RED BANK REGISTER VOLUME LXVL, NO. 39. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 1944. SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 12 Joins Ray VanHorn $73,946 Collected Barbara McClees Girl Scouts Have Hebrew Society Made A Yeoman

Purim Ball Sunday In Red Cross Drive Local Wave Leaves 32d Anniversary Specialty School Campaign At Half-Way Mark— 49 County Council Groups Annual Event At Miss Barbara McClees, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar N. McClees Community Center $260,054 More Needed of Riverside Garden apartments on Now Have 1,000 Members West Front street, who was recent- Girl Scout week Is being ob- Plans are complete Xor the an--•- The halfway mark In the 1944 Other collections and branch Red Cross war fund drive of the served by the 1,000 member* of tho nual Purim ball and supper of the quotas, are Freehold, $3,700 col- Council At Fair 49 troops of the Northern Mon- Ladles' Hebrew society to be held Woolley To Run county Red Cross chapter was lected, $25,000 quota; Spring Lake reached yesterday, and to date mouth . County council of Girl Sunday night at the Jewish Com- $2,640, $8,600 quota; Sea Girt, $1,- Scouts in observance of tht 32d munity center on Riverside avenue. $73,946.50 has been collected to- 4S2, $2,500 quota; Belmar, $1,300. Haven Told River For Re-election ward the county chapter quota of anniversary of $he founding or Girl Mrs. Max B. Morris, society presi- $11,000 quota; Atlantic Highlands Scouts of America. Girl Scout dent, and Mrs. Maurice Btalberg $334,000. Reports were sent to the $1,241.50, $4,000 quota; Keyport, war fund chairman, Edwin L. Best Road Is Speedway troops throughout the nation ar* are chairmen, assisted by society As County Clerk $1,240.10, $8,000 quota; Keansburg, holding special ceremonies honor- members. In Red Bank, from 12 of the chap- $697, $4,000 quota, and Jersey ter's 16 branches and auxiliaries. Homesteads, $400, $1,200 quota. ng the founder, Juliette Low. A musical program has been ar- Police Chairman Mrs. William A. Miller of Little ranged for the entertainment of Has Streamlined Red Bank branch leads the coun- ty in collections to date with $21,- Members of the armed forces at Silver, council volunteer commit- guests, and artists include Benja- Fort Monmouth and Fort Hancock Says Problem Is sloner, in explaining the work of ' min Kazen, violinist; Irwin Levlii, Office During His 723,70 toward a quota of $90,000. Second Is Long Branch with $14,- have given $2,684.86, making a total the Northern Monmouth County tenor, and Herman Distler, humor- of $73,946.50. Contributions at Difficult One council, stated that when the coun- - ist. Miss Helen Glotzer will be the Horace P. May of River Oaks, 930.38 toward a (35,000 quota; third, Administration Fair Haven, a vice president of these two posts were unsolicited. ell was formed three years ago accompanist. Asbury Park with $11,506.86 col- there were 16 troops with a mem- A dinner will be served under J. Ruseell Woolley nf West Long Cross * Brown company, New lected toward a $25,000 quota, and No reports were received from A letter stating that a section of York, one of the largest real estate River road, from Lincoln avenue to bership of approximately 200. At the supervision of Mrs. Leon Branoh announced today that he fourth, Middletown township, $10,- Bridle, Union Beach, Manasquan the present time there are 49 [ RueckhauB. Reservations must be is a candidate for re-election for management firms In that city, has 428.50 toward a $28,000 quota. and Matawan. Smith street, has become a speed- become associated with the Ray way was read at the meeting ot troops with a membership Of ap- made with Miss Lillian Becker. the office of county clerk thla year proximately 1,000. Souvenir programs will be distrib- on the Republican ticket. Mr. VanHorn agency of Fair Haven. the Fair Haven mayor and council uted. Decorations will be In a pa- Woolley was elected county clerk Mr. May has had a number of Monday night. The writer, Thomas triotic motif, arranged by Mrs. Ju- in 1939 and is the present county years of experience in all branches Irving Brown, editor and publisher lius Straus. chairman of the Republican party. of the real estate business, and will Hospitality House of The Register, who resides on Others assisting Include Mrs. be actively engaged in commercial River road, stated that passenger Mae Newman, In charge of boos- and country properties. He is also cars, commercial vehicles of all ters; Mrs. Straus, children's page a member of the Fair Haven Lions types and Army jeeps ignored the of the souvenir program; Mrs. Ar- club and the Shrewsbury River Will Be Dedicated speed limit- thur H. Hershon, patrons; Mrs. Da- Yacht club. MISS BARBARA McCLEES Councilman Arthur H. Rieman, vid Bulkln. Mrs. Max Cohn, Mrs. chairman of the police committee, Samuel Cohen, Mrs. Benjamin Ad- ly graduated from Naval Training stated that every effort was being ler, Mrs. Aaron Marcus, Mrs. Wil- Red Bank Couple Opening Sunday Afternoon In school for Women Reservist Yeo- made to cope with the situation liam- Cooperman, Mrs. Milton Ger- men at the Iowa State Teachers but that it was a difficult matter ard, Mrs. Joseph Idea, Mrs. Isadore Eatontown Presbyterian Manse college at Cedar Falls, Iowa, has with only one police car. Kerber, Mrs, Charles Gogel, Mrs. Are Surprised On been promoted to the petty officer The letter from Mr. Brown la as Harry Papier, Mrs. Philip Wald- rating of yeoman, third class, in follows: A porton of the Eatontown Pres- the United States Navy (Women's March 9, 1944. man, Mrs. Morris Jacks, Mrs. Harry 51st Anniversary byterian church manse, comprising Feldt, Mrs. Milton I. Waster, Mrs. "OPA Ordinance" Reserve) and has been assigned to Mr. Arthur H. Reiman, Milton Zimmerman, Mrs. Harry three large rooms on the first floor, duty at Washington, D. C. Fair Haven Road, has been converted Into a hospital Fair Haven, New Jersey. Sprung, Mrs. Harry Meistrlch, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Randolph ity house. Yeoman McClees left for Wash- Reuben Sklar, Mrs. Harry Madan- To Be Discussed ington yesterday after spending a Dear Mr. Reiman: sky, Mrs. Lena Heller, Mrs. Leon- A dedication service will be held leave of seven days with her "par- It was my privilege, as well as Stryker Have Lived Sunday at S p. m. in the church pleasure, to hear your remarks ad- ard Gettelson and Mrs. Jacob Gol- auditorium by the pasor, Rev. Ches- ents. She begins her new duties dln. At Middletown today. dressed to the Mayor and Council Here 25 Years ter J. Padgett. Chaplains and of- at their meeting Monday, January Patrons will be Rabbi and Mrs. ficers from Fort Monmouth and Miss McClees, a graduate of 10, as Police Commissioner and in Arthur H. Hershon, Judge and Mrs. Rumson high gdiool and Katharine A surprise party was given last Municipal Officials Camp Charles Wood and represen- relation to your desires regarding Harry Klatjky, Col. snd Mrs. John tatives of the Committee on Camp Gibbs school in New York, was em- complaints. Your remarks were Edson Adams, Lieut, and Mrs. Mil- night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. To Attend Session and Church Activity of the Pres- ployed by the Ohio match company very constructive and should re- ton M. Abramoff, Mr. and Mrs. | George C. Barrett of Matawan in byterian War Time Service com- in New York prior to her enlist- lieve the Mayor of much worri- MRS. WILLIAM A. MILLER Thomas Irving Brown, Mr. and j celebration of the 51st wedding an- Tuesday Night mission will be present and the ment in the WAVES on November ment. Mrs. Edwin K. Conover, Mr. and niversary of Mrs. Barrett's parents, public Is cordially Invited to this 21, one week after reaching her Taking your remarks as they Mra. Miller said, "We can not Mrs. Max Duze, Dr. and Mrs, Joel J. RUSSELL WOOLET Mr. and Mrs. Randolph H. Stryker service. At the close of the meet- twentieth birthday. She received were given to us as taxpayers, I carry on a full girl scout program of Harding road, Red Bank. Only Three meetings called by North respectfully register a serious com- Feldman, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Go- Shore local war price and rationing ing In the church the hospitality her basic training at Hunter col- here because we lack funds. In gel, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Green- "Under my administration," said immediate members of the .Stryker house at SB Broad street will be lege and was selected for her spe- plaint, which is not new In the an- the fall we conducted a campaign Mr. Woolley, "the county clerk's of- family attended. A turkey dinner boards for consideration of the nals of Fair Haven police activi- blatt, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Halper, adoption of the so-called "OPA Or- opened for Inspection. cialty training at Iowa State tives. I do not want the situation for $10,000, but to date have col- Dr. and Mrs. Ernest F. Heymann, fice aa been streamlined and adapt- was served, and Mr. and Mrs. Stry- Teachers college on the basis of lected only $1,092. We intended to ed to the needs of the public In ker received many gifts Including dinance" by shore municipalities The Eatontown house is the 18th to develop to the point where I Mr. anu Mrs. Henry Hurwitz, Mr. are scheduled for March 21 at Mid- such project of the Presbyterian her aptitude tests and past civilian would have the opportunity to use these funds to establish a per- and Mrs. Philip Iselin, Mr. and war times. Greater use of the of- a purse of money. experience. The completed courso gloat with the phrase, "I told you manent camp site here in Mon- fice has been made In the last five dletown, March 22 at Asbury Park church, U, S. A., the others being Mrs. Morris Jacks, Mr., and Mn. Present, besides those mentioned, and March 23*Vt Toms River. located in many of the larger cities of study included shorthand, typ- !°- but unless. «>mothrajr Is done mouth county for girl scouts for years by the public than In any were Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Mill- •„„ -NT.;,.! „ ^ .L.J. ^ a more serious waay than ever both summer and winter use, and Michael S. Jacobs, Capt, and Mrs. time In Its long history. As a con- The mayors ;oveming offl- of the country. It Is expected that Ing, Naval correspondence, records Benjamin Kaplan, Mr, and Mrs. er of Riverside Heights; Mrs. Mar- a large number of servicemen sta- before such will be the case and to establish more Girl Scout and venience to the -general public and cials of communities included In 1 and forms and current events. Jack Klrschbaum, Mr. and Mrs. lon S. Young of Avon, Lieut, and tioned Jn various camps and forts Fair Haven will have one or more Brownie troops. We have a long particularly-for those sngaged In Mrs. John B. Greene of New the area of 14 local boards have Miss McClees Is a member of the sad Incidents. waiting list of girls who want to Nathan F. Klein^ Dr. and Mrs. war work during the day, the office been invited to attend. Each ses- of thla area will take advantage of National society of the Daughters Marc Krohn, Mr. and Mrs. Max Foundland, North Jersey; Paul the home. I am leading to the extreme become scouts, but we cannot fill has been kept open two nights a Randolph Stryker of Red Bank sion will be at the local board of- of the American Revolution and a carelessness exhibited by auto these requests since we lack fund» Leon, Dr. and Mrs. D. V. Manahan, week and the records made avail- fice, beginning at 8 p. m., with the The purpose of the hospitality former member of the Junior drivers on River road, particularly Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McQueen, and George Randolph, Paul Stry- house In Eatontown, as pointed out in the section between Lincoln ave- and leaders to carry out a full pro- able. This service speeded the ker and Carol Jean Barrett. chairman In each case being the Woman's club of Red Bank. Her gram." Mr. and Mrs,. H. Harvey Miner. work on the vast naval and mili- local board chairman. Harold by the minister, Is to provide for father Is associated with the Mer- nue and Smith street. Possibly the Mr. and Mrs. Theodore D. Moore, tary projects in the county, for Mrs. Stryker Is the former Miss service men a home away from same condition exists on other sec- Girl scouts In the council juris- Carrie Herbert, daughter of Mr. Kelly will be chairman at Middle- chants Trust company. diction, Mrs. Miller pointed out, Mr. and Mrs. Manny Morris, Mr. which property searches had to be town, E. M. Goddard at Asbury home. The boys are free to come Mr. and Mrs. McClees also have tions of River road, but I am not and Mrs. Max Morris, Mr. and Mrs. made before the work could be un- and Mrs. Obadlah Herbert of Marl- in during the afternoons and even- awaro of It. Between Lincoln ave- have given many hours of service. boro. Mr. Stryker retired and Park and Frank J. Kelly at Toms a son In the service, Lieut. Alex- nue and Smith street it seems this They hava assisted with salvage Theodore D. Parsons, Capt. and dertaken and the property owners River. Speakers will be Ewald J. Ings from Mondays through Satur- ander N, McClees, United States Mrs. A. Alfred Podell, Mr. and paid for the property taken. moved to his present residence 25 days. There will be games, music, section of River road has become drives, the TJSO clubs, the Merch- years ago, after operating forms at J. Smith, chief attorney, and R. J. facilities for writing, refreshments Army Air Forces, who Is stationed a speedway and not just recently ant Marine, Navy and Marine corp« Mrs. Morris Partner, Mr. and Mrs. Tilton, board operations officer, for at Lowry field at Denver, Colorado. at that, and although there is a John J. Qulnn, Mr. and Mrs. Sam- "In the event that I am re-elect- Shrewsbury and Marlboro for. 25 and the.use• of the kitchen will be with knitting, rolling bandages tnd ed I Intend to continue to make the years. He formerly owned the Lux- the Trenton District Office of Price provided for the men. They will not blinker at the intersection of doing other helpful things In a uel Reinfeld, Mr. and Mrs. Newton office responsive to every need of Administration. Hance road and River road, v«ry J. Rice, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rob- i enburg farm at Marlboro. be entertained In the house but will little attention is paid to It by mo- community. The program gives the public, both in war time and He was a member of the Marl- Mr. Smith stated today that mu- be expected to make themselves at ert*, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Roman, In the victorious peace to come." nicipal action is being sought at Rumson Mayor torists going east or west, and. this these girls training to enable them Dr. snd Mr«. Macy JT. Rudnlck, Mr. boro grange, and was superintend- home and do as they would In ! is one of the most dangerous inter- to do the various services that are A veteran of World war 1 Mr. ent of the Sunday-school of the this time for two principal rea- their own homes. sections we have in the borough, a: required of them. The council ha» ind Mrs. Leon Rueckhaus, Dr. and Woolley has a service record of ac- sons: first, to afford protection Mrs. Gregory E. Sacco, Mr. and Marlboro Baptist church. He was When the work sufficiently war- Warns Against : it is heavily traveled. tried to develop a program that tion at St. Mihlel and Limy and also superintendent of the Sunday- against the Inflationary tendency in I The principal offenders seem to Mrs. Maurice H. Stalberg, Mr. and the Meuse-Argonne sectors, where the prices of scarce but essential rants, a full-time hostess will be every scout can do, from the littlest Mrs. Jack Stern, Mr. and Mrs. Fred school of the Red Bank Baptist engaged at the house. A board of Game Parties be using the speedway between 7:15 Brownie of 7 or 8, to the adolescent the chief American battles with the I church for seven years. commodities along the shore dur- directors has been appol»ted and : and 8;15 in the morning and be- Straus, Mr. and Mn. Julius Straus, enemy were fought In 1918. He ing June, July "and August, and tween 5:30 and 7 in the evening. senior scout of high school age. Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Swarlz. Mr. j Mr. and Mrs. Stryker have flve will be responsible for the carry- . Possibly these offenders of the law "There la no work on the homo was a member of the 310th Infan- children and six grandchildren. ) second, to provide a means to con- Ing on of the hospitality bouse. and Mrs. Allan Tlmins, Mr. and try, 78th division, and later a ser- serve constantly shrinking supplies Will Adhere to are going either to or from the front," said Mrs. Miller "that pre- and Mrs. Walter L. Tepper, Dr. geant-major of the Third battalion. Their children are Mrs. Frank The members are Benjamin Van- Red Bank station and are over- sents a greater challenge than that Young of Avon, Paul R. Stryker, | of gasoline for local users who are Keuren, Eugene Viereck, Rev. Mrs. David Tlshman, Mr. and Mrs He Is a member of Long Branch entitled to It, instead of permitting Boro's Policy in anxious to get to their destination. of preserving at home those very Clarence E. Unterberg, Mr. and Chester J. Padgett, Guy Stevens, But criticism cannot be pointed values for which our men are fight- its diversion to the uses of those Maurice Whalen and Carl White- ! alone to these offenders at these Mrs. Morris Westerman, Mr. and who are not entitled to it but who Prohibiting Them ing all over the world. The early hurst. specific periods as throughout the teens have always been a critical Mrs. Arthur J. White, Mr-and Mrs. obtain gasoline by dealing at filling day speeders enjoy the freedom of ' Ralph O. WIUBUSS, Dr. and Mrs. Mr. Woolley has been borough stations which charge over ceiling Mayor Louis M. Hague and Po- this speedway. It has come to my period for girls, a time for useful Herbert E. Williams. clerk of West Long Branch, elnce Sally Gasldll To and accept improper ration cou- lice Commissioner J. Edward Wil- notice that U. S. Army jeeps are activities. We are learning from M&yor Charles R. English, Hattie 1921. He has been an active fire- pons. Ask Council To being driven at excessive speed our wartime experiences that to son issued warning's at the meet- neglect this age is to reap a har- Carnefrle, Dr. David I. Diamond, man since 1919, and In 1935 served All meetings are public. Both ing of the governing body last through our borough and that Dr. Theodore A. Doremus, Miss as chief of the borough flre depart- Reopen Shop Here brewery trucks and other heavy vest of delinquency and wasted OPA speakers expressed the hope Improve Road Thursday night that operation of vehicles as well as local trade ve- lives. To provide encouragement Bertha Krldel, Miss Florence Kri- ment. He has been on the board The Sally Ann Lee shop on Mon- that consumers and members of in- games of chance regularly would del, Alfred J. Lippman, Louis Min- of health 18 years and served four mouth street has been sold to its hicles are also operated In excess and a wholesome release for teen terested trade and civic organiza- not be tolerated In that borough. of our speed limits. ago energies, however, calls for er, William Taff, N. Tenenbaum years on the board of education. former owner, MrB. Sally Gasklll, tions would attend. Petition Little Although no specific instance was and Dr. William Wceden. He Is a member of Old First Meth- more familiarly known to Red I am taking the liberty of calling constructive effort on the part of odist church of West Long Branch. An ordinance of the type to be cited of any attempt to start game this matter to your attention, feel- home and community. Bankers as Sally. recommended has been adopted by Silver Council parties, the warnings were issued ing you will give same prompt con- In 1936 Mr. Woolley became clerk Miss Sally first started in bus- Asbury Park and Seaside Heights, to make- the borough's position sideration In the matter of public "As adults," Mrs. Miller conclud- Belf ord Soldier of the board of freeholders and a iness in the Carlton theater build- A petition requesting the bor- clear In the event any such affairs safety to alleviate this speeding and ed, "ive need to evaluate the activi- year later was elected freeholder. In the Shore area, as well aa by ing, later moving to the present lo- several other communities of vary- ough to regrade and resurface Or- are contemplated. also to save our borough from a ties that fill our days. If we do He served In that capacity until cation of the Sally Ann Lee shop chard place was received at the black name in case some of the this we shall soon realize that serv- Reported Missing 1939, as head of the road depart- ing sizes in the Trenton OPA dis- Such operations are not helpful speeding results in a serious acci- In the Oschwald building at 105 trict. It provides for local enforce- meeting of the Little Silver mayor to the community, declared Mayor ing as a scout leader Is truly a pa- ment and that same year was elect- Monmouth street, adjoining the and council Tuesday night. The dent. triotic task that contributes to the ed county clerk. ment of ceiling prices and makes lt Hague. "While there are more Im- Yours very truly, future welfare of our country." Sgt. Joseph Smith Carlton building. In 1937 she sold possible for a city judge or record- this to be assessed among the portant things we should not be Thomas Irving Brown. He Is a member of the Masonic that shop and retired for two property owners on the street. The council jurisdiction covers lodge, Jr. O. U. A. M., Fraternal er to impose a penalty up to a $200 fussing about such matters," he Councilman H. Lynnwood Min- Served In Bomber years, after which she opened on fine, 90 days In jail, or both, for; Signers of the petition were War said. The policy of the borough, he ton, chairman of the road commit- Keansburg, Cliffwood, Union Beach, Order of Eagles! Tall Cedars of at Eatontown, where ren S. Hartman, Mark G. Brlslawn, tee, reported that the job of con- New Monmouth, Port Monmouth, Staff Sergeant Joseph F. Smith Lebanon and the Rotary club. He each violation. concluded, has been to stojf game Highlands, Matawan, Keyport, she operated for a year. Chairmen of local war price and Raymond Fagan, Bernard Kaplan, parties and this will continue to be structing the storm sewer on of Belford, one of five crewmen of Is a director of the Long Branch In 1940 as Fort Monmouth was William Taylor and Frances L. Buena Vista avenue would be com- Long Branch, North Long Branch, a Flying Fortress who survived a Banking company and the Shadow rationing boards to be represented the borough's policy. pleted in two weeks. West Long Branch, Sea Bright, Lawn Savings & Loan association. expanding and more transients are: M. F. Stevenson, Matawan; Burdge. The road committee rec- Mr. Wilson In concurring with crash at Pendletown, Oregon, In were pouring Into Oceanport, Miss ommended that bids be secured for Councilman Russell H. Minton, Fair Haven, Rumson, Marlboro, July of alst year, was reported Mr Woolley la married, has two John H. Roberts, Keyport; Craig the mayor's warning Bald that at Hazlet, River Plaza, Colt's Neck, missing In the action In the Euro- children, a daughter Virginia and Sally saw the advantage of open- C. Hill, Red Bank; F. E. Neaves, the job. certain times It may be proper for chairman of the fire committee, Ing a business there. Many of her charitable' purposes, but such stated he has received a number of Little Silver, Belford, Shrewsbury, pean area by the War department a son Lt. (j. g.) J. Russell Woolley, Long Branch; William Buchsbaum, An offer by Mrs. Eleanor E. Alex- calls from residents requesting the Fort Monmouth, Red Bank and this week. Jr., who is now In the U. S. Navy patrons from Red Bank still fol. Manasquan; Elston Combs, Avon; ander of $100 for lot 7 on Garden events held regularly are undesir- lowed by bus for an occasional vis- able because they have a tendency flro company to burn off dry grass Laurence Harbor. Another Monmouth county col- assigned to the Pacific fleet. VanR. Naglc, Long Beach; Harry road, Sllverwhlte Gardens, was re- on adjoining lots. Mr. Minton Officers are Mrs. Miller, commis- dler, PFC. Wlllett Vlgno of Key- Mr. Woolley was born at Long it to her shop. Uhden, Point Pleasant; James ected as being insufficient. to cause trouble. stated that the firemen have no When business had so expandod Exempt firemen's certificates sioner; Mrs. William H. Sutphin of port, was reported wounded In the Branch and has lived In West Long Mott, Tuckerton; August Speler, Hermann. Benz, in a letter, com- authority to do the jobs unless per- Matawan, deputy commissioner; Mediterranean area. Branch since his return from the to make it necessary to move to Seaside Heights, and Charles Van- plained about the bad condition of were granted to Raymond Shea of mlssls granted by the dwnera of larger quarters, Miss Sally looked Rumson fire company and Robert the properties themselves. Mrs. John Scully of Red Bank, sec- Sgt. Smith entered the service World war. Vorst, Barnegat. Bennett lane In Colonial terrace. retary; Mrs. Charles Hunt of July 5, 1942. His wife, the former again at the scene of her first suc- He said he realized it was still a Zerr of Oceanic Hook and Ladder cess and completed negotiations company. Oscar Becker expressed hU awan, treasurer; Mrs, Irving Feist Miss Mabel Howard of Jersey City, TOM BLY OVERSEAS. private road, but requested that thanks to Officer Harry Veroneau of Shrewsbury, and Mrs. Philip Is- for Ita purchase. After remodeling Flyer Honored In the borough fill in the. holes.. The On the recommendation of Coun- resides with his mother, Mrs. Ag- The name of Chief Warrant Of- and redecorating Is completed, tho and others In the police department Ien of Oceanport, District 1 depu- nes Smith, and his sister, Miss Hel- ficer Thomas BIy was Inadvertently Red Cross Drive matter will be referred to Allen cilman Robert G. Ilsley a letter of for their promptness In taking his ties; Mrs. Herbert J. Curtis of en Smith, on Orchard avenue, Bel- shop known as Miss Sal- Brothers, owners and developers of thanks will be sent to the Sea son Carl, 14, from school to hla omitted from the group of mem- ly-Hair Stylist, and will reopen At a Shrewsbury township Red Long Branch, District 2 deputy; ford: A brother, William Smith, Is bers of the former 112th field ar- Colonial terrace. Bright fire department for assist- home. The boy was taken ill while Mrs. Harry Chamberlain of Middle- a paratrooper. about April 1, with five operators Cross meeting last Friday night In Borough Clerk Fred L, Ayers ance rendered at a recent fire in at school. tillery of Red Bank who recently giving a complete line of beauty Tlnton Falls school a drive was town, District 3 deputy, and Miss Sgt. Smith received a fractured was named mileage administrator West park. arrived in England, In tho Item services. launched for funds as part of the •Albert A. Kerr, Jr., borough A request from the board of edu- Rita Quail of Keansburg, represen- shoulder In the crash of tho bomb- printed in last week's Issue. Tho Red Cross War fund campaign to for the municipal apparatus. cation for $5,000 was granted. tative on the regional committee er last July. One of the crewmen It wag announced that April 1 clerk, reported recent thank-you new unit Is an armored field artil- Mortgage Loans dedicate a Red Cross certificate to board. was filled. lery battalion. • has been set as tho deadline for letters for Christmas packages Chairmen nre Mrs. Robert Perry from Institutional or private Capt. Bill Casey, Army Aair Forces those who have not yet obtained from Limits. Gcorpe DivJght, J. Up- Bulck Owners. sources. We specialize In F. H. A. hero, now a prisoner in Germany. shur Moorhoad, John Ewlng and L. S. Currier, formerly service of Fair Haven, organization and Anyone desiring to buy a home Little Silver Borough. mortgages and can also place con- The certificate will bo framed licenses for their dogs or goats. manager for the late Mr. H. L. Zo- program: Mrs. Harry C. Ruofl of or make repairs can obtain a All owners of dogs and goats ventional mortgages on selected Summonses will be. issued after Harry C. Bradley, Jr., Ensign Wil- bel at his Red Bank Bulck garage. Little Silver, finance; Miss Berna- mortgage at a reduced rate of In- who havo failed to secure licenses residential and commercial proper- and placed In the school In honor that date to thoso who have failed liam H, Hintelmann, Spts. William Is now conducting a complete re- terest. No premiums. Can be paid of tho noted flyer from Shrewsbury dlne Stewart of Fair Haven, camp; for their animals must secure them ties at low rates of interest. Call to do so. Fanning an* Russell McCuo, Con- pair service for Bulck owners, at Mrs. Edward Fnrry of Keyport,, on monthly Installments over a by April 1 or they will be served us.for prompt service. Joseph G. township, who received the Dis- rad de la Motte, Carl L. Piorce, Cherry's Esso Servicenter, • corner period of years to suit owner. In McCuo Agency, Rumsoh 444.—Ad- tinguished Flying Cross and tho Maple avenue and Bergen place. membership; Mrs. William Groft of with a summons. Licenses are Is- Notice. Jack Deislor, Richard Ward and Hfntnwnn, volunteer leader trainer; amounts of $1,000 to $8,000. Prop- sued at the Borough Hall from 9 vertisement. Air Medal with Oak Leaf Clusters The regular ,annual meeting of William Hoag, Jr. Red Bank. Phone Red Bank 1845. erty located within a ten-mile radi- a. m. to 12 noon, nnd 2 to 5 p. m. for his daring exploits before ho Your Bulck will run better and last Mrs. Samuel Hausman of Red us of Red Bank. Write Mortgage, the shareholders of the Red Bank Receipts from the clerk's otllces longer If repaired at this complete- Fred L. Ayers, Recapping and Vulcanizing was taken prisoner. Miss Mary Savings and Loan Association will for February totaled $563.85, the Bank, Juliette Low foundation box 511, Red Bank.—Advertise- Borough Clerk. ly equipped shop by Bulck trained committee, and Mrs. Robert • ment. 48-hour service; latest methods Casey, aunt of tho flyer, will receive be held Tuesday, March 28, 1944, at principal items of revenue being mechanics.—Advertisement. —Advertisement. and equipment In our plant. Phil a copy of tho certificate. 3 o'clock p. m., at the Association's $272 in dog license fees and $164 in Brandt of Red Bank, registrar. Waldman'a Gulf Service, Maple There were many contributors to office, 10 Broad street, Red Bank, Trlvnte Mortgages, Berplcn's (or Service. avenue and West Front street, Red N. J., for the purpose of eleRlnfr bus tax receipts. Public Auction. Paint Dp. Typewriters, adding machines Bank, phone 1865,—Advertisement. this filrid Inst mooting night nnd directors and for tho transaction of Tho clerk ni\noui\ced UUTO were Inside scml-gfoSs of quality, M gage?H>sa^B5AB5!*ee4)-»»iw*»aw9«We can place any good rnort.- the numhor Is Increasing. • Contri- Tho cstnte of Marie Klcchle will Wi»ti 16 Wallace street, Red Bank, phon« regulations. Hanoa & Davis, phone nue, Asbury Park 2121.—Advertise- ed, Long Branch, phone 3599.— Noel J. Lartaud, Secretary. 803 Mattison Avenue, Asbury Park, phone Long Branch 3599.—Adver- mayer, Atlantic Highland! 710-1C— l008.-Advett!lMB(nt Red Bank 103,—Advertisement ment, Advertisement. —Advertisement. telephone 2121.—Advertisement. tlsement, ' • Advertisement, Pace Two. KED BANK REGISTER, MARCH 16, 1944 Coal Firm Closes for Duration. coal shortage and due to the fact Brig. Gen. Ostrom The ABC coal company of Nep- that th« owner ii entering: the Navy. JEWELRY REPAIRING Collect 180 Pints of tune announced Monday that it WatcfeM, CIDCIM and J»nlrr Cloned New Commander was suspending business for the'i •nd Repalrtd at R««»o»«bU Prices duration. The company's regular The approach of spring will All Work lor On. Yin Blood For Red Bank customers will be obligated to sign shorten the time required to force H. ROSIN, J.weler Harbor Defenses affidavits with substituted dealer*. cut branches of spring-flowering _ USE 666 la Wul Front St, R«d Bank, N. J. The company closed became of the ,shrub* into bloom. ««« TABLET*. 3ALVE. NOSE DROPS T.I. 7S-M. Comes to Fort Two Donora, Having Given Eight Hancock From Pint*, Join Gallon Club Jacksonville

More than 180 pints of blood Brig, Gen. CharUi D. Y. Ostrom Every Liggett Drug Store is a Headquarters for were collected by the county Red Dorothy Ketchum has been assigned to command the Cross chapter blood donor service Harbor Defenses of New York, Thursday a! the Methodist church Ha* Birthday Party with headquarters at Fort Han- fellowship hall. The blood bank cock, it has been announced by PRESCRIPTIONS mobile unit will make its second Miss Dorothy K. Ketchum, Lieut.' Gen. George Grunert, com- visit to Red Bank next Tuesday, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl L,. manding general of the Eastern De- Experienced, registered pharmacist* are on con- and those wishing to give blood Ketchum of First street, Fair Ha- fense Command. General Ostrom may call the county Red Cross ven, celebrated her birthday with previously commanded the former stant duty at Uggett's, helping to keep America headquarters at Shrewsbury. a party at her home Friday even- Southern sector of the Eastern De- in fighting trim ... ready for any emergency ... Mils Barbara McLennon and | inp. The decorations were in fens»!,Command. Breslow. both of Red Bank, l-grcen and white to resemble a St. supplied with the most modem weapons (such as 1 Gen. Ostrbm was born In Cali- gave their eighth pint of blood to Patrick's day party. Dorothy re- fornia April 26, 1890. He was grad- the miraculous sulfa drugs) to wage a successful the Red Cross Thursday and he-' reived many gifts, among: them be- uated from the University of Cali- bottle against disease. cams the first members of theing- War bonds and Victory stamps. fornia in 1012. Joining the Cali- county Red Cross chapter Gallon The guests included Carol Joan fornia National Quard In 1910, he club. Membershlp.Jn the club Is Rieman, Connie Perrlne, Yvonne served in the various grades from given only after a donor has given Dowd, Barbara Little Joan Mackey, private to captain until 1916, when THE REX ALL DRUG STORES filing Ifoax Pteictijation a gallon of his blood to a Rec! Lois Miller, Muriel Schroeder, he was appointed a second lieu- Cross blood bank. : Jeanne Wilkins, Joan Carol De- tenant of coast artillery in the Reg- Thomas Cassldy, Sgt Lester Ger- j Mar, Mary Ann Jewett, Barbara ular Army. E To Jltyatii O 1 lach and Mrs. Malcolm C. Leonard, and Lois Inacoe, Mftrjorie Roswell, In the first World war, Gen. O«- Broad & Monmouth Sts. - Red Bank gave their blood for the sixth time; | Marjorie Ketchum, Bob Howie, tram served overseas with the 64th John M. Barberlo. Mi's Dorothy Bob Wickman, John Hessel, Don- Coast Artillery a« a battalion com- Brown, Arabeile Burkhardt, Victor '.nlil McCoach, Arthur Dilione, Jack mander until December, 1918, and M. Dorn, John Euler, Thelmn Oard- ; DIxon, Eddi« Conway, Walter then was ordered to duty with the ler, Josephine Garrigan, Lester Dlngwall, Edred Webb and Edward transportation corps. After his re- Sensotfonal New TANGK Kennedy, Mrs. Emily Levering. [ Ketchum. turn to the United StateB, he Berved Miss Ruth Straus and Mrs. Sam- with the 31st Coast Artillery bri- uel datrolenlt. flflh time, and J. L- gade until August, 1920. Prescription Burnham. Mrs. GeorKe Frelbott. Farewell Party He was graduated from the James J. McCandless, Albert Leone. Coast Artillery school in 1921, and f For Your Teeth Edith Kleffman, Mrs. Marjorie E. from 1921 to 1922 served a» assist- Petal TtnhA Hurley, Frederick Phllipp, George For Ralph Jobes ant editor of the Journal of U. S. Ploger, Evelyn Schlossman. Char- Artillery. In 1922, he established FACE POWDER lotte SchulU. Amy Stevenson, Ha- the Coast Artillery ROTC unit at LISTERINE Ml Troutman, Mrs. Raymond Tup- Former Fire Chief the University of California. Gen. per, Mrs. Charlotte Yass. John Ostrom served at Corregldor, Phil- 00 More and Mrs. Mary Warden, To Enter the Army ippine Islnnds, from 1926 to 1929, Tooth Poite* or Powder fourth time. returning to the United States to 50< -1 Al! donors fflvinfr for the first | Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brasch of take an advanced course at the Coast Artillery school from 1929 to £/V time received a bronze colored | Fair Haven gave a farewell party Clings for exfra noon plastic pin, and third time donors , for Ralph Jobes of Red Bank 1930. He was a battalion com- k OOUBlf SIZES V V- received sliver colored plastic pins ! Saturday nigh! at their home. Mr. mander of the Second Coast Artil- Helps hide blemishes Those gJvlnjr for the third time Jobes will soon be Inducted Into lery at Fort Monroe, Virginia, from Won't streak or coke *{ were Mrs. P. C. Ackerman, Sidney the Army. Decorations were In red.1930 to 1932, and was graduated ALl AMERICAN Berg Mrs. Victor M. Dorn, Kati'! | white and blue and the centerpiece from the Command and General Fowler, Milton Gerard, Edna He'- on the party tnble was a. large cake Staff school in 1934 after complet- VELLUM wig, Mrs, Lyman Middlcdltch, Jr.I, decorated with an American flag. ing a two-year course. The guests gave a check to the large Monarch Size Edna Meyer, Sophie McMahon, gueet of honor and Harry Hoffman, From 1934 to 1936, Gen. Ostrom an exquisite P5 that stays and stays, Diana Winer. Clark E. Wallace. Red Bank fire chief, gave a pen was a battalion commander of 'the fc cw •*«, Ralph B. Slekels. Norman Slckels and pencil set to him from mem- Sixth Coast Artillery, Fort Winfleld 60 Sheets know you and Wesley Ordlle. bers of the WesWde Hose com- Scott, California, and served in the pany. Mr. Jobes Is a former Red General Staff corps from January, 50 Envelopes Bank fire chief. A check was also 1B37, to August, 1938. He attended Adopt Ordinances given to Raymond Brower. another the Army War college from 1938 Nofe: 10% Federal Tax on Cotmetic /tern* Colors: Ivory, Granite, j?uest, who will soon enter the ser- to 1939. From 1939 to 1942 he, served as an Instructor at the Com- Green, Orchid, Blue. vice. mand and General Stnff school. In Eatontown Others present were Mr. and Mrs. Brasch and Mr. and Mrs. William In 1942 Gen. Ostrom established Harbaugh of Fair Haven, Sgt. and an important base in the South Pa- Other Business of Mrs. Arthur Turney of Fort Mon. cific, belrtfr awarded the Legion of mouth, Mr. and Mrs. George Grause Merit for his "exceptionally meri- Mayor and Council and Frank Reid of Runwon, Mr. torious conduct in the performance and Mrs. William Anderson of of outstanding services." Return- Iffiilliil Two ordinances up. for public River Plaza, and Fire Chief and Ing to this country in April, 1943, he hearing wer« adopted by. th| eMrs. Harry Hoffman, First Deputy became commander of the Coast Artillery Replacement Training S H A V C R • M IION OINTAl CITIAM Eiatontown mayor and council at a' Chief GUB Colmorgen, Raymond center at Camp McQuaide, Califor- iilfi reyul&r lesslon last Friday night. j Brower, Mr. and Mrfi, Harry Jobes, nia. He was assigned In October to One measure provides for removal I Mrs. Ralph Jobes, Mr. and Mrs.the Southern sector. Eastern De- ' of enow and Ice on abutting side- Thomas Massey. Mr. and Mrs. Ed- fense Command, with headquarters / / ,/r(7< * walkg and gutters and removal of ward Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. Ken- at Jacksonville, Florida. grass and weeds and sets penalties neth Woodward, Mr. and Mrs. John •'•••• : •••: .-•:; for violations and the other ordi- Reed, Mr. and Mrs, James Dolg, nance requires property owners to Mr. nnd Mm. Irving Brenner and loads keep all lota clear of brush, dead Mr. and Mrs. Jack Winter of Red Giant 45c Size grass and other inflammable ma- Bank. Purple Heart For terials. Colgate Brushless. Shave A. written application for a res- Keansburg Victim cream of champions. Made taurant and liquor license made by Auxiliary Plans especially for sensitive th« Eaton Realty for the premises Awarded Posthumously skins and tough whiskers. j'#w«eteoi. at 18 Tinton avenue through Mrs. April Luncheon Stays wonderfully moist Htlen Hannoch, was referred to the zoning board as the place Is lo- To Navy Fireman clear through your shave. cated In resident!*? area. To be Held April 18 A license was granted the Golden The Order of the Purple Heart Cab company of Long Branch to At Fair Haven was recently awarded posthumous- c operate one taxlcab in the bor- ly by Navy Secretary Knox to Fire- Hair Looks Lovelier ough. man Second Class Arthur Robert PALMOLIVE SOAP 3 <" 20 TEEl Michael Ricclardl was granted a Fair Haven auxiliary of River- Fox of 68 Washington avenue, Behaves Better view hospital will hold a clam Kcansburg'. His mother, Mrs. • license for the maximum of tenchowder luncheon and card party The Sparkling trailers at a camp on Neptune Hannah Krupka, received the ci- When You Wash It With Tuesday, April 18, at the parleh tation and mednl. liquid highway. The fee of J150 in cash house of the Fair Haven Episcopal accompanied the application^ chapel. The event was arralnged Fireman Fox enlisted In the Na- DRENE SHAMPOO Dentifrice The use of the park for the hold- at a meeting Monday at the home vy April 6, 1942, nnd served on the SWEETHEART SOAP 3'« 20° With Beauty ing of a sunrise service by local of Mrs. Wallace B. Rankin of Fair U. S. S. South Dakota in actions in churches on Easter Sunday was Haven. Mr«. George Stephen Young the Coral sea, off the Solomon Is- Soapless Drene leaves no dulling In Every Drop granted by the mayor and council. and Mrs. Addlson J. Howland are lands, nnd at Sa\xj.J^Jand, where he film to hide hair's natural lustre. The police/ department was com- chairmen. died Novemher 15, 1942, f c Makes hair silky-soft, easy mended by the council following A silent prayer was observed In He was bota .B.t Newark and at- to manage right after a shampoo. the report of Councilman Walter memory of the late Mfs. Walter B. tended St. Ann's school in that city WOODBURY SOAP 3 «20 £ 39* E. Green, police commissioner. Connor, who served as auxiliary before moving to Keansburg. He Police Commissioner Walter E. president two years and was a was employed by the Firemen's Life Green read the chief's report and member of the Rlvervlew hospital Insurance company at Newark bo- commended the staff for solving combined auxiliaries executive fore entering the service. A broth- ( 60c Size the attempted "mugging" cases board. She died last month. er, James Fox, is a clerk In the Es- 49< sex county pleas court. Another LIFEBUOY SOAP last week. Mrs. Rankin is the new auxiliary 3«20 president. The next meeting will brother, Joseph Fox, resides at 6 qelitat be Monday, April 10, at the Epis- Kcansburg,- and there are two ais- copal chapel parish house. ters, Mrs. Gertrude Sinclair of Collect $21,723.70 Others present were MrB. Carl Keansburg and Mrs. Agnes Burns Schwenker, Sr., Mrs, Henry W. of Brooklyn. /O For Red Cross Hance, Mrs. John Chadwick, MrB. Ambrose Matthews, Mrs, Frederick Vimms W. Opper, Mrs. George T, Llnton, VIUMINS.-.MINIHIIS Drive Reaches Mrs. Leon VanBrunt, Mrs. Theo- Sea Bright PTA Jo dore Engberg, Mrs. A. J. McCoach, rant! Healthy Half-way Mark Mrs. May Wulflng, Mrs. Robert Is Disbanded FITCH No-Brush or Cadman Sr., and Miss Marguerite VI. IMS Feeling LATHER SHAVE CREAM The "Red Bank branch of the1'Ianltz. Red Cross his collected $21,723.70 "Home and School" 24 for 49? 96 for 169 m toward the branch 590,000 quota in the county Red Cross war fund J. A. Presidents Association Formed The 6 essential vitamins and For super sensitive skin. drive for K34.000. A dally record Loofe Lovelier with 3 equally important minerals It lubricates. Made with of contributions Is refisterpd on Form State Group The Sea Bright Home and School combined in a single tablet! Fitch's super facial oil. the branch war fund thermometer association. was organized laat at the font nf Broad street. Presidents of Junior Achieve- GENUINE STEERHIDE ment ronirnnifB from several sec- Thursday afternoon following the ii*' MemberB of the special Kifta vote of the Parcnt-Teachor group tions or New Jersey, including Red ul n meeting in the school to dis- Handsomely Decorated Leather committee have collected J15.200; Hunk, Xi'w Brunswick, I'lainlield, In Path business, S4.320; special jjroujiB, I l'mon City. Hillside, Newark, the band, $231 and residential solicitor.*, , Oranges, Belleville, Irvington and The PTA was formed about ten W89.4O, making a total of 520,150 40. years a'go and many successful af- FACE 100 WALLET and PASS CASE The balance to be raised in 'mder jYiTunii met recently «t Newark to i form n slate ' association. Boh fairs hnve been held by the group ww GROVE'S With 3 Pockets to meet the quota in $69,848.60. I Howard, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Har- for the benefit of the. school anil POWDER | A breakdown In the collections cilil K. Howard of 127 Hudson ave- pupils. It was decided, however, at A, Bi D Capsules and 9 Windowsl in residential areas shows that nue, Red Kanli. president of thelust week's meeting thnt a purely Franfcly for fascination! Thrilling Soft as a Fleecy Cloud Rumaon is loadinjj with }8.6(>s col- local organization cnuld better Evening in Paris make-up. Glorious Wood 1'ioiiiirtd Co. of the local J. Full-length bill pocket plus 2 other lected; Red Bank, $4,33iiDO; i A. c>: (mnliillon. was appointed tern- serve the needs of the school and flattery in the silken softness of 15 for 25« MODESS Shrewsbury borough, I'J.240; Little ' pen ;iry chiurmnn. community. the powder <$i) and exquisite har- leather pockets for your stamps and 1 U) More than 2 weeks' supply. Silver, 11,540.50; Shrewsbury (own- | The purpose of the. Junior The. nominal inp committee re- mony of rouge & lipstick (50c each) Sanitary QAfi receipts and 9 windows for snapshots •hip, $1,355; Holmdpl. I1.30U; At-Ai-hievement stnte aaaociatloii is to ported the following slate, of of- W) One capsule gives the mini- v and all of your identification cards. lantic township. $727; Sea Bright. luiv.- icKuliir monthly meetings of tloem who were cloctfd tn aeuvc *•). mum daily adult requirement Napkins 56 for 09 $27: Entontown. $1.1 and Fnir H» 'tiit- |>ieM oz.19c Flit Quart 29c | K'Rtinn *\HS .narned. This will Receives Wings 50c Calox Tooth Pwd. 39c Lt. Marvin Fowler cjf Sen meet with the rhnlrmnn.'Boh How- who is in I be adjutant gcncin)'.s , aid. nt Rod rtunk In tM nenr fu- •Ronnld Marlnnl; son or Mr. nnd 100 Veracoiate Tablets 63c Pound Dextri Maltose 63c Black Flag Quart 29c department on Ascension IfUind, in i tme. Mrs. Julio Mai innl or River vond. Forhans Tooth Paste 39c y 100 Aspirin Tablet? 13c .Pound Cerevim Sulphur Candles 10c ocean, wiitt^ that he receives Thr- -•im! wn;* commj^.^ioned n Hecond 39c ReclMi>r within a week after It Innew idens with ntnte I wiKirjunrt pt s Kolynos Tooth P-aste 39c m tb'it the fompnny orlfrlnntlnfr It llcuti'mir«f In the V. S. Army Air i*«U(-v other companies wan C!IB- Arkani-as-. p'.aium in: plane* on war mlHKlonn Lt. Mnrlani wns graduated from 5-lbs. Soda Bicarb. 17c Nursing Bottles ea. 2c Pepsodent Tooth Paste 39c C-N Disinfectant 23c&45c hpivsnfn South America and Africa. ruRsed and will be hrouKht up at the next stnte. meeting. Rumaon, where he re- Lt. Fowler, n former employee -lit ceiv.ed a Heholuiship. He comulp,^- Ihe Sea Bright postoflieo, 6nyn he ct] his education at Duke univers- Rem Cough Syrup 49c MennensBaby0il43c&89c 50c Ipana Tooth Paste 39c Sulpho Nathil 29c&54c leadi every Ifem from .ntem' to More tlmn IV.390 New York state ity, frum where lie wu« graduated rierh. and that each Issue in like dairy nerd* air- enrolled, in thein 1940. HP entered the service in the arrival of t friend from humt, Bang'* disease control program. January, 1943,


^k&,i RED BANK REGISTER, MARCH 16, 1944 Page Three.

Emaauel Muller of Clifford plae*. Returns To Base Hold Negro For Red Bank, -who Is In the Cavalry, Here And There In was promoted from first H«utenane> PFC. Alonzo S. Curchln, Jr., has to captain. returned to Tennessee after spend- Grand Jury On ing a ten-day furlough with his There were 3,200,000 birth. In th* Monmouth County wife at her home on East Front Attack Charge United States in 1943. FOR SALE street. PFC. Curchin was inducted into the Army July 7, 1943, and The Red Bank Register If sup- placed In the military police escort ported bv local as well as out-of- Personal Notes, Sales of Property, Building Opera- Lawson Wicker Arrest- town business men. Advertisements appearing t.emilarly tell th» story. tions, Lodge Doings, Births,.Man.ages, Deaths ed at Asbury Park —Advertisement. Sea Food Market Bus Terminal and Other Notes of Interest Lawson Wicker, 28, colored, an Manasquan Plant Sold. the engagement of Miss Helen M. COMPLETELY EQUIPPED The Imperial Porcelain Works Boyle of Philadelphia to S/Sgt. Eu- employee on William W. Vaughan'* racehorse farm on Nuts warn p road HARTFORD plant at Manasquan has been sold gene V. Bennett, son of Mrs. Mary Hirtford Fire Iniurance Company to a Trenton pottery manufacturer E. Bennett of Freehold. Sgt. Ben- in Middletown township near Ever- Now in Operation for $40,000. The plant wag former- nett is in the Army Air Corps and ett, was held without bail for ac- ly operated by B. D, Dinsmore of is stationed at Sioux City, Iowa. tion of the grand jury Friday night Trenton and Spring Lake. It hasNo date has been set for the wed- when arraigned before Acting Re- INSURANCE not been operated the past two ding. corder Sverre Sorenson of Middle- INQUIRE years and has been leased to the town township on charges of as- Army Signal Corps as a warehouse. Matawan Woman Dead. sault and attempted rape. W. T. Norris of Manasqunri, who Mrs. William E, Jordan, Jr., of Wicker, a husky six-foot Negro, 111 First Avenue was manager for the Dinsmore in- Matawan, died Monday at the confessed to attacking Mrs. Mil- JOHN I LAWLEY terest*, will probably remain as home of her mother, Mrs. Alice L. dred Garrettson, 32, wife of another manager for the new owner. Dawe of that place. Mrs. Jordan Vaughan employee, and her five- - AGENT - was the divorced wife of Dr. Foun- year-old daughter In a tenant CPL. JOSEPH A. CHERO Atlantic Highlands, N. J. Overcome By Gas. tain Burlew and was married to house on the Vaughan' farm Wed- Riverside Drive and State Two sisters, 26 and 13 years of Mr. -Jordan last July. She'was an nesday night. At the time of the Cpl. Joseph A. Chero has arrived age, were overcome by gas in their official in a Newark department attack, Mr. Garrettson was In thasafely in England, according to Hwy 35 home at Asbury Park Saturday store for several years before she stable, taking aare of one of theword received by his parents, Mr. Tel. Red Bank 410 night when they disconnected a became ill. Vaughan broodmares. and Mrs. Frank Chero of state kitchen range to lay new linoleum highway, Middletown township. Get* $12,000 Post. Wicker is reported to have but failed to shut off the main. The broken Into the Garrettson home Before entering the Army he elder of the two, Miss Ruth Make- Benjamin P. VanTlne of Deal was employed in the Titflcx defense stays on the state payroll at $12,000 PFC. ALONZO S. CURCHIN, JR. and accosted Mrs. Garrettson, who WANTED mull, was unconscious when the was in bed. He attempted to choke plant In Newark. ° flrut aid squad arrived and her sis-a year as deputy attorney general, Even A Sandwich Can Be it has been announced by Walter guard and sent to Fort Custer, her when she struggled, and she ter, Joan, was in a dazed condition. D. VanRiper, attorney general. Mr. Michigan. Upon completion of hiafainted. It is charged that when Four County Army 500 OLD The younger telephoned' for aidVanTine had heen general solicitor basic training at Fort Custer he Mrs. Garrettson's daughter swoko A Work of Art when she saw her sister collapse. for the state highway department was- then transferred to Camp screaming and crying, she was Campbell, Kentucky, where he WATCHES Freehold Girl a Bride. liut that ultlce was wiped out when slapped and tossed across the room Officers Promoted guarded prisoners of War. He hasby Wicker. '._-_..... Due to shortag* of watch Miss Naomi > Storey, daughter of the new state law department waa Promotions-of—four Monmouth created by the legislature. been on maneuvers in Tennessee material we can use your Mrs. Irene Storey and the late Jo- since the latter part of October. Edward Townsend, farm superin- county Army officers' were an- seph Storey of Freehold, was mar- old watch for parts. We will tendent, was attracted by the rum- nounced this week by the War de- pay an exceptionally high ried Sunday of last week to How- Car on Fire, Damages Shed. pus and called the Middletown partment. Dr. Frank Poaquole ard C. Orren of Beekley, West Vir- Fire which started in a car REMOVE NON-LAYERS price. We buy old fold and township police. When the police Pignataro of the staff of the New jewelry. ginia. The ceremony was perparke- d in an alley adjoining the This is the time to begin culling arrived at the farm, Wicker made Jersey state hospital at Marlboro formed at the Freehold Methodist American hotel at Freehold Satur- the poultry flock so that thoee a quick exit, striking out across the and Homer Kelsey Heller of Elber^ church. Following a wedding trip day night did considerable damaga birds that are not paying their fields toward Red Bank. He wason were advanced from major to to West Virginia the bride returned to the car and set fire to a shed. way can be sold for meat. Hens arrested Thursday morning at As-lieutenant-colonel. to her home to reside for the pres- NOEL'S The car was owned by Frank Fed- that stop laying during the period bury Park, where he attempted to Col. Pignataro is in the Medical ent and the bridegroom returned to ericl. The nre apparently started from March through June are get a , bus to Philadelphia, where JEWELRY SHOP his station at Camp Upton. Corps and Col. Heller is in the In- from a short circuit in the car's usually Inferior birds and it will he formerly lived. fantry. Joseph Aloysiua Drlscoll of wiring. • ' not pay to keep them on the farm, 86V2 Broad Street, Honorably Discharged from Army. Mrs. Garrettton was taken to Point Pleasant, who is with the Dies After Operation. advises Richard O. Rice, assistant Signal Corps, was raised from cap- Red Bank, N. J. T/Sgt. John O'Chat, who has county agricultural agent. Riverview hospital for treatment, been hospitalized for the past five Mrs. Frances C. Winans, 22, wife and for observation. At the Mid-tain to major, and Alexander To get rid of these non-layers as And It In at the Palace Diner became we think and a half months as the result of of Russell R. Winans of Matawan, dletown jail, Wicker confessed to battle wounds, has received an hon-died Wednesday of last week in on as possible, plan to go through that aandwicliM are Important. You order Just the the houses once a week to select his attack on the woman, but as- orable discharge from the Army Riverview hospital, following an serted that he was drunk. He ad- operation. Besides her husband them, Using a flash light to do the food you like bent and we Krve It proudly. and has returned to hi3 home at. mitted grabbing her around the Cliffwood. Sgt. O'Chat had been she is survived by a daughter and job, it is comparatively simple to select the birds with shrunken, neck In an attempt to silence her, in the Army more than three years her mother, Mrs. Harry Cook of but denied the charge of rape. and saw service in North Africa Lakewood, also a brother and sixdried-up combs while they are on and Sicily and Italy. sisters. the roosts. Generally this method will result In the elimination of Serving Highest Quality Meat*, Fre»h Vegetables, Home- STARTER SOLUTION MARCH Made Pies and Cake Orchids from Hawaii. Engagement Announced. most of the non-layere. If some of Miss Elizabeth Cherry of Key- Announcement has been made of them are missed they can be picked Starter solution gives the trans- port, who~celebrated her birthday I the engagement of Miss Barbara A. up in the day time with a catch- planted plant a better and quicker February 29, received an unusual I Cotter, daughter of Mr. and hook. start, according to M. A. Clark, OF VALUES PALACE DINER birthday gift. Sent by her nephew. Horace C. Cotter of Oakhurst, to A method of culling that looks county agricultural agent. By ap- Sgt. Winfleld Maurer, who Is sta- Sgt. George R. Johnson, U. S. Mapractica- l has recently been de- plying available plant nutrients 45 Monmotith St., Next to Borough Hall Always Open tloned in Hawaii, the gift was a |rine Corps, son of Mr. and Mrsvelope. d and patented. The device around the base of the young plant Thomas K. Shameti*, Chef Jimmy S. Laxaros, Mgr. Hawaiian lei made of 36 brown and John E. Johnson of Sea Bright. Sgt. consists of an inked bar placed lt will recover from the shock of white orchids. The lei came by airJohnson Is at "present stationed at across- the nest opening at a transplanting and regain its form- mail special delivery in four days, the Brooklyn Navy yard. height that will rub the back of er vigor more quickly. Where dry arriving In time for her birthday. the bird as she goes in the nest and fertilizer or fertilizing material of EnglishtoH'n Couple to Wed. leave a colored stain on her back. any kind has been placed In the Wedded to Sailor. Mrs. Frances Yuhas of English- After using the culling bar five row, starter solution should not be Ml»s Verna Davlson, daughter of town has announced the engage- consecutive days each month, any used. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Davlson of ment of her daughter, Margaret, bird that does not have the ink This year the recommended IS-, Engiishtown, and Electrician Mate to Pvt. Walter S. Dalke, son ofstain on her back would be con26-1- 3 commercial mixture, made es- PUBLIC SALE 3/c Herman F. Ritter of Farming- Walter Dalke, also of English- sidered a cull. The ink stain will pecially for starter solution, Is Havlnr aold my farm I will sell at public auction dale, who is stationed at Shoema- town. Pvt. Dalke is somewhere in disappear in time for the next available and should be used at the ker, California, were married Tues- the Central Pacific. No date has monthly culling period. rat« of three pounds to 50 gallons day of last week at Pemberton. been set for the wedding. of water. The proper method of The bridegroom has returned to his Teacher Joins the Waves. applying starter solution Is in the Saturday, March 25th station and the bride will live with Death of Architect. ground around the roots at the his parents. Mermion M. Guerry, 53, a well Miss Jean Kotherham, science time of planting. Starter solutions at 1Z:SO sharp, located on known architect, who had a home teacher in the Freehold grammar Missing Pilot Held by Germans. used after the plants have already at Jerseyville, died last Thursday in school, has tendered her resigna- been set Into the field ars not so Wall Street, West Long Branch, Mm. Marie L. VanSyckle of As-Fitkin hospital after a short ill- tion to enter the Waves. She re-effective as when used before the bury Park has been notified ness. Mr. Guerry was chief naval ported for induction at New York •bout K-mlle we»t of Monmouth road, and about H-mlle eaat plants are set or while transplant- through the International Red architect for the Bruce engineering last week.- ing. / of Eatnntown circle, the following Item*: Crou that her son, Lt. L. Glenn company at New York. He is sur- VanSyckle, who had been reported vived by a widow and two sons. One pair roin horses, tight and Bine ynn old; one brows missing In action. Is a prisoner of horse, nine years o)d, these are farm chunks and will work In the Germans. Lt. VanSyckle has Fire Destroys Garage. been overseas since last November any harness; one set double harness, one set light driving har- Fire destroyed a garage on the and was pilot of a Flying Fortress Frank D'Averso property on Chel- ness, one two-horee farm wagon, one box farm wagon body, one based in England. sea avenue, Long Branch, Wednes- three-horse plow, one Deering mowing machine, one Planet Jr. Get 159 Pounds of Honey. day night of last week. A large TIRE RECAPPING riding cultivator, one South Bend two-horse plow, one one-hor«e John S. Fox, a railroad crossing amount of furniture stored in the gateman, and Charles Pullen, both building was also destroyed. The> weeder, two pair hay shelving*, one grindstone, lot of wire, origin of the blaze was not determ- four step ladders, one 15-ft. ladder, 29 flat bushel baskets, one of Freehold, harvested a total of ined. Gil LOHGtR SUPERFINE MIXTURE 459 pounds of honey from a house corn sheller, two and three-horse eveners, hay forks and forks, at Wlckatunk last week. Mr. and Shore Florist Dead. Produces fast-growing green turf. locust logs, porch furniture, odd chairs, two single beds, one MrB. G. C. Hendrickson. who were William Bryan, 84, the first flor- TIRE MILEAGE This exceptional seed thrives or *i bed and springs, rakes, hoes and spades, 100 feet rubber hose, moving from the house, knew of ist in Elberon, died last Thursday the pmsence of the honey and in-night at his home. He was a WITH all softs. one steel kitchen cabinet, two flower urns, one antique clock JIB. and one parlor clock, hand dusters, about two tons baled hay vited the Freehold men tcr come member of Abacus Masonic lodge and get it. at Long Branch for over 50 years 21BS.S-;$1,295 LBS..-.-. $2.98 and other articles too numerous to mention. Got Fox With Auto. and was one of the oldest Masons ftrt*f on* TERMS CASH. Benjamin Harris, a chicken farm- in the state. He is survived by a er of near Freehold, bowled over widow, one son and a daughter. SHADY MIXTURE fox 28 Inches in length with his Died While at Work. ARTHUR PRYOR, JR. car Tuesday of last week. The fox, 1 LB. ... r-T-^.-^69c 5 IB5 James G. Nolan of Sweetman's 5^ . $2.98 WALTER FIELDS, Auctioneer. temporarily stunned, was killed RECAPPING with a hammer. Mr. Harris col- lane, near Freehold, died of a heart Robin Hood Park BLEND lected a $3 bounty at the Freehold attack Tuesday of last week while • FACTORY TRAINM WHITS court house the next day. at work in Lakewood township. Mr. Nolan was 49 years old. He is • EXCLUSIVE HMSTONE RUIMft FORMULA 1 LB.j. 55c 5 LBS .-.$2.39 Freehold'Man to Wed. survived by a widow and three - • APPLICATION AND CURING CONTROUW Announcement has been made of children. IY RIGID INSPflCTION GREEN KARPE7 I LB.. . .45C 3 LBS* $1-29 5 LBS... $1-89 U x«w prwant tint ou iw noappW, iufet apon Low-Point Foods Stretch Points TkMtoM TMtory CtatrolM fcrrie*. Tfck ttrietlj n^arriMd Mrrto MMTW jn vt Bwrianun nilMg* »t BO extm oort. Thrift-Priced Garden TOOLS They're Here! The New Heads and shanks forged MPeLmxe from solid ste^l bar. Strong ' ash handles. CHAMPION Spading Fork ...... '.$•'0' TIRES Cullivolor v.._—.$1-09 Garden Rak»- : Bail* with Garden Hoe- .; V/goro Fertilizer Garden Master Seeds Everyone Comes To Red Bank 50' 10c PACKET | T COMPUTE ; Complete Grow your Savings & Loan Association : PLANT plant food for own vegeta- J vegetables. blesl Wide, tor a safe, systematic savings plan! People realize the FOTVIO PUFFS Produces a choice of va- Importance' of saving more than ever these days. It's a Certain foods are in greater abun- dance than others during various '6 large potatoes sturdy growth. rieties. Each sure way of safeguarding your future security . . . and periods of the year. Those which are 1 cup hot milk 10 Ibi. 80c. packet 100% 1 tablespoon butter It's a natrlotfo measure against Inflation. plentiful will be featured in the new crop. Stores as "Victory Food Selections.!' 1 teaspoon salt $2.25 ,% teaspoon pepper It is up to every patriotic home- PurchoMi Totaling $10 Oi Moi> Con 1. Mod. On SEARS EASY PAYMENTS Drop In s4on and let us help you plan the most practical . maker to include these foods often 1 tablespoon minced onion • Wi cup finely diced celery savings program tot you. in her menus—by doing so, precious Com* to ml Ut w Atfe ywi •»•* M for $4 cup finely diced green pepper Stcn Slom Harm failtd at Marktd Ctiline tncti II> Compliant! ration points will go further. 6 slices bacon, diced For the next several months both Wash bakinpr potatoes and hake in with Govtrnntfnt Jt Irish and sweet potatoes will be a hot oven, 45O°F., for 45 to GO min- abundant. A wide variety of eco-utes, until tender., Cut a lengthwise nomicalpoint-stretchingmain dishes slice off the top and scoop out con- i tents. Mash potatoes, adding enough i MDBRNk jnay k.e EHJESH&'^IS1. P.?tatPcs as one olTheTprincipat lfigreaTenfsT" TiorrnttlrtBraeJr JUHJMgUNTCO. I SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. and seasonings. Add minced vege- Small amounts of point-rationed tables and part of diced cooked _ba- j RED BANK 330 - 10 BROAD ST. - RED BANK .foods such as cheese and meat may con, reserving a little for toppintr: | 11 MAPLE AVI. RED BANK be added to potatoes with milk and Fill potato shcllfi, aprinklinR a little seasonings to make a low-point meal. Chartered 1887 bacon on top. Brown in a hot oven, Potato Puffs can be the solution 400°F., for 15 or 20 minutes, or T«l«phon« 404 to many main dish prpblcms. until brown. Four, SEP BANK EffGISTEK^ MARCH 16f|l?43 Longstreet of Rumsoa when their V V daughter Harriet Louise became Fair Haven Lion* M&lca Plant For ITEMS OF YESTERYEARS the wife of Roy E. Ackrrman of Newark. The ceremony was per- {Sunrise Service formed by Rev. Artitur Albert Mc- To Hold A Dance BRADLEY'S , FROM REGISTER FILES Kay. The bride waa. attended by The firai ro«tlnf qf th,e Easter Miss Frelda Ohlandt *of Oceanic Affair to be Held sunrise «ervl£» planning committee and Harry Forsythe of Newark Was waa held at jtbs JfCinardo Baptist Radio Service < groomsman. The bride had bees On March 25th church Sunday. Th« purpose of Happenings of SO and 25 Years Ago Cul'ed From a teacher in the Bed Bank public •this meeting was to make plain for school!. the anunal Easter sunrise service. At a dinner-meeting- of the Fair Those, In attendance were minis- Alt MAKES « the News and Editorial Columns for Entertain- Miss Pearl O. Lohsen, daughter Haven Lions club, held laat Thurs- ters and rapreigDtatlvea from Cen- of Benjamin W. Lobspn of Drum- day night at the WlllowbrooU res- tral Baptist pburcb,, Ffrit Ifetho- mond place, waa married at New taurant on River road, plan* were REPAIRED J ment of Today's Readers dist church, St. Paul's Baptist York to Cornelius, Marcellus, ton completed for the annual spring church, Atlantic Highlands; Meth- of Harvey Marcellus of Fair Ha- dance and Ladles' night to be held odist church, Belfor4; Baptist Fifty Veare Ago ven. Mr. Marcellus had recently Saturday evening, March 25, at in Red Bank, ana Mr. Cook paid church, Leonardo, and Metbodl«t Nawnu* Springs Bond ^ been discharged from the army at 9:30 o'clock at tb,e Willowbrook. church, Navealnk. A special meeting of the Red $150 for it. In addition to the'route, Camp D&. Sergeant Gerard and his soldier or- and Shrewsbury Ave., - Bank Board of Trade was held. Dr. he got a wagos, act of harness, sev- The service will be held on William T. Antonldes, Jr., of Re- chestra from Fort Monmouth will Red Bonk, M. 3. Horace Dean, who had been work- eral milk cans and milk measures. lief Engine company was elected furnish the music. Favors and Mount Mitchell as in the past at Ing, up sentiment in favor of good Thomas Curtis, clerk of the chief of the Red Bank flre depart- hata will be destributed Mid a buf- 6 o'clock in the morning. roads throughout the county, made Shrewsbury Presbyterian church, ment over William Crispell qf In- fet supper will be served hy Henry Telephone R. B. 1154 « 33. resigned, and James Steen of dependent flre company, who held Stadler, Tickets may be secured Boys can make pocket money by was a big demand for Eatontown was elected In his the office, by a vote of 123 to 108. from any member of the service Selling the Register—Advertisement y v.v v v v v v v small houses in Red Bank, while place. Mr. Curtis waa moving 'to Oliver G. Frake of Union Hose club or the committee composed of larger ones remained unrented. the West. company was elected first assist- Robert V. VanBrunt, chairman, The tenth anniversary of Shrews- A sociable was held In William ant chief over Fred Gill of Liberty Wilfred H. MoCracken, Peter J. bury lodge. Knights of Pyhhias of W. Taylor's warehouse at Holmdel. Hose company by a vote of 125 to Elchele, Barney T. Egoland, Let- Ked Bank was observed.^ An ad- Will Ely, Howard Ely, John M. Ely, 106. George Ackerman of Nave- ter H.i England, Henry R. Stadler, was made, by William Pin- Luther Schenck and Daniel H. sink Hook and Ladder company Clifford H. Oakerson and Harry C. Folloiving this there were Smock were on the committee of was unopposed for second assistant F. Worden. musical and literary numbers, the arrangements. • chief. Horace Prall May of River Oaks being Mrs. Foxwell, An entertainment was given In The Red Bank girls high school was unanimously elected a new ivliss Tillie KuM, J. C. Grapel, Dr. the Lincroft chapel. Those on the basketball team defeated the Atlan- member of the group. He la associ- Whitmore, George ft. program were Joseph and Anna tic Highlands school team at Red ated with the real estate firm of Frick and Joseph Thompson, Kittle Bray, Josie Bank by the score of 41 to 1. The Cross & Brown company, Nev Bray, Lizzie Thompson, Bessie Red Bank team was made up of York city, and also with the W. Fenton, Maude Tomllnson, Etta The annual election for chief and Margaret Ottersoii, Ruth Patter- Raymond VanHorn real ettate Thompson, Oscar Hesse, Will Clay- agency. assistant chief of the Red Bank son, Alice Conover, Elizabeth Perry ton, Lydla Thompson and Edward file department was held. John P. and Portia Chamberlain. Guests of the Lions were Robert Fenton. Elliott of Independent Engine com- Dr. Andrew M. Englert was L. Cadman of Fair Haven, intro- pany was elected chief and Cornel- A missionary teajwaa . given at P, chosen exalted ruler of the Red duced by Albert G. McCracken, and ius Mount of Naveslnk Hook and D. Hunt's at Colt's Neck. About 35 Bank lodge of Elks. John G: Anderson of Black Point' road, Rumson, guest of Mr. 25ge- Ladder company was elected assist- people were present. Misg Clara A centerpiece and a $2.60 gold Statesir, Mies Annie Statesir and piece were disposed of on the co- land. Red Mrs. Edward Stateair gave read- operative plan at a euchre party About 12 Lions will donate a pint elee- and dance at St. James clubhouse. of their blood to the American Red j S. R. Cunningham gave a mission- They were won by Harry Patterson Cross Mobile unit at the Methodist ' tlon of Edmund Wilaon as trustee ary address. church next Tuesday afternoon at for three years in place of H. H. and Peter F. Lang respectively. David Balrd, one of the newly 6 o'clock. Curtis, whose term had expired Non-player prizes were won by elected memberB of the Marlboro Peter J. Elchele announced that and who declined re-election, Mr. Rev. D. J. Dugon, Mlsaes Josephine township committee, was chosen William A. Fluhr, vice president of Wilson was elected by a vote of Sldell, Margaret Lucas, Maria Mc- chairman of the board and was ap- Donough and Marion Hayward. the Red Bank Lions club, will 206 to 31, his opponent being Wil- pointed township treasurer at a Garrett Magee died suddenly at speak at the next meeting, Thurs- '. liam N. Gray. salary of $25 per year. day night, March 23, at 7.-1B o'clock, "An Old-Fashloned Apple Cut" the home of hia nephew, Frank Ma- gee of River Plaza. He was SI rtls subject will be "Lionism." i was Riven in the First Methodist Those present included Wilfred church of Red Bank for the benefit Twenty-Flvo Yearg Ago years old and was the last survivor of a family of 12. H. and Albert G. McCracken, Rob- 'of the Epworth League. Those who Clarence Wlederholt, Cyrenius V. ert L. Cadman, John G. Anderson, look part in the entertainment Bennett, Jr., and William C. Mox- A St. Patrick party was given Barney T. Egeland, Lester H. Eng- were Misses Lizzie Reid, Daisy ley were initiated in the American for Charles Allaire, son of Harry Allaire of West Front street. land, Peter J. Elchele, Bernard W. TWIN BORO FEDERAL Dobbins, Virginia Holmes, Sadie Mechanics lodge of Red Bank. Smith, William K. Baily, Jr., W. Sickles, Genevieve Compton, Het- The young women employees of Thosij present were Julia Van- Raymond VanHorn, Clifford H. tie Erower. Lily Carhart, Emma the oftlce force at the Slgmund Eis- Schoick, Ailsa Minton, Jessie Pat- Oakerson, Henry,R. Stadler, John SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION F.TROMMER INC., BREWERIES ATi BROOKLYN, N. Y. AND ORANGE, ft. J. Sickles, Lily Longstreet, Helena ner factory gave a farewell party terson, Maude Parker, Mildred F. Wagner, Robert V. Van Brunt. Harrison, Lydla Applegate, Doro- Eatontown, N. J. Brower, Sadie Longstreet, Jennie to Mrs. Susanne Frlts^he, gave up thy Conklln, Carrie Stevenson, Dor- James P. LaBau, John L. Wlllard Phone Eat. 404 Elliott and Anna Stout, Georfre A. her position and returned to her othy M.ncKenzie, Harry Dunbar, and Harry C. F. Worden. ;,:,„.„,,,„ JOS. PINGITORE, Inc. Longstreet, William Elliott, John home at TompkinsviUe, Staten Is- Oliver Wymbs, Einar Larser., LONG BRANCH, NEW JERSEY ' TELEPHONE 158 j T. Combs, Charles Champlln, land. The guests presented her George Clayton, Albert McQueen James Bunell, Alexander Haviland, with a gold brooch. Those pres- and John Tetley. William Hammell, Elwood S. Bedle, ent were Mr*. Helen Fix, Mrs. John L. Harrison, George White, Catherine' Well and Misses Anna A dinner was given at Keyport William Malchow, Jr., M. Carr and Venable, May Power, Alice Bar- for Senator Henry E. Ackerson, Frank Chadwlck. rott, Ethel VanWinkle, Pearl War- Jr., of that place, who had recent- The new board of council of At- den, Amelia Carton, Julia Murphy, ly been appointed Judge of the .rient-proof Rubber Fenders tomorrow lantic Highlands was organized. Miriam Patterson, Maybelle Laury, court of errors and appeals. Hen- The new board of health was ap- Mattie VanBrunt, Ruth Pennlng- ry Sail was toastmaster. Other WHO'S pointed, consisting of William M. ton, Margaret Whalen, Margaret speakers were Judge Rulif V. Law- Haulboskey, Pauline Lang and rence, Prosecutor Charles Sexton, Foster, J. H, Leonard, William T. Sheriff Elmer H. Ger«n, County GOING Franklin, Dr. George D. Fay, S. T. Charlotte McQueen. Clerk Joseph McDermott and John Champion and M. E. Curtis. N. H. Miss Catherine Desmond, daugh- Enright, assistant state; commis- Roberts' bond as collector was ter of James Desmond of Colt's sioner of education. TO fixed at $600. John E. Foster was Neck, was in the Long Branch appointed counsel, George Cooper hospital undergoing treatment for Mr. and Mrs. Harry Angelo of surveyor, J. I. Pinckncy policeman a fractured jaw. She. waa Injured Fair Haven returned from Cali- LOOK and S. Wilson Stryker street super- when she' was kicked by a horse. fornia, where they had been called intendent. by the serious Illness of their son Miss Desmond was a teacher in Harry. A portion of the real estate of the Montrose school. AFTER the late Samuel T. Hendrickson Three men were killed when a Raymond Davlson was laid up waa sold at auction at the Globe southbound Pennsylvania railroad with blood poisoning, which de- hotel, Red Bank. One of the plots train struck an automobile on the veloped from a pimple on his hand. THf of land sold was In Red Bank and utt,e Sjlvcr crosg|ng. The dea(1 A party wag given for Arthur was locally known as the village) were l3aac T straus of West Long Carton, son of Lawrence Carton of green. It was divided Into eight Branch, Watson Glenger of Long Everett, in celebration of his 16th KIPS? lots and sold for $7,515. The pur- Branch and John WiUenbocker, birthday. Estella Minton won a vase as first prize for pinning the chasers were Daniel W. White, pro- who waa -employed by Mr. Straus prietor of the Globe hotel; Atkins tall on the donkey. Charles Kelly and who was driving- the automo- got the consolation prize. and Conli, livery stable men; W. W. bile. Mr. Straus was 42 years old Conover and Thomas P. Brown. and was connected with an uphol- Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan H. Jones Miss Jennie Alien of Red Bank stery leather factory at Newark. of Holmdel celebrated their 24th and Arthur C. Errickson were mar- He was survived by a widow. Mr. wedding anniversary with a party. ried at the residence of the bride'B Gienger .was 88 years old and had Domino games and the other usual father, David S. Allen on South been principal of the Sea Bright festivities' were enjoyed. There's a question a lot of mothers are asking street. Mr. Errickson was an Eng- school the past year. He left a Milton Bennett, son of John O. these days when they try to divide their time lishtown young man, who for sev- widow and one daughter. Mr. Bennett of Colt's Neck, was taken eral months had been employed in Witzenbocker was 47 years old and to the Long Branch hospital to un- between two jobs, It's hard to be out helping the grocery business In Red Bank. had been employed as supervisor dergo treatment for kidney trouble. Uncle Sam win the war, and run the home front During the previous few months of Mr. Straus' farm eight years. A surprise party waa given for he had been In Knapp and Allen's He left a widow. Mrs. Fred Reed or Highlands, The too. Of course, what every woman wants is a store. The ceremony was performed evening waa spent In dancing and good'domestic hoU6eworkcr, someone who can by Rev. George L. Dobbins. Miss Albert Walling- Morford, son of singing. A i f th Mrs. Hulda Morford of New Mon- be on the job at home, feed the kids a snack Adelaide Allen, sister of the mouth, died at Ashevllle, North William C. Herbert of Marlboro "was surprised on hia birthday by when they come home from school, help with bride, was bridesmaid. William Carolina, where he had gone, about Allen, the bride's younger brother, a year previous for the benefit of a few of his friends at dinner. the washing and ironing, assist in the prepara- was the best man. his health. He was 33 years old. Those present were Albert E. Her- tion of meals, tend the furnace, and keep the Mi>» Harriet A. Raoul was mar- Washington lodge of Free Ma- bert and family, Lester Herbert ried to John Mehrton, a prominent sons of Eatontown, the oldest Ma- and Mr. and Mrs, Watson Conover household going. Well, today, there's only one lawyer of Charleston, South Car- sonic lodge in Monmouth county, and son. domestic worker that answers this description olina, the ceremony taking place celebrnted past masters' night. An Red Bank high school lost to at the home of the bride's sister, Long Branch high school in the at low cost, and that is your utility service. A address on the history of the or- Mrs, M. L. Dolby on Second ave- ganization was read by Dr. J. C. Interscholastio debate at Long good refrigerator and other appliances, with nue, Atlantic; Highlands. Dr. E. C. Rush, worshipful master. Harry S. Branch. Government ownership of Curtis performed the ceremony. railroads was the subject of debate utility service on the job 24 hours a day, go a Pitcher of Holmdel, grandson of A grand dramatic entertainment one of the first members of the and Red Bank had the side oppos- long ways toward solving the more pressing nnd vaudeville was given in St. lodge, was Initialed. ing government ownership. The Red Bank debaters were E. Allaire domestic problems, and the cost is still in the James hall by members of the The Literary society of St. James Young Ladles' Sodality and Young Cornwcll, George V. Leddy and Al- bargain basement while other prices have hit church held a euchre party and fred H. Motley, with Samuel Sobel ^..OIL-PLATING YOUR ENGINE Men's Institute. Thoae who had dance In the clubhouse and cleared as alternate. the ceiling. special parts were MisaeB Mildred about $50. Over 50 prizes were Hollywood, Maggie Qulgley, Mary awarded. Mrs, Lena Rattigan won Kenneth Caaler of Belford was Wood, Delia Hollan, Maggie Hol- the first prize. home from the Long Branch hos- is like outdoing the future-today lan, Mamie Reilly, Annie Reilly, Fifty persons attended a euchre pital, where he had been under Annie Taylor, Mary McDermott, party and dance given by Mrs. An- treatment for a broken lag suffered JERSEY CENTRAL POWER & LIGHT Mary Sldull, Alice Warwick, thony Webber of Washington in an accident at Morgan. Mamie Bradley, James Quigley, L. street for the benefit of the Poca- Aaron Sutphln of Phalanx, a What wouldn't America give to see an metal aa if to itay...doesn't let all the Ryan and E. J. Slattery. committeeman of Atlantio town- COMPANY hontas lodge. Auto Show again?..,With startling in- oiL-PLATi>ja promptly drain down to the Joseph Cook of Colt's Neck Dr. Harry Hendrickson pave a ship, was surprised by a party of bought tlie milk route of Elwood talU on first aid and bandaging to 30 friends and relatives In celebra- novations? .. .With irresistible gadgets? crankeaae... keeps up interference to Smith of that place. The route was the Atlantic Highlands Boy ScoutB tion of his birthday. in the Presbyterian church bnse- W. J. Owens, formerly connected ... Surely with "cut-away" engines— acid. Even without long steady runs ment. * with the agricultural department innards exposed—mechanism moving, that would help a hit to heat acid away; Dr. Lester H. Stryker bought of Rutgers college, was engaged as an assistant to Stephen Allen, the hushed and hypnotic, while you crowd you needn't worry. Even with restricted Wartime drivers find Srudebaker from Thomas Henry Grant a large agricultural teacher at the Leon- square plot of land at the corner of around to see. ovexoocj operation that tends to make Monmouih street and Bridge ave- ardo high achool. v nue for »12,D00. Dr. Stryker was Thomas Haley purchased the acid a "double trouble," you needn't the ideal economy car having plans drawn for a Inrge Boyce blacksmith shop at Keyport You just ought to see your own en- two-story building. from H. S. Bedle. Mr. Haley rent- worry. You'll have all the safety of pro* ed the building for his business far gine's innards, though... now! Every Norman L. Hoyt of Hubbard tective OIL-PLATING all the while you u* •p\EPENDABLE transportation mean. Park bought John W, Mount's a couple of years. explosion in there, aa in anyone's engine, •I—» more than ever these days to busy house on Maple avenue for bis own must produce acida. They're corrosive; Conoco N'*. Change today for Spring, wartime drivers. occupancy. The property was 70x250 The road to better and bigger at Your Mileage Merchant's Conooo Here's what a big-city physician, name fflfit and the price was $10,500. bualnew loads through The Reels- hungry for metals. But advanced re- on request, recently said: "In my general Walker A. Hughes' farm at leter'a advertising columns.—Ad- search has created the corrosion fighter station. Continental Oil Company practice, I can always count on my Stude- Shrewsbury was visited hy trjleveg ertiiement. ' and 20 chickens, a Ford automo- known as OIL-PLATING. And all the baker these war dayi for reli- bile radiator and three automobile able, low-cost performance." tires were stolen. '• corrosion-resistance of an OIL-PLATED That doctor is one of many , Mr. and Mrs. George Sanborn of Christian Science engine is youra as you change to CONOCO hard-working civilians who are Hopplng's Crossing were surprised getting exceptional tire, gas and by a company of friends and rela- Reading Room Conoco Wh motor oil for Spring. tives. The party wai arranged by maintenance economy from Miss Helen Heyor nnd Miss Normt Church Killnoe; their Siudebaker Champions, The action of the special synthetic in Snnborn. 209 Broad Street, Red Bank Commanders and Presidents. Mno DoiiRhrrtv. (lniiRlitPr of John popular-priced Conoco N'A oil rivals In fact, today, after well over two yearj T«l. Rid Bank 3480-J. N Dougherty of River Pla?.a, cele- "magnetism". •. faatens OIL-PLATTNO to of w»r, hundreds of thousands of essential brated her birthday with a. party. OPEN DAILY MOTOR OIL The guests were Mrs. Hownn] AP- motorists from coast to coast are still en- 2 to 4 r. M. joying dependable transportation at low plcgate nnd son John, Rnselln Coolt, Vi-ri Knne-v,' fnlhRiinc- Pat- Except Sunday and cost, thanks to the quality of Stu'debakcr . terson, Kli'.-innr nm! Ernin Can- craftsmanship and the advanced ' princi. Aver, Pnthorlno noujrhcrty, Mnr- - Holidays pics of Studcbaker engineering. •"""*"°~~" ff»TitM*H ^K Frlduy' Kvoninca, 9:30 Vou get Conoco Service as well as th» famous) Conoeo Products at those Stations': Sample, John Pal tnrsnn nnd dporpo Hu-i the Hlbla. lh« Work, ol Miry Dakar Bddy. DUcoverer and Fretl D. Wilioff sold Ills residence Founder of ChrUtltn Science, und BAILLY BROTHERS pronerty on "Broad street to Walter «!1 olhar authorlied Ghrletlan Scl, C. Burrell of Atlantic Highlands •not' Literature may be read, bo' SIR Vice STATION COMPANY STATION! for J1B.B0O. rowed or purchased, • Shrewsbury Aro., Red Banl 91 MONMOUTH STREET RED BANK, N. J. The Public ll Weicume 13-15 White Street A fashionable weddinu took place (South of Newman Springs Road) •t the home of Mr. and Mri. George JUST OBV BBOAO ST., BSD BANK Phww32Q2

•« "'•-•?^. %fa&4'B'&i--w^..~*-li&$lt i/ir,;*iiV»»'.-.Ki^iiuvj«vi,-vifetoli.™i<^^^ RED BANK REGISTER, MARCH 16, 1944 Page Five.

Aebury Park, who died February Now In England Cousins Share 25, 1M4, left everything to her June D. Truex PFC. Joseph (Lupe) Ruffini son niece, Nora Amelia Orr, same ad- ORDER NOW FOR SPRING of Mrs. Theresa Rufflni of Bridge dress and appointed her executrix. Is Bride-Elect TOR CHOICE SELECTION avenue, In a letter to his mother In Large Estate Caroline Feltwell, Belmar, who died January 21, 1M4, bequeathed Mr. and Mrs. William A. Truex, the other day told of some of his 3d, of Tindall road, New Mon- experiences. Lupe was In the Afri- Will of Mrs. Addie B. her estate to Mlts Agneg McKeon, SLIP COVERS can campaign, the battle of Tu- Belmar, and appointed her execu- mouth, announce the engagement nisia and In the Invasion of Sicily. trix In a will made July 30, 1942. of their daughter, Miss June Dor- By Dr. Charle« H. Connori, College Hathaway I* Probated othy Truex, to George Robert of Agriculture, Rutgora University. He received a star for each of these Lulu Schrea'dor, Navenlnk, who battles, and he says that the bat- died December 10, 1943, made the Hoffmire, son of Mr. and Mrs. Inexperienced gardeners are apt tle of Tunisia was the worse of the Mrs. Addle B. Hathaway, widow following bequests: Maud Smack, George A. Hoffmire of DeNorman- to buy too many tools. Then are a three. Lupe Is now In England, of James B. Hathaway, a former Llncroft, cousin, $100; ""David die avenue, Fair Haven. lot of gadget* mads for gardens where he has met some Red Bank mayor of Eatontown, disposed of a Reeves, Red Bank, cousin, $100; Mis* Truex graduated from Mld- that may be all right but are not boys, Robert Giambrone, Bam Maz- large estate In a will she executed Olga Mayfleld, Port Monmouth, dletown township high school and Decenary for successful garden za and several others. April 19, 1943, and a codicil execut- cousin, *100, and Dorothy Dudley, is employed In the office of Dr. management. In fact, only five ed June 25, 1943. She made a be- niece, Red Bank, $100. The residu- Lawrence R. Burdge. Mr. Hoff- CUT TO MEASURE tooli are needed, a spade or •pad- quest of $1,000 to the West Long mire also graduated from Middle- Fltlsa by Oar Export Fltttn ary estate goes to William Smack, Mid. In Our Own Work Rooar Ing fork, Iron rake, hoe, trowel and Branch cemetery to be used in the Jr., and Amanda Mae Smack, Lln- town township high school arjd at- garden line. care of her family burial plot. Her croft. tended Monmouth Junior college For the average garden, the tool house, together with all furnish- at Long Branch. He has enlisted needed first 1« that uaed for dig- ings was left to her cousin, Wilford and is awaiting call for aviation The Sherman Shop ging. The apade It an old favorite B. Wolcott, and his wife Aline, and cadet training In the U. S. Army M Broad St., Bed Bank and It especially useful In turning in addition they were bequeathed Row At Carlton Air Force. Phone KM over iod. The ipadlng fork la per- $25,000 and Mrs. Hathaway's Bos- Pep$l-Cola_ Company, Long hland City, N. Y. CurUlna - Draporlra . Voaotlaa Blinds ihapi the eaileat tool to handle in ton bull terrier. Other cash be- Brings Arrests Findi.ntr help is easy with a Reg- •oil that has once been dug, at It quests made in the will were: ister Ad.—Advertisement. Franchiser! Bottler; Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company, Asbury Park, N. J. takes less effort to thrust four tines (6,000 each to her cousins, Ira Wol- or prongs into the soil than the full cott of Eatontown, Stanley Higgin- Special Officer blade of a spade. For a tall per- son of Hidgewood Park, James N. son, If the spade or spading fork Wolcott, Sr., of Eatontown, Edward Nabs Rowdies can be secured with a long handle, Wolcott of Eatontown, Robert Hig- digging may be a little easier. ginson of, Eatontown and Harold Two boys, charged with creating Some persons favor a round Overhiser of Mount Dora, Florjda; disturbance at the Carlton the- I pointed thovel, either with a short $7,000 to her cousin' , Elizabet~ h ater last Sunday, were arraigned (D) handle or with a long handle. Brown of Pasadena, California: before Recorder John V. Crowell However, this type of shovel Is $10,000 to her couBin, Mrs. Sara in police court Monday morning. made with the blade hung at an Oiles of Pasadena, California; They were fined $10 each. angle with the handle, and unless $7,000 to her cousin, Miss Edith The boys, John Abbarmarco of care is exercised In digging to Wolcott of Merchantvllle; $6,000 to J Marion street, thiis borough, and thrust the Wade vertically Into the her cousin, Emma L*awes of Fair Harry Buckalew of Tinton Falls, •oil, too shallow digging will result. Haven; $7,000 to her cousin, Ethel both 16 years of age, were taken MORE WARBOMDS & STAMPS In the hands of a careful, experi- Bushman of New Haven, Connec- into custody by Special Officer Jo- enced person, the round pointed ticut; $5,000 to Mrs. Florence Wol- seph Cleary, after a row had brok- shovel is a good tool. •" ' PFC. JOSEPH RUFFINI cott of West Long Branch; $5,000 to en out In the balcony. Two girls Bake • Useful Tool. Mrs. Birdie Hoyt of East Orange; were ejected from the theater but The second tool needed is an im- Lupe has been on furlough In $8,000 to Paul and Jessie VanDor- were not arrested. plement to break up the soil and England and haa enjoyed himself en of Glen Ridge; $5,000 to Ralph i John Jackson, 34, of River street, level it. For this work, an iron very much. He would like to be S. Pearce and Frances Pearce, his arrested Sunday night on a dls- rake is good. The best type of bowling here in the league as he wife, of Red Bank; $6,000 to the orderly conduct charge, was fined rake for all around gardening Is formerly did. Lupe has a brother Second Advent church of Eaton- $10. The complaint was made by the level head ateel rake, with 10 In the U. S. Marine Corps, PFC. town; $7,000 to Augustus Richard- his wife, Bessie Jackson, and the Clarence (Blacky) RufHni, who ie teeth for women and men not so son of Eatontown, and $5,000 to larre9t waa made by Policeman Le- somewhere in the South Pacific. strong, and 14 teeth for strong Mls« Mildred Lawes of Fair Ha- ROV McKnight. men. While the steel bow rake is Lupe sends his regard? to all his RED BANK_ good for raking and cultivating, friends at Red Bank. Cq t f y {he level head rake is a little more ri r Mr,° E,lSh BroT. i Bac^AttacU-Buy War Bonds! PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY FILLED useful for leveling down a seed Mrs. Sara Giles, Mrs. Flo Wolcott, i PIHTSIZE "A0MIRM-" Mrs. Birdie Hoyt, Mrs. Alice •Wol- By refiitered graduate pharmacist!. We use only bed and tamping seed rows after Sea Scout Night the best quality fresh drug*, and to insure Accuracy they are sown. The rake Is an ex- cott, Mrs. Pearl Overhiser, Mrs. ; VICTORY GARDEN Ethel Bushman, Miss Edith Wol- ', Vacuum Bottle every prescription ii double-checked before it leaves cellent tool for cultivating and Held At Church our laboratory. ^^____ keeping the crust of the soil brok- cott, Mrs. Euravila Wolcott of Eat- : ind STURDY FIBRE en, especially if used with a circu- ontawn, Mrs. Barnetta Higginson of lar motion. . Brotherhood Has of Eatontown, Mrs. Aline Wolcott ; SUCCESS ce,. A hoe is needed for opening up of Rivington, Miss Mildred Lawcs, ' LUNCH $ Broad & Wallace Sts. furrows to sow seeds and for cov- Special Event Mrs. Pauline Joline of Long DEPENDS ON ering them. Another of its uses Is Branch, Mrs. Martow Green ot Pas- KIT for cultivating, especially If weeds adena, California; Mrs. Mary Quer- THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY Sea Scout and Coast Guard night can ot Philadelphia, Mrs. Francis ' PLANT FOOD' | Beth for. are present. A desirable type of was observed Monday evening by hoe, light and easy to handle. Is Meeks of Eatontown, Mrs. Doris * the Brotherhood o[ the Presbyter- Angelbeck of Eatontown and Paul For more and better vege- that known as an onion hoe, with ian church In the church social Kletr-Vu» a blade seven or eight inches wide VanDoren. Her automobile was tables, richer in minerals hall. Approximate 15 members of bequeathed to Wil/ord B. Wolcott. and vitamins, use AGRICO TTS.PT and about three inches deep. If Sea Scout ship North Star gave this type of hoe cannot be ob- The residue of the estate Is to be VICTORY a demonstration of training activi- GARDEN tained, a regular garden hoe will ties. A large space in the social divided into two equal parts. One EPSOM SALT 6x8-ln. PHOTO* part is left to Fitkin hospital to be • FERTILIZER. serve the purpose. The kind of hoe hall was. roped ofJL to represent an Clean, eco- used by masons for ^nlxliig mortar authentic ship, and the young men invested and the Income used to nomical. MEDICINAL is too heavy and clumsy for garden under the supervision of Skipper provide a room in the hospital In ENLARGEMENT Easy to use Fiofpislonil | j p e work. Bernard Taylor and First Mate j memory of Mr. and Mrs. Hatha- — complete clear grain enlarge*, If you will cut little notches in way. The other part is left to menli .n fidcln> Robert Hazelwood, conducted var- directions paper made frofc the handle of the hoe, six inches ious activities as they would aboard Monmouth Memorial hospital un- ; in every »n 7 popular Hit apart, it will serve as a measuring a ship afloat. The Scouts formally der the same conditions. The Sec- bag. All "native. Prompt rod and save effort In hunting for received the skipper aboard the ond National Bank and Trust com- conveni- terrlce. /** , and using a yardstick. ship, after which he commented up- pany of Red Bank and Wilford B. ent sizes, on and described the duties as they Wolcott of Eatontown were named ^'^wv ft—^—^WB ••••w^w^r ^a^awa maw wr *WM Trowel for Transplanting. at your : Prime peanuts routed to dell- Another tool Is essential for gar- were being performed. He men- as executors of the will. Garden tion that the young men were re- clous flavor and ricbly dipped dening. This Is a trowel for trans- John Scorie of Eatontown exe- Supplies in tasty chocolate. planting. A straight shank trowel ceiving fundamental information cuted his will August 5, 1940. All Dealer. with a solid steel socket costs a and training suitable for entrance of his estate was left to his step into eitber the Coast Guard or the little more than the standard form, daughter-in-law, Edith M. Crane, U. S. Navy. Several Scouta gave a and she was named as executrix. but It will be "Mere durable and brief demonstration of knot-tying well worth the little additional ex Lnlu Schrcador of Navesink j and aleo signaling by blinker light made Bequests of $100 each to AGRICO WOODBURY pense. in the Morse code. These four tools are the only Maud SmHck of Llncroft, David iisv • *0c Toilet Soap ones a home gardener needs to buy. Skipper Taylor announced that Reeves of Red Bank. Olga May- The Following Stores If possible to obtain them, tools the members of the ship would re- field of Port Monmouth and Doro- made of good steel will give more ceive practical water experience thy Dudley of Red Bank. All the Sell AGRICO: satisfactory service and outlast during the summer as guests of the rest of her estate was left to her BOOK MATCHES 1H cheap tools. Monmouth Boat club and also by two second cousins, William u Carton of 50 Pads • W In good garden management, a camping at Mennen harbor at Fair Smack, Jr., and Amandy M. Smack garden line is necessary equipment, Haven! of Lincrott. ' WRIGHT STORES aa It enables the gardener to make Robert M. Close, boatswain's Mrs. Frieda Behnke of Belford BED DANK, N. J. IM straight rows. Any strong string mate, first class, a former active directed in her will that her estate member of the Brotherhood, who ie Utility COITON 29 and two stakes will be adequate for be turned into cash within a rea- this purpose. now stationed with the U. S. Coast sonable time after death. One- HONEY BEE FLOWERS D. & R. Cold or Pound Roll •• V Guard on Sandy Hook, was also I fourth of the proceeds Is to go to ROUTE S5 Mighty Midget Cultivator Good Tool. formally received aboard the North CRUISER While these are all the tools her son, Oliver Faberau. The re- BED BANK. N. J. SYRINGE Cleans. Cream Star. He gave a brief outline of mainder is to be equally divided be- that will be required, some persons FITTINGS LIGHTER Playing Cards the Coast Guard activities and tween her other sons, Victor and $1 Val. POWDER PUFF purchase a cultivator, but the hoe answered numerous questions put HENDRICKSON&APPLEGATE and rake may be made to do this William Wolfkamp, and they were PASTEL VELOUR him by the Brotherhood members appointed executors. 16 EAST FRONT ST. 8-oz. Jai work. There Is a type of cultiva- and Sea Scouts. BED BANK, N. J. 69c tor known as the Norcross which Alessandro Llotta, Long- Branch', The Sea Scouts taking part in the who died July 8, 1939, left $1 to .Vow f Save ale on contains five curved teeth that are 5(-ln. ml*. I nowlM. Sire 'ire llfbter In Eictlient trade, then? Unions beauty demonstration Included Apprentices each of the following and his resid- eannecllaiia and How removable so that three may be all •weather. fast deal card*. CLINICAL John Ruddy, John Roddy, L. Van- •hut-oft. C used, which is a very efficient'tool. uary estate to Gluseppl Vito Llotta, R. HANCE & SONS, Inc. Sant, Stanley Patterson, Daniel a cousin: Rosiua Llotta, sister; An- /THERMOMETER In a large garden, a wheel hoe Is kt MONMOUTH ST. Sapp, Natale Carbone, Joseph An- tonia Liotta, sister; Cateilna favored by some persons. How- BED BANK, N. .1. narella, John Casagrande, Ronaldo Liotta, sister, and . Vincenzina ever, the Norcross is the cultivator Lenerone, Frank Verange and Har- preferred by the writer, who would rison Shampaaore, Jr.; Ordinary Llotta, sister. Mr. Liotta was ap- rather pull than push and not pointed executor of the estate In a M. V. BROWN 39c TANGEE Seamen John Simpson and Edward c tramp on the soil after It has been Weinateln and Able Seaman Frank will made March 7, 1933. 24 WHARF AVE, LIPSTICK (Disc.) loosened up. Another type of cul McHugh. Emily Orr, 1205 Emory street, BED BANK, N. J. tlvator Is the so-called "speedy" President Harry C. F. Worden cultivator made something like a was in charge of the business ses- potato hook or a clam hook. This sion preceding the demonstration -byMat Is a good cultivator and is especial- and talk. Rev. John A. Hayes, pas- OUR DEMOCRACY- CRYSTALS (Scented) ly good to pull undesirable mater- tor, gave the opening prayer. a e white you may.'($$$ ials out of the soil. J. Allen Mohn, business manager % 9 Sharpen Old Tools. of the Red Bank branch of the Bell * £1 Envelope.. ready for digging. Remove stakes Sunday morning, March 26. m and any other debris. Most plant President Worden appointed Irv- tops that were left In the ground ing H. Wood chairman. Lewis R. RE STOCK YOUP MEDICINE CHEST WITH. can be dug under, except corn- Lowry and Joseph C. Davlson to Cream Deodorant stalks. It Is" better to pull the serve on the nominating commit- Once an stalks up and burn them to get rid tee. They were instructed to sub- luahontee safely STOPS undtr-arm of the corii borer. If you have mit their annual report at the May Overweight- •talks of cabbage, broccoli, etc., left, meeting and the regular election of BONDED I PERSPIRATION they should be placed In the bot-» officers will take place at the June L Doea not rot dresses torn of the trench made when dig- session. Now Looks or men's shirts. Does ging to rot. t Herbert E. Werner, chairman of not irritate skin. Nejtt Week: Preparing the soil. the program committee, an- i. No wailing lo dry- nounced that plans were being Like a Model can be used right completed for the annual observ- after ihovinij. DORMANT SPRAY TOR ance of Ladles' night Monday, April PEACHES "I Lost 32 lbs. J. Stops perspiration 10, in the social hall. • Details will foe, 1 to 3 days. The dormant spray for peach be announced in the near future. Now wear 4. White, qreaieleis, vanishing cream. trees should be applied before the Refreshments were served by size 14 again" $• Arrid has the American Institute of buds swell. That means, that the Daniel B. Dorn and Everott F. Al- • Laundering Approval Seal lor belnrj job should be done now, says Coun- len following the adjournment of harmless to fabrics. > Q H | fk ty Agent Clark, Thla spray Is es- Don't wear yourself TOOTH PASTE MINERAL OIL the meeting. 39< and 594 a jar All 111 V pecially timed to control San Jose out with tiresome ex- Dr. Bovd Q TQC II Exlra HMV» Si ercises. Don'tgivcup THI lAIOIST SIILINO DIODOIAN' scale and .peach leaf curl. Leaf NoTube UiKdeH O for / 9 II Si i,g (,,,11,,,, A curl has not been an Important Auto Runs Amok. all thefoodsyou like. pest In Monmouth county, accord- John Wltzel of Long Branch lost Use the practical, Milk of Magnesia A >4 •» ing to Mr.' dark, but one way to control of hlj car Saturday after- easier AYDS way. 19c U.S.P, Quart tf for M. Cold Capsules keep It from becoming Important Your experience may noon on Broadway at that plade. A«plrin T»b.. A f -i .60 VIU-Drrm is to apply the dormant spray The car mounted a curb, broke off or may not be the [Rectal Soreness 39c Bot. of 2i» V for J. lie Soap early enough so that It can be -ef- water hydrant, knocked down same as Miss Rcy-' UTiY REVWUt O«t R«H«f N«w (oty Way fective. After the brown husk* trees and porch rail* and finally nolds; but why not -l!**,!!11!11 69c Thorol * IJT |. Tri-Alka — Sit In Comfort have parted around the buds It will R I was brought to a halt against the try the AYPS Vita- * "«" '« Mouth Wish qt.W for Efferv, Salte for Proliram BteMI to a inlck. 4rp«BdaM« be too. late to control leaf curl. 1 side of a house. Wltzel was taken minCandyRcdudngPlan?Full month ! rallovor of iUhln*. palsftil roetal aormMl Another valid reason for applying o police headquarters and a LAST veAijt OUR NATIONAL INCOME WAS rue LARGEST Anocirb Tabs, •% I 69c Molafk .11 — iTBptsma which raw alac aeeouBMy this first Spray early Is that the IN OUR hlSTOdy — »|48 BILLIONS... IN THAT ONE supply only $2.25. Emulsion pU« and homorrbolda. Brlnti aoouilsti charge of drunken driving was 39« Bol,\t 100 U tor 3 or 1 MOM o( eooforl upoa.ootttaet. fomo piv* strength of the material needed to lodged against him which was & SOUSHT 015'BILUOUS WORTH OF WAR BONDS, toetlu Um ortr tortarw, kolp. dotray 98> Beechwood 39c Pelro-Glo « 14 .03. InfoctTooa (orna. aid Naooro boal ugnf, tT fHlMr ' —" i Hair Tonic •» for 1 brokon Uaaaa*. N»ofl-ppim«« to aUl» makes the mixture too strong for 3 BILLIONS INTO OUR SAVINGS ACCOUNT use on breaking buds. If the ap- The Red Bank Register is sup- EVERy DOLLAK Of OU/Z PRESENT SAVINGS 89* Pep-Rub « Me TM-Pal 3* Got Ibla' mo4wi nUwftodw^• ". WW plication Is delayed until after the Foot Snap Ported by local aa well as out-of- HECPS TO MAKE THE SUNSHINE OF OUK Liniment, R-o*. V for 6f.rl

cently turned in the false fire alarm, bring- powers verted by this Constitution It will coat much blood mi sweat in the Government of the United and tears. In fact, ai far M Amer- School Board RED BANK REGISTER ing out the firemen during the height of a State* or in any department or ica Is concerned it will call for '?! E8TABU8HED 1878 Editorial Views officer thereof." That quotation it greater sacrifices than sver before. Know bad storm, with risk to them and great ex- from the Constitution itself. And unless the democracies h«ed Hires Janitors By John H. Oook ana Henry Pay pense to the borough, told how they con So, what happened last month? General Elsenhower's warning, and of Other Papers What wa» all the shooting about? "every man and woman all the Middletown Board THOMAS DIVING BROWN cocted the plan while returning from a late Is it that Coagrau has fallen so way from the front line to the re- Your Editor Mid Publisher movie show, which leads us to the second far In the publlo esteem that »n motest hamlet in our two countries Awards 2 Contracts (Tha opinions •xpraaMd In ths Zdl- isolated return to 1U traditional re- (which means America and Brit- JAMES J. HOGAN, Associate Editor jtiestion, "Why are minors permitted to at- tori«l Viewi karaundar do not MMinr- ain) does his or her duty," there Government lly carry th« •ndoraament of Tha IUg- eponslblllttei can be rated a* a na- Assistant Editors tend these late shows?" i«ter), tional crisis? It that Congress' Is even the chance that this blow Harold HlUyer of New Mon, might have to be postponed and moeth anil Frank Wilson of Bel- M. HABOLD KELLY CHESTER J. BEAMAN Sometime ago, when a citizen of the fault or our own? the agony prolonged. But if tils' MB. REDBIBD I» it that we, at typical Ameri- Vampire (mn, ford were hired as janitor* Friday FBEDKBrc 8. HAYES, Managing Editor •Westside, appeared before the borough coun- cans, have conspired, unconscious- warning Is heeded there still stands night at a meeting of Middletown, The cardinal's call 1* a welcome the promise of the Allied command- The fabulous creature of toe old MEMBER THE ASSOCIATED PRESS note la any March day. Insistent ly, to look down on all matters po- er In the field that this year of 1044 township board of education. Mr, Tb. Aaiocl.tri Pre.i la MClu.lvely entitled to th. uaa cil to propose a curfew law for the youth litical, and particularly on Con- story-books that sucked ths&fitood Hlllyor, a former employee of the as the sun, it overrides the wind will be » year of victory in Eu- of humans while they were «Jleep tor wpublkatlo.i el all ntw, dl.pntch*. "'dittd to It or of our community, we opposed the sugges- and declares that cold can't stay gressmen? Have we, during the rope, and that the greatest menace township road department, will be not olharwlsa tredlteJ in this paper and also the local newi past generation, been saying, "I was called the vampire. Th« mod- assigned to the high school, and publittnl tion editorially. The police felt then, and forever. There's no subtlety about the modern world has faced will be ern counterpart of the vampire Is it; the cardinal Is as forthright aa vote for some guy to go to Wash- wiped from the face of the earth. hla salary will be |l,900 annually, Membrr Audit Bureau of Circulations we agreed with them at the time and still ington for two years, I help pay ths mandatory lav puied by ths plus a 6% bonus. Mr. Wilson's sal* March itself, and a good bit more —New York. Times. State Legislature which sucks the National AiU-.rll.ln* Rtpresentntivc!. Barry T. Mln.l consistent. He has come ahead of him $10,000 a year. It'* a soft job. ary will be $1,350 annual, plus a Co IS Ea.t !6(h St.. New York. 123 W«t Madison St.. do agree with them, that enforcement of a He wears a frock coat and has his life-blood from the treasuries of lo- 6% bonus. the rush and he takes no back seat cal governments. And, in many In- Chicago. III.; 1506 Chettnut St., Philadelphia. Pa. curfew would be difficult and probably un- for bluejay. or crow. He can out- own secretary and a Turkish rug INLAND WATEBWAY A »1,8S2.6« contract for school on the office floor. Nice stuff, eh? I stances, this vampire law works its supplies was awarded the J. L. The R«d Bank Rjjiiter anum«l no fin«ncial teJponilbill- obtainable. Yet, isn't it true, that if a cur- slng them four ways from Sunday, Editor: evil while the local community tit! tor typographical errors in advertisements but will reprint and he wants the world to know It. wish I was a, Congressman." Hammett Co. of Newark, A con- that part of »n advertisement in which th« typourarhical few law did exist, it might be easier to deal Have we been saying that? Attached is a copy of a letter sleeps. tract to install a new nlae-jectlon error occurs. Adr*rtioats and tremendously aid in the The steering committee of the as a lawyer, a lecturer In politics at development of the areas through John V. Crowell heard the case of a minor Princeton University, a worker back into his own hands and con- Calves Decline assembly, accelerating plans for easy. Mass production instead has in- tinue his victories. which this waterway would trav- the adjournment of the legislature who, aided and abetted by two older boys, with Herbert Hoover In the admin- erse. It would be a creat induce- creased the tempo of life. Physicians warn istration of relief In Belgium and There is no such question today. ment for all-year residences alone: Milk, eggs and chickens were the by April 15, the goal set by the stole an automobile owned by an Army of- other countries, and his Intimate the waterway bringing with it the principal commodities sold by New Governor, scrapped 77 legislative that we are living loo fast, and (hat gas and For shortly after the ide« of March advantages of "off highway" travel knowledge of the government of last year the Anglo-American Jersey fanners during February. bills and reserved decision on 34 ficer, and ran it into a pole at the foot of food rationing is a blessing in disguise to both for pleasure and commercial other measures until reports are his own and many of the countries armies in North Africa began that uaeaxe for the area covered. In the Very few vegetables and fruits Cooper's bridge, bringing down high tension the human body and mind. of Europe, Mr. Smith brings an ex- victorious procession which led post-war era It would serve as the were offered on New Jersey farms. received from committees to which wires and a transformer, and causing a BUS ceptional background to his career them from the Mareih Line to the nucleus of a new land for our re- Hogs and veal calves were also lim- they have been assigned. Life in a small town today, even though in politics.—Herald Tribune. gates of Rome and brought as turning soldiers and a healthy and ited In supply. The rejected bills were among pension of electric service to the Bendix safe place of pleasure for their its citizens have most everything in im- fruits of victory the down-fall of The February, 1944, average farm 340 Introduced ln the lower house families and the families of people this year. Some have gained as- plant on Morford place for several hours. Mussolini, the surrender and turn- living ^not only ln the immediato price of milk stood at about 8.8 provements and entertainment that a big WHO'S YOUR CONGRESSMAN about of Italy, the opening of the sembly approval and have been di- The recorder promptly held the minor for area but for Northern Jersey resi- cents per quart as compared with city possesses, still has many things to ad- History credits Admiral George Mediterranean for supplies to Rus- dents and people living high ln about 7.8 cents during February, rected to the senate, others have the action of the juvenile court and held the Dewey, the Vermonter who won sia and the Far East, and the drain New York state and In states below 1943. The Increase Is about 12 per been signed Into law by Edge. mire that a city does not. Take our shade the Battlo of Manila Bay 46 years of more than a hundred divisions New Jersey that would bo connect- Among the dead bills wa* one older boys for the action of the grand jury. ed through this waterway. cent. trees for example. They constitute one of ago, with just two remarks worthy from Germany's reserves—60 Ital- Tho average February, 1944, farm calling for the establishment of a of perpetuation. The first is the ian divisions withdrawn from tho As a commercial advantage ft free state university, and another Having but little to go on, the police our greatest assets. Time has enhanced would bring unlimited new con- price of eggs sold through all chan- trite, though curt, instruction given war and more than 40 German di- nels reached the low level of 35 creating a permanent veterans' did an exceptionally him job in rounding up visions sent Into Italy and the Bal- venient mcanB of establishing fac- their beauty. Imagine lied Bank and its to an aide the moment the battle tories and manufacturing plants in cents a dozen, against 41 cents dur- commission. the youths an 1 Recorder Crowell, dy deal- began, "You may lire when ready, kans in their stead. Partly because sections that would become very ing the same month, 1943, The de- Both houses of the legislature environs, or any plate in the countryside Gridley." The second remark, made of this drain, but mainly because will reconvene March 27. ing with them severely, put an end to tlieir desirable, due to the availability of crease Is six cents per dozen, or devoid of trees. during an interview with a New of Russian heroism, Hitler's final "door-to-door" barge and boat haul- about IB per cent. power to create further trouble, at least'for York World reporter on April 4, effort at an offensive, which was to ing. Hauling of government used Sometime between April 1 and Motorists in the days before rationing 1900, is all but forgotten. Yet Its crush Russia before the Western material &9 well as commodities for Meat chickens are again becom- April 24, a civilian defense volun- the time being. But what steps could have Allies could become too powerful, civilian useage. The entire area of ing scarce and as a result the farm who traveled to Canada were enthralled by viewpoint is 30 vitally needed to- this state ln particular and the en- price went up. The average Feb- teer will call at your home to ask been taken to prevent such occurrences in day, we feel, that It should be de- expired in ten days, last July, and tire Eastern half of our country tor the name, service address and the majestic beauty of the Maine woods, claimed from every billboard, every the Russian armies have been roll- ruary, 1944, farm price of chickens serial number of any legally qual- the first place? would reap Immeasurable benefits per pound was 32 cents compared but as soon us they crossed tho border they radio station, every editorial page ing westward ever since—Into old due to the strictly safe and sub- ified voter In your family who is a and pulpit, school desk and general Poland, Into Estonia and to the marine proof waterway. to 29.4 cents one year earlier. The member of the armed forces. The case history of the buy accused of observed a countryside virtually barren of borders of Rumania. Increaso is 2.5 cents, or about 8 per- stove arguing bench in the land. It would serve all types of busi- cent. Delegated to do the job by tho Stealing the car is a repetition of others trees. The conirasl was'startling. Every We got to thinking of It, some- Today It is clear to all the world, ness because all would reap the Governor, tho volunteers will how, while the Congressional tax to the Allies, neutrals and the Ger- benefits of the building of new The average February, 1944, farm amass data that will enable as that have come before I he local magisira municipality in Moinnnutli "county should homes that would surely follow the price of hogs was $13,60 per 100 revolt was at its height—so pulled mans themselves, that Hitler has building of this project. large a group as possible of men The father is in the Tinted Slates TSiiyy. do- been thrown back on a desperate pounds, or $2.50 less than during have a shade tree commission to protect its Bnrtlett's Familiar Quotations Its successful completion is sin- the same month last year. and women in service to use the ing his shar-e' in the cause fur which, we nrt down from the shelf to see wheth- defensive of a "European Fortress" cerely desired, and will be a real recently-enacted service voting trees and also to carry out a replacement er we remembered It correctly. "I which Is besieged on all sides, and accomplishment of true merit for Veal calves also went down in fighting. The mother is* a war worker, and price. In February this year, veal plan. Under the legislative set-up, program which would insure an everlasting am convinced," the Admiral had that the day of hia conquests Is our county, our state and for our ballots will be mailed to New Jer- the boy' and a younger sister, according U. Bald, probably with a slow twang- over. The walls of the fortress it- country. • Thank you. nnlves sold at tljaiyerage price of sey armed force personnel by Aug- continuity of trees, l'nblic funds could not Ing of hla vowel sounds, "that the self have already been breached In Respectfully submitted. $17 per 100 pounds, against $17.(10 police, arc left virtually to "shifi fur tlieiii- a year earlier/ The abundant sup- ust IS, thus leaving plenty of time he expended for a hotter purpose. Man may otllce of the President Is not such spots, and through Its open roof, The Oakhurst Community for their return In time for the No- selves." The boy, in reciting liis^trn-v Ir a very, difficult one to (till, his duty which the German air force Is no Club, Inc. ply, rather itian government regu- vember general election. be able to make better things, for better liv- being mainly to executo the laws longer able to protect, there Is Committee for the ntions, lowered the price of maat Judge Crowell yesterday, lolil limv lie ami of Congress," pouring Into It by day and by nigbt Intercoastal Waterway, animals, according to the State De- If there Is a service voter In your ing, but only God can make a tree. Signed by: partment of Agriculture statistici- family, the canvasser will record hi* coiiii-iidi-s. licfore.' striding tIt** uln'rer'.* That wa.4 44 years ago, less three a shower of fire and brimstone - Harry G. VanNote, ; O-O-O-O-O-O • which is converting its cities Into* ans. his address, etc,, on a_catd printed CUV, (i'llised about (lie. U,!SJi_JlL'""' of tin. weeks. What's come over us, in Chairman, in black, and leaye"wlth you p. carl (lie meantime? I^aat month tho fiery Infernos', This fiery shower, Lester W, Harvey, printed In red, which you-wlll mall buys' car, which naturally leads hi the (|iies Never hefni'e have there been so lniiny newspapers Kicked tlic wan qut, of which In the words of British Air 4 _ Louis Shapiro. March 10. 1944/ FEMININE ANGLE. with new data If the person's ad- iirtn, ''IViiere iiir lliev gelling lli.c gns fnf means of iraiis|iorlalinli ami couiiiiunicii- tho tnn hendlincs lor a week and Minister Sinclair has been reaching dress Is changed before election 1 nil the columnists anil paid thlnk- a decisive climax between the Camp .Lejeune, New River, N. C. timo. , tliis lioiiM-ssciitial driving''" The Ol'A, will lion li> draw men lipMflher. Vet novel havi nrs-whipped their contracted brains February and March . moona, Is Former Fltkln Interne Killed. —A woman Marine hero added a I hey. been so torn apart. to a lather, because Congress had merely a prelude to an even great- new wrinkle to "Halt! Who 1* The Governor has accepted lha dnred to ovcr-rlde a Presidential er and, It Is hoped, final Allied ef- Lt. Comdr. Richard P. Wilson, a offer of the Prudontlal Insurance 8 there?" HC'88-of other people/might put their laleiV f 874~~ew->'iiiaui-™Lauaf iooiMX^jU??-, --t^. - former Interne at Fltkln hospital, When this command got no re- Company of America. Newark, -to There are t wo kinds of dictators—those west designed to squeeze and crush which shall be necessary and prop- and his slave regime a knockout and had been in the navy for some. cliffs in Cornwall, Is the most West- naif million women employed iqj b i>i .the jupxuiajfts JClie t nations. M itm aatryMw taJ« «u*nt4e» ttw REDuBANK REGISTER, MARCH 16, 1944 Page Seven. , stc.) must Mlj lot no more to farm security loajia may be se- than 76 per cent of toe March, 19*2, Army Staff Sergeant Signs Of Spring FSA ProVidee cured either through Mr. Dwulet, celling price of th» new article, the or one of the committeemea men- OPA rule*. A >0-day guaranUe of Farmers' Loans tioned above. Town and Farm free repairs and replacement* of On The Farms deteotlv* part* must accompany Farmer* who art la need of this equipment. Other used equip- funds from the Farm Security ad- In Wartime ment sold "as Is" must sell for no South, Central mlnlstratlon should apply soon ac- Marine Officer more than SS 1/S per cent of the cording to Edward F. E>wulet, FSA celling price of the new article and Jeraey Defrotted supervisor,. covering Monmouth, In Four Invasions BEMXNDEBS need not be guaranteed. Middlesex, and Union counties. A Marine Corps saajor who had MEATS, FATS—Brown stamp* The calendar says that long- Though there is sufficient money Ammunition Saved for Fanoen available for loans at this time, a leading role In four of America's T and Z In Book Three ate rood awaited first day 1* less than a there Is some likelihood that funds first offensives in World War II throtif h March 20. Bed 10-polnt While It Is possible that by fall week away, but the State Depart- may be exhausted by April 15, he has arrived at Fort Monmouth as (tamp* AS, B8, OB, D6, E8, and there will be sufficient rifle and ment ot Agriculture today note* continued. liaison officer for the Marines—al- F8 In Book 1 an good through shotgun ammunition for gam* these rustle* of spring in New Jer- most the first time he's been out of May 20. Waste kitchen fate are shooting, the WPB said that for sey: Farm security assistance Is avail- a battle area In two and a half redeemed at two ration point* the time being: none can be spared The frost i* out of the ground, In able to family type farmers who years. plo* four cent* a pound. from supplies needed by farmers fact large areas of South and Cen- are unable to secure adequate to protect crops and livestock. No cradlt either through the local He Is Ma]. Robert Nicholson, 23- PROCESSED FOOD — Green tral Jersey soil have been defrosted year-old River Forest, Illinois, vet- •tempt K, Jj, and H are food ammunition will be made available for several weeks. bank or Production Credit associa- for amusement purposes. tion. These loans are payable over eran, whose last assignment waa as through March M. Blue 10-polnt Plowing started last week, espe- landing force communication offi- •tamps AS, B8, C8, D8 and E8 hi Addressing Letter* to Seamen cially in- the onion-growing area a period of one to five years, and carry an interest rate of five per cer on the' itaff of Rear Admiral Book 4 are good through May ZO. Many letters to seamen are be- around Cedarvllle, Falrton, Bridge- Richmond Kelly Turner, comman- • SUGAR—Stamp No. SO In Book ton and In the Willlamstown and cent. Funds may be borrowed for ing improperly addressed, often In the purchase of feed, seed, ferti- der of amphibious forces In the Four U food Indefinitely for five violation of national security rules, Glassboro section. South Pacific. His string of rib- pounds. Stamp 40 In Book 4 1» Potato grower* were "cutting liser, equipment op other farm ex- the War Shipping Administration penses, Mr. Dwulet said. bons includes the National Defense good for live pounds of cannlhr reports. The address of the steam- seed" for a bumper acreage expect- ribbon with an overseas star for »u*ar through February 28, next ship company, a specific street ad- ed to be planted In the next few Persons Interested In FSA super- Iceland, the European-African rib- year. weeks. vised credit can apply either to Mr. JUST IMAGINE! dress, or a place name of a foreign S/SGT. IRVING W. MATTHEWS bon, the Pacific theater ribbon with Wild geese were reported flying Dwulet In the farm security office GASOLINE—In 17 East Coast country should not be given. The at 2 East Main street, Freehold, or three stars, the Presidential cita- state* A-9 coupons are food proper form to be.used la: Seaman'* Staff. Sgt. Irving W. Matthewa, north for the past ten days. - tion for Guadalcanal and the Le- husband of Mrs. Rose Matthews of Jersey tomato seed was headed to one of the following FSA com- YOU CAN GET AN INLAID LINOLEUM through Hay 8. In states out- Name; Name of Ship; c/o Postmas- mitteemen: Peter Genovese, Key- gion of Merit. side the East Coast area. A-10 ter San Francisco, New York, or Tlnton avenue, Eatontown, was re- South to be sown In Georgia to During his 15 months in the cently promoted from corporal to produce husky field-grown plants port; Charles Okerson, Jerseyvllle; coupons are good through March New Orleans (depending on coast Spencer Perrlne, Cranbury; Clif- South Pacific, MaJ. Nicholson saw FLOOR INSTALLED COMPLETE IN A 21. from which addressee sailed.) The staff sergeant, He Is serving In which, In the Southern climate will action In the invasion of Guadal- Italy with the American Fifth get a head start, to be shipped back ford Stults, Cranbury, and Charles T1BE INSPECTION DEAD- return address of the writer should Army. Sklstlmas, Old Bridge. canal in August, 1942, and then the LINES—For A-oonpon holders, appear in the upper left corner to New Jersey In late April and invasions of the Ru/wel and New March 31; for C-coupon holders, with the name of the steamship A graduate of Red Bank high early May and planted here, to Fanners seem to be looking in- Georgia Islands. In addition, he 9x12 Kitchen for as May 31; and for B-coupon hold- company In the lower left corner. school, Staff Sgt, Matthews was make crops In July and August. to their credit needs earlier this was aboard Admiral Turner's ship en, June SO. employed as a painter by his step- The northernmost counties of year than usual. Thla year FSA during the decisive naval battle for 150,000 Plane* Since March, 1M1 father, Anatols Chameroy of Har- New Jersey were still frost-locked, supervised credit has been extend- $ 08 FUEL OH/—Period 4 and Per- Guadalcanal during four days in Of the 150,000 planes produced by rison avenue, before he entered the ot course, but even there the farm- ed to 49 persons In Monrnouth, November, 1942, when the Jap task little as 19 iod S coupon* are good In all the United State* since March, Army February 13, 1942. He went ers were sowing clover seed (It Middlesex and Union counties un- areas through September SO. overseas April 1, 1943. -. • _ force wu licked and Its remnants "1941," Ul« U. S. has retained 122,000 doesn't matter If a little snow does der Mr. Dwulet's responsibility. aent reeling back, ; AT SHOES—Stamp No. 18 In Book for It* own ute and has shipped fall, because that just helps to This Is In addition to the 125 bor- 1 Is rood through'April SO. Air- 28,000 to its Allies, the Foreign "settle" the clover seed). rowers who are receiving farm se- In July, 1841, Maj. Nicholson plane stamp No. 1 In book S I* Economic Administration has an- Red Bank Soldier Most of New Jersey's 250 baby curity administration supervision landed In Iceland as communica- good Indefinitely. Another ration nounced. The Allies paid cash for chick hatcheries, booked to capaci- but do not need additional loans tions officer of a Marine brigade In BAYNTON'S LINOLEUM SHOP stamp good for one pair of shoes almost 7,000 planes and received ty after a late start, were pouring this year. This Is a fine situation America's offensive before Pearl beginning May 1 will be an- Leaves Iceland because It assists farmers with the Harbor. He was stationed here al- more than 21,000 under Lend out thousands of cute little duffles most a year until the following nounced soon. Lease. The British and Russians that the farmer* will translate Into credit they need and eliminates the ; 5 BROAD ST. rush we used to have each spring, March setting up communications produce moat of the planes they Corp. Fred S. Dakley egg-producing career hens. and weather equipment. are using, but American Lend. In dairy barn and hen house, the he said. RED BANK 3876 Who Huit FUe DecUratton*. Lease planes with British, Norweg- Now In England urging of spring was felt, as the Farm security administration The following persons must file ian, Polish, Czech, and other Allied natural surplus production season stands ready to help those who are The road to better and bigger PLEASE BRING YOUR ROOM MEASUREMENTS a Declaration of Estimated Income pilot* are playing a vital role of cows and hena approached to un- business leads through The Regis- In need of FSA and qualify for ter's advertising columns.—Adver- and Victory Tax for 1844 on Or be- against Germany. Fishing In the "best trout and leash a flow of milk and a lay of help. Further Information relative fort April 15: Single persons (or salmon streams In the world" eggs to surfeit the consumer, In tisement. married persons who havs sep- Promote Unratkmed Food* would be a paradise to some, but spite of the wartime woes of agri- arated) who expect to receive more To Increase the consumption of Corporal Fred S. Oakley, 24, of culture. than $2,700 of wages subject to unratloned foods, the retail and Red Bank, now stationed at an Growers of New Jersey's famous -withholding or more than 1100 from wholesale food distributing trade, Air Force Service Command post peaches were out in their orchards, all other sources, provided total ln- and the restaurant and hotel Indus- in England, was very happy to examining bud* and counting the coms li expected to be $500 or try are conducting a campaign that leave Iceland for England. prospects for Jersey peaches next more; married persons If they ex- will reach It* peak during March Corp. Oakley, son of Mrs. K. C. August. There are many hazards pect to receive more than $3,500 of and April. Foods to be specially Haft*, was graduated from Red for the peach grower* between now wages subject to withholding or emphasized are oranges, potatoes, Bank high school and was working and mid-summer, therefore the more than $100 lncorr/e from all eggs, breakfast cereals, enriched as a machinist for the Pratt & growers are keeping their own other sources, provided that their bread, soy flour and grits, maca- Whltliey company at Hartford, counts and counsel but from this combined total Income Is expected roni, spaghetti, egg noodles, crack- Connecticut, when he entered the distance the prospests look pretty /S PREPARED TO to b» $1,200 or more or his total ers, orange and grapefruit marma- service in October, 1940, Hla two good. •eparaU Income Is expected to be lade, peanut butter and eoffe*. years spent in Iceland's far-flung Beekeeper* harkened to the more than $624. Blank forma are Bound-Up outposts were pleasant in new ex- humming sounds coming from their to be distributed by the Bureau of periences, but he explained, "Eng- hives, where worker bees are al- HANDLE YOUR ORDERS FOR Internal Revenue late In March. Total U. S. war casualties as an- land is far superior to Iceland in ready busy raising the next gener- New Farm Gasoline Bole* nounced March » by OWI were both climate and social activities." ation and spring-cleaning the col- NO PRIORITIES 162,282—Including 37,853 dead, 57,- He added with a laugh, "Guess we onies. To aid In the drive against the 228 wounded, 25,506 missing and 31,- missed the social life more than Turkey growers were turning REQUIRED ON THESE black market In gasoline the Office 638 prisoner* of war. anything else up there." With five electric lights on their breeding of Price Administration announced WPB announces that: The ban other enlisted men and eight Ice- that after April 1 the five-gallon hen* to fool them into thinking PLUMBING FIXTURES! on two-trouser suits, trousers with landic natives, Corp. Oakley built spring was really here, therefore, to APPLIED ROOFING -R" coupon will be Invalid at fill- pleats, and vesta with double- an Army camp 6s top ot a moan- lay more eggs. Object: Early tur- ing stations and may be used only breasted suits, and other clothing tain in the deep snow and cold of key poults to feed to marketable by those who buy gasoline at bulk production restriction* will not be winter. "It wag a great experience," size for New Jersey's third war- plants or who have It delivered Into eased. . . Restrictions on manufac- he said. time Thanksgiving. storage tanks on their premises. ture of such Items as baby rattles Auctioneers at the Vlneland and Farmers buying most of their gas- and teething rings from nltro-cel- At the large air service command oline at filling stations have until supply depot In England, Corp. L&ndlsville farmer-owned markets AND INSULATION lulose plastics have been removed. dusted the gavels and prepared for April 1 to exchange at local boards . . . Phonograph record manufac- Oakley la doing construction and their "R" coupons for "E" coupons, engineering work on the oper- sales of spring; greens, dandelion* turers in the second quarter of this ational end of the base. He and his and broocoll-rabe—that mark the which will be accepted at filling year may use one-fourth as much opening of auction season, about stations. After March IB, "R" and shellac a* they used In 1941, due to buddies are building "Butler huts," "E" coupons in all cases must be which are the American version of the last week in March. FREE ESTIMATE ON ANY TYPE OF ROOF! Increased supplies. the Nlssen .building, the standard Letters reflecting that "far-away endorsed whether for gasoline de- The Department of Agriculture livered Into storage tanks or picked British Military barrack*. "These look and green pastures" In the announce* a 1944 goal of 22 mil- huts are 20 feet by 48 feet," he eye* of their writers have been up at filling stations. However, to lion Victory Gardens, two million For added home beauty ease the task of endorsing these stated, "and are used mostly for coming In seasonally Increased vol- more than last year. Achieving the offices, mess halls and day rooms." ume to State Secretary of Agricul- and protection—choose coupons, the consumer buying a goal would mean 10 million tons ture W. H. Allen, asking for Infor- large quantity of gasoline may en- of fresh food or 26 per cent more The air service command, to Sear* 'Honor-Bilt' ap- which" Corp. Oakley is assigned, is mation about "abandoned farms." White Enameled Seat dorse a whole atrip or block of production than In IMS. The yen to turn farmer comes once coupons with a single signature the vast supply "arm" of the Air Sturdy hardwood, re- ^ ^^ ._ plied roofs! Their ten- and address written acroas the re- forces. It repairs, maintains and a year—and Just about this time— BELFORD SOLDIER HOME. supplies all equipment; and feeds, to hundreds of city dwellers. A de- inforced. Triple-coat Hk'^B «?5 year guarantee covers quired number of coupons given as lusion that New Jersey has a big sprayed-on white ^ _^»"«»# a unit for Ma alngle purchase. For Albert T. Buchhop has been vis- clothes, arms and transports all sprayed both materials and work- iting at hi* home In Belford on a personnel for America's great Air crop of farms abandoned by their enamel finish won't one gallon of gasoline he contin- owners seems to prevail. Actually, ues to endorse one "E" coupon. five-day leave from his duties as forces. Being associated with this crack, chip or peel. manship. Made to Sears Bedooea Celling on Flour aviation radio man and rear gun- organization labels Cpl. Oakley those farms which the XT. S. census ner on a dive bomber. He ha* Just among the world's finest aircraft terms "abandoned" in New Jersey 3 specifications for protec- usually are acreages taken out of The OP A has reduced the celling returned from a shake-down cruise specialists. tion against ravages of price on all enriched flour by five on an aircraft carrier., While out cultivation for nonfarm purpose*, cents a hundred pounds. About 75 at sea one day, he was quite sur- CANT UE7T IT EXPIRE, which, since the war, Include mili- rain, snow or sleet! Sears per cent of all family flour Is en- prised to meet Daniel Blacksmith tary depots and munition dump*. 1 "Find enclosed check for *2.50 There Just are no farms "aban- shingles are "fire-rests- riched. of Port Monmouth who Is one of for subscription of the Red Bank Price* on Used Photo Equipment the members of the crew of the doned" in the terms which the let- Register. ter writers Infer. tant"; approved by the Reconditioned used photographic aircraft carrier. W» feel like we are still living equipment (still and movie cam- in Red Bank when we get The Underwriters' Labora- eras, projectors, lenses, range Back tht> Attack—Buy War Bonds! Register. We almost have a fight Warns of Fire, Dog Die*. tories. over it when it comes In. Even the A little girl's dog gave Its life last girls that work In the store nave Thursday night In warning Its mis- Facing the Future to read The Register so we cant tress and her parents of the fire let our subscription expire." that raged in the cellar of their N INTERESTING account In sense of things, when spiritual So write our friends, The Gold- home on Munroe avenue, Aabury the thirteenth chapter of the reality seemed to them to be a dis- farbs, who are conducting a large Park. The barking dog aroused A book of Numbers relates the tant unreality, they were supplied general merchandise store In Louis- Mr. and Mrs. Frnak Papa and their Closet Repair Parti with toe help that they needed at daughter at 1 a .m. Mr. Papa called experiences of i group of people ville, Georgia. Closet Bollcock '...„.„..„... $1.85 who were called upon by their the moment. They had Moses, the When the Goldfarbs lived ln Red fire headquarters and firemen kept leader to hare faith In their fn- Uw-giTer. Where they faltered, Bank, they operated a store on the blaze confined to the cellar. The Closet Tank Ball ^T^- 37c Cut Heating ture. These people, the Israelites, he upheld. When they were afraid Broad street, opposite Mechanic I dog was kept in the cellar and "' Costs With A street, was found there suffocated. Cloiet Trip Lever. ..^^.. 69c led by Mosos had in the course of of the future, he reassured them Seats Certified their journey away from the bond- with God's gracious promises un- Glass Tank Float ?. 35c age in Egypt finally reached the til they were able to lay (Num- Overflow Tube .T.. r.. insulation Job.' land of Canaan. Spies were sent bers 14:40), "Lo, we be here, and ahead to find .out what kind of will go up unto the place which Soon pays for itself in land it was. They learned many the Lord hath promised." History fuel savings) In winter. good fhings about it — that it records that they did finally npeh. Sears insulation keeps the land of Canaan and received PUBLIC SALE flowed "with milk and honey," heat In in summer, ft the fruition of their labors. and withal was a place very much The estate of Marie Kiechle, will sell at Public Auction, entire keeps the whole house to be desired. But one condition Do we ever doubt what the fu- content* of dwelling at cooler, more comforta- of the land loomed up as a fear- ture holds for us, even though we ful thing in the eyes of the spies. ble. Learn how you can have seen ample evidence of di- 217 Hamilton Ave., Neptune, N. J., four blocks enjoy these year-around "All the people that we saw in it vine guidance and divine protec- are men of a great stature . . . tion! The Bible designates God East of Fitkin Hospital, benefits —just phone and we were in our own sight as by many names, but none carry your near-by Sears store grasshoppers,'' they reported. more comfort to the struggling one block south of Corlles avenue, listed below; or mail this How often we, too, belittle our heart than the name of Love. Di- coupon for a FREE capacities and are "in our own vine Love, creative and sustaining ESTIMATE. sight as grasshoppers." And how Principle, never forsakes man. In Saturday, Mar. 18,1944 much better to recognise the truth Genesis we read, "God saw every clearly stated on page 304 of "Sci- thing that he had made, and, be- AT 1:00 P. M. ence and Health with Key to the hold, it was very good" (Genesis Household goods and furnishings consisting of: 1 fireplace Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, 1:31). It would be as impossible SEARS, ROEBUCK AND COMPANY: namely this: "Divine Principle is for God, the divine Love that screen, set of fire-irons, 1 settee, 1 Seth Thomas chime clock, 1 mantel clock (Anaonla); 1 mantel clock (New Haven), tables, the life of man. Man's happiness made all good, including man, to White Vitreous China! 'Without obligation on my NAME •..-^r^irtr^--..... is not', therefore, at the disposal of cease His care of man as for the pictures, mirrors, floor lamps, living room chairs, 1 rug VxlV, physical sense." principle of mathematics eventu- In good condition, 4 runners, several throw rugs, 1 Electric LAVATORY :.... $19.50 part, please have your ADDtfSS ....,__„._„ The Israelites had experienced ally to withdraw its support of Vacuum Cleaner, glassware, dishes, pots and pans (aluminum), CLOSET OUTFIT1,.; '.... $26.50 qualified expert give me an God's care for them many times the idea that two times two equals l^poreejaln top kitchen table, kitchen chairs, 1 gaa range, 4 estimate on roofing, siding ~*< .-•s~__ in their journey to the promised four. ... Stain-proof and acid-proof! Lava' burner ijde oven (quality), 1 combination book case and writing ond insulation for my home DATS ...nyvni—..--.••—...~.— TIME . land. They had seen the barrier tory hat shelf back, adjustable legs, So today, with our future yet to •desk, several books, 1 hall tree-mirror back, 1 sewing machine, of the impassable sea before them single-stream faucet. Closet is new be drawn into the outlines of the 1 Refrigerator, 5 cubic feet, good> condition, 1 round oak dining and the hordes of the armies of low-typa unit; white enameled seat Pharaoh behind them; but the sea present, let us accept God as He room table, 1 side board, linens, curtains, 1 Atwater Kent radio, is, as divine Life, Truth, and Love, and cover. Purchases Totaling $10 Or More Can Be Made On SEARS EASY PAYMENT PLAN had parted and the armies had 1 double bed, 1 three-quarter bed, springs, mattresses, bureaus, perished. They bnd been sustained and admit no other power or pres- with food and clothing in the wil- ence. Let us heed the counsel of 1 carpet sweeper,! lawn mower, carpenter tools in excellent derness, and had been kept free the Master, Christ Jesus (John 12: condition, 1 man's bicycle like new, 1 ladies bicycle 26" frame from disease, through God's cease- 36), "While ye have light, believe with basket and light, some porch furniture, and many other less prpvidencc. They had indeed in the light, that ye may be the miscellaneous Items tob numerous to mention. children of light." Let us recog- Sears stores' have.port- proved that man's happiness and ed or marked ceiling well-being arc not subject to the nize that God, divine Love, guards SALE INDOORS TERMS :-CASH whims' of physical' sense testi- ns in all our experiences and His prices in compliance hand is our steady guide both now FRANK KIECHLE. with government •srnd' etwfiooner-orlalcr 'We-mast - ally maintained. Butnowl "wTflT ?-<*-'- MRl MM regulations. accept this conclusion; let us come the end of their journey at hand,, TEL. LONG BRANCH S589 to it early, yea, at once. Then'shall FRANK WOOLLET, they were doubting their further we find not only the present good, 27-29 Monmouth St. RED BANK guidance and'protection. but the future filled with promise. C. BURK, STOjlB HOCHS:—WEEKDAYS t A. M.-S.SO F. M., SAT17BDAV S A. M.-9 P. M. The Israelites were not de- -rlfi« Sii'Ulia* Wam USnitot, Olerks. 7 Page Eight RED BANK REGISTER, MARCH 16, 1944 New York, (d) Polly Ann Wooley, ferred to as "the mosquito doctor." dau. of Alfred and Polly Vail, was Everett Luker In bumble silence "he worked on b. Mar. », 1817, md. Jan. 7, 18J8, in through 18 unbelieving years." Fabins, New York, to Joel Howe, Finally, In 1900, two British doctors Genealogy b. Canaan, Connecticut, Aug. 16, With Seabees who had visited him in Havana, 1802, d. same place Nov. 25, 1875. Drs. Durham and Myers, published Attention Orchardists His wile d. there Jan. 15, 1880 (2d in the British Medical Journal, an wife) Issue: Harriet Howe, b. Aug. Belford Man Now article "expressing confidence" in Mr«. William K. Gonover, editor, 10, 1838, d. 1852; James Wilson, b. In California his work. ch»irm»n of the Genealogical com- May 28 1840 d. 1607; Oliver Kneed- But it was not until a few BEAN SPRAYER mittee of Monmouth County Ht«- land, h. June 16, 1842, d. 1862, Civil months later, when Dr. Walter Hmrtihummtr toric»l aMOctstion, Freehold, N. J. war vet., killed in battle; Aurelia, Everett Luker of Belford, third Reed and Dra. Carroll, Agramonto REPAIR PARTS AND SERVICE b, July 8, 1845, d. 1881; John Joel, petty officer in the Seabees, is now and Lazear had been appointed on Genealogical Index (Part •) b. Nov. 30, 1847, d. 1910; Albiria, b. stationed with the Seabees in Ox- Quwtloru Mid Aj\«wrr» ard, California. He left for his post the Army Yellow Fever Board In Authorized Dealer 19 2 July 15, 1852. d. 1881; Polly Ann, b. a newly liberated Cuba, that Fin- January 3, 1941. 'o J«nu»rj' 1. * Mar. 14, 1856, d. Dec. 1, 1897; lived last Thursday after spending a 15- lay's theory was awarded public —2399— at Woodstock and Pompey, New day furlough with his folks in Bel- Firrt com* t» 1 truifwtfUiy J«w*l«r. Sitt, color, 1692 p recognition. After the board had Lewis, deorge - York. Mrs. C . B. H. (La.L) ) given up all other possibilities— Some time mgo • Bean Motor Truck Skid Type Lewla, Isabel (Burdick) 1692 cut, brilliinct tnd clarity «|| affect tft* prie* at Answers and only then—it turned towards Engine Drive Sprayer with 500-gmllon Tank Lewis, Jtcte — —2401— Dr. Finlay's "strange ideas." Car- th» diamond. Exptrt guidtnee it your belt guiran- was ordered to be delivered in Monmouth Coun- Lewie, Joseph roll and Lazear let themselves b« BARRICLO. No. 2367,.Dec. 16, tei of trut value and an exceptional ring. Let ui Lewis, Lydia Evelyn - 1692 1943. William Barriclo, son ol John bit by infected mosquitoes. Both ty. The purchater of thie sprayer U unknown 1692 1 Lewis, Lucinda U —- 692 and Anne Reid Barriclo, wae b. fell ill with the disease and Dr. , I 692 help you make a selection. Our diamene stock to the undersigned, who it in a position to de- Lewi*, Marthh a I June 17, 1788, md. Feb. 26, 1812, to Lazear Sled in the experiment Lewie. Mary Esther "92 offers you the widest choice. liver the machine. Telephone Freehold 1780, Lewie, Sarah , 1692 Hulda Bowne, b. May 18, 1790, d. which proved how true Finlay's Lewis, William - - — 1692 Apr. 14, 1868. They had chn. Mary, theory was. The latter years of reversing charges. If you know this party, call Light, Jfaac -. 1847 b. Feb; 20, 1813, d. Nov. 14, 1888; Carlos J. Finlay's simple and dig- Light, Mary 1847 John R., b. Feb. 23, 1815, d. Feb., nified life were full and happy. He this advertisement to his attention. If other sur- Lincoln, Ammi V...... 1529 1858; Sarah Ann, b. Aug. 14, 1818, was honored by his own and oth- rangements have been made, kindly let us know Lincoln, Darius 1529 d. Jan. 30, 1901, and Elizabeth, b. or countries. He became Chief San- Lincoln, Hannah Loomis (widow) Oct. 9, 1820; Mary Barriclo. b. 1813, itary Officer of Cuha, founded the so the sprayer can be disposed of elsewhere. d. 1S8S, md. Dec. 23, 1834, Hendrick 1529 National Sanitary Board. He had E. Conover, son of Elias Conover only been retired six years when Lincoln, Hannah L. . 1561 and Mary Schenck, a dau. of Rulif Lincoln, Homer G 3529 he died in August 1915 in Havana. H. Schenck. Their son, John Bar- Although at the time of his cen- PRICED FROM $35 TO $600 Lincoln, Jederiah _ - 1529 riclo Conover, b. June 19, 1848, d. Liming, John - 1464 tennial Finlay's memory was hon- s23 Aug. 2. 191(1, md. Sept. 10, 1878, ored In many ways throughout the SIDNEY W. REID Lippencott, Margaret I Laina Helena Richardson, dau. of Lippincott, Richard 1<61. . world, his name is still unknown to Lippincolt, Remembrsnce ..-,- 1461 Prof. Amos Richardson the public at large. May time turn REUSSILLES' The Best In Farm Machinery 164S Mis. W. R. C. (N. J.) green again the laurels of one to Registered Jewelen — American Gem Society Little, Hannah 5 Lloyd, Corliee J^J —2402— whom we owe much of our safety 36 Broad St. FJ .:- Red Bank FREEHOLD, NEW JERSEY Lloyd. John COVENHOVEN-SCHENCK. No. and progress! Locke, Abigail ...."...:...-....' • I701 7S7, May 18, 1939, Garret R, Qoven- Logtn, Mary 15"4 hoven, b. Dec. 27, 1780, a. Oct. 22, 1 Lomping, George • 1488 11861, md. Dec. 14, 1814, Maria Firearms were first used In Eu- Shrewd, careful buyers read The Register ! 818 EVERETT LUKER London, Ambrose I ! Schenck, b. Feb. 2, 1795, A. Dec. 5, ropean warfare in the 14th cen- Classified Advertisements. London, Edward 1818 I 1830, aud. of Chrineyonce Schenck tury. 1818 ord. He served a year In the London, John and Margaret Polhemus. Lssue: (1) Army before enlisting in the Sea- London, Joseph 1818 John P., b. Oct. 2, 1815, d. Mar. 28,bees about eight months ago and 818 1863. md. Dec. 14, 1842, Henrietta London, Isaiah I was transferred to the West coast London, Susan 1818 Stoutenbergh, (2) Margaret, b. Oct. Longstreet, Dirick Stoffleee 1589 18, 1817, md. ns 2d wife ot Charles rom Camp Perry, Willlamsburg, Virginia. Longstreet, Garret ; H89 Morris Cook. 13) Mary Suydam, b. 740 Born in Belford, the petty officer Longstreet, Gilbert —• I Sept. 23, 1819, d. Feb. 8, 1842, md. Longstreet. Helena, Mrs. (Hank- Jan. 31, 1838, Charles Morris Cook, was one of ten children of the Monmouth County Boys Are There Too! infon) "« b. June 26, 1815, d. Dec. 12, 1881,late Peter and Lily Brower Luker. i48R There were six daughters and Longstreet, Mercy — son of John Cook and Mary Mor- Loomis, Emery 152B ris, (4) Daniel S., b. Nov. 21, 1821,four sona. Eight of the chil- 1533 drer are living. They are Mrs. Losie Henry d. Apr. 10, 1878, md. 1st Jan. 6.1851, Lcesee, John - ^27, 1833 Ann Eliza Holmes,, dau. of Jona- George Heyer, Mrs. Charles Pat- Lovick, Jno - I770 than I. Holmes and Ellen Schenck. terson, Mrs. Alfred Richardson Lowell, Hannah I"00 Daniel md. 2d Apr. 5, 1857, Sarah and Miss Mabel Luker, all of Bel- Lucas, William - 1579 Aurcllea Waring, ri, July 4. 1867. ford; Mrs. Anna Turner of Free- Luken, Sarah MH (5) Eleanor, b May 7, 1824. d. May hold, and Edward and Donald Lu- Lundy, Eno.s —- I518 30, 1885. md. George S. Schenck, ker of Belford. Lundy. Sarah 1518 son of David Schenck and Sarah Otflccr Luker helped his father Lupardus. Cnri/stianus, Jr 1500 Smock 16) Chrineyonce, h. Apr. 16, in the pound fishing business for Luquer, Abraham ...... ' - 1*58 1829, d. Jinc 28, 1829. (7) Garret, many years and was employed at 84 b. July 3, 1830, d. Dec. 1, 1830; Luqueer, Abraham H Fort Monmouth for about a year Luyster, Aletta I85* Mrs. W. R. C. (N. J.) before going into the service. Luyster, Johanna ••:- -••• I467 These records were copied by Luyster. Sarah - 1798 Monmouth Court House Chapter, Lyon6, Elizabeth (James) — 1441 D. A. R., and published through the Know The Americas Macfarson, John 1480 •Monmouth Historical association, Macfarson, Mlvum I480 Freehold, N, J., and released by By the Pan-American Union, Macfarson, Nathaniel 148(l (Mrs. William R.) Laura V. Con- Washington Macfarson, Rachel 1480 over, regent. Finlay—Yellow Fever's For, Macfarson, Rebecca » 1480 Macfarson, Samuel H80 It i3 sometimes surprising to Macfarson, Temperance 1480 Price And Rationing find how little Is generally known Macfarson, Zachariah 148p about Dr. Finlay; how few people MacKillip, Lizzie I533 Questions & Answers realize what he stands for, and MacKillip, Sarah 1533 what humanity has gained becuusu MacKillips, David • I545 (Questions are those most fre- of him. One of the great figures MacKillips. Jane I545 quently asked this week of the of science, he is unknown to the MacKillips, John - - 1545 Trenton District Ofllco of OPA. average well-informed public, and MacKillips, Mary —• 1545Answers are official OPA rulings as lies forgotten in the shadow of two MacKillips, Peggy 1545 of March 13. Readers may other great men; Govgas and Wai- MacKillips, Thomas —• 1545submit questions for replies to Dis- ter Reed, Madock, William ".:: :..:-..:.--.. 1852 trict -Office, OPA, Tronton, N. J. Carlos J. Finlay.was born over a Madden, James —• 1791 Q. Before token rationing began hundred years ago on December 3, Malsbury, Mrs. John 1522 I used all brown stamps that had 1833 in the Cuban city of Puerto Marlett, Jan '• 1614 the same letter before I started us- 770 Principet now Camaguey. Of Scotch Martin, Esther I ing" the next letter—using first. A8s, and French ancestry, he combined Martin, I Isaac) Lewis 1481 then B's, nnd so on. ]s that sys- the best European qualities With Mason, Edward 1627, 1829 tem now changed? those of his native soil, being, in Mason, Esther (Marlin) . 1502 A. Yes. Under token rationing, spile of his cosmopolitan back- Mason. Francis 1502 with all red and blue stamps worth ground, a true son—and today one 15(12 Mason, Mary (VanDyke) ten' points, all stamps marked "8" of the glories—of the Pearl of the Mason, Ruth 1780 will be used first, throughout the al- 1502 Antilles." Part of Carlos' childhood Mason, William phabet. This means that you must and early youth were spent in Kur- ; Matchett. Margaret 1850 tear your stamps out across your ope but ill-health forced him sev- Mathewe, Sarah 1447 ration hook, along the top of the eral times to return to his native Matthews, Asenath 1647, 1742 page, rather than tip and. down. land. In 1855 he graduated from 1759 Matthews, James CJ. If meat supplies are sufficient- Jefferson Medical College in Phil- Matthew* I Manning) Sarah 1480 ly plentiful to lower their point 1494 adelphia and, after a number of Mathi-*. Judith vnlue, why was the number of trips to South America, settled fin- Maxwell. Amos 1737 737 points allowed each consumer ally in Havana where he was to Maxwell. Joanna - I duced under token rationing? live most of the rest of his life. The ! McArthur. Anna I8!8 1 A. You were formerly allowed 16 year was 1857 and yellow fever— ! McBridc, William - I™' meat points per week—or 32 every the plague that had been terroriz- | McCamay. Elizabeth - 1543 weeks. Since all stamps now McClean, Charles 157573 ing humanity for many centuries-- McCord, Hannah ,1} have a value of ten points, you are was still raging^ in mo^t tropical now getting 30 points every two and some tempeVnte countries. The McBride. John nnd John, Jr. 174S weeks instead or one point less deadly "yellow jack" or ''black 1745 each week than formerly. The re- vomit1' as it was sometimes called, ! McBridec. . William I4 3 duction in mpnt point values in assailed the south of the United ; McDonel, Sarah - " March is partly due to the change States and the Caribbean region That is an American boy... McKain, Man,- H60 in the number of points you are with special intrnsify. while in McKay, Ann 1M9 allowed; it is also tine to a larger some sections it had become an McKay, James . : -.. 1519supply nf menf at this time. endemic disease. Yellow fevev McKay. Margaret (Falconer?) 1519 Q. Will inspectors check all con- cost thousands of lives in each epi- McPherson. Temperance 1447. 1480 Meals (Dealsi. Alice 17S0 snmer gasoline coupons each day demic, (he mortality rnio bein^r Meghill, Elizabeth 1700 during the few weeks? about fifty per cent of those who Meghill, Sarah 170o! A. There will lie inspectors at got it. "During 1802 half of Santo behind that wire! you have done the extra work... donated and Thomas, iconic stations in all areas each day Domingo's population of 40,000 did Meghill^ Thomas : Capr/ . 1700 until an adequate check of 1 lie ter- of it; six years later, two-thirds of your blood and bought your bonds. Megill, Lydia .... 1667 ritory has been made. the people of Guadeloupe perished Meirs, Joseph . 1452 Q. 1 frequently read of dealers during a single year." Yellow fever Yes, and you have helped the Red Croat Milliman, Thomae and Thomas. wlio HI f fined largo sums of money had .been and was an important before with a generous and willing he«rt Jr 157G for violating price ceilings. Who factor in the. history of the Amer- Milliman, Lydia 1576 cnlleds the fines nnd \vhnt becomes icas. It accounted for the back- Giving to the Red Cross has »lw»rf Mitchell, Chailes' 1820 of thorn? ward condition of some regions of HAT is an American there con- him if you still had him safe at home. Mitchell. Lydia 1R20 A, I'pon court conviction, fines ; the continent nnd yet was at the been a great proud habit of thirty million . 1500 Meat,cheese,sugar,prunes,chocolate bars Molleson. Isaac arc levied for ceiling violations, j same tlnif, in some sort a defen- Tdemned by the chance of war to eat American families . , . proud that they .Such fines aro paid to the Treas- •ivc force against encroaching Questions !um- of the United States. They alien bread in some far-off prison camp. and real American cigarettes and tobacco! 2-I00 -- Europeans ,who wern even less im- could give . . . proud of the Red Cross j are not paid to Ot*A. mune to H than the natives or th~ WOOLLEY la) Edward : He is hungry for news .. . hungry for If he is sick or wounded, he will get« •"' '^ Is there any ceiling price on Creoles. that made the giving worthwhile. * •on of Abel Woolley and his wife, 1 ^('Jfnn the sight of his native land . . . for the Red Cross invalid package Mary Carter, was b. Sept. 2. 1759,I " •A. There is no re Ming price on Besides giving his attention to But this year, wheo th« n#«, Isfrue: who leceives thr iniliT "TKe "r.cin- Fowler, b, 3850, md, Sher- flervation unHtteini'wn him also bvvn fectly pulled to this than thn niris man; Maii, b. lH(J7,'-md. Sharp; Informed that payment^, will con- qi^ito. Finlay, decided therefore to Hannah, b, ]gO9; Edreck, b. 1811;tinui' \hn>\)£h Marc)) and April HO glvp nil his* energies tn the Htudy •Eunice, b. 1B14, md. Corbln; Elian- nil dairymen should Ueep thr>lr of the mosquito. Howeve.r. few • beth, b. 1818; I-nman Manvllie, b iccoi'lfi during thoH* nionth», wiTe thn.ip who believed him wlicn 1817; Alonzo Chamberlain, b. 182.V, lie Ilirillv hiiri the proof ll|n( (In . 'Bruce, b. 1827. All lived in Bovs can make pocket, numuy by | "Ardrs negypi" was Ihe culprit; \v i.—, AeKiaLttWAdverLificment ."AA laughed it, called a maniac, ra- RED BANK REGISTER, MARCH 16, 1944 more than IQ//JQ person* a year Federal Agent* $15,000 Judgment Sgt. Charle* Briggs Judgments For are tested. Church Society Now Technical Sgt. The meeting has been arranged PUBLIC SALE Raid Big Still to Interest parents of children of Plans Breakfast Against Keyport 3/Sgt. Charles D. Briggs, of 539 Three Women all ages. The laboratory methods Member* of St. Ana'* socitt; Treasury agenU, descending on River road, Fair Haven, was re- are of great assistance in planning St. Anthony'* church will an Ootan avenue property at Long Widow, 70, Wins cently promoted to technical ser- Total $6,450 for future vocation to know the communion Sunday Farm Machinery and Branch last Taurndsy afternoon, geant. H* is with a Joint Assault child's aptitudes and work for March 26, and following the i broke up an Illegal alcoholic dis- Accident Suit For Injuries which they are fitted. The commit- will hold a communion bre tilling outfit that ,wa« producing tee in charge includes Donald W. lot member* and guests in Household Goods more than 800 gallons dally of 180 After having heard five days of A circuit court jury at Freehold White. PTA president, Miss Louise church hall. The mass at 8 o'cll Glyloj up fanning) I will tell at public auction on the proof alcohol and capable of band- McCue, Miss Elisabeth Kelley, Miss will be offered by the pastor, ling 5,000 gallons of mash in large testimony and having been taken Tuesday brought in Judgments ag- to the (Cine of the accident, a cir- gregating $9,450 in favor of three Beulah Breckenridge, Mrs. Worth Salvatore DILorenzo. VanDerveer Farm at Howell Station, tanks. Schantz, Mrs. Harry E. Hotchklss, Plan* to hold the breakfast The still wu located in a large cuit court Jury at Freehold Friday women, all employed at Fort Mon- about t mile* Southeast of Freehold, on awarded Mrs. Hannah Lovett, 70- mouth, who were Injured June 18, Mrs. Albert Graulich and Mrs. Wil- made at a recent meeting at two-story garage on the Edward year-old Hazlet widow, $18,000 for mer A, Robblns. church hall. Mr*. Emilio Mu Schaffcr property and was In oper- 1943, when a car, driven by the Thuriday, March Z3, 1944 a fractured heel auffered August late Harold E. Johnson of Sunset presided. ation when the agent* closed in. A 13, 1M1. The judgment was against avenue, Red Bank, crashed into . Death of Manasquan Man. at 12:80 o'clock, the following: man giving his name si Ralph Del- the borough of Keyport. Nathan O. McHenry, 64, died linger of Newark was taken Into the bus in which they were riding. There are 44,000 poitofflcei in I Uawey-Harrl* Challenger tractor on rubber, Maasey-Harri* tractor cul- Mr*, Lovett, represented by Theo- The plaintiffs and th« amount of Monday morning at his home at United States. tivfttor, tractor-dlsc-harrow, Oliver 14-lnch tractor plow. Iron Age custody. He was an attendant at dore D. Paraons, Bed Bank, told the awards to each were: Manatquan. He was born at Point Tractor potato planter, MacKcnzle potato planter, Hoover potato digger, the plant and ww watching.oper- Judge Robert V. Kinkead and the Mrs. Mary Claverly of Lelghton Pleasant and had been a resident ation*. He ww held for arraign- of Manasquan 40 years. He was Got an lc« box to **li? NUgara potato duster, Superior grain di*c-drlll, Oliver a-row corn Jury that around 10:80 p. m. shf, place, Red Bank, J5.700; Mrs. Ruth buy a fur piece? You can buy I plantar, MeCormlek corn harvester, Osborne grain binder, ateel land ment before a United State* com- her son, and other members of the Taylor of Sunset avenue, Red the widower of Marie K. McHenry. sell throueh Tha Register'* rolltr, riding cultivator with fertilizer attachment, 3-row furring »led, missioner in Newark. family drove to Atlantic street and Bank, $300, and Mis* Lucille Pear- Two daughters and four sons sur- ads. They're the roost *id*)y 2 wood drag harrows, 2-horse disc-harrow, l-hor«e plow, John-Deere •tate , Keyport, where sail, colored, formerly of Shrews- vive him. in thia section.—AdvertU two-way plow, platform scales, Oliver walking plow, 2 1-horee culti- Wed* Navy Han. a fair, sponsored by the loaal fire bury avenue, Red- Bank, now living vator*, new hand Boggs potato grader, Osborne hay rake, 2-hole corn Miss Lillian B. Hebeler, daughter department, was ln^progreis. Mr. in Newark, 1400. ahfllvr, tractor weeder, 2 sets of double harness, farm wagon, hay Lovett parked on Atlantic street Edgar Taylor, husband of one of shdvlngi, wheel-barrow grass seeder. 3 hand corn planter*, some white of Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Hebeler opposite the fair ground*, which of Spring t«ke Height*, WJI mar- the plaintiffs, air of whom were oak lumber, Urge feed box, water troughs, Planet Jr. seed drill, saw were on a vacant lqt at the inter- represented by Theodore J. La- and bench, belt, large belt and saw, grindstone, ladders, donkey for ried Saturday afternoon to Victor section and his mother started Parent, aviation mate, third class, brecque, Red Bank, wu also truck, hog crate, a lot of bags, a lot of 5/8 baskets, c lot of wlffle trees, acrois the street intending to reach awarded $S0 to cover medical ex- forlca, hoei, shovels and other articles too numerous to mention. Lakehurst naval air station, son of the, opposite sidewalk by passing Mr. and Mrs. C. Z. Parent of Man- pense* incurred in the treatment 1 good cow now milking, 3 brood sows, ten shoats, hay fork and rope; between two puked cars. of his wife. aaquan. After their wedding trip As the elderly woman neared the 2 ton* of rye straw, tome hay. the couple will live at Lakehurst. The women employed at Squier Household goods: dining room suite, beds, mattresses, spring*, chairs, curb, however, she stepped into a T/8GT. CHARLES D. BRIGGS laboratory at the fort, boarded a sharp dip in the gutter and was Boro bus driven by Anthony Slri- The Red Bank Register Is sup- thrown forward and down. At the Signal company at an undisclosed annl 27, of Long Branch, at 1 TERMS: CASH ETHEL M. FISHER. ported by local as well a* out-of- South Amboy general hospital, location. Prior to his enlistment o'clock in the morning. The bus SUPCOVERITIS J. L. NAKOZANIOK, Auctioneer town business men. Advertisements where she was taken by the Key- in the Army he was employed by stopped at the entrance to the Al- TVORAHA * HUFF, Clerks. appearing* regularly tell the »tory. port first aid squad, It was discov- the Bell Laboratories at Holmdcl. —Advertisement. T/Sgt. Briggs is the husband of fred Vajl Homes In Shrewsbury Auctioneer's Telephone: Fngllxhfcmvn 4361, ered that she had received a frac- township on Shrewsbury avenue ANecvous Disorder ture of the left heel. The heel was the former Mi»s Peggy Hankin, and the accident occurred a few 'placed In a east, but several days who with their three-months-old minutes after the bus had resumed later It was discovered that the cast ion, Charles David, lives with her its course, Mr. Johnson died at the Which Only Fresh New was not holding four fragments of mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. scene of the accident. Suit was bone in place. The cast was then Wallace Rankin, on River road, brought against his widow, Eu- removed and the bone* laced to- Fair Haven. Sgt. Briggs is the son genia, who waa administratrix of Slip Covers Can Cure gether with kangaroo gut to hold of Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Brigga her husband'* estate. I them in place until they had prop- of Rumson. I erly knit. Mrs. Lovett walked from .Both the bu» company, represent- her seat In the court room to the ed by J. Victor Carton of Asbury witness chair with a pronounced Soldier Vote * Park, and Mrs. Johnson, defended limp and medical testimony was s by James Emory, Jersey City, were produced to show that she Is perm- named defendant* to the action. anently disabled. Canvass Planned At the close of the case Circuit Hospital, doctor, and medical bills Court Judge Robert V. Kinkead di- offered into evidence amounted to Defense Workers to rected a verdict In favor of the bus $1,101.80. Mr*. Lovett also testi- company releasing it from the ac- fied that ahe lost approximately Get Information tion on the ground no negligence $4,000 in wages during her hos- had been shown by that defendant. i pltalUation and confinement at More than a million cards are Shortly thereafter Mr. Emory ad- . home. She was employed by Sig- being distributed thia week to lo- mitted liability so that the only Fashion-fame suits that will lead the Easter [ raund Eisner company - at Red cal defense councils throughout the question remaining for the jury to state preparatory to making a pass upon wa* the amount of the parade! The collarless suit, the bright "soft" Bank, awards to the respective plaintiffs. Counsel for Mrs. Lovett contend- state-wide house-to-house canvas suit, the tailored suit—each a star thru Spring! ed that the municipality had creat- for the purpose of obtaining the Mrs. Claverly, the most seriously ed a hazard for pedestrians when information that will permit the Injured, told the jury she lost 88 See the entire collection today. it depressed the gutter to permit forwarding of absentee ballots to days' work since the accident and surface water to enter a drain- the men and women in tha armed had been unable to discharge her pipe which lay under the Atlantic services and other services desig- duties steadily since because of in- nated by the Soldier Vote bill juries received In the accident. She street sidewalk. The end of the passed by the Legislature. drainpipe was flush with the curb- was badly battered about the head Ing but the bottom of the pipe was Governor Edge has assigned the and her neck and back were so far beneath the normal grade task of making the canvas to the wrenched as a result of being of th« gutter that the latter had civilian defense organization and thrown to the floor of the bus. She been sloped downward at both ap- has stressed the importance of the told,the jury she still suffers from proach** to the pipe. In both undertaking. He has also urged head and back aches and requires dlreotlone beyond the drain the public co-operation to the end that a special cushion to sit on because every man or woman in the armed of a spinal injury. bottom of the gutter was eight services will be given the oppor- inches lower than the top of the tunity to cast a ballot, if legally en- Mrs. Taylor and Mis* Pearsall curbing but at the drain the gut- titled to do so. were less seriously injured. and Her* Is One ter was depreaeed until it was 18 Meanwhile William A. Wachen- Inch** from the bottom of the feld, state defense director, had of the Beit Cures drain to the top of the curb. bqen conducting a series of meet Aptitude Tests The borough, represented by John ings with defense council chairmen M. Ptllabury, Atlantic Highland', throughout the state, impressing Ever Devised ... eonUaded that Mr*. Lovett assum- upon them the necessity for full co- To Be Explained ed whatever riik I* attached to operation and a complete house-to- crossing-the street gt » epot other house canvass. Program Tuesday by Bright, new, cheery patterns and colors, that than the regular crosswalk. Mr. It is estimated that there are at Pilhbury also endeavored to show leaat 525,000 men and women from Mechanic St. P T.A. will bring contentment to your heart and charm that light* placed on the fair New Jersey In the armed services. to your home. ground* by the firemen a* well as The civilian defense canvassers Pauline Shaw Phillips of the street lights afforded adequate il- will carry two sets of cards as they staff of the Human Engineering lumination at the scene of the ac- make their rounds. One card .is laboratory of New York city will Measured by our expert fitters in your home— cident. The drain, Mr. Pillsbury printed in black and on this will be speak at a meeting of Mechanic and sewn in our own work room—at prices to argued, was standard type con- obtained the information neces- Street aohool Parent-Teacher as- struction when it was built in 1838. sary for sending the ballots. The sociation Tuesday night in the fit in with your wartime budget. Come early There, are aU others like it in other card is printed in red and school auditorium. She will explain for best selection. the municipality, the attorney said. will be left with the householder work done In the laboratory for The Jury deliberated 90 mlnutea who has a member in the service. the school age child. before bringing In its verdict. If there is any change in the ser- viceman's address after the can- The Human Engineering labora- vaas hag been made the householder tory was created by Johnson will then send the red-printed card O'Connor 20 yearj ago. Until re- m id m Atlantic Highlands with the changed address to the cently it was associated with Stev- THE SHERMAN SHOP K adjutant general's office at Tren- ens' institute at Hoboken, but since Religious Survey ton. In this way the records will the Navy has now taken over most 56 BROAD ST., R. B. 2646 RED BANK be kept up to date. of that school, the laboratory waa moved to New York city. Branch Curtain*, Draperies, Slip Coven, Venetian Blind* It Will be Made On Each civilian defense canvasser laboratories are located In three will be given a set of printed in- other large cities of the nation, and Two Coming Sundays structions, with a sample card filled out. Tije informaton required In- nnnra »•»•* innnnnrt cludes the "'serviceman's name, TTirnrr*"»TOT»~o~ir»»» »B »T» »» B tvn ft n tntx A religioua survey Intended to home address, Army serial num- reach every home and person in ber, his rank in the service, date the AtlanUo Highlands area, spon- of birth, his service unit or organ- sored by the Third avenue churches ixation, his A. P. O. number, if he of the borough, is planned for this has one, and his service address. Sunday and the following Sabbath. The canvassers are instructed to Group* of worker* from each of ask only for the information on the the churches will visit from door card, and they are warned against to door in ordsr to learn the relig- entering into any political discus- ious preference of the residents. sions or discussing the legal rights The primary purpose of the survey of voters. is to reach new children and young They are also Instructed that people for the Sunday church they are to obtain the information 1 million men school of their choice. While the on the cards whether the person in Sunday-aohool hax been found to the service is of legal voting age be one of the greatest Influences or not. They are also advised that for good, the minister* and many they shall not be concerned with CARDIGAN SUIT STAR parent* of the borough are aware the legal rights or responsibilities of the fact that many young people of tha voters. are not going to any Sunday-school Mr. Waohenfeld said the civilian 95 or church. defense volunteers are to get all 100% WOOL GABARDINE the information required as out- ask for it lii name 39 Those, making the survey realize lined on the cards and any ques- that will be a mark of kindness on tions regarding voting rights will be Smoothest, most flattering for thru Springtime— the part of those visited to take handled after the canvass has been the new cardigan suit! It's crisp, clean cut collar- the time to give the information made. • These questions, he said, desired. They want to assure the will be handled by the adjutant less jacket and slim skirt make it right anywhere, cltliena that whatever church or general and the county clerks of Sunday-school preference is given, the several counties. • Broadway, created by Walk-Over, is anytime. > Perfect backdrop suit—dress yours the information, will be turned over MISSES SIZES 9 TO 20 "up" or "down" with accessories. One of a big to the minister or priest of the The canvass will officially start the famous shoe that men ask for church so designated. April 1 and must be completed WOMEN'S SIZES 38 to 44 group of topflight Spring suits, from 19,95 to April 24. The Prudential Insurance year after year. There's a wide If It Is found impossible to make oompariy 6f Newark has volun- 39.95. ail the visits these two coming teered to assist in the processing choice of styles built over this Sundays, some will be made at oth- of the cards after the canvass has er times within the next two weeks. been made. Broadway last, so unsurpassed The workers are asking the town* "I cannot impress too strongly for excellence of fit that it's a people for and will greatly appre- upon tho local civilian defense ur- ciate their co-operation In this ganizatlonB, " Mr. Wachenfeld said, sure repeatet with men who once worthwhile enterprise. "the importance of this job. It try it. For outstanding good must be done with efficiency, speed and accuracy. It is a patriotic looks, comfort and wear, step Surprise Party task. We owe It to those men and 95 womon on the battle fronts ami In into a pair. For Mr». Portpr the camps (o see to it that they $24 A surprise birthday party wu have the privilege of voting for the BLACK AND TAN , kind of government and the men given lor Mrs. John Porter of they want." Color makes fashion headlines in coats this to Rutnson Sunday by her family. Following a buffet supper, the .95 Spring! Brilliant, spirit-lifting color—to focus guests played games. Wed* Army Officer. all eyes on you—to supercharge your entire sicoo Present were Mr. and Mr*. Wil- Miss Beinice D. Harrison, dau«h- liam Bohn, Mr. and Mrs. John ter of M/s. ' Estelle Harrison of wardrobe! See our vivid boy coats, brief dash- 35 Maassy, Mr. and, Mrs. Hugh Mass- Long' Branch, and Lt. Harry T. SIZES 9 to 20 ey, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gentile, Laswell of Springfield, 111., wore ing topper coats. Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Jacobsen, married March 4. The ceremony Mr. and Mrs. John Kelly, Mr. and was performed at the homo of the Mr*. Joseph Maloney, Mr*. Elisa- bride's unclB and aunt, Mr. and WALKOVER BROADWAY beth Poster, John Porter and Miss- Mrs, J. I. Barton of Long Branch. CfVE TO THE is Mary. CUntlle, Doris Porter and Jan* and Pegy Bohn. Mutawaii Mini Loses State Job. Mayor Edwurd Currle of Mata- LJnue and superphoephate worked waYf ipBt~fflrTfb^«-eiWftwoi'-wttiB the state agriculture department JOHNiALLEN CO. NYD E IV into the subsoil beneath each trehch as It Is opened In the oourae last wook as 10 lawyers were RED CROSS of dteglng a garden will .make for diopport from the state payroll 8 Broad St. RED BANK Tel. 267 deeper rooted crops arc aid in lap- when the attorney general's office sing the plant food reserves of the was reorganized. C'urrie'i ststo lower loll, salary was $2,700 a year, Page Taa. R£D BANK REGISTER. MARCH 16, 1944 MUSHROOM-HERB BJDNEY SNOW Will Food, of course, must be well OMELET FOR LUNCH Half The Success Of Chicken Glad to Answer Any seasoned t» be worthy of OR SUPPER Questions on Food Three Meals A Day its piquancy When the family is home, the Rests With The Leftovers« Copyright BY SIDNEY SNOW, 19SS Edited by WELMA E. DEUTE lunch or supper is Just aa Import- ant a meal as the dinner. The fam- Though every day Isn't a "rush" mixture thickens as It cooli. Ju»t ily la no leu hungry and anticipate day, there can hardly be found a before serving:, crush 1 banana STUFFED CABBAGE something good—as usual, we housewife who doesn't have at least with sliver fork and dice the other; might add! one or two such days during the then fold Into tapioca cream. * Ciriddle Cakes In Assortment LEAVES So we turn again to that wonder- week—days in which she has her Serves 8. " ' No Need To Draw On Shamrock fully reliable omelet—change the own bit of war work or just an ac- ' BUTTERSCOTCH CREAM Require but Half a Pound of flavor and serve a— cumlatlon of household duties—but 4 tableapoons quick-cooking tapi- \11 Do Their Share Towards MUSHROOM-HERB OMELET such days do come and then how oca ° , Meat to Serve Five. Luck If You Honor St. Patrick With 1 (4-oz.) can mushrooms we appreciate quick desserts—and 'A teaspoon salt 4 eggs, well beaten ones that are easy to eat, such as 2 egg yolks No housewife, regardless of Vi teaspoon salt these of tapioca: 4 cups milk Starting The Day Off Right whether she is conscientious or These Toothsome Refreshments Dash of pepper 4 tablespoons butter not, will overlook a dish that re- 4 tablespoons hot water . BANANA TAPIOCA CREAM % cup brown aiigar, firmly quires only a half pound of meat ',i cup quick cooking tapioca packed There Is so very much to be said to serve from four to six people, 1 tablespoon fat H cup sugar in favor of hearty, wholesome brands—adding merely the liquid, Drain mushrooms (reserving II' 2 egg whites, stiffly beaten and, if shortening is available, she and especially when the dish is >i teaspoon salt Combine quick-cooking tapioca, ' . breakfasts that one can hardly one that is tried and true, such as quid for sauceJ ) and slice enough 1 egg yolk know where to begin. It is said, can quickly and easily mix her to make 4 cup. Combine eggs salt, egg yolks and milk in top of own, and there is no known reason stuffed cabbage leaves. 4 cups milk double boiler and stir enough to nowever, that from one quarter to salt, pepper and water; blend well 1 egg white, stiffly beaten a third of the days food why she should confine herself and It might be that many house- Melt fat In frying pan, tip pan to break egg yolks. Place over rap- taken at the morning meal, partic- her family to just one kind. SeTve wives have never tried this partic- grease entire surface. Four eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla idly boiling water, bring to scald- • ulrarly in these days when the best an assortment of griddle cakes just ular dish, but it is almost certain Into hot pan, cover with sliced 2 bananas ing point (allow 5 to 7 minutes), is required of each and every one as you would the vegetables or po- that everyone has heard others mushroom*. Cook over low heat. Combine quick-cooking tapioca, and cook 5 minutes, stirring fre- tatoes. Here are several from speak of it and all who have tried As eggs cook on bottom, lift gently sugar, Bait, egg yolk and milk in quently. Remove from boiling wa- of us. which to choose for the near fu- it have been very pleased with the Everyone who has at some time results. with spatula to allow uncooked por- top of double boiler and stir enough ter. Melt butter In saucepan; add lr other, downed a skimpy break- ture: tion to flow to bottom of pan. When to break egg yolk. Place over rap- sugar and cook until sugar Is com- .'ast, can remember, that terrific BRAN GRIDDLE CAKES One-half pound of meat la re- set, increase heat slightly and idly boiling water, bring to scalding pletely dissolved and mixture bub- • "let-down" that comes about 11 in l=i to 2 cups milk quired for eight medium-sized brown underpart quickly. Fold (allow about 5 to 7 minutca), and bles. Add to tapioca mixture and the morning—we just don't have 1 cup whole bran shreds .. ...rolls. Select a large, loose head of over; remove to hot platter. Serve cook 5 minutes, stirring frequently. mix well. Fold a small amount In- cabbage. Remove the center core. with Remove from boiling water. Fold to egg- whites; add to remaining what it takes to fro full speed until l'i cup sifted flour " Pour boiling water over the cab- a small amount into egg white; lunch time. On the other hand—a 3 teaspoons baking powder bage to soften and loosen the HERB SAUCE tapioca mixture and blend. Chill- substantial morning meal will car- 1 teaspoon salt add to remaining tapioca mixture mixture thickens as It cools. Serve leaves. When the leaves are soft, Melt 2 tablespoons margarine In and blend. Add vanilla and chill— plain or with cream, Serves 8. fp os through (lie morning hours 2 teaspoons sugar separate the desired number, drain saucepan; add 2 tablespoons flour, with flying colors. The housework 2 eggs, well beaten off the surplus water, and cut out stir until well blended. Add mush- won't be helf as tiring, and' the 1 tablespoon melted shortening the stiff center vein, if necessary. room liquid with sufficient water to hours at the office will fail along Pour milk over bran. Sift flour Do not make a hole in the leaf. If make 1 cup. Cook until thick and very smoothly—plus the fact that once, measure, add baking powder, the leaves are not tender they may smooth, stirring constantly. Add the children will get so much more salt and sugar, and sift again. Add have* to be boiled a few minutes remaining whole mushrooms with 1 Quick And Easy To Eat Are oil! of their Hours at school, it nil egts to bran mixture. Add flour and then allowed to cool to enable tablespoon chopped watercress, adds up to prive the success of aand blend. Add shortening. Bake them to be handled. chives and tarragon. Heat thor- hearty breakfast. on hot greased griddle. Makes 2 oughly, Pour over not 8(aelet« When it comes to planning this dozen griddle cakes. Mix together— These Tapioca Desserts first meal of the day, we of course, Vt pound chopped meat (beef or always start with fruit or fruit BUCKWHEAT CAKES lamb) LOW-SHORTENING Everyone is eating chicken these' Combine chicken, whit* aauce juice, then a ready prepared or hot 1 cup buckwheat flour 1 cup rice, partially cooked days and after a year of It—there and parsley. Roll pastry to H-inch wheat cereal, meat if possible, and 1 teaspoon baking powder Salt MUFFINS are but few who can't Bay they've thickness, cut Into squares and then any of numerous accompani- :\i teaspoon soda Pepper enjoyed it. It's the housewife who brush with egg white. Place 2 ta- ments—eggs in various ways, grid- 'i teaspoon salt Minced onion When making raufflns.walt until Is to be congratulated for this be- blespoons of chicken mixture on dle cakes in variety, waffles, French 1 tablespoon sugar , Celery, or their salts all ingredients are In, and then cause she has served it in an as- each square, fold over and press toast, muffins, buns, rolls, potatoes, l_egg, well beaten Then add a little milk and melted stir, but only enough to dampen all sortment of ways, and has been ex- edges together with a fork. Place etc., and etc. F YOU WEAR a shamrock on St. Patrick's Day, the jolly saint of ceptionally conscientious about the on . baking aheet. Prick upper 2 cups sour milk or buttermilk fat to soften the mixture. the Emerald Isle Is supposed to inspire you with good cheer and flour—about 20 stirs is all. Too So let us consider the griddle 2 tablespoons melted shortening Spread out cabbage leaf. Place I much stirring makes peaks and use of the left-overs. crust to allow for escape of steam. cake only—If the housewife is low Sift flour once, measure, add bak- a spoonful of the mixture on the a gift for compliments. But even though the luck of the Irish sham- tunnels. We will all continue to eat chick- Bake in-very-hot ovtn.dM Eiain-. on shortening—she can buy quite rock is proverbial, the .wise hostess will provide toothsome sweete to til browned. Serve with gravy or ing powder, soda, salt and sift leaf, fold it on, and roll up. Place en when possible and use the left- seasoned white sauce. Serves 4. an assortment of the ready mixed again. Combine egg and milk; add the rolls in a pan with the edges of honey the tongue of her guests and guarantee a happy celebration. LOW-SHORTENING MUFFINS overs In such splendid ways as gradually to flour, beating only un- the leaves against the bottom of It's good hostess technique to provide a generous supply of coffee, BO 114 cupa sifted cake flour hese: til smooth. Add shortening. Bake the pan to prevent unrolling in that everybody can relax taut nerves and toast the jovial saint In 2 teaspoons double acting baking cooking. powder CHICKEN AND SPAGHETTI S^FT MOLASSES COOKIES on hot, greased griddle cakes. extra cups. Remember that decaffeinated coffee needs slightly longer Mt teaspoon salt 1 (8 ounce) package spaghetti Makes 12 griddle cakes. Pour over the rolls a sauce of— "perking" to bring out Its full, rich coffee flavor. If you serve It In 2 tablespoons sugar 1 onion, cut flne >4 can tomatoes 3 cups sifted cake flour BLUEBERRY FLAKES mugs decorated with tiny ehamrocks, and co-star it with a cake trim- 1 egg. beaten until thick and 1 small clove garlic l'i teaspoons soda GRIDDLE CAKES 1 to 2 cups water fluffy 2 tablespoons fat 1 YS H to 1 apple, chopped flne med with the eame device, your refreshments table i 111 present a H teaspoon salt Hi cups sifted flour properly gay appearance. , . . % cup milk 2% cups cooked tomatoes 1 teaspoon ginger TO REUEVE MISERIES OF ,'] teaspoons baking powder Salt 1 tablespoon melted shortening Salt and pepper Pepper You can make the shamrocks for the cake from sandy or green or oil 1 tablespoon sugar 1' i teaspoons cinnamon •t teaspoon salt. Bits of butter frosting. Or you can cut them from green-skinned apples.' Another '.4 cup shortening 2 teaspoons sugar Sift flour once, measure, add Dash cayenne 1 cup sugar 2 eggs, well beaten Stew gently on top of stove In a edible shamrock can be made by cutting them from sliced apple and baking powder, salt and sugar and V4 cup diced cooked chicken covered pan, or bake in a slow oven simmering gently In a little sugar syrup colored green with a Bpeck 1 cup mushrooms, sauteed 1 egg, unbeaten CHEST COLDS 1% cups milk l sift again. Add egg-, milk and 'i cup molasses 1 cup bran flakes in a covered pan for \ A to 2 hours. of vegetable coloring. shortening. Then stir only enough Grated cheese 1 cup sour milk or buttermilk Now get grand relief from colds' 1 tablespoon melted shortening Baste occasionally. If the sauce to dampen all flour. Bake In Cook spaghetti In boiling and Vi teaspoon vanilla symptoms this home-proved 1 cup blueberries or cooks away too much, add a little SWEET DREAMS COFFEE greased muffin pans in hot oven salted water until tender. Drain douM«-»ctlon nay that water or tomato juice. Sift flour once, measure, add \i box quick-frozen blueberries, Use one rounding tablespoon all-purpose grind decaffeinated coffee (425F) about 22 minutes for large nd place In greased casserole. soda, salt and apices, and sift to- actually muffins, 15 minutes for medium Saute onion and garlic in fat until thawed for each cup (M pint) of cold water. Pour cold water into pot of tender but not brown. Add toma- gether three times. Cream ahort- j «kYt »T ONC|, Sift flour once, measure, add bak- CODFISH SOUFFLE percolator. Set percolator basket in pot and put coffee in it. Cover. muffins. Makes 8 to 12. enlng, add sugar gradually, cream- ing powder, salt and sugar, and toes, salt, pepper, sugar and cay- ing until light and fluffy. Add egg FENETRATtS Let percolate slowly nnd gently 15 to 20 minutes, or longer than the SPICE APPLE MUFFINS enne. Heat to boiling, then add sift again. Combine eggs and milk; IS FINE FLAV- Mix muffins as directed above, and heat well; then add molastes. add gradually to flour, beating only ordinary variety, to bring out the -rich coffee- flavor.. . hlcken and mushrooms and pour Add flour, alternately 'with milk, tubes with soothing ORED FILLER half cup chopped sliced applea with ivor spaghetti. Toss with a fork. mixing well after each addition. medicinal vapors. until smooth. Add flakes and sea- the egg, milk and shortening. Mix Sprinkle with grated cheese and soning. Fold In blueberries. Bake ECONOMICAL GOLD CAKE and turn into greased muffin pans. Add vanilla. Chill 1 to 2 hours, or STIMUUTCS on hot greased griddle. Makes 2 Every now and then we desire bake. In moderate oven (350 F) un- until firm enough to hold shape. 1 cups sifted cake flour 1 cup sugar Sprinkle topa with mixture of 2til mixture is heated through and Drop from teaspoon on lightly chest and back sur- dozen griddle cakes. some dish that we can use as a 3 egg yolks, beaten until very tablespoons sugar, H teaspoon cin- faces like a warm- "filler"! Something that we can 2 teaspoons double noting :heese 13 melted. Serves 6 to 8. greased baking sheet, placing % Ing poultice. baking powder thick and lemon colored namon and dash of nutmeg. Bake about two Inches apart. Bake In Aluminum and Iron utensils may serve for any of numerous occa- 1 as above, allowing 20 to 25 minutes. CHICKEN TURNOVER3 be scoured with steel woor or metal sions whether It be a family or /i teaspoon salt % cup milk H4 cupa minced cooked chicken hot oven (400 F) 13 to 13 minutes, '/• cup butter or other 1 teaspoon vanilla or *4 tea- s or until done. Makes 8 dozen eponee or suitable substitutes. The company dinner—or something a i cup thick white sauce cookies. To Bet all the benefits of this inside darkenlner ot aluminum in little different for Sunday night shortening spoon lemon extract Newly rooted cuttings had better 1 tableapoon minced parsley combined PENETMTIKG-STIMUUTIHC which water has been boiled is not supper. Just such a something is Sift flour once, measure, add baking powder and salt, and sift not be potted in aoll which U rich 1 recipe pastry action, just rub throat, chest, harmful but may be removed if de- this sufTle—it's timely, too! together three times. Cream butter thoroughly, add sugar gradually, In nitrogen. Once established In 1 egg white Buy • War Bond and Sare a Ufa and back with. Vlcks VapoRub at sired bv boilinc water to which CODFISH SOUFFLE and cream together until, light, and fluffy. Add egg yolks and beat «mal! pots, they will benefit from a bedtime. ImUntly VapoRub goes I Vinegar has been added In the pot. feeding a few days before shifting to work-2 -ways at once as shown lVJ cups shredded salt codfish .velh Then add flour, alternately with milk, a small amount at a 2 tablespoons butter or margar- time, heating after "each addition until smooth. Add flavoring. Beat to larger containers. Thorough The ETHEL MOUNT MOZAR SCHOOL of DANCING above—to relieve coughing I Don't overload your washing ma- ine spasms, ease muscular soreness I well. Bake In greased pan, 8x8x12 Inches In moderate oven (350° P.) watering given a few hours before All T>p«i of Dudnf for Children .nd AdulU. CI»M< now lormlnf. chine. Follow the manufacturer's 'i teaspoon salt shifting will also aid any potted or tightness, and invite restful, I instruction book on maximum 55 to 60 minutes, or two greased 8-lnch pans In moderate oven (375* 117 Prospect Avenue, Bed Bank Telephone Red Bank tltt comforting sleep. Often bymorn- I weleht of load, maximum amount Dash of pepper F.) 25 to 30 minutes. Frost with your favorite frosting. plants In establishing themselves In ing most of the misery is gone. I of water. Stuffing in extra clothes 1 cup milk i new pots. The PROSPECT HILL DAY SCHOOL Get relief from chest cold distress I requires more power, may cause 2 cups hot rlced potatoes PLAY AND EDUCATIONAL TRAINING FOR PRE-SCHOOL CHILDREN tartlet* with double-action, ttae- I improper washing or even mechan- 4 eggs, separated Daper clip. Novelty buttons are at- Mornings 8:30-11:30. All-day tenioni vill be opened ff sufficient dvmuid. tested Vlcks VapoRub. I ical trouble. Half of tubful of Soak codfish In cold water about tractive. You'll be surprised how a Bovs can make pocket money by JUNIOR ASSEMBLY—Ballroom Clauei Monday Evenlnfi T-8:M> clothes is enoueh for hand tube, 5 minutes. Drain. Squeeze dry. new set of buttons often creates selling the Renlster—Advertisement \ J too. Add butter or margarine, salt, pep- Hot Off the Griddle the effect of a new custume, thus por and half cup of the milk scald- saving many dollars.' ed, to the potatoes and whip until BY fluffy. Add remaining milk to beat- SUSAN SNOW Replace damaeed knobs, door en egg yolks and add with fish to nulls and drawer pulls on furniture. the tomatoes. Beat egg whites un- If one or two on a drawer- Is mlsa- til stiff and fold into mixture. Bake Cheese dries out quickly when lnc. oneratlne only one will in time in greased baking dish in a moder- exposed to air. Wrap carefully In pull the drawer out of shape, pos- ate oven (325 F) 50 to 60 minutes. waxed paper, with waxed side next sibly break it. Serves 6, to the cheese. Or wrap In cloth ampened with a weak solution of lalt and water. Keep in very cool SHRIMP PIE AU GRATIN JELLIED DEVILLED ilace in refrigerator if there isr no 'ther really cool 6pot. Keeps weeks A TREAT FOR LENT EGG SALAD n iceboxes but mechanical refriE- :rator dries It unless well covered. During the Lenten season It Is Cheese sweats in warm air. possible and advisable for the Finding foods to please the men- housewife to serve the fish dinners folks is the all-time job ot house- Scorched over spillovers, hard to attractively and appetizingly. Of wives, and when they have found emove, may often be loosened fcr course, there is nothing to say that something that they have never akine out easily bv soaking a fold- on a meatless day we "must" eat tried before and it sounds "just so" ed cloth in household ammonia. flsh—but If fish dinners are well —there is great anticipation until Placing it over the spot in the cold rounded they are certainly a flavor- final approval is passed by the big ver and letting it remain for sev- some treat. Try— he." Well, here Is a salad to try, ral hours to gotten if you have never tried it before—• SHRIMP PIE AU GRAT7N- the fine flavor of the jelly, In addi- If you live In a hard-water dis- 3 tablespoons butter tion to the eggs, is bound to please. trict where water gets scummy, bathtubs Eet lines and you have to 3 tablespoons flour DEVILLED EGGS IN JELLIED rub hard to eet any suds, the use 2 cups milk BOUILLON of a water softener will save much % teaspoon salt ioap for you, Washing soda, borax, ',i pound American cheese, grat- 1 tablespoon unflavorcd gelatin tri-sodium phosphate or branded ed 2 cups bouillon water softeners will do the job. Fill 2 cups cut shrimp 4 hard cooked eggs the tub. sink or washing machine 1 cup diced cooked carroU 'li teaspoon dry mustard with hot water. Add about a tea- 1 cup diced cooked potatoes i teaspoon salt spoon of the softening agent for M cup buttered crumbs Dash of pepper each two srallons of water. Let it Melt butter, blend with flour, add 1 teaspoon vinegar starid for five or ten minutes until milk gradually and cook over low 1 tablespoon melted butter the softener has reacted. Then heat until thickened, stirring con- Soften gelatin In 2 tablespoons skim off the lime "curds" that have stantly. Add salt and cheese, stir cold bouillon and dissolve in 1 cup been formed and go ahead with until cheese is melted. Combine bouillon heated to boiling. Add re- washing or bathine in soft water. cheese sauce with shrimp and maining bouillon. Cool. When be- To test whether you are using diced vegetables. Pour into greased g WAY£ TO PROTECT ginning to thicken pour a small too much or too little softener, dip casserole, top with buttered crumbs. amount into tiny molds and chill out a pint or so of water and try Bake In moderate oven (350 F) 45 until firm, Cut eggs Into halves sudBlns: with it. Experimenting will minutes, Serves 6. crosswise; remove yolks and mash show whether you need more soft- with remaining ingredients. Re- ener, you can eet alone with lees. YOUR ALL-WOOL SUITS fill whites, leveling off tops. Place and you will know exactly how CORN AND CHEESE RING yolk side down on gelatin. Pour much to use for a ziven quantity remninlng gelatin in mold to cover of water on future occasions. Soft- For luncheon or dinner—for com- epgs. Chill until firm. Unmold on ened water avoids rine on the tub pany or just the family—this taaty crisp lettuce, watercress or chicory. and scum on the clothes; saves ring of corn and cheese, filled with Makes 8 servings. soap, makes washing easier and is ever-popular chicken a la king or / HANG up your suit as soon as you're easier on the hands. creamed mushrooms .will bring ex- out of it. A broad-shouldered wooder clamations of delight from all the WARTIME DROP BISCUITS Home dry cleaning, use one of diners, and plates will be licked hanger is best. the eood fluids on the market ac- clean. cording to instructions. Is very No one likes to bo called a economical, but results are not in- CORN AND CHEESE RINQ "miser," but that Is just what every variably satisfactory. Home dry 2 tablespoons butter homemaker has become—as far as cleaning is usually better than low- 2 tablespoons flour 2. BRUSH off dust, and let the suit air her food is concerned at least—and priced finished work sent out. How- :Is teaspoon salt in the room overnight before you put it frankly—the "ingredient miser" is ever, patronizinc a cood dry clean- 'i cup milk the woman to be envied these er is recommended for beat results 1 (No. 2) can cream-style corn* (lays—she makes every Ingredient and prolonged garment life. away. count, and still produces such won- 2 tablespoons minced onion ders as these— \i pound American cheese, grated C'arina c for awnings requires only 1 pimento, minced WARTIME DROP BISCUITS insupectlon when taking down or 4 eggs, beaten yj WHEN it's time for drycleaning, 2, cups sifted sake flour I* U11 :tlnI II t£ c W \)u pCL 1 litan d|r i lilllflprompl I \,|'lllt lrepai \J k r of Melt butter, blend in flouran d 1 any\t dnmaeetin rvi Brrn . RipR L I-Ms? nnnnsdl ttear nn lise cart'inn send suits to us for gentle, thorough 2 * teaspoons double acting bak- suit. Add milk gradually, cook tm- ing powder : il smooth and thickened, stirring Ihere has never been a time when the work of the telephone operator Sanitoning that eases out soil and :l"i teaspoon salt constantly. Add corn, onion, checae i cup milk Immedia and pimento. Stir until cheese has been so important as right now. restores "mill finish." 1 tablespoon melted shortening or damageg.. Joints should be greased mulls. Remove from heat, add oil when awnlnawnlnKKS are put up; rollers i>!!(?s. Sprinkle greased ring mold Sift flour once, measure, add bak- and movinnc ppinti s oiled at intervals., with fine dry crumbs. Pour In For there are more Long Distance calls than ever before. More are in a ing powder nnd salt, and sift again AwnlncAl s shoulh d bp miscraised during corn mixture; bake In moderate Add milk and melted shortening. heavy rains to avoid damage, and oven (350 F) 1 hour or until firm. hurry. Most of them are the urgent, vital calls of war. Then stir quickly and lightly untl after Ihv. ruin tho fold-up type Unmold, fill center with chicken a nil flour is dampened. Drop from should be let down to du-iloti^o wa- la king or creamed mushrooms,.,... tip of teaspoon in small mounds on ter which has settled in the Inbric. •Or use 2',4 cups fresh corn and .Calm in emergencies, capable and courteous, the telephone operators are lightly greased baking sheet. Bhke Before storing for the winter !j nip more milk. LEON S In hot oven (450 F> 15 minuies, or uwnimr.s should he dusted and earning a nation's thanks for a job well done. until done. Makes about 18 bis thorouchlv dried In prevent mil- The home gardener with the urge cults. dew. Keep In « dry nlnco between fo cut and hack can find release In J&a]Blflfc.~MKLM.i£d.^.grape vines, Good drainage In.seed containers JIKItY Illl TIIIPHOHI CCMfANY Sleeves of dresses find blouses qet since, grape vines require reTaTrVoiy Will help to prevent loss from much wear, absorb much dirt, if heavy pruning for best results. damping-off fungi; Dusting the Vou'ro .employed in office or fac- However, the spring-flowering, de- seeds before sowing with semesan, tory. An nttroc'tlvn pair of slccvo ciduous shruba should be let ato'no Plraio us* long Dtalonc* oolr wh*n It k tug*iit. X you But red copper oxide, or apcrgon will protectors to match your costume nt this time, If they are to be ex- call OTir- ^rar-busr Un*i> plNM Halt row call la S minutes. check the kind of damping off aavos cleaning bills, makes clothes pected to bloom to their fullest In which attacks the germinating- (last lonuer. Less attractive but spr]nj». sends before they emerge from>thc JUst-as serviceable for short periods ,ls a ouff mudc from a picro of I paper and fastened with pin or 11 pays to advertise- In Th« Register RED BANK REGISTER, MARCH 18, 1944 Page Eleven. Warren M, your party will be a Grant and Sonny, come more of- Reliance can play well. My mother, slater and my girl Davidheiser and Jimmie McCon- STAMP CIXB MEETING. Merrily We great success. ten, yes? milled from Little Silver and boie Johnny PilUecker, give Mary friend's mother get the biggest nell going skating? • The tegular meeting of the Mon-a recent one-cent adhesive of thi) Otaie, please don't get mad. I C. Barbara, you give up too Natale a break; she's a swell kid. kick out it—more power to you. Jane C, you looked like you was only kidding. easily. "If at first you don't suc- mouth County Philatelic society Is author*' series. Roll Along * Boggie, come skating Friday (Thank you, sir—Ed.) were having a wonderful time Fri- scheduled for tomorrow .night at 8 Dot Q. was not fighting over ceed, try and try again." night? We'll teach you, won't we V. B., you're doing fine. .Keep it day night. By Harold Jacobsen George W. o'clock at the Red Bank borough Subway construction was started - R. Lang, Isn't Fate mean? Dee? up. Herman H., it «u good to see hall. Matters pertaining to phil- In New Tork- as early as 1868, Some time ago I promised to te Did G. P. make up hl*> mind who V. Q., you've been quiet lately. S. B, you are cute. Sklppy, I am not a wolfess! you skating again. ' It Is, Midge or Jerry? What's the matter? Betty B., why were you not skat ately will be considered. Lead crayons were used by the you of an embarrassing lnclden Junle T., we will be sorry to see Billy R., I think we'll have' to The notices for the meeting were that happened to me. Wall, when Tou certainly looked cute Sun- J. 8. from I* B., don't you know ing Friday night? you go, especially D. G. get "Cousin Jake" to come home Aztecs at the time of Cortei. wrote that article there was on day night, Shirley McQueen. Purple you shouldn't run out In front of Ann Kendzia, the nickname Joe Jensen, you are fine Anony- and take care ot you. become* you. can? Be a good little boy and youHarpo gave you >ure holds true. one incident that I thought wouli N mous, Joe X, you should have put an b« of Interest to you, but it has Dot Gormley, you looked cute may develop a Frank Sinatra hair- (Lover). Jane C, do you really like Bob extension on your car Friday night. grown and now there are two. Thi Friday nght. comb. D. Blauvelt, he really likes you. C? Ruth M., how are you making NOME OF JERSEY'S LARGEST first one happened about 1* or II Harriet U, wise up and slow Bob Woods, why don't you and F. O., we missed you Friday Rose G-, you are cute. out with Ralph?" yean ago, When driving to thi down. Adrlenne get together? Tou'd make night. Where were you? V. B., who U "Jay?" Lola C. and Olive H., we missed FUR MANUFACTURER cities of New York, Newark i Joe Oormley and Charlotte make a swell couple. Henry Schimmel, you skate very I. O-, who is J. H.? you Sunday afternoon. Jersey City there wasn't any Hlg a eute couple, don't they? ' "Oklahoma" is J. Salerno's fa- well. Johnnie P., Is It itill Roberta? Anna Mae L,., your new bracelet way 95; you had to go through the How are Dot M. and Henry vorite song. When you want It Burt Scott, are you really stuck D. G., what 1* *o interesting you Is very nice. center of Elisabeth. Remember? " Schimmel coming along? (Am I played why do you always get on C. Gould? You'll make a fine can't come skating? Could It be Bertie Flaler, who won the bet, Was driving a Mack truck at th kidding?) Ruth 8. to request It for you? couple. ' J. L.? you or R. J.? tine and they were very noisy, Bob McCabe, you are giving up R. C, you'd make a good FBI Why did M. Bakerman come to Nina T., give Dick C. a chance. Gert P.. we hope C. G. gets home Ing chain driven they made muci hope. About time. agent. the Singing Wheels? Could it be He's swell. „ this week-end. We bet you do, too. more noise than a worm drive, Shirley McQueen, why don't you Frank SUvola, Is It true that you B. Downs? Jerry C, boy, have you got an We see you have a picture of always loved to sing while driving come skating Fridays? Someone Is are Interested in Anna Maxson? V. Slegel, who ls your new heart awful lot of relations? him, "Sherrle." and the nolle of the truck mad Interested. I'll get you a dale with her. O. K.?throb? Burt 8., we wish you would be R. Flfler, who Is that blonde you it even Impossible for even tayttl Calvin, why did you have to quit J. Soden, do you have fun wth We wonder If Charlotte and Joemore congenial. You'd be swell. skate with Sundays? to bear, so you see I did not anno; school? Come back! Anna Maxeon In Math.? will make up? V. B., I. G., and 8. C, Who is Bobby Wilson, you think Ruthle anyone. The last show was ovei Pushing your way through never Ernie T., are you losing your G. Poole, who do you like now? did work, did It Catherine G.? Lt. Lou? Morria is cute, don't you? Well, and a great number of people had grip on B. J.? Junie Emmons you're cute. Some Billy J., why not come to the she ls. come to the street whsrs the traf Jeanette R. has pretty eyes. C. Gould, are you really crazy one from Keansburg would like to Flo B., do you like the song "I'm Singing Wheels? R. Fisler, don't go skating Satur- fie light was. The light was against about Joe Julian? meet you. Lois M. and Phil M., you make day night; go Friday night. them and they were standing 01 Just Wild About Harry"? The new boy at Leonardo 1» fine, Does Phil M. really like LoisM? Some of their favorite songs: a fine couple. Until next week the F. Y, I. will the. sidewalk IS deep waiting fo: isn't he, girls? G, Wheeler, how are you and Fran. L,, pleafe give Bob W. anwatch you bo by. "V." the clear. I came thundering dowi Ann KenzU—"Mlsa Tou." (G. M.) Lillian Schimmel, how is ~R: R? Garry making out? Dolore* Blauvelt—"My Ideal." even break. the street singing at the top of m; Annd iI dondon't mean raiirosarailroad. \_» June xLong, why don't you come Gert, where ha* Charlie been Buy Direct From Jeruy't lungs, and when I was 00 feet fro; (B. O.) How are T. C. and F. 1L. comlngM seating? RUMSON HIGH SCHOOL NEWS. Dot Gormley—"Besame Mucho." .Is D. G. still carrying the torch lately? Largest Fur Manufacturer the crowing the light changed ani along? Molly T., we heard you had an The Civics OI&JS of Rumson high I Mowed down and came to a ato; Harriet L.—"That Soldier of James Smith, are you• stilstilll goofy for G. W.? «r*>'» your mojt important Mine." (Lou). operation. Can we aak how It is? school, grade 8, are making a study Just in front of all those peopl about Lois P.? Walter Schicunoff, come skating Hop* to see you soon. Opportunity of th« waiting to cross In front of m Edith Thorne—"I Haven't Got a on Fridays. of local government and attended t«dien~on« that may rial b* Dutch what's this I hear about Elinor and Cliff, come skating an Interesting meeting of the bor- that is I stopped the truck all Qhoit of a Chance With You," you and M. L.? Marion C, won't you look nice more often. repeafid for the duration. right but I forgot to stop the sing- (Tou ain't kidding). Dolores B., how is Sisco? Is he in that drew you are making? ough council Thursday evening. Id our dynamic Season-End Mary T, who's Leroy? Why Since then, they have made Indi- i (ng. And there I sat singing George Poole—"No Love, No still as cutt as ever? / Bob C, what kind of lipstick does don't you bring him skating? Clearance Sad which rnsans Nothing--" (Wolf). vidual reports from the results of hundrtds of stunning fun or I loud and as terrible as I could, am Ann Kendzla, you're a fine girl. #he wear? Betty M., why do you like "Shoo. instead of the people crossing thi Charles Rozak—"Don't Get Ruth Smith, it ie too bad that Jean O., who ls it now? '- their ebservatlon. Their work ls lp#etg(ulor lavingi. Each on* Shoo Baby" so »mueh? One of under the supervision of Miss street they stayed on the eldewalf Around Much Anymore." (Never Bill Bogel Is In the service, isn't V. Slegel, the truth comes out Gordle's favorite*? unequolfod for h§ou\y, work- and laughed at me. Never befon did). Helen Phillips.—Glarla Woodruff. ortd wearing quali- It? when It ls washed. Ruth R., you're skating skirt or since has a green light been Robert-Oliver—"How I Love the Walter H., come skating Friday H. Stover, how many girls do you The department of music of tie). Don't delay . . . drive welcome as It was that night. Kisses of Dolores-." (Dolores B.) was rather short Monday. out to our foctory building night. like? Is Arnold mad at Betty? Why? Rumson high school will present The second embarrassing even Charlotte B.—"I Don't Want Frank S. Is cute, Isn't he Ann? Why doesn't C. Rozak bring hL« a spring concert Friday evening, and irtveit frt a qualify fur Anybody At All If I Can't Have Smltty, you look good In green. coat at guaranteed l was last Saturday, i have take! Charles G., you are very culte. girl skating? Have we been wasting our nights March 31, at the high school audi- my youngest, son to New Tork fo Tou." (Joe G.) Ann thinks so. Joyce 3., you're a nice girl, but torium. A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL Jimmy Snow, have you fallen for going over to eee you, Nettle? medical attention a number Boggle, why do you not take too many fellows will change every- Why i» Mlna T. always trying to This concert will be presented by times, and It eeema that each tlm Edith? dancing? Dolores love's It. .thmgr members of the band, Junior Girls RESERVE YOUR SELECTION Pat and Hop, why don't you two fix thinga up? I have been in an awful hurrj Eva M., do you still like Hoppy? Dot Smith, we hear Buddy We know why George S. and Cal-Glee dub, the Senior Mixed Gleo RemritNttf md ReMirfng Last Saturday I was again late fo come skating? Dot Morln, Henry Schimmel Ls O'Keith ie now in the Navy. Who club, and the Senior Girls Gleo Mr. Davenhlzer, the girls will cute, isn't he? Too'bad he doesn't I will It be next? Or will you be tru vin J. go to> Perth Amboy. club. At Uw Fntffy Ritet Factory: I Spfiog it, FUminglon, N. J. my appointment and was trying David S., who was that cute catch up on the time by puttln teach you to roller skate. pay any attention to notes from I blue? The soloists of the evening will Op.n MonJay thru Fridoy to 9 P.M. Melvln May and Betty Main,, why blonde you were with Saturday Let ui rittyl* tout old fur Coat into a Saturday and Sunday to 5,*.M. my heavy loot on the accelerate! you. I Shirley C, why haven't you been be Florence Fogelson, Virginia Wil- •tunning new 1944 fashion. No Ja* — don't you two come skating any night? Trenton Showroom: 137 So, Brood Sf. Veil It did not work. When w H. Lockwood, why don't you wise writing to Dot?" She feels sad. Nice to see Peggy C. and Kayson-and William Robinson. quick lervlct fpr 1mm id late wear. reached South Amboy one ot those more? up and slow down?? . | Is John Bennett really engaged? —VerOjiilca Healy. Opin Daily & Saturday, 10 A.M. f» • P.M. fellows who the state pay* to taki Doris D., are yott going steady Henry B., where you are not We don't think so. R. skating so often. Keep It up, care of fellows like me pulled u; with Charlie H.7 wanted, you should't atay. D. S., who are the five sailors girls. along side and motioned for me ti Inky, are you still carrying the Flo Heller, you are very sweet. ] you are writing to at Sampson. If E. McTennan, make up your pull over to the curb. He was very torch for T. F.? Jimmy Snow, did you have fun i 'hey get together you will be slng- mind. nice and asked me If I had an; Ann K., we hear that Eitb.r M. with her Sunday night? i ing "Poor Me.' Doris G., are you sorry because special reason for going so fast Is giving you competition. E. McCandelees, hurry back to | Have the sailors at Anbury taken Junnie L. Is going away? and I said that I had not. He was Bob Oliver, we know that you school; we all mles you. i some ot our skaters away? Jimmy O., treat your women unusually nice and I felt that I wai are baehful. "O, Yeah"; Edith T., what makes you think! Shirley F., why weren't you nicer, please. going to get away with nothin Who came to the rink to take Jimmy S. likes you? I heard It a | skating Friday? Helen L-. why ls Johnny B. mad more than a lecture until my so; you home Friday night, Ann K.? different way from you. Dot, come skating. We Red Bank at you? Could It be because of Alan made his little speech whic Catherine G., why waste your Ann Kendzla, why did you cry boys will keep you happy while J. G.? CUT RATE changed the whole picture. Hi time on J. Julian or H. B. P.? Touwhen they played "Anchors Buddy Is away In the Navy. Dick Wackar, why don't you said: "How about that, Dad, every can get better. Aweigh?" Bud eaye he likes your dimples, bring Buddy C. skating? week we get a different policeman. Tom M., who likes to sit with you Charles Rozak, why don't you Dot. So keep smiling for him. Jo-Jo, please make up your mind, I was licked, In more ways tha In biology class? wise up and leave Dolores alone? Joan G., is It have been as we are all Interested. Drugs — Cosmetics — Tobaccos one. B. J. S., you are awfully sweet. You're not wanted. going out with Ernie T.? Ernie W.. certainly is fine. Tomorrow night is the masquer Izzle, do you miss Roddy? Dot Morir, you can be nice when Bill Nevlns is home on leave. Betty W., who is the boy In the 51 BROAD ST. Tel. R. B. 3940 RED BANK ade party and we hope you skaters Barbara B., be sure that you canyou want to. ' Come skating, Bill, and bring Neal city you went to see? Or was it will all come in costume. It shoul" finish something when you start It. Alice Nixon, you sure have <3. your Easter suit? be an unusual event, because al Joe O., I bet you got her on the changed. Florence M., stop robbing the Betty Schnoor, bow did the Friday nights are great, but this rebound. Emma Hahne, how ls Arnold? cradle. We mean Ceorge. sophomores like their talk with NESTLES Hot Water Bottle $1.00 Hinds one should do something to yo' Phil M. Lois ls swell, isn't she? Charles ls a nice name, isn't It, Dot, that is a cute idea if the you during rotating period? Can that you will remember. Henry Bloxum, why wear your J. M. lock to your heart around your you take it, girls? or L&st Sunday was your last op heart on your sleeve? Mr. Davidhelser, why don't you neck. What lucky boy will get the We hear Henry Schimmel Is not EVEREADY Honey and portunlty to enter a dance claa Robert Oliver, "People In tin come skating? The girls will teach key? Or haa Bud O'K. got It? engaged, but how about that girl Fountain Syringe for beginners this season. We hai cans should not throw can open- you. This must be the season for girls In the city? quite a few new students and ers." B. J., you looked cute Friday ! cutting their hair. We see Shirley H. S. deposits money third per- COCOA 2 QUART Almond Cream am very pleajed with the results Don G., we haven't aeen you late- night skating with that dark haired F. has cut hers, too. iod with Miss Schnoor. Who is In of this year's classes. There ar. ly. Come skating soon. fellow." Who ls he? ' Has spring fever hit a certain that period. D. M.? many skaters doing the danc Edith T., how is Johnny? Or Is It IJHian Schimmel, you eure are a L. B. girl? We hear she has been How is E. G. making out with steps 'now who were admiring Bob? killer-diller. defrosted. Did Bud do It? the sailor? others doing them last year. All George P. and Jerry are still go- Dot Shipley, you looked cute Frl- Johnny F., we know a girl who We from M. T. H. 8. want to students taking the lessons now ng strong. day night. would like a date with you. You wish Fran. Lange all the luck as your attendance must be good o Blackie, how are you making ou Dick Cooke, you are a fine mfin. tried to sell her a chance for a war Readers Digest treasurer next year. you will be dropped from the roll with J. C.? Barbara B., you are very catty. | bond but you did not succeed. She Why do they call Nancy S We do not like to add a sad not Reliance Jacobeen, place play Why not wlee up before it is too haa been drooling ever since, Goldie? to your akating party tomorrow 'Stormy Weather" more often, late? I think the F. Y. I. is more fun! When are Betty Schnoor, Jimmy night, but one of our former skat please. en, Eric Parmley, passed away al Midge, how are you making ou 75c DR. BROWN the Great Lakes training station with Warren? NOXEMA from rheumatic fever. Eric was O. N. are nice Initials, aren't EXTRA HEAVY Tery popular boy at the rink and they, Mary Natalie? ANACIN that cheerful disposition of his wai Walter Hansen—Conceited does SHAVING CREAM liked by all. I have known Erl. as conceited Is. MINERAL OIL for a long time and it was a great Dolores B., why waste affections shock to me. Tomorrow night dur- on R. O.? ing the session you-will hear thaj R. Mount, what happened to song, "Somebody's Smile," being Polly? $1-49 2* played for our dear friend and A. K, Is It true what we hear skater, Eric. about you getting J. F. away from The F. T. I. Bureau F. We saw that certain boy at the Doris R- and Betty F. sure looked skating rink last Friday night, nice Sunday night In their sailor Barbara. dresses. Gosh, they really like the What is Sophie J. and Doris H. Navy. We wonder why? so Interested In at the Singing Joe S. and Doris R. make a nice Wheels? pair, don't they? He's got a swell Why doe* Jean 8. go to the Sing- CARNATION girl and we hope he realizes it. ing Wheels instead of Keansburg? GROVES PEROXIDE Mary Ann, we notice you are itil Could It be one of the guards? true to Charlie. What Is so interesting In the COLD TABLETS MALTED MILK Jo-Jo, you had a good time Fri- 'ourth row, flrat «e*t, Sophie J.? u. s. p. day night, didn't you? We think It la J. Robblne. Mary Wldly, why don't you like Charlotte and Joe really look your nick name? nice together. Nimble feet—dancing away Margie C, you were greatly Barbara W., could It be you are miased Friday night. interested in H. Stover? the hours after a hard day of work. Joe S., we know you like Doris Ann K, do you really like F. R., but we alao think she's nice, so SUvola? Wearing the tight kind of shoes how about giving some of us other Charlie R., wise up and leave fellows a chance? jives your walk a. new lightness Dot N., what happened to your Dolores alone. boy friend these last Friday Dork Dlngivell, to "Love Them that adds grace and charm. Styl- nights? And Leave Them" your motto? Peggy, what happened to Walter Bob Oliver, you sure can make EEZ Shoes are renowned for after skating Friday night? tough, can't you? Jessie R. U lonely for someone Congratulations to the students the famous "Flare-Fit" innersole at the Singing Wheels. Who la it? rom Leonardo who received three J. Mangola, why don't you get letters. and its soothing support. f/Z£EV\mms wise? Rita K. llkea you a lot. Joan Davenport, which Is It, f H. Kellaher, do you know that Fred W. or James C? f VITAMINS-MINERALS M you have a secret admirer? It Helen C. and Alice G. make a could be Marie B. ;ood pair of she-wolves, F. D., what happened Sunday Nissan D., how are you and "Con- FLARE-FIT IN- /fight? Rose B. mLssed you. it"-" making out? NEESOLE snuggles B. McO., what happened to C. We wonder how Nessan D. would up under the sich Grogan? 'eel ir Weird W. came back and ... holds it like a buy large size ><9^ Shirley M. Is cute, Isn't she, boys? ook over where he left off with gentle hand in the Mavis 3., how is Russell? Will he Connie"? line of grace. Helps How is Tom F. series Joan M. be home soon? r prevent WOBBLY F. Desmond and Sklppy are a ent away?. ANKLES. VITAMINS AND MINERALS GOVERNMENT EXPERTS SAY ARE NEEDED IN THE DAILY DIET cute couple. Emma Rogers, do you really like ,. Rita K., what happened Sunday iVarren M.7 fght? Yes, A. S. found the Spanish $1.00 GROVES 'Louise 8., nice to see you out vord for "Love." VITAMINS REMEDIES Sunday night. ,. Emma R. and Warren M., did B COMPLEX "Kentucky, don't be sueh a wolf. ou do any necking at the party? Howard B, is doing all right, Billy Francis, why are you eo Park Vitamin B Complex 64 35c BROWN mad at Jackie Brand? isn't he, girls? MIXTURE, 4 oz. Why doesn't the handsome boy Boggle Is a nice name, isn't it, Capsules $^.95 IT by tha name of Sarg, skate? , oloraj Blauvelt? Bottle of 100 w $1.00 PREP Sklppy, that outfit you were C. Benes, how are you making 35c STOKES wearing Sunday night was In ut with Joe G.? Charles Rorak, do you have fun for Shaving Expectorant, 3 oz. there. Park Brewer Yeast IT Mary C. misses Charlie H, an with the, "Lily Stem" in 5-B study? awful lot and ls waiting for him Reliance, your playing gets more Tablets, Bot. 5 35o WHITE PINE C to ccjme home, roovey. every night. "l LOST 52 LBS. Joan, you looked very nice Satur- Harold's new job is being a de- THIAMIN CHLORIDE AND TAR, 3 oz. ... I3 day night skating. "Mud," so did ctlve. Only a few know what 1 lin means. IN FOUR MONTHS. " you. VITAMIN B1,SMg. 35c TR. OF GREEN Edgar, glad to see you skating Jo-Jo Hayes, your new skating WEAR SIZE 14 AGAIN Bottle Of 100 .••'...•. —MM.0.D.WILLS. FT.WO*T> Friday night. ress Is adorable. 4—Al Pictured H»f# , ' SOAP, 4 oz :.... IT The girla all swooned over the You can t(ttw ujlv potimtn iitwi hnvt Marie M,, how are you and John- ft more •lender, urnrcdil flKum N*1 new sophomore at M, T. H, S. y making out? You look happy. IRRADOL A )««(iVM. No I)JW« N« iv\rTrtrinjr. —Hermlne,, we'rnglad to aee you Billy Thompson, never mind; Kai niftut, potatoes. Gravy, butler, 35o RUBBING t Pound 99' have your own ftltH^ioWW'lSoWl HWe™ gflrratr«*fi«Mn"^W'*e«'>«-» tOO WtoMKN LOST 14 TO 29 LSI. ALCOHOL 14 more often. •*John.ny Salerno; can you wolf 9«ch in 10 OAYI, using AYD3 George, how are you and Dot letter with your skates on or off? Undir tho direction of Ur C.I. Slaking out? John A. from Long Branch le UPJOHN Russel Mou*nt, are you etlll struck eally cute. So Ls his sister, Dot,. BoHIe of 100 ._. With ihfi AYD3 pt*n yrui. ppUtoM, MAGNESIA with Po)ly? ' Is It romance between B. K. and m*«t# or biitttr, you •lmpl> nt thma Dot Smith, how's.Johnny? down, It'a tur when ruu injov • ».? What would Helen P. oay? •ialleloa* Ml.rrln fortlV.ll AYliS Helen' Y., is that new attitude of L. Taylor and T. Rusao are really 18 Broad Street Red Bank DR. BROWN COO before e«eti mr»], Abnolutelr harm* 500 A8PIRIN Kours being aloof? arry-eyed, aren't they? I'M. GUARANTEED;, Trjr • Urgt boi of A YDS. LIVER OIL, Pint . 89 •Ma? iDbpIr anlrlllff Hon«r b*k it too don't fwt .'*Betty H.. doesn't like Bobby any O. Benui why don't you come mult*. Juit Cbona S.Or., 100V •tew, yvbft tjuting jnojrs often? .WE RESERVE THE R1CHT TO UMIT QUANTITIES.

•• .V Page Twelve. RED BANK REGISTER, MARCH 18, 1944 DIVIDEND DECLARED. FALSE TEETH * Director* of United Drug Co Labor Will Help Red Cross That Loosen haveftdeclared a quarterly dividen of $1.183i per snare on the i%. pel Naed Not Embarrass cent cumulative preferred stock Manr wearers of falpp teeth faav« su/< ered rc&I embarrassment beoausa their payable May I, 1M4 to stockhold- :>l«t» dropped, flippf'l or wabbled »t ers of record at the close of busl juit the wronK time, llo nut live in ft»r ness April 15, 1944. , of thli hRPPenind to you. Just Rprlnkle • llt'tlt PASTEKTH. !hc .lk»line Innn- atid) powder, on ycuir phittM. Hold!" false t*eth more ftrrnlv, (-o they feel more The road to better and bltrijer comfortable. Poea' not sour. Chrrki business leads through The ReeU- "pl«t« odor" (Hcjitnrr breath). Cet ieter's advertising columns.—Ad- FASTlEETH al fifiy • dnnr-»tow.-- _-;,-_


CANADA DRY w WATER Members of organized labor in Monmouth county have pledged support to the 1944 Red Cross •war' fund drive of the county chapter for $334,000. Pictured above are Jamee McLaughlln, re- gional director of the Labor League for Human Rights, A.F.L., and Edwin L. Best, drive chairman, making plans for labor's par- MONEY LOANED ticipation in the drive. on Jewelry, Silver, Musical Instruments, Cameras, Binoculars, etc. lems have to be met while they Licenced and bonded by State of N. J. Home Service and their families readjust to WE PAY CASH KOK OLD GOLD and SILVER normal living. Therefore training courses will be continued to meet Spring Medley of Bright Classics By Broadway Loan Co. Corps Formed these needs. tOJ Broadway Branch By Red Cross Girl Scouts Give $25 To War Fund 22 Volunteers Brownies and members of Girl "IT C0D1DNT BE DONE" Receive Pins Scout Troop 37 of Little Silver have contributed $25 to the 1944 And Certificates Red Cross War fund drive of the Red Bank branch. The troop scribe, CLIPPER ORilFT Monday at the county Red Cross Virginia Poole, sent the following eadquarters the 22 volunteers who; letter to Mrs. HeT?n Lee Getty, ave been working in home service branch chairman of special groups: iver a period of the last few years | Enclosed is a check for $2S. This Georgtena knows 'fust Tiow pou feel... ifRcially celebrated becoming a adnallrin"taward" the • Red - €ross orps under volunteer special ser- War fund is made by the Little •-• • you've had enough of lointer ... now you want a dress that •ices. Certificates and pins were Silver Girl Scouts, which are made up of Brownio troop 32 and Girl tcill brighten your husy days . . . and see you over the five o'clock line, in resented by Harry Isaacs, chair- Scout troop 37. an of tho home service commlt- Tha girls earned this money by :ee. making candy and baked goods an emergency! Here are precise polka dots and smart, slenderizing which were sold at a sale in the The guest of honor at the meet- stripes . . . all in soft rayon crepe that will look even lovelier ing was Mrs. Marjorie Register, as- school auditorium. Enthusiasm for thi3 project was sistant administrator of volunteer high among the girls as many of ic-ith straw hats and white gloves ' this summer. ipeclal services of the North At- them have immediate members of antlo area, Red Cross, in chargo! families and relatives in foreign >f home service. Mrs. Herbert S.service overseas. CAREER SHOP. . . Street Floor. Wright, chairman of volunteer Scoutlngly yours, ipeclal services for Monmouth Virginia Poole, :ounty, and Mrs. Harry Neuberg- Scribe, Troop 37. T, chairman of the new home ser- 'ice corps, expressed their pride "MV MOTHEn." A. Rayon crepe coat dress B. Small polka dots on sheer C. Neat chalk stripes on ray- .nd pleasure in welcoming tho Janet Magee, 9-ycar-old pupil of with white pique collar and rayon crepe dress with crisp on crepe dress with flatter- xaduates to (he corps. ing smocking at each side of The following women were pradu- the fourth grade at the Mechanic cuffs and flower of self-ma- while collar and self-belt. ited: Mrs. Ina Johnston of Atlantic street school, contributes the fol- terial. Neat pin dots on red, Navy, brown, green, blue skirt. Brown, green and ownship; Mrs. Hybernia Tyrell, lowing poem entitled, "My Mother." navy backgrounds. Misses' I love my dear muther. navy, brown backgrounds. backgrounds. Sizes 16>4 to Fair Haven; Mrs. Helen Bsissett of Ami fihe does love me, Sizes I8y to 24J^. 2454. sizes, 18 to 40. - ort Monmouth; Mrs. Helen J.I She works GO vel-y bare] 2 Batchelar, Mrs. Marguerite Kav-] Anil doesn't have a minute free. 5.95 I think of my mother 10.95 10.95 naugh, Mrs. Katherine K. Neu-j All through the yeui— erger and Mrs. Constance Ueland, She helps me in my work Middletown township; Mrs. Maxlne And nearer away my fear. Gierinjrer, Long Branch; Mrs. Gen- Mother never .nuikes me work eve H. Gagncbin, Mrs. Margaret Like other mothers do. Anil when 1 tell her my irishM Robertson and Mrs. Hnrrictto A. They moxt nlwuyfl come true. tephenson, Red Bank; Mrs. Mar- And when I feel sick aret Craik, Mrs. Barbara Gibh, j She trenU me iu^t iiKht rs. Eileen Kcecli and Mis. TClean-' And mother tries to Ket me well r McC. YounRi TSumson. and Mrs. With nil of her mlk'ht. Dorothy Greene nntl Mrs. Char- Janet is the daughter of Capt. otte J. Griffiths, •\Vanamnssn. nnd Mrs. Bruce M,ogee of Prospect Previous to their present status avenue. She is a granddaughter of s members of a corps under vol- Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Francis of unteer special (services, thoso wom- Newman Springs road and Mrs. n served 13,000 hours In the home Mabel McVey of Brown place. service department. As Mrs. Reg- ister told them, their job i3 as Koyport Youth Fatally Injured. 'valuable and vital" as any ser- Raymond Pease, 19, of Keyport, ice Red Cross gives nnd as our who was thrown from a skidding armed forces continue to grow car at Union Bench early Sunday rriore and more volunteers will have morning, died Monday morning \ o be trained for this wArk. After from his injuries in South Amboy he war ends, she continued, the hospital. Pease landed on his head need will become even grcnter as after being thrown from the car ur men come back and new prob- and did not regain consciousness.

htter suits at moderate prices

For Easter-Bound Outfits New Handbags Relax And Look Pretty In Pastel 5.00 Spun Rayon Robes Handbags are accessories-in-chief to your smart Spring suits and dresses. Check another "impossible" off the list! 6.98 Select from handsome alligator-grained . . . When the makers of Clipper Craft If you've found you practically live in housecoats, you'll leathers, cordettes and rayon failles in Clothes set out to produce finer clothes when his mail welcome these flattering, washable spun rayons! Wrap-around pouch, underarm and top-zipper styles. at moderate cost, they wouldn't take comes he'll say: td style with set-in belt and convertible lapel neckline. White You'll be proud of their expensive de- NO for an answer! And, man oh man, prints on rose, blue, aqua and red backgrounds. Sizes \2 to tailing and originality of design. Black, what they've accomplished for YOU! 20; 38 and -10. navy, turf tan and earth brown. •• . . . . Smart styling, fine tailoring, good Send your service man a happy surprise ROBES... Second Floor . HANDBAGS . . .Street Floor long-wearing fabrics, .., a beautiful photograph, of yaul (I'll . be a sparkling personality Jludy...taken

graphs of the Belter Kind,'3 for $4.50 To J KRIDEL 3 for $10.50. No appointment required.. QIVE - RED BANK - STEINBACH CO. ASBUKY PARK ...Red Cross War Fund ASBURY PARK Page Twelve. RED BANK REGISTER, MARCH 18, 1944 DIVIDEND DECLARED. FALSE TEETH * Director* of United Drug Co Labor Will Help Red Cross That Loosen haveftdeclared a quarterly dividen of $1.183i per snare on the i%. pel Naed Not Embarrass cent cumulative preferred stock Manr wearers of falpp teeth faav« su/< ered rc&I embarrassment beoausa their payable May I, 1M4 to stockhold- :>l«t» dropped, flippf'l or wabbled »t ers of record at the close of busl juit the wronK time, llo nut live in ft»r ness April 15, 1944. , of thli hRPPenind to you. Just Rprlnkle • llt'tlt PASTEKTH. !hc .lk»line Innn- atid) powder, on ycuir phittM. Hold!" false t*eth more ftrrnlv, (-o they feel more The road to better and bltrijer comfortable. Poea' not sour. Chrrki business leads through The ReeU- "pl«t« odor" (Hcjitnrr breath). Cet ieter's advertising columns.—Ad- FASTlEETH al fifiy • dnnr-»tow.-- _-;,-_


CANADA DRY w WATER Members of organized labor in Monmouth county have pledged support to the 1944 Red Cross •war' fund drive of the county chapter for $334,000. Pictured above are Jamee McLaughlln, re- gional director of the Labor League for Human Rights, A.F.L., and Edwin L. Best, drive chairman, making plans for labor's par- MONEY LOANED ticipation in the drive. on Jewelry, Silver, Musical Instruments, Cameras, Binoculars, etc. lems have to be met while they Licenced and bonded by State of N. J. Home Service and their families readjust to WE PAY CASH KOK OLD GOLD and SILVER normal living. Therefore training courses will be continued to meet Spring Medley of Bright Classics By Broadway Loan Co. Corps Formed these needs. tOJ Broadway Branch By Red Cross Girl Scouts Give $25 To War Fund 22 Volunteers Brownies and members of Girl "IT C0D1DNT BE DONE" Receive Pins Scout Troop 37 of Little Silver have contributed $25 to the 1944 And Certificates Red Cross War fund drive of the Red Bank branch. The troop scribe, CLIPPER ORilFT Monday at the county Red Cross Virginia Poole, sent the following eadquarters the 22 volunteers who; letter to Mrs. HeT?n Lee Getty, ave been working in home service branch chairman of special groups: iver a period of the last few years | Enclosed is a check for $2S. This Georgtena knows 'fust Tiow pou feel... ifRcially celebrated becoming a adnallrin"taward" the • Red - €ross orps under volunteer special ser- War fund is made by the Little •-• • you've had enough of lointer ... now you want a dress that •ices. Certificates and pins were Silver Girl Scouts, which are made up of Brownio troop 32 and Girl tcill brighten your husy days . . . and see you over the five o'clock line, in resented by Harry Isaacs, chair- Scout troop 37. an of tho home service commlt- Tha girls earned this money by :ee. making candy and baked goods an emergency! Here are precise polka dots and smart, slenderizing which were sold at a sale in the The guest of honor at the meet- stripes . . . all in soft rayon crepe that will look even lovelier ing was Mrs. Marjorie Register, as- school auditorium. Enthusiasm for thi3 project was sistant administrator of volunteer high among the girls as many of ic-ith straw hats and white gloves ' this summer. ipeclal services of the North At- them have immediate members of antlo area, Red Cross, in chargo! families and relatives in foreign >f home service. Mrs. Herbert S.service overseas. CAREER SHOP. . . Street Floor. Wright, chairman of volunteer Scoutlngly yours, ipeclal services for Monmouth Virginia Poole, :ounty, and Mrs. Harry Neuberg- Scribe, Troop 37. T, chairman of the new home ser- 'ice corps, expressed their pride "MV MOTHEn." A. Rayon crepe coat dress B. Small polka dots on sheer C. Neat chalk stripes on ray- .nd pleasure in welcoming tho Janet Magee, 9-ycar-old pupil of with white pique collar and rayon crepe dress with crisp on crepe dress with flatter- xaduates to (he corps. ing smocking at each side of The following women were pradu- the fourth grade at the Mechanic cuffs and flower of self-ma- while collar and self-belt. ited: Mrs. Ina Johnston of Atlantic street school, contributes the fol- terial. Neat pin dots on red, Navy, brown, green, blue skirt. Brown, green and ownship; Mrs. Hybernia Tyrell, lowing poem entitled, "My Mother." navy backgrounds. Misses' I love my dear muther. navy, brown backgrounds. backgrounds. Sizes 16>4 to Fair Haven; Mrs. Helen Bsissett of Ami fihe does love me, Sizes I8y to 24J^. 2454. sizes, 18 to 40. - ort Monmouth; Mrs. Helen J.I She works GO vel-y bare] 2 Batchelar, Mrs. Marguerite Kav-] Anil doesn't have a minute free. 5.95 I think of my mother 10.95 10.95 naugh, Mrs. Katherine K. Neu-j All through the yeui— erger and Mrs. Constance Ueland, She helps me in my work Middletown township; Mrs. Maxlne And nearer away my fear. Gierinjrer, Long Branch; Mrs. Gen- Mother never .nuikes me work eve H. Gagncbin, Mrs. Margaret Like other mothers do. Anil when 1 tell her my irishM Robertson and Mrs. Hnrrictto A. They moxt nlwuyfl come true. tephenson, Red Bank; Mrs. Mar- And when I feel sick aret Craik, Mrs. Barbara Gibh, j She trenU me iu^t iiKht rs. Eileen Kcecli and Mis. TClean-' And mother tries to Ket me well r McC. YounRi TSumson. and Mrs. With nil of her mlk'ht. Dorothy Greene nntl Mrs. Char- Janet is the daughter of Capt. otte J. Griffiths, •\Vanamnssn. nnd Mrs. Bruce M,ogee of Prospect Previous to their present status avenue. She is a granddaughter of s members of a corps under vol- Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Francis of unteer special (services, thoso wom- Newman Springs road and Mrs. n served 13,000 hours In the home Mabel McVey of Brown place. service department. As Mrs. Reg- ister told them, their job i3 as Koyport Youth Fatally Injured. 'valuable and vital" as any ser- Raymond Pease, 19, of Keyport, ice Red Cross gives nnd as our who was thrown from a skidding armed forces continue to grow car at Union Bench early Sunday rriore and more volunteers will have morning, died Monday morning \ o be trained for this wArk. After from his injuries in South Amboy he war ends, she continued, the hospital. Pease landed on his head need will become even grcnter as after being thrown from the car ur men come back and new prob- and did not regain consciousness.

htter suits at moderate prices

For Easter-Bound Outfits New Handbags Relax And Look Pretty In Pastel 5.00 Spun Rayon Robes Handbags are accessories-in-chief to your smart Spring suits and dresses. Check another "impossible" off the list! 6.98 Select from handsome alligator-grained . . . When the makers of Clipper Craft If you've found you practically live in housecoats, you'll leathers, cordettes and rayon failles in Clothes set out to produce finer clothes when his mail welcome these flattering, washable spun rayons! Wrap-around pouch, underarm and top-zipper styles. at moderate cost, they wouldn't take comes he'll say: td style with set-in belt and convertible lapel neckline. White You'll be proud of their expensive de- NO for an answer! And, man oh man, prints on rose, blue, aqua and red backgrounds. Sizes \2 to tailing and originality of design. Black, what they've accomplished for YOU! 20; 38 and -10. navy, turf tan and earth brown. •• . . . . Smart styling, fine tailoring, good Send your service man a happy surprise ROBES... Second Floor . HANDBAGS . . .Street Floor long-wearing fabrics, .., a beautiful photograph, of yaul (I'll . be a sparkling personality Jludy...taken

graphs of the Belter Kind,'3 for $4.50 To J KRIDEL 3 for $10.50. No appointment required.. QIVE - RED BANK - STEINBACH CO. ASBUKY PARK ...Red Cross War Fund ASBURY PARK Page Two. RED BANK REGISTER, MARCH 18, CHA1MJE8 J. SADEB. Silver Star To Uoiu Observe Reported Misting ] Hadassah Has OBITUARIES Charles J. Sauer of John street, a retired Elizabeth butcher,, died Signal*Corps Officer Purim Party WILLIAM B. CLAYTON last Friday afternoon at his home Red Cross Night qusNAPSWOT GUILD William B. Clayton, 68, a resident of pneumonia. He was 77 years A Signal Corps officer who direct- PROTECT YOUR NEGATIVES of Red Bank over 50 years, died old. ed repair of a radar set in record Three ..Speaker* at 50 Attend Event—14 suddenly Sunday morning at his Mr. Bauer was* born at Elisabeth time during a heavy Jap air attack home on Wharf avenue. He was In and had resided in that city until after a large sliver of shrapnel had Club Session Members Join Chapter failing health for some time but his retirement 10 years ago. Sur- cut through his thigh, has been was able to be about daily. viving are a son, Albtrt F. Sauer awarded the Silver Star for gallan- A Purim party and anniversary Mr. Clayton was born at Eliza- of Red Bank; a daughter, Mrs. At', a dinner meeting Tuc6day try In action, the War Department observance of Hadassah, the Wom- bethport and -was the son of the Elizabeth Dilworth, and two sis- has' announced, night at the Molly Pitcher .hotel, an's Zionist Organization of Amer- late Robert T. and Mary E. Red- ters, both In Newark. mon than 40 members of the Red He Is Lieut. Raymond Sampson ica, was held at a meeting of the cllff Clayton. He moved to Llncroft The funeral was held Monday p Bank Lions club observed "Hed Red Bank chapter of Hadassah with his parents when a baby. of Rldgewood, Long Island, who, afternoon at the Mount Memorial after the set was back in opera- Crosi War Fund Night and lis- Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Leon When a youth he came to Red home with Rev. Roger J. Squire, tened to talks by Mrs. Harry H. Rueckhaus on Harding road. The Bank' and lived here 'ever since. tion, Insisted on crawling and roll, pastor ot the Methodist church, of- ing unassisted several hundred Neuberger of Nutswamp road. Mid- guest speaker was Barnett Hlrsch For many years he conducted a ficiating. Burial, in charge of the dletown township, chairman of the of Long Branch. The story of milk and cream store on Monmouth yards down a hill to a dressing sta- Mount Memorial home, was in tion so that the other men couli Home Service corps of Monmouth Purim was given by Mrs, Helen street, near Maple avenue, and op- Fair View cemetery. county chapter; Mrs. Bruce Berck- Oglcnsky. erated a retail milk route through remain at the radio. manns of Navesink River IOBO More than 50 members attended. out this section. He retired several Lieut. Sampson, 22, graduated Middletown township, chaiiimii of New members introduced were Mrs. years ago. JACOB VANDBHVEEB. from the Fort Monmouth OCR la the hospital and lecrcntion uoip. Max Benowltz, Mrs. Sarah Levy, He was a member of Shrewsbury The funeral of Jacob Vanderveer, February, 1942. and Miss Mary LingenieltM won Mr». Harry Madansky, Mrs. Macy lodge, Knights of Pythias of Red an elderly recluse who lived for has charge of the recreation '-ti M. Rudnlck, Mrs. Nathan Kline. Bank and of Monmouth Boat club many years In a shack In a wood- tion at Fort Monmouth hotpiti! Mrs. Margaret Komar, Mrs. Ethyl and North Shrewsbury Ice Boat * ed ravine near the Samuel Rlker WANT ADVERTISEMENTS The speakers were introduced I" Simon, Mrs. Harry Rosen, Mrs. Yacht club. estate on Holland road In Holmdei Dr. James G. VanNostraml. chin Benjamin Adler, Mrs. Lena Bln- Mr. Clayton ie survived by his township, was held recently and Too Late for Classification man of the clubs speakers' commit zinger, Mrs. Lester Oglensky, Mra. wife, Mrs. Lila G. Coley Clayton; a interment was made in Holmdel tee. Si.iff Sgt. Joseph Smith, son of Jeanette Winters, Mrs, Joseph brother, Harry B. Clayton of the cemetery, Mr. Vanderveer died of IN RED. BANK If. Sp.n Cr.ft Studios Fischer and Mre. Sylvia Brenner. for picture ftamlnn; oil pilntinn, tub. Red Bank board of health, and a heart trouble at Monmouth Memor- Ings and eneravln«i reitor«d; full ilia Ticket* for the annual donor sister, Mrs. Alice Ingllng of New ial hospital. frameleiB mantel mlrrori, window vil. York city. He was a cousin of the ancei, lawn t\ant, framed mlrrori. J7 luncheon of the Northern New Jer- Legend has it that "old Jake," sey Region of Hadaersah Tuesday late Police Chief Harry H. Clay- Ea.t front street, two doort from everything and anything to keep] as he was known, fled family, Kelly'n. phone Red lknk 390C. th« patients occupied during their at the Waldorf-Astoria, New York ton. City, were awarded to 46 members. friends and comfort together with INSULATION by John.-M.nvlll. ICMM convalescences. She told of sev-' 8»ve and preserve your negatlvei for futura uie. 4 negative album ii Services were held yesterday af- the way of living to which hs was vdnt.r nest In, kerpi lumitier hest out! eral interesting experiences and ex- Dr. Maurice L. Perlzewig of Eng- as Important »• one for prints. ternoon at the home of his sister S»vei fuel. Comfort tl)«t pay. for ItMlf. land", chairman of the British sec- reared, aEd 30 year* ago estab- Jor eitim.U without oblfir«tion, pbon« tended a cordial invitation to thr in-law, Mrs. Charles A. Mlcton, 56 tion of the World Jewish congress, O you keep a Die of your neg- You ara more than ever convinced East Front street. Rev. George J. lished himself tn the ramshackle local r»i>re»ent«tive, Adtm J. Uninnjer. Lions to give a program in the ihack near the edge of the road Atl.ntJc Hlghl.ndu 7H-M. will be the speaker. Joan Roherts, D atives? If you don't — yon that your album idea Is perfect You Ammerman, paetor of the Re- Recreational hall at the hospital. Is Reorganized star of "Oklahoma," will be guest which was to be his home for the HOUSB fur r*f*rr«d. - -families with prisoners_in enemy the bulk of her estate to her broth- jpu_rtould__gq_ »_Btep further and kindly care in the hospital where church "was re-organized as the er, Jacob Soffel,-Yor life and then -negaUve,_J»__rather_expenBlve. Fur- MRS. ATT1E ELY WILLIAMS. Bonnet Shops, 22 Monmouth ibrect, camps, and many other projects. preserve the negative! " becauBO he died. He was discovered In his Kert Bank.* She said there are over 100 Mon-Mary Mount rhapter of the Wom- to her grandnephew, Clifford Fred- thermore, Borne of the quality may ~Mfs: Attie Ely Willlams-of Cran- en's Baptist Missionary society at some flay you are going to want shack, desperately ill, by Jason mouth county young men prisoners erick Soffel, Jr., probate of her will bs lost when tho copy negative is ford. widow of John H. Williams HALF-TON, tiro-whe*! irilltr for taj/i a recent meeting at the home of some extra prints and the only way Knight, proprietor of the, Mlddie- in Germany and Japan. In the in the office of Surrogate Joseph made. and mother of Dr. Herbert Ely town village store. new pre-war tire'. x will fur- vllle, mother of Sister Mary Flor- nish music. of nl'l did to their tax on tea. Tho be given at a meeting of Mon- Mr. and Mrs. Oliver R. Macin- just returned from 14 months' ac- tive duty In the South Pacific. ence of the Red Bank Catholic An invitation to all the young dekirir of thp Jersey sales tax was mouth chapter, D. A. R.. Thursday tosh of East River road, Rumson* .produced in grcnt part by an his- of next week at I he Red Bank school faculty, died yesterday at EFFORT people of Rumson and Pair Haven are parents of a aon born yester- the age of 75 years. Sister Mary to attend the party haa open PX toric uprising of the "little" tax- Woman's chili. The conference day at' Monmouth Memorial hos- ST. THOMAS EPISCOPAL Florence, who haa'been at Rod tended by L. D, Kelley, executive payer marshalled In an organized opens today at Trenton. pital. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Law- CHAPEL Bank the laat 19 years, Is teacljer BY secretary. movement under the leadership of son of Bank street are parents of in the kindergarten and librarian the New Jersey Taxpayers Associ- LKAVKS KOIt ARKANSAS. a daughter born yesterday at the Red Bank and also takes care of the altars ation nnd other slate-wide civic anil same institution. Friday nlghU during Lent have in the church. PRESERVING NEW MEMBERS OF LEGION. business organizations. Sgt. Frank Ceim/ik of Merrlck, Long Island, who married Miss Ann been set aside for Lenten services, Besides her, Mrs. McKeone is At the meeting of Rhi r\\ slniry ll wns a Mining example of over- with the roctor in charge. Services survived by her husband and three Post, ArriPricRn legion Momlny Dfvcrr.iux or Sen Bright on MRrch AN KNVIAHLK RKC0HI). •vlieltnin^' rilizen punching power • !>, has been transferred to Arkan- befjin at 8 o'clock. other daughters and three sons. YOUR CAR night in their home on Riverside 'liie little taxpayers' forniirifr fours TREASURY nEPARTMENT At 9 a. m. o the first and third One of the other daughters ia avenue, three more new nifinbois sa.s and left .Saturday for hl« new War Finance Committee n and iiiairlunK together in an organ- post. He had heen stationed at Sundays a sung mass Is conducted Mother Marie McKeone, a member were received into membership, all izes.! campaign -against tax oppres- 072 Bvnad Street, and a,t the same time on the second of the Sacred Heart, a cloistered •••!•*••* having been discharged from the Fort Hancock for mnrc than three Newark, 2, New Jersey sion. years, and fourth Sundays the service con- order. The other children are Mrs. armed services in the. present war. There is yet another slate tax March 14, 1944. stats of morning prayer and ser- Helen McCarthy and Mrs. John The new members aio" Arthur oxaciiun which Ji>rsf!)men escape— Managing Editor, mon. Engel of Me^chantville, John Mc- COMPLETE Boden, Michn'l N'.miilc and Peter the atate tobacco tax. Sixteen statea 22fl FROM FAIR IIAVKN Register, Every Sunday at 5 p. m. (here la Keone, a member of the U. S. Costa. luive it. hut not ^ooci old Jersey. Two wings have been added to Red Bank, N. J. . oven Bong and sermon by the" rec- Army; James McKeono, who is aa> Commanutr .Mortnni'i E, Van Our ciKKie.a, see-^Mis, pipp-louding the wervico honor roll at Fail1 Hav- Dear Sir: tor. sociated with a confitruction firm Sa'uter stairs that .',ny iicisun hon- anil even our sniffy snuff aro en and IS more names, iiu'lmllng Thank yon for the co-operation Mfes Madeline Harris, leader of at Buffalo, New York, and William BRAKE SERVICE orably dischargt'il fiom tin- |>nl ii>>. of state tuxes We can smoke two women, will he added this you and your newspaper gavo the the dunc'li choir, conducts choir re- McKeono of Haddon Heights. conflict Is eligible lo Join the Am- 1 United StuteB Treasury Department our head.* off in tin huge enjoy- week* muking ;i totnl of 2l!f> • from 1 hen rsiil every Friday night at 7 STATE INSPECTION CHECK-UP erican Legion. nnd your local Wai Finance com- o'clock. FRANK GIBLIN. mi nt of the thought Ihfit our puff-. that borough in the armed furcra. mittee, during the Fonrlh War jili •IJ.;IK~ ffinir^ nu 'state toll [.(inn • campaign. Without the Tho funoiwl-ot Frank Gltjlln of BRAKE AND LIGHT ADJUSTMENT Bonnv BAHRY HOMT:. ' SON TO lll.UUUHS whole-hearted co-.fiperntion of the ST. (JKORGE'S EPISCOPAL Bridge avenue, who died Wednes- BRAKE RiLINING Why. Ilit-n .- i.iM Jc f rl pull ripu'.spnpcrs, New Jorsr.v would not Rumson. - day of last week, was held Satur- Bobby Biiny of Navi^m): Mr. and Mis Henudi of Kiuok have been able to compile the en- ian, has irturnrd fr'im'S.'i nerks on 'aK'.'H find In*- to avenue, Little Silvn. art the par- ... day morning 'at St. James church, f !«/'.vbei P' Thp vinblp rprord it did during tho a coaat-tp-coaM ioaH U M v k 1 ; K Mr. a'nd" $irs7"Tiitfffiffy*"i'ItonifnP' through the audience railing for ! '* ' ">' " " ' " ' >' "" " " '(liiiTniT' Hie ~arTv6" •"\TF-'ltrrrTI!r-J'8r|-"1'%ra BW(iar4 "Mrs. Jonej!." itl/.ri), c)3o why wouJ/l KO many In tletti of Highlands arp parents of share with us our satisfaction over munion and spiritual healing ser- l4 lust lies from thi! outlnnd settle a daughter, born Tuesday nt Mon- tln-.He achievement!*. Dougherty. Burial,"in charge 6T Agnln many thanks. vlco centered around the theme tho Mount Memorial home, was in liejn }u-nnhnvr>Uv'.' mouth Memorial hospital, "Hotv,to llvo In tho world of to- MfiGIl. MrCIiOSKKY' 1IOMK Our en|( runneth over. Hold fast, Sincerely yours, Mount Olivet cemetery. day, with all its confualon and tur- Surviving, besides his wife, Mrs. Uonslgnur Juhn K UcClos.. ,. .ye denizens of Weehuwken anil John K. Manning, J. H MOUNT CO t I'nited Stntrs gold slocks de- ,. Stale AdnilnlHtr/itor, moil." Wednesday tho BUbjcct of Nellie Dougherty Glblln, are a sis- rector of St. James church, hat ie- j Pliirlicniin, lo tlim which is good! clined about $700.0011,000 in 11143, New Jersey Stalo Division. the meditation will be "Are You turned to Red Bank following a lYou'll find nothing beltpr than Jer- ter, Mrs. Daniel Hopkins, and four Cor. White St. and Maple Ave. going mainly to Latin-American Afraid." The service Is open to the brothers, Harold, Harry, Walter stay of several week" at Palm'spy no matter where you mHy countries wth favorable balances n[ public without regard tor den,on)- Boach, Florida. roam, Finding help Is ea«y with a Reg- and Charles Glblln,. all of Red Red Bank Tel. 404 trade with this country, ister Ad,—Advertisement, . Inatlonal affiliation, Bank, RED BANK REGISTER, MARCH 16, 1944 Page Three.

but loyal and under tht leadership Personals Junior Service Brothers Home, But Quinn Chapel Is of Rev. Spurgeon Harmon the, work "" Give A Gallon of Blood To Red Cross is going forward. Th« church au»- * Pvt. Rudolf J. Felsmann ot Not At Same Time Being Renovated illarles are assisting In the redecor- -* . River Plaza, who was in the sta- League Holds Corp. Harry A. Davey has re- Quinn chape], A. M. E. church, ating. A. Chameroy of Fair Ho f v tion hospital at Fort Eustis, Vir- turned to his base at Barkadale located on the picturesque hiil at ven, decorator, had the contract Hi ginia, for eight weeks, recuperat- field, Louisiana, after spending a the top of First avenue, Atlantic and did a fine job say tht church ing from an accident caused dur- Annual Election 12-day furlough with his mother, Highlands, Is undergoing extensive officials. ing maneuvers, Is spending a fur- Mrs. H. W. Davey of Spring street. improvements. lough with his family and friends. Pastor and people hope to be able Organization Is He has served 21 months with the The interior la being changed to use the main auditorium In the James O. Davis, Jr., son of Mr. Army Air Corps and is crew chief so that it has one large .center aisle near future and Invite the public on a Martin Marauder. Last fall and Mrs. James O. Davis of Balti- Commended For with smaller ones on either side. to visit the newly-renovated edifice. more, Maryland, formerly of Red he was awarded the ribbon of hon- The new pulpit furniture is of Bank, has completed his freshman War Stamp Sales or for good conduct and faithful Gothic design, pews are of the lat- year In Massachusetts Institute o performance of duty. est type, new carpet has been laid It Is estimated there was a total ,' Technology at Cambridge, with th< Mrs. James R, Clarke, Jr., wai Corp. Davey's brother, Staff Ser- and modern lights installed. of 1,725,000 marriages, in the V. B. "', honor of .beihg on the dean's list. geant Richard B. Davey, arrived The church membership is small in 1M3. • •'. ' ' "Jim," as he was known to all his elected president of the Junior Ser vice league Tuesday at the home home on a three-day pass the day friends here, is a former studen after his brother left. He has been of the Red Bank schools and a Of Mrs. Edward H. Anson at Shrewsbury. Others elected were in service three years and recently graduate of the Gilman Country completed a course at Cornell unl- School for Boys In Baltimore. Mrs. Lester F. McKnlght, treasur er, and Mrs. Sloan Robertson, re versltl, majoring in Italian. He is Miss Peggy DeSantls, daughter cording secretary. Mr*. William now stationed at Fort Bragg, North GARDEN SEEDS! of Mr. and Mrs. J. DeSantls, was Lynch is the retiring- president. Carolina. The brothers have not at her father's tailoring establish, seen each other for more than two ment on Linden place, near Broad years. street Monday for the first time Beans — Beets — Carrots since Washington's birthday. She recently underwent an appendec- tomy performed by Dr. Walter Hazlet Fire Co. Spinach — Everything You Rullman Mt Monmbuth Memorial Pictured above are Miss Barbara McLennan and Israel Breslow, both of Red Bank, who on Thurs- hospital. Is 34 Years Old day gave their eighth pint of blood to the Red Cross blood bank, making their total contribution ona Want at the "Wright" Price Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Webster of gallon. Mrs. Frank Groff of Red Bank is shown pinning a Gallon club pin on Miss McLennan, while. Shrewsbury avenue are parents of 1. to r. Mr. Breslow, Dr. Samuel W. Hausman and Mrs. Arnold Wood, chairman of the county Red Cross a daughter born Thursday at. Riv- Anniversary Dinner chapter blood donor service look on. Miss McLennan and Mr. Breslow are the first members of tha •rview hospital. Gallon club of the county Red Cross chapter. Membership in the club is given to those who have given Heid Tuesday Night a gallon of blood to the Red Cross blood bank for member^ of the nation's armed forces. This is the correct time for planting onion teti. Lieut. Noel Morton, British Roy- Get your* now! al Navy, of Rises, England, spent About 105 members, their fam- the week-end with his cousins, Mr. ilies and friends attended Hazlet First assistant engineer—Elmer A. prize. The hostess last night was and Mrs. Frederic K. Adams of Balu-enburg. Leonardo Miss Margaret Olsen. fire company's 34th annual dinner Second HBaletant »ng-lneer—Howarq Yellow Hudson avenue. He is stationed at Buttonwood Manor, Matawan. in Boston. Wnllmjc. (The Red Bank Reeister can be The Ramblers met Thursday at Tuesday evening, Elmer HeBse leJ Kire police—Harry Peseux. Stacy Car- bouirht in Jjeonardo at Kred Vi. Meyers the home of Mrs. David Mair. A BUI Moore, a student at the Cho- hart, Henry Warnock. In the singing of the National An- and Wiedmann's store) social afternoon was enjoyed. * ONION SETS ib 40c •te school at Walllnford, Connecti- them. Ernest E. Peseux, president, Members of the company who are cut, Is spending the spring holiday Because the response of the boys Guests were Mrs. Ai. Knight, Mrs. acted as tonstmaster, and spoice on in the Armed Forces are TVSgt. at Leonardo to the reorganization George Black, MrB. William Bud- with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bur- Harvey .Walling, T/Sgt. E. I. Mon- Red and White ton Moore of South street. the iinanoles and activities of-the ot the former Boy Scout troop 47 zinski and Mrs. Wesley Wakefleld. company. He introduced the speak- ahan, S/Sgt, Edwin Walling, Sgt. it was decided at their second The hostess this afternoon will be Miss Marian Scott of South street ers, who were William Uratadt, Charles Curtis, Sgt. J. Carlton Cher- has returned after spending a week meeting held at the Brevent Park Mrs. Knight. • ONION SETS chief of Raritan township;'Ernest ry, PFC. Hudson D. Carhart, Pvt. and Leonardo fire house, to form ib 45c with Mr. and Mrs. C. Everett Run- Mrs. R. H. Van De Water spent I E. Walling, chief of the Keyport Malcolm W. Peseux, Pvt. Harold a Cub Pack and reorganize a Gir yon of Belm&r. The Runyons are Friday with her - sister, Mrs. I fire department; Gilbert T. Van- Kite, Pvt. Wyman Bedle, Pvt. James Scout troop. At present there are former LeRroy place residents. Charles Meyer of Westfleld. Mater, clerk of Raritan township: Neidinger, Sl/c Ira Rathbone, 27 boys enrolled. George Wheeler, s $ 50 Corp. and Mrs. Henry Speckman ! Miss Jane White of Front street MRS. JAMES R. CLARKE, JR. Daniel S. Ely, clerk of Holmdel S2/c James D. Warnock, A/S Sr., is Scoutmaster^ The boys have AGRICO Fertilizer ioo lbs 3 spent last week-end with her aunt of New York, passed the week-end | township; Harry P. Seamen, col- Georga E. Murphy, Pvt. Howard taken over the work formerly per- and uncle, Mr. arid Mrs. Roy The league voted to give *100 to Woolley, Pvt. Stephen D. Lambert- formed by the Brevent Park and at their summer home here. | If you feed you- toil it will feed you. Get Church of Newark. lector of Raritan township; P. Otto the Red Cross War fund drive. Mrs. Weigand, Jr., mayor of Keyport; son and S2/C Cyrus P. Ross. - X*onardo fire company in collect- Miss Madeline Reilly of Newark Miss Jean Adams, a first-year C. C. Perrlne read a letter from ing paper and assisting in placing spent the week-end with Mrs, Har- free gardening book. student at Wilson college at Cham and R. Earl Leonard, chief cJerk Mrs. Katherlne Elkus White, vice of N. J. State Motor Vehicle De- posters in store windows for the ley Wyman of Leonard avenue. hersburg, Pennsylvania, arrived chairman of the county war fin- Leonardo Honor Roll association Miss Reilly and her family are home yesterday to spend the spring partment of Trenton, and S. Sgt. Names Spotters ance committee, thanking thi Edwin H. Walling. events. summer residents of Leonardo. holiday with her parents, Mr. and league for its maintenance of the Mrs. Edna Rabone left Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Forrest of • LIME 50 Ib bag 49c Mrs. Frederic K. Adams of Hudson stamp booth In the Second Nation- The chief speaker was Mr. Leon- OakrRirst and Mr. and Mrs. Hebcr ard, who spoke on the activities of Club Committees for Camden, where she will enter avenue. al bank and commending it for its basis training in the, WACa. Mrs Forrest of Belford were dinner It it very important to sweeten your toil every The Cum Laude society of Ped part in the fourth war loan drive, the U. S. Coast Guard Reserve. guests Saturday of Mrs. Forrest's Harry P. Seamen of Raritan Rabone has been at the Fort Han- year.. dl* school, Hlghtstown, has award- during which league members sold Interesting Meeting cock Commissary Department for parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Green ed an honor to Robert Hammer In a total of $3,239.75 In war stamps. township spoke on the complexi- more than two years. She has two of Monmouth avenue. Mr. and Mrs. mathematics and physio. He Is the Booth chairmen for April will be ties of a municipal budget. S/Sgt. Held At Legion Home children, Beverly, aged 15 and Green had as guests Sunday, their •on of Mr. and Mrs. Einar Hammer Mrs. Bailey Harrison and Mrs. C. Walling, only member of the fire Howard, Jr., aged 14. Mr. Rabone brother-in-law, Chris Tomassen and *NIU ENAMEL of Conover lane, Mlddletown town- K. Collins. company in the armed forces able is assistant cashier for a A'ew daughter's Vioia and Lillian and Pt 95c to'be present, requested those pres- Appointment of committees and ship. Mrs. Thomas H. Lafon, chair- York brokerage concern. Miss Polly Lodls of Elizabeth, We have jutt been appointed distributors for this Miss "Vlcl" DeVoe. daughter of man* of the" education committee, ent to write to the boys in service. assembling some of the cut-out Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Greenwalt Mayor Weigand Introduced Mr. planes sent from the U. S. Army, Corp. Frederick E. Betz of Irv- Mr. and Mrs. Harold DeVoe o' outlined the course required of al who are connected with the Navy ington, now stationed with the Air finest of all enamel*. Reckless place, has been elected provisional members to acquaint Leonard, with whom he Is associ- Ail craft Warning Service, featured project here, have rented the small ated In the Motor Vehicle depart- a well attended meeting last Fri- Corps at Biythe, California, visited secretary of the Student Govern them with the social service work B. A. Guttormsen bungalow. his aunts and uncle Miss Anna ment as«ociation of the Woman's in the county. The league has ten ment. day of the Spotters club, 168-A, held Mrs. Frank Krantz, Mrs. William Those attending -were Mr. and at the American Legion home on Betz and Mr. and Mrs. Albert 1.29 College of the University of North provisional members. The course Conway of this place, with Mrs. Johnson of Leonardo last week. V CLOTHES BASKETS Carolina at Greensboro, North Car- will be given by the Monmouth Mrs. Walter Ackerson, Mrs. Llllle Riverside avenue. _ Harry Sternschuss, Mrs. William olina. Miss DeVoe is correspond- County Organization for Socia: Hughson, Mrs. James Neidinger, Assembling of the planes proved" SlernSchuSs of Navesink, Mrs. Mar- The Delta Phi Alpha sorority tne Guaranteed for 5 years by tha Hawkeye Mfg. ing secretary of Dlkean society Service and the Red Bank Public Mr. and Mrs. Elmer A. Bahren- most instructive and all members garet Conway, Mrs. Jack Brieley met Thursday evening for ""their member of Quill club and the staffs Health Nursing association at the burg, Mr. and Mrs. John H, Bah- of the class present took some of and Mrs. Andrew Idle, all summer semi-monthly meeting at the home Co. of Carolinian and Pine Needles horns of Mrs. Ralph O. Willguss. renburg, Mrs. John H. Bahrenburg. these home with them to be as- residents here, with Mrs. Robert of Mrs. Louis Huy's, of Port Mon- school publications, Sr., Miss Elsie D. Bahrenburg, Mr. sembled and brought back to the Eelfer, Navesink summer resi- mouth. The meeting on Thursday Speakers will be Miss Evelyn T. evening, March 23, will be at tho Joseph Wildanger, formerly of Walker, director of health welfare and Mrs. Alfred W. Chinery, Mr. next meeting on Friday, April 9, at dent, had luncheon at Newark re- • PAPER SAVERS Special 49c arid Mrs. Robert E. Calt, Mr. an-3 the Legion home. cently. home of Mrs. Robert Krebs of Cen- River Plaza, who was recently of the MCOSS; Miss Martha Han ter avenue, Leonardo. son, executive director of the loca! Mrs. Robert E. Calt, Mr, and Mrs Mr. and Mra. Harry McMunn taken into the service, has been The recognition classes are be- Mrs. Robert Search who has been i Constructed from wood; ideal for saving old sent to the ordnance replacement nursing association; Mrs. White of Harry S. Wllley, Miss Annie ing continued at the request of the Miss Mabel McMunn and Alfred the war finance committee; Mrs. Cowles, Mr. and Mrs. J. Grover Woods were week-end guests at the confined to her home is recuperat- papers and newspapers. Reg. $1.50. training center. Aberdeen Proving U, S. Army and will be divided in ing. Grounds, Maryland, where he wil Willguss league sponsor and Mrs CurtLs. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Car- groups, competing with each other home of Mr. Woods' sister, Mrs. receive his basic training as an or- W. D. Lewis, league vice president hart, Mn. Joseph C. Cherry, Mrs for awards. President Howard E. Conrad H. Rech. Mise May Ronaldson of Newark dnance eoldUr. ~ ~ ~ Provisional members who wil' George A. Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. Rol- Morris stressed tha fact that all First Sgt. Stanley Helt has been spent the week-end with her par- WAR STAMPS BUY WAR STAMPS Mrs. L. J. Tetley of Oakland take the course, who were guests and Emmons," Mr. - and Mrs. Dan members of the post are still in transferred to Ireland. Mrs. Helt is ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ronald- street has returned after spending at the meeting, were Mrs. Winston lei S. Ely, William M. Frledlander. the service of the U. S. Army and the former Miss Gusaie Krause. son of Burlington avenue. FOR SALE HERE EVERY DAY several days with her sister, Mra, Kock, Mrs. Carl Gierlnger, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hesse, Edward that the post will not be'disbanded Sire. Anna May, mother of Mrs. Mrs. James White is confined George Scheuerllng of Elizabeth. R. L. Dewey, Mrs. William Scott Hannawayr Mr. and Mrs. Roelif H until after the war. At that time Robert DeLadc, has returned to with a severe cold. Miss Margaret Patterson of Mrs. G. Bailey Harrison, Mrs. A LeRoy, Mrs. Marcus D. LeRoy the poa*. members like all other her h6rne in Brooklyn after a visit Mrs. Rose Mayer returned Mon- Washington street spent Sunday Gradner Fox, Mrs. Guy Chllberg, Mrs. William S. Holmes, Mr. and members of the armed forces will of two weeks here. day from a visit of a lew days with With relatives at Elizabeth. Mrs. Edwin Martin, and Misses Mr«. William Lambertson, Robert bs presented with the official dis- Mrs. Walter Halleran will enter- Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Rennemann Jesse LeiKhton, 3d, son of Cpl Mary Johnson, Lee Morton and Mason and two friends, Mr. and charge for services rendered. For tain her pinochle club this after- of Mt. Vernon, New York. and Mrs. Jesse Leighton, Jr., of Marjorle Morton. Mrs. Peter Monahan, Mr. and Mrs. these reasons the members of the noon. Mrs. Nicholas Kaiser, Mr3, Frank Fehn, Mra. Ben Hawley of 6outh street, was baptized last Tea was served by the hostesses Ernest E. Peseux, Donald Peseux, post are respectfully requested to The Red Thursday in the Red Bank Presby- assisted by Mrs. Lewis, Mrs. Rob Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. .Feieux, continue their interest nnd attend this place and Mrs. Otis Emery of ported terian manse by Rev. John A ertson and Mrs; Alfred L. Gagne- Miss Marion L. Peseux, Harry Atlantic Highlands will":be gUesls. b y the meetings. town business men. Advertisements Hayes. The sponsors were Mr. and bln. Peseux, Mrs. Claire Orton, Mr. and The following' comn;ii:rcj were Mrs. Anthon O. Lund returned appearing regularly tell the story. J!rs. James Wagner of Rumaon. Mrs. Joseph R. Peseux. Miss Car- named: Saturday following a visit with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Ensign and Mrs. Herman olyn Peseux, Ralph Peseux, Mr. Aircraft Recoxr.iliiM Mr.. K:nH>- I.. Fritsche of Madison avenue are Red Bank Navy Man and Mrs. Thomas Rathbqne, Mr. Murfitt, chairman; Mr*. Yi_:a Oak!cj Mrs. John Lund, and son Billy at parents of a son born Tuesday at and Mrs. John M. Roberts, Mr. and Mm. Loui.e Sayrr, Lyndhurst. Monmouth Memorial hospital. Mrs. In Raid On Truk Mrs. Ralph Rothbart, Mr. and Mrs. Entertainment- Mr*. Mali. I West, Mrs. Charles Aichele and daugh- chairman; Mrs. Eleanor Marko, Mrs. J, ter Peggy were Thursday guests Fritsche is the former Miss Sally Walter Smale, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. B. Crclin. Porter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lieut, (j. g.) George Shoemaker, at the home of Mrs. Herman Fette son of Mr. and Mrs. B. Allen Shoe- Watson, Mrs. Joseph P. Sproul, Ways and Means—Kenneth K. Smith, James S. Porter of Madison ave- chairman. of Arlington. maker of Little Silver, arrived Miss Elizabeth Sproul, Miss Lois Due. C. Sproul, Mr. and Mrs. William Sick—MrB. Ensloy White, chairman Mrs. George Marx was hostess of home Tuesday after participating Mrs. Ann J. Redden, Miss Carolyn F the Thursday afternoon pinochle James Naulty, son of Mrs. Mary In the devastating Navy attack on Urstadt, Gilbert T. Van Mater, Mrs. Hsnce. Mra. Marjmret Conover. JJaulty of Herbert street is home Raymond L. Wyckoff Mr. and Mrs. Refreshment*—Lester Morgan. party given at the Community lire Truk as a dive bomber pilot. He Publicity—Howard E. Morris. house weekly by the Ladies' auxil- for a short leave after 10 months has been in action for ten months, Charles Wahl, Miss Mary Calt. of duty In the Merchant Marines. Miss Josephine Calt, S/Sgt. an'J iary of the lire company. Mrs. Wil- taking part in the Gilbert and liam Lawler held high score. Mrs. W. Harry Pennington of Marshall Island campaigns. Mrs. Edwin H. Walling, Mrs. Em- Madison avenue"spent last week ma T. Rudlger, Mr. and Mrs. Tim- Lincroft Mrs. Irving W. Teeple spent last Lieut. Shoemaker is a graduate Thursday, Friday and Saturday end at Erie, Pennsylvania, visiting of Red Bank high school and was othy Walling, Mr. and Mrs, Ernest her daughter Lois, who is a student E. Walling, Mr. and Mrs. Leon W. (The Red Bank Register can be with relatives at Newark. tennis champion In his school days. bought in Lincroft from Charles Tooii) Mrs. William Maack visited her at Mercyhurst college. He entered the service February 2, Walling, Mr. and Mrs. P. Otto PFC. Robert C. Howard, United Weigand, Sr., Mayor P. Otto Welg- The fire company was called out father, Capt. William VanNorman, 1942, and was stationed for a time at Haworth for a few days. Btates Marines, former Red Bank at Floyd Bennett field. and, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank last night to extinguish a fire in The Perfect Easter Qiftl resident, is in a rest camp some- a car, owned by Mrs, John Mc- Miss Dorothea Maack spent the Weigand, Jack Weigand, Mr. and week-end at Dumont with her sis- where in the Central Pacific after Mrs. Henry J. Warnock, Miss Anna Naughton. Tho firemen put out having taken part In the campaign out the flre and the damage was ter, Mrs. Jack Simms, Middletown Village Mae Warnock, Henry Warnock, Jr., ( William Martin, son of Mr. and for the Marshall Islands. Private Jack Warnock, Mr. and Mrs. John slight. Howard, whose mother, Mrs. Ber- Gerald Warnelter and family Mrs. Edward Martin, sustained a (Th« Red Bank Rtglsttr can be Warnock, Mrs. Samuel H. Walling bad injury when he was struck on nice J. Howard, resides at Phila- bought In Mlddletown Vill»»« at the and Miss Eleanor Walling-. have moved from Matthew Mullin's delphia, attended Red Bank high •tore ot J. C. Knight) the side of his head by a derrick The Hazlet Fire company was or- house on Phalanx road to Arnold where he is employed. School. Mrs. Charles Dresser of East ganized 34 years ago on March 10, Soden's bungalow on Newman Keansburg has accepted a position Springs road, Red Bank. Mrs. David Mair entertained the James Stcphenson of Buena place 1910. A group of men realizing the Ramblers club at her home Thurs- Is a member of the Red Cross life- at the township hall office of war need of a fire company gathered Mrs. Floyd Lum and daughter price and ration board 9. Miss Vir- day. Today Mrs. Alfred Knight will saving club at Peddle school, at the VanMater and Weigand are expected home in a few days be hostess. Hlghtstown. ginia Murray of Keansburg has re- Trading Co. store and then went to from Monmouth Memorial hospital. signed her position at the ration Mr. and Mrs. Robert Forrest of the Hazlet station to organize the PFC, James Toop has been re- Belford were dinner guests Satur- The things that were made board, and expects to leave shortly first flre company in this vicinity. leased from Tilton ohspital, Fort for California. day evening at the home of Mr. Teachers To Get The first officers of the company Dix, and has been sent to Atlantic and Mrs. Peter Green. Mrs. Green'a Same Salary Terms Harold Kruno of East Keansburg were as follows: City. brother-in-law, Chris Thamaasen of has resigned his position at the Foreman—Rudolph Pe*eux. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Willgerodt Elizabeth, with hie two daughters, for Love are Permanent. The Red Bank board of educa- township hall, and has gone into Pint assistant foreman—William M, entertained on Sunday Mr. and Misses Viola and Lillian Thomas- the Army. Ackerson. tion, at a meeting Tuesday night, Second Militant foreman—Marcua D. Mrs. A. H. Borden, Mr. and Mrs. sen, and Misa Polly Lotus were voted to issue contracts for the Bridge club winners Friday at LeRoy. William Ohst and Mrs. Lillian visitors at the Green home Sunday. 1944-45 school term to teachers un- the home of Mrs. Peter Fleming Treasurer—John H. Bahrenburg. Phinney and son Billy of Long Mr. and Mrs. Harry Palmatier, were Mrs. Irving Hance, Mrs. Secretary—Ernest E. Fneux. Diamonds will always remain der the same conditions as those Trustees—George B. Roberta, P. Otto Branch. Sr., have received a letter from prevailing this yoar. This means Wylie a Pate, Mrs. Ward Thom- Weliand, Joieph JJ. Webiter. Mr. and Mrs. William Slater an! their son Harry Paimatier, U. S. that the teachers will receive the as, Jr., and Mrs. Chauncey Mit- The charter members of the com- children of New Brighton, Staten Navy, somewhere at sea. same increment of $125 now In ef- chell. The next meeting will be at pany were William M. Ackerson, Island, spent Sunday with Mr. and Word has been received from fect. Contracts will be sent out the home of Mrs. Fred C. Tatum. Edward Barnes, James Carter, Mrs. Louis Walters. Master Sgt. Stanley Kozak, of At- a symbol of your deepest next month. . Word has been received here Harry S. Cowles, Roy Lambertson, George Richdale of Phalanx, a lantic Highlands by his family, that Under the present plan teachers from Nicholas G. Rutgers of Nave- Alonzo F. Layton, Clarence Pedee, member of the township committee he is expecting to fiee them some recommended for meritorious ser- sink River road, who Is sojourn- Ernest E. Peseux, Harry Peseux, of Atlantic township, is confined time the latter part of this month. vice will be awarded the $125 In- ing In California. Harry J. Poling, George B. Rob- to bed by illness. Pvt. and Mis. This will bo the first time In almost sentiment. crement. The'bonuses offered last Mr. and Mrs. Willard MacElwain erts, Russell Walling, Angclo M. Frank Richdale, Jr., of Philadel- three months that he has been able year will also prevail. have moved to the house on Hart- Webster, P. Otto Weigand Sr., and phia spent Sunday with Mr. and to get home. School Clerk Japhla Clayton was shorne place, which they recently P. Otto Weigand, Jr. The deceased Mrs. Richdale. Pvt. Richdale is The firemen of the Brevent Park directed to write Congressman purchased from Mr. and Mrs. Don- members "are John H. Bahrenburg, stationed in Louisiana. and Leonardo fire company • of James C. Auchlncloss urging him ald Pease. Robert Bailey, Thomas Bailey, Jr., Mrs. Frank Toop, Sr., enter- Leonardo have arranged to pick up to vote for continuation of the War Mr. and Mrs. Stanley McQueen Judaon Conover, Thomas G. Cqwles, tained Mr. and Mrs. George Cotton old newspapers and cardboard Food administration. Members are vacationing in the South. Their Charles X. Crawford, William H. of Fair Haven Sunday, the occasion boxes every Sunday between 10 a. stated that the WFA has per- children, Nancy and Robert Mc- Hyer, Lemuel H. Jones, George W. being Mrs. Cotton's birthday. m. and 5 p. m. Place them on the formed a real public service In aid- Queen, are staying with Mr. and Lamhertgon, Marcus D. LeRoy, Pvt. Fred Horsfal of the Axrhy porch where collectors can see ing public schools to provide school Mrs. Roy Martin. William F. Morrell, Rudolph Pe- Air Corps has been transferred them. seux, Frank E. Poling, John L. T. children with milk at the price of Mrs. Chauncey Mitchell and from Denver, Colorado, to Califor- (wo cents per half pint. Webster, William H. Walling, Mrs. Eai'l de Cordova was hos- daughter Alexandra returned yes- nia. He was home recently on a tess to the Foursome at her home terday after spending the week- Thomas M. Walling- and Joseph H. See the Display at Webster. There were 32 charter short furloURh. in. Atlantio Highlands Thursday. ! SHOW DOQ DIES. end at Philadelphia With Mrs. Mit- Guestg were MrB. Joseph P. Mac- chell's family. , members, 15 of whom are living HAS BIRTHDAY Leun and MrS. Paul LeFever of Adonis, 3d, of Ralston, German William Spofford, Jr., of Cam- and 17 deceased. shepherd dog, owned by Robert Leonardo and Mrs. William. Lybar- bridge Theological seminary,, and Tho present officers of the com- John W. Morrow, 3d, son of Mr. ger of Atlantic Highlands. F. Norton of Sea Bright, died yes- Mls Polly Fawcett of Mt. Hol- and Mrs. John W. Morrow of terday at the age of 12. Adonis had s pany arc as follows: MfiTs Leanoro Isakecn, attended yoke. college, Cambridge, Massa- President—ErneRt E. Peseux. Branch avenue, observed hia sec- won 20 blue ribbons at dog shows ond blrthdny Tuesday at a party the wedding of Miss Betty Maloney chusetts, were week-end guests of Vice president—Walter Smale. of Long Island Saturday. throughout the East, and wag a Rev. and Mrs. W*. B. Spofford, Recording secretary—Roelll H. LeRoy. at his home. Guests wens Beverly favorite pet as well,as a leading Financial secretary—Leon W. WMIng, Mra. A. Lehmann of Rldgewood, M. B, Jelllff and son of Neptune Treasurer—Lester W. Bahronburs. P. King, Charles A. Doromus, Mi- chael Brooks, Beverly Reed, Betsy Long Island, spent Sunday with her Chief Raritan township—William Vr. daughters and Mrs. John Grodeskn county, i vice Foreman—Rudolph Peseux. " 8PCA. First asslatarit foreman—Myron Dal- Mrs: Chester Guttormsen was lanbuck'. Mrs. John Reed, Mrs. Anna Lorenz, The Red Bank Register Is sup- Mrs. Kay HellmeraAMra. Reginald hostess to the Alethela club .Wed- ported bv local as well ,as out-of- Second assistant foreman—Charles L. About one-third of all gasoline ohmon. Gibbons, Mrs. Vlctpr Doi-n, Mis. hesday.' Mis. R, Knight had high town business men. Advertisements Trustee*—Willlwn Titus, Edmund Car. score In ratlin pinochle'and Mrs. produced In the U. S. East of lha appearing regularly tell the story. ia.rt, Harry Penfiix. ' Alber! Doremus and Mr«. William fftocklei goes to the armed services, —Advertisement, CSIef •nflnrar—Stacy Carturi, Brooks. . Georga Haulboskey the consolation . Page Four. RED BANK REGISTER, MARCH 16, 1944 of their sister, Mrs. Sheldon Whit- the mountains, th« row upon row arid Salerno were very modernistic. Donald Peseux, Steve Crowell, Keyport CASH FOR I know thig sounds like the talk of Hazlet George Jacobs, Harold Laughlln, ing, Wednesday. Exercise Boy of cultivated vineyards. It's really William Qreenburg, Jack Warnock Misses Mary and Josephine ANY , MODERN something to see. Tunnels built one on a sightseeing tour. But I (The Bed Bank Begl'Ur can b« (Tha Bed Bank lUglaWr can ba can assure you that it's not. Even bought In Haslet from Mrs. Edna M. and Robert McCleaster, hoiifht In Keyport ttom T. Paooai, Urt. Granato spent the week-end with TABLE RADIOS through solid rock or roads wind- W. Peieux «nd Frank Hertl«'« itore) Floranca Melee. Gua Senilon, Mn. Clara Mrs, Roberta Ferrante of Mata- Writes About ing like serpents toward the clouds. while writing this I am within a Susiman and Mrs; M, FJofiky) wan. HIGHEST PRICES few feet of my foxhole ready at a Mrs. George Kmmona of Bethany The natives of this area are Arabs. Highlands -Miss Janet B. Smith and J£IB. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Allocco and They are very poor people. Sheep, moment's notice to dive into it, and road, who recently underwent an Forest Garrison will-return today family visited relatives at Newark J H KELLY CO. Italy, Africa goats and horses are the chief live- its filled with water from the re-operation In Riverview hospital at Sunday, cent rslna. Overhead the planes Red Bank, is reported to be doing (Th« Bed Bank Register 'OS he from a several weeks' trip to Mi- 88 E. Front St. Phone B. B. 8800 stock. Oddly enough I dont sen bought In HlgM>ndi at I, Gre«n»p»ni' ami, Florida, where they visited Mrs. Rachel Caphette, who has many camela around this part of are coming and going all the time nicely. Bedld'i drug iton. Joaeph Stamen'a and -been visiting relatives here, re^ William Coleman Mrs, Andrew Fescitelll of Boston Unioi^Nawa) Mrs. Garrison's husband with the the country. and one never knows when the armed forces. They also visited turned to Illinois Monday. enemy will decide to strike. is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mrs. Hubbard Stiles and Mrs. Describes Scenery Peacitelll and family of Bethany Miss Smith's brother, Gerald B. Much planting has been done In Ensley Wright will be hostesses to- Smith at Fort Bragg, N. C. the hundreds of hot beds through- PAT'S road. morrow night at a meeting of tho Around Foxhole Atlantic Highlands Mr. and Mre. Daniel S. Welgand Mr. and Mrs. Albert M. Hatgh out this locality. of Little Silver visited Mr. and Girls Friendly society In St. An-entertained their son-in-law and Mrs. Rose Esposlto and family "W» curl up In our blanket* and (The Red Bank ReelBter can be Mrs. Ernest E. Feseux and family drew's pariah home. daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth of Matawan visited Mr. and Mrs.Accordion School bouiiht In Atlantic Highlands frDro J. Mrs. Henry Fehlhaber has been Edward Cerllone Sunday. kia« the »tar« goodnight" -writes a Borneo's Fillimt Station. CRJIHO a atore, Sunday. Mehrhof at Glen Ridge. Thomas Rath bone, chairman of called to Portsmouth, Virginia, by Mrs. Alex Cadoo, Jr., Miss Sarah Harry Fotosky and Michael 114 Monmouth Street, former exerciie boy at Greentree J, UmburK. A. Knt» and Dlunnttl ») the Illness of her mother, Mrs, Quil- •tables, LJncroft, to his mother In Richard Burns, son of Mr. andBaritan township Salvage commit- E. Cadoo and Miss Emily Quig ot Menosky spent Sunday In Jersey Red Bank, N. J. JUd Bank. After describing gome Mrs. Alfred J. Burns of 81 Lincoln tee, has made the following state- lan. Summit were week-end guests of city. of the scenic beauty of Africa and avenue, was awarded second honors ment in regard to salvage collec- Mrs. Marlon Rast, widow of Mr. and Mrs. J. Harold Hendriok- Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Salmon and Italy, Cpl. William H. Coleman, son in physics, Spanish and English at tions: Richard Rant, has returned to her son, daughter Ann attended the movie of Mrs. Cl»ra Coy of Water street, the mid-year marking period at To Residents of Raritan Township: home on Cornwall street from Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lipman "Song of Bernadette" In New York reminds her that lt'» no sightsee- Peddle school, Hlghtstown. Second I wish at this time to thank each Monmouth Memorial hospital where and daughter of New Brunswick last week. ing tour. "Even while writing thi» honors go to students with grades and everyone for vour fine co-oper- she was a surgical patient. wera week-end guests ot Mrs. Lip- The railway bridge In this local- I am within a few feet of my fox- of 85 or better, and flrfit honors go ation and response in our waete- Mrs. John H. King is planning man's parents, Mr, and Mrs, L*loyd ity has been newly painted. to those with 90 or higher. paper drive each month, which our to sell her home In Teaneck and Misses Catherine and Rosemary bole ready to dive Into it," he tells Boy Scouts and Girl Scouta and move to the home ot her brother, F. Armstrong. his mother. Alex Konowitz of Woodland park schools are collecting, and to our Salmon have returned from a vlilt received leg injuries last week Robert Wecker of Cornwall street. Major and Mrs. Franklin Cut- Cpl. Coleman's letter is a» fol- Raritan Township committee, Mon- trelle and children of Elizabeth with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Murphy lows: when a piece of wood he w«a run-mouth Cauntv board of freeholders Mr. and Mrs. William Decker of of Milford, Conn. ning through a rip saw flew back for the trucks to collect the papers. Newark spent the week-end with City, N. C, visited here last week. "The life of-a soldier is very un- They are former residents of Key- Mr. andMrsCB. Morselnchuk of certain. We never know from one and struck him at (he Bayshore 1 also wish to thank Henry J, his parents, Mr. ana* Mrs. Jacob Brooklyn, Peter Costa of Red mill. Warnock for his kindness in do- Becker of Miller street. port, Mrs. Cuttrelle being the Bank, Miss Veronica Menosky of hour to another where we'll be The fire department held its nating his truck February 22 to daughter of Rev. F. B. Whitaker, next. We have to always be on help collect waste papers. I also Mrs. George H. Kohlenbusch of New York and Miss Mary Menosby quarterly meeting Monday night in Bay avenue, who is a patient in a former pastor of Calvary Meth- of Hoboken spent Sunday with the alert and ready at a moment's the recreation rooms of the fire want to at this time to apologize odist church. Major Cuttrelle Is a notice to move on. It's a hard, un- for not making: an announcement Monmouth Memorial hospital, Is Mrs. Ann Menosky. house. of our tliscarded clothes drive we expected home next week. test pilot for tho Army Air Corps. Misses Rosemary and Catherine relenting business.' but the average had December, 1943, on which we At the congregational meeting •oldler adjusts himself to his en- With the expected departure soon Lt. Kay Stroud of Fort Hancock, Salmon spent the week-end with CPL. WILLIAM COLEMAN of Martin Mortenson for active collected 250 pounds of clothes, who is in the WAC, and Mrs.of the Keyport Reformed church to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kelly of Plaln- vironment. duty in the Army and Sv'erre Soren- which I think was very good for be held at the church hoitee on "We curl up in our blankets and Rose Schwind of Sea Drift avenue fleld. son for duty with the Navy, Rob- °^Jov,nshi?. asj never expected March 29, Miss Katherlne Green kiss the starts goodnight. Yes "Now for what I've seen of Italy. >duty that amount. The orodit for this and daughter Rosemary were din- Mr. and Mrs. Ira Coon enter- ert B. Mantell company NoN , ner guests last Thursday of Mrs. ot Bergen county will speak on h»r there is a war going on and we This time of the year the weather , win h^en of the 20 members shoul~ d e- o to th%«e one™s who did the tained Mr. and Mrs*. Harold Can- is very uncertain. One moment I wish to Schwind's parents, Mr. and Mrs.experience as tt prisoner of the trell and Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Brow- are very much a part of it, what In service. A. combined welfare - — Japanese. Miss Green returned on with planes, overhead going back the sun is shining, the next its rain- thank Mrs. Dora Emmons, Mra. Thomas Romandetti. er of Atlantic Highlands. ing or hailing. The mountains are party is planned. Harry Megonigal Areline Dean. Mrs. Genevieve Mat- For the third time within the last the "Gripsholm" on one of Its re- and forth to fulfill their missions, has replaced Mr. Mortenson as thews, Mrs. Laneta Neidinger and cent trips from the Orient. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Curley tanks of all sizes rumbling on to- considerably higher here, You canchief engineer in the company. Lester W. Bahrenbure for the use month the first prize and surprise spent the week-end with Mr. and ward the front. Big guns, little stand in the valley and see thef of delivery wagon and Henry J. package at the Trailers club card Members of the Keyport fire de- Mrs. Frank Miller of Jersey City. Learn to play an accordion smoke, on top of them. At night A new zone has been udded to Warnock for his help. party have been won by the same partment attended the Sunday guns, guns of every description. the fire alarm system in the bor- Mlsa Anna Potosky spent Sunday the >rop«r way. Private "'After a few days of eating out you can see Vesuvius aglow like a But we must remember all this player. Last Thursday the winner evening services of the First Bap- at Asbury Park. lighthouse. The people are a little ough. The new number is 228 andfine patriotic- work Is being done was Mrs. Henrietta Quast. The tist church, which took the form of cans we hear a shout of supreme 1 covers the West Valley drive area. for our boyg who have gone into Mrs. Herman Jones. Jr., of Red lessons. I will rent you an joy. We are going to have prunes, better off than the natives of others were Mrs. Sophie Beiler and of a union service with other local Bank spent Sunday \vlth Mr. and A three-act farce will be present- service, and please don't forget they churches, It was the last service accordion to try your coffee and maybe a slice of bacon Africa. The people back home ed by the high school seniors Fri- are still counting on us back home Charles Howell. Mrs. A. Mcade Mrs. Herman Jones,- Sr. , for breakfast. However these grim should be thankful the country has to buck them up in our drives, BO Robertson will be hostess at to- at which the pastor, W. R. Rosaell Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Cantrell ability. day, April 21, in the school audi- officiated, he having resigned to ac- reminders of war do not make one not felt the might of war machines. j"0"_ . The cast includes Elmer let's IceeD.up our good work. nipht's party. spent Sunday in Brooklyn. be ore I was on one of the trucks on Mrs. Susan Feldman of Newark cept a charge in Homer, New York Phone Red Bank 2299-J. lose (ight of the wonders of na- It will be quite sometime ' j Beck" Alma Lindland. Beatrice Washinston's birthday and I am MIBB Mary Menosky, a super- ture, the low rolling hills, the poppy they will be able to get back to nor-' Fred Roberts, Marlon spent the week-end with Mr. and Members ot the Thought club visor In St. Mary's hospital In Ho- satisfied that our people of Rarl- Hours: 9 to 11 a. m., 4 to 10 p. m, covered valleys, the grandeur of mal again. The cities of Naples I Boyce, Sally Goodell. Ray Edwards, Lan township are doing all they Mrs. Martin Feldman of Miller will meet Monday night at the boken, Is spending three weeks Paul Kleinberger, Elizabeth Piecen- can, but I was very much sur- si reet and Mrs. David Feldman of home of Mrs. John W. Foster. The with her mother, Mrs. Ann Man- Tuesdays, Thursdays 6 to 10 p. m. tine and Elaine1 Ennls. prised.,-., at th- e amoun^ ,---.,--.--.-t of pape-r ——.that Fourth street. program will be In charge of Mrs osky. A pageant of dancing was pre-1>5 »ot t'ed <™& bundled, whicc h If Mr. and Mrs. John Azzollna of Elizabeth MacEwan, Saturdays 8:.10 a. m. to 8:00 p. m. eented at a meeting Tuesday night!11 had been tied it would have made Miller street spent Sunday with Rev. T, H. Alexander, pastor of nt it,. n~...*—, 'v^nnhnf npc,,rti^ii/in ' ' t- essici ioi me isoy and vaii"i of the Parent-Teacher association their son Joseph who ia taking a the Second Baptist church, has re- Port Monmouth Scoute and drivers in collectingg the navnl training course at Drew signed to accept a call to the Union under direction of Miss Miriam paper, and it causes so much de- Birnmaum, director of girls' physi- Seminary, Madison, New Jersey. Baptist church of Passaic. (Tti. Red Rank Regliter can bt lav in collecting and we cannot get K In Port Monmouth at Larry'* cal education. [to every house in one day. There- Their daughter Grace is back to A son was born to Mr. and Mrs Harhpr Short nnd at Mrs, Moun'» .•tortt Cook of Third i fore, please have your papers prop- her studies In Atlantic Highlands j Frank Fetta. of Broad street last Mrs. Edgar H. - ... _...... _,.... „.-.. Jimmy Miner, son of Mr. and avenue celehrnted her 91st birthday erly bundled and tied, because they high school after being kept ho^ie week. Wii by illness. Mrs. August Miner celebrated his Thursday, Friday, Saturday March 1 at her home whore she,!and> ^th o tuuickeo the rpape wer eemillt ths equicker waste-, Tho Rosary society of St. Jos- eighth birthday with a party for received many callers and greeting paper to the mills the sooner our A surprise program will be pre- eph's Roman Catholic church will some of hl» friends last Wednes- cards. bovs will be home. sented under the direction of Mrs hold a card party and fashion show day. Recorder and Mrs. Svcrre Soren- I nlwo am informed that our James MeConnell and Mrs. Henry at the parish house tonight. Mr. and Mrs. William Miller and population is about 2,000 and we A. Rltterman at the April 4 meet- Lloyd E. Cokelet, Jr., machinist son are "spendinwherge a weekwen int Neforwshould have each month at least daughters. Ruth and Gloria visited Hampshire where they live oounds per person. However, ing of Highlands Parent-Teacher mate second class,. U. S. Coast friends at New York and Union skiing. He expects to enter the association. guard reserve, has returned to hln Navy next month. our total for January was 6,73V City Sunday. pounds, so vou see we are still short Mrs. Don Allan of South Bay ave-station on the West coast, follow- The following residents of this Mrs. Kossoc and daughter of of our quota. Now let us all get be- nue has received word that her ing a two weeks' furlough spent New York city are visiting Mrs. F. hind thitj drive and make our quota town were blood donors at the Red ignngnr your husband has been advanced tn the with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Cross blood hank last week: Mrs. W. Joy or Valley drive. every month. K of chief petty officer in the Lloyd E. Cokelet, Sr. The board of health will meet to- The following report is how and Frank Levering, Mrs. Walter Burk- Easter outfit with the night In borough hall. ,vho collected for January and U. S. Navy. He has been overseas A St. Patrick's day dance >„ be-hardt, Mra. George Frlebott, Mra. Mre. A. H. Komstcdt of Prospect, February, and how the money was for four years^nd has participated ing held tonight at the Mnsonic Albert Maxson, Mr. and Mrs. Josepn very latest in shoe flattery— avenue Is visiting friends nt Palm- distributed: in some of the major battles. He Temple under the auspices of Rar- Wackar, Mrs, Louise Blacksmith h is stationed somewhere In the Pa- itan post, American Legion. I and Mr". Robert Seeley. er, Massachusetts . i poundsJanuary—Troo. S12.40; p 92, Hazlet, 1,660 clflo area. i The civilian defense council will Keansburff, 1,855, Troo$13.91p ; 8"Troo, Wesp 25t, Mr. and Mrs. Jnhn S. Stout re- | Mrs. Irene Centanni has been meet tonight at the Homestead inn Hazlet, " ;"' Central railroad workmen have \ cently entertained Mr. and Mrs iconfined to bed for over a week. Girl Scouts, 2,460 pounds, completed demolition of the old Russell Jeffrey of Elberon. I Carmine J. Centanni of the Coast j instead of the borough hall. S1S.-15. railroad station at Highland Beach --.Jv'uuh Centerville—937 pounds of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Moore of Guard was presented with a good j paper and cardboard and 86 pounds which' has not be uaed for many May street have announced tho en- conduct medal for his services at' Navesink of ragri. years, the business being transact- gagement of their daughter, Mar. San Juan, Puerto Rico. I February—Troop 92, Hazlet, 3,- ed at Highlands station. It 1.1 un-ion, to Peter Yurkiewicz, pharma- PFC. Frank Jenson was home to j Request Feature Sat. Nlte (The Red Hunk Iiiciater ran be 800 pounds. $27.50; Troop 87. West derstood that a shelter will be built cist's mate U. S. Navy, and son of visit his family over the week-end. | NELSOX ' CLAUDE bought in Navemik flt the postoffirr) KKeansburgb . 1121,120 poundsd ; (SAOf 8.40; for the use of commuters. Prank L. Pnpe. son of Mrs. An Troon 25, Hazlet Girl Scouts, 1,020, Charles Yurkiewicz of Tottenvllle. Robert Runge of the U. S. Navy $7.6f>; Hazlet school, 100 pounds, Staff Sgt. George F. Schmidt, son Miss Moore In a senior In St. Is home on a 7-day leave. EDDY RAINS nette Pape, who ifl overseas, has of Mr. and Mrs. George Schmidt been promoted to corporal, accord- 75 cents, Mary's high school In South Am- Larry Geraldl. owner of the bar- , . , , . . . North Centerville—295 pounds of of Naveslnk avenue, has been pro- boy. ber shop on Main street, will leave "PHANTOM OF A wonderful ing In word received by. his moth- |p.lpel. nd cardbOard. This school moted to technical sergeant at his for the Navy March 24. Larry will cr. Cpl. Pape, who was graduated ,has soid the Daber and cardboard poflt at LaGuarrlia air field, Long close hifi shop March 21. THE OPERA" line-up of styles from Middletown township high for the benefit of the school, l»lond. He has been in the service Centerville The Ladies' auxiliary of the fire school at Leonardo, has been in! Pvt. James Neidinger has been 18 months and was employed as a company met at the home of Mrs. featuring Sparkling Potent the Army about a year. | transferred from Camp Dix to salesman for the National Biscuit Fred Beam last week. Members A meeting of the Navcsink libra- j Camp Crowder, Missouri, Lucy DePalma Is confined to her the "Hit" of the 1 company at Asbury Park previous- home by sickness. who attended were: Mrs. E. Quack- ] ry association trustees will be held Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hyer of ly. enbush. Mrs. Jane Beam. Mrs. J. season, Goes Tuesday, March 21, at 815 p. m. In j Crawford's Corner, after spending Salvatore Straniero of the Star Bryk, Mrs. P. Kelly, Mrs. L. Kern, the library. I several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. View Farm purchased a new corn Mrs. R. LaBarr. Mrs. J. Montag, well with Rev. Charles P. Johnson preached j Arthur Heath at Fair lawn, have Oceanport grinder machine. Mrs. J. Verpent, Mrs. G. I*e. Mm. last evening nt the Lenten service , returned home. Mrs. Rocco Mauro, who was a E. Courter, Mrs. M. Runge and Mrs. everything. in Trinity Episcopal church, Red Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tintle of (The Red Bunk Rcirl'ter can be patient in the city hospital of Jer- R. Beam. Games were played after Bank. Pompton Plains spent the week- bought in Oceanpnrt nt Harry Malzn'H sey City, returned home Wednes- and E. W. Worthley'sl the meeting and refreshments were Rev. Robert H. Anderson, Jr., end at the home of George Em- day. served. Next meeting will be held assistant rector of St. 'James Epis- mom and family. Pvt. Domenico Laurino of the MIBS Mary Strano is employed In at the home of Mrs. P. Kelly. copal church, Long Branch, will Orley O. Shown, Jr., has returned Army is spending a furlough .with preach at the I.pntpn service to- Red Bank. Mr. and Mrs. Mlllard Robblnj of to the Great Lakes training sta- his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mr. and Mrs. Edward •Cerlione Newark visited Mr. and Mrs. Al- night in AH Rnintfi Episcopal tion after a ten-day leave spent Laurino, church. Rev. Dr. Rnnd.-ill.W. Conk- spent Friday In Jersey City. bert Courter, Sr., Sunday. with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. Mrs. Walter H. Grills, who has Annelli Mallconica, Sr., is on th» lin of A-shury Turk, will be the been confined to bed by illness for Mr. and Mrs. Albert Courter, guest preacher next Tuesday and O. Shown of Bedle road. sick list. Sr., entertained Mr. and Mrs. Carl Martha Ann Murphy was baptised the past week, ie much Improved, Martha Allocco returned to Lee at cards Saturday evening. Rev. Raymond 11. Miller of Sea and expected to be out again soon. 1 Girt will he heard March 30. at St. John's M. E. church.Sunday school Monday after several days Robert Courter has been suffer- by the Rev. John L. Herr, pastor Pvt. Thomas Mulllns of the Army of sickness at her home. ing from an infected finger. Navcsink Woman's Republican is spending a furlough with his club met lust Thursdayy nifrhnirht aat of the church. She is the daugh- Mr. and Mrs. George Gillisple Mrs. E. Bryk went to Riverview tcr o£ Mr and MrSl R Mu mother. Mrs. Mildred Mullins. and daughter Diane of Red Bank hospital last Thursday for an op- the home (if Mrs Mary Green of I ' ' n*y- The "Well Baby Clinic" will be Hilton Park nml planned (oral The G. G. Sewing club met at the spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. eration. nom of Mrs LJllie held at the clinic room of the Pvt. Emmett H. Wnlllng has party to be held next Wednesday « - Hughson Oceanport school tomorrow after- George B. Roberts. at the homo nf .Mrs. Annette Pape. Thursday evening. Mrs. Bennett Mrs. Carman Granato and son spent a ten-day furlough with his noon at 2 o'clock. Infants .and pre- parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Emmett was school children may be brought to Joseph returned from a visit at corned ae n new member of the birthday. Those present were Mra Cllffwood. Walling. He has finished his ba- the clinic at this time for a free sic training at Greensboro, North club at last week's session, Of-1 Cyrus Ross, Mrs. William Urstadt, check-up on their health. Sylvia Lucarrelll, daughter of fleers will be elected at tho next Mrs. Roland Emmons, Mrs. Walter Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lucarrelli, ran Carolina, and Is stationed at Gren- RIADt'l Ackerson, Mrs. James Neidinger Lt. George Brown is spending a ada Army Air Field. Grenada. Miss- meeting Thursdayy nightg,, Apripll 6, leave with hie parents, Mr, and against a barbed wire fenco and at the home of Mrs. Barbara Day- and Mrs. Bennett. cut her cheek. Several stltchen issippi, where he will attend radio Mrs. Harry Brown. school. ton of Red Banlt. Miss Doris J. Peseux, a student Mrs. Thomas N. Rosa, parent were taken by Dr. MIele to close Edward Kelrh is confined to his nurse at St. Peters hospital, New education chairman for the local the wound. home with grip. His wife recently Brunswick, spent the week-end at parent-teacher association, will con- Harry S. Willey attended a meet- Saint Nicholas Is the patron saint ^ BIG HITS recovered from a spell of illness. hef home. duct a study group meeting at the Ing of the Monmouth County U. S. of New York city. Mr. VanBrunt nnd his mother Jack Weigand, son of Mr. andchurch hall this afternoon. n. A. War Board at Freehold Tues- LAST TIMES TODAY moved last Thursday from the Al-Mrs. J. Frank Welgand, enter- day. Got an ice box to sell? Want to Inlre house n Monmouth avenue Tha Oceanport auxiliary to Klv- buy a fur piece? You can buy and n tained a number of friends at his erview hospital met at the home Cpl. Fred Campbell of Fort Tot- BELA LUGOSI to Lakeside avenue. home Saturday evening In celebra- sell through The Register's want /hlcvrufxe S hoeA of Mrs. George Loper Thursday af- ten and Miss Helen Campbell of ads. They're the most widely read tion of his 17th birthday. The ternoon. Progressive card parties Long Branch were dinner guests In this section.—Advertisement, "The Voodoo Man" The Dale evening waa spent dancing and are being held at members' homes. on the address on vour papershowe playing games. Refreshments were and when vour .subscription expires. Mrs. Thomas N. Boss recently This paper, like most self-respect served during; the evening. Attend- visited her father, who is confirmed MABEL PAIG : Inc publications. Is operated on a ing were Mary Jtine Costa. Betty to a hospital at Philadelphia for "Someone to cnfih-in-rulv;irici' hnsls. If vour Ilnal Lou Cnrlton, Barbara Sllcox, Bea- Injuries received when struck by a MARINE Uwot Price, /or QUALITY SHOES in iht U.S.A. dute is drawing near, send in vour trice McFarland, Gloria Jaciri,o, check for renewal today BO that car. ATLANTIC- Remember" Marion Webber, Vnlarla Goetz, Mra. Dorothy Carvin has enlisted THEATRE you will not miss, anv issue of vour Jean Silco?:, Robert Weigand, Ver- 65 BROAD RED BANK orne newspaper.—Adver- g In tho WACs. HIGHLANDS, N. J. THtJRS., FBI., SAT. Sat Hat non Rathbone, Kenneth Wlllcy, Miss Alice Canevarl, Mra. Alec Friday and Saturday Hyman, Mra. Muriel Wileon and FBI., SAT. gat. Mat. MARGARET SULLAVAN Mrs. Fred Zlto participated In a demonstration, conducted by the SPENCER TRACY ANN SOTHERN Red Cross recently at the Townley IRENE DUNNE JOAN BLONDELL building. Long Branch. IN Members of the Parent-Teacher FAY BAINTER ANNOUNCING....fche moving of nBaoclatlon, and local workers of IN - the Red Cross unit, which meet "A GUY NAMED JOE" "CRY HAVOC" Thursday and Friday afternoons at Sun. Mat — ALSO — the church hall, will meet at the CARY GRANT church hall on Thursday, March RUTH TERRY 23 nnd 30 at 10 o'clock promptly to JOHN GARFIELD IN DON "«H>" MJSS SALLY • HairStylist IN "Pittol Packin' Mama" go t0 River Street school, Red BARRY FROM Bank, to assist with the filling of "DESTINATION kit-hags for boys in the service. TOKYO" SUN., MON., TUES. These kit-bags will go to eonval- SUN. CONT. FROM 2 P. M. 90 MAIN STREET/ OCEANPORT service men upon their re- TUBS,, WED. GREER Sunday, Monday, TuMday turn to the statea'and also for boys lUMrilHEY BOG ART as tliey leave this country for over- GARSON Special IViuhlR Fonture TO seas duty. Bandages are also taken DEAD END KIDS home for ptesning and stitching In IN WALTER Brought Back by Popular readinesB for rolling on these, days. "CRIME SCHOOL" PIDGEON Demand _/ Red Crosses will bo "given nt nn IO5 Monmouth Street, Red — ALSO - IN JAMES

. 'I 1 BED BANK REGISTER, MARCH 16, 1944 Page Five. pareaUe, Mr. and Mrs, Ernest John- Receives Wings mn ol Hew street. Riverside Heights Harry's Lobster house, which h&B * The Ideal Lenten Food been closed the past few months, Pvt. and Mrs, LouU Schrumpf, As Bombardier lias reopened. who have been viiftlng Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Fowler Mrs. William Schrumpf of Frost of St. Albans, Long Island, with avenue, have returned to Butler, *No Points Needed Francis Roberts their daughters, Frances and Char- Pennsylvania, where Pvt. SchiHimpf lotte, spent the week-end with Mr. is stationed. Is Commissioned Fowler's mother, Mrs. Charles R. William G. Lufburrow, a former Fowler, Sr. resident of Mlddetown township and for many yean an employee *Low In Price ^ The Army Air Forces latest ad- Thomas Roger* of the kindergar- ten class gave a party Tuesday af- of the road department of the ditions to the ranks of Uncle Sam's township, and who resigned re- bombardiers were graduated re- ternoon at the BChool in celebration of hij sixth birthday. cently to take a position with the cently from the school* of the West resumed her New York and Long Branch rail- Large, White Texu Borfibardler Quadrangle, in Joan Lindsay has road company at the Little Silver eluding Midland, Big Spring, Child- eighth-grade studies at school af- ter being quarantined at her home station has been transferred to the re s» and San Angela, with chickenpox. Red Bank station. Grade Local fishermen are. preparing to PFC. John Martin of Fort Mon- leave next week for the shad fish- mouth and Frank Davis of New Ing season on the Hudson river. York city were Sunday visitors at (Carton of 12) Member* of the 100 Per Cent the home of Mrs. Lee Davis, Coop- Spelling club at school for the er road. fourth term include Joan Lindsay, Word has been received by Jo- Edna Rogers, Peggy Thompson, seph Grillion of Naveilnk River Charles Dlllone, Joan Fellu and road, that his son, Adrian Grillion, Barbara Thomas. who Is with the United States in- Pvt. Charles Dilione hae been vading forces on the Marshall Is- Here's the perfect egg for every need!—LARGE, transferred from Fort Dix to lands in the Pacific and who has WHITE, GRADE A-who could ask for more! Buy Camp Wheeler, Georgia. been very sick, Is much improved and has been taken off the critical several cartons at this low price! list. Belford Harry B. Southall, Jr.. ion of Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Southall of Con- Large Grade B (The Red Bunk KeaisUr can b« over place, spent Sunday with hl» bought in llellord from H. Clay Hair'. Silver Seal Eggs Carton of 12 Service Station. WaBserman's Waiting parents. He is a Coast Guardsman, Koom and^Lentz) stationed at New York. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown have Mrs. Max Neilaon has leturned been kept indoors with 'a severe to her home on State Highway 35 Serve Sliced cold. after spending a month In Florida. Ib John H. Wermert, Jr., aviation Mr. and Mrs. George Dougherty Bacon & Eggs! Only 1 Point per Ib. machinist mate, first class, of Nor- of Long Branch and young son BACON 19 were Sunday visitors at the home folk, Virginia, visited his parents of MrB. Dougherty's father and BROWN & RED Stamp Feature* Wednesday. mother, Mr, and Mrs. Elipo Natale, LIEUT. FRANCIS I10BERTS Thomas Dinnen spent the week- of State Highway 36. Mr. Dough- end at his home here. erty is in the Navy and is on a Among the graduates, who now Ronald Sehnoor, son of Mr. andshort leave. ••I I MY Evaporated 4fttCansib# C LOW have many months of training be- MM. Otto Sehnoor, celebrated his Smoked Hams(skinmd)*.32c Point hind them in the art of aerial war- sixth birthday Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Kuhl of •>-^. Only 1 point per can. The finest quality. Vilui Middletown village, are wintering Whole or either half! Tender, luscious, juicy ham sure hits the spot. Only 3 pts.! fare and particularly the Bclence of William Anderson of Oakhurst at Miami, Florida. bombing, wag Francis Roberts, son spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Shrimp ftfiT 31c RATION CALENDAR 3 of Mr. and Mrs. Francis G. Rob-Sarah Richardson. John Williams of Tindall road erts, 104 Main street, Matawan, Mrs. Chris Jaeger and daughter has been inducted into the Army. b Fresh Tender who received a commission as sec- Lois Jean and Lois Salmon spent Thomas Sherman of Chapel Hill, Cream-White ; ,r25tf Green Stamps i ond lieutenant. Roberts was grad- Saturday at Freehold with Mrs. who has been on the sick list, Is K-L-M Expire Monday j uated from the school at San An-Gordon Rudoff. much improved and able to be out. Cream-White \?,r.' 64< C Ten tables were in play at the gel o. Mrs. Mary Granderath, Mr. and i . , , , . . »».jJt al Brown Stamps Bombs and bombaights are by Mrs. Earl Grob and sonn Edward «"»-«•= given by the Middle- SPAM ^r 35c now second nature to these grad- and Mr. and Mrs. James Hubbsand town Village Social club in the Y-Z Expire Monday Pork Loins 29 son Charles spent Saturday even- uates of West Bombardier Qua'J- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Grob roomAmericas no fMechanics Middletow, Fridan ycouncil even-, Snappy Cheese ranjjle schools. They have been in First prize winner waa Mr Red Stamps RIB HALF. Lean, delicious, rich in Vitamin B. Only 3 points per Ib. trained to drop their blockbusters of Red Bank > &- "' David Sehnoor Old Smoky«™ A« B» C D* E' F* with the uncanny accuracy that Mrs. David Sehnoor and Mrs. i EdnTunias AntonideSickles so fo fMatawan Red Ban. k waMiss Stanley Cook spent Saturday at Worth 10 Points Each hag marked American air opera- AaburJ Park. the high individual game prize wln- tions over the Axis territories for I ner. The next social will be held Bavarian"" rVLt"" 130 PICNICS Fresh or Smoked *. 29c many months. Charles Angley spent Sunday at Blue Stamps Imagine, only 1 point per Ib. for rich-flavored tender picnics! Serve ont this week-end. Barber. j Friday evening, March 2i...... Combat operations still lie ahead Miss Thereea Cook spent the I Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Walker Wesson /£. 27c A B c D E for these newly commissioned i of Englishtown are visiting Mr. GRADE "A" BEEF weejt-endo with Mr. and Mrs. Wil- AIL-SV/TT Worth 10 Points Each Center Cut "Hell from Heaven Men," but ift liam Mulder of Fair Haven. • Walker's parents, Mr. and Mrs. simulated combat bases located far Donald Purccll. four-year-old son Charles Walker of the Country Cl ib E ate Sugar Stamp 30 out on West Texas prairies, they of Mr. and Mrs. D. Purcell of Ridge ' " »- PORK CHOPS Chuck Roast 7R, X/C have already taken a crack at the Mr and H n M Timm NOW REDEEMABLE FOB 6 LBS. avenue, who Is a surgical patient; - K.?f"- 5 J7 ' 6 polnti A"T\i Strap 40 Btdeemkblfl for Cftnntnr Only 6 business of doinj; a lot with little, at Monmouth Memorial hospital, is!and two <*'Mren of Teaneck were of operating o short rations and Points n expected home the end of this ; S™day visitor, at the home of rel- per Ib. Arm Pot Roast 27c of doing everything from loading week. atives on Conover place. GREEN & BLUE Stamp Features ib. 35< their own bombs to digging their Charles Walling has purchased a Mr. and Mrs. John T. Wells of ol foxholes. motorcycle, Niagara Talli are visiting- friends Apple Butter » 2""35c Grade A—10" Cut They are masters of the famous at tVflmort Park. LAKE SHORE 7 Pts. per Ib. Mrs. Harry Lange, who has been Asco Jliet<, Rib Roast of Beef U. S, bombffights, but the silver ill for the past week, Is able to be Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Jones of bombardier wings those aerial war- about again. Syracuse, New York, were Sunday Prune Juice aS.23^ riors now wear signify more than ue3t3 of Hill Pineapple * GUAM "A" IN'o Point* Needed for Mlss'SIoria Morrell of Leonardo '•. S friends on Chapel DCETC ««M«d sii«d 4 •) Serve Liver & Bacon! skill In bombing alone, for during spent Saturday with Miss Bianco I road; bttli -lib. i.,.»nu UPA Seafood! their Intensive training period they Galasco. Mr. and Mrs. John Peterson of Fruit Cocktail .™£IH Plate Beef«X Genuine have also learned the Intricacies of Mr. and Mrs. August Volkland Red Hill road were week-end visi- ASCO Cruihtd JERSEY SELECT navigation, the science of meteor- and son Ernest spent Thursday tors at New York citr- . can Kraft Dinners ""*"1 Poin•t ology, and the business of machine with relatives at Matawan. Mr. and Mrs. John Mylock of Golden Corn VLjinti BeefLiver«^.,37c Calves Liver OYSTERS DOZ. 35c gunning enemy flghtera from the Mrs. Ear] Grob spent a couple: state Highway 35, Headden'. Cor- were FANCY air. They have been schooled In of day8 last week at Newark. i ""• Saturday visitor, at New- V-8 Cocktail'V ™r 15*. Baked Beans"?.,: Ib. map reading, airplane and ship York CAMPBEll ASCO "Groi)» A" Dried Beef T&« 21c James Hubbs spenp t Wednesday - (t Fti.) 69 Harry W. Long of Statesir place, identification, and' they are expert at New York city. y Scrapple /Vfc. •.. 18c PORGIES ib. 15c in guiding thfir bombers through Mrs. Alice Kempson of Asbury wtl° was recently injured iin an au- lomato Juice T;.r 1U Pork & Beans .*. Lean Store Sliced the evasive action_..necessary to Park spenp t Thursday with Mrs. tomobile accident, has improved to ASCO "GracU A" TOU-ei. URGE FANCY avoid enpmy ack-ack flre. Edward Barnes. ! such an extent that he is able to Tomato Soup 4 Point* p»r tan 22c Frankfurters i"V.. 37c Mr. and Mrs. Henry Warnock and bp out ln Bacon "b 38c SHRIMP »b. 48c ag* - Gl«nwoed Fancy p IV ONLY 1 POINT FED IB.I family, Anna Mae Henry, Jr.. and Mrs. Amelia Johns of Spottswood No. 2 con, 1 Point Bologna T"f oi ".. i"' 33c FANCY SLICED Sea Bright Jackie of Keypor't, spent Sunday '3 visiting relatives on Conover Grapefruit Juice Hlrks'rr Smoked .. evening with Mr. and Mrs. David ll Hholt or rltce l» place. Sausage ?'**„'„" IB* 43C Only 1 Folnl Per tb. SALMON Ib. 52c (Th« R«d Bank RtBi»t«r on bt Schnoor. Guy Cooper of State Highway 35, Ideal Spaghetti Dinner 26c bought in Seaa BrighBg t at Morrii Wcii. Mrs. Earl Grob, Mr«. August jwh° has been confined to his home min'i and Cannel'Cl' i itoret ) Volkland and son Ernest spent |.vrith pneumonia, Is able to be out Ten of her 12 children attended Friday at Perth Amboy. I again. a family gathering Sunday at the Mrs. Reliance Jacobson of Keans-! M«- Obadiah.Hallenbake, Sr., of home of Mrs. Charles R. Fowler, burg was a guest of Mrs. Edward j Wilmort Park, has returned to her Sr., of New street, in celebration of Barnes Wednesday. home after being a patient for sev- her 73d birthday. There was a Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klrwan are i en weeks at Monmouth Memorial Fresh Crisp Tender Egg Noodles ^X 13* large birthday cake for the occas- the parents of a daughter, born hospital. For Tasfv Lenten Dishes! "NO POINTS NEEDID1 ion and many flowers and other Sunday at Monmouth Memorial Mrs. Annie Johnson of Wilmort gifts were received by the cele- hospital. Park was & week-end guest of her brant^ Several friends also called Mre. Chris Jaeger, Mrs. Wallace mother. Mrs. Lavlnia Minton, at Supreme Bread LARD £•££. at the house during the day to ex- Miller and Mrs. Sarah Heyers were Highlands. Enriched wjth vitamin Bl. tend congratulations. guests of Mrs. Harry Compton of William Kane ot Gillville, in the B2, nlftrtn »nd Iron. Cheater Thomas, who Is stationed Red Bank Wednesday. employ of the Hercules Powder CARROTS 6 Cak>FIO at Camp Charles Woods, spent a Mrs. Fred Elton has been on the company, has been out for three At the pedk of their clelicious natural flavor ond tenderness! Serve them! Presto ^.pkf. 25* short furlough with his mother, sick list. weeks on account of an injury to Uneeda ZL. 3 *«• C Mrs. Chris Nelson, of Center street. There will be a meeting of the his side. He expects to return to NABIsco lh k Swansdown £\.X' 25* James Layton, who Is In the Belford Civic association at the work this week. U Grahams - « Army Air Corps, has been spending Belford school tomorrow evening Mrs. Ella Larkln la ill at her RITZ £5£ 2U a furlough at his home on Beach at 8 o'clock. Nutswamp home. Potatoes AIS' Apple Juice ££'.:£ street. Mr. and MrJ. Mahlon Grimes and Mrs. Frederick Hurley of Little 3 Macaroni «•«*••*.*. 9* Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Fowler son of Fair Haven spent Monday Silver, entertained member, of the Mealy, sound U. S. No. 1 famous MAINE quality. Why pay more? Lobster tr 69* of North Beach observed their 19th with Mrs. Harry Langc and Mrs.Community Social club Wednesday < ids b | wedding anniversary last Saturday. M. Grimes. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. afternoon. Mrs. Herbert Schenck Florida Cellophane "| ^\ Spaghetti *> «" "<» 9* Otto Perl of the V. S. Marines Grimes spent Sunday with Mr. andof Conover place was the prize Grapefruit Seedless Soup Mix Package Herb-Ox left today for New River, North Mrs. Fred Roske of Westwood. winner and she was given War p Bouillon Fig Newtons«« £ 15* Carolina, after spending a furlough stamps for her prize. Mrs. Emma Cello Cubci NBC with his wife here, the former Miss F. Snyder was hostess to the club «»-2 5 c Salad Bowl Pkg. Ginger Snaps £ 23* Ethel Fowler, and her parents, Mr. Lincroft yesterday afternoon. Peppers J0-oi. ( and Mrs. William R. Fowler, Jr., Mrs. Herbert Schenck and Mrs. Mother's Oats ?£ 10tf Gold Seal Oats PKO. C of Church street. (The Red Bank Register can be Emma F. Snyder were Thursday Tomatoes C^B™ 33C Flans for an Eaater treat to be bought in Lincroft from Ctinrlcs Toop) visitors at New York city. Lemons given the Sunday-school children Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner S. Haring Kenneth Brower, son of Walter were discussed at a meeting last RICE *ob-Ford moved yesterday from Matthew Browcr of Oak Hill road, has re- Large Juicy Blue Rose 23 week of the Methodist Sunday Muilin's property on Lincroft turned to work at the Coast Armi- school board of education at the Florida Dozen NO POINTS NEEDED! Nutritious! Economical! Delicious! estates lo their new residence, tage works, Little Silver, after be- Oranges homo of Mrs. Ella Miles. Present overlooking the Atlantic ocean at ing out for several weeks due to an were Mrs. Aarah Layton, Mrs. Deal. appendix operation at Hazard hos- Lots of juice in these large Florida oranges. Today's Best orange value. Eleanor Lindsay, Misses Lillian Cpl. Matthew L. Mullin of Drew pital. GSCQ "heat //o" roasted Layton and Joan Lindsay and Rev. field, Tampa, Florida, is enjoying a Mrs. Margaret Applegate and son and Mrs. Walter B. Williams. ten-day furlough with his wife and j John of Fairfleld Gardens were re- 1 Ib. A sunrise service will be held son Matthew. cent visitors of friends at Kearny, bag Easter Sunday morning at 7 o'clock Mrs. Nell McGrail is working at whore a farewell party was ten- Winesap Apples »> 10cCoffee 24c at the Methodist church. the Howard W. Roberts residence, dered John, who will join the Navy GuaranWvd FRESH! You muit bit »nti»fitd or <% Douglas Stone, who recently com- New Monmouth. soon. pleted his "boot" training at Samp- wt will rtplaca abioluttly frt* with any other / Misses Mary and Ella Kelly en- Mrs. Edward O'Flaherty of Head- brand. Sovt th» coupoml Ui 47c son, New York, has been spending tertained Monday night for Cpl. den's Corner, accompanied by Mr. ICEBERG LETTUCE CrhP ^ 10c a leave with his grandparents, Mr. Matthew L. Mullin. Guests were and Mrs. Arnold Adams of Red and Mrs. Clarence Douglas of Mrs. Mullin, Mr and Mis, John Bank, were Tuesday visitors at River street. Warneker and Mr. and Mrs. Har-Perth Amboy. Mrs. Rose Higglns Cellophane Spinach cleaned pkg-17c Clapp Instant Oatmeal 2 >£ 27c The Girl Scouts, with their lead- old Kelly. of Morgan was a Saturday' after- er, Mrs. Foreman, and Captain Nor- Mm. Fred Kaiser is on the sick noon visitor of her uncle and aunt, Clapp Cooked Cereal nia Smith, attended the 9 o'clock Mr. and Mrs. O'Flahcrty. CALAVO PEARS California 2^25c Sunday morning at Holy list. Capt. Frank Kaiser of Fair 440-oiO . Haven Is enjoying a furlough with Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Subowicz Kirkman s Soap Powder PI'SkT, 18c Cross Catholic church, Rumaon; his family. He recently returned P the 11 o'clock service at St. George's have returned from a wedding trip fi-oi. from the Aleutians. through the South and are making JUMBO Fresh Crisp Fancy Young jor Episcopal church, Rumson, and the William Warneker expects to their home with Mrs. Subowicz's Silver Suds Silver Polish 19c * o'clock service at Sea Bright leave next Friday for active duty parents, Mr. and .Mrs. Philip H. Methodist church. Ketterer of Chapel Hill road. Household Institute Aluminum Cleaner VV" 19c From the proceeds of an apron with the Army. social held last Thursday night at Mrs, Geraldlne L.. Trompson, a Miss Dorothy Hougland, em- Roll surgical patient at Harknesa pav- ployed at Fort Monmouth and who Celery - 9< Beets •—-5 Red Cross Toilet Tissue 6c the parsonage, by the Woman's So- ilion of Presbyterian hospital, New has been on a trip to Chicago for Roll ciety of Christian Service, IS was Full of flavor. Feature value! Truly delicious and tender donated to the Red Cross drive. York, Is showing rapid improve- her employers for several .weeks, Red Cross Paper Towels .M"Q 9C Mrs. Emily Stevens was hostess. ment. has returned to her Cpnover place- The study of the text book, "We Henry Carney, U. S. Navy, was home and has resumed her duties Who Are America," was continued. hdme over the week-end from at the Fort. Ivory Flakes Ivory Snow CAMAY Ivory Soap Ivory Soap Refreshments were served at the Massachusetts, where he is station- Miss Helen Smith, daughter of ciQie.Dt.the meeting. Present were ed temporarily. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith of U'/z-oi. Mrs. Minn Gatrolnnk substituted Mrs. Anna Haslam, Mrs. Oscar An- Cooper, road, . celebrate.!} her llth package pockafe .Toilet Soap Medium ML for Mrs. Lena Clark several days birthday Monday evening. derson, Mrs. Bertha Griffin, Mrs. ,cak.s. QC Selma Swcnson, Mrs. Sarah Lay- last week at the local school. Mrs. The four children of Mr. and 2 »Si• 1; 19c ,3«E'29C ton, Mre. Fannie Renshaw, Mrs. Clark was called to Pennsylvania Mrs. Alex Dombroskl of Fairfleld 2 \?,;.\9c Gertrude Fary, Mrs. Fred Nelson, by tho IllneBs-of her-sinter. Gardens, are sick with chicken pox. 3 Cakes 20c Mrs. Ella Miles, Mrs. Eleanor Milton Brownlee has accepted a Recognition as'eligible to qualify Lindsay, Mrs. Emily Stevens and position on tha Cross farm at for the rate'of motor machinist's Hev. and Mr». Walter B. Williams. Holmdel. mato third class came . to Blue- jifffai Samuel McGulre, son CRAX kSfn'MoCtiilnrOT' wllf return .to Now River, North 1 Cari'ina, after a leave spent with stato highway 36, during recent duedtor Crackers graduation exercises at the his mother, Mrs. Llla Rood, of The road to better nnd blucer Beach street. ouslness leads through Tho Reels- Training, School (Diesel) on the Harry Johnson of the. Coast ^er's advertising columns.—Ad- University of Illinois campus, Ur- . Guard spent a •hort leava with his 'erttstmlnl bane, III. 19

/• Page Six RED BANK REGISTER, MARCH 18, 1944 hearse their Lenten and Easter minister in thje itudy Thursday at wnlch children will be baptised ot WUliua J. Uasos, died music Saturday at 7:16 p, m. In the4 p. m. and new members received Into the day of last week at her home, 6M church. A meeting of tha official board church, Ocean avenue. Long: Branch. Shx ITEMS PERTAININQ TO will be held after the prayer i«r- Deaths In Red Bank was born In Australia and Is sur- FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, vlc« next Wednesday at 9 p. m. CONGREGATION B'NAI ISRAEL vivid by four sisters, Mrs. Muric* J. Geary and Miss Gertrude K. Dil- SCIENTIST Members of the congregation OUR LOCAL QHURCHES FIB3T' METHODIST and their friends will enjoy an un- and Vicinity lon of Sea Bright; Mrs. Richard F. Rellly of Brooklyn, and Mrs. John Services in First Church of ChrUt, AUantlu Highland!. usual evening at services tomor- PRESBYTERIAN Scientist, at 209 Broad street. Red Hock of Forest Hills, Long Island, ship hall. There will be a program The 11 o'clock Sunday morning row. Rev, Obadlah G. Goodwin, Bank, are held Sundays at 11 a, m,, pastor of the Shrewsbury Avenue and a. brother, Charles G. Dillon of. Rev. John A. Hayes will speak of entertainment and refreshments. worship will be In the form of a MB8. LUTHER SCHANCK. Mrs. Dorothy Christy; a son Hen-Long Branch, ^ Sunday-school at 11 a. m., and Zlon church, Is to be tha guest next Sundsy morning on Cnrlsl The executive board of the W. Wednesday evening at 8:1B o'clock. service of installation for the of- Mrs. Louella Bchanck, w4fe of ry; (our sisters, Mrs. Edward Lay- Mrs. Mason was a member of S. C. S. . will meet Wednesday, ficers of the Youth Fellowship, who speaker. His subject will be "The Luther Schanck of Holmdel, died ton, Mrs. William Wenger, Mrs. and Culture." "Matter" is the Lesson-Sermon Negroes Responsibilities in This Our Lady of Perpetual Help The Senior Christian Endeavor March 29, at the home of Mrs. Earl subject for Sunday, March 19. ar«: President, Connie Tlngley; Thursday after an illness of several Katherine Wyekoff and Mn. Geor- church, Highlands, where requiem society met Sundad y afternooftrnoonn at Wolcott, 27 Oakland street. vice president, Frances Lybarger; New World Order." Rev. Goodwin months at the horns of her daugh- gia Johnson, and four brothtrs, Golden Text: "Turn ye not unto Is a dynamic speaker and his nat- mass was offered Saturday morn- the church with John P°hl Palm Sunday morning there will secrefary-terasurer, Donald Goold, ter, Mrs. Elizabeth, Schanck Coke- Charles R. Mount and William L. Ing by R«v. Thomas A. drlbbln. idols, nor make to yourselves mol- and the following committee ural humor will enliven his mes- Mount of AUantio Highlands, aHfl ch»rge. The Intermediate group be baptism and reception of mem- ten g-ods: I atn the Lord your Ood. let of Keyport. She was 76 years met at the same time In the chapel bers at .the morning worship. Any chairmen: Dolores deCordova, wor- sage. The choir of the Zlon church old. John and Alvln Mount of Union and member, of the new Junior (Lev. 19:4.) ship and evangelism; Philip Wentz, will sing during the social hour In City. RAYMOND JOSEPH CLEAKY desiring the Sacrament of Baptism Sermon. Passages from the King Mrs, Schanck was born at Holm- Endeavor society, com- or desire to join the church this world friendship; Catherine Goold, the auditorium following services. Raymond Joseph Cltary, Infant Christian James version of the Bible include: del, a daughter of the late DeNlse ^^ „. fourth fifth and sixth Sunday will please communicate community service; Robert Pad- The scripture reading will be •on of Mr. and Mrs. William E. posed of "I am the Lord: that Is my name: and Hannah E. Green Smock. She MBS. CAROLINE JOHNSON graders, met with Mrs. Kolley In with the minister at the earliest dock, recreatinn, from Exodus, 35. Light candles at Clsary, died Saturday, March 4, in and my glory will I not give to an- lived in the Holmdel section almost Mrs. Caroline Dederlck Johnson charge. ,.' , moment in order that arrange- At this service the choir will sing 7:08 p. rn. The sabbath morning all her life. Her husband was at the Nassau-Norfolk General hos- ments may be made for church let- other, neither my praise to graven scripture is "Vayakhell-Pukudei" of Mechanic street, widow of pital at Capeague, New York. Mrs. Members of the congregation at- images." (Isa. 42:8.) Correlative 'The King of Love My Shepherd one time superintendent of Brook- Charles A. Johnson, died Friday at ters or certificates of transfers. Is," and the pastor, Rev. Roy E. (Rosh Chodosh Benshen, Month of Clsary is the former Miss Helen tended the" first of a series of three passages from "Science and Health dale farm, Llnoroft. He later her home. She reildid with her lctures entitled "G°d and Human 9:45 a. m. with Harry J. Coddlngton Williams, Jr., who will install the Nissan.) Ivlns ot Red Bank. with Key to the Scriptures" by owned a large farm at Pleasant daughter, Mrs. Frank L. Dix, and Surviving besides his parents are Suffering" by Dr. John C. Rylaare- officers, will bring a brief message The auditorium is now open four was a former resident of Marlboro. BAHA'I ASSEMBLY. Mary Baker Eddy Include: appropriate to the occasion. valley. his twin sister, Nancy Jeannlne dam, professor of Old Testament at "The first idolatry was faith In nights each week for the enter- Beildes her daughter and hus-She was 83 yeans old. the New Brunswick theological Cleary, and a brother, Robert E. The Drst o' a series of six pub-matter. The schools have rendered The union service of the three tainment of servicemen. Wednes- band, she leaves two sisters, Mrs. Mns. Johnson was born In Now seminary, Tuesday night at the Third avenue churches will take Cleary. lic meetings sponsored by the Redtaith in drugs the faBhion, rather day, as usual. Is devoted to danc- D. Statealr of Freehold and Mrs. J. York city and was a daughter of Methodist church, The series will place Sunday evening at 8 o'clock ing and refreshments. Mondays, The funeral was held Tuesday Bank Baha'is will be held this than faith in Diety. By trusting D, Taylor of Florida, and a brother, the late Zacharlah and Mary Caro- and burial was In Holmdel ceme- continue March 21 and 28. Sunday evening, March IB, at 3 In this church. The pastor of this Tuesdays and Thursdays are given Fred Smock of Toronto, Canada. line Dederlck. Surviving besides The Golden Hour Circle held its matter to destroy its own discord, church will preach on the topic, tery. o'clock In the Woman's club on health and harmony have been sac- over to games, reading, musicals She also leaves two grandchildren, Mrs. DIx are another daughter, annual covered dish luncheon yes- "Christ's Thought* About Himself and such other recreations that ap- Broad street. The public la Invited Lloyd E. Cokelet, Jr., and Charles Mrs. John H. Sutphln of Colt's JOHN J. HAYES. terday afternoon In tho social hall. rificed, (p. 146) Drugs and hy-and Us." The muslo will be pro-peal to our men and women in ser- to attend. giene oppose the supremacy of the 8. Cokelet of Keyport. Neck; four sons, Qeorge D. Van- Yearly reports were read, followed vided by. the organiit and choir of vice. Aken of Osprey, Florida, by a " John J. Hayes of New York city, by Installation of new officers. Stuart H. Sims will be the speak- divine Mind." (p. 484.) the Presbyterian church. The funeral was held Sunday af- er on the topic "Chaos Today— ternoon at the Cokelet residence, former marriage; Allan Johnson of a lumnir resident of Highlands, Flowers were placed on the pul- Sunday church school convenes Elberon and Edward mid William died March fl, at his New York pit laet Sunday morning by mem-World Peaco Tomorrow." Mr. Sims, FIRST TBESBYTEBIAN FIRST METHODIST. and was In chargt of Rev. Marshall at 10 a. m. Harrington of Princeton, former Johnson of Hed Bank; eight grand- city home, following a heart attack. oers of the church who arc otaserv- who has been active in the Red Bank Highlands. He Is survived by bl wife, Mrs. Baha'i group the past six years, Is Eatontown Tomorrow at 6:30 p. m. the mem- pastor of the Holmdel Federated children and two great-grandchil- a ng their 25th wedding anniversary. bers of the Youth Fellowship will "Human Desire and Divine Help" Julia Hayes of New York, and two the former chairman of the New- Sunday's services begin with Bible church, of which Mrs, Schanck was dren, Cpl. Edward Johnson and A special meeting of the congre- hold a bowling party at the Redwill be the sermon theme of the Sgt. Charles E. Sutphin, ars In the brother*, William T. Hayes of: gation will be held next Sunday ark Baha'i Assembly and ia a mem- ichool at 9:30 a. m. under direc- a member. Interment, In charge of tion, of Carl Whitehurst, superin- Bank Recreation alleys. The group pastor, Rev. John M. Long, at the service, Cpl. Johnson being over- Leonardo, and James Hayes, New morning following " the morning ber uf the Regional Teaching Com- 11 o'clock Sunday morning wor- the H. S. Bedle Funeral home at York, tendent. - _: Will hold' its regular meeting Wed- Keyport, WSJ In Holnidel cemetery. seas and Sgt, Sutphln Ulng sta- worship service for the purpwe of mittee of New Jersey, Pennsyl- nesday at 8:15 p. m. ship service. The senior and chil- tioned in California. electing four new elders to succeed vania and Delaware. "The Baha'is At the 10:45 o'clock morning Funsral strvlcts wtr« held at St. worship service Rev. Chester J. dren's choirs will sing. A series of The funeral was h«Id Monday af- Alphonsus church, New York, Fri- William A. Dor«mus, Howard .u have always realized that world biographical sermons on "Men Who WIIXIAM M. FETINGALE Burdge, Martin V. B. Smock and conflict was Inevitable and would Padgett will preach on the topic, CENTRAL BAPTIST ternoon at her late home, with Rev. day, and burial wa« in Calvary 'Three Calls of God." The pastor Met the Master" will be started at Services for William M. Petln- Walter J. Lake, pastor of the Fre«- cemetery. H. Russell Blackman, Jr., who arebe the prelude to a lasting peace. Atlantic Highlands. the 7:30 o'clock evening service, the gale, superintendent of the Com- retiring. . Out of this chaos will come the s planning a series of messages hold Baptist church, officiating for the next few Sundays based on Sunday church school convenes minister's special topic being "The munity Young Men's Christian as- Burial in charge of the William H. The monthly meeting of the Golden Age of a long--affllcted hu- at 10 a. m. In the chapel. W. Harry Disciple Closest to Ourselves." sociation on Riverside avenue, who board of trustees will be held MorP- manity. The present state of the the Book of Romans. Senior Youth Freeman funeral home of Free- Nine Confirmed At Fellowship meets at 6:30 p. m. The Posten is superintendent. Morning Church school convenes at 10 a. m. died suddenly Wednesday ot last hold was In Fair Vl«w cemetery. day night, March 27, at 8 o'clock globe seems distressingly dark. worship is at 11 o'clock. The pas- week In his apartment' at the "Y" at the office of Alexander D. Coop- minister is studying with the young under supervision of Mrs. Hattie St. Thomas Chapel Its future, the Baha'is believe, will or, Rev. R. Eugene Shearer, will Walstrom. building, were held Saturday after- er, 19 Monmouth street, treasurer. people in the New Testament. The MRS. CARRIE BELLE JONES, be radiant involving- the spiritual- speak on "The Indispenslble The evening service recently be- noon at the Worden funeral home. Rt. Rev. Wallace J. Gardner,- Approximately' 80 men and wom- lesson Sunday evening will be Mat- bishop of the diocese of New Jer- zation of the masses of peoples, :hew 8-9, "The King's Credentials." Christ." There will be a moment gun by the newly-appointed pastor Rev. Charles P. Johnson, rector Mrs. Carrie Belle Jones, wife of en of the congregation visited their the welding of humanity into a sey, preached and confirmed a class fellow members Sunday afternoon The fiermon title for the 7:45of silent prayer for the service man appeals to the popular mind and of All Saints' Episcopal church, Robert Jones of West street, Eat- brotherhood and the birth of a of the week, Archie Nelll. The] Navwsink, officiated. The bearers of nine candidates at St. Thomas' for pledges toward the financial o'clock evening service ia "Bellev- a stream-lined age. There Is a 45- ontown, died Monday afternoon In chapel Sunday afternoon. Rev. flowering world civilization," states est Thou This?" which will be the pulpit flowers and calendar are a mlnute service of worship with wer« William H. Petherbrldge, Ger- Hazzard hospital. She was 82 years support of the church. The amount Mr. Sims. Charles H. Duktm, who early In the to be raised is $11,500 for church fifth in a pre-Easter series of mess- memorial to the former church preaching, followed by * half-hour ald F. Harrington, Theodore J. La- brecque and Charles B. Gallagher. afternoon was Instituted rector of support and *2,183 for benevolences The remaining public meetings ages on the self-disclosures of our clerk, the late Charles R. Snyder, hymn sing of the hymns that folks Mrs. Jones was born, at Eaton- St. Augustine's Episcopal church Lord Jesus Christ. presented by his daughter, Mrs. Interment was In Fair View ceme- —J13.1783 in all, are scheduled for the following like to sing. The evening worship town and had resided In that bor- at Asbury Park, presented the fol- commissioned Sunday evenings: April 2, April 16, Elizabeth Nelll^ hour is being well received and the tery, with Rev. Mr, Johnson in ough all her life. She wu the Canvassers were The Gleaners will meet In the charge of the committal service. lowing candidates; Mrs. Junt during the morning worship ser- May 7, May 28 and June 11. Speak manse at 8 p. m, for their monthly The pastor's class for those In- attendance Is increasing. daughter of Madison and Cynthia Clark, Mrs. Lucille Mary Conley, vice last Sunday by the pastor. era will is announced. business session. At the close of terested in church membership will A meeting of the church school Mr. Petlngale wu a member of Ruffin. Surviving, bsildes her hu«- Mrs. Grace German, MJsses Eliza- Members of the committee are H. The Red Bank Baha'is will cel- he meeting the young ladies of the meet in the church at 2 p. m. board has been- called for next Mystic Brotherhood lodge, Free & band and parents, are a daughter. beth Reid, Doris Reid. Edith Jones Kussell Blackman, Jr., chairman, ebrate their 100th New Year (Naw church will entertain the women The "Glad Service" le at 8 p. m. Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. at the par-Accepted Masons, of Red Bank, Cynthia Ann; five brothers, PFC and Teabltha Robinson, Walter Cornelius G. Muyskens, Martin V. Ruz) Monday evening. The Baha'i at a tea. Those who will serve are on Wednesday. Choir rehearsal sonage. Mrs. Hattie Walstrom, and the lodge held services Friday Elmer Ruffln, who Is In the Army Jonea Conley and Dalmer Alvln B Smock, Herbert E. Werner, New Year coincides with the com-Mrs, Chester J. Padgett, Miss Viv- ollows at the same time on Thurs- church echool superintendent, urges night at the funeral home, with overseas; Sgt. Madison Ruffln, who Turner. Lewie R. Lowry, J. Raymond King ing of spring, March 2U denoting ian Viereck, Miss Jean Dangler, day. all members to be present. Past Master Joseph Turkington as is stationed in Oklahoma; PFC worshipful master and David H. Eugene Ruffln, UnlLd States Army, This was the first time that and Edgar N. McClees. Mm. El-a time of newness and growth in Mis* Dorothy Walker and Mias The monthly meeting of the Bkhop Gardner had visited the young married women's class of Bennett, chaplain. who la In the Pacific, and Edward mer Cottrell, Frank L. Sherwood, the world. The New Year has been Muriel Reese. ST. CLEMEN'S EPISCOPAL, Chapel In a number of yean. Mr. Blackman, Mr. Muyskens, Mr. preceded by five Intercalary Days, The executive committee of the he Sunday-school will be held Fri- and William Ruffln of Eatontown, Belford. LARS C. KIRKEGABD, SB. and- four sisters, Misses Mildred, Sunday, March 19, at 8 a. m. the McCless and Rev. Mr. Hayes were February 26, through March 1, Senior Youth Fellowship met last day, March 24, at the home of the newly confirmed will make their In the office receiving the financial which were days of festivities and evening in the manse to plan for president, Mrs. Bessie Atlee. As- Services next Sunday morning at Lars C. Kirkegard, 79, father of Marlon and Margaret Ruffln, and Mrs. Lilly Thornton, all of Eaton- First Communion. At o o'clock In hospitality. »nd- for visiting the he future young people's work In sisting her in the evening's ar- St. Clement's church will be morn' Police Chief Harry Kirkegard of the afternoon there will be prayer pledges. ng prayer-and sermon by Rev. Jor town. The canvassers were Mrs. Walter poor and sick. March 2, to March the church. Edgar Caffyn, presi- rangements (are Mrs. Margaret Eatontown and a former resident with sermon. Averre, Ronald W. Allen, Mrs. H.21, comprljed the annual Nineteen dent, presided at tha meeting. Hartrldge and Mrs. Beatrice No- seph M. Brownlee, S. T. M., priest of Long Branch, died suddenly The funeral will be held Sunday In charge, at 10 o'clock. Russell Blackman, Jr., Mrs. Isa-Day pnst period In which Bsha'ln The Junior Bible club will meet vak. Monday of a heart attack. He had afternoon at 2 o'clock at the A. M. ROTARY CLUB. bella Brevoort, Howard L. Burtfge, abstain from nil food and drink Monday at 7:30 p. m. In the chapel The Youth Fellowship will join The church school will meet at 11 been residing for the last six years E. Zlon church at Eatontown with Dr. Lawrence R. Burdge, Japhla from sunrise to sunset for the 19for Its weekly session under direc- the young people of the Baptist o'clock. with his daughter, Mrs. M. L. Con- the pastor, Rev, Marcus Smith of- ~ Charles Gallagher Is in charge ot Clayton, Edward M. Close, Mrs. days. The Naw Ruz celebration Is tion of Mrs. John Barcume. church at Long Branch Saturday, Boy Scout Troop 27 hold their don of Decatur avenue, Bronx, New flcladng. Burial, In charga of'the tie program at todays luncheon Ada A. Cranda.ll, Mre«. William S. essentially joyous with a New The choir will meet for rehearsal for a St. Patrick's day party, The meetings Tuesday evening of each Tork. Breese funeral home, was In the meeting of the Red Bank Rotary Dean, Harold S. DeVoe, A. Irving Year's Feast, distribution of gifts next Tuesday eveing in the chapel, group will meet at the church at week at 7:30 o'clock in the parish Born In Denmark, Mr. Kirkegard Ruffln graveyard at Pine Brook. club at the Molly Pitcher hotel. The Doremus, Ralph R. Eckert, C. and greetings and all that makes Mrs. Carl Whitehurst ia the direc- 7:15 p. m. hall. Girl Scout Troop 39 meets in cams to this country in his youth. program will be In observance of Donald English, Miss Hazel Errlck- for a holiday atmosphere. Mr. and tor. the parish hall Wednesday svening He was engineer for several years MRS. LILLIAN E. MASON. St. Patrick's day. son. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis N. Er- Mrs. Stuart 91ms will, entertain the FIRST PRESBYTF.RIAN of each week from 7 to 9 o'clock. at the old Gaskin Cold Storage and Mrs. Lillian E. Mason, 87, widow rickson. Mrs. Samuel Estelle, Ed- IOCRI Bnha'ls on this 100 New Year LEONARDO BAPTIST. Atlantic Highlands. The next meeting of St. Agnes' Ice plant at East Long Branch and Bay » war. Bond and Save a, Ufa win C. GilUnd, Miss Ida Good guild will be held Tuesday after- in their home at 19 Leroy place, The Ladies' Aid. society will meet Morning prayer and sermon will later was employed at the Armour •peed, Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. noon, March 28, at 2 o'clock In the Packing plant. He went from Long Hance, Mrs. Frank W. Hewitt, tonight at 8 o'clock at the home of be at 11 o'clock with'Rev. Donald parish hall. BAPTIST. ••••» Mrs. Frank Guttormsen of Leon- N. Correal proaching on the sub- Branch to New York where he was David Hood, Mrs. Ralph Hulseboo, engineer with the Knickerbocker Mr and Mrs. Karl G. Janfiky, Mrs. The church school meets at 9:45 ardo. ject: "Christ Presenting His Own Lester Kelley, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. J. every Sunday morning with varied Sunday-school, 9:45 a. m.; morn- to the Father." This is the fourth METHODIST ice company until hli retirement Raymond King, Mre. Joseph C. programs of worship and classe* in ing worship, 11 o'clock; devotional sermon in the Lenten series. Fair Haven about ten years ago. Koehn«, Mrs. A. V. A. McHarg, Blblo study. meeting of the Junior Christian Sunday-school will convene at 10 Sunday-school at 10 a. m., at 11 Surviving also are another Mr. and Mrs. William A. Miller, At the morning service this Sun- Endeavor society at 8:30 p. m.; or- a. m. A St. Patrick's party will be o'clock morning worship. The pas-daughter, Mrs. Letta Bartel, and dtcatut th* MtcHoH of furnlikinfi ofthii nahtr* Mrs. Burton Moore, Mrs. Cornelius day at 11 o'clock, Rev. Charles" =A. gan recital, followed by the evening held tomorrow evening at 7:30 tor's theme will be "The Intelli- two other sons, John and Lars, Jr., G. Muyskens, Miss Norma. Nor- Thunn will speak on the subject, worship, at 7:45 o'clock. "' o'clock for all members of the gence Office." A special number, all of New York. I* ofltn unplaHHtd mn adviit c*nfm( eonikltraHom man, Mr and Mrs. Thomas W. Os-"Master or Slave." The music will Rehearsal of the pastor's choir school and their friends. "Beautiful Words of JBSUB," will be born, Mr. and Mrs. W, A. Prior, nclude prelude, "Vision," Hhelri- will take place on Monday after- Mid-week Fellowship will b» held rendered by the choir. .. MRS. LOUISA FALCO ana Itiiurtlyf HtltcVton. DeWitt C. F. Randolph, John S. berger; anthem, 'God is Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock In on His noon at 3 o'clock; rehearsal of the Monday evening at 8 o'clock in Mrs. Louisa Falco, 82, wife of Read, Mrs. Lillian H. Reamer, Rob- Throne," Lorenz; offertory anthem, church choir, 7:45 p. m.; rehearsal the manse. the Sunday-school room a "white ert de la Reufiille, Mrs. Wilmer A. "Hli Word Shall Stand," Grieg. Carmine S. Falco of Matawan, of the group choirs, for rendition The Missionary society will meet elephant" party will be held. All died Sunday morning in Monmouth Robbins, Mies Agnes Seeley, An inter-church youth vespers, of Stainer's, "Crucifixion," at 8:30 next Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 members and friends are cordially Memorial hospital. She waa the Trumbull Smith, Mrs. Harvey "A Glimpse of Tomorrow," will be p. m. All choir rehearsals to take o'clock at the home of Mrs. John invited. daughter of Paequale Evino of Smock, Mr. and. Mrs. Raymond held in the church Sunday after- place at the church. Woodward. Mrs. W. E. Jagger will Matawan and the late Phllomeno if hunt irlemorial\J4o Swift, Martin V. B. Smock, Mr. noon at 1 o'clock. A massed choir Sunday-school Workers' confer- have the topic. EMBURY METHODIST Nappl Evlno. tome composed of young people from The Young People's Fellowship and Mrs. Howard Smith. Henry ence will take place Tuesday at 8 Little Silver Surviving are 18 children, An- Applegate, Mr. and Mn. Joseph C. the local churches under the direc- p. m. at the home of *Mr. and Mrs. will meet Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. and Jttdtric *J\. ^/iaami, ff/gr. Sunday-school meets at 10 a. m. thony, Philomenlno, Joseph, John, Davlson, Mr.. and Mrs. Lewis R. tion of Mrs. Obadlah Goodwin, will William Thomas of Leonardo-. go to Trinity church,//Asbury Rev. Harold P. Wayman will speak Patay, Thomas, Virginia, Louis, Lowry, Mrs. Arthur W. Mayhew, provide the music. The speaker Wednesday the Red Cross group Park for a rally. will be Miss Alexandra Feldmahn on "The Cross and the Family" at Delores and Carmine Falco, all of 135 W.-Drant St. J^J Bank OJ.pLn. 226 Dr. Harold Stokes, Mr. and Mrs. will meet at the church at 10 a. m., The chancel choir will meet Matawan; Dan,el of California, Mrs. Edward Truex, Mr. and Mrs. How- of Bulgaria. Thursday at 7 p. m. and the junior the 11 o'clock morning worship. for a day of sewing. These meet- "O, Sacred Head Now Wounded" Thomas Venl of Cliffwood. Mrs. ard Ungerer, Edmund VomSteeg, Tho evening "slngsplration" ser- ings are an all day affair. choir Sunday at 4 p. m. Jess Skork of Matawan, and two Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Wer- vice will be held Sunday at 7:30 will be the sermon theme at th« Devotional meeting of the Young 4:30 o'clock vesper service. Harri- brothers, Ralph and John Evlno of ner, Mr. and Mrs. Irving H. Wood, o'clock. People's Christian Endeavor soci- ^EA BBIGHT METHODIST. Matawan. Herman D. Woolley, Mre. Clifford son Shampanore, Jr., will be the Activities for the week will In- ety will take place on Thursday Rev. Walter B. Williams will The funeral was held yesterday D. Wooeler. Mrs. C. C. Walling, Mr. clude ' the. ^meeting of the Boy speaker at the Youth Fellowship Assured evening, March 23, at 8 p. m. preach at 4 p. m. on the topic, "The meeting at S:15 p. m. and Chester morning at St. Joseph's church at and Mru. Clark E. Wallace and Scouts, Troop 23, at the church to- the church. Keyport, where a high mass of re- Harry C. F. Worden. Third Word of the Series: Behold Wright will be worship leader. Perfection morrow evening at 7:30. This troop Mid-woek prayer meeting, 8 p. m. Thy Mother." The 15-minute sing quiem was celebrated by Rev. John meets each Friday night and visi- Wednesday. of familiar gospel hymns will be P. Burke. Burial in charge of the Cirtaln contldtr*tioni which tors are welcome. rirfatfullr M«m trivUI at a TRINITY EPISCOPAL led by Oacar Benson. METHODIST John E. Day funeral home waa In time of *orrow, nevtrthtlett On Saturday night the church EATONTOWN METHODIST. Oceanport St. Joseph's cemetery. pUjr an Important part in the Services Sunday will be as fol- Church echool meets at 10:30 luntral'i ltnpraM.vra«tt. For will hold "open house" for service m. Mrs. Eleanor Lindsay Is sup- "On the Road to Jerusalem" will lows: Holy Communion, 8 a. m.; men, their wives and war workers. Church school under the supcr- this ration, it It w«ll t« pUc* church school, 9:30 a. m. and intendency of W. Lester Whitfield erintendent. be the subject of the sermon at MRS. MARGARET WIGGINTON. tht entire matter in flit moit Mrs. George Elrlridge's committee experienced, competent bands, morning prayers and sermon by begins Sunday at 10 a. m., with a Cub Pack 62 meets' in the Scout 10:30 Sunday morning. This is the Funeral services for Mrs. Mar- and thua be relieved of re* will servo this week. The hour is room of the church Tuesday at second germon of a series following the acting rector. Dr. Elwin Spear, 7:30. worship period directed by Mrs. garet Wigglnton, 69, of East High- epomlbillty. Day hat acquired Frances Whitfield. The school les- 7:30 p. m. the incidents of Christ's life up to notable prvitlf* throwjh Iftnj 11 a. m. Monday night at 8 o'clock, the land avenue, Atlantio Highlands, and faithful aervlce to the Rev. George A. Robertshaw, min- son for the intermediates will be: Troop 62, Boy Scouts, meets tho Resurrection. who died March 7 In Jersey City community- Workers' conference will meet with tWlmt Do Churches Mean to My Thursdays at 7:30 p. m. with Cecil ister of St. George's Episcopal Rev. nnd Mrs. Thunn at the par- Rev. A. C: Brady will preach at Medical Center, were held last Fri- church. Rumson, will he charge nf Community?" All other classes will Layton scoutmaster. the evening service at 7:30. Fol- day afternoon in Central Baptist sonage. consider a uniform lesson on "The On Holy Thursday, April 6, the a special Lenten service to be held A calendar party will be held by lowing the service he will conduct church, Atlantic Highlands, Rev. Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock Crucifixion of Jesus." Lord's. Supper will be administer- the first quarterly conference. R. Eugene Shearer, pastor, offici- JOHN E. DAY the Baptist Woman's league at the ed in the church at 7:30 p. m. All for the women of the parish. The j cnmcn Tuesday evening,"March 21 At the morning worship service Monday at 2 p. m., the Woman's ated and Interment under the su- service beginning at 10:50 o'clock Rev. members are urged to attend their pervision of A. M. Posten and Sons FUNERAL HOME sponsored by the worn-: nt s o'clock. A varied program of Easter Communion. Society of Christian Service will ans guild and Is hold in place of entertainment is being arranged. Paul G. Jochinkp, will present the have their monthly meeting In the was in Bay View cemetery. An Easter sunrise service will be the regular monthly meeting. The fifth annunl University of fourth In the scries of Lenten ser- club room. Tuesday at 1:30 p. m., Mrs. Wigglnton, who had resided 85 Riverside Ave., Phone 332 Red Bank mons on the thomc, "John, the Be- held at 7 o'clock Easter Sunday in the bayshore borough many 381 Maple Place Phone 1SS1 Keyport Life program will be held at the morning In the church. Mrs. Lloyd Sickles is entertaining MKTHOMST loved Disciple." The.robed choir members of the Woman's society. years, Is survived by a daughter, church each Sunday evening at will render a special Lenten an- "Christ's Gift of Eteirral Life" 7:30 o'clock, beginning April 16 them at the 7:30 o'clock evening TINTON FALLS METHODIST. and continuing through May 1*. ******* will be the sermon topic of Rev. service and the pastor will present The church will be re-opened Roper J. Squire'? morning sermon There "ill be prepared talks and an illustrated sermon on "Gcth- open forum discussions on the next Thursday evening. March 23, Sunday at IT o'clock The proces- semnne—Christianity's Victory Gar- with a special service. The mem- 'MEMBER, THE ORDER OF THE GOLDEN RUlF sional hymn, "<"",uidi> me, O Thmi theme. "After Victory, What?" don," MONUMENTS Thomas Manson Wednesday evening, March 22d, hers of Tlnton Falls fire company Great Jehovah"; anthem by the The Youth Fellowship group wil and Ladies' auxiliary arc expected senior choir, ''My Lipht and My nt 7:30, the regular business meet- attend a rally Monday evening at a8 guests. The Eatontown Metho- Salvation." Arinnus; offertniy qunr- ing of the church will he held, the Como Methodist church In dist church choir will render an & Son, Inc. tet. "Wait On the Lord." Solly; Spring Lake Heights. This will be anthem. Rev. Paul G, Jochinke, The Oldest postlude, "Exalt Hi? Nani'," Cnolte. METHODIST another Institute • rally with devo- pastor, will' speak on the theme, and recessional hymn. "Hnik, | Navesink tions, discussions and fellowship "Seeing Beyond the Horizon." Monument Manufacturing Hark, My Soul." will be given. "His Thorns" will be the themn The Manasquan high school choir How To Make At the eicnine woifhip Hev., The preparatory membership and Retailing Company of Rev, Ronald M., Bowcrman's will be heard. class will meet with the minister Squire will pi each on thn ihrnie, • rnorninn Leiiten messnge Sunday in Monmouth County "The Power of thp Secret Piano." I Prayer service will he held Wed- each Sunday afternoon at 3:30 A Good lit 10:30 o'clock. The choir will nesday at 8 p. m. in the parsonage o'clock. The service' will hecin nt « o'clock i HIIIK the pasMun chorale, "O Sacred with the prelude "Andante." Con- The preparatory class for church Plans are under way for tho Eas- Selection Head .Vlyei>- i.s teacher will con- fertory, "A Cheerful Oivp," Rand. duct tlif opening worship Bervico Your Expression of tion, one which thousands of ind poytludf. "Marrm Muertoso," of tlic chinch school nt 31:315 DISTINCTIVE o'clock. True Remembrance people know is logical, when Thp Sunday-school rr,nvcm-^ at ARTCRAFT MEMORIALS No other act of a normal you select the Worden organiza- aupei intendenl. The. .second seivice. in the aeries on "I.iviriK Diesel Engines'' will ho man's life gives him more tion to terve you in time of The leader for the Intel nicdite lii'lcl nt 15:45 p, m. Harry Patterson l'lTfritlon of Material and complete soul satisfaction Vault) J'dlnwi'hiii meeting MI C v< will iifrti^i the pnntor during-the Wiirkniiinshlp in Beautiful than the building of a Me,- need. o'clock Sunday (-veiling w,ll , lie diseu.-Mun pi'liotl. Tho evening New l)e»l(tn» orlal to 'his loved ones who DOIIK Curtis. The topic will be Kcrvici. at 7 30 o'clock will be cen- have gone on. A telephone call to our office "Why Give to the Church"" Visit our large display of over will bring a salesman who tered mound ths theme, "The New Our select Barre Memorials Allnr flnweis tor Sunday will I.iff." A postponed,.meeting of the 150 beautiful memorials . . . . will, without any obligation, honor the memory of Mr«. .1, p. nt pre-war price's to lit every bear the Guild mark of ap- show you latest designs. Warden, and Mill be the gift of hti "Ilii-inl t il lias been cnlk'd for puiso and preference.. Our proval—your guarantee of a husband and children. Sunday immediately after the even- .•completo facilities are at finer Momorial at no extra Only Monument Dealers In Boy Scouts will meet tomorrow ing service, your disposal and consultn- cost. Visit our showroom Red Bank The Bible study group will meet and see our display of these headquarters on the church piop- f > -e«rt1fl«l Memorials..,.—— — • rity. The senior choir will !<•- of Miss Eva InglinK. A meeting mdcrv hearse at 8 o'clock tomorrow night of the niembiiiship cuminlltee will ' (Opp. Borouib Hall) In the church. The Easter cuntoUi, be held tomorrow Ht 8:30 n, m. at LONG BRANCH MONUMENT CO., Inc. 'The Trlumph of the Crucified" the parsonage. The committee JOHN VAN KIRK RED BANK, N. J. will be presented Kiivtpr Sunday mcmbiira HIT Mm. Frnil (irhlhiius, Wall Street Tel. 3567. Weti Lbng Branch Next to Mt. Ollv.t Omttarr Telephone R. B. 24 J tvpning. . . chairman; Mis. J. I JIIII Posten, Phone Red Bulk 319 . Nlfhll, Sunday! and Holiday! Monday evening a Youlh Fellow- MIM Marion Cooper nn'l MIF* Dor- Send for Illustrated Catalogue CALL R. B. Mll-J ihip party will b* given In Myeri. The choir will r«- R.F.D. Bo« 108 Red Bank "OVER A QUARTER CENTURYOFDEPENDABIE, ECONOMICAL SERVICE"/ RED BANK REGISTER, MARCH 16, 1944 Pag% Seven. Kelly of this place. Staff Sergeant from Cheats school, jr, are opening their hozae at Utthley job a.t the AAP super market, M6n- CASH FOR T. B. Patients Return To Bases Everett Kelly Is recuperating nicely in Connecticut He expects to enter Green. Lieut Vieer, who returned mouth street, Red Bank. North Africa from wounds suffer- MODERN Technical Sergeant Charles Kelly service shortly. a short time ago from the South J. Daniel Tuller has purchased 47 ed about two months ago in the Mr. and Mrs. George Fowle of Paclflo, Is stationed at Fort Han- TABLE RADIOS Interviewed At of Pittsburgh who was decorated invasion of Italy. cock. acres of land opposite his residence Red Bank have sold their house at HIGHEST FORES Saturday In Italy for killing 43 Mrs. Mary Kelly has been on the this place to a family from Ruth- Clarence Jonei, Jr., who received property from H. Leroy French of County Session Germans single-handed, was a tent sick list. erford. a medical discharge several months Holmdel. The property was form- J. H. KELLY CO. mate of Staff Sergeant Raymond T. Jack Batchelax has arrived horn* Lieut and lira. B. Shippsn Geer ago from the Army, has taken a ed last year by Thomas Egan. SJ E. Front St PUooe it B. 1 Superintendent Make* Favorable Report fc. On Allenwood \b. _-.M& ?et Th» first mtstlnf o( the 1M4 County-Wid« T. B. committee was held Tuesday, In the nurses' horns of Monmouth Memorial hospital. fo- Mr*. Oeorgs L. Welssms.ii, chair- ftf^ -•.n\* Vef man, welcomed the new member! ' WO. who repreetnt organization* and 4 agenda* throughout the county. o** ' She explained that the committee bad been organized originally to .-.M* Vet \b. learn what la being don* In Mon- mouth county for tuberculoila ao that they would be able to bring this knowledge back to their com- WARREN, GEORGE CHANDLER munities. Thl* Information In- \b cludes an understanding of T. B. Warren and George Chandler, tb. as a public health problem, for T. sons of Mr. and Mrs. George E. B. la transmitted from one person Chandler of Fair Haven, have re- to another. turned to their respective naval "ID, War Time," lln. Welaeman bases after spending leaves with their parents. r \b. (aid, "tuberculosis Is on the up- ,»P* iwlno.for two main reasons. The Warren Chandler, seaman J/e, ,poln' first Is that crowding In llvlnj returned to his base at Sampson, N. quarters and la working conditions T. Since returning he has been bring people In closer contact, and transferred to the California coast, thla includes repeated contact with George Chandler, A. E. M. 2/c, the tuberculous gtrmt, which mar second class petty officer, returned be transmitted by someone who to the air base at Norfolk, Vs, thinks hlj cough li a 'cigarette cough.' The second reason li an economic one. Jobs are plentiful Fair Haven and In New Jersey 80 per cent of the T. B. patients &Ve leaving lan- (Th* R*d Bank RciUUr can _ bought In Fair Havtn «t Mack • stori Itorla without the consent of the and ths Fail H»ren MarksO physician. Charles Muller, second class sea- Allenwood, our county T. B. san- man, of Chestnut street, completed itarium has an admirable record. hit recruit training Tuesday at th< Miss Hynes, to* superintendent, Naval Training station at Samp- reports that rarely do' patient* son, New York, and has been leave without adylcaj—this U the granted a leave. Upon his return fre best recommendation of our coun- to Sampson, he will be eligible for ty T. B. program, which Js a gen further assignment which ma) •rallied health program. Mrs. qualify him for a petty officer rat Sara Erriclcson, the county T. B. Inf. supervising nurse, told about the Richard Ford of River road, T. B. program In Monmouth coun- student at Peddle school, Hlght* ty. She aald that the public health town, has been awarded two hon- £^« ^4re Concentrated Nourishment! nuraes follow up ex-patUnts of the ors at school in public- speaking. Errs are s "whole" food. They contain protein, fats, minerals snd aanltoria, which Include Allenwood, Ensign John Sparling, son of Mr. vitamins necessary for growth, nourishment, enerfr snd health. and the Slate T. B. hospital, Olen and Mrs. Frank C. Sparling, has Gardner, and arrange for the care been visiting his parents here dur- RATION CALENDAR- LARGE, FRESH, GRADE A of the patient's family at home. ing the past week. Ensign Spar- Chest clinics are held regularly ling has made five trips to the Al- Brown Stamps Y and Z expire Monday. throughout the county, supervised •Jeutians and one to the war the- BROWN and WHITE EGGS by the nurses wtt> arrange for pa Breea Stamps K, L aid M expire Monday. 1 ater in Europe. Nature * own package* carton ESTABLISHED tlents to come to the clinic. The annual Easter sale am Red Stamps A8, B8, C8, D8. E8, F8 now good. of nourishment! Mrs. Errickson said that there 1859 luncheon of the Ladies' guild of th Blue Stamps A8, 88, C8, 08, E8 now good. were three Interesting projects In Chapel of Holy Communion, will be LARGE, FRESH, GRADI A T. B. In the oounty and these wer« held Thursday, March 30, In the JiiustrsfSd to"'the- committee by parish house. A hot dinner will be Sugar Sumps three potlents who were Inter- served under the direction of Mrs. ND.30 for 5 lbs. WHITE LEGHORN EGGS -vlewed at the meeting. Edward Bennett, No.40 for S lbs. 'Tops" in flavor and quality! carton i SUPER MARKETS The first of these, a rejectee, now Ensign Robert Thomas of the U. a patient at Allenwood, told about S. Navy, who recently returned for home can- A tart* treat. .. poached, boiled or fried! 1doz.' his experience. The school survey from a trip to Scotland, spent last ning use. THE MEAT ATLANTIC « PACIFIC TEA CO. was Illustrated by an Interview Saturday with his aunt. Miss Bar- with a high school student whose bara Whyte of River road. tuberculosis was discovered by this A "white elephant" sale will be survey. The third patient was a held Monday night in the Metho- patient at Allenwood, who told how dist church basement. she was now well enough to do Mrs. Gertrude Jansen of DeNor- Brown Stamps Y-Z and Green Stamps K-L-M EXPIRE MONDAY! clerical work In the hospital. She mandie avenue underwent a mas- A&P Bakers offer was Interviewed by Miss Evelyn toid operation Friday at the Man- Popular Favorites! The above (tamp* cannot be wed after Monday, March 20th . . . $o visit T. Walker, R. N., executive secre- hattan Eye, Ear and Throat hos- Try one of these teas! Learn to your your A&P Super Market today and BUY WHATEVER YOU NEED NOW! 2 BREAT VALUES in tary of the Monmouth county T. B. pital New York city. own satisfaction that really fine tea need commutes, who pointed out that Miss Mabel King, daughter of Mr. Red or Brown Stamp Values Blue or Green Stamp Values this was a small part of the reha- and Mrs. Roy King, was operated not be expensive! * Msitst Niw KMiMd Pehit Vilai 1 bilitation program In Monmouth on for appendicitis yesterday af 2 MARVEL BREAD county. Rivervlew hospital. [16] Butter "WM-Mwi*. *.47« [«6]Niblets K 2« r25e Mrs. K!l»»n M. Posten reported Mrs. Harry Doughty of Philadel- r 11 MiltV WRITE MOUSE O tell 97 D]P »-fl A«-Cre«siStjH O 20oi. OC. that the 1043 seal sale campaign phia, formerly of thit place, is a e r M A e • NEW [ GIANT was the most successful ever held. surgical patient in Stetson hospital ["IJlVlIlK EVAPORATED O ctni *l [ °]l*0nl orWkoleKernil L urn a£tf The receipts reached .an all-time In that city. Visiting her Sunday 20^17e Shaker Salt Freshly ground when yati buy it ... wonder- Dance,. "Did You Ever See a Lassie" 2 ! b fully fragrant and appetizing! U«c«ption Gradt String Beans Sonr, "HM1 and Toe" '--lie Flour b.'g Home On Irving Julie Nsvius BteenKsntilite SOLD MEDAL, HECKER'S, 251b. 4 Dance, "Looby Too" toy Bum e? - First Orade «RBOTA. NUSNRV bsal Place Damaged Grade 2 and s Song "Malrsfa Doats" ...... Rose Harr RivlrRice •»••«*.«• i2«Pk»8c Baking Powder Binder, Anna Fiorette, Eleanor Jan- Red Bank firemen were called klnt, Miriam Wolcott out to extinguish five fires during Recitation, "A Mistake" lona Cocoa . . **>»§* Cake Flour ww *<»•*> 20c .'. M«Jorl« Kingston tho weekend. Son*, "Johnny Zero" .... Ann* Pontius NNYFIELO Fire did damage estimated at Sonic, "Billy Boy" Nancy Collfm, Pancake Flour » L* 25C Baking Soda "AFIELD 3 ^, 1 ()c $750 to the home of Lieut, and Mrs. Jean Kelly, Jeanne Walker, Rodfftr I.eValley, Billy Rathimtth. Donald Ann Page Syrup 6«t ,.\% Ann Page Mustard 8 J. A. Hammond of Irving place Erwln B e Saturday afternoon and attracted Grades < and '5 riii B 2 a large crowd of shoppers. Lieut, Song, "Homo on the Rang;*" Pancake Flour » " P°c1 ic Gulden's Mustard »»<" >» 12c and Mrs. Hammond were both John Merriam, Howsrd Straws RATIONING HELPS home at tho time and were forced Recitation, "In Flanders Field" Bruca Grlgor TO SPEED OUR BOYS HOME! Corn Flakes *<»"<"'"' •«•»»• 5c Salad Dressing »""» "."33= to leav« tho homo. . independent Recitation. ^Whisperers" 2^47. 2 41 fire company responded to a still Wlton Burdrc For Quicker victoroyy — America alarm, but later the entjie depart- Son?. "Oh What a Beautiful Morning" must sharh e hher food sqpply with Rice Gems jmmm Pk9 ge pickles T&™V»T "»••"« 15e ment was called out. The rear of Leah Woleott, Evelyn Lewli, Dials her Allies. Rationing; helps consumers . FttUr Quaker Oats . ««p^10c_ Borden's Pyco the house was badly damaged. Grade 6 snd 7 to get the food the* require for ade- Shortly after this fire, the de- ' Roclthtlon, "Letter" ..1. Shirley LfBoy quate nourishment! partment was called to extinguish Poem, "The Table and the Chair" Flay fair—never buy rationed foods Rolled Oats «"rmu **.*.& Green Split Peas flavor in liniir ,— Oarlotta NUes, Joan Cowtn without surrendering rstioh stamps — 'S i|b k a blaze In an automobile at Bridge Piano.'solo, Brahm's Waltt B S avenue and Oakland street. The Dorothy Anaart never pay more than celltnc prices! Wheat Puffs ™*™™ r*p.s5c Ritz Crackers N' '«; » > 21c jg 'Sonet,TVBan TneV* Ask ABout titti" FOOIU0NE.QF OUR MSIVMDSIVlTAT L WEAPONS lb |w cup that counts I That evening firemen were call- and "A Hone That Knows the Way ' 25c ed twice to extinguish a chimney Back Home" Nancy Goslnu, Don't tyasle a Crumb or Drop of III Pauline Mori an, .Jean Tapper. Mar- fire At the home of Daniel McGuIre ior,le Strauss, Marilyn Boner and ». I. WAR FJDDD AOMfHlSTRATIOH Borden's Hemo of West Bergen place. Firemen Jacklt Just. -. wore called to put out a grass fire MU F IN I near the Ecndix plant on Pearl. Go!denWheatSoy M u X11'= Citrus Marmalade ?». 28c Finding; help Is easy with a Reg- strtst Sunday night aster Ad.—Advertisement THIS YEAR ABOVE ALL. KEEP YOUR RED CROSS AT HIS SIDE...GIVE GENEROUSLY Page Eight. RED BANK REGISTER, MARCH 16, 1944 SPITFIBES (I) all dedicated funds. It would be «. D. Ryan - lit I0J 117 Bowling Scores L. Selllck J8J 124 ltl real calamity if the sportsmen's 26 Candidates M, Boncora - 115 129 1S4 funds are diverted to other pur- Buccaneer Football, A. G«r« _ 177 10e ISO Surf, Field poses; anglers and hunters would RED BANK BUSINESSMEN'S A. VanVliet 171 180 111 not buy licenses if they thought Out For Track LEAGUE. 807 644 7(8 that their money would not be u*ed FLYING TIGERS (2) And Stream exclusively for their benefit. The Basketball Schedules INDIVIDUAL AVERAGES Scott, Pulley E. Menononan. 140 115 157 tlm« Ij not long p««t wh«n flah-wid G HG AVKH. CurUy -.:. 202 201 154 Timely Nofea game, which are among the na- ,Jackion Veterans N, Aichettino 69 257 las.13 C. Jacobus - 112 161 166 tion's most valuable natural re- C. Itowrll - 66 2«S 192.3J M. VanBrunt 169 lit 172 On the Great Outdoors F.. Allen BS '.')7 185.41 B. ..._ _... 118 162 165 sources, were being rapidly deplet- Twenty-six prospective track Grid Prospects Gloomy— .7. Garrutto - 63 232 )S*.5O • B 8TEW VANVIXET ed, This downward trend was ar-candidates reported to Coach** E. Reid —. »"> 2<7 184.10 7(1 801 804 rested by the states providing that A. Murdifo 4G 233 13.1.36 Chester Wilhelm and Vincent Pal- Cage Team Should Be Strong H. Suoiio 6» 2.i» 183.2; hunting and angling llcensi re- adlno Friday afternoon in a pre- ('. Shinn <•'• 212 182.23 BENDIX FHIDAY NIGHT Next Sunday, March 19, marks from my last fishing trip at North ceipts should be dedicated for need- liminary meeting to project plans M. Aumack 69 262 1S2.1 the beginning of National Wildlife Point. A tangled mesa of squids, ed management and restoration In 181.65 LEAGUE. for the coming track and fieldsea - Co-ordlnatof of Health and Phys-1 Oerulier It—Rumson, home. K. Jeffrey 69 Week. In 1038 President Roose- plugs, hooks, wire leaders and line. onnlu'i' 2 1— Leonardo, home. 2)1 181.3 that beneflderies to Improve hunt- son. ical Education Frank J. Pinpitore j W. Anuerole 58. velt established, by proclamation, It took the greater part ot the Or:ol,r.- 2S--Asbury Park, awny. E. Morris 180.4". STANDINGS OF THS TEAMS Ing and sport fishing were required Although the schedule for the of the Red Rank school system f November 4 — Keyport. away. 213 ISO.42 W L to set aside a week each year to morning to straighten It out. Noto pay for it, consequently, the N',,\ emlier 11- Neptune, home, team haa not been completed due this week released the fontbn.ll ami J G. l-'iparo 213 ISO.41 Fls-in Tiiert 32 7 be devoted to the study and con-doubt some of yours is in the same costs were not borne by the gen- Xnvemher 2.3— liOtu: Hitmen, home. 1K0.3I to transportation problems, it is ex- basketball schrdules for the Burr- j Srhtlckrr 214 Club 80 a servation of wildlife. It ia spon- condition. 180.311 eral funds of the states. Marked In basketball. Coach Pingitore I). Arnone Armature Assembly 28 11 pected at least five meets will find anecrs for the coming full and win- : ISO.10 sored by the National Wildlife progress has been made in recent G. (iroh - 87 Expediters 21 18 the Buccaneers In competition. has greener fields to regard. Back 52 21:, 1 HO.1.) Federation from its headquarters Received a letter from George ters spnlts season?. I'. Uruno Grinders 16 2S years in the conservation and res- will he tho entire squad if Jackson 2:iH 1711.21 Several memebers will enter the The Maroon, defeated only li» H. Duncan Dyliamulurs IS 26 in Washington. Nationally known Marx of Shrewsbury from the toration of fish and wildlife, but .imi Knney rpliirn. He will only K. Oitlirella f.7 276 178.16 Inter-scholastic championships at Long Branch in the past senxm. OW Timers 8 31 figures in this splendid effort will South Pacific. He mentions seeing much remains to be done and care E. Anderson 177.1H I'unch I'ress Newark. Returning to the squad lose Tntsy Scotti, who served most- 8 31 Bpeak from the platforms and will a giant ray. "It must have weighed must be exercised to see that prior will play exactly the same- schedule ly in icscivc rolrs toward the close C. Clayton 2 4 2JS 176.18 AVE. will be some veterans, including the in the coming grid ram|iniRii. I hi' li!) 2 17 1-fi.l be heard by some 15,000,000 con- 700 pounds. Some of the fellows gains are not lost. of Dip season. Frank Booth will be 110 2:111 17,"..4 0 Cliff Kraiee 183 ace mller, Joseph Scott, dash and only noticeable difference will I"1 H. Totter 177 servationists In the United States. took some shots at it but it didn'fr available at centpr, Ray Coreale (i:l 2:12 17.-..K, Any one wishing to obtain further seem to phase it In the leaBt. Final- "There Is another matter in this field man, Leonard Pulley, and, of the change in the manpouei r,r, 2:11 1 7,'..3 Dick Macintosh 177 and Frank DeGcnaro at forwards Gene Stahl connection of paramount import- course, the workhorse of last year's Coach Pingitoie and Assistant'Turn ;>4 22r, I71.r,l 175 Information about the activities of ly it went on its way and we all and Jack Knney and Jackson at Chct Ellle 175 ance. If there is not a prohibition team, Walter Jackson, who several Phipps will put on the field. Al- 66 2J7 171.30 the federation should write to 1212went in swimming." guards. This should be one of H. Sutherland 66 ?J4 173.50 William Van Brunt 168 against diversion of license fees times last year won three first Val. Ciambrone 167 Sixteenth street, N. W., Washing- though Walter "Bubo" Jackson "ill i'.cd Bank's best teams jf they are J. Stoble 611 li.'.O 173.40 paid by hunters, we will be de-places for the Buccaneers, He was l Charles Gilmore 167 ton, D. C. 4 , "CONSERVATION" he eligible for fool hall, the gn'.it not divided by (heir desire to serve. 1*. .Smith fi '.* 2 17 17,'l.2» prived of important benefits that judged the speed star of the shore 173.17 Rusa. Munson 165 Negro back may choose to join the J. lii|!,; f,-, 2! 6 Georue Anderson ~ 16i By Harry Stille come to New Jersey through "The area. II. Asrhettino 172.T.2 Oppossuma have recently broken Armed Forces before the season be- The schedule:. 6:i 2::i 'J'homas DeBenedetto „. 163 (Conclusion) Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration H. I'atenon :,i 221 172.3 0 into print In several of the Metro- Others who reported were Ed- gin!. Fred Bruno, stellar end: l'ele Pccenihcr l-lln»nil Iiobln, Anbury Jack Stoye - 161 "Our Flsh and Game commission Act.' These monies are derived Doc. Colio at 217 172.4 Dick Kaclrey 158 politan hunting and fishing col- ward Jones, Alfred Kearney, Albert Piominski. center: John Hianca- I'j'L. iiu-ny. Mazza 6 7 2::i lil.-ii) has many'problems confronting It, from taxes levied by the Federal 16- Round Kobin, Mana- 17O.:;..l Harvey Smock 1.17 umns'. The latest was about an Jones, Thomas Hall, Richard Da- mano, tackle: l.r-onnrd Pulley, Aumack : 6B 228 Bud Ross - 156 but none more serious than the government." Fields 3.1 212 170.19 opossum being found in a garage vli, Henry Mlltenberger, William back; Park J.amliorn. liai'k. find 11, n-mf.c, Keyiiurt, home. 3 711.'i Harry Kttirart 154 depredation of predators. New Jer- P. Zanibrant) 6 7 220 Vince Gulino ....'. : 152 in Westchesler county, New York. Fortythe, Robert Howard, Jack Oliver Bonnetl, guard, will he the II. Till.-!' ^3 .Round Robin, Lon R. Morris 32 220 170.4 sey, as well as our neighboring Wesley VanNote, 151 This is rather a strange coincidence Schmidt, Tony Baldasari, Charles Ill ill.I'll, iiwny. h\ Kcaccin li:i 241 ir.ii. r.r, regular*' missinc from tin- scene. Tony PeNardo li) states, is overrun with predators, MIXIPS BEAT MI-Y's. ,i;uiu:ry r, Keyl.ort, nway. .1. Mnhoney V2 211 because Just the other night I was Desch, Howard Jones, Thomas Da- Hill Tanary 100 such as fox, weasel, mink, stray Returning will be P.-iI lVAloia ;it .liiiniii-y V - Hilmi-mi. home. K, 'Ihorni; r,'.i 2:1 s ii'.K.-;:. .vls, Bert Bulkln, Harrison Sham- 130 awakened out of a sound sleep by The Red Qank Mix-ups defeated tackle, Jack Knnry .'il end anil .I.'IJIIKII y 1- - Mnnnsi]iiiui, nway. VVilroj •12 211!) 168. J I Joe Simpkins cats and semi-wild dogs, and a way 145 a terrible ruckus in our henhouse. panore, S. Gogel, Walter Bennett, in-—Ailiintir Hiuhlanils, home, Ml 21) ir.ii.4t Chester I^eek must be found to get rid of these tho Little Silver Hi Y 23-9, Tues- Jake RuVand'Jolin Cnm-pil.- rarlt*- S. Hnmner 140 Stanley Patterson, Walter Davis, .linrniy 1'.I - Nejililne, home, 411 2211 lr.ciii P'l'alik Clirl^luplier Such equacks, caclilea and noiBe This "ill provide only a four-man 1,. ll,'irk« 141 destructive creatures; otherwise day at Little Silver. Hemschpot, '.'J 224 166.2 William M»(P. could only mean that someoneOwaa :r William Knight, Foster Spinning, H. Seaecia Iloh Si'hii-man 111! restocking operatlonS wuT be prac- Pound and Ryser were the officials. nucleus nnd Kaney may go into the II. Kixari. 166.1 trying to make off with one of our Hobart Lewis, John Perry, Jay ,I:i!iiiii;v :U - Miimis'iiinii. home. Sam Ehilich 137 tically useless. I would like to ap- RED BANK MIX-UPS. Xavy. Sam riiilassi. sophomore II. l-'isoher - li '.I 2 1 f, 161.30 Art Tilley old hens. Wolcott and Ward DeGroot, man- I'el.niiii y 2 St. Jiimes. home. H. Mrctt Jif. 211 161..". 137 peal to all sportsmen to help the c y p guard, is now on the ineligible list. Ki-li:!iniy 6- Allioilir Hiithlanilo away. Willinm 1'reund .... 13.". ager, T. Citnrella ,'.2 211 After hurriedly dressing I ehout- commission every possible way inK. Walker, I _ 2 1 5 but will plsy if he rises scholasti- I-VI.MJJMT '.'- -l.oiiK Hraneh. hiim«. lion Hickey 134 H. Kelly .">5 214 ed out of my bedroom window at IDJ . MurrayM , ff _ 0 0 0 l-\.|,ni;n y 1 :! -Leonardo, home. Ed. Hruntz 132 its efforts to control predatory cally. Hui'liett 3 ..I 212 163.11 G. Lanue, 1 _ 0 4 William Prate 191 the top of my lungs, "Is anyone out CATHOLIC GIRLS WIN. IVl.niiii y 11; Itiimson, nway. A. Grub 811 212 ir,:i.r. birds and animals, but it is up toMurray, t _. 0 2 Pin£,itoip will have to depend on lVliMiaii' It*. -1 Shore Conference O. Van Howe. , 130 U Nnclirio 21 2:i(i 163..". there?" This was to give the chick- you to see that the ball is kept Marino, f 0 0 0 his J. V. and freshman ;e:ims for ISO JUd Bank Catholic high school A. Quimliy 6 1 226 John Adiano en thief time to make his get away H, Gallagher,' c ' 2 2 6 163.2 124 rolling In the meantime by buying replacements. James Vaccnrelli, IVhiuaiy -" LfiiihT Hranch. iiwny. O. r.uciuher C-l 2:12 A. Stromentfer 11. Marino, it _' 2 0 4 girls' team defeated the Bendlx 102.:.:; 121 before I went prowling around in your license to keep the necessary IYIinmiy -7- r-'l. Jiune:-, home, AppleKatc : 3.". 221! James Hireh T. Murphy. 9 0 Bombettes Tuesday, 32-25. Marie Dennis Murray and Bart Gallashrr lr.i.39 Gus Petzold 118 the dark. funds at the highest level possible. K Tho schedule includes 19 definite .1. Davison 1!) 201 J. Skakanily, » I •I look as if they are ready for var- K.1.41 As I reached the back yard the Coitigan was referee. frays and two more if the Biiccan A. Wymlis :.3 220 160.12 FLYING TIGERS (2) "An outstanding contribution to sity competition. F. McKenna 13 22.". P. Benedettu 135 183 noise had not abated and not hav-the cause of conservation was the 10 3 23 CATHOLIC HIGH ecrs reach the playoffs in the Con- 160.S F P The schedule: C. (inrdner ... r,:( 201 K. I).'.] V. Viambrom 126 196 1.1S ing a gun I Was strongly tempted creation last year of the Atlantic I.ITTI.E RII.VERB, ference, .1. Schofirlif .... 60 210 «. Anderson 139 178 206 T. Conklin. f 0 B 7—Mitnjwiuan. home, l.-.s.r.l to retreat, but by this time the States Marine Fisheries commis- a F H. Kelly, f .... 0 1< I). .Siiiitella ... 311 211 L".7.i8 H. Potter 193 207 216 1). Whelan. f r II. Tetli-y .... 0. Kratee 138 Mrs. was listening at the window sion. Twelve of the Atlantic coast 1 1 M. Majee, c _ 0 10 .... 22 22:1 l."i7.1S J, Bach,.1 ' 0 0 M. Mo... 1 E. Munch ...... (7 2111 1)6.411 and I couldn't let her think that states, including New Jersey, have C. Wriirht. f. 0 (I 0 0 0 V. Cotton, g 0 0 11. ISIackman a.". 194 731 912 98"ah) e hadn't! married a big brave 1 MrKarline entered into an Interstate com- II. Tetley. t _ 0 U McGuire. 1 _ 0 0 .... 2« I'.Vi GRINDERS (1J man, so I went on. 12S Dummy 100 100 100 among all her alsters. sion is an important advance to the A FalF- It:, ir," Class B liardncr 114 1..3 1 marine fishing problem and while A. OOinrnr. 17 Some of my friends claim that T. shalTir and J. Vnoid )n77 i:.;l 13.'. 161 (11 its action will be slow, its creation !«••> ' 211 123 IS I EXPED1TEBS they will kill chickens, but this one J. McCuin anil >'. 'I urnrr 1 III'" will, In the long run, solve import- V. Viu-ii and 1\ Acer™ ltni 1 Nnrdy 1S2 1K1 VanBrunt 135 179 seemed to be just plain lonesome...... FOR THE W AumnW. ,'iiid M. Auniflrk 1 It',' Schiemnnn 102 128 ant problems of fishing practice. MEUN'A * UKTA ••• I hated to have to kill him, but S.'.spieifoKf I" aiwl X." Yavhni'nc" .:.;....'insl _- 7.09. UOj .__8.P.S. dummy : 100 100 Sportsmen must see that they have Class A then we couldn't havo that racket J. Himminil ami W. Aniirrnlo 1II.', J GRII.U CONSTRUCTION (3) Ross ". ISO 168 T. Tonmiiio 183 1 S3 Tansey 137 Ig7 proper representation on this all- LITTLE FELLOWS EASTER C. Kowell ami I.. Il.-ndrii-k, 10." 1 Kcarcin 16.1 1.'.7 l.'i! gong on every night. Later I 11. llihlirlls 210 l'.l'.l important commission or through W. TiBhe nnd A, Sli-ilihaiclt UUti A«chettino 117 134 150 learned that a neighbor of ours A. M, linn II". l f,:l J. Mazia and J. Cliin m'.o u i a 634 762 it, coastal problems that concern 11. Waimi-riirht 1M Bruno 115 20:1 240 found two more in his trash can. K Wrichi ami I1. .Mntlii- sli ARMATURE ASSEMBLY (2) migratory fish will eventually be 17.', Munlicn 223 l'.l'.l 15.\ Munson 156 189 BOYS' ALL WOOL Clasi C SUUZ7.U l'.i:. 18H 17."Dumm, y 100 100 solved. Salt water conservation llr S. Ik-rim-ll ami li. K.I!}' lO.'.i' As many of you arc probably US I Dummy ; 100 100 has always been one of the writer's I'hi ich a I.U K., HIM. »75 SSI aware the recent issues of Field iir.. 1 K. D.-lu Van Nute 207 14 3 weaknesses. 1 have always felt K. Wil lin.k- lo:<:', IUIRD.DAVISON I'D and Stream contain beautiful pic- niihi »IH 1 1 . \ in-: Ehie 213 189 that not only striped bass but all EATON SUITS All. Patterson 201 1 sr, ill! BOWLING CENTER CITV tures, in natural colors, of wildlife. C. liilrTiur,- 1 .1. SlI'M Sutherland 112 20H our coastal flsh, namely, weaks, K;n! Old M. I'.ns. 776 723 73Durin0 g the week a friend of mine It. LKAGL'K Wiirden 1.13 120 SI 4 CLUB (1> blues, croakers, fluke, etc., must be Drenn him up fofor r«^ f± fir c. 11 a.iiTnnu II! ,d \S . I'. Wilcox 1S1 Ills showed me how he had framed the SINGLES Maclnlush 184 US 143 more adequately protected. Doing KMteter In a short Jl J.Ui) Trmers l.",7 1113 Kmock 129 137 13.-firs, t three. They would make a Class A STOHKI.'S HAH 12) it In New Jersey alone will not Eton suit that's I / i,, >• EKirrrl 150 IS4 Hf beautiful addition to a game room 1'. lui V. I .a f no Mil 106 K.S answer the problem, although legis- : 8 6 1 872 Kailrry 143 193 130 fruiklnUlyv bovlshboyish. AMI M. All Illliirk i, [ . i:,r, His ls'.t or den. Hi. nin Slahl 1J5 lr,g 1.11 lation to double \he minimum size .' 13", !.",» 1T9 MERCHANTS TRt'ST CO. 13) 208 ;, I J , M u n h ITS Hi ."i 161 Shinn ' 173 1711 on all but stripers would, I believe, ker 171 IS.". 16McKenn7 a 156 1113 19'.I "61 795 70.1 The latest invention of man which help. Sportsmen, as a whole, have Hrett 173 Ml I :.S PUNCH PRESS (2) fishes of the eea will have to cope Christopher 136 1.18 182 no \quarrel with commercial In- MATCHING 7.V.I £13 8.'.lW. Aiimnfk 133 178 17'J with in order to maintain their ex- terests except to see that mutual .95 IIOHO DUSKS I 1 I Allen 1311 15 1 160 Hicki-y Ifi3 105 133 $ I'reund j 90 137 14( istence is the Navy's echo sound- 12 W. Al.i:cr, » Hi.ITn inn 11M ITS l(i:i action must be taken If either is to TOPCOATS I Viiitlh !•»•» lf.'.i i:.2 i.v-i 834 K35 89.", Meyers 154 150 199 ing devices used to detect sub- survive. Just talk to any of the W. Tit-he ,..,:!. Mil 1"1.",. 1 I 173 REN BANK HAIRY (01 Simpkins 165 159 159 marines and mines. folks who have lived a few years T Shnll.r Me- -Ml. 12G Hil l.'.O It 13 claimed that this will revolu- along the coast and fished, and the K. M.-IITII. Yin-!'.••, Narlel'io 638 709 827 T. Va-.iin. Hiii'i'h us 1.11 Tellf y 150 DYNAMOTORS tionize commercial deep-sea fishing. answer always la, 'I remember MATCHING .1. \itnlil iss Cucnther l"l DeNnrd, 1SB 138 It is expected that this ultra sensi- when.' .45 J. 7 3.'. M..rri» ! lfll) St rohmpneer 114 108 tive equipment will soon be tasted (KNTHAI. BAR Prate 13B 108 CAPS I .'ill. nili. off the California coast to deter- A'lmn.'k ii 170 Van Howe ... 133 131 "I understand that because the K . 17 I Gulino 163 123 mine Us usefulness in locating government had some of the nets i;. K.-l y schools of flsh. Instead of finding I1. Mali:. ... I'.. I 735 612 637 removed from Sandy Hook bay for more ways to destroy them, why defense reasons that wonderful H. Wiiyh! 1 - • not find a few ways to save them? .1. Hiiinnnu.d fishing was to be had both in the J. M.-I,I.K<- .. MONDAY NIGHT LEAGUE. North and South Branch of the V. Vital. TRANSIT Oil. A two daye' tabulation of the I', llriino IDEAL DINER 13) Shrewsbury. I also think that, \t~ catch of striped bass during March II. C. linn-,. l " the inlet advocated by the Record I". Smith 162 amounts to 60,104 pounds. Moet of for years were cut through at Low .1,, .1,, . . 20'J 179 these flsh come from Maryland Moor it would not only help the 1 '.1 '- ... 170 HI with some from New York and beach condition but would improve Spieifi.B •i: i 163 155 Alhi.-Ki. sill 9; Virginia. fishing in the Shrewsbury beyond M I KISNKK COMPANY 111 It is interesting to note that our wildest dreams. I-'. Paliiiiiliiino „ 213 190 HOOKERS (0) SUITS *15"4*19 Clasi I) H. Sladier H. Hi.irmnn L'01 2,'I2 162 180 along with the thousands of pounds "Another weakness of this state Clas. C • .1. St..We 1.10 IK'.i 140 167 of early fluke being caught in New that, while we boast internationally I'KNK'JAK -Mil,'. H. Mi.rrii 213 169 16K 190 Jersey waters that seabase have of the wonders ot our trout hatch- T. Shall. . .1. Tuitlc 187 167 106 137 arrived. On March 6 there were 154 20S ery (and justly so) we fall to give II. Miirn- 10,600 pounds reported, and on the I'. AIL: )!• h' j 964 947 sensible protection to the bays and HOWLING CENTER (2 1 H. Hi n. car 7311 same day 207 pounds of weakflsh rivers which nature has provided J. Viiol.i I C.ita 145 202 HIGH ESSO 121 were taken in New Jersey waters. as natural hatcheries, that operate 1 1'. Ji.ih-s 1,1.1 20,'l C. (Jrcilj Nixon 180 189 i II. Alimai't 167 21(1 Kane . 213 21.1 Everything seems to be ahead of at little or no cost to anyone, if M. Suniru-k 'J01 1!I5 S^7 «.V1 70Sl(.i~l . . 109 1G2 schedule thia year. Perhaps It 16 they are properly protected by suit- .1. McCoy 1K4 2n( TWIN 1 UN Kit ll) l.cilihau '«' Ifit IK about the same every year, only able legislation. I,UC!\4 181 19.1 W. C.IIT S 5 2 1 01 1 DeKaiio 170 1 Rr. 2(11 we are apt to forget from year to "Many sportsmen apparently do I,. K'.tt- '•'. l-'it-nro Ifil 1111 l!il LOCAL 293 13 I 814 907 year. We haven't seen our first . not realize that the proposed re- 1. Sickle l-'isehi-r 13.1 117 I'm C. .lulu. . 212 176 LIONS (1) robin as yet but he should be along vision of the New Jersey Consti- R. Hil. 1,1 1 Duncan Hi:, |;ji 17.1 L. l':»yli Hi,M,Ian 1112 149 l'ehlhaber 21.1 122 about the same every year, only , tution may seriously affect their I'-I', 10 1 170 "• Maixa K.G ljr, 1 S2 It. llahr '. 139 16.1 K.O 20.1 Johnson 15 0 140 ticed English sparrows building ineresta. One proposal provides p 173 itlQ 7'JO 787 1143 .lohnsnn - 1.19 1.11 their nests in our drain-pipe, and that there shall be only nine major F1KI.II LAR NO. 2 (2 1 \\ Kits I'nnvell H7 187 heard the songs of blackbirds, ' departments. I think'that flsh and sss K. M s i«7 1(| I.. H, |.|. K. Mi.rn« starlings, cardinals and the cooing | game activities are of such vital CI.OI1K PET 101 «I6 164 A. VVyml W, Hunler 176 147 of turtle doves. Wasps are plenti- A. tJ'HITlt ' Sli-lak . 'O'.l 16.". HIGH LAUNDRY 10) importance that the Fish and Game D. FiB.-iro 17.1 ful and there was a hatch of little W Mild inn Swam 202 166 commission should be maintained P. ll'in 1, 176 20f! M. Ann,; 170 1M Klli. 125 132 grey flies around our blue spruce. as a separate entity. Its work is \. llnii.i. 170 Cn-te clo lr,f, :::i; Mauser 1:17 ] ;n Anderson - H9 Ml The 1944 trout season will get growing In magnitude every year sir. am Uomnndetli 155 148 under way April 15. I haven't re- ' and its value is universally recog- ,A'I"S .IKIVKLK HENRY'S MARKET (II ceived any report on the plantings nized. A majority of our states T. Citarclla I7K us j . 768 751 but expect to have it In the near have a separate Fish and Game De- AppleKiitr 171. 1B3 I CAPT WHEELER'S (31 I llmli tl 138 201 future. partment. Some states, like Penn- A. \, . •-•;, II. Scnccia .....'. U7 L>j 0 .1 C.1t,t-I -'.-, VICTORY I.KAGl'E (Jnrrtlto. * 11; I l;,s Mahler. ,!r |3R U,1 sylvania, have a department for P. Areria . "" Hnrkrll lr.S ;n!l Last Sunday I gave my old trout flsh and another department for LIKI'TKNANTS III ' K. Minor !'.'..! ".'.'"".'.'"".'.'. 17.1 isr i!Te, 121 rod a coat of fresh varnish and re-game. The states having, their flsh »22 87.1 81(Mahle1 r 176 IRS MI'-, Sr Ill set several guides. Also cleaned and game activities embraced in a CI.II 11 II .1 13.1 KII and oiled my salt water reel and more general department are quite HKI.Ii l.Ml Nil '••I 176 191 17S E. UI.:.I. WOMEN'S FRIDAY EVENING mounted a few squids with feath- backward in their fish and game I). .STI.I • I.. 5 !MI I.KAGUK TUESDAY NIGHT LEAGUK. ers, I found my tackle box In poor work. W. llunl.-r (IKNKHAI.S 121 1'illi.'.' shape, as everything was just the "Of still greater Importance Is n. 11 Hi 177 17 2 If I AVENGERS 131 MOIIR'S TAVEUN (1) w. 170 170 16', way I left It when I came home the possibility of doing away with s. C11-U ,::„ W. llia.l.h ' 1 7 ', K.'J ir>7 200 P. lli..«n l.".:i i::s ck Ki.i 17;, 1 is;, 1.14 1(1.1 Ill.-i I III 1K1 li:i 111 Clan> C 1; :i H f.9 2 615 193 I III US ri c'd ^ hi! .- I-.UI: ADMIKAI.S 111 ' 1:1(1 161 1S7 $495 i:.7 l'J I BOYS' SLACKS : 156 ir.n •w. 201 173 .1. r. 11 CIII.ONK1.S 12 1 BOYS' ALL WOOL $ 95 / Cl.tCI 154 1,16 1 5 5 R. Mori, 101 134 W. W111..U SPORT JACKETS -191 17.1 12 T. Aii,..ii. J. Tut 11.-

1 77 HI FRESHER BOYS* ALL WOOL 1'Jl 171 lss $1595 Clasa A 1112 1.1 li HOI'KtYKI.I. IINKl: Your throat will tell you that a fnah cigarette ll R. 'M.1- li '.-n cooler, milder, better-tasting. HUSKY SUITS 1. H.ik- 1 ; - r,'.if, 'Freshness in Marvels ia sealed in the pack—and they May fresh 26.4% longer after your pack ii opened.... 15 I ' 11 BOYS' ALL WOOL ' (;'. Welly . : • 1 1 1 They're always smooth and gentle. For better smoking $ 95 I 61 \ (,• II.. IT 1 ^ 7 —buyMarvdi. A SPORT COATS 12

•II. \^ - 1 r, h Ik 9 16 7 1 I'M .* "<> ? i'k' ' . • : '-iTT—mr~l f," 1:. 'i-ofna i " i> *.'iil :••• 1 T Ii'-: '. . 1 1 K 1 72 187 1, Torn* W Hi: mi 171 LIN Ll * The FRESH Cigarette of Quality t i; ,*. 1 «« I',7I 1 •t, 1 • COMMA. . I'KliS i-'i It's smarter than you think Si-hiif ] 77 : 1,: : << - II. Hi;, ,, > 1 1 '', 11 lu> ;.i, • •' W B III li :• 111 1 - • 1 .! '.1 1 -, 1 -. to Btnoke Mntyehl M. Hnin. .'!" ; I,- M. Kn M, . I'.-:! S7 '1 l:.:i V., !--«»1. •• J '.>'• ! ~',t II. ,lnh i-'.n ... . l'.'« 17_- 21II I'. Knrh n r>..j.ii 5 "'* ]*>',* .'23 U07 l«Jl 663 72a (73 747 RED BANK REGISTER, MARCH 16, 1944 Page Nine.

HOOKZRS H) SENSE OF TOUCH lr ly of 18U Bowling Scores Tubla - _ 161 14* 1«7 The Hook And Know The Americas j ?,•*«'<*•?»"• « *• Moytr - 148 12« i United Slates secured »n option on Weniel _ - lla 140 Forhole Dixglnf Differ* Is Hoaih- Eye Column Allen 164 1SJ 163 • we* TutUc, Marines) Discover Nicaragua—Another Panama T tthe canal route, while.a year late/ MIDDLETOWN UEAQVV Rube lit 14! 1«5 another treaty extended that opop- ^SNAPSHOT GUILD By /8ft. Mllbuia McCarthy, Jr. By BIBLIOFILE Righg t in the center of Central WhltUktr „ -... 150 US tion to perpetuity. For many po. MILLER'S <0) (MarlSe Corps Combat Correspon- WOBSE THAN WAS America, Nicaragua, an isoceles tri- litlcai and economic reasons thes* Flrtwrly ...... :.-. 167 H8 176 7(8 72» 720 NATURALNESS IN YOUR PICTURES dent) angle placed between the Pacific treaties were much discussed both Hoeh» _ lit US Our nation has engaged in six Bougainville (Delayed)—Correct nd the Carribbean,' is believed by in and out of the United States. Aumack • 1*0 2H, MID'S BEAUTY SHOPPE major wars since its birth in the many to become In the not too dis- H.lnold 1" 153 Bougainville foxhole digging re- year 1775. In total, these wars ex- In 1929 a resolution wa9 passed by Km«r 176 1" 153 tant future, the site of another Congress to send a battalion of en- | 6 6< WACS (2) quires a keen judge ot depth.. If tended over a period of 15 years. McCoy - 1»* 1» ' K. Sloveni 140 H5 you dig too shallow you expose transoceanic waterway such as the glneers to survey, the proposed J The number of American soldiers Panama Canal. The idea is not 811 850 830 F. 1'uwdion _ 1(8 U0 yourself to bombs. If you did too killed In action or died of wounds route. Just before the completion BACHSTADT (31 Dummy . 1!* 1J* deep, you strike water. new. It has been in the air, in of their work, however, the de- during these 15 years of war was fact, for almost four hundred years MltMtr 179 150 21'J ' 402 4t» Marines who nave fought on vastating Managua earthquake of H.rn*tt W 22* 182 244,357. Statistics proved that dur- and since then, tons of paper have MARINES (1) both lilandB agree that Bougain- ing the IS year period from 1923 1931 scared public opinion In the pr01t 180 113 166 F. Warr.ek 145 14S been used in books and publica- United States and did much to dim- 19 ville mud and rain is worse than to 1937 there were 441,912 people Crroll -- •• 1«5 » *«> H. 1'otersen 81 »1 tions by those who either promoted inish the enthusiasm of those in fa- A. Chamberlain ...- - 1!8 1<2 Guadalcanal's. The dally, heavy killed in auto accidents—almost Dooley 218 172 Jsj or discouraged the piercing of a vor of a Nicaragua Canal. "Also 883 856 879 rain which falls here makes the Is- twice as many! canal across Nicaragua. Shortly land little more than one big quag- In war, our soldiers fought and the depression reigning at the mo- MIDDI/ETOWN P. U. (aI WHEELS (0) after the discovery of the New ment Ifad relieved the congestion Tnm - 206 Hi B. Pokui U4 109 mire. died for a purpose. But what pur- Willing ..._ World, the existence of a seaway at the Panama Canal as well as J. Butler 125 121 Tou might, with luck, find a dry pose can there be in the killing of In what is now Nicaragua was ru- • D. Johnion 171 12* B. V»n Brunt HO 1»5 spot to dig your foxhole, but If you made impossible the enormous ex- G.otU. 167 l'J7 these hundreds of thousands on the mored. Cortes Is said to have writ- dig deep enough you're sure to highways ? pense involved in piercing a new F. Johnion .... 418 425 ten around 1524: "I have resolved waterway." Finally many were Sominir. 161 137 WAF8 (S) come to tbe ever-present water Truly, this traffic slaughter is Henry 1H 190 to send three caravels and two those who claimed that the exist- L. Wot HO 16« underneath. worse than war! brigantlnes to explore the coast in 1). Caley 124 158 This correspondent has. found If you have &n accident while ence of another tranocseanlc pas- J, Caprlon» . US 1*7 search of the strait. It would ren- WACKAR (0) that 24 inches is about the best driving under 40 miles an hour, sage would, &s far as the eventual- Baldingcr 167 124 der the King of Spain master of ity of a -war was concerned, only 423 469 depth to dig. at least in the area there is only one chance In 44 that so many Kingdoms that he would Wack«r 1S6 . PARATROOPERS (0) where he i» now quartered. Two create new problem* of defense. W.nwl 1«» somebody will be killed; but If call himself lord of the world." But h. liriMtr ..... - 1*4 157 more Inches and the bottom would your accident comes while you are One of the results ot the visit to Mallttt 123 1. Carmen 82 92 the imagined strait could not, of Washington of President Somoza MUeror 110 14* Mid Moore 144 1*4 be covered with water. traveling faster than 40, there Is D«rk« - 169 113 167 course, be found, and although the of Nicaragua In 1939, was his pro- r Three Marines who teamed up one chance In 19 that somebody Inland sea—Lake Nicaragua—was Farwell - H9 lHO 188 ISO 3t> on a foxhole nearby dug two and will be killed. mulgation of plans for a canal by WOWS (!) a reality, it had no communication way of Lake Nicaragua and Lake 789 7.wis. Shomo, In returnV A picture, to bo sure, suitable number of weeks for each sona have been killed in the Unit- isation. It his been said that the while he was training with Ma- Kili.r 1C7 Kr.ih'h:. Scorer— Burteii. but look at It. There's your Aunt up can be used as the Idea for a kind. ed States by automobiles. This is arrival of some NIcaraguan stamps rines for the assault on the Gilbert. Ctmiby- . I4'J Hi MiDOlo with aome porch steps serv- picture—and It's the- familiar quality almost double the number of Amer- portraying volcanoes In action In Islands. Mry.r 1SS BIVKB STREET JK. If 101 ing as background in the lower part of these everyday events that lends Daffodil bulbs which, for one ican soldiers killed in action or that country suddenly changed the PFC. Johnson lay in a shell hole, of the picture, and higher up a naturalness to your snapshots. That, reason or another have remained died ot wounds in all the wars this opinion of the United States Con- several yards from a. fortified Jap- country has engaged in. since its MOHR'R TAVERN post, which supports the root of the incidentally, Is the kind ot picture unplanted over winter, can be gress in favor of another route anese pillbox, when a freak shot Lueai birth. struck and ignited his cartridge Mohr A. lloo'.h. ! porch, protruding from one shoulder that those In the Service like to planted In very early spring. They Whatever the reason, the opening P»rV«r receive. will probably bloom late and in- of the Panama Canal "temporarily belt. The magazines caught fire while the door knob, showing up at BIRTH BATES and exploded, forcing him to re- M.hi.r the side of her head, glve« her a differently thto year but will re- quieted the century-long debate E, Minor John van Guilder cover in the next season or two If If the rate of fertility should con over the respective merits of the move his pack and belt. W. H" As he stood up to remove them, f.4 Il.iok. undisturbed. tlnue Us present decline, the pop- proposed Inter-oceanic canal BROOKS INS. i" i ulation of England 100 years from routes," one of the rriost Important a sniper fired again, the,bullet hit- B»hr I'.'l now will b« only 1,426,000. ting the back of hia pack. It was !(l ALASKAN THAWS OtJT arguments against the Nicaragua Llnima»r ]7"i OUR DEMOCRACY This was one of many dire pre- circuit being the fact that It would stopped by the metal case of the Hoden . 1-^ 111 Somewhere in the South Pacific Bible, which he had carried into Brey K.a : (.7 Rl'MSON JR. HIGH dictions made by race scientists re- have been much longer and there- Monah n .., :'~ L'')0 (Delayed—Marine Cpl. Frank R. cently as new statistics .were fore more expensive. The advo- j battle, n f , Bruner Is thawing out. His home brought forward to buttress the cates of the Nicaragua Cnna! were ! I know this story Is true because matt- is in the oold clim» of Anchorage, contention that birth rates are not to be silent for long, however, f" saw the Bible and tho mark of ROMEO'S (Oi llaliiia'.. f. Alaska. Before he enlisted he was J. Adair • . . 17; lr.2 lif mor.ti. (. ij.fae k*u>w-A not boivtoAave pi falling throughout the world. There "was still the alarming possi- the bullet on, R. AJair ir.» 201 tie-:c. I, a cold storage operator. In Great Britain: The problem bllity that some European or Asi- Matula - nil :r. llfrin, f. . . -He has been stationed near the of a declining population won the atic power might utilize that route Carrijan -. .. ::7 : (V,rn','-, ,-. ttetp hi* nose iotkequnditone." Rabbits do not as a rule migrate equator with a defense unit and attention of several experts, the for the construction of a canal and G. Ai]»lr 111 (iayr.'.r. r. .. he says It's mighty hot. over relatively long distances. Morrij . :~i 1 15.1 Hr.'Kntdfr, c. gloomiest of whom was Or. Enid also that—In. case of war—the Pan- Therefore, trapping before spring lloMl.ini . ii. He can't get used to taking out c:". i Charles. Dr. Charles warned '.hat ama Canal be attacked and ren- of those now present in a neigh- FInliei.ui'f.f, K door showers but that isn't his it was possible the populatian of HR0W.VB MARKI-.T (2, Myrt;. n . dered useless. Furthermore, the In- borhood will largely eliminate the main concern. "What stumps me all England would be equal, In crease In the traffic of ships going most," he says, "Is that I can't rabbit problem from such an area 2036, to only half the population through the Panama Canal brought for the coming summer. Rabbits T. Minor - imagine Christmas coming again of London today. Other statistic- many to believe that a second Schellark .'.'.'.'.'.' IV, 21", without any snow." oaught unharmed in a box trap.And Karw.ll ians agreed that Great Britain's waterway would soon be necessary released 'n a wild area some con- Jsl Jif declining birth rate was alarming. to ease the congested traffic siderably distance away will not re- Before World war 2, all the 50,- In a single generation, it was point- through the first one. By the terms turn to the scene of their crimes. GEORGE'S TAVERN' I!I' Rumson To Have 000,000 pounds of raw spice pepper ed out, the number of births in Johnion . ; :u us Romandelti 1'iS 218 used In America were imported England and Wales had fallen by Brown 177 1C9 Baseball Team from the Far East, now blocked a. third. Wounded Leatherneck Ahem .. - ir,w ir,2 by Japan's navy. In France: a decline in France's rJtclnhardt ; population is expected to start next First Game April Buy * war Bond and Save » Life year. By 1890, it was estimated. '" i'ii^ there will be only 39,000,000 French- 14 With Hoffman men as against 42,000,000 at pres- COCKTAIL LEAGUE ent. The first call for baseball candi- In Italy: Estimates show that INDIVIDUAL AVERAGES the birth rate has steadily de- <; AVE dates since the days of Lou Ja- G. Turnock 1."» l:,S.l coubs was issued by Coach Milton clined despite Mussolini's active L. Molnar : T-" I.W.ili Nichols Monday at the Rumson drive to Increase it. M. Klenl: 7:, hiph school. At the same time as In Germany: The present regime T. Ellison 72 I.1I.7 has been openly- worried by the M, Col.- 7'. l:.0.!l Iho former Trinity player called 'THE problems of the Sunday M. Bcnion f.r, lia.'iJ for prospective timber, he an- dinner planner hare by falling rate. Figures were cited to L. WilJe Cft 112.17 nounced the 12-game schedule that decreased for the coming week, as show that the German population C. Huoklln _ 7'. lll.ii will decline from 66,000,000 at pres- A. llalpcr - :.i 13.VI! the Bulldogs will facB during the supplies of beef, lamb and Teal are next two months. ent to 50,000,000 by 1975. B. Havilanil f.'J 134.13 somewhat shorter than they have , In the United States: On the F. Kcmar .14 134.-' For several years there has been H. Stout _... 71 133.18 been, and poultry is still scarce. heels of reports that this country E. Van lnweeen - V- 13 0. u S a growing desire for baseball Offerings of pork, smoked meats would begin experiencing a declin- G. Williamson 72 130.'i among the Purple Btudent body, and sausage remain more than ing trend by 1950, Or. Samuel A. M. Mmiocca 68 18.1 and it is expected that many foot- K. Hcnurirkaon 63 101.7 adequate, however, and eggs in Stouffer, sociology professor at the balt and basketball stars will don abundance offer Interesting pos- University of Chicago, declared STANDING OK THE TEAMS the spikes and cavort around the W I. AVE that the nation's high rural birth diamond. sibilities to those who like to ManhnUiin« 47 ?i r,6f.'J think up attractive ways to serre rate was slowly falling off. "Aa a Rum C9 114 May 4— Atlantic HiKhlanuB, hom«. NOT ONLV TO WIN THE WAR, BUT the same state, and western car- might double Itself In thelnext 60 h. Molnnr 112 173 183 May s—Keyport, home. Mny 10—Matnwnn, home. rurt/fi£ Mo/ee CAREFBES ANO sect/zee. rots. Onions can be had, but are in years, \ 509 EC3 Dofi May 23—Point Fleaaant, home. light supply. Meanwhile, as these forecasts MANHATTANS 12) May 12—Atlantic Highlands, awny. were being made for individual Cola • 140 173 103 May 16—Red Ra.nk, home. Good news for those who like May 19—Red Bank Catholic, away, countries two scientists of the Hilper 114 192 !.,! plenty of apple dishes on tbe menu Johns Hopkins University School Vanlnwegtn 107 ISO 12.1 1B that more liberal quantities of Dummy I'll 1.">1 I'll AMERICAN HEROES of Hygiene and Public Health, BOUGAINVILLE'S BEACHES eastern apples are In evidence, and made a prediction for the world as filK G2C .190 KNJOYED BY V. S. MARINES because of celling prices remain a whole. The scientists, Dr. Ray- i BUM COKES (1) reasonable. More atrawberrles are' Stout U2 111 170 By S/Sct Solomon Blechman mond Pearl and Sophia Gould, said Wlllidinion 127 HI 201 to be seen, and they are somewhat world population probably would Klenk 143 161 170 (Marine Corps Combat Correspon- less expensive. Oranges, grapefruit dent) reach Its peak in the year 2100, Dummy .„.. 13 1 l:M ]:!J and avocados continue to be both with ' 2,646,500,000. World popula- Bougainville (Delayed)—Marines .1.10 550 C7.'i plentiful and attractively priced. tion at present is estimated at 2,- who hnd time to relax on the beach 073,300.000. Thus the world popu- after Ilia Invasion of this island With these conditions to he thought of, the following sugges- lation will have increased consid- MONDAY NIGHT LEAGUE claim the surf bathing here. Is un- erably. surpassed by anything in the Unit- tions are offered for the Sunday LIONS cun (») ed States or South Pacific. dinner menu: DRINKING WATER SCARCE Fehlhabcr 163 172 1,19 Not every beach of this area la K. Bahr , m 179 193 equally perfect for bathing but the No. 1 DURING TAKAWA BATTLE Johnson — 213 1,13 17:1 Citrus Fruit Cup in Grape Juice Matula _ KR 174 ljU best him a long shallow sloping By MT SGT. JIM G. LUCAS Harwell 167 206 197 aancl base over which the aurf Roast Shoulder of Pork (Marine Corpa Combat Correspon- hreaka with six-foot waves. The with apple stuffing dent) H72 881 806 Lcatherncclis ride the waves into CAPT WHEELEH'S (0) Browned Potatoes Tarawa (Delayed)—In the fight- HodctB 12.1 202 177 the shore or dive through them, Greon Beana ing for Tarawa, which straddles Mahler, Jr. 17K !4(i ll1n just as at La Jolla, California, or Caramel Custard ttlo Equator, water ranked In Im- T. Minor 164 179 20' Atlantl~CHy'. ~ ". " portance second only to ammunl-. E. Minor _ 1 n 1 I7K 106 . Coffee . _ Mahler 174 101 171) Other beaches have a strong un- tlon among the Marines who blast- dertow and are unsuitable (or No. 2 ed the Japs from their strongly, 832 86* S!l I swimming. fortified bastion. HIGH ESSO I2| Potato Soup Nixon 171 174 Ijj Thero was little or no aurf bath- Shirred Eggs with Sausages Marines were warned In advance Kano H7 152 183 ing at Guadalcanal because the not" to touch any water found on waves barely broke as they hit the Broccoli 'n«»t 180 162 131 Eicarole and Avocado Salad the Island lest It be poisoned by Hrmvn -. 181 Hli 1B;I shore. On, the other hand the tho rctrcuing foe. wn »/>^tt>ms^4Vsi,tuti,A..-._._^mUii. ..l«8_i.7O. Guadalcanal •_ w.ejr.e^ '.'*» Cherry Pie Hundreds of gallons of water nd a» compared to tbe TiiacK"" MARINE COMBAT . U4 fit 859 A voierin Naval flyer at 25, Lieut Robert Wnun| nummi, •>• V^ueUitoiUiljLftjhorc ' IDEAL DINER (1) sand beaches here. , 10 ALTERNATED FIGHTING Hubljy 150 144 Pierre, S. Dak, prowli ibe Atlantic In a Gnimmsn Avenge/ torpedo No,' 3 tins and laboriously g O, Adalr 131 Kill 173 plane, hunting Ihq Germnn U-boat, hli battle station a plane carrier on Celery and Olivet .' front by worsting parties, which LANDING AT TAWARA 010 SO UNO0I In 1880, Central and South Amer- were constantly harassed by enemy • . Ahem « 210 157 1»5 1 the ocean. He Im just been credited with llie de.lruction o( 3 U-boats, Curry of Lamb with Rice iTrC MOST INTENSE! EM Mohr 156 184 ]»7 ica were the chief exporters of, 1 snipers. and damage to a fourth. His bravery and vigilance Rua.rd our convoyi. CH, Atlnlr '. 125 ' 174 quinine, but the seed was not de- Boiled Beet Greens EltCOUNTEREO BY A MAJOR* NVItch 178 1,14 Scores of our men lost their lives r veloped, and .Java and the Near Out War Bonds fuel bis Diane. Giw Wsr Bondt (or Cliriiimai. Orange Tapioca carrying water to their buddies on ASSAULTi V "ioi «z« ~7ftEast uta% to dominate the field. Coffee the front line.' Page Ten. RED BANK REGISTER, MARCH 16, 1944

Navwink, offlclated, and before plain how he then struck her auto- day night. The Keyport ration NOTICE. Lodge To Hold Notice Is hereby given that Mrs. Wal- Raymond Johnson and after thi ritual and prayers, Fined $10 After tomobile on the left side. board honored her with tbie cele- ter Leaf has applied for a trailer Ucenee organ selections were rendered by Joseph T. Dugan of South street bration. .on property of Peter Androi, Route No, J. Stanley Farrar of Rumson. escaped being injured early Mon- The Holmdel Boys' team won 49th Anniversary 85, sad hearing will bt held upon the Passes Suddenly The bearers were Donald A., Har- Auto Accident day morning when his- car struck a over a Woman's league team in same; at a meet Ins oi the Towiwhip Com- old A. and Koert Johnson, broth- tree on Riverside avenue. Mr. Du- an exciting1 bowling match last Fri- Pride of Monmouth council, Sons mittee of the Townahlp of Mlddletown | WANT ADS to be held on Thursday, March. 23rd, ers; Freeholder Joseph C. Irwln, gan said he was going east on day night. Refreshments were serv- and Daughters of Liberty, will ob- 1944, at the Township Halt at 8:80 in Prominent In Local * Charlea Lewto, Jr., and Morgan C. Two Other Mishaps Riverelde avenue when another car ed after tha match. serve Us 49th anniversary with a the afternoon. Knapp, brothers-in-law, and Edwin cut In front of him, forcing him Frank Crawford was home from covered dish supper for members By order of the Township Committee. Reported and gueaU Tuesday night, March HOWARD W. ROBERTS, LOST AND FOUND Civic Affairs ' R. Conover and Lester R. Kos£, off the road^ Hill school last Wednesday. Township Clerk. past presidents of the Lions club, Automobiles driven by "William A meeting of the Holmdel, At- 28.. Plan* were made Tuesday. Mrs NOTICE. CAMEO lost. In the vicinity of Whit* W. Raymond Johnson, 52, of of which Mr. Johnson was a form- VanNote, Jr., of Eatontown and lantic and Rarltan auxiliary of thi Notice Is hereby given that Shrews- and Bruad street*. Finder pleas* con- Tower hill, at Harding road and er director and member many Hilton Gaskln, colored of. Mid- Julian C. Worrell of Atlantic High- MCOSS will be held Monday night, Grace Scott presided. Mrs. Eve- bury Townehift has received an offer to tact Mra. Oharle* Scott, phone Red Bank Hilltop terrace, ,a member nf the years. dletown township, charged with lands were involved in an accident March 20, at the Holmdel health lyn Croydon, Mrs. Scott and Miss purchase the former Richard and Mabel 3967. Reward. Interment with the. Worden fu- reckless driving, was fined $10 by on Monmouth street Sunday night. center. Norma Norman were hostesses. Re«v«y property, located on Pine Brook* zoning board of adjustment of the Recorder John V. Crowell in police Eatontown road, at a price of $260.00. PASS BOOK No. 31.078 lost. Second borough and active in many civic neral home directing was in Holm- No one was injured and the cars Rev. Watkina was guest preach- Same shall be further considered at a, National Bank &. Trust Co.. R*d court Tuesday morning. The com- Bank. Finder return to above bank. and charitable projects, died sud- del cemetery, where the committal were only slightly damaged. er at the Federated church Sun- meeting to be held Monday evening, plaint was made by Mrs. Ruth Nel- The Red Bank Register is sup- March 20, 1044, at 8 o'clock, at tha Tin- denly of a heart attack. Saturday cervices were in charge of Rev. Mr. day. Communion was postponed. ported bv local aa well as out-of- CAT, ifi-ay and white, male; disappeared Johnson. son of Locust avenue, driver of a Rev. Marshall Harrington of ton Falls Public school. latt week. WHI call If notified. Mrs. afternoon in Monmouth Memorial car which, according to police, was town business men. Advertisements Thhe TownshiTwnip has tht tight to reject Burnett. White street, Shrewsbury, N. hospital. He was In poor health Holmdel Princeton, formerly paatofof the appearing regularly tell the story. any or allll bibidsd . struck by Gaskin's car Monday Federated church, renewed ac- —Advertisement. MAKGRETTM A L. REED, for some time but was able to be Many To Attend night. Township Celrk. LOST, zipper change pur»e, valued for about dally and waj a patient at (The Bed Bank ReftiBter can quaintances In the village Sunday. With Mrs. Nelson in the Gar were bought in Hqlmdel at Taylor Hanc Notice o/ Settlement of Account. NOTICE. the hospital only a day. store) TO FANNIE CAMPBELL, widow. Waterway Hearing her husband, George' Nelson, and Estate of Lewis T. Preston, Jr., a mlnw-. LOST, large hub cap for StUdebaker CM, son, Richard L. Nelson, both of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ely attend- PLAN THEATER PARTY. Notice la hereby given that the ac- JAMES BRESLIN, M. D.. and MRS. Finder please leave at Burdg*'* Ser- Fred Brown, commodore of the whom testified in police court. The counts of the subscriber, guardian of JAMES BRESLIN, fall wife: vice atation, White atreet, morning,, or ed the Hazlet fire company dinner Plans for the' annual May theater the estate of said minor, will be audited By virtu re of an order of the Court at Red Bank RegUter office." I Regatta Circuit Riders club, Ira accident occurred at Shrewsbury at Buttonwood Manor Tuesday party for members of the Entre and stated by the surrogate of the Coun- of Chancery of New Jersey, made on the j Hand, secretary of the National and Locust avenues. night. Nous were made at a recent meet- ty of Monmouth and reported for settle- day of the date hereof, in a causa where- '• association of Kngine and Boat' ment to the Orphans' Court of said in Lavlnia B. Kohl is complainant and Mrs. Nelson said she had driven On March 24 there will be a ing: at the home of Mrs. Nicholas County, on Thursday, the twentieth day Fannie Campbell, widow, and others are FOR SALE ' builders, Freeholder Joseph C. Ir- 0. Lamb at Little Silver. Present defendants, you are required to appear i win, president of the National out of Chestnut street, after mak- novelty bowling match between the of April, A. D. 1944, at 10:00 o'clock ing a full stop and ascertaining grandfathers and the women. The were Mrs. Thomas Hackett, presl a. m., at which time application will be and answer the bill of said- complainant, PORTABLE Victor phonograph In good ; Sweepstakes association, and other made for the allowance of commUilona on or before the 18th day of April, next, condition, plus records; reasonable, that no cars were approaching, and bowling grandfather's are Taylor dent; Mrs. Rita H. Douglas, Mrs. and counsel fees, or the said bill .will be taken as con- prominent persons in boating William Decker, Mrs. Mary Grause, fensed against you. J. L. Herbert, Parker avenue, Little 811- circles, are expected to attend a was crossing Shrewsbury avenue Hance, Daniel Ely, Charles Ben- Dated March «, A. D. 1944. into Locust avenue when the Gae- nett, Asher Schanck, Theodore Mrs. Clarence Dolan, Mrs. Edward The eald bill Is filed to foreclose a hearing tomorrow morning" at 10:30 GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY mortgage made by Florence M. Wren, ULAUK Giant, White Giant and Sllkle kin car suddenly crashed Into the Fromm, Clarence Willett and O'Flaherty, Mrs. Joseph Bray, Mrs. OK NEW YORK, and Thomas J. Wren, her husband, to Bantam chickens; Pekin and Mallard o'clock at Freehold on the propos- Charles Giblln, Mrs, George Clev By: 3. Hob art Lockett, ed intercoastal waterway extension left eide of her automobile. Gas- Chriney Conover. Kaharlne A. Hill, In the amount of -jgkfl, (j'olden, Amherat and Mongolian kin said he was going only 15 miles Plans for the church congrega- enburg, Mrs. John Hughes, Mrs. Assistant Trunt Officer, $6,000.00, dated July 25, 1928. recorded pheaaants; also hatching eggs from the lrom Manasquan to Branchport. Bernard Townsend, Mrs. Marie and 3 40 Broadway, New York, N. Y., In Mortgaffe Book 872 for Monmouth forejfoinif varieties Walter JB. Solinger, an hour, but amazed the court by tional supper are progressing rap- Guardian. County, page 412. on lands In the Bor- Pine Broad road. Eatontown, phone 644. stating that he was unable to stop idly. There is more than 90 ex- Mrs. Georgo Redden. Walt, Haight, Carey ft Hartpence, ough of Little Silver Monmouth County, lis car in time to avoid hitting the pected. The dinner will be held 16 Exchange Place, New Jersey, which mortgage wa» as- VICTROLA coal stove for sale, color. Little Silver Jersey City, 2, N. J., signed to the complainant by Assign- brown. Price reasonable. Call Red other car. He also said that Mrs. tomorrow night. The U. S. is- believed to have Proctors. ment of Mortgage recorded In Book 108 Bank 3971-J. Nelson was in the middle of the A birthday party was given for reached a point close to maximum of Assignments of Mortgages for laid NEW, never uacd, 30-KaIlon gaioline (The Red Bunk RefflMler can bo Monmouth County Surrogate'* Office. County, on page 238, and you, Fannie bought la Little Silver at tha Union road preparing to make a left turn, Mrs. Charles Ely at the Glass production of crude oil from known tank suitable Tor boat or truck. Fred Newnntnnd at the depot and Dennis' but was unable to satisfactorily ex- House, Lawrence Harbor, last Mon- reserves, n the matter of the estate of John M. mpbel), widow, are mad* defendant Elton, Broadway, near Church street, store) "^^ Davit, deceased. because you hold a second mnrtgnge Belford, phone KwuiBburg 497-J.« Notice to Creditors to Present Claims covering the premises described In «ald The sixth birthday of Margaret Against Estate. bill of complaint, and you. Jams* Bres- 12 GAUGE Winchester single barrel shot Pursuant to the order of Joseph L. lin. H. D,. are made defendant because gun, two boxen shells, $16; Army mod- Louise Bublin, daughter of Mr. and Donah ay, Surrogate of the Count* of you are the owner of the premises de- el .88 epectal factory reconditioned by Mrs. A. J. Bublin of 313 Branch Colt, about 35 rounds lunntunJtlon. Carl 1 Monmouth, made on tha Eighteenth day scribed In said bill of complaint, and avenue, was celebrated Monday of February, 1944, on the application of you. Mra. James Breslin, are made de- Thorne, 9 Clinton avenue, Belford, N. J.* Bmfly I. Williams, administratrix of the fendant because you are the wife ot with a party. Games were played ELECTRIC WELDING DEMONSTRATION estate of John M. Davis, deceased, notice James Breslin, M. D., owner of the WALNUT dining room $et, Jacobean oak and refreshments were served. is hereby given to the creditors of aald premises described In said bill of com. library table and chair, Urercer smd Margaret received many gifts. At- deceased to exhibit to the subscriber, [dint. chiffonier, antique mahogany dresser, W. RAYMOND JOHNSON at odd lot of chair* an4 multigraph ma- tending the party were Mary Ap- administratrix u aforesaid, their debt* Dated February IT, 1944, chine. Look them over and make offer. plegate, Edwin Ryan, Carl Schnei- and demands against the said estate, un- PARSONS. LABRECQUE & BORDEN. 80 Hudson avenue. Red Bank.* Mr. Johnson was born at Shrews- FARM MACHINERY SCHOOL der oath, within six month* from the Solicitors of Complainant, der, Nancy Lee Borden, Sonya date of the aforesaid order, or they will ' 18 Wallace Street, Red Rank. N. 3. ELECTRIC stove, like new, two small bury and was the son of the late Miller, Thomas and David Broun- be forever barred of their action* there* bur nan. one large burner and deep William B. and Mary Htycr John- or against the said subscriber. NOTICE. well; high, medium and low heat; large ley, Martha Oakerson, Marilyn Tay- Dated Freehold, N. J., Feb. 18. "1944. son. He had lived in this section lor, John Parsons, Ruth Taylor, Notice Ii hereby given that an offer oven with broiler; Hotpolnt; f 100, all his life. He was an investment HERE IN OUR SHOP EMILY I. WILLIAMS. has been received by the Township Com- Telephone Holmde] 76M-* ^^ Charles Bublin, John Strand, Mar- mlttee of the Township of Mlddletown broker, associated with Paul & Co., 139 Wallace St., Red Bank, N. J. BRASS andiron* and fireplace tools, shall Miller and Mrs. Edward OHN V. CROWELL, Eeq., for the purchase of property located In of. Philadelphia, and was also the the Township of Middtetown, being loti large table lamp, blue porcelain base, Ryan, Mrs. John Borden, Mrs. R4 Broad Street, for Mile; also a cabinet Viet role, with owner and developer of Tower Hill, Eleanor Schneider, Mrs. John WEDNESDAY EVENING, MARCH 22nd Red Bank, N. J.. No. 17 and 1H, Block No. 12, on tht the former Uzal H. McCarter prop- Proctor. Map entitled River Plata, for the sum records, $7.00. Call at 10 Drummond Strand, Mrs. Joseph Applegate and of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars upon place, or phone Bed Bank 1411-J «/t*r erty. He also developed the An- 5 o'clock. Mrs. Horton Garrison. 7:30 Promptly IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY. the following terms: Cash; and that a drew Proedman estate. hearing on the «afd matter I* to be held TEAM heavy hone* for aale; aJso 10 TO: NATHAN LEFKOWITZ, the heirs. the Middletown Township Hall on For many years Mr. Johnson had The newly-elected officers of the deviate* and personal representatives pigs, weighing from 60 to 800 Ibi. Young Adult Fellowship were In- AH farmers are Invited to attend this demonstration and learn how you can keep your machinery Thursday afternoon, the 23rd day of Fred Oahler, HolmdeJ, N. J., phone been an active member of the of Nathan Leflcowitz, and MRS. NA- March, 1944, at 3:30 o'clock, at which Holmdel 7686.* stalled by Rev. Harold P. Waymsn rolling; with the use of one of our electric welders. THAN LEFKOWITZ: time the Township Committee will con- Lions club, serving several terms By virtue of an order of the Court of aa a director of the club, and was at a meeting- Monday night at the slder said offer and whether It will reject GAS RANGE, for bakeror candy makari home of Mr. and lire. Albert Dlel- Chancery of New Jersey, made on tba the same or confirm and ratify the same, batch warm em, two copper kettle* and prominent in many of the cam- day of the date hereof, In a cause where- according to said terms and condition*, pans. *6 CHhorn street. Keyport, N. J, paigns held for public welfare by man. They are William T. Sawyer, in Borough of Sea Brijjrht, a municipal providing that no higher priceT>r belter Phone 5SR-M.* president; Mrs. Oliver Dennis, sec- corporation of the. State of New Jer- that organization. terms shall bt bid for BICYCLE, three-wheel chain drive; 20- retary-treasurer; Mrs. Harold P. C H. ROBERSON. Inc. sey, in .the County of Monmouth. Is my other person. He also took an active interest complainant, and you ire defendant*, inch front wheel. Phone MaUwan Wayman, study and worship chair- you are required to appear, and amwer By order of the Ti In other civic affairs and had man: Raymond Conklin, social and Everything For Your Farm of the Township o served as chairman of Red Cross to the complainant's bill on, or before HOWARD W EXECUTIVE'S Jarge fl&t-top deik. S4x34, recreational chairman; Fred Morf, the 26th day of April next, or the said and chair; excellent condition. Can fund campaigns. Last year he was social service chairman; Robert 29 COURT ST. PHONE 8 FREEHOLD, N. J. hill. will, be.,.token. _.M_..confesBed_j^aJnst bt seen at Ander&ori Brothers, 51 Me- chairman of the Red Bank district chanic »trr«V R*«l Bank.' Brounley, church membership and The said bill is filed to foreclose a Notice Is heraify ffWen that an offer for the MonmDUth Memorial Hos- evangelism. The minister gave a certain certificate of tax Hale made by has been received by the Township Com- WIND MILL, rypreBR tank, wind mill pital maintenance fund. He re- short talk on the coming revision E. W. Clfne. Collector of Taxe*. to the mittee of the Township of Mlddletown pump, short tower, hand stump puller, cently was elected a director of the Borough of Sea Britrht, dated September or tht purchase of properly located in steel cables, itee 1 pulleys, etc.; double* of the English Bible. Games were 30, 1940, covering premise* In >ald Bor- the Township of Middletown, being prop- acting water pumji nnd lot of second Garfleld-Grant hotel at Long played during the* evening under ough of Sea Mrltrht, known aa Block erty described in certified coyy ot final hand brick. Joarph FWcher, Eatontown Branch, and he had served several direction of Raymond Conklin and 8, Lot 17, on the Tax Map of said mu- decree recorded In Book 1945, pane 2(6, R. V. I). 1, phone C67-W.* terms as a vestryman of Trinity refreshments were served by the nicipality, assessed thereon to N. Lef- etc, for the sum of Seventy-five Hundred Episcopal church. kowiti Estate. ($7,500.00) Dollars upon the following K)TCH1£N range for sale, burnt wood host and hostess. Present were You, Nathan Lefkowlti, and the heirs. Urrns: Ca»h: and that a hearing on the or coal; In ifoud condition: price $10. Mr. Johnson is survived by his Mr. and Mrs. William T. Sawyer, devisees and personal representative* of •aid matter U to be held at the Middle- Call evenings after 6 o'clock. Mr*. wife, Mrs. Doris B. Bennett John- Mr. and Mrs. W. James Taylor, Nathan Lefkowlti. are made parties de- town Township Hall cyi Thumday after- Char-left Hack, near itoatoffice. Middle- fendant beeaune you are or may be the noon, the 23rd day of March, 1944. at to«m. N. J.» son; a son, William Raymond John- Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Dennis, Mr. owners of said premUes, and you, Mrs. J:30 o'clock, at wtilch time the Town»hii) son, Jr.; two daughters, Audrey P". and Mrs. Raymond Conklin, Major Committee will consider aaid offer and KEWANEE pump tor aaJe, with ^ b. p. Nathan Lefkowitz, are made a party whether it will reject the same or con- electric motor, 12 5; alto 15 21-inch and Nancy J,. Johnson, all living at and Mrs. Jefferson C. Davis,- Rev, defendant because, ai the wife of Na- firm and ratify the name, according to Holland frhaden. green. 2 5c a piece. than Lefknwitz. you may claim some In- Phone Red Bank 6S7-R after &j^m.m home; five sisters, Mrs. William D. and Mrs. Harold P. Wayman and . premises by virtue of a said terms and conditions, providing that m DeMeza of Plainfield, Mrs. Charles Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dlelman. nr. h Iff her price or better term* shall be right of dower, bid for «ald property by any other per- APPLE TREE wood, stovo <£ flreplac* Lewis. Jr., and Miss Elizabeth H. Dated February 25. 1944. son. length, for aaJe. Mm. Ruth A; B*r- Johnson of Asbury Park. Mrs. Tha first of two cottage prayer LEON REUSSILLE. JR., cJsy, Delicious Orchards. Srobeyvllle. Morgan C. Knapp of Shrews- meetings during Lent will be held Solicitor of Complainant, By order of the Township Committee phone Eatontown 134-J-2. next Wednesday evening at the P. O. Addreas: 34 Broad Street, of the Town*hlp of Middletown. FRIEND orchard tprayer, motor, pump bury, nnd Mrs. Joseph C. Irwln. Red Bank. N. J. HOWARD W. ROBERTS. wife of Freeholder Irwln, of Red home of Miss Florence Campbell and oOO-gallori tank; excellent condi- of Rumson road. Township Clerk. tion. Mm. Ruth A. Barclay^ DeJMoue Bank; and three brothers, Harold IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY. Chancery 1/4TS Orchard*. Scobejville. N. JM phone Eat- A. Johnson of Fair Haven. Donald The Little Silver YMCA board of TO WILLIAM HEAD. JOHN W. HEAD. SHERIFFS SALE. onu>wn 134«J-2. ^^ A. Johnson of Shrewsbury ani directors meeting will be held to- HARRY HEAD and HENRY DAVIES: By virtue of a writ of ft. fa. to me di- morrow night at the home of An- By virtue of an order of the Court of rected, issued out of the Court of Chan- BABY'S crib, complete, with spring and Koert Johnson of Banylon. Long Chancery of New Jersey, made- on- the cery of the State of New..Jersey., .will be mnUre«K, wsrdroh*- to match; pre-war Island. thony McKlm. George Darragh day of the date hereof, In a cause where* exposed to tale at public vendue. on construction; Storkllne. Can .be l«n will give a report on "Youth and in Borough of Sea Bright, a Municipal MONDAY, THE ZitTH DAY OK MARCH, any day until noon at 186 Broad street, 1 Rtd Bank. Winter*. The funeral, which was hold Good Government. * Corporation of the State of New Jersey, 1914, Tuesday afternoon »t Trinity Epis- A number of friends visited Mrs. in the County of Monmouth, ii com- between the hours of 12 o'clock and 6 FIFTY Rhod. Island Red pulleU. 40 copal church, was attended .by plainant, and you and other* are de- o'clock (»t 2 o'clock War Time), In the cents A [mum) alive. Wilkinson fit Edward Wilhy of Rumson road fendants, you are required to appear, afternoon of said day, at the Court about 2W peneons, among them and answer to the complainant's bill on, Black Point road, Rumion, N. J., phon« Tuesday t0 extend congratulations House, in the Borough of Freehold, Coun- Rumson 62S. ^ __ Mayor Charle? R. English, mem- and best wishes on her birthday. or before the 19th day of April, next, ty of Monmouth, New Jersey, to satis- or the mid bill will be taken u con- fy a decree of said court amounting to DROWN Leghorn hatching eggi. founda- bers of the borouph council and fessed against you. borough officials. There were more a.[>I>roxin>ate)y 11,124.00, tion Mock Imported from Denmark The road to better and bigger The oaid bill la filed to foreclose a 193<<: ho hi geveral fttnte record*. Mra. than 60 flora] pieces. All the following tract or parcel of business leads through The Regis- certiflcnte of tax Bale made by E. W. land and premises hereinafter particu- W. W. Emery, 67 Rlackvolnt road, Rum- Rev. Charles P Johnson, rector ter's advertising columns.—Adver- Cline, Collector ot Taxes, to the Borough larly described, situate, lying* and being son, N. J., phone Rumaon 798. of All Saints Episcopal church. of S«a Bright, dated September 30. 1940, In the Township of Middletown, In the tisement. covering premlnes in the Borounh of BRKiHTKN up your kiuhen; )uat re- County of Monmouth and State of New ceived a shipment of fluorescent kitch- Sea Bright, In the County of Monmouth Jersey, at Port Monmouth. nnd State of New Jersey, knpwn as Block en units, 1 -light, 24-fnch size, complete 9, Lot 34-M on the Tax Map of said It being a lot whereon ii situate what with tubes: 110,95; new bathroom fix- municipality, assessed thereon to L. M. Is known aa the Carhart double house ture* II .9 8; three-light fixture $1.25. Todd. or cottage; on the weeterly aide of Wil- National 5 4 10. PrownV" son Avenue, bounded northerly and And you, William Head, John W. westerly by lands of the Estate of Jamei TOY PUPPIES for sale; others assorted. Head, Harry Head and Henry Davits, Taylor, deceased, and southerly by the S3 and up. Don Crawford, SO Oak- nre made parties defendant because you house and lot known as the "Chicago land Rtre/et. Red Bank, phone 1768-M. are the holders of a mortgage eov*Hnjr Cottage," and easterly by the center of naid premises, and by virtue thereof paid Wilson Avenue. Being a lot one 1941 OUTBOARD motor and motor boal may claim to have some lien upon or hundred and fifty feet deep and eighty- with equipment; must be seen to ap- interest In the safd premises. eight feet wide. P reflate it it good condition. Call Red Dated February 18. 1944. Bank 26.'5-J after 6 p. m.* LEON REUSSILLE. JR.. The above description Is taken from a Solicitor of Complainant, deed from Edith H. Taylor, single to 0D JARS, all ftUe, for sale cheap; alu P. O. Address: 34 Broad Street. Maria Morrell, dated April 19, 1904, and 200 windows, all sizes: cheap. Boyi- Red Bank. N. J. recorded in the Monmouth County Clerk's man. phone Highlands 1609, Office in Book T28 of Deeds, pages 202. BROWN Swins Guernsey bull, U months NOTICE. etc. Belnff the same premise* conveyed to old, fo» sale; also nine 8-weeks-old TO HJALMAR STERLING HANSBN and Robert C. Brelte. by Joseph Morrell and m. Phone Middletown 591-M. his heira, next of kin, devisee*, lega- others by deed dated December 6 th, tees and personal representatives, and 15-TUBE modern Philco console radio, 1918. and recorded In the Monroouth four built-in speakers; A-l condition. MRS. HJALMAU STERLING HAN- County Clerk's Office In Book 1070 of SEN, wife of Hjalmar Sterling Han- J. H. Krlly Co., 33 Bast Front street. Deeds on pages 378, etc. Red Bank, phone 3900. Gen: BENJAMIN V. JOHNSON and Being the same premises conveyed to his heirs, next of kin, devisees, legatees John H. Scholding and Matilda Schold- HAY. alfalfa and timothy mixed. In- and personal representatives, and Innr. husband and wife, by John H. quire Everett I). Matthew*. R, D. 1* MRS. BENJAMIN K. JOHNSON, wife Scholding and Matilda, his wife, by deed Freehold, N. J.. phone 349-R-2. of Benjamin F. Johnson: dated December 1, 1030. and recorded in By virtue of an order of the Court of Book 1540, rapes 412, etc. MAHOGANY drop-leaf table for sale. J. The Easter Bunny.,has made an advance trip Chancery -i)f New Jersey, made on the Sip*, corner of Prospect avenue and day of the date hereof, in a cause where- Seized as the property of Ellott Taber street. Little Silver, N. J. to Tetley's. We can't enumerate everything in. Borough of Humaon in complainant Pratt, et ale,, taken In execution nt the and Hjalmat- Sterling Hansfrn and hia •«uit of Robert N. Sccley, and to be «oM TWO-HOR.SE farm wajron, hay »he]v- heirs, next of kin, devittees, legateea and inprs and 'i0 hot Her! Mish for sale. we have in the store, but you know that we Your RED CROSS is at his side liersonal representatives and others are JOHN T. LAWLEY. Sheriff. Cenriro Ivin*. Rtimaon road, phont defendants, you are required to appear Dated February 14, 19U. Rumann 6H4-W. always have just what you want. We sug- and answer the bill of eaid complainant, Snydftr, Roberta A Plllsbury, Sol'm. on or before the 8th day of May, next, (!>& Unefl) S2IM0 SINK, overall nix* 62 Inches, Iron gest that you shop early, while the selections or the said bill will be taken aa con. enamel: with hangers, strainer and In every war theater, in every training camp, in military h'O»- fessed against you. Chancery 1/477 mixing faucet; good condition. Price are diversified. SHERIFF'S SALE. 815. G. L. Green, 130 Norwood avenue, pitali, even in prison camps, the Red Cross acts as a two-way The said bill Is filed to foreclose a By virtue of a writ of ft. fa. to me di- Long Branch.* certain certificate ot tax sale covering rected, Issued out of the Court of Chan- GOOD coffee: everybody Hkes It, A link between home and our servicemen. A cheerful amile, a premises in the Borough of Rumson, cery of the State ot New Jersey, will be few Manhattan Stfex coffee maken County of Monmouth and State of New exposed to sale at public vendue, on S2 95; Cory rods 50 cents; tricolator fll- word of comfort or advice, an American meal, — these and Jersey, made by Charles B. Ward, Col- MONDAY, THE 20TH DAY OF MARCH, tem 15 cents package. We have all re- lector of Taxes of the Borough of Rum- ,1944 Plncomsnt parts for Sllex and Cory. Na- much more do your contributions carry to the far corners of Bon, to tho Borough of Rum son, dated between the hours of 12 o'clock and S tional S & 10. Prown'n, phone 3880.* CUDDLEY EASTER BUNNIES December IS, 193S, and recorded In the o'clock (at 2 o'clock War Time), in the the globe. Monmouth County Clerk's Office Decem- afternoon of said day, at the Court DOUBLE bottom Oliver tractor plow ber 23, 1939, in Mortgage Book 1170, House in the Borough of Freehold, Coun- and one factory built cordwood saw. page 2HI* etc., and to foreclose a cer- ty of Monmouth, New Jersey, to nails- Call after 4:30 p. m. Farrell, 28 Broad tain certificate of tax sale covering street, Eatontown. N. J. It is YOUR Red Cross. Each year of war increases the need premises in the Borough of Rumnon, fy a decree of nald court amounting to GREETING CARDS County of Monmouth nnd Slnte of New approximately $29,877.00, SCREEN porch, 20x10, all copper for it» services. Give generously to the Red Cross War Fund— Jersey, made by Charles B. Ward, Col- All the following tract or parcel of screening; In first clans shape. Write lector of Taxes ot the Borough of Rum- land and premises hereinafter particu- Screen Porch, box Rll, Red Bank. March 1st to 31st. Remember you may be helping someone Hon to the Borough of Rumnon, dated larly described, situate, lying and being December 18, 1939, and recorded In the in the Township of Middletown. In the BLACK and white kitchen range, with you love. County of Monmouth and State of New stove pipe Included; burns wood or GIFT WRAPPINGS Monmouth County Clerk's O/flca Decem- coal; all In good condition; price $20. ber 29. 1939, >• in Mortgage Book 1170, page 284; and you, Hjalmar Sterling BEGINNING at a point'in the center No dealers. Can be seen any time, day Hnnsen and MR helm, next of kin, de- of the road leading from Lin croft to Mid- or evonlng, at 20 G«org« street. River vlseen, legatee* and personal representa- die town. Village, aatd beginning' point be- Plate. Red Drink, tive)!, are ronrfe defendant because you ing: distant northeasterly from the point where the center line ot the road leading MORE closet Bpac«s—aiire- you need it, nwn the preminen described In trie First who ilooHn't? Come in and get an Cause of Action of the Bill of Complaint to Ogden's Comer Intersects the center of the road leading from Llncroft to Odnra rlnnet, We have a dandy at filed In ?3.9H; chests SI.OS; under bed chest to above entitled cause; and Mlddletown Village, measured on four course* an follows: North 74 degrees 2 JI.9S; Lnrvex, all sizes, in stock. Na- you, Mrf. Hjalmn_ .. r _SUrilnff. . ..,, Hamen, wife tional 5 & 1U. Pi-nwn'B, phone 28B0.* WAR FUND of Hjalmar Sterling Hnnjien. are. made mlmitea East 6S.7 feet North 43 degree* RED CRO5S defendant because you .are the wife of 27 minutes East 426.09 feet, North 42 KBROSINE hot water heflter, In perfect lljnlmar Sterling Hnnnen, owner of the degrees 45 minutes East 40 feet starting condition, for sale, Call Eatontown premises described in the First Cauie of from the said described beginning point; 46 after 6 p. m." 'thenee 41) North fi8, degreei * rnlnuten ^Action r>f the" BUI of Complaint, -and •may RAYJT ,faim wapon,_ $10; light farm rlnlni dower rlKht therein; and you, West 316.4 feet; thence (4) North'18 degree* 6 minutes Eant 1f>0 feet: thence Benjnmin F. Johnson and hJji helm, next set. of ninglf> hiirncfwt, $1K. H. L. Her- xof kin, devineGB, lejrntnefi and personal (X) North 60 degree* 25 minutes East representatives, are rnnde defendant be- 369.30 feet; thenne (4) South 65 de- intf. phono Freehold lftR-W-1. caime you ivre the owner fif the premlnM, gr-ees 45 minute* Enst 249.24 feet to the MARINE ' engine for snle, LycominR, described In the Second Cause of Action center of the aald road leading from four cyllmtrr, 4B h. p.; completely of the Bill of Complaint filed In the LlncroH to Mlddletown Village; thence nverlmuled and KUiuentecd. Price $2E0. The Merchants Trust Co. nbovo entitled cause; and you, Mra. Ben- (H) South 89 degrees 8 minutes Went Vhono Red Hunk 510.* jamin F. Johrison. wife of Benjamin 7. along the center, ef the saM road 398.43 ANTIQUES to he Hold before moving -M" Johnson, are mnde defendant because ftiet to the place of Beginning, Contatn- March 81. Several chests and wash- stands In, nine and,, mahogany; «*ta of BROAD son/ owner of the premlsea dwreHbeXWf*"Bet«^-W~tft„_ „_ .„_l ...... cfa the Second Cause ot Action of Oie Bill ROB-"S anJd Alic*" e VanM. Roa«, Ms wife, cr.uots, old lemiui, old-foBhloned *hoe- ST. Member of Federal Reserve System' ' of Complaint filed herein, and may claim et als'., taken In execution at the suit of shlne stand t Britannia ware, beautiful dower right therein. FFirs t federafdl l SavtngSt a and LoaL n AssociaAi - carved marble top wnshatand: other RED tion of New York, and to be sold by marble top pieces, toll trays, Victorian Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation JOHN T. LAWLEY, Sheriff. pitchers, celery vnae.', deep frames, all BANK A BORDEN, Tinted February 16, 1044. alien; prayer bench, tables, chairs, pin* Sol Id torn oT Complainant, Meyers and Lesser, SoTrs. wnKon »«*t; many others. Call Kef port 18 Wallace Street, Red Bank, N. J, (SB llnei) ' - 123.10 RED BANK REGISTER, MARCH 16, 1944 Page Eleven. FOR SALE FOR SALE BUSINESS NOTICES BUSINESS NOTICES HELP WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED REAL ESTATE FOR SVU-E ESTATE FOR SAUL NOTICE—If you have no>t fat fd%i your WATER PUMPS, naw and rebuilt, for OLD rUK>ns and stain made Ilka new Thi War Maopewar Commission :HBRSON, Pklleo mi Hajestk table 1942 Income tax return, lea tie and noor sanding and hand rennlehin WANT to rent, furnished apartment o EZGHT-ROOM hou« and ttort; FARM, SW>PUOB*J goU farm wiU in*!) eaie. Pump repairs of klnde. bas ruled thai no worker pres- ftmall Eoust; two bedroomi preferred baths, hot water tieat. Inquire GoU brook, 27 acres, more or !«•; apple nodal radios. Ilk. an, $10 to 120; plumbing and heating. F. Hunt. you will be legally advised how to avoid t%c a square foot and up; experience ently or laet employed In an es- 'hlleo 16-tube lour and sfcori wave late penalties. Jonn DiFlore, 173 MonmouUt workmanship. Myron K. Moieon, 21 May 1 to July I. Telephone Eatontown dln'B Men's Shop, Broad itreet. Red orchard, tight-room house, hot water Hlddlttown, phona Mlddlitown <». sential or locally nseded activity, 1060, extension 243. Bank. beat, ftredaet; outbuildings and barna. chambennaid; In letter. Mi J. Durand, S24 Pallaad* country homes and estates. State nue at Neptune. Price of lot f 500 cub. Mftfele patterns, <» eenta yards »«arfe N. }., pbona Bad Bank 8674-M. Broad itreet, opposite Wallace) itreet. road, £!l»beth, N, J. State your typa of buainaea and refer- Weet Bergw. place, R+d Bank.* reiercneee required. Phone Rumaon Highway No. 34, Holmdel, phone Jennie C. Lay-ton, ZJneroft, N. J. 15 and 16 ctnU; Utl, cov»n U Ineh- 718.' FOR QUICK action In th7 tale or rental •u squars 7» cuts 1 ekelvln*. chair seats. ence!. Addreis P. 0. Box 242, Rad Holmdel 5601. 4(0 BAGS of Green Mountain uotatoal MAN wishes a porter position j no Sun- of your house, bungalow or farm, WILL SELL my MveraJ ttoutet At tbe National t k 10. Protm's, phone JJ8O.* Bank.' day work. Write P. O. Box 1011, R. ae good as growl, for sale! aUo evn TRUCK DRIVERS, mechanic inj phone or write this office today. Ray most reasonable ternu to suit your Oldimobila In good running condition, F. D. 1, Bed Bank/ StiUmun, State Highway, Eaton to BRAKD new Slmwons famous pre-war PAINTER - CONTRACTOR; jobbing mechanic*! helper wanted. Elollo EIGHT-ROOM house and bath, hot wa own pocket book. They are til modern manufactured lnnenprlns mattmiM with five good tlrei. Aiio two bob promptly attended to. Call Rumion MAN wishes poettlon M handy man; Phones; Eatontown 7 and 8, and wonderfully located In Atlantic Trucking- Corporation, KeyDort, ter heat, coal burning furnace; lo ind box sprints s reduction!. Winters, calvei. Harry Giloly. call Holradel 7704 I49B-W. take care of lawn and garden. Write YOUNG woman teacher desire* reaaon G0x220x210. 125 Branch avenue, Red Highland*. Phone owner, Harry Hauser. after 4 p. m. ^^ Inc., 51 Olln strest, Otean Gn>T«, W. J. PATS ACCORDION School, 114 Moil' P. O. Box 1011, R. t. D. 1. Red Bank. N. J. ably priced furnished apartment o Bank. Phone Eatontown &04. Mrs. Atlantis ;HlBblanda_»4U __ mouth street. Red Bank. Leant to GARDENER, pouttryman: thoroughly bungalow In thU vicinity: or will room Joseph Herry. FRESH EGGS, broilers and roaatlna; TAVERN snd roadside stand, fully chicken, for sals | alio thicken manurs. WE BUT mad furniture and pay play an accordion the propaf way; pri- experienced, for private people; Amer- EXPERIENCED lold cutters wanted; and board. Addreea P. 0. Box 142, At- t5.U00—FIVE and one-hall acres; fln«_ vate lesionn. I will rent you an acctor- ican, Bo, lone widower; no drinker; per. it«ady work; 8 cents per book. Apply lantic J " _"_" equipped: lo«attd on highway. Alfred A)i» 40 White Rock laying pulleti and highest DrlcM. The Furniture level, sandy loam soil; particularly Hennessy, Licensed Broker, J»n»y ave- dlon to try (jour ability. Telerpfaone Bad manent, decent living more deeirabli H. II. Willis, 147 South street Red adapted to raising vegetables, fruit am five bran camrr bird emi. JamM Center, 29 Eaat Front itreet. Red SUBURBAN bomea~and~fanni wanted nue. Union Beach, N, J. John, 41 Merlon itreet. Boa Bank. Bank 2299-J99-J. Hours: 9 to 11 a. m.. 4 than high wagee. Available April 1-18 Bank.' Donegan A Donegan, Salei Sped a flits, berries; apple orchard, irrape#; good Bank, phona 1«T. m. Tuaadaye and Tturoday I Please state particulars. Address Gar. to 10 p. Ttd I MAN or woman wanted to dean flower 86'> Newark avenue. Jenny Cltyf N. J, chicken house; log cabin type cottage, SILVEJRWHITE GARDENS. Dutch co- to 10 p.m.: Saturdays 8:80 to 5 p. m dsncT-Poultryman. box HI. Bed Bank. unfinished inside; field atone fireplace! LOMO LANE poultrr faro, Sco- ehop one day each week. Dean's, Lit- IF YOU have a house, apartment or bun lonial botu« all In A-1 condiUoo i tight YOUNG capable white girl would Ilka tle Silver, N. J. Rood cellar under entire building, cement rooms, two batbs; fireplace; steam heat. bBrTllle, N. ].; eleluiir* Barred WINTER potatoes and yellow turnlpi FORREST HILL Employment Agency galow tor rent, f urn lathed or unfur< floor; excellent neighborhood, three and for eaie. Conovcr Bros., Wlckatuak, first clue domeetie half. lti Main position caring for children evenings. nlshed, phon« Long Branch r690. B. G. Insulated: atom, windows, screen*; two- Rock breeden, hl«h llvabllitir and one-hair miles to the Red Bank station, car rtrig«. Can be seen by appoint- phone Holmdal 6121. street. Asbury Park, phone 4834. 78 Oakland street, Red Bank.* BEAUTY shOD operator. mala, Co«t«- Agency. short distance to village and bus; fas hlfh ft production, W* ara book- ment. WaUrbury, Kealtor, 16 West PAINT direct from factory and save 60 wanted; steady position tor ex- runninjc brook a featurt. Ray Stillman, Front street, phone 3500.* ing order* for babr chics', how. No par cent on all material, paint, var- CALL ua first. Wa bur anything perienced, all around operator; phone J£atontown_7. order too email or too big. Price WANTED APARTMENTS nlshee, wall Uzture and wall paper. At- and pay highest price*. The pleasant working conditions, good |3,50o—TWO "acre«, century-old farm" MAPUI avenue home of nine rooms, all lantic Paint Co., 119 Wast Front street. 114 per 100. Telephone Eatontown furaltura Centar, 29 But Fioot VICTROLA wanted in playing salary, commission. Apply Mies houBe without improvements; on bus improvements, new f urn act; modern Red Bank, phone 2281-W. order. TWO-ROOM apartment, kitchenette, liv kJtebtnj ahade trees; barn. See Rolaton I03-B-2. itreet, phona Rad Bank 1647. Phone 8ea Bright 121. lmrle, Personnel Department, Third ing room, bedroom; Includes fcui, elec line; five rooms, n«w roof; good possi- JTOISD—Scratch with 50 % corn; ehleV, bilities for remodeling; tumble, do WaUrbury, Realtor, 11 West Front WANT to buy wheelbarrow, medlusa Floor, Stelnbach Company. Asbury trie, heat, water, linen; $40 monthly. atreet. phone S&Qt}.* USED furniture for sals. Andenon grower or dying mash. Aluo a very Near bus ling. P'hone Runison 603. barn; opportunity for mechanic; excel- BOOKKEEPING service for small bus!. slxe, wiUt wooden wneei. Phona Red Park. lent BOH, all cleared. Ray Stillman, Bret.. Inc. 200 Monmouth itreet, Bed good hog ration. Haace 6 Davti, phone FIVE-ROOM bungalow, hot water heat; Bank. W. J. Red Bank 108. necs: eudlts and tax returns; moderate Bank 8112. UNFURNISHED a-partment. near rail phone Eatontown 7. ratee. C. Heller, 84 Washington straat, road Htation; four roonta and bath, ll ia A-l condition; oil or coal heat; BOY wanted as neesenger, 11 years or EXPERIENCED clerks wanUd In chil- $4,500—Lance lot, modern bimealotr, BII one-car garage; $4,50Q. See Rotstoo YOUR old furniture made better than BUNNIBS—Orders taken now for Eai- Bad Bank, phona a«26-W or I8»t. heat and hot water supplied; garage rooms and bath, Dipeleas heater, wa new; eprared or rubbed finishes; all ter; alio breeding eiw rabblU; itud over, with bicycle; part time after dren's near: part or full time. Apply adults. Mr«. E. Oliver, Port Monmouth, Water bury. Realtor. 1S West Front OY/WCOrders taken for plowing school. Apply Western Union Telegraph Hlrach'i Kiddie Shop, 20 Broad itreet. ter, ga£, electricity; large dry cellar Ureet, phone »SO0.* branch"! In cabinet raaklnt; eetlmatea service. Open Sunday. Helen Miller, N. J.. phone Keansburff RCi.J. shrubbery, trees, garden, gold,fifth p.pnd and ulanninr churlMj done. Call us. Highway 85, naar Keamburg Gateway, large fields or gardene; acre or con- Co., 17 Monmouth street. Bed Bank. Red Bank.* Bad Bank 2657. Ask for Mr. Wllmi tract. Call Red Sank 238-J after 7 p. FOUR-ROOM apartment for two couple* one-car garage; low taxee. Few feet off THE KIND of a place you've been look- Mlddletown, phone 288-J. BICYCLE wanted for 7-year-old child bus tine. Ten minutes to Red Bank sta- m. DELIVERY men wanted, eeientlat Indus- for rent, furnished; kitchen privileges ing for, for sale; at Ston* Church, YES, TlEt-S—We have e> bot 4.76x10. We do vuleanliine and recap- hanging; estimates given. Ha>rmai n WANT to buy ssllboat, aneakbox type Red Dank.* 110,500—OVER one acre on thi Shrews- blood lines. Bryan, Port-au.Peck. Long good boat In good condition. Phone eomtnlasion. Apply Sea Board Ice Co., bury river, walk in a distance of the Rid water beat (oil), hardwood floor* ping. Charlie's Tire Store, lit Weil Thornien. R. F. D. box «2Atlanti, c Z7 North Bridtre avenue. Red Bank. ROUR-ROOM apartment'for rent. Ap- throughout; two-oar retrace, with toilet Branch. N. J. Mighlandii, N. J. • Red Bank 26I2-W eveningly Bank station; fifty-year-old residence In Front itreet. Bed B»nk. ., ply 24 Locust avenue. Red Bank. good repair, nine rooms and bath, ho and shower, room above; plot 75x250. HAY—HAY—HAY; eholoe heavy RENTS collected Irid properties man. WANTED, pair boy's shoe roller akatea, POSITION as Huperintcndcnt of water heat; price Includes modern" bun TaxeH *85 a year. Bobby Barry. Bristol light clover mixed. Take a look FOUR thrin-room beautiful, furnlahed Hotel, Weat 4Hth street. Nrw iTork, WE BUY and Mil »wrthln»l New aged; reference. any bank; Alfred site «'i or «. Call Red Bank 1211.* 8rard*>n typa apartment; aaJary apartments, with every modern lm ffalovr of six rooms and bath; many fine Hance * Davis, phone Red Bank 101. century-old elmn and maples; taxea $180. phone Bryant 9-8400,' end need furniture, household Henneisy. Licensed BroKer, Jerfey ave- BABY ecalei, bar type, wanted. Cal and apartment. Write Aftiftment prr.v»jmenr; parh with private bath and PIANOS—A. B. Dlrban, piano miker nue, Union Beach, W. J. ihowttr. Located In heart of Atlantic Ray StlUman, phone Batontown 1. noodi, china, flatsware, paintings, Eatontown 888-M. Superintendent, box &11, Red Bank.* BUNGALOW, Hk« new, all Improvements. dealer, tuning, repairing, renovating. Highland*. Convenient to every thing. "$5,800—Wn'~76x2BSrH|cht" in""the towi bric-a-brac, etc. Ruicll'i Auction OIL BURNER service—All typee burner! WANTED to rent bj year, modern alx Telephone owner, Harry Hauter. Attsntl garage; near bus line. Price 11,600. Shop and abowroom Drummond place, lerviced and repaired; correctional of Red Bank, residential neighborhood Gallerlei, 31-27 bit Front etceet, Red Bank »!». . room house, by reliable railroad man GARDENER, to take full charge of Highlands 961. two-story house; Arst floor, living room, Frank B. Law**, Newman Spring* road, Rid Bank »»». heatinj: prompt 24-hour service. R. near railroad station. For further par- phone Red Bank 387*.* Purer, Red Bank, phone Red Bank tit. amall male. Telephone Rumson H89. reading; room, dining room, kitchen, bed MILK goat for sale, pure bred Nubian ticulars write Six-Room House, box fill room and bath; itccnd floor: four bed doe. due to freshen late March. Wood- WOMAN wanted, temporarily, for iten- EIGHT-ROOM house, lot 50x100; ga- ONION e«U rlarht In etock. Come and Red Bank. MISCELLANEOUS rooms and bath; not water heat, oil man, box *S7, Liord road, Matawan, N ROCK WOOL Insulation; combina- eral houseworl; plain cooking, no burner; three-car frar&fre; near *cfaool rage; f 1,700; $700 eaah, balanc* get then while we have them; full line J.. phona 81-M. USED sailboat In good condition want. laundry; two adults, two children, aaed mortgage; on On fid a avenue, Hilton of garden seeds, pruning; ehear!, rakes, tion storm sash and eercens; roof- LISTINGS wanted. If you have a house and stores, Kay Stillman, phone Eaton ed: approximately If feat. Write Sail i and 8. Phone Red Bank 3727-M be- town 7. Park, Mlddle-town. N. J, Write P. O. Vitforo, chick feeders, water font!. CHICKEN brooder, gaa otwrat«d: el Ing, siding. Inspections made and boat, box 111, Red Bank. tween € and S. for sale: buyers waiting. R. V. R. H. Box tt. Highland*. N. J.* Phone 2180. National 5 as lo. Frown's.' moat new. A. L. Paris, phona Free estimates given without obligation. Stout, 77 Broad street, phone Red Bank $4,750—LOTS 60x126: several new. bun- hold 431-W-2. TYPEWRITERS wanted by Uncle Sam, DRIVERS and helpers wanted. Apply 2141 WE PAY highest prices for jour poul- Ol»on Company. Inc. 810 First ave- at warehouse, corner Mania avenue galows in • Eatontown, near bus am try, Writ* or phona Long Branch also adding machines bought; highest school; four rooms and tllid bath, ctiy UPRIGHT piano lor sale. Can be i nue. Aebury Park, K. J., phone 705. prices paid; any condition. We rebuild and Bergen place, Red Bank. Fred D. Momnoutb Count/ 5urroffate'* Office. lfiOO. 8> North Broadway, 1/ong Branch. averting! or veek-endi. Total price Wlkoff Company. tral heating system*; term a appro: Zwlckl'l Live Poultry Market. them and send them off to war. Phone SMITH BROS., tree experts, tree mateiy 1600 down and monthly payment In the matter of the estate Of Addle B. only 815, Thomas S. Field, Jr., Un Bed Bank «»5 or 527. Joieph Serplco. Hathaway, Deceased. THE BEST prlcM paid for rage, Iron planting, spraying, pruning, cav- of $32.50 covers Interest, amortization, FOR INSURANCE on roar car. home or croft. N. J.. phone Red Bank 869-M. U. 8. Treasury Department, Procuremen t»v^es and Insurance. Ray Stlllman, Notice to creditors to. present clalmi haiardi of any kind, phona or call metal and paper. GetUs, junk dealer, ^EJN and larga boya wanted, Itr treatment, etc., reliable and YOUNG registered Duroc boar for sale. Civ. agent. Beware of black marke phone Eatontown 7. _ against eaute. Ray H. Stlllman, Btata Highway, Baton- 218 Shrewsbury avenue. Red Bank, phone ' empolymont; In an essential busl- reasonable. Phone evening! be- Phone Atlantic Highland! 989. Sat operator! and fakeri. Pursuant to the order of JOMPO L. town 7. Twentj-flve year! at the earne 1598-W. Will call. nesi; overtime work durinjr busy tween C and 9, Red Bank 9309-J. J5,250—THREE acres of fine fertll Donahay, Surrogate of tbe County ot location. urday afternoon. WANTED, American antique furniture; farmland on main highway; dx rooms, CARPENTER work wanted; roofing, as- old silver, china and glass; family acaaon; located near Boro bus route. Monmouth, made on the Tenth day oi WOOD—All klndt of kindling and stove FOUB-FIBCE wicker let for tale. Phone two-str>ry house; all improvementi; ga- March, 1944, on tbe application of The bestos siding: general repairing. Write portraits. L. Richmond. 42 Eaat Main Lovett't Nursury, Inc., Littl* Silver. WILL SWAP for smaller outfit, K'orona rage; corner property; will m*k» borne wood for sale; also fireplace wood. Red Bank 199-W. Hiihael Frangella, box 480. B. D. 1,atreet. Freehold, K. J., phone 1,78. Second National Bank and Trust Corn- Trucking done. Hauling and imall mov- .N. J., (adjoininz Little Silver post- view anil enlarging camera 4x0, al for city man retiring; excellent location Company oi R*d -Bank, and Wilfred B. LOCUST logs and posts, also Uam o Eatontown, N. J. Pleaae print your GRAND or ipinet piano wanted, soon adjustment, Wollen^ak V*lo*tlg mat, for disposing of eggs and farm product*; ing. B. Halter, phone R«d Bank UZt-Vf. najns snd addreis for prompt service. office), phone Red -Bank 2200. Wolcott, executor* of the eaUte of Addie farm horses and riding cultivator fo as possible; private* party. Write P,G.3 lens, plate holders, etc.; an A-1between R«d Bank and Anbury. Ray B. Hathaway, deceased, notice Is hereby CASH for your old typewriter, adding Stillman. p*hone Eatontown 7. machine*1, eaah reglstera and other of- «ele. Phona after 8 p. m. Frank Man RADIO repairing. Bring your radio let Piano, box 511. Bed Bank. outfit in'excellent condition. Tom Roan given to the creditors of said deceased fice equipment. SerplcoV, 105 Mon- nlno Farm. Laurel avenue, Mlddletown to our itore and save I, I I. Quick FURNISHED apartment of three or Jpu HOUSEWORKER. white, experienced; Bayaide drive, Atlantic Highlands K, J EATONTOWN section; old farmhouse, to exhibit to the subscribers, exerutora phone MMdittown '*3-' . as aforetaid, their d«bta and demand a nouth atreet. Bed Bank 4BS. and dependable service. Good House- rooms wanted, near Fort Monmouth small family, adults; five-day week; FARMERS and truck grower* will find a 12 rooms, two baths, good condition 200 CEDAR flats, 14x20. not put to keeping Shop, << Monmouth street. Bed bus route. Phone dssired. Wanted be- prevailing wages, good home. Write hot water heat, olty water, city gaa, elec atrainst the said extate, under oath, with- TIMS—We bare Grade 1 tlrei. all elaae ready market for their produce' by in nix months from the date of the gather, for sale; also flower poU, ejl Bank, phone 8638^ ^^___ fore April. Write Lt. 1. H. Felker, Hou•©worker, box 511. Red Bank. advertising In Tb» Register's flaw)fled trlcity; two-car garage; about one acn In alack. We do vulcaniilng on the msCPA, Fort Monmouth. N. J. of land; full price $6,300. Consult Ra] aforesaid order, or they will be forever premises: 24-hour atrrlce. Wa racap •Isea. Call after 1 p. ra.Mrs . J. Soden REPAIRING—Furs repaired and rastyled COUNTER, srirli, experienced, also be- columns. barred of their action* therefor against linoroft. N. 1 H. Stillman, State Highway, Eatontown, truck and psssenfer tire!. Charlie's st moderate prices. Storage free. WANT to rent email sail boat with frlnnera, full or i>art time; good phone Eatontqyn 7. the nald subscriber!. Tire (tore. Hi Weit Front itreet. Red Vogels, 24 Broad street. Bed Bank, neeei.ary equipment. Will be cared wagee, meals and uniforms furnished; SALE, bird cage, carpet runner, lug RED BANK,,three miles; grand old co Dated Freehold. N. J., March 10, 1944. Bank. rag*, radio, EXeetroiux. andiron*, fire- phone 474. for carefully according to owner's In- no Sunday work. Apply Mr. Gog el. New REAL ESTATE FOR RENT stract.oni. Give *1". *«>*. location Main Cafeteria, building 122, Fort Mon. Ion ill farmhouse: absolutely no lnv THE SECOND NATIONAL BANK . CARAVAN GoiUry: purebred Anglo- place grate*, kink, tricycle, bicycle, crib, CUSTOM plowing, discing, sowing, har- prov&menti, but good 'frame; wonderful AND TRUST COMPANY |— -Nubians. Alexander P. Martlno*. carriage, cot, beds, table, chain. Town where It may be aeen, and rental in let- mouth, N. J. IF YOU are looking for bargains, aee P. vesting, tree pulling, ground clear- ter. Write Sail Boat, box 511, Red F. Kennedy. Uit your houses for aale possibilities for remodeling; set back 400 OP RED BANK. ftwnar and breeder. At stud. Klgoletlo. Furniture- -Bxeh«n«e,~—35 Manroputh ing, etc. ^tractor work of any kind by COOK-HOUSEKEEPER, competent, good feet from road. Good barn. 44 acr«a By: Ralph S. Pearre, Trust Officer, •trt«t, phone Red Bank 528- Bank. disposition; for two adults; prevail- or rent. I have many prospects. P. F. N. 4118. multl-epotud buck of be.t acre, hour or contract. FIril eleaa Kennedy, 21 Peters place. Red Bank, some woodland: immediate possession 65 Broad Strmt, Red Bank, N. J. type and Bilk pedlrree. Xrerett, N. J.. equipment. Ralph Maber. Holmdel, N, In^ good wages. Phone Long Branch $10,000. Ray SUllman, SUte HlRhway WILFRED B. WOLCOTT. (eloee to ehnreh), phone Red Bank YOUNG White Leghorns and New 720. Hampshire pullets; guaranteed layers J., box 25: phone Holmeel 1891. HOUSES and storea for rent. R. V. R.13a ton town, phone Eatofttown t. Moore*town Road, Kl vert on. N* J. ROOMS FOR RENT H. Stout, Lewis building, 7T-79 Broad Wilfred B. Wolcott. Eeq., tu-t-i. very reasonable. Phone Atlantic High- SALESMAN want«d, with car, call on TWO ACRES and lovely house recently BABY New Hampehlr* chicks, beet stock. land! 971 or Red Bank 1607 after t DAIRY goaU; for all Information itreet (over Newberry store). modernized; perfect condition; one o 615 Cooper Street, Accepting few mora eprlng retcrra- Investor* In high grade securities. Camden, N. J.. p. m. oh' dairy goate write Mld-Jertey FOUB nice rooms, over garage, to ram Write, itatlng: quaJificatlom briefly. Ad- SIX and seven-room homes, with every tbe most up-to-date kitchen* to b< tlens; 11(11 hundred. Unseed White furniihed or unfurnlshsd. Menn'i Proctor. Goat Breeders Association, P. 0. dress Room 501, at 603 Mattlaon avenue, modern Improvisment. Wonderfully found In a country house; hot wat« Co.. Matawan, N. J., phone Boimdel TWO boye' bicycle*, M-fach and 24. Eatontown. east of Clrcta. Route 85.* located; ictns on private b*a«h. Tele- heat, oak floorn, new fireplace. six toil. inch; also one tricycle; rebuilt, ilk Box 18, Mlddletown, N. J. Abury Park. N. J. LARGE front room for rent, In private phone owner, Harry Hauaer, Atlantic rooms and bath; two-car garage, two MM.mouth County Surrogate's Office. USED furniture for aale. Andareon new. Phone Keejtabupg 473-M. Hlghlanda 981. small poultry houses, large oalt treea; home: gentleman preferred. Call In the matter oi the estate of George Bros, Inc.. 200 Monraoolh street. Red DINING ROOM suite, ten places, mod- MECHANIC and mechanic*! helper some woodland; price $7,000; PHA AUDR£x* ESTBLLS—Incerior decorator; 62 Leonard street, Bed Bank.* BEAUTY parlor for lease to ruponaible Bank. ern; Ane condition: 875. Phone Red drapes, rugs, furniture arrangements: wanted: good salary. warm, financing arranged If desired. R/y H, A. Sutler, deceased. party; up-to-date equipment, good Stillman, State Highway, Efttont WE BUY and acll uetd ofiea equipment. Bank Ill-ll after 6 p. m. decorative paintings. Plans and color COMFORTABLE, sunny, single room, bright abop. McKim-Laylon Chev- Notice to creditor* to prvseirt claims with private bath and own entranes busfoeat, finely furnished; going In thephone Eatontown 7. TatleVi IT Broad street. Bad Bank. ichemes for your anticipated redecorat- rolet Co., 29 Mechanic street, phone Service. Apply at once to Ben Hlone, agalmt ettate. USED stoves, parta, repalra, wardrobe, Mount street. Bed Bank, in ChrUtlail home on bus line, in Pair Pursuant to the order of Joseph L. FOUNTAIN peni repaired.' Don't throw Witts room set. dining room let, ing job. 22 85 Broad itreet. K or port, N. J." SHREWSBURY — Large •election phone »»»• Haven. Attractive surroundings: garage Bed Bank 8130. Donahay, SurrogaU of the County of that old pen away. We w(l! put it in bookcaae. fireplace grate, andirons; odd* available. Phone Bed Bank tin. plots At Shadow Brook farm (Fahnc. ehapa ae good ae new for email eharge FURNISHED house, all Improvements. Monmouth. made on the ninth day of -and eode beucfct and eold. lit Shrews, HOOVER cleaners repaired, Drttshes re- stock ©state), Broad street, Shrewibury, March, 1944, on the application of Mar- Spealtly Printlnr Go.r 117 Monmouth ATTRACTIVELY fumUhed double room, WE HAVE excellent job* In flue homes 46 Church street. Fair Haven. N. J.*one-quarter mile from Red Bank, oni bury avenue. Bad Bank- bristled. Allen Electric Shop. 18 for eoolta, eoupiw, hous*workers, garet Brown; administratrix of the estate street. Red Bank, phone I>M. White itreet, phone «12, Red Bang. kitchen prtvllwva optional; no other mile to the station; on bua line; adjoint BED. mattreeees. bureaus and other nursemaids, chambermaid*, w nitre uses, OFFICE for rent, furnished; telephone of (ieorg-e A. Sutler, deceased, notice is INLAID linoleum, 81.01 square yard; roomer*; eonttnuout hot wat#r; ipa- service, Use of reception room Shrewsbury public school: few beautiful hereby given to tbe creditors of said de- household arUelea from private home THE MARYLAND, 81 Wallace street. r«tc. OaJl altrr 6:80 Saturday, Sunday. paying good i&Iari**. Forest Hill Era barns still available for conversion Int new marbelli designs; other floor cov- ployroent Agency, 156 Main street, Ai- someone to take ca^s and messaffei. ceased to exhibit to the lubseriber, ad- ering ftv cante iquare yard; >xl2 mi Phone after 2 p. m. Red Bank 2349-M, Red Bank, serving delicious food; Mrs. Weber, IIS Lincoln avenue, Ea*t homis. TerraI; Innpectlprt on appoint- lunch 12 to 1 week days, > to 7:80 bury Park, nhone 4334. _^____ Broad street, opposite ' WaJlace street. ministratrix as aforesaid, their debt* by Bloane, I4.JI; 1x9 rttgi • J.»S: naw "ALMO6T NEW" Spring coete, black Rad Bank, phone »746-M. ___ State your type of business and refer- ment. Ray H. Stillman, State Highway. and demands against the taid estate, un- avenlnga: 12 to 2 Sundays. Turkey din- WOMEN wanted for clerical work throw rur* at low pricae. National I k 1C; dark blue, 1<; dark blue, 40; tan FURNISHED bedroom for business worn ences. Address P. O. Box 2*2, RedEatontown, phones Eatontown 7 andder oath, within six months from the ner Sundays. Phone Rad Bank 981-M. steady employment for riffht party Red Bank 441. __^____ 10. Prown'i. phona 2180.* herring bone, 88; gray tweed. 14: blue an; only; no itnolren. R*»f- Bank.' date of the aforesaid order, or they will herring bone, 40; light blue 9; tan, 8; Lerni's, 70 White street. Red Bank. be forever barred of their actions there- ANTIQUES, nige. furniture, illverware. NOTICE—Fur coats remodelled, reltnad, ervnee required. 42 PeUn place. Bed BUNGALOW desirably furnished. 150 COLT'S NECK section; aozy Uttfe one. Jewelry, oih raglitan. lewlng ma- winter coati-. beautiful dark blue, fox reconditioned, etc. Work done quick- story cottage and three acres of rich for against the aald subscriber. collar. IIS; brown tweed, 17.(11; black. Bank. ~ . - YOUNG MAN—Sales office of t*x- monthly; will be available April 1st. Dated Freehold, N. J.. March 9, 1944 chines, etovee, gum. book*, picture!, ly. Prices reasonable. Consult Amy C. Located in Middletown, near Five Cor farm land; $5,000; all improvement!, In- ' ; eolne. carrlagei and llnana. itajnpa. lugt 88, 116; dinner gowne: illk jersey, 20; Owen, Union avenue, Belford, N. J.,FURNISHED room In private hone, one tile and plastic manufacturing cluding hot water heat and bath; sroal Margaret Brown, lignt blue. Iff two elte II. Alao 100 block from Little Silver railroad |U' nera. Convenient bus service. Apply poultry house- Large road frontage 253 Pomona Boulevard, gaga, daiki bought and sold. Town phone XeaneburjT 482. All work guar- company. Some knowledge of ad- evenings 7 to 9. John Williams, Tyn dreeeea to choose from, all llxee, 81-85. anteed. •"'_/ Uon- short walk from Fort Konmputli # ~ r Stillman, Eatontown, phone Eaton- Lawrence Harbor, N. I* Furniture Exchange, 85 Monmouth AH good buys. Four pairs of shoes 1 vertising and siiler correspondence- dajl. road, Mlddletovm, N. J. itreet. Red Bank, phone I2B. Phone Bed Bank IHWI. town 7. Jacob E. Max, site 8; two pairs white slippers, slie «'i FOR MORTGAGE loans see E. V. R. H. preferable. Excellent permanent 22 Journal Square, .DISCONTINUED Imperial waehable wall. spring hate. Open dally 9 to I; Sunday Stout, Lewis building, 77-79 Broad COMFORTABLE, attractive; hot water FIVE-ROOM apartment, with Improve- SILVER WHITE Gardens: En n 11 ft h Vrchi position with a real future. Tele- ments, for rent; bus pasaea by door. Jersey City. N. J., paper for every room In your home; 1 to 4. B5 Shrewsbury avenue. street (over Newberry store). day and night; car accomraodationi. lecture, steam automatic heat; large Proctor. values to 110, on aaie for 11-98 P«r Priee reasonable. 68 Shrewsbury ave- phone Matawan 870 or write Mr. Inquire Zartmba. Hamilton ~ avenue, living room with fireplace; modem kitch< CESSPOOLS cleaned and built, septle Leonardo, phone Atlantic Highlands 317 room lot. QuantltlM and patterns are VICTORIAN loveeeat for sale, feuphol nue, rtOTeRedBaJvk_2140J;MJ____ ponley. Endurette Corporation of three bedrooms, two baths. Price limited. Klarln's Paint Store, 28 Mon- tanks cleaned snd Installed, drains In- $11,000. W. A. Hopping Agency, phone IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY. . atered pre-war plum brocalelle. Phone ROOMS and aptrtment for rent. America, Cllffwood, New Jerwy, mouth street. stalled. Phone any time day or night, Red Bank 397.* TO: ELIZABETH BEYER: Ifatawan 2081.' Waverly place. Red Bank* EXCELLENT second and third cuttincutig Rumion 740-J. Harrer C. Tilton, 2 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE TWO John Bean spray machines wltti BERGEN place, near South itreet, sev- By virtue of an order of the Court o4 alfalfa hay for tit; etrlng baled. Bruce place. Rurason. BOOMS. »» South street, Red Bank; FARMER on small farm t»Ute wanted; en-room house, all improvements; lot Chancery of New Jersey, made on tbet Phone Holradel «J7-1. metal tanks, for mounting on trucks; quiet and comfortable: hot water at all a good place for a married man put WALLACE itreet, nice home, living 50x200. Price $5,300. W. A. Hopping one soo-gallon tank and Royal Twenty day of the date htreof, in a cause where^ RUBBER itampa mlda to order, •ten- JOB PRINTING—When you need tlmei. Plenty of parking spacs. Moo- middle age; capable of taking care of room, dining room, three bedrooms Agency. Red Bank 307.» In Borough of Sea Bright, a municipal pump, other 500-gallon tank and Thirty erate nricea. Phone 2814. sisoJI orchard and garden; comfortable d bath; hardwood floors; price 14,000. corporation of the State of New Jer- til!, lea) preeiee; all typea of mirk- pump. Theee machines are In good or- business cards, letterheads, en- LITTLE SILVER, in exclusive colony Ing device!; prompt eervlce. Specialty house;; five miles from Red Bank. Write Low taxe«. W. A. HopDlny Agency, sey, In the County of Monmouth. la der. I have bought a Speed sprayer and velopes, billheads, booklets, voeters, FURNISHED room, near bath, for rent; ..hone Red Bank 897.* with half acre of landscaped grounds Printing Company. 107 Montnouth !tr*et. full particulars. Including salary on water, good dock, beautiful view, is a complainant and you are defendant* do not need them. Henry C. McLean, programs, announcement* or any- private home; suitable for coupli: ed. Address Farmer, box 611Re, d phone Red Bank 8984. ATTRACTIVE seven-room home, deluxe charming home with llvihg room, fire- •ou art required to appear, and answer Red Bank, phone 176-W Mlddletown. thing in the line of printing try Tbe near bui line. Phona 1274 Bed Bank, or Bank. call at 278 Mechanic street, Bed Bank. kitchen, UUd bath; iteam heat; fire- place, dining room, modern kitchen, large io the complainant's bill on, or before BARGAIN — Invcitment building CLARINET, In very good condition, for Register. Work ot the better kind place ; derii enclosed porch; two-car ga* heated sunporch, screened porch; three the 26th day of April next, or the said SALESGIRLS wanted for general till will be taken aa confessed against plot, 86xl2S, aristocratic Garden saie: used In school orchestra. Tele done when promised and at reason- ROOM and board, by day or week; hest rase; large land leaped plot; $9,500. bedrooms, two tiled baths, second floor; phone Atlantic Highlands 947. and hot water. Dunham cottage, 26 merchandtie: no experience neces- Ray VanHom Agency, Fair Haven, hot water beat (oil); two-car garage. 'OU. City, Long Island, Now York, near able prices. Ocean avenue, Eaat Keansburg, N. J., phone 233.* The said bill Is filed to foreclose a JUST got a shipment of twin atudios, sary; good pay. Surprise Store, 60 Low taxes. Price $18,7 SO. Joseph G Doubleday, Doran Fubllihlng Co.; .hone Keanaburg 288. McCu« Agency. ReaJton, Rumson 44*, certain certificate of tax nale made by also bed couches with spring comtmc- Broad street, Red Bank. SStO. Wood, lie Broadway. Long £STELLE—Interior decorating, wail SMALL six-room house, nevly decorated Red Bank 20«V ___^___ E. W. Cllne, Collector of Taxee, to lhe> tlon. Furniture Center, 29 Ea*t Front hangings, paper hanging, plain and ROOMS, Atlantic Hotel, by day or week. and painted; hot water hest; garage; Borough- of Sea Brlffht, dated September ATTRACTIVE modem colonial home, Branch, N. J. •treet. Telephone Red Bank 1647. decorative painting: established 1920. 121 Fair Haven road, Fair Haven, GENERAL houseworker wanted, family garden. Good nrnd« treei; $5,000. 30. 1940, covering premise* In nald bor- phone 3926 Red Bank. five room*, tile bath, fireplace, aiiam BABY'S «erecn«d crib, baby'* t>cml«, one Phone Red Bank 682. 20 Mount atreet. three adults: sleep in or out; no laun- Terms. Ray VanHorn Agency, River ough of Sea Brlp-bt, known as Block "ALMOST NEW"—Bolero drasice art in road, Fair Haven, phone Red Bank 283.* heat, oil; laundry; one-car garage: coi- 1, Lot 13, on the Tax Map of §ald mu- •Ingle bed with mattreu and vprinsn, ONE of Red Bank's moit convenient lo- dry: permanent position. At bus stop. ner plot; excellent location; $8,500. etyle; several at $2.49 aacfc; leopard FOR INSURANCE of all kinds see R. V. Telephone Mlddletown_5_70. municlpaHty. two dreaaert, four draweri; one tewing R. H. Stout, Lewis building. 77-79 cations: both single and double rooms. RIVER FRONT, estaU neighborhood; Thompson Agency. 81 Eaet Front street, cloth coat, 87; evening draaaee, $2 tomachine, three*piece light tnaple bed- Mr!. H. F. Dowatra. S8 Maple avenue. You. Elisabeth Beyer, are made a par- II; man'i tuxedo (40) 110. Other btr- Broad street (over Newberry atere). EXPERIENCED chambermaid, SIBO wait- secluded setting; large treci; seven phone 700.* _ :y defendant because you are the o*n- room mite, upright piano and sofa, alt Red Bank, phone 1884. ress, wanted; good salary; family of rooms, two baths, two fireplace*; new galna. Grace Deen, 56 Sbrawihury ave- MADELON PROAL, antiques bought WEST Long Branch, six-room colonial ftr of record of said premises. nue. Red Bank.* In very good condition. Call R*d Bank ROOM and board for Army wife, at- three adulU, one child; pleasant work- hot water heating plant, oil fired; dock, 3376. and sold. 102 West Front street. Red 1 type residence; fire-place; hot water Dated February 25, 19*4. tractive house on Shrewsbury river ing conditions. Address Chambermaid, bulkheadirg, $14,000; taxes $126. Ray heat, coal; double garage: plot 60x160. Bank. VanHorn Agency, Fair Haven, phone LEON REUSSILLE. JR., BUNCHES of green laurel, huckleberry 1,000 OHrCKS. Barred Rock and Sv and bus Hue, In exchange for some as- box 511, Red Bank. Low taxen; $7,000.* Thompson Agency, and puny willow for early spring bou- sistance around house; no fixed obliga- Solicitor of Complainant. Hampshire Beds; hatch coming off TAXES—Keep your records up to data 81 East Front street, phone 700.* P. O. Address: 34 Broad Street, quata; also bright new color pine and March 19; IIS a hundred. Blood teit. and check your estimate*; weekly or tions or hours; husband can also be ac- FEMALE help wanted, over 18 years earringi for Baiter gifts. The Color commodated.. Room free, board at cost. ATTRACTIVE Early American dtslgn; SIX rooms and bath, maid's quarters and Red Bank, N. J. rd itork. Johnson's Turkey Farm, New- monthly audits. Books written up by of age. Apply at Big Chief, 05 good neighborhood; alx spacious lavatory; sun porch, double garagi; Shoo, 76 Monmouth street, Red Bank contract. Term* moderate. Cox, public Phone Buroeon 148S-J. Qoeed on Monday!.* man Sprlnra road, Red Bank, phone Broad street, Red Bank. See man- JO urn.', fireplace; hardwood floors; good attractive landscaped irrounds, 106x117. 204S-M. ccountant, box 632, Long Branch, N. J., [CE lunny room, with double bid: healing plant; screened poich ; garage ; IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY. ager, Ed. Flower, Convenient lucntion; $10,500. Thomp- MOVABLE chicken sheltere. all wood, phone Monmouth Beach 2S7S. nicely furnished, In private home, with t7.'2:,u. OttetH wanted. Ray VanHorn, on Agency, SI East Front street, phone To J. STUART E. WARD. MRS. J. STU- complete with wire floor: large ilxe kitchen privileges and me of living Fair II a von, phone *&3.* 00.* ART E. WARD. JOHN JOSEPH SPIRELLA CORSETIERE— Are you hav- room. Phone Red Bank 289-M.' GENERAL houseworker Used one senson. A. L. Barii, phone AUTOMOBILES ing trouble trying to get a corset to wanted fm MODERN colonial bungalow, five rooms, WARD and MRS. JOHN JOSEPH three adults; two war workers. No PICTURESQUE l^-acre setting; pond; Freehold 493-W-;. give you health and comfort? SplreU almost new colonial aeven-room house, tile bath, fireplace; plot 50x100; steam WARD. UAUIUCE SCHWARTZ, Chrysler, Ply. Sundays. Phone after f o'clock By virtue of an order of the Court of MAHOGANY eight-piece dining room a does both. Call for personal demon- HELP WANTED Bank 2332.* two tiled baths; fireplace, den, screened heat; attached garage. Convenient lo- • ulte; elmoit new. 268 Broad itreet. mouth and International truck ' lale-s itration. Keansburg 1382-J. L-h, attached double garage. Inspec- cation on hus line; $6,t00. Thompson Chancery of New Jersey, made on the Red Bank.' and service hecrquarters. Phone Red WANTED, gardener, handyman, ta work. tion by appointment; 115.000. Ray Agency, SI East Front street, i>hone day of the date hereof. In a cause where- LAWN' MOWERS sharpened and re-MIDDLE aired couple wanted for »mall in Borough of 3«a Bright, a Municipal Bank 7 87. ' paired. Sclnsore, knivei and garden n small farm; steady position for Viui_Horn, Fair Haven, phone 1J33.* DO.* GET your roae buehea now while we still family: housekeeping, cooking, handy- right party nil year around. Phane Corporation of the State of New Jersey. tools sharpened. We repair locka and lit HALF-ACRE plot, good Bix-room house; DUTCH colonial home of seven rooms have a large variety; 89c each.. Na USED CABS bought, sold and ex- r man. Phone Red Bank 1873.* Mlddletown 192. In the County of Monmouth. Ii com- changed. Pontiac sales and service; keys for trunka and valises. Cross hut air heat: porches, treett; garage and- bath : aun parlor, fireplace, fteam lainant. and you are defendants, you tional 5 A 10. Frown's, phone Red Locksmith Shop, 165 Shrewsbury avenue, MAN and wife wanted to work on fa/m; heat; two-car narayc; so id location near Bank 2680.' terms. G. M. A. C. Raaias Brothers, unl shop; near st tires and school; $5,DO", are required to appear, and answer to 19-21 Mechanic street, phone H08i. R?d Bunk. man to help with turkeys and chick- WANTED, general housekeeper; two liny VanHorn Agency, River roacJ^Fair Bank; $I\000. Thi mpson Agency, the complainant's bill on. or hefore the MAN'S Pulova wriet watch for sale. See ens* wife to do housework; no farming. adulta, amall flve-room houae; haven, phone 2H'J. SI Enut KpflTiT'Nl.reet. plume fJM^ IP YOU wish to sell your automobile 'AT'S Accordion School, 174 Monmouth 4th day of-April next, or the said bill Mr. Cnrptnter. Tetley'e Sporting street, Red Bank, open until 10 p. ra.;Phone Red Bank 510-J-2-' own room, radio; steady po«ition CHAIIMINC colonial home, like Aew In-1 RIVER/TLAZA4 Houne. living room, iv.11 be taken a.^ confessed asiurist you. Goods, in basement, 17 Broad street. Bed brine it to Ul. We pay cash for ser- viceable cars: 1935 lo 19.2 models Saturdays 8:30 a. m, to 2:30 p. m. Full for right party. Reference!. Phone fide and out; seven rooma.U^o tiled ^' rttnTnir room, kitchen, two bedrooms, The said bill is filed to foreclose three Bank.' satisfaction nuar«nteed In iesioni. Will SALESLADIES wanted, experienced laths; intulntion ; double garaiffe > maK- bath; (tar«Re;o$S,7D)). W. A. Hopping Mount-English Co.. Red Bank. Mlddletown 192. certain certificates of tax unle made by GOULD electric water pump and tank, .each and play accordion; many ytan or willing to learn, In our yard ilfu-ent everKreenn; J1O.50H, Ray Van- Agency, phone_Red_Biuik__397_/ ^ R. W. Ciine, Collector of Taxes, to the if experience. • two seta of architect's drawing tool: goods department; ateady positloni Horn, River ronrl. Fair Mnven, phone IN~~ItEJ~nANK- -Small home of five Borough of Sen Bright, all dated Sep- TOP PRICES paid for all make! of g EXPERT beautician wanted. Ai'i'ly at, tember 30, 1940, coverfntr premises In Including large di-fiwlnff board. Mrs. RUMSON STUDIOS—Paintlni? «»d pi- with good starting Hillary and rapid room* and bath, in excellent condition; Frank Btlllngharn, Brevent and Burling- good used cars. McKlrn-Layton per hanging; all Interior decorations. 1« Wallace atreet. Itt-d Bank, i»bone hot water hc;i!, rou! fired; near bun laid Borough known a* Block IT, Lots 300S. itlVKK OAKS—One of the fluent colonial ton avenues, Leonardo. Seen any even- Chevrolet Co., £9 Mechanic street, hone Rununn 769-W. advancement. Straus Company, Red home* in the community available foi ami school*; priced at $4,000. Terms of ."4-14. 1R.1-1B and 1S8-16, on th6 Tax Mn» of said municipality. ingbetw«n5j30 and 7:30.* phone Bed Bank 8180, BUY nnd sell second-hand etotbei; Bank. YOUNG man, IB years or more, wtio Is mmt'dliile occupancy. Like now. An- -so. Joienh P. SchwartJS Agency, draft free, wnrfted to help on *mall umntic nir condltioniiiK. Priced litcht. Monmouth street. . You, J. Stuart E. Ward and John CONSOLE extension table for a alp, com- must he in good condition. L. Ker- p >er, 209 Shrewsbury avenue. Red Bank, PART-TIME houseworker wanted for eBtato on Freehold-Eatontown highway. [lay VunHorn Agenry, Fair Haven, phone TWO Til PI' estates in Mlddletown and o«eph Ward, are made pm-tlen defend- plete, with two' extra leaven and puds', FRANK VAN SYCKL.E. SO Weat Front Moderate salary with (|uick i-hnm-e for int because you are the owners of the lenti «.,?ht. ] 64 Ocean avenue. Sea street/ formerly Qulnn'a Garage. Re- 'hone 46H-W. smajl family. Phone Red Bank ^40^* iJttJj* Silver; both jn.iced to be sold, advancement. Beautiful home to live^ in; in "nil" does not do justice to hninen .ah. premises; you, Mr*. J .Stusrt % Bright. N, J..* pajra to ail makes. Bear wheel aligning GENERAL CONTRACTOR and cesspool! ALTERATION woman; roust have good PROFITABLE"food market, gros.i bunl- Ward, are made a party, defendant be- every convenience. No even .nit or Sun- ness IDU (127,(10(1. Price, incluiliii*: f lh\« type. If yon are Interested in and frame straightening service. Dodge ileaned; carting and grading, top corset •xperlenee; dwiralile hours. day work. ' A fine opportuntt y ftn a nune you may claim n\\ int-rcsl in nald DALMATIAN puppies for tale; one mi and Plymouth dealer. toll, manure, fill dirt, cinders, g;rav«l and pleasAnt working conditions nnd excel- stoi-K. fixtuccs, storo ami, apnrtment, iver front property iti fine set-lions, we iremine-i bv virtue of ft ritrht of dower 'i^onc female; ihree months old. Phona I% fined young man. Address your let (IT SI .'i,II HO ; price btisineHH alone Jln.'iOu. .•ffl br Rlnil fo j«upply the . Itny VnnHurn An*ncy. River ei>h P. Si'hwnrtK Agency, Monmouth made n ftarty defendnnt became you wlUi very good rubber, 8.00x16 Inches. Wr Haven, N. J, Stelnbach Company. Anbury Pa.rk. iml. Fair Haven, phone 'J83.* _ vfet. also may claim *n Interest In «nid prem- FURNITURE for sale, nt 30 Unden Call at 11 DeForreit avenue, Red Bank, GARDENER, tlcady position, good pUfe. Red Bank.* HAVE your weddlnit or party phoTo~ NKWI.Y painlotl bungalow, five rooms. K YOU wl»«h to well, leeintt us in n ise* by virtue of a rls:ht of dower. after £ o'clock or phone Red Bank waff»s, ngreeable surroundings. "muni." If you want to buy, It would Dated February ZX IP4*. 2228.J/ graphed (n your home by a profe** BEAUTY shop operator, m*J», fiiepliire, Vitiiornire heat; iftirage; HAMILTON RRAOH *l«ctrtn food mlxar Apply this Saturday afternoon.' ouil nelKhborhood; $5,600; low taxes. IO W\B& to talk It over with us first, LEOK REUSSIIXE. JR.. and Juice extrtictor for salt. Call Red slonal photographer, Sundays and iVsHi- wanted; ateady position for ex-' BE SURE you are getting the very beat Inpa only. Write Photographer, box 811, Murray M. Roscnbei-g, Dorbro«k ush renuitfd S'i.JOU; monthly paymentn 'or cither purpose, our Her vice Is at Solicitor of Complainant, Bank K68.* price for your car. Don't aell until perienced. all . around operator; •i.~i. Ray VanHorn Agency, lliver road, t your service, Real estate nnd'Imur- P. O AduWs: .14 nroat] Street Red Brink, for your appointment." Fm-mn, Eatontowii-Colt's Netlc htjiK- WAGON for Rate, tUno harness. you get a price from William J: Levlne, pleasant working conditions, good ;tir JlflV(.'ii, phone Ked flunky 2HJ1.* .nre—that's OUT- btmlneflti. The Joseph Reil Rank, N. J. MABEL COLEMAN School of Dancing. wny. Srtil-eyvMle. N. J, 1 at 23 Lociiflt avenue. Red Ba.nk. 875 Broadway, Long Branch, phone flalar/, commission. Apply Mian lX-HtV(tM luiurn-," Hienm hoat. Iwn-rui *. Schwnrtis Agency, Monmouth Htreet. «1C«. "••• Studio. IS Rector place. Red Bank, VI'THAI'TIVK biinjwlow"fiM~ sale," mod- Monmouth County Surroiate'e Office. plinne 2011. ; ititnmc; l"i -.xx2fl(t; in ited I!«tik; MAPLE, crib and mnttreflfl for nale; also Imrie, Personnel Department, Third ern, on bus line; pavnd street; corner, the matter of the estate of James 1037 KOUR.llOOK Willys ledan for salt: MAN wantud tn ili« Vlutury Harden, up- .,,.\(]'i. II. V. It. H. Stout, .77 llrond thtet-ln-one hl^h chair and bathlnetLe, CESSPOOLS cleaned and due. drains In- Hour. Stelnbach Comimny, Asbury liroxlmiileiy 10 fcrt hy 6 feot. • Stute Southern ex (injure; nljtomntlr KIW* heat, Frederick TalnHt, ileremed. Call Bed Bank 1689-J. very economical, 3D jnllee on one gal- stalled, wood * a wins1, es Um a tea given; reel. Fhont; Ki-il Bank H14J.* __ (ItId alone firoplnroi hrcnkfiiit nonk; lon of gas; In perfect condition, with Park. 3rice. Call lied Hank ill 82.• j{lc« to Crtdltors to Vresent Claims all klndH of well work. Howard Tllton, SBVKN-lttJOM hon««,,,-/vapor heat; one- new plumblfiir Rml shower; desirable Atralnst Estate. DUSTlNfi machine for »ale. NliR«r«, radio. 20S Bridge avenue. Red Bank.* 30 Center street, lUimson. phone Rum- fiir itm-iiKe; corner lot, UOxl&O; $H,r.OO, four-row i perfect' condition. A. L, room nnd h a semen t, nwnintts. Venetian Pursuant to the onipr of Joseph I* lon 51S-J. ELEVATOR operator, high type colored •'»(,• Hnv*.n. K. V. R. H. Stutit, 77 I)[inils, «f rcLMiH and storm f>H«h ; ticnutl- Bad*. phon« FrechoUl 493-W-2, FORD convertible coupe, H31; excel- girl, site 14 to IK; experienced ; oi we REAL ESTATE WANTED jnahay. tfurratrate of the County of lent running condition: ffood tlrei, not Hroml •*! L pot. iilioii^ itcil Hank "J1-1 1.* iful nhnililtory; uniape. Phone T-ong Monmuuth, niHile on the Seventeenth day - e anle, works well, linsla ov FACTORY Pants Store; also ladles' will train. Desirable houin and Kood "N~"rTlft H AVION, seven-room houne. ^Bh S4J21 necmined. J>rlc« 1175, • ?hon« RM llnnk work in ff condition*. Aiu>ly Minn Imiic, UNFUItNI.SlIK.i.l nls.loo! m honsn wiiiitm! if Kebrnnry 1944, on the atiplfrrttlon qt double: aho mincellaneoun harnwfli slacks; custom tnllorad to man- it earn fn-at, oi) burner; one-far ^n- J Tnltott. Jr., ami JnW> \.. Cox. •ic, W>ri,ncr»m»ll"hou7n"oirTuir rntim, two biKirnom*, til« nnth, •.linwer; day bed. four-burner sra* raCnge, with bury avenue, phone Red Bank . orcls; ' denhuble liatirn and pleniant ilX-It'OOM IJOUBC. all ciiiiveiiicncci; Italow, lltd Hank, Knlr Hnvon. Little ttcnm hrat (ofI), coiipci' plumbinj?. at- aforesaid, their d»btn and ovtn Hnd broiler, combination bookcaae i REO dump truck, two-yard body, 8063-M. worklfiff condition i. Apply Miss I in He, nil and Monroe nvniue, tncheil Knraote; \w\c* $(,,2^1^. Attrnc- and deik; lot of nlc« beds and mat. Personnel Department, Third Floor, Silver. Kumion or vicinity, Phono Kum- SliceWHlun-y. N. J.. MIM A. K. Bennrll. demand* agn\n*t the "aid entatr. un- , good Uren; $300. Call after t. p. m. tlve financinjr. Jns&ph (J. MCCUP Aprcn- er oath, within iW month* frnip th.« tr«iiefi, (irlffln's Service station, Maple Long Branch 2G04." GENERAL contractor; top loll, fill dirt, Stelntiach' Comi>pny, Anbury Park. cy, Renltnm, Rumson 4 14 Red Hank 1087 PLYMOUTH tour-door sedan, com* CICELY lui'iiteit in excellcrit itertlnn of dntt* nf the aforenaifl order, or thty will avenue and' Itargen place." clndera, gravel, manure, Lionel Si- SALESWOMAN—For women's and jun- WANT to liuy or rent relatively m oile Ileil Blink; seven roomn, two biiths, pletely overhauled In December; ra- mon, 11 Center atreet, Rumion,' phone 1 home, with three ur four bailioums: he forever barred of their action* there- lora dressed; must be competent, dot water heat, oil; game room, one-car BARGAIN— In town, near nhoprlnjr ren- for again*! the "aid iuh«cr!heT *rtj^loi^tg«Jx3Mj» 670. or Hed Bank 88. imart and/dvpendable. Good hours, aal> ilr amount or moiincl. Write Modern arnite. Thompson Afcncy, S] En»t perfect condition; suitable for hotel o* ter'; nve roomn, halh, hnt water heat: Dated Freehold, N J,. Fftb. 17 1*44. ttR^arWfWtntBttTeirnow^ ^diJA|JcjiBuai|Jyp^ h Mllri •Vnnt ntreet, phone 7 00. one-car irarafre. Tniea |7ft. Possession JAMBS TAI^OTT, JR.. restaurnnt. CHIT Lodge, Soenlo drive, ue, Belford, W. J.* personnel department, Atlantic Highlands, phone 981. cated In Red Batik; contacts by phon* May Int. Sale price -lOOO, mal.. Lincoln Avenue. Ryi, N. Y. 1040 CHEVROLET station 3d,- Ing Red Bank 588. Mra. Dorothy Past. bach Company. Ashury Park. nlnheil: or light hoimokoeplntr roorqii. nnnlfinto slx-e thiit nro 'almnnt new. UAMC CHEF, filenwood and Hardwlck 000 miliililts, on* .owner; extra board I ftfi Wallace itreet, Red Bank. MEN'S clothlnn salesman; permanent pa. Vtlto Apartment, box fill. Hod Brink n (M'portuhily that tuny not occur Burbank Avenue. T^dforelectlon of pot belly coal stoves, alao dry welli, drains Installed. Es- worktnK conditions; commission and HAVB."la."iMiii ~£»i' piTiVhiifitr "of a'mull roin H'i.. >iHi in Sir>.tion. In nM-t in- Ii inner; lot |K0.\ I Ti': iwo-mr KJirnjre, T. Bu'ton Coyle, E«rj., Priced right. Bork's Stove Jfechantre, 1 TRUCK forr l«U, CMC 16316377 half-tual n timate... _ s_ gfveji. Oscar Backer, it_ . 8te-,__ good dr*w. Apply Miss Imrif, pet-jonne) home; 1>AIF m-ro or" more; CHHJ an-ei-* ,.i , I« We ml«s seeing Wally Wing, Wal- is home for a few days. ter Meade, Jim Page, Bob Kaspar,' Local Ration Board At 2:20 Sunday afternoon the At- ost at Yuma, Arizona. The Rumson high school depart- BOYS' BOYS' ment of music will give a concert Betty Minton and Dot Healy and ' lantic Township fire company was a lot of othirs about the club. Let-, called upon to extinguish a brush in the high school auditorium Fri- Eatontown day evening, March 31. The groups ters are being received dally from j SOX TIES fire On the Farber Frog farm route our "old members" expressing their 34. presenting portions of the program (Tho Red Bank Register can he will he the band, Junior Girls' glee appreciation. Writes PFC. Walter SEABOARD The funeral of Pvt. Alex Grab- jouftht In Eatontown at the stores of club, the Senior mixed glee club Tlerney from Greensboro, North lewskl was held Monday morning William G. Davis and G. Edward Smock) and the Senior Girls' glee club. ^arolina, "Your dances attracted 39c « 35c 4 at St. Mary's church, While A St. Patrick's party followed a Florence Fogelson, Virginia Wil- the most charming girls of the com- fERVKE stationed In a camp in the West, regular meeting Monday night of son and William Robinson will be munity and they treated us all like Pvt. Grablewskl, his cousin Walter 'ride of Crescent Council, Sons and soloists. old friends. The canteen proved a Tumidalskl, and another soldier Daughters of Liberty. Refresh- Oceanic hook and ladder com- real help with Its good food at such Tel. Red Bank 248 were walking to town to a moving ments were served at tables decor- pany was called out to a grass fire reasonable prices, and most of ail picture, when they wert struck by ated in emerald green and with Friday at Rumson road and War- with Its gracious hostess serving a car. Pvt. Grablewskl was killed, shamrock favors for each person dell avenue. the food. The library and work- FRCTORV present. A penny sale followed, Mrs. Ann Sergi has returned shop and the writing rooms came the articles Including crochetted from a trip to Alabama. in to my use more than once. Most pieces, canned' goods and glass- Mr. ana Mrs. Charles McCormlck Of all"I • greatly appreciated the ware. The proceeds will go Into a have returned home after a win- convenience of leaving my camera tund used to pay dues of the boys ter's sojourn at their winter home, In your trust and being able to West In service. The committee for the Rumson Grove, at Riverside, Flor pick It up whenever needed." official visit of the state councilor Ida. Lieut. "Leg" Beaney, one of our and staff met and made plans for A considerable quantity of paper wmmm this event. former O. C. students now on the the Jitvkm was gathered by Troop 66 "in the high seas sends us a check to . All Busea Stop Vz Block From Store The turkey supper held last eastern portion of the borough Sat- Thursday evening in St. Dorothea's urday. There will be no collection church was largely attended and a until one week from Saturday, great success. when Oceanic will be canvassed. The firemen were called out Sun Henry Myers of Maplewood ave- day to extinguish a small blaze nue is a patient at Monmouth Me- which had started in a bundle of morial hospital. paper In the cellar of John Irvlng's Mrs. George Nelson of River house on White street. road, a teacher at the Kumson Robert Hayes, who is stationed Country Day school, will leave this with the U. S. Navy at Portsmouth, week-end to join her husband at Virginia, returned to his post Sun- Savannah, Georgia. day after spending a short fur- Ernest Gardella of Washington FINAL ough with his parents, Mr. and avenue has returned from a trip to Mrs. Clyde Hayes. Florida. Charles Phillips, who is at the Mrs. Edwin Best of Black Point Naval training station at Sampson, road and infant son have returned New York, has been home on a home from Monmouth Memorial furlough. hospital. Mrs. Edith Lewis and Mrs. Em- Boatswain's Mate Laurence Mc- CLEARANCE ma LaParre and son and daughter Cormick of the Seabees was home spent the week-end with Mr. and on a five-day leave from his post Mrs. Allen Wagner of Belleville. at Williamsburg, Virginia, visiting FOR FRIDAY and SATURDAY Sidney VanPelt returned to his his wife and parents. Navy station after spending a fur- Boy Scout troop 66 made a very lough at his home. successful collection of paper Sat- Still a Fine Collection of All Wool The past councilors' association urday. Due to pressure of other Tone'on-Tone, All Wool of Monmouth and Ocean counties duties they will not be able to col- will meet tonight following a ses- lect this week-end. The following sion of the Junior Mechanics. week-end, however, they expect to WINTER and IN-BETWEEN WILTON BROADLOOM The Daughters of America trans- cover Oceanic. Householders acted routine business at a meet- should tie newspapers in small In Room Size Rugs or for Wall-to-Watl ing last night. bundles, as otherwise they are very Mr. and Mrs. William T. Taylor hard to handle. John Galm and Tone-ori-Tone produces exquisite effects have purchased from Mrs. Water- William Pazicky have accepted ap- man on Clinton avenue the resi- pointments as scoutmaster and as- in a single color made richer with subtle dence of the late Mrs. Susan Bake- CLOTH COATS sistant scoutmaster respectively. gradations of tone and sparkling texture- man and will take possession about The troop is Indeed fortunate In contrasts. In blue, rose and green, but not April 15. being able to secure the services of all colors in every size. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schick two such capable men. spent Sunday with their niece, Frank Ghezzi of River road, who 12x10.6 ..- 81.90 Mrs. Genevievo Cort of Freehold. is convalescing at home following Kar a gheuslan's Mrs. Cort's daughter, Miss Marjory 32x11.3 .._ 87.75 an attack of pneumonia, Is gaining I/3 TO l/ OFF Great GULISTAN Cort, was home from Tampa, Flor- strength steadily. Mr. Ghezzi was 2 Kug Mill Located 12x13.6 _- 105.30 ida, where she spent a month with brought homo Friday in the Rum- Near Showrooms 12x16 _ _:. 117.00 her sister, Mrs. Thomas Allen. son ambulance from Monmouth 15x13.6 _- 131.65 Memorial hospital, where he had 15x15 _ _._ 116.25 been a patient 18 days. It in need of rugs or Tinton Falls Frank Weinheimer, principal of • CAMEL WOOL COATS! - •wall-to-wall covering 15x18 .. __ 175.50 (The Red Bank Rcffinter can be tho Rumson high school, will be It will pny you to in- bouRht nt Tinton Falls at Scott's Ben- tho guest speaker at the meeting eral store) • FLEECE WOOL CO^TS! our lur^e ofTer- AXMINSTER At a meeting Monday night of of tho Presbyterian ladles' aid so- nt worthwhile eav- the Ladles' auxiliary of the fire ciety Wednesday afternoon, March . Here you. will company plans were made for a 22, at 2:30 o'clock in Blngham hall • IMPORTED TWEED COATS! MI- the complete line BROADLOOM RUGS game parly Friday nipht, March 31, lie will give a travelogue on "The made liy A.' * M. Mediterranean In Peace and War." Tone-on-lone and floral designs in tun, in the fire house. Tho committee KarnKhousian, makers comprises Mrs. Margaret Hansen Hostesses at the meeting will be • TEDDY BEAR COATS! of Gulistnn ... al- brown, blue and rose but not colors In Mrs. Benjamin Sutherland, Mrs. all ilzea. The wool Is blended with president, Mrs. Elllfson, Mrs. Agnes so their Renaissance Sanford, Mrs. John Dickcrnian and Christian Bertell, Mrs. Ralph Nor- Carpeting rayon to create a more gorgeous lustre. ton and Mrs. William Forbes. • CHESTERFIELD COATS! us advertised in the Mrs. Harry Mnyberry. Refresh- Dxfl 2«.1O ments were served at a table dec- Arthur E. Layton, petty officer, N "York Times 'and 12x11,3 ..._ 68,25 Orated' In St. PaUlok colors. 'Mia: third class, has returnee} to the Na- Sunday News March BxU 45.35 12x12 80.00 Sarah Scott, .Mrs. Margaret Brad- val Air station at Clinton, Okla. 12, 1944. BilW ..... 58.75 12x15 87.00 ley and Mrs. John Lemon were the homa, after spending a 15-day 9x18 _._ 78.30 . 12x18 ..._... 104.40 ' refreshments committee. At tho leave with his parents, Mr. and lZxil 131.80 business session Mrs. Emll Keto- Mrs. Arthur Layton. lalncn was elected a new member. Tho fcum Laude society at Ped. Group, singing was enjoyed during die school, 'Hightstown, has award- ALL the evening with Mrs. Virginia De- ed two honfirs to Herbert Lajd, son 'J 28 members woro .present.' Farm village, in English^ Jfced Bank Mr. and Mrs. Forman VanSycklo matlcs and biology. .%, have moved from Pine Brook road McKELVEY Lester C. Leonard, Jr., son oJMr. \ Long Branch to Portaupeok. Mrs. VanSyckle's and Mrs. Lester C. Leonard ol J JFTNAL7 •• Factory- Dialrlbutor for Knrniifieuntnn'ii Knmoun Ciulfntnti falhor has moved to West Long Rumson road, arrived homoyester- Branch. Their dwellings wcro tak- dny for his spring vacation from SHOWROOMS: 21 W. SlAIN ST., FREEHOLD en over by the LJ, S. Navy for tho Choate school at Walllngford, Con- Stort Hours— I A. M. tj> S;30 P. M. Dully Including Sntunlar proj»ct well under way. necticut. He will return to achoo Mrs. Albert England and her «is- April ft ,