

Hendri Azwar1,Dr. Himawan Brahmantyo, SE., MM 2, Ir. Henky Hermantoro, MURP / MPA3 1,2,3Trisakti School of Tourism [email protected]


This study aims to analyze the potential development of a tourist attraction in Tourism Destinations of Ikan Sakti Sungai Janiah Kecamatan Baso Kabupaten Agam. This study used qualitative and SWOT analysis. The data source is Head of Tourism, Youth and Sports, the Chief Manager of Tourism Destinations, Community Leaders, and tourists. The techniques of data collection were through interviews, observation, and documentation. Data were analyzed qualitatively including reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. The results showed that the potential development of tourist attraction in this tourists destination is tracking, flying fox, fishing pond, bathhouse, camping area, playground, park, packaging art such as; , dances, Debus, Pacik, Pupuik, Makan Bajamba, and Martial Arts Performances. Development strategies of a tourist attraction by optimizing the natural resources that already exist, giving training in tourism awareness to the community, building cooperation with local governments, managers and the public in the packaging of a tourist attraction, improve human resources by providing training and looking for investors in the development of tourist attraction, and increasing community involvement in the management of a tourist attraction.

Keywords: Potential, Development, Attractions, Destinations, SWOT

INTRODUCTION (kemenpar.go.id). Besides, it is also is one country seen from the development of where the tourism is a major sector tourism industry in various in to improve the national economy in Indonesia. overcoming poverty. It is proved in World Tourism Organization 2011 where the ranking of tourism describes the “Tourism comprises the foreign exchange reached the fifth activities of persons traveling to and rank of eleven exports of goods in staying in places outside their usual Indonesia, which reached USD environment for not more than one 8,544.39 million and increased by consecutive year for leisure, 2015 to USD 12,225.89 million Management, and other purposes ”.

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The tourism development of a 19.19 KM2 is located at an altitude needs the support and of 800-900 m above sea level. cooperation of relevant stakeholders The attractions are owned by such as governments, employers or these tourist destinations are the Management as well as the beautiful nature, flora, and fauna and surrounding community, particularly the air is still fresh. Then, the cultural in exploring the potential of existing attraction has unique characteristics attraction. It aims to increase tourists such as customs and life in society. visits to an area that can have a Furthermore, the attraction made in positive impact on revenue and the existing form of heritage economic areas. buildings hereditary form of the According to Law No.10 of (traditional house of 2009 on tourism, Tourist Attractions tribe), which is still is anything that has a uniqueness, maintained up to this day. With the beauty and value in the form of attraction of it, if it is well natural diversity, cultural and man- developed, could increase tourist made outcome target or destination visits to tourist destinations of Ikan of tourists visit. Basically, tourist Sakti Sungai Janiah. attraction is also a motivating factor In fact, nowadays, the level of tourist visited tourist destination, tourists’ visits to this tourist both a natural attraction (Natural destination is still less stable. It can Attraction), the attraction of culture be seen from the low number of (culture attraction) and the tourists’ visits and the destination is attractiveness of artificial (Man still little known by tourists. Made of Attraction). Meanwhile, the tourist attraction Tourism Destinations of Ikan strongly supports the survival and Sakti Sungai Janiah is one of the growth of regional tourism destinations in the district of Agam competitive basis and be able to have Baso will be developed by the a competitive edge and more value government. This is seen in tourism than other tourism destinations. development master plan of Agam Therefore, this study was aimed to 2016 which makes this destination as analyze the potential for tourists’ the Top Fourth Destination of Agam destination development in Ikan (DUPK4). This tourist destination is Sakti Sungai Janiah Kecamatan Baso geographically located between 0 ° - Kabupaten, West Sumatra. 3° S, 100.28 ° E, with an area of

REVIEW OF RELATED No.10 of 2009 on tourism, "Tourism LITERATURE is a wide range of tourist activities Tourism and supported a variety of facilities Tourism is an activity, and services provided by service, and products of the tourism communities, Management, gover- industry to create new experiences nments, and local governments" for travelers. According to Law . 3

Tourism activities cannot be attraction of nature (natural separated from tourism Management attractions), (b) cultural attractions, aimed at providing tourism services, (c) a tourist attraction artificial / supply, object seek, attractions, target man (man-made attractions)". Management tourism facilities, and Elements of natural attraction other related Management that field. is the sea, , , lakes, In these activities occurred economic rivers, flora and fauna, landscapes activity due to the demand on the and others; cultural attraction s is the part of tourists and offers from tradition of customs, clothes of providers of tourism services customs, ceremonies, cultural provided by communities, Manage- heritage, buildings and historic ment, governments, and local heritage, festivals and cultural governments. performances, handicrafts, and others; and man-made attraction Tourism Destination results are facilities for sports, According to Law No. 10 of entertainment games, recreation 2009 on tourism, "tourism parks, national parks, shopping, and Destinations or a tourist destination etc . is a geographical region located in one or more administrative regions in RESEARCH METHODOLOGY which there is a tourist attraction, Research on Potential for public facilities, tourism facilities, Development Attractions in Ikan accessibility, and community are Sakti Sungai Janiah Kecamatan Baso interrelated and complementary Kabupaten, West Sumatra was using realization of tourism. qualitative methods and SWOT In contrast to what was stated analysis. According to Sugiyono by Kelly and Narkervis (2011: 306) "Qualitative researchers (2001),"Effective coordination of a as human instruments, serves to destinations tourism operations establish the focus of the problem, depends upon a clear understanding select informants as a source of data, of the resources available, the extent collecting data, assessing data to which tourism development has quality, data analysis, interpret the ready occurred, and the data and make conclusions on its interrelationship among this findings". development" This research was conducted by observation, interviews, and Attractions documentation. Sources of data in Attractions is anything that has this study are the Head of Tourism, a uniqueness, beauty, and value in Youth, and Sports of Agam, the form of natural diversity, cultural Chairman of the Management of and man-made outcome target or Ikan Sakti Sungai Janiah Tourism destination tourist visits (Act No.10 Destination, public recommended by of 2009). Suchaina (2014) presents the Chief Manager of Tourism three classification of tourist Destinations of Ikan Sakti Sungai attraction, namely: "(a) the tourist Janiah and tourist. . 4

Researchers tested the data weaknesses, opportunities, and credibility so that research results threats. (Rangkuti, 2011). can be accounted for. According to Sugiyono (2011: 365), "test the DESCRIPTION OF THE credibility of the data or confidence OBJECT OF RESEARCH in the results of a qualitative study Sungai Janiah is one Jorong among others the extension of (village) surrounded by the expanse observation, increased diligence in of Bukit Barisan (the longest research, triangulation, discussions in Sumatra) located in the with colleagues, negative case district of Agam Baso. Sungai analysis, and member check". Janiah has its own uniqueness and Techniques of data analysis beauty as beautiful nature and forests used were qualitative and SWOT are still awake, uphold cultural analysis. Techniques of Qualitative mores with and its inhabitants. data analysis used the interactive Most of Sungai Janiah model of Miles and Huberman mainland is forest, rice fields, and (1984) in Sugiyono (2011: 334) plantations which are very beautiful "Activities in the data analysis that is and attractive. Sungai Janiah is data reductions, the data display, geographically located between 0 ° - and conclusion drawing/ 3°S, 100.28 ° E, with an area of ± 4.2 verification". Thus the qualitative km2 at an altitude of 800-900 meters data analysis techniques included above sea level. three grooves; reduction, data Sungai Janiah tourism presentation, and conclusions ". destinations had long been managed Formulating a Potential for by the local community but at the Development in Ikan Sakti Sungai end of 2016 a new cooperation with Janiah Tourism Destination, the the Department of Tourism, Youth researchers identified factors of and Sports. Operational management strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, is directly carried out by the public, and threats using SWOT. while the government only as a Rangkuti (2000: 18) argues supervisor and support the develop- SWOT analysis is: "Identification of ment of the tourism destinations. a variety of factors systematically to formulate the corporate strategy. This analysis is based on the logic RESULTS that maximises the strengths and 1. Natural Attractions opportunities but simultaneously can Natural Attractions of Ikan minimize your weaknesses and Sakti Sungai Janiah Tourism threats". Destination are some major After conducting a SWOT natural attractions such as Bukik analysis, researchers made a SWOT Batanjua where the hill has a formulation which was prepared by uniqueness that is on the hilltop using SWOT analysis results by there is water in a clean stone, combining several indicators and you can drink directly. contained in the strengths, Based on the story can be a remedy for those who drink it 5

Then the beautiful view the origin of fish is from a from the top Bukik Batanjua also human has become an attraction can be a natural attraction for for tourists to come to this tourists because from the top of destinations. In addition, the the hill the tourists can see the much water flows from the pool views of the entire area of can be developed becoming Sungai Janiah to Jam Gadang bathing or fishing spot for (Clock Tower), Bukittinggi tourists later. Around the Magic although within ± 25 Km from fish pond, many apes which also Ikan Sakti Sungai Janiah can be its uniqueness, such as Tourism Destination. feeding the monkey. Moreover, For its development in the because most of its population Bukik Batanjua, it potentially are farmers, there are many rice serves as a place for camping or fields and crops that can be tracking area as stated by the developed later as additional Chairman of Pokdarwis Sungai objects of tourism, as shown in Janiah in the results of the Figure 1. interview:

"We have enough land and can create additional like the place for camping or tracking area. This program has not ever been planned because of their limited knowledge and development ways".

This development is still Figure 1. not conducted by the manager because there is constrained in In the development of planning the construction of tourism destinations of Ikan, stairs that have not been Sakti Sungai Janiah is slow reaching one hundred percent because of difficulties in land completed as well as the acquisition for tourism. Most of manufacture of site planning the land is owned by the native camping. Then, the lack of people or it is called as Tanah management personnel for hulayat (the land which is monitoring to the top of the owned by indigenous people or Bukik Batanjua is also tribes land) so that in the contributed. Consequently, there planning of development, the are widely found trash scattered government must be waiting for on top of the hill. permission and agreement in While Magic Fish pond advance of traditional leaders with the unique history where . 6

Thus the main natural minang (marriage minang tribe attraction that exists (Bukit where there is a procession with Batanjua, Magic Fish pond, a tambourine) and its petatah Animal trademark and water petitih (adage proverb).Then, sources) are likely to be Randai performance (original art developed with the manufacture Drama of Minang) are randai of baths, fishing, and simalanca originally from manufacturing of location for Sungai Janiah where it tells the tracking and camping area on life story of a simple young man the hill. Next, to take advantage who diligently worships. There of big trees around the tourist are also art performances of sites can be developed into Silek (Martial Arts community flying fox park later.This was of Sungai Janiah) with three stated by community leaders in types of martial arts that are Sungai Janiah. Silek Kumango (its movement combining soft and hard martial "In this tourism arts movements), Silek Tuo, (soft destination, we have a movements and lock). Silek beautiful nature and the taralak, (hard and sharp number of trees as well as movements) by using their four a source of water. One philosophical movements Alief, example if we take Lam, Lam, Ha (Allah). In advantage of existing performance, we always remem- trees, we can make as a ber God and pay attention to flying fox area that can four nature and human nature increase tourist visits as (fire, water, the wind, and earth). well ". This is in line with the Chairman of the Pokdarwis of Sungai The problem is the Janiah that. location has not been well managed as many of garbage left "If the cultural attraction in the area because they lack is very much but not yet specialized staff in cleaning developed like the locations. For the development martial arts for example and management, it needs Silek Kumango, Silek cooperation between managers, Tuo, Silek taralak by local governments, and com- using four movement munities as well as investors in whose philosophy Alief, developing this potential. Then, Lam, Lam, Ha (Allah) in cooperation with all parties the Silat Performances, promoting this site will increase we always remember tourist visits. God and pay attention to four nature and human 2. Cultural Attraction nature (Wind Fire Water There are a much cultural and Soil). attraction in Sungai Janiah such as; the tradition of Baralek 7

Then pasambahan attraction development of (proverb), randai, this culture because most talempoang and pupuik youths are also many (traditional musical who go abroad ". instrument minang) is complete, then makan The hope is if the cultural bajamba (eating together attraction is developed and packaged as a spectacle for in the large plate)”. tourists, it will give a positive Furthermore, cultural impact on society of Sungai attraction upon this tourism Janiah. It is not only as destination such as a musical entertainment for tourists but instrument pupuik (a wind also beneficial for the com- instrument of palm leaves), munity to increase the awareness which is rarely found in the area of their own culture and the of Minangkabau, playing local economy. talempoang Pacik (musical Making it real and pack instrument talempong played the cultural attraction, the role of during casual occasions such as the community, management, while waiting for guests in a and government are needed. It is custom event or formal and in line with the motto of tradition makan bajamba (eating Kambali ka Nagai (revive the together in sebuat large plates, old culture). In addition, the one plate can be 4 to 6 where it strategies are introducing more symbolizes the togetherness of people to the culture of children peopleMinang). from an early age. This was This is the attraction of stated by one of the community the culture of the society of leaders in Sungai Janiah that: Sungai Janiah, but at this time the attraction is rarely seen, "If we truly develop the because of the lack of interest of attraction of this culture, young people to learn about the it can be started from the culture. Some youth choose to other side, we go from migrate so that very few elementary school. We generations in developing a train them while playing culture in Sungai Janiah. This and later can be used was stated by the head of the mainly in developing this tourism department of youth and cultural attraction ". sports that: "The weakness of the While the government is community itself is still a expected to help develop this lack of interest and fascination with making local participation in moving arts events that attract people to and takes part in delve deeper into budayannya . 8

3. Man-Made Attraction Sungai Janiah. As stated by the Man-Made attractions of Head of Tourism, Youth, and the tourism destinations of Ikan Sports that: Sakti Sungai Janiah are many "The weakness of the like a traditional house of community as possible in sapasukuan (a tribe) where each terms of possible tribe had the house as a place of awareness of tourism, in customary deliberation, ceme- addition to any tourism tery sacred in Sungai Janiah development we must get (Grave of Inyiak Jirek) where prior permission from people believe he is sacred man niniak mamak or tribal that has grave up to 4 meters leaders, without his long, and the magic fish story permission we cannot itself can be recorded. As stated continue the develop- by the Chairman of the ment of tourism because Pokdarwis Sungai Janiah that: the government simply as a supporter and "Every tribe in Sungai supervisor, while the Janiah have traditional management is directly house sapasukuan (a taking by the com- tribe) to which munity". musyawah or discussion together. In addition, The next potential is there are also graves of vacant land that can be used to sacred named graves of manufacture the park around Inyiak Jirek with the these destinations as well as the length up to 4 meters and addition of the lodges will have is considered sacred by a special uniqueness. It can be the community” seen in Figure 2 below. The other potential attraction that can be developed is the manufacture of a playing park as utilizing two potential natural and man-made can be made flying fox and a tree house. Next, the other potential is fishing and baths spot for tourists. Nevertheless, the deve- lopment of this potential is often constrained by niniak mamak (Traditional Leaders) to permit the development because it was Figure 2. feared did not fit the culture 9

In addition to, improving Destinations of Ikan Sakti Sungai the quality of human resources Janiah Kecamatan Baso Kabupaten should also be considered, as it Agam, West Sumatra can be will play an active role against explained as follows: reciprocation of these destinations 1) Natural Attraction SWOT Analysis of DISCUSSION natural attraction of Tourism Based on the results of Destination in Ikan Sakti Sungai SWOT analysis (strengths, Janiah Kecamatan Baso weaknesses, opportunities, and Kabupaten Agam, West Sumatra threats) the Potential Development of can be seen in Table 1 below: Tourism Attractions in Tourism

Table 1. SWOT Analysis of Natural Attraction the Tourism Destinations of Ikan Sakti Sungai Janiah

Strength (S) Weakness (W) 1) Formation Pokdarwis (Tourism 1) People lack knowledge and science Awareness Group) by the in the utilization of natural Government which is staffed by resources. people around Tourism Destinations 2) Not all people who understand of Ikan Sakti Sungai Janiah. tourism awareness 2) A beautiful natural attraction and the 3) Difficulties in assessing permission air is still maintained fresh and free from niniak mamak (Traditional from air pollution. Leaders) in land use and the entry of 3) The presence of several other outside investors for tourism interesting places that have not been development. developed as a tourist attraction. 4) The government only coaches, 4) Location or strategic place and easy management is fully carried out by to reach ± 2.5 Km of causeway the public, so that limitation in Sumatra. While the distance to developing tourism professionals Bukittinggi ± 23 Km which is one of the Featured destinations in West Sumatra. 5) Availability of water sources

Opportunities (O) Threats (T) 1) The number of tourists visiting 1) The development of tourism Agam is big enough. destinations that enhance 2) Cooperation, central government competition agencies and local governments and 2) the development of other tourist academia in the development of destinations are located in the tourism destinations. tourism destination of Ikan Sakti 10

3) Determination by local government Sungai janiah can increase tourism destinations Ikan Sakti competition Sungai Janiah into a major 3) The natural damage was done by destination to be developed. tourists if the number of tourists is 4) They still lack the natural attractions not noticed. that exist around tourism 4) The threat of natural disasters, destinations. because the destination is located on a hilly terrain.

Based on the results of SWOT analysis of the natural attraction above, it can be arranged strategy development as follows (Table 2):

Table 2. Strategy Development of Natural Attraction in Tourism Destinations of Ikan Sakti Sungai Janiah

WO Strategies (Weaknesses- SO Strategies (Strength-Opportunity) Opportunities) 1) Empower HR (Pokdarwis) to 1) Maximizing the attraction of cooperate with related agencies existing natural such as government and private 2) Provide training to the community 2) Utilizing natural attraction by of tourism awareness adding new objects which can be 3) Better approach to niniak mamak visited by tourists. for land use will be used as a natural 3) Developing natural attractions such attraction development as the manufacture of a camping 4) Government training and full area, tracking, and utilization of support to the managers and the water resources by making a community for the development of bathhouse, fishing and rafting this tourism destination. ST Strategies (Strength-Threats) WT Strategies (Weaknesses-Threats) 1) Implanting the managers and the 1) Perform maintenance and care of the public to provide excellent service natural environment by renewing to travelers with the training of natural resources and limit the government and academia. number of tourists visiting, so as to 2) Local government, Management, preserve the natural community and niniak mamak to 2) the Management community should make a rule to tourists (in the form be helped by heavily promoting. of what is permissible and what is 3) Utilizing a water source well to pay not) attention to the environmental 3) Management and the community damage and the potential for natural should do a comparative study to disasters. other tourism destinations. 11

Empower the entire SDM support to the managers and the (Pokdarwis) in accordance with the community for the development of portions and the assignment of tourism destinations in Sungai responsibilities of each. The Janiah. This is achieved by Management destination must governments as well as the support actively cooperate with the of academics that aims to increase government, such as asking for the sense of belonging and the ability training, guidance, and assistance in of communities to develop tourism. order to develop a natural attraction Perform maintenance and care of the to the maximum. Managers can natural environment by renewing conduct cooperation with the private natural resources such as the planting sector that could eventually become of trees. Limiting the number of investors in the construction of tourists visiting several objects natural attraction in particular. In which aim to maintain the balance addition to the manager, the active and preservation of nature so there is role of the community is needed to no damage caused by the number of support the development of tourism tourist visits. destination attractiveness, because Promotion of tourism society is a major tourism player. destinations by the management Utilization of natural assisted local communities to do with attraction, it can improve the local the distribution of brochures, social economy directly. This is in line with media, and promotions directly to that proposed by Hermantoro, (2015: potential tourists. 2), "Tourism has also provided Utilizing the existing water evidence that natural resources can resources properly can be done by be processed into a great economic considering the environmental power without damaging the damage and the potential for natural environment." This strategy is done disasters. There are a lot of potentials by the management and the that can be developed by utilizing the community with local government existing water sources such as adding and private ready for a human. water parks. But its use must be Developing natural considered so as to avoid attractions such as the manufacture contamination of the environment. of a camping area, tracking, and This analysis is done by the utilization of water resources by management with the help of local making a bathhouse, fishing and government and academia. rafting are aimed to increase the Creating a rule for the tourists capacity rating so it does not when visiting tourist destinations accumulate in one place. This can be such as courtesy visit, dress, behave done by the management with the and others who should be in support of the public and mamak accordance with the customs of the niniak in the particular and direction people (in the form of what is of the government. permissible and what is not). It was Provide insight to the designed by the organizer and local community, especially on tourism governments to engage with awareness and training and full traditional leaders as imposing a rule 12

in the area. Management and the can be carried out and supervised by community should do a comparative the local government. study to other tourism destinations are already running and well 2) Cultural Attraction developed. It aims to open up ideas Based on the analysis of and increase knowledge and insight cultural attraction in Ikan Sakti in the development of society and the Sungai Janiah Kecamatan Baso management of natural tourism Kabupaten Agam, West Sumatra can destination in particular. The strategy be seen in Table 3 below:

Table 3: SWOT Analysis of Culture of Attraction the Tourism Destinations of Ikan Sakti Sungai Janiah

Strength (S) Weakness (W) 1) Society upholds the philosophy of 1) Lack of interest and participation Minangkabau " Adaik basandi (Youth) in the development of syarak, syarak basandi kitabullah." culture The strong community mores. 2) Most people (Youth) went far and 2) A diverse array of the indigenous wide and the Kampong just parents culture of the community. A 3) Their respective tribes (Leaders of 3) Lack of availability of facilities and Indigenous) understand the customs, equipment, especially equipment culture, and arts of Sungai Janiah indigenous traditional music which 4) their custom events are conducted is endangered. each month 4) The number of rules and "abstinence" (prohibition) is assumed by the public. 5) Management and government have no special funds for the development of the cultural attraction. 6) Local governments merely as a supporter and supervisor the development of this cultural attraction. Opportunities (O) Threats (T) 1) The government plans to implement 1) Influence modernization and a cultural event in this tourism technology that may affect the destination. cultural 2) The absence destinations develop 2) presence of foreign cultural cultural attraction around sub district influences brought by tourists Baso. 3) Competition with tourist (1) The Government fully supports the destinations in West Sumatra who development potential of culture as a are already expanding cultural 13

tourist attraction. attraction. (2) Their investors who would like to help pack and become EO in the packaging of the cultural attraction. (3) Their target of indigenous culture academics against Sungai Janiah, so it can serve as guidelines in its development. Based on the results of SWOT analysis of cultural attraction of the above, it can be arranged as a development strategy follows (Table 4):

Table 4. Strategy Development culture attraction in the Tourism Destinations of Ikan Sakti Sungai Janiah

WO Strategies (Weaknesses- SO Strategies (Strength-Opportunity) Opportunities) 1) Management in cooperation with 1) Train and inculcate the culture of society, academia and government in the youth from the school so that it culture and procurement packaging can maintain the original culture events to introduce the culture of the Sungai Janiah. area rivers janiah so as to attract 2) To coordinate with indigenous tourists leaders about the native culture of 2) Developing cultural attraction as the river janiah and map out where randai, silat, a traditional musical the culture (arts, martial arts, instrument, etc., do the packing by a proverb etc.) that could be manager with the public as the main developed as a cultural attraction s actors. Assisted by the private sector in tourism destinations fish sacred as a tourist carrier to the tourism river janiah destination 3) find funds to improve and complement the equipment needed in the development of the attraction the culture, with the support and guidance academia and government

ST Strategies (Strength-Threats) WT Strategies (Weaknesses-Threats) 1) Community leaders (traditional 1) Empowering youth area as the leaders) and managers collaborate to driving force local tourism by create a rule for a tourism providing training and destination which is then published understanding of the tourism to tourists. 2) Identify abstinence (prohibition) 2) Following the development of who assumed the community and technologies to optimize or use it as make it as a unique area a promotional tool while maintaining 3) Improving facilities to support the the native culture. implementation of a cultural event as an attraction for tourists 14

Based on Table 4 above it can and can maintain the cultural be seen that the strategy to develop a authenticity of local communities. cultural attraction in Tourism Following the development of Destinations of Ikan Sakti Sungai technologies to optimize or use it as Janiah Kecamatan Baso Kabupaten a promotional tool while maintaining Agam, West Sumatra can be done in the native culture. This can be done several ways. by empowering all the technology Management cooperates with used by the public, such as society, academia, and government communication technology in the packaging of such cultural (Android), the public can help the customs and uniqueness of a society promotion of indigenous culture which is then used as an attraction. through the Internet so that the Then the manufacture and supply of culture better known again. events culture aimed at introducing At least the young man who local culture Sungai Janiah so as to understands the culture or customs to attract tourists. The government can do the training and instill the concept create a calendar of cultural events of culture to the youth from the that can be done at Tourism school so that it can maintain the Destinations of Ikan Sakti Sungai original culture Sungai Janiah. If it is Janiah. In this case, the community not done then the native culture in is as the executor of the event. the sacred river tourism destination Cultural attractions that can be janiah fish can be lost. developed are randai, martial arts, Managers can coordinate with traditional musical instruments and indigenous leaders about native traditions of indigenous communities culture and mapped Sungai Janiah like makan bajamba. This packaging where the culture (arts, martial arts, is done by managers with the support proverb etc.) that could be developed of the community as the main actor. as an attraction in the cultural Then, the private sector helps as a tourism destination of Ikan Sakti tourism destination to travelers Sungai Janiah. This is done because carrying fish janiah sacred river, so not all of the existing culture can be that can improve the local economy. used as a supporting passage of Community leaders (traditional tourism in Ikan Sakti Sungai Janiah leaders) and managers collaborate to Tourism Destination. create a rule in tourism destinations Managers must be active in which are then posted to the tourists. finding funds and assistance to This can be done by displaying the reorganize and equip the equipment rules been near the gate to enter the needed in the development of tourism destination and publications cultural attraction. This can be done via the internet so that tourists can through cooperation with investors understand the area prior to travel with the support and direction of academia and the government 15

Empowering youth as a driver of manufacture of the stage arts, and tourism in the region is by providing complete the necessary equipment. training and understanding of the This can be done by the management local culture, especially tourism. with the help of the local This can be done by applying the government. "kambali kanagari" (back to culture). It can do as turn on and train young 1) Man Made Attraction people to learn the culture. This Based on an analysis SWOT strategy can be carried out by the man made attraction in Tourism management with the help of Destinations of Ikan Sakti Sungai traditional leaders. In addition, Janiah Kecamatan Baso Kabupaten improving facilities can support the Agam, West Sumatra can be seen in implementation of a cultural event as Table 5 below: an attraction for tourists such as the

Table 5. SWOT Analysis of Attraction Man Made the Tourism Destinations of Ikan Sakti Sungai Janiah

Strength (S) Weakness (W) 1) The empty land area for the 1) There is still a lack of knowledge in manufacture of man-made attraction the communities in developing this tourism destination fish sacred river potential. janiah 2) The trouble permission from 2) Lack of attraction of artificial around traditional authorities for land use in tourist destinations fish sacred river the development of artificial janiah attraction. 3) There is still a lack of creative ideas from managers and communities to develop or create attraction artificial in tourism destinations have Opportunities (O) Threats (T) 1) There is support for local 1) Competition with other tourism governments to the development of destinations had first developed an the attractiveness of artificial in artificial attraction in West Sumatra. tourism destinations fish sacred river 2) The influence of rating, the janiah incompatibility of tourist behavior 2) the existence of investors to help with the local culture. develop the attractiveness of 3) Lack of funds to undertake the artificial in this destination. construction of artificial attraction. 3) Lack the attraction of artificial 4) The regulation which states that around tourist destinations Ikan local governments cannot build Sakti Sungai Janiah physically in a destination that is not 4) Government will provide financial managed by the Government assistance based on a proposal made 16

by the management of tourism destinations 5) the existence of cooperation with academia in the development of this fascination

Having in mind the strengths, Sungai Janiah in District Baso Agam weaknesses, opportunities, and West Sumatra, the strategy of threats of man-made attraction in development can be seen in Table 6 Tourism Destinations of Ikan Sakti below : Table 6.Development Strategy Man Made Attraction in Ikan Sakti Sungai Janiah Tourism Destination

WO Strategies (Weaknesses- SO Strategies (Strength-Opportunity) Opportunities) 1) Utilize and optimize the function of 1) academics Local Government land surrounding tourist destinations supported training and guidance to to develop a man made attraction the public related to the 2) Increase cooperation with local development of man-made governments, academia and the attraction so that more creative private sector in developing a man people participated to create the made attraction to investors and attraction made in increased opportunities for 2) Management of tourism destinations destination development should involve their respective traditional leaders in a caretaker manager of tourism destination ST Strategy (Strengths-Threats) Strategy WT (Weakness-Threat) 1) creating a man made attraction with 1) Provide training to the public related land use around the destination in to the development of artificial accordance with the social life of the attraction and conduct a community to create characteristics comparative study into the tourism own distinctive tourism destination destination which is superior in a 2) Conducting a comparative study of homemade attraction. tourism destination that has been 2) Making traditional leaders as rule developed in the management of an makers or advisors in the artificial attraction and makes it as a management of tourism destinations tourism partner

Based on Table 6 above can be namely by utilizing and optimizing explained that the strategy to develop the function of land around the a man made attraction in Tourism existing tourism destinations to Destinations of Ikan Sakti Sungai develop a man made attraction such Janiah in District Baso Agam West as the manufacture flying fox, lodges, Sumatra can be done in several ways, tree house, playground and more 17

The use of the land can be as tourism partners. Management and carried out with the support of the society are working together to community and community leaders create an artificial attraction as well around. It is because most of the land as providing excellent service around the destination is inheritance. management. This can be done by With the addition and development looking at the destinations that have of artificial attraction, it can increase been developed as a reference and tourist visits. to the desires of tourists. Managers improve cooperation Local Government supported with local governments, academia academics provide training and and the private sector in developing a coaching to the public related to the man made attraction to investors and development of man-made attraction increased opportunities for so that more creative people destination development. LG is a participated create an artificial driving force in the development of attraction. This strategy can be the artificial attractiveness as help performed more detail by provide planning and training to governments, especially in the managers later. Academics have an physical improvement of the important role in increasing related attraction made in academics while human resources, such as managers helping to provide training in the and the public as actors will travel. management tbsp artificial attraction. As for the increase in the Management in creating an construction of an artificial artificial attraction involves each attraction, it is required of investors traditional leader as the team who are capable of carrying out the manager of the entry in the construction. This cooperation with organization of tourism destination. stakeholders can increase tourist It aims to accelerate the construction arrivals and boost the local economy. and development of artificial Creating artificial fascination attraction, because in that region in with surrounding land use any development undertaken must be destination is in accordance with the approved by traditional leaders first. social life of the community to create Besides, traditional leaders are a unique tourism destination of Ikan included in the creating rules for tour Sakti Sungai Janiah. This is done by players and tourists. managers with the support of the local government to build artificial CONCLUSIONS AND fascination with the feel of a typical RECOMMENDATIONS Minang. Then make the attraction of Conclusions the artificial can be enjoyed by all The potential development of types of travelers. tourist attraction in Tourism Doing a comparative study to Destinations of Ikan Sakti Sungai the tourism destination that has been Janiah can be seen from the aspect of developed in the management of the strengths, weaknesses, artificial attractiveness and makes it opportunities, and threats. 18

a. Strength: 3) Management of tourist 1) There is an already organiza- attraction is only allowed tion or groups in managing people around so the lack of tourist attraction in the professional personnel. tourism destination that is 4) Lack of youth participation Pokdarwis (Tourism Aware- and interest in the ness Group), which was management and confirmed by the tourism development of tourist department in early 2017. The attraction. 2) Natural attraction of pariwista 5) The government does not Destinations of Ikan Sakti have full authority for the Sungai Janiah was still development of tourist awake and has the fresh air. attraction in these destina- 3) Location or strategic place tions and the government and easy to reach ± 2.5 Km of only as advisors and causeway Sumatra. While the supporter distance to Bukittinggi ± 23 c. Opportunities Km. 1) Presence of cooperation of 4) A number of vacant lands central government agencies that could be used for the and local governments in the development of a tourist promotion and development attraction. Travel Attractions in Ikan 5) Uphold a customary Sakti Sungai Janiah Tourism philosophy basandi Destinations. basandi syarak, syarak 2) Their cooperation and basandi kitabullah. In a guidance conducted by habitual way of life, social academics in floating tourist and religious. attraction. 6) The existence of a 3) Lack of developed tourist characteristic of a tourism attraction around the District attraction in Ikan Sakti Baso Agam. Sungai Janiah Tourism 4) A number of tourists visiting Destinations as natural, Agam are increasing every traditional houses, cultural year. and social 5) LGs establish tourism b. Weakness destination of Ikan Sakti 1) Trouble permit investors who Sungai Janiah is one of the will invest in the main destinations that will be development of a tourist developed in Agam District. attraction as decision makers 6) The presence of outside in the region are niniak investors who will develop a mamak or indigenous leaders. tourist attraction in Tourism 2) Knowledge and understan- Destinations of Ikan Sakti ding of community tourism Sungai Janiah awareness are still lacking. 19

d. Threats attraction in Tourism destination 1) Modernization of Ikan Sakti Sungai Janiah. Influence, behavior and They should play an active role culture brought the in cooperation with various tourists can affect local parties such as the government cultural was directing and supporting the 2) Development of tourist advancement of tourism, attraction in the tourism academics doing research for a destination other near tourism destination so that the Tourism Destinations received input and advice in of Ikan Sakti Sungai developing, finding investors Janiah who can support the physical 3) Number of tourist development. arrivals who are 3. The next writer uncontrolled can It is expected to conduct damage the environ- further research in the ment development of a tourist 4) The threat of natural attraction in Tourism disasters Destinations of Ikan Sakti Sungai Janiah in the form of Suggestion natural attraction, artificial 1. Office of Tourism Youth and attraction, and man-made Sports of Agam attraction so that it becomes the Doing coaching and input and materials for the training to managers and local advancement of the tourism communities periodically such destinations. as understanding tourism awareness and sapta pesona as REFERENCES well as how the development of a tourist attraction. Then, local government should be more Hermantoro, Henky, 2015. aggressively conduct a campaign Kepariwisataan Destinasi to highlight a tourist attraction Pariwisata Produk Wisata. by organizing events which will Depok: Aditri. be published in the media social, so that it can increase tourist Kelly, Ian dan Tony Nankervis, traffic which can positively 2001. Visitor Destinations. impact the local economy. : Calaloguins 2. Management Tourism Destinations Rangkuti, Fredy. 2000. Analisis They are expected to see SWOT Teknik Membedah the potential tourist attraction to Kasus Bisnis. Jakarta: realize the development strategy Gramedia Pustaka Utama of natural attraction and artificial . 20

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