RED BANK REGISTER VOLUME LXVL, NO. 39. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 1944. SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 12 Joins Ray VanHorn $73,946 Collected Barbara McClees Girl Scouts Have Hebrew Society Made A Yeoman Purim Ball Sunday In Red Cross Drive Local Wave Leaves 32d Anniversary Specialty School Campaign At Half-Way Mark— 49 County Council Groups Annual Event At Miss Barbara McClees, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar N. McClees Community Center $260,054 More Needed of Riverside Garden apartments on Now Have 1,000 Members West Front street, who was recent- Girl Scout week Is being ob- Plans are complete Xor the an--•- The halfway mark In the 1944 Other collections and branch Red Cross war fund drive of the served by the 1,000 member* of tho nual Purim ball and supper of the quotas, are Freehold, $3,700 col- Council At Fair 49 troops of the Northern Mon- Ladles' Hebrew society to be held Woolley To Run county Red Cross chapter was lected, $25,000 quota; Spring Lake reached yesterday, and to date mouth . County council of Girl Sunday night at the Jewish Com- $2,640, $8,600 quota; Sea Girt, $1,- Scouts in observance of tht 32d munity center on Riverside avenue. $73,946.50 has been collected to- 4S2, $2,500 quota; Belmar, $1,300. Haven Told River For Re-election ward the county chapter quota of anniversary of $he founding or Girl Mrs. Max B. Morris, society presi- $11,000 quota; Atlantic Highlands Scouts of America. Girl Scout dent, and Mrs. Maurice Btalberg $334,000. Reports were sent to the $1,241.50, $4,000 quota; Keyport, war fund chairman, Edwin L. Best Road Is Speedway troops throughout the nation ar* are chairmen, assisted by society As County Clerk $1,240.10, $8,000 quota; Keansburg, holding special ceremonies honor- members. In Red Bank, from 12 of the chap- $697, $4,000 quota, and Jersey ter's 16 branches and auxiliaries. Homesteads, $400, $1,200 quota. ng the founder, Juliette Low. A musical program has been ar- Police Chairman Mrs. William A. Miller of Little ranged for the entertainment of Has Streamlined Red Bank branch leads the coun- ty in collections to date with $21,- Members of the armed forces at Silver, council volunteer commit- guests, and artists include Benja- Fort Monmouth and Fort Hancock Says Problem Is sloner, in explaining the work of ' min Kazen, violinist; Irwin Levlii, Office During His 723,70 toward a quota of $90,000. Second Is Long Branch with $14,- have given $2,684.86, making a total the Northern Monmouth County tenor, and Herman Distler, humor- of $73,946.50. Contributions at Difficult One council, stated that when the coun- - ist. Miss Helen Glotzer will be the Horace P. May of River Oaks, 930.38 toward a (35,000 quota; third, Administration Fair Haven, a vice president of these two posts were unsolicited. ell was formed three years ago accompanist. Asbury Park with $11,506.86 col- there were 16 troops with a mem- A dinner will be served under J. Ruseell Woolley nf West Long Cross * Brown company, New lected toward a $25,000 quota, and No reports were received from A letter stating that a section of York, one of the largest real estate River road, from Lincoln avenue to bership of approximately 200. At the supervision of Mrs. Leon Branoh announced today that he fourth, Middletown township, $10,- Bridle, Union Beach, Manasquan the present time there are 49 [ RueckhauB. Reservations must be is a candidate for re-election for management firms In that city, has 428.50 toward a $28,000 quota. and Matawan. Smith street, has become a speed- become associated with the Ray way was read at the meeting ot troops with a membership Of ap- made with Miss Lillian Becker. the office of county clerk thla year proximately 1,000. Souvenir programs will be distrib- on the Republican ticket. Mr. VanHorn agency of Fair Haven. the Fair Haven mayor and council uted. Decorations will be In a pa- Woolley was elected county clerk Mr. May has had a number of Monday night. The writer, Thomas triotic motif, arranged by Mrs. Ju- in 1939 and is the present county years of experience in all branches Irving Brown, editor and publisher lius Straus. chairman of the Republican party. of the real estate business, and will Hospitality House of The Register, who resides on Others assisting Include Mrs. be actively engaged in commercial River road, stated that passenger Mae Newman, In charge of boos- and country properties. He is also cars, commercial vehicles of all ters; Mrs. Straus, children's page a member of the Fair Haven Lions types and Army jeeps ignored the of the souvenir program; Mrs. Ar- club and the Shrewsbury River Will Be Dedicated speed limit- thur H. Hershon, patrons; Mrs. Da- Yacht club. MISS BARBARA McCLEES Councilman Arthur H. Rieman, vid Bulkln. Mrs. Max Cohn, Mrs. chairman of the police committee, Samuel Cohen, Mrs. Benjamin Ad- ly graduated from Naval Training stated that every effort was being ler, Mrs. Aaron Marcus, Mrs. Wil- Red Bank Couple Opening Sunday Afternoon In school for Women Reservist Yeo- made to cope with the situation liam- Cooperman, Mrs. Milton Ger- men at the Iowa State Teachers but that it was a difficult matter ard, Mrs. Joseph Idea, Mrs. Isadore Eatontown Presbyterian Manse college at Cedar Falls, Iowa, has with only one police car. Kerber, Mrs, Charles Gogel, Mrs. Are Surprised On been promoted to the petty officer The letter from Mr. Brown la as Harry Papier, Mrs. Philip Wald- rating of yeoman, third class, in follows: A porton of the Eatontown Pres- the United States Navy (Women's March 9, 1944. man, Mrs. Morris Jacks, Mrs. Harry 51st Anniversary byterian church manse, comprising Feldt, Mrs. Milton I. Waster, Mrs. "OPA Ordinance" Reserve) and has been assigned to Mr. Arthur H. Reiman, Milton Zimmerman, Mrs. Harry three large rooms on the first floor, duty at Washington, D. C. Fair Haven Road, has been converted Into a hospital Fair Haven, New Jersey. Sprung, Mrs. Harry Meistrlch, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Randolph ity house. Yeoman McClees left for Wash- Reuben Sklar, Mrs. Harry Madan- To Be Discussed ington yesterday after spending a Dear Mr. Reiman: sky, Mrs. Lena Heller, Mrs. Leon- A dedication service will be held leave of seven days with her "par- It was my privilege, as well as Stryker Have Lived Sunday at S p. m. in the church pleasure, to hear your remarks ad- ard Gettelson and Mrs. Jacob Gol- auditorium by the pasor, Rev. Ches- ents. She begins her new duties dln. At Middletown today. dressed to the Mayor and Council Here 25 Years ter J. Padgett. Chaplains and of- at their meeting Monday, January Patrons will be Rabbi and Mrs. ficers from Fort Monmouth and Miss McClees, a graduate of 10, as Police Commissioner and in Arthur H. Hershon, Judge and Mrs. Rumson high gdiool and Katharine A surprise party was given last Municipal Officials Camp Charles Wood and represen- relation to your desires regarding Harry Klatjky, Col. snd Mrs. John tatives of the Committee on Camp Gibbs school in New York, was em- complaints. Your remarks were Edson Adams, Lieut, and Mrs. Mil- night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. To Attend Session and Church Activity of the Pres- ployed by the Ohio match company very constructive and should re- ton M. Abramoff, Mr. and Mrs. | George C. Barrett of Matawan in byterian War Time Service com- in New York prior to her enlist- lieve the Mayor of much worri- MRS. WILLIAM A. MILLER Thomas Irving Brown, Mr. and j celebration of the 51st wedding an- Tuesday Night mission will be present and the ment in the WAVES on November ment. Mrs. Edwin K. Conover, Mr. and niversary of Mrs. Barrett's parents, public Is cordially Invited to this 21, one week after reaching her Taking your remarks as they Mra. Miller said, "We can not Mrs. Max Duze, Dr. and Mrs, Joel J. RUSSELL WOOLET Mr. and Mrs. Randolph H. Stryker service. At the close of the meet- twentieth birthday. She received were given to us as taxpayers, I carry on a full girl scout program of Harding road, Red Bank. Only Three meetings called by North respectfully register a serious com- Feldman, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Go- Shore local war price and rationing ing In the church the hospitality her basic training at Hunter col- here because we lack funds. In gel, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Green- "Under my administration," said immediate members of the .Stryker house at SB Broad street will be lege and was selected for her spe- plaint, which is not new In the an- the fall we conducted a campaign Mr. Woolley, "the county clerk's of- family attended. A turkey dinner boards for consideration of the nals of Fair Haven police activi- blatt, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Halper, adoption of the so-called "OPA Or- opened for Inspection. cialty training at Iowa State tives. I do not want the situation for $10,000, but to date have col- Dr. and Mrs. Ernest F. Heymann, fice aa been streamlined and adapt- was served, and Mr. and Mrs. Stry- Teachers college on the basis of lected only $1,092. We intended to ed to the needs of the public In ker received many gifts Including dinance" by shore municipalities The Eatontown house is the 18th to develop to the point where I Mr. anu Mrs. Henry Hurwitz, Mr.
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