THE ZEPHYR CHRONICLES CONTINUE... The Fork in the Wilderness Road (It was ‘Time to Look in the Mirror’) August/September 2014 Volume 26 Number 3 Celebrating 25 Years THE ZEPHYR/ AUGUST-SEPTEMBER 2014
[email protected] this requires would be devastating. I can- dor promoted in the early 90s, which was BOOK CLIFFS HIGHWAY UPDATE not overstate how much destruction would vigorously opposed by many Grand County & SOME THOUGHTS ON occur if this project went forward. It would citizens. “PRODUCTION v CONSUMPTION require the removal of every plant and tree, from one edge of the canyon floor to the Now, Jackson has predicted that the on- other, for 20 miles, to accommodate the going feasibility studies will indeed con- Four months ago, the Grand County scale of the proposal. clude the Sego Canyon route is not viable. I Council presented a proposal to build an hope he’s right, because to build that road, “energy transportation corridor” via Sego Last month, Grand County Council Chair via that route, would prove to be one of the Canyon, through the Book Cliffs, to pos- Lynn Jackson, who helped spearhead the greatest environmental disasters since the sible oil development sites in the northern Sego Canyon plan, suggested that the fea- construction of Glen Canyon Dam. tip of Grand County. The plan included sibility studies being performed for Grand the creation of a paved But if Jackson’s highway, for energy prediction holds transportation and tour- true, that leaves ism, that would have Hay Canyon and linked Vernal, Utah with we’re right back I-70 and other recre- where we were 20 ation destinations in years ago.