344 History and Antiquities of Leicestershire
344 HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF LEICESTERSHIRE. II. GILBERT, earl of ANGIE, or EWE, in Normandy.^ .... III- WILUAM THE=pMaud, dau. of Baldwin- , — ' CONQUEROR33. J 5thearl of Flanders, fur-' Richard , son of Gilbert, came into England with the Conqueror, 1066. named The Gentle , s— _J ,- 1 Gilbert Fitz Richard "', son and heir, first=pAdeliza, dau. of Henry, the first of the name, king of England earl of Clare, died 1152. Cleremont. youngest son, died Dec. 1, 1135. Richard Fitz Gilbert 3, 2d earl of Clare,=pAdeliza, sister of Robert Consul, earl of=p dau. of Robert Fitz and lord of Tunbridge, in Kent; I Randulph carl Gloucester 3', base son. Hammond, lord of Car- died 1156. j of Chester. boile in Normandy. 1. Gilbert24, earl of 2- Roger de Clare26, brother and=pMaud, dau. and William Consu!,=pHawifia, dau. of Clare and Here- heir of Gilbert, was earl of Clare I heir of James earl of Glou- Rob. Bossu, earl ford, died s. p. and Hereford ; died 1174. St. Hillary. cester. of Leicester. 1 — ' Richard '*, earl of Clare and Here-=pAmicia, 2d dau. and Mabell, eldest dau. and Isabel, 3d=pjohn, 4th son of king ford/" 1, die1*1 d 1218f^ , and1 was 1*burie1 d coheir1* , was1 burie' 1d " in coheir1" , marr. AAlmeril * c 1dau . an1d I f Hen.llT T 1 . earT l of* fv~ > Glou• ^~^ - in the priory or Tunbridge. Tunbridge priory. de Montfort, earl of coheir. | cester in right of his Evreux in Normandy. I wife. 1 1 Gilbert de Clare27, earl=^=lfabel, 3d dau. of William Marshal the Walter de Burgh, earl of Ulster m right of of Gloucester and elder, sister and coheir of Anselm earl his wife, heir of Hugh Fortibus, earl of Hereford.
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