Uganda Catholic Secretariat Uganda Catholic Secretariat Uganda Catholic Secretariat A publication of the Uganda Episcopal Conference A publication of the Uganda Episcopal Conference ISSUE 1 VOL 6 PRICE: USHS 2,000 JANUARY–FEBRUARY 2018 Pope Francis’ prayer intention for February: Say “No” to Corruption » VATICAN Page 19 ARUA DIOCESE Inside HOSTS 2018 PRAYER USCCB boosts UEC Social Communications Department with new media equipment Page 4 PEACE WEEK Hundreds of choir members begin rehearsal for 2018 Uganda Martyrs Day celebration Page 4 PRODUCTION AND SALE OF CLOTH IN ZAMBIA BEARING IMAGE OF A FAKE POPE Page 7 TRAVEL STORY MASAAI MARA Page 8 MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPE FRANCIS FOR LENT 2018 Page 18 Catholic faithful holding a banner during the Peace Week event at St. Mary Assumpta Parish in Moyo. PHOTO BY MAGADALENE KASUKU Story on Page 2 New Contact is a publication of the Uganda Episcopal Conference Nsambya Hill, 672 Hanlon Road,New P.O.Contact Box is2886 a publication Kampala, ofUganda, the Uganda Tel: +256-414-510570/0414-10544/ Episcopal Conference 0414-510571/0414-510398, NsambyaMobile Hill, 672 Tel: Hanlon +256-782746812, Road, P.O. Box Fax: 2886 +256 Kampala, 414 510 Uganda,545, E-mail: Tel: +256-414-510570/0414-10544/
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[email protected], Website: 2 JANUARY–FEBRUARY 2018 ISSUE 1 VOL 6 DIOCESAN Editorial Every year during the Season of Lent, the Holy Father gives us a message to guide us in our Lenten journey.