ru TO THE READER Thanx for taking interest in Indecent Ilxposure fanzine . We hope you like i-t. If not then send in suggestions, and if you don't feel like wasting your time, f'11 just say we gave it our best. This will probably be a bi-monthly type of zine unless we move a 1ittle faster in the future. It will cost $t direct or $1.50 through the .t mail. In order to keep things goingr we need your support. Send in letters stating your opinions on any subject, art, scene reports from other areas or whatever. Ad spaces will te $1 for L/4 page, $1.J0for l/2 page, and $2 for a whole pag6. BANDS, any type of underground: punk, post-punk, thrash, hardcore, psyehedelic, send in a 1ogo, and a sample of your music along with info. about your band. To eontaet us, plcase write: INDECET'IT EXP0SURE zine c/o Gary l{ader l+304 Richland Ave. Metairie, La. 70OOz @INDECENT EDITORS Bryan Hebert EruqIA!_$lANXr Parasite, Soilent Green, ffiee.cfirrg Teasel , Urge Overkil1 , Exhorder, Mary X, and Roxanne. "To Whom it May Concern" was written in early June. Sinee then, the ha11 has put the ineident in the past, and now allows shows again. THERE IS A GOD. "It's not the size of the ship, it's the mo- tion of ths oeean. " h a T( \{ilClii IT liAY Col'lcrlfili L Rccently_ ?t lhn last hope of I$.0. , the Harahan's Lion's Home, therc was an "acciclent" that !ust might stalt things for awhile around here. At the Incubls shot/ on l'lay 25, Some cool people brokc tha arm of another pcrson. That v;asn't too eocl.riqht?;r v;ho got his arr,l bro_ 1

)2,i'50It 4"r'ro Eff.IE $It5',$& n iltDsR,

ffifi!'lErLfi. 10no22 !ll 9i- a Elo ! gfi lE 't a la n l8 lo o iqi IL ie * lo F -oJP i t! oo5 lls rn diI lH$ I m :sg IL S. l HO ioll loA F qf;* lis ) lHr ?IL E B 1[ tb E d*e lo oorf IT *L$ s =m Bp R _: d=H t \t oi s bl-ft9: Oot s ;EgP IEo X Ni ;;et ^|il s, o) (.rl --X Ot x?>; \ $uE= % o ;1CfUi- tffi I tt),t o aBir" i.\ !., ?,, o 3Q3l! )lE "7e:-r", P ? J=|ts "2:'r)^'?'

are sorne o on the de [1DOUt'r r./-"Death Rocke rs" is about. . . S-l/g ^all-_know that "Be th" is about my wife. ( Hahaha ) V-"Death Rockers is about rebe 11ion,i-ts real straight forward, its sort of a positivc approach. Its about uniting, just being together r,vith friends "Viper" is about addiction. It can be about a:ny kind of addiction; getting drugged up, getting hooked on T.V., lover oF anything. Its just a real fast ?ong about beins bitten by a sna]

IE-Holv do the dif f erent bancls in D. C. ge_t q :::.8-I nncr? V-!Te are the only metal band. S-1.C. is not like theres rnetal bands and theres harrlcore bands , D. C . is D. C . Theres all different kinds of bands i 2or I metal bands, couple of hardcore bands, glam bands, and some Cisco bands. People sort of have attjtudes tovrards eaeh other, but they are not dicfis, its not like they fight about it. They pretend not to" be close-minde d, but they are anlrway. Theres difforent crc','.'Cs b,-rt not many different en-hoQ Y-;ie try tt clay viith all typcs of bands to - breah barriers, but v/e :really aren't gett- 1ng an-vwhr:re , excort when we play at the D.a. Space. Then we seem to get a real cocl mix of different kind.s of peopl-e . It's li.he our home club. r!-Any plans on pgttins.o,:rt 3ny=vlnvl? f'?e irave. somEttring that is half done, but we are pooli and have to come up with a couple of hundred bucks and then we'11 have a ?" out. 1E-r,/hat places dovgu..1ikS, to play? y'-Gre envi Il e , l{o rth Caro I lna . ,f -fne Cronos shorv at the 9230 Club. LE--WhjLt bands have vou plaved with in the Pasti Fugazi v..C?ffi, Agnostic Front, ir'lo Pagans , ' -- Iridelity J^nes, Scream, Oblivion, and others. TIi-Last worris? v-.v"aTT- ,r Tfrt ive meta I banrl , but that - doesn't mean straight-cdge. I.rietal- has a bad rap and I think Punk has a bad rep too these daYs. It's not the musie, it's the peoPle. Parasitc has a 6-song dcmo out called i l;;* f s" if :g:q}; {s ri iz,}xs#f ;*t a{fr }fr :. . 20024 b

This inte::vi-Gw was rione with So i I e nt Cr""";s euitarist Brian. Thu band consists Ci-o""',Hambo on thrcat, I'atton Ji -BrianI'trucl.e ar cruc- ;; iliGt, Donavan Punch from if ixion on g,riit", antl ne vr rne nbers i'larce I oil ba==, anci Tonimy BucliloY- o'''- fr."""[-"to Donavarl a.ll use d dnrms " Glennl--gti"", qnd. to be in i,lucll""-c"""ifixion before their breahuP. rll-iBp s.tertcd the-!?l93. :B-weffllquctear Crucifixion broke uP, th" drummer and the bass player left and 1,cft me, Donovan, and Glen, so we just got a ncv{ band uP. So me , Glen and Ddnovan kind of scraped things up to,gether as a lvhole . Lne particular pel^sr-rn diCn't start the band. It was kinA of a group cffort with the ::emains of i'iuclear Crucifixion. Il-l-rirhat is Soilent Green? E:f c1 movie, a Charlton lleston film about society being split into two hat-ves: the poor and the rich. The poor eat government food. 'Ihe gor,,ernment appcints them fooci and i s cal r c I soi lcnt green. They find it ',/hen out in the e nrl that i't's oeople. iho q :--.r,1' - ! J- -! :''''..ct r'ld tnrV tUftf them SelVeS into the factory, anC they erinC them up into foorl. M-iirhat ai'e some bands that ha-,,e influence - B-',{e 'rc inf ,l r.tence d by e ve rything. Any- - tirin4 frorn the Chilipepp€'rs, Black Flag, the He nr:y Rollins Band, the Bad Brains, Voivod a lot , D. B. C. , Cr.rTptic Slaughter, the Buthole Surf e rs, ancl we ge t into some vreirc-l shit lilte S.P.l'. , they're inclustrial rnetal. L ur dru.mmer qets into a lot of Hades and stuff like that, but ,/ve are mainly inf,]-uenced by everything. \tre get into a lot of jar,z too. IE-!e scribe ]rour music. B-Some of cur stuff sounds lihe this really clistclrted jazz, it's hard to put a. Iabel on t}-ris music, but if you want to put a labe1 on it, I guess hardcore , jazz, thrash, funk, just everythinq. It's infl uenced by just about avery ]


Screeching Weasel, the band that hates written interviews, sorry. Anyhow, the band consists of Ben on throat and guitar, John on lead guitar and back vocals, Dan on bass and vocals, and Brian on'drums and back vocals. IE-When did the band first start? S- e used - to be caIled the-All-Night Garage Sale beeause they used to practice in the garagG. IE-'vVere any melnbeqs of Screcching Weasil in other bands before? SW- ation Waste, - Brian was in Blaek F1ag, Ben and John were in Disco Pop Rhode lsIand Band.

IE-How is the tour soins so far? Br-F_g sticks. J-No,it has its ups and downs. Q-No. B.-We aren't getting treated like the rock- stars that we arer II"1-Have v-ou ever bcen -talcen ot'f of stagc for bsinfi nake-d3 ll S\^J-No, wG are a bunch of homos. II)-What .i:rspir-e c1 y.o-ujo wri_t e " Sups-ryari

ff you would like to write to Screeching a S.A.S.E. to ScreectriG-i,i;u"_ Lo":t1,_="T.d.t. e/o Hoadki1l^Records -e 32rplospect Heights, TL. , 600?0. trre:.r i?:;.;'g'ir;"" Pr!?ead?loosadEbo is also avairable at rnrs address fo1 6 bucks postpaid. Definit- e1y vrorth checking into. ' Urqe (,vorkilI is a bunch of cool dudes fr:oB , Il-linois. In the band '"vc qot Nationil- Kato Icernan, Biq Muff , c'range , Blacltie Rowans percussion, wade, King Viceroeser precision, Ampeg SUT 100; and vocal hcst. t: Ill-Give us some band historv. m-6? T?iThicago by Roy Crbison who drummed for Urge up ., to his death. HG has been replaced by Blackie Rovrans, who was Roy's longtime chauffeur. (Roy often re- ferred to Blackie by his affeetionate pe t name "Ho111rwood. " ) IIi-V{hat about t4e LP you've eot on - uo-m1y the soundtrack to the never released and financially disasterous motion picture "A Jesus Urge Superstar is Porn" featuring ex members of Scratch Acid and their genitalia. s- U0-l^{hiskey, girls,free -a-igs. . .and the food. What more do you need to know? Certainly Touch and Go's most finan- eia11y- extravegant and decadent pro- ject since Killdozer's South American tour. III-What otircr areas do Voq plan to - in-f- UO-wilfeft Chicago and left for Toronto and lviontreal, down the East Coast to D.C., then here. Noe we head into Texas. We are playing at an Air Force Base at some party in Arizona, California, the north west into Canada again, then back through [iinneapolis. So wo are circufrnavi- gating the hhole entire graat natj-on.

IE-For someone whohasnrt heard your music - U0-Haid-hi.tting with an appeal some have ca1led f'stone age". Truly a shitstorm of sound. ID-Is thelS--any special mess?se,that .r{ou -d- ience? uc-ffiGo state of music today dictates our mission I a crusade for the most gut wrenching and olevating t+ vrorld sound the u- has yet known. tical stance? .UL]-I-SS; C1ean all, 1and, and water. ffi:I,vho wants to live in-; aintv-"rriir,orur so gorgcous ald evcryone always ;;;;" drunk(fife us). UrgL plans "B--* here. to move

uo- il1ers, Bermuda Onion, Naked Riygun, and Hooters. the

llrrr?, a U0-l{rite- Urge Cverkill Fan CLUB P.0 . Box l5l+4 Evanston,Illinois 6OZO4 A PHoro) rE-Last *o"u"dtoND m-nev-nnf&I rlc BEsr ?? ??? the wrong way. Our singer for one, ll lives out in Chalmette, and jocks beat up on him all the time. IE-If it was uF to vou. how wou]d le the Ch nese in Be or do you care'/ B-If it was my situation, wouln't rea11y care. If it was up to me, I would 1et people do whatever they want. It don't really matter to me, China is China, this is America, f--- China. fE-What $.o you think of racism? B-To'me it doesn't matter who you are. As long as you're a cool person, it doesn't matter if you are a martian. As long as you are open-minded and will_- ing to accept things. I mean I donrt care, I listen to plenty of colored bands like the Bad Brains, a new band called 2l+-7 Spyz that arc realIy good. f donrt care what the color of tnEir skin is, that's bu1lshit. It's all in the attitude. I'm more racial against white assholes. I d.on't care who tfiey ?rer if-they- got attitudes, then I reitty don't like them. IE-Anv finjrl comments? B-Go to our ghows, buy our demos, and support your Ioca1 seene. To contact Soil ent Green. write to: Soilent Green/ c/o Brian pdtton/ L?zo Concord Avo./ Metairie, La. ?OOO3. If you need to contact them soon call (5Ol+) 88?-?665. Their 7 song demo rea11y'fictrs butt so GET II. It's only five meisely bucl;hr_,r11r.r",., f-In----...":_.--.- January c,frE-f, me ;nd-TfrE!*ure r.,: in a p::eviior,rs banC that lve i.rcien,t ti.,,.-r .,vhat happSr lvith, so wc startecl is r-rov,, ilxhorde r. lir'-tih:rt ti-Le .l i.r--.'-.-i_.-_-':- is crrrrent ine. rrp? v 've srot i,r,t1 -,'Je e on vo cals , And5r an r/c1JJ t me on quitar, Jay on guitat:, and (.lhri s on drums.

1i,-','/hc in association i! stLrtir-t:t3- cll-11 - fcr panrts to Pt?.'r at? : --: i-Aie .ur Tlanaaer -Ls preiit:t1TIV l'1)i)'rII - i"" a lccatio'n to start, bttt it t^rill flttr'-tre be ''niorth lookinq for i n the " -r.' q T,]'? I r r- .!,1,^+ r ra u i ,oni ." j_:L_:::__-j--- ncr nn wi t.h thc r/-The i'' -; tabel - 1E-;ma"i: ciranqe the the album covei sJ hope'- iiiili-i i will be out bv Att;1ust cr Ijt-:|)* tember. lre en ri" I it-Have v,,=u 1llcl , V=, -!oYllli ailt cf {r'v''o' l- ne v; ina i'- '- lir-t ,r""'.r" bccn r:t': stl y wri i ns t ting tlrilnlr l'ilre n th" al J-'r;t'L tr:ial and re'rlio ' t'' ur ct,tTrcs o1t-b , l^;i. l-l rlrr arl e xte ns:.vr- ' I!_-Lc,ft arf Vo,r fc.ct ri,qiit nL:ur? t7 V--Like shit. Iil-.grstr aa{ r'rho iounrie_.ri il>;hr_,r11r.r",., f-In----...":_.--.- January c,frE-f, me ;nd-TfrE!*ure r.,: in a p::eviior,rs banC that lve i.rcien,t ti.,,.-r .,vhat happSr lvith, so wc startecl is r-rov,, ilxhorde r. lir'-tih:rt ti-Le .l i.r--.'-.-i_.-_-':- is crrrrent ine. rrp? v 've srot i,r,t1 -,'Je e on vo cals , And5r an r/c1JJ t me on quitar, Jay on guitat:, and (.lhri s on drums.

1i,-','/hc in association i! stLrtir-t:t3- cll-11 - fcr panrts to Pt?.'r at? : --: i-Aie .ur Tlanaaer -Ls preiit:t1TIV l'1)i)'rII - i"" a lccatio'n to start, bttt it t^rill flttr'-tre be ''niorth lookinq for i n the " -r.' q T,]'? I r r- .!,1,^+ r ra u i ,oni ." j_:L_:::__-j--- ncr nn wi t.h thc r/-The i'' -; tabel - 1E-;ma"i: ciranqe the the album covei sJ hope'- iiiili-i i will be out bv Att;1ust cr Ijt-:|)* tember. lre en ri" I it-Have v,,=u 1llcl , V=, -!oYllli ailt cf {r'v''o' l- ne v; ina i'- '- lir-t ,r""'.r" bccn r:t': stl y wri i ns t ting tlrilnlr l'ilre n th" al J-'r;t'L tr:ial and re'rlio ' t'' ur ct,tTrcs o1t-b , l^;i. l-l rlrr arl e xte ns:.vr- ' 2o !:|!!- RLlvlri',/s-

-1 from n Iiay :l , ilralvlspace and i"io Irraud '. " f ii:st o f the v.,ri". , !'1 ori da playerl thf sh,-rrvs a.t the L'liiirsi,ie nut on by i'iosquitl- cori€:. Th'.: -burn out was orctty good co:rsid- tnat *." thc first shcvr at this liravrl=p*""'rt',i" up rvith a short "tf"g1,i r"-. utlcnnccl, buL l,rvrcrt'rtl- ;I;-r'ii';tr i 'ikc( e '-, '3Lrffocation) ;;'-";"*r". I{;- praucl fol}c'wetl ' This band to -bhe Core" attitude . i1"i =",rp-io ti-,uir-;tiara llll-rc1' ha.,'c, a t-Lew 12" out, loc'll out for it' i'iay 19th, Iil-ccho1-ic Slr-rt Procluctions had chans:e from Alabarna, I;iaggot sandlvich Oruci-al s from lrensaccl'a ;;a ino Li,,r.,11ess liar:i'ne to schc,1l:l.crl to at tl"re ( thersicle ' Jlue cations,"JuV tte l{carl}e ss I'larines c1i-dn't "ni."r:show ancl Bi:e akout,.Their a young banrl fr:om ilaton irou*" fillecl in. ilusic strltcl< ttte as 'lrorrino iniluence but they l've're +!1 , Lr a lie\',' Ycr:k ' ) ne ;

7l i il; lj Ili :: i ':! ". ii! ), tti uJ i,, :ji ifi .t; !. t-t I -_ .d -Y- i) lij ij] {..1 i '-i r-r ) -i r-il ij I t! I r:r ') tii :. i| .-: rij i;i 0, I >< i.r: i-l I t) f ;.iii tr r:l ! ,t 6 .r {: I L i"r) ti u iil .if: -3 1:J tu r;r ft \ I.J ,:. *r l:1 ii ,:: lii ,- i \'' TJ i l-i (I itr ,.I: c..,/ L-.1 f':'6 U,: f l- Li! r.L ;i.' L ]U r:l Uj o) \ Ln rli iri ..t.i iJ LJj .., :. !:.-t r f,l t\j i;" Ltl i-.) t.i r t) rti Fr r. 'i t1;; lti s r i"i s-\ ': trj !i: -r : t:i) !:r GJ -,-- i ii (; iji I ii- -i- lr'i nr oj c.t ,,- 0, lJ . ii = 'li L], iI r,'l ';- .ir }..L fr frlr i:l .'i 0i Lil ri ili P r'l i:l li rt- . : i.ii ll 'j ::- I '', ul oj ET ili '+- '.1 UI I i:: t. C- 0l fi ..t i!jl]rj ,.i ti t:r Ltr ri ,-a '(J rfi ,: rt-. ,a i* i. .\, i d .i rtI l: _L lJ tlt !:r tlJ r:i .il tjt il t.j 3 u] I I ., U rlr rlj : IIJ -l r{ ljl lt. t_i l:. 'vl t) t.- .lJ ,.r: r:r d . ,.!- t: o i"- .t: .a .i d rl.t.. Lr] ili 0l il, U 3iI iL E rj = ,C IU -i.: r.f- l! ,11 = ru .+J . -t >., !, l .+.) - : :.j li! .f in Ltx n (.r i,! Ll Ti -!-l ilr a; ..i-) I {'I L,I n i fl .!J lrl u'r ./ i Ur jJ lit a 0.1 U i:r r:r Ij ri i,,' :.1 rJ i: '!'. ,'t ,- rjl a rlr LJ i+- ii- ii- fr .i) .i til !! rfr ri ru ,1 :- iir fl ul o c.l Ii ..-l r:r -t: 3 .j E " L f p Li ,iJ t .rJ -p r:l -[ "- : fr -t: 0J tlr i, lll e. l.iJ t_t - i:l ,l :,;- u fr Lrl -I LJ -p [J ol TN c e, rr f, +- o6 16 n, {fi . i-) iT ri Lii "i: > i.l.l iii U fi nitr r:r nr U llJ d .[.] rI fi -5 ,t: 3tj U ': IT .t: .P i:l EJ +J t_i: n a ;It l.-i f r:r 1 l_i u +) .t : tn rlr i_3 ::t - rj r:r .p u, 0, 6 !: .f ."-r l__l U 16n lll t: iil -tr rYi i.ll l'-t 16 U .r) U:< -{i .i: f :.1- U) U .r II i+_ i fi rl tir H i-l tfr i: 6 .i: l:r ij'l il-- rlj u .t> u .l- l1l r:l il .T- ^ ui c 0i Lr 8-p Lrl {lJ i,: r ul 1-l r']: u1 a rj "r t- r, E n j= ftr: C:A il tlj -p r0 7.3 ij i.l LN l;::e 7L , I 1f {i e hi qir, 1-'r-tt it vlorr-h al:i ng y,rr" nj:1Y bank fcr. Ilad"vas I)og. pla;it'11. ?irst. iiris banci-ti*" 11'prove 11 qrri te a bit,. tl're'r :'a1/ t'ith ;,i;;; the l-a::t i "at' Shc,ll i,jhoclr a while back. Trtn *!ter ,;iir"r 111r,,-l. Jf y, r']Ke .hrav.''-' 'r.:h7. ,;;: i; r tr:c rr thi s is" thr bair,l f rr thcy that in r-r,"-. r'iay r:ise:tnble anvtl-ring' -lhe11ticu Slio"r f',.i r1ct1c j-n the pas t, so I i' t,.lr.t hea.rcl therm bcforc, ycurre it'r ior a rucle a,,'rakeninq. l'1or'; Germany's l)rstruct- ion went oll. ifloy playecl solne heav;r duty


song sh.1t. '11'rr.-il r'pene '1 the ir sct ''vith a ft:c,in rne .f the ill e a'll-i-e'r l'|'' s " !i-berna.l Llr,vastatiol'-", ca.l-'1-e rr 'lt-t::se tl-Lc 'lorls ' This ur=" a batld '.1t,fil-ri1;e -lv r'lortl-r se r''i ns' Ih" Lrlsi; v,ias yel, 'bo corne. The !ro iria''gs--played ;;r; he 11 nf a powerflrl show' '"litli Har'l-ey on v(rcaLs; anrl bass rluc tc b1-rc I'r-':l:l Cf Lhe ir orrql na1 singe r John J35g:llh. 'Ihe;v rl, j rl :r. lt,,'r 3(rilrls fr'orn thc Irirs;t 1p, 23


I'Age of ,.iuarrcl " such as i/orld Fcace , ;lt: Gotta i.-nov.,, anrl many others, Their nel',' J,1 "lJe st iii-sl'res"is a l.itt-l e bit metal fcr those who haven't heard thern since "Aq€, of Quarrel", but dcfinitely lvortli checkln;1 out. There r'/as al. gcod trlrn out and thc pit rvas intense . The -,uvs in the banri tyere pleased irith ti-re crovrcl aircl plan to pay another visit some time next year. This is the. r-i:st cf the liosqiritoc(-',ue shorvs to ccrne thrs sLrmirer. Sci'e echinq \ie asel and Ur:;c [.re rlrill frc.rrn I_llinois plus loca1s B.lacl: Probletn and Annerl Rcs- pcnsc. Ar:;cl r:..slLnse sc,rta Tot thc crc\,'id gr inq a 1i-rt1e, bit, then Sc::cechi tii3 ''/e ase I playcci. Ihis band jams. The 17 nut on a {i;ci'l stairi: shor,i aiso. Therir si nger: Bon playoil lrith ltot pink spanrle>l irants. The drummcr go1; nalre <1 bchi nd thr: set , aitcl the Guitzirist Johir calite cr.rt vrith his f uzzy sl i oper:;. It was 1'leasel ccre at j 1,s best. Black i'rob_lorn playccl and calinerl ,:lcwn things a bit. They pl:ry sorne r.ea11 ir coc:l fui-rk-;;un1i for Lhc,sc ,r/hr; liave -t,hc n'.b hearil thent,hncl last c,f thc bands 1,,/as Ui-,-r. od i Cve r'lij-11 . Thr:se rlticle s jamlrcd with tlie r' . al.1 oriqilral Ljrge trverkl ll- zoot-sr-iits ' it',oy al:ro put r,,n a goorl show. It was the tjnit oi' trusic 'that you just kinrja sit bacli anrl relax to. r'/ell that just abou't raps up thisr:oviev,l sccti-cn, so unti-l- tlext l_ 1 rn^

_ t: ;':i\

I i' *" i i .L-.\ II t qry &;1

-? '-,., , ,." # # This is just a short littIe survey just to see--wf,at kind of attitudes and opinions we ft""" these days. If you could just answer the iorro*ing queitions on a separate sheet of i"p"" and iena it to usr we would appreciate it. The overall results will be in the next tissue. I. When you go to a show, what is your- reason ror tiing'-ir'tu"uif iee ete) 2. D;-y;;-tffitr. that"":=qcialize, David Duke should -bands hold ' any kind of office? -). Oo"you tet the bad attitudes someti-mes pre3ent get You down? l+. i:o you see our scene declining or slowly building uP? -5. ii you fierE rewarded for tryilg, would you "woik" to create more aetivities? 6, What do you think should be done to improve conditions in N .o.? ?. What band do you like the most in N.O.?Worst? 6: What band do you like the best from out of town? Worst? 9. Yfhat do you think is the best elub in N.0.? 10. Are yod,:d-n high school? College? Other? 11. Do you skate? L2, Are you straight edge? l-3. What" is your favorite radio station? 14. Are you politically aetive? 15. Do yOu think political activists are assholes? 16, Do you believe in God? t?. Are you a musician/artist? 18. Do you eat at l[cDona1ds? 19. Do you think the U.S. and Russia should have better relations or mind their. own : business? 2A. What do you see in the future for t e U.S.? -+

i/i8+ n!!n'?:|bd' ^IEoo' ttt-otr'i'i" ' {xi #dt HfiBI EAAg ffi

ottilG in Augustl!