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The Catalyst THE CATALYST Vol. 47, No. 15 The Independent Student Newspaper of Colorado College February 10, 2017 The Springs Echo: First Colorado Springs Street Paper By HANNAH GLOSSER irst woman to do this while home- street paper of her own two years old and just sitting in broad sunlight, less,” said Raven Canon, Editor-in- ago. She was primarily motivated no shade, and screaming its head because, at the time, she was going of. he idea of what could have hap- “ e think Chief and founder of he Springs W hungry and did not realize she was pened to that baby… I hit the roof I might be Echo. a block away from Marion House, a not because it happened but be- the very he Springs Echo, Colorado Springs’ street newspaper, was Colorado Springs soup kitchen. cause no one even showed up. How formed to give a voice to the home- “So, the back page of the paper is could no one show up to a newborn less. Canon’s idea for the paper community resources of where you in danger? I stood there and I looked began when volunteers at the can eat,” said Canon. “he whole at that oicer that day and I looked Colorado Springs Rescue Mission reason I came up with the paper is at him and said this can never hap- came to her about the Pedestrian because I was hungry and I didn’t pen again. his cannot happen. It Access Act, hoping she would know where to go eat. So, the back was at that point when I really got speak articulately on the topic. page is really what prompted me to the drive to start the paper.” An admirer of street papers like start the paper because they have Canon then looked to fellow street Real Change News and he something very similar to this in Se- papers in the rest of the country for Denver Voice, Canon came attle’s paper. And they didn’t have it inspiration and mentorship. She up with the idea of creating a here, so I thought might as well start reached out to Tim Harris from Real the whole thing.” Change News, Seattle’s street paper Canon initially toyed with starting and member of the International the paper and then lost momentum. Network of Street Papers, for advice. She was inspired to follow through “When I began this, I thought with the paper after the CSPD did well, if I’m gonna do this, I’m going not respond in a timely manner to a to learn how to do this correctly,” dangerous situation concerning the Canon said. So, I thought who do I homeless. know of who is the best at this. So, I “I contacted Andi Van Gogh from went to Tim not realizing that he has the Coalition for Compassion and been called the Godfather of street Action about a newborn in danger papers. And he really is. He has been and asked him to call 911,” Canon such a source of wealth of informa- said. And CSPD, the Fire Depart- tion and experience and support.” ment, no one ever showed. he Harris became Canon’s conidant next day the HOT [CSPD’s Home- and a mentor through working to- less Outreach Team] team just hap- wards accreditation from the Inter- pened to stumble upon the baby in national Network of Street Papers. the stroller. he dad was passed out “We started to gain momentum. and the mother was nowhere to be Initially we had the plan to turn found. his was over the summer GRITS into our street paper, but I Raven Canon, bottom left, Corintha, bottom right, and Edwin “FedEx” Aldrich, pose at an Echo fundraiser. Photo by Nat Stein (originally published in the Colorado Springs Independent) and I think it was under 3 months Continued on pg. 6 Colorado Springs Residents Question Hundreds March With Muslim Motives Behind Panhandling Ordinance and Immigrant Neighbors By TUCKER SMITH migrants from seven Muslim- By NINA RIGGIO majority countries entry into the Last Saturday, Feb. 4, the Colo- U.S. Trump claims the measure After a federal judge in Grand rado Springs community mobi- is “to keep radical Islamic ter- Junction ruled in 2015 that pan- lized to declare solidarity with rorists out of the U.S.” The action handling is an expression of Muslim and immigrant neigh- puts in place a 90-day block on speech and protected by the bors and to oppose President entry to the U.S. for native citi- First Amendment, the Colorado Trump’s proposed border wall. zens of Iran, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Springs City Council recently The peaceful march, entitled Sudan, Libya, and Somalia. decided to move forward with “Stand with Our Muslim and Im- Additionally, the order explic- the ordinance to “keep people migrant Neighbors Rally,” was itly bans Syrian refugees indefi- off unsafe medians” or face fines co-organized by Unite Colo- nitely. It is estimated that Assad’s of up to $2,500 and jail time of rado Springs and the Colorado regime has displaced 11 million up to six months. The council Springs Council for Justice. Syrians, many of whom already decision was unanimous, and is The rally is a direct response face difficulties in successful a reflection of public sentiment to President Trump’s executive resettlement. According to The about the issue. order denying refugees and im- Continued on pg. 6 “We have heard an over- whelming concern from drivers in our city about the safety of Hops and Marley sit waiting for a ride to Denver to ind a job. Photo by Nina pedestrians standing on nar- Riggio row or sloped medians, and the proposed last October by Mayor their lives and distract drivers. distraction and safety concern John Suthers, and would apply But critics argue the motiva- they pose to passing traffic. to panhandlers, pamphlet dis- tions behind the law are not That, along with input from our tributors, vendors, and the like. so straightforward. “Don’t be public safety professionals, was This law would ban people from fooled by this law, it isn’t about the driving factor behind this standing on or occupying medi- our safety, this is about screwing effort,” explained a statement ans less than four feet wide and over the homeless,” said Hops, put out by the Colorado Springs on streets with traffic moving a local houseless man. “Why Public Communications Spe- faster than 30 miles per hour. make people pay a fine of $500 cialist. Suthers said that pedestrians when you know we don’t have on narrow medians jeopardize Colorado Springs locals gather for Muslim March. Photos by Jordan Ellison The ordinance was originally Continued on pg. 4 News Opinion Sports Life 10 Questions Crossroad of Journalism An Active Life Won’t Fix Obesity The Need for Speed The Man Behind the Chalk Assistant Director of Outdoor Edu- cation, David Crye, has afected the Dreams Local speed skating enthusiast Glen he systemic issues that contribute Andrew Manley explains the inten- experiences of a large majority of to the American obesity epidemic. Winkel blends science and sport for tions behind Cornerstone’s literary Documentary ilmmaker Xiaoran CC’s population through New Stu- Liu speaks on life as an international Page 14 CC students. Page 7 murals. Page 11 dent Orientation and more. journalism student. Page 3 Page 5 Achievement as Status Symbol Art Adjuncts Sign Up Tutt Library Renovation in the Outdoors Find us online at: With construction halfway complete, How our quest for status turns out- he method behind the madness. Tutt remains on schedule and within door enjoyment into competition. Page 11 Facebook: /CatalystNews budget. Page 4 Page 9 Twitter: /catalystnews 2 February 10, 2017 News The Catalyst Three-Year Live-on Campus Policy Cemented by Housing Construction By JOHN BORAH Housing at Colorado College has always ing forward.” around campus—she is the co-founder of Furthermore, several rising juniors ex- been a source of tension between stu- Many in the administration defend this Speak Easy, producer of Story Slam, and a pressed frustration with their inability to dents and the administration. Whether it policy. “We believe in the power of com- member of both the women’s club rugby live off campus next year. Kendal McGin- was 1967 when students protested for the munity,” said Edmonds and Mason, “and team and community nis described the three- right to live off campus, or just last year that learning is furthered by living togeth- engagement program. year live-on policy as “so when an overstuffed first-year class forced er with opportunities to connect and grow “Students who are in- An on-campus lame.” Sophia Skelly won- the school to place students in what were with people different than ourselves.” vested in campus activi- dered if the reasoning be- once Mathias and Slocum study rooms. “The benefits of living on-campus are ties that live in the dorms apartment is hind the policy and the Now, students are concerned with their huge,” said Zach Kroger, Residential Life their first two years will considerably more new East Campus apart- ability to move off campus as juniors. and Programs Coordinator. “Students who continue to be invested ments is to “catch more of Upon completion of the East Campus live on-campus report a higher satisfac- in on-campus programs, expensive than living that rent revenue.” Residential Development, CC will be able tion level with the college, feel more con- clubs, and activities,” she of campus— in some It is not hard to imagine to house 82 percent of its student body nected to the community, and have higher said, adding, “Students cases, more than why Skelly believes this.
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