R&D Completed Projects Fin. Year Status P.I. name & Address Project title 2005-2006 complete Dr J.D.S. Negi Preparation of Monograph on National Institute for Jatropha Curas L. Conservation and Eco- development (NICE) 16/III, Phase-II Panditwari PO- Premnagar Dehradun (UK) Tel: 0135-2774747 M: 9412967770 E:
[email protected] 2005-2006 complete CDO Establishing weather station Chamoli 2005-2006 complete CDO To provide chap cutter to the farmers Chamoli in Chamoli District 2005-2006 sealed/PCC Dr Shivesh Sharma Microbial diversity: Indicator of Reader pollution in Gangetic river system of SBS PG Institute of Uttaranchal Biomedical Sciences & Research Balawala – Dehradun M: 9897138234 T: 0135-2686246 Fax:: 0135-2686231 Email:
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected] 2005-2006 complete/P Dr Subodh Kumar Gupta Structure and functioning of grassland CC K.L.D.A.V. (P.G.) College ecosystem of Garhwal Himalaya Roorkee (UK) M: 9927079341 T: 01332-262268 F: 01332-262268 E: me.subodhgupta@rediffmai l.com 2005-2006 Complete/ Dr Kumkum Shah Introducing techniques for PCC Senior Lecturer employment generation through Department of Zoology integrated fish farming using natural L.S.M. Govt. P.G. College water resources of district Pithoragarh Pithoragarh (UK) (Uttaranchal) M: 9412926755, 9897105146 O: 05964-264029 F: 05964-223142, 224355 E:
[email protected],
[email protected] 2005-2006 sealed Dr Manoj Dhaulakhandi A study on altitudinal range of Govt. (P.G.) College timberline and its vegetation in Rishikesh Garhwal Himalaya M: 9411141215 E:
[email protected] om, manojdhaulakhandi@gmail. com 2005-2006 sealed Dr (Mrs) Bhagwati Uniyal Changes in the biodiversity and socio- NAVDANYA, economic status of peoples residing 105, Rajpur Road, downstream beyond the dam between Dehradun (UK) Tehri to Devprayag : After completion of reservoir of Tehri dam T: 135-2743175 Fax No.