China Raps SALT Pact Penditures
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Housing Unit Vote Petitioned in SEE STORY PAGE 2 The Weather Mostly sunny and mild FINAL today, high in the mid-70s. Kcd Bank, Freehold Fair and mild tonight and to- ri Branch EDITION morrow. T 34 PAGES Monmouth County's Outstanding Home Newspaper TEN CENTS VOL.95 NO.71 RED BANK, N.J. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4,1972 iiiiiuiiiiiiiiHiuiiiiiiiiiiHnmiiiiiiiiiiiiniiniiiiiiiHiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiu MIIIUUIIIIIIIIUUIIIIIIII i iiiiiniiiiiiuiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiii iliiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilii Cahill Pushes Bond Plan Hit by Taxpayers The governor also men- were njeeting and that the $240 million will be used for TRENTON (AP> - The nance capital construction out ferring to the vote in the As-» sembly July 17 when his taxtioned the opposition to the bond issue was under dis- mass transit which will gener- New Jersey Taxpayers Asso- of earnings?" cussion. But he said no an- "Why should today's tax- reform program got only 22 of bond issue by the New Jersey ate another $450 million in ciation has announced its op- the 41 votes needed for pas- Motor Truck Association, the nouncement would be made federal matching funds. position to the $650 million payers pay the whole cost of on the outcome of the meeting highways that will be in use sage. only industry group in the The governor has empha- transportation bond issue and state to oppose it. until today. Gov. William T. Cahill quickly over 50 years?" he asked. The sized that the bond issue will governor likened bond issues Cahill also alluded to press The bond issue is also op- not finance any new highways answered the group in a He said he met with associ- posed by the New Jersey Pub- speech before a pro-bond is- to a family buying a house, a reports that those supporting ation executives recently and but will be used to complete car or furniture by borrowing. the bond issue were moti- lic Interest Research Group, a those already begun, in- sue group. tried to present the facts to student-financed group which The Taxpayers Association "We don't like to pay the in- viate'd by self interest. He them. He said he was ctfn- cluding the interstate system. terest but it's the only way we conceded that passage of the wants more funds used to fi- said yesterday it would not vinced that the association, nance mass transit improve- The voters approved a $640 support any further bond is- can get those things," he said. bond isstie might "indirectly" which met yesterday, would benefit some firms but he ments and less to build high- million transportation bond is- sue until "the, state govern- As for tax reform, Cahill change its position and sup- sue in 1968. But the State said, "There's no way when said, "That's not your pri- ways. merit initiates comprehensive, port the bond issue. Cahill called the bond issue Transportation Department long range capital planning to you get only 22 votes that you mary reason for supporting it. can have constructive action It's because you're good citi- An association spokesman program a balanced one and has said that money is all allo- avoid 'crisis financing' and noted that of the $650 million. cated. there is constructive action on on tax reform." He was re- zens." said the group's directors tax reform." The association did not spell out what it meant by "crisis financing" but it deplored the , lack of captial planning and declining use of "pay-as-you- go" financing of capital ex- China Raps SALT Pact penditures. In a speech to the New Jer- UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. freeze on offensive missile United Nations last year. lation and control by the big ers but favored by many sey Citizens Highway Com- (AP) — China's first policy stocks. Q He alleged there was "So- powers." smaller countries, and he mittee, a group composed of speech in the U.N. General Chiao's 65-minute speech in viet-U.S. collaboration for Two of his positions struck called for "a Mediterranean highway contractors, sup- Assembly hit the Soviet the assembly's general debate world domination" and said observers as new. He came of the Mediterranean coun- pliers and unions, Cahill said Union, the United States and was the first since the Chinese that for the United Nations to out for review and possible re- tries," free of the foreign that to "pay-as-we-go, we their newly ratified strategic Communists replaced the Chi- regain its prestige, it must vision of the U.N. charter, op- fleets of "the two super- would have to assess the tax- posed by the other major pow- powers." AP Wirtphoto arms limitation agreements, nese Nationalists in the "free itself from the manipu- payers about $150 million DISCUSSES BOND ISSUE — Gov. William T. but it was harder on the Rus- more each year." sians than the Americans. Cahill, center, shakes hands with State Sen. J. Ed- Business Practice ward Crabiel, D-Mlddlesex, at luncheon of the The governor said govern- Chinese Deputy Foreign New Jersey Citizens Highway Commission in ment critics constantly say Minister Chiao Kuan-hua told Trenton yesterday. At left is Fred DePhillips, as- the government should be run the 132-nation assembly yes- sistant transportation commissioner for highways. like business. But, he.asked, terday that the pacts were not The governor was at the luncheon to discuss the "How many businesses fi- "a step toward nuclear dis- pending bond Issue for transportation. armament" but "the begin- ning of a new state in the So- viet-U.S. nuclear arms race" because they neither limited Uie quality nor required the destruction of such arms. He spoke the same day Witness' Story President Nixon and Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei A, Gromyko, in Washington for- malities, brought into force two pacts signed in Moscow May 26 — a treaty limiting Of Slaying Told each country to 500 defensive missiles and. an executive ByHALLIESCHRAEGER del, out couldn't locate the al- of March" of this year. agreement putting a five-year leged murder spot. He noted He said they were in- FREEHOLD - A Jersey that the route was retraced in troduced by Marcel "Butch" City man testified yesterday the daytime, although Walsh Echaveri of Oceanside, N.Y., he drove the car that trans- said the murders were com- with whom Walsh had served ICC Rules ported two New Yorkers to mitted at night. time at the federal Youth Cor- Holmdel March 26, saw Peter Under questioning by First rectional Institution, Peters- J. Sinacore Jr. of Floral Park, Assistant Prosecutor Malcolm burg, Va. Walsh was there on a charge of transporting a sto- FareHike N.Y., shoot one of them to V. Carton, Walsh testified he death and heard him fire the met Sinacore at a Floral Park len car across state lines. See Witness, page 2 shots which killed the other tavern "about the beginning one. Justified The state's key witness WASHINGTON - The In- against Sinacore, on trial here terstate Commerce Commis- AP Wlrephota for first degree murder, is Hearings on Area sion has ruled that although SKY OF FLAME/ SEA OF FOAM — Firemen stand neck-deep In foam being used to extinguish flames Ricky J. Walsh, 22, who has the Asbury Park-New York beneath a burning bridge near the Harbor Tunnel Throughway, Baltimore, yesterday. A gasoline-laden been granted immunity from Transit Corp. paid more than tank truck exploded after a collision with a car. Intense heat collapsed a section of the bridge and prosecution in exchange for $100,000 in management fees blocked a throughway-access. Truck driver and two car occupants were not seriously injured. , his testimony. Wetlands Slated to only two top executives, it The state alleges that Sina- TRENTON (AP) — The -Nov. 8, at the New Pollak still qualifies for a 7 per cent core, 31, killed Robert H. Fra- State Department of Environ- Auditorium in Monmouth Col- fare increase to offset a $50,000 ser, 23, and Kathleen Miley, mental Protection announced lege to cover 5,000 acres in paper operating loss. 19, both of Oceanside, N.Y., yesterday that public hear-: Monmouth County. However, the ICC has or- State Consumer Unit because they "knew too ings will be held next month —Nov. 9, Ocean County Col- dered that the carrier must much" about armed robberies to review regulations for pro- lege Lecture Hall to cover submit a consolidating state- he had allegedly committed in tecting 36,000 acres of wet- about 29,000 acres of land in ment showing the relationship Nassau County, N.Y. ' lands in Ocean, Monmouth Ocean County. of the six bus-related corpo- Their bodies were found in and Middlesex counties. —Nov. 10, at the Rutgers rations owned by Louis D. a, drainage ditch in Holmdel. University Labor Education Roilo Sr. and Louis D. Rollo Probing Levitt Project Under Fire Most of the land lies in a 40- mile coastal strip in Ocean Center, covering, 2,000 acres Jr. By JIM McCORMICK left a homeowner dissatisfied when apparently none were complete landscaping, faults Walsh, who was on the wit- County and on the fringes of in Middlesex County. The consolidating statement and we have no intention of issued. in walls and bathroom floors, ness stand for nearly three Barnegat Bay. The wetlands areas that the was requested in March by FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP - leaving anyone dissatisfied in According to the Zoning Or- and other structural prob- hours yesterday, stuck to his state is seeking to protect are Martin M. Barger, the at- The state Department of Freehold Township." dinance, a CO must be obtain- lems. story under vigorous cross ex- The regulations are de- torney for the Municipal capable of supporting specific Community Affairs is zeroing Mr.