3-4 September 2018, Artha Wacana Christian University, Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia ANALYSIS OF DIVERSITY SEAGRASSES SIKKA ISLAND WATER DISTRICT IN ALOR Jahved F. Maro1, Efrin A. Dollu1*, Adriana Blegur1 1Study Program of Aquatic Resources Management, Faculty of Agriculture and Fisheries, Tribuana University, Kalabahi, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia Correponding authors:
[email protected] Abstract Seagrass is the only flowering plant (Angiospermae) that has true rhizomes, leaves, and roots that live submerged in the sea. The purpose of this study was to determine the analysis of seagrass species diversity in Sikka Island waters, Kabola District, Alor Regency. Data retrieval of seagrass species diversity was carried out when the sea water receded with a water depth of 5-50 cm using the quadrant transect method at each observation station placed a line transect with the distance between the transects to the 25 m transect. Observation of seagrass cover conditions and seagrass density was carried out using a 1 mx 1 m quadrant transects. From the results of this study found 4 types of seagrass, namely Cymodocea rotundata, Enhalus acoroides, Halohila ovalis, Halodule pinifolia. All measured water quality parameters qualify for seagrass optimum growth. The diversity index (H ') type in Sikka Island waters is 0.228 categorized into small conditions, diversity index value (H') of all types of seagrasses on Sikka Island, namely Cymodocea rotundata at station I 0.0858, station II 0.0855, station III 0.0933, IV station 0.0851, at station V 0.0770, Enhalus acoroides at station I 0.02203, station II 0.1987, station III 0.1676, station IV 0.1810, at station V 0, 2256, Halophila ovalis at station I 0.3103, station II 0.2667, station III 0.3223, station IV 0.2522, at station V 0.3217, Halodule pinifolia at station I 0.4738, station II 0.4950 , station III 0.4871, at station IV 0.7460.