International Refereed Journal of Engineering and Science (IRJES) ISSN (Online) 2319-183X, (Print) 2319-1821 Volume 3, Issue 6 (June 2014), PP.06-08

Semiring satisfying the identity a.b = a + b + 1

a a P. Sreenivasulu Reddy & Gosa Gadisa Department of Mathematics, Samara University Samara, Afar Region, Ethiopia. Post Box No.132

Abstract: Author determine some different additive and multiplicative structures of which satisfies the identity a.b = a + b + 1. The motivation to prove this theorems in this paper is due to the results of P. Sreenivasulu Reddy and Guesh Yfter [6].

Keywords: Semiring, Rugular

I. INTRODUCTION Various concepts of regularity have been investigated by R.Croisot[7] and his study has been presented in the book of A.H.Clifford and G.B.Preston[1] as croisot’s theory. One of the central places in this theory is held by left regularity. Bogdanovic and Ciric in their paper, “A note on left regular ” considered some aspects of decomposition of left regular semigroups. In 1998, left regular ordered semigroups and left regular partially ordered Г-semigroups were studied by Lee and Jung, kwan and Lee. In 2005, Mitrovic gave a characterization determining when every regular element of a semigroup is left regular. It is observed that many researchers studied on different structures of semigroups. The idea of generalization of a commutative semigroup was first introduced by Kazim and Naseeruddin in 1972 [2]. They named it as a left almost semigroup(LA-semigroup). It is also called an Abel Grassmanns groupoid (AG-semigroup)[2]. Q. Mushtaq and M. Khan[8] studied left almost semigroups in ideals, ideals in intra-regular left almost semigroups and proved that if P is left and Q is right ideal of the regular left almost semigroup then PQ = P∩Q. They also proved that every right(left) ideal of regular LA-semigroup is an ideal and if S is an LA-semigroup having the left identity then S is total i.e.,S2 = S. An LA- semigroup S is called regular if for each aS, there exist xS such that a = (ax)a. In the paper P. Sreenivasulu Reddy and Guesh Yfter [6] discussed some results on simple .

Definition1.1. A semiring is a non empty S on which operations of addition “+” and multiplication “.” have been defined such that the following conditions are satisfied: (i) (S, +) is a semigroup (ii) (S, .) is a semigroup (iii) Multiplication distributes over addition from either side.

Definition1.2. An element a of a semigroup (S, .) is said to be regular if there exist x in S such that (ax)a = a Definition1.3. A semigroup (S, .) is called regular if every element of S is regular.

Examples of regular semigroups: i) Every is regular. ii) Every inverse semigroup is regular. iii) The bicyclic semigroup is regular. iv) Any full transformation semigroup is regular. v) A Rees semigroup is regular.

Definition1.4. A semigroup S is called quasi- seperative if for any x,y S, x2 = xy = y2 implies x = y.

Definition1.5. A semigroup S is called weakly seperative if x2 = xy = yx = y2 implies x = y for all x,y in S. 2 2 Definition1.6. A semigroup S is called seperative if i) x = xy and y = yx then x = y ii) x2 = yx and y2 = xy then x = y

II. PRELIMANARIES Theorem 2.1. Let (S, +, .) be a left almost semiring and (S, .) is a regular semigroup which satisfies the identity a.b = a + b + 1, for all a, bϵ(S, .) then (S, +) is a i) regular semigroup ii) left (right) regular semigroup iii) completely regular semigroup Proof. Let (S, +, .) be a left almost semiring and (S, .) be a regular semigroup and it satisfiesthe identity a.b = a + b + 1, a, bϵ(S, .) and 1 is a multiplicative identity in (S, .) 6 | Page Semiring satisfying the identity a.b = a + b + 1 i) Since (S, .) is a regular semigroup a = axa =(ax)a = (a + x + 1).a = a + x + 1 + a + 1= a + x + 1.a = a + x + a. Hence a is a regular element in S. Therefore (S, +) is a regular semigroup. ii) Let a + a + x = a + a + x.1 = a + a + x + 1 + 1= a + a.x + 1= a + ax + 1= aax = a. Hence a is a left regular element of (S, +). Therefore, (S, +) is a left regular semigroup Similarly (S, +) is also right regular semigroup. iii) Since (S, .) and (S, +) are regular and left regular , a + x + a = a = a + a + x = x + a + a. So, a + x + a = a + a + x → x + a + x + a = x + a + a + x → x + a = a + x. Hence, (S, +) is a completely regular semigroup.

Theorem 2.2. Let (S, +, .) be a left almost semiring and (S, +) is a regular semigroup which satisfies the identity a.b = a + b + 1, For all a, b ϵ (S, +) then (S, .) is i) regular semigroup ii) left (right) regular semigroup iii) completely regular semigroup

Proof. Let (S, +, .) be a left almost semiring and (S, +) be a regular semigroup and it satisfies the identity a.b= a + b + 1 a, bϵ(S, +) and 1 is multiplicative identity in (S, .) Since (S, +) is a regular semigroup, a = a + x + a = a + x + a.1 = a + x + a + 1 + 1 = a + x.a +1 = a + xa + 1 = a + 2 ax + 1 = aax = a x. a is a left regular element of (S, .). Hence every element of (S, +) is a left regular element of (S, .). Therefore (S, .) is a left regular semigroup. Similarly, (S, .) is also a right regular semigroup. ii) Since ( S, +) is a regular semigroup, a = a + x + a → a = a + x + a.1 = x + a + 1 +1 = a + x.a + 1 = a + xa + 1 = axa. Hence, a is a regular element of ( S, ·). Therefore, ( S, ·) is a regular semigroup. iii) Since ( S, ·) is a regular and left(right) regular semigroup, axa = xa2 → axax = xa2x → ax = xa. Therefore, ( S, ·) is a completely regular semigroup.

Theorem 2.3. Let ( S, +, ·) be a semiring and ( S, ·) is a seperative semigroup which satisfies the identity a.b = a + b + 1 for all a, bϵ(S, .) then ( S, +) be a i) quasi-seperative semigroup ii) weakly seperative semigroup iii) seperative semigroup. Proof. Let ( S, +, ·) be a semiring and ( S, ·) is a seperative semigroup which satisfies the identity a.b = a + b + 1 for all a, bϵ(S, .) and 1 is the multiplicative identity. Consider a + a = a + b  a + a + 1 = a + b +1  a.a = a.b  a2 = ab ( since ( S, ·) is quasi-seperative ) 2 Similarlly, a + b = b + b  a + b + 1 = b + b + 1  a.b = b.b  ab = b  a = b. Hence, a + a = a + b = b + b  a = b. Therefore, ( S, +) is a quasi-seperative. ii) Let a + b = a.1 + b = a + 1 + 1 + b = a + b + 1 + 1 = 1+ b + 1 + a = 1.b + a = b + a Hence, ( S, +) is a commutative semigroup. Since ( S, +) is quasi- seperative and commutative semigroup we have a+ a = a + b = b + a = b + b  a = b. Therefore, ( S, +) is waekly seperative. iii) Since ( S, +) is quasi-seperative and weakly- seperative, ( S, +) is seperative.

Theorem 2.4. Let ( S, +, ·) be a semiring and ( S, +) is a quasi-seperative semigroup which satisfies the identity a.b = a + b + 1 then ( S, ·) is a i) quasi-seperarive semigroup ii) weakly- seperative semigroup iii) seperative semigroup.

Proof. Proof of the theorem is similar to the above proof.

Theorem 2.5. Let ( S, +, ·) be a left almost semiring which satisfies the identity a.b = a + b + 1 for all a,bϵ(S, +, .) then ( S, +, ·) is a i) commutative ii) medial iii) permutable.

Proof. Let ( S, +, ·) be a left almost semiring which satisfies the identity a.b = a + b + 1 for all a, bϵ (S, +, .). Consider, a + b = a.1 + b = a + 1 + 1 + b = 1 + 1 + a + b = b + 1 + a + 1 = b + 1.a = b + a  a + b = b + a. Hence ( S, +) is a commutative. Again, a.b = a + b + 1 = a + b.1 + 1 = a + b + 1 + 1 +1 = a + 1 + 1 + b + 1 = b + 1 + 1 + a + 1 = b + a + 1 + 1 + 1 = b + a + 1.1 = b + a + 1  a.b =b.a Hence ( S, ·) is commutative. Therefore, ( S, +, ·) is a commutative LA-semiring. Since (S, +, ·) is a commutative it is easy to prove ( S, +, ·) is medial and permutable. 7 | Page Semiring satisfying the identity a.b = a + b + 1

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