An Analysis of Five European Microstates
Geoforum, Vol. 6, pp. 187-204, 1975. Pergamon Press Ltd. Printed in Great Britain The Plight of the Lilliputians: an Analysis of Five European Microstates Honor6 M. CATUDAL, Jr., Collegeville, Minn.” Summary: The mini- or microstate is an important but little studied phenomenon in political geography. This article seeks to redress the balance and give these entities some of the attention they deserve. In general, five microstates are examined; all are located in Western Europe-Andorra, Liechtenstein, Monaco, San Marino and the Vatican. The degree to which each is autonomous in its internal affairs is thoroughly explored. And the extent to which each has control over its external relations is investigated. Disadvantages stemming from its small size strike at the heart of the ministate problem. And they have forced these nations to adopt practices which should be of use to large states. Zusammenfassung: Dem Zwergstaat hat die politische Geographie wenig Beachtung geschenkt. Urn diese Liicke zu verengen, werden hier fiinf Zwergstaaten im westlichen Europa untersucht: Andorra, Liechtenstein, Monaco, San Marino und der Vatikan. Das Ma13der inneren und lul3eren Autonomie wird griindlich untersucht. Die Kleinheit hat die Zwargstaaten zu Anpassungsformen gezwungen, die such fiir groRe Staaten van Bedeutung sein k8nnten. R&sum& Les Etats nains n’ont g&e fait I’objet d’Btudes de geographic politique. Afin de combler cette lacune, cinq mini-Etats sent examines ici; il s’agit de I’Andorre, du Liechtenstein, de Monaco, de Saint-Marin et du Vatican. Dans quelle mesure ces Etats disposent-ils de l’autonomie interne at ont-ils le contrble de leurs relations extirieures.
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