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~w^ ‘^nCCOiCTf VZ7CEMSEK im,' « The Weather TOUR'nCElV iffiattrli^Bter Ew nitig W^i^alS Average Dally dreulatlon For the Month of knvanabar, IMS ' ** *‘.^—***' Light tnin tMs eveWhiK •on; Financial Secretary, William 9,016 tanightt Sunday mant^ < Orr; Aaaiatant Financial, Secra rathar ralM tonight and 8 lA b ou t1>w n Scandia Lodge tary, John Hultln: Treasurer, ir af «hn Am M John R. Wennergren; Chaplain, af dreelntlona John S. Poison; Maater of Cere- ManekBMUr^A CUy of Village Chann Has Election monlca, Agnea Anderaon; Aaelat- _j AMm C. Hanten, Mui. Ba^ apt Master of Oeremonlee, Alma (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTE ; J.6., will flva a reclUl of Olaon; Inner Guard, Thiire Lar M) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1945 naa mualc on the organ of Herbert Johnson Named y0L.LXV..N0.76 Church Cathedral, Hart- son; Outer Guard, Carl I. Ander tomorrow afternoon at four Chairman; To Wel-j son; Tniatee, 3 yeara, Alfred John- Miaa Hanaen haa a num- aon; Planiat, .Sylvia Smith; Audi of piano and organ P«pl]« rome Veterans Jan. 3 tor, 3 yeara, Harry L. Guatafaon; Rooming House Wall Collapses Dcheater who plan to attend the Ret)reaentatlve to Hall Aaaoclatlon Truman Busy .Svea, Earl Andernon: Auditor for Truman/Supports Says Industrialists HtaL .St andla Lodge, Order of Vaea, j Hall Aaaoclatlon Svea, Earl An laat night held ita inniial election j deraon. Upon Speech P Ktmorial Temple Pj'thian 8l«- ■ will celebrate Ita 23d annl- | of officera, naming Herbert John- | Theae offlcera will be inatalled ■gMaary thia evening in Odd F el-; aon aa chairman for the 1M6 t at the next meeting' on January 3. 1946 by Dlatrict Deputy Mildred Caut^cm on Telling To Be Aired IC m hall. The program will begin term. ' In Reich Pampered; Ekberg and ataff of New Britain. K i 5 a Bupper at 6:30 In the ban- Other officeie named art aa fol- | | 2 a t hall. The menobera are re- A amorgaabord will be aerved at ■^ided to bring 25 cent gifta for the next meeting by Mra. Ida Byrnes to Join Presi Kwi'Chriatmaa party, to be held in Soderburg. The committee for Atomic Energy |jailh~-"‘ - - with the obaer\ance, the Inatallatlon meeting U Slgrid dent Aboard Yacht Ereeburg, chairman: Elvira An To Give Report on Plants Not Wrecked; S> Ktng David Lodge No. 31, deraon, Mr. and Mra. Hjalmar tO.OJ., at Ita meeting thla eve- Modean, Qatar Johnson and Carl Cofi^ersations Indicate Steps Taken Moscow Conference agiK tn Odd Fellowa hall will elect . E. Thoren- The decorating com merican Policy Will Nixon Asserts Mill-; SScers. Paat granda.and membera mitter ia Frideborg Thoren and Washington, Dec. 29 — </T) — S m urged to be preaent m buiil-^ Viola Thoren. : V County Coroner Be to Test Out Pro President Truman secluded himself Jap Women tary Government Not; IhhI «rf Importance will be dia-: To Welcome Veterans To Give Life loaaed. The third degree b« posed Inspection Meth and a small staff of aides aboard Taken by Death Arrested as He Be S t a r r e d on a claaa of candidatea, At the next meeting there will be a welcome home for all mem ods Before Disclofdng the yacht Wllliaipsburg today to Form Party; lieves They Should Be ^ Baine of whom will come fj^” ' To Accords write a atraight-to-the-people BI m in Willlmantlc and Put- bers of the lodge who have been ■am. Refreahmenta will be nerved j In the Armed Eorcea. The wel-; All of Know - How speech he will broadcaat next Under Directive of % William Herron and Jeaae come Jor the lodge will be extend Thuraday. Plan Ticket ed by District Master' John Wen *Big Three* Acting to Secretary of State Byrnes plan Joint Chiefs of Staff;! & v la . Washington, Dec. 29.— {IF) ned to join him late today to re nergren and for the town* by —President Truman was re Forced to Release Far- Selectman John I. Olson. implement Agreements port on the Big Three Foreign Draft of Measure to 8 g t Thomaa W. Sulllva^, a ported today to be backing Mtniaten conference at Moscow. bnaldent of San Franriaco, Cali- Membera of the lodge who have Reached at Foreign ben Industrie Head*';; an even more cautious, step The president started his four Lift War Profits Com IK tila , and a member of the Arm- been In service are; V day trip down the Potomac river ’hg Forcea for the laat three yeara Dr. Alfred B. Sundqulat, Ray by step disclosure of atomic Ministers* Conference to Chesapeake bay after a cram pleted; YeteraYis Held Berlin, Dec. 29.— (^P)-—Rus-' apending the holldaya and cele- / mond Johnson, Erland Johnaon, energy secrets than first im med two hours of desk work at r w j l : In Tokyo Roundup sell A. Nixon, deputy director Smtlng hla uncle’a George Mur- Elmer Thoren, Bertll Wogman, Moscow, Dec. 29.—(/P)—Steps the White House in which he sign i C ^ ’a 86th birthday at hin home, pressions of the Moscow Big of the Division of Investiga Irving Carlson, Roy C. Johnson, Three communique had indi already were under way today to ed 64 bills and rcsolutiona. % . So Walker atreet Hla mother Ellaa- 14 Avon atreet, C. Albert Ander He accompanied his approval of n r Tokyo, Dec. 29.—(4V-Theae tion of Cartels and E x t e r ^ ’ Igath Humphriea Sullivan waa a implement agreementa reached at ... "L, son, Arthur Anderaon, John Poi cated. This interpretation of a bill extending the second war were the newest signs of the Assets of the American Mili-j ieiiitent of thla town for many Herbert dohnaoa plana to form an international the conference of “Big Three” powers act alx months with the ^M«ra. He would be glad to aee any son, Sherwood Smith, Stuart Nel times in the changeover of Japan: tary government; asserted to^| son, Ralph Swanson, Rudolph atomic control commiaaion cama foreign ministera which ended assertion that there must be a hie parenta' old fiienda. Iowa: Vice-chairman, Iver John- / from persona who talked with Mr. Women, for centuries tn the day that military authorities! aon; Secretary, Earl Anderaon; Wandol, Everett Solmoneon and Thuraday. further extension. It ia from this Roy C. Johneon, 98 Walker atreet. A Truman after hla return from a act that the chief executive de % background, '^ame out today with in the American zone were' AaaiaUnt SacreUry, Eva M. John Informed quartern reported the j : Private Flrat Claaa Jodeph S. Christmaa boUday in Miaaouii. rives his rationing and prlorltlea political party of their own. pampering” German indus-; l^tMaa, 25, of Mancheater, haa en- Should Be Sure of Bfa XBsaaa following developmenta within 48 powers. trialists. hours after the concluaion of the The government completed toe SHated In the Regular Army and They declared it la Mr. Tru "We know that our economy Indoatrtea Not Being Deatrojra4 ; leave for home aoon to apend FINE QUALITY FURS meeting: will be plagued with major war- draft o ( a measure aimed at lift man's view that the United States ing one hundred billion yen (rnbre Nixon, former instructor In the;; anliatment furlough. He haa ■houtd always be sure there will 1. ^parture of representativea bom shortages alx months from _ on Okinawa. A truck driver of the United Statea, Soviet Rus The wall of a three-atory brick rooming house in Boston Is shown than $6,500,000,000) from those Economics department at Har-^ be no misuse of a amall secret be now, and that the government vard university and later CIO civilian life, he entered the sia and Great Britain for Bucha at the instant it collapsed, shortly after occupants of the structure who profited by the war. Special Offerings At Substantial Savings fore divulging a more Important must have the means of dealing Washington representative for toe ny in Auguat, 1»42, and haa RANGE AND FUEL OIL rest to carry out the agreement with these shortages," Mr. Tru had been evacuste'd by police. (AP wlrepboto). Men who fought that losing war Frank E. Healey, Hartford coun ved overaeaa alnce May, IMS. one. pertaining to Romania. for Japan were among more than ty coroner, died yesterday at hla United Electrical Workers,, They said conversations both at man’s statement said. “There must, dared in an interview that Genr|p father^ Stanley Golaa, Uvea 2. Transmiaaion of advice to 300 persons arrested during the home in Windsor Locks as the re the White House and the State therefore, be further legislation to man uiduatriea were not being de-; 00 North atreet, Mancheater. Wholesale Gosoline Silverblue Muskrat Bulgaria by the Soviet govern past 24 hours for petty crimes In sult of an attack of pneumonia. -'^elldsley'" Seal, Beaver department indicated It will be cover the period after June 30, stroyed and that induatriallata} ment on proposed cabinet changes. 1946." Tokyo. They complained they .XA. XUxabeth Klein, atatloned at $249 American policy to^teat out pro Eight of 10 Miners were not being arrested as be be-^1 and Sable Dyed Coney posed inspection methods before Ordered Set Up Commiaaion Other Measures Signed - robbed because they were home sitmatl, Ohio, and her broth- 8. Dispatch of ordera to Amer lieved they should under a dlrae- r telling any nation except Britain Among other measures the less an] desperate. Uve of the joint chief a of ataff. FUght Officer Richard Klein Bontly Oil Company ican and Russian commandem tn president signed aoon after he ar The Welfare ministry readied Healy, County 1 A-8 David WeUi of Duke Uni- $109 Letout Silver Raccoon and Canada all of the know-how He also dedared that "preaBUn^; of the atomic bomb.