t ,:F 3, * n:. I . .r., r' l 2s6?/4 -7-- "GenocideAilar-Crimes Cover-upand UN Falsification of History:" The Untold Story of SzppressedUN Prosecutors' Memoirs and the Realpolirift of the UN International Criminal Tribunals M adame Pro s ecuto r : Co ttfro ntation s with H um an ily's lyo rst Cr iminals, and the Culture of ImPunig' Carle Del Ponte,fmr Chief UN Prosecutor,1999-2008 (with Chuck Sudetic) (42t-PP.,Oth$ Pra LCC' NY' 2009) and Poix et chatiment les guerres de Ia politique et de la justice inlerndtionalel Florencc llartnrnn, fmr Press Officer for the Chief [IN Prosecutor 2000-2iD7 (319pp., Fhmmerion' Psr'B 2004 Oc{c1c t Prof. of l:w, Wm. Mitchett Collcgc of Law, St. Paul, MN, Ps!9+rlildq@!@j!+t!,e+;.!a! coum"l rot Maj- Aloys Ntabatre, ICTR Militaty-l TrigLl, uN Intcmational criminal Tribual for Dcfencc n*i4., e-tfrr, fZ; *esidcnt, ICTR ADAD (lstociation d6 lvocou de la Defene, the ICTR NYl coonvenor o{ Fi6t t a*ycn eswi"rioi Pst-Prcsidcnt, National lrwycn Guild, NY, lhe Nov 15-16' 2009: fnai'p"na"nr Intcmational Criminal Dcfcnrc Confcrcne at thc H8guc, lrcIirute ittuiiw.ictlcsacydq&lrapqrspg4ly9.oIgEg.h!0li Dircc.or, Iilernational Hvmanitoian LN Et thG ffi Paul, MN. w.MdrdosmerlsDroirclDst. PEPerPrecnGd iit"national Criminal Ba AssocialionConfercne, Bucclom, SPain,March 12,2010' Me ild the Wr 2 Original ttaliil languagc edition: Lo caccia: Io e i crimlnoli di Guerrd CItc Hunt: CrimTnals)(Feltrinetti Editorc, Milm 2008) (u8ror's translation) ! "Pncc md Punishncnt: the war of politiG and intcmational.iusticc" 'r '" ; 231s/A "Genocide/war-crimes cover-upand uN Farsification of History:,, The Untofd Story of Suppressed prosecutors, UN Memoirs the Reotpotitik of the uN;;;r;;;ii and c"io,io"r Tribunals TABLEOFCONTENTS l. Dcqstructing/RcconsructingthcDGlpontc/FhrbnmMcmoiE-.... ..-'-.....-,...,..-..,...1 -.'......,.7 l.e- Dcl PotcPmr. ud--r Hartnunnu^- at thc lCTy: An Inh.rnd;^-.^ -^ ^' ,' :. ,n*!caiq...*"utron rcto orcthc KeolpolitikR.alpotitik ftrtlmtiorslrtrrlmtiorrl Crimi*fcrihi.., friU,r""t.,-...,*_I;_* of '. ' ' b. Dcl Pontc "' il Dd Hlnrum ar UE ICrn. o,.r-., ^---_- , - : a** ryGlc*sro inIn tnethe RulpolititRealpolitit tntcmdiomltntcmariomf Crimi*,criminat i;;;;ir.,:.."'- of "*,Il;- ll.Thc2006-09ICTRMilitry-tn Mirlk. r '-. "' " " Judrcmcnr..rN^^_-_:r--. phn _ -... So, or Conspirscf What RcaltyRcalv brD,r" ffrop.,'in n*_o.f "?j:T."..YGoocidc ttt *. .T.*.."p-of Krguc/RpF "ffiff#?Ll*cootinuingprsasrer lanrq t'. iJerc"#;ffiff crincs: ^HHT"?'#.E;ffi : _*::. ll#,iTn"I.*.*",". coNCLUStON.. ", :;: ^, t!wo uad T{,,;y Xny:fri]X::,oged lo rldtculc thcprhctpto ins,oscc justicc.....t of t"*irn ^i rtis uor.* *i1f.K:TlffK;::;K,1,",,*,,* foundational sourcc in such csoteric subjccts as intcmationa " andpracticc of internadonal criminaltaw. But, _r* Jil;Ti;:r;:Iff; within a ycar of cach othcr it is nothing lcss than astonishing. However, Prosecutor: Madame Confrontarions with Humanlty,s Vorst Crimlnals, and rhe Culture of ti*- havc adoprcdBrirish+ngtisb speilings I; ::3 in fornratdaumcns. Dcl Pontc ir q@tcd !t, Hartnann. ^-*,,1(:,_g!g3"i1,i3"a".tu2oo7\p.27t-:l22tna*tionori{fla};il;;ffi:;l#tr Euco6dc ta pottilq!. 'Il iffii"Yf::,* etde ta rurice ir mfrir Or, p"firt'*ir_'# [ff'lfJ:.*Sr","*Kasrmchu ffiii., ;;.ffiil#Xl*jiuHi::.fr?H;*;: ],JHi:: ru#;""xfl*:.iffrriT.ffisigncd. u_r""[iiJ.inl# tffiifi.lT,xil; [Rwanda's! n€7/A lmpunity,. the ltalian and English languageeditiors of the memoir of carta Del ponte, the former chief Prosecutorfor the [rN Trib'nals for yugoslavia and Rwanda, published in 2008 and 2009 respectively can legitimately lay craim to have achieved this status.A companion volumc paris publishcd in in late 2007 by Del ponte's press aide, Florencc Hartmann, Paix et chatiment les guerres de la politique is a close second, and has the virtue ofconfrming most ofthe eventsand obscrvationsabout which Del ponte writes. Much scholarship and main-stseam reportage of the security council tribunal proceedings has taken place in a kild of intellectual-political vacuumT that has so divorced the political reslity within which all intcmational criminal tribunals must E fi:nction the analysis appea$ to be the product of almost willful denial, with prccious few exccptions.g The memoirs of Ms. Del ponte and Ms. Hartrnann are a bracingly honest antidote to this widely acceptedobfuscation, whether intended it as such, or not. Becausethe Hartmann book has not yet been published in English, the article focuses mainly on Del Ponte's first-person account, with refercnces to confirmation of thc same events in the Hartmann mcmoirs. 5 Madame.Prorcator: Confrontatiore with Htmaniry,s lnusl Criminak, and the Cultwe of lmpunig, Amb^sador cilla Dcl Ponrcin @llaboratioowirh churk Sudctic(othcr prcss Lcc, Ny, Fetruary ioog; pp 421. t For m enmplc of thc so't of wishful thinking tbat Ms. Dcl pontc hu put to rcsr, sec Rachcr Kcn, The Intanstional crlmlnol rribunalfor the Forner Ytgosloio: ,ln Fsercirc in LN, politiT and Diplomaqt (Oxford Univcrity Prcss,2004) p-2: Thc qucstion of poliaiciation is not a straightforuild onc. Thc decision to etablish the tribual wd politiBl, ud it was cstsblishcdfor 8 politicrl pupos, but its intcmal mildatq is to thc dclivcry ofjuticc, Thuq whilc politics pcrmatcd cvcry ropca of thc tribmal's opcntioo, including its cstablishmcnt, prmcdings had to bc cooducted /n a pollticol vacuum.On a conceptuallcvcl while this form ofjmtie is inhcrcntly potirical, .,politicircd." thc judicial prorcss is nm nccewily On a prrctical levcl, thc inimction of politics ed bw wE Enbd lo thc Fibunal's ability to pcrfom its judicial frrcrion, rt did so independenilt of polittB, whlch wu wciol for irs scc6r u a tool lor the rcsttarion of peocc and sewily.lcmphtsis supplied.t t Kingslcy Mogahlq Rwando'sGenocide: The Politia of GlobolJutte, p.S 9 Seegcnerally ,Dr. Hrns Kmhlcr, Globa! Jlctlce or Global Raenge? Internationol Crimino! Jwticc at thc Crosroads (Springcr: Vicma / Ncw Yutq 2003); Dr, Hm Kocchlcr, llorld Ordu: l/lsion qnd Reari), (lntcmatioml PmgrcssOrguiation, Vicnna 2009).',Why this coud is a siminal wastc of timc ..Thc md moncy" John hughlmd 26th July 200t. www-dailnail.co.uk/ncwsl; ICC md univcreal juisdiction" John Laughlmd, w.iccwatch.ore/articlc Mar09,html 2s66/A The DeI ponte/Hartmann Mcmoirs as History and the UN Eec-urity politics Counctl of Supeipower Self_Interesr Thc importance of thc issucs discusscd in ponte the Dcr and Hartnaru, rncmoirs was confirmed by the Swiss govemment when Del ponte, now Swie,erland,s ambassador to Argentins, was ordercd by her cmploycr not lo discuss thc book in public.,o Howev.., becousc HartruDn rackcd the dipromatic immunity that protcc*d Dcr pontc, the security counc'criminaity prosecutcd Hartnann for criminar contempt in the same ftibunal for *'hich she was the formcr spokcsperson, tbe ICTy,rr in 2fi)g. Hcr 200g conviction for having had thc tcmerity print to the facts Es she kncw thern,r2 is now on n" prosecution ofHartnrann "pp""t.,, quitejustifiably has raiscd a fircstorm ofobjcctions from frcc specch advocatcs and a numbcr of human rights organizations who have objectcd to the m"""f ing of llu?nann ,t' but the substauiw implications of hcr rcvcrations has receivod littlc, if any, attcntion. Thus.. .this articlc. othcr writcrs witr impcccabre uN bibunar credcntials havc notcd that, becausc thc security councir is esscntiaty a poritical body at the apex of an inherenlry potiticar Unitcd Nations' it shourd be no surprisc tbat "potitics" and thc intqests of morc-powcrfirl nations wourd su'ffi:se the functioning of any judiciar body cstabrishcd by thc sccurity Council. When Kingslcy Mogbalu, formcr spokcspcrson for thc ICTR;rr Kofi Aruran,s 'o pul, .,Silcur pmtcu*rcaho-iil*i-i^;L$ffir"i$#-1i'.TfKatic WDior Sh€ trffi'fli$:ffi oi;.*nrocsreDcr __-- .e, w,trctr,pr - odobcf contcmptorsr cou'tQrrL- Hi'rdcuaHrMrdEua Ncws rJgT"';fi.2s, 2oos. U*:ffHJst -ry.k.q__. qsF NcwsA8cncy (swiss), "i":;ii;- aofFciel:*1ffi:id,s.{urcu: A fwrw spokBwmespotcswme NariouNaioc warw sirnas'nasina rcut@m. ri ini- tncrh.'r- Hl__*:::-1t:l.1Try_::: -T."h"ry for thc Unir.dUnircillrir.r ucrobcr28,200r. ,, .ar'*" .fr-.ffi .ifffi.16jq",r -niiu.nu r"?---ffi;i'ir!] "o_1o5-:::rgl'.r,gu"."-,r.f,*il r"rr" H"d; h;;;;ffi::Tff"-rr.f[f.,*::*f ffi"J',i,ffi"ffi y":: ;;;I" informrdor,.,tr* ""*?BBC, Augu$ FZ{ 'r Thc o.ccqtkn of Hurou o.:Tljustrfi*ty har niscd I t*tom of objetro* adv6t6 tDd ! numbq of hum&t ao6 ficc srr€h riSbB cgrnizrioB who ht* JjJ.o thc substsrtivc itrPliqtioru , o* ,.roring of H&trerl of hcr rclwruJr r* *Ii*Jr't'oro bln It fii#-*,-n, rhu rhis anicle. rRBirNAiibi'#;il"-ft'fiffi#rmfffifiScq, Brl€fofAppcilrnt, lD rbc ft tt ffi ffiH$,.?_ilLcRMrNAL ho://www.crscflqmchutnam,orr/ f t Kingsrcy Mogahr u, Rwando's Gcntrdc: potitio Thc of Gtobor Jwtie, p.5 2s6r/A Chief Aide lqbal Riza;r6 UN Ofllce of Legal Alfain Chief Counsel Ralph Zacklin;r? or U.S. War Crimes AmbassadoePiene Prosperlsmake this simple observatiorl it seemsan obvious and logically necessnrytruism. But, not all ICTR participants are willing to be as shaightforward. For example, former ICTR President Navanthem Pitlay of South Africale is capableofasserting, without apparentirony: Yes, justice can be selective, it can be political. But if you ask me if justice is being done here (at the ICTR), I can say, YES!20 Of course, any concept of'Justicc" worthy of the nrime can be neither selective nor political, bu! Judge Pillay's refreshingly straightforward statementdcmonstrates the distortion of fundamental concepts of equality before the law, and the conflation of /egal dccision-naking with political expediency - that has been accepted as "normal" by the current incamation of intemational tibunals.2l Thc Del Ponte and Hartmann mcmoirs are certainly an important introduction for casual readers, as well as academics and practitioners, who wish to understand the realities of lhe UN Security Cowrcil ad hoc tribunals, and the uncomfortable contradiction between thc "rule of law'' and the undeniableeffects of inlernational, nation-statepower-politics.
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