t ,:F 3, * n:. I . .r., r' l 2s6?/4


"GenocideAilar-Crimes Cover-upand UN Falsification of History:" The Untold Story of SzppressedUN Prosecutors' Memoirs and the Realpolirift of the UN International Criminal Tribunals

M adame Pro s ecuto r : Co ttfro ntation s with H um an ily's lyo rst Cr iminals, and the Culture of ImPunig'

Carle Del Ponte,fmr Chief UN Prosecutor,1999-2008 (with Chuck Sudetic) (42t-PP.,Oth$ Pra LCC' NY' 2009)


Poix et chatiment les guerres de Ia politique et de la justice inlerndtionalel

Florencc llartnrnn, fmr Press Officer for the Chief [IN Prosecutor 2000-2iD7 (319pp., Fhmmerion' Psr'B 2004

Oc{c1c t Prof. of l:w, Wm. Mitchett Collcgc of Law, St. Paul, MN, Ps!9+rlildq@!@j!+t!,e+;.!a! coum"l rot Maj- Aloys Ntabatre, ICTR Militaty-l TrigLl, uN Intcmational criminal Tribual for Dcfencc n*i4., e-tfrr, fZ; *esidcnt, ICTR ADAD (lstociation d6 lvocou de la Defene, the ICTR NYl coonvenor o{ Fi6t t a*ycn eswi"rioi Pst-Prcsidcnt, National lrwycn Guild, NY, lhe Nov 15-16' 2009: fnai'p"na"nr Intcmational Criminal Dcfcnrc Confcrcne at thc H8guc, lrcIirute ittuiiw.ictlcsacydq&lrapqrspg4ly9.oIgEg.h!0li Dircc.or, Iilernational Hvmanitoian LN Et thG ffi Paul, MN. w.MdrdosmerlsDroirclDst. PEPerPrecnGd iit"national Criminal Ba AssocialionConfercne, Bucclom, SPain,March 12,2010' Me ild the Wr 2 Original ttaliil languagc edition: Lo caccia: Io e i crimlnoli di Guerrd CItc Hunt: CrimTnals)(Feltrinetti Editorc, Milm 2008) (u8ror's translation) ! "Pncc md Punishncnt: the war of politiG and intcmational.iusticc" 'r '" ; 231s/A

"/war-crimes cover-upand uN Farsification of History:,, The Untofd Story of Suppressed prosecutors, UN Memoirs the Reotpotitik of the uN;;;r;;;ii and c"io,io"r Tribunals TABLEOFCONTENTS

l. Dcqstructing/RcconsructingthcDGlpontc/FhrbnmMcmoiE-...... -'-.....-,...,..-..,...1 -.'...... ,.7 l.e- Dcl PotcPmr. ud--r Hartnunnu^- at thc lCTy: An Inh.rnd;^-.^ -^ ^' ,' :. ,n*!caiq...*"utron rcto orcthc KeolpolitikR.alpotitik ftrtlmtiorslrtrrlmtiorrl Crimi*fcrihi.., friU,r""t.,-...,*_I;_* of '. ' ' b. Dcl Pontc "' il Dd Hlnrum ar UE ICrn. o,.r-., ^---_- , - : a** ryGlc*sro inIn tnethe RulpolititRealpolitit tntcmdiomltntcmariomf Crimi*,criminat i;;;;ir.,:.."'- of "*,Il;- ll.Thc2006-09ICTRMilitry-tn Mirlk. r '-. "' " " Judrcmcnr..rN^^_-_:r--. phn _ -... So, or Conspirscf What RcaltyRcalv brD,r" ffrop.,'in n*_o.f "?j:T."..YGoocidc ttt *. .T.*.."p-of Krguc/RpF "ffiff#?Ll*cootinuingprsasrer lanrq t'. iJerc"#;ffiff crincs: ^HHT"?'#.E;ffi : _*::. ll#,iTn"I.*.*",". coNCLUStON.. ",

:;: ^, t!wo uad T{,,;y Xny:fri]X::,oged lo rldtculc thcprhctpto ins,oscc justicc.....t of t"*irn ^i rtis uor.* *i1f.K:TlffK;::;K,1,",,*,,* foundational sourcc in such csoteric subjccts as intcmationa " andpracticc of internadonal criminaltaw. But, _r* Jil;Ti;:r;:Iff; within a ycar of cach othcr it is nothing lcss than astonishing. However, Prosecutor: Madame Confrontarions with Humanlty,s Vorst Crimlnals, and rhe Culture of

ti*- havc adoprcdBrirish+ngtisb speilings I; ::3 in fornratdaumcns. Dcl Pontc ir q@tcd !t, Hartnann. ^-*,,1(:,_g!g3"i1,i3"a".tu2oo7\p.27t-:l22tna*tionori{fla};il;;ffi:;l#tr Euco6dc ta pottilq!. 'Il iffii"Yf::,* etde ta rurice ir mfrir Or, p"firt'*ir_'# [ff'lfJ:.*Sr","*Kasrmchu ffiii., ;;.ffiil#Xl*jiuHi::.fr?H;*;: ],JHi:: ru#;""xfl*:.iffrriT.ffisigncd. u_r""[iiJ.inl# tffiifi.lT,xil; [Rwanda's! n€7/A

lmpunity,. the ltalian and English languageeditiors of the memoir of carta Del ponte, the former chief Prosecutorfor the [rN Trib'nals for yugoslavia and Rwanda, published in 2008 and 2009 respectively can legitimately lay craim to have achieved this status.A companion volumc publishcd in in late 2007 by Del ponte's press aide, Florencc Hartmann, Paix et chatiment les guerres de la politique is a close second, and has the virtue ofconfrming most ofthe eventsand obscrvationsabout which Del ponte writes.

Much scholarship and main-stseam reportage of the security council tribunal proceedings has taken place in a kild of intellectual-political vacuumT that has so divorced the political reslity within which all intcmational criminal tribunals must E fi:nction the analysis appea$ to be the product of almost willful denial, with prccious few exccptions.g The memoirs of Ms. Del ponte and Ms. Hartrnann are a bracingly honest antidote to this widely acceptedobfuscation, whether intended it as such, or not. Becausethe Hartmann book has not yet been published in English, the article focuses mainly on Del Ponte's first-person account, with refercnces to confirmation of thc same events in the Hartmann mcmoirs.

5 Madame.Prorcator: Confrontatiore with Htmaniry,s lnusl Criminak, and the Cultwe of lmpunig, Amb^sador cilla Dcl Ponrcin @llaboratioowirh churk Sudctic(othcr prcss Lcc, Ny, Fetruary ioog; pp 421. t For m enmplc of thc so't of wishful thinking tbat Ms. Dcl pontc hu put to rcsr, sec Rachcr Kcn, The Intanstional crlmlnol rribunalfor the Forner Ytgosloio: ,ln Fsercirc in LN, politiT and Diplomaqt (Oxford Univcrity Prcss,2004) p-2:

Thc qucstion of poliaiciation is not a straightforuild onc. Thc decision to etablish the tribual wd politiBl, ud it was cstsblishcdfor 8 politicrl pupos, but its intcmal mildatq is to thc dclivcry ofjuticc, Thuq whilc politics pcrmatcd cvcry ropca of thc tribmal's opcntioo, including its cstablishmcnt, prmcdings had to bc cooducted /n a pollticol vacuum.On a conceptuallcvcl while this form ofjmtie is inhcrcntly potirical, .,politicircd." thc judicial prorcss is nm nccewily On a prrctical levcl, thc inimction of politics ed bw wE Enbd lo thc Fibunal's ability to pcrfom its judicial frrcrion, rt did so independenilt of polittB, whlch wu wciol for irs scc6r u a tool lor the rcsttarion of peocc and sewily.lcmphtsis supplied.t t Kingslcy Mogahlq Rwando'sGenocide: The Politia of GlobolJutte, p.S 9 Seegcnerally ,Dr. Hrns Kmhlcr, Globa! Jlctlce or Global Raenge? Internationol Crimino! Jwticc at thc Crosroads (Springcr: Vicma / Ncw Yutq 2003); Dr, Hm Kocchlcr, llorld Ordu: l/lsion qnd Reari), (lntcmatioml PmgrcssOrguiation, Vicnna 2009).',Why this coud is a siminal wastc of timc ..Thc md moncy" John hughlmd 26th July 200t. www-dailnail.co.uk/ncwsl; ICC md univcreal juisdiction" John Laughlmd, w.iccwatch.ore/articlc Mar09,html 2s66/A

The DeI ponte/Hartmann Mcmoirs as History and the UN Eec-urity politics Counctl of Supeipower Self_Interesr Thc importance of thc issucs discusscd in ponte the Dcr and Hartnaru, rncmoirs was confirmed by the Swiss govemment when Del ponte, now Swie,erland,s ambassador to Argentins, was ordercd by her cmploycr not lo discuss thc book in public.,o Howev.., becousc HartruDn rackcd the dipromatic immunity that protcc*d Dcr pontc, the security counc'criminaity prosecutcd Hartnann for criminar contempt in the same ftibunal for *'hich she was the formcr spokcsperson, tbe ICTy,rr in 2fi)g. Hcr 200g conviction for having had thc tcmerity print to the facts Es she kncw thern,r2 is now on n" prosecution ofHartnrann "pp""t.,, quitejustifiably has raiscd a fircstorm ofobjcctions from frcc specch advocatcs and a numbcr of human rights organizations who have objectcd to the m"""f ing of llu?nann ,t' but the substauiw implications of hcr rcvcrations has receivod littlc, if any, attcntion. Thus.. .this articlc.

othcr writcrs witr impcccabre uN bibunar credcntials havc notcd that, becausc thc security councir is esscntiaty a poritical body at the apex of an inherenlry potiticar Unitcd Nations' it shourd be no surprisc tbat "potitics" and thc intqests of morc-powcrfirl nations wourd su'ffi:se the functioning of any judiciar body cstabrishcd by thc sccurity Council. When Kingslcy Mogbalu, formcr spokcspcrson for thc ICTR;rr Kofi Aruran,s

'o pul, .,Silcur pmtcu*rcaho-iil*i-i^;L$ffir"i$#-1i'.TfKatic WDior Sh€ trffi'fli$:ffi oi;.*nrocsreDcr __-- .e, w,trctr,pr - odobcf contcmptorsr cou'tQrrL- Hi'rdcuaHrMrdEua Ncws rJgT"';fi.2s, 2oos. U*:ffHJst -ry.k.q__. qsF NcwsA8cncy (swiss), "i":;ii;- aofFciel:*1ffi:id,s.{urcu: A fwrw spokBwmespotcswme NariouNaioc warw sirnas'nasina rcut@m. ri ini- tncrh.'r- Hl__*:::-1t:l.1Try_::: -T."h"ry for thc Unir.dUnircillrir.r ucrobcr28,200r. ,, .ar'*" .fr-.ffi .ifffi.16jq",r -niiu.nu r"?---ffi;i'ir!] "o_1o5-:::rgl'.r,gu"."-,r.f,*il r"rr" H"d; h;;;;ffi::Tff"-rr.f[f.,*::*f ffi"J',i,ffi"ffi y":: ;;;I" informrdor,.,tr* ""*?BBC, Augu$ FZ{ 'r Thc o.ccqtkn of Hurou o.:Tljustrfi*ty har niscd I t*tom of objetro* adv6t6 tDd ! numbq of hum&t ao6 ficc srr€h riSbB cgrnizrioB who ht* JjJ.o thc substsrtivc itrPliqtioru , o* ,.roring of H&trerl of hcr rclwruJr r* *Ii*Jr't'oro bln It fii#-*,-n, rhu rhis anicle. rRBirNAiibi'#;il"-ft'fiffi#rmfffifiScq, Brl€fofAppcilrnt, lD rbc ft tt ffi ffiH$,.?_ilLcRMrNAL ho://www.crscflqmchutnam,orr/ f t Kingsrcy Mogahr u, Rwando's Gcntrdc: potitio Thc of Gtobor Jwtie, p.5 2s6r/A

Chief Aide lqbal Riza;r6 UN Ofllce of Legal Alfain Chief Counsel Ralph Zacklin;r? or U.S. War Crimes AmbassadoePiene Prosperlsmake this simple observatiorl it seemsan obvious and logically necessnrytruism. But, not all ICTR participants are willing to be as shaightforward. For example, former ICTR President Navanthem Pitlay of South Africale is capableofasserting, without apparentirony:

Yes, justice can be selective, it can be political. But if you ask me if justice is being done here (at the ICTR), I can say, YES!20

Of course, any concept of'Justicc" worthy of the nrime can be neither selective nor political, bu! Judge Pillay's refreshingly straightforward statementdcmonstrates the distortion of fundamental concepts of equality before the law, and the conflation of /egal dccision-naking with political expediency - that has been accepted as "normal" by the current incamation of intemational tibunals.2l Thc Del Ponte and Hartmann mcmoirs are certainly an important introduction for casual readers, as well as academics and practitioners, who wish to understand the realities of lhe UN Security Cowrcil ad hoc tribunals, and the uncomfortable contradiction between thc "rule of law'' and the undeniableeffects of inlernational, nation-statepower-politics.

The Del PontelHarlmann Memolrs: Cautionary Tales For Hopeful, Yet Less-than-Critical, " Inlernational Justlce " Advocates The strengths and weaknesses of the Security Council tribunals, described by Ms. Del Ponte and Ms. Hartrnann, convincingly demonsFale the largely macknowledged contradiction between thc interestsofpowerful nations, and basic legal faimess concepts

t' On thc muion of Dc[ Pontc being rcmovcd from hcr ICTR post in 2003, Harrnmn's accountquotcs SccGtsy Gcncml Amu's chicf aidc, lqbal Ria u saying, "Its all poliiics. tt should not havc happcncd likc this, but evcrything is politicizd-" Hartrnm pp. 271-272 ? f Ralph Zacklin, The Failings of Ad He Inmationdl Tribunals,2 J. of Int'|. Crim. Justicc,541 (2004) (fomcr Chicf of UN Offic of Lcgal Affairs.) r' Prcsperhr nolcd thst "wu crimcs 'justicc' is political,"Kingsley Moghalu, rafa-supra, p. 6. It Judgc Piltay wu Peidcnt of thc ICTR duing thc pcriod Dcl Pontc vn iovcstigating thc RPF ud whcn shc wa3 rcmovcdEom of6cc in 2003- Shcnowsmd s UN High Comisioncr for Human Rights. http;//w.ohchr.op/EN/Aboutu /PagcVHi shComm issionc.spx 20 Sec.Bob Bnun, fiv ondore Faceo Reclemingin IJN Triols,NcwhouscNcws Sewicc, Sept 17, 2002. 2r The appointncnt of NavancthcmPillay c UN High Comissioncr for Humm Rights wil aPProvcdby thc ccncnl AssEbly on 2t JuIy 2fi)t. Shetmk up thc Poston I Scptcmbcr200E. ,. 'rl 236?A

such as equality before thc-law; due process; the pres'rnption ofinnocence; proofbeyond a rcasonabre doubg etc.,z that the mcmoirs s,sgest arc .,raw incvitabrc, rvhen mccts power" in intemational tribunars. Ta&en togerher, tbe books provide 60rh inspiration and cautionary war'ing or thc fut'rc dcvctopmcnt of thc rntcmationar criminat courr as body in which a th e rule of law pnevatls over realpolitik.

And if one reads betwecn thc lines of the memoirs, it is not too difficult to understand why a// ofthe ICC dcfcndants arc A-&icaos, st lcast so far.- And, uihy the African union has unanimously rcjected ongoing coopc'tion with rhc ICC in the summcr of 200g'2{ fotowing thc indictnc't of sudan's president Bashir.25 Mahmood Mamdmi' the prorific ugandan-bom schotar who heads thc sociorogy Dcpartrnent at Columbia University in Ncw york has made rhc point quitc clcarly: Its namc notwithstanding,,_thc.Icc is.rapidry tuming-rig"ted into E w6tcm to by African crimcs agaln:t court l _.rityliiir govcmmcnts arc U.S. advcrsane.s,-aud rhar -ignorcd *i,ir""G-ilrited Stares of Uganda-andn"""ai"mii""ly does not :mn.!*" ".* confcningimpunity

Strucrwe of the,4rtlcle section I dcscribcs aspecs of thc Dcr ponte./tlartrnann narrativc that rcveal the manipuration of the ICTy pcrmarrcnr and ICTR by Membcrs of ihc secu-ity council, the Unitcd statcs snd united Kingdom b rhc bcncfit of thcir own intrr*ts, and thosc of their NAToandRwandanalries- section II describes thc M'itary-r rrial evid.agc, u/hi6h madc it impossibtc to convict thc scnior officcrs on trial a cornrnitgcoocide,,,much of whichis confirmcdby D", p:":: l,*ilffi;:J: conscquences ofthc ongoing quidpro guo rcvalcdby Dcr poate -- and Hartnarur, which a For a dismlon Ail*il;il;,Effiffiiffiof rhc sura H#WH:r,ffi,{tr::7,Y,;ff;,_. t' rrhcAnieruoio"n,o**-,llj#;HHHg*H,XTi#:'"'"Targaing A&ie: Tfic Cas fq a ytY. nfugbbr. @. un/htu t irz n?c arreton u*iat.el vith norq:1iryta. to srcfcc sructurc Thc uncqrul apptication of ICC juisdicrion .,built_in. ir draw in u"rar.iErirroi r* *tr-i"Jii"i"u.0., UniEdsrrt. ue in prutregr rhc samc.juidicat idettrof boths'da,md rhc s''n".on* p"rfi;;;;; ro &e lcc, b thcRom€ Tretv rbrrc*lrcd a'" rcc, rI* sincemirhs m 'Mah-md "ril#i"iJL prrr,*, basbccn indictcd. M"rrdani,.Thc Ncw Humanioriu fra,, Thc Natiil, Ny, Scpf.29,200g, a t. ', t a z3&/A

has twisted history and deJegitimated thc UN tribunals, as foundations upon which a syslem of intemational justice is based. Section IV suggests that the emerging jurisdictional issues at the Intemational Criminal Courl, in light of the history of thc ad hoc tribunals revealed in the Del Ponte/Hartrnannmemoirs, bodes ill for the application of equaljustice at the ICC.

The article concludes that the manipulations of the ICTY and ICTR to suit the political and policy objcctives of Permanent Members of the Secuity Council, particularly the United States and the United Kingdom are the rule, rather than the exception in intemational institutions in which each may have influencc becausc oftheir tendency to act in tandem in matters of foreign policy, as demonstrated by the joint invasion oflraq. The difficult, and apparentlycontmdictory,judsdictional issuesnowon display at the Intemational Criminal Court are but a hint of the likely manipulatioq of the l.C.C. by Permanent Members of the Security Council on behalf of their own interests and those of their allies. The Del Ponte and Hanmann memoirs concretely demonstrate exactly how that influencc can be brought to bear by Permanent Members of the Security Council which have not accepted ICC jurisdictioq2T as well as those that have-2t The Prologue 11:c Prologue of Del Ponte's mcmoirs foreshadowsstories of the U.S. putting its own policy and political inlerests ahcad ofzupport for thc UN Tribunals, detailed later in the book, by recounting ber first meeting with CIA ChiefGeorge Tenet, shortly aftcr she assumed the UN Prosecutor's post in early 2000. During the waning days of the Clinton administration, shc sought Tenet's assistancein locating and apprehending Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic, the 1wo main Serbian fugitives from thc Yugoslavia Tribunal. But, dcspite Tcnet's assuranceof"top priority" CIA cooperation, weeks tumed into monlhs without thc CLA pmviding usefut information to the ICTY Prosecutor.2e

'Pcmmcnt Membcn of thc UN Scuity council that haw rct acccdcd1o ICC jurisdiction Erethc Unilcd Sratas,Rusia and Chha. !r Thc Unitcd Kingdom ud Fme havc aceptcd ICC juisdiction c hasJapu, mcmbersof thc EuoPcan Union ild mmy mcmbeE of thc A&ican Union. 'Dcl Pontcar pp. I-10.

6 23624

By spring 200r, pontc whcn Dct ncxr mct with rcnct at cIA Hcadquarters, Slobodan Miloscvic had faten from power and George Busb had asccndcd to thc Prcsidency, with the assisrance of a fcilow-Rcpubrican Srprcrne court majority in gr.r,sA v. Gore.to Aftcr some plr*.r,igs, pontc Dcl confronted Tenet with hcr disbelicf that the c[A could havc madc traoking thcsc fugitivcs a priority sincc thcy were stifl at rargc and ftc CIA was not working with Frcocb, British or German intclligcncc agencics. Del Pontc reports that she franHy totd rcoc! "Ifyou won.t do anything, I think you shoutd at least support our cfiforts." According ponrc, to Dcl Tcnet repticd in the most stsaightforward fastrion, "[ook ..I Madamc," bc told hcr, don't give shit what you think.,,]r I. Itccorlrtructing/Rcconrtructing the Dcl ponte/Hrrtnenn Mcmoin Aftcr sketching out tbc lifc and pontc carccr of Ms. Dcr beforc shc assumcd thc chicf LJN Proscculor's positioqs2 the middle chapters of thc book prescnt a scries of intcrcsting and compcrling vigratcs thar arc prcscnrcd in an almost random ordcr, worthy of thc "bcat" authors of famous in thc 1950's and 6o's. Bu! in ordcr to sort our the context and s€quenoe in which yugosravia thc Tribuuar and Rwsnda Tribunal vigncttcs occurrcd, a rcader has to slop and r€-arangc thc namalive into a time_line to mskc sense oflcgal, historical and political contcxt underlying lr thc narrativc. ln thjs respcct, thc tlartmann mc'oir prcscnts a frr motc cohetcnt, rristorically- groundcd dcscription of many oftbe samc evcnts, aad pcrsons.a

" srr u.s.lr pmo;. tt Id ;ff 'g1*g.1.**l_":11,11i'''11;ilffi,Hf ff::"glJ*:*T:Ly:.ry F.rrc ;it;il:ffi.cooriburior orwcrFrapwr joumrisr ffircvol.evsr boolaruE mu thcw Br[tror,D.'*"or. dthou-ghd.ough i,"fiffiH:HS hi!hit biognphh Dotcr sug'r hc hlt hrd fitf. aBand no,,e,t&'E rpeific eowretclnovtcdgc il iffi ofor mthc Rwandar(trrn6i EitDnrtEibunrl Sr.iS.a DelDet pfifcp.# !d..,r o,r*^ "eoL* ttDrrbtrt Sudctic, pp. 4l,_if. Sra.,t *nf *ll] p qc dqy of M' Dct ponre"."rri r#" t . s-*Llirrre.: ha crs u ra cru8ldiDgcruadino Swirssd< SffimysAdmcva'*d;cwrrri,;;;;;d;;;;:*ffisorityCoeil. frT*T#?.:ifi tt firir ir erteinly mt thc rcoortciat-*yrc rhrr.Mr. poltc sudcic mpbyrd d $e rv* yur Trma,rcr L it rtylc M3.Dcl woutdbaw lartd b mplry thc a r prrc,nil, irt r" pro_t r cohfrot ruratirc ro r drr Horcw, gim rhr swbr dcnmd ihri "a qirninal o.r i-r";'ir*"r hcr om book io public, rnd Fccolio of MJ. Hubru\. shcc 0""r, rhc l;*"H*:"ip"a"'Ti"iiit"o"-""ir'ii';#;ffi;#;r.rl tii -L-t-r.rrao *ori", in r Joumlrstic a*lc ;Hl;J:iil,ffi ,iffi t'Hanoanrl pp.37-2,16 ?,''ai 4t (-, f 2glA t

hensible N arrdtive : Foscinating Vignettes/Inc ompre Tribunals oo*'ing iifaient of the internationa! in into a story a are clrronologically re-arranged Once the Del Ponte vignettes more "reporterly" and' put into context using Hartrnann's reader can actually follow tribunals'36 the resulting pubtioly available rccords of the narrative35 as well as the could be' as an historical work than any novcl Possibly narrative i5 even morecompelling of international tribrmals that reveals the ac!/a/ functioning The memoirs tell a story that "prosecutor's come to light' These first-person previous studies have not prcviously in intemational ofsupcr-powcr political interference memoirs" provide an indiclment irrpunity for the powerful" is question whether the "culture of tribunals, which seriously ICC'17 Whether this result tribunal structure' including the an inhercnt flaw withinthe or not' was intended bY the authors' Madame Prosecutor'sEarIY Years picture of a childhood of of her eady life paints the Ms. Del Ponte's sccount of a stong-willed mother brothers, under the innuence outdoors adventures with order the cost' a lesson that true to herself' no matter what advised her daughter to be who and her cate€f, as a mafia-fighting Prosecutor the motivation for her later provided 3t D"l international level. Iu 1980, ,.impunity_fighting_at_all_costs,, reputation at thc of the few femalcs appointed calling when she became one Ponte found het prosecurorial combines firnctions of a law- a civil law institution that * ^ lrr" d'ir*'tntction"ls thc next 20-odd years' DeI invcstigating prosecutor. over enforcemcnt detective and crime and large-scale as thc scorugc of organizcd Ponte roade a national reputation with major banks' some with p'o'""o'iog figures associated frnancial fraud, including politically well-connected Mafiosi'ao Vatican connections, and

for tre Monde'ud other jomalism cca iDslud6 forcignssignmens tt Id. op cir.Florcn@llartmann's. ,igiin-imt nttnctr-til gugc Publiations' r Seediscussion al notes-inlrq tt infra' See discussion at n otes - tt Dcl Pontc at PP' I l-f2' "') &Id ' , t.t' .t , ,t 3 ?35o/A

Breaking tlua the Swiss "muro dl gomnu" Tlae muro di gomma, the'Vall of rubber" is thc non-cooperation thrown up by rich ard politically wcll-connected Swiss suspccts, when their activities carne under 'rmll invcstigation. Ms. Del Pontc's succcss in picrcing the of rubbcr" Swiss criminal frnancial and political figwcs was onc of hcr signal acbicvcments. Dcl Pontc's well- earned rcputation as an incomrptible, crime-fighting prosccutor led to her appointncnt as tbc Swiss federation's attorney gcneral in I 994.1t For the next fivc ycars, she became thc scourgc of Swiss bank moncy-laundcring, including cases implicating Raul Salinas. the brothcr of former Mcxican Prcsidcnt Carlos Salinas; Pakistan's nowdeceased formcr leader, Benazir Bhufio; and, various Russian oligerchs. Bu! she paid only passing attcntion to the wars in thc in Yugoslavia during thc 1990's, and she had almost no knowlcdgc of African history, or ihc 199t1.94 war in Rwanda, exactly like mosf Europeans and Americans,a2

From Domestic to In ernatlonal Proseculions

In mid-1999, jusr as thc NATO-bombing of was coming to an cnd, thc Swiss Secretary of State Jakob Kcllcnbcrgcr askcd Del Pontc's permission to submit her narne as a candidate to rcplacc thc Sccurig Council's top prcsecwor for Yugoslavia and Rwaoda Tribunals primarily becausc Switzerland is not a membet of thc UN, EU or NATO.{3 Thc incumbcng Louisc Arbour, who was soon to accept an appohtucnt tro aa Canadian Suprerne Court was rcceiving cdticisrn because she bad bccn called upon to

't Id-

" Id. tt d rr 29-30. This n&rre to thc Sffity Concil cmploying thc ICTY EDd ICTR Chicf Prusccutor, rotha thu thc UN, is mm than thc euths's stylistic prcfcrm, Ncithr thc LJN Ch!rt6, nor lhc GGncnl Asmbly, h:r rpocifiolly uhcizd tbc c*ablicbmat of tlr od he Trihruls, q thc appoinurcnt of prsccuta Uy ths Sccuity Coucil to ra m bchrlf of ttc uN propa. Fc juirdlctioml uEumcns, Sc., Z!hu, Ahxrt|da md SluirE, Gm, hraaiad dmind Ia, (Med Unitwfry PB, Ny 2(nq, W- 125-31O. Sa als, Pr6@rr v. TadE lO ArtBst 1995 (ICID ed Praeta v. Kanyabrhi, 3 Junc l9990crR). { Arbou slt on ths SuprEmc Court of Canada fiom 1999-20O{, wtrm she bcmc thc UN High Commissioncr for Hurnan Rights until 200t, whco shc wrs Gplrccd by Nav*hcm Pillan formcr ICTR Pruidcnt duingthc pcriod thrt Dcl Ponrc rttcdrpcd to inv€sigrtr tbc RPF, a ru mwcd tom oftie by thc U.s. lrd U.lC Ir ccnrinly must harc bcan clar to Piuiy no lst6 han 2003 that anlonc wishing a UN w shqrld avoid tlrc indcpcndcocc dcmorutrncd by Del Potc. Sca dircussion at notc, _irdru. ) 'lrt" rcs2A

investigate the actions of hcr own cormtry, and its NATO allies.at Kellenberget explained that Security Council members China and Russia objected on apparently legitimate conllict-of-interest that Arbour, or any candidate from NATO countries that might rcplacc her was unsuitable, because NATO bombers had recently destroyed the Chinese embassy and devastated the civiliao infrastructure of Russia's Yugoslav ally.a6

Similarly, the two NATO allies on the Security Cotmcil, the U.S. and U.K., would not accept a prosecutor from Russia, China, or non-allied countries that might be sympathetic to claims that thc NATO-bombing of Yugoslavian cities and infrastructure constituted a war crime, a conclusion with which Del Ponte expresses some agreement later in the memoir, when she describes how the investigation and prosecution of NATO was stymicd, dcspite her best efforts.a7 According to Kellenberger, as an experienced prosecutor from a neutrd country not implicatcd in the NATO bombing, which was not a member of the EU or the United Nations, the Attomey General of Switzcrland, Del Ponte, was the perfect compromise cmdidate, and the Security Council agreed.at Thus, from thc outset, the politics of the Secuity Council made her sPpoinurent possible and, as she was to learn, imposed L muro di gomm.r on frrlfilling her pmsecutorial obligations far beyond any she could have imagined from her prosecutions of intemalional gangsters, financiers and politicians in Switzerland-ae

t' .ld Arbou hr sine rcsigncd from the Cuadim Supreme Courl md bccn appointcd to a scnior UN posr, with thc approval urd suppon ofthc Unitcd StBrcs8nd tlE Unitcd Kingdom. 6 td. Sine 2009 she hs bccn Prcsidcnt of thc Internatimat Crisis Grcup, a NATO{rientcd inlcmational forc'rgn policy NGO fomded by fomer U'S. Statc DePaftnsnt Pasonncl in 1995, headqutrtdcd in SnEsti, with Edvocacy officx in Wrobin4on DC (whcrc it is bucd u a lcga.l cntity), Ncw York'J-mdon ud Mosow. Thc organistion currcntly opcnlrs scvcntscn field offim (in Abuja, I'mman' Bishkck' Bogo$, Cairc, Colombo, Daks, Dushanbc, lslmabad, Jrk!rt8, Ksbul' Karhmudu" Naircbi, Pon-au- prhcc, h'rstba, Scoul md Tbitisi), with mlysts worklng in ovq 50 crisis-affEtcd countsies ed tcritories acrcssfour continens. irlfrd. " See discussion mmpoying \otcs J ot H. Drl pontc ws onty thc third prcecutor to bc appointed to thc Seurity Counscl post who shc rcplaed cmdiu L,ouirc Arbou, who had rcplaccd thc nFt lglY.tcTR Prcswutof, south AfriE's sir Richard Goldstonc, in 1995. Dcl Pontc mcccdcd Arbou in August 1999 md moved to lhc ProsEutos H8guc ofE6 in ScptcEbo. From thc outscl. lhc politis of thc Seuitl Council madc hcr apToinbtrgnl ooiibls md. s sbc % to lm, imporcd a mwo di gonna onfiilfilling hcr prcsecutorial obligations far Leyond uy shc ould havc imagincd from hcr prcsmtions of intcmational gmgstcrs, finucics md potiticius in Switzrland. at Scediscussion at notes , inFa.

10 %5sA

& Dcl poEtc lDd Ilartmau rt thc ICTy: An Introductlon to the Realpo liti* of lntcrnedonel Criniml Tribnnalr

shortly after her appointment in the fall of l999,ro Ms. Del ponte had 'on-the-ground" hcr first €ncrunter with thc potitics underrying the work of the Tribunar whcn shc visitcd skopjc for rhc first timc in octobcr.Jl The capital of Maccdonia, a ficrmer Yugoslav rcpubtic that cscapcd thc wor and rhc NAT' bombing, skopje bccame the ccnter of ICTY invcstigativc tcsms but Det ponte suspcctcd Maccdonian govemment of harboring Ratko Mradic and othcrs sympathetic to serbia and the Mirosevic governmenr whic[ likc Gcorgc Tcnct of thc U.S., promiscd zupport but achicvcd no rcsults.52 Her next slop wEs histinc the yugosravian capital of thc provincc of Kosovo whicll by 1999. haa becomc ki,ing ground of scrbian civ'ians by Kosovo Liberation ermy (Kr-A) operativcs with whom s'c was hmiriar from thcir moncy raundering and rafficking in women and dmgs while illegally buying weapons in Switzcrland,j3 Howcvcr, now tbc KLA was now coosidcred a NATO_favord ethnically_Albanian 'libcration novcmeng" but s fihc KLA] werc bchaving like lynch mobs, kidnapping and killing Scrbs and mcmbcrs of orhcr ffi: qolpr, nor.tiy th" h.oma, sirnpty for cthnicity. thcir Albanios cven *t"ctca ScrUs ravainj i".?"rri;,*;;;; protcction of thc NATO pcacckccping forcc in Koivo.__ Likc hcr first mectings with renc! Det pontc arso rcccivcd verbar assrrances of support for assistance from Bernard Kouc'ner head of the LJN mission in Kosovo, wrro promised assistancc wiol KLA crimcs.$ Thc three-mcmber Serbr'croat'uslim cottective

$ Hutnartr joinod thc ICTY/ICTR strtrstutly rhroftcn ttrrtruil\ p. 9. t' Del Pontc, pp. 3J-6j. t' !d. tt Id. Y Id. tt Id. pa s 'd' onc of thc rmfg sbocrim rcrcraion: in thc ttiri& Edition wrr Dcr pontc,r Ktt *at ergigoor. asscrtion rbat shc had :::fy.ry,h" o" -rrriirr r,lrli.g-"la-aistribution of bodypa* aomS.,r uplaimdbytheeautfiom,f,Y,:f*:f ":Ty;:t'@;-d-erelF;,-_;; ;.ilool,ffi,# Frblishcd rffaMs. Hanrnm had bccn pffirrtcd,

11 .1a't ', ttf".:l t *sp/A

Presidency promiscd assistancein Bosnia-Herzegovina.tTThe Republika Srpska Prime Minister also promised assistance,as did a rcprescntativeof dying Croatian President Tudjman, an accused war criminal in his own right;st and the Montenegrin Primc Minister.JeOnly the Yugoslav Ministry of Justice flatly rcjected the ICY Prosecutor in a letter claiming tlut, "the so-callcd Hague Tribunal, is an illegal institution founded contrary to the provisions of the Chaner ofthe United Nations and intcrnational law as a whole...'so According to Del Ponte, the letter ended with an appeal that the ICTY Prosecutor indict NATO leaders for the March to June 1999 bombing campaign of Serbi4 which had resulted in many civilian deaths and the destruction of civilian infrastructure.

The fust and second meetings with George Tenet, recourted in the Prologue, occurred at about that samc time md, although none of the other governments approached had openly rcjected cooperation, no results were forthcoming.6l By the '\mll srunmer of 2000 her investigativc efforG were brought to a standstill by a of rubbeC'like shc faced when investigating corruption and orgutized crime in Switzerland. Bu! unlikc SwiEerland, lhis mlro di gomma was not created by pet$ crirninals, or even comrpt politicians and bankers. Ms. Del Ponte was facing a muro di gomma qe^tedby UN member-states, .dl of whom found in necessary to put the forcign and domestic policies of thcir nations ahead of cooperation with Madame Prosecutor, including the world's most powerful nation. As Ms. Del Ponte trenohantly observed, in referring to the NATO allies:


5t Id t' /d Howcvc, Yugoslavia's claim that Sruity Coucil*rotcd tibuals violaied lhc Unilcd Nations Chancr wB not without fomdation. Thir ws preiscly lhc samc argumcnt niscd by forma U'S. Anomcy Goml Rrmsy Cltrk bcforc ihe Rwilda Tribual at about thc smc timc. For juisdictionsl argmcnt$ Sce, Zrhu, Alruds ud Sluitcr, Gom, Intnational Crtmlaal In, (Otfod Univqsity Prqs, NY 2OO8),pp.325-34O. Sc also, Proseiltd v. Tqdlc, l0 August 1995 (ICTY) ud Prosdtor v. Kanyabuhl, 3 Junc 1999(ICTR). And, in fac! thc UN Chut* @atcd thc lnimtional cout of Justicc, ! "world Court' to solvc disputes bctwen nalions, bot thc Chancr docs mt Prcvidc for a UN tribunal with powcr lo imposc criminal sanctiong on individuals. Thc Sccuity Comcil tibusls have justificd ihcir own juisdicrional powm by t N Chanrr ChrPtd VlI, Sccuity Coucil pcacc-making authority to cxtcod to the mation of ribunals. See,Zaht, pp. 329-335 s |d.,p.57

"t Id.

12 ar * o { ,; t tt 2s56/A

....politicat leadcrs in the Balkans arc not rhc onty oncs who exploit nationalism to scorc chcap points with thc votcrs.62 But, yugoslav pcrhaps morc importantly, the govcrnrnent was nol alone in claiming otat NATO bombing of civilians, civitian infrastructurc, and even thc chinese cmbassy' constinrtcd pontc war crimcs. Dcl dcscribcs hrmdrcds of letters she receivcd fiom persons all ovcr thc wortd, iocruding NATO countics, which documcnts thc kiling if ncarly 500 civilienq, futchding thc attack on pssscngc( train, ah.er the bridgc it was crossing had already bcen deshoyed.' shc arso confirms a Dccembcr 6, 1999 ncwspaper intcrviq, in which sbc was askcd whcthct shc was prcparcd to chargc NATO, to which shc rcplicd: If I am not willinc to do that, I am not in thc right ptacc- I must give up my mission.s Bug shortly aftcr making this tegaily corcct and brave statcment" Ms. Dcr ponte was confrontcd with a rmtro di gomna, unlike any strc had encormtcrcd as switzerrand's attorDcy gcneral.

Investigating NATO War Crimcs: I*ssons in the Construction of a "muto di gomma"of Juridically Created Impuniry

Del Ponrc Eports thal her inquiries reccived dismissivc r€sponses ftom NAT0 sccrctdy-gcncral Lord 'quickly John Robinson and concludcd that it was impossiblc to invcstigalc NATo, becausc NAT0 and its mcmbcr statcs would tror coopcratc with us." But slrc also leamcd somahing more' in hcr own words: ovcr and abovc this, howevcr, I rcarnod that I had colided with thc edgc of thc politicar rmivcrsc in which thc fribunar was alrowcd to funcion. ir I with an twestigation -wcnt forward o! NATO, I would not only fail wiih thk bwstigative efort, I would render my ofice incapabte il crimes committed by localforces dulng thc wos of the 1990's.6 Thc comminec shc appoinrcd to carry out lhis "indcpcndcnl" invcstigation was hcadcd by Willia' Fcnrick, a ptosecutor supitiel by the Canadian gov'nncnt. Curiously, dcspitc thc fact that Del Ponte hsd been informed that ber nomination to rcplacc l,ouisc Arbour

u Id.P.-

" Id. at 59 t !d.

" Id. l. zsss/A

was necessary because Russia and China considered a UN prosecutor from NATO counties to have an apparent conflict-of-intercst, Del Ponte appointed a Canadian to head-up the investigation of NATO, and her account suggests that, to this day, she remains oblivious to the apparcnt conflict-of-interest, a diffIcult proposition to take seriously.6 She also claims surprise when Fenrick reported that NATO's use of "cluster bombs" against civilians was no, a war crime, nor was NATO's use of dcpleted uranium weapoos.6t

And, Del Ponte reveals hetsclf either hopelessly naive, ot she is having us on, 'shocked" when she claims to have been when Fenrick's committee never rcached the

question of the overall legality [o{l NATO's bombing of Yugoslavia because: ...cven if it wcre found to be unlawful, it would constitute a "crime against peace" a category of law over which the tribunal has no jurisdiction....committec memben agreed that no furthcr investigation [of the bombing ofthc passenger trainl was warranted because no....fi:rther investigation would ever lead to prosecution of persons higher up in the chain of command.5t A statement which suggests that, as Chief Securiry Council prosecutor, she must not have been aware of the broad categories of "war crirncs,"69 "crimes against humanity,"7o and

6 Id.pp5942

"1 Id. "r /d. p. 6t 6eThe Starutc of thc Intmationat Crininal Tribual for thc Foma Yugmlavi4 U,N. Doc. 5/25?04 at 36, mcx (1993) ud S257@/Add.l (1993),adoptcd by Sowity Council oo 25 May 1993'U'N' Dm SrfESleZZlffff;. prcvidcsfornumcro*optionsudqwhiciNATObombingofcivilisnt'se6might be prosccutc4 to wit: Aaicle I Compaence of the Intqnational Ttibunal Ttrc Intcmational Tribuat shall haw thc Powcr io Prosmtc pcrsm rcsponsiblc for suious viotations of intcmtional humanitarim law ommittcd in dlc tenitory of thc fomcr Yugoslavia sine l99l in aeordmc with thc prcvisios of thc prcsnt Stairte' Article 2 Groe breachu olthe Genqa Cowentiols of 1949 Thc tntcmational Tribwl shall havc thc powd to pmscilrc Pcffis comminint or ordcring to bc committcd gravc bmchcs of thc Gcnsw Convmtions of 12 Augwt 1949, narcly thc following ac6lglinst pcnonc or ProPcrty Protected udcr thc prcvisions of thc rclcrut Gcncva CooYcntio!: (a) wiltul kiuing; O) tortuE or iDhmm trauncn! including biological cxPsimcnB; (ci wilfrrlly eusing grcat suffcring or seriou injury to body or bcalth; by militdy neccssity id) cxtcroivc dcstsuCtionmd appropriation ofpmperty, notjustified md cmied out mlawfullY md wlDtonlY;

14 zss(A

(c) onpclling a prim of ws s r civitiuto wc in rhe frc of a hqtilc power.; (g wllfully dcpriving a prisona ofw or a civiliu ofrhc rightr offrir and rcgut8r rrid; (g) mlawtul dcpuiatior q Errfa q uhwtul cafircmiof r civiliu; O) trking civilians & hostsgs. Adlclc l Ytolatiw of the lM u rutm of wu Tho Into@timl rribud slrarl havc thc pows to p*eutc pqens violating thc lrws or qEtomr of wrr, Such violatiou shall imtudc, hn not bc limiicd o: (a) mdoymBt of poimous wcapoos u otha wopnu olcutatcd to ctus une6eD/ ilffcring; (b) wtc detruction of citics, tow orvillagcq or dcvutario not jwrificd by military rcccssity; (c) anaclc, c bombudmng by whotrvcr mcE, of undGfmdcd toru, villagc, rlwcllings, u buildingr; (d) sciarc of, desrucim c wilfirl damagc donc to inniMioN dcdiarcd to rligion, charity end cdutiorL thc 8rb lrd lciaes, historic monumcils ud wtrks of an &d rclre; (c) plwdu ofpublic G privarc propc{ty, lnlclc I Gereide l. Tbe Intsnatiml Tribmal shall bavc lhc powcr to prccutc pcmnr commining gcnmidc a d€fircd in pangnph 2 of thir rrticlc or of ornmining uy of the orhcr-acrs amcEcd in prngrrph 3 of tris uticle. 2, Gocidc mas my of thc bllowing rts omnincd wirb intat to dcsFoy, in wtolc q iD prt, ! ur{m4 cdrnial, ruirl or rcligiu grup, u such: (a) tilling mabas of thc grurp; (O) nIliof rqrgus bodily c mcnral huur io manbca of thc group; (O dclibcratb infllctingor thc gnrp ondiriom of lifq alculit d to bring rbout its physicel dcscuaio in wholc c h perq (Q impocing ncmr iilcodcdtopraut birrts within thc group; (c) fontbty Elafctring childm of thc gmp to uotha grcup. 3. Ttc followiog rctr shall be Fnirheblc: (a)gaaldc; (b) conspirrcy to onmit g:mi&; (c) dirccf and pbllc Incit menr to @mmit tFcidci (Q raanpt lo omit gmidc; (c) mplicity ln geDocidc. lrticlc t Crim.s agai&t lnmoilEl Thc Inrcrnrimal Tribual shall harc the pow to prcrcene pcnons asposibtc fm thc following rime wbcn mntniccd in rmcd cmf,icr, whcabcr inrcmational or iotcml in charaa<, urd dircccd lgsinn any civiliu populetioo: (r) nurda; (b) adaniution; (c) qtslrv€ormq (O dcporraion; (c) imprisonnrnq (D toriuc; (g)nF; (h) pcsetiou on politial, mcisl snd rcligiou grouds; (D oth6 iDbunutc 8cls. nId

15 { q'l rl 4.4 ,"1 $ 4$/A

civilian "command responsibility"Tl under which the intentional bombing of civilians and infta-strucnre might bc charged under the ICTY Statute or, she is having us on' again'

However, after receiving the Fenrick report Del Ponte reasonably concluded that her investigation of NATO had reached a mwo di gomma which she chooses to 'technical characterize as a impediment," in her memoir, rather than the firndamental flaw in the structure and fimctioning of the tribunal that would be obvious to a legally- trained reader: We had no cooPeration from anybody, nonc, ftom anybody [apparently including her own staffl----tfris was the technical problem' And, it was impossible to go on politically without undermining the rest of the- ribunal,s work. I coula discount the political considerations because of 2 the technl cal imPedim e nt.7 with minor differences, Florence Hartmann's recounting of thcse evenG closely tallies with Del ponte's descriptions,Tl but provides some insights which suggest that Del Ponte may not have app e?fiedas natve as her own book, while the events were unfolding' Bu!HartnarmplainlyreinforccstheasscssmentofDclPonteasaprosecutolwho took her mandate sedously but she is much more willing to draw the obvious conclusions that raise sdious questions about the ability of any intemational tribunal to mete out justicc in an even-handed marmer. No matter which is the case, when Del Ponte publicly lashe perfectly announced shc wo'Iil not prosec'te NATO in the summer of 2000, was if she had willing, as she says, to overlook or justify fie uimes of the powerful because' prosecuted the NATO crimes:

[in]thepoliticaluniverscinwhichthetribunalwasal/awedtofunction....l I would iiU ,ot only fait with this investigative efort [ol NATOJT'

tt Id n wcll wondcr' oncc again' whcther Id p.6t. A rccmabty intclligcnt, politially

16 . i.,t"jt fa 23s2/A

render ny oflice incapable ofcrimes committed by local forces during the wars of lhe Ig90's.75 Therc appcars to be no escaping thc conclusion that consciously, or unconsciously' thc formcrty incomrptible swiss prcsecutor /:ad succ'rnbed when rhe powerful Security cormcil natious wcrc ..impunity,, uscd trrc ICTy, itserf, to creare for thcrnsclves, and their allies.76 pontc's Del admission that Security Council members. themselves, made it practically i'possibtc to do her job, which Frorence Hartrnann generally confimrs, providcs thc mosl powerfirl indictment possibre of thc assumption thar intemational tribunals can firnction indcpendcnt of thc iDtercsts of thc most powerfut nation stales. But, there are othcr importrnt rsvelations in the mcmoirs, as wcll.

Both books also describc how 'hc iadictnent of slobodan MiroscvicTT was thwarted by tbc Unitcd states, during thc pcriod hc was found uscfirl to U.s. foreign policy intercsts, bcfore-during-and, aftcr, rhc Dayton Accords,?s yet another example of tlc ovcrt usc of thc tcrY to further thc poricy of the u.S. and NATO ailies. Indccd. Ms. Dcl Pontc, supported by Ms. tlartmann's accorm! rcvcals exactry fiorry the ICTy proccedines wcrc influenced by NATo mcmbers both on and of rhe sccurity council, to thc bcncfit ofprospcctive NATO defendants ard NATO alies croati4 Kosovo, Bosuia- Hcrzgovina And, to thc dctriment dcfcndants from Serbi4 thc target of NATO,s bombing campaign D Howcvcr, thc authors play thcir own rorc in thc manipulations by failing to mention thc posthumous cxoncration of Miloscvic by thc Intcrnational court of Justicc on tbat found tlrat ncithcr serbia nor Miloscvic controllcd Bosnian-Serb militias, and could only havc been responsibre for ahocitics cornmitted in Bosnia by acs of omission, not acts of commission.to

1t Id tt 6l t ld. t Hrrtnun, pp.73-164, r Dcl Pontc at _____j Hutnaur, pp. 165.2,{6 D Id.a_ m lotrn laughtan4 "The srcbrcnica ruling punch'es the farsc claims that undcrpin thc docuinc of intcrvention," TheGuardian, 2g February2007: Slobodrn Milo*vic_ w postfimouty crcncratcd on Monday whq rhc intcmtiml €oun ofjustie rurcd thlt scibir w not rcsporoibrc for rhc 1995 ro*rc at Srcbmiq.

17 1 b ?.' 2s//A

Whether Ms. Del Ponte and Mr, Sudetic understood the importance of the vigDettes in their book for establishing the raal history of the Security Cowrcil tribunals, or not, is not 8t all clear. Nor is it clear that they realized they were making an inefutable argument for the establishment of a real systcm of international justice.. that would hold the powerful as accountable as the less powefil, by negative example. However, their intentions matter less than the undeoiable fact that the book makcs thc current sorry state of the system of intemational law, which is acttsally creating a "culture of impunity" from which only the powerful bencfit.

b. Del Ponte and Hartnaun at the ICTR: Further Lessons in the Realpolitilc of Internetional Criminsl Tribunals

Although most of the Del Ponte memoir is devoted to ICTY vigtettes, as is that of Ms. Hartmanq the revelations in both books describing the forced-removal of Del Ponte from her post at the Rwanda Tribunal in 2003, by the U.S. and U.K rue even more damning.tl Howcver, without an intimate lnowledge of ICTR cases and evidence and a reconstuction of the sequence of events, it would bc diffrcult, if not impossible, for a c€sual reader to understand the real import of the Del Ponte-Hafimann narrative.82 The u.S./U.K/Rwandon "murro di goma" descendsat the ICTR After having capitulated to thc "technical" and political realities of the iCTY described earlier in her memoir, which prcvented investigating or proseouting NATO crimes,B Del Ponte found herself in a similar situation at the ICTR. As early as November 1999, only a month after taking office, she leamed that Frcnch examining

The fomcr prcsidcnt of Sqbia had always ugued that neithcr Yugoslavia nor Scrbia had commd of thc Bosnim Scrt my, ud this has now bm upheld by thc world @ul in Thc Haguc. By implication, Serbia wot bc bcld rcsponsiblc for my othcr wr crimcs atFibutEd to thc Bomian Sqbs. ff .'Dcl Stcvcn Edwards, Poatc sy! UN oved to Rwildd prcssuc,- Nqtiondl Post (Cdada), Scpt 17, .,I 2003; John Hoopcr, w sackcd u Rwuda Gcnocide Prosecutor for challcnglng thc Pfesidcnt, says DJI pftrfir" Gtqdim (uK) scp. 13, 2003i Fclicity Bmingcr,'Atlm is said to want a Ncw Prosutor for Rwmctawrrcrimcs,"NoYukTrnu,July2g,200L Sccalso,LINDcS/Rcs/203/1503,AuB.28,2003, rcquesting nomination by thc sEuity council for a ncw lcTR Prosccutor ud nominsting Dcl Pontq for rc-appoinincnt u ICTY prcsEutor. It Scc discussior at notcs r infra' s Del Pontc at notesr supra.

18 ^ai 2350/A

magistratc Jean-louis Bruguiere,ta had opened an investigation into thc assassination of Habyarirnana that pointcd to Kagarne's trooPs' and pcrhaps Kagamc himsclf.rs

Acting indepcndently, and without the assistancc of Sccurity Council mcmbcr intelligcnce or investigativc agencies, Dcl Pontc's Chief Invcstigator Laurcnt Walpen '[c]stimatcs developcd cvidcnce of RPF crimcs with of the dcad stood in the tcns of rhousands.'# Del Ponte describes thc many madblocks o her investigations whicb were quitc rnderstandably bcing thrown up by the Rwandan governmcnt: ...because President Kagamc and thc other Tutsi lcaders had staked so much of their clairn to political lcgitimacy upon thc RPF s victory ovcr the gcnocidaircs in 1994. And thcy wcre markcting thcir takeovcr of the forrot y right*us strugglc to-hatt thc genocidc't? ".. But, withofi rnuch explanation, Del Ponte also dcscribcs how U.S. intelligencc agcncics werc astislirrS the Rwanctans in compromising thc sccurity of thc ICTR Prcsecutor's Offrcc and the investigetions of crimcs committed by the RPF in 1994: Wc knew thc Rwandan Intelligencc scrvicc had reccivcd monitoring dcviccs from the United Statcs utd was using thcm to compromisc our tclcphone, far( atrd Intemcttaffic'u ByMlyzoo\DelPontcleamedfromJudgeBruguierethaihchadsufficientcvidenceto and charge Rwanda's Paul Kagame for thc assassination President Juvcnal Habyarimana Burundi's Presidcnt Cyprien Nd on April 6, 1994. and has bccn It was ihis doublc-assassination that "touched off the genocidc, out a coup claimcd to bc pan ofthc'genocidc plan" ofrhe "hard-liners intent on carrying indication that against thcir own Prcsidentle Buf, this was not Del Ponte's frsr

crimimls in Frc' r shc s ,udRc Bru*ui(ft had bamc wllknown for prceuting mjor intmtiod pomc his judgcmmt ud r,i-ii*-*-3_-J-aluirg uc smc psioa.'pct tocw Bruguirc and rustcd p' 79-t I ' his wort on cs6 likc Culm thc Jrclal, mtl otlm. Scc' Dcl Potc' I

"ld { to-Ms. Del Pnts's se disasim !t mt4 _, itfia This sm cvidcre w lPPlrcntly Providcd thc invcstiettiu sd Erd?Gstr Lori* Arbor in fmury lffZ who supP'srcd ths cvfutcn@' stoPPcd bc pmsccutcd for rhc ffiil;i6];;lgod*-r* 6,i, nrdG rhc nrommadation rhd Krgsrnc u dcsqibcd hfth' Ml D"l Pmtc ds not rcval whciha shc wrs awuc "**f"",i*of Ms. Arbou's"f-ffOfaiirnanq supPrsion of thc alicr invartigdion of Kagmc' tt Dcl Pmtc, p, 183

" Id. 6 goYmmcDt in dly 2010 mtinrcs-thc Mrtsint nepoa,gblirhcd mda thc ruspis of thc Rwudan thc ssinatim, to dnw lttdrtion arrc orotorirtrr-rrrbyuimu's om mil'itrry cmspircd to ommit 19 I .l 23q?/A

as Louise Arbour jurisdiction' Apparcntly' for crimes within her Kagame's was culpable investigators had also Dcl Ponte that ICTR 1999' 'U" noa info"o"a leaving ofiice in had concluded was earlier' but Arbour *u*-" some years tt'" p'o'"tution-of recpmmencled because it was a political over the assassination lackcd i*"di"i"t with the ICTR prosecutor not to have agreed Del Ponte seems of murder'so Although acl'not thewar crime Del Ponte seems investigating Kaga$e' 'f" did continue this assessment, f""'*" the U'S' and U'K'' and close ally of bolh *"'' * member completely umware "**O conflict' particularlY party in the Rwanda * 0""r, neutral could not actually Rwanda during the canada LIN peacckeepers in Dallaire had commanded since Canadian General of war' indefatigpble' in pursuit if not persistent' and DeI Ponte is nothing of However' outside the investigation may lead.-..at luust *n"*;r rh" ; and criminals, invesigations of crime Ponte's continuing early June 2002' Del earlier'er In of NATO, described cutting off the flow Rwanda government 'all RPF resulted in the Kagame and the former adversanes' witnesses' agunst his By cutting off to the lCTRez of the witnesses order to helt the Oflice -"'tf""ft-"ifing the tibunat"'in i" in Kagame succecded bv"'the RPF allegedlv committed h";;;;;* oi Prosecutot's sp""i'l "n*"' to Del Ponte: Igg4."e3 ffiffiAccording ;;q*:*:,lttffi ,',lli,ffiil,'i.ii*il"4iT -;"-o1 i#l'h*i":":'ii$*li*l,t:,m*Sl,:S;:15;i;qofEcers.$iq'fr"Tl The-rn9tivL.1_1ffi'a "tr't'fpt"r16en1 HiParrl n;nl":*X bY extcnsxI":#t" T*ff, legitimacY and, fCt-""r1 Kagame' vn*:,uti.lu+p.;n:nffi*l#iliiffi ti:rfk;$,x$*lmH#-ffii*xfli5-14r'''r,;rir**"'xif:#Y:l

:#H'tr*;silr:{:xtiffiim"xly"*mTxil:'ls'fficPsooc'; Yugoslavia(Fcmick er Dst Pontc st 227 e7!d-

" Id. ; ji",fi#'ffi ;f#i,"1#:tr'%1'J#i$fi'J'f:'t*::li::3::';iln3*"#'$::-"'"; 2eKA

onJuly23,2002,DclPontcpubliclyreportedtotheSecurityCouncilthatshcsuspected and that Rwanda as blocking Kagamc and his forces of having committcd crimes' investigatiom: the investigation of thc Prosccutor is cffcctivcly unabte"'to achieve Patriotic cri-o Af.g"O to havsbeen Lmmittcd by thc Rwandan [Front] in l994.ej the rtfusal of the Kagame By Novcmber 2002, Del Ponle wcnt public in cxposing govc[rmenttocooperatchcrinvestigationsintothecrimes,al|cgcdlycommittedbythcm Rwandan governmcnt again began to or thcir ovm compatriots.s Dcl Pontc notes that the suporvision and' although spccial pcdnit witness€s to havel to the ICTR undcr thcir gowna could not bc brcachcd and thc lnvcstigations continued, tJrc mwo di On March 3' 2003' thc U'S' State invcstigarions madc but madc little hcadway'et betwcea thc U'S' and Rwanda' in the Dcpctncnt arnounccd a rcw arca of coopcration formofasigncda.bi-latcral''agrEemeat'initiatedbyrhcBushadminisffiiot!toexcmpt eachotherscitizensftomprosccutionbcforethclntctnationalCrimiu|Court.According to Dcl Pontc: siglaturc on the agrecmcnt' "...I suspected that, in rctum for Rwanda's suppott in thg amPaigr t! ilri-:t Kagamc hJ sought Unitcd Sratcs Spccial Invcstigation and pr"t*t O" not"oao tiUunal"no^ *mpteting its nilitary officcrs' and bringng i raitttnc"ts-' agCtst- t"niot' Rryft with massacrcs the Tutsis had ocrhaps Kagam" fti""tf?, in--conrrcction lir"r,firv [it-tn"d in 1994'et of the quid pro quo between thc U'S' and Whethcr Dcl Pontc is corrcct in hcr asscssment RqanttainMay2003,ornol's..spccialrclationstriy''hadexistedbctweenthcU.S.and theKagamcgovcmmentformorethanedecedc'gFlorcnccHartmannobservcdthatU.S. Ponte's investigation of Kagamc as 'interest'' in thc Bruguicrrc investigation and Dcl

Powcr' Set' Colin Wugb'-Ptr' Kague otd Rwmda: Robcrt MuBabc in Zinbabwc fivc-yar terd' (Mmfarlan{ London' 2004)' pp' l9?-2O3 Gwid. n l th. Rw@d@ Panto'i Fronr, s Id.at?4? * Id:,3-ztl. n Id- -M. t Scc disossion rt notrs Wc . ,,, l\ 2s+?/A

wished to clear ttrat "the Americans of 2003 made it and by the beginning early as 2001 its exit strategy'"loo r^ug"-"n of * the court," back to subject "",ir"Iy;;;;*l and Kagame go between the Pentagon of close ties army' But the evideoce of the Ugandan of Rwanda by elemens Kagarne-led';"*;"" The before thc tgg0 Ugaodau officer'lor a dccade as a senior commuded for nearly which Kagame had the long-s8nding Human Rights lnstitutedocuments of th" Conmow"olth r*ent RePort forthe Museveni fromthe u's' -t;;;' 1ffffiTfr:tt#:'1" support lntelligencc Chie was Museveni's Military period Kagame U.S.StateDepartfientsacksDelP.onte,fordoinghertJNjob:" u's'orders' " filil *, iii i"'ng called to Del Ponte was on May l5' 2003' '-* -t ;"'*"*' According to De' war crimes' Pierre Ambassador for Administration Depaltment to discuss the state Rrxandan government "'';;'; members of the & meet *to' ;; Prosper,los **" .ff;iTffi::"-;"; betw@n*" o*"" ""':"t':i: "sooperation rhe Rwandans "cooperation"' nohel to a discussing farther ^uand asked than apparently::T;;' went "'** t"d tt'" RPF' Prosper and of fugo*" wgs investigating investigations goverr'ment she files to the very tum over her investigative ff;:::'"ff::: ;;;""'::: *t.":*-:-'L-r"^ *J::',T" her not''"'*t"t:* ru; and that She would i;fff tnbunal spot. to,o,t" Rwanda not bo re-appointed to her that she would years' According informed more tban two would be for no Yugoslavia tribunal mandate at the Del Ponte:

re g66a6, pp.262-263 xT:";'{;i'o'i':;'#ifil1"'ffi:"'TJ'HX:YiJ:*'oo"' "",i;::g;:"#;*fw#'T;-'i r##utfrr,f-l*plrgll;ff,S',*lf,'nl*'.-t*t* rs pql Pontc at 23 I ' t6 ld.21t-32 22 Qt I a3a4/A

in So now, it was not just thc Rwandans wbo werc involving thernsclves blackmail. ..t had just rcfirsed to refrain from bringing iudictmcnts^against anuanbcrofScrbgcncrals.Andhcrelwasrcfusingtoccdetheuibrrnal's in authority to investigatc thc Tutsiiominated RPF' Thcse Prosecutions' stau$ quo on *t"y or anothcr, involvcd disturbing a dcveloping Political that peoplc ia rhc diptomatic community wanted to dEvelop firther"* orrMay20'2003DclPontcreccivcdaStarcDcpartrrcntfa:rsratingthatrhe RwandanSoveromcntwoutdsharcinvcstigativeinformationwiththcofficcofthe providc thc Rwandan govcrfitrcnt Prcsccutor, but that thc Officc of thc Prosecutor should crimcs unless the Rwandan with their invcstigalivc fles and agrcc not to prosccutc RPF agree' and sbe bcgan getting prosocutions were not "geouinc.' She again rcfusei to bcr rc-appointnsnt' rl'hich was rcports that rhc Unitcd Statcs had bcgua o lobby agains coming up in a matter of montbs in the fall of 2003't0? Colin Build that his By July 2, 2003, Dcl Pontc was informed by UK Ambassador for Del Ponte at the govcrnment had rcqucstcd &at Kofi Arman appoint a rcptaccmcnt Pontc: ICTR for rcasons of "cfficicucy'" According to Del chan^ec1:ih1 Budd said nothing about thc rcal rcason for thc proposcd of allegcd Rwandan govcmment's oppositionLo the Spccial lnvcstigation atrocitics by mernbcrs of thc RPF"- Wcstcm diplomats and tribunal By thc cnd of July, thc New York Times cttd unnamcd l|'on supPort from thc united States and sourcG as sayrng ttrc Rwandan govcmmcnt had British diplomats had said lhat the thc united Kingdom for rcmoving Dct PontclD and ofthc RPF.llo Del Pontc cbange in prosccutors would includc &opping ofinvestigations was told by Ralph zacklin,lll chief of flcw to Ncw york to meet witb Kofi Annaa, but 12 pnoposc that shc bc replaccd'l thc Ofiice of Legpt Affaits, tbat Annan wotld

tn Id, Pob et chattment'F9'267'21o' rd .fhis mnt is css.ntislly thc ffi s lhrt r€Pfitcd by Hantnm' rdDcl PoDtr !t 236 ta Id. tto Id. rrrThisisthcsrmcRrlPhzrcklinwfio,mMry2S.lgg'l'hrdatfiorcdaformallcgalopinionstatingthst by go""rr--, *"t nor rtrc rcsutr of a oup' This had elso bccn confirmcd thc post-Habyrinlnt aldhil/c oeurcd butdll not. rfrfirii{oJi*ip"ri* a epriito, trx,wtro srrtcdrhatr coup Icn'. eptit 13codc cablc, Militry-t ExhibitDNT 108' 23 2""9,/4

Security Council agteed with her complaints that According o Del Ponte' Zacklin crimes conmitted in her mandate to Prosecute all politics were interfering with fulfitling Rwarrdaduringlgg4...Youaleright,,shequoteshimassaying,..butyoulose.''ll3DeI Security Council passed on August 28' 2003' when the Ponte was removed from oflice Jallow' a Gambian she was replaced by Hassan Abubacar Resolution 1503'rra and none of the members of lhe Jatlow replaced Del Ponte' Supreme Court Justice' Since ICTR'Irs govemment have been indicted at the victorious RPF army or the Kagame or Plan'' '' rcrRI t( Militarv-l-IvrNary-r J"ltrT.'tdussv'.vs-' Ir. The2fit8-09 :: ,ed :-'3:"*""r","Jniracvin Rwanita?rr6 So Wbet ReallY DID IIaPPen the mass u'S' state Depsrtnent sssessmenq According to contcmporsneous on April 6' 1994, was the assassination oftwo presidcnts violence in Rwanda following rot a long-Planned"genocide"' ri * fr appears,.';h.:;Jl"#ffibothPT'id. :,1'^l':.,:""*":Jt:l H":-i'-"":Hlf, urat tlnoesPEuu';"iril*r-r" ;:'-1,:::*;:l:\",Xr';"Yf" liiff'i:r"''i:flikelihood rly if it is confrmed that the countries'p1":"" (i.e Rwanttaand Put. *i atwn' (emphasisadded)' "n, Rowson, Prudence Bushnell'Ilashingto4'D 9'-'i 2T;l aprtt /' tv', U'S' Embassyin KigaliRwanda' it what happened in Rwanda but not completely explain Ofcourse, this lone cable does has been told by the victors picture of"thc gcnocide" than begins to paint a very different in the four Yearware for Power'llt

u+atcgorically thst thc Post- May 25' 194 opinion'-staring Zacklin wcrt cvcn farthu in his E:HT:}:ff'ffiBuL T;*lhi'T;:":r;::lr*u*''r*q:qlffi i,f"Tijt*-"- Tfl:H:;J#frr:3".jj;"$;trr$*""ttH*:x*l*:mu,l.ltfr ilii;r"?""$:'* !t2 Del Ponte!t 236' ut ld. savins'"lts all politics' tt ,. Hurnm,s a6ret secrctarygT"rt-1ry,::lf.t"l*:,lT,i]#fr6 ,ffi mru;ffirmilH',;il;fiitijispotiticizrd-.ppz?r-2?2 ||'.HlmonRilhtstfatchReporl2oog-2010,,'lcTRtralasits|egitimscy''??71?? Mitter-Mccuc' octobcr 6' 2009' .m"t n"atty Happmert in Rwand{ rfc see Davcnport md st -, 315' 't? ICTR Military-l Exhibh DNT "'!.seDavmponmd'F1.s-",1,"i1]{lytrH#lffiil#i#'f :?"d""ff;*'01"T:it"" Thelikclihood-thatmasivc civilis,ktllroBs"lii;"iiablfiu]'i" o".U* 1993,when Burundian allies hadbccn cstablishcd bY maslvc Krl t* t3{ ..? .? 23ceA

ln hcr mcmoir, Del Ponte proudty quotes her April 2002 opcoing statement before to the thc ICTR in the Military-l cosc, the ccntral trial at thc Rwanf,6 f1i$nnal cquivaleDt Milosevic case at thc ICTY.tle Thc story of thc "Rwanda Gcnocidc" thaf she describes' not surprisingly, is thc story totd by thc victors in thc 199G94 war for powcr in Rwanda' with wtrich most reades are probably faniliar: "Thesc four menlCol' Theoneste Bagosora, CoL Anatole Nseng$nnva' Gen. Gratien K;btl$ anil MaJ. Aloys Ntababuel arc among thc pcrpctrators of thc gcnocidc..'.Who is rcsponsiblc for closc to a million ioit" i" a fcw montbs? Who is responsible for all thc othcr victims mutilatcd" torturc4 raped left for dcad." Thc indictncnt alleged that Bagosora and othcr comnanders on trial wcrc Part of a group of senior Hutu officers who had for sevcral yans, plarwed thc systematic sterrnlnatlon of the Ttdsi's and moderatc Hutus in order to secllfe the Hutu Ertremistis ponXa ao^ino,c, of the country"'tm Military-l trial Of course, whcn shc told this well'accepted story at thc bcginning of the lcTR Dccembcr in April 2002, she could not hrvc known that ncarly Gyears latcr, thc 2003FimlJudgcmcnt{siy'inthesamccascwouldacquira||ofthcdcfcndantsof "planning and conspiracy,..to commit gcnocidc.-lll

Bur'ironicrlly'theEnglishJanguagccditionofDclPoDtc'sbookwaspublished writtcn Judgemcntl2z almost simultancously with the Fcbruary 9, 2009 reteasc of thc full members of the in thc ICTR Military-l casc, which acquitted thc four lughcst-ranking genocidc or othcr former Rwandan militsry tried to date, of "conspiracy" to commit

urpublicird'gemi& of tbc RPF, lsintcd tbc finr clcaat B|,mdiu Prcsiddtrrd r^lrrgely EfuSB f,mdin8 iDlo Rwd!. ,r*ft A ni.r. lflr,('oo cMlirn dcdrs !d 350,004,Bumdirn ^Scq, in Bumdi (u, ofrcna PHs, it"b.rt-K*g, -d'Krrhta Tobin t

tu ICTR ldoPB Britislt spclliog in its documcnts'

25 j .) . 1",'il,,* 2sB/A

the entire oTP the fundamcntal thesis of 121 which calls into question cri'"", a finding in Rwanda: description of what happened whenviewed against thc backdrop"t Tt::t-St:;e;tTi #fii'i; Ji"li"'*'d;"4,"?";:tttT:,frl?]TT,',iH;ilii"*nvr- f3'ihJ;ll.:':T;i":'il;;;;'"on'pi'"rytocommitgenocide"' However,rheyareo'l'o'o*i""n'Yu^'Oi?:::':?*:I.;,{;":i!":t:c9nfror'tted milirarypower struggle "'when Y*''"t;;";;; ieasonabte

v)as l5*:y*'.:*";!;::1i:.":":ffithari"ii:";';;i'"i',noa'l" [genocidal] intetttion based on ';i;""'e "'was inference ";;;;'; 'i:;!:##"t:::sansfied'ry"h"::"^::::i:;:#:;';t*ffi:::.:: ')"i*i"w" Accus'ed a""u thatthe fow ":^p'::':r;";;i'ipril 1994't2a beforeit unlota wilh othersto commitgenocide (emphasis added) jr^-^- lheth - evidence^- andan.t outcomcs^ffmmes at efforts to manipulate the thaL despitc the best This means evidence that could after heariLngthe best by O"t nonte and Hartmann'Ils ICTR describ€d government and States' the Rwandan Prosecutor' thc United be prcsented by the ICTR theunitedNations,*""*"'*"":T'T,1'::::":H]";;-"-Tl: j:::: to extcrmrn to "planning or conspiring" charges related acquitted of ^ll Gratien Kabiliei' was '"'io' offi""t' General Tutsi. And, the most

charges.t26 .^r-.--r27 of Major Aloys Ntabakuzc Trial' the defense team During the Military-l documents that had been UN and U'S' govemment of coutemporaneous secured copies Ponte and other than a decade' by Del defense teams for morc wittrheld fiom the lCTn

IE' 200t' jffiH#cmbcr 1-*$ full FcbruarY r' oublished'r" in fte Id - 6 6-' rili' Revntjcns"RPwticna ExpcrtExPcrt RePort' contiuucs' scc Prof' Fitip rr RpF intcrfremc-with *l-*rili#:;:scs-0"** pP rt5-r58 and 53e-540' *ittcn rudtcmcnq i:;,:::":';:;;', '' '*t ,,,h,hcinrrcs"l"'t.f::[#;[***:i:mf.H:.T*"#:il:'ffi "*1':tl:-1"'?y' rctponsiblctul lPtly-')i*tdc, gfl@ru.' impossible.ur'tsveJ'v'-' coropincy md plmrng 26 ct 2sqz/A

tribunal to acquit ICTR prosccutors,l2r which made it impossible for a convictiod-pronc Rwandan Patriotic Army the accuscd on thc most wrious charges, and pointcd to thc (RPA) of forrrcr General Paul Kagamc of Rwanda' as thc militarily-supcrior that Kagame and the RPF aggrcssor.lp Ar4 thst the ICTR Psos€cutor had the cvideocc Juvcnal Habyarirnana' as irutiatcd the civilian killings by assassinnting formcr Prcsidcng partoftheirownplantousetheirmilitarysupcrioritytoseizctotalpowcrioRwand4 agre€ment' thc Arusha rathcr than agree to thc prcviously-ncgotiatcd power-sharinB Accords.l30 of a criminal Thc Military-l Judgeurent found that, rathcr than evidence conspiracytocommitgcrrocidcorwarctimcssgaingtciviliens,thcovcrsllactionsofthe with orose of an arny the Rwandarr military officcrs on tial, wcrc cornplctcly consistcnt further showcd that' dudng nation dcfcnding against an invading forcc'l3l Thc cvidcocc thccorrrscoftheg0daysbctwccnAprilandJulylgg4,thcn€encralKagamcrrnderstood rtrattrecnjoycdmititarysupcriorityandrejectcdnumercusccascfireoffcrs.irrcludingthc on'|" A""otdiog to thc writings oficr to usc Dor[ armies to stop tbc civilian killings carly Csradian commarder of UN and sworn ICTR testirnony of Gcn' Romco Dallairc' thc quitc rcasonably (from a military Security Corurcil peacckccping forces,lts Kagamc

,zRu|e6Eofrhctfia'Ru|BorPlccducandEvi&mrcquircthcProseutionnd,rgub|ythcUNr lhrr mry bc cxolpatory. Thc Ntabdru ilr.'ffiil.dy:t -"r""-ilJr" t ur" dcftntc cvidcne DGfG[gascrtcdua.art.rn"uve.xprm.tio.foreYcnBinRwnd!in|99r|iniaPr+'DcfcnscBricf'thdse mrtwirncircr that*tcc urcful o pmveup thc dcftn* @' ;;;;;-d*tt-" ::g:.Ht ffilf t:x"':':ks:ffir:b ffi w hcld'ro bc rclcvutby r chambff rt $c lcTR. rhc sssinrrion of pr"sidcntH!by;;;tdE RpF, of ScPt"mbd 1993' authorcd by t' lgft Mitirary-l Exhibit DBTI' UNAMIR RrtonmissDct-Rc?o'n l,i c"i"-t Romo Dallairc, IINAMIRFw Conmrnda C.ir.oi- * ftour U.-S'Ambusadc Pnrdcne Bushrcll If' rx ICTR Milibry-l E&ibit DNT 3 I 5' April ?' t 994 cablc afioog likclihood thl wldsprcad viol*e ould I it lppcs, bodr Prcsidats havt;;ffi;;bt" ir na hc wc shot downn EmPhsis hra& qn in ciths or u"at *.t"o.".'-P;L#itii i -'6ni'a f,anc addcd. 'ud8cmcnt' 45-158 !d 539-5'10' ttt. Pruccvtt v. B.8uor4 Flbruty 9, 2(Xp witlor PP rn wainc 12' 19941BGnt broug]rt mc cooY of a ommnlquc Daurirc t 292, "That [APtif md itiua"a r-i n*to-i."c mcting betwccn Gasinzi @mmdnde2n, &s I-ro ^^'t"-i:li, trtty *try subrniting to u umditimal Krral€...rhev s[ticd or* *." mo iottEliii inu , ild d1h dcsirc to stop lhe wtr A lso' scc' ffi;... ft ilil their dc counlc it rooito mskc L "' z,l,rsgl -a illhi 'shab HatdswiththeDdif' pP'31l' iffiA;; M'ilffil " t ! .tt esn//4

the war"'"'and thc offers "because hc was winning standpoint) rejected thc ceasefire govemment and of Kagame's war plan'l3a US civilian deaths were "collateral damage" RPA was committing now well-documented LJN documents also showed that Kagame's country controlled by the RPF by mid-April'r35 massacrcsin the l/3 to l/2 of the Trial and sworn testimony, in the Militsry-l Further, the documentary evidence, Louise Arbour had received recommendations confirm thttMs.Del Ponte's predecessor' made up of Chief 1997' ftorn an investigative team to prosecute Kagame in Jdnuary Crown Prosecutor); Michael Hourigan (an Australian ICTR tnvestigative Prosecutor former UN Military Lyons and Amadou Deme' the retired U.S.'FBI Agent James frled by all And' according to sworn affidavits Intelligence Officer for General Dallaire' them to drop the cvidence on Kagame' Arbour told three, two days after receiving the rcsigred from the invcstigative team and all three investigation and she tlen disbanded Prosecutor is how former ICTR Chief lnvestigative the ICT& in short order' This of President "cover-uy'' of Kagame's assassination Hourigan describes the Arbour Habyarimana: Team 1997' members of the National ln late January, or early February eiti'er form"r ot scwing members of were approached byfi:t #;;;;; tft" rocket attack on the rhe RIF) of"i-ua a'ijt"t"ii""-"tn'itt*ih;-;td; 1:94..f^'"t specificaltv implicated thc direot Prcsident's "i*'"ft' Kagamc' involvement ofPresident Paul " information considsrable detail abour the I informed Judge Arbour in imPlicating President Kagame "' Team investigation was at then advised mc that the National Judee Arbour asked meif it t""" not in oru mandate"'[and] an Jnd becausein i"-r-ui"n' stre said copy' I.informed her it was and the merno I prepJil;;;"ly cabinet' ' ;; p1""4 her of6ce filing "a she was pleased t"-h;;;; ll'i' the ICTR'"" ,trort ti,o" ttt"' I resigrred ftom

Hunanity in Rwanda (Rmdom House with the Devil: The Fatfure ol trr Romco Dallairc, Siale Honds 2003).PP.32G327. by mthor Jonuary2005 tr' see,eos-unrination of Gen Dallaire ;'"*""try;Jfi" ixff"'ffi;)::;' in Rwuda,@mkings tnr Genocide seea'so' @Picsol t?l.T?:1:*tnted to Atbour' rr. Exhibit"DNT 365.Affidsvit ud Lyons Milirarv.t puuii, .to,"r"nt of fomr FBt agenr,James afFrdavitoiAhadou Dcmc,DNT 3ii'lrJrn" 28 a . .o , 2s4o/4

And, although the alfidavits and copic,s of the rcport wcrc placcd in cvidcncc in thc Military-l trial in latc 2006 and e:r:ly 2097,tt7 along with additional supporting UN and U.S. govcmmcnt documcnts and the tcstimony of sevcral formcr RPF officcrs who admitted having bccn members of thc Habyarimana "slroot-down" squad, the substancc of Hourigan Repor, rcccivcd little or no prrss attcntion. An4 not surPisingly, all of this Military-l dcfcnsc cvidencc was complctcly iporcd in the Rwandan govcmment's rcccntly publishcd MustEl ieporr, which purports to clcat Kagame and blamc thc alrcady acquittcd dcfcndants in the Military-l Trial for Habyarimana's assassination. Btrl, Ms. Del Pontc, hersclf, had bccn ordcrod to lrm ovct thc Hourigan RcPort to rhc ltr ICTR as early as tlrc ye"r 2000. This mcans tba! not only Ms. Dcl Pontc, but hcr prcdcccssors and lhosc who rcplaccd bct must havc knova about this of Kagamc's crimes, too, which wordd includc: Richartl Goldstonq Louisc Arbour, Abubacar Jallow and Stcphcn Rapp. All must have bccn fully awarc of the cvidcncc that Kagame is acnrally rcsponsiblc thc Habyarimana assassination' and for "touching off'thc Rwaldan Geoocidc,lle not lhc dcfcndants ia thc Military-1 Trid.

But, d*pitc this cvidencc in thc posscssion of Ms. Arbour's, Ms. Del Pontc's and lvlr. Jallow's ICTR Officc as early as 1997 in the Fall of 2005 anothcr Canadian prosccutor working for Jallow and Rapp, pttblicly lurthered thc conscious lic by accusing Bagoson and his codcfendants ofassassinating thcir orrrn presidcnt.l'o Thcre is much morc documcntary cviderrcc, and sworn tcstimony' il thc Military-l rccord tlrar tlroro"ghly dcbunks a "gcnocidc phn" by thc losing sidc, and dcrnonstratcs that thc assassination of thc former prcsidenr was the first slpt in a long-planncd final, 'blitzlricg-stylc- RPF assault, planncd by Kaganrc to scizc totril powct.rar A-ftct the ep.il

t" Id. tn Sec, Oumbcrs ordsr to Rclcsc of Hourirnn'r Mrmorr[dum lo Prrti6, ICTR hcss-Rclcasg Jum t, 20qt, w.iclr.ore citod kr Kingslcy Moghelq Ch. 2, fit. 66' tt D.spit d,c appcrcnt oxilcne of this *idma ln ths OTP fibg thc ofnc6l slory,, rcpcltd d wan in the wcstm prtsr, continuB to bc lhd "no m lcrow who killcd Hrbyuimn""' lo c|N annlnrtion of Th@ncstc Bagosm by oTP Dfav wbitc, rls of cmda. Novcmb€ 2006 by DrwWhitc.? '" Inuo to Dailoirc's bo; "stnLins Hnds vrh thc Dstl" W 11 ct tcq. Clde Ceblc' MIR ?&1. April t7, 1994,Drll.irE to Buih: itcm l lA, "Thc RPF ofEnsirc...sr!t'&d in bli&'ic8, bshim;..'" iEm tlC' "Thc RPF do not dcsirc r ercfirc until tbcir prcconditioro e mct'..". '.j .r' t' t. 233?A

frorn north to south in the entire eastern 1/3 of 6 assassination, RPF assault troops swePt stratcgic and tactical planning'laz UN' the country, revealing long-planned logistical' confrrm that alt military observers understood U.S. and Canadian documents in evidence as early as February 1993, in a surprise that the RpF has established mililary superiority anly by the prescDce French and Belgian assault that was stopped at the gates of Kigali' military advisors.las Tnal shows that between the summer of Evideoce in the record in the Military-l in April 1994, the RPF established lgg3 and the assassination ofPresident Habyarimana at|eastthEeweaponscachesof200-300tonseach,inpreparationforthefinal confirm that Kagame' and the RPF' offcnsive.l{ And, U.S. diplomatic communiqu6s which would have forced the RPF thcm blocked the Arusha Accords political settlement' Wben all partics' including the westem !o share power and give up miliury superiority'lai in a RpF enter inro the power-sharing agreement powers and the Vatican, insisted that the the slage was set for completion of the final document publishcd on March 28, 1994'146

qcnodvntmicsotg' 4d Srm Genodynamin.wcbsitc' w ta2 Genodynomlq wcbsitc...DaYdport Alm J' tb; Rwuaa Wu APril-Julv 199'z1' se also' and sta' **t Davcnpofi "r,oJp..;;; "f j"'l-fiff $ffiH"g:Bn;;'rs;gr*"1'nte?;ffi::;"K-Y:;!:;"'$'J'l??: vccunJ, ocrobcr 6, zoog' cotury' (comcll U' Pess' Mus Kiltlng rnd.GcnGiatc in ihc 20t r{ Bcnim.u valentim, Final solutions: of RPF intclligcncc souros rcguding thc suPeriority hhac! 1004) pp. ltl, citinB rt*r'--i'i*-tl- forcs bY Fcbruary I 993' Se also tcstimny of Abdul Ruibiz:' -l l0' 2006' ,. Tcstimony of formn R-PFOfhs Yt"l : of ICTR zr i' Rujbiz4 Joshua "Thc Sccrct History Militilt-r *'t"*t *iiiilioty-i-i*iuit forrnq RPF DaUaiE to BEIilc. Thc Military-l rcord s", coo"cii'"'irl-dgi9, Aprir 2a, 1994, Rwilda_ eil.6 200o. h.;ry:]y" lee3-Aprillee4' udthenpid inctudcsnumscuc*o,"ro'o'#"irH'rriJ!tE;RP. which wa a higlr lcvcl of prc-plming of a military asault' novcmcnt of toops anc natqicr aenon"rratc on Kigali' -""-i.i."'tr,rti rcbrulry 1993as&ult t.lAurilleb|caomU.S'Amb.toRwffda'DavidRiwsonto.U.s.EmtusvinKampa[4Ugand4 thc trt*raft adminedioihe govcmmentunder Militarv-t Exhibit, DNT t2l t*;;it;;"Iitlix' AnshrAccords, ovcr RPF obj4tioD' DNTI04. Al| panics, but Mrch 28, 1994'Militafy-I.Exhibit ,. cablc from Bmh.Bsh to Ansan, codc l'itruded.in thc broad bascd trusitional thc RPF. wac in agre.-"nt tt'"t t"t?til'i'"'ii*ri-u" thcm to up ilc nrr in trrt poritical miooriry and forccd Eivs covcmcnq adoPtionor*nitr' *o"uii"tto""Jpur r-h"it .ilit"tily do-inst Position' 30 I' essg/a

assault, which began with dccapitating Rwandan govcrnmcnt and military lcadcrship in thc missilc anack on thc cvcning of April 6.1t7

Thc'Dcl Ponte and Hartmann accounts oftheir ICTR experienccs confirm scveral aspccrs ofthe Military-l dcfcnsc cvidcncc, such as: r Kagamc's atay dtd invade Rwanda ftom Uganda whcrc hc had bccn a senior coimard", in ih" Ugandan army that scized frwer in that country in 1986;rat . the invasion of Ruanda took placc with thc help of thosc security council mcmbcrs providing the most support for UgandaFv thcn and now, tlrc U'S' and thcU.K:l$ r Rwanda's currcnt Prcsidctrt, Paul Kagamq was rcsponsible fc the killing of the cotirc Catholic lcadcrship ofRwanda in Junc 1994;"'

o Del Pontc's ICTR Spccial-thaq Investigations unit idcntificd multiple RPF gafs murdcr sitcs,ts2 ana shc recommcndcd thc prosccutiou of higb-ranking mc,mbcrs of thc curcnt Rwandan govcramcnt bascd on cvidencc long-hcld in the Prosecutor's fi lcs;153 and" then- . sincc at lcrst Jsnuary 199?, thc lcTR Prosccutor's offrcc had cvidencc that Gcncra|PaulKagamcisrcsPonsibtcforthcassassinationoftheprcvio'l.c PrcsidentofRwanda.tuvcnurtabyarimaoa'andhisscniormilitarystaff,aswell asthcPrcsidcnrofncighboringBurrurdiwhcnheordcrcdlheshootdownof Habyarimana's plane on April 6, 1994;'- rwo r Thcrc is no disputc tha it rras thc shooting down of the plane carrying-thc ..sPak'' p*'ia*r that ipitcd rhc civilian-on-civilian. killings bctwccn ","".t1" rt! iptil *a ruty rsge, riowtown ti th"'n**d- gcnocidc''

thc dctrils of tlp shot dom r.t s6 lc-rR bnimony of formcr RPF offiq '6hur Ruibia drcibing plaming rnd cx*ution. Mry $10' 2005. l"Dcl Pmtsd- wcll documcn&d elsryhotc' Scc to Ttc Ugandu aigim of thc lnvsion of Rmnda hu lbo bccrr NoltYka a'd rtc G'neide ln Rwnda Mlhtnood Mrmd&L Vhar Yratnt iane Klllqs: Cduialknr' (Primtm Univcity PrB.' 2001). -British Aprit 29' 2006' Ugud! t$ DavH Blah, ally bchind rbc rrqld'r blodicst cn fljKjl' UK Tclcgrryh' is thc furth lugca rccipiat of British eitl ttl Dcl PonL, p -' ttt ld ar -. ltt td. at _ tstdrl-sa,not6-infrr of Wisooosin PBs 2qX)' Likc rll '$ ld. sca also, Mric BccEie umtai, sn vug thc Slalghta,-(I prcsiddrt Hrbyuimu.ms killcd. This w n*-a.d,- 0," ib"t" cxp*d wid$ira ctrnic isUtf a ii . thc procding nontbs had lcd ro pra-i*u]J"i"*-o"'assirutim ortas Lnport nt Hutu ladrn dwing 31 ,l:li:l* a3374

case' describe massive RPF killing of LJNCHR reports, in evidence in the Military-l River in areas under RPF control as early civilians, and bodies floating down the Akagera in the Military-l record establish that U'S' as May 17, 1994.156And' other documents as earty as August 1994' after a USAID- assistance in covering up RPF crimes began Gersony' rctumed from an independent employed human rights investigator' Robert killing of Rwanda to report that the RPF was investigation in MF-controlled areas in southeastern Rwanda around Kibungo' "10,000 civilians a month" in a small area rgg4.r37 Rcports of these crimes.were which had been in RpF control since mirt_April

would led rcbels did this knowlng that thc asscsination blmrlv riots in whicb Tutsi had ben killcd"'thc 46 io i"itv tto*at of Tursi dcaths"'P' thc RPF"'ollcd for a 15, 6muq setor KigEmq (i e. s:urhTiern Ar Ruro.o lw.::*J to the meetinS' l' 'le no;"pnnitii"L voluilarily *:: "Dcscc n€ting.'Tho$ who did -f-"t:l - stabbed' by tfuee '.womu md children ond schoolpeople were tied logelhcr'.tn'2" ryhu' into the Kagqa Riva ' " ' ii" Loaio no" prt m tncls and ttuovn 05h00"'thc villages re Gi*nyi' Nymbujc' thc RPF.co-m6rt . At.'.scctos Nymugiri, Refugeu 'i'!:-t::i-' ttt i* [y *cL' No ono hu rctumd'- €ught and takcn Ew.y to guw ue onty thrwn into the river' It seems hoc scen pcople being tiitigethJ and wed ilsomebodYtri6 lo $caPe"' scYcnl atttcks.on tbc villagc and irsPoPulstim' . At...36{0r Muaza'"'thc RPF lauched villagss wcrc gdhcrcd in houscs' 40 RPF *Ki;:';;;iJ ttt titt"gt' on 13.05 bumcd this wav' 8 villagcn d"*"'A;;;;i;;' saw io pmplc which wac bumcd wcHRlield ffi;;;;'rrttJ witr.soit' Asked bv wcrc throm into a latrinc #;L q tutsi cte wherher the victi^ vere hutu ;;;;-;;i;s; tnili{ii'ot ";ia villagus... from 2G35 poptc wcrc oYTl-t^d,t*i"* away r On t5.05..'a group of Rmndm up a 6nt p"son d'om"d Thc soldicn romdcd soldics..'somc jumP"a i"t" iftt tit"i' group of civitiam arid marchcd thcm off' ' '

oAnIRCsttffPmonwrolctothckoffie:'ThingsT"q"oinsvcrybadstthcbordcrwithout aoaw 'rn1heino and mN' of them 'ii'ilro*thcrc'.Eqch aov no" -i'io'l'-iiiii 30 minut6"' *i *o* is betwcu 20 to 30 esch oWcbelicvcthatonlyTmztria'..onlyborderoPmio-rcfugeg-zsirehsb4ncloscd|o k nrr-rt*"" and insbbilitv"'RPF thcn:-iloiiniT" ...B,rodi -" Jfi;;;;';;;; pcopte toltec"' n" ol't side o!the river will lorce lhe tmeone tales action lo the bloodshe4 c We will be wwhelmed hqe vnlqs arrocili5, the mtsacrs' in Rvonda' Gcorge M@sc to wren 264, scPtcrnb€r-lo, t:?1.Y-T" from ,r, tcrR Mitiary-t Exhibit, DNT August 2fi)9 and of Gc6ony'RcPon in CHRI RcpoG Sccrctary of Sraii' iet OiscLsion ChristoPhcr, U.S. tAhm ud Annm' october 14' t994 Military- r"pon 'o 6i" ilirJ;;ih"'v* discussionof Gcsony RePort"' Hfibiibiit lt;"niitt.a'th" G"t*nv'Rwmda' 32 l'lrrt! 2s36/4

rnd Human Rights Watchrre rcpotts ftrthcr confinned by Amncsty lntcmr'donall5s at thc ICTR in latc 2006 and early 2007' compilcd at thc same time, and put into cvidencc Triat rcveal that these RPF crimcs Documents also in cvideDc' in thc Military-t Wanen Christopher in carly Scptembcr had bcen reponed directly to Sccretary of Statc 1994'udothcthcn-foreipministerofRwand4whorcsigncdratlrerthanengagcina to dcfcnd and protect the Kagamc cov"r-rrp.l@to wbich the U.S. rcsponsc has becn rcgimc, cver sincc: August in Rw11d3 (i'c' A T NCHR invesigativc t€sm that spenr July.and lnlry1n riZlts by the GOR (i'e' Gcrsony) has reportcd syskmalc Tbuses - killings - in the south and southeasr of ntli iitlit titudini'it"^"tic the GOR (RPF dutlmr)-is-aware n [i""t y' The teamTti concludedthat and moy have sanctioned them iJ ni, ipri"ott against Hula ctvilions "" onthebasisofintcrrlicwswithretrrgceJindividrnls,thcUNHCRteam emcrgcd' Thc RPA convened concludcd Urat a panern of killing iad p""c" and sccurity' Once the mcctinSs of disptaccd p€rsons to ditt""t RPA-soldiers moved in and killed displaced Pcrso,ls werZ- isenbl"d' the WA engaged ln ho-use house then'*""pt In addition to these massar:es' -to in-camps' Vi?tins-vee:: -irity *a hwted dor4'n tndivtduals hiding Although mal* 18- itt"a oth tpci, ies, macfutes ana itn Twe' were not spared 10 were at htghest rki thelnung atd,clderly 'ry"^'^"!^' strrogates tud killed 10'000 of estimated that the BPA oni futi civilian RPA accounringfot 95% of the fiore Hutu cninons per ionh with the Hlltng.

md abductiom bv ihc Rw&$ '! Exhibit DNT 25t, Rwandt RcPorE o.f killiqqr sra tcTR Mititary-l octobsr2o' re94: a"f;'*'itfrt, n*a-e"i"J rcga'A-*$v tntcmtiond Introduaion: monitqcd md controllcd lntcmrtimd hss lnown for )etrslh|t tE Amcsy TPlclosly rnd rcPcatativet of irls of fonignrrs fr'-tL'-ti'G-i" **l' Jomrrisrs mvstn ttc cmtrol of thc ;t taiJ o n'*t"a- cjtizcos unda bunanituim *gpi,.fi"- govanmt pt thTbcforctltcw iiiG,r-J-irr.m.i"rtrittg -t tlt-trsuf infm$il:bout rhr abu*3by ftc RPFA curc to?owd t"ry rcJgd'"t'A'ihnlrcd Am$sty-1il'rildond bu rceiwd coutd bc gdhacd tttd ;;; pt'ut''l""rtt""*' ot np.r sine thc wu in Rwanda EPorti ornut't-glolilutcs -ttiaa uy oumorcu ud Ebituv killiq' 1990' d;;;;;-i"dtd hm&c& of dclibcrnc besln in ocobq rc?org of civilian m mible crcrirdicllr cxI;; ;i-d"tpF"tt*t"'timludingl till oPPondB' ' suiortcn of otc-nfF bcing dldurcd to RPF RWts Yqtct\sq'nbcr t994' P' 5: Thc f!' rAbcd'. of Ptosccution' Killing of Civilianr''' ituar Killing of Civilisru Duingthc War'' NtryT:'1l-- Forci8n Minister, Jcm Muh Ndaeljimu!' ,€ Se.. tcm. Tcstimony of fomcr Rruda rndinnm' Ex' DK I 12: wws'MdldocumcntsDrcJcc{'nfl zd'iJ i"a"-ciili" tt*"- srttqpt xrt* i a\ t-' q '. 11 ., 23ss/A

TheUNHCRteamspeculatedthatthePurposeofthekillingwasa ctear areas in the south of ;;;p;;; i ^h"i" ;l;";;;; i"'nded..i The killings also served to reduce the Rwanda for Tutsi noinodoi' noouladonofHutumal.sa,,ddiscouragedrefugeesfromretumingto t6t fGm their land. (emphasis added) Hutu the RPF massacred thousands of mainly There is no dispuG that in APril 1995' refugee camp in front of u.N, observers,t62 women and children refugces at rhe Kibeho Ms' Del Ponte and her succassors also all of which must b€ known to ICTR prosecutors' the suppressed the indictrnent of Kagame for must have knorrn that Louis Arbour had ofthe documentsreporting on RPF crimes assassinationofFlabyarima in 199?' In light mlls' also Justice Department' Pentagon and CIA in 1994, the U.S. State Depadment, lbe Gersony Reporr,l64 in addition to the multiple have known of thc Hourigan Report,t6t the investigalors despite the interference of missacre sites tumed-up by Del Ponte's governments of Rwanda' and the United Statcs' Beginsto Unravel: 2006 and afier' The ICTR "Rwanda Genocide- Cover'IJp" has scrupulously followed lhe instructions Although ICTR Prosecutor Jallow ftomtheU.S.stateDoparlmentr}atDclPonterejccted,andhasrefrainedftom RPF did Kagame regime' he 'as admined that thc prosecuting anyone associated with thc 2007, Judge in June r994.r55 And, in November ki' the cathoric leadership of Rwanda team that shot membcrs of the RPF assassination Bruguiere issued an indictnent for downPrcsidentHabyarimana,sandtriggeredtheciviliankillinB..''.L'February2008'

Secrctaryof Stalc 16l 1994 frm Gcorgc Moosc to U's' S*. Milit"ry-t Exhibit 264, SePtrmber Wancn ChristoPhcr '- ,oto succs orrep''rcdof reponco ffrpF crurrsrr rhcreThcre m othcr succs ",lp",,-l'-l-*l'"]lYlSli;*I*iili:lr-fr'#,t'S"l::,rt"- ln,"rn"tion"l, Physicims for ;;.*; inx'imoo, "T:'dilt::-T,T**1"ffi1't";n. Lo"'r'' rv*Nw Yorkyorkrinro. rimu' Apr'Asitze' 2e, ;"#J'it$g"tr;trfi3"'"J:iltry SH?.5;:;i:" ;'ffi:;;"i'rr" root' rheunilcdNations*".:Tii,ffi;T;."*j:fi\;#''fi or hrckcd to dEih-vhcr 't;;;;;-; gained buicrt bcfbrc thc"-#t"_HS:i:t# united Natioru suging crcwd i" qbtng' of lhc G ngut it u"t"d Pafily on its swcy @mDlctcsccN to $t "*;T;'il-d;* emagc of San$daY' tt supro 'u supra lcTR pubUc scssion' June 200t' t"t United Nations Socudty council, ttr PrudEne Bushnell APril T mcmo, ifa '''" { ,i )".' ,t 233?/A

indictment naming issued anolhcr dcrailed 182-pagc Spanish Juilge Merelles Abrcu deaths:r6t for morc than 312'725'0O0 civilian Kagamc and his followers as responsiblc . Kigali'19,33t dead; . KiS,ali Rural- 37'410 dcad; r Gitarama-39'912 dcad; . Buarc-33'433 dcad; . Gikongo-17,545 dead; r KibuYc-23,7?5 dcad; o GiscnYi-3,l00dead; . Rutrngcti-8,750dead; o BYurnba-73,365 dcad; 1994 Statc Dcpt' invcstigarions)' . Kibungo -39,?a5 deai' (site of Gersony's have bc€n laid at tbc rcr& most of thesc crimes Because of thc one_sided prosecutions cxistcncc' which thc lGodd ycars of the ribunal's at thc fcst of thc vanquishcd during Thc crimes of Ms' Hartmann and Del Pontc' rcrnains unchangcd' de'spite thc rcvclations by the victors to thc vanquishcd' havc been included committed by thc RPF and charged Genocidc'" in describing tlrc vfdims of thc "Rwanda in 1994' of rport€d crimcs in Rwanda Bu! the most rcccnt statistical analysis Hutu wetc show that (a) nearly twicc as ma'y accumulacd from alr rcportng sourccs, sides of thc military massacrcs occurrcd bchind batfr victims as Tutsi;'* 1b1 that civilian than a'tnastcr dcPcnd€d rnorc on local facors front;r@ and, (c) that mass violencc if morc Hutu than arcas in firm RPA contror. And, praq.rro cr

case did nor plan or conspire to kilt rutsi civilians, or to cotnmit other crimes, it is necessary to entirely reconsidp${ to conceptualize and characterizc the violence in Rwanda during April-July I 99h.!11-z

cCover-up' III. The Consequenccs of the ICTR of Kagame/RpF Crines: Continuing Disnst€r for the peoples of Central Africa From thc standpoint ofordinary peopre in Rwanda, and ceurrar Afiica as a whole, the cynical use ofthe ICTR to credte super-powerassisted juridicar impunity has not only required the falsifcation ofhistory to suit the purposesofsecurity council memberson behalf of themsglvgs and their ailies, it has been nothing short of a continuing, unmitigated humanitarian disaster, for which those who have blocked even-handed "equality beforc the law'' at thc ICTR are fi.rlly accountable. ',Resowce Six-Million Deaths and the Rape" of the Eastern Congo Two years after seizing power in July 1994, the RpF and Kagame his former patron Uganda's Museveni invaded the eastem congo in 1996, occuplng huge areas many times Iarger than Rwan& with an army that outn'mbcred congolese forces by 4- 1,173and an estimatcd 6 million have died.lTaReports commissioned by the security council in 2oot,t75 2002,t15 2o03,t77 and Dccember g, 200g,!zt explain that storen

In Raisingsuch qucstions is impossiblcin Rwude, givcn crimcs of "gcncide dcniat,,ud.hesarionism- | / wtich re not bcing ttrcatcncd ro sitcocc politicd csndidsres seckingio opposc xagm"' in upcziin' --- il6rc I I clcctiom.Secdiscussio,infra" fl rD w.hru.orc,/backsound/Africs/Rwmda,/t3 l0 I t-11 FueignPoliq,mForeAlricopoliqourrook20r0,ByAriiaActionmdFpIFStaff,Jaruary22, 2010.

Ovcr the Ist dmdc, thc dcarh toll from thc vuiou conflicts insidc thc country is cstimalcd at 5,4 mitlioq thc ldgcst csualty @unt sincc Wodd Wr ll. Thcrc ari m cstimrcd two million iDbm8lly displaccdpaptc in thc DRC ud 300,000 Congolcsc rcfiges in neighboring countrics. .

: .W_Seflrtrlgoulgit_Pme! of Expeas Repqt on the tuegal Exploiration of National Ruours ad othu Forns or weqkh from the Demwatic Republic of the cingo, i00 t . (uN ieililty council website) ft Concil Parel q .W_flemig of Exp{k Repoil lh. lllegq! Eq,lotailon o/ Nafioaal Rsourcs and Othu Fm ofwealthfrom the Denoratic Republic ofthe Congo,)}Ol. tn sewity -IJN -council PaneJ o! Experts Repofl u the lllcgal Exploitdtion of Nqtional Rsou,ces and roms lthq 9l lvalth fron rhe Dem*aric Repubric of the coigo, ocaber 20, 2003. (s2003/r 146, ocrobcr 20, 2003)

36 2&/^ ."'l't.t r**

Congolcse rcsources explain the rclativc prospcrity,tTe obscrvablc by Rwanda tourists visiting "nd ugands' as wc'as the source ofrhe fortuncs being made by insiders in tbe Rwandan and Ugandan govcrnucnts.r& Many ssrrc$ confum thc observations August of thc 2009 Commo nwed lt, ,#,1*,1f1o.," .:. ..Rrvanda ^ _r:K; :: ::X":ff ctites) on rhc dun-11 of *o Fc -mhJ;;; ;;;* of thc DRC _ and trlffffiffiy.r*tiiffT^'*'rop'n"nt*il; ;w,ff &'m rhcUnitcd rhe.Grcatrrr.., i"eill;.-ri pd"{;;J;"rlburedx ;mxy;.r"*jtm;l{,f b, a comoro ffi F"aoo*' o""*"1"*,.'Lion of uN sanctions, ffir?"#i$'ff busincss organizations, neigbtnr's llinal and disrcgard of 6oa.o*'--rr *nordl nscal systems, which rcgi"o11-.,,iri has gteatly imp"vJ;;;;

Thcse facts arc also wcll_kno SrarcDcparhren, om.ia,,.uiiljlolj*HilH}."ff;l',J,fl,;*' .""* #;d;"';;;,ffi';.l'"i"$-fl.,.ftom 1996 to lodari This conhor :ffi"f ifff#H,fA; na" uccn rnaintain_J*-Gffi;ilt and thc prcscnce m'irarv occupation of Co^ngotcscnnanid _J C.in.a Army...During thesc by thc Rwandan lz_lears J;;d;' ;;;, thc- pmvinccs havebeen jtJ*o..., minerat_rich "c"n.rni"rryinrcgriJi

't Thc rclariw prosp.rig in Rwrada-ato i ovtr $5 bilion u"it"o N"tionl Trhaned-b5, in ;;;:;;H*:_, thc Afrion uni*, a". oi *.,ii*i'j_'r"op. .lcscckrspcr- ,* ffiflf 6 Ed t- p;ghl Humu R.Ftr 2oogRw Rcplbricor ffifti?"T *ffiffi lt07 reportcdrh:r Rrnndm coryoFcport .uppo,io.'cLgol*;ffinirirtry cquipmcor* iiT- '"Tffi*":":i1fr -itr-lt* i*l"itiffJ l"ffi . Scncratof rhc Cngotec ,trlncd Forccs,,;; "' 1n Nfil; "Tltri*"H: Commwcalrh tfnq Rtth/ lgiliture .;,;x;ffi,,"i,m?#'llny,iy,iy,i#;,",*?,#itR.pon,August2009. p, 9 iffiffi1ffi':ffi rD Forma U-S. Arnbassdor for AFiqn AfE^ir, Hcman ' J. Cohcn ,.Can tntmtlonal Heald Tribuc' Aftica Tradc its Wry b paez, Dq+mbq r r zoile, p. c. ;"ffiiffi rormarizing thc ..Batkmiarion-

37 L a,t; .-t ?;I't 6 t 2ss//A

But, dcspitc the welt-known and massive scope of the economic reso'rce rape of the Congo, Rwanda has continued to gj receive over billion in aid between 1995 and 2006. accordingto the World Banlclr{ Identifuing the reasons w,y this sraughter of milrions in the congo has not received the sttention ofthe worrd's press or human rights activists outraged by abuses in Darfiu or Tibet is beyond the scope ofthis articre. However one cannot help but note that thesemassive crimes that have been committed by u.s. alries in Rwandq and continue to bc coruuitted in the eastem congo today, far excecd the fagedy of 250,000 total Darfur deail'rs,every months. few A,nd, it might also be useful to ponder why Colin powell branded the Darfiu crimes genocidg"tti "a when reports commissioned by the European union ar the same time reacheda quite different conclusion?r86And, why the president of sudan is being prose+utcdat the ICC for alleged to have been committed in his own country,ltTwhile leadersofnations what have illegally invaded othcr countries in wars of aggressioq undertakenon false premises,are not.ltt

Sham Elections and Military_Diclatorship in Rwanda And, at about the same ponte time Del was being rcmovcd from office by the U.S. and u-K. in the fall of 2003, the soon-to-be "erected" president Kagamc dominated "elections" in Rwanda. The conduct ofthese 2003 Rwandan elections werc particularly significant iu that the Rwandan elections provided a..model" for the highly criticized Mugabe "election" iu tte Zimbabwe five-years later. Kagame's opponents were jailed and any person or political party that disagre€d with Kagame's growing dictatorial role, were

d\ cjngg by dividing :f :1'tcm. up rhc t€ritory arong thc conomic lincs cstabrished aftcr the Rwuda/Uguda invuions and ocupuioro yqd,Bank Rwandq 11 CO07), TNad Svstoinedcr@th and Competirivqss, Repon no. 37860_Rw, Volumc l, p.5, citcd by Endlcssud Hakizimu4 p.2 rE scp 9, 2004 .'. Thc us sewtary_of powc[ stsre corin decrrcs that gcnocidchas raken pracc in sudan! Darfiu rcgion.w. ncm.bbc.co.uk/2/hil364| t2 rsAu.g.10,2004.-. The EU sid ycstaday thercwro widcsprcadviorcncc in thc Dufurregion of sudm but thc killirgs werc Dot genmidal. ww.quudiu.o.uUworld/2004/augy'lo/cu.sudan rr7,9ee tCC dircusion irgDa. rrr See ICC discussim r'ryfra. ffe'xagamc wo4 a linrc to wcrl, prcsidential Rwmda's Eleti on,"The Economist,Au& io, 2003, p. 3r

38 I t 233o/A '. d

outlawcd as "divisionist."ts Despite having rcccivcd .,vote,, wett over 9V/o oflhe in 2003' thc Kagarnc rcgime is anything but a democracy.let Accord.ing ro the Economisr, thc Kagamc rcgime:

"...tolerate[s] no serious.domesric opposition, nor much in the way offree speech. Rwanda todayis a thinly iisguiscd'J;;;y, whcre dissidcnts, who arc usually acctsed of genocidal i"na"i.i"l1i"" in fear, or exilc, or both Thc rcgimc is also a threat to irs neigh;;]rt

Tbc former mcmbers of thc Kagamc govcrnmcnt rryho arc now in asylum in Nor& America' Europc and Africa includc scvcrar presidcnts, sevcrar prime Ministcrs, thc Spcaker ofthe Parliamcntles and many leading figurcs who have challcngcd Kagamc,s absolute rulc whcther they be Hutu oR Tutsi,re{ incruding the hcro of Hoter Rwanda famc, Parl Ruscsabagina. le5

rr Scegamlly, U.S. Sbrc DeDsrtncot 2OO3Hms Rithts Rcponon Rmnd!, Fcbrusry25,20(X: ato, Itttr. cous[c 'e\ Reponof Euop* Sa. pwq, ob*;"r;*:i;-s"i*u* zoor, wug)t, paul Katmc ud Rwando: Gqqide and-rn ni"rra_ fitailF_" FiliP Rcyntjcns,'Rrrandr. ycaF.on: &[r.f".d, UsA 2og), pp. ttj-206. rcn Fon gancidc t dhd;;p,. A&icu (2004);Brim Endls Afhirs, tO3, 177-ZlO ud Emmmrct_H*ur-i;n*ra. r-gd;i''irr"n ro-ign r.Hcw t{orct Rwmds pubticotiontr,i-i", Aid HEa M@ Thu Fwddion rrnliiipir I, zoog. t't Hwu Rlglts Rqnn 2M\-RWANDA, ln 2003 Pmidcnt peuJ Kageru wT clcrl4-t9. sm_Fs tdrn in lugety pclccful clcctior'..Thc p!tr'roric.Frcnr but srriously mred Rwl'*r aomim,:tcJrrrc cpR Ut'',*, ud ,oc scprffiba clccrimr fi'dru emmtcd iE positim. civiriu amiqitit dd;;;*;';"Jt""in cffcdivc ontror of rhc seuity forra, ud s€cuity forccs actcd indcpadcatly. signifirut hum& righrs ahEa @m4-rhhough thac wcrc to cbugcthcir govcnmcor irnFovcmcnc iD tmlc rrcas. cirizcs,rirfit va rc*ictcq ."a rt"i a.d*i*Jr-

Jy$.ScbTn:t God gecps in :e , hvuda, (ZOO9). Th. $tsi formcr SFlts of rhc Rmn& parliucnt dcwibcs in-g't dctril how Kagrrnc nrncu*-a,to p-*r -y -*itgfirr drdtcngc to his u0rcity, which cvmrulry absorutc lcd to scbrrwi o"ping't'o- dri 6un'y by swimming pcrsL a riva, disgubcd a r t* sorne of thc fomq member of rhs RpF who havc flcd Rwnda Edtr thrcd of ssssinrtion or imprisonmenr, includc: fomcf RpF Forcign Ministcr, ttr Mut-Vi"on"y Na"Sijima; fome RpF

39 a ,

The reports of intemational bodies as diverse as Human Rights watchre6 and the commonwealth Human Rights LritiativereT have reported widespread politically- motivated violence and misuse of legal proceedings to criminalize political dissent and sexual orientation And, in the run-up to the 2010 Rwandan elections, a brave former exile, victoria Ingabire, who retuned to Rwanda in early 2010 has seen her supporters arrested, her political rallies disrupted and remains in fear of her own safety.les opposition political parties, including the nascent Rwandan Green party, have been unable to hold conventions or rally their supportcrs.lF Further, by recently replacing French as Rwanda's "business language" which had used throughout Rwanda during the 20t ceDtury, with English, an entire segment ofeducated Rwandans, who were not Dart

Primc Ministcr Fustin Tmgiramugui fomcr RpF Educalion Ministcr, Scth Scndshonga (assNinarcd); fomr RPF Prcsidot Pastcu Bizimungu; fomer RpF hcidcnt Ccl*tinc Rwigcma; ctc. eti. t6 rx HRW 2OO9Rcport/ 2Ot0 Rcport tr1 CHN Report, Augut2009. rer Rwsrda:End Attacks on Opposition Piltics - lntimidrtion of Politicrt Opponcnls Incrcmes in Advancc of Pmidmtial Elation. ww.hru,ore February10, 2010:

Victoir lngabirc, prcsidst of O'c FDuJnkingi, has faccd m intcnsive mpaign of yilification public sincc shcrctuncd from qilc in thc Ncrholuds in tmuary 2iI0. Shc hc bcen widcly ondcmcd in ollicial md quasirfhcial mcdia and dcwibed as a "ncgatimisf of thc gmaidc fd srating publicly thar qimcs commitlod against Hutu citians by thc RPF and thc Rmrda army should bc invBtigalcd md those responsiblc brought to justicc. tn ld

ln thc pst wcck, mcmbcn of thc FDu-Inkingi and thc Demomtio Grcn party of Rwda - ncw opposition partim aitiel of govcmmcnr policics - havc sutfcred scrious imidcnts of intinidation by individuls od institutiors closc ao ahc gorcmctra ud ahc ruling Rwdm Patriotic Frcnt (MF). ODe mcmbcr of ftc FDUJnkingi wu bcsren by a mb h 6ont of a loal govcmcnt oftie. Thc 8ttlck lpprscd to havc bccn wcll coordinated, suggsting it bEd bdr plmcd in advancc. 'Thc Rwandan govcmmst alrcady rightly onEols politic&l spscc,, said Gmrgcttc Gagnon, Africa diretor at Humm 'Thcsc Rights Watch. imidcnts *ill furthcr udcrminc democracy by discowging any mcaningful opposition in thc clcctiom.,...Politiel oppositionetivitirs wdc slso tighdt rcEictcd duing rhc Scptcmbcr 2008 lcaislrtivc clcctions, whcn RPF udid"tcs mn ?b perccnt of thc votc, Europan Uoion obscrvcE notcd prccdml ineguluitics in ovcr half thc polling plaes, RPF dominarim of thc mediq md the abscncc of politiBl plmlity, duc in part to ihc ftr of "goocide ideology" accustions.

40 t- -, 1: a 23es/A

ofthc 1990 iavasion by Kagamc's Engrish-spcaking troops from Uganda have becn systcmatically disposscssed from jobs in govcrnmen! raw, cducation and comme.cc.2@ undcr Kagamc's rcadcrship, and with gcuerors support from the Unitcd Srares and United Kingdom,4l Rwanda hes g3somc thc sbongcst mititsry-powcr in Cenhat Africa' despirc its smsrt geographicar rreq small population, and rack of capital or indtstrial production facilitics. The Rwandan Army has increascd from somc G?,000 toops at the time of thc RpF invosioq2.2 and about 25.000 wh"o Kagame seized power in 1994,203to morc than 7o'100,000 roday.2q Tens ofthousands ofRwandan toops arc in thc casrem Congo, and Darfur.2o5 Rwanda is haining troops to support the U.S.

D 'nmngal: Say Adicu to F anFb: Iradcs honoc Englidr s rhc hnguagc of Lcming Govrnancc d.:' tyqhirytq pdt Ftctgn 3d It Saylca, Trrcday, Oiobcr Zf, ZOO8I SJa "n*a"F"a"y,--Un.. Fmlgo Aid H*ts MorcThm r.HclF,-rtar", n*-a"'ro"naotiimut*toi,o-i", rrri*(iJiil' 2m9. pp.8-10 -qt.!.nan''- 11941: Rwanda Tday.p. 2. Frun t995 ro 2006, fdriSn aid ro Rmnd! torrilcd $5'061310'000 with rhc unircd Kingdom ud unitcd sq.s, rhc Nail"d-ai s"rgh- *i.ii*ne o* mos iftrpofi'ol dooo.. Today with "no forcign uirrancc actring sii pcs Epib, Rwuda is onc oirhe no'n eid daptrdqt couEie in thc wl4" u Dttfairc, WAMIR R@mqissarccR?porr, Scptmbcr 1993, Milihry-l Ex.DB_Zl. - Id- 4 hb'//mikipcdir.orglwikylist of cillrbics_bv numba_of tooB. 'IJ.N. ! 9a"1, 11y1 Afa To Kcq Rwordu Ia Dofw: Canmande rs Chuged tyith IgX)t frrt Critat'Wchington ltos\Ocrobq t, 2AOA;pagc Af Ei t NITED NATIONS, ft. 2- U.N. S6auy o,mcnl Ban Kl_noon h* offGr€d ro Ftrin ! Rundrn gmcnl as thc globel agcnc/s smd{rigbcatruling mua* f, O.n , dcsqitc !u(u, altcptiou thu hc oww rmpr rcponsiblc foimr U n*_ai duing tha l9$s. rccording to U-N. officieh iimilir vi0r the pmpoul.".imo .,.Bm,s offcr martcd e nool by dre Unifcd Nrtiors, which hrd ug"d thc Ru;du govmat !o rcplae Kawi aftcr a Spurish ourt indiacd bin and 3i otha Rwmdm Jfhss on w eims chnrga in Fcbrury.

ry ljni.d Naionr yicldcd !frcr Rw!Jd&| hcsidat paul Krgmc rbrcaancd t. withdnw 3,000 Rwdan pacckeFt Ejo''' Mr rDhs! trc Uni6a N*ioos rcnc; Karazf,c concatt for oac ycrr, r rcdudim tf't would hwc cipplcd U" fO,On *,Ur. intmtimlfom.

Serctlry of Shrq CodolEa Rle b.cl(cd Klgunc! bid b r€crm thc poEt for K!rcnzi dcspitc 'te spanish indicrpat_Td e findhg ty rtc stra o.partmais hr-"n ritbrs buEq .srdiblc hst )ar of cvidance" ti"r.i"g iircozi !o rlEhG $uscs. U.S. $d f.N. oficirl! say Kmzi hc sad with didnsdm In Drrlt-.-Himu right! dvdr.s ;d xrwi-s pcmme ia thcJob mds a tcrriblc ocugc rborn thc U.N, cornmitnar to human rights. "Thc rcar breoc rhourd bc dhcccd u irul rrgr-", who is tbrc*cning bbcbril Egrinst thc pcoplc of Dlrfu to pt...wil my €fion io hold a rcnior Rmadai ofhq ecouatablc for siur arrciticq; sid Koncth Rot}q q*udw air"a"iof HlmRighrsWrtctl

41 *r I 2e27/A

backedEthiopian invasion ofsomalia.206And, Engrish-speakingrroops from Uganda and Rwanda have also proved useful, even in lraq,207 The huge Rwaldan army is not only capable of serving Rwanda's own intercsts in the congo and Rwanda, but it also is a convenientproxy force for projecting military force into Africa.2o8 Even before the assassination of Habyarimana in April 1994, Kagamu,s U.S. military connections ..peace stood him in good stead.During the negotiations,,that led to the replacement of French and Bergian advisors and combat toops, with UN non- combatants, U.S. Major Anthony Marley, a classmate of Kagame,s at the Ft. Leavenworth Army Staff colege in 1990 was arso the u.s. representative !o the Arusha Accords negotiations in the summer of 1993. Given Marrey's military expertise, he must have been well-aware of thc miritary and political imprications of the Rp/F military superiority demonshated in the nearly succcssful assault on the capital, Kigari, by RpA.rF forces in Febnrary 1993.2@ Marley demonstrated the winingness ofpentagon personner to overlook the ongoing crimes of thc RpF two years later, even afler Kagame's forces had invaded and occupied the eastem Congo, according to Marley in l99g: Onc reason why American officials are enamorcd with Rwanda Vice_ president Paul Kagamc is that he knows how to communicate with them in a quintesscntially'American way'....210 shortly after the RPF scized power in July 1994, u.s. toops that had not intervened ro prevent the takeover, arrived in Kigali for joint military exerciscs.2tl Today, Rwanda has


N Fueign Poliq, in Forc, supra. - Bmiuin vr-lcntirc, Frnor sorwiorc: Mus Kiiling nd Genrtde in the 2dr cen rry. (comeil, Ithaca 20M) pp. lEl-E2. 2roMonogaprlr-No. 35: Pse md Secwity in A&ica, Symposium pae on Intcmational md S*urity, April' 3, 1998, citcd in Colin WaW[ pnl " Kagme ud Rvandi (MrcFarlmd, l-nndon, 2004 lp.Zn.- 2rr Kcith B. uchbug, "somali Mcmory Lingcn as Gts Hcad for Rwmd4,' The urthington p6r Jlry 3 r, r994: I

Aftcr thc loss of morc than 30 Amcricm liws duirg thc u.s- military int!rycntion in somlia, it smed utikely tbat u,s. combatcops would bc back in Airica four mmths latcr.

But now, U.S- tmps m entqing Rwmdar a @ntral Africm muntry dccimated by llrnost filr months of cthnic sraught"r ud civil wr rhst rcsurtcd in an exodus Jf rcfugcesand mssivc daths in refuge camps.

42 ls26A

bcccrmc onc rtgest per cap*a r(x;ipiats of U.S. and u.K. mirirary and economic assistancc on thc African contineng2r2 and continucs to reccivc aid a,,d raining from the Pentagon dcspite Rwanda's corsistctrt military aggression in Central Africa: American lrrstructoT ba.y: bcc.n trainiug thc Rwan

Hovaing ovcr tlrc cvotving Arncri:n mititarymte ir Ryrrrd. fu thc rFctcr qnodrr rhc pcsibirrtyou u.s. o""pr'Ja;;; of qulgmrc-...::a]1"_* suckcdirro m Afrim 2t' Cmmwalth Huu Rtghrt lretinte RqtqAugurr 2009 (CfiRf Rcport), p. 9: Rwrndl hs rcticd bcgvilv for ib rwrouc (to frnrd irs insdbtn$ phrnda end ctitcs) oo rhc of thc mircnl rcrcucaof thc DiC --a.J-rt#ry sistane gcnmus dmbpmant fiom thc Unitcd Kingdorn ard U" uJ,.aTrfrid govcmmcnE-... sma orhcr w6tqn

ut l n Fow AJtica potrcy oulut2lll,Ry il1;"w Afrio Action sd FprF stdf, ,Enurry 22,

"'Fitip RcynEa1s,Thc Great Africu-W-o,pp.4. (Cmbridgc prcs 2fi)9). prcf. Rryntjcc mcmbcr of tbc r.:w Frcurtyudtbcl.rarioll;il";;t;;;#l*-#ro". wu a foundim '*lt ofhis critici- ro*a, r pmseution ffiftfltfijffi;a or,r'i-x1er-iJ"ioEn a""r","aperew nn gruaby

43 ' e ' of ot i,' *.1' fn 28 4s/A

rntentions of professionars rike Ms. Der ponte and Ms. Harhnaoo. The memoirs give powerful specific examptcs of thc ways in which the poritical interesrs of powerful mem&rs of the security councir foired her attempts to fiDction in an even-halded legally respousible manner, time and again.

a' The Timeress yarue ponre/rraftmonn of the Det Memorrs By describing the meetings in which decisions were taken and inlluence imposed, Ms' Del Ponte and Ms' Hartnann have done a service beyond anything either might have accomplishedin their formal ICTY_ICTR roles, by revealing .,victor,s that justice,, and the creation ofimpunity for powerfirl nations and their allies, has been the result ofal1 existing intemational criminar tribunars, and may be inevitablc in a world of great variations in the capability of nations to exercise potitical, economic and military power. The Del Ponte/llarhann memoirs conclusively demonstsate &at it is the ability to project power and influence that urtimatery govems in intemational af,hirs, not the rure of law' although one hopes that legal mles caz provid e at lcast someresbaints that even the powerfirl must rccognizc...at least in the avoidance.2rs

There are numero's imperfcctions in the Del ponte-sudetic book, other than the allloo-oblique description ofhistoric events ponte,s and Ms. Der apparent umtiilingness to concrude what hcr memoir makesobvious: the intemationar tribunals are inextricably bound to the power rerationshiFs that continue to dominale intemational alfairs, and are likely to do so for the foreseeabte future. But, these flaws ca.Dnot detract from the importance of her dctailed account, and Hartmann's independcnr confirmation the exact methods by which the "sausage" of internationar justice is actua'y produced. The rcsponse the of most powerful permancnt Members of the security council to the publication historical record in the memoirs requires somc pause by those who wourd continue to assert that intemational criminar prosecutions are a mca's for ending trrc "culturc of impunity."

trt Th" Military'r tudgcmcnthas madcit muchmorc difficult to maintainthc Brnenlly'aceptcdsrorv of rbc farschodsmdcrrying thc Rwmdu G**id;,-*hilit; inffio"o conscquacc principlcsrhat uc n@cssuyro crcat! of rhediscrosure cvcntbc..imprusion,, ;;;;;, ud cquality sec' c' pctd Errindcr,"prevutinz the "f bcforcthe law. F'tn"**vniii':'i,'r"l't)o"p"no.* Intemdrionar DeferceConfererce, N@, 2009.t ttoyl**.i"rl"nu"yE crimindt lr*",o.^o"ciiu..o.t/En.t t_t

44 ifr'*,' "gz-//q

b- Implicatbns of the Dcl Ponte/Ilattnatn mcnoinlor aehicving "hErnational justicc:" The Polltix ol Intertdional CViminal Cour furisdiction Thc first lcsson to bc drawn ftom the llarlrnaru/Del Pontc mcmoirs is that thoughfi analysts must rrot take at facc valrr asscrtions by powcrful nations, that thc UN Sccurity Courrcil tribunals, and thc ICC, are rot products of intcmational powcr rclations. An4 as such, it will be cxtrcrnely difficult for intcmational tribrurals, no mattcr how wEll-intended its participants, !o metc out anything other lhan'Aictor's justicc," as long as powcrfirl nations conlinuc to assert their own inter€sts, urrconstrained 216 by the'Rule of Law."

Although thc Inrcmational Criminal Court which is a product of the Trcaty of Romc, to which morc tban ll0 natious arc party,2t7 rathcr than a product of thc assumption ofjurisdiction by thc Sccruity Council, as rrErc the ad hoc tribunats,2rt it csnnot bc takcn for granGd that the ICC is immunc ftom sanre "influencc ofpower" Dias built-in to all intcmational undertakings in which the excrcise of unequal powcr and influencc by nations, among nations rcmains thc ordcr of rhc day. Thc findarnental inequitics built into the jurisdictional powcrs of the ICC, and rhc application of ICC powcrs to singleout only ffilott 6efendants, thus far, has caused the nations thc African Union to rmanimously rcfirsc to cooperatc with thc ICC,2re and not withow reason. Thc

'peanptiw rt' At tqst sincc d& Bwh a&ninirruion mouccd the docrirc of w' thc Unitcd Shtca hs lcd thc world il claining that thc 'rul€ of hu/' it tnt r limitiry hctor on itr unilatcral ue of fae, a comcpt complctcty rl od& wfth tl|G LJN Charta md *vcral hmdrcd ysn of intanational law. A nurnbcr of ioportrnt ud powrrfrrl natim hrw nor $crt fit to rrdfy thcir ncnbcrship in thc ICC regimc, including UN Sffity Co|Ircil parnmcnt mcmbas, thc Uniad Strtcs; R|asia. nd Orinr. Othcr important nor- signaoricc inclu& rcgidral militiry rd rtorob porrtrrr such rs Indi+ Prtictrr, Itt4 RmDdq sudan, EEypt, Syrh !r!d bE l. &nnrsty lntmdioul+Thc lilnabpl Crinbul Cot : Table of sigmtue and rot{icdlffi of thc RMe SrarUrz.Accsscd 2010,03..01 1? td Thc Stata Prnicr to dE Rornc $rnic of thc lntmrriod Crimiml Cort rc tbosc @rmtsics ttat hew ntificd or rcccdcd to lbc Rooc StrtuE, 0F ftary thrt cstrblilhcd rhc lrtailtimd Criminal Corn. Ar of Octobcr 2OO9; I l0 ltdar re t'mbcn of thc Coqt A firdrs 3t sttt6 hlvc siSncd but not .dificd thc tsury, md sml ltstct tblt hrw rct siged thc tGJy hre iDdlc&d thcir intcntion to Ecdc lo it 2l' ,9zadismion rr?ra 219 "Afri* Uni- in rift with court Thc Afriu Union srys il will hrlt o{pcntion wfth rhc tDEmarionsl Cdminll Court ffi its dccision to chlrgc Sudub ladq with war aimca." ABC, 3 July 2009: Thc ICC hu accusd Psidcnt Beshir of two coutt of wrr simcs - int?ntion8lly dfuEtiry Efilcks m civilians and pillege - u wcll u fivc omts of oimcs agrinst bmity, including murda, mpc ud tortrc, rclatcd to tp mflict

45 l" .; .;'r: 2aztA

political nature of ICC prosecutions has begun to reveal itself as the Jntemational criminal Court has begun to take up the question of its own j'risdiction.zo ,,Internal The Crimes,, ICC Jurisdictional Dilenma ,: or power rerationshipsunlerrying rcc T,j:'jt:::"111*ulo, statejurisdictio'" :,., i' ou'ioo'i";;;;ff _- _-_ member-state:.:::-::::11:**"''*r rL4''tPro 4aI ;:luc governments may refer cases to the ICC prosccutor, hFfrh-- -1-+^ _-.: which arise within a member-slate national boundaries.zr An early example is the referral of the l,ord,s Resistaace Army's leader, Joseph Kony, by the govemment of Uganda.2r The impedimentto the ugandan peaceproc€ss, created uy trr" rra*.u*i ,"7 ""r"lr_".,," outrhar its rsqucst i-1ffffi:Xt#i,f.#:tt ro thcrcc ro dcferMr Buhtus -Thc It wcDl on: AU mcmb€r stala 5hsll not co_opcntc,..rck arrcstud surcndcr oiiulm"* to"inmmities for the rroia"nr omd ar-Bshir to *[Tg Thc stalement wc backed by muy Afiqr tcadm who. atlcmpt by th€ anatr-rsts say, se thc ICC Wcst to intcnerc m rbcir affair. c an ,1'},,l"ji:',f;:'*,1il,1,:ll5;ff:l:tudentof .the-u.s.constiturionis awm, rbc issuc w8' in d'c fmt inst'trcc. ofrhe .nctlcory of drccx.rci* f"d"nl po "ouns I mliticat qu;"t;#;;i;: aswcll asthe rcladvc powa Articfcrri; ud ni"'iJ"r'iir'i!""J{' of thc srarir.s"" u.b. co*iiiir","*" i:ff#f**it}#*r***,Ttilff:A?tr;"r;"':r; il:;ffi*"fiH?."i:*,r##ffi $:uli*f,ff l:?*i:*liff*imi*ro*", l *:1.:lf:lt"ln ft ,ffiif#H'Ifl?.S*:,*'d irdpccrs usfr da ro mc* irs obrieadon Jreph Kony is wmtcd fr crimcs by thc prcsidcnroffercdhim"*i:#i 6url bur on wedn.sd&y ug8nd8,s

Yowsi Muscvcni sid Mr had untit the end of July ufety would bc gumrr"*.*ont to cnd thc w ad said his ,tedat govcmmcnt rcfercd the w to the court and mBr honour its """"#i*::,.""* 'Stious crimq,

;tjffi BJilflii$frurpfl g'" *r.rEd thesituarion torbc rntcmatjonat criminEl cou,r,sspok"speno;;;j4"T"""?rT,l",i:.r"lifl ;ii: i:ff f ffi :: ";,fr*::;i, Amrding to a prcss rcleuc-fiom,Ugmda! Statc Housc, ovcncu dcvcropmcnt duing a mcetDg with British ministcr,.HiraryB.*, o" hld mtil ug-J- iiif"nrr.-","- r"ra ths rcber the cnd ofJuly to end thc wr peccfu11r-.--*. rcadcr "lf he got scrious aboul a thc govemment gtmnte hissafcty,,,*".n,"*11l"?l"settlcmcnt' of ugada woutd

46 i 237VA

rcferral of Kony, has caused thc Ugandan govcfluncnt to attcmpt to withdraw the rcferral28 Howeveq thc ICC has rcjectcd the attempted wirhdrawal" irrespcctivc of the changcd political circumstances in Uganda-

This examplc of history and national policy dcvcloping at odds witrt thc ICC struchrc is a relativcly smdl poblem compared to the great power that thc ICC Statutc grants sining governmeots facing civil-war siurations. Becausc thc foundatiou ofthe ICC relics on thc Wcstphalian systcm of nation-statcs, thc ICC lacks rcady juisdiction ovcr crimes alleged to have bccn comrnitted by a recognizcd Sovcnmcnts. In the case of the U.S. Civil War, for cxamplc, assuming thc U.S. was a Party to the treaty' ICC juridiction could have becn easily invoked by Lincola for crimes committcd by the Confedcracy, but Lincoln's allegcd crimcs would havc prcscnted a morc difficult jrrisdictional issue.za Thc rcsrlt, of coursc, is that ICC mcmber-state Sovcrnmcnts arc cndowed with thc power to accuse and forurally demonizc tbeir oftcn wcaker, non- govcmmcntal opponcnts, without fcar of mutual accusation-

The "Inequality between ICC Member-States " JurLsdictlonal Dilcmma 'juridictional Anothcr uncomfortable cxarnplc of tbe ICC dilcmma" is madc obvious by blatant incquality in thc ap'plication of possiblc ICC sanctions to conllicts betwcen stdc-actors in African conflicg, such as Charles Taylor's Prosecution for crimes committed by incgular forces in Sicrra lrone,zt white thc recant inquirics into Tony Blair's rcsponsibility for thc admittcd aggrssion against a uN mcmber-statc by thc u.K., an ICC membcr-statc which lus agtr'il to ICC jurisdiction, docs not sccm to bc on the tCC agenda-a Furthcr, at thc samc timc thc tCC Prosecutor is ignoring thc crimes of the allcgcd crimcs of the formcr leader of an ICC mcmbcr-slatc, thc ICC ProsecuOr is pursuing Prcsident Bashir of Sudar\ a statc v&ich has zo, agrced to ICC jurisdiction.z?

I tat. a Scc Frmis Boylc ICC Complaht infnlwpra. u 2a a i. t't Q.r tt l'! t-r 737t/,+

,'Non_member The State" ICC Jurisdictioml Dilemma Perhaps the mosr troubling craim of ICC jurisdicrio* in right of the Der Ponte/flartrnann rcverations, is that the president of Sudan has been indicted by the ICC when sudan is in precisery the samejuridical position as rhe united states, neither the u.s. nor sudan are nor a signatories to the Rome Treaty and neither has acknowledged ICC jurisdiction.zl And, unlikc presidents, U.S. who have been engaged in aggressivc wars outside u.s. tenilory pakistan, in Afghanistarl lraq, yemen, etc.22eit is undisputed that a/I crimes of which the president of Bashir stands accrsed occurrcd within sudan.23o Howevcr, bccause the ICC Trcaty and Statute permit the uN secudty council to also refer cases to prosccutor,lt the ICC the same influeuce exercised by permanent Members of the security council the u.s. and Great Britain (so clearly dcscribed in the Dcl Pontc and Hartmann memoirs) is ce(ain to play itsetf out in cased taken up by the ICC, as well. Given what we ro'ow from the memoirs, any craim of independenceof the ICC is at best a mirage and, at worst, a sham. The history of events rcrated in the Der Pontc and Hartrnann memoirs, as welr as the recent deveropments in the IcrR Miritary-l triat,2l2 counsel ftat non-cooperation .,culfi'e may be the onty way to herp reduce the of impunity for the powerfirl" 'lntemational bcing created in thc name of justice,,, as the nations of the AU have recently concluded.233 And, to the extent that ,.intemational justice" advocates scek to end to "the culture of impunity" without thc unwavcring demand fot equal applicatton of the "rule of law" to the more powerful and less powerfirl alike, many well-meaning human rights supporte^ who intend the opposile, wilr acruaily be complicit in the misuse of the entire "international jusice" project, to carry-out

eryr."ty r"t.-"rional,-The l\tqnarionar I crinrnar coun: Tabre of stznqrwq and ratificqtlorc of thc RomeSratuE. A@ssed 2010, 03{l tt s.",_ 'o tcc statutc at Id- !? Secdiscusion supn. tt See genually, Dr. Hans Koehlcr, Globdl Jretice or Global Raenge? International Criminal Jwtice ot the Crossroods (Springer: Vimna / Ncw york, 2003).

48 I 232o/A

politically motivarc4 power-driven ..international rcvcngc,,, despite tlrcit b",t inteations.23'

Thc Dcl Ponte and Hsrtsnsnn mcooirs makc a compclling casc thag at this timc in history, intcrnationar criminat tib,nars are mcrcry anothcr means for powcrfirr nations 'do to what they wilr" whitc thc rcss-powcrfirfsuffer ufrat thcy muscri Untir thesc undcrlying power rclationships mc modificd, inrcmational tribunars arc likcry to bc aa o

s For-rncxrnplc qrkc of rrcw thc rcc mlgbt e of i' inbqerl por*6 to tbc lqdcn of pow''ftl nrddq F*ute u woll ar ric lcs powftt, ir rcfloctcdh thc Clnpirnt dbd q rmury ii, ioro *fo tbc lcc Pro*rtr by hof. Froci! L Boy'c Eque{.ingrhc rndic'n.irr rru,.s. pr".idJ6",B. ;til ;d mcmbcrsof bir adnhirt'"tim fa'cxt,rdbrry'aditio''poricicn wrrichhc uscrts, lt. "dilppcme rad torun'r wctl-rccognizcdrrim agahsitrumanit1,-,s2.Intcrnationrr crilinar-cqrt ""ir?ri*i-- ComplrintFilcd Agrinn B-tb, Chocy, crc. E e Robcn McNrrnan .Thc lmonal ob*rylions in thc oparing soqucne of Fog of W!r., ttE 2004 Aodcmy Awrd wiuhg dmcotary by Errot Grrns rigaIu,E$&h$icl.com./fopof,vu/

49 23/?/A

As theDer ponte and """-ff:::H:ll*" rheday when intemarionar law can meaningfuty constrain "*., intemationar power has nor yet arrived, atthough rhe attempt to usc law to rcstrair: DerponteandHartmarmJ'J;:.""::l;Y"#Jr""-""fi'tr",HJ: ffi played a centat role irt creating the "curtrue of impunity" enjoyed by thc readers of powerfirl $ates and theit arties, which is the continuing regacy of a// inremationar tribunars'rt including the ICC. Experience h,s demonstrated that being a u.s. alry may bc thc Desr insurancc against being hcld accouatabre for wr-crimes, crimes against humanity or genocide""which the Det ponte and H,'tnann memoirs confirm, perhaps more clearly and effcctively than the authors understood, or intended. Prof Peler Erlinder Wm. Mitchell Coilege of Law St. Paul,MN 55102 U.S.A. (6st)290-6384 [email protected] / wwwrwandadocumentsproiect.net

Dt Fora rcvicwof thc rcsacvofrbc ri]l-sq1ilorrr' scc wcbsitcofrhc FirstrodeFEndcnt CriminalDcfcroc ar rhc Higuc, No". la-,5,ld-fu rntcmarionsl es/4 -:@ #vz




,'iEneil* Foscinanles/Ricit lncomprihensihle: Accusalion occablonte des Trihunau Intcrnationdrr !0

Annies de jeunesse de Madame lo Procureur. ------l0

Trorepercer le "mtro di gomma"St i$4 ------| f

Des pour*vites domestiqt6 ow poursuites inlcrnotionales ------12

o. Del Ponte cI Hailmann au TPIY: Intrcduction d Io Realpoililk d6 Trlhunoux P{nsu lnlanoiloiloe------13

Eruluitv les crimes de guene: Legons svr la Conslnction d'un "muro di gommo" d'une lmpunitd critejnridiquemenr. b. Del PonE et Harhnsnn ou TPIR: Leeons suppltmcntolrs su la Reolpolitik dc Tilbundu PCnau InlqnsllonauL------2I

Le "nurro di goma" Elqtt-Unis/Cronde Eretagndtwondo ducend sur le TPIR.------22

Le Diponenut d'Etot Ameil@in o djectd Del Ponte de son poste pour @oirfoit son tooil et a disobii ou ordrq des Etots-Unis . ---_-__-____ 27 ll. LEJUGEMENTDANS L'AFFAIRE MILITAIRE I EN 2008-09:< PAS D'ENTENTENI PLAN DE COMMETTRELE GENOCIDE...D ALORS QUE S'EST.ILREELLEMENT PASSE AU RWANDA?..---._------.-__^.--*. 29


Sit milliont de morrs et pillage des ressources de l'Est du Conga ------

Comddie d'Electiorc .t Dictdtur. Militaire ou Rwando. ---

IV. LnqONS TIREES DES MEMOIRES DE DEL PONTE/IIARTMANN : LES SOMBRESPERSPECTIVES DE'L'EGALTTE DEVANTLA LOI 'A LA CPI. 48 e Lo vakur Intcmpordle d6 m,moird dc D.l PonldHulmonn----- ______49 b, Impllcttlons dcs m{mola de Dcl Ponte/Hsdmdnn dans lo rldllsailon d. Ia ttustie lnt natlondc':" La Polltlquc dc Ia lurdkilon dc h our Penal. Inl.ncltonale *------50 L6 a Crim6 Inlernu 4 Dilemmc de la Juridicrion do lq CPI. ------^------j-- J/ L'lndgqliG en re Etats-Membrq de Io CPI r Dilemme juridictionnel. ------

a L'Etql non-membre r dilemmejuridictionnel de la CPI ------JJ

CONCLUSION 55 *.t i n 4, y' ," a-\ 2eo/4

INTRODUCTION C'est injuste que Ia politique sape nolre lravail. Cela me fail du mal de voir que l'on parvienl d baJouer Ie principe de Ia iustice internalionale.'..4 Hon.,Proweur en chefdu TPIR 1999-2003 Il n'est pas fr€quent qu'un premier mimoire d'un autew s'impose comme source fondatrice dans des matidres aussi 6sotdriquesque la jurisprudence intemationale ainsi que la th6orie et la pratique du droit intemational criminel. Mais lorsque der:x volumes de cctte trEmpe sont publiCs endCansun an d'intervalle entre les deux, I'on ne peut qu'6tre 6tonne. Cependant, Madame Prosecutor: Confrontations with Humonily's Worst Criminals, and the Culture of Impunity,s versions italienne et anglaise du mdmoire de Carla Del PonG. ancicn Procureur en chefdes Tribunaux omsiens pour la Yougoslavie et le Rwanda, publi6s en 2008 et 2009 resPectivemenl,peuvent l6gitimement se privaloir d'avoir atteint ce statut. Un autre volume publiA A Paris vers fin 2007 par un Attach6 de Pressede Del Ponte, Florence Hartmarur, Paix el cllafimenl; les guerres secrites de la politique et de lajuslice inlernationales cmboite de prds le pas au volume de Del Ponte et a le mdrite de confirmer la plupart des €vinements et des observationsau sujet desquels Del Ponte a 4cri1.

La grande partic des connaissanceset le reportaS,ecourant des d€bats du Conseil de Securitd sur ses Tribunaux ont evolud dans une sorte de vacuum intellecluel et politique6 ddconnectddes rdalit6s politiques dont doivent tenir compte tous les Tribunaux

. Dcl Pontc cst cit& das Hanmm, Florencc, Pait el chdtimerJ' : 16 guerr$ sedAtT de lo Polirique er de !o !6tice !nttnqtionala (Flmmuion, Paris,Septembrc 2007),p' 271'72: < C'crt injuste quc h poliliquc $Pc not! tnvail. Ccla me fait du mal de voir que I'on paryienl e baloucr lc principc dc la.justiE intcmationalc patce qu€ Kegame e signd l'6c@rd bilatcrdl [sur lc CPI ave les Elsls-Unisl D t Mqdame Proseatu: Confrontqtlons wirh Humonity's Worst Crimlnals, ond the Cutlure of Impunity, Ambcsadcur Carla Dcl Pontecn collaborationavrc Chuck Sudctic(Autrc prcse LCC, NY. FCwier 2O09) pp 421. 6 Commc exempledu type de filtasmc quc Mme Del Pontca cntcnf, voir Rachel Ken,The lnterndlionql (Oxford Crinina! Tribunol for lhc Formq Ytgoslwia: An &tcise in Lm, Politia and Diplomacy UDivsity Prcss, 2004) p:: l-a qucstion dc Politietion n'csl Ps simPlc. tr ddcision dc crder lc tribunal drait politiquc ct il a Ctdmis sur picd pour u bul politiquc mais son mildant inlemc est dc icndrjjustie. Ainsi, alos quc lr politigue a cnvahi toutcs lcs sph0resopdntiomellcs du tribunaf y inclus sa crdation, les prccts de%icnt sc deroulcr datrsan vodum polilique. .. I I 2sr$/a

Pdnaux Intcrnationaux. L'anatysc scmble 6tre presquc lc rdsultat de ddndgation dcliberge,t i quelques exccptions pr6cieusesprcs.t L,"s mdmoircs de Mme Der ponte er dc Mme Hartmann sont un antidote honnetc ct stimurant confe ces faux-fuyants largement acccptcs, qu'irs aicnt ct4 congus pour rcmplir cc r6rc ou pas, Etant donnc que lc livre de Hartnann n'a pas encore ctc publid en Angrais, l'articrc va sc concentrcr principalement sur les t6moignagcs de premidre main rendus par Del ponte avec rdfdrcnce aux conlirmations dcs mtmcs dvcncmcnb lels quc fait dans le mdmoirc de llartnann

Lcs mdmohrs dc Dcl PontdHartmann en tanr qu'hlstorre ct la potitiquc intlrcsste des granda pulssanccs au Conscll dc Slcuitt dcs Nations lJaics.

L'importancc des qucstions discutfcs dans lcs mcmoircs dc Dcl pontc et de Hartrnann fui confirmcc par lc gouvcmcment suissc lorsquc De ponte, aujourd'hui Ambassadeur dc suissc cn Argcntinc, rca0t dc son cmploycur I'ordrc dc nc pas discutcr son livrc en public.e ccpcndant, commc Hartrnann ne jouissait pas d'une immunitc diplomatiquc pontc, a I'insrsr dc Dcl le conseil de s&uritd instaura en 20og des poursuites crimincllcs contnc ellc pour outrage d la cour fl"Iy) pour taqucllc cllc avait travailld cn qualitc dc porto.parolc cn 200g.10En 2009, elle a ctc condamndc pour avoir

M€fic si clrlc forme dc jurice 6I pr mturc politiqE, tr Fradre judicidrc n,6t pls n4erircmmt ''IDlirttl.'._S!: w_ptln pEaiguc I'intcac;on ar,c h politiqm ct ta'toi Arit ciltrlt A cc qE lc_Tribwt priJsc jour s forsio judiciaia. ll'l,a rtot;si lndlpadaaut la dc politiquc qal ttai, nctql. pw son icct _,", qr,"rrii a" paix dc Ia zt de la sdxttl flrrducriu non ofiiciclle - souligncmot & l'!utdl. t Kingstcy Mogahlu. Rvudo's Gewidc: TtE potiti5 ofcto\at Juttcc, p.5 I yoir a gailral'DJ' Hs KGhra. oro6a, Jvsticc u Globor Raqtc? Int.rnatruar crtmtnq! Justrcc al thcCrcw&($ingc yorlq2dU); Viaru/Ncw Dr. HuKm)lVV*!dOrdo, yrrtD ild iarfry,onrcftutinrl .why hogrcss orgrrlrltior1 vicnnr 2009), thk court is r criminrl wrsrc of rimc ^.Thc :r9 Tglcy" John Lrughhrd 26fi July 200!. ww.deilwait.o.ul/rcwt: tCC urd uoivmi juridicrim" Jotrn bughlan( w.im,rctronlerrictc-UarOqn;i-- ' Krtic PoL 'silcnt wuim Shc'r hccd dwn the mob ud gcmidlr dicrato.. so shy is cuh Drr pontc brmd 6sn discussing hcr om bok?- | Newswcck Wcb Exilurirc, F6 27.2c/if. *.*a ICTY I Spokcspam in Dck fo Conlcmpt of Cout- Hirondcllc Ncwr Agcncy (Swlss), octobcr 2t' 2d)t. sea arso, "Htgrc cou't chlrgd cxrfiiciar: A fmcr rpokeswomrn i- i.'unit J Nltioa w qims @un in thc Hegrc tras benitragcd widr rrrcaring con'nacntiat inrorrurion,- nii, oaobcr 2E, 2oot' ro -H!g*-wr clnrga arfticirl:-e r*. for rhc Unircd Narions war criffi court in The Hagrc hs ben palinS "pJ-p","6 chrrgod with confidmtht infomarkn.. SSC. nui; ii. 200t. I -,t .r rc/sA

eu la t6m€rit6 de publier des faits tels qu'elle les avait connus.s-Elle est actuellementen part appel.12I-s poursuitescontre Hartmann ont pmvoque un lever de boucliers de la deS ddfenseun de la libre expression et de la part de certaines organisations des droits de I'homme qui ont objccti contre le b6illonnement de Hartmannl3 mais les impo(antes implications de ses rev6lations on1 regu peu d'attention, si aftention il y a eu. c'esl la raison d'€tre de cet article.

D'aulres auteurs bien introduits auprds des Tribunaux onusiens onl nol€ que puisque le conseil de S6curit€ est un org:rne essentiellement politique au sommet de l,organisation des Nations Unies qui est intrinsduement politique, il n'est pas surplEnant que la politique et les intirCts de nations plus puissantesenvahissent le fonctionncment d'institutions judiciaires crddespar le Conseil de Securitd. l,orsque Kingsley Moghalu' ancien porte-parole drr TPIR;ta lqbal Riza, ancien Conseiller Principal de Kofi Annan;rs Ralph Zacklin, ancien Conseiller Juridique en Chef du SecrCtaireGdndral des Nations Unies;16ou I'Ambassadeur chargd dc la Division des Crimes de guerrc au D6partement que un d'Etat, M. Piere Prosperlt font cette simple obsewation, on a I'impression c'est truisme dvident et logiquement n6cessaire-Mais toutes les personnesqui ont fi{uent6 lc TPIR ne sonl pas dispos6esi dtre ftanches.A titre d'exemple, I'ancien Presidentdu TPIR

* ' es peuruilos enF6 F

;it*t6-€€s*o{clr6ltt€nimont d€ tt€rtnqh ngt I P'; CRIMINAL tr Sea Brief of Appellmt, ln thc cas againstFlor.ncc Hartmam-"IHF,INTERNATIONAL TRIBUNAL. FOit-THE FORMER YUGOSLAVIA 26 lanuarv 2010, lT-o2-54-R77'5-A' r! http://ww.cascfl otscchartmstr.orq./ r' Kingsfcy Mogahlu, Rwanda! Genocide:The Polilics ofGlobol Jwtice'p'5 Rizs. Consillcr tt lpnque Dcl Pontc a fie &art6c dc son Postc au TPIR cr 2003-,-Hdtnann citc tqbal to{t princip;l du SrcrCtaircG6n€ml Annm disurt: < Tout estpolitique ll n'aarait pas di en err. ainsi mait 8, politisl D-P.2'15 I (2004) 16Ratph zacklin, The FaitingsofAd Hoc International Tribxnals,2 !. of lnt'l. crim. Juslicc' 54 (mcien Con*illcr Juridiquc €n chcD r? Prcspcranotdquc"lajusticedcctimcsd.gucrc"ctlpolitiquc'KingsleyMoghalu'infra-supra'p'6' tr rt.t ia" 23/?/A

Navanclhcm Pillay originairc d'Afrique du sudll est capable d'affirmer, sans I'apparcnce d'ironic: jutice Oui la peut atre slleaivz. Elle pnt Etre -dirc,politeue. Mais si vow me dcmanda si ici au TplRjusticc cstrcndue, je pcw OUl lrrJTraduction non ofiicicllcl

Bicn qu'unc justicc s0r digne dc cc nom ne pcut etrc ni sdtectivc ni potiriquc mais I'agrdablc pillay ct horutele declaration du Juge dcmontrc la distorsion dcs conceprs fiondamcntauxd'6gdi16 devant la toi ct I'amalgamc cntrc la prisc de ddcisions juridiqucs ct I'opportunismc politique - cc qui a ctc acccpt6 comc 6tant <

Les mdmoires de Del Ponte/Hanmaan : Rdclts cdifants pw d* ddfenseurs optimistes mais peu critiques de la a justicc intcrnotionale t :

Lcs points forts a les faiblesscs des Tribunaux crc€s par lc conseil de s6curit6, ddcrits par Mmc Del Pontc ct Mme Hartnann, dcmontrcnt de mani!rc convaincanre la contradiction pratiqucment roconnue entrc les intdrits dcs pays puissants ct lcs conccpts juridiqucs d'ftuitd tcls quc l'dgatitc dcvant la loi ; la lcgatitd des procddurcs; la pr{somption d'innoccnce; la prcuve audelA de tout doute raisonnable, c1c....2r. Ces mcmoires reconnaissent quc laditc contradiction est inivitablc lorsquc < Ia loi confrontc lcs puissurccs > dans lcs Tribunaux intcmationaux. consid4rr6s dans lcur enscmbte, lcs livres oftent de I'inspiration ct un avcrtissemcnt sur le ddvcloppcmcnt futur dc la cour

It Judgc Pilhy Pn6sidcnrc pontc dtrit du TplR lonqrc Dcl aquetlir su Ic FpR a loBqu'cllc fur acn& dc $n pos& a 2003. Aujilrd'hui. cllc 6r H'rt commissirc dca Nltionr utri* pour lcs Droic ac I'Honic. hto://ww.ohchr.ordEN/AboutUs/paqcslH iphcomm issimcr.uox t' zoir, Bob B* , Rwondare Face a Recroning rn rJN ?rratt Ncwhow Ncws scryie, scpt I z, 2002. r h nominarion pilrry dc Nlvrncrhcm 6mmc Hrut commissirc dcc Nstios uni6 pour hs drcirs de I'honmc r dr4 appouy6c psr I'AssbEc Gdndntc le 2Ejui[a 200t. E[e er cnrdc q fonction lc ot scptmbc 2oot. htb://w.ohchr.orslEN/AbonUypaecJH iehcomm issiorcr:rpx 2r Pow m disansrion ru 16 r@ur.*rG ucids am principa dc p@as aguitabtdl'aprptiotim dc h- lo,i elon Ie pmddum prtwcl voir zrhrr, Arcmder and sruiia, corarl radz afionar ciiminar Lw, (qud Uaivcaity Prcs. Nl20OE) W.292-395

6 a . r "rt trr 1 t'r f,'.-n ;'n Sstt/A

Pdnale lntemationale en tant qu'institution au sein de laquelle l'dtat d.e droit est sens4 prEvaloirsur la realpolitik.

Et si on lisait entre les lignes de ces m6moires, i[ ne sera pas di{ficilc de comprendre pourquoi tous les accusdsde la CPI (Cour PCnaleIntemationale) sont des Africains, du moins jusqu'i prdsent.n L'on comprendraaussi pourquoi I'Union Africaine a unanimementrejet6, au cours de l'€t6 2009, la coopdrationexistante avec la CPI,23suite d I'inculpation du Prcsident soudmais Bashir.2aMahmood Mamdmi, 6crivain prolifique n€ en ouganda et chef du Departement de sociologie de I'universiti columbia de New York. a clairement fait une mise au poinl i ee sujet: Nonobsrantson nomi la CPI esr en tmin dc toumer rapidementen un Tribunal orcidcntalchrg6dejugerlescrimesafricginsmnFe|'humanitd.El|eacib|€|es gouvernemcnlsopPoscs aux Etats-Uniset ignoredes actesauxquels les Etats- lJnis ne s'opposentpas tels quc c-euxcommis en Ugandaet au Rwanda' Icur confdrmteffectivcment I' impunitd."

Structure de l'article

La Seciion I ddcrit des aspects du r6cit de Del Ponte/Hartmarur qui r€vdlent les manipulations du TPIY et du TPIR par les membres pcrmanentsdu Conseil de S6curit6, les Etats-Unis et ta Grande Bretagne en faveur de leurs propres int€r€S et de leurs alliis de I'OTAN de m€me que ceux du Rwanda.

La Section II ddcrit la preuvc dals le procts Militairc-l or) il a €t€ impossible de condamner les officiers zup6rieurspour "entente en vue de commenrc le g6nocide". Une grande partie de ces conclusions est confirmie par Del Ponte'

and rhe tCC." /r'e{ricaz, May 2009' pp' 8-43 " "Targcting Aftica: Thc Csc for Against :! juillct L'Union Africainc intemmPt la Hptration avd la CPll ' 03 2009 ' w. n* s.bbc. co. u a 2/hi/EM9 25. stm il yoi, dirurio^ usocids au not6:_, r'4lra, L'application in6galcde la mmP6tcncq dc la CPI quc lcs Prdsidcntsdu incdporcc dus la structw de cc Tribunal 6r misc cn rclicf lonqu'on considdrc juridictionncllc Soud' ct ds Etars-Unissont preci#mcnt dms unc m€mc position vis-A-vis dc la CPl, puisqu'aucun des deux n'est signatairc du TBitc dc Romc qui a crtd la CPI: mais scul lc Prdsidcnt soudmaisa dt4 inculp{' 'Thc 2' MuhmoodMamdai, New Humuitarim Order." TheNotion, NY, SePt 29' 200t' ?" ir"'i'.,. 23r2/A

Ia Scction III d6crit les cons6quences du quid pro qzo persistanr rdvild par Der ponte et Hartnm a qui a att6r6 I'histoirc et ddligitimd les Tribunaux onusiens comme fondations sur lesquctlcs un systerne dejusticc inremationale cst bas6,

t'a Scction IV suggdre que, a ra rumi€rc de rhisloirc dcs Tribunaux ad hoc r6vdtce par les m6moircs de Del Ponte ct de Hartrnann, res questions dmergcantes de juridiction a ra cpl sonl de mauvais augure pour I'application d,une justicc €gale dans cc Tribunal.

L'article concrut gue Ies rnanipurations du TpIy et du TpIR pour accommoder rcs objectifs politiqucs des membres permancnts du conseit de s6curit€, particuricrernenr res Etets-Unis ct ra Grande Bretagne sont la rtgle ptutdt que r.cxccption au scin dcs institutions intcmationarcs. Dans ccs institutions, chacun de ces pays peut avoir de I'influcncc a ca'sc dc rcur tendancc A agir en tandcm dans le domainc dc potitique 6trangdre, tel que dcmontrc par |invasion conjointc de frraq. Lcs qucstions de juridiction, difficiles ct apparcmmelt contradidoircs, actucllemenl 4vidcntcs i la cour Pcnalc lntcmationalc, sont'ne indication de ra probable manipuration de Ia cpl par les Membrcs pennrnents du conseil de SdcuriG pour ddfendrc leurs intdrets et ceux dc leurs allics' Les m6rnoircs ponte dc Det ct Hartrnann d&nonhcnr concrttemenl et cxactement conu[ent des pays mernbrcs pemrancnts du conscil de sccwitd qui n'acccptent pas ta juridiction dc ta cpl26 ainsi que ccux qui la reconnaissent2T pcuvent excrcer cette influcncc.

Le Prologue

I* Prologue des ponte mcmoires de Der prdsage tcs rnancuwEs des Etals-unis privil6gianr leurs intd€rs politiques par rapport au soutien accordc aux Tribunarx onrsicns' Ellc en a pr6scnti des dctaits prus roin dans son rivrc cn racontant sa prcmiEre rencontrc avcc le chcfde la clA" George Tene( peu aprts avoir conrmencd ses fonctions dc Procurcur au dcbut de |an 2000- Au cours des demiers jours de ladministration clinton, clle a demand6 a renet dc t'aidcr a rocaliscr ct a ar€ter Radovan Karadzic et

t non mm!ru pcmsnars du-cmsir $ dc s.curird qui rc emisscnt !E ra comp&cncc dc rr cpl sonl 16 Etats-Unis, le Russic ct la Chinc, t ta Gmdc Brctagm st h Fmcc ont |'mnnu h @mpdtile dc la Cpl dc momc quc lc Japon, payr mcmbm ' dcs de l'Unim Eurcpacmc at plusiam pnys nrcmbn dc I,Union Afrisinc- t rat {i J| 'l! | ".pn 2s/t/4

pour Ratko Mladic, deux principaux fugirifs Serbes recherch6spar le Tribunal cr66 Ia Yougoslavie. Mais, malgr6 la promessede Tenet qu'elle aurait une coopdration de la CIA classCe< Prioritd absolue", des semaineset des mois se sont 6coulCssans que la CIA ne donne une information utile au Procureurdu TPIY.28

Lorsque Del Ponte a rencontr6Tenet au quartier g6n6ral de la CIA au printemps 2001. SlobodanMilosevic n'6tait plus au pouvoir et George Bush 6tail devenu President grf,ce i un coup de pouce donnd par unc majoritd rcpublicaine a la cour supr€me dms pour I'affaire B/si v. Gore.29Apris quelquesplaisanteries, Del Ponte a confrontC Tenet lui dire qu'elle ne croyait pas que la CIA avait fail de la traque de ces fugitifs une prioritd puisqu'ils dtaient toujours en libertd et que la CIA ne collaborait pas avec les servicesde qu'elle a renseignements frangais, britanniques et allernands. Del Ponte raPporte je frsnchementdit i Tenet: "Meme si vous ne voulez rien faire, crois que vous devriez au moins soutenir nos efforts". Selon Del Ponte, Tenet a rdpondu de manidre trls directe: 'r'lo "Voyez Madame rr, lui a-t-il dit, < je me fous de ce que vous ptnsez

I. D6molition/Reconslruction des m6moires Del Ponte/llartmann

Aprds avoir esquissdla vie et la carritre de Madame Del Ponte avant qu'elle ne devienne Procureur en chef des Tribunaux onusiensll, lcs chapitres du milieu du livre pr6sententunc s6rie de vignettes htdressanteset captivantes,6tal6es presqu'au hasard et dignes du prix des meillews auteursdes anndes50 et 50. Mais, en vue de faire le tri du contexle et de la sdquenceend6ans lesquelles les vigaettes du TPIY et du TPIR ont eu lieU Ie lecteur doit s'arr6ter et rdarrangerle r6cit dans un tableau chronologique afin de

r Dct Portc !t pp. l - 10. gg " slt u.s. (zooo). n !d. ,tL'ddition anglaic du mCmoire de Dcl Ponrc a b€nCficiddcs ontributions dc Chuck Sudctic' un sur lc TPIY pyr lc New.fuk Tlmesjusqu'en 1995et qui cst .1ou-"iist" .noim!. qui a fait des rcportagcs qu'il a pcu d'crpdrimce sur 1tota, ac plusicuo livrcs sur lcs Bilkanl malgr4 quc sa biographicindiquc Sudrtic i.,tAiq*"ip*dccomaismcesp6cifiqucsurlcTP1R.-/oirDcl-PonteclSudelic,pp.4ll-12. jeunes* dc Madamc Dcl Pontc dm un village aDpor; sn Llcnt -cnjomlistiquc au rccii concemantla suissedc m€me qu'cn a;i;-," cuiirc tant qu; Pmurcur Suiss combattantcct Pr&ucu GenCml tsnl ouc Prcurcut cn Chefdc Tribunauxonusiens pendmt E ans" 2sta/4

donncr un scns au contcxtejuridique, historique et poritique qui sous-tend re rccit.!2 A cer igard, le m€moirc de Hartmann prdscnte une description beaucoup prus cohgrente et mieux encrcc dans I'histoirc de la plupart des m€mes cv6nernenls ct dcs personnes.'

vignettes Fascinanres/Rdcit Incomprdhensibre: Accusation accabrante des Tr i bunaur Int erna! i o naur

unc fois quc rcs vigncttcs ponte de Dcr sont rcarrangecs chronorogiqucrnent cn un rdcit quc lc lcctcur peut effectivemenl suivrc et contextualiser A I'aide du recit dc Hanmann qui cst plus joumalistiquex ct des archivcs des Tribunaux disponibles au pubtic3J' tc qui r€cir cn rcsultc cst m€me plus fascinant cornrne rravait historiquc prus que n'imponc q*l roman nc pourrait I'ehc. las mcmoires racontent unc histoirc qui montre le vrai fonctionncmerrt des Tribunaux Intcmationaux quc des rcchcrchcs ant€ricurcs n,om pas r€vdlc. premiers procureur ces mdmoircs produis par un so't unc accusarion dc l'ingdrencc politiquc dcs supcrpuissanccs dans les Tribunaux tnternationaux, ce qui s4ricusemcnt souldvc la question de savoir si la <

Anndes dejeunesse de Madame la procweur.

la prdscntation par pontc Madame Det dc sa vie dc jcunc dcpcint ta vic d'rm jc'rrc enfantjouant en plein air avec scs grands frercs sous la supewision d.une marc ir volonti dc fer qui conseilla sa fiilc d'€trc honn€te avec clle-m€mc quellc qu'cn soit le prix ,,ne legon qui fut source de motivation pour sa carricrc comme procureur anti-mafia cl pour sa rdputation inlcmationale conrmc procurcur dcterminie i tuttcr ( contre

n cclui

10 tr' | , o. 6. , 23o?/4 , 4{ l-t

vocation de procureur I'impunit€ i tout prix.JT En 1980, Del Ponte d€couvrit sa du lonqu,elle devint une des raes femmes nommdesjuge d'instructiorst, une institution et de droit civil qui combine les fonctions de ddtective chargi de faire respecter la loi procureur d'enquate. Pendant 20 ann€esimpaires, Del Ponte s'esl faite une rCputation y nationale de terreur contre le crime organisd et contrc la fraude fiscale i large dchelle grandes compris les poursuites qu'elle a engagies contre des Personnes li6es aux Banques,d,autres au Vatican el contre des MaJiosibienconnectdspolitiquementle.

Transpercer Ie "muro di gomma"Suisse'

Themurodigommo,le..murdegomme''est|emanquedecoop6rationdelapart quand question dcs suspccts suisses riches et politiquemenl bien connectds' il fut de d'enqueter sur leurs activitds. k succis de Madamc Del Ponte en transPerqantle "mur fut gomme,, des personnatitcsdu monde financier et politique suissesuspectees de crimes A Del Ponte contme un I'une de ses dclatantesr€alisations, La rCputationmiritee attribuee Procureurincomrptible,decid6edepourchasserlescriminelsmenaisadcsignation ann6es comme Procureur Gdndral de I'Etat FCddral Suisse en 199440.Pendant les 5 dans lc blanchissemcnt suivanles, elte dcvint la terreur des Banques suissesimpliquees carlos Salinasl Benazir d,argent y compris M. Raul Salinas, frtrc du Presidentmexicain Mais, elle s'est Bhutto. l,eader Pakistanais assassince]et plusieurs oligarques n:sses. les ann6es 1990. uniquement prioccup4e des guenes du Balkans en Yougoslavi€ durant Ellen'avaitPrcsquepasdeconnaissancedel'histoircafricaincoudclaguetTeau Europdens et des Rwanda dc 1990 n 1994, exactemenl comme la PluPart des Arn6ricains{1.

'? Dcl Pontc au pagcsI l-32' t'ld. eld

Q Id.

" Id. i t' r* 294/A

Des powsuites domestiques ata powsuiles internationales

En mi-1999, alors que les bombardementsde ra Serbic par |orAN rouchaicnt ri leur fin' le Ministrc suisse dcs Affaircs Etrang!rcs, Jakob Keilenbcrgcr demanda a Del Pontc la pcrmission de pr€scnter sa candidaturc au conscil de s€curitd pour qu,elre remplace lc Procureur cn chefdu TpIy ct du TprR essentie[ement parce quc ra Suissc n'€tait pas mcmbrc dcs Nations unics, dc |union E,rop&nne ou dc IorAN.42 Ir Procurcur cn placc, l,ouisc Arbour, qui ailait bient6t &rc nommcc a ra cour Supr€mc du canada,ll €tait critiqudc parce qu'it rui avait 616demandd d'cnqu€ter sr'des agissements de son pays ct des ses alri€s dc |orAN.4l Keilenberger rui a expriquE que la cbine et ra Russie. mcmbrcs du conseir de sicuritd, ont protestd contrc le conflit d'inttrt apparEnl d'avoir commc Procurcur Madamc Arbour ou tout autre person rc issuc d,un pays mcmbre de I'orAN qui ra rcmpraccrait car des avions bombardicrs de |orAN avaient ddtruit I'Ambassade chinoise et dcvasc I'infiastnrcture civile dc la you8oslavie. un allii dc la Russie.at

Dc I'autrc cotd, les deux a[i6s dc l'orAN, membrcs du conseil de s€curit€. les usA et la Grandc Brctagre, procureur ne pouvaicnr pas acccpter un russc ou chinois ou

td. a2g-3o. cre " dfdrcp u rcrutmanr du *mru m chcf du T?ty ct du TplR par rc cursir sdcu.rirdpftnoa qucrdr dc t". Nrtions uni* csr p_!u!qu'unc ptfcrae styristiqucdc t'aurcur.Ni r"-c-to". l'oNU ni J. I'Ascmbl6c cdnarsh n'mr spe.irquemat icci.d rr crbti* oo rriu-"* iJr* mi'tion * i" du Prarrcw Fr rc conscirdc sdcuitA rgissrnt ru nomde Nuioos uni-. p-, o"' dc ono*rcq wb zstw' Arcrmdq rnd sruiaa Gre4 ,ilm,tu' crtmrna m, rotiiiTiit "r"ui*t y Praa NY 2A0Q, 325-340. proscu* W. Voir lwi v. TodE tO Ao& l99j OCfn ; e_"r"ui u. Kozyabrhl, 3 Juin 1999(TPIR). s1e9r I la l]-1rru'r cour suPnrr* du canda dc 1999r zlBr. EDsftr Hlut commissirc d6 Drcirs dc f Honm (Nationrunia) jusqu'cnZflt?.1 :ipor", crtcdtair cmplac.c per NlvErhcmpirr.y, *.ii* Prasidntc-duTPrRdurut ra pdriodcou Dcl pmtc a tcntdd,cnquio rs sims au rpn.ir'ni-"uli. vir{c pa par.pru- lc us^ et ra Gmdc Brcragnc. t'd 2rior, pirlry doit *r, pdsomc souhdtsnr 9rc unc crrrrac onusicnncdoit dvitr |inacp.naare d4montr{cpar ".ipir-q*1r"l Dcl nmtc. lrorir dilcussionau mt6 _ infrt {. ld erbq' dcp'is a d6nisimn6 dc rr cor suprcrncdu cur& ct puis oomm6r uD postc dc haut nivou ru Nltions unic, avcc|apprcbarion cr rc souicn dcsEtats-unis a dc h crudc eralg;. 6 ld- Dcpuh_2009, cllc a prtsiddI'lntemario€l Clbis Group,m ONG sp&ialiC rtansla politique dr'garE cr iilcrrnriomrdc scnsibirit6orAN. il- a tt6 fod€ pcr.d.mcios mploycs ou bep;mcnr d'Et4, ! pl&4 " sn siaFca Bilxcrtcs, cr r guycrrd6 bumur dc phidoya I wrrtitgt- ociir *i instrlld om ydlq i unamtila l6galc).Ncw Londrcsat Moscou.R-, l'" ,orncnr, oNG a I z b.mux y.lc,t1ta1n ( f {bujg Ammm, Bishtch Bo_go,t{Clirc. Cotmbo. Drkrr, Dushsbc."€r fd"-rLJ,l*"L port-au-ftine, pri

12 : ti. r lt : t. .t'r 23o>/A

provenantde pays non-align4s favorablesd I'all6gation que le bombadement des villes et infrastructuresyougoslaves constituaient un crime de guerre, une conclusion ri laquelle elle s'est rangee plus ou moins plus tard dans son mcmoire lorsqu'elle d€crit comment I'enquCte et les poursuites contrc I'OTAN sont tombdes dans une impasse malgr4 ses meilleurs efforts.d6Selon Kellenberger, le Procureur Gdndral de la Suisse, Del Ponte 6tait le meilleur candidat de compromis, en tant que procureur provenant d'un pays neutre non-impliqu6 dans les bombardementsde I'OTAN, non membre de I'Union europ6enne ou des Nations Unies. Le Conseil de Sccuritd approuva sa candidature'47 Ainsi, d6s le dipar! la politique du Conseil de SdcuritCrendit sa nomination possible et, comme elle devait I'apprendre ptus tard, imposa un muro di gomma dans I'accomplissement de ses devoirs de Procureur, un mur d6passantce qu'elle avait pu rencontrer lorsqu'clle faisait des poursuites contre des gsngsters internationaux, des personnalitds du monde des financeset des politiciens en Suisse.at

a. Del Ponte et llartnann ru TPIY: Introduction i le Rzalpolirt* des fribunaur P6naur Internrtionaux.

Peu aprds sa nomination dans I'automnc de l999,ae Madame Del Ponte a €u son premier contact < de terrain > avec la politique sous-tendant les travaux du Tribunal lorsqu'elle visita Skopje la premidrc fois en Octobre.5oCapitale de la Macddoine, une ancienne RCpublique yougoslave qui 6chappa i la gucrrc et aux bombardements de I'OTAN, Skopjc devint le quartier gdnCral des dquipes d'enqu€te du TPIY. Mais Del Ponte suspectait que le gouvemement macddoine hdbergeait Ratko Mladic ct d'autres personnes sympathiques A la Serbie et au gouvemement Milosevic qui, A I'instar dc

'6 l/oir notcsaccomPagnutcs pour discusion -, lrgfra, ,7 Id- bl pontc Ctait lc foisilmc pmurcur nomma pu le Coroeil dc SCcuritclonqu'cllc rcmplaga la cmadicnnc Louisc Arbour qui anit rcmplacd lc prcmia Procureurdu TPIR ct du TPIY. Sir Richard coldstonc d'Afriquc du sud. en Ao0l 1996. Dcl Pontc succlda a A6ou en Ao0t 1999 d rcjoignit son Burcaudc Pwwur A la HaYcm ScPtcmbrc. 'r Zoir discussionau notes -, infra. t" H"n-a- cst dctcnuc cmPloy& du T?IY|TPIR pcu apr6scc momcnt.' Hartmen. p. 9. to Dcl Ponte, pp. 3J-63.

13 \n ltl 2uqa

Georgc Tcnct des usA, promircnt dc soutcnir scs enqu€tes mais ne foumircnt arrcun r6sultat.sl

L'cscalc suivantc firt pristin4 capitate de la provincc yougosravc dc Kosovo. En 1999' lc Kosovo ctait dcvcnu un tcrrain dc massacr€s a largc cchcile de civirs scrbcs par I'Armcc dc Liberation du Kosovo (KLA) ct avec laquclle eltc ctait famirilrc i cause du blarrchimenr d'argcnt ct du trafic dc fcmmes et dc droguc pour achctcr irdgarement dcs armes cn suissc.s2 ccpcndant, ts KLA €tair maintenant considdrEc commc un mouvcmcnt dc lib€ration favorisdc par I'OTAN a cthniqucrncnt atbanaisc mais53 l.tt ll-ll sc componsit.ctrtmc un mouvcmcnt dc tynchcurq kidnappsnt ct ftrant dcs Scrbcs d dcs mcmbrcs d'e!t 13 groupcs erhneras, notammeni lcs Roma, simplcmcnt i causc dc tcw.apprrtcnanci ahniqui. l:s albanais ,r"q"a*ni mDmcdcs convois Serbcssc dCplagantsou-s pmtction dcs sordab dc I,OTAN du groupcdc mainticndc la paix au Kosovo.x

comme lors dc sa prcmitrc ren@ntsc avec Tenet, Del ponte regut aussi dcs assurances verbalcs de souticn dc Bcmard Kouchncr, chef dc Mission dc |oNU au Kosovo, qui prcmit de raidcr dsns ses investigations sur lcs crimcs dc ra KLA.'' ta pr{sidcncc collcctivc du trio scrbo/croate/'l\rtusutmanpromit dc I'aider en Bosnic-HcrzEgovine.j6 h Premicr Ministe dc la Rdpubtiquc dc Srpska promit aussi dc l'aidcr tour comme re Rcprcscntant du Pr{sidcnt crortc mour'nt, M, Tudjman, accusd dc crimes de guerre;r? de mcmc quc lc Prcrnicr Ministre Monrindgrin.tl scul Ic Ministre yougoslavc dc ra Justice

tt !d- tz ld- t'Id.

Y !d. p.n4 tt /d. unc dc choqwr* r€vahriffi alu dB r'€dirion itelicre {r.ft r.8ffimlridr par Dcr pmrc ou.crh rvrit dcs pms quc h KLA et"h impliqu€e dms ra corerc ommmi"r".i r" Ji-ifr"ri-;;;;; dp3 prtlcvda 'i*", slr de mrrdc scrtcr dm dqs Hopitsux o" ww-Furdiqr-co-ukrlrcld/jfl)Var/lZrrarcrincs.kosvo pN . d6 nims non cxpliqudq u ls ce ru."m_' er irporrmr dcrlir ! dra 6u# dc r'adirio; qui drh p"urit io pqmuitrt judici.im ontrc M!dm? Hsrunsn. "nghi* "[,*-rJr"ia",i- r Id. n Id. Ccgcnaarf I11 |'ltl4gation dc la Yougoslavh qu lcs Tribunlux craaspu tGcon$il dc sdffir! violaimt h charre ds Natioro uniq n'&ait ps ry foimac c'atdt cxlcremcnt ro .eme ogurn-, -ulerd'p; I'rncim P'ocuru cercnr dcr US{ Rmscy crarr au TptR vm ccai mtmc pcriodc. Fru da & mp{rcne, VoirZtht, ;;;; Alcudcr ud Sluit*, G.*, lmunatioml Crimirul Lw, (Orl_d U;;;;;

14 jr "" t *?" ,.* 2=a5/A

repondit ndgativement dms une lettre orl il ecrit: "le soi-disant Tribunal de la Haye est une institution ill€gale crd6e contrairementaux provisions de la Charte des Nations Unies et du droit inlernational globalement... r5e. Selon Del Ponte, la lettre a fait appel au Procurcur du TPIY tui demandantd'inculper les leadersde I'OTAN pour la campagnede bombardemcntde la Serbie qui s'est ddroul€ede Mars i Juin I 999 et qui s'est soldde par la mort de plusieurscivils innocenB et la destruction de I'infrastructurc civile.

La premidre et la deuxieme rencontre avec George Tenet relcvdes dans Ie Prologue ont eu lieu d cefte pdriode approximativement et' quoiqu'aucun autre gouvernementcontactd n'ait ouvertementrejef6 la coopdration,rien ne bougeait.to. [,ots de t'ctd de I'an 2000, ses cfforts d'enquttes avaient 6t€ complltement immobilisds par ..un mur de gomme" semblable a celui qu'ellc avait rcncontrd en enquetant sur la corruplion et le crime organis6 en suisse. Mais, contrairement ir la Suisse, ce muro di gomma n,itait pas I'ceuwe de criminels insignifiants ou de politiciens/banquiers coFompus. Madame Del Ponrc faisait face d un muro di gomma cr6d par des Etats membres des Nations unies, qui tous estimaicnt qu'il 6tait ndcessairede privildgier les potitiques domestiques el intemationales de leurs Pays Par rapPort A la coopdration avec Ma&me le Procureur, y compris le pays le plus puissant du monde. Madame Del Ponte a fait I'observation acerbesuivante en rdfdrenceaux allids de I'OTAN : ....les ladcrc Politiquesdans lcs Balkansne sont Pas les seulsI exploiter le nationalismePour maftluer des points bon marchd aupr*s dcs Cl6leurs''' [Traduction non offi cielle] Mars, plus important encore, le Gouvememenl yougoslave n'itait pas seul A dire que tcs bombardementsdes civils, des infrastructuresciviles et m6me de I'Ambassade de chine par I'oTAN constituaient des crimes de guene. Del Pontc decrit des centaincs de

Press'NY2ao},pp.325-340.loitalssiProsecutorv.Tadic,|0Aoft1995(lcTY)ctPruecv|orv. Kowabuhi.3jui;'1999(TPIR). Et,cnfai!laChancdesN8tionsUnicscldalaCoulnlcmationalcdc pas Jusricc,un..Tribwl Mondial" dcvant rcglcr lcs disPutc! cntrc nations, mais Ia Chartc nc prdvoit un Tribunal onuien habilitl i impoer dcs sctions crimincllcs i dcs individus. lJs Tribuau du Conscil de S€curitd ont justifid lcur proprc compdtcncc pu lc Chapitrc VII de la Chartc, Pcmcttanl au Conscil de S6curitC.assinnt lcs nissions dc mainticn de la paix. d'dtcndrc son autotitd i la crdation dc Tribunaux Voir, Z*t*, W.329'335 t' Id.,p- 57 @ld

5t ld. o.

15 '{ | ,t 'l ll f 23a?/a

lettres qu'elle rcaut du monde cntier y compris des pays de l'orAN documentant re massacrc de pres de 500 civirs y incrus rattaque d'.'n train de passagers aprds quc Ie pont qu'il traversait ait 6t6 detruit.e Elle a aussi confirmd t'interview parue dans un journar du 6 ddcembrc 1999 dans laq'clrc il lui crair demandd si ellc 6tait pr6tc a inculpcr l.orAN. Elle r€pondir : Je nc scnis pas dans la placc qui convicnt si jc n,6tais pas pr€tei lc fgirc. Je &mis abandonnsme mission.6![Traduction non oftici;llcj Mais peu dc temps aprls avoir fait cettc brave decraration, juridiquemenr corrccte, Madamc Del Ponte €tait confront6c d, rxr muro di gomma, plus important que res autrcs qu'clle murs avait aftontds en tant quc hocurcur gdnCrat de ta Suisse.

EnquEter les crimcs gue,e: de I*gons sur ra construction d'un "muro di gomma" d,une Impunit C cri de j urldique ment.

Dcl Ponrc a ccrit quc ses dcmandes de rcnscigncmcnts ont fait |objet de rcactions dcdaigrrcuscs dc la part du sccrdtairc G€ncral de l'orAN, Lord John Robinson ct <. Mais elle appril quclquc chosc dc plus, sclon scs proprcs tcrrncs :

Crpcndant, prr dcssustout, j'appris quc j'Cteis mdc en collision av* la limitc dc I'univss poritiquc dans r€qu,r rc iribunrl avair rc droir ac ronctiorrn"i. ii7" powsuivais I'enquatc str I'.orAN,- nn sculetrcnrj'allab ichoucr nais j.ottiis msi rcndre man bwem dc.Ftrsuiwc lcs rimes commisfor des furees locales m cows des anndesI99O-q Lc comitd qu'clle avait nommd pour cffcctucr ccttc cnqu€te < inddpendantc > dtait pttsidd par william Fcnrick, un pl'curEur pmvcnant du canada. curieusement, margr{ Ie fait que Del Ponte avair ctc informdc que sa nomination cn rcrnptaccment d,Arbour Louise dtait tressairc parcc quc ta Russic ct ra chinc considiraicnr qu.un procurcur onusien provenant pays des mcrnbrcs dc |orAN aurait un conflit d'int€r€t apparcn! Der Ponte d€signa'n canadien po.r diriger une cnqu€te sur |orAN. son r&it sugg€rc que. jusqu'l datc, elle reste inconscicnte de cc conflil d'intcr€t. on nc pe't pas prcndre au

o td.rr.sg u td- " td.

16 '1" ,. ,t .Fo :t ".*-

lorsque Fenrick rapporte s6rieux cette suggestion.6tElle pr€tend aussi qu'elte fut surprise civils n'dtait pas un que I'usage par l,oTAN de "bombes i fragmentation" contrc des appauvri'6 crime de guerre ou mEme l'usage par I'OTAN d'armes ir urarium

Et Del Pontc se montre disesp6rdmcnt na'ive ou alors elle se moque de nous n'ajamais abordd lorsqu'elle prdtend avoir 6t6 choqu6epar le fait que le comitd Fenrick par la question de ta l€galit6 globale des bombardemenls de la Yougoslavie parce que : mntre la ...m€mesi on les avail trouv€sill6gau:<' ils auraientconstituC "un crime pas paix", une cat6goric de drcit sur laquellc le Tribunal n'a de pas Lomplt"n""...... tei membresdu comit6 sc sontmis d'accordqu'il n'y avait train de de justification pour enqu€terdavantage {sur le bombardementdu passagere]p-"" qu"...'.."o enqu€tes.n'abouti.railt.fa1 A des pousuiles judi"ilah"i contr. dcs personneshaut plac6cs dans la chainede commandemenl'-' [Traduction non officielle] nomm6e par le Conseil de Cette declaration suggdre que, en tant que Procureur en chef de "crimes de guerrc"6t, de S€curitC. slle n,dtait pas au courant des grandes categories


* Id.

"' !d. p.6l d the Yrgoslavia' U'N Dc' 51257(Xat 36' Thc Stahrteof thc lntem&tionalCriminal Tribual for Fomer u'N' (rCCl) -a y25704/Add.l (1993).adoptcd by Sccurirycouncil on 25 May 1993' "*"i which NATO bombing of civilian targctsmigbt ;iii)aiz ti99:1. providcs for numcmusoitions under bc proseutcd, io wit: Anicle Prcmiq Comotience du Tribunol intqnat ionol presum€esnsponsblcs de violaiions i. {ril*i l"i.i",ional ca habilitc I jugr ls penonnes - - . le teritoirc dc l'ex-Yougoslavicdepuis 1991, li*" au a-i inr-ational humnitai-rc-ommises sur ionfomlmcnt aux dispositionsdu Prdscntstatul' llrticla 2 InfrocrloE zrm6 au Conutiorc de Gentvc de 1949 qui ou donnent I'ordrc ;:';;tb;;i;";;"iional ar habilitc I pounuivrc lc pcrsonncs commcttcnt du 12 ao0t 1949' A $voir les rcl6 de comnctEc d6 infi'etions gnYcs tux Convcntions dc Gm've temes dcs dispositionsde le *i*nt" alrlge. -ntse dc pmonncs ou d6 biens protCgdsaux Convcnlion dc Cmlvc Pcnincnlc: a) I'homicidcintcntionncl; i) i" tonu. o, t"t lt"itcmcnls inhumains,y compris lcs cxpdrienccsbiologiques; desaftcintm gnYs a ir iii. a. i"tcntionncllcmenldc gnndel souftmces ou de Pottcr "i """*t l'intcgii€ Physiqucou A la sant6i justifi&s ndccssilCsmilitaircs et d) laicsrruaion'et I'appropriarionde bicm non pu dcs cidcutecssu une gmde dchcllcdc fagon illicite ct arbi!-dirc; je das les forcesamces de la c) lc fait dc contraindrcu prisonnier gucnc ou un civil A rcryir cnncmic: Puismce'0 r'guli'rcment et t" f.it ao ptit". un prisonnicrde gucre ou un civil de son drcit d'eF€jugc I r, . ';'i 2%z/4 ' *'' s'ir

imFErtialcm6t; g) fcxprlsion ou lc Fmsfcrt illagal dutr civil or s ddtcnrionilldgalc; h) la prisc dc civils cn orage. Artlcle i ltiolatlow ds loit ou culuma de la grcne l' Tribqrl into'.'ionar cst compdtcnt pour poumivrc ks pem*E qui ommcncnt des violations d6 loir ou outm6-& ta grrrc. ca vLr"lin. -.pr**'n| o*len" ri.i,c*, E) l"nploi d'mcr toxqucs ou dbutrcs mo *^9* poui.* dc oufFares inurircs; b) h dcstncrioo sansmtif yirtcs d6 ci dG virhgis o h d€vcrati* qu" n"iurtin.iip* i". cxltcresmilirdB: c) l'rthquc ou lc bombanlcrncnq per qrc\rc moycn quc cc soia.dc vilhs, villagcs, habitarions o MtimnB m ddfadus; d) h eisic. h d-ruiim ou lmdommrgcment daribdrt d'adifi* conssas I rr rcrigion. r ra bicnhiw ct I I'cmigncmcnt, rur o^s ct lut $icnccs. A d6 mmumcnts historiquls, I dc m d'en a I dcs oarvrcs dc caff+rE *icntifiqw; c) lc pillagc dc bio publics ou privk. Artid. 1 Gireidc l. Lc Trihnul intsratioml ct comp{tcnt pou poursuivrc 16 pc.onrcs ,)dt €ommis lc gdncid€, lcl qu'il cl ddfini u pe'egnphc 2 du pr{*m anictc. ou lu qrcronqrc dcs rtcs tnumdrd-s au pengrrphc 3 du prtscnt rniclc. 2. Lr ltrlcrd tareidc dc t\n quclonqrc dc acts ci.apr0s, ommis dus l.intmtion dc d&ruirc. a tout o-cn partic, rn grmpe natiooal, ahniquc, ncial ou rcligicurq @Inmc tcl: a) mantt dc mmbm du gror4rc; b) rneinr! gr|w I I'imdgrild physiquc o mcntrlc dc rncmbrcs du groupc; c) nmision intcntimclle du groupe t dcs onditiom dcxistencc ddut cntralnq $ dcstsnction physQm totelc ou perrhib: d)mffi visutlcnbavcr lsuilwqau rindu mrc: e) tnnsfar forc4 dafrrt! du grmlE A un aua" g-p".. 3. Semt Frnir la stc surnnB: e) lc g&rocidc; b) Iatafle cn re dc commcttrc lc g4nckfc; c_)l'ircitrtion dictc a prblique I ommctc lc g€naide; d) h t$rrtivc d. gcnocidc; c) la ompliciG dans le gdn*i&. Aillclc 5 Crimq mtre l'htnuitl k rribuul intcrmrioml crr habirira I Juga rcs pcmnes p€swd6 rcspon$brcs dcs trircr sivrnr lmqu'ils mt a{ onmir au cun d'un ;onit .-d, dc qrela. if,tmrtimll ou intmc. ct dirigls cootc urc popultirm civilc qucllc qubllc sic l)lssiDd: b) cxtcrmiEtion; c) r{duakn cn elavagc; d) cxpulsion; c) mprisonrcmcnt ' ; Dronurc: g) viol; b) peFdcutiors pen d6 nisoDs politigEs, mielcs a digicucs; i) &tE a{t6 inhumriN. *.4 rit rh 2sat/a

..crimes contre I'humanit6,"6e et de (responsabiliti du sup6rieur>?0 sous I'empire desquels le bombardement intentionnel de civils et d'infrastructures civiles pouvaient faire I'objet d'inculpation seton le statut du TPIY ou alors, elle se moque de nous, une fois de plus.

Cependan! aprds rdception du rapport Fenrick, Del Ponte conclut gomma raisorurablementque son investigation de I'OTAN avait buttd contre un muro di qu.elle prcfare qualifier.'d'obstacle technique" dans son memoire plutdt quc parler de vice fondamental dans la structure et le fonctiornement du Tribunal et qui serait une ddduction Cvidentepour tout lecteur formi en matidre de droit: Nou n'avionsla coopirationde pcrsonne,aucune coo$rttion dc qui quc cc soit le problime tec]nique' Et il 6tait [apprcmmenry inclus son pesonnet]- c'Ctait impossibledc continucri pousscrIc dossierpolitiquemcnt sans sapef Ie rcstedu traiail

"ld T !d. tt unc fois dc plus, si Dcl /d. p.61. Un lcctcu raisonnablcmcnrintclligent ct politisCpoumit rc dcmmdcr, dus lcs initiativcs manipul6cs Pontc ct Sudctic @oient I'intention dc ddmasqucr"la jusricc du vainquar" croirc quc la non coopCntion ;;;;ll" ;tri ;" si elle et Sudctic $nt raellementsuftisammcnt nalfs Pour "un l.r- avc lc TPIY dus la cfforts dc s'autHnquetcr csl rfcllcmcnt Probllm juste et aquibblc des nom6 ;;#;;;;t"ru-"-"*r"n" Si oui. e < prcbtlm tehnique r @trccare l'applicarion lcgalejdans tous les Tribuaux Intcmstionau.. t2 Hartmann,pp. 37-164'

" |d.p.6143.

19 l.r' I 2Soo/a

lcs yeux sw les crimes des pubsants ou ir lesju

L'on ne ;r€ut s'emp€cher dc conclurc quc, conscicmment ou inconsciemment, I'ancien Procureur Suissc incomptible avait succomb€ lorsquc lcs pays puissants

mcmbrcs du Conscil dc S6cudte sc scrvircnt du TPIY pour crdcr < I'impunitd D lxrur cux- m€mes et pout lcurs allies.75L'admission par Del Ponte que les membrcs du Conseil de Sdcuritd, etr-mEmes, I'ont pratiqucment emptch6 de faire son travail, ce qui est gdn€ralcmcnt confirm€ par Florence Hartrnann, donne la plus forte accusation de I'hypothAse que des Tribunaux intcmationaux pcuvcnt fonctionncr inddpcndamment dcs intdr€ts des nations les plus puissantes.Mais il y a d'autres revdlations importantes dans lcs m&noires.

Lcs dcux livrcs d&rivent commcnt I'inculpation dc Slobodan MiloscvicT6 Ctait contrecarr& par lcs Etats-Unis durant la p&iode oil on le tr,ouvait utilc aux int6r€ts de la

politiquc dtrangarc des USA, [duran! pcndant a aprAs lcs Accords dc Dayton]t ; c'est un autrc cxcrnplc dc I'insfumcntglisation clairc du TPIY pour scwir la politiquc des USA et dc ses alli€s. En effcl Ma&mc Del Pontc, corrobor€c par Hartrnanq r{vElc cxactcment comment lcs procis du TPIY 6taicnt inlluenccs par les pays membres de I'OTAN (mernbrcs ou pas du Conseil dc S€curitC) au profit d'accus6s ivertuels de I'OTAN et des alli4s dc I'OTAN tcls que Croatic, lc Kosovo ctla Bosnic-Hcrzdgovinc. Et tout ccci, au ddtriment des accuses de la Scrbie, ciblc dc la campagrr.c dc bombardemcnts dc I'OTAN.'t Ccpcndant, lcs autcurs joucnt lcur r6le dans la manipulation cn omcttant de mcntionner I'cxondration posthume dc Miloscvic par la Cour Intcmationale de Ia Justice

" Id.p.Gl tt Id. r Hrrtmiln, pp. 73- 164. n f,)cl Pontc sl-: ftardnm, pp. t65-246 n Id-:l

20 '. r.tl"' ' 'llt 1 ,' . n'r 22?"4

qui a conclu que ni la serbie ni Milosevic ne conh6laient les milices Bosniaques Serbes et qu'ils seraient seutement responsablesdes atrocitds commises en Bosnie par omission et non par commission.?9

Il n'est pas clair si Madame Del Ponte et Mr. Sudetic ont compris (ou n'ont pas compris) I'importance des vigneftesdans leur livre aux fins d'dtablir la vraie histoire des Tribunaux du Conseil de S6curitd. II n'est non plus clair qu'ils aient realisd qu'ils d6vefoppaientun argument irrdfutsble pour la cr6ation d'un viritable systdme de justice intemalionale qui tiendraient les puissantsaussi responsablesde leurs actes que les moins puissants,en servant d'un exemple n6gatif. Cependant,leurs intentions comptent moins que I'inddniablc fait que le livrc d6peint I'dtat lamentable actuel du systeme du droit intemational, qui en fait crie une "culture d'impunite" dont bdn6ficient seulemenl les puissants.

b. Del Ponte et lhrtmrnn au TPIR: Legons suppl6mertaires sur la Realpolitik der Tribunaur P6nsul Internetiouaux-

vignettes Quoique la grande partie du m€moire de Del Pontc soit consac€e aux du TPIY, de mtme que celui de Madame Hartmann, les rdvClationsdans les deux livres dccrivart le rcnvoi forc6 de Del Ponte de son poste au TPIR en 2003 par les USA et ta Gmnde Brctagne sont plus accablantes.toCcpcndan! cn I'absence d'une connaissance intime des procis du TPIR et de !a preuve y contenueainsi que d'une rcconstruction de Ia

?e ..The John Laughland, Srebrenicaruling puncturesthe false claims that underpin the doctrine ofhtervention," fhe Guardian,2S February 2007: Ludi, Slobodm Milosevic a dtd cxondr€A titrc Posthumelomquc la Cour intcmational dc JustiE a rendu un trrgt quc la Sffbic n'Ctait pr rcsponublc du massacrc dc 1995 A Srebrcnica.L'ancien Prgsid.ntde Scrbicavait roujom plaidd quc ni la Yougoslavic ni la Scrbie n'cxergait dc @mmmdcmcnt sur I'mde bosniEqucstbc' ct cct arBumcnla dte onfim€ pr la Cour Inlcmationalca h Hayc. Par voic dc con#4umce, la Scrbic nc peut p6 etrc Enuc rcsponnblc dc crimcs dc guc[e altribuCs aux bosniaqucs serbes' [Tnduction non ofliciclle] fo Stcvcn Edwuds, "Dcf Ponte dit quc tcs Nstions Uni6 ont c4de I la prcsiion du Rvanda," Ndllonql Post (ctrada), sept 17,2m3: John Hooper,..l mr sckcd s RwandaGmocidc Proscqnor fol challenging thc ir*iacnt, aii o.l Ponte- Guardlan (tJK) scP' 13, 2003; Fclicity Banings, "Annsn is seid to wmt sNcw proscutor for Rmnda ws crims," rVry Yrk Ttnu, Iuly 29, 2003. /ori also, uN Doc s/Ras/203/l503, AoOt 2E.2003. dcmudsl la nominationd'un nouvcauPGurcu du TPIR Pil le conseil dc sccuritd ct la prcposition du nom dc Del Pontc for rt-affcclation commc Praurcur du TPIY'

21 22"q4

sdqucnce des €vdncments, il scrait difficile, sinon impossiblc, pour un lcctcur occasionncl, de comprcndrc la v6ritable importance du recit dc Del ponte et Hartmann.tt

Le "murro di goma" Etarc-Ilnis/Grande Brelagne/Rwanda descend sur le TpIR 'techniques" AprEs avoir capituld face aux rcalitds ct politiques du TpIy dicrites plus haut dans son mimoirc, ce qui I'a cmp6ch6 d'enqu€tcr ou d'engagcr des poursuites pour les crimes comrnis par I'orAN,t2 Del pontc s'cst retrouv€e dans une situation scmblable au TPIR. DAs Novembrc 1999, sculcmcnt un mois apres €rre entrde en fonction, cllc a appris quc le Juge d'instruclion frangais Jean-Louis Bruguiaretr avait ouven une enquttc sur I'assassinat de Habyarimana et qui incriminait les troupes dc Kagame et Kagamc lui-m€me.a

Agissant ind@ndammcnt ct s",'" I'assistancc dcs scrviccs de rcnseigncments ou d'{uipes d'cnquEres dcs pays membrcs du Conscil dc S&witC. I'Enqu€tcur cn chcf de Del Ponte, l:urcnt walpen a collcctc la prcuve dcs crimes du FpR, estimant tes victimes a dcs dizaincs dc millicrs de personnes.rsDel Ponte dccrit les nombreux barrages i son enqu€tc qui, on pcut lc comprcndrc, dtaicnt posdspar lc gouvcrnement rwandais: ...parccquc lc PresidentKagamc ct d'autrcslcadcrs Tutsi evaicntbeaucoup mis6 lcur rtvsndicrtion dc ldgitimitd polilique sur la vicroirc du FpR slr lcs g6reidaim cn 1994.Et ils v-cndaicntlcur mqu€lc du pouvoircommc uncjustc luttc pour ar€tcr lc g6nocidc.'"ffradrction non officiellel

rrVoirdicrsionuxnot s, intrd. s Dct Pmtc ux rpta nd* _t supra. o t-c-Juge-Bruguilre Ctrlt bian comu cmrDc spdchlistc dc pot rsuitcs judiciaircs mntrc lcs grand3 crirnimls inrqnrtkmu a Ftrc, tel qrc Dcl ponre I'ryrit Fit cn Suig* I la mcmc p6riodc. Dcl pontc coomissrit Bruguiarc ct mJt confuncc 6 sn jut3mcnt ct Es tsrvsil sur dcs cls tcls quc elui dc C8rlos h Chcrl ct d'rutcr. foir Dcl Ponte, p. 179-$. a Id. E ,zoi discusrioo ux not6 _. itrfta Ccttc mcf,c prcuvc avait {t! appmmmcm dmn& au pr6d6cs d€ Madmc Dcl Pontc, tsirc Arbow a Juvic 1997. cctc dgnitrc dtoufh la prarvc, rrrtra I'crqualc ct ddnaotcla l'4quipc d'cnqu&c qui avrit mmmande qe Klgamc sit pouruivi judiciaircmor pou I'arssinst dc Habyri|m4 rel quc daqit. Madarc Dcl ponrc nc r{vtlc pas si cllc snit qrc Madm Arbou avah dtoulfd I'cnquatc lur Kagrmc. F Dcl Pontc. p. tt3

22 , I'.f 'rl'.o t *\,,t'* 2???/A

Mais, sans beaucoup d'explication. Del Ponte ddcrit aussi coment les services secrets amdricains (IJSA) aidaient les Rwandais e perturber la sdcurit6 du bureau du Procureur du TPIR et les enqudtessur les crimes commis par le FPR en 1994 : Nous savions que les services secrets rw"andais avaienl obtenu des Etats- Unis des appareils de surveitlance et les utilisaient pou perturber nos t€ldphones,nos fax et notrc trafic Internet.tT En May 2OO2,Del Ponte apprit du Juge Bruguidre qu'il avait suffisamment de preuves pour incutper Paul Kagame du Rwanda de l'assassinatdu Pr6sidentJuvdnal Habyarimana et du Prcsidenlburundais Cyprien Ntaryamira le 06 Avril 1994. C'est ce double assassinatqui "declencha" le gdnocide et a 6ti reconnu comme faisant partie du "plan de g4nocide" des extr€mistesqui tenaient A renverser leur propre president.tt Mais, ceci n'6tait pas lapremiire indication que Kagame Ctait coupable de crimes r€ntrant dans ses compdtences. Apparemment, au moment oir Louise Arbour faisait lc rcmise-repriseen 1999, elle avait informC Del Ponte que les enquateursdu TPIR avaient recommandddes poursuitesjudiciaires contrc Kagame quelques annCesplus t6t mais Arbour avait conclu que le Procureur du TPIR n'6tait pas comp€tent de poursuites pour C€t assasSinatcar c'itait un acte politique maiS pas un assassinatgenre crime de

gu"rru."g euoique Del Ponte semble ne pas avoir acoeptd cene 6valuation €taat donn6 qu'elle a continud d'enqueter sur Kagame, clle semblait ne pas comprcndre qu'en tant que membre de I'OTAN et en tsnt qu'allii proche des USA et de la Grande Bretagne, le Canada ne pouvait pas en effet €tre neutre dans lc conflit rwandais vu surtout que le GCndralcanadicn Dallaire avait commande les forces onusiennesde maintien de la paix au Rwanda durant la guerre.

" ld. u Mursirct Reput, publidsous les auspiccsdu gouvcrncmcntruandais au ddbut de l'ilnCc 20 | 0, mainticnt la faus* aflimation quc les militaircs dc I'mce dc Habyrimua ont cotrsPir€Pour commctEc l'ssNinat. ll faut prcndrcnotc dcs conclusims dcs cnquetcN du TPIR dls 199?' ww-mutsiEircport,6m. Vois ausi lc confc-intcm8E:oiE du Coloncl Thdonetc Bagosomdmsle procrs t"titinty:t par le Prccurar du TPI& Drew whitc cn Novcmbrc 2006, egissnt sus I'autoritd i'eUuUaw Jaliow lrcmPlagsntdc Drl Pontc)ct ds son Adjoinl StcphcnR!PP, scicn Prcurcur -unc m€ricain. POur ciplication ahcmalivc" dcs Cv{ncmcntssurvcnus au Rwmda Sul basedc prcuve documcntaircet dc l4moigmgo au TPIR, Prcos Militsry-1, voir le mdmoirefinal de dClercede Ntabakwe,p. I 36 it 174, D /d. Ccttc dvaluationd'un allid USA./GmndcBEtagnc n'Ctait pd diffCrcntcdc elle regut par Dcl Ponte plus tsd dc lE pan d'un autrc cmadicn qui avait lui aussiLcmemB connit d'inl&et au sujct d'enquatessur ics crimcs dc guenc dc I'OTAN en Yougoslavic(dpisode Ferick)'

23 ",t 2"%A

cependant, Del Pontc est p€rsistante et infatigable dans la poursuitc des crimes et des crimincls, quellc quc soit la dircction oli mencnt les faits..,..du moins quand on est en dchors d'cnqu€tes impliquanr I'orAN, tel quc dccrit plus haur.s Au dcbur de juin 2002, lcs enqGtcs continues sur Kagamc ct lc FpR ont conduit A cc quc le gouvemement rwandais arrdtc d'cnvoyer les tcmoins au TpIR.el En coupant I'cnvoi de tdmoins contre scs anciens adversaires, Kagame a rcussi i faire du chantage aupris du Tribunal.-. aux fins d'amcncr l'€quipe chargcc d'cnquetcs spdcialcsdans Ie bureau du procureur d'arrtter ses cnquetes sur les crimes prdtcndurnent commis par le FpR cn 1994,e2 sclon Dcl Pontc:

...rrr€tcr lcs procls de g6naidc 6tait I'objcctif du gouvcmcocnt Mrndais tant qu'il y aveit ccttc possibilitdquc lc Tribunal inculpcdcs tcsdcs cr dcs ofFlcics Tutsi dc I'arm€c. Lc mobila, rppffcfimcnt, 6tait dc pr{scrvcr la l6gitimitd du dgirrc ct, par cxtcnsiorl lc rtgnc du Hsidcnt Paul Kagamc.t'

Mme Del Ponte signala publiqucrncnt au Conseil dc SCcuritd,tc 23 juillct 2003, qu'elle suspeclait Kagame et scs forccs d'avoir commis des crimes et que le Rwanda avait bloqud lcs cnqu6tes :

lc Procureur est effectivemcnt incapabte ... dc terminer l'enqu€te sur les crimep.qui auraient €td comrnis cn 1994 par le Front Patriotiquc Rwandais 1994." [traduction non officielleJ Dcpuis novcmbrc 2fi)2, Dcl Pontc r{vdla au public lc rcfus du gouvemement Kagame de coopdrcr avec s€s enqu€tcurs dans les crimcs pr€sum6s de scs membrcs contrc leurs compatriotes.e5 Del Ponle souligna quc lc gouvemement rwandais avait commencd i autoriser les tdrnoins I sc rcndrc au T?lR sous sa supervision. pour ce qui concerne les cnqu€tcs spccialcs, cllcs continuErcn! mais puisquc lc muro di gomma ne pul pas etrc

n Dcl Pmtc p. 22?

"t ld- aId

t4 I {"grli y*:ffcctircly clelcd Prcsi&nr fm Life in tbc falt of 2003, in m clEtiom ther including thc jriling of all polithrl opponflrr, a rtportcd by EU clctim obcmF, wirh wrc no( unlikc chction o] Robat Mugabc io Zimbabwc fivlyG lsta. Sre, Colin Waugh, Pod Kogne atd Rwonda: pwt, Gwtdc ad thc Rwudu Potrtoilc Froil, (Mefrrhd, fsdon.2OO4)- pp. l9Z-203 x ld.Eigca7

" !d.nf-a{t.

24 r (, 1{. "rfr lz?s/A

perc6, elles connurent une avanc6e insignifiante'e6 En date du 3 mars 2003, le D€panemcnt d'l1tat Am6ricain annonga le nouveau domaine de coopdration entre les par Etats-unis d'Amdrique et lc Rwanda sous forme d'un accord bilatcral initi6 I'administration Bush et exemPtantles ressortissantsde ces deux pays d'6trc poursuivis parle Tribunal pdnal international. Selon Del Ponte : "..jc suspectais,qu'en retourde la siglaturede cet accor4 le Pr6sidentKagame r*icrchait la protection des USA dans la campagncdc s'opposer i Ia et A finalisation, Par le Tribunsl pour Ic Rwanda. des enqudtesspCciales l'€tablissemcntdcs rctesd'accusation contr€ les hsuts otficiers mililrircs ct peut- €tre contre Kagame lui.m€me, en rclation ave les mcsacrcs suppos6ment commisen 1994par lesTutsi-e7 [Traduction oon ofFcielleJ de la rcciprocitd entre les Etats- Que Del Ponte soit ou pas correcte dans son Cvaluation unis d'Amerique et le Rwanda en mai 2003, dcs relations sp6cialesentre les Etats-Unis et le gouvemement de Kagame existait depuis plus d'une dccemie. Florence Hartmann juge qui avait remarqu6 I'int6r6t amdricain dans I'enqu€te du Bruguilre et dans les a enquetcsspecialcs de Del Pontc c,ontrcKagame dds le dcbut des arnces 2001 et 2003, preci# que les amdricains ont voulu imposer au Tribunal une gestion enlidremenl politique de sa stratdgiede fin de mandat.es

Maislesliens6troitsentrelePentagoneetK&garneremontentbienavant I'invasion du Rwanda en 1990 par les 6l6ments de I'armie ougandaise dans laquellc en tant Kagame exergait le commandement pendant plus d'une dizaine d'arurde pour qu'officier supdrieur ougandais,s [r r€cent rapport de I'lnstiluf du Commonwealth les Droits de I'Homme rctdvc le soutien de longue date accord€ par la Grande Bretagte et les Etats-Unis au rdgime de Museveni pendant que Kagame 6tait responsable du service des renseignementsmilitrires ougandaisentre t980 et t990'lm

M€mc avantl'ssssinat du Pr6sidentHabyarimana cn avri| 1994,les conn*tions entrc paix qui Kagameet I'arme am€rimine lui ont €t6 tras utiles. Pendantles n6gmiationsde ont

% td.

"t Id, q Hartmmn, pp.262-263 * yictimE Becone Kr'llers (Prineton UniYeFity_Prcss Voir Een$rslemenl,Mahmood Mmdmi, Whcn (Wilcv md Sons' Hoboken'2008)' pp' 42{t" 2O0i), ;p. l?3- 176. srcphcn Kiwl A Thowqnd Hillr ro /oir discussion aux notcs, -., r'4fro

25 * tnf 22"4A

conduit su rcmpleemcnt de |assigane niritaire fmngairc ct bergc ptr rcs qsqm brcus dc l'oNU (non combattanrs),lc Mrjor mdrimin Anthony Marrey, coilaguc dc ctasscdc Kagamc au colllge d'Etet-Major Gdn€raler dc comrundcmcnt & I'm6e dc tqrc dc Fort lsvcnworth cn 1990'&ait 6grlemcntun rcprcscntanramcricain aux ndgociationsdc |Aeord d'Arusha au cous dc I'd€ dc 1993. Etsnl donnd son cxpcrtisc militairc, il &vait €tre infomi & l,imptication politiquc militairc et dc la sup&ioritc militairc dc I'Arm& pariotiquc (branchearm6e du FpR) ddmmtr& cn fEwicr 1993 lorequ'cllca hilli investir la capirrlc, Kigali.rorEn 199E,Marlcy a penragone d€montr€ la volontf, du personncldu dc fermcr les ycux sur lcs crimcs continuels du FPRct m€meapres I'invasion ct I'occupationdc I'Est du congo par lesboupcs dc Kagamc: Unc raison qui cxpliquc pourquoi lcs officials amdricainssont sdduils par le paul ViePrcsidcnt of Rwanda, Ka..gmc,est qu'il saitcommuniqucr avec cux de fagm typiqucmantamirioinc ...rq [induction non officicilc] Quelquc temps apres la prisc du pouvoir par lc FpR cn juiltcr 1994, les troupes amdricaines qui n'dtaicnt pas intervcnues poru privcnir le coup dc forcc, sont anivdcs i Kigali dans le cadre d'uo cxcrcicc militaire conjointlo3 Le Rwanda est devenu aujourd'hui le plus grand bdncficiairc per cqira de I'assistancc iconomique et militairc dcs Etats-unis a dc la Grandc Brctagnc cn Afiiquclq et continuc de rccevoir I'assistanc€

'o' Bcn;mir Vafentino, Firal ,!o/ur lw: Mu Kilring and Gcwrde in the 2f carrry. (comeu, lth6c! 2004) pp. ltl-t2. E Mmognph No. 35: Pce rd sccurity ln Africr. symposium n tnrrm&tionsl pcNcr snd scurity, April 3, l99t, ciad in ColinWugJt, Pul Kagm and Rwaada(M*Ftlend, landoa 20ft ) p. 222. nt Kcidr B. Ri:hburg.'Sonali Mcmory Lingcrs posr u Grr Hcrd ftr Ruud!,- Thc l/.ashlngron I July 31, ty)4:

/l'ptt| l! Fric dc plu dc lO urfriclins pcnder I'intnotim mCrioioc cn Somali. it appanisit imgoboblc quc lcs force combotbnrs mdricalm raumcnt m Afiew qulFc rmir rpr&.

Mrls aujourd'hui, lcs EDup6 cntrcnt ru Rwrndr, un pays de I'Afriquc ccnEalc d&imd pr qurrc mois dc hr6i6 ct dc gucrc civilc qui ont reiomd I'cxodc dc r€fugick a dcs mons cn msc dans la cmps dc r!ftgidl

Un spccoc du garc omalien ;rlm su lc r6lc de I'arm6e am{rieinc au Rwuds ct il crl posible qrc lc roupcr am.ricainc r.otstr$t cnm dms un borbicr afriqin... [Tndrcrion non ofEcicllcl tq Commmlth Hcm@ Righrt lwtituc Rcport, Autut 2Oo9 (CHRI Rcport). p- g: Lc Rwar6 dCpmd fortcrncnt qt lsnncs dc rcvcnE3 (pou tc fmenccmcnt dc s6 irtirqriffi ct h r4mmdr*ion dc s 6litca) du pillrgc dcs rerrc mindnla dc la - RDC a cxfrordinrircmdt dc l.lsisttE gandEusc dc l! Gmrdc BEtagnc ct dcs 6nts-Uni: ainsi que d'rutrs gouvccm"nt!-*id-ttu..., ftrafuaion m ofFrcicile]

26 . t' | ' "l * i*"- 22"3/A " "rarin

ses guerres d'agression persistantesen et l'entrainement de la Pan du PentagonemalSrd Afrique centrale: depuis pr0s-d'une Les instructeus amdricainsentrainent I'arm6e rwandaise beaucoupde sandais vont d€ctnnie. Selon les ofticiels militaire am6ricains' plusieus endroitscomme le f""" p"if desforces de maintiende la paix-dans amdss rwandaisespu les Soudan.Actucllcmsnt, I'entrafnement d;s fores le Darfur que le Congo' Et"o-Uii, ptt lcus allidsdc I'OTAN coneme moins ", rwandaisesavaient' i panir En novembre200E, I'ONU a signat6que les forces lourdeslcs forcesamdes a, i*-aa bombard€avc les-tanksLt autrcsarmes- fsmCe rebelledu G€niral congolaises f-nt tu' t" t"iitoire congolaiscontrc "u du congo. Soit washington a N-t";iJi a it6 initi€e la r6belliondans I'Est +r n'a soufferl d'aucune €ttc gerrc ou i8nor6puisguc le Rwmda tgprouv€ rl'a r6PercussionPr la suite' a ijecti Del Ponre de son poste pour avoir fait son Le Departemenl' d'itat Amdrlcain ,rouoil et t disobii aur ordres des Etats-Unis"' appel6e au Ddpartement d'Etat selon Del Ponte et Hartmann, De[ Ponte fut Bush et plus pr6cisdment par Amiricain, le 15 mai 2003, par t'Administration Mr Pierre Prosperlot tn t"" de rencontrer les I'Ambassadeur pour les crimes de guene' de la coo$ration entre le Bureau du offrciels du gouvemement rwandais et discuter Pmcureuretlegouvemementrwandais.|o?Aulieudediscuterdela..cooperation'',les fin A toutes les enqu€tes contrc Kagame et rwandais demandircnt i Del Ponte de mettre loin en demandant A ce qu'elle remettc les le FPR. Apparenunent Prosper poussaplus gouvemement conlre lequel les enquetesitaient copies des dossiersd'enquOte i ce m€me projet d'accord et lui demanda de la sigrrer sur dirigCes. Prosper pr6senta iL Del Pontc un a"cord'lo8 Plus tard dans la journ4e' Prosper le champ. Mais elle refusa dc signer cct semit pas nomm6e pour un aut'e mandat au approcha Dcl Pontc et lui informa qu'elle ne

Aliica Action Md FPIF staff' Jmuary 22' 'ot Fueign Poltqt in Fotu Afrtca Polt(y Outtook 2oto'By 2010. du TPIR puisqu'il avairdtd assigncPEr lc Dcpancmant rE Prospcrn'€rait ps ct'angcr au burc8uPrcwur (Proseatu v' Alosu' 964--t) dont le jugcment de lE iustie en tanr qu" pr*u*u' o"i' i' aitirc Akaycsu p"oiri,i scptcnbrc lgel' tc pmicr dcvmt lc TPIR rmt tc mandardc Dcl ii r"e;;;,jif,fz I ad rcndu gdncidc D' Prcspcrdoii avoir 't' en tmt quc ta-i-*i*" pourr 6t cntt drns l'histoire coun au *in du sur"ina"t*tion lcs crimss commis pu lc FPR dtaicntcn dcpuislongcmps au comt quc Ie cnquttcs erbdr ct Bruguicrc ci'haut ct ci-apr's' Burm du Preurcu du TPIR. vorr J:rslu"iii a" t'in"iO"nt [Tmduction non o(fi cicllc] rotDel Pontc,page 23 l. '- td-231-32 27 .C t o' I 72"y'A

TPIR et que son mandat pour re Tribunal pour rex-yougosravie nc scrait dcDass€deux ans. Selon Del Ponte : En'€tsicnr frs sclulgmgnrlcs_mandais gui €taicnr impliquis dans cnanuge"'T_=_l::-, tc J'rvais Justc refus. dc m'ab$cnir i dtrbrir tcs acrcsi'accugtion contrc un ccrtain mnbrc dc gdn6muxserbcs. Et icijc rcfusaisdc cads t'autoJt. du tibunal dc rcncr dcs cnqueEs contl€ le FpIi dornin4 par lcs Tubi. Ccs poursuitesconsritulicr4 d'uc fagonou d'unc ruirc, utr cmba,,s vis{-vis d.un t:!:,^y_ry:1":Ci: kr gcns de ta communautddiplomarique *"1"i*i ocvcloPP6dsvantagc..' 1$

Dcl Ponte rogu! lc 20 mai 2003, du D{psrtemcnt d'Etat Amdricai& un fax disanr que Ie gouvcmcmcnl rwandais vordrait partager lcs informations d'cnquete avec Ie Burcau du Procurcur mais quc ccrui-ci dcvrait acceptcr de donner au gouvemement rwandais ses dossicrs d'cnqu€rc ct donner son accod dc nc pas poursuivrc rcs crimes du FPR i moins quc les poursui*s justice par ra rwandaise nc soient pas < vdritables >. E[e rcfusa cncorc unc fois- Elre commenga alors i recc'oir dcs rapports que lcs litats-unis avaient cntamd Ic lobby contrc sa rcconduction a son postc pr€vue dans rcs mois d'automnc2O03,llo Del Ponte fut juiilet informee, rc 2 2003, par lAmbassadeur britannique, corin Budd quc son gouvcmcmcnt avait dcmand{ a Kofi Annan dc proposcr re remplagant de Del Pontc au poste procurcur dc du TpIR pour raison < d'cfficacitd D. scron Der ponte: Budd nc dit rim au sujct dc h raison rdcllc dc changemcnls propos6s I'opposition du gouvcmcmcnt rwandais aux cnqu€tcssu, lcs itochds p,t ir.e., dcsmcmbrcs du FpR.llI A la fin du mois juillet, york dc re quotidicn New rimcs, citant des dipromates occidcntaux et les sonrc€s du Tribunar non idcntifid signala que re gouvememenr rwandais avait cu lc souticn dcs Etat-unis et dc ra Grandc Br€tagne po,r dvincer Dcl Pontell'ct qu'un diplometc brianniqrrc avait raissd cDtcndrc quc tc changcmcnt dc Procureur impliquait Pabandon des enquttcs contre re FpR.r, Der pontc fit un dcplaccment i Ncw York pour Encontrcr Kofi Annan mais elrc firt informdc par Ralph

'n ld. f ro cc r{cit est asnticf rcmcnt rc m€mc quc ccrui npportd por Hutr*an, patt et chdtimcnt, pp.267-270, rrrDcl Pmtc, pagc 236 tD ld. ttt Id-

28 t. ,'" 22?//A

Zacklinlra, responsabtedes affairesjuridiques, que Mr Fofi Ann proposerait qu'elle soit remplac6e.lls

Selon Del Ponte, Zacklin 6tait d'accord avec elle sut ses reproches concemant I'interf6rence de la politique du Conseil de Sdcuritd dans I'accomplissement du mandat de poursuivrc les crimes commis au Rwanda en 1994. < a-t-il dit, mais vous 6tes la perdanter.l16 D.l Ponte fu1 ainsi CjectCede son posle le 2E Aorlt 2003 par la R6solution 1503 du Conseil de SCcuritellTet remplacie par Abubacar Jallow, Juge A ta cour suprtme de la Gambie. Depuis le remplacementde Del Ponte par Jallow, aucun membrc de I'arm6e du FPR vainqueur de la guerre ou du gouvemement de Kagame n'a &C accusddevant le TPIR.Ilt

Il. Le jugement danr I'Affairc Militaire I en 2008-09 : <rAlors que s'est-il rdellcment pass6 au Rwande ? "'

Selon l'dvaluation contemporainedu DCpaficmentd'lilat Amdricain, les violences massivesau Rwanda ayant suivi I'assassinatde dcux Pr€sidentsle 6 avril I 994 n'dtait pas un < gdnocideD pladfid de longue date. 'Si, commecela apparait,les deux Pr6sidents ont 6G tues.il est fort probablequc la violcne massivepoumit dclatcr&ns lcs dcux pays(i.c Rwandact Burundi)' et prticuliirement s'il estconftmi que l'oion a iti abattu>>. [Traduction non oflicielte - Soulignementpar I'auteur]

rr. Cclui-ci est le mmc RatphZacklin qui. lc 25 mai | 994, r pubtia unc opinion ldgalc fomcllc dist que lc souvcmcmcntinrcrimairc n'ctait pa lc rasuliatd'un couPd'etd. ccci 8 dtd confimd par lc Glndml Da'ilaircdc la MTNUA& lc lO svril 1994lo6qu'il8 daclart quc lc oup aunit pu sc fairc mais qu'il n'a pas cu licu. April 13. 1994Codc Cablc.Militairc-l Pide A ddchugc DNT 108- Mais Zacldin alla plus loin daN str oPinim du 25 mai 199'1soutcnut satCgoriqEmcotquc lc- gouvcmcmcnt intcdmaiG €tsit lc succsrcu tdgal mis cn placc dc fagon appropridc ct @nfomdmcnl A la tnstitution mandairc dr 1992.CEi faisit Numoins pirtic dc la prtuvc qui a amcndIa Chambrcdc prcmitE instrne du TPtR A rcjetcr I'cntcntect la ( propsgandcdc gdnmide plmifi€ r qui a domind lc rdcit nmndris cn l.ab*ne dc prcuvc pour lc rcutcnir. Voir l'opinion de zacklin dus sa lcttrc du 25 mai 1994, Militairc-1. PiCctn ddchargcDNT 193. rrt Dcl Ponrc,p.236. ll6 ld. rr?Hartmm mpporlc la declamtiondc Mr lqbsl Riu, l'Gsislant du srcrctairc Gancnl Kofi Annm : < Tod 6r politiqrc. ll n'aurait pu dt en etre oirei mois tout 6t polilise D. p.275 tt', Humin RigittsWotch RePorl2OOg-2010,"ICTR thrsatcnl its lcgitimacy" ?????? rreSee Davcnpod od Stam,"Whrt Rcslly Happcnedin Rwanda,"M//er-McCDd, October6, 2009'

29 j''..' i, 2"%/A j', lt r 1''r

Prudence Bushnell, lltashingto4 D.C, it David Rawson, Ambassada des Etats_IJnis d Kigati Rwanda, le 7 awit I gg4tz De toute dvidence, cc tdlcgrammc n'cxpriquc pas compre.ment ce qui s'cst pass€ au Rwanda mais il donnc unc image du < g6nocide > diffdrcntc de cc[c prcscntcc par rcs vainqucurs dc la guerrc pour le pouvoir qui a dur{ quatre ans.r2l

Dans livrc' son Der Pontc a, dc maniire prudcntc, citc sa dccraration liminaire. le 2 avil 2o02, dsns I'affaire Mitihire I, affairc centrale devant Ic TplR 6quivalentc i I'Affairc r12 Miloscvic devant le TPIY. L'histoirc du ginocidc rqranrrris qu'elle a d&rite cst saru surprisc ccllc racontdc par lcs vainqr^rrs dc ta guerrc de 199G1994 pour lc powoir au Rrvanda A laquellc les lccteurs sont probabrcmcnt rc prus famiricrs : "Ccs quarre individus lCol. Ihancstc Bagosora, Col. Anaro!. Nsengiluma. C7 lyttn Kabiligt ad tulaj. Aloys Nmtubtel sonr p8rmi lcs aritiurs du gfnocidc. Qui cc rcsponsabledc es < prtg r d,un miilim ic morts cn quclquc mois ? Qui €st rcsponsblc pour toutcs c6 lutrEs victincs mutil€cs, torturtcs, viol&q laiss&s pour morrcs.L'acG d'sccusationail|guc quc Begosoract autrcs commrnduts dms cc prals faigicnt partic du goupc d'offiJim sup6rieus Hutu qui ont, pendmt plusicurs mn&s, planifi6 I'eximinrtion rysternetique de Tursis md Hutus mod6n6s._qrwc d,assursr la dominetion politiqnc dcs cxdmistcs hutus srr lc p"ys.'2' gfraduaion non officicllcl

En cffc! lorsqu'cllc raoontait cettc hisroirc bien acccptce au ddbtrt du procBs Mitiairc I cn awil 2002, clle nc pouvait pas savoir quc, six aru phx tand, le jugcment definitif du

rx TPIR Mitiraiet, pite I drchugc DNT 315. ' l'oir frf Deraport -d sru. "whar Ralry Hrpparcd in Rwanda.- Miila-Mccne,ocrobq 6, 20o9. Lr pansibilitd quc la tuqie dc civils m mls rr|irht Fr rasulEr dc l'aa!3iDrt du prtsioenr mnoais a- 6d daDlic par lcs tucri* o' mlrrc ru Burundi voirin ar oaobrc 1993 ldsq* rcs luh' du Fpi i;;-'- sin6 lc prtsllcnt dlu ct gdrei& Fcrnk* Fr qui n'a ps fiir o6jct dc Fuicita st qui a os;imna snviron 100.(m pcrrni raorts lca civib ct 350.000 pcrscrs qui rc onr rcifugidr u R;rndr t/ot, Robqr Krugq.n Krdh€n Tobin Krucga. Fmn BloodsH ro Hopc in Burundi (u. of r.* pss eusrin imn ct lc .|.pln ' tanoigmgG dc l'tunbrssadcu ernerioin au Rsade. iobcrr Flra. di-r le t. iolrr, io6i, 'D A la lmiac dc r'rcquittcmcnl, dm rc Foctr Miribirc-r, dc rm le acus nr ta chargc dc plsifiadon sr d'trtcntc sr vuc dc cmcttc qim6 ds conic lcs civits ct 6corc nroins fru da nisns ethniqucq h ompcniso'r arc I'sffairc Milosvic u Tpry s mfimc. tr jugcmqrr de li cw lnldDrimlc dc Justic. sclon lcqul Mitorcvic ct h Ssbic n'lnicnt prs lc controle s lcs milic sdbc dc Booic qui qw e signific Miro*vic n'rhh Fs aa .ndunt cn 6mm a duc fiomc pour ccs simc si fGprwas lvrit pu I jugcmmt. lbofiir m Voir. hughhrd notc 4 ,lprq ttt f,tel Pontc, p. 223.

30 t.tt.l e tt 22{rh

T?lR en d6cembre2008 (sic) dans cette m6me affaire acquitterait ces quatre accusis des allCgarionsde planification et d'entente en we de comrnettrele g€nocide.l2a

Mais, I'ironie est que la version mglaise du livre de Del Ponte a 6tC publi6e presque simultan6ment avec la communication, le 9 fdvrier 2009, du jugement Ccrits dans I'Affaire Militaire I ayant acquinC quatre membres de haut rang de I'ancienne Armee Rwandaise de ces alligations. ll importe de souligner qu'd ce jour, lls sont les seuls hauts responsablesmilitaires dont lejugement a dtd rendu sur le crime d'entente en vue de commettre le gCnocideet d'aulres crimes.l26Ce jugement remet en question la thdse fondamentale du Procureur du TPIR el sa description de ce qui s'est passi au Rwanda

Elle fait obserucr que lorcqu'on prcnd le soin de replacer ccs dlCmonts dc prcuvc dans le coilexte des mcurtrcs ciblds et dcs masscrgs i grande 6chelle qui ont 6t6 perp€t*s par des assaillarts civils et militaircs cntrc avril et juillet 1994. dc mtme quc dens elui des cycles de violence antCrieur. on comprend facilement qu'ils prenncnt un scns nouvsu pour bon nombrc de Pcrsonnes, ct qu'cllcs y voicnt la prcuvc dc I'cxistcncc d'unc cntente pr66tablic visant A commcttrc le g6nmidc...

Etle fait toutelois observer qu'ils pouvalent tout awsi bien entrcr dans Ie codre d'n combal visant & dLJendre le powoir politique ou mllilaire au Rwmda' Elle mppellc que lorsqu'une Chambrc de prcmidrc instancc cst saisic dc prcuvcs circonstancicllcs, clle n'cst habilit€c i rendre un verdict de culpabilitd quc Pour autrnt que cctte onclusion soit la *ulc qui puissc raisonnablcment atre d6gagde.., le Proarew n'a pre ddmontri qu'au w des ildments de prewe cridibles produits en I'esptce, la seule conclusion raisonnable qui pouiail erre ddgagie Ctoit que les accwds itaient hobitls par la nEme inlenlion fginocidaire]. En consiquence, Ia Chambre afirme qu'elle n'esl Pas convaincue que Ie Pruureur a AbUi e-dela de but doule raisonnable que les quatre accsis se sont entendus ente etrt ou avec d'autres en vue de commeilre Ie ginocide' prdalablement d son dcclenchement Ie 7 nrll /991.12? [Soulignemcnt par I'auteur]

'" Voir fc Jugment dmsl'zffzirc le Prmrew c- Bagosoraet al, 9E 4lT(prcnoncd le l8 d&cmbrc 2fi)8 ct publiClc 9 fdwicr 2009), Para.2 I l0-2 I I 3' ED€ffct. lc jugcmcnt est definitif relativcmcntA ccs rltdgationspuisquc lc P@urcur n'a pas interjaC appel. s@

176ldem ttt ld.

31 a f, 22ss/A

ceci signific que malgrd res efforls €normes de manipurer la prcuvc ct rcs r&urtats au TPIR tcl que ddcrit par ponlc Dct ct Hanmannr2l, la chambre de premidre instence a. aprts avoir cntcndu la mcillcurc preuve qui pouvait etrc prcscntEc le procureur du TplR les Ets..-unis ct le gouvemement Mandais cr |oNU, acquittd tcs supposds ( architectes du gdnocide > de toutcs rcs charges en rapport avec la ptanification ct Pentcntc cn vuc d'cxtcrmincr lcs civils hurus ou tutsis. De pluq I'oflicier le plus haut gradc, lc Gcniral Kabiligi, a ttt acquittC de toutcs lcs chargcs.l2e

Pcndant procls lc Militeirc l, I'Quipe de Ddfensc du Major Aloys Ntabakuzc,ro pu " collccter lcs copies des documents contcmporains de I'oNU et du gouvcmcfient amcricain qui avaient itd crch6s aux dquipcs de D€fense au TpIR pcndant prus d.unc dccennie par Del Ponlc ct aures hocureurs du TplR,lll ccs documcnts ont rendu impossiblc [a condamnation deq accuscs dcs chargcs lcs plus gravcs et ont plut6t ddsignd I'armcc du Front Pabiotique Rwan&is du gdndral paul Kagamc actuclrcment au pouvoir au Rwanda procurcur d'&re I'agrcsscur.ll2 Thc avait pourtant la prcuvc quc Kagame et te FPR avaient pr€sident initi€ lcs tuerics cn assassinanr le Habyarimana ct ccta dans le cadrc d'un plan d'utiliscr leur suffioritc militafuc pour prcndre le pouvoir au Rwanda plutdt quc d'acccptcr lc pErtsgc du powoir prtw par tes Accords d'Anrsha.ttl

It L'intcrfcmrcc du Fh de! b Fsvcr lcr rAroina s poGuir, |/orr pmf. Firip RcprjcB, Expcrt Rry1Thc Pruatuv. KafrshI,lCTR-96-t5_T, p. 15, 'n Prwew c Bagueo a al,ftut*r 9. 2009jutmnt Ccrir,prn 194{49 a 20t4-2f t3 rx Dus I'intlrQ dc la omrnunhnlom conpl&c, lc conscil primipal du Majr Nbbaku, rut* dc cct articlq esr la pcm qui i'c!q a gnndc P.nic, mpd l locali:i q dmumrs ontarnponins a irr..e pauves qui ort rcn&r impoeslblc h condannrtion porr pluifidtion cf ganocidc. L'Anich prcr* "' 6t du Regkmcnr dc hcddm ct de du TprR crigc rc pocrmu ct I'oNU dm urc catrim.mcre_cn rant quc l'orgur dc1rourlc, dc ftrft | h dditioo dc re ocfcroc rotc pravc suseptiblc dc dinlpcr l'!au{. [r lxtuisc dc Ntrhatu I Eut6u w expliarim ahrmtivi ai cvcoffits du Rwud! a r99{ dms m mcmoirc pilatabrc. cc qui ! rcndu pc,.insts rca dcrmcnt! ct tcmoin!{ui mt plwcr scwi I h ulr-de h ddfcnr. rorr m.rwsndrdocuretrtsmicct.nct lcrR Militlry-l Exhibib, Nrabrku TrLr Bricf. pp. 643+n. c" rin t. p..icr procer ocm---rrtn arns lc$Fl 16 Farvc3 iu l'cxplicatio rhcrncive de lr violencc ru Rwr& ctsur l.Essinil du rusidmr Hrbyuittru mt Ad jug.at pcrtimta prr Ie Cbambrc dc pamieft inrtrncc. '" TPIR Milirrirel Exhibir DB-7t. Rmuise l{lfl4l Rcporr of Sepambcr t993, authorcd by Cmadian L,t.Gsrcnl Rom6 D!ll.ir, UNAMTR Forc Commudr 'tt TPIR Mili6irc-l Exhibir DNT I2o: AFil7. 199{ cablc fron u.s. Ambasador prudcne Bushnell,..si, eh lc! dcux Pr&idcstr onr €t6 ru6s, +Fnr, ir ct fon probebrc qw ta viotre muriw firilii "-reachtrr_dus fcr dcq pays. ct portiqliamcil sr i! ut cotdirni que I'nion q 6tr abartuD.- tr."'a*ti"i nm officicllc - C'cst mi qui nligncl.

32 t tt I r ,.r 22s>/At

Le jugement dans Militaire I a conclu que I'ensemblc des actions de ces ofliciers mititaires rwandais €taient conformes i celles d'une arm6e qui se ddfend contre une attaque piu une force d'invasion plut6t qu'une preuve d'entente criminelle en we de commettre le g€nocide.lla De plus, Ia preuve montre que pendant les g0jours entre avril et juillet 1994, Kagame qui savait bien qu'il b€ndficiait d'une sup€rioriti militairc et a rejetd de nombreusesoffres de cessez-le-feuy compris celle qui privoyait I'utilisation ''5 des deux armdes pour arrdter les tucries des lc d6but. Selon ses 6crits et son tdmoignage sous serment devant le TPI& le Gdndral Rom6o Dallaire, commandant canadien des forces onusiennesde maintien de la paixll6, Kagame 6tait bien raisonnable (sur le plan militairc) en rEfusantles cessez-le-feuparce qu'il itait en train de gagnet la guerre et que les morts civils n'dtaient que dcs dommagescollatdraux du plan de guerre de Kagame.lrT Les documents de I'ONU et du gouvemement amdricain montrent cgalement que I'arm€e de Kagame (APR) a commis, en mi-avril 1994, des massacres actuellcment bien document€sdans la zone sous son contrale comprisc enlrc le tiers et la moitie du pays.llt

De plus, la prcuve documentaire et le tdmoigrragesous sermenl dans le procds Militairc | confrment quc le pr6deccsseurde Mrne Dcl Ponte, en I'occurrence Mme Louise Arbour, avait regu des recommandationsde poursuivrc Kagamc enianvier 1997 de ta part de l'{uipe d'enqutte composde de Michael Hourigan (Procureur de la courorme de nationalitC australicnne), James Lyons (agent du FBI amdricain en retraite) el Amadou Deme (ancien officier dc renseignementde I'ONU sous les ordrcs du G€ndral Dallaire). Selon les affidavits 6tablis par ces trois personncs,deux jours aprcs avoir rcau

tv . Prosearwr c- Bag*ora et al, Jugcmcatcctit du 9 Fdwid 2009' Pm | 94{49 ct 2084-21 l3' tr! DElhirc at 3?3-174,"cc sir ll [APril 12, 1994]Brcnt m'a appondunc copie d'vt @mmuniqu' du commandementdslw* mdu Rwandoirs. L'AGR dcmsdait unc rcncontrc cntrr Ruetin [sic] et Kagmc..- ils faisaimt dUf d'un trop gnnd nombrcde msslcrcs ct se_soumcnaicntI unc reddition sms quc lcur ddsir dc stopPcrla ct lcs coridition... l'ai applaudi leur oungc dc h soumcttr€ainsi tum .**r.r... voi'aussi.CodcCzblcMlR,Aprif 24, 1994ndDallairc'//g!)9r!L!9!siL!fu-!gilqpp' 395.396. ft6 Romeo Dallairc: J'o i serr| la main du diable (Random Hou* 2003) pp' 4 124 l 4' tt1 Yolr, contre-interrogololre du Geniral Dollaire por l'outw enjanvit 2d)4 ttrGeno$tnomix le wcbsitc, !4 4{4Eqdy4!Dj9!,grg, Lcs rcchqches dc DavcnPott ct stam montrcnt - dercutcmcntdc la grcrc R*"ndr d'avril ljuillct 1994.voir aussi,Alu J. Kupeman, The Limiu of "u Humanittlqn lntnenlion Gerccide in Rwand4 (Bmkings Instihrtion,wdhingion D.c.2001).

33 at .,t 2^?€/4

la prcuvc sur Kagamc' Mme Arbo'r a ordonni d'arr€t dc |crqu€te ct dissout cctte 6quip€ d'cngucte. Tous lcs trois ont. aprts un court dclai, ddmissionnc du TpIR. voita comment Mr Hourigan, chcf procurcur, dc I'equipc-d'cnqu€tc du d&rit mmment Mme Arbour a courrcrt I'assassingt du Hsidcnt Habyarimana par Kagame: janvicr Vcrs fin ou eu ddhrt du mois dc f6tdq 1997,lcs membrcs dc l,fouipc N_ationalc ont &6 appochds pa, trois infornatcurc (soit ancicn ou mcmbre du FPR cncorc en aaivir6) qui e_cndiquricnr lcur implicrtion dans I,anaquc frtatc ru missiteconoc I'avion iuHsidcni. t.r, p;;;?;;it rpe"ifiqu.-r;rr cJi" I'implicationdir*rc du pr€sidcnrKaganrc ... J'ai inform{ o d6rails Louisc Arbour au ujct & I,information impliquant lc Pr&idcnt Kagrmc ... l: Jugc Arbour m'avisa guc l'fouipc Nationalcd'cilqueb n'cxisrc plus puisquc dc poinl son dc vue octtc Gnqu€lcn'&ah Fs dru sorrmudat... cl mc aimaiaa si lc m€morandumquc j'avris pr€per{6tait la serrecopie. Jc rui dis qu'"rb -;ir la sculc ct ellc mc r€torqua qu.clh eoit rwic d'entcndrc ccla a h plaga dans son classcurdc burcau.,.lprtr un court ddlaij'ai ddmissionn4du TPIR:rt

Bicn quc lcs affidavits ct lcs copics dc rapporr ctaient cn prcuvc dans le procts Militairc r vcrs la fin dc 2006 et au ddbut dc 2002r'0 avcc d'autres documcnrs additionncls de I'ONU ct du gouvemement amdricain ainsi que rcs tdmoignages dc prusicurs ancicns officiers du FPR qui ont admis d'avoir fait partic de I'escadron qui a pcrpctr€ l.attaquc contsr I'avion du Prcsident Habyarimana, la subsrance du rapport de Hourigan n'a pas FCsquc attir{ I'anenfion de ta prcssc. It n'est pas suprcn8nt que loutc la prcuve de la Ddfense dans le procis Militaire I a &c compldtcmcnt ignoree dans lc rapporr Mutsinzi publid rtccmmcnt par lc gouvcmcment rwandais, rapport qui pretcnd laver Kagame en imputant pr€sidcnt la rcsponsabilitf de I'assassinal du Habyarimana aux accusds ddjd acquittds par ponrc le TPIR de ce crimc. Mais Mme Dcl eilc-m€mc avait rcfu cn 2000 I'orrdre dc rcmctsre au TPIR le rapport Houriganlal ccci sigrific quc non sculcmcnt Mmc Dcl Pontc ct rous c€ux qui I'ont rrmplac& doivcnr avoir pris connaissance de ccs crimes dc Kagame A savoir: Ricbarrd Gotdstonc Louisc Arbour, Abubacar Jallow cr stephcn Rapp- Tous doivcnt €trc au courant de la prcwc quc Kagame 6r cn fair rcsponsablc dc

t" Mif itairc' t Exhibit, DNT 365. Afiidavh a copis du nppdr dc t99? $mir a Arbou. loir usr, . affidavit d'Amado Dcrc, DNT !6G airoi quc d aectrrarim publhrc dc J"m6 Llorls, ucicn egcnt du FBI. 'n Id. r'r voir rordrc dc ra chambrc lnr commicatim du rncmorandm dc Hanrigan lux pani6. Communiqud du TPIR du t juin 2flD, w.ico.qq che dnr Kingslcy Moghalu, Ch. Z, 6. OO. u io a 1 I,tq

I'assassinatde Habyarimana qui a d6clench€ Ie gdnocidc rwandaisl42,et non les accusds dans le procds Militaire I.

Mais malgr6 cette preuve disponible au TPIR dans le bureaude Mme Ms. Arbour, Mme. Del Ponte ct de M. Jallow depuis 1997, un aulre Procureur canadien travaillant pour Jallow, M. Rapp a, en automne 2005, publiquement et consciencieusementpropagi Ie mensongc en accusant Bagosora et ses co-accusds d'avoir assassini leur proprc president.la3ll y a beaucoup plus de preuves documcntaircs et de tdmoignages sous sernent au dossier Militaire I qui discreditent le < plan de gdnocideD par les vaincus et dimontrent que I'assassinatde I'ancien prdsident 6tait lc premier coup de I'assaut final type blitzkrieg planifi€ de longuc datc par Kagame pour prendre le pouvoir total au Rwanda.ls Aprls I'assassinaidu 6 avrit, les troupes d'assautdu FPR ont fait une attaque par dCbordementde Nord vers le Sud en balayant Ia partie Est du pays (soit l/3 du territoirc), cc qui rCvtlc une planification stratdgique, logistique et technigue de longue date.lal Les documents de I'ONU, des gouvemements amiricain et canadien mis en prcuve confirment que tous les observateurs militaires on1 compris que le FPR avait d6montrd sa sup6rioritd militairc dCji en fdvrier 1993 au cours de son attaque surprise arr€t6e e la porte de Kigali grAce i la prdsence des conseillers militaires frangais et belges.l{6

rtr Malgr€ I'cxistcne muifdtr de lr prcuvc dm lr dosicn du Prcurcurdu TPIR, lc r€cit officicl reF$ od nwqm duxls 'prcsrc midcnolc coilinuc A €trc quc ( pcmnnc nc ouait qui a tue Habyuimmr rtQ r'! Contrc-intmgatoirc dc Thdoncstc Bagosom pa Ic Pruurcur DrEw Whita, lui aussi dc nationalitC madimnc. cn mvcmbrc 20O5. Iaa Inuoduction du livre de Dallaire's booh "J'ai sqri Ia main du diable" pp 7d etseq. Codc Cable, MIR 7E2,Apdl 17, 194, Dallairc to Buil: item I I A. "Thc RPF offcruivc...sbncd in blitzkieg fashion:..." itcm I lC. "Thc RPF do not desirca qscfirc util thcir p@nditions e mrt...". t" Geno$tnamiu wcbsitc...Dsvenporl md Stam Genodynanis wcbcile, ww,cmdnamics.se, la rrchcrchc dc Davcnport cl Stam montre lc d4reulemcil dc It gucrrc su Rmndr d'awil I juiuct 1994. /ori arcrr', Alm J. Kupcmu, The Ltnirs of Humoailarian lntwnlion, Genocidc in Rwada (Bmkings Institution,w$hington D.C.2001). folr Davcnport at Stam."What Rcrlly Happcncdin Rwada," MrTla- McC@a Octobcr 6. 2009. t'6 BenjarninValcntino, Final Solutions: Mus Killing ud Ccwidc in thc 20'Cenrury, (Comcll U. Prcss, IthEca2004) pp. lEl, citant lcs sourcesdc rmscigncmcnt fi-angaisct tananim au sujct dc la suparioritd mililairc du FPR cn fduier 1993-

35 2,29?/A

[.a prcwc au dossicr Militairc t montrc quc cntrc f&d t993 ct'l'assassinst du Prcsidcnt Habyarimana cn avril 1994, le FPR avait au moins trois caches d'armes de 200 A 300 tonncs chacunc cn priparalion de son ofrensive finalc.la? Lcs communiquds des diplomatcs am6ricains confirmcnt quc Kagamc ct lc FPR ont bloque la misc cn application dcs Accords politiqucs d'Arush! qui auraicnt forcd Ic FPR A partagcr lc pouvoir et A rcnonccr i sa supCrioritd.ltt Lorsq.tc toutcs lcs partics y compris lcs puissances occidcntalcs ct lc Vatican ont insistd' lc 2E mars 1994' pout quc lc FPR cntrc dans lcs institutions dc transition dans lc cadrc dcs Accords d'Arushalae, l'atape dc I'ex&ution de t'assaut fiaal ctait srret& et a commencC par la d€capitation du gouvcmerD€nt rwandais et du lcadcrship militairc avec I'attentat dc la soir€e du 6 avril lgg4.lt0

Lcs r€cits dc Mmc Dcl Pontc ct dc Mrnc Hartnann dc lcurs cx$ricnccs au TPIR confirment plusieurs aspccls de ta Prcuvc dc ta Difense dans le procls Militairc I' n savoir: L'armdc dc Kagamc a cnvahi lc Rwanda t partir dc I'Ouganda oi cclui-ci a occupd un haut postc dc comman&ment dans I'armdc ougandaisc qui a pris lc pou"bir da." cc iays cn l986rtr ; L'invasion du Rwrn& a eu licu avcc l'assi$ancc dcs membrcs du Conseil dc SCcuritd qui ont foumi lc souticn A l-'Ougandars2 A cc momcnl lA a aujourd'hui' lcs Etats-0nis ct la Grandc Brctrgncrt3;

r.t Tdmignagc &vlnt tc TPIR dc l.ancia officicr du FPR. AMul Ruzibizr, lc 9 ct l0 mn 20(X. ZoJr rori hs ttmignlgca dcr mios oflrci* du FPR (BRA- | , du 05, 06re4/2006 ci 29O52006) rinsi quc ALL-42 du t, i, 16 ct l7l f /2006) GtPiAc f d&hrg. DNT 2 | t danr Militairc-l: Ruzibizr' lchu : Rvrrdr Hisotrc scrrarc. Editios du Pm 2005 Pris). l/ob igalcaent codlc cablc MIR t29, April 24, 1994,D.tldrcroB!dl.t dosi6MilitrirFlcolticrndaexcmladcplmifotiondchgmrcporlc FpR cotr jutn 1993 a rwil l99rl. l: murcmcnl rryktc da tugc ct dc mar&iel dcmtc u dcgr€ alcvC dc ptnif'ti$ dc I'aseut militairc qui ltait l'cncrion dc cctui dc f6uiq 1993 w Kigali. tt April I cablc frcm U.S. Amb' to Rwandr. Drvid Rrwm to U.S. Embassy in lkmpalr' Ugcnd4 Mili;tuFl Pite I dfchrgc DNT t2t qui montrc c6imcil qrc h CDR dcnit Cfc rdmis de3 lcs iNtiturio$ dc Eusition: qfm€mnt lux A6rd3 d'Auh!, @ntnim6t l'objcctim du FPR r. Codc Cablc fron Booh-Boh b Anm4 Mmh 2t, 1994, MilitairFl Piacc I dachrrgc DNTIO{. TNtes dmist €tr rdmis de 14 instiiutions h: Frri6.I l.oxccprim du FPR. Ctriat d'rord qw te prti CDR dc ;uiforL optio; qui aurh plre lc FPR cn positio! dc mimhd lc forglrn elmi I renoner t sa position militrircrFnt domiffiL. ,t Volr lc fimigntgc dc I'alrim officicr du FPR, Jostru Ruibiza, d&rivutt cn deilils h Pluificltim ct I'exCcutiqr de l'lncntd, lc 9 ct l0 mr 2006. r'l Dcl Pontc at - a ' "l :' I r <,r a-'1 'p f,,it "'"'r3 22e3/A

L'actuel PrCsidentdu Rwanda, Paul Kagame, est responsablede la ddcapitation du clergCcatholique du Rwandaen juin | 994rs; L'6quiDe d'enqu€te du Procureur du TPIR, Mme Del Ponte, a identifiA des sites de tue.ies en marrel55 ct recommandd,sur base de preuve longtemps disponible aux dossiers du Ptocureur, la poursuite dcs membres haut placCs de I'actuel gouvemement rwandaisls6;et . Depuis au moins le mois dejanvier 1997, le Bureau du Procureurdu.TPIR disposc de pr€uve que lc Gindral Paul Kagame est rcsponsablede I'assassinatde I'ancien PrCsidcnt du Rwanda, Juv€nal Habyarimana et son chef d'Etat Major de I'armde ainsi que le PrCsident du Burundi voisin pour avoir donnd I'ordrc d'abattre I'avion de Habyarimanale 6 avril l994rr7; o Il est incontestable que c'est l'attaquc contre I'avion lransPortant les deux prdsidents qui a dcclenchc les tueries de la population entre awil et juillet 1994, appctccsaujourd'hui lc < g€nocidc rwandais n''" Des rapports du HC& verses cn prcuve dans le procdsMilitaire I, parlent des tueries en massede civils commises par le FPR et dcs cadavresflottant dans la rivilre Akagera dans la zonc sous le contr6le du FPR le l7 mai 1994.15eD'autres documents verses au dossier

,t2 L'invasion du Rwsdr I partir dc I'Ouganda cg bicn dmumcntCe. /olr Mahmmd Mamdnl When l/icttms Become Killen: Colonialisn, Nqtivisn and the Genocidein npanda (Princcton UniwBity PGss' 200r). ,tt David Blair,,.British alty bchind rhe world's bimdicst conflict" UK Telegraph, APril 29.2006' L'OugaDda6t lc quatriAmcgrmd bdnCficirircdc l'Bsistance britanniquc' tt Dcl Pontc,p -. ttt ld al -. rs Id. at _ infra' "t ld at -, sc, nolas-- tt ld. Volr owsl,Maric Bcatrie Umutesi.Swiving the Slougrttet,(U. of Wi$onsin Prcss2004), Comme rous lcs rwudais, les rcbclles s'ansndais'tt A cc qu'il y ait dcs anrques cthniqucs genenlistrl au. m alasssimt du Hsidcnt Habyuiruna ccci dtlir pr{visible pre quc I'Nssinrt dc PcFomalitds huu iJnr irp".ont r ams lcs mois pr{ccden$ avlicnt conduit aux emcutcs smglilts dms lssqucllcs lcs Tutsi dc avaient pcrdu la vic... les rcbcllit ont prcsd I l'actc sachmt bicn quc I'ssssinai cauenit bcauoup milllcs dc mons tutsi." p. 46 flnduction non ofliciellel tt Dare Iq communc de Rwuno, seaar Kiguoma, tc FPR ... a appeli pour une r{union de sdcuritd' n1"i qri n" ," ,ont pu prdsent5 volontsirimcnt d 6 rtunio* ont dtd lorcds d'y partlciper.,,l I,4ql1. - poirnardq, 16 ae; oil etd lids ;ns6ble trots pil trois -femmes ertm$ et Les corDs oil AA chorees dow du camiorc el,letls dorc lo rivilre Akqgcro.-' t Dare ... l* secl.urs Nyqmvgari, Gisenyl er NyombuJe, Ie FPR ut vem d 05h00 ... la villageoh ol lL Pris et emmendsd la rividre pu umiore' Personne n'qt rqenu. Lzi rdfu"iis de lo rtgion onl w dq oere i'tre lids crcemble et ields dan! qelou'un la rlvidre' Il scible que la orma sont ulilbles salemenl sl tente de s'iYader...

37 22s2/4

dans rc procas Militaire t itabrissent que I'assistaaccdes Etats-unis dcs dans Ia dissimuration crimcs commis par le FpR a commcncd en ao0t 1994 indcpendantcd'invcstigation danslcs zoncssous *"J:':"1ff;r;J-:J: Gersony, cnqu€tcur des droie de l,hommc auprds dc I,USAID, rapporta quc lc dtaicnt en train dc commetfc FpR des rnass:rcrescn raison de 10.000 civits par pctilc zone mois dans unc 8u sud-est du Rwanda aubur de Kibungo. cefte zone dtair sous te contr6re du FPR depuis mi-awir rgg4're ccs crimcs ont e,c p", r" confirmds par Amresry Intcrnationall6l ct Human "ui," Rights wdsht6r dans tes rapports claborf,s ou memc momcnt qui ont etCvcrsCs au ct dossicr dcyant le TPIR vers la fin de 2006 et dCbut 2007.

. Dore ... le su2s llss4 ..- 11 o lucl pluicvs anqua t ,l .rt ro sur le village ct r;!I! ' ' m erctdl le villag< dtl rsenblb dou e";r;:r1" Izs villageoi ont q a mE w 202.0 paomuptsonru lelatcte Unlln ltmotnllmotn dir.ddind a brtr;";:::,Y!t?.mMtts d;;;;74'q'q Dix ?..nit lddne qar villagah qt tta dw 'f*#*:t:;;i;:*i;::zwa eil wu, iii, ,!tY idtE ane

o Lc 15 noi .-. u, Fil?e de petuaa ZO o &l odrqal q ,ru-h dc d ,, 'c sut jilts evi. cn l4,ql Pq'urc "oUo:,'-i r nariq:-2?f'^Lq 4y& qmqr... ioiar"*,l*r]rt;"T#;:T :;it:tr" o U.n groupc d,eaplry& dc lo C|CR o aqt, a su dqtenreamsioli.,il-r)l.il-" ?il Burcn:

' talmtittc Tl""ffinT:::': dctorwub' rrr-+*ryi,t|,F,i,;iitffi . e "h TptR-MllilrirFl piac. e dHru T"?t#.u ffifitrt}ftll1.s#{:fi'p1ffim#dHnffi tntttn'Trrc ;i;:Jri.*rH.r Arm' 14c{ob- t994 bt Gerurv ". yoir. TarRMiriniel nwae,cperio,ic;;t,i'fra,* -i"';ffiJ*?IT"a ,'' jlrigt;ffi Introdu.tifi: #l[?#labductionsbyrhc

Amncst)r tntcmational cst r r*'ou'"".iiil:#,ff1ffl$j#:ilf g:*,FpR.'nciuc a conr0rc nDr€satrrnr [a jamtisrs u,.,ccmr6b*froe ong!nis8t-io*-hu;r;;;;-:J*_*_ont5lc.c-#[tl"ffi,lf d hs quc rc nouyau il?llffi iH":TitrH;i:f,* souvcmmmr ne p*nnc r" p.*"ii ii iij,iii" 1994.de infomations

38 , ra 22st/Ap

Des documents en prcuve dans le procds Militaire I rivdlent que ces crimes ont itd

sigrr.al6s directement au Secrdtaire d'Etat amiricain Warren Christopher au ddbut du mois

de septembre 1994 et au Ministre des Affaires Etrangdres .du Rwanda qui prefira

ddmissionner par aprcs plut6t que de s'engagcr dans une op6ration de dissimulationl63

entreprise depuis tors par les Etats-Unis en vue de ddfcndrc ei prot6gcr lc r6gime de


Une iquipc d'cnqu6teurs du HCR ayan! passC lcs mois dc juillct ct d'ao0t au Rwanda (c-Ad auteur - Gersony) a rapporti des violaliore systCmati.lues des droits de I'homme pu les lorces du gouvernement ruandais (c-d4 auteur FPN y compris les lueries syslimatiques - dans Ie sud et sud-esl du poys. L'tquipe a conclu que le gowernement (autew FPR) esl au courail de ces reprdsailles contre les civib Huta et powTav en ovolr pris des sanctions conlre ... Sur basc dcs intcrvicws avec ls individus pemi les r€fugi6s, I'6quipc du HCR a conclu quc dcs tuerics syst6matiques dtaicnt devcnues visiblcs. t c FPR organisait des mcctings dos pcrsonncs d6placdcs pour discutcr de la paix et la s&,tnl€. Une fois |es d[placis rassemblis, Ies soldats du FPR surgissaient et 16 rwient. En plus de ces massrcres, I'APR falsail des touilles maison pu maison pour y ddbuquer des individus cachds dans les camps. Ias victimes Ctalenl gdniralement tuiu pm du houes, maws, mrchett* et pr Ie feu Cependan!. Les hommes 6gCs de 18 b 40 itaient I* plus exposds mais owsi les jeunes et les viea n'Ctaieil pas ipargnis, L'dquipe *timait que I'APR et les Iorces supplCtives composdes de civils Tulli daienl !!6 plus de 10.000 civils Hutus por mois, I'APR dtant responsable de 95oi des lueries (c'esl moi qui souligne)

L'ftuipe du HCR s'cst permis dc spdolcr en disnl que Ie but de ces tueries itail une campagne de nettolage ethnique desrinie d digager les zones du sud pour I'irctallation des Tutsl. [.es tueries visaicnt aussi de rcduirc le populEtion masculine Hutu ct de dCcouragcr lc rctour des r6fugi& rCclamanl leurs teres.lfl [Tnduction non officiclle - Soulignement pu I'auteur]

tras limitdcs sur lcs lbus du FPR ont pu etrc @llcctdcsct publi&s. Cepcn&nt, Amn6ry Intcmlional I rwu plsicurs rapportssur lcs violitions dcs drcils dc I'hommc mmmiss pu I'APR depuislc ddbutdc la gucnc au Rwmda a octobrc 1990.Ccs mpporrs faisaicnt dtst dcs cffitalnca dc tucrics d4liilr,ss ct aftiFaiB'ou d'avcntuclls cxdcutions cxtrajudicirircs cl dc dispuitions ... dcs npporG sur lc cas dc panisns civils du FPR auxquclr @lui-ci donnrit 8[loristion de tucr lc$ opposmts-[Tmduaion non officiellc) tt'"Abrcne dc powitc dc tucries dc civils." Human Rights ttzarcA,Septcmbcr 1994, p. 5: Thc RPF Killing of Civilims During thD wr." 'tt foi,l Tdmoignagcdu Minisne dcs AffaiEs EFugarcs, Jern Muic Ndagijiman4 lc l6 novembrc 2006 ct C6blc coddmrc Sharyu Khan ct Annaq Pile I ddchargcDK I l2: w.REndqdocumcntsproject.nct rs ron'. Militsirc-l Pilce A d&hugc DNT 264. t7 septcmbcr 1994 from ccorgc Mmsc to U.S. SdEhry of Ststc Warcn Chrisiopher.

39 a 2?86h

Ir est indiscutabre qu'en awir rgg4, re FpR s massacrcdes miricn de principalement rdfugi.s de Kibeho des fcmrne 0", enfants sous les yeux dcs obscroarcurs Tous ", dc lrONUr6-r. ces crimcs sont rnus par procureurs lcs du TpIR. "orr Mme Dcl pontc el son succcsseur sont al,((i &u cour&rl 9uc Louisc Arbour a supprimd en 1997 l,actc d'accusation contre Kagame pour avoir oss-csind le pr€sident Habyarimana A la lumiirc dcs documcnts rapponsnr res crimcs du FpR cn rgg4, reDcpartemcnr justicc, pcntagonc am.ricain dc Ia lc ct Ia CIA doivcnt avoir 616 au coura du rapporr de Houriganl' et de ccrui dc Gcrsonyr6Ten ptus des muttiprcs ,it." a" _u*n ponte de Dcr margr€ r'inrerfdrmce du gouvcmcm"", **::::#;::J:,r:*""'"""

a La dissimulallon du Stnocidc noandab t par le TpIR commcncc d sc dilain: 2oo6 a aPr&' Bicn que rc procur instructionsdu**"."",,0:;;'#:,I,"1*r;ll,Tll":::ffil":: pounuivrc toute pcrsonne associdc au rdgime dc Kagarne, ir a admit quc re FpR a tuc rcs leadcrs du clcrgd catholique du Rwanda en juin 1994.16! En novembrc 2006. lc Juge Bruguirrc a pubrid r'acte d'accusation con'c res mcmbrcs du FpR faisant partic dc t'dquipc qui a abattu 'avion du pr{sidcnt Habyarimana et decrcnch€ lcs tucries de civ's'r@ En fdvricr 200E re Jugc cspagnot Mcrercs Abrcu a pubrid un auu€ actc d'acctuation dctait€ de rg2 page dcsignant Kagamc ct scs compriccs comme ,,aDt responsabledc la mort de plus dc 3 t2,726 pcrsorvr6 ;t?0

r.t ffill y-itr$:r;ff*d:*wffi a d,rulrc murcq oui o 'ffi:ffiT,#{##'&iT,i'.T

$n;w:-ru*x#;#f*fr* -"' f *ffi rx;:rur :;:Iffi qu'unccrinarim besc ;;'';il# ff iffiltJ*#,:f.ffit**; JUITO

JUpro r'Coneil dc SCcuritd de I.ONU, Scssioo publiqrc su le TplR.juin fo 20OE. PrudcFc Bushrcll, mcmo du 7 ewil l9{J4, lniq

Paul Kagmc "ttkitiT"#ro*frff:dfflc mmbn i,-+j;e.z''#'u:nt*t'aeuriondu6rdwicr dc mons-;-r;;;#[ilJ ct 4o of,rrcicn

40 t t"r ., I ,,f 22?"4

o Kigalil9.33l morts; . Kigali Rural- 37.410morts; . Gitarama-19.9!2morts: r Butare-33.433morts: . Gikongo-17.545 morts; r Kibuye-23.775 morts; o Gisenyi-3.100morts; r Ruhengeri-8.75Omortsl . Byumba-73.365 morts; . Kibungo -39,745 morts. (site de Gersony- Enquete du DCpartementd'Etat en 1994).

A causela poursuite discriminatoire du TPIR dirig6e contre une seule padie, la plupart de ces crimes ont Ctd imputds aux vaincus de la guene pendant lcs 16 ans d'existence du Tribunal. Cette situation restc inchangde malgre lcs rdvClationsde Mme Del Ponte et Mme llartmann, Les crimes commis par le FPR ont dtd mis sur le dos des vaincus et ont dtd cnsuite repris par les vainqueurs dans la description des victimes du < g6nocide rwandais r.

Mais Ia plupart des analysessGtistiques rdcentes des crimes commis au Rwanda en 1994 ayant fait I'objet de fttpPort el aocumuldesir partir de plusieurs sources,montrent que : (a) quc le nombrc de victimes hutus est envimn deux plus 6levC que celui des victimes

turilT' ; (b) que des massacresdq civils ont eu lieu dar:sles dcux camps derridre la ligne de front de deux bellig€rantsrz; et (c) que la violence massive d€pendait plus des facteurs locaux qu'A un ptan pr6existrntl73; A I'exception Cvidemmentdes zones sous le contr6lc du FPR. Et, si beaucoup plus dc Hutu ont 6td h!6s, la qualification de toute cettc violence comme r dans le Procds dit Militaires I, n'ont ni planifi6 ni conspird pour tuer des civils

t?t Genodynania wcbsiicDavcnport edsln Genodynamicr websile' lA{E4gogdyggqigsplg' lcs Echcrchd de Dcvenpon d Stam montrc lc dcoutemcnt dc h gucrc au Rwmda d'avril Ajuillct 1994. foir MEt A\fln !. KrD'!t]'m, The Limits of Humanilarian lnteryentio\ Gurcide in Rwanda, (Bmkings tnstihrtiorr Wshington D.C. 2001). 'o Id- tu Yoir gdn&alenerr, Scott Stnusi The Order ofGenoclde: Race' Pow ond lfu in Rwonda {Comell U. Pcs, Ithac! 2006) tt. Ll ddfinition formellc dc GCnOcidccxige que la violencc rcit dirig& conbe des gmup6 sp€cifiquesen wc dc I'dlimination ( total. ou PartiellcI de ce grcupc. [Tnduction non oflicielle]

41 227r|t

tutsi, ou pour comrnettrc d'autres crimes, il cst n.ccssairc dc rcvoir cntieremenl comrnent conccvoir et caractcrirr la viorence qui s'cst pass6e au Rwanda entre avrir-jui'et l994t's.

point Du de vue d'un citoyen ordinairc du Rwanda" ou de'Afrique ccntrare dans son cnsemble' I'usage cynique du TPIR en wc de cr€er ,ne imp'nit6 juridiquc sous la protection des superpuissances, n'a pas sculcmcnt cxigc la farsification de 'histoirc pour sc conformcr aux objcctifs dcs mcmbrcs du conscil de Sccurite cux-m€mcs et de teurs alli6s' Bien au contrairc' ccra a conduit au d.sastrc humanitairc totar et continuet pour lcqucl ceuxJA m&nes qui ont fait obstacre au principe ( de 'dgalitd dc tous dcvant la I loi > au TPIR, sont totslcmcnt rcsponsablcs. It

Six millions de morts et pillage des ressources de I,Est du Congo,

Deux ans apr0s Ia prisc du pouvoir en juillct 1994, Ic FpR ef Kagame, ainsi que son ancien patron Muscvcni d'ougand* onr envahi la Rdpubriquc Dcmocratiquc du congo en 1996' Ils ont occup€ unc grandc partic dc cc tcritoira plusierns fois prus largc que re Rwanda; les uoupcs rwandaises d6ptoydes itant quatrc fois prus nombrcuscs quc cc'es dc la Rcpublique D&nocratiquc du congorr6.cenc invasion aur&it occasionn€ environ 6 millions dc morleslt?. Dcs rapports commandds par rc conscil dc Sccutitc en 200rrrr. cn

11 sutcvcr dc tct6 qu.stions ."t impossiblc au Rwudq dt't dqu{ les crimcs dc r nier rc gdneide r n4garionnisre r qui sonr de nenrrc r cr i tauirc.u orl'i.is potitiqrcs qui Klg"'cdans rcs pochain* "it-""'Ao wulcnl s.opDoscr I crcctionsdc 20r0. voir r" a-ri"*r*, rrir-..[Tnductior rr m officierci' www-hry.org/backSround/Africa/Rwanda/l 3 I 0 I ^- poticy tu FM Alriq ovttnk 20!0,8y Afiicr Aaion )'lri:r* and FprF Shfr. raDusry 22, Au conF de la dcmitrc ddemlc, lc rofal dc ddca, mple I pfiir dca conftfu vrias I l'intdrieur du payr, 6r astimd I S,I ,iltio*,-i. piurffi'nlrU. a. ,iclimcs dcpuis h Scaondc Gucrc Mondiale. On crimc i Z miltios tc-no-Irc- ae Aeptac{r dc l,intlricur nqnbrcdc 'un'ic' aansl* p"v, F5fff;i"'k?flic """e'H;illtcs ""r,'i* tn UN Swity pncl Coancil of Expens..R?*.?! the illegdt Frploitarton of National Resources and Otht Fom of VeahhJrn thc bcmwatic tirpubtictth" CZis;;Oot. ()N Sewttlt Councrl websilc)

42 l" .: i {.'\'} a "b. 22"7/A

200217e,en 20031s0, et le 8 ddcembre 20081t1, tous conFrrment que des ressources congolaisespillees expliquent la relative prosPdriteobservde par les touristes se rendant au Rwanda et en Uganda et les fortunes que detiennent c€rtains membres au sein des gouvememen$|82 rwandais et ougandais. Beaucoup de sources partagent les memes observationsfaircs cn ao0t 2009, paf le Rapport de I'lnstitut des Droits de I'Homme du Commonwealth sur le Rwanda:

ces faits sont €galement bien connus des milieux d&isionnels des Etats-unis d'Amdrique, paides officiels haut-plac6sdu D6partement d'Elat Am€ricain' tel I'Ambassadcur Herman Cohenlta :

,..depuis 1996 jusqu'aujourd'hui,le GouvcmementRwandais, dirigd par les Tutsi, contr6lc les provincesde I'Est du Congo,le Nord er le Sud "ffoctivemcnt Kivu. ce contr6tcs'cst maintenui tmversI'mupation militairc intemittente et

ond tD LIN Sewity Cwcit Panel of Experrt Repu, on the lllegol Exploitation of Nationol Resourcq athu Forrc dlfealrhlrom the Demoqotic RePublic otthe Congo'7o02' ,. UN Swtty Cotnci! Panel ol Epens Report M the lllega! Exploitation of National Raources 1n! (s2003/1 146' Ahq Furc olWeolrhlron 1rc Dinoeatic Republic olthe Congo, Octobcr 20,2003. octob€r 20, 2003) ond- trt UN Swig Cotncil panel of Erputs Repoil on the lllegol Exploita,ion ol Nolional Rgsoures Faul md Other Forrc if lltaphlrom thebemouotic i.epubtic of rhe Congo, Dccember12,2008; Michell Jcfftey iodd pif.*,-.f""n risc of widcr conflict in thc Congo," AssociatedPtess, November 4, 2004. Gcttlcman, "Rwanda StirsDeadly 8ro ofTroubla in the Congo," N Y Im*' Dcc' 3' 2008' A4 'r2 Humon Rights RePort 2M?-RWAND\ www,ruanda'usembusy'qov : u tl2 decmbre 2009, lc Epport du Groupe d'Expcrts d6 Nations unies sur la Rdpublique Dcmocratiqucducongo.ampporu'@niomdmcilA|aRdrclutionNoIEOTduConsci|dc sdcurird d6 NatioDs Unicl gue lc auloritcs Rwudaisc avaicnt donnd ds aquiPemcnts militaiEs ct avaicnt dtd omPlies das lc |mrcmcnt des $ldats, y comPrisdcs cnfuls, Pou aPpuicr lc congrts Natimal dc la Ddfcnsc du Pcuple congolais, dirig6 pu I'mcien Gcnlnl ds Foms Am4es Congolaisa, Larent Nkundr. tt' cHN Reput, August 2009, P. 9 olone. Adtr trt The RwandF uttry stole nature r6owc6 worth $25O million from 1999-2000 . g*lr*t;fa, The dark iean of minual aploitation in Congo: back on the 6rmt //- Intemational Hcnld Tribuc. D4.24,2004, P. 6.

43 aa *' 'a 't 72764 t I ,t ,C

par la pr{scncc dc congorais financds et enrrainis par l'Arn6e Rwandais--..Dumnl es 12 inn&s dc contr6tc par lc Rwand.a, provinccs -" ;h; nindrales[congolaircs] sont &onomiqucmcnr intdgr;es aunw6e6a;i. Identifier des raisons pour resque[es ce nussacrc de mirien de gcns au congo n,a pas suscite I'anention prcsse & la intemationale ou des activisres des droits de l,homme pourtant scandalisds par dcs abus commis au Darfur ou au Titrct, depasse robjet assignc il cet article.

cepcndant' m€mc si pcut on nc ricn y faire, on pcut constarcr guc ccs nombreux crimes ont 6t6 commis par res allids des Etats-Unis d'Amcrique au Rwanda ct qui continuent i se commettr€ I'Est de ra RDC jusqu'a jo'r, cc ddpasscnr dc roin ra tragffic dc 250.000 morts du Darfirr, enrcgistrts dans quelques mois. II scrait int€rcssanl de sc dcmandcr pou4uoi colin Powcr a brandi dcs crimcs du Darfur comme itant un

Comddie d'Elections et Diaanre Militaire au Rwonda.

Prcsqu'au rnomcnt pontc orl carra Dcr &ait cn train d'€trc 6jcctde de son p*tc par les Etats- unis d'Amcrique et re Royaume Uni cn automnc 2003, re pr€sidcnt paur Kagame, candidat ri sa proprc succcssion, dominait lcs 6lcctions au Rwanda. Le

rs Anclm Ambasadcur Am&ieinpou re Affais r&iainc, Hcmu J. coho, tu Afriil Tndc it! V,lry ro PeT" Intmstiqal Hqaid Triburc, gacnba f f, Z'mf, p. e. Cohar sugga;f b;l;; balkrnis'ion dc h RDC cn d6couplril e rnitoirc suivur ra i-tit- c"*"ffqr- a";iir'il", l'inruion ct l'mpation du Rwudy'Utudt [Tnd,rciim mn officicile.; rE Lc 9 scptcmbrc 2o04....r.r s@ctli* d'Er.t porrcr Ancricain, corin - d&trr€ qu.ir ! cu g.reidc :.u sod4 danr b rtgion du D"dr. ww. n*s.bbc.o.uvirriao+t iz -p."auai'- *n off"i"irci tn Lr ro mot 2004.."L'Unim Eurcp&m-a dit hitr qu'il svait ue viorcne t€namris.c dus rr r{gion du Drrfur ru Soud& mais quc mrccrcs n'dtaicnt gdnoci&ircs. wwy.eudian-co.uty'wortdf2o04/aue/trycu.sudar . lTnduction non ofiicicllc] rB Sr€ fCC dircsrim irrt4 It Scc ICC dirusion tr.rta. sa rt ,e,& 2"75/A f\

particulidrement significatif du fait ddroulementde ces 4lectionsde 2003 au Rwmda ctait qu'ellesservaientde(moddle>faceaux6lectionstrdscritiqudesdeMugabeau furent emprisonnds et toute Zimbabwe cinq ans apris'leo Les opposants de Kagame croissant dc Kigame' personneou tout parti politique en desaccordavec le r6le dictatorial le fait d'avoir obtenu plus 6tait consid6r6hors la loi en tant que divisionniste.lel MalgrC de90%dusuffragependantlesdlectionsde2003,lerdgimedeKagameesttouteautre de Kagame : chose. sauf la ddmocratie.lt D'aprds I' a Economis! >, le rdgime d'opinion' Le Rwanda <... ne tollrc pas I'oppositionintcmc' et cncorc moins'la libertd oi les oPPosmtJ'qui sont n'est rien d'autre d'une autocratiesavamment d6guis&' la peur ou dansI'cxil ou les habitucllcmentrccusCs d'idCologic gdneidairc' vivent dans pour voisinster' deuxi la fois' Le r6gimeconstitue Egalement une menacc ss

qui sont actuellement en exil en Les anciens membres du Gouvernement de Kagame des Prcmiers Ministres, plusieurs Am€rique du Nord, en Europe et en Afrique incluent

Ftonomkl' Au& 30' 2003' P' 3l rs..Kagrme won, a linlc to welt, Rwmda's P6idcntial Eletion,- The Rwands' February25' 2004; '"'/oJr qdnCnlcrcnl U.S. Stlrc DcPaimcnt 2003 Hums Rights.l.cPorron "i;';;ii"i" n"*l' nJpi e*^p:'" o.us1u scprcmbcrzool: wa-ush'.P'il s":;;, "j pqnio,ic.utsr2n' Fronr (MacFrland, USA 2004). pp. ;;;;' .;; Nr;;;;,' emt, o"riia" ind the' Rwondon It5-206 : te2Hvmon RightsRepqt 2009-RVANDA'ww'ruanda'uscmbssv'pov au cous ds dlctiom lugemcnt Pr{sidot Paul Kagrmc a dte dlu pou un mmdlt dc 7 m En 2003, lc cr d'sillcus a'ir&"r.rrar- k rLnt patrior\uc Rwmdais dominc I'asscmbldc ;:;,d"'il;;.il, pdition. Lcs autoritcs civila nc contr6lcnl ps lcs,ldtims d! scptcmbrc vonr cncorc @nforler ccttc t-iiuo t. f*t ie sccurirdqui agissmtdc frgon indcpcndatc' y a cu ccpendmr quelqucsprcgrls dus g";u"ou' d'8bus contsclcs drciU dc l'hommc ont cu licu mais il gouvcmemcnt s cr6 rcstreinr, cr lcs Forccs dc ;;#il;;. i; a.oi, a., citoycns dc chugcr lcur la mort 4 pcnpnn.s dlmr cene ilnde. La violcnsc cnvc6 irli[i* di"ir"" ir,oF) oot drc rcsponsblcs dc eu moins 16 vics humaincs. Dcs Epports signsleol ;:;";;"';;ia" p- a"" in*oius ! cmporrd nombrcux.qu'aucom dcs mnd* pl{c'dentcs' i" ,"**iil'"uui b", susPets, cpendsnt moins "n"* pti-r st ccntr€ dG ddtcntion dcmcEnt tr's dffi' D€s Dcs conditions d'cmPrisnncmcnt O"* t"s dctcnu ubitaircmcnt dcs pwnncs' Dcs d'tentions ;il;;;;G; dc s6curitc ont met4' ct cn attcntc dc prc|s dt un prcblemc; et les ofriciels du gouvcmcmcnl prolongecs Pow dcs PcrsonEs judiciaircl, u nivcau desjuidictions dc basc couucs tcntent d'influcDer l'issue dB pru.dms lunout I la libqtd d'cxgrcsion d d'ssciation ct les pus lc nom de Gacm. ll y a conrinucllcricnt rcshictior gou""-"rcnr cntnvc la.. tibcrtd de rcligion, cr la comPtion il*rlir"rr'i p*..Jli*-i.*nt "uiiit-"qiste rcstriaions sur la widtc civilc, dcs violcnc* so"i"]:g ;;;J;;;d;;"c u probtlmc. I ic l" soldas pr lcs group6 armCs**' RP9l di*rimimtion dcs femmcs. 0", *nn"."ntt dcs cnfants :: ]: ctrictions dms lc cadrc du dmit du tEvail [TEduclion ;;;"d;;;";"t, lc travail dcs ctrfatG, ct dcs non oflicicllcl ttt Economist, a a. a r:l' a .t ,'t .t J" 2274A

minisrres, un lect Prcsident du Parlemcnt, bien d'autrcs leadersqui contestent re pouvoir absolu dc Kagame, qu'ils soient Hutu ou Tutsils, y compris t,hiro du film < H6tcl Rwanda >, Paul Rusesabagina.ls

[.es rapports produits par divcrs organismes internationaux cn.mmc Human Rights llatchte1 et Commompealth Hwnn Righls Initiorivetilont rapportc des violences systdmatiqucs politiqucmcnt motivccs; r'usagc abusif dcs pmcddds crimincrs dirigcs contrc des opposants au rdgime ainsi quc les orientations scxuelles, Dans Ia coursc aux dleclions Rwandaisesde 2010, unc brave fcmme renffic d'cxil au d€but dc 2010. Victoirc Ingabire, a vu scs supportcrs arretcs ct dcs rasscmbrcments politiques de ses membrcs inlcrdits- Pour lc momcnt, etrc craint pour sa proprc sdcuri€te. Dcs partis poritiques d'opposition, y parri compris lc dernier nd, < lc vcrt Rwandais >, ont &c interdits de tenir le'rs congr0s ou de rdunir lcurs supportcrsm. Dc prus. cn rempragant rdcemment le

t* Jccph scbremi, God slccpt ftwando. (2009)- Tursi. ffiicn rusidenr du ptrlcmnr Rwlrdris, d4crit cn gnnds d.tailr mmsDt Klgtmc ! muEuyra pou trf,vqir lodc mtcttltion pototicllc dc sn luttritd absoluc. cc qui a pors.4 Joscph Scbamzi | fuir h psy; deguild cn p"!6sD a a rnvcnsil unc riviarc a ra nate, t" qrcquc reicns mcmbm du FpR qui om fui b Rwda e[s h mme d'aEG !sin6 q d,&rc anprionnd: l'rrcicn Prcmicr MinisEc du FpR Fr*ritr Tungirmmgu, r'ncicn prcnicr Mi"i$";;,;ri Pie*.c4lccin Rwigpma. r'mcicn Minisw dcs Affeirci ErmJA'c du Fp& Ju Mric-virnrcv Ndagijinuna l'ucicn Mlnistrc dc t.lnrdricu du FpR Sctn Sardsh-mge (,*i;), i;,- Mi"i;;;'" l'lnbrmaion du FPR Jcu BrptisG Nkuriyingom ctc... Itr r" HRW2009 Rgport/2OlO Rspod 't CHN Repod. Augug 2Ot 9. It Rwrndl Fjn dcs rnrqucs sur te partis d.oppchion- L'intimidatim ru, tB prfiis politiquG d'opposltixr s'."croit, l rr vcrrrcda dtccrim pr{sidmric[a w.luv.m td rcuis zotb, Yltory lng$in psidqr dcs FDUJnkingi, . nA fe f um-dmpqgrc iDrcre dc dirbolissrld dcpuir gu'cllc ar mtrtc d'cxilc 6Juvlcr zoto, manr ao-ttonandc, Eilc r at4 violmmcnt 6ndemn& ofFcicrcmcnt a ou tcr olirrr par acs ncair qui't'onr qulift& dc r n4gationnisrc-r dc gdmidc pour rwir d&lar{ publiquerent aa qimc irc onmir onEa dc citoyeDt Hutu prr lc FpR ct pq I.A;& Rwdrle iolvcm fairc I'objct d'mquerc pour quc cax qui hs om commls phHt CtrGcnvoyca dcvel h lustie. . [Traduction librc] 't Id. Au mr dc h sminc passdc,_lcrunban dcs FDU-Intingi a du plni Ddmmtiquc Vcn du Rruda- Douvaux partb polirrqu d'opposhion qu'i critiq*r la politiguclu gwvmcmcnt- onl s{ricu*mcnt ruftsr dcs ircidcntr d'intini&tlon dc'lr part dcs irdividw pchcs du touvmmdt du FMt hrrbdqrc Rwmdais. Un mcmbrc ju FDU_ Inkingi a dt6 battu par un gmuF m frcc du burcru ofticicl d.un gou"** t*.1. L'attrquc scmbrait rvoir atd coordomdc, cc qui laise penw qu'c[c Mir dta pruifidc

46 a. ?t i* 2z7S/h

et d'affaire pour les rwandais (langue utilisde franqais en unt que langue d'enseignement par I'mglais' une bonne panie de Rwandais i travcrs tout le pays pendant le 20t* siicle) qui ont attaqu6 le Rwanda en 1990 i instruits qui ne font pas partie des anglophones exclus de leurs emplois au gouvemement' partir de I'Ouganda' ont 6td systenratiquement t la justice, l' enscignernentet le commerce'2o

SousladireetiondeKagame,etavecl'appuigdndreuxdesEtats-Unisd'Am4riqueetdu la plus grande puisroce militaire de I'Afriquc Royaume Uni, le Rwanda est devenu de giographique' sa faible population' son manque Centrale, malgrd sa Pctitc itendue Rwandaise s'est accrue de quelques 6-7' 000 capitaux et d'attraits industriels' L'Arm6e quand du FPR' et d'environ 25' 000 hommes hommes au momenr de l'invasion2o2 A plus de ?0-100'000 homrnes aujourd'hui2u' Des Kagamc a pris le pouvoir en 1994201, sont dans I'Est du Congo' et au Darfilos' Le dizaincs dc millicrs dc militaircs Rwandais

fcmemcnt-t'cspacepotitiqm' a.d{clarc' d,!trcc. ( IJ gouvcmemcntMdais controle suprts dc Humu Right Watch"' Ccs Gcorgctt€ C"gnon' Oitcuicc O- I'etiquc d&oun-gmt unc opposition s{ricus vont CUmt"' I aCmnric cn incidcnB 'taiot fcmcmcnt "n-'c r.' aai"iAt politiqucs d6 Panis d'oPposition mur dcs el4dms" 2f0s' lcscudidats #;il;ft; o"il"orilriii'raiivcs dc icptcmbrc eun! Lcs obicryatcurdc I'Unim Eurcpeennconl spparlcmt au FPR ontgog"ttyto ic votc' plus dc la moiti4 dcs Gndrcitsde votc' lc FPR co$ste dG irggul-itc' pt"icduof* dms qus'c ctr Partic pil la pcur d'etrc domimh lcs .faiu"r t''Ut"n"" Ju multiiartismc' librc] arcusdt d'iddologic gdnocidaircr' [Tnduction il|..LcRwandaisdilsntsdicuauFang.is:lcsdirigcantspromruvcntl'anglahcommc|aIangucdc commcrcc ' Lc semiceCrango-de lY8hington Pos''m{di'lc f 'cnsierEmcni, dc l'adminisfrationct iu 28 mtibrc 200E..[Tnduction librc] scPtcmbrc1993' Milirairc3-l' Ex DB-71' u Dalhirc,lc RaPPondc mission dc rccoonsissncc' m3Id. pu nombrede troupcs' u htp://mikipcdiacg/wiki/ Lislc dcs pays In D,arfur: Commond* ls Chtged lfith I 990s l{or tctColum Lynch, " IJ.N. Olfers To Keep Rwandu A I E: crii"*::'rf"trtineton Yoil oaobq 3' 2oot: Poge S6tClr'trc C'ndml dc I'ONU' Bm Ki'mrcn' a NATTONS UNIES, lQ2 Gtobrc 2008-Lc Glncral Rwsndals' commc commmdant cn accordc au Rw&ndt la t";;;iltiil" du au Souda' malgrd dcs accustions du plus haut -t-"i+ti"' au Dufu' wond dc crimcs dc gucnc au hi, pour auoiruupa"is€ dc troupcs responsablcs ;;;;; familicrs au *"itJ fsSO sclon ics offrciclg dc I'ONU Rwmda au cous o€s qui g;Ki-mmn a muquc lc rcYircmcntdcs Nstions unies orepositions.c"n" oftr" i" dc rcmplur K*eui aprts lc luccmcnt, I""iii".""iJo" rrq"n in-"o*t ou Rwuda actcs d'accustion dc contrc lui el 39 sutrcs ;;;;;:;. 18 J;sticc-;pagnotc' dcs ofricim Rwandaispour crimcs dc guenc' Paul Kagmc rit mcnlc{ dc rciircr lci hs Nstions Unics ont ccdd apr.s quc lc Presidenl t"inti"n ae la paix au Darfur- Kagamc a cxig6 1,000 soldrts n*-a"i' q"i plrtii''i"ir au 47 ^ f' zz>\A

Rwanda formc des troupcs pour appuycr I'attaque dc la somalic par Ethiopic soutcnue par tcs Erat-Unis d'Am6rique26. Drs troupcs venues du Rwanda et dc I'Ouganda, parlant anglais, se sont montr6cs efficaccs mtmc en lrak2ot. t-a grandc arm6c du Rwanda n'cst pas sculcmcnt capablc de scrvir scs pmprcs intdt€ts au congo, mais ellc est aussi unc armcc convenablc a utiliscr par procuralion pour la projcction dc la force militairc en Afrique2or. Selon le Pmfesseur Filip Rcyntjcns, le Rwanda de Kagame au 2lh sicclc, pr{sentc Ia m€me analogie quc celle de la Prusscau 19ft sidcle : [, Rwmda cst dcvcnu unc arm& lvcc un Etal, au licu d'ifc un €tat avcc unc am&.n

IV. Lcpnr tir6cr der M6moiret dc Dcl Ponidlhrtmrnn : Ler rombrer pcnpcctivcr dc.l'Egrlit6 devrnt lr loi "l le CpI.

Lcs consdqucnccs tragiqucs dc la manipulation du TPIR, ci-haut d6critcs. nous ramfncnt cn arriirc pour considircr la vraic et durable valevr des rcv€lations dc Dcl Ponte sur ses cfforts inccssants de fonctionncr cn tant qu'un procuhcur profcssionnel dans le b'avail lui confi€ par le Conseil de Sdcuritd commc elle l'avait fait en tant qu'avocat gdnCral suissc ct sur son ultimc d{faitc par lcs puissantes forccs potitiques qui en r{alit6 gouvement les institutions de < la justicc intcmalionale >. nonobstant les meilteurcs

qE lc Dlndat dc Krenzi rit rcmvcl{ d'um mr|.c. Lc rdait d6 elfcaifs mandais aunlt pan[n€ lcs 10,00O mmbrs dc le fqe intdurkhtlc. t, Sdcrctrirc d'Etsl Am4ricaim Condol*a Rie e cn*6 lr danudc dc Kagmc pour prorata la fqr*in dc Karcnd, malgt l'acutim dr Jugc cspegnol ci 16 donnac3 ddtmcs dcfris um mncc prr lc Blrcrr dcs drcits dc l'hommc du Oepancmm d.Errr m&iqin qui a jug4 fond6a I'ecusdion mtc Kr|wi por rwir commk d6 lctB qiminch ls ofFcicb des Ers-Unir d'Amdrip .t del Nrtkrns Unics discat quc Klwi a swi rs di*inction au Darfiu. La: ddftroeun des dmirs dc l,hommc disaimr, qulnr I cur( qe le roiotio dc Kercnzi fuu lca focti(ru dryah un albcux rnesgc ru ujrt d6 mggcmctra d6 Nrrims Unhs d ndiltc d€ dreig dc l'hom. L: bllmc dcvrair tm dirig€ ru Pul Kegam qui cn cn trsin dc rncnsccr pc durrgc tca hlbitrnB du Dufir a crtrrnil rqrr cfion pou qu'm ofticiq sp&ior Rwmdair sit m"r|. I rapondE dc eB gr.u rfeitdr; e dh Kotrcth Rofh, DirEctdr Exdcutif dc Humu RighB Wrtch. lTnductio mn ofFcicllc] F

n7 F Forclgn Poltqt In FM, supra - Fifip Rcymlms, TrE Gr@r Alrican lfu, pp.4. (CambridF Pms 2009). k prcfreur Rcyntjcnt cst mcmbrc fondatcw dc la Foltd dc Dreit dc l'Univcrira Nrtioillc du Rwdr. I BubE .u Rwsndr. Anciea t.moin du Pretru .u TPIR il r crc dacbd pcr$nr non grtr lprts avoir critiqud tc rtgimc dictor'ul dc Krgm. .[Tradw,tim m ofiiciellcJ

48 wA

ponte et Hartmann' Les m€moires donnent de intentions de professionnels comme Dcl dont les intdr€ts politiques des puissants puissants exemples sp6cifiques de la manidre membresduConseildeSecuriteontcontrecan6,Aplusieursreprises'sestentatives ldgalementresponsable' d'op6rer librcment, d'une manidredquitable et

a. La valeur inlemporelledes mimoires de Del Ponte/Hartmonn

End&rivantlesriunionsdanslesquelleslesddcisionsdtaientPriscsetl'influence service bien au delA de ce qu'ellcs auraient imposde,Del Ponte et Hartmsnn ont rendu un Elles ont rdvil6 que "la justice pu accomplir dans leur r6le formel au sein de TPIY-TPIR' duvainqueur"etlacr€ationdel'impunit6pourlespuissantesnationsetleursalli€s'ont 6tilerdsultatdetouslestribunauxinternationauxexistants'etpourraientttrein6vitables dans la capacitd des nations A exercer le dans un monde sujet aux grands changements Les m6moires de Del Ponte/Hartmann pouvoir politique, Cconomique et militaire' capacitd de projcction de la puissance et de d€montent de faqon conctuante que c'esl la |,influencequifinatementcommandedanstesaffairesintemationales'pasl'Etatdedroit, peuvent au minimum offrir quclqucs limitations m€me si l'on peut espdrer que les lois moins en faisant preuve de rctenue'2lo que m€me les puissantsdoivcnt roconnaitre'"du

Ily4dansleliwcDelPonte-sudetic'denombreusesimperfectionsautresquels' et son apParent manque de volont6 de tirer description biais6e des 6v6nements historiqucs les tribunaux intemationaux sont inextricablemeDt la conclusion logique de son m6moire: A dominer tes affaires intemationales et soumis aux relations de pouvoir qui continuent dans un futur prdvisible' Mais' ces failles ne cette situation est susceptible de perdurer sarrraientdiminuerl'importancedesonrdcitditaillc'ctlaconfirmationinddpendantede la < de la justice internationaleest Hartmann des exactesm6thodes par lesquelles plus puissants membres pennanenls du Conseil de en #atitd produite- La rCaction des historiques' exige la pause de la part de ceux securite I la publication de ces m6moires

difncilc dc mintcnir le mcnsongcsous-tcodant lc r,o dms l.aff8irc Milibirc-l a rcndu plu l: iuscmcnt ccci csruc conslqucnccimprdwe d6 Principcsdc *il*iritl**ii,i;;i;;;'a;#;"'R;t"t; Voir C' i" *tp*t ac-la.legaliti et l'6galit€ devmt ta loi' diwlgltioq ncces$lra pou.oma-l'-iirp*lili ri'".t"deP;ndent International criminol Deferce pciq Erlinder, "Pra.r,,,g'n" 'o"irt;oii)'-iiiii''y': rensco*oective'orcy'En'html ;;:;;;;;: i ;,' ; t or' l&//ww'iculcsacl/ic 49 I ar 227d4

qui continuent e amrmer quc lcs poursuites criminelles internationales seraient un moyen de mettre fin e la cultur€ de I'impunit€.

'Justice b. Implications des mimoires de Del PontdHartmarn daw la rdalisation de Ia ':" Internationale La Politique dc Ia Jwidiaion de Ia cour Pinale Internationale n

La prcmi0re legon A tirer dcs mdmoircs dc HarEnann/Del Pontc esl que les

analysres rdfldchis ne doivent pss Prcn&€ commc argcnt comPtant les assertions des nations puissant*, que les Tribunau du Conscil dc S&urita ct ta CPI nc seraienl pas des produits dcs rclations de pouvoir intcmationalcs. Et dans ccs conditions, il sera cxtr€nrsncnt ddlicat pour lcs rribunaux intcmationaux, prrrt imPorte le bon vouloir des particiFnts, de r€atiscr autre chose qrrc a la justicc du vainquctr n aussi longtcrnps que | tes puissantes nations poursuivront lcurs intere$ sans conlraintes de ( I'Etrt dc droit ,t.21

M€mc si la CPI qui est un ptoduit du Traitd dc Rome, auquel I l0 nations font partic,2r2 plut6t qu'un produit qu'unc juridiction assum& par le Conseil de Sdcurit€, commc I'ont dtC les ribunaux ad hoc,2llon ne saurait prcndre pour ac4uis que la CPI cst immunis€c contre les m€mes influcnccs de pouvoir, prdjugd inhins€que A toutes les affaircs intcrnationalcs dans lesquelles l'in6galit6 de pouvoir et influence des nations, dcmcurent I I'ordre du jour. Lcs injusticcs fondamentalcs congucs dans lcs pouvoirs juridictionnels de la CPI, ct I'application singuliCrc dc scs pouvoin cn visant uniqucmcnt les accusCs africains, a donc jusqu'ici provoqu4, non sans raison, lc refus unanimc dcs

r'rDu mim dcpuis quc I'Adminisrrtion Bush e r:rnonc{ la docrirc da h'tucrrc prtmtivc-, 16 EraB rltb mt domin6 lG mon& cn pr€urdut$tc I'Ea & dmit nc smit&rc un hacur limitarifdus s wgc unihrdnl de h foc, uo conccF cd||Pli,lemcnt a ddrotd avtc Ia chrrtc dcs naioN unics a plu3iqm ccatlinca d'un€cs dc dmh intnrrtind' Un mmbrc d'imPortlnEs ct Puisent.3 mlix|! n'ont pas troud cd4qpar & ntifis lsn edhdcim u r{gim dc ta CPt. y onptis dcs manbtcs pcmunenB du Conscil de S€curitC I srvoir tcs USA lr Ruisic ct h Chin€. 4utr"5 imPottrnc peyr nol sigmtaircs onprsffint dcs puisns militais a rtcnQua rf,gionalcr, commc l'ln&, le Pekisnn, I'kaq h 'Eg|ptr. Rw;d4 b Souda4 f b Sydc a I'Bn!l' Amncsty lnbfn'',iottl,Thc Intmalonal Crimtnal Covt: Tabl" of timatur$ ard rutificatioB dth. Rffi. Stdztc. Aescd 2010' 03{l 2tr /d 1..s E6 Putics au Tnitd dc Rom dc h CPl 5nt 6 Etrlt !y!,rt Etifid d sdhdra au Sttlut dc Rorro s{rnt lr CPl. Au moh d'o.robc 2009, I t0 Etla ebicrt mbres. Tnfltehuit utrcs Etsls ont siSna mis pas Etiftc la Tmlta, er plusicm ruE!! Etlts n'ryrnt Fs si!'la lc Tnit4 mt flit Pd dc hu iilGntion d'y rdharcr. .rlVoir discusion rprc.

50 t ,lt {t' 226?/A , {"tr.r|t #1r

Etats de I'Union Afiicaine, i coopdrer avec la CPl.2la 6 caractgre politique des poursuitesde la CPI a commencd A se rdvdler des que Ie Tribunal a abordd la question de |J sa propre juridiction.2

Les < Crimes Inlernes ,,, Dilemme de Ia Juridiction da Ia CPI-

L'injustice juridictionnelte, en termes de rclations de pouvoir sous-tendant les Etats membres et non membres de la juridiction de la CPI, est dvidente dans le principc que les gouvemementsdes Etats membres de la CPI peuvent sounetue des dossiers au procur€ur de la CPI, qui intervient I I'intdrieur des frontieres de I'Etat-membre.2l6 Un exemple recent est celui du transferl de I'affairc du Chefde l'Arm6e de rdsistance du seigneur, Joseph Kony, par te gouvemement ougandais.''t L'obstacle au processusde

2lo .. Afri* Union in rift with court L'Union Africaine dit qu'it aretcn e coopemtionavec la CPI dm s ddcisionde pomuim lc lcadcr soudmis pour crim6 de gucrc.'' 88C. 3 July 2009: La CPI a rcilse le Presidcnt Bmhir dc dcux dtcfs d'acusation de crimm dc Bum' - quc avoir intentiomcllemcn dirigd dd altrque contsc dcs civils et pillage aimi cinq chcfs d'aewation dc crimescontrc I'humanitd inclmt lc mcurtrc. lc viol et l8 tonuE, cn rclarion avcc lc mnflit' Dmsmcdcclantiorrl'UnionAFicaincaindiquCque|arequetcdcvant|acPldcdcf€rcr I'accusationdc Mr Bshir a dtd ignor6c. Ellc a poursuivi: "L€5 Etats mcmbrcs dc I'UA ne mop6rcrcnt Pc"'rclativrmcnt d I'immmit{ pw mCter st $ansfdrcr h Prasidcnt souduais Oms Al-Bshir A la CPI' La d6ctmtion s Cle soutcnuc par plusicus ledcs afrioins qui, sclon des malystc' vo'rcnt la CPt cmmc une tentativc pour t'Oucst dc s'ingCrcr dms leurs affaircs' [Traduc'tion non offi cicllc] des USA, rr5Ceci nc dcmit pasetrc surprctrilt. CommCest senselc ssvoir tout dtudiet de la Constitution question la quction dc la iuidiction dal'aniclc llt dcs coun fdddnles etait, en Prcmiorcinstancc, unc pol'itiqucddpendint rhdoriquemcntde I'excrcie du pouvoir fedCmlct du pouvoil rclltifdes Er^rs. Yoir U-S. Constitution,Articlc Ill; md Thc FederalistPopus'

""sratut d" la cPl 2t7 lc BBC,l8 May 2006,.,tr Cpt a dit s'attendreA ce quc I Ugandarcmplis* sc obligationsd'm€ter lsdcr dc I'm& dc resistane du scigrcur." JosephKmycstrccherchdpourcrimesdcgwncpar|acour'maislePrdsidcntMurcvmi lui a ftit unc offre de paix c mercrtdi' yowri Murcveni a dit quc Mr Kony avaitjusqu,a la fin du mois dc iuillet pour aretcr la -tgucrrc ct quc n sdcuritCscnit garantic. tais ta ipt dit que lc gour*c.".t ougmdais s trsnsferc I'affairc i 18 cPl ct doil rcspecterscs mSagcmenb. 'Crines groes'

51 , 2z6Vl

paix ougandais, crCd par lc transfcrt dc Kony par lc gouvememcnt de Museveni. a amcn6 cc gouvemcmcnt A tentcr dc rctircr cc transfcrt,2lt Cependant, la CPI a rcjetC la tentative dc r{lractation, au mCpris du changcmcnt dc la situation politiquc en Uganda-

cct cxcmplc dc I'histoirc et dc la politiquc nationalc sc ddvcloppant cn d4saccord avcc la structurc dc la CPI cst rctativemcnt un petit probldme en comparaison avec le grand pouvoir quc garantissent lcs Sratuts dc la CPI aux gowcrn€mcnts faisant face aux Siruadons dc gucrres civites. En raison dc cc quc lcs fondcrncnts de la CPI rcposcnt sur lc systlmc Wcstphdicn d'Etats-Nations, la CPI manquc dc juridiction pr€te pour connaitrc des crimes alldguds contre les gouvemements Deconnus. Dans le cas dc la gucrre civile dcs USA, la juridiction de Ia CPI aurait pu etre invoqudc par LINCOLN contrc les crimcs commis par les Etats Conf€ddrdsi mais pas pour ccur( alldgu€s contrc LINCOLN dans sa poursuitc de la Guerre. Le r€suttat, bicn entcndu, est qrrc lcs gouvemements des Etats- mcmbres sonl dotds dc pouvoirs de poursuivrc et dc formcllcment diaboliscr lcun faiblcs opposants non gouvcmcmentaux, sans nullc qainle d'accusations mutucllcs'

L'Indgalitd enlre Bats-Membres dc la CPI tt Dilemme juridictionnel.

Un autnc cxcmplc inconfortabtc dc dilemrnc juridictionncl est rcndu dvident par I'inagalitc criante dans t'apptication de sanctions possibles de la CPI aux psrtics cn confliS dans les guerres africaincs, oommc la poursuitc dc Charles Taylor pour lcs crimcs commis par lcs forccs rcguliArcs en Sicrra lrone,2le pcndant quc la r&ente commission d'cnquete sur la rcsponsabilitc dc Tony Blair pour I'agression reconnue contrc un Etat- mcmbrc des Nations Unies, par ta Grandc Bretagnc, un membrc dc la CPI 8yatrt adhdr€ A

'C'cst lc Bouvcrcmctrr ouBsndlb qui I tnnsfata l'lfhirc | h CPl a daenbrc 2d)3. ll s fail u atagtmcit qu'il csr dans I'obligrlirm d'honog. r dil l€ Porlc- Parclc dG lE CPl. Sandn Khadorri ru pogmmc rfrioin & la BBC, Salon u mmuniqud dc pra* dc le Prdsidcnoc ougildaisc. lc prasidcnr ugrndris a dit, ru ffi dc h r*ontr! ave lc ministre brirrnniquc du ddvcloppctmr dtrenger' Hilary Banl quc lc lada rtbcllc anit iusqu'l la fin du mois dc iuilla gou rrttc paclfiquanot h gum. ;S'il .rt d*u s&iu rve un rmntmeil pecifiqr, lc Sdwmcmail ougandris lui guiltinh s sacuita.' A ljoura lt daclnrim 2t' td. A'

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sa juridiction, ne semble nullement 6tre sur I'agenda de la CPI.220 Plus encore. au moment oi le Procureur de la CPI ignore les crimes all6gu€s contre un leader d'un Etat- membre de la CPI. ce m8me procureur est en train de poursuivre le Pr€sident Bashir du Soudan,un Etat n'ayant pas adhCrdi lajuridiction de la CPl.22l

( L'Etal non-membre t dilemme juridictionnel de Ia CPI.

Peut€tre Ia plus troublante position de la juridiction de la CPI. i la lumiErc des rdvClations de Del Pontc/Hafmann, c'est que le Pr€sident du Soudan a 6t€ mis en accrsation par la CPI pendsnt que le Soudan est pr€cis€ment dans une semblablc situationjuridiquc que les USA. En effet, ni le Soudanni les USA ne sont signatairesdu Taitc de Rome et aucun n'a reconnu la juridiction de la CPI.222EI, contrairement aux Pr€sidents dcs USA qui se sont engagds dans des guerres d'agression en dehors du territoirc des USA en Afghanistan, Irak, Pakistan, Yemen, etc223,il est indiscutable que tous les crimes portds contre lc PrdsidenlBashir ont eu lieu A I'intdrieur du Soudan,za

Cependant, en raison de ce que le Traite et le statut de la CPI permettent au Conseil de SecuritC de I'ONU de soumettrc des affaircs au procureur dc la CPI,225la m0me influcnce des mernbres permanents du Conseil de Securit6, si clairement dEcrite dans les m€moires de Del Ponte et Hartmarm, va certainementjouer dans les affaires prises en charge par la CPL Etant donn€ ce que nous savons de ces m6moires, toule prdtention d'indCpendancc de la CPI est, au mieux un mirage, et au pire une com6die. L'histoire des CvCnementsrelatds dans les m€moires de Del Ponte et Hartmarut de m6me que tes r€cents d6veloppementsdans le pmcds au TPIR Militaire-126, le conseil est que la non coopdration peut €tre le seul moyen d'aider i rCduire la < Culture de

2m 2l u Amnesty lntcmational, SonzSlslgp Accesscd20 10, 03-0 1 - s"",- 2'slatut dc la cPl Dt ld. rttoir di*ussion supn.

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I'Impunitd pour les puissants D, cr6dc au nom de la < Justicc Intemationde )). colnmc I'ont r€ccrrunentconclu les pays dc I'Union Africaine.22t

Dans la mesur oti les dcfcnserEs dc "la justice intemationalc" chercbent a mettre pouf une rur terme a "la culturs de I'impunit4' sans I'inconditionnelle demsndc application quitablc dc I'Ersr dc droit, aux plus puissants ct aux plus faiblcs indistinctcmcnt, bcaucoup dc gcns bicn intentionn4s voulant lc contrairc scront cn rcalite les dcs compliccs dans le mauvais usagc dc tout lc projel dc "jusicc internationatc'par puissants cn meflrnt cn cuvrc ( unc vengcancc intcmationalc I politiquemcnt motivde ct qui, incviobtcment, scra prcjudiciablc aux dcfavoris€s ct moins PuissEnts, malgrg leurs mcillcures intentions.

Les mcrnoircs de Dcl Pontc et Hart$alm rdunisscnt des argumcnis irrefutables quc, a cc momc-nt dc I'histoire, lcs tribunaux p€naux intcnrationaux sont tout simplemcnt pcndant quc les un aut € moyen pour lcr puissantes nations dc "fairc cc qu'cllcs vculcnt" *souftcnt de plus faiblcs ce qu'ils doivcnt l. Jusqu'A ce que ccs sous-jacentesrclations pratiquc de pouvoir seront modi6c€s, lcs ribunaux internationaux s€mblent €tre la Ponte ct < t'impunitd jr,ridiqrrment misc en ptace pour lcs puissants >. l,cs livrcs dc Dcl les Hartmann r€velent, probabtcmcnt sans m€me lc voutoir, quc loin d'€tre diffdrens' ( D, tribunaux intcrnationaux d'aprts la dcuxitrnc Guerrc Mondialc, suPpos4s neutrcs du rcssembleat ftrangcment A ceux de Nurcmburg et Tokyo' En cffe! "tribunaux japonais, vainqueur" ont d4pouillc < I'impunitc > ar:x lcadas allcmands ct uniqucmcnt pourcr&r

Crlmlnol o'Yoit gtnlral.rcd, Dr. Hms Kocclrls, Globol Juttcc * Clobal Roagc? Intcrnarlnal Jusie a thc Crwrqds (Springen Viau / Nry Yorlq 2003)' Fog of wu'. $c a obcavarim paswuc3 dc Robc( McNrm dan: la !.qw d' ouvcnw'Thc zml-e_a.iii*"rt wiming dcurcntrry by Eml Gma !t w.sonwlasics-@nvfosotovd tu"6s4

que' en termes de "justice des En fait, les livres de Del Ponte et Harmarn clarificnt vainquars"r€alis6eaveclestribunauxdeNuremburgetTokyo'lestribunauxd'aprdsla secondeguerremondialedtaienteffectivementplushonnOtesdansleurbutavoueetr6el, quenel'ontdtdlesTribunauxadhoccr6dspalleconseildeS6curit6.Alalumidrede que suggere toute l'€chec des Tribunaux des Natiors unies de parvenir d la "neutralite" 'Justice r6alisation de la entreprise des Nations Unies, les implications pour la internationate" i la CFI sont 6galementtristes'


montrent, le jour oi le droit comme les m€moires de Del Ponte et Hartnann le intemationalpourrasigrrificativementcontraindrelespouvoirsintemationauxn'estpas pour limitcr tes pouvoirs est une noble encore arriv6, meme si la tentative d'utiliser la loi que Del Ponte and Hartmann montrent initiative. Mais, le plus important encorc est exaclementdeque|lemani0relestribunauxduConseildeSdcuritdontjouiunr6|e dontjouissent les leaders des Etats central dans la crcation dc la"culture de I'impunit6" continu de tous les tribunaux puissants et leurs alli€s, ce qui est un h€ritagc a ddmontrd qu'6tre un allie des Etats intemationaux,22ey compris la CPI' L'experience possibilit6 de rendre compte de crimes de unis pcut dte la meilleure garantie contre la les m€moires de Del guerre, crimes contre I'humanit6 et gCnocide""cc que confirment plus efficacement que les auteurs ne Ponte et Harfinaff\ pmbablement plus clairement et I'aient comPris ni cnvisag€.

o" .*rnit"h"ll-"d,fir"o'*.*-dud*"*"nttoroi""t'n"t )r

voir lc- sitc de la prcmilrc co1!!rcne a' Pou l'examen dc I'heriagc du TPIR spdcifiq,uqment, d" l" Ddicnt" tcnuc e La Hayc' le l4- 15 novcmbrc 2009' i"da;-d-;;;;niLir"g" a;point a" w" hnn:'/Arww.ictrlcsacvdcfcnscwsPccti vc'ors/En'html
