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PAGE TWENTY - EVENING HERALD, Thurs.. July 19, 1979 Gardening ToureUe*s Syndrome Summer Production Officials Discuss Crisis Wolfe Goof Wins Is Medical iMystery Takes Talent,^Work Of Gasoline, Heating Oil Por the Red Sox Master GariJener Gives Phone Advice '• Page 6 P age ® 1 Page 1 0 Page 11 By FRANK ATWOOD ^ ------...... “Several people have told me that their blueberries are Extension Service. Part of his training in the classroom to be usefut as a rabbit repeiiant. He reasoned not sweet,” the Master Gardener said. “I tell thejtn to told him where to look for answers to a gardener's CO dust is an ingredient, with naptha flakes and leave the berries on the bushes longer; blueberrieii are questions. blood, in a commercialiy prepared dust that keeps ra^ not sweet when they first turn blue; they ought to b<;'; left Since he has been a gardener ail his life, Mr. Pfalzgraf bits away because they do not like the smell, and that the nicotine sulfate in Black Leaf 40 is made from tobacco. on the bushes another six days.” i can answer many questions from his own experience. He Fair Tonight, The Master Gardener on duty at the Tolland Co unty has gained skiil in handling such questions also through Now he suggests that peopie whose gardens are being Sunny Saturday Agricultural Center in Vernon was Herbert Pfalzgri if of his work behind the counter at the Ellington Agway store. raided by rabbits put some Black Leaf 40 in a sprinkier I Rockville. He gives his time for three hours, once a W eek, He had worked at the same store when it was a branch can of water and sprinkle it around the edge of the gar­ Dttalla on page 2 I answering questions from home gardeners, either or, i the of the Eastern States Farmers’ Exchange, a New den. Some gardeners have cailed back to tell him it works telephone or in person if a gardener goes to the TAf ^ of­ England-based cooperative that merged with two New ^'"^There are a lot of tricks,” he says. “1 used to'put DDT fice for help. York State cooperatives to form Agway. He has been There are similar groups of volunteers in each o(i' the selling seeds, iivestock feed, fertilizer and equipment to on corn silk to kill com ear warms; now I put a few drops of mineral oil on the silk.” It is not a poison but the adults I eight offices of the Cooperative Extension Service oT the farmers and gardeners for 24 years. 1 University of Connecticut. They are still called “cou, ntry Personally interested in getting a satisfactory answer that lay the eggs on the silk that later hatch into ear 10 Years Ago i offices” although Connecticut’s eight counties Vvere to every question, Mr. Pfalzgraf has bought books, over worms do not like the oil. Vol. XCVIII, No. 246 — Monohootof. Conn.. Friday. July 20,1978 • A Family NEWSpaper Since 1881 • 20t Single Copy • 15t Home Delivered Many garden problems can be traced this year, says i abolished as entities of government some years ago. Mr. the years, that help him identify plants and their WASHINGTON (UPI) - Presi­ l*SM)T9I .i, .6H»,I I I I IK I.I James Schlesinger in the second [covers, some thin and some bulky, published by the ticide that has been on the market for many years, ought GENEVA, Switzerland (U P I)- ______* r.IRK IM ; • MIKK OHI.OWSKI. 1'n.p. Vietnam told the Indochinese round of his massive Cabinet reshuf­ Refugee Conference today it is fle, sources said today. Exorcism ready to hold “concrete dis­ ^hlesinger will leave in early Oc­ Master Gardener Herbert Pfalzgraf cussions" on creating a special tober, the sources said, and be (H Cabinet answers a caller’s question about gardening center on its territory to process replaced by Deputy Defense at the Tolland County Agricultural Center in persons waiting to leave the coun­ Secretary Charles Duncan, an Atlan­ Continues Vernon. (Herald photo by Pinto) try. ta businessman. Duncan will move U.N. Secretary General Kurt into the Energy Department in mid- At last we're Waldheim urged the 57 nations at Subject of Battle August to learn the ropes. the conference — the largest ever Carter also was expected to accept Ryba Seeks Bids gathered to discuss refugees — to It’s a little hard to imagine, but these road signs and dirt to dead-end Burnham Street the resignation of Transportation No modern president had kept his help save the lives of “thousands signs and piles of dirt are the subject of a con- near its intersection with Croft Drive. South Secretary Brock Adams today. original — Carter once called it For Road Repair upon thousands” and avoid a timing battle between Manchester and South Windsor has sued to keep the road open. Adams has defied new chief of staff “superb” — Cabinet intact as long as readyl bitter political debate. Windsor. The Town of Manchester used these (Herald photo by Adamson) Hamilton Jordan in demanding Carter. But when he made changes, BOLTON - First Selectman Henry Ryba has been Vietnamese deputy foreign direct access to Carter, and White he made them massively, rapidly, authorized by the Board of Selectmen to obtain bids for minister Phan Hien told the con­ House aides were furious. and for reasons having nothing to do the rebuilding of Mohegan Trail and Iroquois Trail. ference Hanoi “is anzious to The ouster of Schlesinger and with policy disagreement. Adams would bring to five the vic­ Ryba told the board that something has to be done alleviate the burden” of other Califano, describing Carter’s because Mohegan Trail has caved in. He said the entire tims of Carter’s Cabinet exorcism. Southeast Asian countries which words to him, said: “There were two bed of amesite on the west side of Mohegan Trail and the COME TO OUR are giving temporary asylum to Design Work Begins On Thursday -Treasury Secretary problems. One related to friction south side of Iroquois Trail has to be removed and Vietnamese refugees. Michael Blumenthal’s resignation with certain members of the White replaced. was accepted. He will be replaced by House staff, and the other point he When asked what the estimated cost for the job would NEW HARDWARE New Regime Federal Reserve Board Chairman G. mentioned was that he had to get the be Ryba said $76 and quickly changed that to $76,000. William Miller. Cabinet and the administration ready He'said the price should hold if the work is done by the For Elderly Housing Attorney General Griffin Bell got MANAGUA, Nicaragua (UPI) for the 1980 election.” end of September. — The civilians of Managua joined his long-standing request to return to Ryba said there is money in the town aid road fund for HEADQUARTERS the rag-tag Sandinista army private practice, with his deputy, Carter has not yet formally an­ the project. Thursday u smashing icons of the By GREG PEARSON The board, however, previously come back to the board after it opens Benjamin Civiletti, his successor. nounced his candidacy for re- Selectman Carl Preuss said the town should go out to Somoza family to celebrate the Herald Reporter decided not to provide a guarantee bids for the work and before con­ HEW Secretary Joseph Califano election. bid for the job and added “a little competitive bidding struction starts. Then, there will be a was fired, to be replaced by HUD first day of the new regime won in MANCHESTER - Despite some that the town would fund any costs At the White House, with rumors may save the town a few dollars." an M-month civil war. The salute lingering concerns about future cost above the $931,000 state grant. Since better idea of how much the work Secretary Patricia Roberts Harris. ’ Selectman Aloysius Ahearn questioned what the “guys will cost, he said. The wholesale onslaught against inundating Washington, the of the day was "Patria Ubre o overruns, design work is expected to that decision, I^elan has changed his “bulletin” bells ringing on newsroom (road crew) have been doing that is exciting besides run­ “I don’t feel comfortable giving the Carter Cabinet has astounded Muerte!” — "Free Fatherland or start today for 40 new units of opinion and said he thinks the state tickers and TV personnel and money to a project that’s so iffy you Washington. ning around gelling a suntan.” Death!” housing for the elderly on Spencer funding will be enough to fund the reporters trying to be everywhere at Ryba said. “They are earning their money — they've could come back and say, ‘We’re On Capitol Hill Assistant Senate Despite the end of the 43-year Street. project. once. Carter and his wife Rosalynn been patching roads, cleaning ditches and repairing the Somoza dynasty, the guard kept The Town Board of Directors I^elan told the board Thursday $120,000 short with only 32 units Republican leader Ted Stevens of trucks." built,’’’ FitzPatrick said. Alaska said today Carter "might be were seen jogging on the South Lawn fighting in a few isolated areas, Thursday night approved an advance night that some cuts could be made in the late afternoon sun. Ahearn said, "That's routine work. What's beine done most notably In the south where payment of 135,000 to Uie Manchester to help keep the costs down. A ser­ The 40 new units will be electrically having some sort of a mental about repairing the roads? What about the roads tailing; Maj. Pablo Emilio Salazar, Housing Authority so work on the vice road planned for behind the heated. Electric heat is cheaper to problem” and suggested the chief Bell, a fellow South Georgian and apart? We just can't maintain a status quo — we have to known as "Comandante Bravo,” project can start. building could be less elaborate than install than gas, but the heating bills executive "take a rest.” Carter’s nearest thing to a Cabinet have a program." the most respected field com­ Ilie money will be paid back to the planned, he said. are higher. Stevens said the wholesale Cabinet crony, has long w ant^ to return to Ryba said, "We don't have the money to take care of mander of Somoza’s guard, town once the MHA receives its first The MHA also will ask if it has to “It’s going to be rough on the reshuffling made him “worried” his prestigious Atlanta law firm, and everything. We're doing the best we can. We're setting refused to surrender. payment from the state. build another community room for tenants,” Pascal Mastrangelo, chair­ about the president. “I thought we Powell said Carter would follow priorities tor the roads." The state has set aside $931,000 that the new units, he said. There already man of the MHA, said. were looking at another Nixon. Now I Bell’s suggestion and nominate MHA officials say will pay the cost of is one such room for the 40 existing The board members did approve know we’re looking at another Nixon. Deputy Attorney General Benjamin Talks To Start Soon Lines Gone constructing the 40 units. The new units, and it might be able to be the funding advance to the MHA, He’s suffering from his own problem. Civiletti to succeed him. which will have to pay back the At least Nixon’s problem was WASHINGTON (UPI) - More project will be adjacent to the .sh ar^ by the new units, Phelan said. Bell later joked about the an­ Saturday July 21, 10a,m, money by April 30. somebody else broke into Watergate. good news for motorists this existing 40-unit Spencer Village Director Carl Zinsser wondered if nouncement being made on the same for Bolton Contract Coincidentally, the MHA also This guy is trying to break out of his weekend from the American bousing. the cost cutbacks might lead to units day as other Cabinet officers were BOLTON — Negotiations between the Board of turned over $35,000 to the town own place.” Automobile Association: Gas sta­ Members of the Board of Directors that are inferior. fired. "I had a very uncomfortable Selectmen and the town highway crew should be un­ 'Thursday. That money is surplus Stevens said, "I don’t think tion lines have “all but dis­ still are concerned, though, that the “It will be a bare bones, but ef­ day,” he said. derway in the near future. from the Spencer Village project and anyone’s saying he’s crazy. But the appeared’’ in the United States, state funding might not be enough. ficient and functional project,” In handwritten letters. Carter The town was informed by Council 4 of the American has to be returned to the town, pressures on him are so great we are SUPER SAVINGS on hundreds of items but the price of gas is staying up. In fact, Dennis Phelan, executive Phelan said. expressed to Blumenthal “great ap­ Federation of State, Country and Municipal Employees, although that surplus may actually wondering if he’s having some sort of The cost of gas is now an average director of the MHA, previously had Director John FitzPatrick also was preciation for the excellent service representing the road crew, that it is ready to start fund the town’s advanced payment a breakdown. Some of us were of 98 cents a gallon, 24.5 cents said town funding might be needed to skeptical about the expected cost you have rendered,” and to Califano negotiating on behalf of the crew. back to the MHA. worried after Camp David. Maybe he more than at the end of 1978. meet some of the construction cost. projections. He asked that the MHA “a genuine feeling of appreciation First Selectman Henry Ryba said he wrote to Jerry ought to take a rest.” The AAA’s survey of service and of recognition for your notable Daniels, union representative, asking for the requests Democratic Leader Robert Byrd of stations showed fuel supplies ap­ accomplishments. ’ ’ that were made by Local 1303 (the road crew). ^EW! West Virginia criticized Steven’s parently ample along major "That way when we sit down to negotiate the PllTTSBURGH PAINT statements on the Senate floor. Powell would not go into why, in negotiations will be meaningful," Ryba said. He said con­ travel routes, with most resorts light of those laudatory words. and national parks reporting no “I take friendly umbrage at this sideration is being given to hiring a negotiator. “This will FLAT LATEX EXTERIOR caustic comment... I don't think the Carter chose to pick, up their CABOTS STAIN problems. In addition to the Even Primary Defeat resignations. When a reporter asked be the first time the town has dealt with a union and I president needs a vacation,” Byrd decreasing service station lines, want to make sure we get off on the right foot and in the said. if Califano had been disloyal, as more stations are staying open right direction." Schlesinger reportedly told his Carter said Sunday night he had been evenings and weekends, the sur­ Sele«-- jn Aloysius Ahearn said “If the people (road close aides he will remain on the job told by one visitor, the spokesman vey showed. crew) are making various demands on the town, the town Won’t Hinder Carter for several weeks “to make sure replied: has a right to make demands on thhose people.” there is an orderly transition.” “I don’t have any inclination to try \ Flat Latex - . p t „ "Until we sign a contract we're not committed to as i\ow as No Comment Last week, UPI reported that to apply that comment to any par­ anything, " Ahearn said. House W 8.95 WASHINGTON (UPI) - President and have it more responsive — as far political leaders today. Schlesinger would be leaving because ticular member of the Cabinet or Selectman Douglas Cheney said, “It would pay now to UURtOR 1.^1 ALL PITTSBURGH PAINTS ^ ^ e r y g a u o n VATICAN CITY (UPI) - The Carter’s campaign cannot ,as political expediency goes, there’s “Everybody’s gone down in the he had become a “political liability” member of the senior staff.” get expert advice rather than try to correct a mistake 33-110 WHiyE ow'* 1/1 Vatican is refusing comment on see any circumstances under which nothing in it for us,” Dobelle said. “I polls,” he said. “I can’t find four to Carter. Powell said Carter met Thursday over a long period of time.” ON SALE FOR THIS EVENT the matter, but the evidence is the president would drop out of the think the speech (on energy) was governors in this country who have Press Secretary Jody Powell said with Blumenthal, Califano, Civiletti ______mounting that Pope John Paul II race for re-election—even if he were politically positive for us, it helped us more than 50 percent popularity in the Cabinet upheaval would end and Bell. It was learned Carter sum­ COME IN AND CHECK! Lots more defeated In the early primaries. in the perception of him as a leader.” the polls and you can’t tell me that a)l moned his senior staff and ad­ OKI GAUON will visit the United States and today, but there were no indications OPEN HOUSE AT United Nations in October, his Evan Dobelle said in an interview The reason the shake-up is those governors are being held who Carter will slash from his own monished them not to make critical third foreign trip since he became Thursday Carter will fight all the dangerous, he said, is that “it was responsible for crises over the last staff. Those changes are expected statements about the departing pope less than a year ago. way to the Democratic convention to not political for the president to do two years.” next week. secretaries. The pope recently gave win renomination, and to election all that in public and to actually stop (MLUi CDC’(?G]B0Ce Savings on I audiences to Msgr. Giovanni day for a second term—even if polls the administration and turn it around 317 GREEN ROAD Cheli, apostolic nuncio to the are bad. Carter is losing primaries, like that.’’ CORNER WOODBRIDQE ST. CUPRINOL U.N., and to Msgr. Paul Mar- and .the nation's economic condition And he believes Carter’s dramatic cinkus of Clrero, III., who is presi­ does not improve. actions of the last two weeks will be THURS THRU SAT dent of the Vatican bank and Is “It is an inexorable march to the reflected in a better standing. In Growth Rate Plunges considered an expert on all papal nomination, to 1,649 delegates in fact, he said, one poll showed an 11 JULY 19,20,21 - 2 TO 8 PM FREE since the first quarter of 1975, when only question is whether the negative Gal. voyages. And a leader of the U.S. August of 1980 in New York,” he said. percent jump in Carter's approval WASHINGTON (UPI) - The *8.95 church said the Vatican has sent a “If they do beat us early, then rating after the energy speech. nation’s economic growth rate .GNP fell 9.1 percent. growUi will be mild and last only two TEST YOUR SUSCEPTIBILITY cable to the U.S. bistops con­ they've got to take us on in the mid­ The president, he noted, “always plunged 3.3 percent during the April- The Gross National Product is the quarters or stretch into 1980 — the AND IMAQINATIONI RUSH ference and to the State Depart­ dle and they’ve got to take us on at rolls high when he thinks it’s June quarter, the government an­ value of all go^ds and services presidential election year. ment saying there will be an of­ the end—we’re not going anywhere. necessary to do. He felt, I guess, the nounced today. It was the sharpest produced in the United States, The official deflnation of a reces­ AT 3 & 7 DAILY HYPNO- OLYMPIC to first ficial papal visit. “They’re going to have to fight us information was brought to him that quarterly decline in four years and a adjusted for inflation. sion is two consecutive quarters of TECHNICIAN GINI PERLMAN WILL in the precincts—in the streets— all the people he had brought into signal that the recession of 1979 Is un­ The Commerce Department also negative economic growth. PROVIDE YOU THE OPPORTUNITY TO the way to the convention,” he said. government were not serving him or der way. said its so-called implicit price So, If the growth rate during the ^2 off every gal. 100 customers Inside Today deflator — which measures infation current July-September quarter is ENJOY AN INTRODUCTORY HYPNOTIC Would Carter drop out for any the country as well as he thought The Commerce Department said a Classified...... 14-18 reason short of a physical inability to they were — so he made a dramatic throughout the economy and not just less than zero, the recession is of­ EXPERIENCE. sharp decline in consumer at the consumer level — rose by 9.9 ficial. Comics...... 19 make the race? change.” purchases, particularly fhr ...... 4 percent compared with 9.3 percent in Although the White House has Elditorial ...... "No way,” Dobelle said. “I think our greatest strength is automobiles, was a major reason for USE HYPNOSIS AND Entertainment...... 7-9 He said Carter’s current Cabinet the first quarter. acknowl^ged that a recession has Marlborongli Country Barn that we have always done things very the drop. SELF HYPNOSIS FOR Obituaries...... 10 and senior staff shakeup is a openly even though it has been a It was the largest dose of inflation started, other governmental agen­ since the 10.6 percent increase during •RELAXATION tLEARNINQ D«coratoi itrvictt *111^ NORTH MAIN ST,. HTE. 1, EX IT II OH 15 Peopletalk...... 2 “politically dangerous move” from political problem for us,” Dobelle The 3.3 percent decline in the cies believe it will be deeper and last •SMOKING •CONCENTRATION MARLBOROUGH. CONN Real Estate...... 18 which the President should benefit Gross National Product was even 1978’s second quarter, the Commerce longer than the administration. b \ / OFF on the premii*> TUES. SAT. 10 S.50, FRI. 10 I. SUN. I.5;10, said. •WEIGHT •MEMORY Sports...... 11-13 once the people realize what he is Carter’s current low rating in the steeper than anticipated by govern­ Departoent said. Many private forecasters also •SPORTS •SALES % 20 I4MAIN STREET The administration has already believe the downturn may last until OLOE MISTICK VILUACE OFF HTE. 15 Television ...... 7 doing. polls doesn’t bother Dobelle, who ment analyists, It followed a revised •SELF-CONFIDENCE ‘AND MORE MYSTIC SEAPORT E XIT, MYSTIC, CONN. OLD SAYBROOX. CONN. said the nation will be in recession early 1980. as well. ALL STANLEY MON. SAT. 10 5:30, FRI. 10 *. SUN. I 5:50 f e a th e r ...... 2 “This Is something he wants to do believes it is typical of the lack of 1.1 percent rise during the first MON. SAT. I0.5:l«, FRI. It-*, SUN. I.JiSO .. ^ HAND TOOLS to manage the government better public confidence suffered by all quarter and was the deepest drop for the remainder of this year. The 646-7917 ASK ABOUT OUR OWN INSTANT CREDIT. REVOLVING CHARGE PLAN k evening HERALD. Fri.. July 20, 1979 - PAGE THREE PAGE TWO - EVENING HERALD. Fri., July 20, 1979 The Weather Peopletalk Moon Shot Commitment G rasso Campalgnt for Victory at Pumps, Not Polls fleet and begin using vsnpooling mingled with employees of the Hart- “V®** n j^ tn ’t use your air con- energy conservation, proper storage Mrs. Grasso then met a Woman Stephanie Finds By MARK A. DUPUIS and transportation of gas and the 55 whom she knew — and the topic was programs for its 4,000 home office ford Insurance Group as the com- d ltlo n er,” said Bold Decision by JFK HARTFORD (UPI) - Gov. Ella stooping under the hood mph speed limit. still energy. employees in Hartford. safely before the end of the decade "So in a sense, there wasn’t any Grasso, resorting to her familiar pany announced a stepped-up plan to “Here are my people, here are my “You still living in Enfield?” asked The firm also will spend $60,000 to What TheyHl Do WASHINGTOhl (U PI)-President conserve energy. firm’s cars. did not come from NASA. other choice at the time,” Webb said. campaign style, is giving grass-roots She also pointed out the car’s spark people,” boomed Mrs. Grasso’s voice the governor. install solar reflective film on the 1,- The title of Stephanie Mills’ latest album is Kennedy’s decision that led fb man’s The governor got a first-hand look “Yes,” the woman responded. first landing on the moon 10 years “We were somewhat concerned "The day the president announced lessons to Connecticut citizens on plugs- and how they affect fuel as she walked toward a state police 638 windows on its 22-story office Whatcha Gonna Do at the conservation campaign and “You ride the commuter bus?” the ago today was a bold political judg­ with the absolute, unqualified com- this there couldn’t have been anyone conserving energy. economy as well as the difference booth where she learned how a radar tower and complex. With My Lovin?’” Her other energy saving hints, including a governor further inquired. The film' reduces loss of heat in V. ment that he made on his own, accor­ mitment to do this,” Webb recalled, more doubtful than me,” recaUed But Mrs. Grasso, only in the first between a clean air filter and a dirty unit works. fans answered the ques­ But he said the moon goal was the former Rep. Olin Teague,. who few minutes 'of auto mechanics. TTie governor was the first person “No,” said the woman with a winter and the entry of heat in ding to former White House adviser year of her second, four-year term, And when the Insurance company’s one. tion Thursday by caving only space mission that the United became chairman of the House space was on the campaign trail Thursday Most of the governor’s time was to sign a large cardboard sign kicking pause, “I ride in the carpool though.” summer and will result in a savings Theodore Sorensen. top executives arrived minutes later In addition to the speed limit cam­ of 42,000 gallons of oil annually, said liimiArviii in a plate glass window “It was an act solely of presiden­ SUtes could attempt and have a committw and one of the project’s seeking victory at the pumps — not at spent on a walk through the in­ off the insurance company’s cam­ biggest boosters, to greet the governor, they found out paign, the Hartford said it will begin at a New 'York record tial leadership,” Sorensen said at a chance of achieving before the 'It looked im- the polls. surance company’s “Energy Fair,” paign to have motorists keep within DeRoy C. Thomas, president and store where she was possible.” The governor pumped hands as fast what she’d just learned from one of the 55 mph speed limit. using small cars in its nationwide chairman of the firni. special Library of Congress luncheon Russians. their fleet workers. one of four day-long events to push signing autographs. for officials of the time, held on the as a gas station fills tanks and The store had room eve of the anniversary of the landing for about 250 people — E23* of Apollo l l ’s astronauts. UriWtAtMIN fOTdCAIt f but 2,000 showed up. Sorensen, a top Kennedy aide and Police Suspected Acquin When a mounted police Meadows For period ending 7 a.m. EST 7/21/79. During Friday now a New York attorney, said the officer tried to herd night, occasional thunderstorms will be expected in por­ former president wasn’t sure what tions of the upper Mississippi valley, southwestern them off the street and the drive to land men on the moon Care Good Texas and southern , while the rest of the nation onto the sidewalks, 30 of before the end of the 1960s would Right from the Beginning can enjoy mostly fair weather, them were shoved cost, or what would be learned scien­ through the window, suf­ tifically or technologically, “but he state police cruiser while it was several hundred photos. fering multiple cuts. WATERBURY (UPI) - Court Connecticut Forecast knew we must do it. Doc Says records show that police considered moving. He said the suspect several Earlier in the day, one of the Stephanie fled the jurors, Andrienne Delvecchio, told Becoming partly sunny today with the highs 80 to 85 or ‘I remember it very well. The Lome Acquin and his brother, times asked to go home. melee on a stretcher — By JUNE TOMPKINS the judge she’d accidentally heard about 29 C. Fair tonight with lows about 60. Saturday disguised as one of the injured — and later talked president was extremely concerned Patrick, as possible suspects in the Testimony in the trial was delayed Thursday as defense and prosecution about Acquin's confession in the mostly sunny with the highs in the 80s. Probability of rain with victims at a local hospital. She blames the cop that the Russians had put a man in Herald Reporter state’s largest mass murder case attorneys argued whether pictures of case. Contents of the confession, 10 percent through Saturday. Light variable winds — says ‘Tm so sorry it happened. The cop came up space,” Sorensen said. y i“: MANCHESTER - The medical from the outset of their investiga­ the nine victims should be introduced which was aliegedly given to state through Saturday. and pushed people. The people were waiting Kennedy announced his momen­ director of the Meadows Convales­ tion. as evidence. troopers shortly after the crime, patiently but they were scared of the horse.” tous decision in a message to cent Home has tkaen issue with A transcript of a previously closed Long Island Sound Congress May 25, 1961, six weeks statements attributed to some of the hearing released Thursday quoted “They were especially dis­ were made public earlier this week after the Soviets orbited Yuri tressing,” defense attorney John R. but have not been presented in court. Long Island Sound to Watch Hill, R.I., and Montauk .i aides who work there, concerning in­ state trooper George Hamilia as Gagarin. saying “I didn’t know who was in­ Williams said of the pictures. “The The juror said she was having a Point Front off shore with high pressure moving over Critical Audience k ' - - - sufficient patient care. telephone conversation with a male "He made it in the context of com­ "As medical director of the volved and my first thought was of gruesomeness would far outweigh area. Southerly winds 10 to 15 knots during the afternwn Epic recording artist Michael Murphey has been friend when he mentioned a petition with the Soviet Union,” Lome and Patrick.” the benefits” of allowing jurors^to and evening hours and variable less than 10 knots at other I singing his classic Meadows. I can say that the patient newspaper article about the confes­ Sorensen said. “It was a time when it care is excellent,” Dr. Robert When pressed, Hamilia admitted see the photos. times. Partly cloudy today and tonight. Fair Saturday. “Geronimo’s Cadillac” was extremely important for the Williams also claimed some of the sion. Visibility over 5 miles except locally less than 1 mile in for eight years ;now, Butterfield said. Dr. Butterfield, who he wanted them as suspects. United States to demonstrate is also chief of emergency services at bodies might have been moved She said he stopped when he early morning fog and haze today and Saturday. Average but he never dreamed Acquin, 29, a former Maine roofer, leadership in the world. The decision *1. Manchester Memorial Hospital, said before the pictures were taken, so realized his mistake. But she told the wave heights 1 to 2 feet during the afternoon and evening he’d ever be doing it for is accused of (ulling Mrs. Beaudoin, was primarily on that basis. that if there was any lack of proper 29, her seven children and a young the photos might not accurately judge “Since 1 had no knowledge of a hours and 1 foot or less at other times through Saturday. the legendary Apache confession, 1 thought 1 should tell you "It was solely the deliberate, and I pktient care, he would certainly visiting relative and then setting fire reflect the situation at the murder chieftain’s grandson, about it. The subject was not further believe thoughtful decision of Presi­ know about it. to their rural Prospect home on July scene. Extended Outlook had just returned dent Kennedy.” Jurors, who had heard three days developed.” his farm in Taos, Meadows employees who are 22, 1977, to cover up the crimes. Keith Glennan, appointed by Presi­ During the same closed hearing. of testimony in the trial, were The judge thanked her for telling Extended outlook for New England Sunday through N.M., when friends in­ members of District 1199, New him and then allowed her to stay on dent Eisenhower as the first National England Health Care Employees un­ Dr. Thomas Szasz, a Syreause, N.Y., excused while state troopers and Tuesday: troduced him to 90-year- Aeronautics and Space Administra­ medical examiner Dr. Elliot Gross the panel. Mass., R.l. & Conn.: Fair weather with a warming old Joe Sunhawk who ion, are protesting that there is not psychiatrist, testified Acquin’s con­ tion head in 1958, said Eisenhower enough staff to take proper care of took the stand to describe photos they trend through the period. Overnight lows in the 60s Sun­ lives in a nearby pueblo. fession may not have been totally Now You Know saw the need to build a strong Uie patients, and the base wage rate took of the victims. But Superior day and Monday and in the upper 60s and low 70s Sunhawk was so im­ voluntary. technological foundation, but not to is below what of other health care “My opinion is that Mr. Acquin’s Court Judge Walter M. Pickett Jr. The first beauty pageant in the Tuesday. Daytime highs in the 80s Sunday and Monday pressed by Murphey’s go to the moon. did not rule on Williams' motion to United States was held in 1880 in and in the upper 80s and low 90s Tuesday. ^personal concert he got facilities where union members are ability to give voluntary consent was “ He said,” Glennan recalled, completely overwhelmed,” he said. keep the pictures out of evidence. Rohoboth Beach, Del., to select Vermont: Fair Sunday. Partly cloudy Monday and out a tomahawk and did employed. “Miss United States,” and Thomas ‘“Keith, the moon has been there for •'If you are comparing salaries, Szasz also pointed out that Acquin Instead, he delayed the case until Tuesday with a chance of showers or thunderstorms. a good luck dance for A. Edison was one of the three many, many years and whether we they are comparable at the Meadows had tried to “physically terminate” Tuesday to give dhe defense attorney Highs in the 80s. Lows in the 60s. the artist. get there tomorrow or 20 years from a chance to examine more of the judges. Maine and New Hampshire: Fair through the period to all other nursing homes in the the interrogation by getting out of a Says Murphey, “He now isn’t going to make that much but with a chance of afternoon showers Monday and had heard about the song, but no one had ever area,” Dr. Butterfield said. difference.”' “It's true Uiat aides come and go.” Tuesday. Highs in the 80s to low 90s and lows in the upper played it for him ... He really outdid himself in put­ James E. Webb, sworn in as NASA Astronaut Edwin Aldrin is photographed walking on the he said, “but Uiat's the nature of the 50s to mid 60s. ting on a reciprocai show. Sunhawk told me he Flushing GLENNEY’S MID SUmmER administrator only four months beast. Some work and then leave to Capitol in a Splint thought his grandfather would have liked the song lunar surface by astronaut Neil Armstrong during man s before Kennedy’s decision, said that go on to college, or other jobs.” National Forecast too.” historic first landing on the moon, July 20,1969. Armstrong and Connecticut’s 100-year-oId State Capitol in Hartford appears although the space agency had been Dr. Butterfield said that he is O f Mains SMI considering a m ann^ flight around the lunar module are reflected in Aldrin’s face visor. (UPI to be in a giant splint as scaffolding encloses the building from City F New York c 88 69 aware of one patient at the Meadows top to bottom. ’The marble and granite structure, which 00$ Oklahoma City pc 84 67 the moon, the idea to send a man to photo) Scheduled M.Y Albuquerque Moonlighting who has a M sore, but is being originally cost $2.5 million, is being rejuvenated for an es­ Anchorage Omaha c 84 75 the lunar surface and return him treated for it. He said Uiat if there a T O O im E Asheville Philadelphia pc 85 70 We knew her as super screen star Grace Kelly. lot of cases of bed sores he would timated $8.8 million. (UPI photo) MANCHESTER - The Atlanta Phoenix pc 102 84 Later, in fair tale tradision, she became Princess know about it, but with the care they town’s Water Department Billings 95 Pittsburgh c 82 62 Grace of Monaco. Today, she's a sheet salesman in get, that's not likely to happen. 'Tm will be flushing water Portland, Me. c 81 56 Birmingham Fort Mill, S.C. State Gas Dealers Push responsible for those patients.” he mains between Main and Boston Portland, Ore. c 93 63 Water Service Limited Princess Grace is making the rounds of Springs said. There are three other physicians Spruce streets next week. Brownsville, Tx. Providence pc 80 64 Mills plants in the state, on behalf of a line of Richmond t 81 70 who assist him in caring for the The flushing will start Buffalo bedsheets she personally designed. "Hopefully, this will decrease gas­ Charleston, S.C. 86 St. Louis c 84 66 patients. MANCHESTER - The Water Monday and will continue Springs Mills spokesman Bob Thompson says the For Price Rule Changes oline consumption,” Taylor said. through Friday. The area M o d e l 4150 Charlotte, N.C. Salt Lake City pc 96 65 The 518-bed convalescent home, Department, in an effort to conserve An Antonio r 87 75 floral patterned sheets created by Her ^rene The department still will be between Main and Spruce Chicago profit margins as “inadequate, dealers' profits to 1973 levels. own^ by Geri-Care Nursing Centers gasoline, will schedule all its normal Cleveland San Diego pc 77 70 Highness first were distributed in April and have STAMFORD (UPI) - Connecticut of America, accommodates elderly available on an emergency basis at streets from Charter Oak capricious arbitrary and dis­ Under the new rules, dealers are shutoffs of service Monday through Columbus San Francisco pc 63 54 been selling "exceptionally well.” He says Princess gasoline retailers say if the federal patients, mentally retarded, and Wednesday between 8 a.m. and 2:30 any time to provide a needed shutoff to East Center streets will M o d e l 4710 Rockwell 3/8" Adjustable San Juan pc 89 78 criminatory by helping some dealers permitted profits of 15.4 cents per Dallas Grace has a contract, and gets royalties — but he government doesn’t adjust its new mentally retarded with physical han­ p.m. of service, be said. be flushed. Variable Speed Reversing Drill Denver Seattle c 90 59 declines to discuss details. but injuring others.” gallon instead of a flat 30 percent The sendee is provided at no extra Rockwell Sander/Polisher price rules by Aug. 1, Washington dicaps. The department routinely will There may be discolora­ Preselect and lock at speeds up to 1400 Des Moines Spokane c 101 65 will be the scene of a mass rally hy The CGRA met Wednesday night to profit over base price that Konitshek cost to customers providing they call Tampa r 90 75 The Meadows administration has shuts off service and turns it back on tion of water and reduced Perfect for both car polishing and rpm, forward or reverse. A superb tool Detroit dealers from all over the country. discuss the new federal regulations and others had urged before federal the water shop at 647-3201 with a 48- pressure during the household sanding chores. 6^ pad. Duluth Washington pc 86 76 this week begun an inservice training for customers who are having inter­ with big 2.7 amp motor. Drives and Jackpot in Oils Representatives of the Connecticut that also order them to make public hearings. bour prior notice for a shutoff. When flushing. Double insulated. Two speeds, 3.1 El Paso Wichita pc 83 63 the cost per gallon, but they put off a “They ignored us," he said. “They program to provide special training nal plumbing repaired. These removes saew s. Drills wood, metal, c-clear; cl-clearing; c- Everyone dreams of going to an auction and Gasoline Retailers Association shutoffs wiil be restricted to the customers request this service for If water appears dis­ amp motor. Ball bearing equipped. masonry, glass. 6' cord. Doubje^insu- Hartford strike vote. didn’t listen to a word we said. They for aides who care for the mentally ycloudy; f-fair; hz-haze; m- striking gold. For New York art dealer Richard joined Thursday in a national chorus non-working hours, they will be colored, the homeowner UL listed. Model 4710. SALE listed. 4150 SALE Honolulu Konitshek told about 300 dealers he retarded and those with physical han­ Monday through Wednesday hours in lated. ULli Model missing; pc-partly cloudy; r- Feigen, the dream came true — on Friday the 13th of discontent directed at the Depart­ had their minds made up before the charged the actual cost of overtime. should try to avoid using it Houston wanted to get a "feel” for the mood hearings ever started" dicaps. an effort to reduce the number of Indianapolis rain; sh-showers; sm-smoke; to boot. ment of Energy regulations. A meeting will be held Friday miies traveled, Francis Taylor, of­ Taylor said Uie change also should until it clears, 'hus will REG. REQ. Jackson, Miss. sy-sunny; ts-thunderstorms; Feigen says he was in London in the 13th — at Wayne Konitshek, president of the and reaction of Connecticut dealers Konitshek said the new rules mean among employees, the union and result in a more efficient use of staff. prevent rust and sediment to the federal Departm ent of fice manager for the Water Depart­ 39.99 $34.27 29.99 $25.46 Jacksonville w-windy. Christie's auction gallery — when he spotted a pain­ association, said on his return from an average 3 cents a gallon more for management executives to discuss from being brought into the Energy’s new regulations announced Connecticut dealers, but will amount ment. said. Kansas City ting identified as the work of an obscure 17th cen­ Washington the dealers voted to send the complaints. home's system. Las Vegas r 108 High and Low a letter to David Bardin, chief of the Monday. to a cut in earnings for some stations If sediment does get into pc 87 tury Dutch painter. But to Feigen's practiced eye it Little Rock whispered of something more. So he bought it — for Economic Regulatory Agency of the The new provisions replace owners in Fairfield County. a home’s hot water tank, Los Angeles n ew YORK (DPI) - The guidelines that effectively froze Louisville highest temperature reported $2,475. DOE, rejecting the new rules on the homeowner should wait Memphis Thursday to the National Thursday, he got the word from French art expert Hot Weather Increases until the water clears and Miami Beach Weather Service, excluding Marcel Roethlisberger: The canvas really was done then open the faucet at the Milwaukee : Alaska and Hawaii, was 111 in 1632 by master landscapist Claude Lorrain. Its bottom of the tank to drain Minneapolis 1 degrees at Pasco, Wash. value — conservatively, $375,000. Stage Falls the collected material, I Today’s low was 43 degrees at Nashville which will settle. New Orleans 90 ’ Alamosa, Colo. #4401 At Pageant Water Quality Problems Also, if a load of wash is Glimpses generally is a time of dpf weather, done during the period of SANDER and this results in a drop in the water the 1.0 standard set by the new discolored water, the load A GOOD FINISH SAHDER The Almanac Two-time Wimbledon champ Martina MANCHESTER - With the hot should be done again after PERTH, (UPI) - A stun­ weather here, water quality level. regulations that set stricter stan­ #4529 - . ^ Navratilova visited Gavin McLeod on ABC-TV's dards for water quality. the water clears. Four Hollywood “Loveboat” set Thursday, preparatory ning 18-year-old Venezuelan beauty problems are increasing, Robert Now, lor instance, the reservoirs REG. SALE ^ 1 /4 DODDLE INSULATED By United Press International won the 1979 Crown Young, water treatment manager for are at a level below their spillways. The town has received an exemp­ ounces of cream of tartar 11/ii HP CIRCULAR SAW Today is Friday, July 20 the 201st day of 1979 with 164 to to a guest appearance she'll make on the show this today, but a catwalk collapsed under the town, said. This prohibits a steady flow of water, tion that keeps it from having to should be added to help follow. fall... Jay Silverheels- "Tonto” to a generation of meet those requirements until im­ clean any discoloration of ^4.99 $21.24 KC. 3995 SMI *34.27 Lone Ranger fans - got his star in the Hollywood pageant competitors who clamored The month of June showed only a and the reservoirs tend to stagnate. The moon is moving toward its new phase. to congratulate her, injuring two con­ few water quality problems, but Young said. provements to its water system are the clothing. The morning stars are Venus and Mars. Walk of Fame Thursday ... Carol Channing- who It normally takes a cou­ testants. Young expects more violations to be The stagnation increases the completed, "but it still must report The evening stars are Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn. leaves for London Aug. 6 to open her perennial ple of hours for the water WONDER BAR Eighteen contestants fell chance of bacteria growth, a problem violations. LOIW TAPE Those bom on this date are under the sign of Cancer. "Hello Dolly” — joined “Alien” star Sigourney reported this month. to clear. If water appears Forged steel bar with two screaming about 10 feet onto the "Normally, water quality that now is occurring. Young said the Other violations reported in June 100’x % " long lasting white Sir Edmund Hiilary, New Zealand explorer who was Weaver, Lucie Araaz and a flock of other stars discolored for an extended beveled nail slots Ideal for stage, sending , Fusin deteriorates as the summer department increases its level of included the color of water at Porter, blade. H" graduations the first man to conquer Mount Everest, was bom July Wednesday at New York's Maxwell's Plum Howard and Buckingham reservoirs period, the homeowner pulling, prying, lifting and restaurant in celebration of Phyllis Newman's one- Tahire Demirtan, and , progresses,” Young said. chlorine treatment to combat the Compact durable case, easy 20, 1919. and two samples with high bacteria should call the Water scraping woman Broadway musical "The Madwoman of Cen Dain Borg Bartolo, to the hospital. He said quality now is dropping problem. rewind Also- 5 0 ’ length 4076 On this day in history: because the level of the town's reser­ In June, the department reported counts. Department at 647-3115. In 1859, American fans were charged an ad­ tral Park West” . The incident occurred two minutes Commarclal voirs also is dropping. one turbidity violation, he said. The The two bad samples were taken at mission fee for the first time as 1,500 spectators paid 50 after the crowning ceremony when 9 Duty Variable There are two primary causes lor turbidity reading, which measures the McKee Street and Lawton Road cenU each to see Brooklyn play New York. the new Miss Universe, the brown­ #34500 S p ^ Ravaralng haired, brown-eyed more water problems in the summer. the amount of particles suspended In fire stations. There was only one bad HSA Cancels In 1917, the first lottery draft of Americans for World sample at each, and no further ^ ^ D r i l l Lottery Numbers of Caracas, returned to her cane The hotter weather enhances the water, was 1.87 at the Lydall Next Meeting (0 to 2300 RPM) War 1 duty was conducted in Washington. Street reservoir. That level is above problems were reported. Young said. In 1945, the flag of the United States was raised over peacock throne. bacteria growth. Also, the summer Ball Bering Winning daily lottery numbers drawn Thursday in New MANCHESTER - "The Berlin as the first American troops moved in to par­ About 20 girls on the catwalk $10.75 England: rushed toward her to offer con­ meeting of Subarea F ticipate in the occupation government. Council of the Health SALE $8.06 |rEC. 39.99 sale $34.27 In 1969, two U.S. astronauts, Neil Armstrong and Connecticut: 782. gratulations and shattered the Massachusetts: 4445. quarter-inch-thick plywood prop. Federal Rental Contract Systems Agency of North Edwin Aldrin, landed the lunar module “Eagle” on the % Central Connecticut New Hampshire: 0603. The new Miss Universe, already in moon. Armstrong and Aldrin became the first men to set scheduled for Tuesday has $1 rebate on Jennite J-16® Driveway Sealer. foot on the moon, Rhode Island: 8134. tears after being named winner by Winning weekly lottery numbers drawn Thursday in master of ceremonies Bob Barker, been canceled. Because of Maximum $5 per family. was visibly shaken by the accident. Is Concern of Need the heavy vacation Offer good Jime 1 - July 31,19'79. A thought for the day: When Neil Armstrong stepped on New England: Connecticut: 66, Green, 090 , 805843. “I don’t know when I have cried so Receiving a federal certificate is wheelchair, has a rental subsidy cer­ schedules, there Is no the moon he said, "That's one small step for man, one MANCHESTER - There are 150 no guarantee that one can use it. tificate, but can’t find the first floor meeting planned for giant leap for mankind.” Maine: 01, 10, 14, 16, 23, 27, 28, 29. much,” she said. “I am a very emotional person and this has upset low-income families who are con­ Some have lost their certificates apartment she must have, Ms. August, unless there is per­ me very much.” cerned about the fate of the Housing because they could find no rental in Mikoliet said recently. tinent business to be dis­ A couple with five children are Manchester To Advertlae To Report News The 5-foot-8 inch, 114-pound Authority’s rental subsidy contract Manchester, which has a vacancy cussed. A m n ite J -16i East Hartford — Glastonbury rate close to one percent. being e^cted because the building Any member with For a classified advertisement, call To report a news item or story idea: Venezulean breezed past her rivals in with the federal Department of F because it lasts. ^S.A S qlbnnev’S price the two-hour television extravaganza Housing and Urban Development. The certificate holders have a 6b- where they live is being tom down. business to be discussed 643-2711 and ask for Classified. Office Manchester ..... Alex Girelli, 643-2711. The father has a job, but the family rebate Evening Herald hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday East Hartford '. . Chris Blake, 643-2711. watched on television by an es­ The contract expires next April, day time period to find an apartment, may call the HSA office 1 .OO USPS 327-500 through Friday. When the office is Glastonbury .. Dave Lavallee, 643-2711 timated 600 million people. Executive Director Dennis Phelan Phelan said. However, he said if they needs the rental subsidy to help out. and request the subarea • YOUR TOTAL COST *7.49 closed, classified ads may be placed by Andover...... Donna Holland, 643-2711 said Thursday. The Hartford office of demonstrate a diligent effort to They are also having trouble finding chairman to call a Published dally except Sunday and Miss United States, Mary Friel, 20, calling 643-2718. Bolton...... Donna Holland, 643-2711 a suitable apartment and may be certain holidays by the Manchester of Pittsford, N.Y., made the HUD has indicated th at the secure an apartment, a 30-day exten­ meeting. For information about display adver­ Coventry ___Guy DeSimone, 649-9856 Manchester agency will retain its sion is usually granted. forced to give up their certificate. The next regularly Publishing Co.. Herald Square. P.O. tising, call Thomas Hooper, advertising semifinalist round but lost out when Box fj91. Manchester. Conn. 06040. Hebron ... Patricia Mulligan, 228-0269 the judges announced five finalists— Section 8 rental subsidies, although Still, the difficulty in finding an ’They have approached Ned Coil’s scheduled meeting will be the W. G. GLENNEY CO. director, at 643-2711. South Windsor. Judy Kuehnel, 644-1364 no formal guarantee has been given. apartrnent has caused the waiting Revitalization Corps, which has Sept. 25 in the Manchester Vernon ,. Barbara Richinond, 643-2711 I^ss Venezuela, Miss Brazil, Miss QLA8TOMBURY M ANCHMTM Have a Complaint? , and Miss Under Section 8 guidelines, eligible list to drop ‘’down a bit,” Phelan started a “grass roots” movement in Municipal Building. To Subscribe ^nchester, and have also gone to 33HEBROMAVE ***?1***L«” ' N tw i — If you have a question or To report or inquire about special Sweden. tenants are given certificates and said. One woman with two children, complaint about news coverage, call To subscribe, call Customer Service news: pay only 25 percent of their income desperate because she could find no Ms. Mikoliet for assistance. 833-4678 649-8283 at 647-9946. Office hoursare8:30a.m. to Miss Sayalero outclassed her l-'rank Burbank, managing editor. 643- Business...... Alex Girglli, 643-2711 rental, called a Herald reporter for At its April meeting, the Housing ELLINGTON WILLINOTON 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and 7 nearest competitors in the three-part toward rent. The federal government 2711 Church Notices . Alice Evans, 643-2711 DGQiQfsnPP Authority considered ways to meet RT.S3 WE8TRD RT44 to 10 a.m. Saturday. onstage judging process — the swim­ picks up the rest. CIrculitlon — If you have a problem Opinion...... Frank Burbank, 643-2711 the needs of these people. Cotn- Suggested carrier rates are 90 cents F am ily...... Betty Ryder, 6482711 suit contest, evening wear competi­ The April 17 vote to ban town in­ Most of those needing help in fin­ 878-6213 428-9916 regarding service or delivery, call weekly. $3.90 for one month, $11.70 for , 18-year-old Maritza Sayalero of Caracas, volvement in the Community ding an apartment go to Joanne missloner Richard Sdiwolsky said, m Customer Service. 647-9946. Delivery Sports...... Earl Yost, 643-2711 tion and interview. three months, $23.40 for six months, and Miss Bermuda, Gina Swainson, 21, won the 1979 Miss Uiverse Pageant in Perth, Australia. She is Development Block Grant program Mikoleit, human needs coordinator “I think there is a need and if there’s The word "pecen'' originally YM S E R V A h A R ^ NMMMKSTOk I should be made by 3 p.m. Monday Office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. a need, I think It’s incumbent for the meant a villager or a ruitic, through Friday and by 7:30 a m. Satur­ $46.80 for one year. Mail rates are from Smiths Parish, was runnerup seen here in a picture taken Tuesday as she displays her jeopardized the authority’s applica­ for the Manchester Area Conference NOT MIPONSIBU FOR TYPOOmTHICAL MIIIONl available on request. Monday through Friday. tion for 64 new rental subsidy cer­ town to do something.” and comas from the Latin day. and Miss England was third. charms. (UPI photo) of Churches (MACC) ''paganut.'* tificates. One woman, confined to a EVENING HERALD. Frl„ July 20.1979 - PAGE FIVE

PAGE FOUR - EVENING HERALD. FrI.. July M, 1979 Jack Anderson Cheney Tech Official Says System Needs Change •• ^ fc ” __AH I 1. A6 6Iia TMAmAnt RIan/th “There’s no doubt about that,” he more than $7 an hour. Such oppor­ At the moment, Blanchard saldT' and some local employers who a re ' (Theney Tech is oversubscribed and By CHARLES MAYNARD Regional Vocational Technical said. “But how long will it take the tunities would be better for the Is Too Crowded ci^ng for qualified machinists. the school is turning down Herald Reporter School, said In an interview Tuesday; educators to figure that out. They’re graduate who is undecided about his Aviation^s Biggest Problem: “The present state system has to ‘"nie machine shop has grown in future or for the person who never applicants. This fall’s freshman MANCHESTER - Despite yearly behind the times.” cost $7,000 to keep raindrops from popularity,” said Blanchard. “When class, which includes 13 females, One solution, favored especially by desperately need a computerized nation’s highways. enrollment Increases and graduates change.” “We must ask our students, ‘Do finishes college, Blanchard said. WASHINGTON - Clearing the DC- depending on the particular axe that falling on the veep’s head. Cheney Tech is one of 16 state- I was at Prince Tech (in Hartford) in In order to avoid prolonged totals 120 students out of 360 private pilots, is the provision of collision-avoidance system to pre­ Other problems Include pilot who have no trouble finding jobs, it you want vocational-technical educa­ 10 for return to the skies may end one each group has to grind. But the ♦Jimmy Carter’s successful "anti- operated regional vocational- September, 1967, it was the least pop­ agonizing over a career choice, applications. Total enrollment is 425 basic problem all parties agreed on is small "satellite” airports near vent mid-air crashes like the one that fatigue — exacerbated by the time seems the sta te ’s vocational- ular of all shops. The work was tion as opposed to "a strictly specific air safety problem, but plen­ Washington” stance in 1976 seems to technical education still has to prove technical schools and when ih- academic one?’ But changes have to freshman students are exposed to the students. metropolitan areas to relieve conges­ claimed 144 lives at San Diego last lag and irregular hours brought on by steady, but low-paying. Now there is Blanchard said the completion of ty more remain. our increasingly crowded skies — a have caught on among presidential flationary times pressure a state be started with the people who make variety of shops during three-week tion at the commercial facilities. The year. high-speed jet travel — and in­ itself. tremendous demand for the eighth grade is the only require­ How will they be dealt with - one problem that can only get more candidates this year. At least five of Gerald Blanchard, who spends a budget, everyone has to tighten belts. decisions.” exploratory stages. Blanchard said airline industry looks to its Critics of the Federal Aviation Ad­ adequate crash survivability machinists.” ment to apply at the school. The at a time following each new dis­ serious as the years go by. the president’s potential challengers large share of his time espousing the The result, Blanchard said, is the Although admittedly prejudiced, they learn their English, science and Air travel is booming. Sharper technicians for a solution: Planes ministration, including Ralph safeguards that can keep a minor ac­ elimination of some administrative Shrinking state finances aren’t the social studies in the regular school looks at a student’s transcript aster. or with a well-planned, com­ - Ronald Reagan, George Bush, virtues of technical ttaining, sees school’s — and the system’s — only Blanchard said training from Cheney competition, lower prices, the could land even closer together, ac­ Nader's Aviation Consumer Action cident from turning into a holocaust positions and a lag in the expansion classroom and get a bfisic introduc­ and attendance record, the results of prehensive approach that will bring John Connally, Robert Dole and Phil problems in state financing and in problems. Blanchard feels too much Tech offers more to its graduates cording to the Air Transport Associa­ Project and the Airline Passengers of fire or toxic fumes. Both these needed to train a sufficient number than the traditional high school or tion to automotives, industrial elec­ its entrance test and the interview safety techniques abreast of air growth of private aviation, even the Crane — have set up their national educators placing too much emphasis by the decision-makers is with the guidance department before growing difficulty of going long dis­ tion, if engines could solve the Association, say the FAA is slow to problems involve economic factors emphasis on traditional academic of machine shop workers. college background. A bachelor’s tronics or carpentry throughout the travel's speed, campaign headquarters across the placed on the traditional academic first year. The students eventually admitting a student. Affirmative ac­ tance by automobile, have all con­ problem of "wake vortex,” the anticipate safety problems, of profit and loss, and so far neither education. “The room at Cheney Tech is in­ degree Is no longer any guarantee for comfort and con­ Potomac River in Northern Virginia. adequate for turning out enough per­ training. This, despite the fact, he decide which field to enter, tion groups, women and persons with tributed to an irreversible upsurge in powerful swirl of air that follows a bestirring itself only after disaster the airline industry nor the FAA is “I’d like to see a town in Connec­ enployment, lie said, while plenl^ of venience? Meanwhile, “Mr. Outside” of 1976 sons to work in the job shops,” he said, that most graduates in the next something college preparatory learning disabilities are the jet in flight. strikes. They cite the DC-lO’s struc­ convinced that correction is worth ticut develop its own vocational- the dieney grads take jobs at Pratt It depends on flying. The number of passengers in­ said. uecade will not require advanced students may not do until later in applicants who are handled first. For their part, the airline pilots tural defects, such as the engine- the expense. has become “Mr. Inside” this time technical program,’’ Blanchard, the & Whitney or Hamilton Standard at the public's creased 13 percent last year alone. And that’s bad for both the school education. their schooling. have for years been agitating for mount crack that cause the recent Washington Whirl around. Carter is running from a guidance director at Howell Cheney awareness of the But airport facilities and safety headquarters in the District of more advanced safety equipment. crash in Chicago and the cargo-door problems, and the equipment haven’t kept pace with the It will cost J233,000 more to keep a Though they’re better off than latch failure that took 346 lives in a roof over Vice President Walter Columbia. pressure that can Jet Age technology that has made air •There’s another Jimmy Carter in travel so cheap and popular. Ter­ Charles Lindbergh, who could see 1974 Paris crash. Mondale’s head this year. The 86- Coventry be brought on air­ government service in Washington. 7-Web and Vinyl Tube minals that were up-to-date a decade where the Spirit of St. Louis was Federal regulators deny that they year-old slate roof on the vice lines and government regulators to He’s a doorkeeper at the House of ago are now clogged with traffic, in­ going only through a periscope, have sacrificed passenger safety to presidential residence in Washington Appoints ‘Thick‘n Thin’ Deluxis come to grips with them. To find out Representatives. Unlike his short- creasing the already heavy risks of today's jet pilots must still depend ul­ the "keep ’em flying” demands of is in such poor shape, it was decided Folding Furniture what are the greatest dangers facing timer namesake in the White House, the most critical moments in timately on their own vision to avoid the airline industry. The FAA to replace the whole thing rather Educator the flying public, we surveyed avia­ this Jimmy Carter has been here u tion experts, employees and con­ aviation: Takeoffs, approaches and other aircraft in the high-speed traf­ traditionally counters criticism by than continue to patch the leaks on a Cheir landings. fic jams over the airports. They noting that, on a per-mile basis, air piecemeal basis. Last year alone it since 1967. COVENTRY - The Our Rag. 18.49. 13.44 sumer groups. Board of Eklucation has ap­ The answers varied, in large part travel is far safer than driving on the pointed William Troy of Chaise Manchester as its first Our Rag. $33... 24.76 assistant principal at Lee Roderick \ Wide and narrow tubing. Interlaced iHiuirliriitn* Eiu'uiiuji Hrral^ (Coventry High School. \ with handsome webbing, creates a Troy comes to Coventry ) ‘basketweave’ effect for comfort and Manchester — A City of Village Charm Carter Rising From Energy Ashes? from niing Junior High great looks. Both feature high-back Founded Oct. 1, 188t School in Manchester. He design, and non-tip patio legs. King- taught social studies there. size aluminum frames. ■' Published by the Manchester Publishing Co . Herald Square, WASHINGTON - Like the tremendously to our inflation reactions to Carter’s Sunday night nor gave us a solution. He refuses to He will be assistant to ^ Manchesler, Conn 06040 Telephone (203) 643-2711 speech, said, “President Carter has problems.” mythical phoenix. President Carter put the hard choices to this country. Principal Dennis Joy. is trying to rise from the ashes of his taken the Oral Roberts approach to Curiously, Hayakaw’s head-in-the- The board has also ap­ Wen'Dt'f AuJii BuftMu of C‘*cuidtyt' uLet U' teO Htfss I' li‘"'JliO t'.ii Roomy 34”x7e* Hammock presidency with a bold — if long- the solution of our energy problems. sand criticisms fly in the face of "He refuses to say, on the one pointed two new teachers mainstream thinking in even his own I with Sturdy Steel Stand Customer Service — 647-9946 Harold E Turkinoton, Executive Editor overdue — energy plan, and the most Like most Sunday sermons, it will be hand, if we re going to bum coal, at the high school. Anthony Raymond F Robinson, Editor-Publisher Frank A BurDank, Managing Editor effective speech in his 30-month forgotten by Monday. party, which has been urging Carter we re going to have to lower the air Mingrone of Woodbridge from the start to emphasize domestic quality standards. Instead he says will replace Regina Chatel 1 OurRtg. . presidency. Hayakawa faulted Carter on every i 23.99...... 17.76 Early reaction from a wide cross- count, saying proposed synthetic energy development over conserva­ we’re going to burn lots of coal but who taught English at SPECIAL SUMMER Comfortable all-weather bed with Don Graff section of members of Congress in- fuels would be “ extraodrinarily tion as a way to break OPEC’s grip Coventry High and has now fringed edges and foam pillow, sus­ there won’t be any harm to the en­ taken a position in the pended over a nigged 4-polnt stand. dicates the expensive and dangerous to our en­ on the country. vironment. That isn’t true. It can’t be CLEARANCE SAVINGS! vironment,” that an Energy Republican Sen. Bob Packwood of Bolton school system. J u t IS pw start. No relnelwcla. president’s true. Marsha Bean-Sokoloski ^ (EisylottttiiibttJ program, es­ Mobilization Board will “add another Oregon faulted the president for not Generation Gap squaring with Americans on the costs Nonetheless, most other reactions of Naugatuck will teach timated to cost layer of bureaucracy,” and that the biology replacing Ronald involved: ” ... The president’s speech were generally upbeat, even from $140 billion over money Carter proposes pouring into Giordano. Futures Solid-State Has the younger generation ever highly publicized recent contacts the next 10 years energy development will “add neither honestly challenged America some Republicans used to opposing Superintendent Arnold ''igniter to Instantly Start Grill! while significant­ TO been anything but a problem? with the West apparently have made Carter on almost every program he’s Elman told the board that 3 0 % 5 0 % OFF Turco Cast-Aluminum Anywhere? the folks back home vividly aware ly reducing oil im- proposed. recent achievement test OurOrifllMl*Pricw that there can be more to the good ports, will be results show Grade 3 and 5 Twin-Burner Gas Grill Its members reject the values of "His most salient point was a bold their parents and question in­ life than dialectic. generally well received on Capitol students in Coventry to be with Big Up-Front Shelf conservation program, ” said Utah among the best in the coun­ stitutions that are the pillars of socie­ To get them back into acceptable Hill. SELECT GROUP OF OurRtg. socialist line, the Chinese press and “His success will be our success,” Republican Sen.Orrin Hatch. "Over try. He said the average 2S9J9.. ty. They know little about the A Grade 3 scores fell in the »187 radio have launched a propaganda said California Sen. Alan Cranston, GIFTWARE philosophic basis of that society and the next 10 years, the most crucial top 10 percent of all third Handsome butcher-block look utility shelf with front-mounted dual heat the principles that make it work. And campaign stressing the great im­ No. 2 Democrat in the Senate years, the best source of energy we grades and the Grade 5 leadership. He added that Carter’s controls. Gives you huge 523 sq. in. worse, they don't provements in the People's Republic can possibly have is the savings of scores, in the top 25 per­ cooking surface with warming grid. want to know. over the bad old days of pre­ plan “is sound and strong and in energy through conservation.” cent of all fifth grades. Twin 20,000 BTU stainless steei All they're in­ communist China. The problem is keeping with American size and He also said that in­ burners, hose, regulator, plus that the segment of the population at strength.” . o At the same time. Hatch said much telligence tests given to permanent lava rocks. terested in is an (EstyloMttisMsJ easy living. It’s which the campaign is directed, Sen. Frank Church (D-Idaho) said of the president's speech involved Grade 4 students put enough to make those born since the Communist simply that "Jimmy Carter was born IlilJll (B lip 's “not truth, but persuasion,” and Coventry students just their elders takeover, who happen to be the again as president tonight.” expressed concern that Carter’s above the norm for this 24” Deluxe Bar-B-Q Grill despair of the majority, has no recollection of the Such praise was tempered, programs will be "a step toward part of the country. Wi? The board authorized future. In this old days. Instead, they have rising however, by decidedly negative reac­ Our Rag. Elman to submit a com­ case, make that Chinese elders, who expectations thanks to Peking’s tion from a number of Republicans. more government control and in­ 19 14.40 petence testing proposal to Grid adjusts to 5 positions. Steel are commencing to express concern sudden recognition of the rest of the Connecticut Sen. Lowell Weicker, for tervention in the field of energy. I fail to find one instance where the the state Board of Eiduca- tapered legs, utility shelf, wheels. publicly as to what they may have world and only the pervasive example rose in the Senate the mor­ Department of Energy has produced tion for review. The wrought in seeking to accelerate grayness of today's proletarian China ning after Carter’s evening televised .NsctsngulwWteonattn a e « « one drop of oil or any other form of proposal outlines tests to Owlls«.2iJl...... 1 0 . 0 0 China's modernization. They may to compare with the newly perceived speech to urge the president to 20 MSOftMl pWstora. No ninchtekt energy.” be given and corrective have opened the door too widely to delights of Western life. remove himself as a candidate in proposals for students who the capitalist West. It’s a serious problem for the next year’s election, thus freeing Other members of Congress fall below the norms. Our Original* Pno“ In a recent testing of secondary Chinese establishment. First wall himself from politicial consideration praised Carter not so much for his Thermos® 43-Quart Regent 4-Player school students in Peking, for one posters and foreign tourists, and the since attacking the energy problem. energy proposals themselves as for Rev-Share e n t ir e s t o c k o f Insulated Coolar Chest Badminton Set serious example, many were unable next thing you know blue jeans and “Last night a president of the the forcefulness he exhibited in skateboards. OurRtg. to explain satisfactorily the United States who had run out of gas presenting them, and for the atten­ Hearing Our Reg. 8.99...... 6.74 differences between captitalism and But perhaps Peking might try politically, intellectually and dant themes: a renewed national POCKET CAMERAS 29.99...... 19.70 Enameled-stehl body with hinged Includes 4 steel-shaft rackets, Marxism and the numerous advan­ looking at it this way. Western emotionally, asked the Ar/ierican commitment to traditional values in­ galvanized steel poles, plus net, societies, after all, have been Scheduled I -KODAK •MINOaA»in piastiilastlc lid. Rugged molded base. stakes ropes and shuttlecocks. tages of the latter. people to push him back on the track cluding the family, religion, and hard handllies, drain spout. The test result, as reported in The worried about their younger for 1980,” said Weicker, whose own work. • k e y s t o n e -HAWMEX COVENTRY - Aug. 8 New York Times, is not an isolated generations for generations. That vehicle left the track recently when Regent Deluxe development but symptomatic of a China should now be doing so, and so he withdrew as a GOP nominee for "It was an excellent speech, and has been set as the date for •VIVITAR -ARGUS a public h earin g on DIxi* ‘Originals’ Decorated widespread loss of enthusiasm for shortly after opening its door, can be next year’s presidential election. the president was right to recognize SVk'PlasHo-Foam Plates ' Volleyball Set the lack of confidence sweeping the proposab for the spending the class struggle and growing in­ taken as an indication of how rapidly Weicker contended that “what crisis Our Reg. country, ” said Sen. William of revenue-sharing funds. fjekots A A t terest in a higher-class standard of it is succeeding in its goal of catching of confidence exists, exists not with In preparation for this Our Reg. sac...... 12J9...... 9.74 living. The Chinese leadership’s up with the West. the American people, but among the Proxmire ID-Wis.). "Although I Includes off Iclal-size volleyball, the Board of Education is all-weather heavy-mesh net and lightweights that are the president don't agree with all of it, the presi­ compiling a list of some Reynolds W rap Alum inum Foil durable enameled steel poles. and his White House coterie.” dent was absolutely right in saying $61,000 worth of items it SAVE 2 5 % OFF The Connecticut Republican called we have to stop importing so much would like to buy. Our Original* Prices 20 0Sq.FtRoll O OO Thoughts OurRag.2S9...... for such steps as immediate gas oil. Quotas are the right approach.” The town doesn’t know, rationing by coupon, no more credit- as yet, how much money it I have always marveled when I The greatest gift that she gave her Such reaction indicates that e n t ir e STOCK OF card purchases of gas, and im­ will have coming bnder the have read about the life of Susanna children was herself. She invested six Carter’s latest energy proposals may Homespun Paper Napkins mediate decontrol and deregulation revenue sharing program. Wesley — the mother of John and hours a day through twenty years indeed be a turning point both in the The school board would Pack of 180 O PACKS TDK CASSETTE OurReg.S8e...... £ for I Charles Wesley, founders of teaching them at home. She instilled of all oil and gas. nation’s bleak energy picture, and in like' to use $45,000 of the California Republican Sen. S.I. Methodism. How did she ever do it? in them a passion for learning and for Carter’s own political fortunes. money for equipment and &8-TRACK TAPES Raising so many children, trying to righteousness. She wrote to her son Hayakawa, in one of the most biting furniture which was Johnson’s ’OIT Insect Repellent find food for them all, training them John when he asked her how she did eliminated when the ’Dashmaster’ 6oz.sptaycan 4 07 In-DashfUnder-Dash Casaatte as Christians. Yet she was forever this that she began by training their current budget was a w i:...1 .5 7 to4 .4 7 OurRsg.1.69...... I i f c f faithful to God counting upon his wills from the time they were born. The Lighter Side prepared. Car Stereo with AM/FM Radio promises. Certainly the hardships She made them realize they must 'This would include such Mounts almost anywherel Features tape eject could have overwhelmed her. Only obey their parents. They were even items as typewriters, Raid Flying Insect Killer button, locking rewind and fast fonward. Radio audio-visual equipment, has local/dlstance switch. Tone and balance 112.30 nine of her nineteen children lived to taught to cry softly, to eat and drink With These Friends, Who Needs Those Friends 12Maz.sprmrcan 4 ^ 7 OurRag.14iae and furniture and teaching controls. *KID-588 be adults. Samuel, her first-born, did whatever was given them. Their By DICK WEST words to that effect, they would have spots? over-end, which it already apparent­ O u rR tg .1M ...... ly is doing. materials. not speak until he was five. She spiritual training was most impor­ WASHINGTON (UPI) - 1 was a bit replied, “Oh, think nothing of it,” or However, I don’t wish to appear to Richard Galinat, called him her “son of my extremes! tant to Susanna and they learned “It happens in the best of circles," or be lecturing the Australians on space The end-over-end descent is said to SAVE 20® /« OFF r r ^ r - unsettled, as I imagine many other maintenance supervisor Our O riginal* Prices sorrow," and she prayed for him froiTi_her the meaning of answered Americans must have been, by the words to that effect. age etiquete. 1 merely bring this up lessen the possibility of a steep for the Coventry schools, night and day. One day when he was prayer by her example. poor grace with which Australia It was, in short, a time for them to by way of getting everyone prepared nosedive or tailspin. has prepared another list nearly six, he disappeared for Certainly she has much to teach reacted to the scattering of Skylab have been big about it. Had we been for a possible new contretemps. As for the possibility of Australia totaling $15,400. This would e n t ir e STOCK OF several hours. When his mother meV Her constant prayer was, “Help debris on that country. in their shoes, I like to think we Even the White House now admits being flattened by our plummeting include buying a deep well began to call for him, quite suddenly me. Lord, to remember that religion "Peevish” is the word that comes would have exhibited a much greater that the U.S. economy is falling. And economy, the experts say the odds pump for the high school; in a perfectly clear voice, he is not to be confined to the church or to mind when one sets about measure of savoir-faire. when one country’s economy are about the same as the odds roof flashing for the Middle POWER MOWERS School; a range hood for answered: "Mother, here I am!” closet, nor exercised only in prayer describing the Australian attitude. If Australia had, somehow, let a plunges, it almqst always has an im­ against a goose being fatally struck the Coventry Grammar •CALDOR-DYNAMARK Another child smothered in its or meditation, but everywhere I am The Aussies make it all too plain giant boomerang get out of control pact in other countries. by a golf club. Nevertheless, there is no absolute School kitchen; and catch sleep and was brought to her, without in Thy Presence.” Susanna held in that if it weren’t for the honor of the and inadvertently crash somewhere The problem seems to be that the basins and heat returns. •BLACK & DECKER any warning. Her twins died, as did highest regard the training and up­ thing they would just as soon have in the United States, I feel certain we various controls built into the guarantee the downturn won’t be felt The soccer, baseball and her first daughter Susanna. Five bringing of her children. Although pieces of derelict American space would have done everything we could economy no longer function very Down Under. Should it happen, we volleyball coaches sub- to General she might well have excelled in other to put them at ease. shall hope our Australian friends will » 7 9 *6 8 7 Electric . Hamilton Beach other babies passed away and a vehicles fall somewhere else. well. One expert told me about the m itt^ a request for $1,200 Braun 1200 W att Conair 110/220 Volt Dow’Dowgard’ daughter was deformed for life ways, she made the decision that her I’m sure nobody in this country I mean, what are friends for if not only thing the government can do is be more magnanimous than they to buy uniforms for the 75 or 150 W att 4-QL Automatic were when Skylab fell on them. ‘Travalair’ ‘Vagabond’ Summer Coolant owing to the carelessness of a maid. children, their education and expected the Australians to exclaim to help each other over the rough cause the economy to tumble end- teams. Choose: Rotary Outdoor Dual-Voltago ‘Crock-Watcher’ There were family debts and often no spiritual training came first. She “Thanks, we needed that!” On the Other town agencies and Floodlight DuaFVoltaga and W inter ______byPog^Sneiyd Dry Curling Iron Slow Cooker ’ bread in the house. lived to know of how God blessed other hand, it does seem they could SCOOPS ______residents are expected to Gas Mowers Hair Dryer Anti-Freeze Spiritually though she was a tower John, Charles and also Samuel, all have been a tad less testy about it. make suggestions for other •SoH-PropeUsd -R ld ^ n t ...... 2 . 9 6 Oallon q 4 7 WIL 1H£ MAKOFAcnJRfR Of IW WMKHsr FOOP S S ? rt,...... 5 . 7 0 Size...... w . - t f of strength. She set aside two hours pastors. Her prayers were gloriously I mean, we were in rather an uses of the funding at the Safp, brilliant lighting Automatically shifts frdm AND STATE NANIE. RANK AND CEREAL NUMDER. for garage, porch or Use In American or foreign answered. product W QUESTIOH PlEASE STEP hearing. Following the Powerful lightweight ‘high’ to ‘low’ cooking speed Helps you beat summer of each day for private devotion in awkward situation there with that patlo...even pool area compact can be used In electrical systems...It’s boilovm on those sfazling Rev. Marjorie L. Hiles hearing the Town Council equipped for 110 or 220 for extra convenience. See- her busy household schedule. She huge hunk of metal whizzing around , FORWARD 10 TREIHICROPHOME.. will prepare a revenue­ any outlet, anywhere. thru glass top, removable days; also keeps your Bolton and Vernon •Q.E.Bug-Uls Bulbs Includes adaptor plug, air volts. 2 heat settings; auto­ cooling system safe all decided to do this when she already up in the firmament and us with no sharing budget for con­ matic curl release.mcludes stoneware Insert for f w had nine children. United Methodist Churches real notion as to where it was going concentrator. A "must ’ cleaning, senring. 9415HD wInterTongl sideration of a special town ‘ IntoniMdbto maikdowiM have M .....I.I for overseas. IDV1200 adaptor plug. ffCI-8 to drop. It could even have dropped JUNK-FOOD meeting. Cleannei Itemt llmltad to ttoieetockonly., 0 2 on us. RACKET NolallUamtofeWoelntllatocw.Nofaliichtcl(a. Those are moments when you HEARING Yesterdays Iceland, in 1930, cele­ count on your friends to recognize brated the 1,000th anniver­ your discomfort and show a little sary of ib Althing, the oldest MAiraiiEsriR 25 Years Ago 10 Years Ago forbearance. parliamentary assembly in the world. Eighth Utilities District board of This date was a Sunday; The Ideally, when we told the directors seeks a sewer ordinance. Herald did not publish. Australians, “Sorry about that,” or K-'*^"cj.!.“ ';:;.1i?! EVENING HERALD, Fri., July 20, 1979 - PAGE SEVEN PAGE SIX - EVENING HERALD. Fri., July 20, 1979 Vintage Yachts Tourette Syndrome Still A Medical Mystery W ill Rendezvous ^ - .-ganglia, - t i n nn an af>Aa area that ic is aa

LENOX, Mass-. — Tanglewood, the siumner home of & What to Do Result of Talent, Work the Boston Symphony Orchestra, is a photographer’s paradise. Here are some of the possibilities; By DAVE LAVALLEE Serenak, the former home of Serge Koussivitzky and Mueic she said. “There is some tun in this Tlwatar She is in her fifth year with Youth just purchased by the BSO. A museum and a home for the llt'rald Rcporler for everyone. There are mothers in- . “The Fanbsticks,” through Aug, • Mountain Laurel Chorus of Services and during that time has resident composers of the Berkshire Music Center, it Sweet Adelines, Tuesday at 7:30 GLASTONBURY - When the final directed 11 shows. voived in this program and anyone 4 at 8:15 p.m., Nutmeg Summer overlooks Tanglewood and the Stockbridge Bowl. Theater In H arriet S. Jorgensen p.m., Manchester Bicentennial Band ■ product is presented, the only thing Miss Goodwin, a sophomore at who wanted to audition for the play • ’.{1' Panoramic views. Human interest. Theater, University of Connecticut, Shell in Manchester, sponsored by the audience will see and hear is a Bucknell University in Pennsylvania could have.” Tanglewood’s Formal Gardens. On the 210 acre the Manchester Junior Women’s Club She said everyone in the play will Storrs. No performance July 22. huge cast acting, dancing and singing has been doing publicity for the show grounds. and the Manchester Bicentennial in a happy-go-lucky, kick-your-heels Matinee at 2:15 p.m. on July 28. (429- during the past three years. be wearing costumes and everyone The Lawns. Great expanses of green, with and without Band Shell Corp. Rain date, musical. She said last year’s show made $4,- will be wearing makeup. 2912) people. Always al fresco picnics going on. As many as 10,- Thursday. Members of the audience probably "On the night of the show, we line • “Jazz Babies," through Satur­ 300 with $2,300 coming from adver­ 000 ch)wd the grass at performance times. • Chamber concert. Starlight won't be able to realize the amount of up all of the people in the play for day, SUMMERSCENE ‘79, Castle tising sales for the play’s program. The trees. Tall and varied. Many branches are quite Festival of Music, Tuesday at 8:30 effort it took to perfect that one line, makeup. It’s just like assembly line Court Cabaret, Connecticut College, Money from the program went to twisted and gnarled, thus the name Tanglewood. that certain dance step and that all work. ’The only people we really have New London. (442-9131) p.m. in the Yale Law School Cour­ Friends of Glastonbury Youth, which The Music Shed, the Theatre Concert Hall and the tyard, New Haven. important chorus. provides YSB with grants throughout the time to work on are the leads,” • “The Butter and Egg Man,” Chamber Music Stage. Almost always in use with rehear- through July 29, Berkshire Theatre • Chamber music, Wednesday at 6 Youth Services Bureau is diiigently the year, according to Miss Goodwin. Miss Goodwin said. sab, ebsses and performances. (Special clearance p.m. in Trinity College Chapel, Hart­ and tirelessiy preparing for what is The remaining $2,000 come from So far there has only been one per­ Festival m Stockbridge, Mass. (413- needed at performance time — call 48 hours ahead) 298-5536) ford, followed by a concert at 7 on the going to be the iargest summer ticket sales, which she said went into sonnel problem. John Murphy, the entire group has taken a lot of pride in putting The Berkshire Music Center. More than 300 students Plumb Memorial Carillon. Free. musicai in its history when it ’These members of the cast of “L’il Abner” • “ Winnie-The-Pooh,” Monday at the town budget. Youth services then original set artist had to be dismissed from 38 states and many foreign countries are studying • Chamber music, tonight at 8:30 presents "L'il Abner ’ on August 10 make up a small section of the huge 360- on a good show. Last year the summer 1 and 6:30 p.m. in the Austin Arb made a request to the Town Council from his position because he wasn’t with the BSO this summer. ’Thb b a program of instruc­ in the Music Shed at Elen Battell and 11 at the Glastonbury High fulfiiling his duties according to M iss\ musical sold out on both nights. (Herald Center at Trinity College, Hartford. to have the revenue returned to YSB, member cast. Glastonbury Youth Services tion unlike any other in the world, since it is taught by the Stoeckel Estate, Route 44, Norfolk. School Auditorium. Miss Goodwin said. Goodwin. Program Coordinator Chris Gullotta said the photo by Lavallee) (525-1471) This year marks the fifth year for Murphy said that it just came down members of the orchestra to the most prombing • “Vicious Circle,” through Sun­ (542-5537) She said revenue has been coming studenb. 45 members of the BSO are graduates from th e, • Peace Train jazz and rock con­ Youth Services' summer musical and to a conflict in schedules. day, Barn Theatre Company, in at a faster rate for advertising in BMC and graduates form a significant oart of every cert Thursday evening in Bushnell with 360 young persons involved, it the program than it did last year. “My work schedule just did not Berkshire Theatre Festival, orchestra in the country. Seiji Ozawa b a past student, as Ed Pizzella and Sue Donovan are shown in a scene from ‘ ‘The Last of Stockbridge, Mass. (413-298-5576) Park, Hartford. (522-7200) rates as the largest ever. Ticket Sales Slow work out with theirs,” he said. “ I are Leonard Bernstein, Lorin Mazel, Claudio Abbado and • Summer Pops ‘79, Connecticut Last year the cast numbered about the Red-Hot Lovers” which piays at Matty’s Restaurant, Glastonbury, • “My Fair Lady,” Thursdays, ”We already have over $2,500 in guess I just couid not put the time in Zubin Mehta. Pops Orchestra, Wednesday at 8 p.m. 300 for "Finian's arainbow," accor­ tonight through Aug. 12. Pizzella and Donovan play Barney Cashman Fridays and Saturdays through July revenue from advertising in the that was required. It is probably The rehearsal studios. Spread all around the estate. at Powder Ridge, Middlefield. (659- ding to Publicity Chairman Becky better off that someone from inside and Bobbi Michele. (Herald photo by Adamson) 30 at 8:30 p.m. at the Marlborough program,” she said. However, ticket Simply follow your ears to find a flutist pbying for the Goodwin. the production do that kind of work Tavern Playhouse, Marlborough. 0360) birds, the wind instrumenb in the woods or the brass in a • 2nd Line Dixieland Jazz Band, Chris Gullotta, YSB's program sales still have not picked up and anyway. It will probably work out (2284)248 or 295-9358) Tuesday at Mystic Seaport, Mystic. director and also the director of the they probably won’t until the final better than it did for me because I bam. Abo visit “the big bouse” where the business office • “Five O’clock Girl,” through musical, said everything is going weeks.” really wasn’t part of the whole shares space with string quarteb and pianbts. Sept. 8 at the Goodsp^ Opera (536-2631) Miss Goodwin said if both shows The Glass House, a shop run by the Friends of the Area Residents Involved • Pianist Gilbert Kalish in a quite well considering the number production.” House, East Haddam. (873-8668) sell out by August 1, an unpreceden- Orchestra. Sweatshirts really sell on a cool evening. prelude tonight at 7 in the Shed at with which she has to work. Jim Dutka, who originally inter­ • “ Side By Side By Sondheim,” tal third show would be added on 'The Tanglewood Beach. .Where staff and musicians In Dinner-Theater Shows Tanglewood, Lenox, Mass. At 9 p.m., "This is probably the toughest time viewed for the job willl become the through Sunday at the Coacblight Thursday night. Last year 2,400 peo­ relax when ib warm. Dinner Theater, East Windsor. Klaus Tennstedt conducts the Boston for rehearsals because many of the new set artist. According to Miss GLASTONBURY — A Gbstonbury resi­ Children’s Theatre. ple jammed the high school The Tanglewood grounds are open to the public free, “Broadway Tonight,” a musical Symphony Orchestra. Saturday at kids have lost their enthusiasm since Goodwin it is first year with the dent and an East Hartford resident are in­ Miss Donovan’s roles have mclude Eliza the first few weeks. We have not yet auditorium for ‘‘Finian’s Rainbow.” except at performance times. To get to Tanglewood, take revue, plays Tuesday through Sept. 9. 8:30 p.m., Jessye Norman, soprano, summer musical. volved m a dinner-theater production to Doolittle in “My Fair Lady,” "Aunt Eller gotten into those final weeks when ” 1 would really like to see us get the Massachusetb Turnpike to Ebit 2, follow the signs to (522-2366 or 623-8227) joins the BSO in an all Wagner Working with him on set carpentry begb at Matty’s Restaurant, 141 New in “Oklahoma,” Yente in “ Fiddler on The everyone gets charged up, " she said. that third show because it would Lenox, and then to Tanglewood. . "Julius Caesar,” "Twelfth program. Sunday at 2:30 p.m., will be veteran Peter Carey. London Turnpike, Gbstonbury, tonight. Roof” and Babe Williams in "Pajam a Mrs. Gullotta, whose husband Tom mean that I have done my job in There will be three sets for the Night” and “Tempest” in repertory Leonard Bernstein conducts the publicity. It would make me feel Producer/director Shakir Hassan b the Game.” Serge and Olge Koussevitzky is YSB's assistant director, said she show and two of those will have to be Hassan has had an extensive through Sept. 1 at the American pretty good,” Miss Goodwin said. Dixieland Concert head of the Shakir Hassan Production, a Shakespeare Theater, Stratford, at 8 Memorial Concert. Thursday at 8:30 has to devise different strategies to changed during the production. newly formed theatrical group, which will background in Uieater arb. He studied at The amazing thing about this p.m. and matinees at 2 p.m. (375- p.m., Christoph Eschenbach and keep the members interested. There are 20 persons working n the present the Neil Simon comedy hit, “The the Academy of Theatre A rb in Cairo, production is that there is no limit MERIDEN — The Connecticut ’Traditional Jazz Club Justus Frantz in duo piano recital. "I come into the rehearsals with a technical crew. Last of the Red-Hot Lovers” on four Egypt, and has been involved in several 5000) put on the number of persons who will feature Gene Mayl’s Dixiebnd Rhythm Kings in a • “Vanities” through July 28 at the (413-637-1940) little more energy than normal. 1 try “I think tech crew can be one of the successive weekends beginnug July 20 professional productions, both as actor to think of new games and ways to may participate. cabaret style concert at the Holiday Inn, East Main Unicom Theatre at the Berkshire • Riverside Band, Sunday at 2:30 most enjoyable parts of the show,” through Aug. 12. This play will mark the and director. His initial venture with the get the cast members interested “This whole thing is done for the Street, Friday, Aug. 10, from 8:30 p.m. to midnight. Theatre Festival. (413-298-5576) p.m. on the green at the G DEALS POSSIBLE! TRI-CITY (rain or shine) on the grounds of the East Hartford Sets Concert TIoM i half prhM tor Diners on Thestre night nors, July 26 at 8:15 p.m. at the Stu­ V SHOPPING PLAZA Center School, Old Lyme. Sponsored dent Union Ballroom, University of J •umx&AjM S U titi- by the Connecticut Woodcarvers EA.ST HARTFORD - The Depart­ the instruments and energy of at the Meadows Hills Apartments, W.DDINO VERNON Connecticut, Storrs. Free. (486-3904) Special Lobster Dinner Association Inc. About 50 exhibitors, ment of Parks and Recreation and bluegrass and combines it with the the Dixie Band, 2 p.m. CAKI* WL 644-8682 • “Footlight Parade,” “The Gay C a n n e c U c u i BRAND DISCOUNT TIRE the New England Foundation of the sophisticated harmonies and Also, on July 25, Wednesday, at Tues Hirough Thurs including demonstrations. Free. Divorcee” and “Merbabies,” part of Hockanum Park, Peace Train Clown Arts announces a free concert rhythms of swing. $6.95 ^SSS^'ThernvPros • Family Planetarium Program, the Peace Train’s Drive-In Movies Jennifer Teabags, 10 a.m.; and at o t 4 7 i n a n £ ia i i m m m m ' - starring “The Last Fair Deal ” on The Department of Parks and’ OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Wednesday at 8:30 p.m.. Mystic program, Saturday at 8:30 p.m. at -Martin Park, Peace Train Clown For all resarvations call Bushnell Park, Hartford. (727-1000) Sunday. Recreation also announces the 217 HEBRON AVE 129 TALCOTVILLE ROAD SiMcia plica for orfinlutlom , Seaport Museum, Mystic. The performance will take place at following free Snowmobile perfor­ Jennifer Teabags, 1 p.m.; Tuesday, 2 9 5 -9 3 5 8 525-4474 ^ churctiM, lYlUfPtOO. *•>' 7:30 p.m. from the Showmobile at mances: Monday, July 23, at the July 31, at Martin Park, ~ /M K £ S m l Martin Park. Raymond Library lawn. Wild Moun­ Pandemonium Puppet Show, 10:30 Mariborough Tavern, comer ot houte 2 and 66 The four-man string band gathers tain Thyme, noon; July 24, Tuesday, P

Prtvata Inatruetlona 18 Homaa For Bala 23 Part of Grant 13 Halp Wantad IS Bualnaaa Opportunitf 14 13 Halp Wantad Andover Residents Say W aiiM 1$ Halp Wantad t Halp Wantad WATERFRONT year-round RIDING LESSONS indoor SKe Herald N.C. UTHE HAND riding ring. Western stock home and summer resort all CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RETAIL SALES CLERK- BABYSITTER NEEDED TURRET LATHE MANCHItTIR seat, sadclle seat and hunt in one. 7 room maintenance To Be Retained immmn DECORATOR - Full time. Monday thru Friday. Nathan . NEW HOMES seat. All levels 2269817. free Ranch. Located on an Knowledge of wallcovering Hale area. Boys, ages 9 and 6. EN8INEUTHE exclusive private section of They Prefer Rural Town By BARBARA RICHMOND m a u m m m FULL TIME COOK. Good Call after 5 p.m., 6467726. On gorgeous treed lots with Coventry Lake. Attractive books required. Willingness to there should be little or no new com­ benefits, will train evenlnn. Hid city water and sewers and financing available. R. agreed there should be a moderate Herald Reporter PHONE 643-2711 To train in the installa­ accept varied duties. Write Once trained, will go on rota­ SANDBLASTER ANDOVER — A survey, conducted mercial development in town but Sales aerk , P.O. Box 911. UUNDRESS AND NURSES gas heat. 3 & 4 bedroom Zimmer, J.D. Real Estate, number of them. FOn ASSISTANCE IN PLACING TOUR AD tion and Tepair of truck tion shift. Aimie St Rays, by the Planning and Zoning Commis­ said they would favor expansion of VERNON — Ronald Mine, director of public works, Manchester. AIDE -12 midnight to 8 AM. 80 Houn. M ~H olklayt models with 2V5 baths, 6461980 or 647-1139.------sion, reveals that Andover residents Of the 115 respondents, 61 were op­ said he will hold back $15,000 of the $149,329 town aid equlpnient. Must be Silver Lane, East Hartford. Enjoy working in a very plea­ CkeMMil fireplaced family room, miorn the existing shopping center on Route Call 6461895 for appointment. sant and homelike at­ prefer to keep the town a rural one posed to condominiums or individual­ grant for 1979-80 until he sees how the town gets through mechanically inclined InsurwiM BwMflIs double garages priced ly owned apartments but 36 said they 6. iSlNBflTSIHEl SCHOOL SECRETARIAL mosphere helping our elderly Apply In PoraoH from $91,900.00 COLONIAL - OFFERING 8 without apartments or housing the winter and how much costs escalate. ADVERTISING and have basic (bols. residents. Experience COtrEHTRY- ROOMS, 1st floor family would be acceptable in sm all The respondents were about equal­ POSITION - Area school seeks MANAGER FOR clusters. ly divided on the question of industry In a report to the Town Council, Mine said he had RATES Benefits include health applicants for.a year-round preferred. Please call Doris METRDNICSINC M ERRin Over 14 acre of privacy room with fireplace, 4 numbers. d e a d l in e JANITORIAL OPERA'nON - Blain RN Director of Nurses. RT. 6 0 44>A generous sized beurooms, 2 The survey went out to some 700 in town. Those favoring it said it gathered from some of the discussions at council 1d>y .....IMtmdptrdty and life insurance, praitioii: Immediate opening. Must have experience direc­ Realtors 646-1180 near Lake. 4V4 room residents and only 117 responses The concept of cluster meetings and from newspaper articles, that there is 12:00 noon tha day bafora Applicant must possess good 6460129. Manchester Manor BOLTON CT. 06040 Ranch, appliances and 1/2 baths, central air, 2 car would help ease the tax burden while publication. 3d«yt ...... 11»»KKdp«r lOetKafyrott t M Oil. Route 6. Bolton. Wa n t e d - Apply in person: said that South Windsor is on the internal problems,” said Sills, “such Miss Kimmel also said a child protote as in said application on i »e m i Xlra Mart Convenience Store, name of the real estate I analysis of your property Legion Auxiliary more fully aPPea?-.** threshoid of an unprecedented in­ as the overflow of the Avery Heights usually is about 4-years-old before it Probate on August 7.1979 at ILOO A M LUBE PERSON - Wanted to NURSE AIDES - We are 404 H a r tfo r d R oad. person showing the home I today I You will be amazed crease in industrial and commercial begins to notice racial distinctions. Pearl J Hultman. lubricate trucks and trailers. looking for responsible warm Nfanchester, between 6 a.m. as well. A polaroid la t the hidden wealth you Watershed. We must continue the A u't Clerk and 4 p.m. camera is helpful in development and whether this in­ Mark Shapera, the Lusas’ attorney, Related experience people interested in caring for UfiDir. IhaveI Republican effort to maintain a Cites Mrs. Grant necessary 85.25 an hour. Ail the elderly and mentally keeping track of the crease is beneficial to the town will stable millrate.” brought out in testimony by the state Probale Notice fringe benefits For appoint­ retarded. Part time weekends CLERICAL TECHNICIAN- TWO FOR THE layouts of different JUST LISTED depend on the skill and patience of Sills also said that he believed such witnesses that a woman who may HEBRON - Geraldine S. Grant of Hebron has been ment call 688-7596. and full time 7 - 3 and 3 - 11. Full time opening Hospital 1. 7 room Cape, 3 or 4 rooms, if the owner will IA beautiful 3 bedroom fuU- NOTICE TO CREDITORS ^ Pharmacy. Routine Gerical the public servants. a stable mill rate will assure future become pregnant after being ap­ awarded the District President of the Year Award at the ESTATE OF FRANK C PEKa NUS. $3.17 per hour. Aide classes bedrooms. New kitchen, permit it. Make notes on I sized ranch in a convenient deceased available. Experience Duties, with additional Phar­ A long-time critic of the controver­ businessmen that South Windsor proved as an adoptive parent would 59th annual convention of the American Legion Auxiliary aluminum siding, all points of interest and I yet rural Manchester set- The Hon William E. FilxGerald. preferred but not necessary. macy Technician duties. fireplace, swimming sial Manchester-South Windsor operates on a sound fiscal basis. not necessarily lose the adoptive Department of Connecticut. Judge, of the Court of Probate. STAFF ACCOUNTANT■CPA Apply in person at Meadows Some hospital or pharmacy also specific problems Iting. Formal dining room, District of Manchester at a bearing iNLCRUNGir ol, patio, porch. Irec room, 2 car tandem sewer agreement which commits “There are many other problems child. Mrs. Grant is a member of Jones-Keefe-Batson Unit 95 held on July 17. 1979 ordered that all firm. Local firm located in Convalescent Home. 333 experience preferred. Will room Cape, two car and questions. Snap a cou­ each town to accept each others and some that will present He also established that foster of Hebron and is currently completing her second year as claims must be presented to tl« Tolland County is seeking to Bidwell Street, Manchester. train. Alternating weekends rgarage, aluminum ple of pictures of each Igarage and many other fiduciary on or before October 17.1979 expand their staff to service and holidays. Rockville siding, simply im­ house for later reference ■fine features! Call today' sewage for treatment when land themselves in the future,” said Sills. parents with children already in their president of the auxiliary which includes units in Tolland or be barred as by law provided diversified small business General Hospital. 872-0501, gravity prevails. Sills said that custody can adopt them under cer- and Windham counties. She was presented with a plaque, Pearl J. Hultman. RETAIL SALES- Full Ume. maculate. Several and to show other family MFTYRFTIES “This is the time for the selection of Ass t Gerk clients. Tax and auditing Paul’s Paint b Decorating Extension 285. valuable extras. members. Use check lists I Would you believe we have patience and skill of the council candidates who present two assets — tain conditions and prospective adop- Qualifications for the award include being in atten­ The fiduciary is experience helpful. Please Center, Manchester is looking C A U ua-w e w o r ki to help rate one house Isabella M. Pekanus send resume to Box S. c/o Butinota Opportunity 14 I several fine quality homes members must “ remove the in­ a previous governmental experience tive parents are not necessarily dance at all Executive Board meetings of the department for a hard working, against another, and to 50 Saulters Road Manchester Herald . I in this rare price range? equities of the agreement.” and an undivided attention to the awarded children based on the order and presenting a district report at each meeting; visiting Manchester. Conn experienced person. Call Mike BELFIORE AGENCY help sort them out. Sills also said that the next council 06040 Missari. 6494)300. MANCHESTER Package I Colonial with 7 rooms and public interest. The taxpayer is en­ of their applications. all units in the district; and attending each of the three 046-7 RECEPTIONIST ■ TYPIST. store. Excellent location. Well RMltora 647-1413^ will have to resolve the traffic im­ I large loti—Cape near shop- titled to no less.” Christmas Gift Shops conducted at West Haven, ^ Pleasant personable and established business. Call iping and bus line.-^ix capable typist wanted by of­ Marion E. Robertson, Tha brokan hara at Newington and Rocky Hill Veterans hopsitals. I room ranch with fireplace Probale Notice fice located in the Realtor, 643-5953. TEDFORD REAL To be elibilbe for the award a president must also have land garage.—ALL HAVE Court of P ro b ate. D istrict of Manchester-Vernon area. “LOOK” There are people out ESTATE; CENTURY 21, covered all monthly programs at district meetings and IGNE YEAR LIMITED Manchester Please send resume to Box S, 'This is a sincere effort to VENDING ROUTE - Nabisco there looking for what RL 44A BoHon Notch, promoted “the aims and purposes of the American NOTICE OF HEARING c/o Manchester Herald. Snacks with locations $3,580 Bolton 647-9914 want I HGME WARRANTY! Asking Chief to Resign ESTATE OF JOHN CAMPBELL aka reach a good man for you have to sell. Tell CALL TOLL FREE 1-806423- Legion Auxiliary.” JOHN S CAMPBELL aka JOHN training in a lifetime posi­ them about It with a you'to know that wo will STANLEY CAMPBELL, deceased SHEET METAL WORKER • 2355 Ext. 905. find that homo for you. The fourth district also received the Elizabeth tion. Our nationally known Classified ad. Rychling plaque for having the highest per capita con­ Pursuant to an order of William E Experienced. Soldering etc. NOT AT compny offers Wa handia all forma of FitzGerald. Judge, dated July 12. 1979 Call 528-2101. tributions to the National Child Welfare Foundation. The a hearing will be held on an application (1) interesting work in COVENTRY rail aatata and bacauaa Not Needed, Council Says praying Uiat an instrument purportins the field of service for wa are mambara of tha district contributed 12 cents per member. to be the last will and testament of said homes, business and in­ No CMh Down To Votsl deceased be admitted to probate as in SECRETARY / MulUpla Uatlng aarvlca Also received was the Ethel Curtis plaque for having dustry. 74b%. 30yotr said application on file more fully RECEPTIONIST - Legal Of­ wa aro abla to ahow you member of a fire department, be in­ appears, at the Court of Probate on (2) All m ajor fringe laarlnao u dot VERNON — A motion to ask Mrs. Lamb suggested that Johnson been the first district to reach its membership goal and fice in Manchester area offers homaa In all araat. Call be asked to resign as chief and that serted. August 2. 1979 at 11:00 AM interesting position for benefits " CtMllolt. William Johnson, who was recently the traveling gavel bell for having the highest percentage Pearl J Hultman. (3) Excellent training on ua today. the council appoint an interim chief Mrs. Lamb said she didn’t feel the of its membership goal, 100.27 percent, at the close of the Asa’t. Gerk someone with good typing nollwoo 1 acre plot. New Raised appointed as the town’s full-time fire 045-7 skills and pleasant telepnone Off VERNON STREET program Ranch, 3 bedrooms, family BEMTORS marshal, to resign as chief of the until the vote is taken in November town should wait until November to department’s books on June 13. The fourth district also manner. Hours are 9 a m. to 5 (4) Can lead to relieve Johnson of his duties as chief. tied with the second district (New Haven County) in the ' professional license and room, 2 car garage. $59,- Vernon Fire Department, didn’t as to whether or not to consolidate p.m., Monday through Friday. 900. Hurry, this won’t last! draw a second at the Town Council the town’s two departments. She said he has made remarks that annual music contest. Reply with business and per­ promotion to management. DID YOU KNOW? Each otiice WE HAVE LOTS WTHIUTnUl For more information independenlly If the departments are merged he doesn’t have time. She said the The local unit was awarded a cash prize for submitting sonal references to Clean full dormered Cape. Have the design and meeting Wednesday night. □ NOTICES Manchester Herald, Box T, and a confidential inter­ owned and operated. then there will only be one chief. fire marshal’s job won’t change no the best publicity scrapbook for a unit of 100 members or Attached over sized gar­ structural aspects of a The suggestion to ask Johnson to Manchester. view call Bill Robarft al FIAHO REALTY house professionally In discussing the job description matter how the referendum goes. less. The award was accepted by outgoing unit president. 233-S878. age, beautiful brick resign was made by Councilwoman Lott and Found 1 assessed before nurchase. Jane Lamb who was also chairman of for the position of fire marshal — this Referring to the matter of a con­ Theresa Michaud. Mrs. Michaud and Lorraine Nicolo, FULL OR PART TIME - 6 4 6 -5 2 0 0 fireplace, 1V4 baths, wall to BLANCHARD the Fire Study Committee. is the first time the town has had a flict of interest, Johnson told the membership chairman, received gold charms for having FOUND- Grey / white female Maintenance man. Laurel wall carpeting. $59,900. Mrs. Lamb said the majority of the full-time marshal — the council council that the position of fire reached 109 percent of the previous years’ membership. kitten, vicinity of Globe Manor, 91 Chestnut Street, A marshal is usually coordinated with Hallow. Call 6466678; keep Manchester. Apply Monday committee members agreed that questioned the section that states The local unit also received a citation for exceeding its through Friday. ll-3. ROSSEnO holding the two jobs created a ques­ “The fire marshal .shall be or shall that of the fire chief in other towns. membership goal for 1979, before Jan. 31 and a certificate trying. i M t r Ml Points SelocatiM'' • 4 B - a 4 « a tion of conflict of interest. They said become an active member of the Johnson had been part-time marshal noting the unit’s 100 percent participation in the LOST- Black and white part SHORT ORDER COOK - Part LONBARDO G ASSOCUTES that as a member of the department Vernon Fire Department.” as well as being chief of the Vernon “Project-A-Month” program outlined by the Veterans Angora kitten, with pink time days. Apply in person. La Strada West, Hartford Road. 6494003 EQUAL HOVSK OPP^TY Johnson would be supervising the It was finally agreed that that Department for a number of years. Affairs and Rehabilitation chairman. collar. Vicinity of Hudson TEOFOBO REAL ESTATE putting out of fires and then as statement should be taken out of the A motion to defer implementation Street. Little girl’s pet. 643- 1229. EARN WHILE YOU LEARN. marshal he would be investigating job description and that the words of the other motion until Dec. 1, was Bloodmobile Visit Slated Men and women 17-35 learn a 1. GAS M ils ARE PUGA ffiOILATED the same fire. the fire marshal shall not be a passed. Councilman Stephen career skill. Guaranteed part- r Marcham said he thought that setting MANCHESTER — The Red Cross Bloodmobile will Bonda-Stocka-Uortgagoi 8 time job. $56 per weekend to HEBRON this date would give the council time visit Manchester Friday, July 27, at South United start. Veterans earn more. 2. GAS IS 40% CHEAPER THAN OIL TODAY T t t lB IIE STONY ^ THE BARROWS CORNER Is so important! Outside it to get some answers. Methodist Church, 1226 Main St., from 12:15 to 5:30 p.m. GOVERNMENT Join the Connecticut Army Price Drop on Machine GUARANTEED BUSINESS National Guard. Call Sergeant looks like an ordinary HR, Some council members said it All blood types are needed with special emphasis on LOANS - $50,000 to $350,000. Mayer at 2460060 or 5667900 3. GAS W IU K 60% LOWER THAN OH. BYl but inside you’ll discover wouldn’t be fair to take away the pay type 0 negative. Phone 281-4112. Collect. the open contemporary that Johnson gets for chief right now Persons wishing to make an appointment may call the WHITER design of this custom Seems Hard to Believe as he hadn’t expected that when he Red Croes office at 643-5111. Walk-in donors are BOOKKEEPER - Part-time home. Barbara Bosetti 649- □ EMPLOYMENT osition. Approximately 20 MANCHESTER *54,900 8716 MANCHESTER - Being the Improved technology and creation took the marshal’s job in place of welcome. Kours per week for 14. PROTECT YOUR FUTURE BY INVESTING H QREEN MANOR RANCH town’s director of finance, Thomas of more workable units have helped another full-time job he had. experienced individual with MBOVEI Moore is well aware of the problems drop the cost of such machines. Halp Wantod 13 knowledge of Payroll and • Lot 125’ X 85' HWYNOTSWN of inflation. Recently, though, he The size of the new machine (^Manchester Public Records^ Sales ’Tax Returns, and A HOUSE LOT AT HNOUWOUD T IH » V ' •Large Living Room •Ahm inum Mding Into summer in this lovely found a rare treat — a machine that reflects some of those im­ Sterling Electric TOOLMAKERS - Machinists. Bookkeeping through Trial home just waiting for new Apply 81 Commerce Street, Balance. Small office In the • Aluminum Stonns t owners to enjoy Its’ cost him $900 less than it did 10 years provements. The new adding Given Extension Glastonbury. PTG Manchester area. Call 563- |S. ALL LOTS MVE SANTARY SEWER, CiTY| wHh Fireplaco location on beautiful An­ machine is much smaller than its Warranty deeds Scroons ago. Pearl M. Cole to James E. Nakos, property at 75 COMPANY. Telephone 633- 8276. •Dining Room dover Lake. $80’s. Barbara Moore has prepared town budgets predecessor, VERNON —The Sterling Electric 7631. • Air CondHionii^ BosetU 649-8716. "I feel like I’ve got an acre more of Co., formerly of Long Island, N.Y., Foxcroft Drive, $46,000. LICENSED ELECTRICIAN - WATER, UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC, • 3 Bod Rooms that have reflected the increased MMKHESTEX costs for everything from labor to room,” Moore said as he worked at which bought a building and land for Herman M. Frechette, Albert R. Martin and Gerald P. Experienced in Commercial, • Some Appliances •Landscapod Lot with Rothman to Sydney H. Elliott and Juanita L. Elliott, CERAMIC TILE MECHANIC Residential maintenance and lUKRMENU laders. from pencils to pickup trucks. his desk in the Municipal Buildig. expansion, in the industrial park. - Experienced only. Top estimating. Benefits. Call 646 TOEPHONE AND DRANAGE Fruit Trees. property at 611 Tolland Turnpike, $66,500. Inciuded A most appealing home His office, though, recently The old machine had many more .about three years ago, has asked for wages. Apply: Atlas ’nle, 18@ 5421. • Eat-In KitGlien with cathedrals in LR, cen­ purchased an adding machine for gears and larger parts under its its third extension on the time it is Michael P. Zerio and Karen R. Zerio to Dwight Scher- ^ rlln ’Tpke., Wethersfield, 16. WE W U CUSTOM HHLD YOUR HOME •w /w Carpeting tral air, lovely decks, treed 563-0151. $175. The machine it replaced had cover, he said. supposed to start construction of the ban, property at 33-35 New St., $55,000. EXPERIENCED WAITRESS 156 L Center Street acre private setting. - Part time. Apply in person CALL FOR DETAILS cost about $1,100 10 years ago, he ”If you take this one apart, it looks addition. Frank T. Timmons and Janet K. 'Timmons to Monte J. Priced at $120,000. Shown Stapell, property at 30C Ambassador Drive, $49,000. RN-LPN wanted for 3 p.m.-ll 303 Adams Street, 7. BEAUTIFtHiY WOODED AREA SHOWN BY APPOINTDAENT ONLY (CornBr of Spruce A E. Center SU.) by appt. Barbara BosetU said. like there’s nothing inside,” ^Moore The Town Council, Wednesday p.m. and 11 p.m-7 a.m. shifts. Manchester. 6 4 7-10 0 0 EHO There are few things that have said of the new model. night, granted the firm another Trade names Apply director of nursing. dropped in cost in the past decade The newer model, besides being three-month extension and agreed Stephen G. Herbert, doing business as Professional Salmonbrook Convalescent SUMMER WORK - General BY OWNER — Builders at 110 School St. Home, off House Street, office. Typing, filing, clerical. 643^85021 and probably none that have cheaper and smaller, also is more that the company should be told this $3.00 per hour. Please call 647- M3-6396 521-3103 will probably be the last time it will Mark Maselli, doing business as Marks Auto Body at 5 Glastonbury. Please call 633- i : decreased as sharply as items like sophisticated and capable of handling 5244. 1411. adding machines and calculators. more complex problems, he said. get such an extension. Tolland Turnpike. PAGE SIXTEEN - EVENING HERALD, Fri„ July 20, 1979 □MISC. FOR SALE BUSINESS & SERVICE SOUTH WINDSOR wmm OPEN HOUSE SUN. 1 to 4 ArtlclM tor Solo 41 TAG SALE- Antiques, Crafts, TAG SALE-151 Pearl Street, 70 SIMP Road household items, baby items. ' to Multi Circuits. July 20, i22. Rain July 27,28,29.9 TAGSAU ALUMINUM Sheets used as 14 Webster Lane, Hebron, m T H I G N i ____ July 21st. & 22nd., 9 to 4. a.m. Snowblower, lawn- OVERSIZED RAISED nUKH printing plates, .007 thick mower, lawnsweeper, s o m e t n h n n m o B iT - DIRECTORY 23x32”, 25 cents each or 5 for Clean quaUty Itema. J4 ft x 48 Inch •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 bedrooms, formal dining room and more! $69,900. TAG SALE - Old and new. refrigerator, records, tapes, eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeae $1. Phone 643-2711. Must be sleeping bag, many household pool, Z anowblowen, air con- Poimbtg-Poperlng 32 Building ConlraeUng 33 Ellington Road to Sullivan Avenue, to Graham Road icked up before 11 a.m. Glass, tools, gadgets and Sonleeo OHorod 37 Borvleoo OHorod 31 things. Priced to sell. Satur­ items. dltioocr, mounted Urea, jewelry, to Steep Road, look for signs. SINLY. toya, houaewarea. turnlture, PAINTING Exterior & NEWTON SMITH - day & Sunday July 21st & ItTTEimOII HONKOWIillSlir TREE & SHRUB PLANTING TAG SALti- July 21st. i clothing, much mlKCllaneoui. I n te r io r Q u a lity Remodeling, Repairs, Rec 22nd. 10 AM to 4 PM. 362 Hart­ and care; other gardening Workmanship at Very Rooms. "No Job Too Small.” ARRUDA&BARCOMB ford Road, Manchester. 22nd., 8:30 to 4, 64 Woodland Saturday and Sunday, M Rain or Quality ReHnlshlng jobs done by Horticulture stu- Street. “ Must See To ahlne. No earlyhlrda. 17 Oik dent. Shrub plantings Reasonable Rates! Call Rick Call 6463144. CAUIN rrt. COUNTERS, for Free Estimate. 6466709, 644-8000 644-1539 MUST SEE! LADIES SHOES- TAG SALE - Saturday July Believe.” Street, South Wlndaor loti Kelly WOODWORK A FLOO R* designed. Very reasonable Road. Just passed Vernon Circle after 5 p.m. ^uafeTpportunlty... choice commerclal/lndustrlal All styles. Small Sizes. 21st, 10 - 4. 86 North Street. HOMES • APARTMENTS charge. Careful work. Please and Free Spirit Loongel call 6^1528. Rooftng-SIdIng-ChImnoy 34 building on the corner of Woodbrldge Street and Clothing and accessories. 389 Furniture, depression glass, ...667-3643 PAINTING- Interior & g f Autoo For Solo 67 Fortes Street, East Hartford. mirrors, Avon amd more. Autoo For Bolo SI Autoo For Bolo East Middle Turnpike. COMPLETE LAWN Exterior. Airless Spray. □ AUTOMOTIVE Please call 5^2645. TAG SALE - Sunday July Roofing. Reasonable. Insured. BIDWELL HOME Improve­ The building consists of slightly less than 10,000 CAM TREE SERVICE - Free MAINTENANCE! Mowing, 1973 CHEVELLE MAUBU V- DREAM OF OWNING A 22nd. 9-4. Must sell. Fur­ 3 FAMILY TAG SALE____ • July estimates, discount senior Edging, Hedges & Shrubs Free Mtlmates. Call 646-4010, ment Co. Expert installation SECOND CAR FOR TOWN square feet, has all the utilities, two heating Homeo For Solo 23 DINING ROOM SET - 5 TAG SALE- July 21st., 10 to 5., niture, TV, toys, kitchenware 8. 4 doors, runs well, Homot For Solo 23 21st, 10 - 5. Julily 22nd; - 10 - 2. citizens. Company Trimmed. Weed St Pest Con­ 6465747. of aluminum siding gutters Autoo For Bolo 67 DRIVING? T-Bird, 1974, systems, a sprinkler system. High ceilings. At pre­ chairs, table and buffet. Household items, clothes, pic­ etc. 118 M McKee Street, automatic, P.S.iB., wired for tures. 23 Wentworth Drive, Furniture, books. TV Manchester-owned and trol. Reasonable, reliable. and trim. Roofing installation 1968 VW CONVERTIBLE- Not Showroom condition. sent It Is approximately % rented and there are no M A N CH ESTER - BY Refrigerator and stove. Call Manchester. Building Controcting 33 CB. 6460252. East Hartford. household goods, instruments, operate. Call 646-1327. 647-9260. and repairs 646^95, 871-2323. running. Good transmission, Completely done over and OWNER. 3 bedroom Cape, 646-3327. items. 57 Nor- tires, clutch and battery. $200 leases In effect. new kitchen, lovely yard. many quality iter 1973 VW SUPER BEETLE- 31 maintained by Filloramo TAG SALE- Moving from man Drive,- ■ 1, East 1Hartlord. WILL BABYSIT IN MY WES ROBBINS Carpentry firm. Please call Dave at 649- Construction Company. Brand In addition to this parcel, there Is a “C" zone lot $M’s. By appointment. 643- DELIVERING DARK LOAM TAG SALE- Saturday July REWEAVING burn holes. remodeling specialisi. Ad­ mpg. AM-FM radio. $1850. i i i i O m 21st„ 9 to 4. in Cedar Street, state. July 21 and 22,9 AM-on. Zippers, umbrellas repaired. HOME days. Vicinity of 0872. new paint job. $1300. 643-9508, across the street that Is used for parking. 9380. No agents. - 5 yards, $40 plus tax. Also 149 Roxbury Road, East Hart- q SALE ditions, rec rooms, dormers, SPECIALIZING cleaning and 1967 CHEVROLET - 2 door Call 6469200 or 872-7775. flEA U O R S sand, gravel and stone. 643- Manchester. 5 families. Fur­ July 21st. & Window shades, Venetian Moriarty Brothers. Call 649- or 649-8229. This presents an excellent set-up for the type of ford, off Brewer Street. 22nd., 10 to 3. 170 Hlllianl built-ins, bathrooms, repairing chimneys, roofs, Sedan. New muffler and 9504. niture, household items and blinds. Keys. TV FOR RENT. 1179 anjmme. new room. Free estimates. 30 battery. Best Reasonable operation where you can manufacture and sell ... Bolton Miscellaneous household Street, Manchester. Marlow's, 867 Main St. 649- kitchens, 6463446. 1979 PINTO RUNABOUT - SPLIT LEVEL - 7 rooms, 2 toys. items, square dance clothes. years Experience. Howley, Offer. Call 6462161. Automatic transmission. 3,900 MERCURY BOBCAT 1976. 4 such as a cabinet shop, or a printing shop, storm N EW LIS TIN 6 CHAIN FALLS, Up and dye 5221. PolnOng-Poporlng 32 baths, 3 bedrooms. Im­ TAG SALE - Saturday and CUSTOM Carpentry - homes. 6465361. WANTED JUNK AND LATE miles. Factory warrantee cylinder, standard transmis­ View the entire valley maculate condition. Heated set, electric welder, acetylene TAG SALE - SATURDAY Additions, Repairs, Cabinets. sion. 31,000 miles. $2350. Call windows and screens, etc. outfit, aluminum ladder, ONLY. July 21st. Corner Sunday July 21 i 22. 10 - 4, 3 ODD JOBS DONE - Cellars, PAINTING - Interior and m o d e l w r e c k s - Cash left. $3675. Call after 4:30,566 from this 3 bedroom home. garage, cast iron baseboard Call Gary Cushing 3462009. 7835. 6461264. To Inspect this property, please contact BILL Stone fireplace. 2 baths. 2 trailer tires, new electric Autumn and Wellington. families. Bathroom sink, attics, garages, yards exterior, paperhanging, Paid. Call Parker Street Used radiation. Blue stone coffee table, inside doors, air ROOD at; car garage with workshop, fireplace, intercom, beautiful­ generator, electric lawn- Everything from furniture to TAG SALE - Saturday only. cleaned, moving. excellent work references. Auto Parts, Inc. 6463391. conditioner and much more. tnicking.Loam for sale. Lawn Free estimates. Fully in­ TIMOTHY J. CONNELLY WE PAY $10 for complete a barn, woods and fenc^ ly landscaped. Complete mower. Evenings, 633-7060. toys. July 21. 9 - 3. 163 Main Street, Carpentry and general con­ ROOFER WILL InsUll roof, Manchester. Moving - Many 86 Branford Street, service. No job too big or sured. Martin Matson, 649- siding or gutter for low dis­ junk cars. Call Joey at Tolland BONNEVILLE 1969 - Huge 26 T. J. Crockett, Realtors fields. Ideal for horses on 6 recreation compound, 20x40 Manchester. tracting. Residential and Auto Body. 5261990. gallon gas tank. Automatic. in-ground pool, Cabana, HUMMEL CHRISTMAS TAG SALE- 3 family. Bunk items. small. 568-8522. 4431. commercial. Whether it be a count price. Call Ken at 647- 643-1577 acres. PLATES - 1971 through 1979 beds, TV, Franklin Stove, 1566. Tremendous______trunktru space. ______HKtoMhWlMntan- Malibu lights, flowered Aqua TAG SALE- Saturday July QUALITY PAINTING and small repair job. a custom WE PAY TOP PRICES for Only 58,000 miles. $900. 646 slide, sundrellas, redwood with duplicate 1977. $28M. 646- more! July 21, 22, Dawn 'til TAG SALE- Saturday July BRICK, BLOCK. STONE. built home or anything in 4288. Dusk. 119 Robert Drive, South 21st., 10 to 4, 174 Greenwood 21st., 9:30 to4:30. Kitchen set, Fireplaces, concrete. Paper Hanging by Willis wrecked and junk cars. A & B 1294 after 5 PM. LYNCH HOWLAND REALTORS privacy fence. 3 driveways between, call 6461379.. 2 buffer, and miscellaneous Auto Salvage, used auto parts. plus much more! Group I, Windsor. Drive, Manchester "Rain or Chimney repairs. No lob too Schultz. Fully insured BEST TIME TO GET YOUR MANCHE8TEP, CONN. household items. Route 85 small, ^ v e! Call 644-8356 for references. 649-4343. ROOF DONE NOW before the Call Tony 6466223. GREMLIN 1974 - Runs well. 643-1108 Philbrick Agency, 646-4200. Shine” , CARPENTRY St MASONRY - EAST COAST REALTY TAG SALE - Saturday 10 - 3. Bolton. estimates. price increase! Top quality $1000. Please call 742-9514. If This Emblem Isn’t O n Your C ar - AStW PAINTING Contrac­ Additions and Remodeling. materials used; all work 1973 TORINO - 302, Runs You Probably Paid Too Much. COZY and Cle Glasstop coffee table, old Free estimates. Call Anthony OVERSIZED CAPE- 6 rooms, CRAFTSMAN 10 INCH maple nighchair, some an­ TWO FAMILY TAG SALE - tors. Quality painting and guaranteed. Call Rainmaster, excellent. Must sell, 1975 CAMARO LT - Power front to back living room with MANCHESTER - SIX ROOM Squillacote 6460811. RADIAL ARM SAW - Barely tiques and miscellaneous. 234 Saturday July 21st. 10 - 5. Rain EXPERT PAINTING and paper hanging at reasonable 6460447. sacrificing! Any reasonable brakes, power steering, ralley fireplace, formal dining room, CAPE 2-car detached garage, used with Dado and moulding Center Street, opposite Mr. or Shine. 29 Westminster rates. Fully insured. Free offer over $1450. Call after wheels. Very good condition. eat-in kitchen, first floor laun­ large treed lot, completely LANDSCAPING Specializing im o *4595 heads and accessories, $300. Steak. Road, Manchester. in Exterior House Painting. Estimates. Call Wayne 649- 3:30 p.m., 6461150, 5266063. Stereo tape deck. Call 728-4107 1978 CHVY MONTI dry, 3 bedrooms. Garage. reifecorated. Principals only. Call before 2 PM. 647-1599. BARN SALE- Saturday July CARPENTER - Repairs, before 4:30 or 6462539 after 5 V-e, auto., P.S., 12,000 ml. Beautifully landscaped, Tree pruning, spraying, remodeling, additions, gar­ Hootlng-Plumblng 35 $59,900. 643-8298. 21st., starting at 7:00 a.m. An­ TAG SALE- Rain or shine. 8 to mowing, weeding. Call 742- 1977 DODGE VAN- Florida p.m. private lot. $58,500. Group 1, ENCLYOPEDIAS- The New tiques, Collectable, and Junk. 6. Friday, Saturday i Sunday, PERSONAL Paperhanging ages, roofing. Call David Customized, in and out. 14 Philbrick Agency, 646-4200. TAG SALE- Saturday July 7947. Patria, 644-1796. SEWERLINES, sink lines, Book of Knowledge, plus 21st., 10 to 2. Hockey equip­ 1932 International Farm 116 Hill Street. East Hartford. for particular people, by Dick. cleaned with electric cutters, miles per gallon on regular i97$TOYOTUONii8EDniaaiP *4695 BY OWNER - Low $60’s. New­ Enclyopedia International. Truck. Antique Car Parts, An­ Salt St Peppers, dolls, and Calf 643-5703 anytime. fuel. Loaded with extras in­ FIAT X19 1974 - Excellent ment, toys, books, ''stuff n by professionals. McKinney condition! Great gas mileage! 4 s p .-12,000 ml. ly redecorated 3 bedroom $125. Please call 646-3810. things” . 201 Henry Street. tique Stove, Old Cream many miscellaneous items. FIRST CLASS CARPENTRY Bros. Sewage Disposal Com­ cluding Factory Air! Low Cape, full dormer, 2 full ED'S LIGHT TRUCKING - PAINTING BY DAN SHEA - mileage. One owner. Call after 5 p.m., 6468207. Separator, Wagon Wheels, Attics St Cellars cleaned. For - ^modeling and Additions. pany, 643-5308. baths, fireplace, rec-room TOILET & MEDICINE Remains of Horse Drawn Fire Quality craftsmanship at low Excellent condition. Over 1978TIHNSMITk *6695 T bedroom aluminum sided Cape TAG Sa l e - 162 spencer TAG SALE - 15 Stephen free estimate, call 646-1943. Kitchens and Rec Rooms. 35 VOLKSWAGEN 1975 - 2 door Manchester vicinity.------with wood stove option. Nice CABINET. Good condition. Street, Manchester, Sunday 10 Wagon, Household Items, prices. Call 646-5424. $14,000 invested. A real 4 8D., hatch roofs, 10,000 ml. Cod, Immaculate contractors home, garage, covered RCAUORS private yard, garage. No Suitable for cottage or boat. Street, Saturday 9 AM. Fur­ years experience! For Free sedan. Excellent condition, to 5. Concrete paint, Ap^iances, Toys, Tables, Estimates, call 646-4239. NO JOB TOO SMALL - Toilet bargain for $7495. Must be porch, now roof, must see, $50’s. agents please. 649-0854. Please call 643-6540. Bikes, Furniture. 299 Oakland niture. electric stove, toys, PROFESSIONAL PAINTING seen. Call 6460421. radio, steel belted radials Tupperware and mis­ WILL CLEAN CELLARS. At­ repairs, plugged drains, with 2 mounted snows. $2795. Street. odds and ends. - Interior and exterior. 1977CElKllli/TCI10PE *5095 “OPEN HOUSE” WILLINQTON - 2 Family. 5 & 3. cellaneous items. Cancelled if tics and haul away scrap iron. FARRAND REMODEUNG - kitchen faucets replaced, 6466497. BOLTON- 2 - 4 Bedroom RAINBOW VACUUM with Coiiunercial and residential. repaired, rec rooms, 1%9 PONTIAC CUSTDM 350. 5 sp., A/C new roof, wiring, plumbing, deep cleaning Power Nozzle, rain. TAG SALE- Movins FREE OF CHARGE Call 644- Cabinets and Formica Tops. heating system. 2 baths on 2 acres. Ranch. Oil heat, fireplace, TAG SALE- Sunday July Free estimates. Fully in­ bathroom remodeling, heat Excellent running condition, SHERIDAN HEIGHTS everything must be solo 3234 Roofing, Gutters, Room Ad­ $50,000 acre, 1 1/2 baths. $55,000. Like new! Please call 646- TAG SALE- July 21st,, i 22nd., 10 to 6.136 Birch Street, sured. 646-4879. modernization, etc. Free automatic transmission, Bolton, Connecticut Offers considered. Owner. 3125. Manchester. Saturday £ Sunday July 21st. ditions. Decks. All types of power steering and radio. 19761EMHIS *3195 22nd., 10 to 4. Household L 22nd., 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. 137 Remodeling and Repairs. Estimate gladly given. M i M We will be at the property to answer your questions 649-5298. items, antiques, upright P A IN T IN G DONE BY Plumbing St Heating. 6462871. New battery, new body work. 4 dr. 260 V-8, A/C, AM-FM, pow. wind., MANCHESTER • 6 & 6 2 Family, Deepwood Drive. and to show you the remaining available lots. WOOD PICTURE FRAME freezer, electric dryer and TAG SALE- Saturday only. WILL CUT TOEES - Qean EXPERIENCED PAINTER - Phone 6436017. 5662646. 1971 TORINO - Showroom 41,000 ml. new roof, wiring, plumbing. 2 18X22, $7. Grill on wheels $8, Manenester. condition. Air conditioning, Saturday, July 21 1-4 pm. much more! 50 Ardmore July 21st. Miscellaneous and Land. Remove Brush. Free Quality work at reasonable 36 healings systems, GHWBB, Coffee St End Tables $20, Estimates Call before3 p.m.. prices. Free estimates. Call F lo o rin g new tires. 57,000 original Sunday, July 22 1-4 P.m. recently painted, 2 car garage and Road, Manchester. Lawnmowers. 10 to 4. Wales Barbells $18, 2 large Anchors Road. Andover. MANCHESTER KNIGHTS 6466464. Tom. 6436462. LEON CIESZYNSKI miles. Call 6463544. 1975 FORD ORMUM *3195 Directions: Route 6 to Bolton Center Rd follow this to much remodeling- $53,900. & Bouy $M. Diving Equip­ OF COLUMBUS TAG SALE- BUILDER- New Homes, Ad­ FLOOR SANDING St 4 dr., 6 cyl., auto., A/C, stereo, 30,000 ml. Bolton Center, boar loft staying on Bolton Center Rd. MANCHESTER BY OWNER- TAG SALE- Good used fur­ REFINISHING - Floors like TOP CASH for junk or ment, (fins, mask, gloves, TAG SALE - Saturday 10-4. August 18th.. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. EXPERIENCED PAINTING ditions. Remodeling, Rec 1967 PON'HAC CATALINA-17 Turn right on Brandy St., Sheridan Heights will be on Custom Built Duplex. Brick niture. Lighting fixtures. Rent your own space, $10. new! Specializing in older wrecked cars. Call Blonder's MANCHESTER - Immaculate 6 knife), old rocker $10. 649- Drapes, household items. Toys, clothes, camp stove. 209 DRIVEWAY SEALING By Craig Odgen. Quality Rooms, Garages, Kitchens mpg. Good running condition. your right. _ _ _ ^ room Cape, 2 or 3 bedrooms in front. Aluminum siding. 3 1104. Refresnments available. Call Workmanship! Interior and Remodeled, Ceilings, Bath floors. Natural and stained ol Hartford - 522-4414. I^n y new parts. $200. 566 1978CHMR0 *5995 Saturday St Sunday 9 to 4. 22 Grissom Road, Manchester. Protects and Beautifies Your floors. No waxing anymore. desirable Bowers School area. bedrooms each. Large Leo McNamara 646-6724. Driveway! Ezperienced and Exterior. “ You Tried The Tile. Dormers, 3369, after 5:30 p.m. L/T black, 4 sp., loaded, 12,000 miles. Applianced kitchen, private lot. fireplaced living rooms. 30 ft. Carter Street, Bolton. Starcraft camper. John Verfaille, 6^5750 after 6 1979 MUSTANG - 6 cylinder, 4 528-9668_____ short walk to all schools. Asking Reasonable! Free Elstlmates. Rest, Now Stick With The Roofing.Residential or finished Rec Room with bar. 2 Best. " Call 6496749, 74^9979. Commercial. 649-4291, PM. spete. Loaded, 23 mpg city, 28 $61,900 car garage. Large enclosed Call Art. 649-3061. mpg highway. Please call 646 19759MCVMRI0IIA $peizal*3995 23 0, auto., P.S., carpets, wheels, stereo.. Homes F or Solo Homes For Sale 23 yard and garden, with YOUNGSTOWN KITCHEN MANCHESTER • One of a kind 7>i greenhouse. “OPEN HOUSE" CABINETS FOR SALE- Good TWO 16 " 8 LUG FORD RIMS DAILY RENTAL MANCHESTER - Just listed! 3'/2 a c r e s GEORGIAN rm. all brick Colonial Cape. Im­ Saturday, 11 to 6, 247 Oak condition. Need paint. Call Muticol Instruments 44 Aportments For flont S3 Aportmonts For Seol S3 ...... Wonted to Rent 57 maculate condition, applianced with tires. $70.00 firm. Please Large 7 room Cape in quiet COLONIAL 8 rooms, front to Street. 646-0071. 643-0062, Aportmonto For Ron! S3 OfflcM-StoTM Tor Ron! ** oWcoa-Storoa tor Rent so AND LONG TERM LEASING setting. 3 to 4 bedrooms, first back, living room, formal kitchen. I‘z baths. 2 car garage. FREE CASE with all 1/2 FOUR ROOMS on first floor. call Dave at 649-0872. PONTIAC $62,900 WANTED TO RENT - FOUR 1975 LINCOLN floor family room, fireplace, dining room, first floor FORCED HOT AIR price Guitars with this ad. On bus line. Appliances. MANCHESTER - Main Street MANCHESTER- 3 ROOM OFFICE, EXCELLENT modem office available. 400 ROOMS by quiet refined cou­ CONTINENTAL - 4 door. 1974 MALIBU CLASSIC - 6 siding, double garage, lull lireplaced family room. 4 FURNACE- Some age but fine Rivers Music. 7 Main Street, Carpeted. Adults. No pets. LOCATION! Good Traffic 646-4321 basement, much more. The bedrooms, finished rec-room Lots-Lend tor Sole 24 APARTMENT ■ Heat, elec­ sq. ft. Heat, AC included. Call ple in forties. 6469882. Keep Town car. Excellent running cylinder, 2 door hardtop, MANCHESTER • One floor living. ______working order. Four burner New Britain. 225-1977. Open til Security. Lease. References Exposure! Heat, air. parking, trying. ______condition. 46,000 miles. 5 new Hayes Corporation. 646-0131. in basement with fireplace. 2 Convenient location. 100 x 150 lot, 2 required. P arking $250. Call tricity, parking. No pels 6^2469 or 6462755. showroom condition. $2100. natural gas stove, brown. Fine 9 p.m. janitor $100 per month. Call Michelins. $5,500. 6463648 or Please call 649-1378. car garage. $89,900. Group I, full baths, attached garage, ★ older wardrobe. 649-5547. A STAR ABOVE YOUR AD alter 4 p.m. 6490TO. Security deposit. $205 . 644- Philbrick Agency Realtors. private lot. $63,900. 9245. 6465334 PROFESSIONAL PERSON 646-4143 TROMBONE- In excellent Could help to sell your items Resort Property WITH FAMILY WISHES to 646-4200. condition. Buescher. with faster, rent your room quicker PLEASANT QUIET com­ F o r R oot 56 BY OWNER - Approximately OLD BUTCHER BLOCK $50. FOUR ROOM APARTMENT rent 2 or 3 bedroom arartment O l i D I L MANCHESTER • Immaculate 7*-i oversized case. $250. Call 649- and bring you tetter results! pletely renovated 4 Room PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS by August 1st. 647-1491. rm. Custom Gambolli built brick 3-acre approved building lot. H u tc h , w a ln u t fin is h , 7085 anytime. /tok the Herald Classified Ad Apartment. First floor. - Second floor. Newly ANDOVER LAKE- Water­ REAUORS Cape. 2 baths, w w carpeting, cen­ Perc tested, engineer sur- excellent condition $1W. New decorated. Stove, OFFICE BUILDING - Ap­ laker about details. Put the Nuture, responsible adults on­ proximately 2600 square feet, front. 3 bedrooms. Available SEPTEMBER - Duplex tral air 3 car garage $77,900. veyed. Ready to build. Brandy B-13 Steel Radial Firestone VIOLIN- Used only 3 times. STAR to work for you! Phone ly. No pets. Security. Call 649- refrigerator, disposall. Rear now thru end of August. $175 U with ample parking. Close to without appliances, married Street, Bolton. Call 742-636, 721 Tire. $35. 643-181A______Excellent condition. $90.00. 643-2711. 5897 after 6 p.m. porch. Heat. Parking for 2 weekly. Call 6462871, or 646 MANCHESTER cars. Limited basement center, howital and new court couple Main Street area. BOLTON IMPRESSIVE THREE- Investment Property 25 SEWING MACHINE ZIG­ Call 643-4762. building. For info, call 566 7605. After 5 PM.. 647-9723. Drive by 156 Waranoke Rd ZAG. Good condition. Recent­ RESPONSIBLE storage. Older mamed couple 3.6 acre building lot with BEDROOM COLONIAL - only. No children or pets. 7658. or 871-0401. Westwood II, less than 1 year Manchester and give this 9 rm,, 5 ly all overhauled. 289-9130. JEWETT PIANO FOR SALE- ROOMMATE WANTED on WEST DENNIS, MASS - Nice­ brook. Excellent for bedroom, 3 baths Contemporary $200 or best offer. Call busline. Excellent area. Lease. Security deposit ly furnished 3 Bedroom Cot­ old. Large family room with Split on a acre of park like ATTRACTIVELY PANELED required. $300 monthly. 646 MARRIED COUPLE looking horses $27,900. fireplace and sliaers to deck. WHEELCHAIR - Walker, ANYTIME, 649-0621. Available August 1st. Call 643- tage. $225 weekly. Available for small house or duplex with grounds a good look. This house is - 2- and 3-room apartments. 0496, after 6 p.m. 5073. llQi. Call 6466760. 3 other acre lots. $16,900 Eat-in kitchen, formal dining versatile enough to accommodate INVESTMENT Stroller Chair St Baby Stove, refrigerator, heal. one older obedient dog. 646 each. room. 2Vz baths. 2-car garage. either a large or small family. In Carriage, All in good eondi- A n ilq u e e 40 Adults, references, no pets. PROFESSIONAL WOMAN- 3464. ______Vinyl-sided. $89,900. Call 646- fact it would be ideal for an in-law PROPERTY tion. Reasonable. Call 643------WEST STREET- 4 rooms, se­ 57 situation The amenities are too $205 . 646-3167. 228-3540. cond floor of 2 family, on bus Mid 40s wants to share apart­ Wonted to Rent WANTED: Apartment or “Meniber All Points Rdocstion" 7686. 151,900-6-6 duplex with 9473. WANTED:: Antique...... furniture,...... ment or house with same. numerous to mention here. Call for separate heating glass, pewter, oil paintingsI or line. Available August 1st. 64>- MANCHESTER - New Office small house to rent. details and an Appt. EAST HARTFORD - 3 rooms, Have own furnishing. KEITH REAL ESTATE SUPER CLEAN 7 ROOM systems. Three AIR CONDITIONER- 6000 other antique items. “ 7287 after 6 p.m. ^ c e available, in central Manchester, Bolton or Coven­ second floor in older house. Manchester and vicinity. Send try area. Preferrable with COLONIAL at only $62,900. BTU for casement or sliding Harrison, 643-8709. Quiet non-smoking, middle- Business Location. Ap­ THREE BEDROOM - 2 646-4126 good sized windows. Used one season. MANCHESTER replies to: Box A, c/o proximately 250 square feet. garage. 6463478,9 - 5, Monday Walk to busline, shopping and bedrooms, im­ aged working person M ^h ester Herald. children. No pets. Will give school. 3 bedrooms, V/z baths, $150. 649-4279 after 5 PM. FURNISHED - Two Room Ef­ Carpeting, air coixtitioning. references. Need by August thru Friday or 295-0376 from 6 LOMBARDO provements Boots-Accessories 45 preferred. References, ficiency. All utilities. Quiet Calf 8467000, 9 a.m. to 4:30 12'xl8’ deck. Energy efficient security, lease required. 568- T H R E E ROOM 1st. CaU 6465434 anytime. PM to 11 PM. appliances. Hardwood floors. made. DRYER $75.- Sewing Machine location. $200 plus security p.m. and 1975 PROLINE 20 FOOT 9018. r-.n .iiLeoqi/ . . f - . ------a pa r t m e n t - With heat, Aluminum siding. 3*’2 years ASSOCIATES $SS,000-Four room single with cabinet $50. Call 649-1179 hot water, stove, refrigerator, New Knit Book old. Principals only. No anytime. CENTER CONSOLE- With family and 5-4 two 1977 115 HP. Evinrude Motor. carpet. $225. Adults only. No agents. 646-5416. by appoint­ 649-4003 family located in pets. Third floor. Centrally B B ltl— — ^ ^ ment only after 5 p.m. Trailer, anchor, compass, CB, SENIOR CITIZEN HOUSINO Vernon. Call for built in 40 gallon gas tank, located. Security deposit. Call details. extra 6 gallon tank. Boat has FLORENCE NULL. VERNON. CONNECTICUT 6467690. $79,000-Manchester - LESLIE SPEAKER- Used lit­ new bottom paint, and is in SECTION 8 RENTAL ASSISTANCE a l l BILLS PAID - One Unique opportuni­ tle, like new. With complete water. Bougnt larger boat. attaching kit. Please call 649- $5,000 complete. 742-7668. Imagineers, Inc., located at 179 Allyn Street, Hartford, bedroom. 3 rooms, has ty - 6-6 duplex plus 7862 evenings, keep trying. Connecticut will accept applications for residency at yipliances. Just $180. (347-2). 5 room single 1972 M ERCURY 10 HP R ^ tal Assistors. small fee. home, all with the rehabilitated Florence Mill four story apartment 2365646. _____ DIVAN. AVACADO GREEN MOTOR- Long shaft. With gas separate furnace. tank. $350. Call 646-3444, or building. Tenants will be selected from applicants 66” , GOOD CONDITION. ava ila ble now - Spacious Gwxl investment. $140. Maple dresser Mirror 20 646-2491. whose annual incomes do not exceed $10,600 for an in­ Call for details 5 room with porch, garage and CARS 1/2- 31" -$30. Old Oak Table 24 dividual and $12,100 for a family of two. Rent Wanted to Buy 49 fenced in yard. $195. (324-3). X 36” - needs refinishing - $25. payments will be based upon income and will general­ Rental Assistors. small fee. Call 649-7224. GROUP 1 ly be 257o of household income. Preliminary applica­ 2365646.______RIDE NEEDED TO MANCHESTER ZINSSER AGENCY tions will be mailed beginning July 30.1979. To obtain KIDS OK - Nice 2 bedroom MEMORIAL HOSPITAL from 93 Lydall Dogs-BIrds-Pets 43 an application please call or write Imagineers (247- with carpel and appliances. Street, round trip. Hours 3:00 to 11:30 p.m. 646-1511 2318) on or before July 30,1979. Applications may not (284-4). Rental Assistors, WANTED Call mornings or early afternoons, 649-9907. AKC SHELTIE - 2 male pups. small fee. 2365646. WANTED - Moving into an be postmarked sooner than August B, 1979, and should Sable and white. Champion apartment and need a kitchen quality and temperament. 643- table. Would like an old round be sent to 179 Allyn Street, Suite 602, Hartford, Connec­ KIDS AND PETS OK - 3 FREE CLASSIFIEDS 7268. oak table even if it needs to be ticut 06103. For further information, applicants may b^rooms with appliances R eal Estate Wanted 28 plus yard. Just $155. (350-4). , TOP CASH PAID refinished. 742-8636. A COMPLETE BOARDING caU 247-2318. Rental Assistors, small fee. ISMALIONES-BIGONES-INTERMEDIATE! FOR CAR POOUNG ALL CASH For your property, FACILITY for dogs and cato Eqiuil Opportunity Housing 2365646. 2 within 24 hours. Avoid Red Dog grooming.^...... ^ All health Tape, Instant Service. Hayes guard” maintenance. Ultra­ MANCHESTER - 2 biedrMm •3 LINES Corp. 646-0131. violet germicidal lights. duplex apartment. Parking. Canine Holiday Inne, 200 Laundry hook-up. Availabfe •3 DAYS SELLING your house? Call us Sheldon Road, Manchester. August 1st. $250 monthly. 646 NO RED T A P E - first and we'll make you a 646-5971. TRAINS AND TOYS - Lionel, 6878. cash offer! T.J. Crockett, Ives, Flyer, Marklin. Any age, TO BE ELIGIBLE: Realtor, 643-1577. SEVEN-YEAR-OLD lastic or metal. Also dolls, Homos lor Rent 54 I REGISTERED HALF &oats, trucks, etc. prc-1950, Vlvl«nda» Para Anclanoa RRING TITLE- MAY WE BUY your home? ARABIAN GELDING - Red 568-0925. SPACIOUS THREE • must need ride to and from with white blaze and rear Floranca Mill, Varnon, Connacticut BEDROOM HOUSE with I 0 Quick, fair, all cash and no work problem. Call Warren E. stockings. 649-8355. Aalatencia de alquiler da la Sacclon 8 fireplace, 2(A baths and lots ■ Howland. Realtors. 643-1108. □ RENTALS more. ( 368-3 ). Rental LEAVE WITH CASH FREE - OWNER MOVING. Imagineers, Inc. localizada en el 179 de la calle Allyn Assistors, small fee. 2365646. • want to drive others or Must find good home for dog. en la eiudad de Hartford, Connecticut aceptara Q-127 52 40 Setter-Retriever, 2 years old, floomi tor Rant solicitudes de recidencia para apartamentos en el THREE BEDROOM HOUSE - This handy l0 touare feel, center of H t« Tort. N.Y. 10036 RETREIVERS. 7 weeks old, 2 APARTMENT and HOUSES lanchester, air con- , For Rent. We have 100s of ren­ antes de Agosto 8,1979, y pueden ser enviadas a : Call 643-2711 FRIGIDAIRE 17 CUBIC males left. Call 642-7853. ultianingUtiqning andanc parking. SUBURBAN MOTORS priat Name. Address with ZIP ask tor Tina or Joe tals in all Areas, Prices and Call|643-ffi5l. COSE. FOOT. Excellent condition. 10 ENGLISH SPRINGER Sizes. Call Rental Assistors, Imagineers, Inc. 1979ALRUM with a 32-page years old. $75. 633-5361 after 6 SPANIEL - AKC. 4 males. 236-5646. Small Fee. RT. 83 • (MANCHESTER • TALCOTTVILLE TOWN LINE) “Gift Section” with full p.m. 179 Allyn Street Reasonable, 872-0877 after 5 466 MAIN STREET. North of directions. Price ... $2.00 PM. 474 MAIN STREET - Second fe r Hartford, Conn. 06103 ALSO TRtSE BOOKS AT $1J S EACH. Post office, about 5,000 sq. ft. NO PHONE QUOTES - COME ON IN!! g h e H e r a t i i floor. 3 room heated apart­ jpjgsea Igualdad de oportunidades de Viviendas of centrally located space. Nt. R-IIB-BLUE RIBBOil QUILTS. FREE KITTENS! Adorable ment. No appliances, no pets. C M talti ilitten terety Qolltt. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Para mas informacion los solicitantes Ideal for store, office or other N i. 6 - 1 1 7 - QUILTS ON PARADE. MAGIC CHEF 30 INCH lovable and cuddly! 1 black, 1 Security, tenant insurance pueden telefonear a el numero 247-2318. business or commercial use. DlrtctlMS far sixteen niilU . AVOCADO GAS RANGE - tri color. Please call 649-3280 required. $^/monthly. Call Call 6462426 65 pm. M . O -lll-C R A N O M O TH E R 'S FLOW­ anytime. 646-2426 from 9 - 5. ER RUILTt. 16 fasclnatiai quilts. Good condition. $100. 643-8238. EVENING HERALD. Fri.. July 20.1979 — PAGE NINETEEN. PAGE KIOHTEKN - EVENING HERALD. Fri., July 20, 1979 V'PunutB — ChariM M. Schulz C tm ptn- Antwer to Prsvloui Punia X u M t For Solo SI Truck* for Solo 82 Uoiorcyclot-BIcyelo* 84 88 DirBctoty of Contactors ACROSS 2 Hierology M M Io HHomo* e 88 Mobil* Homo* 88 3 Ship't FOUR SUPER PROWLER CHEVY- 1/2 TON C-10 MOTORCYCLE 1966 CHEVY CAMPER VAN- 1976 PUMA P O P U P U/£ CAN'T VISIT CHUCK JUST FOR THAT lilElL 60 iTSAWEa-KNOWNFACT, 1 Dawn (Sp.) crewm(mb«r ELIMINATORS - 2 G-60's and PICKUP-SUndard 6 cylinder, INSURANCE Lowest Rates Very good condition. Many CAMPER- Stove, Ice box. Dear Abby MARCIE.THATA PATIENT 5 Saawatd 4 Toward tha BECAUSEli/EXE TOO ACROSS THE STREET AMP 9 Daaart region Itam 2 L-60's. 15 inch. JI50. 649-1542 6 toot 6” stepside, with cap. Available! Immediate Bin- MOTORHOMES extrasr Call 6 3 3 4 ^ . Sleeps 6. Like brand new! SIT0NAMRK6ENCHANP UILL RECOVER FASTER IF HE mornings. $700. After 5 p.m. 649-3423. dlng.Sunny Day Option. Call $2000. Call 643-9200, or 872- WUN6? RATS' of ahifting 5 SIghti UNLIMITED By Abigail Van Burenj aand 6 Loam dapoail Joan, at Clarke Insurance 7775. STARE UPAT HIS ROOM! fCNOlilSAFRIENPiSSIARINS UP AT HIS ROOM 12 Social club 7 Racket ftrlng 1977 CHEVY 3/4 TON Agency, 643-1126. Rentals ANGEL PLUMBING t HEATING, PICKUP. 16,000 miles, (abbr.l - matarial 20 foot Minis, to 26 foot INC. - Phone 6430036. Box 194, laSuH lx 8 Cigar reaidua excellent condition. Frolic t4 Paper of 1969 PONTIAC STATION camper. Sleeps 4. $5500. 228- 1978 HARLEY DAVIDSON - Motorhomes. 800 miles 9 One (Gar.) Bolton, Connecticut 06040. Indabtedneai to WAGON- Good running condi­ 0084. LOW RIDER. 2500 miles, capacity. Reasonable DEAR ABBY: Twenty-five years ago, when I w u 2, my Call Q a D d u Q C l rates. All privately owned. IB Mild explarwe i . ern^ tion. New tires and muffler. 100% stock and in excellent parenta aplit up. My mother waa an alcoholic and didn't want 16 Wood alcohol □ □ □ ■ □ D O $450 firm. Please call Dave at shape. $4500. 742-8786. 289-2890 528-1101 ORLANDO ANNULL! & SONS, me. My father couldn't raiae me alone, so I was given lip for 18 Fixed 17 Convsrta- 649-0872. GENERAL CONTRACTORS- 147 adoption. ig c iA tional pause DODGE 1978 1/2 TON 883-6161 582-8843 19 Over (poetic) SUILDING AND HOME Hale Road, Manchester 644-2427. 'The only parenta I have ever known are the wonderful pradacaitor 35 Exist PICKUP - Power steering, 22 Actor March currency RENTALS "Builders Of Fine Buildings". couple who adopted me, loved me, gave me their name and a Prifcllla's Pop — Ed Sullivan 20 Rope fiber 38 Broke bread 1971 VW ■ 50,000 original AM/FM radio and other 24 Mohammedan 49 Detail 21 Pronoun' 39 Bowlika miles. Excellent condition, 2 extras. Excellent condition. good life. religion PRODUCTS WE HAVE 23 Without (Lat) curved line 51 State (Fr.) mounted snow spares. $2100, Low mileage. Call 568-4597. 1979 HARLEY DAVIDSON Recently, out of the blue, my "real" father contacted me I HSUREP our WHAT WELL, 'CUR' IS ANOTHER 2B By birth 53 Vegetable ■■■■■■ PLUMBING - 25 Years' 26 British king 41 New 1966 Buick Wagon. Many new FXS - 80-cubic-inch engine, ■ ■■■■■ ■ by telephone and said he waa coming out to meet me. I had A CURFEW le, ETHAN. NAME FOR A POG, , 26 Outer (prefix) spread •••«•••••••••••••••••••••• Experience! Call Tom Testament parts. Excellent running con­ many extras. 1800 miles. $4700 always known I waa adopted and thought it rather exciting ANPPOGS SewtE- < 33 Mine product 27 Accais 54 Keystone Dawkins at 649-7631. “Dif­ book dition. $550 643-4453. Uotorcyclet-Bicfclos 84 or best offer. Must sell. 649- to be meeting my "real" father. (wHAT^^is r r ? TIMES TRAVEL IN ' 34'Compatent 26 Challenged state (abbr.) • U M B E R •KITCHEN CABBETS ficult Jobs Taken In Stride." 43 Lubricate 4830. I'm not sure what I expected, but this man was a terrible -^ARGE PACKS. ^ 36 Hsir 30 Biblical 56 Thousandth •ElECTRICRL •M S U U T IO N nationality 45 Heron 1 972 FORD COUNTRY 1975 HONDA SUPER SPORT disappointment. He is a heavy drinker, smokes like a 37 You'IFr.) 57 Juice drink 47 Grows old SEDAN WAGON- Power 750- Kerker headers. KNN •P LU M B R ie •MNDOWS & DOORS HOUSECRAFT Is the name chimney, has had a rough life and looks it. The father who 38 Region 31 Bell sound 58 Auto club POITRAS HOME 32 Seth's son 46 Bulgarian steering, power brakes Roof fillers. Oil cooler. Much •M A S O N R Y •T O O L S when you need Alterations raised me is exactly the opposite. 30 Folksinger rack, $500. Call 649-2545 more! $1500, 643-4076 before 2 IMPROVEMENTS Of All Guthrie •P A N O IN G •BR.C0 DOORS or Remodeling. "Quality Although I feet sorry for this stranger, I don't know how p.m. Types. "Your Satisfaction Is to tactfully discourage him from wanting more of my life 40 Decorated 1 2 3 4 9 6 7 6 8 10 11 •GARDENING TOOLS •ALUMNUM SIDING Our Concern." Free Workmanship. At 42 Ethics i S E B S W j Reasonable Prices." Call than I want to give him. I'm n-own up now and have no 44 Grant 12 13 14 APPLIANCESAPPMAMrPS TELEVISIONTFiFViiQiny PATAinr.CATALOG AUDIOAiinin M •HREPUCE ACCESSORIES •OUTDOOR BUILOBIGS Estimates. Call 649-2361. 1 974 PINTO STATION 646-2020. desire for a close relationship.! don't want to shut him out 46 Congeal WAGON- Fully loaded U'L!nnrn.n.i:i r (STOVES •DRIVEWAT SEALER anytime. completely, but we have nothing in common and I see no 47 Got off IS 16 17 Excellent condition. $1600. HONDA 1969. S-90. Good con­ buia for more than a distant friendship. 50 Set 18 18 20 Call after 4 p.m . 289-7123. dition Excellent starter bike, Builders, Plumbers, Remodelers, RAY JONES PLUMBING & A UNITED CONTRACTORS How would you or your readers handle this? 62 Chop off great m.p.g. $250.00. Call Electricians, Real Estate Brokers and HEATING - Residential. In­ - M anchester. 522-9920 FOUND IN OREGON 55 Don Adams 21 22 23 24 29 before 3 PM. 643-6473. JHEW.G.GLENNEYC0. dustrial, Commercial. Dormers. Garages. Second program (2 Salesmen — Call Us tor Special Prices on THi DEAR FOUND: I weald be reapectfai tad caarteaaa, 30 31 32 1973 MERCURY MARQUIS *MANCHE8TER •GLASTONBURY "CONSERVATION Levels. Additions, wds.) 28 27 26 28 IW.G.GUNNH 330 N. Main St. 03 Habron Ava. caralally avaidiag aay pbaay eapretsiaa el attectlaa la order CaplRTn Easy — Crooka & Uw ranca BROUGHAM- 4 door Fully 1977 KAWASAKI KZ-400. your Appliance Needs and Services .... SPECIALIST." 2094 Remodeling. Enclosures. 58 Wing (Fr.) 38 loaded Good condition Best CO. 049-S253 033-4075 to malw Uai leel better. Aay pretease el leetiafa that are 33 34 as Excellent condition. Matching •ELLINGTON •WILLINOTON Manchester Road, Glaston- Family Rooms. Member sat aiacart wsald be aiere eroel tbaa klad. CAN'T SAY I ENJOY 59 Mother of offer over $1000. Call 643-8916 443-445 HARTFORD ROAD MANCHESTER mankind 37 3t 38 Shoe! Fairing, Luggage rack. m. 03 Watt Rd. Routa 44 ^ r y . 649-1983. Reiter Business Bureau. FU5H1N' A SW AB— , after 6 p m $1250. Phone 643-7438 after 5 PHONE 647-9007 ^IST 879-0213 429-0010 60 Inspiration DEAR ABBY: This is our Hrst baby, and my husband and BUT AT LEAST IT'5 WHAT DIP 40 41 42 43 PM. SOOP, HEALTHY OUT-V YOU SAY 61 Egyptian sun I couldn't be happier but, wouldn't you know it, there is a POOR WORK.-AND disk 44 46 46. problem. EASY ENUF T'POl 62 Ootective My husband absolutely, poeitively refuses to change our Spade 47 46 48 so 51 S3 S3 54 baby's diaper. 63 Latvian 98 57 SO He says he will do anything and everything in the line of 64 Vast period of S5 housework, cooking, laundry, marketing, etc., but he simply time S9 80 61 cannot bring himself to change a diaperl He says that ia a DOWN 82 63 64 EAST OF THE MVER REM. ESTATE MUIKET MOTHER'S job. 10 Abby, my husband it the dearest, sweetest, most con­ 1 Helps (NCWSFAPCn (NTfRPRISI ASSN) siderate guy in the world, but hia mind is closed on this par­ By Sue Peck ticular subject and he will not budge. What if your opinion? Real Estate Editor IRRITATED IN IDAHO \ Win at bridge TENNIS BUFFS-TAKE NDTC DEAR IRRITATED: Dlaper-cbaagiag It ao aiore a - Allay Oop — Dava Qraua ill ■otbsr'a Jab tbaa a latbar’a. Hewever, if be agrees ts da Vacation time is over and I am pleased to say I had a aad averytUag BUT. dea't baaale tba dearaat, wonderful time relaxing in the sun. eo o p M0RNV46. BH?OH,YES. NINE-PIPTEEN. sweatsat, mast coatUtrate gay b tbe warld. VOCl MOWABOLH vEd. CP course: \OU OVEI?- Gift giver gives nothing With summer in full swing, activities are on the rise. SOMBCOTW? t h a n k s , OSCAR Si-EPTi The Manchester Board of Realtors in cooperation WHAT TIME IS O n lu o ;. DEAR ABBY: A big thanks to you for warning people to rr? done?” asked West. OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1 -4 664,900 _Blier with S.A.M. (Summer Activities in Manchester) are never leave discarded refrigerators where youngsters can NORTH ‘‘Learned to play bridge,” sponsoring their annual tennis tournament. Lovely Shannon 6 rm Colonial w/Breezeway & ' It—rn nnl fcla crawl into them and suffocate before they're found. ♦ 854 replied East. "As soon as This is the sixth year for this tournament which will garage 3 BR's. fireplaced living room & private AfUr reading that item I literally ran to our garage ¥ A K Q 10 8 South put you in with that be held the week of July 23rd. The awards will be park like setting. where mine is stored and removed the door IS you sug­ ♦ 94 3 club you should have been presented on August 1st at 7:00 P.M. at the suspicious. As Vergil said, DIR: Silverlane to Oak St. left on Forest, signs posted. gested. 4 64 Manchester Board of Realtors office, 186 Center St. We have a 3-year-old and a 1-year-old, and I would never WEST EAST 'Beware the Greeks bearing iiniorrow! As in the past, the tournament is divided into three forgive mytelf U they became victims ol such a tragic acci­ P 63 4 J 10 9 2 gifts.’ South isn’t a Greek age groups — Grades 4-6, Grades 7-9, Grades 10-12. dent. I hope other readers did the same. W 764 ¥ J 9 5 2 but he gave you one of those THANKFUL MOM ♦ KQIO ♦752 Greek gifts.” TTiere are singles and doubles matches tor Doys and West had an easy way to girls. A child may play up out of his age group but not AQJ 10 98 4A3 DEAR MOM: I bepe te, toe. Bet, nabrtenaUly, aeiM wlU beat the hand. As soon as he into a younger age group in the event not enough sign SOUTH got on lead he should have up in his age group. M t Read ea iar aaatbar lUa-aavbg bttar aa that aabjact.: 4 AKQ7 led his king of diamonds, The tournament this year is being run by the Make ¥ 3 ^uth couldn’t afford to America Better Committee of the Manchester Board DEAR ABBY: A woman.wrote about her small daughter Tha Flintatonaa — Hanna Barbara Productions ♦ A J86 duck, because once South i BIpletro Dr E u t Httd. "IT S HEAVENLY HERE’’y . of Realtors (Norma Marshall, Ch , (B/W Realty), Bob being found blue and nearly Ufelesa after having been trap­ 4 K752 ducked West could cash his Open House Sat & Sun 1-4 $67,500 Sperry's Glenn — Very secluded 27 acres and three MacKenzic (Philbrick Agency) and Suzanne Crili ped for hours in an abandoned refrigerator in a neighbor's Vulnerable: East-West last two clut>s. Move right into this 6 Rm Rancher w/full basement & ponds. The perfect spot for a swimming club, "BEAUTY-QUALin-PRICE" (B/W Realty). yard- Dealer; South He also had a complicated church group, skating club, or your own vacation And not a neighbor in sight. Just great best Your odvice woo good, but porents should oiso bo owtre of way to beat the hand. He all city utilities including economical gas heat. The tournament is part of the ongoing community in­ West North East South Shangri-La. Plus a 4 room re n t^ Ranch. Make us describes this gorgeous 9 room custom built ranch the potential danger of refrigerators snd upright freezers coiild cash all his clubs and Features include fireplaced Liv. Rm., dining room. 3 volvement by the Board of Realtors. Some of the !♦ then lead a heart. This would BR's 4 2 car garage w/elec. eye & more. an offer now — owner will consider financing This home features a country sized kitchen rom- that are IS USE! projects so far this year have been participation in the Children have been known to climb inside these un Pass 1 ¥ Pass 14 break up any squeeze DIR: Oak St to Forest to Forest Lane. Signs Posted Asking $125,000 pletc with bar. 4 bedrooms. 1st floor family room 2¥ Pass 2 NT Manchester Scholarship Foundation Awards, distribu­ baaemenul to "hide." They are equally aa dangerous. Pass against East because South Offers invited. _____ -______with* slider to a deck. Two car garage, stone tion of blue spruce seedlings during Private Properly ALSO CONCERNED Pass 3 NT Pass Pass held only one heart. terraced yard. Set on 3.8 secluded acres of pine Week, and presentation of two films to the Manchester Pass birch, oak and maple.. A MUST TO SEE AT onlv Board of Education. G oUbg married? Wbetber yea waat a formal ebartb A ik th€ Experts $99,500. ’ It is hoped that this tournament will be successful wedding er a timpb do-year-awa-thbg ceremeay, get ' Abby't Bcw baeklet, '‘Haw ta Have a Lavely Weddiag." Opening lead: again this year. Matches will be played at the You hold: 7-20-B Manchester High School tennis courts on East Center Sead tl aad a bag, stamped 128 ceatal tell-addratsed eavebpe ta Abby: 132 Laaky Drive, Beverly HiUt, Calil. ♦ K J 9 7 Street. The public is invited to watch the youths of our V KQ4 community participate in these matches. Also par­ By Oswald Jacoby ♦ 974 ticipants and parents are invited to the awards and Alan Sontag ♦ 8 62 ceremony. Aatrograph Tlw Bom LoMf — Art Santom East took his ace of clubs A Kansas reader asks "SPACIOUS and QRACI0U8" and led a second club. South what response we recom­ This new colonial is a beauty thru-out, and features and not ail those things you took his king and threw West mend to partner’s one-heart 4 large bedrooms, fireplace, 1st. floor lamily room, "LOVELY-LARn-nVEABLE- don't have. You can spend just in with a third club. West opening bid. country sized kitchen complete with bar, hard wood qibur as much energy on positive smiled happily, cashed his We recommend an imme­ LUXURIOUS” thoughts as on negative ones. last three clubs whUe East floors, 2VSl baths, 2 car garage, 2 decks, full base­ diate raise to two hearts. Three large bedrooms, three fireplaces, three full ^ B ir t h d a y SAGITTARIUS (Nov.23-Dec.21) discarded his three dia­ (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN. > ment with sliders off the unfinished Rec room. Just baths. Den, formal dining room living room, lOVi/40 That ideal you're chasing isn't monds. Then West led his a few minutes from Manchester. This is only the foot Solarium with slate floor, chestnut trim and to be found today, because all icing of diamonds and East (For a copy of JACO BY A*?, D- beginning there's much more. Set on over 2Vi acres chestnut doors, with sterling door knobs. Double July 21.1979 you can see are the imperfec­ was forced to unguard one of BRN, send $1 to: “Win at of matured trees and very secluded too. AH this and copper sink in the butlers pantry. Just so many This coining year you will be tions in others. Revise your his jacks South took the rest Bridge. “ care of this newspa­ thinking. per. P.O. Box 489, Radio City more for only $99,500. extras we just can't begin to mention them all better able to consolidate your of the tricks. forces In order to achieve your CAPRICORN (Dec.22-Jen.19) "W hat could I have Station. New York. N. Y. 10019.) Huge two story garages with heat, lights and water aims. Your outer and inner Inconsistency in the direction Plus six gorgeous acres with a fantastic view drives will function harmoni­ of your output and energies gets in the way of your getting HeathclIN — George Gately Boarded on two sides by Valley Forge Park A Beau­ S'j ously. ty, one-of-a-kind. Must b e ----- * - ...... CANCERfJurte 21-July 22)AII anything accomplished today. the grand intentions in the Don’t be a drifter. , world will do you no good AQUARIUS (Jan.20-Feb.t9) unless you are realistic in your You are kidding yourself If you planning. A poor choice of a co- think the world is going to worker could ruin everything. entertain you today. Things WInthrop — Dick Cavalll SOUTH WINDSOR Your new Astro-Graph Letter happen to those who make Oversized 8 room Ranch large cathedral ceiling, tells you what lies ahead for them happen. "DELIGHTFUL SEHINQ” PISC ES (Feb.20-March 20) living room with full wall brick fireplace, formal you for the year following your Water Front birthday Get yours by mailing Disatisfaction with your lot in dining room with glass sliding doors to sun deck, 175 foot water front stone ranch. Three bedrooms, SI for each to Astro-Graph, life could have you making eal in kitchen with built ins, 3 oversized bed glassed formal dining room over looking gorgeous N EW T O M A R X n P 0 Box 489, Radio City Sta­ many unproductive changes Lovely 6 room Cape, Features living room,dining today Take a realistic look at rooms on the main floor. Spacious recreation Andover Lake. Fireplace, and a large lot with view tion. N Y 10019 Be sure to room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, aluminum siding, enclosed specify birth lime. what you are doing. room & 4th bedroom on the lower level. Nice of the entire lake. 8Mi/42 foot flag stone patio with "W0WWHATABAR6AIN” ARIES (March 21-Apdl 19) You And just in time for your vacation too. Just one porch, central air conditioning. Quiet residential area. LEO (July 23-Aug.22) if you find condition throughout. Asking $74,500. fireplace. Beautiful treed lot nicely terraced and Call us today. /ourself stuck with those you have a tendency to chatter landscaped , All this and much more for only $71,- minute walk to nice sandy beach. And this cute cot­ :onsider to be boring and aimlessly today without giving 900.00 tage is available now, sets on a cul-da-sac. Yes its uninteresting, make the best of much consideration to what only $15,000. It and be the gracious person you're saying. You may mean GET MORE with you innately are. no offense, but someone could BREAT INVESTMENT VIRGO (Aug.23-Sept.22) You be hurt. are much loo wishy-washy TAURUS (April 20-May 10) about your goals to accomplish You'll have to continue to be / U v i T L c o I f y C o . , I n c . much of anything today. extra careful with your spend­ ISENTRY ing. Again today you could buy Instead, you may spend all JREAL ESTATE SERVICES your time and energy making without thinking about anything « R y 6 4 3 - 2 6 9 2 *M ■ but your personal desires. Short Ribs — Frank Hill LIBRA (Sept.23-Oct.23) Your GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Kid­ IB 29 Connecticut Blvd., East Hartford ZE OL 1D7EM RXE TSkX' mind has a tendency to wander ding yourself about how much CURSES. Z/icr MOUNTie Robert 1). Murdock, Realtor 289-4331 you are capable of doing at one WORKS EVERVTIME. today, fantasizing all types of IS CATCHING- UR things. Take care not to pul too time and attempting too many much stock in your daydreams. projects could make you a very SCORPIO (Oct.24-Nov.22) unreliable partner today. Count your blessings today (NEWSPAPER ENTERPFM8E ASSN ) EASTERN CONNECTICUT KENNELS FOR DOGS AND CATS. Steady clientele, been in Banya World — Jim Barry business for over 25 years. 40 new kennels, air MORTGAGE Buge Bunny — Helmdahl 8t Stoffal cooled and heated., 17 old kennels, with runs. 16x32 ft. grooming room and office. New 40x50 training room. Bam, shed, garage, plus a 10 room cape in MONEY? TEDFORD Our Boarding Houaa This Funny World , ^ ^ T H E R E 60ES ^ cfyER TRA v/£ .. 647-9914 % 9 ut ^ A G E N C Y ‘• VERNON $105,900 Young, luxurious.custom U & R RANCH. Much wall to wall thru-out this fine 3 bedroom home 423-8956 g e t ' r with easy open areas for comfortable living and HIM.' entertaining. Private front entry view, many amenities Call for appointment. A S X M E . Betty Petricca V Loan Officer

Ol9?tbvNEA Inc Of "I think we may be moving Into the era of the D W n S H tfcritage Savings professional talk show g u e s t" ■s. QlMniUsodilkm • Siiicellttl n” realty company 7 -2 0 10d7 Main Street, Manchnter Tel: 649-4686 ETTBR RUN lt,^^AUOR' 7-ao