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DRUNKOREXIA A DANGEROUS NEW TREND [pg. 10] 2 THE LINK ) ) The Link PHOTO of the WEEK Wednesday, October 17, 2012 Volume 48, Issue 4 Next issue: October 31, 2012

ABOUT THE LINK The Link is the British Columbia Insti- tute of Technology’s student newspa- per. Published bi-weekly by the BCIT Student Association (BCITSA), The Link circulates 3,000 copies to over 46,000+ students, faculty, and staff.

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PUBLICATIONS MANAGER John Morrison III [email protected] 604.456.1167

ADVERTISING SALES Andrea Lekei [email protected] 604.453.4072

SENIOR EDITOR Kevin Willemse [email protected]

ASSISTANT EDITOR Angie Theilmann [email protected]

NEWS EDITOR Fall arrives at BCIT. Mike Korolev Neetu Garcha [email protected]

CULTURE EDITOR Jesse Wentzloff [email protected] Submit the photo of the week and we’ll pay you $20

PROOFREADERS Send a horiztonal photo related to BCIT campus life to [email protected]. Include your name and a description of what you shot. Sarah Gray & Amy Smith

THIS WEEK’S CONTRIBUTORS Micki Cowan, Tyler Doyle, Jenn Fedyk, Kai Jacobson, Dan Johnson, Mike Ko- CAMPUS QUERY rolev, Emily Olsen, Paul Reniers, Sarah Sangha, Olsy Sorokina, Max Sussman What do you think of the practice of people skipping meals to reduce calorie Cover art: Ion Oprea consumption on nights they go drinking? Write, photograph, or illustrate for The Link! E-mail link@bcitsa. ca for more information on how to get involved.

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The views expressed in The Link are not necessarily those of BCIT, the BCIT Student Association,The Link editorial staff, or the publications manager.

As a member of Canadian University Press (CUP), The Link adheres to the CUP code of ethics and will not publish any material deemed by the editors to be sexist, racist, homo/heterophobic, or in poor taste. DAMAN SAROYA RANDI STICKLAND CARSON TURNBULL JILLIAN BUCHANAN Comp. Information Systems Admin. Television Production Electrical & Computer Engineering Television Production The Link is proud to be associated with these organizations: “It’s healthier to eat and not “Very creative idea, but I don’t think “Sounds kinda dumb.” “It’s kinda delusional, I think to do drink.” it works.” that you’d have to have skewed priorities.”

The Link LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 3 Part-time studies instructors also second-class citizens at BCIT Part-time studies instructors that they teach. faculty sounds like a great deal instructors and students in those able from other BCIT programs PTS instructors often deliver compared to PTS, people will- programs deserve the same treat- except for the fact that the teachers also facing seemingly artbitrary the same courses and students ing to give up good careers in in- ment as those in full-time pro- are paid differently. Some of these treatment in comparison to receive the same credits in diplo- dustry to come work at BCIT are grams. Instructors end up teaching year counterparts ma, degree, and certificate pro- harder and harder to find. Years round because they get no paid grams that they would get from of stagnant wages and rights have time off and have no guarantee faculty members teaching in “day eroded the edge we used to offer their job will wait for them if they The Link article on September 19, school”. Yet if a PTS instructor in salary, vacation, pensions, and do take time off. Despite these con- 2012 by Max Sussman on part- were to teach what’s considered a job security. It’s harder and hard- If a part-time studies tributions and commitments to time students being treated as full load for regular faculty mem- er to justify giving up a good posi- instructor were to teach BCIT, they still don’t get sick leave second-class citizens at BCIT all bers, they would only make about tion in industry to come teach at what’s considered a full or most other benefits and protec- sounded very familiar to me. As 53 per cent of the top of the fac- BCIT. tions mentioned above. the executive director of the Fac- ulty pay scale regardless of their Teaching on auxiliary con- load for regular faculty Part-time studies is a great way ulty and Staff Association, I often years of experience — and that’s tracts appeals to some instruc- “members, they would for BCIT to leverage the strengths hear from part-time studies (PTS) not accounting for paid vacation, tors because, like their students, only make about 53 per of its programs and provide much instructors how they work under paid breaks, professional devel- they can keep their day jobs. That needed access to a wide range of very similar conditions. opment, and other benefits of be- connection with industry can be cent of the top of the students. But what started out as PTS instructors can work at ing a regular instructor. very valuable in the classroom, faculty pay scale. something auxiliary to the “day BCIT year after year and gain no PTS instructors do have ac- but it has to make up for the fact school” has become a central, if seniority, no vacation, no pro- cess to extended health benefits, that BCIT provides no support not the dominant, part of what fessional development, no layoff but some have to wait up to 18 for these Instructors to do much Like Max Sussman, the stu- BCIT does. The arbitrary distinc- protection, not even sick leave. months to qualify. Maternity more than teach off the sides of dent who submitted the article tion between PTS instructors and In most departments, they are leave is one benefit all BCIT tech- their desks. PTS instructors make complaining of part time studies their “day school” counterparts not recognized as having any say nology instructors have identi- an enormous contribution to students being treated like sec- needs to end. It’s an essential step in departmental or institutional cal access to. They are the only BCIT. ond-class citizens at BCIT, some in seeing that nobody at BCIT is decision-making. Aside from instructors in the province that According to the recent an- instructors are called PTS but actu- considered second class. providing the opportunity to take don’t get employment insurance nual report, 63 per cent of BCIT ally carry full teaching loads. A few an instructional skills workshop, maternity benefits topped up by students are in part-time pro- departments depend on their PTS Paul Reniers BCIT makes no investment in their employer. grams. PTS is no longer a sideline instructors to do so. Some of these Executive Director, keeping them current in the fields Even though being regular to BCIT’s regular business. The departments are indistinguish- BCIT Faculty and Staff Association

Aerospace students deserve more support from BCITSA

Students at BCIT’s Aerospace we informed him that we were two days earlier. not completely informed about On another note, subjects Technology Campus continue all BCITSA services available, like the above stated were not to feel shortchanged and that we had only just re- reflected in the official minutes, ceived and submitted the peti- which has concerned most class tion from the students two days reps. They’re feeling that they In response to what BCITSA earlier and we needed time to are not being fairly represented President Dan Huh said at our prepare the student requests. by the outreach coordinator, class rep meeting only one day who is writing the official min- following the submission of our utes, and that they are being re- ATC students’ petition. Presi- corded in a biased manner. dent Huh gave no notice to the Comments like, “Let’s face it, class reps that he was attend- . . . [ATC students] just as soon as [BCITSA Aerospace ing our class rep meeting to want a little more sup- Technology Campus Chair] address his acknowledgment port, and we’re damn Dave Clarke graduates, every- of our petition to the BCIT Stu- thing will go back to the way it The Link dent Association (BCITSA). ready to fight for it. was” or “[ATC students] should An article in The Link’s October 3 issue regarding a petition He arrived, expressing his con- “ be lucky with what we have, signed by students at BCIT’s Aerospace Technology Campus. cerns and leading us to believe he because other campuses like supported us 100 per cent in both His coming to the campus downtown have nothing” from nator Genevieve Neugebauer. Burnaby Campus students, and BCITSA service endeavors and on almost no notice and de- the BCITSA president were not Students at this campus are we just want a little more sup- BCIT service lobbying. manding answers was uncalled noted., as well as being on the not asking for every single pro- port, and we’re damn ready to However, when the meet- for. Yes, we may not have been subject of Dave Clark’s [lack gram available to be moved to fight for it. ing started he began to ask us completely prepared with all of] availability to the morning the ATC campus, we are not what we wanted (in response the answers, but as stated be- classes, that, “We should have that ignorant. But as it stands Tyler Doyle to the petition). When he was fore we had only just received thought of that before we vot- we run off little BCITSA ser- Class 284 Representative, not given any initial response, the petition from the students ed” from our Outreach Coordi- vices, paying the same fees as Aerospace Technology Campus

Send your letter to [email protected]

October 17, 2012 4 NEWS B.C. government believes “Hipster is not a real job” Students and critics call B.C. jobs will require a post province’s advertising campaign secondary education, and that condescending, confusing the B.C. government should be examining this statistic more seriously. EMILY OLESEN John Yap, the newly ap- Vancouver Island University pointed Minister for Advanced Education has stated that in- NANAIMO (CUP) — The B.C. creasing skills training is his government wants to be abso- biggest priority. lutely clear — hipster is not a “If I were to sum up the fo- real job. cus in the short-term, it is to A $15 million advertising ensure we have the facilities campaign by the B.C. Liberals and programs to do trades that including running “Hipster training,” Yap told the Canadi- is not a Real Job” ads is causing an University Press last month. confusion among political ad- “It’s important we offer versaries and students alike. The British Columbians the oppor- ads are geared towards getting tunity to fill those positions youth excited about pursuing a and encourage those that are skilled trade and are currently in school and thinking about running on Vancouver public This image of the ad was made popular on link aggregater sites such as Reddit. career options that they con- transit. sider, if it’s right for them, a Gwen O’Mahony, the NDP’s “If she [had] even gone to one of dressing; it’s just a style. It’s periences and what’s on their career that is well paying and skills training critic, questions institution and asked them what not a job or someone’s career minds, and affordability was rewarding, in the trades.” the judgment and ability of Pre- they thought of the slogan — choice. So to me, I’m not re- the number one issue,” said O’Mahony, however, be- mier Christy Clark to connect I’m sure that the students would ally seeing the message,” said O’Mahony. lieves the Liberals are commu- with B.C. youth. have set her straight.” Erin Cooper, a VIU hair dress- nicating the appeal of trades “I’m quite confused by it. Ob- Trades students at Vancou- ing student. in the wrong way. viously [Premier Christy Clark] ver Island University (VIU) were O’Mahony and Michelle Mun- “You should never under- doesn’t have the groundwork … also confused by the Liberals’ gall, the NDP advanced educa- “People don’t like to be estimate who you’re speaking [to] get out there, talk to students new ad campaign. tion critic, have been visiting B.C. talked down to.” to — people don’t like to be directly, find out where they’re “I don’t really understand the campuses this fall to listen to the talked down to,” she said. at and make that a part of the point that they’re trying to get concerns of students and pro- “I think just telling peo- — Gwen O’Mahony, investigative work of policy de- across with the slogan. It doesn’t mote the NDP’s plan to improve NDP skills training critic ple this is how much you’ll velopment,” she said. “Clearly really make that much sense,” access to learning opportunities. get paid if you had a trade or this shows that she really hasn’t said Ryan Crowder, a VIU elec- “When I was traveling with education and this is what had a lot of time speaking with trician student. Mungall we mainly were talk- “She claimed that within five you’ll get paid if you don’t is students. “To me, hipster is just a way ing to students about their ex- to ten years, 80 per cent of all enough.”

BCIT welcomes new BoG chair

Former vice chair Tony at Vancouver International liotta says his hope right now Gugliotta appointed to chair Airport in 1985 and has since is that the board of governors of BCIT’s board of governors worked his way up to his cur- will take on a role that sup- rent position as head of mar- ports BCIT’s vision and mis- keting and business develop- sion statements. NEETU GARCHA ment of the airport. In terms of his thoughts News Editor, The Link on moving forward, the board will work towards the Tony Gugliotta has been “renew[al] of their campuses elected to be the new chair Having served on under challenging global eco- of BCIT’s board of governors. BCIT’s board of gover- nomic conditions [and] do ev- The board’s primary respon- erything [they] can to support sibility is to oversee the stra- nors since 2007, Gug- students.” tegic direction and manage- liotta told The Link Gugliotta stressed the im- ment of BCIT and to ensure it that the transition to portance of a balanced aca- carries out its vision. demic and extracurricular ex- The roles of the board in- “chair has been a very perience for BCIT students. clude the management, ad- smooth one. “It’s key to try and achieve a ministration, and control of school/life balance that helps the property, revenue, busi- keep things in perspective and ness, and affairs of all BCIT Having served on BCIT’s maintains your health in the campuses, as well as the es- board of governors since 2007, midst of a busy school sched- tablishment of BCIT’s purpose Gugliotta told The Link that ule,” the board chair said, tak- and direction. the transition to chair has ing into consideration BCIT’s Gugliotta started his career been a very smooth one. Gug- intensive programs. BCIT Board of Governors Chair Tony Gugliotta Courtesy of BCIT Media Relations The Link NEWS 5

COUNCIL BRIEFS Aerospace Technology Campus petition update

Students at BCIT’s Aerospace Technology Campus (ATC) have created a ten-member commit- tee to investigate and establish what ATC students feel they are lacking from the BCIT Student Association (BCITSA). On October 15, at the BCITSA council meet- ing, a representative from the ATC campus spoke out about the issues faced by students at the Richmond campus. Last week, over two-thirds of students at ATC signed a petition expressing dissatisfaction with the level of services they receive from the BCITSA. At the council meeting, four main pillars were Lines for buses will not be getting shorter any time soon. Kai Jacobson / The Ubyssey outlined that represent areas in which ATC students feel they are lacking the most in terms of ser- vices or support from the SA. TransLink drops additional post-secondary These pillars include the Peak Leadership, student events, the Harvest Box program and retail bus services from 2013 plan services. ATC students have re- quested a full-time BCITSA staff member at their Richmond cam- Transit authority struggling would have added 79,000 addi- where the majority of students along the Broadway corridor pus, noting that they are unsure with revenue stream, hopes tional services by 2013. commute by car. — a topic that has incited ac- what the hours of this staff per- Hodgson explained that the Dave Taylor, communica- tion from thousands of stu- son would be to best suit the to bring additional services company realized they didn’t tions director at Douglas Col- dents over the years. needs of the students who have back in the future have the revenue and had to re- lege, said the station will make The Broadway corridor is dissimilar schedules across ATC evaluate what services could be a tremendous difference for the main U-Pass route stu- programs. MICKI COWAN provided in the new plan. While students. dents use to commute to BCITSA President Daniel Huh Canadian University Press students won’t see those addi- “Our students need to get UBC. It is not mentioned in says the organization is taking tional services this year, Hodg- out there and transit would be TransLink’s 40 year plan ei- these issues very seriously but VANCOUVER (CUP) — B.C. son said they are still looking to the biggest and easiest way to ther. no decision regarding a full-time transportation authority Trans- implement those services in the do that,” he said. But Hodgson said that staff member at the Richmond Link’s newest ten-year plan is a future when money is available. Taylor projects that at least doesn’t mean rapid tran- campus has been made. Huh mixed bag for students. TransLink’s financial situa- half of the campus’ 4,000 stu- sit along Broadway is off the says he will continue the dia- The 2013 Base Plan, which tion has recently come under dents will make use of the Ev- table. “We’ve not progressed logue with the ATC students, but TransLink rolled out in Sep- fire from a student group called ergreen Line, as they already to the point yet where we’re it is still unclear who started the tember, highlights the compa- Get on Board B.C., that focuses are part of a mandatory U-Pass able to include that yet in this original petition. ny’s financial plans for the next on funding issues and the need program. Aside from the ben- plan,” he said. “We recog- “With no one taking respon- three years, and a looser sched- for rapid transit. efits for Douglas College, SFU nize there is a demand. Even sibility for the petition, we are ule for the following seven. The “We’re thinking how funding students could see an impact with the great service we’re having a hard time negotiating plan gets updated every year is allocated to TransLink,” said from the Evergreen Line in the providing, capacity is a prob- about it,” said Huh. — sometimes gaining items, Tanner Bokor, Get on Board future, as bus services get re- lem.” sometimes losing. spokesman and Alma Mater routed to account for a new TransLink is currently But facing major funding is- Society associate VP external. Burquitlam station. evaluating the route as part Int’l students’ club pitched sues, TransLink, in its updated “We’re certainly not addressing of a rapid transit study, called plan which is to be finalized in TransLink as an organization, the Regional Transportation A group of international students November, has cancelled plans we think that there are gover- Strategy. That study will be at Burnaby Campus made a pitch to add more services to over- nance issues in TransLink that “Now with our out- undergoing consultations to ratify an official BCITSA Interna- crowded U-Pass routes. play on to the funding issue.” look being a bit worse this spring and will be com- tional Students’ Club. The unoffi- “We had hoped to provide One advance in rapid transit than what we had an- pleted by August 2013. cial club already has 70 members new bus service, which re- is included in the plan — the Looking back on the plan, and the four students who spoke ally would have benefited stu- Burnaby to Coquitlam Ever- ticipated, we’ve had Hodgson says the company at the council meeting say they dents particular,” said Trans- green Skytrain line. to scale back on some wasn’t able to target U-Pass believe it will only get bigger. Link transportation planner Hodgson said the line is one routes this year, but still rec- This club hopes to exist to Rex Hodgson. “Now with our of the main benefits for stu- “of our investments.” ognizes the need for transit provide services and assistance outlook being a bit worse than dents in the new plan. Con- for students moving forward. to all students, with a focus on what we had anticipated, we’ve struction begins this year and — Rex Hodgson, “Given the financial situation those who are international. If had to scale back on some of is to be completed in 2016, add- TransLink transportation planner we find ourselves in and some ratified, all BCIT students could our investments.” ing seven stops. of the challenges we’re facing join the club, but club executives The new plan no longer in- Students at Douglas Col- Though the Evergreen Line with funding, we’ve had to make must be international students. cludes upping bus service on lege’s Coquitlam campus will will certainly benefit stu- some hard decisions.” routes to and from universi- be gaining a Skytrain stop — a dents, the plan made no men- — Neetu Garcha ties and colleges, a move which big transit gain for a campus tion of a rapid transit system —with files from Laura Rodgers

October 17, 2012 6 CAMPUS LIFE Stay stress-free this semester

With midterms on the go blood sugar stable. Although and finals around the corner, eight hours of sleep is ideal, it can be a challenge. Aim for no it may be time to plan your less than six hours of sleep, and mental health strategy if you nap during the day, keep your naps to twenty minutes to SARAH SANGHA stay refreshed. The Link Sweat it out October is a time of transitions. Exercise is one of the best The carefree attitude of summer things you can do to naturally is fading, along with the tan you relieve stress. It can be done worked so hard to get. While this anywhere at any time, and is time of year conjures happy im- a lot cheaper than . We ages of leaves falling and pump- tend to stop exercising when we kin spice lattes for some, Octo- get busy, but this is one of the ber is when school gets serious worst things we can do. Exer- for students. The constant bar- cise helps our immune system rage of deadlines, group meet- stay strong and has been shown ings, and projects can take its to improve memory. toll on even ace students. The endorphins released This month also marks the from exercise alleviate anxiety start of holiday season where and stress, and keep you feeling family and social commitments calm. It is especially important are plentiful. Between the work- to exercise during fall, as this is load and extracurricular obliga- the time of year we tend to pack tions that many of us have, it’s on the pounds. If you maintain a constant juggling act that can your weight during the colder leave you feeling exhausted and months you won’t be in for a burned out. rude awakening when it comes Learning to manage stress time for swimsuit season. is a vital tool that will help dur- ing your time as a student and throughout your life. The BCIT’s Counseling has some great tips This does not have to be you. Flickr Creative Commons on how to stay cooler than the Don’t be afraid to say changing weather during times no to things which won’t enjoy them if you feel as could work on. It is important ed situations become less so of stress. you truly do not have though you’re on the verge of a to be aware of how hard you’re when you discuss them with nervous breakdown. Remem- working and reward yourself by someone. Try another student Remember the necessities time for. ber, your health is your top pri- doing something pleasurable. in your set — they are dealing Although this seems like a no- ority, and if that means missing It doesn’t have to be extrav- with the same workload and brainer, food and sleep are often “Just say no out on your friend’s dog’s bar agant, maybe a pumpkin spice may be able to share some tips the first things neglected during Plan your schedule every month mitzvah, then so be it. latte or catching up on the lat- on how they’re managing. times of stress. Without sleep or and think about what you can est episode of Dexter. What- Another great option would nutrition, your brain will not be afford to commit to. Don’t be But say yes ever you choose, ensure that be a family member or a friend. able to process information pro- afraid to say no to things you Recognize how diligently you you turn off student mode for If you’re not comfortable ficiently. don’t have time for. Set bound- have been working and treat a few moments. discussing these issues with Proper nutrition includes a aries and ensure that you don’t yourself. Identify when you Reach out any of the aforementioned, whole foods based diet, with lots overload yourself just because need a break and take one. As If you feel like you’re get- try the counseling depart- of fresh veggies and fruit (sorry, you felt pressured by others. a student, it seems like spare ting buried under the stress, ment at BCIT. It’s a safe place Triple O burgers won’t do!), and Although it’s good to stay moments are non-existent, and don’t try to carry your bur- where you can confide your eating every few hours to keep open to opportunities, you there’s always something you dens alone. Often, complicat- problems and get support.

FREE COVER FRIDAY & BUCKETS ENTER TO WIN $20 OF MGD A TRIP FOR 2 SATURDAY TO THE PRO BOWL & BEFORE 10PM WITH No purchase necessary. Must be legal BCIT STUDENT CARD 25¢ WINGS drinking age. Ask server for details.


The Link CAMPUS LIFE 7 STUDENT SPOTLIGHT New direction computes for first-year

NAME complex than that, but you’ll Anika Portacia have to take a few courses in computer information systems AGE administration to understand. 21 Portacia’s interest in the field HOMETOWN stemmed from some advice Scarborough, Ontario from her family. PROGRAM “I was really indecisive, but Computer Information Systems my Dad told me that a lot of Administration [companies] are looking to hire people with a background in computers,” she explains. ANGIE THEILMANN How does BCIT measure up? Assistant Editor, The Link Anika emphatically says, “BCIT is no joke,” Portacia says Last year, Anika Portacia was of the transition from UBC to working full-time in an accounts BCIT. “You can’t slack and expect payable office and living at with to do well.” It is a sentiment most her in Richmond. She was taking BCIT students would agree with. a break from an arts degree at UBC, which left her feeling aim- less. “[Attending a large university is] kinda like you’re just a num- “BCIT is no joke. ber… if you don’t actively par- You can’t slack and ticipate you’ll just float along,” says Portacia of her experience expect to do well.” at UBC. In the first year of BCIT’s com- — Anika Portacia, “computer information systems puter information systems ad- administration student ministration program, Anika is no longer floating. Surrounded by binders, computers, pens, Does she have a lofty career and caffeinated beverage con- goal after all this training is tainers, she has taken over a done? Portacia reveals that her prominent couch area in the real dream is to host or produce Burnaby campus’ Great Hall with a show on the Home & Garden three classmates. Channel. When asked what she’s actu- She adds that Househunters ally learning in her Portacia and is one of her favourite shows, her colleagues laugh. As a group, and she has a weakness for IKEA, they try to explain the craft they which is only 10 minutes from are hoping to perfect. After a her home. few tries, they simplify their ex- So, watch out for Anika on planation to indicate that they the Home and Garden Network are learning to install software one day. Maybe she’ll redecorate onto computers that will make your home and hook up your In- the Internet work. It’s far more ternet connection, too. Angie Thielmann

October 17, 2012 8 CULTURE OLDIE BUT GOODIE Rowling’s first adult novel does not disappoint The Man with Author’s post-Potter debut No Name Trilogy overcomes some contrived mature themes to deliver an Directed by: Sergio Leone engaging look at human nature Starring: Clint Eastwood Running time: 100, 132, 177 SARAH SANGHA minutes respectively The Link

With the American release of This is not Harry Potter. Sergio Leone’s A Fistful of Dol- Feel free to repeat that to lars in 1967, the “spaghetti yourself as many times as nec- western” was born. The sequel essary while reading The Ca- For a Few Dollars More, and sual Vacancy. That’s not to say the trilogy-transcending final that J.K. Rowling’s latest book film The Good, the Bad and the doesn’t deliver, but the author’s Ugly, solidified both Leone and return to writing after a five-year the series’ star, Clint Eastwood hiatus is a darker message to an as untouchable Hollywood leg- older audience. ends (rambling speeches gone Having said that after the viral notwithstanding). Potter series she wanted to write Now, nearly 45 years after adult fiction, Rowling succeed- Fistful’s release, all three films ed in tackling some mature top- still stand up. The trilogy’s ics, including drug abuse, ob- themes – money, revenge, and, sessive compulsive disorder and in the trilogy’s conclusion, the rape. At times, these themes feel combination of both elements contrived, leading the reader to – are timeless ones. wonder if Rowling intended this Eastwood plays a bounty novel to be her antithesis to Pot- hunter dubbed Joe, Monco or ter. Even Disney stars Britney Blondie in these classics, but Spears and Miley Cyrus started it doesn’t matter what people singing risqué songs and declar- call him: he’s always after cash. ing their independence: is this Personifying the antihero all Rowling’s way of asserting that antiheroes aspire to be, East- her Hogwarts days are over? wood never kills women and While Harry may be behind children, but doesn’t seem to her, Rowling’s career as a writ- mind if they become collateral er is not slowing down. The Ca- damage in the wake of his cho- sual Vacancy matches her pre- sen quests. vious works with its pace and These flicks are still suc- enthusiasm, offering humour cessful today, despite some in tough situations. Rowling glaring flaws today’s film- sets The Casual Vacancy in the makers would not have al- fictional, quintessentially Eng- lowed. So enamoured with lish town of Pagford, where Courtesy of Little, Brown and Company imagery, Leone never shot quaint pubs and chip shops his films with sound. Rather, mask the racist, sexist and gins to twist and turn in typical The strongest characters are the lessons about human behavior everything is dubbed in post- skewed views of its nasty resi- Rowling fashion. male teenagers of Pagford, who and reminds us that even the production, and the sound dents. The book begins with The book is gripping and en- seem to be the only ones who most normal people are capable “ syncing is slightly off. To make the death of a prominent town gaging, and Rowling’s ability to can see how rotten Pagford is. of asinine things. This is a defi- matters worse, almost every- figure, and the façade of Pag- weave a believable plot is her The book comes to a slow nite page-turner, proving that one except Eastwood spoke ford slowly starts to unravel. As greatest gift as a writer. Numer- close, tying up plot points the the magic isn’t in Harry, but in Italian during filming. so the the characters are left to deal ous characters are introduced reader has been obsessing over Rowling herself. dubbing really doesn’t match with the death and an upcom- early on; however, a few are since the first chapter. The Ca- with the actors’ mouths. In the ing civic election, the novel be- missing real depth or emotion. sual Vacancy offers some subtle OVERALL GRADE: B+ end, though, it all lends to the authenticity of what are con- sidered to be the founding fa- brought to you by thers of western movies. Evolution 107.9 Take some time to sit down EVOLVING 20 and watch the entire trilogy. Then watch it again. You’ll un- 1. We Should Be Swimming - Zulu Winter 11. Before The Sun Sets - Tough Lovers derstand. 2. The Keepers - Santigold 12. Wait Up For You - The Belle Game 3. Infinitesimal - Mother Mother 13. Hipster Love - Free City Collective — Max Sussman 4. Elephant - Tame Impala 14. Kill It Slow - Fields Of Green 5. Lovelight - Pigeon Park 15. A Sequel - Good For Grapes 6. Radio - Yukon Blonde 16. Unstable Table - Chimpanzebras Got a favourite 7. Knot In My Heart - The Zolas 17. Retro Oceans - Facts old film? 8. Jolene - Hey Ocean 18. House That Heaven Built - Japandroids 9. Jesse, AR - Said The Whale 19. The World Voice - Snoqualmie [email protected] 10. Go To Me - Jordan Klassen 20. Bright Sea - Young Pacific

The Link CULTURE 9 LOCAL EVENTS October 16-21 Vancouver International Writers Festival Various venues

The 25th annual Vancouver Writ- ers Fest brings bookworms to Granville Island for literary fun. The festival’s impressive lineup features Canadian superstars like Douglas Coupland, Marga- ret Atwood, and David Suzuki. Along with traditional discus- sions about contemporary lit- erature, guests can enjoy an evening of spoken word per- formances with big names like C.R. Avery and Lemn Sissay. It’s cheap, it’s enlightening, and it’s just in time to get inspired for National Novel Writing Month.

October 22 Preserve This: Stories, Food and Culture W2 Media Café

Few things can beat an eve- ning of culture and delicious, locally grown food. Guest sto- rytellers will lead a discussion on the impact of homegrown Courtesy of Citizen Jones food markets on community and culture, and attendees can enjoy a glimpse of local Lunarcy! examines quirky moon colinization culture after dinner at the Mini Fall Fair. enthusiasts with wit and style October 27 (ongoing) nar sports, to moon rocks, this to colonize the moon. He is the sells real estate there from Ian Wallace: At the Intersection of quirky documentary gives the sole founder of the Luna City or $24.99 (tax included). Other lu- Directed by: Simon Ennis Painting and Photography audience a glimpse into the Bust! project, centred around nar enthusiasts include one of Vancouver Art Gallery Running time: 80 minutes lives of several moon enthusi- sending humans to populate the first men on the moon Alan asts. our celestial neighbour. Bean, who has taken up paint- After teasing viewers with a Director Simon Ennis ad- ing lunar landscapes after his few prints in different exhibi- mits that the documentary was journey aboard Apollo 12, and tions in the past two years, OLSY SOROKINA initially supposed to be a seri- Peter Kokh, creator of the Moon The Link the art gallery finally let Ian ous, straightforward look at Hoffman is mesmer- Miners’ Manifesto, a pamphlet Wallace’s work take over two the state of present-day moon izing. His resonant for comfortable lunar living. floors for an independent ex- “Eventually, there has to be a exploration, but his ideas Shot in both HD and Su- voice gives weight to hibition. This influential Ca- person that leaves Earth with changed after meeting Chris- per-8 formats, this tale of lu- nadian artist is internationally no intention of ever coming topher Carson. every word. nar obsession is a fascinating renowned for his photograph- back. I realized there is no rea- With his patterned vests and (and at times melancholy) ic tableaux with bold painted son this can’t be me.” impressively long sideburns, it flashback to the excitement of blocks of color, which force From the first scene, Lunar- is apparent from the very be- “Carson is not alone in his the Space Race years. Even for the viewer to reinterpret the cy! draws the audience in with ginning that Christopher is an strange lunar endeavour. His those without any special in- photographed scene in a dif- its fast-paced, witty narrative unusual guy with a story to tell. idea for a city on the moon was terest in the Moon before Lu- ferent context. The exhibi- and quirky heroes. Success- The man’s main oddity is more first inspired by Dennis Hope, a narcy!, Ennis’ chronicle leaves tion accompanies a thorough fully jumping from discussions grandiose than his wardrobe or former puppeteer who claimed the audience loony for its en- monograph of the same name, of fornicating man-bats, to lu- hairstyle — Carson’s dream is ownership of the moon, and dearing heroes. which was published this year and spans over 30 years of Wallace’s work.

. . . — Olsy Sorokina

Write for The Link! [email protected]

October 17, 2012 10 FEATURE Drunkorexia: a dangerous new trend

A trend to replace food calo- of the female (and sometimes tioning to her petite body. to reassess your priorities. While failed to see that over time the ries with alcohol is emerg- male) population, who are Jessica acknowledges that you may think that cutting out consequences of drinking on an ing, and students are paying choosing to switch calories in she has a small frame but is a meal or two will help you fit empty stomach will eventually meals for calories in alcohol as adamant that not eating before into that dress, remember that it catch up with her externally. the price a way to avoid gaining weight. drinking is more of a preventa- could be causing damage inside “While alcohol may not Jessica and her friends en- tive measure to keep the weight your body. have fat, it definitely has calo- SARAH SANGHA gage in this practice routinely off rather than something I’m ries, and many of those calo- The Link and seem to have the process trying to do to lose weight. ries are considered empty down to a science. In addition to not eating, as they offer no nutritional It’s Friday afternoon at BCIT these weight-conscious drink- By skipping out on din- value,” Begg wants to remind and everyone is off to Professor ers often forgo traditional readers. “The body will go Mugs to have a late lunch and a mixers such as calorie-laden ner or even sometimes into starvation mode if it has few drinks to celebrate the end of Drunkorexics often pop or juice in favour of water lunch, I can avoid been deprived of food for too a long week. Jessica, a first year point out that they or straight alcohol. Over the looking bloated in my long and will then slow down nursing student*, has been in- last ten years, dieticians have metabolism, leading to weight are able to get drunk “dress . . . vited to go and politely declines. seen a dramatic increase in gain.” Begg says the best way “I’m going out clubbing to- faster for cheaper by the number of young women to stave off the extra pounds is night and I need to save the “not eating. engaging in this method of di- “I know that it’s not the to exercise regularly, eat well, calories,” she mentions as eting, leading them to coin the healthiest thing to do,” says Jes- and drink in moderation. Al- one of her female classmates term “drunkorexia”. sica, “but if you do it every so though it may sound easier nods in understanding. This “By skipping out on din- often and it keep you looking said than done, it’s worth it. conversation may be puzzling ner or even sometimes lunch, EFFECTS OF DRUNKOREXIA good, then I don’t really see it as After all, healthy is so much to some, as many of us were I can avoid looking bloated While substituting alcohol for a big issue.” sexier than just “thin”. taught to eat a heavy meal be- in my dress and I don’t gain food may seem like an easy way While she may not be too con- fore a night of drinking. weight because I’m putting to avoid calories, it can have cerned about the internal side of *name and area of study This advice seems to be the calories towards drink- many serious long term effects. being drunkorexic, Jessica has have been changed largely ignored by a segment ing,” she explains while mo- “Eating before drinking helps the body process alcohol more slowly and keeps relatively low,” explains Patricia Begg of urbandietician. ca. “When you skip a meal and then consume alcohol, you shock your body and it does not have adequate time to keep up with the liquor you are drinking. This can lead to alcohol over- dose.” Drunkorexics often point out that they are able to get drunk faster for cheaper by not eating. However, becoming intoxicated quickly has detrimental health effects. , which may lead to severe health prob- lems such as of the liver, diabetes, and possibly as- phyxiation. Severe binge drink- ing can also lead to a depen- dence on alcohol and disrupt one’s social life if poor decisions are made while drinking. Concerning results from a study at Simon Fraser Univer- sity show that inhibitions are lowered during intoxication and those who exhibited drunkore- xic behaviour often made risky errors in judgment, such as tak- ing drugs or having unprotected sex.

ARE YOU DRUNKOREXIC? The pressure to be thin is a never-ending battle for many women, and drunkorexia is just the latest trend to stay trim while still being social and hav- ing fun. If you find that skipping dinner for drinks is a habitual pattern for you, then it is time The Link The BCITSA Info & News page is designed for the BCIT Student Association to showcase the Association’s projects or events. The advertising on this page does not necessarily reflect the views ofThe Link or its staff. BCITSA Info & News EXECUTIVE WEIGH-IN

A message from BCITSA The BCIT Student Association has moved! Vice President of Finance Geoffrey Smith As part of an expansion and development of a BCIT student centre, many BCITSA When I was asked to write an execu- offices have moved to the third floor of SE2, including the general office. Come check tive weigh-In I thought it was some sort of joke about my weight and I us out any weekday before 4:30 p.m., we’d be happy to show you around. became furious. Then I was remind- ed that the weigh-in is a chance to — BCIT Student Association talk about issues affecting students and what the BCIT Student Associa- tion is doing. That’s okay, then. This week I would like to discuss a topic that is important to nearly everyone: money. Specifically, what the Student Association does with your money. Every BCIT student becomes a member of the BCITSA when they pay student fees. To find out exactly what you are pay- ing, check your tuition receipt. The student activity fee, capital levy and health and dental coverage fees are collected by the school and given to the BCITSA. The BCITSA then uses this money to provide programs and services to as many students as we can reach. Services include a full calendar of social events, club sup- port, outreach programs for satel- lite campuses, and all of the excit- ing programs offered through the Uconnect Resource Centre. Health and dental fees are only used to purchase insurance coverage from our insurer. The capital levy is used to improve student spaces, includ- ing the current expansion of the student centre in SE2. Professional management ac- counting staff work for the associa- tion to ensure that student funds are used responsibly. Ultimately, though, your elected student ex- ecutives and student counsellors are responsible for student funds. We provide oversight by setting the goals of the organization and authorizing all spending. The last person in this process is yours truly. As vice president of finance, I sign virtually every cheque issued by the association, ensuring that every ex- pense is legitimate. If you have any questions about money matters at the BCITSA you can contact me at vpfin@bcitsa and I’ll do my best to answer them.

BCITSA Annual Sponsors 12 DISTRACTIONS FREAKSEEKING MISSILE Dan Johnson FAUXROSCOPES with Mystical Mama Angie, semi-certified astrologist

IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK LIBRA (Sept. 24 – Oct. 23) Like a humpback whale, others Chameleons are all about think you’re larger than life. So adapting, Libra, but that don’t get mad when friends get doesn’t mean you should for- up in your krill … they only want get what your true colours re- to be closer to your greatness. ally are. Like, if you love the Biebs, don’t try to pretend you ARIES (March 21 – April 20) prefer the new Mumford and Peacocks are the murals of the Sons album. But, like, for your bird world, Aries, and it’s time own sake, just maybe don’t tell you brought some colour to others? your surroundings. If you see a red door, do NOT paint it black. SCORPIO (Oct. 24 – Nov. 22) And, if you’ve never touched a Scorpio, camel says, “Quit dis- paintbrush in your life, do what honest behaviour before you get peacocks do best — wing it. your just desert.” You’ve prob- ably heard of the song Karma TAURUS (April 21 – May 21) Chameleon, but have you herd It had been a lovely night, but both Cinderella and the Octopi have four sets of arms the remix called “Karma Camel- Wolfman were concerned about how late it was getting. and they’re some of the smart- eon?” If not, Google it before ev- est squids on the block. This eryone realizes what you’re say- intelligence will allow you to ing doesn’t hold any water. multi-task during a challenge in mid Oct-tober. If you falter, SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 – Dec. 21) Bring this clipping along with a hilarous original comic to the Link know that you don’t suck; you You’re a tiger, Sagittarius, and office on the third floor of SE2 and we will give you $10. For realz. simply have a lot of suction. So those stripes are going to be stick to it. demagnetized soon if you keep swiping your claws …er, cards GEMINI (May 22 – June 21) at this rate. Do you really need Gemini, quit being a cheetah, that many pumpkin lattes? P.S.: by BCIT’s own Scarlet de Sade and I don’t mean that in the If you’re wondering if we think Scarlet Letters unethical sense. I mean quit you’re a tiger in bed, we’re not Dear Scarlet, Luckily, cold sores do not car- great ways to improve flexibil- running so fast! SLOW DOWN! sure. But we tigress. ry the same stigma as genital ity to get into and maintain all There’s no hurry. Take the time So, I’m dating this new girl and herpes, and cold sores remain the new positions you’re go- to paws–you’ll be just feline. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 – Jan. 20) she’s really great, but as the cold inactive the majority of the ing to be able to try. You’re a cool cat so just give Okay, Capricorn, bear with me, weather approaches I’ve noticed time. The virus can be acti- You don’t have to go to yourself the op-purrrrrrr-tunity because panda is your animal she’s developed a cold sore. She’s vated by fatigue, injury, or in the gym everyday to get the to show it. idol this week. She’s telling you taking care of it, but one of my some cases, during a woman’s best results, either. Men and that things aren’t always black friends told me that cold sores are period, but the frequency of women alike need to familiar- CANCER (June 22 – July 23) and white. Accept that when face herpes. Could I get herpes on cold sores may differ case to ize themselves with the Kegel A mouse seems like a pretty small there’s a grey area, there’s al- my junk from the herpes on her case. squeeze (strength training for creature, Cancer, but it has a ways a chance that you’ll get face? If you’re really worried your pubococcygeus mus- knack for squeaking by. Take a bamboozled. Remember that about it, put on a condom cles). hint from mouse: Cheese your life experiences are varied, and — Not So Hot For Cold during oral sex to protect If you are unsure where own destiny. the current situation won’t last yourself, and consider having those muscles are located, fur-ever. Dear Not So Hot, an uncomfortable, yet neces- try to stop mid-urination next LEO (July 24 – Aug. 23) sary, conversation with your time you’re in the washroom. Leo, gorillas can be intimidat- AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 – Feb. 19) Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV-1) girlfriend. Pubococcygeus muscles are ing. Stop beating your chest, Elephant is a big one, and this is usually the culprit behind the ones you’re flexing to stop and start beating someone at month is for you, Aquarius. The the majority of cold sores. It is — Scarlet urinating. Side note: do not chess. Life is one big game, watering hole is where you’ll feel rare for someone to have HSV- Hey Scarlet, make a habit of doing Kegal and if you don’t play, you most rejuvenated, so be sure to 2 (the dreaded genital-kind of squeezes too often during uri- risk becoming the game. And hang out at a water fountain in herpes) on his or her face. I go to the gym on campus a lot nation; you could give your- if chess isn’t your thing, try your spare time … or maybe the Cold sores are highly con- and was wondering if there are self an infection. Mon-ape-oly or Ape-oration. bar. Either way, drink until you tagious. You will not have any any exercises I can try that will Strengthening those mus- Clue works, too. feel trunk. On life. symptoms after you initially improve my sex life? cles not only maintains your become infected and — un- pelvic floor, but it has been VIRGO (Aug. 24 – Sept. 23) PISCES (Feb. 20 – Mar. 20) less your girlfriend also has — Let’s Get Physical said that it can increase the Virgo, this is the time to take Pisces, your animal is the dog. herpes on her vagina — you’re sensation of orgasm, and that your lead from the walrus. There You’re getting spoiled like a probably safe. To put it simply, Dear Physical, is a win for everyone. is no tusk you can’t accomplish. Yaletown pomeranian in a HSV-1 generally occurs above Remember that having thick rhinestone-studded carry- the waist, while HSV-2 gener- For starters, a good cardio- — Scarlet skin can be a plus. It allows you ing case, and now it’s time to ally occurs below the waist. vascular routine will do won- to not care what others think. get out of your comfort zone. Do you have a question for There is a potential to get ders in building energy and But remember, when you’re Find a mud puddle to roll in! Scarlet de Sade? Email either virus in either area improving stamina. Stretch- sad, it’s ok to blubber like a baby Sometimes the best way to [email protected] through oral-genital contact. ing and strength training are (walrus). We understand. come clean is to get dirty first.

The Link