Checklist of Suffolk Birds

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Checklist of Suffolk Birds Suffolk Bird Checklist status up to and including 2001 records (2002 & 2003 where stated) - not including BOURC category E R = records considered by BBRC r = records considered by SORC, requiring full descriptions see end of list for Category D and abundance codes red-throated diver common winter visitor and passage migrant, rare inland black-throated diver uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant, rare inland great northern diver uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant yellow (white)-billed diver R accidental, 3 records; 1852, 1978 and 1994 little grebe locally common resident, passage migrant and winter visitor great crested grebe locally common resident, passage migrant and winter visitor red-necked grebe uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant, mostly coastal slavonian grebe uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant, mostly coastal black-necked grebe uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant northern fulmar fairly common summer visitor and passage migrant Cory's shearwater r very rare (autumn) passage migrant; 28 records of 37 individuals, all post 1973 great shearwater r accidental, 6 records; 3 post 1950 sooty shearwater uncommon autumn migrant Manx shearwater uncommon passage migrant, mainly autumn Balearic shearwater r very rare passage migrant, 9 records, all since 1998 Leach's storm petrel r scarce passage migrant European storm petrel r very rare passage migrant, 28 individuals since 1950 northern gannet common offshore passage migrant great cormorant locally common passage migrant and winter visitor, a few oversummer European shag fairly common winter visitor and passage migrant great bittern scarce resident, passage migrant and winter visitor little bittern R accidental, 27 records referring to 32 individuals, has bred; 4 records since 1950 black-crowned night heron R very rare passage migrant and winter visitor, 27 records; ?? post 1950 squacco heron R accidental, 10 records, none since 1912 cattle egret R accidental, 3 records, 1988, 1992 and 2001 little egret uncommon but increasing year round visitor; has recently bred great (white) egret R accidental, 8 records, all since 1984 grey heron common resident, passage migrant and winter visitor purple heron r scarce passage migrant, 112 records, the majority since 1950 black stork R very rare passage migrant, 16 records, 10 since 1950 white stork very rare passage migrant, 41 records, at least 20 since 1950 glossy ibis R very rare passage migrant, 42 records, ??? since 1950 Eurasian spoonbill uncommon summer visitor and passage migrant, formerly bred mute swan common resident and winter visitor Tundra (Bewick's) swan locally common winter visitor and passage migrant whooper swan uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant bean goose (tundra & taiga) uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant pink-footed goose uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant greater white-fronted goose locally common winter visitor lesser white-fronted goose R accidental?, impossible to differentiate between wild birds and escapes greylag goose locally common and increasing resident, and scarce winter visitor snow goose R scarce and wandering feral resident; impossible to determine whether any of wild origin Canada goose locally common resident Barnacle goose uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant, and an increasingly common feral resident brent goose, inc pale bellied & locally common winter visitor and passage migrant black brant Egyptian goose locally common resident red-breasted goose R accidental, 3 individuals 1983/4, 2000 and 2001; several other records presumed escapes ruddy shelduck R accidental and escapee, c. 75 records; impossible to differentiate wild birds, escapees or feral origin common shelduck locally common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant mandarin duck uncommon feral visitor - has bred Eurasian wigeon locally common winter visitor and passage migrant, a few oversummer and occasionally breed American wigeon R accidental, 13 individuals, all since 1974 (including 2002) gadwall common resident and winter visitor common teal locally common resident, common winter visitor and passage migrant green-winged teal r very rare winter visitor, 17 records, all since 1963 mallard abundant resident, winter visitor and passage migrant northern pintail fairly common winter visitor and passage migrant, a few oversummer garganey uncommon summer visitor and passage migrant blue-winged teal R accidental, 4 records all since 1971; other records of presumed escape origin northern shoveler fairly common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant red-crested pochard uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant common pochard common winter visitor and passage migrant; scarce resident, breeds occasionally ring-necked duck r accidental, 8 records involving 10 individuals, all since 1974 ferruginous duck R rare winter visitor and passage migrant, 54 individuals, 32 since 1950 tufted duck common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant greater scaup fairly common winter visitor and passage migrant common eider locally common winter visitor and passage migrant, a few oversummer and has bred long-tailed duck uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant black (common) scoter common, non-breeding resident, winter visitor and passage migrant velvet scoter uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant bufflehead R accidental, 1 record 1997/8 (one previous record recently rejected) common goldeneye common winter visitor and passage migrant smew uncommon winter visitor, subject to influxes during severe weather periods red-breasted merganser uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant goosander locally common winter visitor and passage migrant ruddy duck uncommon resident, winter visitor and passage migrant European honey buzzard r scarce passage migrant, has bred in the past, and some recent summer records black kite R very rare passage migrant, 24 records, all since 1971 red kite scarce winter visitor and passage migrant, has bred white-tailed eagle r very rare winter visitor, c. 80 records, but only 11 individuals during the 20th century Eurasian marsh harrier local breeder, summer visitor and uncommon passage migrant, a few overwinter hen harrier fairly common winter visitor and passage migrant; formerly bred up to 1929 Montagu's harrier r rare passage migrant and former breeding summer visitor pallid harrier R accidental, 1 record in 1999 northern goshawk r scarce resident, winter visitor and passage migrant Eurasian sparrowhawk increasingly common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant common buzzard uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant, breeds infrequently rough-legged buzzard scarce winter visitor and passage migrant greater spotted eagle R accidental, 3 19th century records involving 4 individuals osprey uncommon passage migrant common kestrel common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant red-footed falcon R very rare passage migrant, 37 records, 36 since 1950 merlin uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant Eurasian hobby fairly common summer visitor and passage migrant gyr falcon R accidental, 4 19th century records peregrine falcon uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant, formerly bred grey partridge fairly common resident red-legged partridge abundant resident common pheasant abundant resident golden pheasant scarce resident common quail scarce summer visitor and passage migrant, subject to occasional influxes water rail fairly common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant spotted crake r rare passage migrant, occasionally breeds little crake R accidental, 2 records, 1830 and 1973 Baillon's crake R accidental, 3 19th century records corncrake r very rare passage migrant, formerly bred common moorhen abundant resident, winter visitor and passage migrant common coot common resident, winter visitor Allen's gallinule R accidental, one record, 1902 (recorded in former Suffolk, now Norfolk) common crane r rare passage migrant, formerly bred little bustard R accidental, 21 records involving 23 individuals; 3 post 1950 MacQueen's (Houbara) R accidental, 1 record, 1962 bustard great bustard R accidental, formerly bred, recorded in 2 winters (10 individuals) in 20th century - 1925 & 1987 Eurasian oystercatcher locally common winter visitor, passage migrant, and common resident black-winged stilt R very rare passage migrant, 24 records (33 individuals), 12 records (17 individuals) since 1950 pied avocet locally common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant stone curlew locally commmon summer visitor and rare passage migrant cream-coloured courser R accidental, 1 record, 1828 collared praticole R accidental, 5 records involving 6 individuals, all but 1 since 1950 oriental pratincole R accidental, 2 records, 1981 and 1993 black-winged pratincole R accidental, 2 records, 1985 and 1993 little (ringed) plover fairly common summer visitor and passage migrant ringed plover common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant Kentish plover r rare passage migrant, has nested once greater sand plover R accidental, 1 record 1981 Eurasian dotterel r scarce passage migrant American golden plover R accidental, 1997 (accepted by BBRC as either American or Pacific g.p.), 2003 (recorded in former Suffolk, now Norfolk) Pacific golden plover R accidental, 1992 Breydon Water - not officially accepted as having crossed into Suffolk European golden plover common winter visitor and passage migrant grey plover common winter visitor and passage migrant sociable plover (sociable R accidental, 4 records (3 individuals), 1968, 1977/8 and 2000 lapwing)
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