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%Ocr#S %ocr#S"roRDsc€oFf J€RM\/'S NUSTE!LIAN IIISTRT'M€NTh,L N€q/SL€TT€R EDTTTON #2 _ AUGUST 2{X}4 rHe r,i,A.Ntn I had many good idcas submitt€d (and some not so goodl) alld the final decision was difficult. Some of the suggestions included "GAIN" (Geofs Australian lnsrrurnental Newslettei), "DWAIN" (Definjtely Wortlrwhile Aust Inst Newsletter), "The Twang OfThe Beat", "cuitar String-A-Long". "Twank" (couldn'r imagine using that I'd be forever referred toas a Twankerl), and one unidentified lady left a message on my answering machine swgesting "MUSIC" (Most Unusual Stupid Instrumsntal Cmp", agarn, one fo. tlrc bin. My favourite is "Too Good For Words"- which I'11 use for the presen| Many thanks to Kim for lhe logo | ! Let me know what you think!l SHADOZ 2004 A great day was had by all at 'The Bridge" h tuchmond on Sunday 13 June. With l2 hours ofgood musjc, good bee{, good company and a great overall atmospherg how could we go wrong? 'I_he Foceedings we.e once again started by our ove.s€as friends, the Five O'Clock Shadows, ilom Hobart, Tasmania. Richard Andrews (Lead Guitar) ard Bill Burton (Rh).thm) *€re this year joined t'y P€ter Davidson (Bass) and a drunlmer called "machine". Their firsr s€f contained a wid€r variety ofshadows instumentalE as well as a seleclion offtacks by the Adantics and others and proved a perfect start to the day. nMidlife Crisis" featued Richard Codron (Lead). Eugene Van Der Hooden (Rhltlm). Cary Jorknrs (Bass) and Cerry Halpem (Drums) with more Shadows' favoudtes, a South Aliican medley, Miserlou Medley and others. Another nice selection which included some lesser knor*n numbers- Kim Humphreys onc€ again drove his litfle hatchback (laden with P.A., etlects. guitars et al) down from Sydney. this time armed witb copies ofhis new CD "Big Twang Theory" (see review later)- His first set included a couple oftracks ftorn the new CD as well as a variety of instumental "classics", played as only Kim can play ihem. Nice to se€ the Denvermen's "Surfside" and the Echomen's "Ski Run" making a 'mmeback' David Rogerson (Lead), David Jespcr (Rhlthm) ard cary Newton (Bass) are from Ballarat about 1 l0 kms west of Melboume, and werejoined by Gerry Halpern (Drums) for a short but enjoyabl€ set- Gunshot, Find Me ,A. Golden Stree! Chet Arkins Medley. Adventwes ln Paradise and "Twangy" Medley were introduced by the dry wit ofDavid R., with some inter€sting anecdotes. Adrian Brorrfl€ is the doyen ofthe Sydney Shadows Club. His l0 ye3r old son Bryaa aeated us to a short solo set in the style of Chet Atkins on his beaBdnrl Gretsch guitar. It's ftghtening to think !,vhar be'lt be like when he is 201! Joey D'Rozario is a great guitarist and a real livewire. Usi{g backing racks, he breezed through a wide variety ofShadows numbers including Cavatina Maria Elen4 Roddgo's Concerto and others. The highlight was a great version of D e Stlails' Sultans Of Swing with Kim Humphreys. Popular Barry Roy was.joined by Russell Baird (Rh!'tlm) Jetr Manning (Keyboards), Dan Mcl,achlan (Bass) and John Hall (Druns) for the likes ofKon-Tiki, Gonzales, Genie With The Ljght Brcwn Lamp, The Savage, The Frigitened City md others. creat stuff. After a 'dinner break' and a few well deserved ales, the sarne band provided rhe support for guitarist Con Anag, who etrtertained with an interesting set with some unusual s€lections and well played too!! Another Melboume 'legend'. guiE.ist .Ioh Cosgrove was joined by Ray 'Scrcamy' Eames (Gui&E), Frank Bums (Drums) and Ray Houston (Bass) The Fsrdrrmen- We were treated to Diamondq The White Rabbit, G.een Oniors- Quite A Pa.ty, TIte Cruel Se4 Pipeline and a Ventures Medley. John's Jazzmaster really captured thc sound ard leel of thosc early Ventures things. John also played thc lead guitarrole wilh The Imposters. specially formed for the erent. John was joined by tan B. Allen (Bass). who was also our MC lor ihe ev€ning, Noel Trcsider (Keyboards). Grahan Broomfield (Saxophone) and Len McGll (Drums) They leatured a wide range of matedal. and it was nice to hear some D ane Eddy. John$y & The Hunicanes- Mar-Keys / Thunderbirds mat€rial Kim Humpbrcys rctumed ficr arother solo set ard had everyone spellbound with his versions ofcoofy Foot. Mercedes, Rebel Rous€r. Parisienne Walkways. Hideaway and You R€ally Got Me. Br€thtakingl After the ram€ draw and a few fbnlalities. l]ryan Browne relurned for a reprise of Windy And Wan:r. lhen lhe rive O'Clock Shadows ('lasma ia's own!) pleased with,motlier line selection. Mary commeoted on thc wide vadely ofthe lesscr known Shadows tracks featured 'fhe night was drawiDg to a close. ard the Sydney "conlingent" combined with l}e "locals" for the finale. Russell. John, Dan. Jeflmd Lisa provided capable backing for Adrian Browne with Darc€ On. Gonzales- Round And Round- Chattanooga Choo Choo. Midnight- Geronimo- In 'lhe Mood and Ap6che. beforc handing over to Kim Humphreys for Rebel Rouser, Foot Tapper ard others- One ofthe most irteresting fealures ofthis year was the wdcome infroduction oflots ofAustraliar instrumentals fiom the 60's, as u/ell as a wide selection oftracks by other artists alo g with some of dre lesser known Shadows numtlers. Among the mrtsiciars were rnembers of 'lcgendary' bands such as the Henohmen. Chessmen, Jigsaq All Stars, Fendennen. Strangers. !|kre Jays, Blue EchoeE Preaniers, Plarets and many otherc some ioo ernbarmssing to mmtiofl- 'lhe o€anisers (Geoff, Russell snd Gar'') wish {o tha k all involved- the musicians- Ian Allen (MC- aid generous donation lo lhc.ame). Jernly a d Sne al lhe door- Bryce tbe pholographer. l"efly and his slaffal "The Bddge", Dcnys at "l lound Dog s Bop Shop" and anyone we forgot. Slay tuned for a bigger and betlor event i 2005 THE HELP DESK Does anyone oul {here have a vid€o ediling suite. or acc€ss to one? Wc have laped the proceedings at "Shadoz 2004" a d would like to release the video to ihose irter€sted. However, nost ofthe tapes are in the VHS-C format. and we need some professional advic€ and guidance. Many rhanks to fhose who ad\.ised that the episode of "This ls Yorr Life" featuring Tommy Emmanuel rvas ot sholvn in l'ebmury, but was ir facl t;lmed in February. Thanks to our Sydney "All Tlings Emrnaruel" correspondent- I can advise that Chamel 9 plans to scre€n the episode later this year. probably in October- Watch out for itl! TOMI}TY EMMANUEL Speaking ofTommy El]nna uel. dates for his 2004 tour har€ been announced. They are: Ca bena _fheatre I December. Wrcsl Point Entenainmenl Cenfre Hobart 3 Decernber. Burswood 'l'healre Perlh 4 Decernber, ller Majesty's Theatre Adelaide 7 December, City Recital Hall Angel Place Sydney 9 December- Dalias Brooks Centre Melborune I I December and Jupiters Theatre at Conmd Jupiters Gold Coast l2 December. Fulher d€tails can be found at *urv.t!ult:!\ cmlna uel colll REVIEWS: The big rclease of 2004 has to be... KIM TIUMPHRI]VS . "BIG TWANG T}IEORY" Now Herr'rhis la 20{H YOU REALLY CIOT ME / N,IERCEDES / RETURN IO SURF CII'Y (*) / PARI. TIME LOVE / BULLET PROOF SOCKS (*) / BIG TWANG'I'HEORY (*) / CRAZY FINCERS (* ) / GUNSI,TNGER / SURI'SIDE / EL CUMBANCHERO / NUTROCKER,/ NICHTMARE (*) Tte racks marked (+) are Kim's original compositions. all ofwhich fit in well with The Kinks' "You Really Cot Me" very toflgue in cheek, a la The Fargone fJeauties (remember thenr?) at a frenetic pace. David Gates' 'Part Tirne Love", Davie Allan s "Gunslinger". the Denvennen's beautiful "Surfside", El Cumbarchero" as populaised by The Vertures, and that "Classic ofThc Classics" by B.Bumble And The Stingers "Nut Rocker". "Mercedes" is a latin sounding acoustlc number, and one ofmy favourites on the CD. "Retum To Surf The Sundazed CD's are all erlrernely well compile4 and contain copious and authodtatrve liner notes- THE FRANTICS - "THE COMPLETE FRANTICS ON DOLTON" col-|,ncroRs' cHorcE ccDt-463-2 STRAIGHT FLUSH / YOUNG BLUES / FOG CUI-|ER / BLACK SAPPHIRT / WEREWOLF / CHECKERBOARD / NO WEREWOLF / TIIE WHIP I DELILAH / YANKEE DOODLIN' / ONE MINUTE OF FLAMENCO (FOR TwO MINUTES) / SAN ANTONIO ROSE I TREES / UNRELEASED TRACKS: OH YEAH! / WALKIN'TIIE BEAT / RICHMOND STOMP / VENTURA BLVD, / DIRTY ROBBER / SWEET CUCUMBER / HOLD ITl LOST LOLAND / MIO AMORE / LETTM FROM ]ENNIE / LOVE OF MY LIFE / DON'S TUNE / LOST LOVE The Ventores' label mates with their first full-length release. This CD contains all oftheir singie tracks on Dolton, plus no less thaD 13 umel€as€d tlacks. Startiry with "Straighr Flush", which was covered successfully by Aushalia s olir D€e Jays, the group continue through a numbcr of divers€ tacks, includinS their farnous "Werewolf' and "The Whip"- They had a harder, more R&B bas€d soun4 and featured guitarist Ron Pete.s€n, koyboardist Chuck Schodirg saxophonist Bob Hosko, bassi$ Jim Manolides alld drummer Don Fultorl This CD shows that the F.antrcs were not just copyists, atrd "inco{porated various styles into their brand ofinstrumental roch including Latin-influenced rh!,tbmE flamenco andjazzy, exotica-ting€d arrang€ments". Reconmeoded for those ofyou who like that somelhing a little different. SANDY NELSON _ "TIIE BEAT GOES ON" orl STATESIDE 7243 864336 2 6 NOTHINGS TOO COOD FOR MY BABY / LO\€ IS LIKE AN ITCHING IN M Y HEART / KICKS / GLORIA / TIME WON'T LET ME / COOL JERK / THE BEAT C'OES ON / MERCY MERCY MERCY / GROOVIN' / CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF YOU / UFIIGIJT (EVERYTHING'S ALRICHT) / SOUL FINGER / LNCI{AIN MY HEART / SHAKE A TATL FEATHER / WHAT'D I SAY / PUT A LITTLE LOVE IN YOUR HEART / ALLIGATOR BOOGAI-OO / FLTNKY BROADWAY / EL?RESSWAY TO YOUR IIEART / BOOGALOO DOWN BROADWAY / MIDNIGHT MAGIC / KARATE BOOGALOO / GET ON UP / MYSTERY BOOCALOO Diurnmer Sandy Nelson had a couple ofbig hits wi$ "Let Th€re Be Drxms" and "Teen Boat" in the early 60's.
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