March 29, 2007
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Online Friday: ROTC Training Exercise The Breeze multimedia James Madison University's Student Newspaper Vol. 84, Issue 47 Thursday, Mmrh 29, 2007 Opinion, page 6 A&E, page 9 Sports, page 13 Rumsfeld acquitted for violating Lone member of campus Jim Baseball comes from behind human rights. fraternity makes big impact. to beat Virginia Tech. Timely warning not released in Nov. JMU grad Campus police say alleged rape in JMU dorm involved acquaintances dies in ■Y RACHANA DIXII Guetareon WM indicted on rape this (.is,' " one of many provisions in the Jeanne MM rJitor dhargee in coreMcnon with the in As ol last week, JMU Police logs Clery Disclosure and Campus Securi- Fairfax cident bv the Rockingham t ountv showed that C.ustaKon is still a stu- ty Policy and Campus Crime Statistics JMU Campus I'olue did not send Grand Jury on March 22 and was set to denl at the urdverattk Bale said. Act. According to the act which was out a Timely Notification Bulletin to turn himsell in to authorities Wsdnfli JMU Police's daily crime log shows created in IWl and given its current Breeze alum (he i.impus community regarding an d«) morning. that the alleged rape occurred on Nov. name in 1998, institutions are required alleged rape Incident that occurred in When referring to how university 18 at 1 a.m. and was reported to police to send timely warnings to their re- succumbs to a JMU dorm n>om on Nov. 18. 2006, police chose to handle this us,-, [ML the tame momma at 459 a.m. spective university communities when citing the mam msoffi M the existence Spokeepereon Don Bgla s.ud, "The Kgle added that there are a "num- crimes a re "considered to be a threat to heart condition ol ,i piftOf relationship between the biggest thing is the IWO individu- ber of factors that go into reporting Other students and employees ... that \ ictiro end the tuepect [Ml freshman als knew each other it was reported timely warnings." IY EVAN DYSON Eric t-uslalson. Immediately by the alleged victim in The tinu-K wanting notification li *r RAPE, page 4 senior wriler Graduate student Evin Shoap, 23, died over the weekend at Fairfax Memorial Hospital following a battle with a life-long heart condi- tion. Bom Jan. 20,1984, he was Taking back the night the son 10th - annual HP "w*yflt* «&t '«,. event held on Y^m Iv the commons m . - ■ ^ ■tap aaa Wood son High Tuesday night School in Fairfax. ^^eaa«» 1 At the age of 8 months he was diagnosed with cardio- ■v MAC.C.II DRACO ** U myopathy, a condition that contributing mitei weakens the heart muscle and affects its function. At 15, JMU's 10th annual Take Shoap received a heart trans- the Night waa held - i plant. the commons luoada) tVl While an undergraduate ning to educate students 1 f N student at JMU, he used his about violence and SSXua ■■ (Ms experience to help others as assault against women. w founder and president of the | lake Back the Night la| j^l JMU chapter of Students for |USt an opportunity tor girls Organ and Tissue Donation, a to speak and tor people to non-profit organization to ed- realize that (rape and sex- te- l w rs* ? \^ ucate the public and increase ual assault) happens more donations. olten than they know, or. Shoap was a member honestly, than they'd like to of JMU Hillel, an organiza- know." sophomore Claire tion for Jewish students, and Billups said. "It's like one traveled to Israel in the sum- night OUl <>t the war |rape| mer of 2005 through Hillel's can't be ignored " 5. S> Birthright program. He was Hillarv Wing Richards, also an active member of the aasCM latcd director ol IML '■ Breeze staff, where he served Office of Sexual Assault as a senior photographer and delivered the opening re- MINUI \MJ»ntOH yenu-r plu>L*trapher mentor to others. marks She said that the Students sat outside Tuesday on the Commons listening to various speakers share their experiences. In May 2006 he complet- nature of the evening was ed his undergraduate career to Ipcak out and to help with a double mafor in Eng- survivors heal further. by the time lhe\ graduate gender roles attect men reall) require a new image It's a human issue." lish and secondary education Alumnus Dante Ricci, from college, and people and women in terms ol sex ol masculinity The second keynote and began work towards a the titst ol two keynote men eepedall) don't He s.ud men are expected Ricci said the most im- speaker, Teresa Haase ErOCfl master of arts in teaching. He speakers, was actively in- believe it to be sexually aggressive. portant thing right now is the department of gradu- was scheduled to graduate in volved in CART and lake- "|Rape] is something *\ hereas women are v lewed to view men as allies in- ate psveholo,',\. shared her May 2007. Back the Night as well as men don't think about da) as sluts tor assuming the stead of enemies. story of childhood sexual He was buried Tuesday president of One in lour to day," Ricci said It's a same role. And l woman "There's still this linger- abuse and her realization afternoon in Fall's Church during his time at JML. He culture Supportive Ol rape. who does not have sex is ing attitude that men have that being a survivor is part following a service at Temple current l\ works with Princ- In some ways and the tar- \ lew ed as frigid. no place here, as \ IctiniS 01 of who she is. but does not B'Nal Shalom in Fairfax Sta- eton's Office ol Sexual As- geted class, women, ha\ e to I would argue that it s as allies." Kuci said I here completely define her. tion. sault Prevention make compromises, sacri- these tender roles that have is .1 gender bias women The second part of the In lieu of flowers, do- Ril i i said thai one otil fices, to protect themselves everything to do with win are usually the victims hut evening was devoted to an nations can be made in his of four women will be from it." we're here tonight." Ricci rape is not a women's is- name to a heart or transplant raped or sexually assaulted RlCd spoke about how said. "Change is going to sue it s not a men's issue see NIGHT page 5 charity. SGA allots funds for FEB organizations Leggo my Lego During a Lego-build- mc com- ■v JEAN PARK is allocated for non-11 h or I his is not something petition on contributing r*rtto gani/atioiis on campus neu it s something we've Godwin fleW Can Bppi) lor up to $2,(*00 done in the past.' i PB Preal- Wednesday 1 The student Senate mat I semester Irom S(,A on. e denl Kandi Sponenberg said afternoon. lueadaj evening for the the) have exhausted their V\e ve done noveln events teams from k veer's Pronl End own means ol funding, said in the past end they've been variety of VB Budget approval night, lor Sen David Ulen(Sr). a huge hit. This is something maiors com raaaaaaV tour and a hall hours, sena- Several budget amend we know from our reecan I peted for the ra ^^ tors and representatives merits were proposed that this is whal IML stu- best design. ™ '1 B from the 10 II B orgam/.i thnmghout the night hv Sen dents wanl" Each team u bone dismissed and debated {leaf) ' cat most of i\huh in reaponee to i PB*a WM given the allocation Ol thousands were passed with little to statements. Rennet propped a bucket of 1 ol dollars no debate I he night's most Ml amendment to the St Legos and Mm I he total amount set heated debate was over an amendment He Magested an hour to aside for PBBwaa $399,066; amendment proposed In n-ducing the SU.IMKI to build a (true- 1 B «■"•'' V v while the total amount re- i o> to cul I I'H's novelrj 9&J3QQ, instead of cutting ture of their •^v Hi/ aH quested from the organiza- events hinds of $14^236 JO. the noveh) event fundi all choice. ■ tion! wae$37&793. Prom the "I'm com meed that we together requested amount I Can belter tund more than 'I still feel that I PB even organizations the W M was cut during this past PI it ■ can still bring great events Baaaaa^3 weekend, leaving $21,517 J3 minimum we can tund with with IW00," BenneM aaid AARON SIliWARI <rm,» i*i,*wiphtr tor nexl s conttngenc) 114/100/ ( ox said hind. I he contingency fund l rb execs disagreed an si- \ naae -t Editor Jenessi KiKlall Editor MICI.I SU-I/IT Ht-6749 Page II Thursdity. March 29. 2007 I 2 C, ^M wwwjhebwwwlhebreezejorg ADVERTISING POLICE LOG Drunk in public, underage possession Contact U» STAFF of alcohol, underage consumption of B^ ALICIA Sifrnx/senior writer TbeBreeze Ads Manager: alcohol The Breeie is published Monday anc Thursday mornings and distributee 1 .h*t Mjithrw Sto*» Meghan ODonnell Throughout James Madison University MMH Caitr White Aaslttant Ads Manager Drunk in public, underage possession A JML student was charged with drunk in and the local Harnsonburg community Him i l rUchjtu llmi Bryan Pope of alcohol, underage consumption of public, underage possession ot alcohol and Comments and complaints should be Ads Design Lead: ■■' ■ Dominic Dr*mond alcohol, non-compliance with official addressed to Matthew Stoss editor A»l III I Mary Fratwra Curtly Brian Sostak underage consumption oi alcohol at white Assistant Ads Design request Main Telephone: ' '(■"' 'If'" Brian (>oodman Hall March 23 at 11:28 p.m.