September, I927 Page 39 ! Page of Poetry From Our Frisco Rhymsters

AT "SP I'm Headed 1''--' By GUY PHILLIPS, Tul "There isn't a trainman on the eastern division, and few on the :above the canyons or the bu! E'risco. who does]~'t know 'Splftlog' A VIL UI open sky Is peeping thru, Jones." said Harr:y Dean, Frisco en- And by the slrips of sidewalk where tusnmg rnousanas yws, gineer. Appears a slender blade of grass or two. With this introlduction he left a Copy of a poem. "'Splitlog Jones' Air The red, red robin comes bob, bob, bobbin' back home, Party", with the M agazine, to be print- And incites the dreary stay-at-homes to sing, ed in an early editiion. The poem was Once again the footloose wanderer heara the call to roam, composed by Jos. Ray, traveling flre- And weary city dwellere know it's spring. man, .eastern division. "Splitlog Jones" is a passenger en- But of the city dreary, my Western heart is weary, gineer and has a. run between St. I long for open spaces where pleasant breezes wing. Louis and Newb urg. His service And soon I'm going back, down along the Frisco track, numbers thirty-th ree years, "and," To those blowsy, drowsy days of Oklahoma Spring. continued Mr. Dealn, "he's a comedian and the funniest person you ever I met." Here's the poem "Splitlog Jones" CSrme down one day, A CAREFUL MAN cussing his rur1 of luck. WELL, WHY NOT? Bill Donahoe called to Jones from a Bg MRS. ROY W. RECTOR By "Pumpw" nearby roundh ouse truck, Ft. Scott, Kans. There's many a dub on the Chicka- Jones said, "Listen , Bill", then with a sha Sub, vicious frown, That usually reads the Magaeinr. "I've got a lot of ,grievances, I'm the If there's nnything I love to see, But if any of 'em ever broke into sorest man in town: In all this wonderful land, print, Yesterday was my birthday and I've Something that's very dear to me. 'Twas in a copy that henever figured for a g'ear That's a really careful man. seen. To get a bunch t ogether and shove trouble in the clear." I have an experience to tell, So, I wish you'd spare me a little Jones got the bun4:h together, all the So hearken to me, if you can, space, East End bunt ch were there, As I tell this tale you should all know An' time, lor my feeble verse. The party wae gi ven especially' for well. Oh, yes, I know, It ain't so much, those who han dle air. About a very careless man. But, d'you know, it mighta been The womenfolk ag rreed to leave and Worse. leave the house to us, A flyer was roaring down the track, Provided we'd be careful and help As a baby said, "Daddy, hold hand," I've got lotsa friends along th' road. clean up the m 1USS. But the father had turned around, Seldom heard from an' never Kid Sherry and Bi 11 Hedges, with the looking back, seen. aid of Guy M Oore, For he wasn't a careful man. An' there's never a word of one of Placed torpedoes o n the sidewalk and those birds, a red light on the door. The little feet tottered on the rail, In our Frisco Magamne. Van Horn cautionled Manning when As swiftly as little feet can, he whispered in his ear, As a shopman was coming home with I wonder how is Oney Black? "Just feed it to her, kiddo. for every- his pail, He's yard clerk in Snyder-town. thing is clear." And he was a careful man: Or I'd like to know if Warlick's Harry Dean did t;he Charleston, and there, I want to statc? right here, An' is Bob Harwood still around? I always have, and He Jumped before the roaring train I still insist, he's a And caught her as he ran, first-class engineer. The father stood, IookIng on in shame, Now, all th' other "subs" have re- Each one had his record, he endeav- For he was a careless man. porters. ored to explail3, To tell the ''Mag'' what they say Just how and wh, en he made it on But he had learned hls lesson, or do, some real high ball train. So why th' deuce ain't we got one. Charlie Schank go1 A lesson of grit and sand. : restless, and said, And he watches now, as he crosses, We like our names in th' paper, "Stop that flyi~ng drag." too! Harry Pearse did the Black Bottom, For he now is a careful man. while Sherry went back to flag. Editor's Note:-If "Pumpefl will John Lynch scowled at Damon with send in his nutne to the Magazine, he a glance at "Sugar Foot" Frey. might find himself with a reportefs "You fellows' braktes are sticking and as the two men paced about; job on his hands! Who are you, your back pre:sslire is too high." Harry Dean said. "Let 'em alone, let "Pumper"? Harry Siders war lted a time card, those guys fight it out." but the bunch he dld not fear. Jones said. "If you handle air, you've He got a hunch tc , be careful, some- got to do it right; one might strilre his rear. If you don't believe it can be done, Geo. Berger said, "It is time to leave, ride behInd me some night." He: "Wish that I could revise the it's eleven 0%'Ioclr or more." About that time the folks came home, alphabet." John Lynch said, "Your watch is it didn't look so good, just fair. She: "what for?" wrong, it's just . 10:54." You birds will have to beat it, go He: "So's to put U and I close to- They argued over the time of night home and cut out your air. gether." Page 40

cut plling, capped them and put oc rountant here, who is now in the olli~s new deck. On July 14th we were work- at Pcnsacola. Florlda. I WESTERN DIVISION 1 Iny two and half mlles from siding. Mr. Thos. Madison. roadmaster, with had one hour and forty minutes delay headquarters at Ft. Smith. has been on for tralns. 15 or 20 minutes worklng a short vacation. ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT on alr pump and drove 66 piling, 1828 Mr. C. L 3Iahan. general foreman feet, with an average penetration ot bridge and building. recently held a . ENID, OKLA. 25 foot. Was not trylng for any rec- meetlng of bridge foremen in order to ord or speci?! showlng. Drove all discuss all features and get urouerlv treated plling. llned up to make reports to take-cafr V. L. THOMAS, Reporter of work of renewing 260 brldges dur- ing the present year on the Central R. D. Wllllams. former completion divislon. report clerk at Memphls, and promi- CENTRAL DIVISION Mr. 0. N. Crocker and Mr. B. H. Betts nent on many other dlvlsfons, has I of the St. huls ofllce, recently spent s been asslgned to the position of bill few days In Ft. Bmlth and accompanied and voucher clerk in thls office. a number of the members of theofflce J. R. Sickles, famous Enld gardener, OFFICE OF 8UPERINfENDENT force on an outlng to Fine Springs. has now tnken over the duties of shop Arki~nsas. accountant, po~ltlonvacated by D. M. FT. SMITH, ARK. - Thornton some tlme ago. B. H. Betts, traveling: accountant, PAULINE SXREKER, Reporter STORE DEPARTMENT spent two weeks checklng payrolls FT. SMITH, ARK. here, beglnnlng Augus't 1st. Notlce to reporter of the .4ccountlng Department Bt. Scott. Kansas. Please RATHRYNE AIcMAHON. Reporter TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT glve full report on J. R. Wllholt, as - WEST ERN DIVISION-ENID thls seems the only way to hear from him and hi8 many friends at Ft. Smlth Elton Sprouse stock clerk, has been are lnqulring about hlm. In Sparks ~~embr~alHospltal for Ave days suffering from a sprained foot. Onr Slogan-Boost or Blow Several changes have taken place In the Superintendent's oRlce sInce the Mrs. Thos. Holcomb Agatha William Santa Fe took over the operatlon of and Thomas ~olcomb:are vldtlng rel- CAMPBELL & CAMPBELL, Reporters the faclllties at Parls, Texas. Mr. J. atlves In Colllnwood. Tenn. K. Johnson, Chlef Clerk, displaced N. Jess Jamison has been granted a K, Waters malntenance of way tlme- nlnety days' leave of absence and is VACATION NEWS keeper. Mr. Waters displaced Pauline vlslting in Gary Indlana. Mr. F. E. Bates, road foreman of Smreker, steno-clerk and Miss Smreker Mr. and Mrs. C: U. Patrwk and dauph- equlpment, and family spent their va- displaced Miss Helen Wllllams, train- ter, Adelyn, are seeing the slghts in cation in Cuba. master's stenographer. Niagara Falls, Buffalo and parts of Mr. H. V. Kengle, B. & B. foreman. Mlss Ardelle Fraser, Assletant Super- Canada. Mr. Patrlck Is chlef clerk to and Mrs. Kengle, vlrlted wlth friends lntendent Beazley's Clerk at Hugo, the maater mechanlc. and relatlves In Ohio. stoooina in Bt. Oklahoma, 1s absent from duty account J. W. Rlsner. storekeeper at Bacone, Louls to vlslt their son, DL ~20rge. of 11Iness. Miss Helen Wllllams Is re- Okla, vlsited friends and relatlves In Mr. S. f. Frazler, Superintendent and Iinvine.. M1.s Fraser. ~und.Okla. tamlly, C. R. Jordan, and famlly (by 1s at- Mr. and Mrr. R. P. Manley have ns cecfi i~eakl&, messenger boy, thelr guest, Mrs. Manley's brother, Mr. the way, Mr. Jordan used to be asslst- tendina Military Tralnlng Camp at Ft. Plke Hailey. of Tulsa. ant on the River and Bouthwestern Leavenworth. Kansas. He wlll recelve Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Manley and chll- Dlvlslons) and A. N. Heaney of the hls commlsslon In the Reserve Army dren, XormabelI and Eugene, wlll leave Heaney TIre Company, and son, spent chis year. Herman Mattlngly Is rellev- September 1st. for Callfornia, where a most enjoyable vacatlon flahlng. A r Weakley. they will spend two weeks. They were several days on Current In%.wJ: Conway, operator, wlfe and daughter Margaret were called to St. Mlss Johanna Ruge of the general River. and several davs on Roaring- frelght agent's ofllce, will spend her ~iver;In the Ozarks. - Paul ~ahsason account of the death vacatlon in San Antonlo Texas. Mr. CllKord Underwood and Mr. L. of airs. conday's father. Mr. and Mrs. Earl ~ohn'son,will spend L Rangert spent several days on the A. T. Thorson. wlre chlet. and wlfe. spent an joyabl able vacatlon~In Detrolt Labor Day in Sprlngtown. Okla., as DIvlsion. they were here on July 26th and Slagara Falls. Then .Mr. Thorson the guests of Mrs. Johnston's father. and attended three meetings the West- went to the hos~~itaiIn St. Louls where ern Divislon had llned up. he had a tonsliectomy operatlon from ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT The first 16 days In August we handl- which he has fully recovered. ed 130 cars of green frult. same perlod Mr. and Mrs. S. T. CantrelI have re- FT. SMITH, ARK. last month handled 121 cars, entire turned from a vlslt wlth their daughter month of August last year only '16 cara in Wlnston Salem. N. C. Whlle Mr. GRAYCE HEYBURN, Reporter handled. Cantrell was away hls Secretary. Char- We wlsh to thank Conductor Bert - les Eason alao took a vacation vlsitlnp. Mrs. H. M. Booth and daughters Shir- Erwln for the following news item, with friends In St. Louls. and hope he wlll send In others, as well ley and Marylyn are spending the Ople Llttle. tralnmaster's clerk, and month of August in Des Molnes, Iowa. as the other traln and englnemen, and famlly spent several weeks vlsltlng as the auests of Mrs. Booth's ~arents. anyone havlng a blt of news for the frlends and relatives In Los Angeles. Y. Hays will spend several weeks in magazine.- Callf. Springs. "It has been a long time slnce tho icudder has jolned our force. drlver worked a full month on West- ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT, recently as instrument-man. ern Dlvlsion, drlvlng all the tlme: 1 -On Sunday. August 7th. Mr. C. L. kept a record of the work and It 1s as FT. SMITH, ARK. Jfahan bridge and buildlng foreman. follows: J. W. Harter was the end- held a'sta~meetlng Of all brldge fore- neer. H. J. Jenkins the Areman. ~6m FLORA BOLLINGER, Reporter men and Inspectors. Among the sub- Manlon and 0. C. Shelton the brake- ject# discussed was the accounting fea- man. A. Llnderer, B&B foreman and Mr. Tracy Boa1 from Bprlngfleld, Mo., ture. Mr. Collette explained In a very hls outtlt, Seth Duncan. plle driver en- visited Mr. L. B. Reed for a few days clear and deflnlte way the new method glneer, pile drlver No. 99058; we work- nt during the past month. nhnrrrlnn comolete.--~- renewals-- ~ ~ ~ of ed over 135 mlles of track, part of It We send our best wishes to Miss b&iiCtYo~i. a B. jolnt wlth KCM&O, on joint traek we Dorothea Spelghts, who has returned Thos. Madison. roadmaster, returned had as hkh as 12 tralns to contend to the Frlsco as stenographer-clerk In Aurrust 16th from hls vacatlon In Mls- wlth, on o'iher tracks only four regu- the city tlcket offlce at Tulsa. Okla. sou?l. Kansas and Oklahoma. lar trains, not many extras. During This office was very pleasantly sur- Mrs. Jack Leonard, of Jackson, Mlss- the month we drove 846 plling, three prlsed with an unexpected visit from ISSIDDI, is visiting her slster Miss Kath- dlKerent brldges. drove dump bents. Thos. R. Gibson, Jr.. former shop ac- ryn- McMahon. STORES AND MECHANICAL DEPT. Thls polnt handled two Dokey Spc- cials into Bt. Worth. one of which was FT. WORTH, TEXAS used as headquarters. Several compli- mcnts were pald as to the efficlency In H. R. GLASCOCK. Reporter which these visltnrs were taken care of. And agaln Frisco leaves its fa- Joe H,Wllllams, lead man store gang, vorable impression on the public. on. has returned from hls vacation In E. F. Tuck, general foreman reports at Arkansas. R pkasant vacatlon spent aiong thc Lor, .\. T. Todd, storekeeper and famllv border and In Old IIexico. motored to Sherman on th'elr vacatloh. Leon River Bottom seems to be a In<: Haz Arms. switch engineer. Is con- fatal pIace for Brfdge Inspector Kay 0 n1 valcmlng in the hospital from a se- Freeman and Lineman Sisemore's mu- Inq rious operation. tor cars. hlr. :tic the

)ncl 1 "From Stake Driver 1 rnd mt Ian to Railroad President" led use Ln!z 1 a oth n~- ILLIAM BENSON STOREY, k five years from now. Make it the p~oyesare to oe nosrs at tne parry. President of the Atchison, To- right answer ! Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Hodges have re- Wpeka and Santa Fe, started his No matter where you live, the Inter- turned from an extended trip through the west and some polnts In Canada. railroad career forty-one years ago as a national Correspondence Schools will enjoying the many Interesting places stake driver at twenty dollars a month. come to you. No matter what your hand- they vislted. icaps or how small your means, we Mr. E. T. McKenna has taken up mo- The story of his life, as told in The t_ori?g, having purchased a fast runnlng American Magazine, should be an in- have e plan to meet your circumstances. spiration to every railroad man. It No matter how limited your previous shows that there is no limit to how far education, the simply-written, wonder- a man can rise if he really tries. fully-illustrated I. C. S. lessons make it easy to learn. No matter what career Mr. Storey says that too many men you may choose, some one of the 300 deliberately choose small jobs. I. C. S. courses will surely suit your "One of the great shocks of my boy- needs. hood occurred when I learned that the When everything has been made easy local telegrapher in the railroad station for you-when one hour a day spent in our town had refused promotion to with the I. C. S. in the quiet of your the dispatcher's office. He decided to own home will bring you a bigger in- - stick to his key; and the reason he gave come, more comforts, more pleasures, was the added pay that dispatchers rc- all that success means-can you afford ceived was not sufficient to compensate to let another single priceless hour of him for the added responsibilities that spare time go Zo waste? he would have in the higher office. This is all w asht Without cost or obli.atlon, put it up fo us Ce prove horn wm can help you. "To me his decision seemed almost Just mark and ma17 this coupon. ------...-I criminal. I saw it as a step upward. INTERNATIONAL, CORREBPONDENCE SCHOOLS But ha was thinkhg of his ease. That "The Lniversal I.n~%Pr#rlu" Box 86234. Bcranton. Panna. man died a telegrapher in a small sta- Klthout rost or obllmtlon aleuse tell m boa 1 cm tion. He didn't get further because hc uuallfy for the Msltion or h the #ubjcet. 8slar rablch 1 om marklns X in thd Ilat balm: didn't want to; or, if you like, because Locomotive Engineer Rals Clark Loeornotlve Fireman Stallon A#& he didn't dare to. Alr Brake Inspector Bookkeaper Alr Braka Ravalrmm Cost Aemunt~~c "There is only one way to win pro- Itoun~lhouraP'orcman Uuslnesr Management Tralnman nnd Carman Executive Tralnlng motion, and that is by doing the job a OEleclr~r1.aromotlve and little better than those around you-a Trdln O~erstlon Mist little better than you are expected to do it. If you need special training, don't complain because you haven't got it get it! "Work along. If you put one foot ahead of the other, day by day, in pur- suit of a worthy object, and keep on doing it for a lifetime, the sum of your acts will be the thing yon are after- achi8vement.l'

OW about you? Are you content to H stagnate in a small position all your life, or have you the courage and the will to go up? Your answer to that question will decide just where you will Page 42 September, 1927

American Leglon mt Guehrle, Okla., tion of assistant foreman In the West August 8th and 9th, re whlch Frank Tulsa Yards. I SOUTHWESTERN DIVISION I Douglas was elected Commander. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Ogg, or Afton, art- Morgan Is very actlve In Leglon af- spending thelr vacation in Kansas fairs at Sapulpa, havlng been elected City. commander of the Roscoe Frye Post A track ralse of one foot slx Inches. OFFICE GENERAL AGENT No. 36, Ilepartment of Oklshoma, last twa June. One of the flrst soclal events rellef brldges, one 11 panels and 1 OKMULGEE, OKLA. was a big dance whlch several of the four panels, are beIng Installed on the Frlsco bunch attended. west end of Grand Rlver brldge near D. B. McCAIN. Reporter Wyandotte to overcome hlgh water Mr. and Mrs. Ira F. Brlster have an- trouble at that polnt. Extra gang No. nounced the blrth of Betty Jo, a ten I42 Is engaged In thls work In addltlon Miss Marguerlte Hughey, bill clerk. yound daughter. to several of the regular section Is slck, having suffered a nervous J. D. MacMlllan, roadmaster's clerk. and >Ira. MacMillan of the tlcket oKlce gangs. Tha completSon of this work breakdown, hope to see her back soon. wlll eliminate all future trouble wlth she Is belng relleved by Mlss Sybil spent a two week'r vacation visiting high water at thls polnt. Robinson. Ft. Worth, Galveston and Hot Springs. Mr. Virgll Rlkard, rate clerk, has Ark. Mac says ha' went down to Luther Howell who has been fore- just returned from a 30 day vacatlon "Hae a dook in the saut water!" man at Dawson for some time, has . at Phoenix, Arlz., where he has been Miss Lols Flanagan is enjoylng a 130 transferred to Whlte Oak sectlon. vlsltlng relatives. He was relleved by days' leave of absence touring the Mrs. Page wlth her son and daugh- Mr. Reid from S. P. R. R. Co. West. Mlss Flanagan will vislt Kan- ter of Vlnita have left for Callfornia. Mr. Fred Drewell, chlef yard clerk. sas Clty, Salt Lake Clty, san Francls- where they wlll spend the rest of the and I attended the Frisco Employe's co, Los Angeles and San Dlego, and summer. Plcnlc at Wella Park, July 24th. wil1 return by way or the Grand Can- The work of olllng the ralls, jolnts. Mr. H. T. Wood Is the proud owner yon and Tucson. tle plates and swltches on the Chero- of a new Essex coach. C. S. MIIIer, dispatcher, has returned kee Sub has just been completed. Thls . Operator Mr. Charles Balrd has been to work after a-trip to Chtcago and work was done wlth one of the Huff rellevlng Car Distrlbutor golling at around the Lakes. Spraylng Machlnes In charge of oper- Sapulpa. He also relieved one of the 31. E. West and famlly- snent- the ator Parks, who dld a flrst class job. dispatchers for a few days, but Is week end in St. Louls. back to hls position here now. Jennls F. Altchlson ts spendlnu a Andrew Mach, foreman at Vfnita. Mr. Roy Thompson, yard cferk. Is two month's vacation at her home In left for a month's vacatlon in Wiscon- spendlng hls vacation In Colorado. Mr. Massachusetts. She stopped at Nla- sin and Pennsylvania. where he wlll Blll Dorris, Jr., of Oklahoma City, re- gara Falls and Canada while enroute, visit relatives: He was accompanied llevlng him. and while In the East wlll vislt frlends by Mrs. Mach. Mr. Thorn paid us a vislt the ArSt in Bo:iton and New York. Jim Hale, who has been off account of month, cutting off Mrs. Mae Miller Mrs. Eula Morgan, wlCe of Fred of sickness for the past 60 days, Is who has been worklng as an expense Morgan, chief tlmekeeper, is spending back on hls old job agaln, at West clerk for several months. the summer In studying wlth Tulsa. the master teachers. Mrs. Morgan is Tom Grlmes has been asslgned posf- --- a dramatic soprano and was the mln- tlon of assistant foreman at Tulsa. ner In the state convention of the OFFICE SUPERINTENDENT Federated Muslc clubs held in Duncan One of our old friends in the person SUPULPA, OKLA. last February. She has also won two of James Healy, passed through Sap- scholarships while In Chicago; one of ulpa the other day enroute to Morris. which entitled her to study volce wlth Okla. Some of the boys had the pleas- JENXIE F. AITCHISON, Reporter Percy Rector Stephens, of New York. ure of speaklng to him and he promls- which was donated by Elizabeth Rath- ed to vislt all the gang on his return. Aaron Morgan, malntenance clerk. burg, while the other covers opera Mr. Healy was formerly roadmaster attended the State Conventlon of- the study at the Amerlcan Conservatory of on the Cherokee Sub and Is now on the Music under Oscar Saenger, of New penslon llst on account of ill health. York. After completing these courses, We all hope that "Jim" regalns his Mrs. Morgan will go to health soon and that he wlll come and for further study before entering the pay us a regular vlsit, on his way field of opera. back. . Wm. Jones and wIfe are visltlng in Marcellne, hlo., Lor a couple of weeks. THE FIRST Frank Durbln of Vlnlta Is In charge DEPOT TICKET OFFICE of section G-14 whlle Foreman Mach is TULSA, OKLA. on vacatlon. NATIONAL The writer accompanied by Mrs. MacMlllan is leavlng tomorrow night E. W. SHANNAHAN, Reporter for Hot Springs, Ark., for a two weeks' vacation. Ft. Worth. Houston and BANK Galveston wlll be visited enroute. Mr. W. P. Kent md family have re- turned from a vacation spent In the Ozarks, and Plttsburg and Joplln. Mr. A. L. West and famlly spent few OF TULSA days In New York City last month and whlle there Mr. West enjoyed seelng knock Jack Sharkey OKLAHOMA out. Mr. West says It was a clean knock out and Dempsey wlll win with a knockout In Tunney Fight in Chlccasa, September 22nd. BUS!NESS Mr. and Mrs. McCool have returned MORALS from a vacation spent In the North west vlsltlng Portland and Seattle, Washlnpton. THIS BANK STANDS FOR AB- D. L. King and famlly are plannlng lOLUTE MORALITY IN BUSI- CAPITAL $2,000,000.00 to drive to Llttle Rock. U ESS. SOME MEN CAN GET Ev WITH QUESTIOrYABLE PER- 40th AND 43rd TRACK DIVISIONS SONAL HABITS. I3UT WHEN IT SURPLUS ~$500,000.00 COMES TO BUEIINESS MAT- SAPULPA, OKLA. TCRS. ESPECIAL.LY MONEY. EVERVONE DE*IANDS THE VERY STRLCTEST INTEGRITY J. A. MacMILLAN, Reporter THIS BANK STA,HDS FOR THE - HIGHEST GRADE OF FINAN- Wm. Wllkle. ass't foreman at Tulsa, ClAL ETHICS. Is rellevlng Jake Davis, roadmaster's I clerk at Oklahoma City, while he is " Tulsa's Oldest Bank " being treated in the St. Louis, Hospital. NAL BANK We all hope that Jake will: soon be back wlth us again enjoylng good health. James Reed has been asslgned posi- September, 1927 Page 43

FREIGHT AND PASSENGER store department facilities at West Edmond with her mother, who 1s very Tulsa for the next Magazine, as Mr. 111. We hope for her immediate re- DEPARTMENT Gardner la this date trying his skill In covery. OKLAHOMA CITY photography. Arche B. Crume, timekeeper, this year, spent hls vacation entertaining ACCOWNTtNG DEPARTMENT the fish and the Squirrels in the nelgh- VICTORIA WALKER. Reporter borhood of Springfield. SAPULPA, OKLA Machinist Henry Phillips, who has Oklahoma City made a fine showlng been away on a vacatlon, has returned for the month of July, the total pas- 6. P. HENSLEY, Reporter to work and reports a very nice tlme senger revenue was greater than since spent In Florida and in the training the year 1923. - camp at Fort Sill. Oklahoma. A. W. Harrison, chief clerk In the Dlvlsbn Accountant R. E. PlpkLn and Englneer P. J. Clements, who has frelght department, has been out or Mrs. Pinkln have ~eturnedfrom thelr been away on a leave of absence ac- the oflice for the past few weeks on vacatio~,which was spentin the vlcii; count of Illnesd. returned to work account of Illness. ity of Denver. August 16th. 1927. Bob Hopkins, city passenger agent. Mrs. W. D. Jones, wife oL shop ac- Engineer Al. Wortman. who. has accompanied the Building and Loan countant. spent several days the past been away, attending the B. of L. E. special train to Ashevllle. N. C., whlch month visiting her sister in St. Louis. Convention, has returned to work. left Oklahoma Cltv Julv 15th. Mrs. E. H. Gillis, wife of completion Roundhouse Foreman R E. Bohon. H. C. ~onley,- anifstant general report clerk, vlslted in S~rlngfleld. - sev- who has been away on a vacation, frelght agent, and wife left August 6th era1 days thls month. which he spent in West Virginla, has for their vacation In Michigan. H. E. Farinn was the week-end guest returned to work. Roy Hughes, traveling freight agent, of the reporter at Calvln. Okla.. Au- Mr. Geo. I. Alexander, boiler lore- was in the hosaltal In St. Louis for a gust 13th.- man, West Tulsa, is away on a vaca- few days this' month to undergo a Miss Mary 'Potter Wilcox, steno- tion, whlch he Is spendlng in the minor operation. clerk. spent Sunday, July 31st, In Ok- South with his parents. ~Mrs. R. 0. Hopkins spent August lahoma City. Roundhouse Clerk Robert Webb has 12th. 13th and 14th vlsitlng relatives Mr. G. D. Gorham. formerly of the returned from his vacatlon, whlch was in Kansas City. superintendent's forces on the rlver spent in Yellowstone National Park. Miss Phllomena Vorderlandwehr vls- division, reported the mornlng of July Mr. C. 8. McCall is taking his vaca- ited at her home In Klngflsher, August 19th for work as general clerk. tion in laps this year. The first lap 16th and 16th. was spent In driving through to Colo- MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT rado. CITY TICKET OFFICE Engineer Keiller is sportlng a brand SAPULPA, OKLA. new Studebaker. TULSA, OKLA. Englneer D. P. Cronen, West Tulsa L. -4. 3IACK-0. R. TUCKER. yar?, is away on a vacation. Reporters F~reman C. L. Ford has returned HIL. F. ATKINSOK. Reporter kern the hospital at St. Louis and has AMISS Emelia Kalt, file clerk, has re- left for Cold Sprlngs, Colo., for his In6 ~ultea ~oodbusi- cently returned from her vacation health. slnts at thls tlme. whIch was spent in molorIng: through AIachlnlst Inspector S. Dl. Ferguson nett, city tlcket agent, the West and to the Western Coast. Is away on leave of absence, spent In ife and daughter, Lois. 0. R. Tucker. chief clerk to the gen- both of his homes (Springfield and during the week end eral cat foreman, spent his vacation Texas). at the home of his parents at Afton. ~wltchEngIneer C. L. Biddens is ent P. E. Buesse has and fishing for a week on the Grand away on a vacation. iurst Country Club. Rlver. Engineer C. C. Prescott. West Tulsa rde a trlp to Cherokee icllsa Camllla Blrcin. steno, is sgend- yard, is stlli away from work account Kans.. to vlslt friends ing her vacation at home, resting. of Illness. sver the week-end of We regret very much to report the Third Clase ~llachlnlstWm. F. FIem- .h. very serious Illness of ilttle Jerry, ming is away on a vacation. year-old son of L. J. Hudspeth, dlstri- Machinist Ed. Olvler Is on a vacatlon :AL DEPT. NEWS bution clerk. Our very sincere regrets In Denison, Texas, and Dallas. Texas. are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Hudspeth Machinist Wm. H. Stlnson is away TULSA, OKLA. and best wishes for a speedy recovery. on a vacation. Mlss Myrtle McConnell, comptometer Roundhouse Foreman Geo. M. Jesse PORY, Reporter operator, spent Sunday and Monday in spent his vacation In Florida.

we?, triple rack man. ver for the past week to enter the Frlsco he will receive treat- undergo an operation Gamble, PBX operator returned from another brk Clty. AND BE YOUR OWN BOSS- SeR 2%~ Amazing Ail-Weaaer Coat .SA STORE DEPT.

RULE, Reporter

ey, store foreman, has a two-weeks' vacation points in California. 3obby Gardner, daugh- S. R. Gardner, division ve returned from an Indlanapollq Indlana. Stone accompanled her S. Rutledge. to Topeka, where Mrs. Rutledge peration August 2. Mrs. home August 12, and er mother Is getting hss taken an indefinite e for his health. Zule and children left two-weeks' vlsit with lends at Afton and Mi- th Finnev of Palm vlslted wiih her sister. Hyde, comptometer bveral days the latter have some pictures of C. LCOMER, Pres, THE COMER MFG. GO., Dept 93-W, Dayton,O.