Weather Forecast 30 Days to Go Cloudy and cooler tonight and tomorrow Now’s th« time to make a better city with occasional rain. Low tonight about through Community Chest contributions. 64. (Full report on Page A-2.) Temperatures Today. Goal by November 4 $3,832,000 Midnight 78 6 a.m.__.75 11 am.—B4 Already reported™ 316,600 2am 77 Bam 77 Noon 83 you your share? 4 am 75 10 am—Bl 1 pm —B3 Itienxng Have given Ar> Associated Press Wiit New York Markets, Pages A-18-19

102 d Year. No. 278. Phone ST. 3-5000 ?? WASHINGTON, D. C., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1954-FORTY-FOUR PAGES. £ajffi?fa .S!rasd.?!S STSWaJiSKaSiffi S CENTS 9-Year Dispute President Considers Invitations Strike Ties Up Powell Banked To Stump for Party Candidates Over October 20 Speech Set Here, Nixon Says, New York Port sl3B,oooAbove But White House Confirmation Is Lacking BULLETIN after the President had received a pessimistic report Sunday from In Pay Dispute Pay, Quiz Told Is Settled President Eisenhower and Republican congressional lead- House Majority Leader Halleck prospects for Territory Divided ers will hold a political strategy oi) Republican Big Liners Are Able Ex-FHA Official's conference in Denver Friday gaining new House seats in the elections next month. Mr. Hal- Between on the November elections. To Dock Without Deposits at Riggs leck indicated he expected Gen. And Yugoslavia By Garnett D. Horner Eisenhower to step up his cam- Cargo Handlers Since '45 Described paigning for election of a Re- Associated Star Staff Correspondent By Associated Press By th« Press publican Congress. th« By Francis P. Douglas —President , Oct. 6. ltaly and DENVER, Oct. s. Invitations Considered. NEW YORK, Oct. 5—A *A Government accountant considering ( longshoremen Yugoslavia formally settled their Eisenhower is “sev- strike by in a wage testified today that Clyde L. invitations to make politi- Asked today about Mr. Nixon’s up world’s bitter nine-year dispute over the eral” dispute today tied the ousted April territory today cal speeches during the last statement last night, Mr. Snyder largest and for the Powell, las*t from a Trieste free and said: busiest port agreed Its division between month of the congressional elec- second time in six months. top Government housing job, de- on “The President has received them. tion campaign. Tugboats still were operating posited about $138,000 more than acting White numerous invitations to make The division virtually coincides Murray Snyder, and big liners were able to dock, his salary and travel allowances House press secretary, said to- both political and non-political with the occupation boundaries addresses during the next month. but there were no longshoremen between 1945 and last April. in 1945, Italy day, however, that “there is to unload the cargoes. established with nothing definite to announce at Several are still under consid- This was brought out as the the key Adriatic port of nothing There no immediate pros- getting this time” beyond the campaign eration. There is defi- was Senate Banking Committee re- Trieste and Yugoslavia retaining nite to announce at this time pect of a the speeches already scheduled for settlement between sumed hearings here in the so- the zone she has occupied since beyond the dates you already International Longshoremen’s World War 11. the President. called housing scandals. Mr. Vice President Nixon in have.” Association (independent) rep- Powell assistant Federal said When asked if 25,000 was The settlement, signed in Lon- Omaha last night that Gen. a speech in the resenting longshoremen, Housing Administration com- simultane- Washington area October and the New York Shipping As- don and announced Eisenhower probably will deliver about missioner and was in charge of ously in Rome and Belgrade, is 20 was being considered, Mr. sociation, representing steamship a major campaign speech from the FHA’s post-war rental expected Snyder merely that was a and stevedoring to make possible the the Washington area about Oc- said lines firms. housing program which the closing gap broad area and not a very and other East of the last in the tober 20. defi- Baltimore coast Senate committee has charged Western defense line across nite date. ports laid plans to handle cargoes Mr. Nixon’s disclosure came made it possible for builders to southeast Europe. Although both Two campaign talks already expected to be diverted from New are scheduled for the President York as they were during reap millions of dollars in "wind- Italy and Yugoslavia are strongly a 29- fall anti-Russian, they had refused during the next month. He and day walkout last March and profits.” to co-operate militarily in the Leak Inquiry Mr. Nixon will speak to a G. O. April. John Bard, identified as a P. rally here Friday night on member the General Account- past because of their rivalry over a Two Ships Docked. of Trieste. nationally - televised program ing Office staff loaned to the climaxing Republican “Precinct The American Export Liner committee, testified that in the May Join Balkan Alliance. Told Reds Had Code Day.” Plans for an election- Independence, first large ship to 1945-54 period, Mr. Powell de- The next step may be inclusion eve get-out-the-vote address by arrive since the strike started at posited in the Riggs National of Italy in the Balkan anti-ag- Gen. Eisenhower also have been midnight, berthed without dif- Stitch in Time Saves Nine! Bank cash totaling $101,220 and gression alliance which Yugo- On Dien Bien Phu announced. ficulty at Pier 84, Hudson River A checks totaling $117,410 for a slavia, Greece and Turkey signed In the non-political category, and 44th street. Tugs nosed her total of $218,630. He said this in August. Magistrate Informed the President is scheduled to to the pier where non-longshore was about $138,000 more than employes of the The agreement was a triumph They Broke Cables speak at Trinity College, Hart- company han- Wiley Says Senate Mr. Powell’s salary of $75,793 and for -British diplo- ford, Conn., on October 20; at dled the lines and the passen- Kaiser Signs Pact With Peron travel allowances of $4,470 for macy, which prodded the two • Reporting on Battle the American Jewish tercenten- gers’ luggage. the same period. Adriatic Sea neighbors through ary dinner in New York that The Cunard Liner Queen Mary By tht Associated Press Argentina Would Quickly 0. Not Shown on Tax Forms. long negotiations in , same night, and at the Alfred E. docked later in a similar manner. To Make Cars in K. John F. Gehan, president Senator Capehart, Republican, Washington, New York, Rome PARIS, Oct. 5. —High French Smith Memorial dinner in New vice Will Ship $lO in Idle U. S. Tools and Belgrade. York October 21. of the American Export Line, Million of Indiana, committee chairman, political figures of the right, left arriving on the Independence Pact brought out that the $218,630 The two nations’ ambassadors Gen. Eisenhower confers today Move From Glutted to Starved Market Nine-Power and center lined up today to from a Mediterranean vacation, In figure did not include certain to Britain, Manlio Brosio of with William H. Jackson, New told newsmen a long strike would By th« Prose market is oversupplied Action May Be Sought financial transactions at the Italyand Vladimir Velebit, signed testify in the investigation of York attorney and investment Associated the auto banker mean permanent loss of port AIRES, Argentina, and the independents are being Riggs Bank. He added that if the accord In the British capital. how vital French secrets fell into who headed a commis- BUENOS On Arming Germans these were taken sion that business. Oct. s.—Henry J. Kaiser signed squeezed by Ford and General into consider- It was there that the agreement Communist hands. planned reorganization ation Mr. receipts would of the Government’s in- Police, mounted and on foot, a contract early today to man- Motors. Special Session Powell’s was drafted into its final form. overseas At be indicated at $153,000 in ex- The prospective witnesses in- formation activities last year. patrolled the waterfront. ufacture cars, trucks and jeeps For Gen. Peron the agreement “A great day for Italy," said By Associated Press cess of his ieceipts. cluded several former cabinet All 159 piers along the port’s in Argentina In partnership represents the first big industrial tht Government Premier Mario Scelba as he told ministers well Jacques Cutter Due Tomorrow. 350-mile except mil- Mr. said Mr. Pow- as as waterfront with President Peron’s govern- investment under his plan to at- Senator Wiley, Republican, of Bard that his cabinet formally of the agree- Duclos, No. 2 man in the French Robert S. Cutler, the Presi- itary docks in Brooklyn and make Ar- ell’s tax returns did not show ment this morning. “I am very ment. tract foreign capital, Wisconsin, said today he thinks Communist Party. Former dent’s special assistant for Na- Staten Island appeared to be The industrial- industrially self-suffici- any income other than his Gov- happy," "Finally United States gentina the Senate would quickly ap- he added. we Premier was due tional Security Council affairs, hit by the strike. invest $lO million worth nation’s lagging ernment income. are going into Trieste.” ist will ent and aid the prove the new nine-power agree- back to testify today. and a group of NSC staff mem- machinery, representing about Shortly after . ap- Carry Sandwich Signs. of economy. ment to re-arm West Germany At the conclusion of Mr. the cabinet A partial listing of future wit- bers are scheduled to fly here of the capital, in the goal is to proved the agreement and in- Strikers, wearing hastily scrib- one-third Mr. Kaiser’s produce ifthe administration should sub- Bard’s testimony, Daniel B. nesses was disclosed as a former from Washington tomorrow. will Argen- structed Mr. Brosio sign bled sandwich signs reading, new company. He manage 40,000 units annually in mit it at next month’s session. Maher, attorney for Mr. Powell, to it. woman employe of the Defense Mr. Cutler is scheduled to see the for the new promised to build the “‘ILAofficially on strike,” pick- manufacturing tina. He The chairman of the asked permission to cross-ques- Trieste itself went on a flag Ministry’s department said the President tomorrow for what company, be owned by him- plant year, start turning Senate code eted piers at which ships to in one Foreign Relations Committee | tion the witness. Mr. Maher waving anthem singing hdliday. the Reds knew the key to the officials described as a all self, the Argentine government motor cars the of the routine berthed, with the exception out by end asserted misstatements had been About 10,000 Triestini of all ages military used during discussion matters pending were Argentine private investors. year reach full pro- code the of of the piers and second and Eisenhower Hails London Pact as Great made and he said, “The time to gathered in Piazza de Unita war. the military exempted agreement years. Indo-China before NSC. Purpose of the The culminated duction in three Achievement. Page A-3' scotch misstatement Is when (Unity square) to hear an- In a long statement to trip the NSC from the strike. It now In a< written here for other ex- The River piers, two months of negotiations. Although machinery it is uttered.” nouncement of the settlement. the investigating magistrate, perts could not be learned. Hudson where to have the United States is to be used said in an interview that he had ( most luxury liners dock, are was been signed yester- Mr. who The people were in high, good Mrs. Mativier Lasseron said ci- Mr. Snyder said today that day afternoon, but last-minute here, Mr. Kaiser’s son Edgar said not discussed the question with PowHl, has twice de- usually manned by big ! testify humor. Thousands of Italian phered cables received at the to the best of his knowledge it the ILA’s delayed ceremony that not mean operations Secretary of State Dulles. He clihed to before the com- Local 824. was the details the did mittee, Invoking flags hung from apartment Defense Ministry were submitted was a “routine” affair. He said This local until after midnight. would be discontinued at the added he thought the adminis- the fifth houses and store windows. to “strange handling.”* "Mr. Cutler sees the President first to report's unanimous vote For Mr. Kaiser the deal per- Kaiser-Fraser plant in Toledo, tration might seek early Senate amendment, was seated among last in favor Italy was taking the news of Because the Communists knew regularly; sometimes he brings night of a strike, him to auto- Ohio. Mr. Kaiser hopes to es- action to give the plan added the audience with Mr. Maher. the rejecting an employers’ contract mits manufacture Senator agreement calmly despite the code, she said, they would his staff with him, sometimes he motive equipment in Argentina—- tablish automobile plants In impetus in Europe. Capehart told Mr. Fascist and Communist offer. Maher that he should tell the opposi- “decipher communiques from the doesn’t.” He told questioners starved for cars and trucks—and other Latin American countries, “We would be glad to get it,” tion to the settlement. quick- committee ques- Indo-China war, notably during there was no present plan for Report of a similar vote with machinery he owns in the particularly Brazil and Colombia, Senator Wiley said. “My view at noon what The Fascists oppose the com- the Dien Bien Phu siege.” another meeting of the full NSC ly followed from Anthony United States. This machinery using equipment not needed now is that the agreement substan- -1 tions he wanted to ask and if promise because Italy doesn’t (Tough Tony) Anastasia, boss of there, ! the questions were “pertinent Four Persons Charged. before the President returns to is useless tp him where in the United States. tially meets the desires of the get all the territory. The Reds Washington, and that he knew Brooklyn locals with 2,500 dock and fair” Mr. Maher would be The scandal over Senate.” are against it because the leaks of of no emergency or crisis bring- worker members. Other locals allowed to ask them. • secret information from meet- is , ing the staff group here. throughout the huge port quickly Approval May Be Sought. ings of the National Nearly 20,000 President's Pastor To Get Chance to Testify. Yugoslavia President Tito’s Defense After his with Mr. fell in line and shortly before Now Out The agreement worked out In Council broke ago. conference Senator Capehart said government termed the agree- two weeks Jackson today, the President midnight Capt. William Bradley, London to restore West Ger- Mr. Since then four persons have Says Sunday Powell would be given another ment ‘‘a reasonable compro- was to be presented with a silver ILA president, announced that In London Dock Strikes Golfers many’s sovereignty and permit mise,” been charged with endangering opportunity to testify, and but the people received tray, a personal gift from Presi- 19 locals had followed the union’s her to re-arm a com- added, the of the state By the Associated Press involves “We have been trying for four the announcement “without en- security either dent Castillo Armas Wage Scale Committee recom- Should Be Like Him plicated series of treaties and i wilfullyor “by negligence.” They of Guate- LONDON, Oct. 5.—A five to get thusiasm.” mala, Capt. Mario mendation without a single dis- thousand tire Press revisions treaties. or months him to are: by Lopez, an By Associated to existing do so.” Points Agreement. senting vote. more longshoremen joined Lon- of Andre officer in the liberation army LOS ANGELES, Oct. s.—Be The Senate presumably will be Baranes, a journalist that recently dock strikes today, Mr. Bard testified to heavy Under the agreement: who has admitted being Com- overthrew the pro- Little Night Activity. don’s twin like Ike. That’s President Eisen- asked, diplomatic sources said, 1. a Communist government in cash deposits in the bank by The port of Trieste and the munist agent giving Except pier gangs bringing the total out to nearly hower’s pastor’s sermon to Sun- to give its consent to the entry and the Guatemala. for four Mr. Powell beginning in 1945 rest of Zone A, except for a small party secret information. which walked midnight in 20,000. day golfers. of West Germany into the North strip on the southern border out at Atlantic and running through 1949. These Roger Labrusse, chief adminis- Newark, N. J., there was little 11,000 longshore- The Rev. Edward L. R. Elson Treaty Organization. It near Lazzaretto, go to Italy. More than may to cash deposits were as follows: The trator of the National Deefense strike activity during the-night. men out In a dispute over of the National Presbyterian also have pass on a re- zone has been under British- are arrangement ofrelations 1945—currency, $7,875; checks, Department. He has admitted The main impact came in the working conditions. They claim Church, Washington, here for a between American military occupation Alger Hiss to Leave Germany and the present oc- $6,505. 1946—currency, $25,305; relaying secrets to Baranes. morning in Manhattan, Brook- a new rule that they must sort speech, told newsmen yesterday: since World War 11. cupying powers, the United checks, $12,427. 1947—currency, Rene Turpin, chief of the per- lyn and Staten and in well unload it has cut - 2. Zone B, along with the Island meat as as “The average Sunday golfer States, $15,140; checks, $24,396, 1948- sonal staff of the Defense Min- Hoboken, Jersey City and Port their earnings. Britain and . small strip, Prison November 27 should be smitten in his con- portions currency, $28,500; checks, $24.- Lazzaretto becomes istry’s permanent secretary. He in all of Other of the agreement Yugoslav. The zone been Newark New, Jersey, In addition, 8,000 electrical science by the reflection that 746. 1949—currency, $19,700; had admitted giving the Justice Department officials up port probably will call for action only under Yugoslav control information which make the of New and engineering workers are on President Eisenhower, himself an checks, $9,833. 1950—checks, $7,- since to Labrusse. today Alger by European parliaments. Marshal Tito’s partisans said that Hiss, for- York. strike in London’s ship repair avid golfer, finds Sunday church 418. 1951—checks, $8,125. 1952- swarmed Jean Mons, of the De- The broad terms of the agree- in on May 1, 1945. head mer State Department official, Patrick J. Connolly, executive yards. That strike started last attendance indispensable to his checks, $11,131. 1953—currency, fense Secretariat. He vice of the ILA, ment reached in London have not 3. The 3,000 Italians the admitted will be the president linked week with the men claiming em- life.” $3,200; checks, $9,690. in sharing some of the secrets with released from Fed- the strike to recent charges yet been drafted into treaty or Lazzaretto strip can return ployers had laid off men without The President’s pastor said * to Turpin, in whom, he said, he eral Penitentiary at Lewisburg, protocol form, and Senator Wiley An earlier witness, John R. Italian-controlled and had regard to seniority. that “the spirit of prayer and territory complete confidence. Mons has Pa., November 27. (See DOCKS, Page A-3.) said he did not know whether Cocker, assistant vice president be compensated for their hold- More than 70 of the 109 ships active religious faith” shown by been suspended from his job but Hiss they would be in time for pres- of the Riggs bank, testified that ings if they desire. Rome already will have completed his in the docks were idle today. Gen. Eisenhower “has sparked entation to next month’s special Mr. Powell, who had had one- has not been arrested. The other sentence for lying to grand a have begun moving. a Several others were under- a moral awakining of national session of the Senate. London inch-deep safe deposit box, three are in jail. jury when he denied he ever this 4. Yugoslavia will have full ac- Young Red Policeman manned. All repair work has dimensions in country.” dispatches spoke of a likelihood rented a box which was twice as cess to the port of Trieste. Duclos Due Tomorrow. transmitted State Department stopped. deep. secrets to Soviet agents. the task would be finished this That was in July, 1950. 5. Minority rights are guaran- Duclos, actual leader of the Swims River, Flees toWest 'Price War' month. Capehart, when Mr. teed for both Italians in Yugo- French Communist Party during Hiss started serving a 5-year Breaks Qgt The Senate is on notice to Bard was testifying, remarked slav By *he Associated Press territory and Yugoslavs in the continuing long illness of term March 22, 1951, but is get- Contract to GM Among Miami Mo meet November 8 to consider a that the absence of cash deposits Italian territory. Secretary General Maurice ting out in less than the five BERLIN, Oct. 5.—A youthful Mich., move to censure Senator Mc- beginning in 1950 coincided with The FLINT, Oct. 5 (#*).—AC By the Associated Press 6. 3,000 American and Thorez, is due to appear years because of the normal member of the East German Spark Plug Carthy. The session is lim- before Division of General not (Continued nearly 2,000 British troops in the investigation magistrate to- time off for good behavior. peoples police deserted last week Motors Corp. announced MIAMI.Fla., Oct. 5.—A “price ited to however, on Page A-3, Col. 1.) the chilly yester- that subject, Zone A will be withdrawn in morrow. The Federal Parole Board on by swimming waters day it received an war” broke out among motels and the has stages over the of the Havel River to Ameri- has $18,226,511 parliamentarian next three weeks. Under French law, the magis- November 24, 1952, refused to the defense contract to make elec- along Miami’s Biscayne Boule- ruled the Senate may act on 7. The and sector shore in the middle vard yesterday, some Is Issued United States Brit- Maj. Jean de Resseguier, release him earlier.' And even can -operated 75 - with offer- anything which not Draft Call ain in trate, of the night. tronics millimeter does also re- a supplementary state- acts as a kind of one-man grand after he leaves the penitentiary, skysweeper anti-aircraft guns. ing double occupancy as low as quire House action. Treaty rati- ment announced they He brought with him only his $1.50 per person. For 23,000 Men consider jury. Among other prospective Hiss will have to report regu- fication is solely a Senate mat- settlement swimming trunks. Between five and By th« Associated Press the as final. Neither witnesses are former Foreign larly to probation officers until 10 motels ter. Italy nor Yugoslavia West Berlin police, had advertised accommodations officially Minister , ex- Marcha 21, 1956. diseasing Million AEC Plant The Army today issued a draft waived its the exploit today, said one of $1.5 at $2 per person and Assurance to Germans Seen. claim to that portion Defense Minister Rene Pleven, Hiss convicted primarily 15 to 20 call for 23,000 men in Decem- of was. their patrol cars picked up the OAK RIDGE, Tenn., Oct. 5 (/P). broke out the $1.50 signs in Diplomatic observers, mean- the territory assigned the Louis Jacquinot, former Minister on the testimony ber. the same number announced However, both of Whittaker fugitive “completely exhausted” —A $1.5 million plant to separate what was as “fight while, said the greatest immedi- other. actually for Overseas Territories (includ- Chambers, admitted former Com- described a in each of the previous five expect the new from his quarter-mile swim and and purify fission products for to the finish” to elimate all rate ate effect of the London agree- boundaries to ing Indo-China); Marc Jacquet, munist courier. medical and other months exist indefinitely. took him to a hospital. industrial, signs. ment on West Germans probably The new call brings former Secretary of State for V— The man, whose name was not uses will be built here, the Atom- to 1,835,- Italian administrators will The $2 rate signs appeared will be assurance that the large 430 the total number drafted or Indo-China; Maurice Schumann, revealed, asked asylum in tfte ic Energy Commission announced last month after make their formal entry into former the City Com- measure of freedom they already earmarked for induction since Trieste Secretary of State for West. today. mission repealed an city tomorrow. Foreign Affairs, and Pierre de Baltimore Hacker ordinance enjoy is theirs to keep. selective service was resumed in regulating rate advertising signs This the interpretation The agreement will be depos- Chevigne, former Secretary was September, 1950. of of motels, hotels, apartments put on Secretary ited with the United Nation Se- State for the Army. Foils Holdup Try they Dulles’ and tourist courts was that the Allied High (See Marshal Alphonse Juin, com- illegal. statement TRIESTE, Page A-3.) Police Haul Off Steeple> declared Commissioners will immediately Yom mander in chief of allied forces By Two Women Man Kippur Rites “forego the exercise of most of in Central Europe, and Gen. By th« Associated Press Sundown Items Sold Pierre Koenig, former National But Discover He Worked There Agreement Ends Strike their occupation rights.” Tomorrow Fireplace Defense FULLERTON, Md., Oct. 5. Most limitations on sovereignty DAY Minister, also are exr By th« Associates Press OF ATONEMENT—Yom pected Two women, one packing a pis- as Russell Oatman, 27, of Mar- First Day by Star Ad to be heard. At Three Brass Plants (See WILEY, Page A-3.) Kippur, Hie Day of Atonement, which tol and the other a knife, were BOSTON, Oct. blehead, and said he was an begins s.—While a taking By lh*Associated Press at sundown tomorrow will Mrs. G. M. wanted to replace her foiled in a holdup attempt last architect engaged In end the 35-year-old crowd estimated at 5,000 looked steeple. WATERBURY, bring to on 10-day period of eld fireplace icreen and irons a On Russian Tour night bjr> a taxicab measurements of the Conn., Oct. 5. Arith below, Mine and Irate Belgian Farmer penitence - that began with Rosh new set. This meant selling the older PARIS, Oct. 5. VP).—Represent- driver. on from police climed the Police, who openly expressed —The United Smelter scaffolding po- Workers (Ind.) and the Hashonoh, and the start of the Jewish items first. Placing « small ad in atives Battle, Democrat, of Joseph Laderman told Balti- around the steeple skepticism, took him to the Union Sets Tax Office Fire New Ala- American Brass agreed Year. Page A-5. The Star Classified proved to be a bamma and Fisher, Democrat, of more County police that the of the Park Street Church last lice station while Mr. Oatman Co. have night contract ending By lh* Associated Press step in the right sales direction. She Texas leave here by plane today women announced their holdup and brought down a man protested: “I have no intention to a a seven- perch up. of 3,500 sold the items the first day her ad for Moscow and a after a short ride from Balti- from a 156 feet of jumping, I have work to do week strike workers at THUILLIES, Belgium, Oct. 5. Guide for Readers two or three three Brass plants, appeared. week trip around Russia as mo re city. Mr. Laderman Police had been summoned by at the steeple.” American it —A farmer here tried to set the Year in and year oat. The Star slammed on his brakes, dumping persons who spotted the man on From the station, police called was announced. local tax office on fire because Amuse'nts 8-12-13 Lost, Found . A-3 tourists. B-13-20;Music produces the best year-'round results his passengers on the floor. the steeple. an official of Mr. Oatman’s em- Irving Dichter, regional direc- “taxes were too high,’’ police re- Classified 8-8 Comics ... 8-22-23 for classified advertisers. That's why The cabbie then pulled the “A man is going to Jump from ployer, Kilham, Hopkins, Greeley tor of the union, put the value ported. He was charged with i Obituary A-12 Cross-word . ... 8-21 The Star publishes more classified ads Cecil Owen Dies woman with the gun out of the the steeple,” police said they & Brodie Co. of the agreement at more than arson. B-22;Radio-TV than the other Washington news- Owen, 51, acting struck were told. The same phrase enough, Mr. Oatman had 10 cents an hour. It must be Police said Joseph de Meule- Editorial A-10 j Sports A-15-17 Cecil editor vehicle and her in the 3ure Edit'i Articles papers combined. of the United Mine Workers eye. passed from one person to an- official business on the steeple. ratified by the union membership meester. 35, broke into the tax A-UjWoman's If yon want to buy, trade or sell, no Journal, died at about 12:30 Charlotte Davis, 26, and Mar- other as they gazed upward. The What’s more, he’d been up there at the struck plants, situated In collector’s office yesterday, emp- Financial.-A-18-191 Section —B-3-6 matter what the item, tall it to the p.m. today at Emergency Hos- garet Davis, 28, both of Balti- man didn’t seem to notice the several times the lest few weeks Ansonia and Torrington, in Con- tied a bottle of gasoline in the Have The Star Delivered to Your long-established audience of The Star pital. He had been suffering more were charged with armed crowd below. making sketches from which & necticut, end in Buffalo, N. Y„ room and fled after setting desks readers. Phone Sterling 3-5000 and from a kidney ailment and was robbery and carrying concealed When police finally reached master remodeling plan will be But suoh action was regarded and recoords afire. The ike was Home Daily and Sunday ask for an ad-taker. being treated in an oxygen tent. ~.weapons. him, the man identified himself drawn. as a technicality. put out quickly. Dial Starting 3-5000 A