North Carolina State University's Student Newspaper Since 1920
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Technician NOrth Carolina State University’s Student Newspaper Since 1920 Volume LXII, Number 3 Monday, November 23, 1%1 Raleigh, North Carolina Phone 737—241 1 ,-2412 New requirements Food stamps program offers students aid make it tougher if criteria are met to get heating aid by Karen Freltas “State students are not required to Staff Writer have a fixed residence because they by Elman Khalil are here in Wake County only tem- Staff Writer Wake County Health Services pro porarily. but they can still apply for vides food stamps for students to aid food stamps." English said. Recent changes in eligibility requirements for the Low Income them financially. According to the Food Stamp Pro Energy Assistance Program make it tougher for larger households To be eligible for the stamps a reciv gram Certification Manual. there have to be eligible for heating assistance. pient must be aged 18 through 59. been some cases where counties have Members of the Wake County Department of Social Services met physically and mentally fit and enroll- attempted to verify participation by last week and developed new criteria which raise the minimum ed at least as a part-time student in an contacting the project area in which level of income needed to be eligible for assistance. institution of higher learning. the household previously resided by According to a report published last week the energy program The student must be employed for a telephone or mail. In most of the “provides a one-time cash payment to help eligible households in' minimum of 20 hours per week or be cases. participation records were not paying their energy bills. However, it is not the purpose of the pro participating in a federally financed available until after the month had gram to pay all of a household'5 heating bills.‘ work--study program during the school ended by which time the information Households are eligible only if they meet certain requirements. year. was no longer helpful. For example. to meet the criteria for assistance a household's totali Another criteria option is that the Because of the lack of any timely income must be at or belowthe non-farm poverty level. student must be head of a household means of verifying participation. some The maximum income level for one person in a householdIs rais- — or the spouse of such a household -— counties. including Wake. use a state ed from $310 to $316. If five people are in the household. the max-; containing one or more other persons ment signed by the head of the imum income level is now $723. If six people are in the household. who are dependent on that individual household attesting to the fact that the level is $824. This figure is used to represent the income level because he or she supplies more than coupons were not obtained during the needed by an eight-member household to be eligible. Any figure half of their support. month in another county and attempt over six will have 3102 added to the previous figure. i Any individual living alone may not an after-the-fact verification of the In order to qualify for heating assistance, a household must have make a salary of more than $360 per questionable cases. “assets which have a value of $2,200 or less. All assets will be month. A household of two people can Incorporating such a statement into counted except household or personal belongings. cars. home.‘ only take in $475 and three people on- the certification process may clarify incomeproducing property. insurance. value of prepaid burial con-. in any misconceptions recipients may .tracts. savings of a student under 18 who is saving his money for ly $590. A four-member family is have about dual participation. serve as school expenses. relocation assistance payments. money in a check- the $705 bracket and any individual a deterrent to fraud and strengthen ing account to meet monthly needs. non-salable life estate or re- after that is $115 per person. the county's position in the prosecu- mainder interests. heir property and HUD community development “Any income is counted for manda- tion of households subsequently grants.” according to the report. tory reasons. including checks from discovered to have participated twice. “This program does not pay all the heating bills of a particular any federally funded organization according to the manual. household." said Mary Lineberger. director of eligibility with Wake because the program is 100 percent Individuals or groups of individuals County Social Services. federally administrative." English who separate from another household Eligible households “will receive one payment through the mail said. cannot receive food stamps in their in February. Payments will depend on household income. type of All households must live in the own right in the same month they par- heating fuel used, and how cold it is in the part of North Carolina Staff photo by Clayton annuity county in which they make application ticipated in the program as part of the where the household lives." the report states. Preppy sex for the program. No individual may original household. According to the report “Households will receive a notice telling participate as a member of more than To apply for the food stamps a stu- them whether they are approved or denied energy assistance. If Lisa Birnbach, author of the Official Preppy Handbook. addresses an audience of one county in any month. All residents dent must go to the main office of they are dissatisfied with the action taken. they will have 60 days to students Thursday. Garbed in sockless penny loafers and a shirt with a duck who are living in the county for Wake Health Services. 201 W. Davie request a. hearing. To-get a hearing thebousehold must. ask the emblazoned on it, Bimbach's speech ranged from preppy sex to addobesds. anything other than vacation are con- St.. or to the department's full-time county department of; social services. either orally or in writing." sidered as residents. outpost on 567 East Hargett St Research aims at maintaining balance in ecological system Scientists work to improve enzyme breakdown of wastes by Bob Cairns chemicals aren't just hazardous to are necessary to break down a stub being used to stop the Mediterranean Information Services health but could cause environmental ‘If man-made products are not being biodegrad- born chemical. he may be able to use fruit fly. “We've also investigated problems for years to come. he said. genetic enginering to breed an systems which show us how cyclohex- Scientists at State are working to “After World War II .when the bulk ed. we have a problem’ organism that will produce that en- ane and other cyclic hydrocarbons improve the way enzymes break down of these inorganic chemicals were in— —Jerome Perry, professor zyme." he said. found in petroleum products can be PCBs and other cancer-causing troduced. the country had no real pro The researchers are no longer dissipated more quickly." he said. chemical wastes which threaten blem in handling wastes." Perry said. "Prior to the post-war chemical biodegradation of materials." Perry testing biodegradation in cultures According to Perry. the goal of this health and pollute the environment. "We were a rural population then and revolution, all naturally occurring said. “If man-made products are not that contain only one type of type of research is to get every com- The research is being done by had plenty of land. The amounts of materials (plant. animal. microbial) being biodegraded. we have a pro organism. pound to the point where it can be Jerome J. Perry. a professor of chemical wastes were small. generally helped maintain a balance in the blem. Potential sources of carbOn diox- “There are more than a billion dissipated within six months. the microbiology. and is funded by the less toxic and could be distributed ecology," he said. “The materials were ide won't be broken and there will be microorganisms in every gram of fer- same amount of time that N.C. Agricultural Research Service. widely." broken down by microorganisms. and an accumulation of toxic substances in tile soil and many have different en- microorganisms require. to break “The idea is to help keep our Today, large populations are con- they returned carbon dioxide and the environment." down organic wastes. ecological system in balance by mak- centrated in small geographic areas traces of other gases to the at- The hard-tobreak-down chemicals zyme systems." he said. “In our cur- ing these necessary chemicals (used in and there are millions of automobiles mosphere. There was no significant are throwing nature off balance. he rent research we are testing mixtures “When we get to that stage we'll the manufacture of pesticides. plastics and factories, he said. These factors. buildup of toxic materials." said. adding that research at State is of organisms in a variety of cultures. a have a balanced ecological system. and petroleum products) break down combined with the use of pesticides in For a balance to occur. as much car- seeking ways to encourage method which better approximates Perry said. “The idea is to have both faster," Perry said. agricultural production. are con- bon dioxide must be returned to the biodegradation of manmade materials what really occurs in nature." ' naturally occurring and manmade pro Perry explained that many of these tributing to pollution of the environ- air as is used by plants for photosyn- by identifying enzymes which cause In recent months Perry said. he has ducts return carbon dioxide to the at- chemical compounds. which have been ment with slow-dissipating chemical thesis.