Lumberjack the Pursuit of Power
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WEATHER REPORT: THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK The pursuit of wisdom is more rewarding than Build your igloo now, avoid the rush! Lumberjack the pursuit of power. Vol. 42— No. 14 Wednesday, Jan. 27, 1954 PUBLISHED BY ASSOCIATED STUDENTS ARIZONA STATE COLLEGE AT FLAGSTAFF, ARIZONA Near-Capacity Crown Enjoys Dr. Adam Bennion, AAUW Planning To Sponsor Friday Night Performance Famous Lecturer, Two-Hour Movie Scheduled To Give Speech Of Paganini String Quartet The Flagstaff Chamber of Com For Thursday Night, Jan. 28 merce* is extending an invitation A near capacity crowd of Nor special emphasis to our priceless Students! Here is a chance to see a two-hour, feature to the faculty and student body at thern Arizonians filled the new col heritage of chamber music, was length, technicolor movie without going off the camus. ASC to attend a lecture to be giv lege auditorium Friday night, Jan. founded in the United States in 1943 T o m o rro w night, under the sponsorship of the F la g 22 to hear the famed Paganini The four members knew each oth en by Dr. Adam Bennion in the staff b ra n c h of the American Association o f University String uartet. er in Belgium prior to that They college auditorium on Friday. Jan. Women, “Big Game Hunting:. note, centers around the Kenya and The Paganini Quartet appeared are Mr. Temianka. Gustave Ross- 29. at 8 p. m. in Africa” will be shown in Tanganyika districts, in east Af- in the third and most successful eels, second violinist, Charles Foi- ! rica. Admission for the event will Dr. Bennion is a well-known lec the Student Union Auditori of this year’s concert series spon dart, viola, and Lucian LaPorte. um. The feature length show- I be one dollar for adults and 50 Cellist. turer who has spoken in every sored by the Flagstaff Community wili start at 8 p. m. j cents for children and students Concert Association. The quartet has rnnde appear state in the Uttion through college. The proceeds will The picture, taken by Karl Brew The quartet opened their per He 1■eceived his B. A. degree ■ (To to the recently completed Doc ances at the Library of Congress, er, local resident and traveler of formance with a Beethoven quart the University of California, and from the University of Utah, his tor’s hospital at 5 Riordan Road. et. Beethoven’s Opus 80, number the New Friends of Music Series M. A. from Columbia, and has done This is ore of several projects to two, in four movements was ac in New York. advanced work at the University raise funds for the new clinic which companied by valuable comments Hr. Eldon Ardrey a-nd the Shrine of the Age* Choir are shown above as they appeared at the pre Christ of Chicago. The University erf Cal Trumpet Soloist opened Jan. 1, by Henri Temianka, first violinist.! mas assembly. Dr. Ardrey and the choir are planning another musical show which promises to be ifornia granted him a Ph. D, de The movie has been shown before The program was closed with a ( even better than the Christmas one. gree. Dr. Bennion has also been To Appear Here ! various civic clubs, organizations, Debussy quartet. Students, Profs Director of personnel—assistant to j and church groups. It was an* The body of their program, lab- ★ ★★★★★★★★★★ the President, and vice president The Lumberjack Concert Band ! n<r. uneed that this will be the last led “ The Heart of the Quartet” , - of the Utah Power and Light will present to the Northern Ari : opportunity to see the movie for Help In Campaign Co from the RCA albums which they, zona music public another outj some time. recorded under that name, includ-j Approximately 1ft students and Shrine Of Ages Choir Planning Musical For Feb. 17; He has served as chairman of standing concert with Rafael Men ed eight short selections. Those fe- professors from the college here the Salt Lake chapter of the Red dez, famous trumpet soloist, as atured the works of Mozart. Hay took part in the March of Dimes 'This Is My Country' Will Be Theme Of Concert Cross, chairman of the Salt Lake guest performer, i ’eh. 25, in two dn. Schumann. Tchaikovsky, Bee program held Sunday afternoon, Community Chest, president of th« appearances in the college auditor Spring Plans thoven. Mendelsssohn, Dvorak, and Jan. 24, in the auditorium. “The most outstanding music dramatize the freedom of America cation at Arizona State College at Salt Lake Country Club, president ium. production ever given by the Shrine in this musical production. The mu Tempe. Schubert, masters of chamber mu Jim Eckman, student here and of the Salt Lake Rotary Club, and A matinee will be given at 1 p. of the Ages Choir of the College sical will be given in three parts, Special singing of ''Lincoln's Get sic. president of the Flagstaff Jaycees has been vice president of the Utah m. Thursday and the evening cur Being Made will be presented Wednesday eve "My Country, ” my home; "My Val tysburg Address, ” in the setting by State Symphony Organization. The Paganini group has no con who sponsored the home talent tain time is 8 o’clock. Following ning. Feh. 17 at 8 o'clock. " stated entine, ” my love; “Mv Church. ”Mueller, and "Beyond the Blue nection with the late Nicolo Pag show, was master of ceremonies at At present Dr. Bennion Is pres the 1 o’clock matinee. Mendez will director of the famous choir. my religion; and “My America. ”Horizon, ” by Whitting will also anini, great Romantic Era virtuo the nine-hour radio-broadcast ident 0/ the Salt Lake Oratorio So conduct a brass clinic for North By Freshmen be included in the program. so, except by virttie* of their in show. A performs nee will be given in The beloved “An Understanding ciety, member of the Board of Re ern Arizona music students, direct struments. Originally genuine Stra Talented individuals and groups the morning on the 17th for stu Heart, ’’ written and published for During the selections under “My gents of the University of Utah, ors, and other persons interestec A blood-drive, trip to the Snow divari, the beautiful instruments, from Flagstarf and surround ins: dents with activity cards only. The the Shrine of the Ages Choir by Valentine. " my love, Mary Fauch- member of the Board of Trustees in the brass instruments. Bowl, trip to Happy Jack, and a valued at a quarter of a million areas donated their talents as evening presentation is for the pub Albert Hay Malotte will be includ er, ballerina from Winslow High of Brigham Young University, Mendez, known as “The Heifet; dance—these are activities being pledges poured in over special tele lic. School, will perform with ballet dollars, all belonged at one time ed in the selections “ My Church, ” member of the Board of Denver of the Trumpet, " will answer ques planned by the freshman class for to Paganini. The oldest of the in phone lines installed by the local The theme song and program my religion, as also will Mallott’s dancing. and Rio Grande Western rail tions and demonstrate playing te the second semester, according to struments dates back to 1680. The telephone company. Around $1200 will feature the theme “ This Is My famous "The Lord's Prayer. ” TTie In the part “ My Country, " my|road. chairman of Citizen's Com chniques during th^ clinic. Clues in pledges and cash were collected Ricky Burt, president. cello was made by Stradivarius at Country, '' in keeping with the spir “ An Understanding Heart, ” comhome, Johnie Honeycutt will be j mittee to Evaluate Utah's Educa tickets are being distributed among as a result of the show, with the age of 92 and a symphony was it of the season in which the birth position was first heard over the narrator. tional Program, and member of Northern Arizona music director; The blood-drive is scheduled for pledges and donations ranging arranged around this instrument day of Arizona and several nation radio last April when the choir sang Garvin Hanchet. tenor; Roger • the National Citizen Committee for and advanced music students. Anj February and March. All students from a few pennies to $fiO. alone. al patriotic men occur. it on the annual Easter Sunrise Ardrey, baritone; William Arthur,, Public Schools. music director may obtain co*npli will bas asked to donate blood in The show which was handled in The quartet, which has brought The Flagstaff college auditorium broadcast from the Grand Canyon, baritone; and Keith Gould, ten-’ In April 1953 he was called as mentary tickets by writing to the the drive. an informal manner that is charac will be decorated to feature and Dr. Ardrey said. or. will be heard ay featured solo- ■ a member of the Council of Twelve Lumberjack Concert Band. A. Har Members of the committee for teristic of the West, started at 2 Two recently published composi ists during the program. Apostles—Church of Jesus Christ the drive are: Sam Borazon, chair p.m., and ran until midnight. Seats old Goodman, director. tions. dedicated to the choir, will Vocal Troach lor the choir is Jack of Latter Day Saints Movie goers have seen Mendez man; Ann Blair; Jimmie Early; Orchids in the auditorium filled as more be heard. They include “Kryie Elei- Swartz and organist is Ruth E. Dr. Bennion’s book, The Funda in MGM’s ‘‘Holiday in Mexico, and Georgena Montignani, Don Gellers, and more students and townspeople 29 New Students Ardrey, both of the college music Curt Thomas, and Sherwood Namke came to watch the show.