character should be addressed in a NEPA Determine whether or not wilderness when a planning team considers issues document during the scoping phase, action. Always address wilderness character and concerns regarding a potential or stewardship plan. For actions occurring in when developing a wilderness study proposed, recommended, and eligible), any category of wilderness (designated, on wilderness character. the potential effect a planning team must determine process during which wilderness character should Seven key points in the NEPA be considered are: Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 76 character inprojectgoals. wilderness. Itisalsoimportanttoincludethepreservationofwilderness properly statetheissuesbeingaddressedandneedtotakeactionin project goals.Forprojectsproposedwithinwildernessitisimportantto Scoping alsoinvolvesarticulatingthepurposeandneedforproject, exclusion isnottheappropriateNEPA pathway. character, setanationalprecedent,orbecontroversial,selectingcategorical action couldpotentiallycausemorethanaminoradverseimpacttowilderness and campsites.Usecareinapprovingactionsunderacategoricalexclusion.Ifan NEPA analysis,suchasmanualweedcontrol,andmaintenanceofexistingtrails Many actionsinwildernessareroutinelycategoricallyexcludedfromfurther wilderness character. screening formiswhetheranactioncouldhaveasignificantimpacton statement). Oneofthemandatorycriteriatoconsiderinanenvironmental file, categoricalexclusion,environmentalassessment,orimpact screening formdeterminestheNEPA pathwayfor aNPSaction(e.g.,memoto an environmentalscreeningformistypicallycompleted.The participatory processesforpublicinvolvementatbroadscales.Duringscoping, national significance,whichunderscorestheneedforadequateandeffective other agencies)andinternalscoping(NPSstaff). Wildernesshasbothlocaland a NEPA document,andincludesbothexternalscoping(canvassingthepublic Scoping istheprocessaplanningteamusestoidentifymajorissuesaddressin NEPA document. explicitly identifythelocation ofwildernesscharacterimpactanalysisina resources. To avoidtheseproblems,usewildernesscharacterterminologyand and makeitdifficult forreaderstolocatediscussionsaboutimpactswilderness confusing descriptionsoftheaffected environment,complicateimpactanalysis, “Wilderness ExperienceandNoise.”Thisinconsistent approachcanleadto Visitor Experience),”“ScenicResourcesandVisual Quality,” “Vegetation,” and such as“VisitorExperience,”“WildernessResources (IncludingtheWilderness in inconsistentways.Impactstowildernesshavebeen evaluatedundertitles In thepast,impactstowildernesshavebeenaddressed inNEPA documents lets readersknowthatwildernesscharacterwasnot overlooked. section identifyingimpacttopicsthatweredismissedfromdetailedanalysis.This character isdismissedfromdetailedanalysis,besuretodiscusstherationaleina then wildernesscharactermaybedismissedfromdetailedanalysis.If potentially adverseimpacts(orbenefits)towildernesscharacterareonlyminor, evaluated basedontheireffects tothequalities ofwildernesscharacter. If topic whenanalyzingimpactsonwilderness.Thisensuresthatare a NEPA document.Wildernesscharactershouldalwaysbetheprimaryimpact especially issues,aplanningteamidentifieswhichimpacttopicstoanalyzein Quality guidelines,NPSmanagementpolicies,scoping,staff judgments,and relevance ofimpactevaluation.Basedonfederallaws,CouncilEnvironmental Planning issuesandimpacttopicsfocusenvironmentalanalysisensurethe Selecting ImpactTopics Scoping andPreparing anEnvironmental Screening Form Chapter 4—Integrating Wilderness Character into Management and Operations 77 Photo: NPS/Peter Landres, Landres, NPS/Peter Photo: Sequoia-Kings Canyon Sequoia and Wilderness, Kings Canyon National Parks Developing the “Alternatives”Developing the may or may not play proposed action, wilderness character Depending on the management plan alternatives. For example, a general a role in developing to consider effects park with wilderness should normally alternative for a that are part of an alternative. wilderness character from all actions is evaluating snowmobile use along road document if the NEPA However, character would probably play a very corridors and developed areas, wilderness alternatives. Wilderness character should small role in developing different all alternatives for wilderness studies and be integral to the development of wilderness stewardship plans. Act section 4(c)-prohibited uses trigger Alternatives that propose Wilderness requirements analysis into the compliance the need to incorporate a minimum the same two-step process described earlier document. Evaluate actions using and if so, (2) What is the minimum in this chapter: (1) Is the action necessary? desired result? Develop the minimum activity required to accomplish the with proposed alternatives and preliminary requirements analysis concurrently the process. This makes development an impact analysis, not at the end of to best meet management goals while iterative process that refines alternatives process using Document the MRA character. minimizing impacts to wilderness and include this documentation in an appendix the Carhart or similar worksheets document. to the environmental compliance Developing the “Affected Environment” the “Affected Developing This section of a NEPA document succinctly describes existing natural, cultural, cultural, natural, existing describes succinctly document a NEPA section of This directly or either be affected resources that would and other socioeconomic, The “Affected under consideration. alternatives by any of the action indirectly wilderness describe a park’s the document should section of Environment” 1 in chapter character identified of wilderness using the qualities character taken from the wilderness Much of this information can be of this document. building blocks (if portion of wilderness stewardship character narrative should include current of wilderness character qualities available). Description of the these conditions. Also include discussion affecting conditions and factors of these qualities. of wilderness through an integration overall condition Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 78 wilderness character. all ofthesepossibleeffects intoaconcise statementoftheoveralleffect on (with inputfromtheinterdisciplinaryteam)needstosynthesizeandintegrate sure toconsidereachofthequalitieswildernesscharacter. Theanalyst When analyzingtheeffects ofalternatives onwildernesscharacter, be consulted regardingimpacts. forest, forinstance)theneighboringlandmanagementagencyshouldbe When awildernessextendsbeyondparkboundary(intoanadjacentnational the effects ofapotential actionalongthefollowingdimensions: If wildernesscharacterisdeterminedtobearelevantimpacttopic,thenanalyze preferred alternative. character shouldbeanimportantconsiderationwhen identifyinganNPS implementing. Inparkswithdesignatedorproposed wilderness,wilderness The preferredalternativeistheonethatNPS leaningtowards Identifying theNPSPreferred Alternative Writing the“Environmental Consequences” • • • • • the contextisusuallyeitherlocalizedorwildernesswide. may occur, suchasalocalityorregion.Inthecaseofwildernesscharacter, intensity thresholds). examples attheendofsectionforwildernesscharacter geographic extentordurationandfrequency(seetheNEPA document dimension assessestherelativesizeoramountofeffect, notthe wilderness characterwouldbebeneficiallyoradverselyaffected. This character inperpetuity). effects (e.g.,aproposal for wildernessdesignationmayprotect hand-pulling ofweedsatasite).Long-termimpactshavemorepermanent is oftenassociatedwiththeeffects ofconstructionorasingleevent(e.g., these timeframes.Generally, ashort-termimpactwouldbetemporaryand long-term changetowildernesscharacter. Explicitlydefinethedurationof effect onwildernesscharacter. use anddecreasedsolitude). campground nearawildernessarea,whicheventuallyresultsinincreased indirect ordelayedeffect onwildernesscharacter(e.g.,developinga affects theundeveloped quality),andanalternativecanalsohave character (e.g.,establishingabackcountrycampsiteinwildernessarea Context oftheimpact—Thisreferstosettingwithinwhichanimpact Intensity oftheimpact—Thisreferstodegreeormagnitudewhich Duration oftheimpact—Thealternativecouldresultinashort-termor Quality oftheimpact—Thealternativecouldhaveanadverseorbeneficial Direct versusindirectimpacts—Analternativecandirectlyaffect wilderness Chapter 4—Integrating Wilderness Character into Management and Operations 79 Nabesna Off-Road Vehicle Management Plan Draft Environmental Vehicle Nabesna Off-Road Arctic Alaska Network (ARCN) National Climate Monitoring Program in the Wilderness Management Plan / Final General Management Plan / Environmental Impact Statement, Draft Grand Ditch Breach Restoration Amendment / Wilderness Study / Draft General Management Plan / East Everglades Wilderness Draft General Management Plan Impact Statement (2010): http://parkplanning.nps.gov/document. cfm?parkID=21&projectID=20698&documentID=35478 Assessment (2010): http://parkplanning. Park Service Units Environmental nps.gov/documentsList.cfm?parkID=11&projectID=31471 Environmental Impact Statement, Apostle Islands National Lakeshore: http://parkplanning.nps.gov/projectHome.cfm?projectID=10903 Rocky Mountain National Park: http://parkplanning.nps.gov/projectHome. cfm?projectID=24496 and Environmental Impact Statement, Gates of the Arctic National Park Preserve (available soon) Everglades Study / Environmental Impact Statement, National Park http://parkplanning.nps.gov/document. cfm?parkID=374&projectID=11170&documentID=51890 • • • • • • External Compliance Document Review by The National Park Service reviews many compliance documents prepared affect other agencies regarding activities and actions that could potentially oil and park units and wilderness, such as proposed military aircraft overflights, and gas development, renewable energy development, transmission corridors, the analysis of impacts transportation proposals. If wilderness could be affected, analyzed to wilderness character should be identified in such documents and using the qualities of wilderness character. Examples character into compliance approach to incorporating wilderness Examples of this documents include: Preparing a Decision Document Decision a Preparing Decision documents complete the NEPA process for an environmental assessment assessment environmental for an process the NEPA complete documents Decision for selecting a the reasons statement and record impact or environmental for EA decisions provide rationale documents also alternative. These particular effects to Beneficial impact,” or FONSI. of no significant at a “finding that arrive As alternative. selecting a preferred rationale for character are one wilderness planners must affirmatively also considered a park resource, NPS wilderness is the selected alternative. would not be impaired by state that park resources resource of a park. important if wilderness is a fundamental This is particularly in the rationale for character should be considered The qualities of wilderness is no impairment of this resource. justifying why there Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 80 • • • Key Points: transportation. tools or modes of use of primitive Consider the quality. unconfined recreation or primitive and and the solitude undeveloped quality especially the wilderness character, for their effects on maintenance activities management and Analyze facility teamwork. interdisciplinary planning or other standards through and maintenance upon facilities Develop and agree funding toachieveprojectgoalsandpreservewildernesscharacter. maintenance workinwildernessmayrequireadditionaltime,expertise,and NPS managementpolicies.Inaddition,planningfacilitiesand conditions foreachofthequalitieswildernesscharacteraswellappropriate interdisciplinary teamwork.Thesestandardsshouldbeinformedbydesired facilities, andlevelsofequipmentcrewnoise)throughplanningorother (e.g., widthandsurfacefortrails,designplacementofsigns,sanitary begin bydevelopingandagreeinguponfacilitiesmaintenancestandards should considerimpactsandbenefitstowildernesscharacter. Managersshould divisions withinthepark,decisionsaboutactivitiesandprojectswilderness qualities ofwildernesscharacter. Aswithresourcemanagement,fire,andother hand, facilitymanagementandmaintenanceactivitiescanalsodetractfromthe protect naturalandculturalresources,improvevisitorsafety. Ontheother maintenance, andtrailworkcanimprovevisitoraccessexperience,help management andmaintenanceoperationsstaff. Facilitymanagement, Wilderness characteriscloselytiedtomanyofthedailyactivitiesfacility f of theareathatresultin the leastnegativeimpacttowildernesscharacter. actions arenecessarytomeet theminimumrequirementsforadministration the actionisnecessarywithinwilderness,andifso, whattools,methods,and conducted byaninterdisciplinaryteamthathasthoughtfully consideredwhether situation. Thisusemustbeapprovedbyaminimum requirementsanalysis quality, regardlessofwhethertheuseisnecessarybecauseanemergency The useofanythesevehiclesorequipmentdetracts fromtheundeveloped the useofmotorvehicles,motorizedequipment,ormechanizedtransport: management andmaintenanceactivitiesthataffect wildernesscharacterinvolve or anyotherdevelopmentswithinwilderness.Perhapsthemostcommonfacility impact theundevelopedquality. Thisincludesthe presenceofbuildings,utilities, developments inwildernessthatarenotconsideredhistoricorculturalresources, wilderness tothepublic.However, nonrecreationalstructures,installations,and land, perpetuatestraditionalskills,anddemonstratesthespecialnatureof tools supportstheundevelopedquality, strengthensconnectionswiththe special natureofwilderness.Theusecrosscutsawsandothernonmechanized Park maintenancestaff areinauniqueposition toprotectanddemonstratethe Undeveloped Quality Facility ManagementandMaintenanceWork andthe acility • • • living ornonlivingpowersource”(e.g.,carts,wagons, wheelbarrows). parts orprovidingamechanicaladvantagetothe user andpoweredbya moving peopleormaterialinoverland,water, orair, havingmoving battery-powered equipment. engine (e.g.,chainsaws,generators),butdoesnotincludesmall,handheld, electricity (e.g.,boats,aircraft,snowmobiles,all-terrainvehicles). Mechanical transportisdefinedinKeepingItWild as“anycontrivancefor Motorized equipmentincludesanymachinesortoolsthatuseamotor Motor vehiclesincludeanyland,water, orairvehiclespoweredbygas M anageMent

and M aintenance a ctivitieS Chapter 4—Integrating Wilderness Character into Management and Operations 81 Yosemite Yosemite National Park Photo: NPS, Yosemite Yosemite Photo: NPS, Wilderness,

Facility management, maintenance, and trail projects generally play a key role in protecting park resources, but crews may need to consider their impact on the natural quality of wilderness character if their activities have the potential to increase erosion, negatively impact water quality, or contribute to loss of soil crusts, native plant communities, or connectivity with the surrounding landscape. Facility management and maintenance activities could impact the untrammeled quality if they control, manipulate, or alter the biophysical environment. This would include large-scale actions such as building a dam but would not include small- scale actions such as removing a hazard tree or constructing a water bar. Facility Management and Facility Management and and the Maintenance Work Natural and Untrammeled Qualities Facility management, maintenance, and trail work may affect the opportunity the opportunity may affect maintenance, and trail work Facility management, by adding to the number of and unconfined recreation for solitude or primitive reducing the opportunity for primitive and recreation-related developments, the remoteness from sights and sounds unconfined recreation, and decreasing developments protect park resources of people in wilderness. Recreational but detract from solitude by reminding and often improve the natural quality, other visitors and also by decreasing the wilderness users of the presence of The presence of trails, shelters, signs, or opportunity for self-reliant recreation. but reduces the opportunity for visitors to rely on bridges improves visitor safety, through wilderness. Developments such as their own skills to navigate and travel this quality of wilderness on an adverse effect toilets, campsites, and signs have protection or visitor convenience. Facility character whether they are for resource crews, as with resource management crews, management, maintenance or trail for solitude by increasing the number of people may also impact the opportunity If facility management, maintenance, that visitors encounter in the wilderness. use of section 4(c)-prohibited uses, a minimum or trail crews are considering the consider the impact of their proposed requirements analysis may help them character. actions on all qualities of wilderness Facility Management and Maintenance Work and the Opportunity the Opportunity and and Maintenance Work Facility Management Recreation Primitive and Unconfined for Solitude or When an action has been determined necessary within wilderness, staff should should staff wilderness, within necessary determined has been an action When as such of transportation, or modes hand tools use of primitive the consider and preserve management objectives to accomplish saws and pack stock, crosscut management no exceptions for Act contains The Wilderness character. wilderness are constraints so time and economic or easier, cheaper, are quicker, actions that character. to impacts on wilderness secondary ensures that facilities, level of basic maintenance Establishing an appropriate a degree that they no are not “improved” to such trails, or other structures character of an area. A basic condition for the wilderness longer fit the desired to maintain facilities with for staff predetermined standards level provides clear, character as possible. on wilderness as benign an effect Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 82 Photo: NPS Zion NationalPark , Zion Wilderness,

historic integrity. necessary couldimpactmultiplequalitiesofwildernesscharacterinadditionto wilderness character, whiledeferringmaintenanceuntilmajorinterventions are conditions withminimalinterventionwillprotectthehistoric“fabric”and Zion WildernessinNationalPark).Maintaininghistoricstructurestodesired cut andusedinthepreservationaction(seeappendix 4.2foranexample structure butcouldimpactthenaturalqualityif,forexample,nativetreesare preserve boththehistoriccharacterandwildernessofan preservation maintenance.Primitivetoolsanduseoflocalmaterialscanhelp of wildernesscharacteraswellthemethodsandmaterialsneededfor Importantly, astandardoftreatmentshouldbecompatiblewiththepreservation Treatment ofHistoricPropertiesandminimumrequirementsforwilderness. wilderness staff tomeetbothTheSecretaryoftheInterior’s Standardsforthe Work onhistoricstructuresshouldbeplanned withculturalresourceand and implementationconsiderationswhentheyareconductedinwilderness. wilderness character. Preservationmaintenanceactivitieshavespecialplanning be priorityassetsforaparkandpartoftheotherfeaturesvaluequality Historic structuresandotherculturalresourcessuchascabins,ruins,ortrailsmay carefully tominimizeimpactsalloftheotherqualitieswildernesscharacter. and projectstoprotecttheseotherfeaturesofvalueneedbeplanned undeveloped andthesolitudeorprimitiveunconfinedqualities.Activities resources canhelpprotecttheseotherfeaturesofvalue,butalsoimpactthe exclosures, walkwaysoverarcheologicalsites,andshelterspaleontological other featuresofvaluequalitywildernesscharacter. Protectivefencing,cave Facility managementandmaintenanceworkplayacriticalroleinprotectingthe Other Features ofValue Quality Facility ManagementandMaintenanceWork andthe

Chapter 4—Integrating Wilderness Character into Management and Operations


ark eter Landres, eter Landres, Photo: NPS/P Photo: Olympic Wilderness, Olympic Wilderness, Olympic National P What is and is not necessary within wilderness? What is and is not necessary within level What should be considered a basic activities Do the benefits of the proposed of maintenance? justify the impacts to wilderness character? • • • The Facility Management Software System (FMSS) database, which tracks changes in condition of facilities and assets including those in wilderness, may be a useful data source for tracking change in wilderness character over time, particularly for assessing impacts on the undeveloped quality and opportunity for primitive and unconfined recreation Examples of analyzing impacts to wilderness quality. character through the Minimum Requirements Decision Guide for bridge failures and washouts, trail maintenance, and trail reconstruction projects are available online at http://www.wilderness.net/ index.cfm?fuse=MRDG. Decision Making and Further Examples Decision Making and Further area of prohibitions that limits access Wilderness is not intended to be an are important aspects of visitor and enjoyment, and facilities in wilderness Wilderness is intended to provide experience, and resource protection. safety, from experience that is markedly different opportunities for a special kind of Evaluating facility management and those on other types of public land. task. Sometimes, can be a difficult maintenance activities within wilderness to maintain portions of the wilderness section 4(c)-prohibited uses are necessary where safety is an issue. Managers should still to a very basic standard, or in cases in honest discussion and consider: engage a variety of staff Facilities Outside of Wilderness Outside Facilities Facilities outside of wilderness can potentially influence wilderness character character wilderness influence can potentially of wilderness outside Facilities such as infrastructure, to parkwide example, improvements as well. For facilities, often supply of parking and increasing the widening roads paving or with visitors. trailheads visitor use and inundates higher levels of facilitates indirectly detract wilderness can outside of the improvements These facility unconfined recreation for solitude or primitive and from the opportunity to social trails and impact Increased visitation may lead within the wilderness. and maintain trails to a may lead to proposals to improve resources, which to use motorized and originally intended, or proposals higher standard than and roads, high-traffic In other cases, bright lighting, mechanized equipment. to opportunities may affect near the wilderness boundary large campgrounds wilderness. This concept sounds and dark skies within the experience natural may be mitigated other impacts to wilderness character of “trail creep” and and consideration of wilderness character, among staff, by communication and facilities outside for visitor use management interdisciplinary planning of wilderness. Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 84 • • • Key Points: monitored over time. character should be services on wilderness Impacts by emergency wilderness character. reduce impacts to preplanning can management, and Education, risk threatening situations. in critical or life- should only be used emergencies but Act are allowed in by the Wilderness Uses prohibited reporting atyear’s end. consideration ofwildernesscharacterimpactspriortoanincidentandfacilitate concerns. Programmaticminimumrequirementsdecisiondocumentsallowfor awareness ofwildernessvaluesandanunderstandingcharacter the U.S.BorderPatrol,andcountysearchrescueteamscanraisean with cooperatingagenciessuchastheU.S.FishandWildlifeService(USFWS), character inallpreplanningefforts, thoseeffects canbereduced.Jointtraining Through training,education,andaconsiderationofimpactstowilderness or undevelopedquality. Emergencyservicescanimpactthequalityofsolitude. degrade theuntrammeledquality, whileotheractivitiesmayalterthenatural emergency operations,willoccur. Plannedadministrativeentriesintowilderness Impacts towildernesscharactercausedbyadministrativeactivities,including e wilderness characterresultingfromsearchandrescue activities. the totalnumberofboltsplacedcouldallserveas measurestotrackimpacts total numberofflighthoursperyear, the numberofdayswhenflightsoccur, or as welltrainingexercisesshouldbeincludedin monitoring programs.The Impacts towildernesscharacterthatoccurduring search andrescueincidents helicopter evacuation. noncritical patientwouldbecarriedbylittertoatrailheadasopposedusing distance fromatrailhead,parkcoulddeveloppreplanthatstates character. Forexample,ifthereisacommoninjurylocationthatreasonable for commonincidentlocations,parksmaybeabletoavoidimpactswilderness the area.Throughparksearchandrescueplans,aswellsite-specificpreplans landings, duringemergenciesinvolvingthehealthandsafetyofpersonswithin The WildernessActdoesallowforsomeprohibiteduses,suchashelicopter decision making. emphasis onpersonalresponsibilityandriskmanagementthroughappropriate additional opportunitiesforeducationandusergroupoutreachwithan evaluation ofindividualincidentsaswelloveralltrendsshouldleadto not onlyimprovevisitorsafety, theypreservewilderness character. Acareful to evaluatepublicrisk.Throughthereductionofinjuriesandincidents,parks Parks shouldconsiderpreventivesearchandrescueprogramsaswell solitude inthesearcharea. of vegetationoccurs.Largenumberssearcherseliminateopportunitiesfor rescue operationsadverselyimpactthenaturalqualitywhentrampling Low-level helicopterflightsimpacttheundevelopedquality. Intensive rope Search andrescueoperationscannegativelyimpactwildernesscharacter. Search andRescue,RiskManagement Mergency S erviceS , l aW e nforceMent , and W ildland f ire Chapter 4—Integrating Wilderness Character into Management and Operations

85 Photo: NPS, Zion Wilderness, Wilderness, Zion NPS, Photo: Zion National Park Both wildfire management actions and planned fuels treatments (including Both wildfire management actions potential to impact the untrammeled, natural, management-ignited fires) have of wilderness character through altering and other features of value qualities other aviation resources, and mechanical the natural fire regime. Helicopters, portable pumps impact the undeveloped equipment such as chainsaws and unplanned fires that are allowed to while management-ignited fires and quality, cultural resources while adversely affecting burn may improve the natural quality Fire management activities protect life in the other features of value quality. or restore resources and may contribute to and property but they also protect Integrating wilderness character into the preservation of wilderness character. fire management and planning encourages a more holistic view of wildland character management. Chapter 3 provides an in-depth discussion of wilderness and fire management planning. Wildland Fire Management Wildland Fire Law Enforcement Law Illegal activities occurring in NPS wilderness can have substantial negative negative have substantial can wilderness in NPS occurring activities Illegal impact negatively and animal poaching Plant wilderness character. impacts on vehicle use Illegal all-terrain qualities. natural and untrammeled both the and may quality, as the natural quality as well the undeveloped impacts both grow Marijuana of value quality. in the other features cultural resources degrade five qualities of wilderness border crossings can impact all sites and illegal U.S. parks may choose to take Through an analysis of these impacts, character. in the short term with the impact wilderness character actions that negatively activities. Examples could the long-term impacts of the illegal goal of reducing violations or the use of a to deter wilderness regulation include ranger patrols reports (CIRs) document marijuana gardens. Case incident helicopter to detect in parks. Parks should review and emergency services activities law enforcement wilderness character and as they relate to documenting CIR content and formats impacts and reporting. the unconfined quality of a visitors’ NPS regulations can detract from may be necessary to preserve other recreational experience. The regulations the opportunity for solitude. Through aspects of wilderness character including can be tracked over time and evaluated monitoring, the extent of regulations for necessity. planning, communication, education, and As with other emergency services, can lead to a reduction in impacts on minimum requirements discussions wilderness character. Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 86 National Preserve Wilderness, Mojave Photo: NPS, Mojave

can allmaintainorimprovewildernesscharacter. during management-ignitedfires,andtheuseofnaturalfeaturesforfirebreaks principles forspikecamps,preplanningtoavoidmotorizedequipmentuse and canbeanexcellentfieldresource. Tactics suchastheuseofLeave No Trace by manywildlandfirefightersincludesasectionconcerningMISTguidelines suppression techniques.TheInteragencyIncidentResponsePocketGuidecarried transportation methods,suchasstockusewelltheofminimumimpact Planning andeducationcanreducesomeimpactsbyidentifyingalternate to thenaturalquality. native plantreseedingprogramshouldbeweighedagainstthepositiveimpacts For example,thenegativeimpactstountrammeledqualitycausedbya rehabilitation plansshouldcarefullyconsiderimpactstowildernesscharacter. immediate andcumulativenegativeimpacts.Burnedareastabilization the potentialforpositivelong-termbenefitsonwildernesscharacteragainst planned ignitionsandmanagementofunplannedshouldweigh improve wildernesscharacter. Decisionsregardingtheimplementationof requirements analysisandmonitoredwiththeoverallgoaltopreserveor and othermotorizedequipment,shouldbeevaluatedthroughaminimum All actionsaffecting wildernesscharacter, includingtheuseofaviationresources Chapter 4—Integrating Wilderness Character into Management and Operations 87 Wilderness character should be reflected in interpretive themes and educational messages. Education is one of the most effective tools for mitigating visitor use issues in wilderness. The wilderness character framework enables staff to communicate about wilderness with the public. Leave No Trace messages complement and enhance wilderness character messages. Key Points: Key • • • • dUcation e and

ctivitieS a Promote and perpetuate public awareness of, and appreciation for, of, and appreciation for, Promote and perpetuate public awareness wilderness on its own terms; Encourage the public to use and accept Focus on fostering an understanding of the concept of wilderness that wilderness character, resources, and ethics, while providing for acceptable resources, wilderness character, use limits. primitive environment and the i.e., the acceptance of an undeveloped, and responsibilities involved in using and assumption of the potential risks enjoying wilderness areas. in includes respect for the resource, willingness to exercise self-restraint demanding access to it, and an ability to adhere to appropriate, minimum- impact techniques. • • • nterpretive i plan ensures long range interpretive character into a wilderness Incorporating wilderness in preserving effective are relevant and messages that interpretive range a long about developing 3 for information See chapter character. focus discussion character helps of wilderness plan. The concept interpretive to a common meanings personal and cultural from diverse of wilderness Act. The wilderness on the language of the Wilderness understanding based the potential adverse effects also helps managers consider character framework actions, as well as benefits activities and development of various message-related example, considering potential For to wilderness character. that may contribute the location, for solitude shapes decisions on on the opportunity effects so as to have the least of guided activities in wilderness duration, and frequency to other visitors. impact on this quality to the public before they get opportunities and messages Providing educational ethics tools for promoting wilderness the most effective to wilderness is among wilderness The conceptual framework for that preserve wilderness character. of management decisions to the public. It is character facilitates explanations be able to clearly outreach staff important that interpretive and educational of wilderness character in a way that articulate the qualities and preservation For example, increased fire danger may lead emphasizes a shared responsibility. and the decision to prohibit the use of fires, to increased wilderness restrictions can explain and educational outreach staff smoking, and gas stoves. Interpretive unconfined recreation quality and between the opportunity for the tradeoffs reduced risk of accidental ignitions. benefits to the natural quality through the development of educational messages The following principles could guide that incorporate wilderness character: Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 88 National Park &Preserve Great SandDunes Dunes Wilderness, Photo: NPS, GreatSand

wilderness character. public canbeapowerfuladvocatetopreserveorimproveallqualitiesof other usersandoutsideinfluencesonthepark.Aninspiredwell-informed their ownimpactsonwildernesscharacter, butasadvocatesofsuchactionto Well-informed parkvisitorsalsoplayapowerful roleinnotonlyminimizing management policiesaimedatpreservingwildernesscharacter. promotes publicacceptanceandunderstandingofpotentiallyunpopular wilderness permitsimprovesvisitoreducation,providesconsistency, and Training staff toconsiderandpromotewildernesscharacter whenissuing information forinterpretersonminimizingvisitorimpacts. geographic areas(e.g.,Canyoneering,AlaskaWildlands)thatprovideuseful a seriesofskillsandethicsbookletscoveringwiderangeactivities unconfined recreation.TheLeaveNo Trace CenterforOutdoorEthicsproduces limit visitation,bothofwhichalsoimpacttheopportunityforprimitiveand which mayresultinamanagementresponsetoeitherconstructtrailor preserves thenaturalqualityandlessenschanceofsocialtrailsdeveloping, the qualitiesofwildernesscharacter. Forexample,“travelondurablesurfaces” Messages emphasizingLeaveNoTrace principlesmesheasilywithpreserving Chapter 4—Integrating Wilderness Character into Management and Operations 89 Preserving all the qualities of wilderness character is equally important, so managers should carefully weigh long- and short-term impacts and benefits. Natural resource staff should be especially conscious of cumulative impacts of large work or survey crews, as well as cumulative trammeling actions. Wilderness character monitoring will probably benefit from existing data, such as inventory and monitoring data or RSS indicators. Key Points: Key • • • eSoUrceS r atUral n conducted of the daily operations tied to many character is closely Wilderness species, accumulated Control of invasive staff. resource management by natural sounds and night on natural or exclusion, impacts fire suppression fuels from of climate effects the potential resources, of paleontological skies, protection of natural resource the many concerns are among and visitor experience change, have a variety of effects associated with such concerns could managers. Actions resources, the integrity of native Preserving natural on wilderness character. are all key components of and improving visitor experience ecological systems, managers must also consider effects but natural resource wilderness character, preserve To character. take on the qualities of wilderness of any action they Any activity to be necessary. actions must be determined wilderness character, eliminate or minimize taken to accomplish the action should (method or tool) to make these determinations is A good way character. any impact to wilderness analysis. of a minimum requirements through the completion the untrammeled quality can often be Preserving the natural quality and the Wilderness Act requires both qualities to be contradictory; however, For example, removing invasive preserved to the greatest extent possible. but simultaneously degrades the species can improve the natural quality, should engage in discussions about how potential Staff untrammeled quality. both qualities and honestly weigh the benefits and impacts to actions may affect In some cases, a short-term sacrifice in wilderness character in decision making. necessary to gain a longer term benefit to the the untrammeled quality may be legitimate argument, managers While this is often a sound and natural quality. impacts of many short-term sacrifices should also be conscious of the cumulative A good time to discuss some of these broader to the untrammeled quality. Wilderness character should be considered issues is during the planning process. conditions in support of a resource and included when developing desired For more information about wilderness character and stewardship strategy. strategy see chapter 3. development of a resource stewardship conducts internal monitoring, surveys, or other When natural resource staff be aware that installations may detract activities within wilderness, they must and large groups of technicians, volunteer from the undeveloped quality, the opportunity for solitude, especially groups, or work crews may impact conducting when planning to stay in the wilderness for days at a time. Consider use. Much these activities on days of the week or in seasons with lower visitor of this internal monitoring will be critical for wilderness character monitoring. and water Data regarding plant and animal populations and communities, air soundscapes and night skies, and status of geologic and other important quality, resources are all important components of wilderness character monitoring. or databases so staff Much of this data may be gathered from existing efforts networks or should consider collaborating with inventory and monitoring (I&M) For more information on conducting scientific activities other monitoring efforts. within wilderness see the previous section in this chapter. Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 90 National Park Wilderness, Saguaro Photo: NPS, Saguaro

wilderness characterisclear, particularlywhenwildernessdesignationprovides or historicalvalue.Insomethisrelationshipbetweenculturalresourcesand value qualityofwildernesscharacteriftheyhavescientific,educational,scenic, As describedinchapter1,culturalresourcesmayfitwithintheotherfeaturesof strategies fortheprogramsandresourceswhichtheyareresponsible. impacts ofallresourcesastheydevelopmanagementandoperationalplans section isthatparkandprojectmanagersneedtofullyconsiderthevalues protected areasglobally. Oneofthemostimportanttake-homemessagesthis Wild andMcLeod(2008)discusstheconnectionbetweenculturalresources a strongconnectionbetweenculturalresourcesandwilderness.Inaddition, publications (Landresandothers2008,Cowley2012)thatshow by bothgroups.ThissectionbuildsonpriorNPSefforts (NPS2002)andrecent cultural resourcestaff byidentifyingincorrectassumptionscommonlyheld some practicalwaystoimprovecommunicationbetweenwildernessand stewardship canbecompatible.Thissection(andappendix4.1)alsooffers wilderness overlap,andhowculturalresourcemanagement This sectionfocusesonhowthemanagementofculturalresourcesand c UltUral r eSoUrceS misunderstanding. lack ofclarityhasinsomecasesledtoconfusionand relationship isnotexpressedinlegislationandthis these resources.Morecommonly, however, this wilderness andthatdesignationprotects cultural resourcesarepartofthefabric the OldWest.” Inthesecasesitisunderstoodthat the mining,ranching,andrailroadinghistoryof exploration andsettlement,sitesexemplifying with ancientIndiancultures,patternsofwestern cultural valuesoftheCaliforniadesertassociated Park Servicetoprotectandpreserve“historical Valley NationalParkanddirectedthe Act establishedtheDeathValley WildernessinDeath Park. Similarly, the1994CaliforniaDesertProtection Mesa Verde WildernesswithinMesaVerde National a specificreferencetoculturalresourcessuchasin and retained inwildernesswithoutconsidering the viewthat culturalresourcesmust be maintained wilderness; or, attheotherendofspectrum, are “developments”inan otherwise“undeveloped” cultural resourcesmustbe removedbecausethey cultural resources,hasled sometotheviewthat wilderness legislationdoes notexplicitlydiscuss Act. Thismisunderstanding,especiallywhen NPS OrganicAct,havepriorityovertheWilderness laws, orthatculturalresourceincludingthe Wilderness Acthaspriorityoverculturalresource the mostcommonmisunderstandingisthat wilderness andculturalresourcelaws.Perhaps There areseveralmisunderstandingsabout Resource Laws andWilderness Misunderstandings AboutCultural Chapter 4—Integrating Wilderness Character into Management and Operations 91 Cultural resource laws apply inside wilderness. Cultural resource laws apply inside Cultural resources may be part of wilderness character. mandate to preserve wilderness character applies to The Wilderness Act’s managing cultural resources in wilderness. • • • Planning is fundamentally important to ensure that the values of both wilderness important to ensure that Planning is fundamentally The sooner that planning occurs the better, and cultural resources are preserved. wilderness and cultural resource staff serving as a mechanism for bringing as appropriate, to determine along with facility management staff together, to manage, and which will be difficult which situations will be easy to manage, and care. The challenges in managing and therefore, require greater discussion similar to those managing other resources cultural resources in wilderness are there may be competing resource-specific goals inside wilderness. In particular, but the overriding goal is to make an informed and that require tradeoffs, the preservation of wilderness character and transparent decision that maximizes information there may be a lack of sufficient the cultural resource. In many cases requiring a long-term, evolving about cultural resources in a wilderness to make these decisions cultural resource staff discussion between wilderness and Resolving these challenges requires a as new information becomes available. wilderness and cultural resource values common framework for understanding below and appendix 4.1 provides an and laws. Such a framework is presented better understanding and communication. expanded set of principles to foster that: The framework presented here is need There are several implications of this framework. First, cultural resources can to be inventoried and evaluated so a determination of their significance need to discuss be established. Second, cultural resource and wilderness staffs feature” (a which cultural resources rise to the level of a “character-defining resources phrase used in historic preservation) for that wilderness. Third, cultural of that do not rise to this level are still managed under the legal obligations particular cultural resource laws. Fourth, the management prescription for a and in the cultural resource inside wilderness needs to consider its role in history staffs wilderness, requiring discussion between wilderness and cultural resource to reach an informed and transparent decision. Managing Cultural Resources in Wilderness Resources Managing Cultural the full range of options and their resulting impacts on wilderness. In fact, no In fact, wilderness. on impacts their resulting and of options range the full congressional in stated unless explicitly over another priority law has federal state that they resource laws nor cultural and neither wilderness legislation apply to resource laws all cultural Therefore, over the other. have a priority also applies. Another Wilderness Act just as the in wilderness, cultural resources 4(a)(3) statement Act section is that the Wilderness misunderstanding common units under which statutory authority shall modify the in this Act that “Nothing particular to prioritize staff system are created” allows park of the national park Act. As discussed in NPS Organic Act over the Wilderness provisions of the wilderness (e.g., Rohlf and on how various laws apply in scholarly publications the congressional and and Hendee 2008, Miles 2009), Honnold 1988, Dawson laws, not to put either law park managers is to uphold both policy mandate to above the other. Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 92 National River Wilderness, Buffalo NationalRiver Photo: NPS/P Buffalo eter Landres,

wilderness stewardshiparecompatible. conflict, andexamplesshowinghowculturalresourcemanagement in wilderness-appropriateways,examplesshowingparticularareasofpotential inventory andmonitoringofculturalresourceshowthesecanbeconducted resources thatoccurinwilderness,thelegalandproceduralrequirementsfor including laws,definitions,thescientificandsocietalimportanceofcultural staffs areencouragedto takethistraining.Themodulescoverarangeoftopics, National WildernessTraining Center. Bothwildernessandculturalresources net/index.cfm?fuse=NWPS&sec=elearning) developedbytheArthurCarhart modules onmanagingculturalresourcesinwilderness(http://www.wilderness. Another tooltohelpapplythisframeworkisthesetofthreeonlinetraining be preserved. staffs worktogetherboth theculturalresourceandwildernesscharactercan wilderness, andthisexampleshowshowwhenculturalresourcewilderness Cabins oftenpresentthegreatestchallengetomanagingculturalresourcesin process employedtorestoreanhistoricalwildernesscabininZionNationalPark. if so,thattheminimumtoolisused.Appendix4.2offers asummaryoftheMRA this analysisisnottopreventactionsbutensurethattheyarenecessaryand inventory, monitoring,scientificinvestigations,andtreatments.Theintentof prescriptions oractionsonculturalresourcesinsideofwilderness,including requires thataminimumrequirementsanalysisbecompletedforpreservation the minimumrequirementsanalysis,discussedindetailchapter4.NPSpolicy of theframeworkpresentedhere.Onetooltohelpapplythisis Managing culturalresourcesinwildernesswillrequirecase-by-caseapplication Chapter 4—Integrating Wilderness Character into Management and Operations 93 All divisions and categories of status (permanent, term, seasonal, volunteers) have a stake in and can affect wilderness. Staff training can be done either in-house or with assistance from the Arthur Carhart National Wilderness Training Center or the WASO Wilderness Stewardship Division. Training should provide a common understanding of wilderness character and facilitate dialogue with staff about wilderness at their park. Any staff member may interact with the public and should be able to communicate wilderness values. Key Points: Key • • • • taff S arK p for

raining t haracter c works with the Center Training The Arthur Carhart National Wilderness assistance, planning The NPS Wilderness Stewardship Division offers Regional Wilderness Coordinators can help facilitate the integration of four wilderness-managing agencies to develop interagency solutions to four wilderness-managing agencies by the Carhart Center are wilderness challenges. Materials developed where and training sessions are offered distributed to every wilderness unit (406) 243-4612. Devine, they are needed most. Contact: Tim support, and resources to wilderness parks. Contact: Garry Oye, (702) 895-4893. wilderness character into NPS planning, management, and monitoring for and can provide useful resources for this purpose. Contact information your regional wilderness coordinator can be found on InsideNPS under Wilderness Stewardship Division Contacts http://inside.nps.gov/waso/ contacts.cfm?lv=3&prg=813 • • • ilderneSS Primary Outlets for Wilderness Character Training training either in-house or seek help from Parks may opt to conduct wilderness training, such as has been done with the outside sources. In addition, joint and Wildlife Service, and the U.S. Border National Park Service, the U.S. Fish values and promote understanding of Patrol, can raise awareness of wilderness following three groups are available to assist wilderness character concerns. The or provide products, materials, parks in wilderness stewardship training, and guidance: Why and When a Staff Should Participate in Wilderness Training a Staff Why and When resource in and of itself, with designation and a valuable Wilderness is a special have should therefore Staff NPS land managed as wilderness. more than 83% of of the unique values the of why wilderness is special and an understanding is charged to preserve. National Park Service of how their job should have an understanding from all divisions While staff training is especially important wilderness character, relates to wilderness planning process, or when staff in conjunction with a formal wilderness of wilderness character (see chapter 2). begins to develop the building blocks have a solid and is imperative that all staff Before beginning either process, it improves This significantly character. common understanding of wilderness and allows discussions to move forward positively communication and efficiency and constructively. W are responsible for coordinators, by wilderness assisted Park superintendents, character training. wilderness have appropriate that park personnel ensuring of wilderness understanding establish a common should be to Primary goals about from all divisions staff among and stimulate conversation character affect monitoring activities and planning, management, how various wilderness character. Photo: NPS, Everglades National Park

Outside Training Assistance Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program Stewardship Wilderness Division | Stewardship Wilderness If a park is seeking formal wilderness stewardship training, including wilderness character training, the Carhart Center offers both classroom and online training. Upcoming opportunities are listed on the course calendar, and further information about these opportunities can be found online at http://www.wilderness.net/index.cfm?fuse=NWPS&sec=courses. Information about distance education courses available through the University of Montana can be found online at: http://wmdep.wilderness.net/. In-house Training and Resources Parks may also conduct in-house wilderness stewardship training to help all staff improve their understanding of wilderness character. These in-house trainings often foster interdisciplinary dialogue that contributes positively to wilderness planning, management, and monitoring within a park. Again, the primary goal of wilderness stewardship training is to provide a common understanding of wilderness character, to involve staff in engaging conversations about wilderness issues in their park, and to identify how wilderness character relates to different divisions of wilderness stewardship. For wilderness character workshop agendas from other parks, please visit the “Wilderness Character” tab on the NPS Wilderness Stewardship Program online at http://share.nps.gov/TBD. For further guidance and resources, see the resources and contacts below: • The NPS Wilderness Stewardship Division provides resources on wilderness management, education, training, and research, available online at http://wilderness.nps.gov. • The Arthur Carhart National Wilderness Training Center provides online courses, modules, and webinars on wilderness character and a variety of other topics, including cultural resources within the wilderness character framework. For a list of courses and topics see http://carhart.wilderness.net. • Minimum Requirements Analysis worksheets and information can be found under “Management Tools,” available online at http://wilderness.net/index.cfm?fuse=MRDG. 94 Chapter 4—Integrating Wilderness Character into Management and Operations 95 Denali Denali acob Frank, acob Frank, Photo: NPS/J Photo: Denali Wilderness, Denali Wilderness, & Preserve National Park presentation, including notes, describes the concept of wilderness concept of wilderness describes the including notes, presentation, and how the concept can be why it is important to preserve, character, wilderness stewardship. used to improve Preservation Across the National Wilderness Wilderness Character team to help was developed by an interagency System. This publication levels—from on- stewardship at all administrative improve wilderness to national policy review. the-ground management Leopold Wilderness Landres, ecologist with the Aldo narrated by Peter a wilderness specialist with the Research Institute, and Chris Barns, This presentation Center. Training Arthur Carhart National Wilderness character and includes a is focused on tracking change in wilderness transcript. inspiring introduction or closing Stewardship Division provides an session and can be viewed and to a wilderness stewardship training downloaded at http://wilderness.nps.gov/. This and How. What, Why, Wilderness Character: Preserving in Trends An Interagency Strategy to Monitor Keeping It Wild: is This presentation in Wilderness Character. Monitoring Changes Wilderness Wilderness. This three-minute video by the NPS America’s ⚪ ⚪ ⚪ ⚪ provide information on the interface between between on the interface information provide Toolboxes Wilderness has since (WCIT) Team The NPS Wilderness Character Integration Videos: wilderness and specific management issues. The “Wilderness Character” Character” “Wilderness issues. The management specific and wilderness at http://www.wilderness.net/index. can be found online toolbox and includes: cfm?fuse=toolboxes&sec=WC for integrating wilderness reexamined and updated recommendations and monitoring, so presentations stewardship into planning, management, put forth within this should be supplemented with recommendations by the Wilderness Character User Guide. Guidance documents developed NPS Wilderness Character can be found online at the Integration Team . These Sharepoint site: http://share.inside.nps.gov/sites/WASO/WSD/WC for developing wilderness character include workshop agendas, guidance and a wealth of other resources. narratives and monitoring strategies, • • • Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 96 Sequoia andKings NationalParks Photo: NPS/Peter Landres, Sequoia-KingsCanyon Wilderness, 5

Monitoring Change in Wilderness Character

Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts. —Rachel Carson

Photo: NPS/James Miller, Yosemite National Park

Chapter 5—Monitoring change in Wilderness Character 97 in hange c onitoring haracter c 5—M ilderneSS hapter ntrodUction c i in to track change describes how This chapter of gathering This is the process character. wilderness measures of wilderness character data on selected condition and seeing how to assess their current change wilderness character, these measures, and used to assess conditions over time. The methods in wilderness character presented and track change those in Keeping It Wild: here are based on in to Monitor Trends An Interagency Strategy Across the National Wilderness Wilderness Character 2008). (Landres and others Preservation System can identify This chapter describes how park staff each of the locally relevant measures to represent the process qualities of wilderness character and time. The trends for tracking how they change over using the in each measure are then synthesized, to assess how rules described in Keeping It Wild, time. Using wilderness character is changing over the Keeping It Wild strategy provides a way to within the track trends in wilderness character consistent National Park Service that is nationally and locally relevant. W Photo: NPS, Wrangell-St. Elias Wilderness, Wrangell-St. Elias Wilderness, Photo: NPS, Wrangell-St. Elias National Park & Preserve National Park Elias Wrangell-St. Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 98 • • • Key Points: allow. capacity as resources over time, and build wilderness character in the five qualities of and tracking change current conditions that allow assessing number of measures Start with the smallest Keep itsimple. wherever possible. whenever and Use existing data Keep itpractical. wilderness. are relevant to the Use measures that Keep ituseful. Park” reporting. track theeffects ofclimatechangeandfulfillNPSinitiativesfor“Statethe wilderness charactercandirectlyhelptheNationalParkServiceunderstandand In additiontoimprovingparkwildernessstewardship,trackingchangein parks, forexample,by: management decisionsandimproveon-the-groundwildernessstewardshipin wilderness characteristoprovidesolidinformationthatcanbeusedinform From apracticalperspective,themostimportantreasonfortrackingchangein preserved inpotential,proposed,recommended,anddesignatedwilderness. unimpaired standard.”NPSpolicyalsostatesthatwildernesscharacteristobe each wildernessarea’s conditionwillbemeasuredandassessedagainstitsown principle ofnondegradationwillbeappliedtowildernessmanagement,and 6, “WildernessPreservationandManagement,”section6.3.7,statesthat,“The the uniquewildernessresource.Further, NPSManagementPolicies2006,chapter improving, ordegrading),wedon’t knowifweareprotectingit.Thisappliesto simply, ifwedon’t knowthestatusandtrendofaresource (whetheritisstable, There aremanyreasonsfortrackingchangeinwildernesscharacter. Most (see table5inchapter3). visitor use,meanthesame thing,butthiscaneasilybeasourceofconfusion “measure” fromtrackingchangeinwildernesscharacter, and“indicator”from uses theterm“indicator”todefineobjectof data collection.Functionally, use thesametermsindifferent ways.Monitoringforvisitoruse,example, statutory languageofthe1964WildernessAct.Different NPSprograms,however, to thequalitiesofwildernesscharacter, andthequalitieslinkdirectlyto element ofonethequalitieswildernesscharacter thatlinksthemeasures estimated andnotmeasureddirectly. Theindicatorisadistinctandimportant concept, inkeepingwiththedictionarydefinition, thatissomething assess theconditionandtrendofanindicator. The“indicator”isamoregeneral “measure” asaspecificaspectofwildernessonwhich dataarecollectedto In thisUserGuide,trackingchangeinwildernesscharacterusestheterm Terminology ofMeasures andIndicators Why Track ChangeinWilder • • • • • • against “shiftingbaselines”aspersonnelchange. wilderness characterandhowtheyarechangingovertime. into asingle,holisticassessmentofchangeinwildernesscharacter. resource staffs andprogramareas. effectiveness ofmanagementactions. wilderness, onwildernesscharacter. taken insidewilderness,aswelltheeffects fromthreatsoutside Providing legacyinformationthatwillendureovertimeandhelpguard Communicating withthepublicaboutconditionofqualities Synthesizing datafromacrossdifferent resource staffs andprogramareas Fostering betterinternalcommunicationaboutwildernessamongdifferent Providing solidinformationforparkplanningandevaluationofthe Evaluating anddocumentingtheshort-long-termeffects ofactions ness Character Chapter 5—Monitoring change in Wilderness Character 99

Photo: NPS, Glacier Bay Glacier Bay NPS, Photo: Glacier Bay Wilderness, & Preserve National Park Overview of How to Track Change in Wilderness in Change Character to Track of How Overview Wilderness character is a holistic concept, integrating and synthesizing data from data from synthesizing and integrating concept, is a holistic character Wilderness strategy a park. The basic programs within areas and resource many different at least one to select is for park staff character change in wilderness for tracking It Wild Keeping in the publication described for each of the indicators measure same the interagency consistency, For national and 2 in chapter 1). (see table wilderness character is a unique in every wilderness. However, indicators are used must be locally relevant at each park so the measures combination of attributes and nationally selected. rather than nationally consistent and locally selected in an attribute or element be relevant to tracking change Each measure should Much more information to tracking a threat to this indicator. of the indicator or is provided below in this chapter. on selecting measures or gathered from selected, data are collected, compiled, Once measures are from which all future trends The wilderness character baseline, existing sources. are collected for the entire set of is defined as the first time data are determined, data are used whenever and existing or legacy maximize efficiency, measures. To professional where no data exist However, wherever possible and appropriate. description of how accurate and judgment may be used with a narrative will also need to define what a significant adequate this judgment is. Park staff monitoring period to the next. For example, change is in each measure from one as any change in the numerical value might define a significant change staff change in the numerical value of of the measure, or as a certain percentage technique of regression analysis if sufficient the measure, or use the statistical Guide for Monitoring Selected Technical data are available. The publication a Character provides many examples of how Conditions Related to Wilderness is available online at http://www.wilderness. significant change is defined, and net/toolboxes/documents/WC/FS%20Wilderness%20Character%20Technical%20 measure are combined using Guide.pdf. The trends (not the data) from every for the indicator; the rules in Keeping It Wild to derive a simple composite trend combined using these same rules to derive a trends for each indicator are then and trends from the qualities combined to derive a trend trend for the quality, a hypothetical example of how trends 10 shows Table for wilderness character. of wilderness character. are combined within one quality Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 100 the trendinundevelopedqualityofwildernesscharacter. Table 10. or mechanical transport motorized equipment, Use of motor vehicles, Inholdings and developments structures, installations, Nonrecreational Indicator Ahypotheticalexampleshowinghowtrendsarecombinedacrossmeasuresandindicatorstoshow amount of unauthorized use Index combining type and amount of emergency use Index combining type and and nonemergency use amount of administrative Index combining type and acres and potential impact Index combining number of physical developments Number of unauthorized physical developments Number of authorized Measure undeveloped quality. motorized vehicles, mechanizedequipment, andmechanicaltransport underthe especially managementactions undertheuntrammeledquality, andtheuseof Other measureswillprobably changeyearlyandshouldbetrackedassuch, is sufficient tosimplyrecordthesamenumberas thepreviousreportingperiod. of structuresorinstallations, maynotchangeatallduringthistimespanand it information andkeepparkstaff engaged.Somemeasures,suchasthenumber generally occureveryfiveyears.Thistimespanis sufficient toprovideongoing Tracking changeandreportingonthetrendinparkwildernesscharactershould Frequency ofTracking Character ChangeinWilderness actions—trends informdecisionsratherthantrigger actions. measures, indicators,qualities,orinwildernesscharacter donotmandatecertain because wildernesscharacterisuniqueateachpark. Further, trendsinthe Also, wildernesscharactercannotbecomparedfrom onewildernesstoanother time withinaparkandcannotbedeterminedsimply byestablishingabaseline. in wildernesscharacterisderivedonlybyassessingwhathappeningover easily usedforregionalandnationalreporting.Acrucialpointisthatthetrend in wildernesscharacter(stable,improving,ordegrading)tobeconsistentlyand This strategyprovideslocalflexibilityandrelevancewhileallowingthetrend down, respectively). stable, decreasing)arerepresentedbyarrows(up,two-headedsideways, same rulesbycombiningthetrendsacrossindicators.Trends (improving, positive thetrendisimproving.Theinqualityderivedusingthese value iszerothetrendinindicatorstable,andifresulting resulting valueisnegativethetrendinindicatordownward,if These valuesareaddedtogetherforthemeasuresunderanindicatorandif -1 toadownwardtrend,0stableand+1animprovingtrend. the rulesfrom derived bycombiningonlythetrend(notdata)fromeachmeasureusing identifying whetherthechangeissignificant.Thetrendinindicator monitoring periods(2012and2017)parkstaff establishlocalrulesfor The trendinthemeasureisderivedbycomparingdatafromtwo Keeping ItWild. 14 9 17 74 205 12 Data 2012 Foreachmeasure,assignanumericalvalueof 27 21 21 31 90 5 Data 2017 Measure Trend in Indicator T rend in Quality Trend in Chapter 5—Monitoring change in Wilderness Character 101 Photo: NPS, Yosemite Wilderness, Yosemite National Park Is conducted in designated wilderness or in an area that is managed as wilderness or in an area Is conducted in designated that represent the measure for each of the indicators Includes at least one twice (e.g., at five-year and is conducted at least Uses a defined baseline into an integrated assessment of Synthesizes the trends of all the measures wilderness by agency policy. wilderness by agency 1. character described in chapter qualities of wilderness all of the measures. intervals) to determine a trend in trend in wilderness character. • • • • What Qualifies as Tracking Change in Wilderness in Change Tracking Character as Qualifies What As more park staffs have learned about the concept of wilderness character, character, of wilderness concept the about have learned staffs park As more change in qualifies as tracking about what been some confusion there has may be monitored campsite conditions For example, character. wilderness element or attribute important and an this may be a park, and while throughout character itself is not wilderness campsites by monitoring character, of wilderness program qualifies as do we know when a monitoring monitoring. So how to qualify as “tracking in wilderness character”? In general, “tracking change monitoring” the character” or “wilderness character change in wilderness requirements must be met: following four monitoring Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 102 character. quality of wilderness or, the untrammeled life” inside wilderness, and its community of manipulate the “earth actions that control or about the trend in this measure tells us environment.” Tracking the biophysical that manipulate federal land manager authorized by the the indicator “actions with fish” informs water bodies stocked of lakes and other The measure “number of wilderness character. one of the five qualities unconfined recreation, solitude or primitive and to opportunities for people directly relates and sounds of other without the sights to experience places and the opportunity concept of remoteness sounds of people. The from the sights and opportunity to be away with a person’s use would correspond greater amount of visitor wilderness,” because a of people inside from sights and sounds indicator “remoteness visitor use” informs the The measure “amount of qualities are linked: indicators, and how measures, Two examplesof qualities arelinked. adjacent textboxforexamplesthatshowhowmeasures,indicators,and data arecollectedtoassesstheconditionandtrendofanindicator. Seethe of the1964WildernessAct.Ameasureisaspecificaspectwildernessonwhich of wildernesscharacter, andthequalitieslinkdirectlytostatutorylanguage of thequalitieswildernesscharacterthatlinksmeasuresto section onterminology, anindicatorisadistinctandimportantelementofone recommends thatatleastonebeselectedforeachindicator. Asdescribedinthe Keeping ItWildidentifies37possiblemeasures(seeappendix5.1)and i approaches toidentifymeasuresare: a parkwideeffort becausethedataspansmultipledisciplines.Threepotential assessing conditionsofwildernesscharacterandtrackingitschangeshouldbe selection willensuretheyarerelevantandenjoybroadsupport.Ultimately, interpretation, protection,naturalresources,culturalfire)inmeasure create theirown.Involvingabroadrangeofparkdisciplines(e.g.,facilities, choose oneormoremeasuresfromthelist,modifysuggestedmeasures, Keeping ItWildsuggestsseveralmeasuresforeachindicator—parkstaff may measures thatwillbemostrelevanttotrackingchangeinwildernesscharacter. Park staff canusedifferent approaches,andcombinationsofthese, toidentify when staff change. will knowthequalityofdata,andrepeatablesomonitoringcancontinue relevant totheindicatorandparticularwilderness,reliablesothatothers are mostmeaningfulfortheirwilderness.Measuresshouldbequantifiable, described inKeepingItWildbuthavethelatitudetochoosewhichevermeasures identifying measuresthatworksbest.Parkstaff willusetheindicators of wildernessprogram,andmanyotherfactors,thereisnosinglemethodfor Given thevarietyofparksandtheirdifferences insize,staffing, complexity Different Approaches toIdentifyMeasures dentifying • • • and discussion. framework fordistributiontostaff andmanagementforreview availability andqualityofexistingdata. Inventory andMonitoringprogrammaybemostqualified toassessthe and culturalresourcesstaff aswellindividualsassociatedwiththeNPS brainstorm measuresbyinterviewingstaff membersindividually. Natural of thecommitteecanopttoreviewindicators inKeepingItWildand the fivequalities. on thelistandbrainstormmodificationsornewmeasuresundereachof listed inKeepingItWild(seeappendix5.1)andidentifyrelevantmeasures of interdisciplinaryteamtoreviewtheindicatorsandexamplemeasures As athirdoption,theprojectleadcandevelopdraft monitoring Instead ofconveningthewildernesscommittee, projectleadorchair Convene thepark’s wildernesscommittee(ifoneexists)or anotherform M eaSUreS Chapter 5—Monitoring change in Wilderness Character 103

Photo: NPS, Stephen Mather Wilderness, North Cascades National Park Some wildernesses are co-managed by more than one agency, or a park or than one agency, by more are co-managed Some wildernesses In these by another agency. managed may adjoin a wilderness wilderness identify team to convene an interagency be made to should effort cases an for consistency that provide to select measures measures and try potential data sources different the while accommodating boundaries across jurisdictional agencies. available to different can brainstorm measures by identifying process, park staff Regardless of the monitored (see the “Gathering to see what is already being existing data sources can also identify where linkages exist this chapter). Staff Data” section in overlap. For and/or where data needs might efforts with other data collection the NPScape program may Ecological Integrity Assessment and example, the NPS In addition, an existing of both ideas for measures and data. be good sources impacts from campsites. identified the need to measure trails plan may have could boost support for implementing monitoring efforts Wilderness character of because it would fulfill two purposes. For ideas these other monitoring efforts Guide Forest Service has developed a Technical other possible measures, the U.S. and the Related to Wilderness Character, for Monitoring Selected Conditions Guide to Implementing developed a Technical Bureau of Land Management has a source for Both of these documents can be Wilderness Character Monitoring. . ideas and are available online at http://www.wilderness.net/WC Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 104 Photo: NPS Everglades National P Douglas Wilderness, , Majory Stoneman ark with failuretousesuchameasureintrackingchangewildernesscharacter. example ofhowameasurepositivechange,asdescribedhere,wouldcompare actions thatenhanceorimprovetheindicator. Table 11offers ahypothetical type andhowmuchhabitatwasrestored,therebyaccountingformanagement the originalindicator. Thisnewmeasurealsocontributesinformationabout what accounts forthepresenceofspeciesthatshouldbethereandisconsistentwith could beanadditionalmeasurewhilekeepingtheoriginal.Thisnew could berecastas“acresofspeciesXhabitatrestoredoroccupied,”this to wildernesscharacter, themeasure“numberofextirpatedindigenousspecies” better describethesecomplexrelationshipsandaccountforthenetimprovement population size,whichisalong-termimprovementtothenaturalquality. To of acressuitablehabitatforthereintroducedspeciesandanincreasing quality. However, thetradeoff ineachsuccessiveyearisanincreasingnumber collaring orinstallingothermonitoringdevicesthatdegradetheundeveloped untrammeled qualityeachyearsuchactionsoccur, andmayinvolveradio Such areintroductionmayinvolvehabitatmanipulations,whichdegradethe effort toreintroducean extirpatednativespecies,forexampleasmallmammal. quality indicator“Plantandanimalspeciescommunities,”amultiyear As ahypotheticalexampleofmeasurepositivechange,considerthenatural overcome thisdilemma. positive changetomeettheintentofindicator, parkstaff canpartially wilderness charactermayimprove.Bycarefullyidentifyingmeasuresof quality typicallygounrecordedandthereforedonotshowhowthetrendin character. Further, actionsthatarenottakentopreservetheuntrammeled character eventhoughitistakentoimprovethenaturalqualityofwilderness exclusion. Thisactionwoulddegradetheuntrammeledqualityofwilderness of prescribedfiretoreducefuelsthathaveaccumulatedoverdecades actions thatmanipulateecologicalsystemsisrelativelyeasy, suchas theuse character isalsoimportant.Forexample,trackingadministrativedecisionsand for parkstaff becauseshowingpositivechangesinthequalitiesofwilderness that representadegradationofwildernesscharacter. Thiscanposeadilemma Oftentimes, managersonlycollectdataonmeasuresofimpactsorattributes Identifying MeasuresCharacter ofPositiveChangeinWilderness Chapter 5—Monitoring change in Wilderness Character 105 Photo: Ken and Mary Campbell, Olympic National Park Stable untrammeled quality Stable undeveloped quality Improve natural quality Degrade untrammeled quality Degrade undeveloped quality Improve natural quality (total 500 acres restored, 14 Degrade untrammeled quality Degrade undeveloped quality Improve natural quality (100 acres restored, three Degrade untrammeled quality Degrade undeveloped quality Improve natural quality (total 300 acres restored, eight Degrade untrammeled quality breeding pairs) breeding pairs) breeding pairs) • • • Revised or Additional Measure: Acres of Species X Acres of Species Additional Measure: Revised or or Occupied Habitat Restored • • • • • • • • • • Degrade untrammeled Degrade undeveloped Stable untrammeled quality Stable undeveloped quality Degrade untrammeled Degrade undeveloped Improve natural quality Degrade untrammeled Degrade undeveloped Degrade untrammeled quality quality quality quality (decrease number of extirpated species by one) quality quality quality • • • • Original Measure: Number Measure: Number Original Indigenous of Extirpated Species • • • • • • Year 5—reintroduction effort successful, cease intensive monitoring and habitat improvements Year 4—monitor collared animals and population size, continue habitat improvement Year 3—monitor collared animals and population size, continue habitat improvement Year 2—animal release with radio collars, habitat improvement Year 1—habitat preparation Timeframe and Actions and Timeframe Taken Identifying a measure of positive change may work especially well when a short- Identifying a measure of positive in the untrammeled quality in a given term action causes a downward trend is a long-term improvement in the natural quality that year and the tradeoff may simply accept the short- park staff Alternatively, can be tracked annually. for the long-term improvement in another term downward trend of one quality quality without creating a measure of positive change. Hypothetical examples measuring positive change in wilderness character. in wilderness change positive measuring examples 11. Hypothetical Table Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 106 Dinosaur National Monument scheme. character monitoring in the park’s wilderness measure assigned to it monitoring indicator and feature can have a monitor, this particular and relatively easy to resources are tangible Because paleontological the Wilderness Act. section 2(c)(4) of value” identified in within the “scientific canyon that clearly fits important fossil-rich rare and scientifically Canyon is an extremely for the park. Copper superlative” value as an “essential and paleontological resources specifically identifies the park’s wilderness, which designated Protection Act of 1994, The California Desert vertebrate fossil site. the Copper Canyon management plan is and backcountry National Park wilderness for the Death Valley identified during scoping One of the features Death Valley: Character at to Wilderness Contributes Feature that Example ofa recommended wilderness, NPS/Sarah Crump Photo: ,

by park-specificdatabases. Landscape Inventory(CLI),theFacilityManagementSoftwareSystem(FMSS),or and InformationSystem(ASMIS),theListofClassifiedStructures,Cultural recorded inservicewidedatabasessuchastheArcheologicalSitesManagement be monitoredthroughanactiveprogramofinventory, monitoring,andresearch trends inwildernesscharactermustbespatiallydefined,andtheirconditioncan cultural resourcesisprovidedintable12.Culturalthataretomonitor A generalizedexampleofindicators,measures,anddatasourcesfortangible inform planning. action andshouldbedescribedinthewildernesscharacternarrativeusedto many cases,thesewildernessfeatureswillbethefocusofspecificmanagement in theenablinglegislationorlegislativehistoryforparkwildernessarea.In those featuresthataretrulyuniquetothearea,andideallywouldbementioned and culturalresourcesstaff. Theotherfeaturesofvaluequalityshouldinclude discussion amongdifferent divisionsatapark,forexample,amongwilderness Identifying indicatorsandmeasuresforthisqualitywillrequireinterdisciplinary features ofvaluequalitythatareintegraltothearea’s wildernesscharacter. categories toidentifysite-specific,tangiblefeaturesthatfitwithintheother to fitwithinthenaturalquality. Staff canusethislistofwildernessvalue quality. Scientific,educational,scenic,andhistoricvaluesareoftenmoredifficult It islikelythatecologicalandgeologicalvaluescanbeincludedinthenatural understanding oftheoveralltrendinwildernesscharacter. If included,trackingtrendsinthisqualityisimportantforacomplete 1) theywillalsoneedtoidentifyindicatorsandmeasuresforthisquality. character appliestotheirpark(foradescriptionofthisqualityseechapter If parkstaff determines that theotherfeaturesofvaluequalitywilderness of Value Character QualityofWilderness Identifying Measures fortheOtherFeatures

Chapter 5—Monitoring change in Wilderness Character 107 Annual Annual Annual Annual Reporting Reporting Period Data Sources Citations, Archeological Resources Preservation Act (ARPA) violations, Secretary’s annual report to Congress (SRC), Listing of Outlaw Treachery (LOOT) report in the SRC, Cultural Landscape Inventory, ASMIS and PMDS site condition reporting Citations, ARPA violations, Secretary’s annual report to Congress, LOOT report in the SRC, Cultural Landscape Inventory, ASMIS and PMDS site condition reporting Secretary’s annual report to Congress, ASMIS and PMDS site condition reporting Citations, ARPA violations, Secretary’s annual report to Congress, LOOT report in the SRC, Cultural Landscape Inventory, ASMIS and PMDS site condition reporting Potential Measure Potential Number of authorized actions that result in disturbances to cultural resources (visitor and commercial use [catholes, trampling, hearths, aircraft landings, etc]; findings of adverse effect for projects and operations) Number of naturally caused disturbances (erosion, animal digging, floods, rising sea levels, fires, tree throws) Amount of deterioration in specific resources (e.g., number of building walls down, number of trail treads destabilized, number of orchard trees damaged) Number of unauthorized actions that result in disturbances to cultural resources (looting, trespass activities, noncompliance with National Historic Preservation Act) Indicator Deterioration or loss of cultural resources integral to wilderness character Be Practical in Identifying Measures monitoring already in use, such as a Use measures for wilderness character plan, exotic plant management plan, or from measure from a fire management wilderness monitoring programs. In some measures developed under previous be modified so they are relevant to both. cases, these measures may need to of visitor experience previously established For example, measures for aspects may be changed to more practically fill the in a backcountry management plan monitoring and the general management needs of both wilderness character character measures may also be altered or plan. Initial selection of wilderness processes. augmented during more robust planning monitoring for other programs, such as In addition, if a park is conducting program, visitor use monitoring or vital signs monitoring as part of the NPS I&M change in such ongoing monitoring may also readily fit the needs for tracking It may also be prudent to consider measures currently in wilderness character. of climate change on park resources. Also, consider use for detecting the effects impacts measures that can be used to establish baseline information to evaluate may take in the future as a to wilderness character from any actions park staff that may have response to climate change. See chapter 3 for other types of plans When existing measures that could serve as good wilderness character measures. used by searching for such cross-connections, be aware that the terminology as described in the subsection on terminology in programs may differ, different the beginning of this chapter. Generalized (and hypothetical) example of indicators, measures, and data sources identified for the for identified sources and data measures, of indicators, example (and hypothetical) 12. Generalized Table character. wilderness of value quality of features in the other recognized resources cultural tangible Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 108 Photo: Wilderness, Y NPS, Yosemite National Park osemite Preserve, Alaska. that wereidentifiedforLakeClarkWildernessinNationalParkand important andpractical,seeappendix5.2foranexampleofmeasures on prioritizingmeasurestonarrowthelistthosethataremost for theminimumamountofadditionaleffort. Seethefollowingsection capacity allows.Buildaprogramthatwillgivetheparksomethingofvalue current conditionandtrackingchangeaddothermeasuresasorganizational the minimumnumberofmeasuresthatwillaccomplishgoalassessing the fullrangeofwildernesscharacter, butkeepitassimplepossible.Use All theindicatorsfromKeepingItWildneedatleastonemeasuretocapture understand whenandwhythischangewasmade. when thechangeoccurredandreason(s)forthisactionsonewparkstaff will appropriate measures.Ifmeasuresarechanged,itisimportanttodocument balance betweenconsistentlyusingexistingmeasuresandidentifyingnew, more park’s monitoringstrategyneedstobebotheffective andflexible,requiringa conditions andtrackingchangeinwildernesscharacterisrelativelynewa want toadaptneworimprovedmeasuresastheybecomeavailable.Assessing noise isaudibleinaparticularareamoremeaningfulmeasure.Staff may monitoring science,parkstaff maydecide thatthepercentageoftime on decibellevelstomonitornaturalsounds,butwiththeevolutionofsound management planorwildernessstewardshipthatcallsforcollectingdata changed, adapted,added,ordeleted.Forexample,aparkmayhavegeneral management directionchanges,itislikelythatsomemeasureswillneedtobe character. Asparkstaff learnmoreaboutaparticularresourceorthreat,as priority issuesmaybecomesignificantintheirpotentialeffect onwilderness that measuresmaychangeisnewwildernessissuesariseorlower tracking changeinwildernesscharactertoevolveovertime.Oneofthereasons it isalsoimportanttoallowamonitoringprogramassessingconditionsand While consistentlyusingthesamemeasuresovertimeisnecessarytoshowtrend, Measures CanChangeOverTime Chapter 5—Monitoring change in Wilderness Character 109 eaSUreS M First, not all measures are relevant to each wilderness. If staffs choose to each wilderness. If staffs First, not all measures are relevant a desired outcome is “gaming the Second, choosing measures to achieve may result in an overall Third, a haphazard selection of measures measures solely based on minimizing cost and time for data collection, the measures solely based on minimizing resulting information may be meaningless. look good or sound the alarm on system” (for example, to make a manager result in information that is also largely a “threatened” wilderness) and will meaningless. flawed, and not viable assessment that is incoherent, fundamentally of these situations, the resulting as a useful management tool. In all track change in wilderness character, information will not help staff wasting valuable time and effort. • • • rioritizing A variety of different methods can be used to prioritize measures, such as A variety of different wilderness using the opinion of a single individual, the consensus view of the a worksheet based on committee, or more formal processes. Appendix 5.3 offers measures a numeric ranking for each measure as one method of selecting the be used that meet the specific criteria in this worksheet. The worksheet can can work by the wilderness committee in one session or each team member with the team convening later to compare results. Another option separately, then the would be to have a lead person create the first set of rankings and is to eliminate wilderness committee reviews and refines these rankings. The idea has broad subjective bias, create a dialogue, and produce a set of measures that a filled-in example worksheet for appeal and usefulness. Appendix 5.4 offers prioritizing measures from Guadalupe Mountains Wilderness. p will identify park staff at many parks, that has shown as experience It is likely, only one measure even though for each indicator, measures many potential and the list and time constraints face money for each. All parks is required How do park to be winnowed. probably need measures will of potential do they meaningful? How and measures are cost-efficient decide which staff and practical? Ultimately, measures selected will be relevant guarantee that the set of measures that measures is to select the minimum the goal of prioritizing representative picture of a and will provide the most is practical and relevant wilderness wilderness committee or other The park’s wilderness character. park’s management, and operational representing the resources, interdisciplinary team used to track change in which measures will be divisions should prioritize will significantly improve internal Such a team approach wilderness character. in upfront discussion because concerns can be addressed dialogue and efficiency an individual or two. measures have been prioritized by rather than after used by the park, the final set of measures this team will determine Ultimately, too few measures) with overindulgence balancing oversimplification (selecting (selecting too many measures). or any specific measures, that must or should There is no set number of measures, begins the process of prioritizing measures, three be used by a park. As park staff in mind: cautions are worth keeping firmly Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 110 National Park,CaliforniaandNevada. Table 13.ExampleofweightingmeasuresintheundevelopedqualitywildernesscharacteratDeathValley mechanical transport motorized equipment, or Use of motor vehicles, Inholdings and developments structures, installations, Nonrecreational Indicator Sequoia andKings Canyon Photo: NPS, Sequoia-Kings Canyon Wilderness, National Parks

Administrative uses Off-road vehicle trespass Unpatented inholdings Private inholdings State inholdings with no road access or held for wildlife State inholdings with road access Borrow pits Unauthorized installations/debris Installations (including guzzlers and fences) Measure of thatmeasuretotheenablinglegislation. localized theimpactwas,howlong-lastingandrelationship an actualdegradationorhadthepotentialfordegradation,howpervasive At DeathValley NationalPark,plannersconsideredwhetherthemeasurewas character forDeathValley NationalPark(seechapter6)isshownintable13. An exampleofweightingthatwasusedindevelopingamapwilderness all weightsusedandthenusetheseconsistentlyovertime. the appearanceofsuchmanipulation,parkstaff needtoprovidearationalefor “game” themonitoringresultstoshowaparticulardesiredtrend;avoideven Character MonitoringDatabase(chapter6).Weighting canalsobeusedto equal 100%.Weights forindividualmeasures maybeinputintotheWilderness weighting isused,theweightsassignedtoallmeasuresunderanindicatormust a greatersenseofpracticalityandunderstandingaboutthemeasures.If other factors.Weighting isnotrequiredbutsometimeshelpsstaff byproviding to reflecttheirecologicalimportance,managerialvulnerability, or After selectingmeasures,parkstaff maywanttoweighttheindividualmeasures W eighting M eaSUreS 40 60 20 60 5 15 35 10 55 Weight Chapter 5—Monitoring change in Wilderness Character 111 ata d Several federal agencies monitor resources and collect monitor resources and collect Several federal agencies Federal agencies— data sources National Park Service—There are several servicewide NPS many parks have been Parks—Each park has its own data files and data, including county and municipal Partners—A variety of partners offer data, including the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), National Oceanic and U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), data, including the Environmental Protection Agency Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Service (NRCS). and Natural Resource Conservation (EPA), Software System. A variety along the lines of the Facility Management Natural Resource out of the WASO of servicewide data are available Resource including Integrated Stewardship and Science (NRSS) offices, Air Resource Division (ARD), Inventory Management Applications (IRMA), Servicewide Plant Management Teams. & Monitoring program, and Exotic Cultural Resource Management WASO data are also available out of the and Information System, including Archeological Sites Management office, the Cultural Landscape Inventory. the List of Classified Structures, and should consult with for a long time. Staff monitoring wilderness conditions archives for potential data, along long-term employees and check park commercial use authorizations (CUA), with checking case incident reports, and Interagency Monitoring of Research Permit and Reporting System, Protected Visual Environments (IMPROVE). governments, state resource management or regulation departments, universities, and nongovernmental organizations such as The Nature and Audubon Society. The Wilderness Society, Conservancy, • • • • athering Selecting data for a measure requires a balance of several data-quality factors. Selecting data for a measure requires a balance of several data-quality collection protocols are best, where Data collected using peer-reviewed and are the data are managed with quality assurance and quality controls, available consistently collected over the monitoring period. Some data are not and in a standardized format. For example, data on the number of authorized format. The unauthorized entries into wilderness may not be found in a standard looking for data, may have to compile reports, interview or person “data miner,” determine if a given report has wilderness-specific information, and staff, use. For and standardize those data and the way they are collected for future vehicle entry would be recorded in a case incident report, example, an off-road as off-road maintained by the Ranger Division. The violation may be recorded data miner vehicle travel, rather than a wilderness violation, thus requiring the to determine if that impact occurred in wilderness. g either must staff of an indicator, to assess the trend measures After selecting data on Protocols for gathering existing data. or use applicable gather data Forest Service’s in the U.S. can be found of wilderness character measures Related to Wilderness Conditions Monitoring Selected Guide for Technical Guide to Technical Management’s Bureau of Land and the Character, available Character Monitoring, both of which are Implementing Wilderness found at easily Existing data are online at http://www.wilderness.net/WC. from reports, collected in the while other data must be mined accessed web sites, likely NPS Appendix 5.1 provides through interviews with staff. field, or obtained Keeping It Wild. Appendix 5.5 the possible measures listed in data sources for all NPS data sources. In general, table of commonly available provides an extensive sources of existing data: there are four primary Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 112 both understandingandcommunicatingtheuses and limitationsofthedata. provides waystodescribedataqualityforeachmeasure, whichwillbecriticalfor sources. TheWildernessCharacterMonitoringDatabase describedinchapter6 possible andfullyunderstandingthetradeoffs ofusingdatafromavariety wilderness characterwillrequireminingasmanyapplicable datasourcesas park-specific data,butthesedatamaybeoflower quality. Tracking changein other sourcessuchasincidentreportsandparkpartners willbeabletoprovide be ofhighqualitybutwillappropriateforonly somemeasures.Incontrast, these factors.DatafromtheNPSI&Mprogramand interagencydatasetswill that datausedtomonitorwildernesscharacterwill exhibitsomebutnotallof representative, sustainable,repeatable,andofhighquality. Itisverylikely The optimaldatagatheringsituationwouldbetousethatarehighly sustainability, replication,andquality—needtobeconsidered: When choosingasourceofdataformeasure,fourfactors—representativeness, • • • • data withhighqualityassurance/control. benefit offormalQAQCprocesses.TheIMPROVEnetworkisanexample consistency overtimeandfromonelocationtoanother, withtheadded Selecting datafromexistingnationalmonitoringprogramsprovides quality control(QAQC)?Peer-reviewed data aregenerallyofhigherquality. of replication. reports oftenrecordinconsistentinformation,lendingtotheirlowdegree interpreted. Conversely, whileincidentreportsmay beinformative,these protocols haveahighdegreeofreplicationandcanbeconsistently a highconfidencelevelthatdatacollectedwithpeer-reviewed published example, iftheauthorizedactivityoccurredinwilderness. the reportsandmaintainfiles.Thesepermitsmaynotindicate,for with thesustainabilityofdatasubjecttoindividualswhofillout activities; however, theyarenotmanagedusingstandardizedformats, commercial useauthorizationsarehighlyrepresentativeofpermittedpark this datasourcehighlysustainable.Incontrast,specialusepermitsand a partneruniversity. Theprogramhaslongevityandsupport,making stations operatedunderanagreementbetweenfederalagenciesand IMPROVE networkisanationalprogramwithpark-specificmonitoring will theparkbeabletomaintainthislevelofeffort infutureyears?The representative ofeachparkwilderness. for thekeyfacilities.Thesedatasourcesarepark-specific,andhighly System measuretheextentofauthorizedphysicaldevelopmentinanarea facilities inwildernessinventoriedtheFacilityManagementSoftware amount ofvisitoruseinagivenareawithintime.Structuresor special usepermits(SUP)andcommercialauthorizationsmeasurethe measure? Forexample,overnightwilderness-usepermits,park-issued Quality—Are thedatahighquality, withproperqualityassurance and Replication—Can similarinformationbecollectedinthefuture?Thereis Sustainability—How readilyarethedataretrievedandprocessed, Representativeness—Do thedatareasonablyrepresentwilderness Chapter 5—Monitoring change in Wilderness Character 113 Photo: NPS/Shan Burson, Denali Wilderness, Denali National Park & Preserve nforMation i the

Sing U of data and provides a variety wilderness character change in Tracking is summarized below. may be used and information How these data information. change in from tracking uses of the information most important One of the and externally. both internally improve communication character is to wilderness Act and from the Wilderness wilderness direction for managing While the sources of contention in wilderness there are many seem clear, agency policy may and locally relevant clear and consistent terminology stewardship. Using that is targeted to specific change and report results in a way measures to track divisions within different improve communication among audiences will directly In addition, this information partners and stakeholders. a park and with external the State of the Parks that is into servicewide reporting such as can feed directly A Call to Action. 2012 Director’s included in the NPS Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 114 implemented orpoliciesthatarenotadequateto preserve wildernesscharacter. provide informationonwhetherthisdeclineisdue topoliciesthatarenotbeing much oftheNationalParkService,areviewpolicy implementationmay initiatives, andpolicies.Forexample,ifwilderness characterisdegradingacross as adiscussiontoolfortheeffectiveness ofcurrentmanagementapproaches, and weaknessesinservicewidepreservationofwilderness character, andserve the currentstatusofservicewidewildernesscharacter, highlight overallstrengths for regionalandnationalprogrammanagerstounderstandcommunicate with improving,stable,ordegradingtrends.Regionalreportsprovideameans wilderness areas;rather, aregionalreportgivestheproportionsofwildernesses staff, andNWPSpartneragencies.Regionalreportsdonotcompareseparate national andregionalNPSmanagement(includingthedirector),congressional up, fromallwildernessesintheregion,andaretargeteddesignedforsenior Regional reportsarecomposedofaggregatedtrends,fromtheindicatorlevel stewardship andtheunderlyingfactorsthatinfluencedecisions. character tointerestedconstituentsandincreasetransparencyinwilderness so. Externallocalreportsallowtheparktocommunicatetrendinwilderness park mightimproveitsstewardshipandthepotentialresourcesavailabletodo coordinator promotecommunicationandenabledialogueconcerninghowa with theestablishedbaseline.Localreportssenttoregionalwilderness within thewildernessstaff, andserveas a tooltocomparecurrentconditions serve asacommunicationtoolfordiscussionbetweenmanagementdivisionsand stewardship andpreservationofwildernesscharacter. Furthermore,localreports to helpguidefuturemanagementdecisions,withthegoalimprovewilderness of managementdecisionsonwildernesscharacterandprovideafeedbackloop managers tobetterunderstandandquantifythepositivenegativeimpacts overall trend(s),andtheunderlyingbasisforthosetrends.Thereportsallow wilderness character, howindividualtrendswithintheparkinteracttoinfluence of internallocalreportsistoprovidetangibleinformationonthetrendin and interestedinternalexternalparkwildernessstakeholders.Thefunction superintendent, seniorparkmanagementstaff, wildernessmanagers,andstaff, qualities andoverallwildernesscharacteraretargeteddesignedforthe Local reportsincludeinformationfromindividualmeasuresuptowilderness to theindicator, quality, andtheoverallstatustrendofwildernesscharacter. user couldbeginwiththedataforasinglemeasureandseehowtheycontribute measure toseethedataonwhichstatusandtrendarebased.Similarly, a then todigdownasdeeptheuserwantsthrougheachquality, indicator, and that allowsausertoseetheoverallstatusandtrendofwildernesscharacter, and and geographicscaleofthereport.Thegoalistoprovideweb-basedreporting information includedinthereportwillvarydependingontargetaudience and regionallevel,althoughthelevelofdetailamounttype Trends calculatedfromdataprovidethebasisforreportsatbothalocal Reporting Chapter 5—Monitoring change in Wilderness Character 115

Gates of the Arctic National Park & Preserve Photo: NPS/Nyssa Landres, Gates of the Arctic Wilderness, —Provide information that allows a park conditions—Provide information Assessing wilderness actions should be focused and Evaluate where future Prioritizing actions— and revisions by Help with plan development Informing planning— funding levels Express how different Communicating stewardship needs— actions Improving accountability—Link stewardship actions, as well as Establish a permanent database that Establishing legacy information— to directly assess whether standards established in plan direction are being whether standards established in to directly assess are effective. actions being implemented met and management wilderness character. may be best invested to improve where resources for wilderness. identifying monitoring requirements character. the requirements to preserve wilderness affect Wilderness Act mandate to preserve that are not taken, directly to the wilderness character. to be passed on and used by creates one place for wilderness information future managers. • • • • • • Supporting WildernessSupporting Stewardship Trend information collected over many years, or spans between managers, will information collected over many years, Trend knowing For example, wilderness character. be especially powerful to preserve to manipulate vegetation occurring now the number and type of actions taken from now will be an important way to know compared with what occurs 10 years trending toward more or less manipulation. whether management programs are level of buildings, trails, knowing how the number and development Similarly, of human occupation and modification are dams and other physical evidence to know whether wilderness stewardship is changing over time is the only way quality of wilderness character. improving, or degrading, the undeveloped Using a framework of qualities, indicators, and measures derived from derived measures and indicators, qualities, of a framework Using consistent and policies provides management Act and NPS the Wilderness NPS staff character. in wilderness on assessing trends information standardized legal mandates direct link between and support this understand, can recognize, and measures. indicators, framework of qualities, and the character can be used to that tracking change in wilderness More specific ways include: support stewardship Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 116 • • • • • Key Points: wilderness character. overall preservation of overriding goal is the tradeoffs, the In all cases involving wilderness character. term improvement in to achieve a long- may be necessary one of the qualities short-term impact to In some cases a another quality. a downward trend in character may cause quality of wilderness or preserve one Efforts to improve management actions. may be a trigger for wilderness character in one quality of A downward trend indictment. is information, not an wilderness character of the qualities of character or one trend in wilderness A downward actions totryreversea downwardtrend. may choosetoimplement oneormoreoftheirpreidentifiedmanagement then usedperiodicallyto assess ifthatstandardisbeingmetandparkmanagers and identifiablemanagement actions. Tracking trendsinwildernesscharacter is stewardship planshouldidentifystandards(e.g.,thresholds) thattriggerspecific assessment, orenvironmentalimpactstatement).Ideally, thewilderness need tobeconsideredinaNEPA document(categoricalexclusion,environmental Generally, themanagementactiontakeninresponsetoadownwardtrendwill honest understandingofchangesinwildernesscharacter inaparticularpark. reported whentrackingtrendsinwildernesscharacter toprovideacompleteand source, stilldegradewildernesscharacter. Therefore,theseimpactsshouldbe anthropogenic climatechange.However, adverseimpacts,regardlessoftheir across largegeographicspans,suchasairandlight pollutionorimpactsof Other impactsmaybetheresultofmanysourcesbeyondparkboundariesand which theNationalParkServicehasno,oronlylimitedcontroljurisdiction. and trappingregulations,aircraftoverflightsarelegalactivities,over on privateinholdings.Forexample,developmentinholdings,statehunting Other impactsmayresultfromactivitiesoccurringoutsidetheparkboundaryor understanding thetradeoffs requiredin all decisionsandactions. above illustratethedifficult natureofwilderness stewardshipthatinvolves impacts totheuntrammeledorundevelopedqualities,both.Bothexamples to thenaturalqualityeventhoughtheremaybeshort-orlong-termnegative and benefitsofaproposal,projectmaybejustifiedintermsitscontribution a long-termimprovementtowildernesscharacter. Whenevaluatingtheimpacts gains fromthescienceisreflectedinmeasuresundernaturalqualityas benefits outweightheimpactstowildernesscharacter. Theknowledgethepark process whereitwasdecidedthattheprojectnecessaryand for monitoring.Presumablysuchaprojectwentthroughthoroughevaluation Another examplewouldbeprojectsthatinvolvecollectingandcollaringwildlife though thisactionwouldcauseadownwardtrendintheundevelopedquality. adverse resourceimpactstothenaturalqualityofwildernesscharacter, even and oftendesirable.Forexample,installingatoiletmaybenecessarytoreduce occur inparkwildernessaretheresultofactionsthatlegal,reasonable, almost alwaysleadtoadownwardtrendinanotherquality. Many impactsthat manages—taking actiontoprotectonequalityofwildernesscharacterwill In wilderness—unlikemostotherresourcesthattheNationalParkService sufficient resourceinformation tomakeaninformeddecision. that appropriatetechnicalandscientificstudieswillbeconductedtoprovide Conservation Planning,EnvironmentalImpactAnalysis,andDecision-making, Tracking trendinwildernesscharacteralsofulfillsthe2011Director’s Order12: this trendisacceptableornotandthenwhetheranyactionwillbetaken. this trend,superintendentswillbeinamuchbetterpositiontodecidewhether wilderness characterandbyunderstandingtheindividualcomponentsthataffect in wildernesscharacterasawhole.Byobjectivelydescribingtheoveralltrend wilderness, sometimesdownwardtrendsareobservedinindividualqualitiesor wilderness characterfromitsconditionatthetimeareawasdesignatedas character. Whiletheintentofthesepoliciesistopreventdeterioration NPS ManagementPolicies2006directlystatestheneedforpreservingwilderness d ealing


a d oWnWard t rend

in W ilderneSS c haracter Chapter 5—Monitoring change in Wilderness Character 117 Photo: NPS/Garry Oye, Organ Pipe Cactus Wilderness, Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument In other cases, the downward trend may be the result of cumulative and and of cumulative result be the trend may the downward cases, In other this and in over time, and qualities measures in several declines incremental be preidentified. actions may not management the standards and situation character, to preserve wilderness Act is charge of the Wilderness But as the change (if they a result of tracking recognizable as should be these situations and data sources of their measures selection parks should reconsider are not, could start committee wilderness this case, the park’s sensitivity). In to increase to the from the quality, source of the deteriorating trend by backtracking the the source. At the data source level, to the measure, to the data indicator, here is not to dodge a be carefully scrutinized. The intent actual data should and real, and to assure but rather to make sure it is valid deteriorating trend, in change or data entry, of some error in data collection that it is not an artifact or data gap. instrumentation, to be real, the validated and the trend is determined Once the data are deteriorating trend in that carefully consider whether that committee should in the context character is acceptable or unacceptable quality of wilderness there is a For example, sometimes character. of the overall trend in wilderness untrammeled quality (e.g., nonnative plant short-term downward trend in the long-term improvement to the natural quality control) in order to provide for a which may be acceptable to park (e.g., maintain native species composition), wilderness character as a whole. Where managers in the context of preserving trend is unacceptable, the next step is to it is determined that the downward has any control or jurisdiction over the determine if the National Park Service discussed, it may be well outside of NPS source of the impact. As previously In other cases, it may be something that the National jurisdictional authority. previously or it was simply have a reason to Park Service could control but didn’t not salient to park managers. Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 118 Fire IslandNationalSeashore Island HighDune Wilderness, Photo: NPS , OtisPike Fire

coordinator, andregionalwildernesscoordinatorforadditionalguidance. course ofactionshouldconsultwiththeirregionallegalcounsel,environmental provided inchapter1ofNPSManagementPolicies2006.Parksconsideringthis impairment toparkresourcesandvaluesusingthecriteriaprocedures the parkmaywanttoconsiderwhetheroverallconditionresultsin where theagencyhasnocontrolorjurisdictionoversourceofimpacts, In extremecasesofunacceptabledeterioratingtrendsinwildernesscharacter problems. Aflowchart,figure2,isprovidedtoillustratethisprocessasadiagram. wilderness character. And,ifnot,takereasonableactionstoaddressthe wilderness charactertoassurethatwearemeetingourmandatepreserve quality ofwildernesscharacterandtheoverallcompositeallqualities in wildernesscharactertoperiodicallydeterminewhatthetrendsareeach motorized andmechanizedequipment.Thepointistousethetrackingchange might beundertakentoteachprimitiveskillssothatthereislessrelianceon the subsequentlossofprimitiveskills.Inthiscase,arenewedtrainingeffort may notbeintentionalbutrathertheindirectresultofstaff turnoverand degrades theundevelopedquality, wheretheincreaseduseofsuchequipment increasing useofmotorizedandmechanizedequipmentinwildernesswhich delivery forparkvisitors.Anotherexampleofthissituationmayoccurwithan to reconsidertheuseofsignsandadifferent methodofinformation a negligibleandjustifiableimpact,takenaswholeitmayinspirethepark undeveloped quality, orboth.Whileeachsignbyitselfmaybeconsidered up incrementallywhichleadstoadeterioratingtrendinthesolitudeor this situationmightbethatthenumberofsignsinwildernesskeepsgoing designed topreserveandimprovewildernesscharacter. Anexampleof The deterioratingtrendshouldalertagencystaff totheneedforactions Chapter 5—Monitoring change in Wilderness Character 119 acceptable to

unacceptable? Is the downward overall context of overall context of trend acceptable or wilderness character Continue monitoring Evaluate trend in the Evaluate trend in respond . to

unacceptable character process

no general

wilderness the


Take action(s) as Take downward trend Validate trend by Validate Prepare impairment analysis if warranted needed to correct the looking at source data looking at source trends showing

no lowchart downward 2. F 2. igure over the source of deterioration? yes yes F Does the NPS have control or jurisdiction Does the NPS have control or jurisdiction deterioration Deteriorating Take action(s) to Take monitoring data trend observed in trend observed in Is trend corrected? resolve the source of Continue monitoring Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 120 Shenandoah National Park Photo: NPS/Daniel Silva, Shenandoah Wilderness,


Emerging Tools and Topics to Intergrate Wilderness Character

The earth does not belong to man; man belongs to earth... with all your strength, with all your mind, with all your heart, preserve it for your children.... —Chief Seattle

Photo: NPS/Matt Limmer, Sequoia-Kings Canyon Wilderness, Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks

Chapter 6—Emerging Tools and Topics to Integrate Wilderness Character 121 oolS

haracter t c ntegrate Merging haracter i c ilderneSS to

W 6—e opicS Show the current overall condition of wilderness Show the current overall condition planning of different Allow analysis of the effects monitoring Provide a baseline from which future character and how it varies across a landscape. character and how it varies across by varying alternatives on wilderness character the map factors that combine to produce different the map could and examining the results. Similarly, the effects be used for project planning to analyze character. of proposed actions on wilderness could show the trend in wilderness character over time. As part of this process, a park would gain better understanding of their current data and whether new or better data would be needed on for future planning and analyses of effects wilderness character. t • • • ilderneSS apping hapter c and by to be embraced character continues As wilderness to help integrate will be developed new tools NPS staff, management, and monitoring. it into park planning, parks can learn are shared, different When such tools A and apply these tools if desired. from one another and as other tools described below, variety of tools are will be added to this chapter. are developed they M map based on GIS data depicts A wilderness character character and how it varies the status of wilderness developed in Keeping It Wild, the across a park. As throughout an qualities of wilderness character apply of the landscape entire wilderness, even though features vary from one and impacts to wilderness character wilderness attributes have Specific place to another. and others 2002), been mapped globally (Sanderson press), and nationally continentally (Carver and others in yet procedures for (Aplet, Thomson, and Wilbert 2000), not been developed mapping wilderness character have A wilderness character map would: until now. benefits described primary the three addition to In character wilderness benefits of a above, other potential specific areas where actions identifying map include to improve the wilderness taken inside could be shouldwhere actions areas or wilderness character, would degrade wilderness be taken because they not A wilderness character map would also help character. outside specific the but areas that are close to identify risk of pose a significant might where actions wilderness character. degrading wilderness W Photo: NPS/Kevin Hendricks, Sequoia-Kings Canyon Sequoia-Kings Canyon Hendricks, NPS/Kevin Photo: Wilderness, Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks Wilderness, Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 122 formatted and Data source(s) (e.g., location normalized of mines) Measure F igure 3. o verall this mapareshowninfigure3. procedures describedhereforallfivequalities.Theoverallstepsdeveloping character weremappedinDeathValley; otherparksmayconsiderusingthe in theDeathValley Wilderness.Notethatonlyfour qualitiesofwilderness quality, wereinturncombinedtocreateanoverallmapofwildernesscharacter combined toproduceamapforthatquality, andthefourmaps,oneforeach to theothersunderaparticularindicator. Theindicatorsforeachqualitywere by theteam;theseweightsreflectimportanceofmeasureinrelation restrictions andareasclosedtovisitoruse.Eachmeasurewasthen“weighted” on visitorbehavior”inthesolitudequality)couldusetwodatasources:camping and extentofvisitorrestrictions”(undertheindicator“managementrestrictions was morethanonedatasourceforameasure.Forexample,themeasure“type quality ofthespatialdataforaccuracyandcompleteness.Inmostcasesthere potential measures,theteamidentifiedpossibledatasourcesandexamined measures foruseasindicatorsofthequalitieswildernesscharacter. Fromthese The teamdevelopedthiswildernesscharactermapbyfirstidentifyingpotential developing thewildernesscharactermap. four face-to-facemeetingsandhadseveralphoneemailconversationsin the-ground experienceintheDeathValley Wilderness.Thisteam conducted Together, theinterdivisionalteamhadapproximately50person-yearsofon- wilderness charactermap,tappingtheexperienceandknowledgeofparkstaff. A teamconsensusapproachwasusedforalldecisionsindevelopingthe cfm?fuse=toolboxes&sec=WC. sites/WASO/WSD/WC andonwilderness.netat http://www.wilderness.net/index. the NPSWildernessCharacterSharepointsiteathttp://share.inside.nps.gov/ are brieflydescribedhereanddetailsondevelopingthismapcanbefound future monitoringofthetrendinwildernesscharacter. Thesenewprocedures their wildernessandbackcountrystewardshipplantoserveasabaselinefor of different planningalternatives onwildernesscharacterastheydeveloped staff wantedtodevelop thiswildernesscharactermaptohelpanalyzetheeffects million-acre DeathValley Wilderness,inDeathValley NationalPark.DeathValley New proceduresweredevelopedtomapwildernesscharacterin2010forthe3.1 A Map of Wilderness CharacterforDeathValleyA MapofWilderness Wilderness

Flowchart weighting system together usinga Measures added (e.g., physical resources) Indicator d eath

For v

Building alley w

ilderness a together equally Indicators added

map (e.g., natural) Quality

oF .


character together equally Qualities added Wilderness Character


Chapter 6—Emerging Tools and Topics to Integrate Wilderness Character 123 Photo: NPS/Peter Landres, Landres, NPS/Peter Photo: Wilderness, Death Valley National Park Valley Death Answer the strategic questions described in appendix 6.1 to set the questions described in appendix Answer the strategic be developed and the wilderness character map will context for how for. what it will be used for the qualities of measures for each of the indicators Identify potential wilderness character. sources for each potential measure. Identify spatial data and additional work required completeness, accuracy, Assess relevance, for each measure. for the data sources on the criteria in step 4. Select measures based within each selected measures by their relative importance Weight their weights within each indicator indicator to total 100. Measures and developed by Death Valley for the qualities of wilderness character are provided in appendix 6.2. Each park needs to National Park staff develop its own weighting scheme. for each indicator using their Using GIS, add the measures together relative weights. for each quality using equal Using GIS, add the indicators together if deemed appropriate in answering the weighting (or relative weighting strategic question in step 1). for wilderness character using Using GIS, add the qualities together equal weighting. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. The resulting maps of wilderness character are shown for each of the qualities of The resulting maps of wilderness four maps of the qualities were combined wilderness character (figure 4). These of wilderness character for the Death using GIS, resulting in an overall map the experience gained from Wilderness (figure 5). It is expected that Valley Valley National Park, character map for Death building this first-ever wilderness of park which required approximately four months and a substantial amount will allow other parks to build a wilderness character map in much time, staff less time. The detailed steps to create the wilderness character map are described in are described map character wilderness create the steps to detailed The Report Technical Park – National Valley in Death Character Wilderness Mapping at Sharepoint site Character on the NPS Wilderness available and Methodology, http:// at and on wilderness.net http://share.inside.nps.gov/sites/WASO/WSD/WC steps to The basic www.wilderness.net/index.cfm?fuse=toolboxes&sec=WC. this map are: develop Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 124 undeveloped quality F igure (d) 4. t

oF quality he


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quality and


solitude (a),


untrammeled or d

primitive eath v alley


quality w

unconFined ilderness (B), .

Chapter 6—Emerging Tools and Topics to Integrate Wilderness Character 125


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concerns are: concerns helpstoavoidinvalidandinappropriateusesofthemap.Theseprimary map, there cautions aboutitsuse.Understandingthese are alsoconcernsor While thereareseveralpotentialbenefitstodevelopingawildernesscharacter Cautions About Developing a Wilderness CharacterMap Cautions AboutDevelopingaWilderness • • • richness, ordepthofwildernesscharacter. described inthisUserGuide,theseproductsdonotdescribethecomplexity, character. Inshort,whilethesemapproductsareusefulforthepurposes the symbolic,intangible,spiritual,orexperientialvaluesofwilderness point intime.Inaddition,thesemapproductsdonotportrayanyway which spatialdatawereavailableforaparticularwildernessatcertain really onlyanestimateofselectedaspectswildernesscharacterfor and precisedescriptionofwildernesscharacter. Thesemapproductsare wilderness character—Mapproductscanbemisconstruedasanaccurate wilderness isbuiltwithdataforthatandnoothers. appropriate becauseeachwildernessisunique,andthemapfor these mapsamongdifferent wildernesses, however, isneithervalidnor the quantityofagivencoloramongdifferent wildernesses.Comparing character indifferent colors,anditwillbe easyforuserstocompare parks. Themapswillshowthecurrentstatusortrendofwilderness among different wildernesseswhensuchmapsaredevelopedforother A mapmayfacilitateinappropriatecomparisonofwildernesscharacter areas whileraisingthequalityofwildernesscharacterinotherareas. wilderness, theintentofmapistohelpstaff maintainhigh-quality condition ofwildernesscharacterandhowitvariesacrosstheentire wilderness charactertodegradeinotherareas.Byshowingthecurrent on preservingwildernesscharacteronlyinthesespecificareasandallow or of“higherquality”thanothers,thetendencymaybetofocusefforts wilderness. Forexample,ifthemapshowsthatsomeareasare“better” and agencymandatestopreservewildernesscharacteracrosstheentire “sacrifice zones”withinthewilderness,directlycontraveningcongressional Assuming thattheresultingmapsaccuratelyandpreciselydescribe Comparing theconditionofwildernesscharacterbetweenwildernesses— Creating sacrificezones—Amapmayfacilitateinappropriatecreationof Chapter 6—Emerging Tools and Topics to Integrate Wilderness Character

127 eter Landres, eter Landres, e Mead National e Mead National Recreation Area Photo: NPS/P Photo: Bridge Canyon Wilderness, Lak ataBaSe d onitoring M haracter c ilderneSS W that allows parks is software Monitoring Database Character The Wilderness character. on wilderness and other information monitoring data to enter application, Access desktop a standalone Microsoft is currently The database desktop for the future. The is planned an online application although Once the within its jurisdiction. each wilderness houses data on application make it possible to track is made available, the database will online capability Park Service, as well as character throughout the National change in wilderness It will provide consistency in Wilderness Preservation System. across the National to alter or add measures. yet it also provides local flexibility tracking measures, in a library of into the database are pooled all measures entered Importantly, that is available to new users. potential measures described in Keeping on the hierarchical framework The database is based it down into takes wilderness character and breaks It Wild. This framework monitoring questions is divided into monitoring questions, qualities. Each quality indicators are divided into measures. The are divided into indicators, and finally qualities down to the indicator level. Measures database is standardized from the the park and unique to each wilderness. This are flexible and can be chosen by consistency and standardization with the design balances the need for national and use. flexibility required for local relevance database and enter the data for each will set up the measures in the Park staff as stable, improving, or degrading in each measure is evaluated measure. Trend standard that can be used to determine based on the data. There is no national each wilderness is unique and each park must the direction of this trend because Trends across change in each measure. determine what constitutes a “significant” based on rules for combining trends in measures are “rolled up,” or aggregated, not be compared in wilderness character cannot and will Keeping It Wild. Trends is collected and reported, however, wildernesses. What can be across different a region, or the nation, that show whether the proportion of wildernesses in or degrading. wilderness character is preserved understand be used as a tool to help staff At the park level, the database can the measure or a number of measures affects how a management action in one data can add comments on the reasons for Staff trend in wilderness character. can report the overall trends in wilderness and trends in the database. Parks to character to interested parties and have the background information a copy of understand why those trends are occurring. Each park can download site, the database from the NPS Wilderness Stewardship Program SharePoint . A Wilderness Character tab, at http://share.inside.nps.gov/sites /WASO/WSD/WC “Quickstart Overview” of how to use this database is in appendix 6.3. Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 128 Canyon NationalParks Sequoia andKings Canyon Wilder Hendricks, Sequoia-Kings Photo: NPS/Kevin ness,

without havingtofurtherevaluate“extentnecessary” fromtheWildernessAct. unit andtothewildernessmanagementzone, mayfilteroutsomeservices the typesofcommercialservicesthatarenecessaryandappropriatetopark conservation ofresourcesandvaluestheunit.”Thiswordingisafirstfilterfor (2) areconsistenttothehighestpracticabledegreewithpreservationand enjoyment oftheunitNationalParkSysteminwhichtheyarelocated;and facilities, andservicesthat—(1)arenecessaryappropriateforpublicuse in unitsoftheNationalParkSystemshallbelimitedtothoseaccommodations, Congress thatthedevelopmentofpublicaccommodations,facilities,andservices Parks OmnibusManagementActof1998?—Theactstates,“Itisthepolicy Is thecommercialservicenecessary, appropriate, and consistentwiththeNational specific NPSprocessisadopted,consultationwithsolicitorsadvised. offered heremustbeadaptedforthecircumstancesateachpark.Untilamore as appropriate.Eachparkwillpresentadifferent situationsothediscussion includes thewildernessmanager, commercialservicesstaff, andotherspecialists in wildernessshouldbeundertakenusinganinterdisciplinaryapproachthat as astandaloneeffort. Determiningtheextent necessaryforcommercialservices general managementplanorwildernessstewardshipcouldbeaddressed decisions. Suchevaluationscouldbeaddressedwithinaplanningeffort such asa by theNationalParkService.Wildernesscharacterisintegraltomakingthese until amoredefinedprocessandspecificstepsaredevelopedadopted evaluating the“extentnecessary”forcommercialservicesinaspecificwilderness allowed withinNPSwildernessareas.Itoffers elementstoconsiderwhen decisions affecting thetype, amount,location,andtimingofcommercialservices The followingconsiderationsinthisUserGuideareprovidedformaking historical use.” purposes ofrecreational,scenic,scientific,educational,conservation,and 4(b). Section4(b)providesthat“wildernessareasshallbedevotedtothepublic The “purposes”referredtoinsection4(d)(6)arethoseenumerated proper forrealizingtherecreationalorotherwildernesspurposesofareas.” areas designatedbythisActtotheextentnecessaryforactivitieswhichare Act whichstates,“Commercialservicesmaybeperformedwithinthewilderness wilderness, aredevelopingtoolstoaddresssection4(d)(6)oftheWilderness in wilderness.TheNationalParkService,aswellotheragenciesthatmanage Wilderness charactercanbeusedtoinformdecisionsconcerningcommercialuse for d eterMining c oMMercial

the S “e erviceS xtent documents. resource managementplans, andotherapplicable services plans,foundation documents,cultural plans, wildernessstewardship plans,commercial specific documents,including generalmanagement and includedinthisanalysis.Alsoconsultpark- wilderness? Ifso,theyshouldbedescribedindetail any typesofusesthatarenotnormallyallowedin legislation. Forexample,doesthelegislationallow the parkandwildernessareaotherrelevant enabling legislationandlegislativehistoryfor What otherexistingguidanceisavailable?—Consult n eceSSary ” Chapter 6—Emerging Tools and Topics to Integrate Wilderness Character 129 Is the commercial Is the commercial and service “necessary for public appropriate use and enjoyment?” guidance in Is there legislation or other park plans? Which activities are for realizing proper of the one or more public purposes of wilderness? What is the extent necessary for the activities which are proper? Does it preserve wilderness character? use Is the commercial consistent with visitor use standards? Can commercial services be appropriately managed through zoning? use allocations Are concerning amount, timing, type, and location of use acceptable to the public? Have impacts to wilderness character been evaluated a minimum through analysis? requirements Considerations in Considerations Service Commercial Decisions: • • • • • • • • • Which activities (commercial services) are proper for realizing the recreational or or recreational the for realizing are proper services) (commercial activities Which section to in referred “purposes” The the areas?— of purposes wilderness other that “... Section 4(b) provides in section 4(b). those enumerated 4(d)(6) are recreational, scenic, purposes of devoted to the public areas shall be wilderness involves analyzing historical use.” This and educational, conservation, scientific, to determine whether public purposes for each of the opportunities the available any public purpose to realize service enables visitors commercial the proposed means. available through noncommercial which is not currently educational commercial services and nonrecreational A distinction between definition of an on the NPS educational fee waiver groups can be based 22: Recreation Fees). Such nonrecreational Order (Director’s educational group special park use permit, and are usually permitted under a educational groups used to determine whether evaluation process could be a similar but separate required under the requested permit, and if so, the conditions or not to issue a wilderness character. permit to maintain proper?—Evaluate the amount necessary for activities that are What is the extent to achieve the purposes identified earlier. of commercial use that is necessary in determining the extent of Visitor capacity is one important consideration activities has determined visitor capacity, commercial services. If a wilderness may not be able to accommodate commercial that are at or near visitor capacity the minimum amount of commercial services. Within established capacities, with noncommercial activities. Commercial services necessary should be balanced may only be allowed in wilderness if while services, similar to all other activities, or improved. Commercial services may doing so wilderness character is preserved for primitive recreation or other aspects of be limited to preserve opportunities consideration should also be given to the potential Specific wilderness character. such use might have on each quality of long-term and short-term impacts an indication of whether such use would degrade, with wilderness character, areas with Wilderness of wilderness character. maintain, or improve each quality should consider using measures in wilderness potential commercial use conflicts the condition of wilderness qualities character assessment that will monitor hiker encounter rates, the health by commercial use. Examples include affected of meadows, and the size of campsites. fit with planning —A number How do “extent necessary determinations“ types of planning processes could include the determination of of different general the extent necessary for commercial services in wilderness, including service plans. management plans, wilderness stewardship plans, and commercial analysis of Making this determination within a planning framework includes an a wilderness impacts and public involvement. Zoning can be completed as part of and amounts stewardship plan or general management plan to define the types character. of use, as well as other designations intended to preserve wilderness portions of a Through the creation of zones, commercial use in different Maintaining consistency with manner. wilderness can be managed in a different in the the wilderness character identified in zoning should be a key element evaluation of a proposed commercial service. Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 130 National Park Wilderness, Y Photo: NPS, Yosemite osemite the leastamountofadverseeffect onwilderness character. When analyzinganoperatingplan,emphasizeactivitiesandmethodsthathave minimum requirementconcepttotheoperationplansofcommercialservices. Management Policies2006,section 6.4.4,requirestheapplicationof Apply theminimumrequirementsprocessforoperationsplans—NPS participatory process. type, andlocationofusemustallbedeterminedusingaNEPA-compliant public public, commercialusers,andthosewithspecialusepermits.Theamount,timing, capacity mustnextdeterminehowusewillbeallocatedbetweenthegeneral evaluation ofaproposedcommercialservice.Areaswithanestablishedvisitor standards foragivenlocationandseasonshouldbekeyelementinthe amounts ofcommercialuse.Maintainingconsistencywithcapacitiesandrelated at ornearcapacityshouldconsiderprohibitingadditionaltypesincreased begun thedifficult task ofidentifyingcapacitiesforwildernessdayuse.Areas of dayuse.Manystaffs havedevelopedcapacitiesforovernightusebutnot users, commercialandnoncommercial.Achallengefacingmanyparksistheissue visitor capacities(maximumamountofusethatcanbeaccommodated)forall can usewildernesscharactermeasuresandstandardstoguideestablishmentof Parks completingwildernessstewardshipplansorgeneralmanagement commercial useinanyportionoftheZionWilderness. standards. Basedonthesetwofactors,theparkmadedecisionnottoallow occur. Additionally, manyareaswithintheprimitivezonewerealreadyatornear majority ofrespondentsindicatedthattheydidnotwishforcommercialuseto asked ifcommercialuseshouldbeallowedintheprimitivezone.Astrong primitive zone.Throughtwocommentperiods,membersofthepublicwere for thearea,andtodecidewhethercommercialserviceswerenecessaryin carrying capacitybasedonresourceprotectionandvisitorexperiencestandards within fiveyears. Two goalsforthewildernessstewardshipplanweretocreatea management plancalledforawildernessstewardshiptobecompleted was madetonotallowcommercialuseinthepristinezone.Thegeneral zone andapristinezone.Throughthegeneralmanagementplan,decision plan in2001.ThecreatedtwozonesfortheZionWilderness,aprimitive portions oftheeight-stepprocess.Theparkcompletedageneralmanagement Zion NationalParkrecentlycompletedacommercialservicesevaluationusing Example Haleakela nationalparks. Kings Canyon,BlackCanyon oftheGunnison,and stewardship plansforDeath Valley, Sequoia- determinations” underwaywithinwilderness Leadership Council.Therearealso“extentnecessary being undertakenbytheNPSNationalWilderness Reference Manual41:WildernessStewardship, update tothecommercialservicessectioninNPS services inwildernessandwillbefollowedbyan provides directionformanagingcommercial NPS Director’s Order41:WildernessStewardship Next Steps RefeRences and appendixes

“.... in Wildness is the preservation of the World.” —Henry David Thoreau

Photo: NPS/Dan Niosi, Denali Wilderness, Denali National Park & Preserve

References and Appendix 133 Definition Existing biological, physical, social, and economic conditions of an area that are subject to subject are that conditions of an area and economic physical, social, Existing biological, human action. of a proposed as a result and indirectly, directly change, both to whether, or how, range of options for a that represent elements Sets of management statement or environmental impact An environmental project. with a proposed proceed and social impacts of the range of alternatives the potential environmental assessment analyzes presented. of human life or activities that are or physical evidence of past Any material remains of human activities on the of the effects including the record interest, archeological information through scientific or humanistic capable of revealing They are environment. research. archeological integrating wilderness for effectively character the foundation to provide Crucial steps needed assemble wilderness and monitoring. The blocks include: into planning management basics, and integrate wilderness into management and character assess wilderness character, operations. under that operate operations, either ongoing or occasional in nature, (for profit) Commercial and necessary visitor services in national appropriate NPS-issued permits or contracts to provide parks. domestic and the wildlife or both cultural and natural resources including A geographic area, or person or exhibiting other cultural an historic event, activity, associated with animals therein, four general types of cultural landscapes, not mutually exclusive: are or aesthetic values. There historic vernacularhistoric sites, historic designed landscapes, landscapes, and ethnographic landscapes (Birnbaum 2004). NPS website database containing information on The Cultural Landscape Inventory is an cultural and potentially eligible cultural landscapes, as well as national register-eligible the within managed as cultural resources, which are landscapes determined noneligible but identifies and documents each landscape’s national park system. This evaluated inventory landscape characteristics, character-defining location, size, physical development, condition, information useful to park management. as well as other valuable features, valued cultural systems, both living and dead, that are Those tangible and intangible aspects of include They or that contain information about a culture. of a given culture by or representative districts, objects, landscapes, and historic documents not limited to sites, structures, but are and human activities and events, either of peoples, cultures, associated with or representative also can include primary written and verbal data or in the past. Cultural resources in the present and understanding of those tangible resources. for interpretation intends to become fully designated wilderness the elimination Federal lands that Congress upon by the Wildernessof a nonconforming use prohibited Act. determined to be were NPS lands whereby A finding of a formal eligibility assessment process for or ineligibility, eligibility, The determination of an area’s eligible for further wilderness study. publication of the National Park Service before by the Director further study must be approved of the final eligibility determination in the Federal Register. Cultural Resource.” See “Traditional An there. within a wilderness longer present but is no A species that formerly occurred an extinct species in that extinction is the loss of all the from extirpated species is different but still living in one area a species may be extirpated from individuals of a species, whereas another area. trails, and utilities. such as roads, Buildings and the associated supporting infrastructure for tracking change in wildernessAs used as a criterion in evaluating possible measures this term evaluates how practical it would be to monitor the measure. character, loSSary Term/Phrase Environment Affected Alternatives Resources Archeological Building Blocks of Wilderness Character Services Commercial Cultural Landscape Cultural Landscape Inventory Cultural Resources Designated Potential Wilderness Eligible Wilderness Ethnographic Resource Extirpated Species Facilities Feasibility g Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 134 Manipulation Management Zone Management IgnitedFire Major Trail Feature Keeping ItWild Inventory Invasive Species Inholding Installations Infrastructure (nonlinear) Indigenous Species Indicators Historic Structure Term/Phrase Any action taken inside a wilderness boundarytoaffectAny actiontakeninsideawilderness abiophysicalenvironment. facilities ordevelopment,and parkoperations. to determinewhatcanandcannot occurintermsofresource management,visitor use,access, A geographicalarea forwhich managementdirections orprescriptions havebeendeveloped plan. other factorsspecifiedintheburn within a“window”ofveryspecificconditions,including winds, temperatures, humidity, and NEPA requirements mustbemetbefore ignition.Prescribed fires are ignitedandmanaged reduction orhabitatimprovement. Awritten,approved prescribed fire planmustexist,and under certainpredetermined conditionstomeetspecificobjectives related tohazardous fuels Also referred toas“prescribed fire,” thiswouldbeanyfire ignitedbymanagement actions minor features suchastrailsignsandculverts. to atrailbridge,butitalsoincludesdock,constructedstairs, andaboardwalk, excludingother A significantconstructedfeature associatedwithasystemtrail.Mostcommonly, thisterm refers Preservation System. Wilderness An interagencystrategytomonitortrends characteracross inwilderness theNational (temporal). See“Monitoring.” of newinformation.Theymayberelative toeitheraparticularpointinspace(synoptic) ortime state. Inventoriesmayinvolveboththecompilationofexistinginformationandacquisition which isbestdescribedinrelation toastandard condition suchasthenaturalorunimpaired water, soils,landforms,andclimate.Inventoriescontributetoastatementofparkresources, the presence, class,distribution,andstatusofplants,animals,abioticcomponents suchas An extensivepoint-in-timeeffort todeterminelocationorconditionofaresource, including Order 13112,appendix1). cause economicorenvironmental harmortohumanhealth(Executive ecosystem underconsiderationand2)whoseintroduction causesorislikelyto An “invasivespecies”isdefinedasaspeciesthat1)nonnative(oralien)tothe Nonfederal landwithintheboundaryofawilderness. Same as“Infrastructure (nonlinear).” environmental data,suchasmeteorology orseismicactivity. measurement devicesleftinplaceforatleastoneyearthepurposeofrecording other monumentsthanthoseplacedduringlandsurveys.Italsoincludesunattended dump sites,planecrashorlocationsofunexplodedordinance. Itincludesmemorialsor development, livestockgrazing,orwildlifemanagement.Itincludesdebrissuchasold Installations orstructures usedtosupportactivitiessuchastelecommunications,water A speciesthatoriginallyinhabitedthearea nowdesignatedaswilderness. Park Service2012a). value. There maybeoneorseveralindicatorsofconditionforaparticularresource (National “information rich”andthatrepresent or“indicate”theoverallconditionofresource or A selectedsubsetofcomponentsorelementsaresource orvaluethatare particularly CharacterMonitoring.” more thanoneindicatorunderamonitoringquestion.See“Wilderness Distinct andimportantelementswithineachmonitoringquestion.Innearlyallcases,there is temple moundsandkivas,ruinsofallstructuraltypes,outdoorsculpture. and roads, railroad locomotives,rolling stockandtrack,stockadesfences,defensiveworks, include buildingsandmonuments,dams,millracescanals,nauticalvessels,bridges,tunnels usually immovable,althoughsomehavebeenrelocated andothersare mobilebydesign.They constructed work.consciouslycreated toservesomehumanactivity.” Historicstructures are As definedbyDirector’s Order 28:CulturalResourceManagement,anhistoricstructure is“a Definition References and Appendix 135 Definition A specific aspect of wilderness that can be measured or quantified. aspect of wildernessA specific measured that can be For protocol. specified in a sampling as indicator, used to quantify an Specific feature(s) water of all measures conductivity are and specific dissolved oxygen, pH, temperature, example, 2012). (National Park Service chemistry the condition used to quantify or qualitatively evaluate specific measurements One or more of specific measures may be one or more particular place and time. There of an indicator at a 2012a). (National Park Service condition for each indicator of condition having moving or air, land, water, moving people or material in or over Any contrivance for by a living or and that is powered the user, a mechanical advantage to parts, that provides is not limited to, sailboats, hang gliders, This includes, but source. nonmotorized power does not include wheelchairs when game carriers, carts, and wagons. It parachutes, bicycles, skis, , rafts, canoes, appliances. It also does not include used as necessary medical parts. primitive devices without moving sleds, travois, or similar and document if potential actions by the National Park A written analysis that helps determine necessary to accomplish a particular objective in Service or government the minimum agents are wilderness any adverse effects. and, if so, how to minimize over time. in a resource detect changes or trends The general purpose of monitoring is to to repeated observations or measurements analysis of Further defined as the collection and As used meeting a management objective. toward evaluate changes in condition and progress tracking change in wildernessin this document, it is synonymous with character. Monitoring another. one from significantly different are Major elements under each quality that questions frame wilderness to answer particular management questions. character monitoring similar to monitoring goals. See “WildernessIn this context, monitoring questions are Character Monitoring.” are and which or air, or over land, water, across Machines used to transport people or material This includes, but is source. engine, or other nonliving power by the use of a motor, powered that either land or snowmobiles, and aircraft not limited to motor boats, all-terrain vehicles, fly over the wilderness). that merely people or material (i.e., not aircraft or pick up off drop engine, or by a motor, powered for transportation but are not used Machines that are includes, but is not limited to, machines such as chain saws and This other nonliving source. devices such as shavers, wristwatches, generators. It does not include small hand-carried flashlights, cameras, stoves, or other similar small equipment. specimens Assemblage of objects, works of art, historic documents, and/or natural history studied, and to a rational scheme and maintained so they can be preserved, collected according kept in park museums, although for public benefit. Museum collections normally are interpreted centers. and historic preservation they may also be maintained in archeological of modern This quality monitors effects people One of the qualities of wilderness character. Wildernesson ecological systems inside wilderness was designated. since the time the area of modern civilization. the effects from substantially free ecological systems are of human not the result that are geologic, and ecosystem such as hydrologic, All processes manipulation. by human impoundment (such as via a dam or levee). A body of water not originally created with and may interfere not native to a particular area Species of plants or wildlife that are natural biological systems. by the or geologic time, as represented The study of the forms of life existing in prehistoric fossils of plants, animals, and other organisms. Mechanical Transport Minimum Requirements Analysis Monitoring Monitoring Questions Motor Vehicle Motorized Equipment Museum Collections Natural Quality Natural Processes Natural Wilderness Lake Nonnative Species Paleontology Term/Phrase Measures Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 136 Significance Road Strategy Resource Stewardship Replication Representativeness Reliability Record ofDecision Wilderness Recommended Qualities Proposed Wilderness Potential Wilderness Document Park Foundation Paleoecology Quality Other Features ofValue Term/Phrase quality. character andisrelevantof wilderness and usefultoparkstaff inthe managementofthat character, thistermevaluatesthedegree towhichthemeasure isdirectly related tothequality As usedasacriterioninevaluating possiblemeasures fortrackingchangeinwilderness C.F.R. 212.1.) A motorvehicletravelwaywider than50inches,unlessclassifiedandmanagedasatrail. (36 strategies toachieveandmaintaindesired conditionsovertime. that identifiesandtracksindicatorsofdesired conditionsand recommends comprehensive and culturalresources. Itisnotadecision-makingdocument,butratherananalyticaldocument A writtendocumentthatpresents long-term,comprehensive strategiesformanagingnatural term askswhethersimilarinformationcanbecollectedin the future. As usedinchoosingdatasources forameasurecharacter, fortrackingchangeinwilderness this measure.to trackthewilderness term askswhetherthedatasource reasonably captures, orstandsfor, theinformationneeded As usedinchoosingdatasources forameasurecharacter, fortrackingchangeinwilderness this different times. degree ofconfidenceandwouldyieldthesame result ifmeasured bydifferent peopleat character, thistermevaluateswhetherthemeasure canbemonitored accuratelywithahigh As usedasacriterioninevaluatingpossiblemeasures fortrackingchangeinwilderness impact statement. inanenvironmentalThe publicdocumentdescribingthedecisionmadeonanalternative both housesofCongress forformaldesignation. responsible fortransmittinghisrecommendations with respectdesignationto towilderness Preservation System.Thepresident isthen as suitableforinclusionintheNationalWilderness The landsrecommended bytheSecretary oftheInterior tothepresident oftheUnitedStates assess trendscharacter. inwilderness of value.Allfivequalitiesare ofequalimportanceandstature tounderstand,describe,and opportunities forsolitudeoraprimitiveandunconfinedtypeof recreation, andotherfeatures are Act.Thequalitiesofwilderness untrammeled,undeveloped,natural,outstanding Wilderness characterthatlinkdirectlyPrimary elementsofwilderness tothestatutory languageofthe1964 study.Service totheDepartmentofInteriorasanoutcomeaformalwilderness The landsproposeddesignationasidentifiedbytheDirector forwilderness ofthe National Park temporary nonconformingorincompatibleconditions. designationbutthatdonotthemselvesqualifyforimmediatedueto wilderness studythatareLands identifiedinawilderness surrounded byoradjacenttolandsproposed for establishes abaselinefrom whichplanningproposals are developed. and itssetting.Aparkfoundationdocumentprovides afocusforparkplanningactivitiesand a focusforplanningatthepark;andparkatlas,composedofgeo-spatialdataabout context forparkmanagement;includesanassessmentofplanninganddataneedsthatprovides foundation alsodescribesspecialmandatesandadministrativecommitments,whichprovide foundation fostersashared understandingofwhatismostimportantaboutthepark.The significance, fundamentalandimportant resources andvalues,interpretive themes—the management decisions.Through theidentificationofcore components—parkpurpose, This isafoundationalstatementfortheparkthatprovides basicguidanceforplanningand environment. The branchofecologythatdealswiththeinteractionsbetweenancientorganismsandtheir “other feature ofvalue”occursonlyinspecificlocationswithinawilderness. and,typically,the otherfourqualities.Thisqualityisuniquetoanindividualwilderness the features withscientific,educational,scenic,orhistoricalvaluethatmaynotbeincludedunder character hasbeendefinedbytheNationalParkServicetocaptureThis qualityofwilderness Definition References and Appendix 137 Definition Any development that creates an impervious ground surface. Usually used as a way to direct direct used as a way to surface. Usually ground an impervious that creates Any development impacts to resources. and reduce visitor use result Social trails often two locations. trail between is an informal, nondesignated A social trail soils. to vegetation and stresses in trampling Wildernessrecreation, primitive and unconfined solitude or to experience opportunities provides challenge. One of the qualities of of inspiration and physical and mental including the values for people the opportunity that affect This quality monitors conditions wilderness character. rather than monitoring visitor recreation, or primitive, unconfined to experience solitude experiences per se. change in for tracking for a measure in choosing data sources As used as a consideration and and processed, retrieved the data are this term asks how readily wilderness character, years. future in be able to maintain this level of effort whether the park will of National Park Service for the purpose constructed or delineated by the A linear feature trails (“user- nonsystem This is distinct from movement of people or stock. allowing the free not delineated by the agency. developed” or “social” trails) that are traditional, legendary, assigned feature or natural resource object, landscape, Any site, structure, traditionally significance in the cultural system of a group subsistence, or other religious, associated with it. or associated with cultural practices, beliefs, the sense of purpose, (property) A resource or is important in history in that community’s rooted existence of a living community that is as an ethnically distinctive people. Traditional maintaining its cultural identity and development Register of eligible for listing in the National ethnographic resources are cultural properties Historic Places. can time. Trends by monitoring their condition over in resources change measured Directional change (change experienced by individual sample units) or by examining individual be measured of all sample units) (National Park Service response by examining net change (change in mean 2012b). by the or any agency without specific approval group, Any action undertaken by anyone, any authorized line officer. Wilderness or modern human occupation. without permanent improvements is essentially of structures, the presence This quality monitors One of the qualities of wildernesscharacter. of modern or occupation. construction, habitations, and other evidence human presence for some level of study or recommendation been through that have Geographic areas a global term used to encompass This is wilderness but have yet to be designated by Congress. wilderness. wilderness,potential wilderness, and recommended proposed consisting of As it applies to parks, visitor capacity is a component of visitor use management can accommodate while sustaining the maximum amounts and types of visitor use that an area conditions and visitor experiences, consistent with the purpose for which the resource desired was established. area modern or manipulation. Wilderness from human control and free is essentially unhindered This quality monitors human activities that directly One of the qualities of wilderness character. systems inside wilderness. of ecological or manipulate the components or processes control with the surrounding in relationship a park visitor has feelings, and reactions The perceptions, environment. educational and interpretive, for recreational, in an area Refers to the physical, human presence inspirational, or scientific purposes. activities and Includes the amount, type, timing, and distribution of visitor use, including visitor behaviors. receives, or the amount of parkwide Refers to the quantity or amount of use a specific area or annual basis. monthly, visitation on a daily, Social Trails (User Trails) Social Trails Primitive and Solitude, or Unconfined Recreation Quality Sustainability System Trail Cultural Traditional Resource Cultural Traditional Property Trend Unauthorized Action Undeveloped Quality Unfinished Wilderness Visitor Capacity Untrammeled Quality Visitor Experience Visitor Use Visitor Use Characteristics Visitor Use Levels Term/Phrase Site Hardening Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 138 Wilderness Study Wilderness Resources Wilderness Plan Handbook Stewardship Wilderness Narrative Character Wilderness Monitoring Character Wilderness Assessment Baseline Condition Character Wilderness Character Wilderness Basics Wilderness Wilderness Vulnerability UseManagement Visitor Term/Phrase possible action. the findingsare forwarded totheDirector oftheNationalPark Serviceforconsiderationand studyresults proposal Actof1964.Ifthewilderness inawilderness forNPSlands, Wilderness designation. Thestudytypicallyevaluateslandsandwaters againstthecriteriaoutlinedin A formalstudy, byafederallandmanagement agency, ofareas thatare eligibleforwilderness area. refers totheholisticaggregate resources ofalltheindividualwilderness thatoccur withinan Any specific character”that resource Thisisnotthesameas“wilderness withinawilderness. Monitoring. Character intoParkPlanning,Management,and A UserGuidetoIntegratingWilderness released intheNationalParks: againin2014asa companiontothedocumentKeepingitWild stewardship plans.Thefirst editionwas released in2004anditwassubstantially revised and An NPS-specificcomprehensive guidancedocumentfortheprocess andcontentofwilderness values ofwilderness. management programs orforanalyzingbalancingtradeoffs amongdifferent resources and isnowandintotheforeseeablethe wilderness future andisnotintendedforcriticizingcurrent character.qualities ofwilderness Thenarrativeisapositiveandaffirming descriptionofwhat that provides abroad withintheregion, contextofthewilderness followedbyeachofthe to beaddressed topreservecharacter. wilderness Thenarrativeiscomposedofanoverview andthemajorissuesthatneed Describes whatisuniqueandspecialaboutthewilderness, character ischangingovertime. Data are gathered onselectedmeasures charactertoassesshowwilderness ofwilderness Qualities àMonitoringQuestionsIndicatorsMeasures. order, theseelementsare: A process ofhierarchically characterintosuccessivelyfinerelements.In dividingwilderness evaluated. Provides thereference characterismeasured pointagainstwhichchangetowilderness and discuss themeaningofthisphrase. Actof1964 didnot congressional committeesthatdevelopedanddebatedtheWilderness Act,the character” anddespitearichlegislativehistoryonmanyaspectsoftheWilderness character.of thequalitieswilderness Actdoesnotdefine“wilderness Note:TheWilderness Forpracticalpurposesitisgenerallydefinedasthecomposite people associatewithwilderness. complex andsubtlesetofrelationships betweentheland,itsmanagement,andmeanings fromsymbolic idealsthatdistinguisheswilderness otherlands.Theseidealscombinetoforma charactermaybedescribedasthecombinationofbiophysical,experiential,and Wilderness future stewardship wilderness planning. characternarrative,andidentifyingissuesfor information,developingawilderness wilderness character,One ofthebuildingblockswilderness thisincludesassemblingthebackground U.S. Congress. Preservation Systemasdesignatedbythe Federal landsthatare partoftheNationalWilderness character.a qualityofwilderness this termevaluatesbothandcurrent andnearterm(within10–15years)levelofriskorthreat to As usedasacriteriainevaluatingpossiblemeasurescharacter, fortrackingchangeinwilderness resource conditionsandvisitorexperiences. and itsphysicalsocialsetting,usingavarietyofstrategiestools,tosustaindesired The proactive andadaptiveprocess ofplanningforandmanagingcharacteristicsvisitoruse Definition References and Appendix 139 “National Invasive Species Management Plan,” at http://www.invasivespeciesinfo.gov/ “National Invasive Species Management council/main.shtml. of NPS Resource Stewardship Strategies.” “Draft Guidance for the Development & Monitoring Program.” Accessed October Used by the NPS Inventory “Glossary of Terms 15, 2012 at https://science.nature.nps.gov/im/monitor/glossary.cfm. “NPS Preservation Brief 36: Protecting Cultural Landscapes: Planning, Treatment and Planning, Treatment Brief 36: Protecting Cultural Landscapes: “NPS Preservation 15, 2012 at http://www.nps.gov/ Historic Landscapes.” Accessed October Management of history/hps/tps/briefs/brief36.htm. 2001 2012a 2012b 1994 1994 National Park Service National Invasive Species Council National Invasive Birnbaum, C. A. 2006, Policies NPS Management are this glossary sources for primary The Resource Cultural NPS-28: (e.g., predecessors their and orders Director’s NPS #77) Manual Management Reference Natural Resource Guideline, Management specifically for were created else the definitions It Wild (2008), or and Keeping as abbreviations used they are shown sources were Where other this User Guide. used in compiling Those other sources the definition. following in parentheses by the citation: are listed below this glossary Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 140 S Parsons, L.Boyers,andK. Hood Landres, P., M.Fincher, L.Sharman,J.Alderson,C.Barns,T. Carlson,R. L.Anderson,S.Boudreau,D.J. and R.Swain Landres, P., C.Barns,J. G.Dennis,T. Devine,P. Geissler, C.S.McCasland,L.Merigliano,J.Seastrand, Harmon, D.,andA.D.Putney, editors Dawson, C.P., andJ.C.Hendee Cowley, J.,P. Landres,M.Memory, D.Scott,andA.Lindholm Cordell, K.H.,J.C.Bergstrom,andM.Bowker, editors Carver, S.,A.Comber, R.McMorran,andS.Nutter Cafaro, P. Ashley, P. Appel, P.A. Aplet, G.,J.Thomson,andM.M.Wilbert elected In Press 2010 2008 2003 2008 2012 2005 2001 2010 2010 2000 r eferenceS Landscape andUrbanPlanning. “A GISModelforMappingSpatialPatternsandDistributionofWildLandinScotland.” Research Station,FortCollins, CO. General Technical ReportRMRS-GTR-234WWW. USDAForestService,RockyMountain An InteragencyFramework toEvaluateProposalsforScientificActivitiesin Wilderness. USDA ForestService,RockyMountainResearchStation, FortCollins,CO. the NationalWildernessPreservationSystem.GeneralTechnical ReportRMRS-GTR-212. Keeping ItWild:AnInteragencyStrategytoMonitor Trends inWildernessCharacterAcross Lanham, MD. The FullValue ofParks,fromEconomicstotheIntangible.Rowman&LittlefieldPublishers, edition. FulcrumPublishers,Golden,CO. Wilderness Management:StewardshipandProtectionofResourcesValues. Fourth “Integrating CulturalResourcesandWildernessCharacter.” ParkScience28(3):29-33. The MultipleValues ofWilderness.Venture Publishing,StateCollege,PA. Ethics 22:3–17. “Thoreau, Leopold,andCarson:Toward anEnvironmentalVirtueEthics.” Geographer 38:53–69. “Toward anUnderstandingandDefinitionofWildernessSpirituality.” Australian “Wilderness andtheCourts.”StanfordEnvironmentalLawJournal29:62-129. 15-VOL-2, RockyMountainResearchStation,FortCollins,CO. N. Cole,W. T. Borrie,andJ.O’Loughlin,editors).USDAForestServiceProceedings,RMRS-P- In ProceedingsoftheWildernessScienceinaTime of ChangeConference(S.F. McCool,D. “Indicators ofWildness:UsingAttributestheLandtoAssessContextWilderness.” References and Appendix 141 Hearings before the Subcommittee on Public Lands of the Committee on Interior Affairs, on Interior Affairs, Hearings before the Subcommittee on Public Lands of the Committee serial no. 12, part IV. House of Representatives, 87th Congress, 2nd session, 7–11 May, World Commission on Commission Sacred Natural Sites: Guidelines for Protected Area Managers. World 16. International Union Protected Areas, Best Practice Protected Area Guidelines Series No. France. for the Conservation of Nature, Gland, Switzerland and UNESCO, Paris, Uncertain Path: A Search for the Future of National Parks. University of California press, CA. Berkeley, ’Untrammeled,’ ‘Wilderness Character,’ and the Challenges of Wilderness Preservation.” and the Challenges of Wilderness ’Untrammeled,’ ‘Wilderness Character,’ Wild Earth 11(3/4):72–79. “The Human Footprint and the Last of the Wild.” Bioscience 52:891-904. “The Human Footprint and the Last “Managing the Balances of Nature: The Legal Framework of Wilderness Management.” “Managing the Balances of Nature: Ecology Law Quarterly 15:249–279. “Guidance ‘White Paper’ Number 1: Cultural Resources and Wilderness.” National “Guidance ‘White Paper’ Number DC. Wilderness Steering Committee. Washington, “In the Shadow of the Cedars: The Spiritual Value of Old-growth Forests.” Conservation of Old-growth Spiritual Value “In the Shadow of the Cedars: The Biology 21:1120-1123. University of Washington Press, University of Washington Parks: Playground or Preserve. Wilderness in National Seattle, WA. Denver University Law All About.” Denver University of What the Wilderness System Is “Changing Views Review 76:369–381. “Minimising Visitor Impacts to Protected Areas: The Efficacy of Low Impact Education Impact Education of Low The Efficacy to Protected Areas: Visitor Impacts “Minimising 15(1):5-27. Sustainable Tourism Journal of Programmes.” 1962 2008 2010 2002 2002 1988 2002 2007 2009 1999 2007 Zahniser, H. Zahniser, Wild, R., and C. McLeod, editors Tweed, W.C. Tweed, Scott, D. W. Sanderson E.W., M. Jaiteh, M.A. Levy, K.H. Redford, A.V. Wannebo, and G. Woolmer Wannebo, K.H. Redford, A.V. M. Jaiteh, M.A. Levy, Sanderson E.W., Rohlf, D., and D. L. Honnold National Park Service Moore, K.D. Miles, J.C. McCloskey, M. McCloskey, Marion, J.L. and S.E. Reid Marion, Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 142 234 yearsofexperienceinwildernessstewardship: The teamwascomposedofthefollowing20peoplewithacombinedtotal character integrationwithintheNPS. Guide istheprimaryproductbywhichthisteamintendstoaccomplishwilderness day andon-the-groundactivitiesthatoccurwithinawildernesspark.”TheUser to theirparkandhowwildernesscharacterinformsguidesday-to- NPS wildernessparkstounderstandhowtheideaofcharacterapplies monitoring. Theintendedoutcomefromtheworkofthisteamwillbeforall integrating andusingwildernesscharacterinparkplanning,management, Wilderness StewardshipDivisionto“provideleadershipwithintheNPSfor in 2010bytheNPSOffice ofParkPlanningandSpecialStudiestheNPS Team forallparkswithwildernessresources.Thisteamwasjointlychartered This UserGuidewasdevelopedbytheNPSWildernessCharacterIntegration a h ppendix oW • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Olympic National Park,PortAngeles, Washington Washington, D.C.(WCITco-chairbeginningthesecond year) Everglades andDryTortugas nationalparks,Homestead,Florida Alaska RegionalOffice, Anchorage,Alaska Rocky MountainResearchStation,U.S.ForestService, Missoula,Montana Aldo LeopoldWildernessResearchInstitute, North CascadesNationalPark,Sedro-Wolley, Washington Midwest RegionalOffice, Omaha,Nebraska Guadalupe MountainsNationalPark,SaltFlat,Texas Lake MeadNationalRecreationArea,BoulderCity, Nevada Missoula, Montana Arizona Ft. BowieNationalHistoricSiteandCoronadoMonument,Wilcox, Death Valley NationalPark,DeathValley, California Park PlanningandSpecialStudies,Washington, D.C. Fire IslandNationalSeashore,Patchtogue,NewYork Ruth Scott,NaturalResource Specialist, Ray O’Neil,PlateauDistrict Ranger, ZionNational Park,Springdale, Christina Mills,Wilderness Fellow, WildernessStewardshipDivision, Melissa Memory, ChiefofCulturalResources, Adrienne Lindholm,RegionalWildernessCoordinator, Peter Landres,EcologistandWCITco-chair, Chip Jenkins,Superintendent, Chris Holbeck,NaturalResourceProgramManager, Michael Haynie,ParkRangerInterpretation, Sandee Dingman,Biologist, Tim Devine,ArthurCarhartNationalWildernessTraining Center, Jeremy Curtis,ChiefofMaintenanceforChiricahuaNationalMonument, Sarah Craighead,Superintendent, Carol Cook,ProgramAnalyst, Mike Bilecki,ChiefofResourceManagement,

thiS 1— U Ser g Uide

WaS d eveloped References and Appendix 143 Miki Stuebe, Environmental Protection Specialist, Environmental Quality Quality Environmental Specialist, Protection Environmental Stuebe, Miki co-chair, and WCIT Coordinator Regional Wilderness Suzy Stuzman, Night Skies Program, Sounds and Natural Director, Karen Trevino, Program, Natural Sounds and Night Skies Planner, Frank Turina, Yellowstone and WCIT co-chair, Management Assistant Vagias, Wade Chapter 1 – Peter Landres Chapter 2 – Suzy Stutzman Suzy Stutzman, Sandee Dingman, Chapter 3 – Carol Cook (chapter lead), and Christina Mills Vagias Devine (chapter lead), Wade Chapter 4 – Tim Chapter 5 – Peter Landres (chapter lead), Adrienne Lindholm, Michael Chapter 6 – Peter Landres (chapter lead), Suzy Stutzman Glossary – Sandee Dingman Appendices – Peter Landres (lead), Suzy Stutzman, Sandee Dingman, Division, Natural Resources Stewardship and Science, Lakewood, Colorado Lakewood, and Science, Stewardship Resources Natural Division, Colorado Region, Lakewood, Intermountain Fort Collins, Colorado and Science, Stewardship Natural Resources first year) (WCIT member the Colorado Stewardship and Science, Fort Collins, Natural Resources the second year) (WCIT member beginning for the first year) Wyoming (WCIT co-chair National Park, Mammoth, Bilecki, Chip Jenkins Ruth Scott, Sarah Craighead, Mike (initial chapter leads), Miki Stuebe, Ray O’Neil, Melissa Memory Jeremy Curtis Frank Turina, Haynie, Chris Holbeck, Karen Trevino, Chris Holbeck • • • • • • • • • • • • • As the work began, all team members agreed to spend a total of four weeks per all team members agreed to spend As the work began, focused on discussion meetings per year that two face-to-face year on this effort: weeks of time in their that were needed, and two and making the decisions meetings were held in September 2010, developing products. Face-to-face offices 2012, and October 2012. Monthly February 2011, September 2011, February progress and address issues requiring the conference calls were held to assess by the team were based on the discussion and decision. Decisions made team’s views were expressed, these When strongly divergent yet minority majority view. views were included in the User Guide. working groups that corresponded This large team was divided into three and operations, roughly with the User Guide chapters on planning, management among these substantial interaction and tracking change. There was, however, basis and some individuals worked closely with working groups on an as-needed Landres was responsible for overall editing more than one working groups. Peter Principal authors for each User Guide and organization of the User Guide. chapter were: Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 144 March 2013. meeting oftheWCITinOctober2012andsubsequentrevisionsmadethrough User Guideinlatesummerandthefinaldraftreviewedat over thespringandsummer. Inputfrompilottestingwasincorporatedintothe the February2012meeting.ThisdraftwasreleasedinAprilforpilottesting on discussionatthismeeting,andreviewedbyatechnicalwriterforreview completed forin-depthreviewattheSeptember2011meeting,revisedbased biannual face-to-facemeetings.ThefirstroughdraftoftheUserGuidewas Sharepoint site,reviewed,anddiscussedonmonthlyconferencecalls As productsweredevelopedtheypostedontheNPSWildernessCharacter References and Appendix 145 Wilderness Narrative Character is a The narrative description qualitative unique of what is about the and special wilderness, organized by each quality of wilderness character. haracter c roUp g ilderneSS W a

nterdiSciplinary i eveloping an


2.1—d By providing considerable detail, it provides a basis for park foundation detail, it provides a basis By providing considerable cultural resources (including both natural By addressing multiple the primary forces concept of wilderness character and By clarifying the special about a wilderness, it informs By explaining what is unique and documents and serves as a framework for a wilderness stewardship plan. as a framework for a wilderness documents and serves and program areas staff integration among different resources), it fosters preserve wilderness character. together to effectively that need to function basis for identifying appropriate it, a narrative provides a solid that affect character. measures to assess trends in wilderness a starting point for discussion with the interpretive themes and serves as state of the wilderness. public about the current and future • • • • arrative ppendix Purpose of a WildernessPurpose Narrative Character a special about what is unique and describes character narrative A wilderness wilderness character. the qualities of by each of wilderness, organized specific now and into the description of a wilderness positive, affirming This narrative is a influences on wilderness and includes a description of major foreseeable future ways: A narrative may be used in several character. character narrative describe it who have developed a wilderness Park staff the wilderness is and the values that define as a “compass bearing” for what benefit of the narrative is that it wilderness character in the park. Another and visitors feel yet are things that staff provides a way to embrace and describe processes, such as stories about the typically ignored in formal park planning likely to experience, or the spiritual connection land, the feelings that visitors are between people and the land. narrative, by making the concept of wilderness In general, a wilderness character a park, provides a robust way to frame character tangible and specific for including decisions about minimum and articulate management decisions, and environmental impact analyses. requirements, scientific activities, a n Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 146 narrative canbedevelopedinseveralways. can includeotherstakeholdersandtribesduringtheprocessorinreview. The group representingabroadcrosssectionofparkstaff and,whenrelevant, A wildernesscharacternarrativeshouldbedevelopedbyaninterdisciplinary Approaches CharacterNarrative forDevelopingaWilderness • • • • included insubsequentdiscussion. should beconductedpriortotheworkshopsothisinformationcan through interviews.Experiencewithsuchinterviewsshowsthat interdisciplinary groupforaworkshopandincludeotherkeyparticipants narrative. Forexample,itmaybepossibletoassembleacore interdisciplinary participationindevelopingawildernesscharacter travel limitationsaretight,andaworkshopisnotviable. a viablealternativewherestaff andother keyparticipantsarescattered, is alossofinteractionandsynergythatoccursingroupsetting.This that individualinterviewscouldtakeonetotwohourseach)andthere members. Thismethodislessefficient for thelead(experiencehasshown individually intervieweachoftheidentifiedinterdisciplinarygroup the groupinreview, andfinalizethenarrative. webinars, andsimilarlyhastheleadconsolidateresultsintoadraft,engage information toparticipants,involvesseveralgroupphonecallsand/or is possibletostructureaprocessthatprovidesadequatebackground difficult toassemblethe optimalgroupinoneroomattime.It narrative isfinalizedbythelead. into adraftdocument,involvestheselectedgroupinreview, andthe follow-up. Itrequirestheleadtoconsolidateresultsofworkshop a workshopshouldtakeabouthalfday, plustimeforpreparationand and othersisveryefficient intheuseofpeople’s time.Ingeneral,such narratives. Thisoffers thegreatestopportunityforinteractionofstaff session withtheidentifiedgroup, ledbytheperson designatedtowritethe Combination—A varietyoftechniquescouldbecombinedtoget Individual interviews—Anotherapproachisforthenarrativeleadto Remote facilitatedprocess—Travel ceilingsandtimemaymakeittoo Facilitated workshop—Theoptimalsituationistoconveneaninteractive References and Appendix 147 Schedule a WildernessSchedule a with 101 training Carhart the Arthur National Wilderness Center and Training include a wilderness character narrative workshop within the agenda (a park lead would need to follow up). If the park is doing a park foundation document, schedule the completion of a wilderness character narrative through a workshop or facilitated process months to six three ahead of the foundation workshop (and consider having the foundation facilitator lead this exercise). Include a wilderness character workshop within a scoping or other early meeting for a wilderness planning stewardship process. Engage a wilderness fellow. Ideas on Ideas It Done How to Get • • • • The character narrative— a wilderness a leader for developing 1. Identify and be able character the concept of wilderness understand leader should the narrative. This through this process and write to facilitate a group a planner who will at the park, a wilderness fellow, could be someone The leader will have workshop, or another person. later lead a foundation described below. additional steps, unit or scope if there is more than one wilderness 2. Determine the of wilderness—A designated and other categories a combination of or areas of will be whether wilderness units fundamental decision or if together in a single narrative, status will be lumped differing will be determined separately. areas different narratives for these participate—Because wilderness is 3. Ensure that all relevant staff of park management (e.g., interwoven through all resource areas natural resources, cultural resources, interpretation, protection, facilities, areas are represented in this effort. fire), it is important that all resource Without making this exercise 4. Consider some outside perspectives— tribes, get input from other agency staff, overly complex, consider ways to character narrative is descriptive partners, or stakeholders. A wilderness its condition, but makes no decisions of the qualities of wilderness and Federal Advisory Committee Act. One and is not subject to the rules of the the public review and comment on simple way to get feedback is to let other public document. A park could a draft narrative in a newsletter or stakeholders to participate in the (but by no means is required to) invite to have too large a group or raise process, but care must be taken not Determine in advance if outside expectations for a large public meeting. and plan how to accomplish that perspectives are to be incorporated effort. to 5. Determine the format—After identifying who would be best character narrative, determine include in developing a wilderness the best format for participation. A facilitated workshop is the ideal can method for generating narratives because if an appropriate group develops a common understanding be assembled, it is very efficient, and benefits from synergy between group of wilderness character, members. If a workshop is not possible, design a format of interviews, remote facilitation, or combination that will be inclusive of the identified participants. Steps for Developing a Wilderness for Developing Steps Narrative Character There are several steps for developing a wilderness character narrative with an narrative character a wilderness for developing steps are several There this how they develop in be different every park will team and interdisciplinary steps would be: In general, the narrative. Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 148 Sample worksheetsareincludedinthisappendix. are difficult tomanageshouldbeincluded(e.g.,lightandnoisepollution). actions, allowedandpermitteduses,oranythingelse. Eventhreatsthat from outsidetheboundariesofarea(external threats),administrative (internal threats),presentandfuturethreatsthat impact thewilderness things couldincludeknownthreatsthatoccurwithin thewilderness elements withineachofthequalitieswilderness character—These 9. Identifythethingsthatareknowntoorcoulddegrade thenarrative Sample worksheetsareincludedinthisappendix. about eachofthequalitieswildernesscharacterinthiswilderness. thereby providingafairlydetailedpictureofwhatisuniqueandspecial set ofnarrativeelementsforeachthequalitieswildernesscharacter, overall participants’feelings.Thissecondstepshouldresultinarefined possibly movedamongthequalities,andwordsrefinedtobetterreflect whole andredundanciesidentifiedremoved,elementscondensed intellectual part,thesetofinitialnarrativeelementsareconsideredasa passion thatparticipantshaveforthiswilderness.Second,andisthe not intellectualizedthoughtstocapturetheexperience,wisdom,and place. Thenarrativeelementsarepurposefullybasedonfeelingsand gut reactionsaboutwhatmakesthiswildernessauniqueandspecial character—First, eachpersonexpressestheirfeelings,perceptions,and 8. Identifythenarrativeelementsforeachofqualitieswilderness worksheets areincludedinthisappendix. best tokeepeveryonetogetherandworkingonallqualities.Sample the wildernesscharacterqualities.Iftherearefewerpeople,itisprobably facilitated process,assigneachpersoninasubgrouptoworkononeof results withtheentiregrouptorefineresults.Ininterviewsora workshop, leteachgroupworkseparately, thenshareanddiscuss the of 3to4peopleforeachthequalitieswildernesscharacter. Ina about 12,itmightbemoreefficient todividetheworkamongsubgroups together inonegroup—Iftherearesufficient people,typicallymorethan 7. Decidewhethertobreakintosubgroupsorhaveallparticipants their work. opportunity toaskquestionsanddiscusstheirconcernspriorbeginning this conceptisquitenew, soitisimportanttoensureparticipantshavean applies toon-the-groundmanagementbecauseourunderstandingof there issomeuncertaintyabouthowtheconceptofwildernesscharacter character presentationsavailableonhttp://www.wilderness.net. Typically, to conductaphone/PowerPointsessionordirectpeoplewilderness a remotelyfacilitatedprocessorinterviewswouldrequiretheleader A workshopprovidesanopportunityforsuchapresentation,while Wild orhearapresentationbysomeonefamiliarwiththispublication. of wildernesscharacter—AllparticipantsshouldreviewKeepingIt 6. Ensurethatallparticipantshaveagoodandcommonunderstanding References and Appendix 149 This step requires developing requires developing narrative— This step character the wilderness 1. Write into a cohesive the narrative elements weaves together text that about each quality what is unique and special paragraph that describes that degrade this for this wilderness. The things of wilderness character either woven into to be written into this narrative, quality also need or as a separate of the unique and special elements the text about each that are degrading important that the things paragraph. It is extremely tone that does not are written in a neutral, objective wilderness character imply blame or neglect. paragraph that introduces the wilderness an “Overview” 2. Write the context for the wilderness This overview sets character narrative— about the and would typically include statements character narrative, the setting of the wilderness legislation that designated the wilderness, statements about what makes this within the park, and any overarching a few sentences, such as those at wilderness unique and special. Include give the definition and purpose of a the beginning of this appendix, that wilderness character narrative. and revise the narrative—Once the 3. Solicit feedback from participants is written, all participants in the draft wilderness character narrative to review and comment. It is process need to be given the opportunity key people in the park who did not also worth considering having a few elements review the draft for accuracy participate in identifying narrative for developing the narrative will then and tone. The leader responsible and potentially hold additional need to incorporate these comments certain people to refine the text. meetings or phone conferences with 4. Develop the final narrative—A wilderness character narrative should finding a balance between either be evocative, descriptive, and accurate, needs to convey that special sense of too “flowery” or too technical. It quotes about this wilderness from place. Consider including inspirational Its length is about 3 to possibly 10 the legislative history or other sources. pages, not a heavy tome. 5. Use the final narrative—Widely announce and circulate the wilderness Promote its use in future park character narrative among park staff. foundation documents, other related planning and compliance efforts, minimum requirements decisions, managing scientific activities in wilderness, and interpretation and education. After the elements of the wilderness character narrative have been identified, identified, have been narrative character the wilderness of the elements After to provide will need the leader these elements, to threats as potential as well These additional character narrative. a wilderness direction to develop additional steps include: Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 150 Unique andSpecialElements (circle one)? Which qualityofwildernesscharacteristhisworksheetbeingusedfor ______Names andpositiontitlesofworkshopparticipant(s)fillingoutthisworksheet: Date: ______Wilderness Name:______qualities ofwildernesscharacter. workshop. Notethattherewillbeseparateworksheetsforeachofthefive workshop wheretherearerepresentativesfromallparkdivisionsatthe This worksheetisintendedforafacilitatedwildernesscharacternarrative a experience, wisdom,andpassionthatparticipantshaveforthiswilderness. purposefully basedonfeelingsandnotintellectualizedthoughtstocapturethe makes thiswildernessauniqueandspecialplace.Thenarrativeelementsare Each participantsharestheirfeelings,perceptions,andgutreactionsaboutwhat Identify thenarrativeelementsforeachofqualitieswildernesscharacter— n ppendix arrative Notes SOLITUDE ORPRIMITIVEANDUNCONFINEDRECREA NATURAL OTHER FEATURES OFVALUE 2.2—W W orKShop orKSheet UNDEVELOPED


a W ilderneSS UNTRAMMELED c TION haracter

References and Appendix 151 Notes UNTRAMMELED UNDEVELOPED NATURAL AND UNCONFINED RECREATION SOLITUDE OR PRIMITIVE OF VALUE OTHER FEATURES Things That Degrade These Elements Identify the things that are known to or could degrade the narrative elements that are known to or could degrade Identify the things These things could include known within this quality of wilderness character— (internal threats), present and future threats that occur within the wilderness from outside the boundaries of the area threats that impact the wilderness actions, allowed and permitted uses, or (external threats), administrative to manage should be included difficult anything else. Even threats that are (e.g., light and noise pollution). Which quality of wilderness character is this worksheet being used for wilderness character is this worksheet Which quality of (circle one)? ______Name: ______Wilderness Worksheet for the Wilderness Character Narrative Workshop – Continued – Narrative Workshop Character for the Wilderness Worksheet Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 152 W that degradetheseelements,androomfornotessuggestedlanguage. open worksheetsforparticipantstoidentifyuniqueandspecialelements,things Wilderness inGuadalupeMountainsNationalPark.Thesecondsectionprovides an exampleforeachqualityofwildernesscharacterfromGuadalupeMountains This appendixisdividedintosections.Thefirstsectionshowsonseparatepages phone conferences. of wildernesscharacterthroughshareddocuments,remotepresentations,and used afterparticipantshavereceivedasufficient introductiontotheconcept remote siteandthensenttoafacilitator. Theworksheetsareintendedtobe to recordanindividualon-siteinterview, ortheycouldbefilledinbystaff ata phone orvideoconferencewithonemorepeoplewhoareataremotesite, is notfeasible.Theworksheetscouldbefilledinbyafacilitatortorecord wilderness characternarrativewhenaface-to-faceworkshopwithallparticipants The worksheetsonthefollowingpagesareintendedtofacilitatedevelopinga a ppendix ilderneSS 2.3—W c haracter orKSheetS n arrative

for r eMotely d eveloping


References and Appendix 153 Narrative “A variety of species within the park are listed as rare or endangered, or endangered, listed as rare “A variety of species within the park are falcon, and many grasses such as the Mexican spotted owl and peregrine of livestock grazing. Some the past effects from still recovering are in the park have been extirpated, such as present animals that once were the bighorn invasive species have sheep and Mexican gray wolf. Several natural species composition.” modifying been introduced, “The Guadalupe Mountains Wilderness a unique opportunity provides and actions that geologic resource, and study a one-of-a-kind to explore has The resource demean this wilderness quality. damage the resource limited, degradation by geologic tools such as some, although suffered the wilderness from periodically removed are hammers, and samples rock to go required are researchers by both scientists and visitors. However, to obtain a permit and must follow in order a stringent process through managers.” specific guidelines mandated by park Things that Degrade These Elements livestock grazing, invasive species, extirpation degradation by geologic tools, removal of samples Wilderness: ______Wilderness: ______facilitator and interviewee(s): Name of ______Date: ______variety of native, and endangered, plant and threatened animal species Unique and Special Elements unique geologic resources Wilderness Worksheet Narrative Character Wilderness in Guadalupe Mountains National Park, Texas Example from Guadalupe Mountains Quality of Wilderness Character: Natural systems are substantially free quality: Wilderness ecological Definition of this civilization of modern from the effects resources, species and communities, physical Indicators: Plant and animal biophysical processes of that degrade this quality: Air pollutants, occurrence Examples of things extirpated or extinct native animals altered water flow, nonindigenous species, disturbance regimes and plants, altered Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 154 Example fromGuadalupeMountainsWildernessinNationalPark,Texas forces ofnature affected primarilybythe hasbeen The wilderness Elements Unique andSpecial of fire prescription andsuppression native plantrevegetation, Removal ofnonnativespecies, These Elements Things thatDegrade predator control or lightingfire,introducingnonnativespecies,unauthorizedactionssuchas Examples ofthingsthatdegradetheseelements:Sprayingweeds,suppressing that manipulatethebiophysicalenvironment biophysical environment,actionsnotauthorizedbythefederallandmanager Indicators: Actionsauthorizedbythefederallandmanagerthatmanipulate actions ofmodernhumancontrolormanipulation. Definition ofthisquality:Wildernessisessentiallyunhinderedandfreefromthe Character:Untrammeled Quality ofWilderness Wilderness CharacterNarrativeWorksheetWilderness Date: ______Name offacilitatorandinterviewee(s):______Wilderness: ______prescription andsuppression offire.” removal ofexoticspecies,nativeplantvegetation,andthe actions thatdegradetheuntrammeledquality.include emerging from alightningcharred landscape.the primary of amountainlion,orinthedelicateshootsnewgrass canbeseeninthewater-carvedWilderness canyons,thetrack “The untrammeledqualityoftheGuadalupeMountains Narrative References and Appendix 155 “The vast views of endless sky and impossibly distant horizons, “The vast views of endless sky and impossibly springs elicit a liberating secluded canyons, and secret many wilderness . . . From the urban world. isolation from the as are feature, vistas, Highway 62/180 is a prominent McKittrick Canyon Contact Station, Frijole visitor center, Ranch, parking lots, and buildings within Pine Springs. Other with the park also detract from developments not affiliated urban centers ranging from sense of remoteness, one’s and their lights to fences and wind turbines. Noise from further serves as an intermittent reminder aircraft commercial of happenings outside of wilderness.” “Visitors an extensive trail system and in most places can hike Several user restrictions, what lies beyond them. explore recreation. can confine visitor opportunities for however, designating campsites, Limiting some trails to hikers only, Canyon, along with and allowing only day use of McKittrick such as lighting a campfire, of visitor actions prohibitions diminish this unconfined quality of wilderness.” Narrative

Things that Degrade These Elements Park affiliated and non-park and non-park Park affiliated development on affiliated wilderness vistas, noise from aircraft commercial User restrictions put in place put in place User restrictions by management, such as designating campsites and designating day-use-only areas Wilderness: ______Wilderness: ______facilitator and interviewee(s): Name of ______Date: ______Remote landscape and topography contributes to the feelings of solitude Hiking available on an extensive trail system Unique and Special Elements Example from Guadalupe Mountains Wilderness in Guadalupe Mountains National Park, Texas Example from Guadalupe Mountains Wilderness Worksheet Narrative Character and Unconfined Recreation Solitude or Primitive outstanding opportunities for quality: Wilderness provides Definition of this and unconfined recreation solitude or primitive the wilderness; sights and sounds of people inside Indicators: Remoteness from the wilderness; facilities occupied and modified areas outside remoteness from restrictions on visitor behavior recreation; management that decrease self-reliant self- that degrade these elements: Facilities that decrease Examples of things on visitor behavior; the sights and reliant recreation; management restrictions the sights and sounds of occupied and sounds of people inside wilderness; modified areas outside the wilderness Quality of Wilderness Character: Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 156 Example fromGuadalupeMountainsWildernessinNationalPark,Texas unobstructed views exemplified by relatively Remoteness as Elements Unique andSpecial piping signage, watertanks,and use, suchasapatrol cabin, developmentforpark Modern These Elements Things thatDegrade equipment, ormechanicaltransport installations, anddevelopments;inholdings;useofmotorvehicles,motorized Examples ofthingsthatdegradetheseelements:Nonrecreationalstructures, use ofmotorvehicles,motorizedequipment,ormechanicaltransport Indicators: Nonrecreationalstructures,installations,developments;inholdings; occupation influence, andisessentiallywithoutpermanentimprovementsormodernhuman Definition ofthisquality:Wildernessretainsitsprimevalcharacterand Character:Undeveloped Quality ofWilderness Wilderness CharacterNarrativeWorksheetWilderness Date: ______Name offacilitatorandinterviewee(s):______Wilderness: ______constructed bysettlerscanbefoundwithintheBowl.” Permian Reeftrail..Severallargewatertanksandpiping critical forensuringsafety. Signagecanbefoundalongthe Radio repeaters althoughtheyare existwithinthewilderness, Pine Top hasbeenconstructedforpatrol useandvisitorsafety. however, development.Thepatrol cabinat containmodern peaks outward. .Severalareas do, withinthewilderness surrounding ChihuahuanDesert,aswellfrom themountain the relatively unobstructedviews,bothintotheparkfrom the exemplifies theundevelopedquality.Visitors are allured by “The remoteness oftheGuadalupeMountainsWilderness Narrative References and Appendix 157 “Hunter Line Shack, while clearly a development, is remnant is remnant “Hunter Line Shack, while clearly a development, in the National of ranching history and is eligible for listing within it appropriate Register of Historic Places, rendering wilderness.” Narrative Things that Degrade These Elements Loss of statutorily protected Loss of statutorily protected cultural resources Wilderness: ______Wilderness: ______facilitator and interviewee(s): Name of ______Date: ______Statutorily protected Statutorily protected related historic structures to past human use Unique and Special Elements Wilderness Worksheet Narrative Character Wilderness in Guadalupe Mountains National Park, Texas Example from Guadalupe Mountains Quality of Wilderness of Value Character: Other Features other tangible features that quality: Wilderness preserves Definition of this that are of scientific, specific locations within a wilderness typically occur in or historical value educational, scenic, because the indicators for this quality Indicators: There are no predetermined each wilderness and not must be identified separately for specific features include cultural resources one of the other qualities. Examples readily fit within National Natural Landmark localities, and may also include and paleontological not included in the natural quality. sites if these are these elements: Loss or impacts to all features Examples of things that degrade identified in this quality Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 158 Elements Unique andSpecial These Elements Things thatDegrade and plants,altereddisturbanceregimes nonindigenous species,alteredwaterflow, extirpatedorextinctnativeanimals Examples ofthingsthatdegradethisquality:Airpollutants,occurrence biophysical processes Indicators: Plantandanimalspeciescommunities,physicalresources, from theeffects ofmodern civilization Definition ofthisquality:Wildernessecologicalsystemsaresubstantiallyfree Character:Natural Quality ofWilderness Wilderness CharacterNarrativeWorksheetWilderness Date: ______Name offacilitatorandinterviewee(s):______Wilderness: ______Notes andSupportingDetails References and Appendix 159 Notes and Supporting Details Things that Degrade These Elements Wilderness: ______Wilderness: ______facilitator and interviewee(s): Name of ______Date: ______Unique and Special Elements Wilderness Worksheet Narrative Character Quality of Wilderness Character: Untrammeled the unhindered and free from quality: Wilderness is essentially Definition of this control or manipulation. actions of modern human manipulate the by the federal land manager that Indicators: Actions authorized the federal land manager actions not authorized by biophysical environment, the biophysical environment that manipulate suppressing that degrade these elements: Spraying weeds, Examples of things actions such as nonnative species, unauthorized or lighting fire, introducing predator control Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 160 Elements Unique andSpecial These Elements Things thatDegrade modified areasoutsidethewilderness sounds ofpeopleinsidewilderness;thesightsandoccupied reliant recreation;managementrestrictionsonvisitorbehavior;thesightsand Examples ofthingsthatdegradetheseelements:Facilitiesdecreaseself- that decreaseself-reliantrecreation;managementrestrictionsonvisitorbehavior remoteness fromoccupiedandmodifiedareasoutsidethewilderness;facilities Indicators: Remotenessfromsightsandsoundsofpeopleinsidethewilderness; solitude orprimitiveandunconfinedrecreation Definition ofthisquality:Wildernessprovidesoutstandingopportunitiesfor Solitude orPrimitiveandUnconfinedRecreation Character: Quality ofWilderness Wilderness CharacterNarrativeWorksheetWilderness Date: ______Name offacilitatorandinterviewee(s):______Wilderness: ______Notes andSupportingDetails

References and Appendix 161 Notes and Supporting Details Things that Degrade These Elements Wilderness: ______Wilderness: ______facilitator and interviewee(s): Name of ______Date: ______Unique and Special Elements Wilderness Worksheet Narrative Character Quality of Wilderness Character: Undeveloped its primeval character quality: Wilderness retains Definition of this improvements or is essentially without permanent and influence, and modern human occupation inholdings; structures, installations, developments; Indicators: Nonrecreational transport motorized equipment, or mechanical use of motor vehicles, structures, that degrade these elements: Nonrecreational Examples of things motor vehicles, motorized developments; inholdings; use of installations, and equipment, or mechanical transport Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 162 Elements Unique andSpecial These Elements Things thatDegrade identified inthisquality Examples ofthingsthatdegradetheseelements:Lossorimpactstoallfeatures sites ifthesearenotincludedinthenaturalquality. and paleontologicallocalities,mayalsoincludeNationalNaturalLandmark readily fitwithinoneoftheotherqualities.Examplesincludeculturalresources specific featuresmustbeidentifiedseparatelyforeachwildernessandnot Indicators: Therearenopredeterminedindicatorsforthisqualitybecausethe educational, scenic,orhistoricalvalue typically occurinspecificlocationswithinawildernessthatareofscientific, Definition ofthisquality:Wildernesspreservesothertangiblefeaturesthat Character:OtherFeaturesofValueQuality ofWilderness Wilderness CharacterNarrativeWorksheetWilderness Date: ______Name offacilitatorandinterviewee(s):______Wilderness: ______Notes andSupportingDetails References and Appendix 163 arrative n haracter c ilderneSS ilderneSS W larK 2.4—W c aKe l ppendix , a place where people gathered. First the First the where people gathered. , a place Wilderness is Kijik (Qizhjeh) Lake Clark on Plate and scraped off gathered; brought north by the Pacific mountains were plates tore faults through American Plate. The colliding the edge of the North has formed a string left weak spots where rising magma the mountains and are eroded and rounded, mountains on the western flank of volcanoes. Older Alaska Range and ending and rugged east across the becoming more recent that shed fossils onto the exposures of Jurassic sediments at Cook Inlet in raw beach. region by North Pacific low over the mountains, brought to the Storms gathered serve as a fulcrum for the cooled by Arctic highs. The mountains pressure systems, other across the park. Copious snows fill the air masses pushing and tugging each least four major glacial advances have carved cirques and valleys with glaciers. At of three major drainage systems and a cradle of lakes that form the headwaters wild salmon run in the world. are the nursery for rearing the largest form a network of rivers flowing from the Melting snow and rains gather to seas. These rivers are the bloodstreams of the Alaska Range into three different drop gathered on a leaf in the alpine, through landscape, flowing from the first through wide valleys, traversing large lakes and cirques, over waterfalls, braiding pulse upstream every summer; scarlet cells of into arctic oceans. In return, salmon the landscape, the bears and ravens, the protein, fats and nutrients that nourish of salmon. people, and the next generations throughout this region as well, forming The Dena’ina gathered and spread now call the Lake Clark Wilderness. an enduring connection to what we with the land is the Dena’ina language, What emerged from this relationship connection to the land. and cultural identity, spirituality, and measurable qualities of wilderness This narrative describes five tangible natural, solitude or primitive and unconfined character at Lake Clark Wilderness: and other features of value. These recreation, untrammeled, undeveloped, are derived. qualities provide the setting from which a suite of wilderness values have One of the most important of these values is the connection the Dena‘ina An essay to this place and the role it has played in shaping the Dena‘ina culture. that recognizes and celebrates this vital connection closes this narrative. Developed by Adrienne Lindholm with Lake Clark National Park National Park with Lake Clark Lindholm by Adrienne Developed in 2011 staff and Preserve a for Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 164 throughout thepark. Developments willprobablychangestreamswith major impactstosalmonruns park impactsthenaturalpredator/preysystemsthat areahallmarkofthearea. through andnowsubsistinginLakeClark.Predator controlontwosidesofthe work bringsmanypeopleandaircraftintotheregion, manyofthemflying and associatedactivitiesarealsochangingLakeClark ecosystems.Exploratory lichens), morelightning,andwarmeracidicoceans. Externaldevelopments retreat, warmerlakes,shrubandtreeinvasioninto tundra(fewerberriesand in theregion,resultinglongergrowingseasons, shortericeseasons,glacial Climate changeisalreadychangingtemperatureandprecipitationregimes change andexternaldevelopments. threats toLakeClark’s naturalcharacteratthistimeinclude impactsfromclimate in thesystemandoftenresultcompletelydifferent ecosystemprocesses.Major absorb. Theseactivitiescauseacascadeofimpactsthatexceednaturalbuffering natural systemstoproduceunexpectedconsequencesthattheparkcannot human activities.Multipleactivitiesinteractwitheachotherand the countrytoadifferent ecologicalstate. Oftenthesechangesareforcedby arises whenthechangesexceedecosystem’s capacitytoabsorbthem,driving of changeswhilemaintainingtheirfundamentalfunctionality. Theproblem Dynamic landscapes,bytheirverynature,arecapableofabsorbingawiderange glaciers, volcanoes,intactwildlifeandfishpopulations,humanactivities. Lake Clark’s ecosystemsareamongthemostdynamicinworld:tectonics, where subsistencelifestylesareanactivepartoftheecologicalintegrity. birch bark,andspruce.TherearefewremainingplacesintheUnitedStates subsistence lifestyledependentonresourcesincludingsalmon,wildlife,berries, to harvestthereturningsalmon.Today, localresidentscontinuetopursuea and berriesbloomripenand,forthousandsofyears,peoplehavegathered And overitallthestormssweepamongpeaks,lakesfreezeandbreakup waterfowl arrivewithbreakup,breed,nest,andreturntowinteringgrounds. territory andretreatwithweatherpredatorpressures.Shorebirds swell anddeclinegrowagain.Moosesheeppopulationscolonizenew and preywebsplayouttheirevolvingadaptationspatterns.Caribouherds heading upthemountaintohibernate.Throughoutpark,complexpredator winter. Bearspatroltheriversasiceclosesin,taking lastfewsalmonbefore water allowslatefreeze-upofsloughsandfacilitatessalmonspawningintoearly Complex riverinesystemscarrynutrientsbothup-anddownstream.Ground systems, andcoastalsaltmarsheswherebrownbearsgathertofeedbreed. ecosystems. Theparkholdstwoactivevolcanoes,vasticefieldandglacier This richdiversityprovidesaframeworkfornaturalfunctioningofspectacular fringe ontheCookInletcoast,andMontanespineofpark. Boreal inthenorthwest,SubarcticwesternBristolBaybasin,aMaritime unfettered andwholeecosystemsfunction.Theparkhasfourmajorecosystems: Lake ClarkWildernessisadynamiclandscapewhereforcesofnaturecontinue the effects ofmoderncivilization Natural: Wildernessmaintainsecologicalsystemsthataresubstantiallyfreefrom References and Appendix 165 Wilderness provides provides Wilderness Recreation: and Unconfined or Primitive Solitude recreation unconfined and or primitive solitude for opportunities outstanding Wilderness rugged, Lake Clark unforgivingly beautiful and Unforgettably of constraints in search behind societal visitors can leave a setting where provides and renewal. challenge, discovery, solitude, restrictions on and management developments of recreational Largely void to detach possible a place where it’s Lake Clark Wilderness is visitor behavior, of a landscape that and become steeped in the timelessness from modern life soul a chance one’s of years. Such a place gives been altered in hundreds hasn’t corresponds with seeing unencumbered freedom that often to experience the to the horizon. wild country expand and modes of travel, though choose from a variety of activities Here a person can hunt, fish, or camp, to hike, climb, boat, ski, snowmachine, whether one chooses terms. Rapidly changing the wilderness on the land’s visitors tend to experience force us to relinquish and abundant wildlife rugged topography, weather, of the landscape (large glaciers, waves of control over the land. The immensity makes people feel small and insignificant, mountains, sweeping tundra plains) and empowering experience. It is which can be both a profoundly humbling an opportunity for a heightened awareness of these same qualities that provide the larger community of life, and awaken a the senses, evoke a connection with sense of mystery. that one feels at Lake Clark is enhanced The sense of immersion in the landscape wilderness from urban centers and the fact by the physical separation of the can only get there by using an airplane. Inside that, practically speaking, a person of remoteness is heightened by knowing the Lake Clark Wilderness, the feeling should a person need it. Most forms of it is a great distance to assistance reliable and weather can prevent aircraft from rescue. The communication aren’t and while it may own, of being on one’s sense of isolation enhances the feeling is knowing that the Lake Clark Wilderness feel disconcerting, part of the appeal is a place where true challenge exists. lack of with harsh weather, Lake Clark Wilderness combines remoteness (including an extensive network of infrastructure, and rugged geography carpeted in thick vegetation, swift cold crevassed glaciers, steep mountainsides for personal growth, self-discovery, rivers); this combination creates opportunities trails, and the self-fulfillment that comes from overcoming obstacles. Without must bridges, designated campsites, markers, and public use cabins, visitors and rely on themselves. There are real consequences for mistakes. The physical moment, mental challenge is a positive aspect that forces people to live in the often isn’t pay attention, and participate in their present reality in a way that easy to do in everyday life. Visitors get the opportunity to navigate the challenges associated with traveling through bear protecting food from weather and wildlife, staying dry, figuring out how to cross rivers, staying warm in extreme weather, country, or slips into , and evaluating the hazards of avoiding falls down cliffs the promise active volcanoes, rock fall, and avalanches. It is these challenges and Wilderness. of the corresponding rewards that attract people to the Lake Clark Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 166 humility. magnificent landscapesfrom developmentreflectsacultureofrestraint and untrammeled qualityofwilderness character. Thepark’s attitudeinprotecting There isalegacyofnottaking managementactionsinordertomaintainthe processes continueastheyhaveformillennia,unimpeded byparkmanagement. economy, ecology, culture,and history ofsouthwestAlaska.Dynamicecological headwaters oftheworld’s mostproductiveredsalmonfishery, whichanchors the tidally influencedstreams.LakeClarkWilderness protects criticalhabitatatthe Water flowsthroughintactecosystemsconnectingmountainheadwaters with area asbefore. caribou thatcurrentlyrangeoutsidetheparkarefree toreturnandpopulatethe factors. Wildlifeisfreetomovethroughthelandscape andpopulationssuchas precipitation, temperature)andbiological(e.g.,insect outbreaks,plantdisease) varies naturallybasedoncomplexinteractionsbetweenrecentphysical(e.g., The parkresistswildlifemanipulation,andhabitatinthewilderness intentionally modifiedbytheactionsofourmodernmanagement. 1800s. It’s oneofthefewareasinworldwhereecologicalsystemsarenot vegetation andrecededglaciers)similarfishwildlifeastheydidinthe to theregion,theywouldseeasimilarlandscape(withexceptionofmore Wilderness makehumaninfluencedifficult. Ifexplorersfromthe1800sreturned processes. Theisolation,geography, andweather associatedwiththeLakeClark that continuetoevolvefromdynamictectonic,volcanic,glacial,andclimatic Lake ClarkWildernessprotectsacomplexmosaicoflandformsandecosystems human actionsthatcontrolormanipulatethecommunityoflife Untrammeled: Wildernessisessentiallyunhinderedandfreefrommodern help protectparkresources,butthatalsodiminishtheself-reliantquality. outhouses, andcabinsthatfacilitateaccessuseofthewilderness,and/or The parkmustalsoconsiderthetradeoff ofrecreationalfacilitiessuchastrails, feeling ofbeingaloneandrelyingsolelyonyourself. unconfined recreation.Similarly, visitorcontacts and rangerpatrolsreducethe can goandconditionsontheiruseofthewildernessnegativelyaffect cultural resourcesortoreducevisitorconflict.Restrictionsonwherevisitors visitor behaviorormovementinthewildernessordertoprotectnatural It maybenecessaryinthefutureforparkmanagerstotakeactionsthatrestrict of beingtrulyaloneinavastlandscape. off andleavesyouthere canenhancethefeelingofintimidationandexcitement the wildernessexperienceitself:quickfeelingofisolationwhenaplanetakes wilderness experience.Infact,thewaypeopleaccesscanbepartof to transportpeopleintoaremotesettingisanintegralpartoftheAlaska be heardfrequentlyinmanypartsofthewilderness.Theabilitytouseaircraft A paradoxexistswithaircraft,whichdegradetheundevelopedqualityandcan feeling ofremoteness. Chakachamna LakeHydroProject,andChuitnaCoalMinecoulddegradethe Developments outsidetheparkboundaryincludingprospectivePebbleMine, satellite phonestowebcamspersonaltrackingdevices—diminishsolitude. increased visitation,andavailabilityuseoftechnology—from for solitudeorprimitiveandunconfinedrecreation.Unmitigatedimpactsof There areanumberofthingsonthehorizonthatcoulddegradeopportunities References and Appendix 167 This legacy has an inspirational value to people in a larger public arena including including arena public in a larger to people value an inspirational legacy has This places protected such in knowing solace who take visit but never who may those come in without seem to quietly visitors, who park’s also inspired the exist. It has leave with blueberry berries, and quietly rivers, pick their arrival, float publicizing and commercial also to local residents legacy extends their behinds. The stains on land Wilderness as a for Lake Clark of responsibility who share a sense operators and free. that is wild threaten to erode the the control of park managers Forces largely beyond outside the park boundary efforts Predator control untrammeled quality. Mining districts around natural predator/prey systems. threaten to manipulate and fish, air, the water, park could introduce pollution to the border of the of fire and perhaps a change could create higher incidences wildlife. Climate protect private property. of suppressing fires in order to corresponding rate and is its primeval character and influence, Undeveloped: Wilderness retains human occupation permanent improvements or modern essentially without feel despite numerous cabins and Lake Clark Wilderness has an undeveloped installations in wilderness include equipment ruins throughout the park. The 37 monitor the park’s and to aviation safety, used to improve communication, In general, developments that occur volcanoes, climate, and geologic dynamics. noticeable across the landscape and do in the Lake Clark Wilderness are barely prominent buildings or roads. It is unlikely not include large structures such as contemporary human civilization such as that visitors will find any sign of noise aside from airplane noise, and mechanized equipment, signs, unnatural and emotional freedom emerges from such other modern artifacts. A mental nature essentially free of the reminders of settings where visitors experience and can feel part of this vast landscape. society, unknown that comes with a lack of There is a sense of mystery and the English names to natural features. Visitors development and lack of assigning the first person to ever be there. Standing on have the opportunity to feel like the horizon and know there are no roads, no a high point a person can look to to feel released from the grip of The undeveloped quality allows people traffic. civilization. quality by administering its The park actively preserves the undeveloped manner that allows people with an existing commercial services program in a structures connection to the place to continue to work here but without adding progress or facilities. In addition, while the park continues to make significant where acquiring inholdings, there still exist numerous parcels within the park development could occur. For example, A couple of paradoxes exist within the undeveloped quality. structures and installations that support scientific inquiries or park for communications degrade this quality but also provide essential information are often park management. The data gained from many scientific installations Cultural resources our best indicator and assessment of the natural quality. ability to feel free from the such as historic cabins can negatively impact one’s however, reminders of civilization and connect to the larger community of life; to place and for others, the presence of that same cabin enhances the connection of the area the meanings associated with it bolster appreciation and enjoyment (see “Cultural Resources” section below). Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 168 infrastructure toaccommodatevisitors. need tofindtherightbalanceofprotectingthissite andprovidingappropriate impacts degradethesymbolicvalueofthisimportant culturalsite.Theparkwill the HopeCreekoutlet,tramplevegetation,andincrease humanwaste.These Specifically, overuseoftheProennekesitecanbreakdownstreambankat wood charcoal. surface artifacts(theheatfracturesthelithics)andintroducescontaminant prehistoric placement;andheatfromcampfiresorwildlandfiresalters rings placedonsurfaceorshallowlyburiedsitescanmoverocksfromoriginal sites disturbvegetationcoveraswellshallowlyburiedculturalsites;fire scatters; vandalism;catholesexcavatedyearafteratpopularcamping the landscape;off-airport landingsonexposed areaswithnear-surface artifact knowledge, placenames,stories,andtraditionalpracticesthatarepracticedon In general,anumberofthingsthreatenculturalresources:losstraditional rural environmentfreefromdevelopmentsandamenities. courage tofollowthepullofone’s owninnercompasstoimmerseoneselfina wilderness. TheProennekesiterepresentstheintrepid,pioneeringspiritand went intothecountrytocarveouttheirownpersonalrelationshipwith understanding oftherusticatorerawhenmanypeoplelikeDickProenneke Historic sitesliketheProennekecabincontributetoeducationand inventions ofmodernhumans. sites andartifactstoimaginetheseotherworldswithoutthedisruptionof character oftheLakeClarkWildernessallowsustodiscoverandpreservethese ancient footstepscrisscrossourwilderness.Theundevelopedanduntrammeled worlds thatnolongerexist,andalthoughtheyareinvisible,weknow distinct fromwhatexiststoday. Culturalsitesarewindowsintootherworlds, climate datathatcanbederivedfromtheirisotopesaswellDNApossibly extraordinary boneandwoodartifacts.Faunalremainsinsitesmaycontainproxy are preserved,providingdirectradiocarbondatesandapointintimefor elevation icepatchsitesthataremeltingwithglobalwarming,organicartifacts or gatheredsincethecloseoflastIceAge.Inrarecases,suchashigh fish andanimalbonesasrefuseorartifactsrepresentingspecieshunted interaction onancientlandscapesandrelictlakeshores.Thesesitescontain Lake ClarkWilderness.Prehistoricsitesrepresentpasthumanandecological Prehistoric sitesandculturalartifactslendasenseoftimelessnesstothe value arepreservedbecauseoftheirlocationwithinLakeClarkWilderness. Many specificfeaturesthatareofexceptionalcultural,historic,andscientific scientific, educational,scenic,orhistoricalvalue Other Features ofValue: Wildernesspreservesotherfeaturesthatareof References and Appendix 169 A Dena’ina Perspective: Respecting Ełnena (Land) Ełnena Respecting Perspective: A Dena’ina The legacy of unseen footprints of the Dena’ina people has sustained the place now called now called place the has sustained people Dena’ina of the footprints unseen legacy of The area believe that the Lake Clark people of centuries. The Dena’ina Wilderness for Lake Clark meaning call this ‘K’etniyi’ We with respect. should be treated has a spirit and everything to the ancient connection voice – an of nature’s This is the power something.’ saying ‘it’s beliefs for Our ancestors’ define wilderness. This is how we the Dena’ina people. spirit of you things; not taking more than has been simple – respect all living caring for the land respect deep thoughtful can be a prayer, back when you take – this need, giving something with has emerged from this relationship item such as a safety pin. What or a small material to the land, and identity. cultural connection language, spirituality, the land is the Dena’ina respectful. This respect is not questioned for us and we were taught to be The land provides harvest nature, we are praying. We that when we interact with and we are conscious we pick we hunt for meat, and land, we put up salmon every summer, our food from the As we of drying salmon, this is prayer. the fire in the smokehouse full berries. As we stoke any of being careful not to waste meat from the black bear for canning, pressure cook the relationship with The this is done with prayer. As we pick berries the meat, this is prayer. respect, for we are nothing without the blessings of the the land is filled with gratitude and land in which we were raised. and understand the importance of paying recognize and feel the connection to weather We trees; if there are a lot of spruce cones this means attention. Look to the tops of spruce us If there are a lot of white Hudson bay tea blossoms, this tells there will be a lot of snow. the lakes froze, a heavy Just this fall before this summer. that there will be a lot of salmon over Sixmile Lake and up through Lake Clark. A Dena’ina fog came over the lakes – hovering said, “A long time ago they used to say that when the elder watching through the window that the fog is spreading the word over the lakes – fog came in over the lakes, this means the lakes will be freezing soon.” the fog is sending the message that tradition of the Dena’ina people. The comparison Fish camp continues to be an important We are not paying a better. like Christmas, only is: It’s used, when asked what fish camp We are preparing moment of joy and celebration. price for gifts or experiencing a fleeting together as family and are coming celebration. We all year long for our few months of of putting up fish – fulfilling our spirits, minds, community and sharing the gratitude hard to source and practices our ancestors did. It’s emotions, and bodies from the same that ignites the spirit when it comes time for put into words the feeling – the connection movement that is felt when spring turns into fish camp. It is an ingrained, unconscious a relationship is a communion with every aspect of putting up fish. It’s Fish camp summer. time to comes, it’s that has been created from the time of birth, sensing when summer nature – connecting back to the water, the smell, the slime, it’s go back to fish camp, it’s knowing you have fish for winter not only for your family but bringing relatives home, it’s a spiritual igniter that restores this to share at potlucks and with relatives and friends. It’s a part of life that is not questioned, whether It’s underlying excitement after a long winter. the contented labor of splitting fish, It’s done every summer. we go to fishcamp or not. It’s up fish the right of stoking the smoke house fire, and of taking care and pride in putting it can be easily This deep-rooted way of life cannot be measured, cannot be priced, and way. beyond the visual and the spoken. because it’s overlooked by an outsider, Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 170 of cultureas integral toourcontemporary ideaofwilderness. Clark Wilderness encompassesthesemeanings andthatwecontinue tohonorthefootprints are spreadacrosstheregion andeachplaceholdsmeaning.Itisimportant that theLake ‘Ch’kentałqeyitnu’ –someonethrowsspear stream. Overtwothousandplacenameslikethis ‘Dilah Vena’ –fishswiminlake;‘K’dalghek’tnu’ –scrapingnoise(ofantlers) stream;and natural placeswereleftwith anamethatcamefromtheexperienceandgifts itoffered – through stories,eventsand experiences.Itwasnotcommontonameaplace afteraperson; Many placesintheLakeClarkWildernesshaveDena’ina placenamesdevelopedovertime encompasses isnotamystery;itusandhome. It’s asfamiliarlookinginthemirror. we realizethatarenotseparatefromnaturebut partofit.Thewildernessandallthatit surroundings. We feelrightathome,wewanttocareforandnottakefromtheland, attachment orjudgmentswe’vegiventhem,allwe seeisthebeautyofnatural . butwhenallthoughtsoftheindividualcomponents dissolveandweletgoofthe This maycreatefeelingsoffear, excitement,adventure,longingforconnectiontonature nature, thatthewoodsareunknown,untouched, perhaps mysterious,orevendangerous. To somepeople,theword“wilderness”conjuresthoughtsthatweareseparatefrom experience takesplace.” for atrueexperiencewithnature,butitisthroughpatienceandmindfulnessthatthe think manypeoplelookatwildernessandthattheyneedtoseeabearormoose time. Bypayingattentiontothespiders,Ilearnedatechniquepredictweather. I seem tohaveanabilitypredictwhenthewindwouldnotblowandthatwasweb-making were inmypath.Ialsolearnedtopayattentionwhenspidersspunwebsbecause for theworkputintoawebandItookgreatcarenottodestroywebsjustbecausethey watch thespidersspinwebs;theyputunweariedeffort intotheirwebs.Ilearnedarespect appreciate eventhesmallestinteractionsbetweenanimalandland.Asachild,Iwould Reflecting ontheideaofwilderness,MichelleRavenmoonnoted,“Ihavelearnedto of cultureasintegraltoourcontemporaryideawilderness. Clark Wildernessencompassesthesemeaningsandthatwecontinuetohonorthefootprints are spreadacrosstheregionandeachplaceholdsmeaning.ItisimportantthatLake ‘Ch’kentałqeyitnu’ –someonethrowsspearstream.Overtwothousandplacenameslikethis ‘Dilah Vena’ –fishswiminlake;‘K’dalghek’tnu’ –scrapingnoise(ofantlers)stream;and natural placeswereleftwithanamethatcamefromtheexperienceandgiftsitoffered – through stories,eventsandexperiences.Itwasnotcommontonameaplaceafterperson; Many placesintheLakeClarkWildernesshaveDena’inaplacenamesdevelopedovertime encompasses isnotamystery;itusandhome.It’s asfamiliarlookinginthemirror. we realizethatarenotseparatefromnaturebutpartofit.Thewildernessandallit surroundings. We feelrightathome,wewanttocareforandnottakefromtheland, attachment orjudgmentswe’vegiventhem,allweseeisthebeautyofnatural . butwhenallthoughtsoftheindividualcomponentsdissolveandweletgo This maycreatefeelingsoffear, excitement,adventure,longingforconnectiontonature nature, thatthewoodsareunknown,untouched,perhapsmysterious,orevendangerous. To somepeople,theword“wilderness”conjuresthoughtsthatweareseparatefrom experience takesplace.” for atrueexperiencewithnature,butitisthroughpatienceandmindfulnessthatthe think manypeoplelookatwildernessandthattheyneedtoseeabearormoose time. Bypayingattentiontothespiders,Ilearnedatechniquepredictweather. I seem tohaveanabilitypredictwhenthewindwouldnotblowandthatwasweb-making were inmypath.Ialsolearnedtopayattentionwhenspidersspunwebsbecause for theworkputintoawebandItookgreatcarenottodestroywebsjustbecausethey watch thespidersspinwebs;theyputunweariedeffort intotheirwebs.Ilearnedarespect appreciate eventhesmallestinteractionsbetweenanimalandland.Asachild,Iwould Reflecting ontheideaofwilderness,MichelleRavenmoonnoted,“Ihavelearnedto References and Appendix 171

arrative n haracter c ilderneSS ilderneSS W 2.5—W lyMpic o ppendix staff in 2012 staff The Olympic Wilderness is a paradox of time. It is a place of movement, It is a place of a paradox of time. Wilderness is The Olympic agelessness. There is an but with an undercurrent of change, and variation, presence abides as the drama quality about this place, and its ancient, primeval of life unfolds. relatively small span of itself is in transition. Within a Even the landscape forest rocky coast to verdant rain changes from sandy, space, the environment through a these environs transition rapidly while peaks. Yet to rugged alpine to their existence. gradient, there is a timelessness biological and elevational reminds us of coast for millennia, and pillow basalt have pounded this Waves Ancient red cedars dwarf massif was part of the ocean floor. when the Olympic and our place in history. both our perspective of ourselves some of both the fastest growing organisms as This place simultaneously houses in the world. Here, life is always on well as some of the oldest living organisms and revitalizing. The cycle of life is rarely the move, growing, changing, dying, the beached carcass of a decaying whale, or more markedly apparent than in of the lowlands. Like the venerable red cedars, in the fast-growing Douglas-firs The Olympic marmot much of the life here is an enduring presence. however, of thousands of years of isolated evolution. and other endemic species are relics in the Olympic Wilderness, water is the For the diverse abundance of life is also constantly in flux. Whether water sustaining element, a vital force that or in the ice of a brilliantly austere glacier, manifests itself in a torrential storm impalpably present in a shrouding fog, and it is a powerful force. It be may be to drip from the leaves to the forest floor then condense to its tangible form and although is the force that sculpts and shapes this landscape, Water below. element that has and will sustain the its form changes, it is an ever-present landscape in perpetuity. across the peninsula, so too have As landscape, life, and water are mutable this landscape. American Indians had people lived and moved through fluctuating permanent homes but moved among settlements with the seasons, like the and between the mountains in the summer and lowlands in the winter, an enduring salmon, often journeyed up and down the rivers. People have been years, presence in this wilderness, inhabiting this peninsula for at least 12,000 spirit of the and the relationship of people with this land has shaped both the wilderness and the people themselves. The following narrative describes the five qualities of wilderness character undeveloped, (natural, solitude or a primitive and unconfined type of recreation, Wilderness. untrammeled, and cultural resources) as they pertain to the Olympic Developed by Christina Mills with Olympic National Park Park Olympic National Mills with by Christina Developed a for Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 172 hosts about350 goatsthataredamaging endemicandrarealpine plants. although thepopulation was greatlyreducedinthe1980s,parkcurrently offered protectionforthegoatpopulation.Mountain goatnumberssoared,and introduced inthe1920sfor hunting,andtheestablishmentofparkin1938 with substantialeffects onungulatesandvegetation.Mountaingoats were fish ontheirwaytothe wilderness. Wolves wereextirpatedintheearly1900s, of cedar, salal,andmoss,commercialfisheriesthataffect anadromous as habitatfragmentationfromloggingonsurrounding lands,thepoaching Several anthropogenicfactorsareimpactingthisextraordinary ecosystem,such fish andmodifiedaquaticsystems. overfishing, andimpairedhabitathaveledtothe lossofwild,nativestrains be derivedthroughcarcassesofspawnedsalmon. However, introducedstock, to fortypercentofthephosphorous,nitrogen,and carboninfreshwatermay more than130speciesofaquaticandterrestrialwildlife species.Twenty percent upstream fromtheoceanseekingplacestospawn andinturn,providefoodfor The salmonisavitallyimportantspeciesinthiswilderness.Salmonmigrate adapted localpopulationsofsalmonidslivehere. among themostprimitivelivingfrogsinworld,andmorethan70uniquely have livedhereformorethan3,000years.Thetailedfrogsfoundinstreamsare communities. RooseveltElk,oneoftheprimaryreasonsparkwasestablished, salamanders, sealions,shorebirds,anddiverseintertidalriparian combination ofwildlife.Blackbearsandcougarsresidealongsidemarmots, Along withthesedistinctlylocalinhabitants,onecanfindaremarkable others, arefoundhereandnowhereelseintheworld. chipmunk, Olympicsnowmole,andmudminnow. Thesespecies,among including Olympicviolet,Hulbirt’s skipper, Tiger beetle,Olympicyellow-pine different fromitsneighbors.Thiswildernessishometo22endemicspecies, renowned exampleistheOlympicmarmot,chromosomallyandbehaviorally made theOlympicWildernessaparagonofgeneticdiversification.Themost Thousands ofyearsglaciallyandgeographicallyimposedseparationhave mountain range. biogeographic islandandimposingcenturiesofautonomousevolutiononthis sliding glaciersbarricadedtheOlympicPeninsula,increasingisolationof tsunamis. AstheIceAgedescendedonpeninsula,shiftingclimateand zone, corroboratingAmericanIndianstoriesofshakinggroundanddevastating and irregularrangeweseetoday. Earthquakesrockedthisvolatilesubduction collision fractured,folded,andoverturnedrockformations,creatingthejagged some oftheseafloorscrapedontocontinentalplateandforce ranges. AstheJuandeFucaplatecollidedwithNorthAmericanplate, and lavaflowedthroughcrackstocreateseamounts,orsubaquaticmountain the peninsula,sedimentsaccumulatedintoshaleandsandstoneonseafloor, The OlympicMountainstracetheiroriginstothesea.Beforeexistenceon unique arrayofinhabitants. look revealstheirfundamentalinterconnectedness,whichresultsinatruly glacial featurescoexistwithdamprainforestsandmilesofcoastline.Butacloser the relativesizeofpeninsulatheyoccupy. Here,ruggedmountains and diverse, infact,thatitsdistinctecosystemsseemalmostincongruousconsidering The OlympicWildernessischaracterizedbyitssuperlativediversity. Itisso the effects ofmoderncivilization Natural: Wildernessmaintainsecologicalsystemsthataresubstantiallyfreefrom References and Appendix 173 While mostly found in frontcountry sites, a few nonnative invasive plant species species plant invasive nonnative a few sites, frontcountry found in mostly While Most Robert. and Herb thistle as Canada such wilderness, the within are found and difficult are particularly persistent perennials that plants are park nonnative plants. Visitors endemic or sensitive endanger and could potentially to eradicate, by feeding endanger wildlife of their actions of the consequences unaware country vegetation on fragile high food. Stepping improperly securing animals or harvesting or or beyond, and for a century plant communities can impact nurseries, the critical seed organisms can damage marine trampling intertidal is remarkably resilient and organisms. This wilderness, however, banks of marine trampled vegetation and and lowland plants quickly reclaim resistant. Coastal these forests have survived occupants are reminders that the stately old growth for hundreds of years. as a Class I is designated has relatively high air quality, The Olympic Wilderness air and water pollutants very little haze. The primary airshed, and experiences unspoiled views of the Olympics but when the weather is clear, come from Asia, are spectacular. temperature and precipitation regimes throughout Climate change is affecting Olympic Wilderness in the form of the region and is manifesting in the patterns, rising sea levels, and warmer retreating glaciers, changing weather global issue, yet higher latitudes and temperatures. Climate change is a and glaciers are particularly indicative of elevations are warming the fastest, are shifting higher up the mountains to regional change. As flora and fauna sea levels rise, we may see a very different keep up with their habitat, and as Olympic Wilderness in the future. and resilient ecosystems, history of Because of its exceptionally diverse to climate change in many areas, the biogeographic isolation, and sensitivity natural laboratory and classroom. Olympic Wilderness protects an exemplary wildernesses and one U.S. Fish and Wildlife It adjoins five U.S. Forest Service has been designated an International Service wilderness. The Olympic Wilderness Heritage Site, and coastal portions of the wilderness Biosphere Reserve, a World Marine Sanctuary and the Washington are part of the Olympic Coast National Educational and scientific opportunities Maritime National Wildlife Refuge. forests, canopies, mosses, lichens, and abound to study salmon, old growth countless other aspects of this wilderness. the northwestern coast of the Olympic In 1971, Point of the Arches off a Wilderness was designated as a National Natural Landmark as it, “illustrates to climax pristine spectrum of environmental conditions from rocky tidelands in upland vegetation. The site is also an outstanding exhibit of sea action further sculpturing a rocky shoreline.” This prestigious national designation confirms the remarkable natural quality of this wilderness. Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 174 opportunities forsolitudeandunrestricted, unconfinedrecreation. opportunities. Inthefuture, itmaybecomeincreasinglydifficult toprotectboth protect valuableparkresources butsimultaneouslyconfinerecreational challenge. Designatedcampsites, signs,andotherrecreationalinfrastructure toilets, andtechnologyreduce opportunitiesforself-relianceandpersonal to increasingnumbersof peopleandinstallationsthatimpactsolitude.Bridges, park sanctioned,areaperiodicreminderofcivilization. Increasedresearchleads affect thenightsky, and overheadaircraft,whethercommercial,military, or and continuingtodotthescenicvistas.Lightsfrom surroundingurbanareas not anexception.Developmentisexpandinginto the foothillsoutsidepark of peoplemayimpactopportunitiesforsolitude.The presenceofparkstaff is wilderness setting.Associetyprogressesandaccess improves,increasednumbers of recreationcontinuetodevelopthatmayor notbeappropriateina They cometohike,camp,,raft,fish,ski, orsnowshoe,andnewtypes People aredeeplyattractedtothiswilderness,and manyreturnyearafteryear. the soundoftrees“talking.” bears, poundingoceanwaves,thedripofwaterfromtreecanopies,oreven Wilderness onemayhearascreamincatg,buglingelk,whistlingmarmots,birds, and sleepunderspectaculardarknightskies.OnagiventripintotheOlympic hiking in,out,oracross,wheretheycanforageberries,mushrooms,shellfish, self-reliance. Thevastnessofthiswildernessallowsvisitorstospendseveraldays Here, onecanescapetheconstraintsofsocietyanddiscoverfreedom expanse ofthewilderness. turn one’s backoncivilizationandtrekintothemountainstobeimmersedin sightings ofSeattleandVictoriaareremindersthevaluableopportunityto fir whilewatchingraptorsdiveandwheelbelow. Onaclearday, occasional From thecraggyhighcountry, onecansmelltheyellow cedarandsubalpine forests blockoutsightsandsoundsofcivilization,creatingamantlesolitude. shrinking one’s viewoftheworldtoimmediatesurroundings. Cloudsordense below. Thecloudsmaybeplayfulonasunnyday, orentirelyenveloping, above orfloodingthevalleys,withsolitarypeakspiercingetherealswirls Wilderness. Onanygivenday, thecloudsmaybe shrouding themountaintops The cloudsandvistasareaparticularlyremarkablepresenceintheOlympic person toeveroccupythisspot. One caneasilystumbleuponahiddennookandfeelasiftheyarethefirst Despite theaccessibilitytomillionsofpeople,opportunitiesforsolitudeabound. Yet theelementsandruggedterrainhereoffer anexperiencethatistrulywild. contains nopoisonoussnakesorgrizzlybearsandveryfewplants. sea starsnestledamongstthetidepools.Thiscanalsobeakindwilderness.It rainforest, clamberoversoftnurselogs,orstrolldownthebeachanddiscover challenge themostskilledclimbers.Visitorscantrekthroughdampmossy adventures. Massiveglaciersandcrevassespresenttechnicalroutesthatcan Precipitous trailsleadtomajesticpeaksthatgratifythoseseekingloftier accessible, andtheexperiencescanvaryasmuchvisitorthemselves. Within a5hourdriveofmorethanmillionpeople,thiswildernessiswidely the pressuresofsociety, orpersonalchallengeandself-reliance. solitude, adeepconnectionwithnature,discovery, revitalization, freedom from array ofopportunities.VisitorstotheOlympicWildernesscanexperience The ecologicaldiversityoftheOlympicWildernessprovidesanequallydiverse outstanding opportunitiesforsolitudeorprimitiveandunconfinedrecreation Solitude orPrimitiveandUnconfinedRecreation: Wildernessprovides References and Appendix 175 Wilderness retains its primeval character and influence, and is and is influence, and character primeval its retains Wilderness Undeveloped: occupation human or modern improvements permanent without essentially of the continent. spirit of the far edge possesses the Wilderness still The Olympic the late 19th century, numbers until arrive in large Americans didn’t European by the U.S. to be mapped places in the country one of the last and it was and the wilderness, core of bisect the mountainous No roads Survey. Geological of years, the hand of have occupied this place for thousands although humans sojourn, a hiker can traverse unnoticeable. On even a brief modern man is largely Douglas-firs and previously managed area to old-growth a second-growth, and feel exceptionally small in some more than 200 years old, western hemlocks, of the Olympic Wilderness The forests giant western red cedar. the shadow of a to do the same after we’re timeless quality and will continue exude an ancient, gone. in the midst appears as an unscathed island the Olympic Wilderness From the air, of adjacent logging, paving, highlighted by the evidence of an altered landscape, of life as part of an Here, one can rejoin the community or industrialization. greater than oneself. interconnected ecosystem, something of this wilderness is apparent in a sea fossil Evidence of the interconnectedness that this mountain was once a part of the found on the mountaintops, indicating distance. A sea fossil on a mountain top is more floor of the ocean visible in the it is a reminder of the primeval spirit of than a geologic and visual connection; in the context of time. this place that humbles human existence with expansive views and awe-inspiring Visitors to the high country are rewarded be seen, although the vastness and vistas. Seattle and Victoria can occasionally dwarf these human creations. On the coast, grandeur of the Olympics seem to heaps, frequently redistributed by the huge piles of driftwood lie in jumbled amongst the driftwood. Ranger stations tide, yet trash and debris can be found cache boxes, research equipment, and associated tent platforms, administrative areas of the wilderness. While ranger patrols, and other installations dot other to responsibly managing wilderness, science, and research are imperative of modern human occupation and influence. associated structures are evidence and mechanical transport, though Administrative use of motorized equipment requirement, degrade the primitive nature of permitted when it is the minimum and modify the land by to develop, occupy, wilderness by reinforcing our ability our dominance. Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 176 manipulative researchactivitiesimpactthisquality. and restorationprojects,taggingcollaringplantsanimals,other suppression andignitionoffires,removalnonnativespecies,revegetation impact theuntrammeledqualitybymanipulatingcommunityoflife.The management actionsthatareundertakentoimprovethenaturalqualityoften have becomearteriesofnutrientsandlifetowildernessecosystems.However, quality byensuringthefreemovementofsalmonthroughriversthat The cycleoflifeherecontinueslargelyunfettered.parkisimprovingthis force ofwaterwillcontinuetoerode,shape,andrejuvenatethelandscape. Despite humanmanagement,thetideswillcontinuetoebbandflow, andthe down mountainsides,andiceformsinfissures,rupturingrocksintopieces. floods andgushmilkybluewiththespringglacialmelt. Avalanches thunder succession. Violentstormshammerthepeninsula,andriverssurgewithautumnal Wildfires clearandrejuvenatethelandscape,contributingtonaturalcycleof continue tosculptmountainpeaksandwavesrelentlesslypoundthecoast. anthropogenic manipulation.Naturalforcesaredominanthere,asglaciers the landscape,OlympicWildernesshasseenrelativelylittlemajorvisible thousands ofyearsandwedonotfullycomprehendtheinfluencetheyhadon from modernhumancontrol.AlthoughAmericanIndianshavelivedherefor To thisday, OlympicWildernesshasremainedlargelyunhinderedandfree be leftuntrammeled.” primitive areaintact,sothatimmenseterritoriesofthemountainvastnesswould wilderness ideaofthehighOlympicsasawhole,butwouldleaveproposed “The buildingoftwosuchroadswouldbeinimicaltothegenerallyaccepted but neverconstructedroads,highlightstheuntrammeledqualityofarea: publication, ReportonOlympicForestRecreationPlan,discussingtwopotential by theU.S.ForestService.Thefollowingquotefroma1929Service establishment ofOlympicasanationalpark,muchtheareawasmanaged the adoptionoftermbywritersTheWildernessAct.Priorto1938 such, anditsuntrammeledqualitywasesteemedemphasizedevenbefore park. Ithasbeencalledwildernesslongbeforeitscongressionaldesignationas before, andwasoneofthereasonsfor, thearea’s establishmentasanational The wildnessanduntamednatureoftheOlympicswasrenownedformanyyears human actionsthatcontrolormanipulatethecommunityoflife Untrammeled: Wildernessisessentiallyunhinderedandfreefrommodern References and Appendix 177 Ethnographic resources associated with with associated resources Ethnographic Resources: Cultural tribes Indian American to the homeland has been the Olympic Wilderness that is now called The place been considered longer than it has for much the Olympic Peninsula tribes on on have lived American Indians sense of the term. in the current “wilderness” their people several tribes believe 12,000 years, and for at least the peninsula continue to recognize time immemorial. Eight tribes have been here since use, origin, beliefs, and the park based on traditional land a relationship to Jamestown S’Klallam, Port the Lower Elwha Klallam, ethnographic landscapes: and Makah. While Skokomish, Quinault, Hoh, Quileute, Gamble S’Klallam, aside of areas as designated land are ancient and the setting native ties to the of the traditionally concept, the continued relationship wilderness is a modern the land are integral to and the values they associate with associated peoples wilderness character. for the sentient land is based on a great respect relationship to the Each tribe’s aquatic beings, each species animals. For both terrestrial and spirit of plants and and this spirit chief must be placated has its own chief and respective tribe, were conducted to honor the animal before the species is utilized. Ceremonies salmon and first elk of the season. Special chief in conjunction with the first with the salmon run to ensure that nothing reverence and care was associated would contaminate it. particularly important to all area tribes, The spirit of the cedar tree was also by the Quileute. A Salish story says that the considered a “gift from the gods” of a man who was always helping others: Great Spirit created red cedar in honor a cedar tree will grow and be useful to “When he dies and where he is buried, the bark for clothing, the wood for shelter” the people – the roots for baskets, used for canoe making, as well as for (Stewart 1984:27). Cedars have been canoe sails, and shelters. The bark was used mats, clothing, tools, baskets, rope, were taken from each tree to refrain from thoughtfully; only one or two strips and tribes often expressed contrition to the trees causing harm to the cedar, of other plants are central to the culture before stripping their bark. A variety including berries, bear grass, sea grass, eel and subsistence of peninsula tribes, belief systems continue to today and grass, basket sedge, and others. These and harmony with the environment we reflect a tradition of interdependence now call wilderness. The Olympic Mountains have been and still are important to the tribes, focal in traditionally used as a travelling thoroughfare, hunting grounds, and All eight tribes tell of a Great the origins of significant events in tribal history. peaks. Sam Flood, in which people tied their canoes to the tops of the mountain to Ulmer of the Lower Elwha Klallam reported that the canoes were moored “leaving the two points now visible at the ends a mountaintop that broke off, refer to of a saddle-like ridge in the Olympics” (Clark 1953:45). The peaks may is Mt. Carrie and Cat Peak, or Mt. Olympus. Blue Glacier on Mount Olympus While other considered to be the home of Thunderbird by the Quileute and Hoh. location, Thunderbird is home in a different tribes may consider Thunderbird’s Peninsula celebrated as an entity of strength and power by all of the Olympic He tribes, and his spirit is often called upon to aid in pursuits, such as whaling. he causes ice to roll down the causes thunder and lightning, and in a Hoh story, was a side of the mountains. For the Klallam, possessing a Thunderbird spirit as well as strength in war. source of wealth and power, Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 178 Assessment. Wray, Jacilee.1997.OlympicNationalParkEthnographicOverviewand Columbia. Stewart, H.1984.Cedar:Tree ofLife.Douglas&McIntyre,Vancouver, British of CaliforniaPress. Clark, EllaE.1953.IndianLegendsofthePacificNorthwest.Berkeley:University References citedinthisnarrative: and inperpetuity. and elementalconnectionofthetribestothisplacefromtimecreation humans simultaneouslycreatedalllivingthings.Thisbeliefillustratesthedeep blown intoalllivingthingsatonce,sothatthesamebreathcreated surrounding tribes.TheSkokomishbelievethatthesacredbreathoflifewas landscapes, andspiritualaspectsthatarefundamentaltothecultureof The areathatisnowtheOlympicWildernesshometoplantsandanimals, References and Appendix 179 lanning p Notes Example of combined general management plan and Example of combined plan. wilderness stewardship for the two and wildernessCombines backcountry stewardship plan plan; includes a climbing management park units into one services. commercial and addresses wilderness has fully adopted character throughout This effort examples of tribal consultation, and provides the process of alternatives development and cost selection of measures, estimates, and applying wilderness character mapping to planning. serves as a soundscape The summary notes that this plan also plan, wilderness and noise management preservation services plan for the management plan, and commercial backcountry. This plan includes wilderness narratives, and character integration of wilderness character. of Land Management This is an interagency plan with Bureau multiple wilderness and addresses units. This plan combines wilderness and backcountry with a general management plan amendment, and has a significant climbing component. wilderness A straightforward plan that closely follows the 2004 Wilderness Plan Handbook format and content. It Stewardship but not generically incorporates the term wilderness character, the specific qualities. teWardShip S ilderneSS W of xaMpleS 2.6—e ppendix Apostle Islands Plan General Management Wilderness Plan Management Statement Environmental Impact August 2009 Plan Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park / Black Canyon of the Area National Recreation Curecanti Draft Wilderness / Backcountry Management Plan Environmental Assessment August 2011 National Park Death Valley Wilderness Stewardship Plan August 2012 Denali National Park and Preserve Final Backcountry Management Plan General Management Plan Amendment Environmental Impact Statement January 2006 Park and Preserve National Gates of the Arctic Draft Backcountry Management Plan General Management Plan Environmental Impact Statement Internal Draft 2011 Ireteba Black Canyon, Eldorado, Jimbilnan, Pinto Valley, Spirit Mountain, and Bridge Canyon Peaks, Nellis Wash, Nevada Wilderness Clark County, Areas, Draft Wilderness Plan Management Environmental Assessment April 2008 National Park Joshua Tree Backcountry and Wilderness Management Plan, General Management Plan Amendment Environmental Assessment January 2002 Lava Beds National Monument Wilderness Management Plan Environmental Assessment November 2006 a of the time of the publication available at the examples are The following emerging, more 2014. Check for Handbook Stewardship Planning Wilderness site at Sharepoint Wilderness Character at the NPS current examples . http://share.inside.nps.gov/sites/WASO/WSD/WC arranged alphabetically. planning, of wilderness stewardship Examples 14. Table Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 180 2007 Environmental Assessment ManagementPlan Backcountry Zion NationalPark 2009 Environmental Assessment Comprehensive Trails ManagementPlan Saguaro NationalPark 2002 Environmental Assessment ManagementPlan andBackcountry Wilderness Rocky MountainNationalPark February 2013 StewardshipPlan/EnvironmentalAssessment Wilderness Petrified Forest NationalPark Plan and standards. Backcountry planwithgoodexamplesofvisitoruseindicators indicators andstandards. that are relevantplanningsuchasvisitoruse forwilderness stewardshipThis isnotawilderness plan,buthasmanyaspects that wasmore thanavisitoruseplan. stewardshipOne ofthefirstnewergenerationwilderness plans paleontological resources, isidentified. character,value qualityofwilderness relating tothepark’s decisions proposed intheplan.”Theotherfeatures of unifying elementandthefoundationofallmanagement characteristheframework’sand statesthat“Wilderness stewardshipThe plandescribesthenewwilderness framework Notes References and Appendix 181 ocUMentS d oUndation f arK p haracter c froM

ilderneSS xaMpleS W 3.1—e One of the purposes of Apostle Islands National Lakeshore is to “Secure the One of the purposes of Apostle Islands Park is to “Preserve and protect One of the purposes of Saguaro National The purpose of Rocky Mountain National Park is to “Preserve the high benefits of an enduring resource of wilderness in Apostle Island National benefits of an enduring resource and future generations Gaylord Nelson Wilderness for present Lakeshore’s Lakeshore General Management of Americans.” (Apostle Islands National Plan 2004) natural quiet, scenic vistas, and wilderness qualities such as solitude, Plan natural conditions.” (Saguaro National Park General Management 2008) elevation landscapes and wilderness character of the southern Rocky to the Mountains, and to provide the freest recreational use of and access wild life, natural features and processes, and cultural scenic beauties, park’s objects.” (Rocky Mountain National Park Foundation Statement 2012) • • • ppendix ncorporating i This material is a supplement to chapter 3, which describes the foundation which describes to chapter 3, is a supplement This material As discussed character. relevant to wilderness components most document developed a helpful to have stress that it is very 3, practitioners in chapter park foundation 2.1) before a (see appendix character narrative wilderness of park purpose and narrative can inform the expression process, so that the other important resources themes, fundamental and significance, interpretive components of the foundation. and values, and other wilderness values, then identifies wilderness or Purpose. If legislation specifically statement. For example, be incorporated into a park purpose wilderness should was mentioned in the National Park, wilderness in the case of Everglades areas shall be permanently the park: “The said area or legislation establishing project or plan for the and no development of the reserved as a wilderness, will interfere with the visitors shall be undertaken which entertainment of flora and fauna and the essential primitive preservation intact of the unique in this area” (1934 Enabling Legislation). Thus natural conditions now prevailing internal draft general management plan) the park purpose statement (2011 Park is a public park for the benefit and reads as follows: “Everglades National apart as a permanent wilderness preserving enjoyment of the people. It is set the natural abundance, diversity, essential primitive conditions, including and fauna.” and ecological integrity of the unique flora behavior, of wilderness in its enabling legislation, but If a park has no specific mention the congressional designation of wilderness is does have designated wilderness, legislation and is therefore included in the considered an element of enabling following examples: park purpose statement, as in the Purpose statements are concise and do not elaborate much on wilderness but they can help set the stage for wilderness character by identifying character, National wilderness character qualities (e.g., the natural quality of Everglades Park or the solitude of Saguaro National Park). a Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 182 than significancestatements.Examplesincludethefollowing: should bemorespecificaboutthequalityorqualitiesofwildernesscharacter of wildernesscharacter. Thedescriptionoftheidentifiedresourcesandvalues resources andvaluescomponentwilltypicallyrecognizeoneormorequalities been identifiedinthepurposeorsignificancestatements,fundamental Fundamental ResourcesandValues . Ifwildernessorcharacterhas a particularwildernessarea. wilderness orcharactermaynotadequatelyconveytheuniquenessof significance statements.Significancestatementsthatsimplyusethewords wilderness characterthatareinherentinaspecificoneormore wilderness tothesignificanceofwilderness. Try toexpressthekeyqualitiesof It Wildframework)couldbestrengthenedbytyingitsculturalresourceswithin Note thattheEvergladessignificancestatement(whichpredatesKeeping include: or wildernesscharacterwithinthesetofsignificancestatements.Examples Park significance.Parkswithdesignatedwildernessshouldrecognize • • • • • prehistoric culturalsettinghavingthousandsofarcheologicalsites. natural soundscapes,solitude,andhealthyecosystemsinthecontextofa access primevalconditionsandexperienceviews,airquality, night sky, The BandelierWildernessprovidesopportunitiesforvisitorstoeasily and animals. seagrasses, whichsupportadiversemixoftropicalandtemperateplants tropical hardwood,pineRockland,extensivemangroveestuaries,and America. Theparkcontainsvastecosystems,includingfreshwatermarshes, because itcomprisesthelargestsubtropicalwildernessreserveinNorth Everglades NationalParkisnationallyandinternationallysignificant Canyonlands NationalPark Foundation(2012) Apostle IslandsNationalLakeshoreGeneralManagementPlan(2004) Bandelier NationalMonumentFoundation(2008) Bandelier NationalMonumentFoundation(2008) Everglades NationalParkInternalDraftGeneralManagementPlan(2011) ⚪ ⚪ ⚪ ⚪ ⚪

Primitive aspects/wilderness character, nightsky/soundscapes. Sense ofadventureandchallengewhere“lakeisthe boss.” Sense ofdiscoveryassociatedwithviewingandlearning aboutthe Wilderness qualities(highdegreeofnaturalnessand primitive Bandelier’s wildernessisanaturalenvironmentcloselytiedto resources oftheland. historic andcontinuingrelationshipbetweenhumans andthenatural their formercondition). (lands thatweresettled,loggedandquarriedare naturally returningto recreation opportunities)includingthephenomenon ofre-wilding landscape wildernessisaccessible,yetremote. remote anduntrammeledbycontemporarystandards.Untrammeled archeological siteswithinadesignatedwildernessisanareaconsidered communities andcontemporaryPueblopeoples.Thehighdensityof References and Appendix 183 Park can provide an opportunity for solitude in a location where Park can provide an opportunity for wilderness predominate. natural systems and the feelings of yet a seemingly timeless natural landscape, offers rare opportunities rare offers yet a seemingly timeless natural landscape, and reflection on how “wildness” for exploration, inspiration, solitude, relates to human use of the land. environment is regaining its wilderness characteristics. environment is regaining Park is designated as wilderness, and this vast and steep landscape vast and steep landscape and this as wilderness, Park is designated character. wilderness qualities that comprise exemplifies the strongly for provides opportunities landscape pristine and primitive The largely to thrive. flora and fauna natural haven for challenge and a personal Wilderness: Traveling into the backcountry of Canyonlands National into the backcountry of Wilderness: Traveling The Bandelier Wilderness, rich with evidence of long human habitation rich with evidence of long The Bandelier Wilderness, After being altered by centuries of exploitation, the Apostle Islands’ by centuries of exploitation, the After being altered Wilderness character—Ninety-five percent of Rocky Mountain National National Rocky Mountain of percent character—Ninety-five Wilderness

⚪ ⚪ ⚪ ⚪ Petrified Forest National Park Foundation (2006) – Designated Wilderness Petrified Forest National Park Foundation (2006) – Designated Wilderness Canyonlands National Park Foundation (2012) Canyonlands National Park Foundation Bandelier National Monument Foundation (2008) Bandelier National Apostle Islands National Lakeshore General Management Plan (2004) Lakeshore General Management Apostle Islands National Rocky Mountain National Park Foundation (2012) Foundation Park National Mountain Rocky Petrified Forest National Wilderness Area was the first designated Petrified Forest National Wilderness Area was the first designated wilderness area in the national park system. It was designated by Congress on October 23, 1970 (84 Stat. 1105). The wilderness area within Petrified park) Forest National Park is composed of 50,260 acres (about 54% of the and consists of two separate units. The Painted Desert unit in the northern unit in segment of the park comprises 43,020 acres, and the Rainbow Forest the southeast segment of the park comprises 7,240 acres. • • • • • The first two examples were created before Keeping It Wild was available The first two examples were created it will be desirable to be more specific about and adopted. For new efforts, the words wilderness characteristics (in the In addition, wilderness character. (Bandelier) lack authoritative definitions Apostle Islands example) and wildness 1 in chapter 1). The terms wilderness character and should be avoided (see table should be used instead. and qualities of wilderness character commitments. This component should Special mandates and administrative (whether designated, wilderness of the park’s identify the applicable categories or recommended) and briefly indicate potential, eligible, potential, proposed, established in NPS policies. The status, size, the required management approach described. An example is: and extent of each area should be If wilderness or wilderness character has been identified in character has been identified If wilderness or wilderness Interpretive themes. should incorporate key statements, interpretive themes purpose or significance Examples include: character. messages on wilderness Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 184 and otherdocumentscanbefoundarchivedontheNPSPEPCsite. plan amendmentunderway. Approvedplansaretypicallyfoundonparkwebsites management planorhaveageneral with wildernessresourcesthathaverelativelyrecentlycompletedageneral as notedinchapter3oftheUserGuide.Belowisalistsomeparks General managementplanshavemanyplacestointegratewildernesscharacter, a developed beforeKeepingItWildwaspublishedandadopted. begins toexpressthequalitiesofwildernesscharacter, eventhoughitwas it goesbeyondasimplestatementaboutpreservingwildernesscharacterand This exampleofaGMPgoalandobjectivestatementisnoteworthybecause management planandimportantforarticulatingwhataparkintendstoachieve. Goals andobjectivesaretypicallypartoftheintroductiongeneral Goals andObjectivesinGeneralManagementPlans (gMp ppendix • • • • • • • • • • and WildernessStudy(2007) Amendment (underway) resources inwilderness andpreservewilderness character. are coordinated intheparktomanage andprotectnatural cultural and preservethesevalues. Parkoperationsandwildernessfunctions park staff (throughlearningmanagementskills)so thatbothwillpromote by thepublic(througheducation inwildernessethicsanduse)by ecosystem. Thevaluesof the GaylordNelsonWildernessareunderstood challenge, self-sufficiency, discovery, andobservationofanuntrammeled in wilderness,includingtheexperiencesofsolitude, remoteness,risk, and values.Presentfuturevisitorsenjoytheunique qualitiesoffered using methodsthatareconsistentwithpreservation ofwildernesscharacter that havebeenincludedwithinwildernessareprotected andmaintained resources suchasarcheologicalsites,culturallandscapes, andstructures providing opportunitiesfortheirenjoymentaswilderness. Cultural are protected,maintained,and/orrestoredtothe extent possible,while Natural processes,nativespecies,andtheinterrelationships amongthem recreation, andsothatsignsofpeopleremainsubstantially unnoticeable. continue tofindopportunitiesforsolitudeandprimitive,unconfined characteristics andvaluesareretainedprotectedsothatvisitors area unimpairedforfutureuseandenjoymentaswilderness.Wilderness use andenjoymentoftheAmericanpeopleinsuchamannerthatleaves The NationalParkServicemanagestheGaylordNelsonWildernessfor Zion NationalParkGeneralManagementPlan(2001) Saguaro NationalParkGeneralManagementPlan(2008) Olympic NationalParkGeneralManagementPlan(2008) Isle RoyaleNationalParkGeneralManagementPlan(1998) Great SandDunesNationalParkandPreserveGeneralManagementPlan Gates oftheArcticNationalParkandPreserveGeneralManagementPlan Everglades NationalParkGeneralManagementPlan(draft2011) Assateague IslandNationalSeashoreGeneralManagementPlan(underway) Apostle IslandsNationalLakeshoreGeneralManagementPlan(2004) Apostle IslandsNationalLakeshoreGeneralManagementPlan(2004) S ) and 3.2—e W ilderneSS xaMpleS

c of haracter g eneral M anageMent p lanS

References and Appendix 185

and ilderneSS W oSter f to

ntegration i rincipleS eSoUrce r 4.1—p ppendix UltUral c Cultural resources represent the human experience of our nation and Cultural resources represent the human experience of our nation and the NPS preservation of these resources is one of three primary objectives of in a single, mission. These resources can be tangible and place-based, occurring landscape small area (e.g., a rock art panel) or over a large area (e.g., a cultural related or historic district); tangible and historically based (e.g., correspondence archive) or intangible (e.g., the spiritual to a wilderness designation in a park’s Tribe); and all may overlap one significance of a landscape to an American Indian another and contribute to understanding the setting of a wilderness. that All NPS wildernesses have associated cultural resources. Cultural resources archeological are actively managed by the National Park Service are defined as and museum sites, historic structures, cultural landscapes, ethnographic resources, as collections. Many tribal entities place significance on cultural resources perspectives and defined by the National Park Service, but can also have different relationships to these resources that are unique to their culture. The Diversity of Cultural Resources and Cultural Resource and Cultural Resource The Diversity of Cultural Resources Laws in Wilderness In many cases, integrating wilderness character and cultural resources occurs resources occurs and cultural wilderness character cases, integrating In many on confusion and misunderstanding cases there is in some However, easily. cases And in other staff. and cultural resources of both wilderness the part and preservation management cultural resources misperception that there is a This appendix provides wilderness and its stewardship. is incompatible with then a set of principles to on cultural resources and background information wilderness and cultural and coordination between foster better communication resources staffs. in chapter 4, section on cultural resource management As described in the between wilderness and to foster informed discussion planning is necessary describe the teams are best suited to Interdisciplinary staff. cultural resources in park foundations, character and cultural resources relationship of wilderness processes. Because of the narratives, and other planning wilderness character and required consultation with state historic number of cultural resource laws or representatives, and tribal historic preservation offices preservation offices, from a regional resources staff cultural resource manager or cultural the park’s be involved in wilderness stewardship or an archeological center should office representing park staff team. Similarly, planning as part of the interdisciplinary park cultural resource management wilderness should be involved in developing For example, may degrade wilderness character. plans to help identify actions that plan, cultural resources and wilderness in developing a wilderness stewardship resources within the wilderness, should work together to identify cultural staffs (such as section 106 and minimum and then through established processes the appropriate preservation prescription for requirements analysis) determine And in developing wilderness character. cultural resources that also preserve as well as in identifying inventory needs, cultural resource management plans, together to identify cultural should work staffs cultural resources and wilderness may impact wilderness character and try to resource management actions that develop strategies that improve wilderness the use of hand tools, as well as steps to mitigate such as through character, any negative impacts. a Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 186 legislation forsomemonuments,parks,andwildernesses. in chapter4,culturalresourceprotectionisexplicitlynotedtheenabling of parks,monuments,orotherunitsthenationalparksystem.”Asdescribed the WildernessActsetsanimportantstandardfor“useandpreservation Antiquities Actof1906andtheHistoricSites1935insection4(a)(3) subsequent tothepassageofWildernessAct,referenceAmerican the NationalEnvironmentalPolicyAct.Whilemanyoftheselawswerepassed the AbandonedShipwreckAct,AmericanIndianReligiousFreedomand Historic SitesAct,theNativeAmericanGravesProtectionandRepatriation the ArcheologicalResourcesProtectionAct,AmericanAntiquities including butnotlimitedtotheNationalHistoricPreservationAct(asamended), laws protectculturalresourcesonallfederallands,includingwildernessareas, In additiontothe1916NationalParkServiceOrganicAct,numerousother wilderness charactermonitoringorinotherpublicdocuments. planning, andmanagement,butitmaynotbeappropriatetoincludethemin cultural resourcessotheycanbeappropriatelyconsideredinparkinterpretation, wilderness staff, thereforeneedtobeawareoftheimportanceintangible character, andmaynotbemeanttosharedwithothers.Parkstaffs, including derive fromatimebeforetheWildernessActandconceptofwilderness resources, however, maybedifficult ifnotimpossibletomeasure,typically in appendix2.4)andparkfoundationdocuments.Theseintangiblecultural narrative (seechapter2andtheLakeClarkwildernesscharacter acknowledged, respected,andgenerallydescribedinthewildernesscharacter stories, andallotherintangibleculturalresourcesinawildernessmaybe The importanceofspiritualvalues,traditionalpractices,andhistoric specific andmustbeconsideredasanentireset. wilderness andculturalresourcesstaffs. Theseprinciplesgofromgeneralto to provideabeginningpointorfoundationfordiscussionandplanningbetween articulated inpolicyorplanningdocuments,thefollowingprinciplesareoffered Because integratingculturalresourceswithwildernesscharacterhasnotyetbeen Principles toFosterBetterCommunication 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. wilderness unit. when theseresourcesare specifiedintheenablinglegislationof Cultural resourcesarean integral partofanarea’s wildernesscharacter followed insidewilderness, unlessexplicitlystatedotherwiseinlaw. All applicableresourceprotection lawsandregulationsmustbe wilderness mayrepresent. historic orethnographicthemesthatawilderness or siteswithina history ofwildernessisanimportanthistorictheme alongwithother represent significantcontributionstothehistory of ournation.The The passageoftheWildernessActandconcept ofwilderness between peopleandnature. understand andfeelconnectedtothevitalvaried relationships Cultural resourcescanbenefitwildernessbyallowing visitorsto them ordiminishtheirintegrity. them frommodernhumandevelopmentandactivitythatcoulddestroy Wilderness designationcanbenefitculturalresourcesbyprotecting important parkmanagementobjectives. Preserving culturalresourcesandwildernessareequally References and Appendix 187 Cultural resources that are not specified in the enabling legislation of legislation enabling in the specified are not that resources Cultural character. wilderness the area’s part of still be unit may the wilderness and through an inventory parks must go to law and policy, Pursuant significant resources are which cultural process to determine planning managing them. objectives for and establish of respect the integrity understand and the goal is to In all cases, determine the wilderness resources and to then both cultural and actions should action. These management appropriate management cultural resource both wilderness stewardship and be considered as be reflected in be developed in tandem, and stewardship objectives, stewardship plans. and cultural resource both wilderness stewardship impact either actions that would negatively Proposed management be resolved on a wilderness resources, or both, must cultural resources, case-by-case basis. Identify potential conflicts early. conflicts. between real and perceived Differentiate involve competing constituencies. Recognize that competing values resources. Broaden understanding of all affected of barriers is a first step toward problem Recognize that acknowledgement when cultural and natural Consider a full range of feasible alternatives compliance requirements. Use an integrated approach to environmental Hawaiian organizations on the full Consult with Indian tribes and native solving when cultural and natural values compete. solving when cultural and natural values interrelate. range of cultural and natural values. 7. 8. • • • • • • • • In addition, broad guidelines to foster better communication between cultural guidelines to foster better communication In addition, broad Council on were developed by the Advisory resource staffs resource and natural ) to promote Historic Preservation (http://www.achp.gov/achpcultnatpolicy.html and conflict resolution on federally “an approach to resource management balance between natural and cultural values.” owned public lands that achieves may also help discussion between Selected excerpts from these guidelines wilderness and cultural resource managers: Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 188 condense them. they havebeenreformattedfromtheoriginalminimumrequirementsanalysisto to showtheinterplaybetweenculturalresourcesandwildernesscharacter, and of step1theminimumrequirementsanalysis;theseexcerptswereselected actions oncabinsintheZionWilderness.Theexcerptsbelowonlyshowaportion conducted bystaff atZionNationalPark(ZION)forculturalresourcepreservation This appendixexcerptstheMay31,2012,minimumrequirementsanalysis and a of thetwocabinslocatedinwilderness. lifespan). Detailsofproposedpreservationactions aredescribedbelowforeach greatest preservationresults(withthegoalbeing up to50yearsofextended treatment needswithintheparametersofminimum efforts toachievethe “In 2011thecabinswerevisitedbyhistoricpreservation expertstodetermine in ZION. as amodelofappropriateculturalresourcepreservation inawildernesssetting magnificent canyons;and3)tocreatemediaproductsthatpromotetheproject to beinformedoftheearly20thcenturyhumanoccupationandusethese and educationtherebyprovidingasafevenueforresearchersthepublic each structure;2)continueduseoftheseuniquecabinsforinterpretation “This proposalhasthreeprimarygoals:1)maintaininghistoricintegrityof from originalconstructiontoabandonment. just onaslightlyextendedtemporalscalewhenoneconsidersthetimeperiod the wildernessdefinitionof,‘manhimselfisavisitorwhodoesnotremain,’but once-modified surroundingsarebeingreclaimedbytheforcesofnaturesupports an adaptiveuse.Theaspectthatthesecabinsarenolongerinhabitableandtheir reconstruct thesehistoricstructurestoreturnthemtheirformerfunctionor with theActofAugust25,1916’(theNPSOrganicAct).Thereisnointentto use andpreservationof.unit[s]thenationalparksysteminaccordance (3), ‘the[Wilderness]Actshallinnomannerlowerthestandardsevolvedfor wilderness, ‘mayalsocontain.featuresofhistoricalvalue,’andin§4(a) also inkeepingwiththedefinitionsunderWildernessAct,recognizingthat Park ServiceOrganicAct,‘toconservethe.historicobjectstherein’while southwest Utah.PreservationofthesecabinsisinkeepingwiththeNational resource withintheparkandfewexamplesexistingeographicregionof by ZionNationalPark.Therearenootherexamplesofthistypecultural representation ofpioneeruseandhabitationlandsthatarenowmanaged three cabinsarestillstandingbutdeteriorating.Theanexcellent are recordedasarchaeologicalsites42WS1795,1797and1799.Currently, all “Three historiccabinsarelocatedalongtheMiddleForkofTaylor Creekand Creek CabinMaintenance Project TitleandDescription:MiddleForkTaylor ppendix W ilderneSS 4.2—a c n e haracter xaMple

of p reServing c UltUral

r eSoUrceS

References and Appendix 189 Yes No Yes Antiquities Act (1906) and regulations at 43 CFR 3 (16 U.S.C. 431, 432, 433; P. L. 59-209 (June 8, 1906))—Provides L. 59-209 (June 8, 1906))—Provides at 43 CFR 3 (16 U.S.C. 431, 432, 433; P. Antiquities Act (1906) and regulations purpose is to conserve the scenery and the natural and historic objects NPS Organic Act (1916) (16 U.S.C. 1)—“which section 4(f) of 100-17, 1987. Previously L. at 36 CFR Part 65 (49 USC 303, P. Historic Sites Act (1935) and regulations at 36 CFR 60, 63, 65, 78, 79, and 800 (16 Act (1966) as amended and regulations National Historic Preservation a federal policy to “preserve 91-190; 31 Stat. 852)—declared Policy Act of 1968 (P.L. National Environmental L. 93-291)—consists of amendments to 469-469c; P. Act (1974) (16 U.S.C. and Historic Preservation Archeological (1995) in 36 CFR chapter 1, part of Historic Properties for the Treatment Standards of the Interior’s The Secretary for the protection of historic resources. of historic for the protection of the same in such manner and by such means as will for the enjoyment and to provide and the wildlife therein generations.” for the enjoyment of future leave them unimpaired for public use historic sites, buildings, and objects.” “a national policy to preserve 49 USC 1653 (f))—declared L. 102-575 (October L. 96-515 (December 12, 1980); title XL of P. (October15, 1966); P. L. 89-665 U.S.C. et seq.; P. a national policy of historic preservation. 30, 1992))—declared important historic, cultural, and natural aspects of our national heritage.” L. 95-625; L. 93-291 and in 1978 by P. L. 86-532; June 27, 1960) made in 1974 by P. the Reservoir Salvage Act (P. archeological materials and data that prehistoric, historic, and of significant scientific, for the preservation provided projects. of federally sponsored as a result might be lost or destroyed of historic properties. for the treatment 68—to set forth standards Describe Options Outside of Wilderness—Is action necessary within the wilderness? Explanation: The Larsen and Fife cabins were built in the 1920s. In 2009 this area was designated as was designated built in the 1920s. In 2009 this area were Explanation: The Larsen and Fife cabins in their original locations, that Zion Wilderness. to be preserved deteriorating and if the cabins are are The cabins location lies within wilderness. of Wilderness Existing Rights or Special Provisions Legislation—Is the action necessary to Describe Valid in wilderness legislation that allows consideration of the satisfy valid existing rights or special provision uses? section 4(c)-prohibited Zion WildernessExplanation: The legislation designating to the Wilderness did not cite any special provisions Act. The any valid existing right within Zion Wilderness. action is not part of proposed of other Legislation—Is the action necessary to meet the requirements of Other Describe Requirements laws? action: The following laws pertain to the proposed • • • • • • • minimum as described in this “preservation,” of terminology, multiple interpretations prevent Important Note: To for the Standards of the Interior’s as defined in The Secretary the treatment analysis, comes from requirements Properties. of Historic Treatment A B C “The work itself will be taking place in July and August and will take and will August July and place in be taking will work itself “The will be work All of the cabins. at the work of field 2–3 weeks approximately use any motorized the work will not wilderness areas hand tools. In done with to nail gun due a battery powered exception of with the possible equipment are used to drive regular hammers on the cabins if force strain the repetitive Live and crosscut saw. area using an axe from the local will be cut nails. Trees and other alternative if there is no for the cabin only be cut and used trees may and improving tree would further the goals of maintaining if the cutting the that they are not visible. The will be cut to the ground so forest health. Stumps determined but it will range trees that will be cut has yet to be exact number of between 3–6 trees. but will follow the determined on an as-needed basis “Crew size will be hauling in gear for work, wilderness standards. For initially guidelines set for to bring the gear in and people, if available, will be used a large crew of 12 removed at the end of the material or excess material will be out. Any unused small crew of people who will on the cabins will be done by a project. The work hike in and out each day.” administrative action is necessary. Step 1 Analysis: Determine if any Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 190 D historic eraarcheological sites. Act, thathavebeenformallyrecorded asarcheological sitesthatdatetoanhistorictimeperiodandare therefore Register ofHistoricPlaces.Thethree Taylor Creek cabinsare historicproperties, aspertheNationalHistoricPreservation prehistoric orhistoricdistrict,site,building,structure orobjectincludedin,eligibleforinclusionintheNational for allentriesintheNationalRegisterofHistoricPlaces.Inotherwords, theterm“historic properties” includesany Important Note:According totheNationalHistoricPreservation Act,theterm“historicproperties” isacollectiveterm • • • • • The followingpolicies,plans,andagreements pertaintotheproposed action: orotheragencies? governments managementplans,specialrecoveryunit andwilderness plans,oragreements withtribal,stateandlocal Describe OtherGuidance—Istheactionnecessarytoconformdirection containedinagencypolicy, values. stewardship are conserved,protected andmanagedtoprevent theimpairmentofarcheological resources ortheir historic properties (asdefinedin36CFR800)withintheNationalParkService. Historic Preservation Officers. Programmatic Agreement withtheAdvisoryCouncilonHistoricPreservation andtheNationalConference ofState Historic Preservation. Additionally, theNationalParkServicewill comply withthe1995(revised in2008)Servicewide procedural requirements describedinTheSecretary oftheInterior’s Standards andGuidelinesforArcheology and using managementmethodsthatare consistentwiththepreservationcharacterandvalues.” ofwilderness willbeprotectedwilderness andmaintainedaccording culturalresources toapplicablelawsandpoliciesgoverning the area’s character. wilderness Thesectiongoesontostate,“Culturalresources thathavebeenincludedwithin to historicpreservation alsoremainbutmustgenerallybeadministered applicablewithinwilderness topreserve preservation of”suchunitoftheparksystemundervariouslawsapplicabletothatunit.Thus,pertaining of anyarea “shallinnomannerlowerthestandards oftheparksystemaswilderness evolvedfortheuseand employees recognize andunderstandthevalueofpark’s culturalresources.” resources are protected andtheintegrityofpark’s culturalresources ispreserved unimpaired. Parkvisitorsand NPS Director’s Order 28A:Archeology (2004)—ItisNPSpolicytoensure thatarcheological resources underits NPS-28: CulturalResource ManagementGuideline(1998)—specificguidanceforthe managementandprotection of NPS Director’s Order 28:CulturalResource Management(1998)—TheNPSwillcomplywiththesubstantiveand Actspecifiesthatthedesignation NPS ManagementPolicies2006–6.3.8,“CulturalResources”—The Wilderness Zion NationalParkGeneralManagementPlan(2001)—desired conditionforculturalresources: “Zion’s cultural Yes References and Appendix 191 No No Yes No Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes The action of preserving an historic human construct in wilderness, an historic although unoccupied, Undeveloped: The action of preserving actions persist. preservation and future as long as the current a permanent improvement is considered that existed in number of structures the background decrease or action does not increase the However, on the land prior to wilderness at time of wildernessthe wilderness designation. Cultural resources area developments. not considered with the land and are human relationships designation represent of and does not human construct in wilderness an historic is not the result Natural: The action of preserving lend to natural conditions. human an historic The action of preserving and unconfined type of recreation: Solitude or a primitive but process solitude during the preservation the opportunity for construct in wilderness affects adversely upon completion. recreation for solitude or primitive or unconfined on opportunities would have no effect formally recorded the character of this wilderness: The cabins were Other unique components that reflect listing eligible for significant. The cabins are to be regionally and documented in 1984 and determined with 36 CFR part 60-National Register of Historic in accordance in the National Register of Historic Places architecture, quality of significance in American history, Places, §60.4 Criteria for Evaluation: “The and objects that in districts, sites, buildings, structures, is present engineering, and culture archeology, materials, workmanship, feeling, and association; and Criteria possess integrity of location, design, setting, of a type, period, or method of construction, or that represent (c) that embody the distinctive characteristics a significant and distinguishable or that possess high artistic values, or that represent the work of a master, distinction; or Criteria (d) that have yielded, or may be likely entity whose components may lack individual or history.” to yield, information important in prehistory that historic resource and they continue to deteriorate, the park will lose an not restored If the cabins are an important construction style, and the information in the area, illustrates an important time in the history the landscape. potential of human behavior and use of Wildernessof wilderness qualities of the including: character or more one to preserve necessary action Character—Is of type unconfined and or a primitive for solitude opportunities outstanding natural, undeveloped, untrammeled, of this wilderness the character area? that reflect or unique components recreation, in wilderness historic human construct an is a human the action of preserving Although Untrammeled: wilderness. system within the of the ecological or manipulation it is not a trammeling manipulation, no effect at this scale has however, is a human manipulation, 3–6 trees Harvesting untrammeled wildernesson the overall character. Describe Effects on the Public Purposes of Wilderness—Is on the Public Describe Effects of the public or more action necessary to support one purposes of wilderness section 4(b) of the Wilderness (as stated in scenic, scientific, education, Act) of recreation, conservation, and historical use? an historic human construct in wilderness on the public’s has no effect Recreation: The action of preserving in the wilderness. ability to recreate The action of preserving an historic human construct in wilderness by some to may be considered Scenic: The action of preserving while others would consider the cabins as lending rustic charm to the be a scenic blight within a wild area, scenic quality of the landscape. an historic human construct in wilderness contributes no scientific data Scientific: The action of preserving to the existence or management of the wilderness area. an historic human construct in wilderness contributes to the public Education: The action of preserving 20th Century. understanding of homestead construction techniques and materials of the early the designation of the an historic human construct that predates Conservation: The action of preserving as identified under historic objects therein supports the public purpose of conservation of wilderness area the NPS Organic Act, and § 4 (a)(3) of the Wilderness states that the Wilderness Act that Act shall in no of units of the national park system in evolved for the use and preservation manner lower the standards with the NPS Organic Act. accordance at a local college who wished to built in the late 1920s by professors Historical Use: The two cabins were determined to be regionally The cabins were over grazing. land management and prevent study appropriate of those who the vernacular architecture representing region) significant (with Southwest Utah as the have degraded Other similar cabins in Zion National Park as well as the local area homesteaded the area. and collapsed. E F Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 192 it.’ natural world,andaccordingtoWallace Stegner, feel‘competenttobelongin “Wilderness offers allpeopletheopportunitytofullyanddeeplyexperience behavior anduseofthelandscape. area, animportantconstructionstyle,andtheinformationpotentialofhuman lose anhistoricresourcethatillustratesimportanttimeinthehistory “If thecabinsarenotrestoredandtheycontinuetodeteriorate,parkwill prehistory orhistory.’ Criteria (d)thathaveyielded,ormaybelikelytoyield,informationimportantin distinguishable entitywhosecomponentsmaylackindividualdistinction;or master, orthatpossesshighartisticvalues,represent asignificantand of atype,period,ormethodconstruction,thatrepresentthework and association;Criteria(c)thatembodythedistinctivecharacteristics possess integrityoflocation,design,setting,materials,workmanship,feeling, and cultureispresentindistricts,sites,buildings,structures,objectsthat of significanceinAmericanhistory, architecture,archeology, engineering, 60-National RegisterofHistoricPlaces,§60.4CriteriaforEvaluation:‘Thequality in theNationalRegisterofHistoricPlacesaccordancewith36CFRpart and determinedtoberegionallysignificant.Thecabinsareeligibleforlisting Answer: Yes. “Thecabinswereformallyrecordedanddocumentedin1984 Wilderness.org/content/wilderness-letter 1. Stegner, Wallace. 1960.WildernessLetter. provide specificlocations.” efforts couldbeaddedtotheparkwebsiteaslonginformationdoesnot should notoccur. Informationconcerningthehistoricvalueandpreservation made off site.Forexample,additionalhikestothecabinsbyinterpretiverangers Plan. Allefforts madetointerpretthecabinsandtheirhistoricvalueshouldbe standards createdthroughthe2007ZionWilderness/BackcountryManagement “Encounter ratesalongtheMiddleForkofTaylor CreekTrail currentlyexceed remember thatWildernessisapartofusandweareit,too. separates usfromournaturalenvironment.Theserusticcabinshelpto and promoteWildernessstewardship,particularlytoday, astechnologyfurther through theirownlaborandingenuity. Suchconnectionsarecrucialtofoster the contributionsofthosewhosurvivedinonceandcurrent‘wild’places to establishahuman-to-natureconnectionwiththelandscapeandunderstand Necessary inWilderness? Step 1Decision:IsAnyAdministrativeAction (1) Thehighlyrusticconditionandappearanceofthesecabinshelpseachvisitor

References and Appendix 193

Photos: NPS/Russ Cash, Zion Wilderness, Zion Wilderness, Zion National Park )

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ark Cabin

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ational n Preserve

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C iFe 6. F 6. Following igure F Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 194 Table 15.Indicators,measures,andNPSdatasourcesforthequalitiesofwilderness. wilderness? resources inside natural atmospheric aquatic, and in terrestrial, the trends What are Question Monitoring communities species and animal Plant and Indicator the parkandtheirintendeduse.Inaddition,manyparkshaveowndata. regional datasourceslistedinthisappendixareavailableandappropriatefor Integration Team forthisUserGuide.Parkstaff needtoverify ifthenationaland quality inthetablebelowweredevelopedbyNPSWildernessCharacter the otherfeaturesofvaluequality, themonitoringquestionsprovidedforthis that thiscolumnisnotnecessary. Also,becauseKeepingItWilddidnotinclude Questions” forconsistencywithKeepingItWild,althoughsomeusersmayfind Wild (Landresandothers2008).Thisappendixincludesthecolumn“Monitoring Qualities, indicators,andpossiblemeasuresinthisappendixarefromKeepingIt for a ppendix

communities or compositionof Change indemography inside wilderness (AUMs) ofactualuse of animalunitmonths allotments andnumber authorized activegrazing Number ofacres of nonindigenous species or numberofinvasive Abundance, distribution, nonindigenous species Number of indigenous species Number ofextirpated of concern endangered, sensitive,or as threatened and species thatare listed or numberofindigenous Abundance, distribution, Possible Measures the q 5.1—i UalitieS NATURAL QUALITY ndicatorS

of W I&M Veg MonitoringData LANDFIRE data Park data LANDFIRE UncharacteristicVegetation data Nonindigenous AquaticSpeciesdatabase gross infestedacres Alien PlantControl andMonitoring(APCAM)databasefor http://nas.er.usgs.gov/ Nonindigenous AquaticSpeciesdatabase firemon_integrated_(ffi)/483 http://www.frames.gov/portal/server.pt/community/feat_ FIREMON Integration(FFI)data Fire MonitoringHandbook(FMH)plotrecords orFEAT/ National Forest InventoryandAnalysis(FIA)data I&M monitoringdata;NPSIRMANPSpeciesDatabase Veg Mapinventorydata recovery recordsU.S. FishandWildlife forlistedspecies) State agenciesandotherpartners(e.g.NatureServe data) NPS IRMANPSpeciesdatabase recovery recordsU.S. FishandWildlife forlistedspecies State agenciesandotherpartners(e.g.NatureServe data) http://science.nature.nps.gov/im/datamgmt/IRMA.cfm (IRMA) NPSpeciesdatabase NPS IntegrationofResource ManagementApplications Likely NPSDataSources ilderneSS , M eaSUreS c haracter , and npS d npS ata S oUrceS

References and Appendix 195 I&M monitoring data I&M monitoring data monitoring data Trail I&M monitoring data monitoring data Trail/campsite National EPA AIRS data AIRS data National EPA National CASTNET data data National NADP/NTN National IMPROVE data National IMPROVE Species shift data from local or regional sources (check sources or regional local Species shift data from NPS IRMA NPScape GIS analysis of pathways and vectors adjacent to NPS IRMA NPScape GIS analysis using landscape ecology tools LANDFIRE Uncharacteristic Vegetation Map LANDFIRE Uncharacteristic Vegetation Local Fire Regime Condition Class maps available from Class maps available from Regime Condition Local Fire LANDFIRE Ecosystem Alteration Departure Index LANDFIRE Ecosystem Alteration Departure http://epa.gov/airdata/aqsdb.html http://epa.gov/castnet/javaweb/index.html http://nadp.sws.uiuc.edu/ http://views.cira.colostate.edu/web/ with Department of the Interior (DOI) Regional Climate with Department of the Interior (DOI) Regional at Science Center to see what is available http://www.doi.gov/csc/index.cfm) trails, trailheads, waterways, and other wilderness (roads, common pathways) (e.g., FragStats at ) http://www.treesearch.fs.fed.us/pubs/3064 http://www.landfire.gov/ local Fire Management Office local Fire http://www.landfire.gov/ Likely NPS Data Sources Likely NPS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • NATURAL QUALITY NATURAL Possible Measures Possible Acid deposition based on Acid deposition based concentration of sulfur in wet and nitrogen deposition Extent and magnitude of change in water quality Extent and magnitude of human-caused stream bank erosion Extent and magnitude of disturbance or loss of soil or soil crusts Ozone air pollution based Ozone air pollution on concentration of W126 N100 episodic and ozone chronic sensitive plants affecting Visibility based on and average deciview sum of anthropogenic fine nitrate and sulfate Area and magnitude for Area pathways for movement of nonindigenous species into the wilderness and magnitude Area of loss of connectivity with the surrounding landscape Extent and magnitude of global climate change Departure from natural natural from Departure regimes averaged fire over the wilderness Indicator Physical resources Biophysical processes Monitoring Monitoring Question What are What are the trends in terrestrial, aquatic, and atmospheric natural inside resources wilderness? What are What are the trends in terrestrial, aquatic, and atmospheric natural inside processes wilderness? Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 196 Question Monitoring inside wilderness? community oflife” “earth andits manipulate the that control or trends inactions What are the environment the biophysical manipulate manager that the federalland authorized by Actions not Indicator environment the biophysical that manipulate land manager by thefederal Actions authorized soil, water, orfire animals, pathogens, manipulate plants, individuals that citizen groups, or actions byagencies, unauthorized Number of stocked withfish other waterbodies Number oflakesand Possible Measures soil, water, orfire animals, pathogens, to manageplants, Number ofactions response a suppression that received natural fire starts Percent of UNTRAMMELED QUALITY • • • • Likely NPSDataSources • • • • • • reports) endangered recovery species or ICS209forms) http://www.nifc.blm.gov/) and/orfire narratives(DI-1202 management officer foraccesstodatabaseat for nonnativeplanttreatments prescribed fire andfueltreatments forms) forfire incidents Law enforcement datasystems(e.g.,caseincident U.S. Fish and Wildlife ServicerecordsU.S. FishandWildlife forthreatened and State wildlifeagencyrecords forgamespecies Minimum requirements analyses WFMI records forfire incidents(checkwithfire Other parkspecificdatasources Alien PlantControl andMonitoring(APCAM)database National Fire PlanOperatingandReportingSystemfor WFMI records and/orfire narratives(DI-1202orICS209 Minimum requirements analyses References and Appendix 197 Permit records, including number of permits, including number Permit records, Trail counters Trail reports Staff (see Carhart records Campsite monitoring FMSS data NPS IRMA NPScape NPS IRMA NPScape Agency GIS data systems Aerial photography GIS analysis using landscape ecology tools National night sky visibility maps the NPS Local data if available from Soundscape data from the NPS Natural the NPS Soundscape data from FMSS data Local knowledge (e.g., case data systems Law enforcement Aerial photography for some types of Superintendent’s Compendium Superintendent’s Backcountry/wilderness permit terms who issued them, where issued, type of use, issued, type of use, them, where who issued trip itinerary people in party, number of Visitor Use Management training for details) more (e.g., FragStats at http://www.treesearch.fs.fed.us/pubs/3064) Night Sky Program Sounds Program incident reports) facilities (e.g., social trails) and conditions Likely NPS Data Sources Likely NPS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Possible Measures Possible Amount of visitor use Amount of Number and condition of Number and condition campsites Number of trail contacts Area of wilderness Area by access or travel affected inside the are that routes wilderness of wilderness affected Area by access or travel routes adjacent to the that are wilderness Night sky visibility averaged over the wilderness Extent and magnitude of intrusions on the natural soundscape Type and number of user- Type facilities recreation created Type and number of agency- Type facilities recreation provided Type and extent of Type management restrictions SOLITUDE OR PRIMITIVE AND UNCONFINED RECREATION QUALITY RECREATION UNCONFINED AND PRIMITIVE OR SOLITUDE Indicator Remoteness from from Remoteness sounds sights and inside the of people wilderness Remoteness occupied from and modified outside the areas wilderness Facilities that self-reliant decrease recreation Management on visitor restrictions behavior Monitoring Monitoring Question What are the trends the trends What are in outstanding for opportunities solitude inside wilderness? What are the trends the trends What are in outstanding opportunities for primitive and unconfined inside recreation wilderness? Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 198 inside wilderness? mechanization the trends in What are inside wilderness? development nonrecreational the trends in What are Question Monitoring transport or mechanical equipment, vehicles, motorized Use ofmotor Inholdings Indicator developments installations, and structures, Nonrecreational by thefederallandmanager transport usenotauthorized equipment, ormechanical motor vehicle,motorized Type andamountof transport equipment, ormechanical vehicles, motorized emergency useofmotor Type andamountof transport equipment, ormechanical motor vehicles,motorized nonemergency useof administrative and Type andamountof inholdings potential impactof Area andexistingor development (user-created) physical Index ofunauthorized Possible Measures development Index ofauthorizedphysical UNDEVELOPED QUALITY • • • • • • • • Likely NPSDataSources search andrescue operations 209 reports) search andrescue operations claims) access andthosewithout,includemining private inholdings,dividebyparcels withroad consider splittingapartstatesectionsfrom incident reports) infrastructure, etc. rights-of-way, research installations,grazing communication installations,utilities,other Case incidentreports forlawenforcement and Fire incidentnarratives(DI-1202and/orICS Case incidentreports forlawenforcement and Extract from minimumrequirements analyses Extract from minimumrequirements analyses NPS RegionalLandsOffice records (may Law enforcement datasystems(e.g.,case Local GISdataandFMSSforlocationsof References and Appendix 199 Citations, ARPA violations, Secretary’s Annual violations, Secretary’s ARPA Citations, Annual Secretary’s violations, Citations, ARPA Annual violations, Secretary’s Citations, ARPA literature Division’s NPS Geologic Resources I&M monitoring data Local data Report to Congress (SRC), LOOT report in SRC, in SRC, (SRC), LOOT report Congress Report to reporting PMDS site condition ASMIS and in SRC, (SRC), LOOT report Report to Congress condition reporting ASMIS and PMDS site in SRC, report (SRC), LOOT Report to Congress ASMIS and PMDS site condition reporting inventory based paleontological resource (accessed via IRMA system) • • • • • • Likely NPS Data Sources Likely NPS OTHER FEATURES QUALITY FEATURES OTHER Number of naturally caused disturbances (e.g., erosion, animal digging, floods, tree rising sea levels, fires, throws) Number of authorized Number of authorized in actions that result disturbances to cultural (visitor and resources use (e.g., commercial catholes, trampling, hearths, landings); findings aircraft for projects of adverse effect and operations) Number and severity of disturbances to paleontological resources Number of unauthorized Number of in result actions that to cultural disturbances (looting, trespass resources activities, noncompliance with National Historic Act ) Preservation Possible Measures Possible Human-caused loss of important paleontological resources Deterioration or Deterioration loss of cultural integral resources to wilderness character Indicator What are the trends the trends What are in the preservation of paleontological in resources wilderness? What are the trends the trends What are in the preservation of cultural integral resources to wilderness character? Monitoring Monitoring Question Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 200 Table 16.ExamplesofmeasuresidentifiedatLakeClarkNationalParkandPreserve,Alaska. Subsistence Physical resources climate change Biophysical processes: Extentandmagnitudeof humancontrolModern overtimberresources Plant andanimalspeciescommunities: and bearmortality environment: humancontrol Modern overwolf Service thatmanipulatethebiophysical Actions notauthorizedbytheNationalPark that manipulatethebiophysicalenvironment Actions authorizedbytheNationalParkService Indicator Indicator a l aKe ppendix c larK 5.2—e UNTRAMMELED QUALITY n wolves andbearsinGMU17B,19B,9B Change inharvestlimitbyStateofAlaskaforintensivemanagement Number ofactionstakentoeradicateinvasivespecies collection ofplant,animal,orphysicalresources, orcollaringofwildlife Number ofpermitstheNationalParkServiceissuesthatauthorize Measure NATURAL QUALITY Measure Subsistence salmonharvestforPortAlsworthandNondalton contaminantsfromAirborne stairstepmoss Environmental contaminants/persistentorganicpollutants Length ofgrowing season Glacial extent,area oficeorpercent change Abundance, distribution,ornumberofinvasivenonindigenousspecies Bald eagleabundance Bear abundance Moose abundance Sheep abundance Escapement ofsalmonontheNewhalenRiver ational xaMple p arK

of M

and eaSUreS p reServe i dentified , a laSKa


References and Appendix 201 Measure Amount of visitor use: Number of user days (served by CUA holders) Amount of visitor use: Number of user party size Number of special use waivers issued for by sights and sounds outside the of wilderness affected Acres wilderness Number of miles of trails in wilderness visitor Number of management actions in wilderness that restrict how many can go there) you can go, behavior (where Number of structures, installations and developments in wilderness installations and developments Number of structures, cases of unlawful trail building Number of criminal developments on inholdings Number of nonsubsistence Park Service acquires of nonfederal lands the National Number of acres NPS airplane flight time per year Number of hours of NPS helicopter flight time per year Number of hours of Measure UNDEVELOPED QUALITY UNDEVELOPED SOLITUDE OR PRIMITIVE AND UNCONFINED RECREATION QUALITY RECREATION SOLITUDE OR PRIMITIVE AND UNCONFINED Indicator Nonrecreational structures, installations, and structures, Nonrecreational developments Inholdings motorized equipment, or Use of motor vehicles, mechanical transport Indicator Solitude: Remoteness from sights and sounds of sights Solitude: Remoteness from people inside the wilderness and modified occupied Solitude: Remoteness from outside the wilderness areas self- that decrease Facilities Primitive Recreation: recreation reliant Unconfined Recreation Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 202 adequately represented andidentifyadditional measurestofill thisgap. “no” thenstaff will needtoidentifywhatqualityofwildernesscharacter isnot staff canmoveforwardtoidentifydatasourcesfor themeasures.Ifansweris anything missingfromthis listthatshouldbethere?”Iftheansweris“yes” then for trackingchangeinwilderness characterforourpark?”Or, moresimply, “Is of finalmeasuresbeing considered andask,“Isthissetofmeasuresadequate Once staff prioritizespotentialmeasuresitiscrucialtolookattheentireset help makethedecision. also betemperedbyprofessionaljudgment—thenumeric scoreisonlyatoolto measures touseshouldnotbebasedentirelyonthese numericscores,butshould face thedifficult taskofcullinglowerscoringmeasures.Decisionsabout which measures. Sometimestherewillnotbeacleancut-point andparkstaff will natural cut-pointthatallowsstaff toseparatethelower- fromthehigher-scoring After allthemeasureshavebeenassignedpoints, there willmostlikelybea time, itisassigned1point;ifnot,0points anddismissed. monitored consideringthelimitationsimposedbycostoravailabilityofstaff where somemeasurescanbereadilydismissed.Ifameasurereasonably an either/ordecision,whichprovidesanotherpointintherankingprocess come intoplay. Thiscategoryusesaslightlydifferent pointsystemthatforces effort theywillrequiretomonitor. Factorssuchascost,time,andstaffing will have existingdatasets,assignnumericalscoresbasedonhowmuchadditional section “IdentifyingMeasures”inchapter5).Forthosemeasuresthatdonot have beenidentifiedaccordingtotheavailabilityofexistingdatasets(see Feasibility istreateddifferently thanthe other criteria.Manymeasureswill received 3ormorepoints. points tothesecondtwocriteria(reliability, feasibility)forallmeasuresthat categories foracombined2pointscanbedismissedatthispoint.Second,assign found thissystemtoworkefficiently. Anymeasurethatscores“low”inboth low =1point.Staff canusewhateverpoint rankingtheywant,butwehave criteria (significance, vulnerability)asfollows:high=3points;medium2 There aretwostepstousingtheworksheet.First,assignpointsfirst most effective fortheirpark. Thesecriteriaaredefinedas: be readilyunderstoodanduseful,butparkstaff canselectanycriteriathatare significance, vulnerability, reliability, andfeasibility. Thesecriteriahaveprovento Four criteriaareusedtorankeachpotentialmeasureintheworksheet: highest priority. appendix providesaworksheettohelpstaff determinewhichmeasuresarethe they willmostlikelyidentifymoremeasuresthanarefeasibletomonitor. This As parkstaff beginidentifying measurestotracktrendinwildernesscharacter, a ppendix • • • • different peopleatdifferent times. high degreeofconfidenceandwouldyieldthesameresultifmeasuredby risk orthreattoaqualityofwildernesscharacter. the managementofthatquality. quality ofwildernesscharacterandisrelevantusefultoparkstaff in Feasibility—How practicalitwouldbetomonitorthemeasure. Reliability—Whether themeasurecanbemonitoredaccuratelywitha Vulnerability—Both thecurrentandnear-term (within10–15years)levelof Significance—The degreetowhichthemeasureisdirectlyrelated 5.3—W orKSheet

to p rioritize M eaSUreS References and Appendix


Measure: Measure:

Biophysical processes Biophysical Indicator:


Physical resources Physical Indicator:

Measure: Measure:

Plant and animal species and communities and species animal and Plant Indicator:

Q n Uality atURal

Measure: Measure:


Unauthorized actions that manipulate the biophysical biophysical the manipulate that actions Unauthorized Indicator:


Authorized actions that manipulate the biophysical environment biophysical the manipulate that actions Authorized Indicator:

U Q Uality ntRammeled

D. Feasibility D. Reliability C. Vulnerability B. Significance A. SCORE


OVERALL OVERALL Criteria for Prioritizing Potential Measures Potential Prioritizing for Criteria

High = 3 points, Medium = 2 points, Low = 1 point 1 = Low points, 2 = Medium points, 3 = High

High = 1 point, Low = 0 point (if 0 is given, do not use) not do given, is 0 (if point 0 = Low point, 1 = High


character that currently is at risk, or is likely to be at risk over 10–15 10–15 over risk at be to likely is or risk, at is currently that character or could be monitored without significant additional effort): additional significant without monitored be could or

Level of vulnerability (measures an attribute of wilderness wilderness of attribute an (measures vulnerability of Level B. . Degree of feasibility (the measure is related to an existing effort effort existing an to related is measure (the feasibility of Degree . D

High = 3 points, Medium = 2 points, Low = 1 point 1 = Low points, 2 = Medium points, 3 = High High = 3 points, Medium = 2 points, Low = 1 point 1 = Low points, 2 = Medium points, 3 = High

managing the wilderness): the managing measured by different people at different times): different at people different by measured

and indicator of wilderness character, and is highly useful for for useful highly is and character, wilderness of indicator and with a high degree of confidence and would yield the same result if if result same the yield would and confidence of degree high a with

. Level of significance (the measure is highly relevant to the quality quality the to relevant highly is measure (the significance of Level . A . Degree of reliability (the measure can be monitored accurately accurately monitored be can measure (the reliability of Degree . C

and D. Those measures with the highest overall scores should be the highest priority for tracking trend in wilderness character. wilderness in trend tracking for priority highest the be should scores overall highest the with measures Those D. and

ranking guide below to create an overall score for each measure. If the combined score for criteria A + B is ≤ 2, stop and do not score criteria C C criteria score not do and stop 2, ≤ is B + A criteria for score combined the If measure. each for score overall an create to below guide ranking

In each row, write the potential measure in the left column under the appropriate indicator. Add or delete rows as needed. Use the criteria and and criteria the Use needed. as rows delete or Add indicator. appropriate the under column left the in measure potential the write row, each In

Names of people and their positions filling out this worksheet: this out filling positions their and people of Names

Worksheet to prioritize potential measures of wilderness character character wilderness of measures potential prioritize to Worksheet Wilderness Wilderness Date Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 204 Worksheet to prioritize potential measures of wilderness character Wilderness Date

Names of people and their positions filling out this worksheet:

Criteria for Prioritizing Potential Measures OVERALL POTENTIAL MEASURE A. Significance B. Vulnerability C. Reliability D. Feasibility SCORE

Undeveloped QUality Indicator: Nonrecreational structures, installations, or developments Measure: Indicator: Use of motor vehicles, motorized equipment, or mechanical transport Measure: Indicator: Inholdings Measure:

solitUde oR pRimitive and Unconfined RecReation QUality Indicator: Remoteness from sights and sounds of people inside the wilderness Measure: Indicator: Remoteness from occupied and modified areas outside the wilderness Measure: Indicator: Facilities that decrease self-reliant recreation Measure: Indicator: Management restrictions on visitor behavior Measure:

otheR featURes of valUe QUality Indicator: Measure: References and Appendix 205 rioritze p to

ilderneS Sed U W oUntainS orKSheet M W of

UadalUpe xaMple g froM

5.4—e eaSUreS ppendix The following is an example of a worksheet used by Guadalupe Mountain used by Guadalupe of a worksheet is an example The following in wilderness to track change developing a program Park (GUMO) in National the some of In this example, Mountain Wilderness. in the Guadalupe character lack of reliable data, but due to high in importance, may have ranked measures global climate change). departure from natural fire regime, were not used (e.g., broad (e.g., air quality, some categories were overly In the initial screening, refined into more not true measures. They were subsequently water quality) and nitrate and sulfate, highest (e.g., sum of anthropogenic fine specific measures for air quality and ozone concentration, acid deposition eight-hour average already existed. At Guadalupe because data for these measures dissolved oxygen) Wilderness Fellow Park, a Student Conservation Association Mountain National then consulted initiative) used the worksheet and Wild (part of NPS Together and resource management staff. wilderness coordinator with the park’s measures and some were dropped after Revisions were made to some of the measures were ranked high and ultimately these discussions. Although several amounts of additional field time were used, they did not require significant been gathered as part of the park’s for monitoring as the data had already parks may choose to select only the resource management program. Individual the number of measures used, or they highest ranking measures to streamline measures for which data already may decide to use all of the higher-ranking National Park, if only the highest- exists. In the case of Guadalupe Mountain key to considered some measures that staff scoring measures were used (9’s), character (e.g., number of nonindigenous determining impacts to wilderness use of motorized equipment or species, visitor use numbers, and administrative purposes) would have been dropped. mechanical transport for nonemergency decided to already existed, GUMO staff Because the data for these measures include them. a M Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 206 Worksheet to prioritize potential measures of wilderness character Guadalupe Mountains Wilderness 2010 Date

Names of people and their positions filling out this worksheet: In each row, write the potential measure in the left column under the appropriate indicator. Add or delete rows as needed. Use the criteria and ranking guide below to create an overall score for each measure. If the combined score for criteria A + B is ≤ 2, stop and do not score criteria C and D. Those measures with the highest overall scores should be the highest priority for tracking trend in wilderness character.

A. Level of significance (the measure is highly relevant to the quality C. Degree of reliability (the measure can be monitored accurately and indicator of wilderness character, and is highly useful for with a high degree of confidence and would yield the same result if managing the wilderness): measured by different people at different times): High = 3 points, Medium = 2 points, Low = 1 point High = 3 points, Medium = 2 points, Low = 1 point

B. Level of vulnerability (measures an attribute of wilderness D. Degree of feasibility (the measure is related to an existing effort character that currently is at risk, or is likely to be at risk over 10–15 or could be monitored without significant additional effort): years): High = 1 point, Low = 0 point (if 0 is given, do not use) High = 3 points, Medium = 2 points, Low = 1 point

Criteria for Prioritizing Potential Measures OVERALL POTENTIAL MEASURE A. Significance B. Vulnerability C. Reliability D. Feasibility SCORE UntRammeled QUality Indicator: Authorized actions that manipulate the biophysical environment 3 1 2 1 7 Measure: Number of species removal projects Indicator: Authorized actions that manipulate the biophysical environment 3 2 3 1 9 Measure: Number of prescribed burns Indicator: Authorized actions that manipulate the biophysical environment 3 2 3 1 9 Measure: Percentage of natural fire starts suppressed Indicator: Unauthorized actions that manipulate the biophysical environment 3 1 3 1 8 Measure: Number of human-ignited fires References and Appendix


Global climate change climate Global Measure:

9 1 2 3 3

Biophysical Pocesses Biophysical Indicator:

Departure from natural fire regime fire natural from Departure Measure:

9 1 2 3 3 Biophysical Pocesses Biophysical Indicator:

Caves and karst condition karst and Caves Measure:

5 0 1 2 2 Physical resources Physical Indicator:

Percent of dune spatial extent spatial dune of Percent Measure:

6 1 1 1 3 Physical resources Physical Indicator:

Change in geological specimen abundance specimen geological in Change Measure:

4 0 1 1 2 Physical resources Physical Indicator:

Change in water quality water in Change Measure:

7 1 1 2 3 Physical resources Physical Indicator:

and sulfate and

Visibility based on average deciview and sum of anthropogenic and fine nitrate nitrate fine and anthropogenic of sum and deciview average on based Visibility Measure:

Physical resources Physical Indicator: 9 1 3 2 3

and sulfate and

Visibility based on average deciview and sum of anthropogenic and fine nitrate nitrate fine and anthropogenic of sum and deciview average on based Visibility Measure:

Physical resources Physical Indicator: 3 10 1 3 3

Number of nonindigenous species nonindigenous of Number Measure:

2 8 1 3 2 Plant and animal species and communities and species animal and Plant Indicator:

Area treated for invasive species invasive for treated Area Measure:

3 8 1 2 2 Plant and animal species and communities and species animal and Plant Indicator:

Number of extirpated indigenous species indigenous extirpated of Number Measure:

2 7 1 3 1 Plant and animal species and communities and species animal and Plant Indicator:

Number of threatened, endangered, and species of concern of species and endangered, threatened, of Number Measure:

2 1 2 1 6 Plant and animal species and communities and species animal and Plant Indicator:

n Q Uality atURal

A. Significance A. B. Vulnerability B. C. Reliability C. D. Feasibility D. SCORE


OVERALL OVERALL Criteria for Prioritizing Potential Measures Potential Prioritizing for Criteria Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 208 Criteria for Prioritizing Potential Measures OVERALL POTENTIAL MEASURE A. Significance B. Vulnerability C. Reliability D. Feasibility SCORE Undeveloped QUality Indicator: Nonrecreational structures, installations, or developments 3 1 3 1 8 Measure: Number of nonrecreational developments Indicator: Nonrecreational structures, installations, or developments 1 1 2 1 5 Measure: Unauthorized nonrecreational developments Indicator: Use of motor vehicles, motorized equipment, or mechanical transport 2 2 2 1 7 Measure: Administrative nonemergency use of motor vehicles, motorized equipment, or mechanical transport (number of minimum requirements documents) Indicator: Use of motor vehicles, motorized equipment, or mechanical transport 2 1 3 1 7 Measure: Administrative emergency use of motor vehicles, motorized equipment, or mechanical transport

solitUde oR pRimitive and Unconfined RecReation QUality Indicator: Remoteness from sights and sounds of people inside the wilderness 3 2 3 1 8 Measure: Amount of visitor use Indicator: Remoteness from sights and sounds of people inside the wilderness 3 1 1 1 6 Measure: Signs of visitor presence Indicator: Remoteness from occupied and modified areas outside the wilderness 3 3 1 0 7 Measure: Viewsheds Indicator: Remoteness from occupied and modified areas outside the wilderness 3 2 2 1 8 Measure: Night sky visibility Indicator: Remoteness from occupied and modified areas outside the wilderness 3 2 1 0 6 Measure: Noise pollution Indicator: Facilities that decrease self-reliant recreation 3 1 3 1 8 Measure: Agency provided recreation facilities (tent pads &recreational signs) Indicator: Management restrictions on visitor behavior 3 3 2 1 9 Measure: Number of management restrictions on visitor behavior

otheR featURes of valUe QUality Indicator: Loss of statutorily protected cultural resources 2 1 1 1 5 Measure: Disturbances to cultural resource References and Appendix 209 Fed Fed Fed Fed Fed Fed Fed NPS NPS NPS NPS NPS NPS NPS NPS NPS NPS NPS Source NIFC NIFC NIFC NOAA DOI NRCS EPA NRSS NRSS NRSS NRSS NRSS NRSS NRSS NRSS NRSS NRSS NRSS Organization

ervice S enerally g arK p Purpose DOI system records all fire ignitions in a park, either ignitions in a park, either all fire DOI system records National the or natural starts from management ignited Center (NIFC) Interagency Fire All federal land management agencies system records all agencies system records All federal land management fires prescribed fires, but not use fire wildfires, Identifies and reports fuels treatments including prescribed including prescribed reports fuels treatments Identifies and fire Atmospheric data on climate, weather, oceans, and oceans, and climate, weather, Atmospheric data on resources coastal, and fisheries Science Center Reports, publications from the Department Science Center Reports, publications from of the Interior Soil, water, air, plants, and animal data, focus on private air, Soil, water, land owners and conservation Reports on environmental quality, air, water, radiation, water, air, quality, Reports on environmental and other data toxicology, Project tracking and management; team collaboration and tracking and management; Project and increasing communications for compliance processes; public involvement by use of the Internet Database containing information about abandoned mines Database containing information about Database of park geologic resources inventory (metadata Database of park geologic resources into IRMA system) being incorporated and products Database of soil resources in parks (metadata and products in parks (metadata and products Database of soil resources being incorporated into IRMA system) Web-based system for documenting, uploading, searching, uploading, searching, system for documenting, Web-based sets, species and documents, data and retrieving previously taxonomic information, etc.; includes records NPSpecies, and NatureBib, contained in NPS Data Store, other databases Database containing soundscape monitoring data Database containing information about night sky resources Website that provides information on natural resource information on natural resource that provides Website conservation, education in national parks, stewardship, of park natural resources and protection Servicewide E-gov system solution supporting the associated processes application, permitting, and reporting and Collecting Permit with the NPS Scientific Research Supports the collection and reporting of public use Supports the collection and reporting visitation data Stores documentation for water rights / water uses in park Stores units oUrceS S ational ata n the


5.5—d ppendix vailaBle Name Wildland Management Fire Information Wildland Decision Support Fire System National Fire Plan Operations National Fire and Reporting System National Oceanic and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration U.S. Geological Survey Natural Resource Conservation Conservation Natural Resource Service U.S. Environmental Protection Protection U.S. Environmental Agency Planning, Environment, and Planning, Environment, Public Comments System Abandoned Mines Database Geologic Resources Inventory Geologic Resources Soil Resource Inventory Soil Resource Integrated Resource Integrated Resource Management Applications Natural Sounds Database Night Skies Database Nature & Science (Nature and & Science (Nature Nature Science) Research Permit and Reporting Research System Public Use Statistics Office Public Use Statistics Office Reporting System NPS Water Rights Docket Files NPS Water (Dockets) Data sources generally available in the National Park Service. Note that this table is highly dynamic table is highly dynamic Note that this Park Service. in the National generally available Data sources 17. Table source. based on their are arranged time. Data sources to change over and subject a a Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 210 Resources Department ofNatural Annual Report Commercial UseAuthorization Annual FinancialReport (HSR) Historic Structures Report (CLI) Cultural LandscapeInventory List ofClassifiedStructures System Management Information Archaeological Sites Reporting System Incident Managementand TracksNet LandsNet (MIS-MDL) System-Master DeedListing Management Information (NPMap) NPS Web MappingSystem Networks Inventory andMonitoring Database STORET Water Quality Name studies Environmental qualitymonitoring, resource reports and on authorizedentriesintowilderness by WASO Commercial Services,mayinclude information Web-based annualreport, generatedbyparks,compiled entries of wilderness statistics onconcessionscontracts,includingthenumber Park generatedannualreport, scheduleMmayinclude Park specificstudyofthehistorystructures assessments doneeveryfiveyears Report andinventoryofculturallandscapes,withcondition assessments doneeveryfiveyears Report andinventoryofhistoricstructures, withcondition park prehistoric andhistoricarcheological resources Database forthebasicregistration andmanagementof wilderness have locationcodesforincidents(managementactions)in enforcement (LE)andsearch andrescue incidents.May Servicewide program tocatalogandmanagelaw MDL Geo-referenced GISlayersmappinginterfacewithMIS- Mapping interfacewithMIS-MDL Data baseofinholdingsandnon-NPSlandswithinparks Servicewide GISsystem resources provides datatobetterunderstandconditionofpark and trends inselectedindicatorsofparkecosystems; condition ofprioritynaturalresources todeterminestatus The 32NPSI&Mnetworksinventoryandmonitorthe NPS water-quality data Resources DivisionoperatesacopyofSTORETforarchiving local, state,andfederalwater-quality data;Water by theU.S.Environmental Protection Agencytohouse Interagency waterqualitydatabasedeveloped/supported Purpose Organization State Services Commercial Services Commercial CRM CRM CRM CRM LE Lands Lands Lands NRSS I&M NRSS Source Partner Park Park Park Park Park NPS NPS NPS NPS NPS NPS NPS NPS References and Appendix 211 eveloping d in nSWer a to

ap UeStionS M q trategic haracter c 6.1—S Assess the effects of different plan alternatives on wilderness character. of different Assess the effects trend in wilderness character. Establish a baseline to assess future all the qualities of wilderness character. Evaluate cumulative impacts across communication about wilderness and wilderness Improve internal staff between the park and the public. Improve external communication to aid allocating resources zones within the wilderness Identify different character. and establishing thresholds for impacts. ilderneSS • • • • • • ppendix W There are several strategic questions that drive the entire process of building a of building drive the entire process questions that several strategic There are beginning of the questions at the Answering these character map. wilderness having without way efficient more a in forward move to park a allow will process are These questions develop the map. issues as they and revisit these to go back answers, developed by from general to specific. Potential listed approximately the time of the publication answered these questions (as of other parks as they by Death questions have been developed answers to these of this User Guide, Saguaro National River, National Park, Buffalo National Park, Olympic Valley the below are offered Denali National Park and Preserve), National Park, and strategic question. explanation of each building a wilderness1. Why is the park map and how will it be used? character of measures and each will drive the selection reasons There are many different the map. that strongly affects and data sources Potential reasons include: the qualities and indicators from 2. Should the park strictly follow Keeping It Wild? if those from Keeping It Wild do not The park could add other indicators adequately capture something important. character map have used the indicators All the parks that developed a wilderness indicators, from Keeping It Wild and so far no parks have added additional capture an although they all reserved the right to do so if deemed necessary to adequately accounted for in important element of the wilderness that wasn’t Keeping It Wild. of value” quality 3. Should the park include the “other features of wilderness character? of The park could include measures for the other features of value quality such as cultural resources and paleontological resources, or wilderness character, other measures as appropriate. all the parks have expressed interest in including this quality but have at Staff has been not developed specific measures, so while conceptually this quality include it. included no park has actually developed spatially explicit layers to a map that There are also serious concerns about making such data available in could be seen by the public. a a Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 212 different qualities. in morethanonequality andthenweightthemeasuredifferently inthe increased ungulatepresence. Allparksreservedtherighttoincludeameasure quality becauseofthemultiple effects onfloraandfaunacaused bythe quality, andtheareaaroundguzzlerswasshownasdegrading thenatural sources (guzzlers)inDeathValley wereshownasdegradingtheundeveloped use indifferent qualities.Forexample,thephysicalstructureofartificial water decided thatdifferent typesofdataforasinglemeasurewereappropriateto particular measureifitwasincludedinmorethan onequality. However, allparks single mostappropriatequalitybecauseofconcerns aboutoveremphasizinga In general,allparkschosetouseameasureunder whatparkstaff feltwasthe solitude quality). structure degradestheundevelopedquality;seeing thestructuredegrades building thebarrierdegradesuntrammeledquality; thepresenceof qualities (thebarrierdisruptswaterflowandsodegradesthenaturalquality; prevent nonnativefishfrommovingupstreamcouldbeincludedinanyoffour data pointforthepresenceofamanagement-createdbarrierinstreamto Most measurescouldbeincludedinmorethanonequality. Forexample,the 6. Shouldtheparkusesamemeasure inmore thanonequality? no suchcompositemaphasbeendeveloped. shading ordifferent fillstoshowpositive, negative,andnetchanges,buttodate positive actionsanddegradedconditionscouldbeshownononemapbyusing management actions.Alltheparkswereinterestedinexploringwhetherboth degradation maptoshowhowwildernesscharacterhadimprovedbecauseof interested incorrelatingwheremanagementactionshadbeentakenwiththe management actionsthathaveimprovedwildernesscharacter. Alltheparkswere show degradationofwildernesscharacterandaseparatemaptopositive All theparksthatdevelopedawildernesscharactermapchosetouseone the positiveanddegradingeffects cancel eachotheroutonthemap. natural qualitywouldimproveandtheuntrammeleddegrade— For example,ifherbicidesareusedtotreatnonnative,invasiveplants,the map thatdepictsdegradationofwildernesscharactermaskswhatishappening. management actionsonwildernesscharacterbutshowingthesethesame into asinglespatialproduct.Allparkswanttoshowthepositiveeffects of This isprimarilyatechnicalissueofdistillingmanydifferent typesofdata character? 5. Shouldthemapshowonlydegradationtowilderness these values. for planningpurposestoensurethatmanagementactivitiesdidn’t compromise were importantbutsuchinformationwouldonlybeusedinternallybyparkstaff traditionally associatedpeople.Allparksacknowledgedthatintangiblevalues in awaythatcouldbemapped,andthedesiretonotmapspiritualvaluesof including thelackofanabilitytoadequatelyquantifyanyintangiblemeasures develop andincorporateintangiblemeasures.Thereareseveralreasonsforthis, None oftheparksthatdevelopedawildernesscharactermaphavetriedto likely needtodevelopnewprotocolsdothis. park couldtrytoincorporatetheseintothemap,althoughwouldmost Wilderness charactercouldincludeintangibleandexperientialaspects,sothe symbolic values,orvisitorexperiences)? 4. Shouldtheparktrytoincorporateintangiblemeasures (suchasspiritualor References and Appendix 213 7. Should the park weight the qualities or just weight the measures the measures weight or just qualities the park weight the 7. Should each indicator? within is more one aspect of wilderness not state that any Act does The Wilderness is that some reality the on-the-ground even though than any other, important legislation for the establishing than others and greater impacts things cause of a wilderness. on one aspect greater emphasis may place some wildernesses map chose to weight the developed a wilderness character All the parks that and only identify under each quality equally, the indicators qualities equally, under an indicator. weights for the measures for? that they do not have data include measures 8. Should the park wilderness character, data for all the things that degrade No park will have climate change or loss of the most important things such as even for some of should these situations the surrounding landscape, so how connectivity with be treated? map chose to include developed a wilderness character All the parks that or of such importance that they wouldn’t measures that were deemed crucial when data for such measures included, even pass the red-face test if they weren’t reliable to be used. These measures were did not exist or were not sufficiently the other weighted along with indicator, included under their appropriate but not included in the mapping process. By measures under that indicator, such measures could be easily incorporated including them and weighting them, available, and they have been identified as into the map when the data become resources when efforts of high priority for future data collection become available. units, separate wilderness character maps for different 9. Should the park create and eligible wilderness? or for designated, recommended, configurations of wilderness across the National Park There are many different decide if they want to create one map or Service and each park will need to separate maps. three spatially maps for its National River decided to create different Buffalo three maps would be created using a single separated wilderness units, but all National Park and Preserve decided to protocol and weighting scheme. Denali eligible wilderness, and include both park create one map for designated and and preserve lands in this map. wilderness maps to reflect character different 10. Should the park create seasonal patterns? different This strongly depends on the park and the seasonality in use and impacts. maps to reflect summer and winter patterns Denali decided to create different between these two seasons. because use and impacts are so different Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 214 wilderness charactersinceitwasdesignatedwilderness. back tothetimeofwildernessdesignationuseinestimatingchange create a“retrospective”wildernesscharactermapusingprofessionaljudgment possible fortheotherqualities,asdataavailabilityallows.Denalialsodecidedto untrammeled quality, dependingondataavailability, andgobackasfar Denali NationalParkandPreservedecidedtogobackupfiveyearsforthe but wouldusedatafromprioryearsifappropriateandwereavailable. National Riverdecidedtousethecurrentyearasitsbaselineformap variety ofapproachestowhethertheywillusedatafromprioryears.Buffalo define itsbaselineforevaluatingfuturechange.However, parkshaveuseda All parksdecidedthattheyearwildernesscharactermapiscreatedwill to decidehowfarbackintimeusedataifitisavailable. character mapiscreatedwillbecomethedefactobaseline,andparksneed but rarelywillaparkhavesuchdata.Instead,thefirsttimewilderness Ideally, dataareavailablebacktothedatewhenwildernesswasestablished, 12. Howfarbackintimewilldatabeusedcreating themap? the purposesofwildernesscharactermap. though theyhad10-meterdatabecause30-meterresolutionwasadequatefor availability andthesizeofpark.Someparksused30-meterresolutioneven Parks haveusedeither30-meteror100-meterresolution,dependingonthedata many squarekilometers. Spatial datacomeinavarietyofdifferent resolutions,from1squaremeterupto 11. Whatisthespatialresolution forthemap? References and Appendix 215 70 30 25 20 35 20 20 80 20 80 Weight Weight 50 25 25 5 10 30 35 20 30 15 25 30

haracter c

NATURAL QUALITY NATURAL ilderneSS eaSUreS W M arK Measure Land cover Nonnative plants Nonnative animals Ozone (air quality) (air quality) deposited nitrate and ammonium Wet Mining sites Springs natural Night sky – deviation from Grazing Guzzlers (FRCC)* regime Fire Climate change* Measure Viewshed submodel Soundscape Night sky – dark sky index Visibility (air quality) Visitor facilities Closed to visitor use Travel time submodel Travel Over-flights Trails Camping restrictions of of


ap M a


eath d Sed ppendix Indicator Indicator Remoteness from sights and sounds sights and Remoteness from of people inside the wilderness occupied and Remoteness from outside the wildernessmodified areas self-reliant Facilities that decrease recreation on visitor Management restrictions behavior Plant and animal species and Plant and animal species communities Physical resources Biophysical processes U Weighting of measures used in developing a map of wilderness character at developing a map of wilderness of measures used in 18. Weighting Table National Park. Death Valley at the qualities of and weighting for the measures examples are The following map at Death character to develop the wilderness character used wilderness the total 100. Asterisks under within an indicator National Park. Weights Valley data for this measure but it denote that currently there are no Measure column important to include and weight. was deemed sufficiently a Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 216 mechanical transport motorized equipment,or Use ofmotorvehicles, Inholdings developments installations, and Nonrecreational structures, Unauthorized actions Authorized actions Indicator Indicators Administrative uses Off-road vehicletrespass Unpatented inholdings Private inholdings State inholdingswithnoroad accessorheldforwildlife State inholdingswithroad access Borrow pits Unauthorized installations/debris Installations (includingguzzlersandfences) Poaching incidents* Manipulation oflandscapethatalterswaterflow* Installation ofmineclosures /batgates Burro removals Weed treatments Suppressed fires (naturalignitions) Measure Measure UNTRAMMELED QUALITY UNDEVELOPED QUALITY 40 60 20 60 5 15 35 10 55 100 20 20 20 20 20 Weight Weight References and Appendix 217 ilderneSS W the of vervieW o ataBaSe d UicKStart onitoring M 6.3—q with the database files in it, and then click on this folder, then click OK. with the database files in it, and then click on this folder, click OK. User interface file (WildernessCharacter_UI.mdb) User interface file Database file (WildernessCharacter_data_blank.mdb) (Wilderness_lookup.mdb) Look-up table file folder on the desktop. Put all the database files into a new of the screen, the circle. Click on the upper left-most corner Click on Open Access Options at the lower right. Center to open it. Click on the Trust Center Settings. Click on Trust Locations on the left side of the screen to open it. Click on Trusted Click on Add New Location. In the new window that opens, click on Browse, then find your folder then Back in the Add New Location window you should see the folder, Locations window. Click OK in the Trusted Center window. Click OK in the Trust ⚪ ⚪ ⚪ ⚪ ⚪ ⚪ ⚪ ⚪ ⚪ ⚪ ⚪ ⚪ ⚪ ⚪ There are three files required to use the database: There are three files you to connect your user interface file. It will prompt Double-click on the you to disable macros, click OK. If a pop-up window opens requesting file, you probably need to set the If you cannot open the user interface backend files (the database file and the look-up table). Once connected, backend files (the database file the location of these backend files the user interface file will remember to you need to them. If, however, and will automatically connect you these connections at any time by change backend files, you can manage page of the database and choosing going to the Utilities tab on the home Connect data tables. with the security warning, click Options Then, when the message pops up and re-enable macros. Follow these steps: Trust Center. location of the files in the • • • • ppendix haracter Opening the Database The overview below is intended only to provide the most basic information information the most basic only to provide below is intended The overview more in-depth Database. For Character Monitoring the Wilderness for using at Users Guide Monitoring Database Character see the Wilderness information Program Wilderness Stewardship tab under the Wilderness Character the NPS . http://share.inside.nps.gov/sites/WASO/WSD/WC Sharepoint site at a c Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program 218 3. Weight Measures 2. SelectMeasures 1. SelectWilderness Initial Set-up • • • • • • • • • do nottotal100%thenumberwillbered. the measurestotal100%weightnumberwillbegreen.If as longthetotalweightofallmeasurescombinedequals100% weight therelativeimportanceofmeasuresunequally, youmaydoso, measures, eachmeasurewouldreceiveaweightof25%. the indicatorsothatmeasurestotal100%.Forexample,ifyouhadfour relative importanceofthemeasures,weightmeasuresequallyunder should be100%. importance ofeachmeasurewithinitsindicator. measure. Definition screenpopsup.Enterthenameanddefinitionsofnew Monitoring Question/Indicatorthemeasurewillfallunder, andaMeasure measures. wilderness area;thenyoucaneitheraddnewmeasuresoreditexisting measures youwillmonitor. You willbe promptedtoindicateuserand character andistheyearfromwhichtrendmeasuredforcomparison. refers totheyearthatyoucompleteabaselineassessmentofwilderness at anytimeandselectadditionalwildernessareas,ifdesired.Baselineyear The totalweightofallmeasuresunderanindicatormustequal100%.If If youhavemultiplemeasuresforanindicator, andyouhaveareasonto If youhavemultiplemeasuresforanindicator, andyoudonotknowthe If youhavejustonemeasureforanindicatortheweightof When youarefinishedselectingmeasures,needtoweighttherelative Enter atleastonemeasureforeveryindicatorquestion. Add Newallowsyoutoaddanewmeasure.ChoosewhichQuality/ After youhavechosenawildernessarea,clickSelectMeasurestoaddthe You mustchooseatleastonewildernessareafromthelist.You canreturn References and Appendix 219 Once you have completed the initial setup you can begin entering data you can begin entering the initial setup have completed Once you the value and the condition of will be prompted to enter the measure You for the particular measure time you have entered data If this is not the first values and returns you to the home Closing the window saves the new choose QA Checks/Calculate complete a quality assurance review, To and trends have been manually calculated Once problems have been fixed, Report, and choose the wilderness and generate a report, click Trend To its quality can only generate a report for a year that has passed You Select the Select the on then clickAdd New. Data Values, Enter/Edit values. Choose the list of When viewing for. like to enter data that you would measure to be initially is past due or needs needs data and if the measure measures, If the Value: Next:”. of Measurement be red under “Year filled, the text will the text will be yellow. have data in the current year, measure needs to may of the data. You in the measure, and the quality measure, the trend of these entries. comment on any of the window for entries are displayed at the bottom the previous data reference. main page. The Quality Assurance page Next, choose which year to evaluate. Trends. or incorrect information (highlighted will highlight where you have missing you to where you can fix the in red) for that year and will redirect problem(s). button and the trends Calculate Trends for all measures, you can click the Monitoring Questions, Qualities, will be calculated for all levels (Indicators, Character). the report for. year that you would like to generate calculated. assurance check and has had its trends • • • • • • • • You may copy measures, measure weights, and measure values from Copy Data. You wildernesses one wilderness to another if you want these to apply to different that are under your jurisdiction. Import National Data. In the future the database will have a function that will measures into allow you to import data collected at the national level for specific your database. Tools Data Entry Data Quality Control / Trend Calculation 2. Quality Control / Trend 3. Reporting Enter/Edit Data Values Data 1. Enter/Edit Keeping It Wild in the National Park Service: A User Guide to Integrating Wilderness Character into Park Planning, Management, and Monitoring. As the nation’s principal conservation agency, the Department of the Interior has responsibility for most of our nationally owned public lands and natural resources. This includes fostering sound use of our land and water resources; protecting our fish, wildlife, and biological diversity; preserving the environmental and cultural values of our national parks and historic places; and providing for the enjoyment of life through outdoor recreation. The department assesses our energy and mineral resources and works to ensure that their development is in the best interests of all our people by encouraging stewardship and citizen participation in their care. The department also has a major responsibility for American Indian reservation communities and for people who live in island territories under U.S. administration.

WASO 909/121797; January 2014

National Park Service | U.S. Department of the Interior Wilderness Stewardship Division | Wilderness Stewardship Program