WE THE MACEDONIANS By ÇONSTANTINE^STEPHANOVE (B. A. M. A., YALE) ^SECRETARY OF'THE GENERAL MACEDONIAN COUNCIL IN SWITZERLAND, MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY OF NEW YORK, ETC. "For time at last sets all things even" — Byron BERNE PAUL HAUPT, LIBRAIRIE ACADÉMIQUE 1919 WE THE MACEDONIANS WE THE MACEDONIANS By CONSTANTINE STEPHANOVE (B. A. M. A., YALE) SECRETARY OF THE GENERAL MACEDONIAN COUNCIL IN SWITZERLAND, MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIET7 OF NEW FORK, ETC. "For lime M lost sets all things even" — Byron BERNE PAUL HAUPT, LIBRAIRIE ACADÉMIQUE - 1919 WE THE MACEDONIANS. Prof. Wilkinson's View. In the issue of the Times, December 24, last, Prof. Spenser Wilkinson has touched upon one of the most intricate questions — that of the "New Boundaries" in the Balkans — which the Peace Conference will have to solve, the sooner the better. Prof. Wilkinson, though admitting that "a more diffi cult and delicate problem can hardly be imagined, for its solution requires a combination of historical and geo graphical knowledge which hardly any man so completely possess," etc., nevertheless, seems to have encountered no very serious obstacles in drawing up the future limits of Greece, as is evident from his statement that, "The region of predominantly Greek population can be defined with sufficient accuracy. It embraces a region bounded on the east by the Turkish portion of the Asia Minor, and on the north by the two large blocks of Bulgarians and Serbians and by the much smaller group of Albanians who seem less sharply distinguished from the Greeks than either Turks, Bulgarians, or Serbs, for there are districts in Greece, even in Attica, where men of Albanian speech and race appear to be politically completely Hellenized." I leave to competent ethnographers, geographers, and historians to adjudge with what "sufficient accuracy" Prof.
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