Online Friday: ROTC Training Exercise The Breeze multimedia James Madison University's Student Newspaper Vol. 84, Issue 47 Thursday, Mmrh 29, 2007

Opinion, page 6 A&E, page 9 Sports, page 13 Rumsfeld acquitted for violating Lone member of campus Jim Baseball comes from behind human rights. fraternity makes big impact. to beat Virginia Tech.

Timely warning not released in Nov. JMU grad Campus police say alleged rape in JMU dorm involved acquaintances dies in

■Y RACHANA DIXII Guetareon WM indicted on rape this (.is,' " one of many provisions in the Jeanne MM rJitor dhargee in coreMcnon with the in As ol last week, JMU Police logs Clery Disclosure and Campus Securi- Fairfax cident bv the Rockingham t ountv showed that C.ustaKon is still a stu- ty Policy and Campus Crime Statistics JMU Campus I'olue did not send Grand Jury on March 22 and was set to denl at the urdverattk Bale said. Act. According to the act which was out a Timely Notification Bulletin to turn himsell in to authorities Wsdnfli JMU Police's daily crime log shows created in IWl and given its current Breeze alum (he i.impus community regarding an d«) morning. that the alleged rape occurred on Nov. name in 1998, institutions are required alleged rape Incident that occurred in When referring to how university 18 at 1 a.m. and was reported to police to send timely warnings to their re- succumbs to a JMU dorm n>om on Nov. 18. 2006, police chose to handle this us,-, [ML the tame momma at 459 a.m. spective university communities when citing the mam msoffi M the existence Spokeepereon Don Bgla s.ud, "The Kgle added that there are a "num- crimes a re "considered to be a threat to heart condition ol ,i piftOf relationship between the biggest thing is the IWO individu- ber of factors that go into reporting Other students and employees ... that \ ictiro end the tuepect [Ml freshman als knew each other it was reported timely warnings." IY EVAN DYSON Eric t-uslalson. Immediately by the alleged victim in The tinu-K wanting notification li *r RAPE, page 4 senior wriler

Graduate student Evin Shoap, 23, died over the weekend at Fairfax Memorial Hospital following a battle with a life-long heart condi- tion. Bom Jan. 20,1984, he was Taking back the night the son

10th - annual HP "w*yflt* «&t '«,. event held on Y^m Iv the commons m . - ■ ^ ■tap aaa Wood son High Tuesday night School in Fairfax. ^^eaa«» 1 At the age of 8 months he was diagnosed with cardio- ■v MAC.C.II DRACO ** U myopathy, a condition that contributing mitei weakens the heart muscle and affects its function. At 15, JMU's 10th annual Take Shoap received a heart trans- the Night waa held - i plant. the commons luoada) tVl While an undergraduate ning to educate students 1 f N student at JMU, he used his about violence and SSXua ■■ (Ms experience to help others as assault against women. w founder and president of the | lake Back the Night la| j^l JMU chapter of Students for |USt an opportunity tor girls Organ and Tissue Donation, a to speak and tor people to non-profit organization to ed- realize that (rape and sex- te- l w rs* ? \^ ucate the public and increase ual assault) happens more donations. olten than they know, or. Shoap was a member honestly, than they'd like to of JMU Hillel, an organiza- know." sophomore Claire tion for Jewish students, and Billups said. "It's like one traveled to Israel in the sum- night OUl <>t the war |rape| mer of 2005 through Hillel's can't be ignored " 5. S> Birthright program. He was Hillarv Wing Richards, also an active member of the aasCM latcd director ol IML '■ Breeze staff, where he served Office of Sexual Assault as a senior photographer and delivered the opening re- MINUI \MJ»ntOH yenu-r plu>L*trapher mentor to others. marks She said that the Students sat outside Tuesday on the Commons listening to various speakers share their experiences. In May 2006 he complet- nature of the evening was ed his undergraduate career to Ipcak out and to help with a double mafor in Eng- survivors heal further. by the time lhe\ graduate gender roles attect men reall) require a new image It's a human issue." lish and secondary education Alumnus Dante Ricci, from college, and people and women in terms ol sex ol masculinity The second keynote and began work towards a the titst ol two keynote men eepedall) don't He s.ud men are expected Ricci said the most im- speaker, Teresa Haase ErOCfl master of arts in teaching. He speakers, was actively in- believe it to be sexually aggressive. portant thing right now is the department of gradu- was scheduled to graduate in volved in CART and lake- "|Rape] is something *\ hereas women are v lewed to view men as allies in- ate psveholo,',\. shared her May 2007. Back the Night as well as men don't think about da) as sluts tor assuming the stead of enemies. story of childhood sexual He was buried Tuesday president of One in lour to day," Ricci said It's a same role. And l woman "There's still this linger- abuse and her realization afternoon in Fall's Church during his time at JML. He culture Supportive Ol rape. who does not have sex is ing attitude that men have that being a survivor is part following a service at Temple current l\ works with Princ- In some ways and the tar- \ lew ed as frigid. no place here, as \ IctiniS 01 of who she is. but does not B'Nal Shalom in Fairfax Sta- eton's Office ol Sexual As- geted class, women, ha\ e to I would argue that it s as allies." Kuci said I here completely define her. tion. sault Prevention make compromises, sacri- these tender roles that have is .1 gender bias women The second part of the In lieu of flowers, do- Ril i i said thai one otil fices, to protect themselves everything to do with win are usually the victims hut evening was devoted to an nations can be made in his of four women will be from it." we're here tonight." Ricci rape is not a women's is- name to a heart or transplant raped or sexually assaulted RlCd spoke about how said. "Change is going to sue it s not a men's issue see NIGHT page 5 charity. SGA allots funds for FEB organizations Leggo my Lego During a Lego-build- mc com- ■v JEAN PARK is allocated for non-11 h or I his is not something petition on contributing r*rtto gani/atioiis on campus neu it s something we've Godwin fleW Can Bppi) lor up to $2,(*00 done in the past.' i PB Preal- Wednesday 1 The student Senate mat I semester Irom S(,A on. e denl Kandi Sponenberg said afternoon. lueadaj evening for the the) have exhausted their V\e ve done noveln events teams from k veer's Pronl End own means ol funding, said in the past end they've been variety of VB Budget approval night, lor Sen David Ulen(Sr). a huge hit. This is something maiors com raaaaaaV tour and a hall hours, sena- Several budget amend we know from our reecan I peted for the ra ^^ tors and representatives merits were proposed that this is whal IML stu- best design. ™ '1 B from the 10 II B orgam/.i thnmghout the night hv Sen dents wanl" Each team u bone dismissed and debated {leaf) ' cat most of i\huh in reaponee to i PB*a WM given the allocation Ol thousands were passed with little to statements. Rennet propped a bucket of 1 ol dollars no debate I he night's most Ml amendment to the St Legos and Mm I he total amount set heated debate was over an amendment He Magested an hour to aside for PBBwaa $399,066; amendment proposed In n-ducing the SU.IMKI to build a (true- 1 B «■"•'' V v while the total amount re- i o> to cul I I'H's novelrj 9&J3QQ, instead of cutting ture of their •^v Hi/ aH quested from the organiza- events hinds of $14^236 JO. the noveh) event fundi all choice. ■ tion! wae$37&793. Prom the "I'm com meed that we together requested amount I Can belter tund more than 'I still feel that I PB even organizations the W M was cut during this past PI it ■ can still bring great events Baaaaa^3 weekend, leaving $21,517 J3 minimum we can tund with with IW00," BenneM aaid AARON SIliWARI

ADVERTISING POLICE LOG Drunk in public, underage possession Contact U» STAFF of alcohol, underage consumption of B^ ALICIA Sifrnx/senior writer TbeBreeze Ads Manager: alcohol The Breeie is published Monday anc Thursday mornings and distributee 1 .h*t Mjithrw Sto*» Meghan ODonnell Throughout James Madison University MMH Caitr White Aaslttant Ads Manager Drunk in public, underage possession A JML student was charged with drunk in and the local Harnsonburg community Him i l rUchjtu llmi Bryan Pope of alcohol, underage consumption of public, underage possession ot alcohol and Comments and complaints should be Ads Design Lead: ■■' ■ Dominic Dr*mond alcohol, non-compliance with official addressed to Matthew Stoss editor A»l III I Mary Fratwra Curtly Brian Sostak underage consumption oi alcohol at white Assistant Ads Design request Main Telephone: ' '(■"' 'If'" Brian (>oodman Hall March 23 at 11:28 p.m. 1540) 568-B127 I4>l mm Kelly 1 eh.-. Lead: Fax (540)568-6736 .■* ft / ftflftW ■■YnvMrid Lara Egbert JMU students were charged with drunk Larceny ■ /ifiif IWl.n IliMMM Ad Executives: in public, underage possession of alcohol, Editor: Matthew Stoss S/vrf* ft/id-r, Gall* Dana Ftore A JMl student reported the theft ol (540) 568-6749 Brittany Hanger underage consumption of alcohol and non- KmarOmaoflaaaj on CopynM* Alicia Mi i/-1 money from a dorm room in an Wayland Copy-1 Gil Harrison compliance with an official request at the knntu Kildall Hall between March 7 and 26 at unkn.m n Pfc-tVt-Airw fcvan D*non Enn Riley Duke Hall Fine Arts Center March 23 at Nawi Desk: in Jirretot Lauren Pack Elisa Thompson times. (540)568-8041 Ad Designers: 1(1:18 p.m. ■ l.tjhim \fjl On/inc nlif.n Inl I'Hirr Chris Swecker Trespassing Sports Desk: Alan NeckowiU EncTrott Drunk in public, underage consump- (540)568-6709 Roger Soenk»en Nazia Mitha tion of alcohol A non-student was charged with trespass- sportsOfhebreeze. org Lindsey Norment ing at Chesapeake Hall March 25 .« IO09 Arts and Entertainment Desk: (540)568-3151 CLASSIFIEDS A ]MU student was charged with drunk in p.m. ■ How lo place a classified Go to MAILING ADDRESS public and underage consumption of alcohol Opinion Desk: and click on the at Tavlor Hall March 24 at 1:31 a.m. Number of drunk in publics since Aug. 28:65 (540) 568-3846 classified link, or come into the office The Breeze weekdays between 8am and 5 pm G1 Anthony-Seeger Hall ■ Cost $5 for the first 10 words. $3 Photo/Graphics: tor each additional 10 words, boxed MSC6805 540j5eM041 classified.S10 per column inch James Madison MISSION ■ Deadhnes noon Fnday for Monday University graphicsOthebreeze. org issue, noon Tuesday fa Thursday issue The Breeze, the student-run newspaper ol James Madison University, serves student and faculty read- Harrisonburg. Virginia ership by reporting news involving the campus and local community. The Breeze strives to be impartial ■ Classifieds must be paid m advance Advertising Department: in The Breeze office 22807 and lair in its reporting and 'irmly believes in its First Amendment nghts (540)568-6127 MfeL^ T3 W H

AVN award-WUA*U.I<\^ star -1st hundred people gel free hot dog from Jess's Lunch downtown location -Prizes from 98 Rock /

arch 31st 4>Hjqta/f Bditor l)i>niiim Desmond Bdjlot Dmi Assistant Editor M;ir\ I rancesCzalM) MM •>" :hrbt>,.: ■ii- Thursda). March 29.2007 I 3 ■Campus^MMIMHMMHJ II iru

Around Campus

Female student allegedly Dancing the night away abducted near Quad "> KAI M on K A female [ML1 student -Uiffwilier was allegedlv the victim of in abduction .mil Bubaeojuent The |MU Breakdance Club is hosting Circles, one ol the largest hip hop charitv events on the last sexual battery on Saturday at approximately 1:30 v oast, tor the eighth vear m i row this Saturday a.m., according to a Timely "I here s reallv nothing out there like it.' said Notification bulletin (mm the Breakdance Qub President Raphael VUlacrusia it |MU Department ol Police reallv is its own event; it drives itself trom when it and Public Satctv starts to when it ends.' According to the notifica- Circles began in 1999 when the first Breakdance tion, the woman was return- Club president wanted to find a way to raise monev ing to campus on hn>t when for the Multiple Sclerosis So.ieu lhe iirst Qrclcs KpOrtadl) .1 dark tour-door barely had 100 spectators, Vlllacrusis said sedan pulled up. I he sus- Last vear. C ircles 7 had an estimated 1,500 people pect, '>n African-American in attendance, lhe growth of ( Ircles has allowed the male who called himself Tony. Breakdance Club to donate to main causes, includ- ottered hiT a ride, which she ing the Boys and (.iris Club, Mer. v House, Kamp accepted Kaleidoscope and the American Red Cross. It was reported that the It's this emphasis on chant\ that motivates the victim was driven to an off- Breakdance Club tO make Circles better each vear. campus location against her Villa, rusis said. will, when-she was the victim We try and help out Harrisonburg as much as Ol M'MI.II kitten She was then thai help us. Vlllacrusia said **We [ust tn to give driven bade to her residence back what the) give us." hall and released bv the sub- while <. Ircles is intercollegiate, people ol even (ect The Lnddeni is reported BgC travel from all over the countrv to participate, to have been initiated along including some professional crews 1 here will be South Main Street at the weal three crews and approximated IS people repre end Of thcJMl Quad •anted on Saturday, vlllacrusis said "It's sort ol a surprise, but we have BOOM big it was reported by a third Mil II MIVVI \Sfi[tph>U> parti not the alleged victim, names coming out In terms ot participants," he on tueadav afternoon. S.lld Circles Is scheduled for this Saturday. The annual braakdancing event is sponsored by the JMU In separate competitions, breakdancers will com- Breakdance Club, which first started at the university In 1999 and had only 100 spectators. pete in teams ol tour to battle for I $.1,000 grand prize, or leanis of one DO) and one girl in the each vear different people come out and participate ed here at |\IL . ' he said lhe talent that is show- Bonnie ^ni (Hyde' battle tor i $250 prize, Senior Megan Origgs said the (ML communitv has cased is something you wouldn't believe unless you Other events at t. ircles K will include an I nuee i lot ol reaped 'or the breakdance (lub as performers actually watched ii freestyle battle, i live i>| and ■ graffiti showcase "I think it's a good thing when |ML students use Circles 8 will be held in Godwin's Sinclair outside i.odw in Malt. their talents to help others.' she said Gymnasium on Saturday and the doors open at 4 Man robbed near Vlllacrusis said that even in its eighth vear. he's not lunior Stephen Santavana has attended I p.m. It COStS $7 with |AC Card or student ID and $10 Sunchase apartments sure what to expect from Circles before and is looking forward tot ircles a without There will be an additional $5 charge tor 'Ever) vear is ditterenl." he said "It's organic. "Circles is unlike anv other event that I've attend v ideo i ameras. A man in his earl) 201 was allegedly struck over the head and robbed ot person al items near the Sunchase apartments on Sundav night, according to a lunely El Horr Notification e mail laaued Pill, oral contraceptive bv the Harnsonhurg Police Department \» cording to the notifica- tion, the incident is reported tells story to have Involved i knife and blunt object although police prices rise drastically an* unsure nt how the weap- ons were used at this time of Darfur I here is also no information n kiMdnlb brand. teniot writ* as to w hat items were taken rV (changed to the generic brand because thev wen' BV SARAH SI- the onlv pills available at a reasonable coat to our students. Alter the . onfrontation >Uiff wilier the Buepect described as a lhe vearlv price of birth-control pills and oral Simmons said contraceptives rose 37 percent at the student Health Center dean-ahaven Hlapank or lhe new change has caused a sense of unease among fani M Horr began Monday night's as a result Of B new \leduaid rebate law that went intoette. t Pacific Islander in his earl) to many female students* lei tun With tears in her eves mid-twenties, fled the scene this past Januarv "I don't trust generic brands, it's a stigma.' Muhleman "I am of Iraqi-Lebanese background, on foot in an unknow n direc- I vervhodv in .ollcgo health that INS medu ations, espe- said. "Generic anv thing I wouldn't think would work as tion end everywhere [where] I grew up there ciallv birth-control pills, has been affected bv lhe price increase," well, and when dealing With birth control. I think it needs w ere bombs Killing. Horr said I his was lhe HPD is .urrenllv said AnnSimmons I oordinaloroi Health Promotions, "lhe to work as well as possible." m\ reality" types ot pills we get and attordabihtv , lunges everv Investigating the incident and \on governmental organizations, like Planned Her reality mirrors that ol Darfur. because we are al the mercj ol state oontn Man King loruwsuspect. Since Parenthood, are still able to receive lienificant discounts engulfed In i deadly crisis that has lhe bill stemmed fnun a 2005 deficit reduction bill from the drug companies the alleged assault occurn-d continued lor over three vears still near a set o( apartments inhab- which focused on Medkald. Previously, college and and are atWayS another millions are unaware ot the genocide universitv healthcare providers were able to attain large ited predominate!v by |Ml option tor students, occurring in Sudan. students, police urge students discounts from drug companies, but as i result of the law, said 'simmons Amnesty International hosted I I to bo aware ol their surround- drug companies no longer have an incentive to otter those lhe American Horr, who is a member of the American discounts tO universifv health-care prov i.lers ings and knowledgeable on ( ollege Health Islanm I ongress. a I ulhright Scholar and "I think it is expensive, and it could possibly discourage lhe M. unit) surnumding their Organization, an residencies. the foundei ol the Center tor » onfllcl People from attaining oral contraceptives and birth con- organization that Resolution and Peace building trol," senior Ann Dang said. 'But the Health Center docs represents col- II Horr s lecture Was the first event otter a payment plan, so you don't have to pfl) evervthing lege healthcare Ol the weeklong Make Some NoiSC at once Bra Other places still cost more " proi Idera IS cur- World & Nation lor Darfur" National Week ot student since the advent ot higher costs, the Health (enter has rently attempt- A. tion created I payment installment plan and made the decision ing to change According to StivtDnrfur^ort, the NCO to at * ept credit cards. this new law Phelps breaks second alliance ol more than IOO faith-baaed "Wi provide students with information on other options humanitarian and human rights organiza- that might he mon-attordahle for them.'' Simmons said. "We world record Wednesday tions. 400,000 people have died in Darfur have not seen a decline in the number ot students using our since the genocide began in 2003, health service, but as tar as w hether thev pun base the pi i Is MELBOURNE. Australia More than two million civilians have here or wefUBt wntethem a pres, nption. there inav he — 21 war-old swimmer been to flee their homes, and more a few more Opting to fill them at B pharmacy." Michael iVlns set his s»\- than 3.5 million Darlurians are C0ffl I V-spite the omt increase at the student I Icalth ond world record in two pletelv reliant on international aid tor <. enter, it is still more attordable than local days on rfrdnradsi Overall survival. phaniianes. such as C \ S and Harrib*>nburg three new world records wen- "Not onlv are these people living tnannacy Prkes for oral contraceptives and set at the 12th IIV\ V\orkl In poverty, but thev are constantly birth-conlful pills range from 420 a month Championships, according to being attacked bv their government," tor the eensril brand tO$90a month the \rMuhinglon Pott, sophomore Kelae) McNamare said It is "I think that In nureasing the COBtl Phelf^stiHik Smt In the 200- hard tor us to imagine, but it is a reality. it is making it less BCCCBBlbiO." senior meter butter! K with | time ot it is genot ide carne Muhleman said. "The pa\ ment l minute, 904)9 refonds, He lunior Michael Zancheill, vice Installmerrl plan helps I bit. but I still 1 took more than one and a lull president of the Amnestv International think it is a great mi 'i i H seionds oft his tune \mcni an club, is readv to at t i mceabW to otter brand name birth-contml I eila Va/in bmke the WOrld pills and oral ontra»eptiv es. the Health (.enter record in the 50 backstroke ( xr DAUFVR. pagt 4 is Currently Only able to otter students the generic with .i time ot 2&16 aaconda and Prandl swimmer I SUTC Manaudou set the world record m the 200 rreeet) le, according to the Post, British architect ISA culture show set for Saturday receives highest honor

it was announced yea- BY |IM DlMos ■roup showcasing five Creek represent as man) cultures as possible this vear. In terday that Bntish architect lOHtributing ,1'iilei I or one of our dances, we are eoinat to invite people previous vears. tin* show has been dominated bv Asian Ki. hard Rogers won the trom the audience tOJOUl us." Williams said It's going Countries due to the large number of ISA members who IVit/ker Prist, the highest International students will get a . ban. e to share their tO hi a simple three step thing and we think people will are at Vsian ethnicity. Bhalala thinks that this year's award m the tield of archi- heritage at tins Saturdav s ( ulture 5how, Bponsoied bv have a lot ol fun." program accomplishes this goal and will be a mind- tecture. According to the the International Student Association Williams is not Creek but converted to the Greek opening experience for audience members I "i P»f, the award is ' |\H may not be vet) diverse so it B reall) cool to Orthodox religion trom Independent Baptist tWO ve.irs Some ISA members are concerned about the sched long overdue. have this opportumtv lor |Ml student-, to be exposed ago alter attending a (.reck festival in Kuhmond tiling of the show, which is m competition with the I'nt/kerSingledOUt his two tO the different cultures we ^U> have hen*, said |iinior Williams w as espe.iallv attracted tot he ( .reek Orthodox events ot at least two other student organizations most famous works, the ( SntR Keelika Sethi, ISA sc.retarv view ot Christianity, which he said is a more andeni including i ircles, sponsored bv the bree^ulandngdub. 1 ieones I'ompid.tu in Cans and Members ol the ISA will perform read wen lhat involves many more rituals than other forma Despite the .ontlut, the ISA is optimistic and believe- the I loycfi ot I ondon lower, poetry <»u\ sing songs common In at least M> different of Chnstianitv tbat the show will be j sue. ess according to the Post, countries from around the world, including Greece, Senior Sonlya Basal will pertorm a dance bo three "The ISA --how otters v anetv with different perfor- ■ r I first building m Russia, Spam India, t hina and Sri I anka Indian folk songs, each representing a state in India from around the world. Sethi said. Washington OX i^ currentl) lhe annual event is | , li.»rn«- tor students to COCM with a different meaning Bcsai wanted to participate I he International Culture show is on Saturdav at ° bail a built in office building out ami experience a Culture thev might not have been in the show so she could demonstrate w hat Indian cul- p.m. in Wilson Hall Vuditorium lukets are available at mo New ferae) Ave exposed to othervi Ise ture is all about celebrating religion at the door for $1, and .anned food donations will be Sophomore Sam tVUhama will pertorm as part oi a |s\ President Heeral Hhalala said ISA wanted to accepted tor charttiea In Harrisonburgl I Ihursday. March 2'). :(X)7 The Breeze RAPE: Student opinion SGA: Group debates varies on Timely Notice UPB budget for FY 2008

H\i'i '■ frxmi and guests of the communitv S€iA front front h\ raising (prices) movie tickets, concert Ut PflpOftad to cmpili s*vunt\ or local law poBoi lunior Carlv Swift said she also heard about "I talked with a couple of other senators tickets — to compensate [for the budget agencies." the alleged on-.ampus rap- alter reading the P111- and I thought $5,900 would be a nice com- mone) loee|/" Sunde said. I hi' -n1 diH-s dtc' aMEptiQM to this rulr RtOffd last week However, she said she promise Sen. [ulianne Maguire (Sr.) fought in de- In ihi-*- tin- intonn.itum in .1 timrlv wanting thinks acquaintance rape dOM not pOM as large of However. L'I'B and Sen Elizabeth An- fense ot I PB is iaVgil. would risk thf vkttm'i oonfidmHalHv «>r a threat. derson (Sr.), amongst others, did not feel "UPB does so much on campus; they're eoparause a continuing potioe investigation and the \ sir.mger is a lot different than an acquain- this amount WM sufficient ■o Important*' Maguire said To devas- urfet) oi moae involved, the nlevanl information is tance," Swift said. "It's not like look out for a rap- We re not even giving half of their origi- tate that organization in such a way would nut n\|uirvd to be disclosed until those risks have ist, became Ifa not like the rapist is still out there." nal amendment." Anderson said. "I think we reel irresponsible to do. I do think that we lubridad. Fgle said sexual offenses on or around |MU's need to realize that the costs ot things are a should make sure that clubs .ire responsible Egle Mid M) vknw !•• that the legal pioom campus have been fairly rare. Statistics fmm the lot I dotl't think LPB would arbitrarily put in their spending, but it's unfair to ask UPB needs lo play out. We can re-evaluate |tlie situation | IML annual campus crime report for 2005-06 show- $14,000 in their budget." to tighten their belt so much more than any alter that takes place " that in 2(X»5, there were tour forcible sexual offenses The senate voted against the $5,500- other organization " Students have expressed differing opinions on in on who the amendment H on the majority. This final- Freshman Matt FtMKC who said he heard tairlv low, graduate student and Hillside Hall's Hall ptopoatd to give LPB $9,000 for its novelty ized the $14,235.50 given to L PB aboul the alleged rape before Winter Break, Mad he Director John Birch said one of the most important events and $5,000 to their musical •vents "I know there was a lot of contusion thinks |ML Police should ha\e notified thecampus things m keeping an onRB goal rev ieu Health Center and nist south of the Rockingham son, there is a strong commitment to public safety I he $9,000-$5,000-amendment failed day conducted in the fall of every even-num- Memorial Hospital parking deck of its studt'iits faculty, staff and even the surround- when the majority voted against it. The sen- bered year, with their proposed budget. I he warning said, "Until this investigation has ing communitv," he said. "When vou have an orga- ate moved back to debate about the original "I think all the organizations that had bean concluded it \.an be assumed that condftioni thaff ver\ clear and open about its com- $0-amendment. budgets amended were impacted," Cox said continue to exist that may poae a threat to members mitment, that's a really stnmg statement." i. OOfdinatof tor UPB, Sarah Sunde. ad- "I have a lot o| respect tor the treasurers lor vocated that whatever decision the Senate these organizations, they've got s long road came to, UPB would continue to host the ahead of them, and 1 think thev do their best novelty events. tor us with a budget that thev think is .is DARFUR: Speaker asks "It would adversely impact the students tight as possible*" students to take action From Rachana, Dominic and

OAMFl ft 10*4*3 and was shocked to find that people did not know "Ifu- people in Dartur an- brothers and shKBfl what was going tin in Dartur Mary to all our news writers: mothers and fathers, fhej maj be oi another "It is an Arab government that is committing otifl color, but thev an' people," he said. "That a It me violence tow ant its own pis-pie and nOOJM wants |Q is reason to can and to take action." bait about that" El Horrsaid. I i Morr also rais,\l ,i lessor-known side to the Much ot the emphasis of the lecture was on what DSTfUrCfSBS China's role in the conflict students out do to take action. "Baskally, China has been getting ml trom Sudan hi Horr urged students to be active on campus. Thanks for a great year. in exchange for money and arms," she said "China is "Then-is a saving in Arabic, that savs. 'to be silent not willing to let gtiot the Sudanese tnl is to accept the status quo,"' Horr said It vou an' I ! I Ion explained that China's money and weap- Try not to miss us too aping to learn other people are gtmig through ons have funded the Sudanese backed militia, the ami nist be silent, you an- accepting the (ad that it is laniaweed, who cam out the mass killings ot .iul OK for these people to suffer" much. ism. Other events this weak include a t-shtrt sale and Another pressing issue. II dorr said, is the silence \ iew ing "Dartur Dianes" in f !HS, room 1302 tonight ot the Arab world. In (anuarv she visited U-banon at H p.m. As for the rest of you, Come Enjoy the March Madness Games keep reading The Breeze. at LTtalia Pizza & Pasta

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■ i"0 "oyoE*> 'funtiin W»if« Sornrmi'n The Breeze Thursday, March 29. 200715 NIGHT: Boredom the culprit of Performances high school dropouts

dedicated I) LIIIIF. FLENORL study thnv out ot tour students surveyed said Daily Mississippian BIB) wislied to e.ini .1 high RCTIOO) dhJSDDII and further their education by attending college to victims OXFORD. Mln. — I he rate of high Hffanv Dunn, a junior education mafoi school dropouts In the I fitted Stales || SIGHT, from front at the University ol Mississippi, believes increasing. According to Reuters, one out the consequences ot dropping out oi high open speak out. where survivors of ot five students in high school have con- school are signitnant sexual MMIlM md friends and l.imilv of sidered dropping out due to boredom on a "I think that dropping out ll the high- Burvlvon shared their Modes. GAJLE. dally basli school level has ,i negative impact on stu- OOUKMlon wen? present in case anyone Eighty-one thousand students were dents because most \obt that are In demand needed h) talk privately. administered I survev in 26 ditterent states require a college degree," Dunn taid Performances during the event includ- Two-thirds of the high school students mu- students don'l receive .it least .i high ed Dayne Mauney, who sang 'This Uttk veyed complained of boredom and thought School diploma lower their opportunities to I ight of Mine/' and dedicated it to all the the subjects discussed in class wen- irrelevant be successful In the job world. women in her life who have suffered fmm 1 fie study also found that students were Judith I hompson, who serves as | mem- sexual assault and to all the other survi- bored because they thought their HaiJ»ll ber of the Lalayette Count) School Board, vors at the gathering. I .adaisli.i Hughes did not also care about the subject matter also had an opinion in the issue performed a piece of slam poetry entitled The study revealed half of the students lea. lung the content is |usl as impor- "If I was a Bird." which told the storv of who wen1 administered the purvey said the) tant as motivating students leathers nlso a child being molested, and Whitne\ Rue had skipped schtx>l at least one time without have to realize to motivate the students performed a drama tit reading ot the poem a valid excuse. Out of the 81,000 students, 2.' to learn the content." Thompson said "Blue Blanket" by Andrea (,iKon percent claimed that they have thought about "Teachers have to be enthusutstii sboul In her reading. Rice rented Gibson's dropping out of school. I he participants in what they're teaching and have ,i passion lines, "She's not asking what vou're gon- the survey said that they spend onlv an hour tor It I he teacher sets the tone tor the kids na tell vour daughter, she's asking what or less weekly studving and reading. It there is Something \ou are excited about you're gonna teach vour son " Although these statistics were found in the doing, then people will p.irtu ipite '

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Franklin Street W.Grattan Street/ Lewis Street: Westport Village: (downtown): Walnut Lane/ -1 bedroom w/ large -1 bedroom - Large 1 bedroom Kyle Street: kitchen -Washer/dryer and water - hardwood floors -1 st or 2nd floor apart- -Walk to campus included -$600 per month ments S450/month -$525/month water included -on-site laundry -Units w/ washer/dryer, -$500-$525/month $550/month Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! 1,2 & 3 bedroom units still available. Secure your 2007-08 Housing before it's too late. (£> Editor Brian S 3946 I louse Kditorial Breeze Horoscopes

in BKUN GOOMUP moulhpieee of'&.•

LIBRA: Following the succe»e of TNMT," you will find v OUfSCfel inspired to remake other classics fmm our childhood, chroni- cling in CQ the transformation ot Pan Gully into a pirate-themed resort and Pinocchio s ♦ sex-change operation. SCORPIO: 1 he red planet is pulling strongly in the northern sky, which is a sign of impend- ing irony. Following an unsuspected bout of ■OOd vwather, »"' wU he hit by Jtt another freak ice storm on Apnl FooTl I>av, lust be- cause Mother Nature loves screwing with us. ♦ SAGITTARIUS: History always repeats itself (and the fates don't like to mess with truisms), and Iran has again taken West- erners hostage Because Americans have no knowledge of history, you will find vourself surprised

CAPRICORN: The M(;ns H arn you to exer- cise caution while walking across the com- mons today, for tin- celestial bodies an* under the impression that Akon will be there and will "smack that." though the celesnal bodies .OTPfc .ire unsure what "that" actuallv is.

AQUARIUS: You will unwittingly wander into the Highlands Room this afternoon. when JfOU will find one of the "Donald Trump Institute" i lasses; this one w ill N- on hair styling. It would behoove you to leave.

PISCES: The stars are indicating that next week's New Wrk International Auto Show will premiere the Chevrolet Natty, the first bf powered car, which will be quJcMy rushed to Highlawn the Thursday In-fore graduation (or ♦ Excusing inhumane actions ARIES: "Mad pnips" lo vou, Anes, for mak- ing it this far Vou know, fsith all that death talk (knock on celestial wood). Apparently The judiciary system can't ignore the disregard for human rights by we (ales don't "see nil and know all" attei all government officials, no matter how "special" they think they are TAURUS: Orion in the East indicates that, w hilr sitting on the Quad enjoying the Nine men five Iraqis ,ind tour classifications o( foreign priaoneri Appar- dally when the rights of human beings .ire weather, vou will be attocked by I Afghans were endlessly tortured bv ent)) he took the last too lar. em roached upon it Rumsteld can't be held who will glamoroush sp,-l| vou to death. * shocked, burned, Sexually I he case was brought to court by two responsible, who should be responsible for llUllliliated, Suspended b) Chains, deprived human rightsgroups, Human Rights First this wanton abuse of power? GEMINI: Gaddi H. Vasquez, a UN amhass-wl^ ind ettacked b) does I he aoun d ,md ihe American Civil I ibertiea I nion. It's Courts .ire not \aluable for calling that no one knows, will be debvenng the amv l rilj onaki Rumsfeld. I S. District fudge rhomaa Hogan brought against them. Furthermore, this as detested as LTD for its inability to bring tu cam- One has to wonder what horrend blatantly threw out the lawsuit brought ruling, is not Only ignoring freedoms ♦ pus anyone that anyone could powobtv en^n at ts these men committed to deeen e sw h against Rumsleld \., ordlng to the bestowed upon men bv our Constitution, treattnenl I he answer is: nothing I here Washington Post, Hogan said Rumsfeld but flagrant!) parades over rights that CANCER: The unique position of the moon in nine men were guiltless of committing am cannot be held personally responsible should be granted to all human beings relation to Saturn means that the laws of ph\ s crimes against the I nited Mates People r< i ai t ons taken in connection with his — regardless of race, ethnic It] or se. us mil be suspended on Saturday in prepara- are still raising their evebroe. s wondering government job " We find it difficult to ( iti/ens H ho don't eii|ov the plush perks bon for Cia les, where the JMU Breakdance just win these foreigners were arrested and believe thai the defense set retar) 'a lob ot American citizenship aren't usually team will likelv kick butt and take names. detained in the first place \o one quite description included disregarding the afforded I s constitutional rights. Bui but the tact still remains these rights of the guiltless while ignoring the most constitutional rights are tanta- LEO: Chances are good that following the am v prisoners are Innocent illegslit) ot interrogation tactics Hogan mount to universal human freedoms, and i >t his aide for earning what might have hern Rumsteld was acquitted from d I also ruled that allowing Rumsfeld lo be should be afforded to all In* nun. Sen. (im Webb of Virginia will take a brought against him with a mere apology, prosecuted would open the doors for The acquittal of this heinous , .ise is a ■ auce on Second Amendment nghts, and didn't receive as mu*h as a slap on other lawsuits against government Of- period reflection Of how blemished the face while former Sen. George Allan wffl (pap "at the wrist tor these questionable ait ions ficial! And there is ,i great guest list of of the i s fudidan system has become. least the guv ain't black." I his la astounding considering Rumsteld's officials that could be united through the 1 he reality is that the American judicial exhaustive hiator) of power ■ doors (i( the supreme I ourt. system ii nyone or anything, no VIRGO: The tales Wish UlS graduating r has been pointed al him tor Ins I his atrodt) should not be ew used or matter how tightk it holds to the reins ot its titorsand staff, mouthpi. missile-happv tendencies turning ihe other dismissed Federal officials, no matter how high hone. Ihe system certainly should not the cosmos Included* the best of luck The cheek on bin laden, Muffing the American prominent or scemingk respectable, should the guarantee natural and unalien- (ates know we H ill | l ♦ public on Iraq happenings, and mistaken he held responsible tor their .1 able rii i Through the Looking Glass Submit thirt> t* P*t* online at or r-mail SUBMISSIONS fo 'ah ,uc submitted anonymously and an minted on a ■ person i en -irnation oenon or event, ind do not meet' Are we really safe? tnr&y reflect the truth. Rape incident reminds us how dangerous the "real world* can really be when we are unprepared

it SARAH DII I\ it's m> wonder that this carefree sentiment travels Into dorms where doom are left open. Studl most unfortunate!) ven bad \ot all the information has yet to be released things happi'n to good people about the rape that was brought to the attention of female student who has lived both on |\u I'ohce on No\ : t do know is and ott campus, this issue is one that concerns this, it fu . dorm on campus, f rt< Paul me .1 gr«.it deal espedal!) since the' *\-K, an Gustafs* I by the Rod inghain < ounty undoubted!) huge resource to this community Grand Jury last [huredaj as the alleged rapist, and got word of this incident before our cm 1 he is still enrolled as a Ireshm.m right hen? ■•! I Ml paper I personal!) did not receive an) "Time!) Because ol the pnvacy rights rape victims haw. the tion' from the university that ind young woman's name is unknown, as well as her such a heinous act ot curred on our campus I he affiliation to the university victim did, and ven admirabl) so, come forward However, logical assumptions can be made onNov told JMI Police about mo rape about this particular Case; that she was rapid in Lnder the C a in pus ( rime StattsttCS A.t of \n 1 . aan I i the '80s' dart either her dorm or dustatson's, which is justified otormation (not Bpei ifit all) about the A \ou-are-braver-than-kou-knou.-never- totheCKl semi-formal for annually blasting t they were acquaintances ot* one woman, but rather the rape itsetfX should stoptiglitmg pal to all the survivors who will I n in' on a Pra\er as it it is .1 great daihe anothi - tri the / taf/y \ have been released to the communit) With no speak out or partii Ipate otherv. ise this weak song I Sbon, students, facult) and st.ift are all for rakeBack the Night rapea an "acquaii I left in the dark, and cannot even assume the 110'n a sitting'thiS'Song'Out'in'pi recent alum who regrets not Mngable junior who would mu. h rathn mottl worst, because there •>att in %utk an amazing event, hit is >tdl Kelly than Bon foff. ":/ it I he Incident oc- is nothing to assume »urri'd last semester You arc not at home anymore, when IMI uitjihoids without the commu- tacts Although this nor do you have Ihe safety \ t -andhi-would-be-proud' pat to the A ' not-all-Anes .iremortal" dart to the ■■ ■ rape took pl.u e over this \ lolent I *i . 1 months ago, to the gay senior Cyottsl who iiH»k the h'gh road and person who always persecutes Aries In the //0///C provides. patted the jerks M ho dissed him act that took place public it may as well horoscopes / ro'ti 0 \unkn hare a on our ow n campus have happened March ■ Mked being con- pith I hike- like you W hen thoughts o[ hrutahl\ and illegal acttvlt) depending on 11 you read the DN-Rot demned for the entirety of leaf ifwesfn come to mind, they -ire usualb associated w ith Ihe Hreez? first off •campus 1 It would be nice it we lived In a world were \ suik-it-up and-take-the-lan-lines' dari I >n-< ampus dorms are a place w hen' students nothing terrible happened; we could leave doors An 'ldia\e never-had-a-protessop-^uite- to the girl tanning topless .»n Hillside field on live sleep and keep personal posw Open knowing nothing bad would happen to us like \ou' pat io rm WSt I professor who lias re supcrviaion of RAs. hall or our possessions, uuj we could sleep safely on Wednesday taught me more life lessons than yotl will ever MI and a small piece of piasth that swipes or oit campus without being attacked Iras is not ennoyed teniot girl who d like lo know us to our world its not even dose to it ■ n some studet. ' rani a) afula um and However, RAs and hall dire, tors cannot be who will ell on tfosu deployment tobtmasan I he fad of the matter it is that no matter s everywhere al the same time And that p 1 how man) posters or pieces Of furniture vou graduates Intelligence > " plastu that protects our idenUt) and personal bring info \ our dorm or room offcampui securit) is 1 ust 1 card that can be stolen or naive!) are not al home am more nor do you have the 1. to rip ott us ptnir collegi used to let In anyone who Innocently says 1 foi ims pro\ ides Mind vour surroundings. An 'if this-pal gets punted. wa\ to-sco- dart to I I'll for. hargmg SJJ a tu I I I V ( ard " know the people .irmind um, and trust thai in me pal lo nnselt lor reaching mv Kith Dart & Folds perform while he performs 1 free concert I he sad truth is thai lea* Ing the door to .our tion that should be made available to you Pats submission ot the Spring semester .111 \.i this weekend. olt-campus house is )USl as unsafe as le.u II H ill not alwa) s be there Frame funiot who thanks 1 he Breeze I P dorm door unk ally at* school like Prom as irritated teniot who Hanks ill'h choosin .,• ,,„j, l\ll. where people wander from unlinked door try tone more sensitive to students datBowp Her semester goal to unlocked door on 1 rida) and Saturda) nights. The Breeze, Thursday. March 29. 200717

Breeze Farewells The end of the road: Saying goodbye is hard to do Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty, we're free at last ■

As we approach the end ol tin- sear, we at The AM the news that's lit to Breeze hard times and stood beside me in the good, I thank mediums. Who knows, I amid even use the phrase BKCtt WOUld like to take .i moment and congratu- you with all oi my heart. You kn. .s\ is In. s, «j an "Web 2.0" somehow, But that probabrj wouldn't late our graduating seniors Iks BmU will be llellosh Mishkoff. As tor everyone else. I sleep well at night keep sour attention (aonry SMAI MatorsX loting \2 ol our talented and dedicated editors The time has come for us, Rachana Dixit and knowing my fellow students .ire dreaming ol Instead, I'm going to use tins opportunity to and suit In the real world, and their presence in IXiminic Desmond, to turn over the n'ins oi our CRMSWOrd puzzles and next issue's siidoku. so make amends with a certain fen local entitles With- the newsroom will be sorelv missed. news'editorship to a gang of highly qualified and for I thank vou (thanks also for the darts out further ado. I present nn departing apologies: extremely lethal young |ournahsts. We could onlv when I screw things up!). First ott. SareRides XCS, I'll admit it. I was one hold out for so long in our Anthony-Seeger bun- For those am graduating, we have been of the mans critic*Oi this enigmatic organization All of you (or y'all, if you will) have gotten ker. The ssalls svere most BSSURdly closing in. through a lot together and i wish sou the beat during m\ tirst ihme soars here It was I great 1 your wish — I'm outta here If you worked hen , you would understand. in all you do. organization it knew how to promote ilsell, I his is no time tor tears, though. In the end, as For those who get to stick around lor several organize fund raisers and > reate an elaborate William Shakespeare once wrote that "part- long,is we get you all, the JMU campus commu- more years (lucks bastards), ] urge sou to make three-tiered executive structure all essential ing is such s» eet sorrow." a quite insightful nity, to read our stuff, then we have dime our (ob. the most of your time (I mean, how many more components ol a lUOCCSStuI organization HOW statement, since I don't think the old bastard We have greatly appreciated all the student and sears do you have before drunkenly riding down ever, SareRides had one minor flaw. It didn't gise ever had to graduate and leave IMl faculty letters, story ideas, phone calls and e-mails, the Village Mill in a shopping cart is no longer ap- safe rides. And hen-1 am, almost four years later, It I could sum up the last four years of my which have either commended us for our reporting propriate?), and be sun-to carry on the traditions eating my words .is SareRides has blossomed this Ufa .il IML in ,i word — which, thankfully, is efforts Or CaOed us lazy, insensitive journalists u ho ol this tine institution of higher learning. sear into what its founders had onginallv envi- not a requisite lor graduation — I would have don't know how to find real news. Fven if we don't Hold doors open for strangers, sing the I ight sioned I applaud your perseverance SafeRides to go with "unclassifiable." I have tried my belies e the latter ot those comments, they, along Song to tour groups and "Welcome to the lungle and I am sorry I doubted you. best to flout as mam labels as people can make with The Breeze, haw definitely taught us something at football games, crash house parties and meet Next tui the list, the late Biltmore Grill. I'm still up for me. before we leave OUT JMU comfort /one in roughlv new best friends while you do, and by all means not eomplctels sun- is In this amazing establish- lor example, I have spent a maionty of mv tis e sveeks and get sucked into the vortex ot pain streak the Quad at I lomecoming And of course, ment up and left Harnsonburg, but I hope it's not time here invoked simultaneously- in Campus and li/ard tongue sorrovi that is the "real world." don't forget to read Iht- Brest totally my fault If mv parents II EX money did not ( rus.iuY tor I hnst and Harmony (mm Madison In short, that means we will miss you and our bus enough Thumbs-arid -Iocs. I apologize. 1 never Equality), which is In mam ways equivalent 25-hour wofkweeJoi with all oi ourBreezeta Alicia Stetzer should has e only ordered the pound that one turn to being I Zionist Palestinian refugee. I have Ibournewfaieai Yoyo yet ya*U rock Pew could Copy Editor Last but not least, the Office oi the Registrar. I also attempted to keep mv work at TIM Bl hawcaugN onto thfeiab as quickly as sou did. don't know how man) times I have logged onto equalls ambiguous — I have written against BleSS sour hearts And to M.irs. our third nesvsu- e-campus to sieis ms enrollment appointment the morning-after pill and the marriage amend- tumed-editor-in-chief, sve could not have had Final salute to the late and great time on!) to curse my in-state roommates for ment, endorsed President Hush in 2004 and have Iram News be ream Awesome without you there. transferring meaningless credits trom high school called for his head on ■ stick ovei Iraq rewritten So, then- is hope. You students, faculty and As Online Fditor. my name does not appear on I still don't think it's a tairsvstem. Nevertheless. I < linstmas poems and horoscopes, lauded t hnst st.itt n ill still r.-. vise ■ great produc* on Monday too many bylines. Aside from my guest has.- still been (almost) -free lor tsso sears and lambasted Christians. I stand bv all ot it. and Thursdas mornings withoutUS. I'hev'remay editor football pk ks b.u k In September, this is ms not* and must send my apologies to the master At the end of the dav, I hope 1 never fit into i'\ an be less u noa only published pie, rot mind. So you better like it minds ot dusters one through five tor ms prior a clearly defined label at a college where labels As Winston Oumhill said, it is, perhaps, With my suggested limit of 250 ssords, I could complaints \U\ I ' No thanks \1W lor life BK almost the law I hough I must agree with the the end ot ihi- beginning." make some pseudo intelligent remarks about the president that history will dedde what did or I areuell ,tm.\ (,odspeed. ds namk nature of online puhliealu ma md make Erik Pftxer did not happen, I'd like to think that my time at some vague predictions about the direction ot Midi Online Fditor |MU was spent loving God and my tellois man. Rachana I >ixil and Dominic I Vsniond And as excited as I am to graduate, I will miss it News Editors Plankeytj one of.tha best bands you've never heard of, closed their song "i,oodbve" with the line: "I never took the time to stop and realize Eloquent advice and best of luck that death takes mam forms, even while alive As .is [Ml is concerned, Ma) 5 is the dav Instead ol quoting i famous philosopher or I will die. it onK because those cursed tuition great world leader, I choose to leave sou with checks will finalh stop coming words from the not-so-famous(and not-so-great?) Not tOwax philosophual or anvthing, but hand rheAtaris: ''Being grown up isn't half at as with |esus and nature, every little death is a tun as growing up/ I hese .ire the best days ot our beginning as wsil Graduation will be the first lives " das of the rest of m) lire, a life upon which JMU And so toes another lour se.irsol mv lite has had an Immeasurable impact I hope and believe me ss hen I sav it goes bs pr.i\ 111 these lour sears I is .is aMe logise I ookmg back at my time bom at I hi- Bn back even i traction that all of you have given to and St IMl brings smiles as svell as tears. The me. Thank vou. an Ins e room (endearing!) ok knamed ' I he Morgue" ) holds issues from the past tOUf Brian Goodman sears that document the greatest sears ot mv life Opinion BdHoi lo all those that hawstOOd hvhind me in the

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1191 Devon Lane Harrisonburg, VA 22801 540-432-1001 S rhursday. March 29.2(K)7 The Breeze

Letters to the Editoi Editorial Policies Responses to all article* and opinions published in The Breeze are wel- U.Va. matched to IM I per under the nomenclature oi a tilth A round for the SGA fees and hopes to see continued comed and encouraged. letters should be no longer than 250 words, passioned U.Va. student and sixth-vear title" is both insult- On behalf of the University support from the SGA in the future. must indudeaname, academic year, maforand phone numberfor verifi- Craig hnkkMwn's article dbuul ing and totally inaccurate. Program Board, I would like to We welcome anyone who felt cation and can be e-mailed to opniiirra,fhff»ii»w^ or mailed to MSCf«B I Sfcm&niMMntoJMl K-thwith Ir.inkk I \a issupenorto thank the Student Government As- the bill was unfair to speak with us Gl, Anthony-Seeger Hall, Hamsonburg, VA 22807. TV Breeze reserves his pw»r writing and 1«H1UJI emuv JMU in many facets (academic sociation for their continued sup- directly Our door is always open the nght to edit all submissions for length and grammatical style. Regarding his insistenci' rr,it lite status, most sports. ,md world- port of UPB. This support became and we would love to hear your is tneonlv sudal ttcvne at school he faoiOUl anlutecture, (or starters). extremely evident on Tuesday feedback and opinion on how u e The house editorial reflects the opinion of the editorial hoard as a skmld know that onlv iwte thinj ot I )on pointing this out make me evening. UPB would like to thank should spend student fees. whole, and is not necessarily the opinion of ant/ indiviudal staff L'.Va. is Creek. As fur us referring a snob' No, it makes me a realist. the SGA tor believing in us to bring In particular. UPB would like to member of The Breeze. toourschoolas"lnel njveatt) |\1l has better dining halls, a bet- creative, educational and entertain- thank USOM' senators who stood up is l-'inJJeston unfamiliar with the ter marching band and dance team, ing programs for the entire JMU for us. Your support is necessary for Id i tonal Board: dozens of other schools who do among other things. Both schools community by passing our budget UPB's survival and we truly thank Matthew Stoss, editor in chief this? Ohio State and the L'ruvtiNiv h.ivi- I lot to be proud of as well as and declining the bill to cut nearly you. ( .nte White, managing editor of Miami an* rust tWl > BdnUMi a lot of nx«Ti tor improvement $15,01X1 from our student fee al- Randi Sponenberg Brian Goodman, opinion editor Similarly, the I uould like to duw with an of- ii nation. UPB President second-year system which he de- fer to Finkk'stein. \ext time vou'n? UPB is extremely grateful to re- senior TSCmusic industry The opinions in this section do not necessarily reflect the opinion of nounces is quite common around at U.Va., look me up and I'll take ceive such a large portion of student RMfOf the newspaper, this staff or fames Madison University. the country e^penallv in north- uiin >ut Cor a dnnk and wc can eastern schools. Also. L A a. tradi- discuss tins in person. I think I can tionallv doesn t .illow Uldmndl change your mind about U.Va. lust toM) past j luurtli \i-ar. to tit don't get lost on the wav here. comment that "waiting I >addy's Joe Cassara trust fund sounds better when its lourth-vear U.Va. student fer fitlt \.li. h. II. I'..linn on ► I Keep seeing "zero trans fat" labels on JMU Pets Go To C\Uk[ ► food products. XAjha* is trans Fat and To <-U*N| tiouj is it different from regular fat? Welcome Back Students! » i here ore a fev* different ^ pea * >i fai out t hens and know Lug (540) 433-VETS \\ In. h one La w hl< li . tan he i onfualtig ai ciinca, li may help to know- .ill ■ (8387) hii ■* *. an be organ! ed Into two cateaorlei saturated Fata and unaaturated Fata Saturated fata arc malnl) found In anlmaJ producta, MM h ->^ mcata, butter, and w hole milk, and are ^«-»lttl at room iemperai urc. Unaaturated rata are Found In olla and an liquid ai room tempci iture

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1-800-KAP-TEST | ""»•••««»•.». Campus Crusade tor Christ • Thursdays 8:00pm • HNS 230] • Editor: Kelly Pbhcf Editor: Jill YtwcoU breezearni" itmiih-mn 1540)5611-3151 Thursday March 29.200719 A&EM i What's going on around here? <, 6 IMMUNITY THt>^U

* 'See What I Wan- Mo IdleWild's na See' editor TareweCCs «t CD anything What is the meaning of truth? Yaworski says 'so long' The new Theatre II production Mil M.loi but ordinary tackles this question. See — so any staff member would Like the shirts off their Whot I Wanna See will be Jill (left) hacks it an article desperately needed a photo illustration. running from April 3 through and Kelly Furthering my journalism know ledge in ways that 1 will Band combines crude have he torever grateful, Tlie Breeze has given me immense hands* 7. The show begins at B p.m. worked on tonjMfienGB With editing, writing, coaching reporters and and catchy sounds and costs S5. together designing layout. Seeing my thoughts and ideas published for the in print and held in the hands t»t inv peers and superiors past two has given me the encouragement to pursue my passion for SV I IM i~ ll CASALE years. H ntuig and editing in the future. staff writer f I he pipSr has .llso given me the opportunity to work & with an amazing devoted and talented editorial stall if you arv unfamiliar with the band Idle Wild, Drue story: I hanks tOtt ST) Single one ot you tor teaching me that work don't confuse it with the mediocre him teatunn^ Burg r* ll was ,IIIK m\ second da\ .is .in nil tor .it The Breeze doesn't have U' teel like work And a special thanks to m\ Andre 3000 horn Outkast Ida-Wild prove its dis- when l asked to takeoff mj shirt. co-editor Kelly, the paper's other misfit and my partner in tance hum merely average with ib> sixth . So than I was in my bra, standing In the dimly lit office crime. I will miss, netting Th» Breeze's bast section with you Md* Another World. nt tatnom -Seegei Hall thinking, "I his wasn't In the)obde- twice a week, but I have faith that it will he sexier than ever IdleWild hails trom If^ Review • Ball In The House scription with VOU at the reins. Edinburgh, Scotland, with Hut two yean lam hen I am bidding lan-well to a area, job rbu st,i\ classy, [ML I'm Jill Yaworakl, members (vocals). Rod (ones (gui- IdleWild The Boston-based pop and tar), Allan Steward (gui- + *i R&B band is putting on a free tar), Gareth Russell.lhassi Single to be Caite White's last editor obsession released April 3 show ot Bridgewoter College Managing editor and (drums). Make Another tonight. The show starts When Matt and I first interviewed Mary kindred Spirits at DK Breeze). World has a very different i zarsty. The Brtne'i ram editor in dtte£ we I have been here every Wednesday anJ at 7:30 p.m. in the Carter vibe from the album preceding it. Warnings/ asked her H hat she wanted to be when she even Sundan for the past three yean (ai Center. grew up "A mermaid was her answer has Matt, who is not writing a tarewell PhMrJM VVhik* the previous album was driven by immediately, we wen obsessed. column because he's too cool), with the tracks with Wf*> edge and ncher, I've become mon obsessed with her exception of the Sunday I went to Paris, 0 Oasis Gallery over the past year Man loves gerber dai- I went tn Parts, I m not sure it vtui knew warmer dries, Mfkt Anotiter VVonW is tiuidk and sies, being a feminist, | | Charm, the color that (sorry inside joke) And I [fl not BUR) puncfiv, with one trade lumping nght into the next, giving an auditory workout to the listener. Featuring digital photography ttok, coffee, 'Fieaka and Geeks,' moatot why I'm telling you this except to COnvej I Ins is not ID M) that the album lacks a by Frank Donerty. The gallery er tanulv, all of her IrieruK musu. I he how hard I'm going to . n next rVednes- I ittle Grill. And, betore this reads like her d,i\ when Im altine wishing I had pages sotter side. Tracks like "You and I are both is at 103 S. Main St., and the personal ^\. let me explain why this is rel- to edit or Brian llansen to tire (SOfTY, in away" and "I.ookin' for love" provide a exhibit will be open from evant to you side |okei. and to let vou know that it nice balance to the generally raw sound of the album as a whole, while still maintain- The things I just listed tor Mary read you're going through the same thing, I'm March 22 to 25. ing an overall theme with dnving guitars a list ol things I am otisessed with, which right there with ya, man. and tight vocal harmonies makes her my kindred spirit No doubt I'll wrap it up now, because even Woomble is amsistently solid on lead, • Production of you've found your own over the past tour my mom has probably stopped reading years, which is why what im writing now Meres the short version ot what I |USt without extending his boundanes toward a Ti Jean And Hit is semi-relevant land I SB) semi btftfllft, saul; Man i tarsi] rocks. Dae Breeze fam- full-force vocal performance. It is clear when listening to this album that instrumentaLs are Brothers let's Eacc It, this hs really |iist B farewell col- ily rocks, I love vou all Calte (left) will miss Mary umn filled with mstde hikes deduated to my K,bye. very much. to be appreciated just as much, if not mon' than, vocals Continuity is maintained by the presence of vocal harmonies in most tracks, Play is being presented by but also lends to a meliKhc pop leel However, EMU Theatre Department. several tracks verge on monotony as the inter- Tickets may be purchased at Globe costume designer visits JMU vals an? similar and the placements expected. the box office. The show will marks an important shift for IdleWild as a band. I his album is its run from Morch 29 through leiinv liramam, airrenllv employed at istu and histonvallv aceurate as tlw mtxteni first recorded on its new . Sanc- April I. Classes learn the Black (nar's Iheatn in Statin Urn, served (.lube theatn1 itself l.»r liramani, this meant tuary. Make Another World also showcases as ilu' ODBtums designer and BSl designer tor designing and assembling garments exactly IdleWild's newest member, Russell. art of designing Ihe (lobe theater wlien it opened In Ing ,iv nn would have been in the hh/abethan Instead .4 reeling (run thei+iangi-v Idk'Wild • EJWU library Exhibit land, both tobs tall under the same hcidiii)-, IT,I. which included using only fabna avail- has dusted itsell off and started over, creating historic costumes "I tlunk it is tiar ecoixmiK reasona lira* able during that age. creating them without something fresh and onginal proving a desire mam S,IKI she, nowevtc rpsdafazra ai ODS the current technological metlxxlsttt stuetv for forward motion instead ot the complacency The library will feature ort by m MaOAN VVn UAMS luine dratsn and is currently rervlnrj -is tl*' (indudmg sewing machines) and abiding most b*u kisach.u've alter being together for a kmg Susan Zurbrigg through April contributing writtr n-sident t>f H1.tck friar's theatre In StauntOn bv the pentKl'sstnct codeot .lass attin*. time. Trie album prove?, the band shows no Along with working 00 show-, md BrOSD* liramam bn xight examples .it the labncs signs ot settling into a particular sound that onuld 1. The exhibit is open during llteongiriaH .k^x- llieatrein I .iine to I lie (,lobe, she ' I hat's whv it s Important to understand music should be pleased with this release, on the original site snd continued the rat doddsd to dhsnae hsr dsstgn oonorpl Hat the culture of .i time period to understand and for those who are not, Make Another rteattonol Sriakespesreagain In \*c was to make tin-.ostumes |UM as real- costuming I he) re one m the same " WoHd is an excellent place to start 10 Ihursd;i\. 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Rramis if e sil avaflnlfe5 m kray in today! Contact us for more Information virtual tours online at: ^y 540-442-4800 The Breeze I www.thebree:c.orK Thursday. March 29. 2007111 'Reign Over Me' misses the mark but shameless tearjerker Looking for the Sandier and Cheadle tell tale of love, loss and friendship in entertaining but mundane film

BY JACOB WORRKI Once again, handler shines as a disturbed vet lovable character with a lot more depth than best in Bobbv Boucher or Little \ukv He brings out MEDFORD MMI. Mike Bftnder'i later* re the charming and humorous qualities of Char- leeee "Reign Over Me* explores the tftenMth oi lie - e.,eutrii!ties, while also performing mov- SefM 11 in .1 country '•till deeply ehaken hv ih** ter- ing scenes that would gel a stone statue to burst rariel attacks Unfortunately, tin- film la ■> victim ol into tears. I he quirkiness and genuine sadness its own mclodram.itir prvmisi' thai cannot po be- he depicts m his character .arm's the film, but yond the ilichcs ol ,i sli.inu'less U'«ir)orkcr It's u»> also makes every SCeiM Without him consider- Arts and bad. because the .ictine, ifl .ill .mmm! quite Rood ably boring in contrast with a aurpriauigJi excellent performance b) none I he slor\ to. use-, around ( harlie and Alan's other than Adam Sandier friendship, but incorporates other subplots that The film tells the story of a Sept. II widower. lack Originality and don't seem to amount to am - Charlie Kineman (Adam Sandier), who lost his thing more than filler. Alan struggles with the ba- wife and three daughter! in one ol the planes nality ot married life and the superficiahtv ot his that crashed into the World Trade Center When |ob as a dentist, often envying the treedom and Alan lohnson (Don I In,id lei. his roommate Entertainment independence Charlie s life has to otter. Howevet from college, bumps into him on the streets ot the film never delves into his personal life deep \eu fork City, he attempts to rekindle their enough tor the audieme to tare about his rela- friendship However, he quickly learns that tive!) unimportant issues Don Cheadle delivers a Charlie suiters iruin a severe case ot post-trau- g<*od performance but remains in the shadows ot matk stress. Sandler's much meatier role. Any mention of the traced) sparks a violent tit I he shortcomings ol the movie he not In its act- end grid that onlj deepena his old friend's ing, but in its inability to surpass the medic nt\ o! around campus? isolation and instabihlv. Charlie has s^ppre^s^d the bash Storyline and visual Style Mike binder, his memories and thoughts ot his tamiK b\ ail- the film's writer and dire. tor. tails to develop manv ting off all ties to his past lit,-. I lc quit his medical ot the supporting roles, thereby losing the audi- practice, stopped teeing his in-unwaand spends his ence whenever Sandier is off'SCrCCn. I iv Ivler, who time playing video games, btl) Ing win I rc.ordv 01 plays ( harhe s therapist, and lad.i Pinkett Smith. Cruising around the i itv on his motorized BCOOtCr who plays Alan's wife, are the main female char- Alan responds l>\ embarking "Mi a personal mis- acters, but then rotes have little substance, making sion to save Charlie hv siowh getting linn to open their performances negligible. Meanwhile, the cin- up and introducing him to therapy ematography is mundane, without am interesting Adam Sandier is beat known tor his hilarious or innovative shots portrayals ol lowllte downs in "Bill) Madison' Charlie lineman's storv is tou.hing. but the (1995) and "Happy Cilmore" (1**%), hut his re You've found other parts that make up the various subplots cycled act has grown tiresome and untunm after meaning and relevan.e I he him WaveTS between playing the same par! throughout hie entire l B1* I i heesy melodrama and forced comic relief, making in recent veers. Ins most Impressive performances it neither a well-rounded drama nor a particularly have heen in his dramatu. rather than eomedie. entertaining eomedv Instead. Hinder settles tor a the right place! totes fiat plotlme. reiving on the connection DO Sept. II In 2002 he ihowcd the world he was more instead ol . ralt\ writing in B desperate attempt than |ust a buffoon with his brilliant acting In to make meaning, ot a Ston that has alrea.h been Paul "Ihonias Anderson's 'Tunch-|)runk I o\e told.

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■ \ - : I I i i mi,... irqan i iff Ml ■»ii In- . iimn'ii' It* ill |«-"vil>K ilu. .i the Breeze ( IIUVII JI4-S.'4"..-I,I.II| ii.-. i„,,.,i,',lii -ii ii'V-I--H. wunv.uAM

»t RAMA GOTTVMUIOXAI A but crude as ever, ignonng orders as often as he a muscular plot. It's more like what turtle slew putting the "N" in "TMNT." |im Henson and his hu Ob$erv€i «racks heads. He's gone ronin. roving the rooftops Intel like, I imagine. Thin and sloppy, the plot is puppeteeringposst'did an admirable i'»l,»lroppmj'. x of New ork as a more brutal vigilante called Tne completely in service of its characters. The best the turtles ,nto the NffW Yoffc of the '90s. TMNT" South Bend. ind. — ' i M\ 1 is .1 reunion only Nightwatcher. moments in the movie come when the turtles act shows us that they shouldn't have been realistic in the movie*, could arrange. Like so many Umuml Donatello and Michaelangelo are now the like a family. They relax, joke, squabble and rough- the first place. gems from the *K IMM Likes .1 laughablv breadwinners of the tanwlv Working from home house together |ust like they did 15 years ago. In a Pixar is the undisputed king ot computer ani- delightful premise and reminds us whv we fell in as a tech support consultant. Donnie still does ma- long-running franchise, fans develop expectations mation, and every frame of its films reflects its ten- ls love with it In the first place. .hiiies Mike) I Pftfty dude. Literally. Hts alter- tor their heroes. A giant turtle nut himself, Mun- der loving care. Far more than recent competitors Or not If these henies in .1 half-shell failed to ego, Cowabunga Carl, is a popular but abused em- roe wisely lakes all these moments, splashes them like "Open Season," "Over the Hedge" or "Meet endear themselves to you a decade ago. there's cee at birthday parties for kids. Meanwhile. Master into a blender and whips up a green potpourri that the Robinsons," IMM" is the closest in style, .1 good chance " I \1\ I can't redeem them now. Splinter waits for the inevitable reconciliation be- borders on recycling, but without the boredom scope and looks to the Pixar gold standard. Fortunately, writer/director Kevin Munioe and tween his lour Bans, When he's not meditating, the M'tsm from having seen it all before. He never Consider one scene near the film's conclusion his creative team never confuse their him tor high radical rat apanda his days watching soaps. crosses that line because we really have never seen Alter saving the day again, we find the turtles back .in Ihis lateet movie, like all three that preceded I hast are all fun touches that ease us back into the turtles quite like this in their sewer lair Splinter is retiring a villain's ar- it liters t'*i lusi\ el\ to the tans And it's better off the franchise, leaving plenty of angst to drive the As he's done before, Raphael needles Leonardo mored helmet to his wall of fame. Lining the ahafvea for II BtOf) forward. Plus, it's nice to know how these mercilessly, culminating in a spectacular rooftop an' all the icons of their mvthic past. Shredder's hel ■ I M\ I playa OUl like ,1 run-in with four dear turtles get the bank to fund their pizza habit. fight. In a moment made for the movies, rain starts met and staff, the remnants of the fateful TGR1 can- childhood Mends. 1 ike most pleasant memories, Aided b\ perennial tavontes CSSCY |ones and pouring down as they prepan- to race olt Inspired ister and the time scepter an- all then' they're just like we remember them. Mostlv. April O'Neil, the turtles need to w rangle 13mythi- by the very best Hong Kong martial arts films, thev Throughout "TMNT," Munroe makes it abun- Alter defeating Shredder and saving feudal Ouh ugl\ be.isties and thwart four stone villains leap, chop, parry and lock weapons in a dizzying dantly clear how fond he is of this quartet. With fapan, our heroea have grown apart as ■ bmilj in their attempt to achieve — surprise, surprise sequence that was never possible in the restrictive nottllgk affection, he reminds us whv WC picked Leonardo no longer leads, instead traveling the — immortal it\ live action escapades. our favorite one and played pretend Man, it feels world to hone his righting skills. Raphael is as anil Like its predecessors, "TMNT" never flexes For the first time, a turtles movie succeeds in good seeing the turtles

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380 E MARKET ST. Questions? Contact Stephanie, [email protected]. HARRISONBURG, VA 22801 540-434-8188 Editor; John Gallc Editor: Brian Hanscn [email protected] 15401SM-3K46 rhursda) March 29,2007113 wwwJhebreeze-org

Rumor I las It... Dukes pull out comeback Brian H. JMU overcomes After Tech was shut out in the first two innings on only bids one one hit. thnc straight hits, in- trend of late-inning cluding .1 home run by senior outfielder Nate Parks, |ump- struggles for win started the last fond Hokies. A *t |Ai eighth inning made pitches when we need- winning the Colonial Athletic with .i single to left held to ed to, [Ml coach ^p.mkv Association next season, I say help give I Ml .in Sn victon McFarland said. "We played tough luck. over the \ isiting Hokies good defense and thai double As sports editor I've seen JMU improved to 8-16 play 11 n the top of I he ninth| some hig stories over the last overall with the victory, the was .i I'le, pla) 365 daya, 1,100th win in program his- On the mound, the Dia- I n c I u d - tory, while Virginia lech fell mond Dukes were led by ju- ing Kellen to 15-11 nior starter Trevor Kavlid. Ku Ibacki 's The three-run eighth in- He was only able to complete A 11 - A m e r i ning was started when two-and-a-third innings and can sea- sophomore outfielder Matt freshman Dustin Crouch fol- son .i Townsend singled to center lowed, pitching three-and-a ago for the field after falling behind zero -third innings. Senior Jacob Diamond balls and two strikes. Pinch- Cook was the third pitcher Mukes. the hitting senior Rob Altien laid for the Dukes, linishing three down a sacrifice bunt fol- innings without giving up a controveray su rround- lowed by the next four Dukes run. Cook recorded his third Ine the Je» i BRIAN reaching base on two singles, win in JMl's last six games sum ti> send a walk and a hit by pitch. A while moving into seventh MWSIN on the all-time JMU innings the football Mcriflce fly by junior Kellen team to Kulbacki drove in the third pitched list with 236 1/3 in- Ptbrt..,.Hin^> ->t ( \\\i\ M MINI H \ Youngatown, Ohio, to pla) In run of the inning, making the nings. Madison All-American Kellen Kulbacki went deep Tuesday for a three-run shot to tie the game. the first Sound of the Division -..ore 8-6. freshman Matt Browning's I A A pKi\olts, and the women s "This game can do a lot," home run to right center field baaketball team's nrst appear- that first got the Dukes on the Townsend said. "It feeli good ance in the NCAA tournament scoreboard v\.is the (:rst of his to get a come-f mm-behind since 1996 win and it's good for our con- collegiate career. Grooming process in Howevec the biggest ston fidence." by wai [Mli's decision to cut The All-American and VT 004 020 000—6 13 0 reigning Colonial Athletic JMU 013 010 03X-8 9 0 Association Plaver of the Year see BRIAN, page 14 Kulbacki led the Dukes of- (VT) Evan Frederickson, Scott full swing vs. Tech fense in the designated hitter Stoehr (fifth), Rhett Ballard role finishing 3-for-3, with (eighth) and Anthony Sos- four runs batted in, a run noskie; (JMU) Trevor Kaylid, McFarland sees and third •cored iind his eighth home Dustin Crouch (third), Jackob Matthew Browning, both of 11 he coaching staff] threw Kickin It Far Post run of the year. He now has Cook (sixth), Bubhv I asko improvement in whom were highlv recruited me into tin' outfield, and I 40 home runs for his career, (ninth) and Dan Santobianco coming out ot Ngh s*ho.»l knew it was not nn position, second all-time at |MU and and Brett Garner. youthful squad hilt/ has st.irted 22 games Browning Said Due to in|ii- one away from tying Michael and appeared m 24. His 276 nes. I got the chance to move to Goodbye Cowgill for first on the Dukes Hits: 2B-(VT) Sean O'Brien, bitting average is eighth on the third w here I m more comfort- all-time list. Bryan Thomas, Adam Redd, in Si \s YOUNGaaM beam, and his it Mcala leads able I tried to hit it solid and Jose Cueto 2, Sean Ryan; contributing writer I\ll holt/ went f>3 on lues While the voung Kits ,ire it felt good off the bat. 1 got (JMU None MR (VT)Nate from John da) againal Virginia lech, but making noise, the pitching a pretty good piece on it." Parks (2)j (JMUJ Davla Stone- JMl head coach sp.mkv did manage to draw a crucial stall is ,ils,> throwing out their Kulbacki said about his three- burner U), Kellen Kulbacki McFarland .md his stall are walk to continue IML J's late in- sh.irr ol youthful talent. In re- run home bomb in the third s< Mat! Browning (1). giving their voung Diamond eback. lief. Dustin ( rot Galle inning. Dukes a chance to strut their Making his Rfth start ot the pitched .vi innings, striking out The home run came off RBis: (\ i) Nate Parka \ stuff year and his i^ appearance, one and gave up two earned I guess this is it And its been Virginia Tech sophomore |OM Cueto 2, Adam Redd 1; They've done well the Browning proved he belonged run-., w Ink- rei en mg a no-deci- one lull ot a rule pitcher Evan PradericklOfl (JMU) Kellen Kulbacki 4, |oe whole way, they're putting up with his first home run ol the rl against lech On the I his is the last time I will who started the game, but I akc 1. Davia Stoneburner 1, the numbers, it's midweek ^. year. Hie solo shot gave the season, Crouch has appeared have Tkt Brttte sports editor to was pulled after throwing Matt Browning 1, Lee Buja- it's a gixnl time to get them in, I hikes .in early 1 -4* lead against eight times in relief and >-n>v .is mv name besldCSOn mv resume) 109 pilches md giving up kowskt 1. really thej ve tamed the op- the Hokies ll.s heen kick- ,i starlet and the last five earned runs. Sophomore portunlt) " coach lav ing the Cover olt the ball," Mc* iptain and 2i*>r* Na- time I will Rhett Ballard was the Hok- W — Jacob Cook (3-3), L — sullenger aald Pariand said. tion.i! Player ot tin- Year Kellen be setting ies' losing pitcher, giving up Rhett Ballard (4-2), S — Bob- Making notable appearanc- Browning is tied tor ninth up page lav - all three runs m the bottom of b\ l.asko(3>. es this season .ire Speed) tresh vhat YOi in pageU the eighth inning men center tlelder Alex holt/ I batting Used to N' mv desk in \ nthon) Seegei Hall. It s the last tune I will Archer making history at be working with all the JOHN area) people GALLE JMU in final year of program that have mv Breeu experience a tun, memo- Junior scorches v\. e been on teams togeth the world event Pratt) much rable one And I'm sure it will be- er in the past,' Cellenthien said. everyone there Ins s di COme even more memnr.ihlc and Indoor World ol the guyi Erom Maine Going into it you never real- seem that much more tun upon |t oiisins] I'm nod Inends with Iv think that vou're not going graduating and looking ba. k on Championships we shot a lot ot local stutt to win Ybu have to have that it. especially while I'm looking growing Up He was mv idol much confidence to compete it tor low on-the totem-pole |obs to when I wa> vounger and now the world ih.irnpLonshipv |ust get mv *tart in |ournalism ■Y Jons GAJ 11 that I'm actually shooting along- to coma out with s win is rcalh It's mev liable. -Pe/S editor side him, it's greet Mg But being S Duke and cover- In the team competition, According lot .ellenthien, the ing IMl sports has been a pleas As ,i [Ml junior archer* GeUenthien didn't miss a single i S compound team is usually ant surprise And to think I even Braden Cellenthien may not shot as the is. men's favored to win. Bui what makes once considered going to Virginia have sports |orsev B on sale at the pound team combined tor ■ the Americana so dominant? lech bookstore, a massive tan follow world-record 239 (out ot 240) I reall) don't know,' Ves, the Hokies have more ing or am lancv nicknames, hul iust onedime-si/eii bulfe-eye GeUenthien said 'I h/erseae, Division I sports teams Hoivcv what he does haw is unlike am awa) From ■< perfect team store people receive pensions Iroill er. that empty fad does not even other athlete at I Ml I In' previous record was 2 38. their governments When thev come cloae to Having a Dh iaion And that is 32 world Bui Cellenthien waan't shoot, that s what the) do tor a i \\ 21*^1 national champion reiords finished then- as he atoo took living Mere, we all have job-. ,unl football team, follow ing an amaz- "When I think ahout it. it home the individual gold medal. we inoot alongside it I guess we ing, mid-ma|or women's basket- impresses mvselt. (.ellenthien defeating lose i hjool spam lin- train the hardest and want it the ball team to Pittsburgh tor an said. "But its real!) |uet Icing on 114 in his largest point Victor) in moat and that s enough ' \v AA tournament appearance the cake It's always something the five rounds ot competition After! .ellenthien Iirst puked or watching s women s lacrosse in the back ot your mind, hut Cellenthien got out of the up a bow at a ' !ub 5couta camp team »le.m house in the v olonial it's not something vou keep M tirst round on a tiehreakor. after .it age lo. and sought out a per Athletii Association and become a goal It's ,i In pniduil of win- tying Bmra Qzdemii ot turkey sonal coach In lerr) Wunderle a top-1(i national program ning tournaments llh-llh In tlw round ol 16, four or five v ears i.iter. he began I can definite!) saj that I've The Hudson, Mass. native OnOS again, lie advanced on a to quality tor international senously been blessed to have added his miisl recent world tiebreaker .itter tvmg Anders events Wunderle still advises the opportunitv to .onu- to |Ml record when he competed m the Malm ..I Sweden 116-116 Then, t .ellenthien through phone t.ill- Not oniv tor getting this chal- Indoor World C hampionships ' .ellenthien edged oul his fellow and videos, to discuss technical 1 lenging but verj rewarding (ob .it the Internationa] Izmir I air i S teammate m-lis and fol form and various tournament at The Breeu, but also tor all the Center in lurkev. whuh con- lowed that with a tighl IIM-117 which have spanned the globe. people that have nude these List cluded Saturday, March 17 semifinal win ovet Dominique "I've been to( zei h Republic, tour years spet ial While them, he (oined two other i .t-net ot Prance, Prance and Great Britain tor \ \H< »\ sit \v \KI ■-■:.- nhaatraplm Americana, Dave Cousins and ' l he level oi competition is JMU archer Braden GeUenthien struck Individual and team I IOHS r^'U Keo Wilde really huge.' GeUenthien saidol Utl'HEKY. page U gold at the Indoor World Championships in Turkey. 14 Thursday. March 29.2007 www.llwhrcczc.ors The Breeze ARCHERY: Team record JOHN: A final thanks to falls at World Championships all the sports fans out there

JOHN, frokptge IS VU sun ere thanks go out to three different junior tournaments/ Gel professors (unless vou re the one So, id like to take thai time to lenthlen Mid "For senior tournaments, I've who gave me s '( s In I !RI I I all of you. thank these important people: Oh. and thank you Brian been to New York * ity, Spain and now |Tur> all the IML athletes i ve talked to Much love tor everyone I've Ice) | I ,)-.t summer, I went to Slovakia i"r the (and tor doing what VOU do I, the riansen fox not quitting (of- worked with at Madison Grill sports editors that liave preceded <. ollegiate World Championships, and the ficially). Pot the record, Brian th.-s,' last tour vears (keep in ejuit unofficially 13 times this I .run thai I went to rurkey again i«>r me (aspeciall) Mr lames [rwin tou.h. you .ill will prubabK be and M.itt Moss tor helping me the World I niversit) Camei year, missed the mosti. the Basement Best ot luck to this veer's Even with all his personal success, immenseK SSS writer/editor), .ill departing .lass md go I Hikes' Gellenthien was quick to cite the overall Boys ot Glffard Hall (and yes the sports wrHers that I've come most ot the stories you've heard is of JMU's an herj program, whli h to knovi end oount on, and final- Peace, I'm outta here. Throw been coached b) Bob Rider tor the about usarebueXtheooolesl two lv, all *>t you who read hi, Bttat some slgnSi RAs a guy could ask tor (Dan las) decade. ■DOTO) section, Whether VOU \ohn Grille is a senior SMAD ma- ,UK\ Crystal, thai means vou), the 1\U has won at least one gold medal loved it. hated it. recograzed my fi't flMQaUmtttf i» print lounialtsm. nximmales (for putting up with ever) tournament I've been t»> since I've name or not. I appreciated hav- r/r'smiili/fi»» come to this school," Gellenthien said me) all mj Mends (espedalr) ing the purple-and> gold faithful (in,! kopo women's sports nwl i moss ot i on reading this, t. my as an audietne i nfortunately, the Htle-IX cuts .it a fmrl .itliat IML included sreherj \n«l though the decision mil hurt the team'-, funding sig- nificant!) tor tnps, Gellenthien said Re doesn t think tin- level ot competition will decrease as the team is downgraded to a ( SAFE RIDES WEEK 2007 ) «lub sport Be ton* the litlc-ix cuts take effect, how- • Monday, April 2nd, 7pm Grafton Stovall ever, the I\u archer) team mil compete In the Arizona Cup in mid-April, along with - One Night One Ride One Life the regional and intercollegiate champion- ■ ColdStone Fundraiser 6-10 pm ships, Additionally, Gellenthien plans to par- • Tuesday, April 3rd, 8pm Grafton Stovall in his tirst-evei World i up m italv this \ eat during finals w eek - Hot Rod Hot Bod; Date Auction "I qualified tor it List ytu, but 1 couldn't • $2 admission. Doors open at 7:30 pm go with COB WO, Gellenthien said I pon graduating, Gellenthien -.aid he A \RO\ sll 11 \KI b • Wednesday, April 4th, 9pm Festival Drum plans on testing the professional circuit for Junior archer Braden Gellenthien's U.S. s j ear It that doesn't pa) the hilts, he plans men's compound team set a world record by - Rock Off on getting a |ob in sports marketing that will scoring 239 out of a possible 240 points at Bake Sale still allow him to travel and compete. the Indoor World Championships. ■ ■ Raffle for Ben Folds Tickets BRIAN: Sports editor says 'see ya'

HKI \ \ H anted to read about theswim- 10 programs from its athletic Dting team's final home meet, department in order to b< and then their final dual meet. rifle l\ Compliant. Since this and final!) their last meet ever nras the biggest storj and it's on i fuesda) ■rewell column, I thought tou'd probabl) approach I'd add a little bit ol perspet it the same wa\ you T tive on the cuts. proa,Inn); this column. It's U hen the CUtS were tirst likely you've stopped reading I (K*inn ft* .i new car".' Apply iir get prc-approved, and gel 1/2% OFF our lowest aiito rate! made, 01) initial reaction "as because, let's be honest, do II umpk CM uiaitikMBnoraMUy «t 3.W»»APR*. »•> low •» 5.49% APRII i had lor the athletes who vou reall) » are' were cut. I thought about how Well if you are sidi reading, Nsed I new career wardrobe or IVirnilure? Use our Platinum VISA* with unfair it was that their favorite thanks to anyone who has put up ( I Rewards'M! I .(her upgrade your current Commonwealth One activity was being taken swa) w ith the mam l\ DOS, Ul) out tol- VISA or apply today to receive benefits such as: from them and how angry I'd lies and the all-around poor job •NoAnnual Ice be if I couldn't do something I I did this last year Hope . • special low rate of 10.90% APR love anymore enjoyed my effort and will give ■ Reward Points redeemable for merchandise and a!l\. though, i eot just as much griei to hm and travel for every dollar spent over it I figured it's the uni- Miitt over the next year •2500 Bonus Points when you first use >our card irersftt i mone) and it can I'd like to thank lohn. w ho •New I xclusuc JMU card design t ammorMfeakh * * some new arenas, why should helped shape the sports iei - •>" HWN ' 11 "i iburg)• 800/424 J3M(ttJl free)• wwwcoftu.orji . care? lion, thanks tor your great N Man) Ut there work seem to di (agree and thought I : d lik.' to thank ev- should do more to fight against l had the honor to these cuts I can't tell you how work With Over the past v man\ darts .md i--m.ii!- It has been such a pm ill mplaining thai I work with all the other edi- didn't cover this event or how tors

I should write a column on the lb Matt and Caite, I s()\ • support tor thanks for being good bosses the . ut spurts and not firing me I he truth is, m\ job wai to Unan Hansetl is a senior provide people with the most SMAD matoi with i concen- compelling and Interesting tration m print journalism He sports stories on |ML athletics. still can't believe they put him I did not think manv people in charge ot the sports section

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> 2007 E>-.'■ A Y , Quality In Everything We Do 16 I'hursday. March 29.2007 The Breeze YOUTH: Young Dukes gaining valuable experience Do you enjoy The Breeze! YOi in from page 13 backi said. "We have confi- ing well recently, but at 8-16 Then try it online at: Kulbacki understands that dence in them, thev're going the) re not where thev want with voulh comes a learn- to be great in the long run." tO be ing curve, but he believes Kulbacki said. "Our veterans "We'll voung. we know- in the up-and-coming fresh- have been helping them out. were young, and the more www.thebreeze .org men. it's real good for them and the we get those guvs out there "Anytime you can in I the better we are going to be." opportumn it s gnat* Kul- The team has been play- McFarland said. OPPORTUNITY IS KNOCKING... The Breeze Advertising Department is hiring to fill immediate positions!

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