International Conference « and Mental Health» 8 October 2016 (Moscow Hall)

Azimut Moscow Olympic Hotel Moscow, Russia



KAGANOV SH. VENIAMIN, Deputy Minister of Education and of the Russian Federation, winner of the Russian Federation Government Award in the field of Education for his works on the introduction of innovative personnel solutions into higher education, Doctor of Science and Economics. Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Deputy Chairman of the Commission on Juvenile Affairs of the Government of the Russian Federation, Deputy Chairman of the National Coordinating Council to Support Talented Young People in Russia, Chairman of several sub-committees of Intergovernmental Committees on Cooperation with Foreign Countries. As the Deputy Minister of Education and Science, Mr. Kaganov is currently responsible for development of international cooperation in the sphere of science and education, Child Protection, education for disabled children, nurturing and youth policy, promotion of the Russian language. He is the head and a member of over 40 Presidential, Governmental and Interagency Committees addressing the issues for disabled people, nurturing, physical and patriotic education of children, work with compatriots, road safety, crime prevention, etc. Mr. Kaganov is the author of over 70 publications, including monographs, on development of education.

PROF. DR. JOAQUIM QUINTINO-AIRES, Founder of the Vygotsky Institute, Clinical , Professor of the New of Lisbon, Doctor in Psycholinguistics with graduation on , Professor of Psychotherapy and Neuropsychology in Lisbon and São Paulo, and Clinical Psychologist and Neuropsychologist. He worked at the Military Hospital of Lisbon (Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery) and currently at the Institute Vygotsky. He wrote seven books, published in several countries, and dozens of chapters and scientific articles. He held conferences, seminars and short courses in more than 40 countries. There are about twenty years he works weekly on television, on topics related to psychology and healthy human development.

PROF. NATALIA G. GARANYAN, Professor at Clinical Psychology Department, Psychological Counselling Faculty, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, Leading researcher of the Laboratory of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, Federal State Institute “Moscow Institute of Psychiatry" Roszdravsotsrazvitiya, Clinical Psychologist of Superior Merit, Psy.D.


PROF. YURI P. ZINCHENKO, President of the Russian Psychological Society, Dean of the Department of Psychology at Moscow State University, Leading expert in Clinical Psychology at the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Honorary member of the Russian Academy of , Chief Scientific Secretary of the Russian Academy of Education Presidium, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, Winner of the RF Government Gold medal in Education, the Presidium Member of the International Union of Psychological Science (IUPsyS) under UNESCO, the Executive Council member of the European Federation of ’ Associations (EFPA), the Administration member of the International Association for Analytical Psychology (IAAP), Professor Emeritus of Fernando Pessoa University (Porto, Portugal), Doctor of Psychology, Professor. Prof. Yuri P. Zinchenko has over 180 scholarly publications, including those in foreign languages. Mr. Zinchenko is the author and co-author of 46 books.

DR. JUDY KURIANSKY, Ph.D., Сlinical psychologist, Professor at Columbia University Teachers College, Chair of the Psychology Coalition of NGOs and the main representative of the World Council of Psychotherapy (WCP) and the International Association of Applied Psychology, Author and Journalist, Mental Health Advocate, Visiting Professor at Peking University Health Science Center in China. Currently she is also an advisor to Ambassador Toriello of the Mission to the UN of São Tomé and Príncipe in Africa. Her many projects include a Girls Empowerment Program teaching entrepreneurship, HIV/AIDS education, and life skills. The founder of the Global Kids Connect Project, she has provided psychosocial support workshops and trainings after disasters in the United States, Japan, Haiti, Sri Lanka and China, and recently during the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. Her groundbreaking new book, “The Psychosocial Aspects of a Deadly Epidemic: What Ebola has Taught us about Holistic Healing,” weaves perspectives from government officials, experts from health and other fields, and survivors, with innovative intervention models, personal narratives, policy recommendations, the role of media, and research on other epidemics like HIV/AIDS and SARS, leading to lessons learned that inform other epidemics, like the current Zika outbreak. A TV feature news reporter and top-rated radio advice talk show host for 30 years. The author of many journal articles. She has conducted workshops at conferences in Moscow, and trainings about counseling for the Professional Psychotherapeutic League (PPL) of Novosibirsk, and written papers for Russian journals, including about “Couples and Families in the 21st century: An Overview of Challenges in Russia and Trends and Solutions in America Useful for Psychotherapists”.

PROF. MIODRAG B. MILOVANOVIĆ, Psychiatrist and Gestalt psychotherapist, practices psychiatry and psychotherapy in Slovenia and B&H. He has numerous publications at professional medical magazines and different congresses all over the world, including a few articles in books. He was awarded with “The Certificate of Honor” for the lifetime achievement and contribution in psychotherapy of the Department of Yogic Science, Dr. Hari Singh Gour University, Sagar 470003 (MP), India; with the PRIMARIUS by Ministry of Health of Republic of Srpska, B&H; in 2008 became an ordinary member of EAGT, an ordinary member of EAP.


PROF. ALFRIED LÄNGLE, M.D., President of the International Society for Logotherapy and Existential Analysis (GLE-I), psychotherapist, physician, clinical Psychologist, Coprepach Scientific developments in Psychotherapy and Existential Analysis, Faculty Professor and Mult. Honorary Professor, Ph.D., Professor. Founder (1983) of the International Society for Logotherapy and Existential Analysis (Vienna). Constant lecturer at the of Vienna (1984 - 2006), Innsbruck (1994 - 2000), lecturer at universities of Buenos Aires, Santiago de Chile, Salta, Moscow etc. and since 2000 of Moscow. Faculty member and professor of applied psychology (psychotherapy) at the Moscow’s HSE-university (since 2004), at Vienna’s Sigmund Freud university (2011) and at the psychological department of the university of Klagenfurt, Austria (since 2006). Founder of the stately approved training school of Existential-Analytical Psychotherapy. Vice President of the International Federation of Psychotherapy (IFP 2002 - 2010), 5 honorary professorships in medicine and psychology. He has more than 350 scientific publications including several books, mainly centered on the application of phenomenology in the practical work of psychotherapy and psychotherapy research.

DR. RAYMOND C. K. CHAN, Professor of Neuropsychology and Applied Cognitive Neuroscience at the Institute of Psychology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Honorary Director for research at the Institute of Mental Health, Castle Peak Hospital (Hong Kong), Honorary Director for the Translational Neuropsychology and Applied Cognitive Neuroscience Lab at the Shanghai Mental Health Centre, the Regional Representative for Asia for the International Neuropsychological Society. His research record has earned him the Distinguished Young Scientist Award from the National Science Foundation China, Young Investigator Award from NARSAD, and the Distinguished Griffith Visiting Researcher. Dr. Chan has published over 260 scientific peer- reviewed articles and 6 book chapters dealing with schizophrenia research and traumatic brain injury.

PROF. EMMA I. MESHCHERYAKOVA, Professor of Genetic and Cinical psychology of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "National Research Tomsk State University", Doctor of Psychology, acquired theoretical and practical knowledge of medical psychology at the MSU Faculty of Psychology, at the Laboratory for Pathopsychology at the Moscow Research Institute of Psychiatry. Acquired Psychodiagnostics at the Laboratory for Medical Psychology of Leningrad Research Institute of Psychoneurology headed by Iosif Tonkonogii. In 1994, she defended her Ph.D. dissertation on a rehabilitation-related topic based on a sample of the chronically mentally ill at Bekhterev Leningrad Research Institute of Psychoneurology. In 1994, she switched to teaching at Tomsk State University, in 2001, she defended her doctoral dissertation on the subject of personal myth.


PROF. NADEZHDA I. VLAKH, Head of the Department of Supplementary education of the Siberian branch of MIEP, PANH Professor, Professor of the Institute of Business Education, Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo Region Courses: Psychology, Legal Psychology, Conflict Management, Forensic Medicine and Forensic Psychiatry, Counseling, Candidate of Medical Sciences. Defense of a Ph.D. dissertation on the topic: "Preneurotic Subdepressive Conditions in Students and Ways of their Correction", St. Petersburg, December 9th, 1999; supervisor B. Iovlev, consultant B. Karvasarskii. Interests: medical and clinical Psychology, counseling, psycho-correction.

PROF. NATALIA V. KOZLOVA, Head of Genetic and Clinical Psychology Department at the National Research Tomsk State University, Doctor of Science, Professor. Since 2014 Prof. Kozlova has headed the University laboratory of Health Psychology. She is an author of more than 130 scientific publications. She is also an expert of the National Accreditation Agency for Education and a member of Federal Educational and Methodological Association for Psychology. Her research interests mainly concern health psychology as well as personal and professional development. Prof. Kozlova is actively involved in the Department’s and Laboratory’s research activities dealing with neurophysiological, psychophysiological, cognitive and axiological aspects of health as a personal resource and strategic potential which provides a person’s stability and well- being as well as competitiveness and professional longevity.

PROF. VITALIY V. RUBTSOV, MD, Rector of Moscow State University of Psychology & Education, President of the Federation of Russian Educational Psychologists, Director of the Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education, Russian psychologist, Ph.D. in Psychology, professor, full member of the Russian Academy of Education, a member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Education, a member of the ISCAR (International Society for Cultural and Activity Research) Executive Committee, a member of the International Association «Educational Psychology», Honorary Professor of the University of Wisconsin (Madison, USA). Several fundamental research works on psychological logic and mechanisms of organizing joint learning activity as well as on the genesis of cognitive actions in children were conducted under the guidance of Vitaliy V. Rubtsov. Currently several national programs and international projects aimed at studying conditions of effective use of new educational technologies and models of teaching different groups of children are being implemented under the guidance of Vitaliy V. Rubtsov. For his scientific and practical achievements was awarded the President’s Prize in Education (1998) and given the title of the Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation (2004). Vitaliy V. Rubtsov has published more than 200 scientific works including fundamental monographs, such as ‘Osnovy sotsial’no-geneticheskoi psihologii’ (Fundamentals of social-genetic psychology). Many of his works have been translated into English, German, French, Japanese and other languages.


PROF. ALLA B. KHOLMOGOROVA, Acting Head of Faculty of Clinical Psychology and Psychological Counseling, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, Head of the Laboratory of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy Federal State Institute “Moscow Research Institute of Psychiatry" Roszdravsotsrazvitiya, Head of the Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, Psy.D., Professor.

IRINA A. CHIBISOVA, psychiatrist, forensic and psychiatric expert, 16-year work experience, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Senior Researcher of the Department of forensic psychiatric examination of children and adolescents at the FSBI "Serbsky Federal Medical Research Center of Psychiatry and Narcology'' of the Russian Ministry of Health.

VALENTINA DZ. BADMAEVA, Head of the Department of Social and Forensic psychiatric problems of minors at the FSBI "Serbsky Federal Medical Research Center for Psychiatry and Narcology'' of the Russian Ministry of Health, , Assistant Professor at the Department of Social and Forensic Psychiatry of the IPE SBEI HPE Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University of the Russian Ministry of Health, one of the leading experts in the field of child and adolescent psychiatry, author of over 100 research articles and publications, including guidelines, chapters in textbooks and monographs.

MARIA A. ODINTSOVA, Associate Professor of Faculty of Psychology and E-learning Education, Moscow State Psycho- Pedagogical University. Author of more than 200 works and 16 monographs. Publisher of professional literature. Her research interests concern the field of survival psychology, creator of psychology of role victim mentality


VLADIMIR V. LUKICHEV, psychologist, psychotherapist, Head of the Department of Psychological Rehabilitation of Juvenile Inmates of the MR SBEI Center "Ariadna". As part of the professional activity, he is working on primary psycho-prophylaxis of alcohol and drug abuse among adolescents in educational institutions in municipalities and municipal districts of the Moscow Region. Author of psychoprophylactic programs and techniques on teenage suicidology and teenage addictology (including those for parents and teachers), developer of methods for assessing risks of formation of SAS-addiction in adolescents aged 15-17 (testing of 2014-2015 in the Moscow Region), author and executor of the project on introduction of the system of psycho-pedagogical support of the educational process (testing at 20 pilot sites of three municipalities of the Moscow Region in 2013- 2015). He was awarded diplomas of the MR Ministry of Education. Nominated for the MR Governor’s prize.

DMITRY S. OSHEVSKY, Associate Professor of Juridical Psychology and Law, Faculty of Juridical Psychology, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, Senior researcher, State Research Centre for Social and Forensic Psychiatry named after V.P.Serbsky, author of over 100 publications devoted to problems of young people with mental disorders as aggressive violent offenders.

LARISA S. FISHMAN, Director of the Moscow Region SBEI for children in need of psychological-and-pedagogical and medico-social assistance, Center for Psychological and Pedagogical Rehabilitation and Correction "Ariadna". Author of the first Russian rehabilitation program for adolescents who are substance abusers, one of the authors of the Methodical collection "Programs of psychoprophylactic and remedial work with adolescents undergoing rehabilitation after treatment", which is used as a textbook for training students of Psychology Higher Educational Institutions in Moscow and the Moscow Region. In 2015, she became member of the competition committee of experts "On organization of activities on the selection of non-profit organizations for the provision of subsidies from the federal budget for their state support". In the same year, under the guidance of the Commissioner for Children's Rights in the Moscow region Oksana Pushkina, she took part in the panel on the development of the project on the prevention and control of drug abuse among children.


NATALIA V. ILIUKHINA, Deputy director for educational and methodical work of the State budget institution of supplementary professional education of the Samara Region "Regional socio-psychological center". Conducts high-level seminars with various categories of teaching staff, including workshops, meetings with heads of psychological services of the Samara Region education system. As a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Social and Humanitarian Sciences, she implements advanced training programs for various categories of educators. She has created advanced training programs for teachers, psychologists, developed and used programs of various academic courses. She is a member of the Federation of Education Psychologists of Russia, as well as the International School Psychologists Association (ISPA). Actively participates in conferences of these professional NGOs. She has the highest qualification category of educational psychologist. In 2013, she was awarded the badge of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for significant progress in improving the skills and professional training of educators and many years of fruitful work.

GENNADY S. BANNIKOV, Senior Researcher at the Suicidality Department of Moscow Research Institute of Psychiatry, Head of Laboratory, Center for Emergency Psychological Aid, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, Ph.D. in Medicine, author of over 40 publications. His research interests: suicidality, acute stress disorders.

OLGA V. VIKHRISTUK, Director of the Center for Emergency Psychological Aid, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, Ph.D. in Psychology, author of over 50 publications on the subject of remote psychological support, prevention of suicidal behavior among adolescents and young adults.

LUBOV G. BORODINA, Associate Professor of Clinical and Juridical Psychology, Faculty of Juridical Psychology, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, psychiatrist, General of the Federal Center on Children Neuropsychiatry, Ph.D. in Medicine, author of over 20 scientific papers.


OLGA I. AZOVA, Ph.D. in Education and Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of “Logomed Prognoz” Medical Centre and Center of Children`s Correction and Development «O.I. Azova`s Logocenter», Associate Professor at the Department of Logopedics of Moscow University of Psychology and Social Sciences, Moscow, Russia. Graduated defectological faculty of Moscow State Pedagogical University with honors, defended dissertation in dysorthographia. The winner of competition «Moscow`s grant» in the sphere of education, was awarded the order «For Contribution to education» Research project provided the development of theory and practice of logopedics on the correction of dysorthographia, speech and behavior disturbances of children with autism spectrum disorder, alalia.

MARINA V. MALKHASIAN, Deputy Director of the "City Psychology and Education Center" of the Department of Education of Moscow, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, associate professor at the department of Psychology, educational psychologist of the highest category, Gestalt therapist, supervisor, coach. Deals with the prevention of mental health issues of children and adolescents, family relationships, improvement of psycho-pedagogical competence of parents, organization of psychological trainings for children-and-parent relationships, development of skills of parental support for the child with health limitations. Developed and implemented a system and technologies for the development of professional culture of teachers: features, conditions, stages and various aspects of its formation. She is the author of seminars and advanced training courses. Under the general editorship, three collections of scientific and practical materials have been published. Has 15 publications in HAC journals, 23 publications in scientific and practical journals. Author of two monographs.

AISAULE SH. SARSEN, Master’s degree student of Gumilev Eurasian National University on the specialty "Psychology" (Astana). In the 2012-2013 academic year, she defended the draft program "Psychological Health of Students: Definition and Development" in the Kazakh language. From 2011 to 2014, she actively attended various training programs in psychology: "Tanatotherapy" supervised by Liazzat Kulzhabaeva, educational seminar-trainings on practical psychology supervised by Nikolai Kozlov, "Integrative Art Therapy", motivational seminars by Lise Bourbeau, etc. Author of over 20 publications in various journals as part of the republican output, since the end of Bachelor’s degree studies, she has become an honorary member of "Alumni Club KazGUU".


PROF. OLGA S. NIKOLSKAYA, Head of the Laboratory of Correctional education of children with emotional disorders, Institute for Correctional Pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Education, Professor at the Department of Children and Family psychotherapy Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, author of more than 37 scientific papers, winner of the Presidential Awards in Education, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor

MARIYA G. KUDRIASHOVA, Psychologist, Northwest Charity Foundation for helping children left without parental care, "Deti Zhdut" (“Children are Waiting”, St. Petersburg), the winning organization of the All-Russian contest of prevention programs in the field of mental health care “Zdorovoe Pokolenie” ("Healthy Generation"). In her work, she uses a combination of the humanistic and family system approaches. She specializes in solving emotional difficulties in children and adolescents. Since 2010, she has been working with children who have experience of abandonment, live in institutions and foster families. She is co-author of the programs implemented by the foundation, aimed at preventing secondary failures and improving the quality of life of children in orphanages.

PROF. OLEG V. LUKIANOV, Head of the Department of Psychology of Person at TSU, member of the East European Association for Existential Therapy, Doctor of Psychology, author of the concept of transtemporal psychology, author of the mobile online courses "Genius. Cleverness. Mediocrity." and "Psychology of Vocation". He explores the issues of existential experience of authentication, identification, psychology of lifestyle, particularly, the psychology of the creative life, existential sociotherapy. Initiator of the educational projects on existential and phenomenological psychology.

OKSANA B. GONTAR, Deputy Director (Science), Head of the Ecological Therapy and Educational Programs Laboratory, Polar Alpine Botanical Garden & Institute, PhD (Biology), Associate Professor. She is the immediate supervisor and the executive in charge of research for Horticultural and Ecological Therapy and the development of specialized rehabilitation and educational programs in PABGI. Plants introduction and acclimatization on the Kola Peninsula, green building, ecological and additional education are also included in the scope of her scientific interests. She is author (co-author) more than 135 publications.


TATYANA I. SHULGA, Doctor of Psychological Science, professor of the Department of Social Psychology at Moscow Region State University; developer of new professional standards (first introduced in Russia): Family Specialist, Social Psychologist (as approved by the Ministry of Labor of Russia, No. 673n, dated 18 November 2013, registered in the Ministry of Justice as of 26 December 2013, No. 30850); member of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation’s Academic Association of Psychological and Pedagogical Universities of the Russian Federation; expert on the Russian Duma’s Committee for Family, Women, and Children Affairs; member of the Public Council of Education of the Moscow Region Ministry of Education. She has published over 240 scientific works. Her teaching aids, which have been recommended by teaching associations, are widely used for teaching university students in the Russian Federation.