Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Taluk, District, - 576227 Department of Kannada June 2018 -0ctober 2018 Programme / Semester B.Com/I Subject Code BCMKAL 104 Total Number of Hours 48

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference 25/06/2018 04 I UËgÀªÀé UÀAUÀªÀé UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ NzÀÄUÁjPÉ d£À¥ÀzÀ ¸Á»vÀå 1 To 30/06/2018 02/07/2018 04 II ¨Á®zÀ PÀzÀªÀ vÉUÉ ¥ÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ UÀªÀÄPÀ PÀĪÀiÁgÀªÁå¸À 2 To 07/07/2018 ¨sÁgÀvÀ 09/07/2018 PÉÆlÄÖ £Á PÉmÉ֣ɣÀ ¥ÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ ¸ÀªÀðdУÀ 3 To 04 III ºÁqÀÄUÁjPÉ 14/07/2018 ¨ÉÃqÀ ªÀZÀ£ÀUÀ¼ÀÄ 16/07/2018 04 IV ªÀÄAdÄUËqÀ£À PÀxÉ ¥ÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ ºÁqÀÄUÁjPÉ ¸ÀÄgÀA JPÀÄÌAr 4 To 21/07/2018 PÁªÀå 23/07/2018 04 V QªÀÅqÀ £Á¬ÄAiÀiÁzÀ UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ NzÀÄUÁjPÉ qÉÆêÀÄ ªÀÄwÛvÀgÀ 5 To 28/07/2018 ¥Àæ¸ÀAUÀ PÀxÉUÀ¼ÀÄ 30/07/2018 04 Vi ¨Á¼À ºÀ½ªÀÅzÉÃPÉ? ¥ÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ ºÁqÀÄUÁjPÉ r.«.fAiÀĪÀgÀ 6 To 04/08/2018 PÀ«vÉUÀ¼ÀÄ 06/08/2018 04 VII ºÀÄ°AiÀÄ£ÀÄß PÉÆAzÀ UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ ªÁZÀ£À PÉzÀA¨ÁrAiÀĪÀgÀ 7 To 11/08/2018 PÀÄAkªÉÆãÀÄ ¸Á»vÀå 13/08/2018 8 To I Internal Assessment Test 18/08/2018 20/08/2018 04 VIII ¥ÀæAiÀiÁuÁSÁå£À ¥ÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ ºÁqÀÄUÁjPÉ ¸ÉÆêÉÄñÀégÀgÀ 9 To 25/08/2018 ¸Á»vÀå 27/08/2018 04 IX CªÀÄä avÀæ §gÉAiÀįÁ? ¥ÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ ºÁqÀÄUÁjPÉ vÁjtÂAiÀĪÀgÀ 10 To 01/09/2018 PÀ«vÉUÀ¼ÀÄ 03/09/2018 04 X £ÀªÀÄä £ÀA©PÉ £ÁUÀ¤UÉ UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ NzÀÄUÁjPÉ £Á©Ã¢AiÉƼÀVAzÀ 11 To 08/09/2018 ªÀgÀªÉà ±Á¥ÀªÉÃ? 10/09/2018 04 XI £ÉʸÀVðPÀ PÀȶ - vÀAvÀæzÀµÉÖà UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ NzÀÄUÁjPÉ ¸ÀºÀd ¸ÁUÀĪÀ½ ¯ÉÃR£À 12 To vÀvÀéªÀÇ ªÀÄÄRå 15/09/2018 17/09/2018 04 XII §zïÌUÁ¸ÀgÉ CªÀqï ¥ÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ ºÁqÀÄUÁjPÉ PÀ«UÀ¼ÀÄ PÀAqÀ 13 To 22/09/2018 vÀļÀÄ£ÁqÀÄ 24/09/2018 II Internal Assessment Test 14 To 29/09/2018 UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ ¸ÀAªÁzÀ-ZÀZÉð ªÉƨÉʯï 01/10/2018 ªÉƨÉÊ¯ï ¨ÁåAQAUï 15 To ¨ÁåAQAUï CvÀåAvÀ 04 XIII CvÀåAvÀ ¸ÀÄ®¨sÀ 06/10/2018 ¸ÀÄ®¨sÀ 09/10/2018 04 XIV ¸ÀAQë¥ÀÛ ¯ÉÃR£À UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ ¸ÀAªÁzÀ-ZÀZÉð PÀ£ÀßqÀ ¨sÁµÁ ±ÉÊ° 16 To 13/10/2018 15/10/2018 04 ¥Àæ±Éß ¥ÀwæPÉ ©r¸ÀÄ«PÉ UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ ¸ÀAªÁzÀ-ZÀZÉð 17 To 17/10/2018 Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Taluk, , Karnataka - 576227 June 2018 -0ctober 2018 Department of Kannada Programme / Semester B.Com/III Subject Code BCMKAL 203 Total Number of Hours 48

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference 25/06/2018 04 I,II C½AiÀÄ PÀlÄÖ. ¥ÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ ºÁqÀÄUÁjPÉ ªÀÄÄUÀļÀÄ ¸ÀAPÀ®£À, 1 To MAzÀÄ ¥ÁævÀBPÁ®. ¥ÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ ºÁqÀÄUÁjPÉ ZÀAUÀ®ªÉ, 30/06/2018 ¥ÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ ºÁqÀÄUÁjPÉ PÁªÀåUÀÄZÀÑ. 02/07/2018 III, «ÃgÁAUÀ£É. 2 To 04 ¥ÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ ºÁqÀÄUÁjPÉ vÀ£ÀßµÀÖPÉÌ PÀªÀ£À IV vÀ£ÀßµÀÖPÉÌ. 07/07/2018 ¸ÀAPÀ®£À. 09/07/2018 04 V PÀ®åt ¥ÀlÖtzÀ ¸Á®Ä. ¥ÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ UÀªÀÄPÀ ªÀÄAmÉà ¸Áé«Ä 3 To PÁªÀå. 14/07/2018 16/07/2018 04 VI ¸ÀªÀÄgÁ£ÀÄ §AzsÀªÀÄAªÀiÁtÄâzÀÄ ¥ÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ UÀªÀÄPÀ ¸ÁºÀ¸À ©üêÀÄ 4 To «dAiÀÄ 21/07/2018 23/07/2018 04 VII AiÉÄvÀ£Á vÀĪÉA ºÁqÀ¯ÉA ¥ÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ ªÁZÀ£À £ÀÆ¥ÀÄgÀ PÀªÀ£À 5 To QvÉA? ¸ÀAPÀ®£À 28/07/2018 30/07/2018 04 VIII ªÀļɺÀQÌ ¥ÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ ºÁqÀÄUÁjPÉ CgɨsÁµÉ ¸Á»vÀå 6 To 04/08/2018 06/08/2018 04 IX ªÀÄÄVAiÀÄzÀ PÀxÉ UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ NzÀÄUÁjPÉ ±ÀvÀªÀiÁ£ÀzÀ ¸ÀtÚ 7 To PÀxÉUÀ¼ÀÄ 11/08/2018 13/08/2018 8 To I Internal Assessment Test 18/08/2018 20/08/2018 04 X §zÀÄQ£À E§â¢UÀ¼ÀÄ UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ NzÀÄUÁjPÉ CZÀÄѪÉÄZÀÄÑ 9 To 25/08/2018 27/08/2018 04 XI eÁUÀwÃPÀgÀt ªÀÄvÀÄÛ eÁ£À¥ÀzÀ UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ NzÀÄUÁjPÉ eÁ£À¥ÀzÀ±ÉÆÃzsÀ 10 To 01/09/2018 03/09/2018 04 XII ¸ÁªÀiÁfPÀ £ÁåAiÀÄPÁÌV UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ NzÀÄUÁjPÉ MqÉAiÀÄgÀ®è 11 To ¸ÁAXPÀ ºÉÆÃgÁl ¸ÉêÀPÀgÀÄ 08/09/2018 10/09/2018 ¥Àj¸ÀgÀ ªÀiÁ°£Àå ªÀÄvÀÄÛ °AUÀ UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ NzÀÄUÁjPÉ 12 To 04 XIII «eÁУÀ ¯ÉÆÃPÀ 15/09/2018 ¥ÀjªÀvÀð£É 17/09/2018 04 XIV ¥ÀzÀ ¥ÀzÁxÀðUÀ¼ÀÄ UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ ¸ÀAªÁzÀ EPÉÆà PÀ£ÀßqÀ 13 To 22/09/2018 24/09/2018 II Internal Assessment Test 14 To 29/09/2018 01/10/2018 UÀzÀå¨sÁUÀ NzÀÄUÁjPÉ 15 To 04 XV ¸Á¹ªÉ vÀAzÀªÀ¼ÀÄ DvÀäPÀxÀ£ÀUÀ¼ÀÄ 06/10/2018 09/10/2018 04 XVI ¸Á¹ªÉ vÀAzÀªÀ¼ÀÄ UÀzÀå¨sÁUÀ NzÀÄUÁjPÉ DvÀäPÀxÀ£ÀUÀ¼ÀÄ 16 To 13/10/2018 15/10/2018 04 ¥Àæ±Éß ¥ÀwæPÉ ©r¸ÀÄ«PÉ UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ ¸ÀAªÁzÀ- 17 To ZÀZÉð 17/10/2018

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Taluk, Udupi District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of Kannada June 2018 -0ctober 2018 Programme / Semester B.A /I SEM Subject Code BASKAL 104 Total Number of Hours 48

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference 25/06/2018 04 I £Á¬ÄAiÀiÁzÀgÀÆ vÁ¬Ä UÀzÀå¨sÁUÀ ªÁZÀ£À d£À¥ÀzÀ PÀxÉUÀ¼ÀÄ 1 To 30/06/2018 02/07/2018 04 II ªÀZÀ£ÀUÀ¼ÀÄ ¥ÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ ºÁqÀÄUÁjPÉ ªÀZÀ£À ¸Á»vÀå 2 To 07/07/2018 09/07/2018 zÀĵÀاĢÝAiÀÄÄA UÀzÀå¨sÁUÀ 3 To 04 III NzÀÄUÁjPÉ zÀÄUÀð¹AºÀ£À ¥ÀAZÀvÀAvÀæ 14/07/2018 zsÀªÀÄð§Ä¢ÝAiÀÄÄA 16/07/2018 04 IV ¯ÉÆÃPÀzÀ ¥ÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ UÀªÀÄPÀ £À¼ÀZÀjvÉ 4 To 21/07/2018 ªÀiÁ¤¤AiÉƼÁgÀÄAlÄ 04 V, AiÀiÁj°èUÉ §AzÀgÀÄ ¥ÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ ºÁqÀÄUÁjPÉ AiÀĪÀÄÄðAd gÁªÀÄZÀAzÀægÀ 23/07/2018 Vi 5 To PÀ¼É¢gÀļÀÄ, ¸Á»vÀå, 28/07/2018 PÀ£À¸ÀÄUÀ¼ÀÄ £Á£ÉA§ ªÀiÁAiÉÄ 30/07/2018 04 VII AiÀÄÄzÀÞ, ¥ÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ ºÁqÀÄUÁjPÉ £ÀªÀ¤ÃgÀzÀ, 6 To 04/08/2018 §rØ ªÁå¥ÁjUÀ¼À PÀxÉUÀ¼ÀÄ ±À¤ªÁgÀ ¸ÀAvÉ 04 VIII §rØ ªÁå¥ÁjUÀ¼À PÀxÉUÀ¼ÀÄ UÀzÀå¨sÁUÀ ±À¤ªÁgÀ ¸ÀAvÉ, 06/08/2018 , IX NzÀÄUÁjPÉ 7 To ºÀQÌ ¥À°Ö ¥ÀzÀå¨sÁUÀ ºÀQÌ ¥À°Ö 11/08/2018 ºÁqÀÄUÁjPÉ 13/08/2018 To 18/08/2018 8 I Internal Assessment Test 04 X 20/08/2018 ¸ÀªÀiÁ£ÀvÉAiÀÄ ¸ÀĽAiÀÄ°è, UÀzÀå¨sÁUÀ NzÀÄUÁjPÉ ªÉAPÀlgÁd ¥Á£À¸ÉAiÀĪÀgÀ 9 To PÁr£À C¨sÀgÀt ¹ÃvÁ½ ¸Á»vÀå, 25/08/2018 ºÀÆ ºÀÆ ºÀ¹j£À ªÀiÁvÀÄ 04 XI PÁr£À C¨sÀgÀt ¹ÃvÁ½ UÀzÀå¨sÁUÀ NzÀÄUÁjPÉ ºÀÆ ºÀ¹j£À ªÀiÁvÀÄ, 27/08/2018 ºÀÆ, ªÀÄ»¼Á «eÁФUÀ¼ÀÄ 10 To 01/09/2018 C¸ÀzÀȱÀ ¥Àæw¨sÉAiÀÄ ªÉÄÃjPÀÆåj 04 XII 03/09/2018 C¸ÀzÀȱÀ ¥Àæw¨sÉAiÀÄ UÀzÀå¨sÁUÀ NzÀÄUÁjPÉ ªÀÄ»¼Á «eÁФUÀ¼ÀÄ, 11 To ªÉÄÃjPÀÆåj, ¥ÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ ºÁqÀÄUÁjPÉ PÀ«UÀ¼ÀÄ PÀAqÀ vÀļÀÄ£ÁqÀÄ 08/09/2018 §AUÁgÀÝ PÀYt 04 XIII 10/09/2018 §AUÁgÀÝ PÀYt, ¥ÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ ºÁqÀÄUÁjPÉ PÀ«UÀ¼ÀÄ PÀAqÀ vÀļÀÄ£ÁqÀÄ, 12 To PÀ£ÀßqÀ PÀ°PÉ-§¼ÀPÉ UÀzÀå¨sÁUÀ ¸ÀAªÁzÀ PÀ£ÀßqÀ ±ÉÊ° 15/09/2018 17/09/2018 04 XIV PÀ£ÀßqÀ PÀ°PÉ-§¼ÀPÉ UÀzÀå¨sÁUÀ ¸ÀAªÁzÀ PÀ£ÀßqÀ ±ÉÊ° 13 To 22/09/2018 24/09/2018 To 29/09/2018 14 II Internal Assessment Test 01/10/2018 UÀzÀå¨sÁUÀ ¸ÀAªÁzÀ PÀ£ÀßqÀ ±ÉÊ° 15 To 04 06/10/2018 PÀ£ÀßqÀ PÀ°PÉ-§¼ÀPÉ 09/10/2018 04 UÀzÀå¨sÁUÀ ¸ÀAªÁzÀ PÀ£ÀßqÀ ±ÉÊ° 16 To 13/10/2018 PÀ£ÀßqÀ PÀ°PÉ-§¼ÀPÉ 15/10/2018 04 ¥Àæ±Éß ¥ÀwæPÉ ©r¸ÀÄ«PÉ UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ ¸ÀAªÁzÀ- 17 To 17/10/2018 ZÀZÉð

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Taluk, Udupi District, Karnataka - 576227

Department of Kannada June 2018 -0ctober 2018 Programme / Semester BA / III SEM Subject Code BASKAL 204 Total Number of Hours 48

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference 25/06/2018 04 I , II PÀ«¥ÀwßAiÀÄ PÁªÀå«ÄêÀiÁA¸É, ¥ÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ ºÁqÀÄUÁjPÉ ºÉƸÀUÀ£ÀßqÀ ¸Á»vÀå, 1 To 30/06/2018 gÁeÁ¹Ãmï ºÁqÁ¬ÄvÀÄ ªÁZÀ£À µÀA±ÀĢݣïgÀ ¸Á»vÀå ¥ÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ ºÁqÀÄUÁjPÉ gÀhÄAdgÀªÁqÀgÀ ¸Á»vÀå, 02/07/2018 III, zÉÆgÉ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ PÀ¯Á«zÀ, 2 To 04 ªÁZÀ£À §¸ÀªÀgÁd IV ¨sÀUÀß ¥ÀæwªÉÄ 07/07/2018 ¸Àƽ¨sÁ«AiÀĪÀgÀ ¸Á»vÀå 09/07/2018 04 V , »A¸É JAzÀgÉ, ¥ÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ ºÁqÀÄUÁjPÉ ºÉƸÀUÀ£ÀßqÀ PÁªÀå, 3 To 14/07/2018 Vi QÃZÀPÀ ªÀzsÉ UÀªÀÄPÀ ¥ÀA¥À¨sÁgÀvÀ 16/07/2018 04 Vi, QÃZÀPÀ ªÀzsÉ, ¥ÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ UÀªÀÄPÀ ¥ÀA¥À¨sÁgÀvÀ, 4 To 21/07/2018 VII ¸ÁAvï C¤ fêÀ£À ºÁqÀÄUÁjPÉ PÉÆAPÀt ¸Á»vÀå 04 VIII, 23/07/2018 AiÀiÁQà PÀvÉ »AUÁvï, ¥ÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ ºÁqÀÄUÁjPÉ UËqÀ PÀ£ÀßqÀ, 5 To IX J®ègÀAvÉ C®èzÀªÀ£ÀÄ UÀzÀå¨sÁUÀ ªÁZÀ£À ºÉƸÀUÀ£ÀßqÀ PÀxÉUÀ¼ÀÄ 28/07/2018 30/07/2018 04 IX, X J®ègÀAvÉ C®èzÀªÀ£ÀÄ UÀzÀå¨sÁUÀ ªÁZÀ£À ºÉƸÀUÀ£ÀßqÀ PÀxÉUÀ¼ÀÄ, 6 To 04/08/2018 ªÀQð ¢£ÀUÀ¼ÀÄ ºÉƸÀUÀ£ÀßqÀ ¥Àæ§AzsÀ 06/08/2018 04 XI, PÀgÉ, gÀ¸À IĶAiÉÆqÀ£É PÀ¼ÉzÀ UÀzÀå¨sÁUÀ ªÁZÀ£À ºÉƸÀUÀ£ÀßqÀ PÀxÉUÀ¼ÀÄ, 7 To XII 11/08/2018 gÀ¸À¤«ÄµÀUÀ¼ÀÄ ªÀåQÛavÀæUÀ¼ÀÄ 13/08/2018 8 To I Internal Assessment Test 18/08/2018 04 XII gÀ¸À IĶAiÉÆqÀ£É PÀ¼ÉzÀ UÀzÀå¨sÁUÀ ªÁZÀ£À ªÀåQÛavÀæUÀ¼ÀÄ, 20/08/2018 gÀ¸À¤«ÄµÀUÀ¼ÀÄ, «eÁУÀ §gÀºÀUÀ¼ÀÄ 9 To 25/08/2018 ¨sÀÆ«ÄUÉÆAzÀÄ QAr; CzÀgÀ¯ÉèãÉãï PÀAr 27/08/2018 ¨sÀÆ«ÄUÉÆAzÀÄ QAr; UÀzÀå¨sÁUÀ ªÁZÀ£À 10 To 04 XIII «eÁУÀ §gÀºÀUÀ¼ÀÄ 01/09/2018 CzÀgÀ¯ÉèãÉãï PÀAr 03/09/2018 04 XIV ¥ÀzÀ-¥ÀzÁxÀðUÀ¼ÀÄ UÀzÀå¨sÁUÀ ¸ÀAªÁzÀ ¨sÁµÁ «eÁУÀ 11 To 08/09/2018 10/09/2018 04 XV ¢ÃWÀð UÀzÀå UÀzÀå¨sÁUÀ ªÁZÀ£À DvÀäPÀxÉ 12 To 15/09/2018 17/09/2018 04 XV ¢ÃWÀð UÀzÀå UÀzÀå¨sÁUÀ ªÁZÀ£À DvÀäPÀxÉ 13 To 22/09/2018 14 24/09/2018To 29/09/2018 II Internal Assessment Test 01/10/2018 04 XV ¢ÃWÀð UÀzÀå UÀzÀå¨sÁUÀ ªÁZÀ£À DvÀäPÀxÉ 15 To 06/10/2018 09/10/2018 04 XV ¢ÃWÀð UÀzÀå UÀzÀå¨sÁUÀ ªÁZÀ£À DvÀäPÀxÉ 16 To 13/10/2018 15/10/2018 04 ¥Àæ±Éß ¥ÀwæPÉ ©r¸ÀÄ«PÉ UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ ¸ÀAªÁzÀ- 17 To 17/10/2018 ZÀZÉð

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Taluk, Udupi District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of Kannada June 2018 -0ctober 2018 Programme / Semester B.B.A/I Sem Subject Code BBAKAL 104 Total Number of Hours 48

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference 25/06/2018 04 I ºÀqÉzÀªÀé ¥ÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ NzÀÄUÁjPÉ d£À¥ÀzÀ ¸Á»vÀå 1 To 30/06/2018 02/07/2018 04 II qÁ. gÁdPÀĪÀiÁgï JA§ UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ ªÁZÀ£À §gÀUÀÆgÀÄ ¸Á»vÀå 2 To 07/07/2018 ¨ÉªÀj£À ªÀÄ£ÀĵÀå 09/07/2018 3 To 04 III ªÀZÀ£ÀUÀ¼ÀÄ ºÁqÀÄUÁjPÉ ªÀZÀ£À ¸Á»vÀå 14/07/2018 ¥ÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ 16/07/2018 04 III ªÀZÀ£ÀUÀ¼ÀÄ, ¥ÀzÀPÀĹAiÉÄ ¥ÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ ºÁqÀÄUÁjPÉ ªÀZÀ£À ¸Á»vÀå, £À«¯É¸ÀgÀ 4 To 21/07/2018 IV £É®«ºÀÄzÀÄ UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ ªÁZÀ£À PÀxÁ ¸ÀAPÀ®£À 04 IV ¥ÀzÀPÀĹAiÉÄ £É®«ºÀÄzÀÄ, UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ £À«¯É¸ÀgÀ PÀxÁ ¸ÀAPÀ®£À, 23/07/2018 ªÁZÀ£À 5 To V ¥ÀAZÀ£À¢UÀ¼À ºÁqÀÄ ¥ÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ ¹zÀÞ°AUÀAiÀÄå£ÀªÀgÀ ¸Á»vÀå 28/07/2018 ºÁqÀÄUÁjPÉ 30/07/2018 04 Vi zÉêÀgÀÄ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ C¥ÀWÁvÀ UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ ªÁZÀ£À ¨sÁ£ÀÄ ªÀÄĸÁÛPïgÀªÀgÀ 6 To 04/08/2018 PÀxÉUÀ¼ÀÄ 06/08/2018 04 VII PÀA¥À¤AiÀÄ PÀÆUÀÄ, ªÀÄ£À¹£À ¥ÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ ºÁqÀÄUÁjPÉ ¨Éæqï eÁªÀiï ¸ÀAPÀ®£À, 7 To 11/08/2018 VIII M¼ÀUÉÆAzÀÄ ªÀÄ£ÉAiÀÄ ªÀiÁr UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ ªÁZÀ£À eÉÆÃVAiÀĪÀgÀ UÀzÀå ¸Á»vÀå 8 13/08/2018 To 18/08/2018 I Internal Assessment Test 20/08/2018 04 VIII ªÀÄ£À¹£À M¼ÀUÉÆAzÀÄ ªÀÄ£ÉAiÀÄ UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ ªÁZÀ£À, eÉÆÃVAiÀĪÀgÀ UÀzÀå ¸Á»vÀå, 9 To IX ªÀiÁr, CQÌ Dj¸ÀĪÁUÀ ¥ÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ ºÁqÀÄUÁjPÉ ªÁ¸ÀÄzÉêÀ £ÁrUÀgÀ 25/08/2018 PÀ«vÉUÀ¼ÀÄ 04 IX CQÌ Dj¸ÀĪÁUÀ, £À£ÀUÀÆ ¥ÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ ºÁqÀÄUÁjPÉ ªÁ¸ÀÄzÉêÀ £ÁrUÀgÀ 27/08/2018 X ¨ÉÃPÀÄ «±ÁæAw UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ ªÁZÀ£À PÀ«vÉUÀ¼ÀÄ, ¯ÉÃRQAiÀÄgÀ 10 To 01/09/2018 C£ÀĪÁ¢vÀ PÀxÉUÀ¼À ¸ÀAZÀAiÀÄ

03/09/2018 04 X £À£ÀUÀÆ ¨ÉÃPÀÄ «±ÁæAw, UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ ªÁZÀ£À ¯ÉÃRQAiÀÄgÀ C£ÀĪÁ¢vÀ 11 To XI AiÀÄAvÀæUÀ½AzÁV UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ ªÁZÀ£À PÀxÉUÀ¼À ¸ÀAZÀAiÀÄ, 08/09/2018 PÀqÉUÀt¸À®àlÖ ªÀÄ£ÀĵÀå zÉù fêÀ£À ¥ÀzÀÝw AiÀÄAvÀæUÀ½AzÁV UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ ªÁZÀ£À 10/09/2018 XI zÉù fêÀ£À ¥ÀzÀÝw, 12 To 04 PÀqÉUÀt¸À®àlÖ ªÀÄ£ÀĵÀå, ¥ÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ PÀ«UÀ¼ÀÄ PÀAqÀ vÀļÀÄ£ÁqÀÄ 15/09/2018 XII ¸ÁgÉÆà J¸À¼ï zÀ vÁªÀÄgÉ 17/09/2018 04 XII £ÀªÀ ªÀiÁzsÀåªÀÄUÀ¼ÀÄ UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ ¸ÀAªÁzÀ ¸ÁªÀiÁfPÀ eÁ®vÁtUÀ¼ÀÄ 13 To 22/09/2018 I 14 24/09/2018 To 29/09/2018 II Internal Assessment Test 01/10/2018 04 XI ¸ÀàzsÁðvÀäPÀ ¥ÀjÃPÉëAiÀÄ°è UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ ¸ÀAªÁzÀ 15 To PÀ£ÀßqÀ ±ÉÊ° PÉʦr 06/10/2018 V PÀ£ÀßqÀ 09/10/2018 ¥ÀÄ£ÀgÁªÀvÀð£É ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ¥Àæ±Éß UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ ¸ÀAªÁzÀ 16 To 04 13/10/2018 ¥ÀwæPÉ ©r¸ÀÄ«PÉ 15/10/2018 04 ¥ÀÄ£ÀgÁªÀvÀð£É ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ¥Àæ±Éß UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ ¸ÀAªÁzÀ 17 To 17/10/2018 ¥ÀwæPÉ ©r¸ÀÄ«PÉ

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Taluk, Udupi District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of Kannada

June 2018 -0ctober 2018 Programme / Semester B.A Kannada optional/I Sem Subject Code BASKAO 104 Total Number of Hours 80

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference 25/06/2018 06 I PÀ£ÀßqÀzÀ wgÀļï, ºÁqÀÄUÁjPÉ PÀ«gÁd ªÀiÁUÀð 1 To 30/06/2018 £É£ÉªÀÅzÉ£Àß ªÀÄ£ÀA ¥ÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ UÀªÀÄPÀ ¥ÀA¥À¨sÁgÀvÀ 02/07/2018 06 II PÀ£ÀßqÀªÉĤ¥Áà £ÁqÀÄ UÀªÀÄPÀ PÀ©âUÀgÀ PÁªÀ 2 To ZɯÁéAiÀÄÄÛ, ¥ÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ PÀ£ÀßqÀ ¨ÁªÀÅl 07/07/2018 PÀ£ÀßqÀ vÁAiÀÄ £ÉÆÃl 09/07/2018 06 PÀ£ÀßrUÀgÀ vÁ¬Ä, V½«AqÀÄ, ±ÀvÀªÀiÁ£ÀzÀ UÁ£À 3 To III ºÁqÀÄUÁjPÉ 14/07/2018 ¨ÉAQ©¢ÝzÉ ªÀÄ£ÉUÉ ¥ÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ £ÀÄrzÀgÉ ªÀÄÄwÛ£À §¸ÀªÀtÚ£ÀªÀgÀ ªÀZÀ£ÀUÀ¼ÀÄ, 16/07/2018 4 To 06 IV ºÁgÀzÀAwgÀ¨ÉÃPÀÄ, ¥ÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ ºÁqÀÄUÁjPÉ ¸ÀªÀðdÕ£À wæ¥À¢UÀ¼ÀÄ 21/07/2018 ¸ÀªÀðdÕ¸ÁgÀ

23/07/2018 06 V ¸ÀªÀðdÕ¸ÁgÀ, ¥ÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ ¸ÀªÀðdÕ£À wæ¥À¢UÀ¼ÀÄ, 5 To ºÁqÀÄUÁjPÉ 28/07/2018 PÀ£ÀßqÀ ¥ÀzÀUÉƼï gÀvÀߣÀ ¥ÀzÀUÀ¼ÀÄ 30/07/2018 06 Vi PÀ£ÀßqÀ ¥ÀzÀUÉƼï, ¥ÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ ºÁqÀÄUÁjPÉ gÀvÀߣÀ ¥ÀzÀUÀ¼ÀÄ, 6 To 04/08/2018 ¸ÀÄVÎ §gÀÄwzÉ ªÁZÀ£À PÉƼÀ®Ä PÀªÀ£À ¸ÀAPÀ®£À 06/08/2018 06 VII ¸ÀÄVÎ §gÀÄwzÉ, ¥ÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ ªÁZÀ£À PÉƼÀ®Ä PÀªÀ£À ¸ÀAPÀ®£À, 7 To 11/08/2018 ºÉêÀiÁªÀwAiÀÄ wÃgÀzÀ°è ªÀiÁAzÀ½gÀÄ 8 13/08/2018 To 18/08/2018 I Internal Assessment Test 20/08/2018 06 VIII ±ÁæªÀtzÀ MAzÀÄ ¢£À, ºÉüÀvÉãÀ PÉüÀ, 9 To IX 25/08/2018 ªÀÄ©â¤AzÀ ªÀÄ©âUÉ ¥ÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ ºÁqÀÄUÁjPÉ f.J¸ï.J¸ï. ¸ÀªÀÄUÀæ PÁªÀå 27/08/2018 06 IX ªÀÄ©â¤AzÀ ªÀÄ©âUÉ, f.J¸ï.J¸ï. ¸ÀªÀÄUÀæ PÁªÀå, 10 To X 01/09/2018 PÁ® ¤®ÄèªÀÅ¢®è ¥ÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ ºÁqÀÄUÁjPÉ PÀt«AiÀĪÀgÀ PÀ«vÉUÀ¼ÀÄ 06 X ¥ÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ ºÁqÀÄUÁjPÉ PÀt«AiÀĪÀgÀ PÀ«vÉUÀ¼ÀÄ, 03/09/2018 PÁ® ¤®ÄèªÀÅ¢®è, 11 To XI UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ G¥À£Áå¸À Vj¨Á¯ÉAiÀĪÀgÀ PÉ®ªÀÅ ªÀÄÄAvÁzÀ PÉ®¥ÀÄlUÀ¼ÀÄ 08/09/2018 £É£À¥ÀÄUÀ¼ÀÄ 10/09/2018 ªÀÄÄAvÁzÀ PÉ®¥ÀÄlUÀ¼ÀÄ UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ G¥À£Áå¸À Vj¨Á¯ÉAiÀĪÀgÀ PÉ®ªÀÅ 12 To 06 XI 15/09/2018 £É£À¥ÀÄUÀ¼ÀÄ 17/09/2018 06 XI ªÀÄÄAvÁzÀ PÉ®¥ÀÄlUÀ¼ÀÄ UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ G¥À£Áå¸À Vj¨Á¯ÉAiÀĪÀgÀ PÉ®ªÀÅ 13 To 22/09/2018 £É£À¥ÀÄUÀ¼ÀÄ 14 24/09/2018 To 29/09/2018 II Internal Assessment Test 01/10/2018 06 XII ºÉƸÀUÀ£ÀßqÀ ¸Á»vÀå UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ G¥À£Áå¸À ºÉƸÀUÀ£ÀßqÀ ¸Á»vÀå ZÀjvÉæ- 15 To 06/10/2018 ZÀjvÉæ J¯ï.J¸ï.J¸ï 09/10/2018 06 ºÉƸÀUÀ£ÀßqÀ ¸Á»vÀå UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ G¥À£Áå¸À ºÉƸÀUÀ£ÀßqÀ ¸Á»vÀå ZÀjvÉæ- 16 To XIII 13/10/2018 ZÀjvÉæ J¯ï.J¸ï.J¸ï 15/10/2018 06 XIV ºÉƸÀUÀ£ÀßqÀ ¸Á»vÀå UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ G¥À£Áå¸À ºÉƸÀUÀ£ÀßqÀ ¸Á»vÀå ZÀjvÉæ- 17 To 17/10/2018 ZÀjvÉæ J¯ï.J¸ï.J¸ï

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Taluk, Udupi District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of Kannada

June 2018 -0ctober 2018 Programme / Semester B.A Kannada optional/III Sem Subject Code BASKAO 204 Total Number of Hours 80

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference 06 I «zÉÆåÃ¥ÀzÉñÀAUÉAiÀÄÄÝzÀjA gÁªÀÄZÀAzÀæZÀjvÀ ¥ÀÄgÁt. 25/06/2018 II UÀÄgÀĪÁzÉ, ¥ÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ ºÁqÀÄUÁjPÉ «gÀÄ¥ÉÃAzÀæ£À PÀÈwUÀ¼ÀÄ 1 To 30/06/2018 ªÀiºÁzÉëAiÀÄPÀÌ£À ZÁjvÀæ UÀªÀÄPÀ UÀÄgÀĨsÀPÀÛZÁjvÀæ

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10/09/2018 wæ¥À¢ ¸Á»vÀå UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ G¥À£Áå¸À gÀA.²æÃ.ªÀÄÄUÀ½AiÀĪÀgÀ 12 To 06 IX 15/09/2018 PÀ£ÀßqÀ ¸Á»vÀå ZÀjvÉæ 17/09/2018 06 IX wæ¥À¢ ¸Á»vÀå UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ G¥À£Áå¸À gÀA.²æÃ.ªÀÄÄUÀ½AiÀĪÀgÀ 13 To 22/09/2018 PÀ£ÀßqÀ ¸Á»vÀå ZÀjvÉæ 14 24/09/2018 To 29/09/2018 II Internal Assessment Test 01/10/2018 06 IX wæ¥À¢ ¸Á»vÀå UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ G¥À£Áå¸À gÀA.²æÃ.ªÀÄÄUÀ½AiÀĪÀgÀ 15 To 06/10/2018 PÀ£ÀßqÀ ¸Á»vÀå ZÀjvÉæ 09/10/2018 06 UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ G¥À£Áå¸À gÀA.²æÃ.ªÀÄÄUÀ½AiÀĪÀgÀ 16 To IX wæ¥À¢ ¸Á»vÀå 13/10/2018 PÀ£ÀßqÀ ¸Á»vÀå ZÀjvÉæ 15/10/2018 X bÀAzÀ¸ÀÄì UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ G¥À£Áå¸À bÀAzÀ¸ÀìA¥ÀÄlUÀ¼ÀÄ 17 To 06 17/10/2018

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Taluk, Udupi District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of Kannada June 2018 -0ctober 2018 Programme / Semester B.A Kannada optional- P-V /V Sem Subject Code BASKAO 305 Total Number of Hours 60

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference 25/06/2018 05 I II ºÀ°är ±Á¸À£À, ¥ÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ ªÁZÀ£À PÀ£ÀßqÀ ±Á¸À£ÀUÀ¼ÀÄ 1 To DvÀPÀÆgÀÄ ±Á¸À£À ¥ÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ ªÁZÀ£À 30/06/2018 05 II DvÀPÀÆgÀÄ ±Á¸À£À, PÀ£ÀßqÀPÉÌ ¥ÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ ªÁZÀ£À PÀ£ÀßqÀ ±Á¸À£ÀUÀ¼ÀÄ, 02/07/2018 III £ÁqÀªÀgÉÆÃdgï. PÀ«gÁdªÀiÁUÀð, 2 To §zsÀÄgÀ PÁªÀ大AzsÀ¢A PÁªÁåªÀ¯ÉÆÃPÀ£ÀA 07/07/2018 IV »vÀA ¥ÉgÀvÀÄAmÉà §AzsÀÄgÀ PÁªÀ大AzsÀ¢A PÁªÁåªÀ¯ÉÆÃPÀ£ÀA, 05 »vÀA ¥ÉgÀvÀÄAmÉÃ, ¥ÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ ¥ÀA¥À¨sÁgÀvÀ 09/07/2018 IV 3 To PÀtð£À¤ÃUÀ¼É PÀÄ®dA ¥ÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ ºÁqÀÄUÁjPÉ 14/07/2018 V ªÀiÁr vÉÆÃ¥Éð£ï,

05 V Vi PÀtð£À¤ÃUÀ¼É PÀÄ®d£ÀA ªÀiÁr vÉÆÃ¥Éð£ï, ¥ÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ ¥ÀA¥À¨sÁgÀvÀ, 16/07/2018 ºÁqÀÄUÁjPÉ 4 To CfvÀ£ï vÀ¥ÉƪÀ£ÀPÉÌ ¥ÀzÀå¨sÁUÀ CfvÀ£ÁxÀ w®PÀA ºÁqÀÄUÁjPÉ 21/07/2018 ¥ÉÆÃzÀ£ï

¹ÃvÁ¸ÀéAiÀÄAªÀgÀA, ¥ÀA¥ÀgÁªÀiÁAiÀit. 23/07/2018 05 Vi ºÁqÀÄUÁjPÉ 5 To ZÁuÁPÀå j¹AiÀÄ PÀxÉ ¥ÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ ªÀqÁØgÁzsÀ£É VII ªÁZÀ£À 28/07/2018 UÀzÀå¨sÁUÀ 05 VII ZÁuÁPÀå j¹AiÀÄ PÀxÉ, UÀzÀå¨sÁUÀ ªÀqÁØgÁzsÀ£É, 30/07/2018 VIII D¢zÉêÀ ¥Àj¤µÀÌçªÀÄt UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ ªÁZÀ£À ZÁªÀÅAqÀgÁAiÀÄ¥ÀÄgÁt 6 To


06/08/2018 05 D¢zÉêÀ ¥Àj¤µÀÌçªÀÄt, UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ G¥À£Áå¸À ZÁªÀÅAqÀgÁAiÀÄ¥ÀÄgÁt, VIII 7 To ¥ÀgÀzÀ£À PÀxÉ UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ G¥À£Áå¸À PÀuÁðl ¥ÀAZÀvÀAvÀæA. IX 11/08/2018 13/08/2018 8 To I Internal Assessment Test 18/08/2018 20/08/2018 ¥ÀgÀzÀ£À PÀxÉ, PÀuÁðl ¥ÀAZÀvÀAvÀæA, 9 To 05 IX X PÀ£ÀßqÀ ¸Á»vÀåzÀ ¥ÁæaãÀvÉ UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ G¥À£Áå¸À PÀ£ÀßqÀ ¸Á»vÀå ZÀjvÉæ- 25/08/2018 gÀA,²æÃ.ªÀÄÄUÀ½. 27/08/2018 05 XI, PÀ«gÁd ªÀiÁUÀð, UÀzÀå¨sÁUÀ G¥À£Áå¸À PÀ£ÀßqÀ ¸Á»vÀå 10 To XII ZÀA¥ÀƸÁ»vÀå ZÀjvÉægÀA,²æÃ.ªÀÄÄUÀ½. 01/09/2018 ZÀA¥ÀƸÁ»vÀå, UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ G¥À£Áå¸À 03/09/2018 05 XII PÀ£ÀßqÀ ¸Á»vÀå ZÀjvÉæ- 11 To ¥ÁæaãÀ UÀzÀå ¸Á»vÀå UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ XIII gÀA,²æÃ.ªÀÄÄUÀ½. 08/09/2018 12 10/09/2018 05 XIII ¥ÁæaãÀ UÀzÀå ¸Á»vÀå, UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ G¥À£Áå¸À PÀ£ÀßqÀ ¸Á»vÀå ZÀjvÉæ- To XIV ±Á¸À£À¸Á»vÀå gÀA,²æÃ.ªÀÄÄUÀ½. 15/09/2018 17/09/2018 05 XIV ±Á¸À£À¸Á»vÀå, PÀ£ÀßqÀ ¸Á»vÀå ZÀjvÉæ- 13 To XV ±Á¹æÃAiÀÄ PÀ£ÀßqÀ: CzsÀåAiÀÄ£À UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ G¥À£Áå¸À gÀA,²æÃ.ªÀÄÄUÀ½. 22/09/2018 ¸ÁzsÀåvÉUÀ¼ÀÄ 24/09/2018 II Internal Assessment Test 14 To 29/09/2018 01/10/2018 G¥À£Áå¸À 15 To ¥Àæ±ÉߥÀwæPÉ ©r¸ÀÄ«PÉ UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ ¸ÀAªÁzÀ 06/10/2018 09/10/2018 UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ G¥À£Áå¸À 16 To ¥Àæ±ÉߥÀwæPÉ ©r¸ÀÄ«PÉ ¸ÀAªÁzÀ 13/10/2018 15/10/2018 ¥Àæ±ÉߥÀwæPÉ ©r¸ÀÄ«PÉ UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ G¥À£Áå¸À 17 To ¸ÀAªÁzÀ 17/10/2018

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Taluk, Udupi District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of Kannada

June 2018 -0ctober 2018 Programme / Semester B.A Kannada optional- P-V I / V Sem Subject Code BASKAO 306 Total Number of Hours 60

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference 25/06/2018 05 I PÁªÀå«ÄêÀiÁA¸É ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ¨sÁgÀwÃAiÀÄ 1 To «ÄêÀiÁA¸ÀPÀgÀÄ UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ G¥À£Áå¸À PÁªÀå«ÄêÀiÁA¸É- 30/06/2018 wÃ.£ÀA.²æÃ. 02/07/2018 05 I II PÁªÀå«ÄêÀiÁA¸É ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ¨sÁgÀwÃAiÀÄ 2 To «ÄêÀiÁA¸ÀPÀgÀÄ, UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ G¥À£Áå¸À PÁªÀå«ÄêÀiÁA¸É- 07/07/2018 C®APÁgÀ ¥Àæ¸ÁÜ£À wÃ.£ÀA.²æÃ. 09/07/2018 05 C®APÁgÀ ¥Àæ¸ÁÜ£À, ¨sÁgÀwÃAiÀÄ 3 To II III jÃw ¹zÁÞAvÀ UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ G¥À£Áå¸À PÁªÀå«ÄêÀiÁA¸É- 14/07/2018 wÃ.£ÀA.²æÃ. 05 IV V zsÀé¤ ¹zÁÞAvÀ, ¨sÁgÀwÃAiÀÄ 16/07/2018 ±À¨ÁÝxÀð¸ÀégÀÆ¥À, UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ PÁªÀå«ÄêÀiÁA¸É- 4 To zsÀ餥Àæ¨sÉÃzÀUÀ¼ÀÄ G¥À£Áå¸À wÃ.£ÀA.²æÃ. 21/07/2018

23/07/2018 05 V Vi ±À¨ÁÝxÀð¸ÀégÀÆ¥À ¨sÁgÀwÃAiÀÄ 5 To zsÀ餥Àæ¨sÉÃzÀUÀ¼ÀÄ, UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ G¥À£Áå¸À PÁªÀå«ÄêÀiÁA¸É- 28/07/2018 gÀ¸À¥Àæ¸ÁÜ£À wÃ.£ÀA.²æÃ. 30/07/2018 05 Vi ¨sÁgÀwÃAiÀÄ 6 To gÀ¸À¥Àæ¸ÁÜ£À UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ G¥À£Áå¸À PÁªÀå«ÄêÀiÁA¸É- 04/08/2018 wÃ.£ÀA.²æÃ. 06/08/2018 05 VII OavÀå, UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ G¥À£Áå¸À ¨sÁgÀwÃAiÀÄ 7 To VIII PÁªÀå«ÄêÀiÁA¸É ¨sÁUÀ-3 PÁªÀå«ÄêÀiÁA¸É- 11/08/2018 wÃ.£ÀA.²æÃ. 13/08/2018 8 To I Internal Assessment Test 18/08/2018 20/08/2018 05 VIII PÁªÀå«ÄêÀiÁA¸É ¨sÁUÀ-3 UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ G¥À£Áå¸À ¨sÁgÀwÃAiÀÄ 9 To PÁªÀå«ÄêÀiÁA¸É- 25/08/2018 wÃ.£ÀA.²æÃ. 27/08/2018 05 IX ¸Á»vÀå aAvÀ£É ¨sÁUÀ-1 UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ G¥À£Áå¸À ¥Á±ÁÑvÀå PÁªÀå«ÄêÀiÁA¸É 10 To -«.JA.E£ÁAzÁgï 01/09/2018 03/09/2018 05 IX ¸Á»vÀå aAvÀ£É ¨sÁUÀ-1 UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ G¥À£Áå¸À ¥Á±ÁÑvÀå 11 To PÁªÀå«ÄêÀiÁA¸É- 08/09/2018 «.JA.E£ÁAzÁgï 10/09/2018 05 X ¸Á»vÀå aAvÀ£É ¨sÁUÀ-2 UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ G¥À£Áå¸À ¥Á±ÁÑvÀå 12 To PÁªÀå«ÄêÀiÁA¸É- 15/09/2018 «.JA.E£ÁAzÁgï 17/09/2018 05 X ¸Á»vÀå aAvÀ£É ¨sÁUÀ-2 UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ G¥À£Áå¸À ¥Á±ÁÑvÀå 13 To PÁªÀå«ÄêÀiÁA¸É- 22/09/2018 «.JA.E£ÁAzÁgï 24/09/2018 II Internal Assessment Test 14 To 29/09/2018 01/10/2018 ¥ÀÄ£ÀgÁªÀvÀð£É UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ G¥À£Áå¸À 15 To ¸ÀAªÁzÀ 06/10/2018 09/10/2018 ¥Àæ±ÉߥÀwæPÉ ©r¸ÀÄ«PÉ UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ G¥À£Áå¸À 16 To ¸ÀAªÁzÀ 13/10/2018 15/10/2018 ¥Àæ±ÉߥÀwæPÉ ©r¸ÀÄ«PÉ UÀzÀå ¨sÁUÀ G¥À£Áå¸À 17 To ¸ÀAªÁzÀ 17/10/2018

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Taluk, Udupi District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of

June 2018 -0ctober 2018 Programme / Semester I sem BA Subject Code Total Number of Hours

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference 4 Prose I Half a Rupee Literature Reading, Text 25/06/2018 Worth and Explaining 1 To Language and Words 30/06/2018 practice 4 Poetry I The Seven Ideas and Loud Text 02/07/2018 Ages of Man Images Recitation, 2 To explaining 07/07/2018 meaning 4 Grammar Articles Articles Chalk and Contemporary Talk, English 09/07/2018 Giving Grammar 3 To – examples David Green, 14/07/2018 and Macmillan practicing 4 Prose II The Apostle Ideas and Reading, Text 16/07/2018 of the Images Explaining 4 To Unwanted and Words 21/07/2018 practice 4 Poetry II Where the Ideas and Loud Text 23/07/2018 Mind is Images Recitation, 5 To Without explaining 28/07/2018 Fear meaning 4 Grammar Preposition Preposition Chalk and Contemporary Talk, English 30/07/2018 Giving Grammar 6 To – examples David Green, 04/08/2018 and Macmillian practicing 4 Prose III Building Self Radiance Reading, Text 06/08/2018 Confidence Explaining 7 To and Words 11/08/2018 practice 13/08/2018 8 To I Internal Assessment Test 18/08/2018 4 Poetry III Up hill Ideas and Loud Text 20/08/2018 Images Recitation, 9 To explaining 25/08/2018 meaning 27/08/2018 4 Grammar Clauses and Clauses and Chalk and Contemporary 10 To Phrases Phrases Talk, English 01/09/2018 Giving Grammar – examples David Green, and Macmillian practicing 4 Prose IV A Job Well Bequest of Reading, Text 03/09/2018 Done Wings Explaining 11 To and Asking 08/09/2018 questions 10/09/2018 12 To NSS Activities 15/09/2018 4 Poetry IV The Stolen Reflections Loud Text 17/09/2018 Boat Recitation, 13 To explaining 22/09/2018 meaning 24/09/2018 II Internal Assessment Test 14 To 29/09/2018 4 Grammar Tense and Tense and Chalk and Contemporary Concord Concord Talk, English 01/10/2018 Giving Grammar 15 To – examples David Green, 06/10/2018 and Macmillian practicing 4 Prose V On Saying Radiance Reading, 09/10/2018 Please Explaining 16 To and Text 13/10/2018 Asking questions 4 Poetry V No Men Are The Loud Text 15/10/2018 Foreign Blossoming Recitation, 17 To Mind explaining 17/10/2018 meaning

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Taluk, Udupi District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of Commerce

December 2018 - April 2019 Programme / Semester II sem BA Subject Code Total Number of Hours

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference 03/12/2018 1 To 08/12/2018 10/12/2018 2 To 15/12/2018 17/12/2018 3 To Christmas and New year Vacation 22/12/2018 24/12/2018 4 To 29/12/2018 31/12/2018 5 To 05/01/2019 07/01/2019 6 To 12/01/2019 14/01/2019 7 To 19/01/201 8 21/01/2019 I Internal Assessment Test To 26/01/2019 28/01/2019 9 To 02/02/2019 04/02/2019 10 To 09/02/2019 11/02/2019 11 To 16/02/2019 18/02/2019 12 To Cultural and Sports Activities 23/02/2019 25/02/2019 13 To 02/03/2019 04/03/2019 14 To 09/03/2019 11/03/2019 15 To 16/03/2019 18/03/2019 16 To II Internal Assessment Test 23/03/2019 25/03/2019 17 To 30/03/2019 01/04/2019 18 To 06/04/2019

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Taluk, Udupi District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of

June 2018 -0ctober 2018 Programme / Semester I sem BBA Subject Code Total Number of Hours

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference 4 Prose I The Book of Essay Reading, Text 25/06/2018 Nature Explaining 1 To and 30/06/2018 Asking questions 02/07/2018 4 Poetry I The Perfect Life Ideas and Loud Text 2 To Images Recitation 07/07/2018 Explaining 09/07/2018 Reading, 3 To 4 Prose II A Day’s Wait A short play Explaining Text 14/07/2018 by acting 4 Grammar Articles, Parts of Articles, Parts of Chalk and Contemporary Speech, Verbs, Speech, Verbs, Talk, English 16/07/2018 Concord, Concord, Giving Grammar 4 To – Questions Questions examples David Green, 21/07/2018 and Macmillan practicing 4 Prose III I was Gandhi’s Autobiography Reading, Text 23/07/2018 Jailer Explaining 5 To and 28/07/2018 Asking questions 30/07/2018 4 Poetry II Coromandel Ideas and Loud Text 6 To Fishers Images Recitation 04/08/2018 Explaining 06/08/2018 4 Prose IV Too Dear A short story Reading, Text 7 To Explaining 11/08/2018 by acting 13/08/2018 8 To I Internal Assessment Test 18/08/2018 4 Grammar Tenses, Tenses, Chalk and Contemporary Auxiliaries, Auxiliaries, Talk, English 20/08/2018 Question tags, Question tags, Giving Grammar 9 To – Transformations, Transformations, examples David Green, 25/08/2018 Paragraph Paragraph and Macmillan writing writing practicing 27/08/2018 4 Poetry III To Sleep Ideas and Loud Text 10 To Images Recitation 01/09/2018 Explaining 4 Prose V My Greatest Experience of Reading, Text 03/09/2018 Olympic Prize Sports Explaining 11 To and 08/09/2018 Asking questions 10/09/2018 12 To NSS Activities 15/09/2018 17/09/2018 4 Poetry IV Silver Ideas and Loud Text 13 To Images Recitation 22/09/2018 Explaining 24/09/2018 II Internal Assessment Test 14 To 29/09/2018 4 Prose VI Fighting The Essay Reading, Text 01/10/2018 Invisible I Explaining 15 To and 06/10/2018 Asking questions 09/10/2018 Ideas and Loud 16 To 4 Poetry V Ozymandias Images Recitation Text 13/10/2018 Explaining 4 Prose VII Fighting The Essay Reading, Text 15/10/2018 Invisible I Explaining 17 To and 17/10/2018 Asking questions

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Taluk, Udupi District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of

June 2018 -0ctober 2018 Programme / Semester I sem BCom Subject Code Total Number of Hours

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference 4 Prose I The Gold Realms of Reading, Text 25/06/2018 Frame Gold Explaining 1 To and Words 30/06/2018 practice 4 Poetry I The Felling Reading and Loud Text 02/07/2018 of the Response Recitation, 2 To Banyan Tree explaining 07/07/2018 meaning 4 Grammar Articles Articles Chalk and Contemporary Talk, English 09/07/2018 Giving Grammar 3 To – examples David Green, 14/07/2018 and Macmillan practicing 4 Prose II Stigma Musings on Reading, Text 16/07/2018 Shame and vital issues Explaining 4 To Silence and Words 21/07/2018 practice 4 Poetry II Refugee Glimpses of Loud Text 23/07/2018 Blues English Recitation, 5 To literature explaining 28/07/2018 meaning 4 Grammar Prepositions Prepositions Chalk and Contemporary Talk, English 30/07/2018 Giving Grammar 6 To – examples David Green, 04/08/2018 and Macmillian practicing 4 Prose III The Best Current Reading, Text 06/08/2018 Investment Prose for Explaining 7 To I have made Better and Words 11/08/2018 Learning practice 13/08/2018 8 To I Internal Assessment Test 18/08/2018 4 Poetry III Tables Under the Loud Text 20/08/2018 Turned Green Wood Recitation, 9 To Tree explaining 25/08/2018 meaning 27/08/2018 4 Grammar Clauses and Clauses and Chalk and Contemporary 10 To Phrases Phrases Talk, English 01/09/2018 Giving Grammar – examples David Green, and Macmillian practicing 4 Prose IV A Different Golden Reading, Text 03/09/2018 kind of Petals Explaining 11 To Learning and Words 08/09/2018 practice 10/09/2018 12 To NSS Activities 15/09/2018 4 Poetry IV Sonnet 29 Joy of Loud Text 17/09/2018 reading Recitation, 13 To literature explaining 22/09/2018 meaning 24/09/2018 II Internal Assessment Test 14 To 29/09/2018 4 Grammar Tense and Tense and Chalk and Contemporary Concord Concord Talk, English 01/10/2018 Giving Grammar – 15 To examples David Green, 06/10/2018 and Macmillian practicing Prose V Reading, 09/10/2018 On the rule Explaining 16 To 4 Essays Text of the Road and Words 13/10/2018 practice 4 Poetry V The Exploring Loud Text 15/10/2018 Listeners Language Recitation, 17 To and explaining 17/10/2018 Literature meaning

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Taluk, Udupi District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of

June 2018 -0ctober 2018 Programme / Semester III sem BA Subject Code Total Number of Hours

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference 25/06/2018 4 Novel Meaning and Language and Explaining Text 1 To Types of the Literature 30/06/2018 Part I 02/07/2018 4 Novel History of Literary Explaining Text 2 To Play History 07/07/2018 09/07/2018 Novel Background of Literary Explaining Text 3 To 4 the Thing Fall History 14/07/2018 Apart 16/07/2018 4 Literary Explaining Text 4 To Novel Background History 21/07/2018 23/07/2018 4 Literary Explaining Text Author s life 5 To Novel ’ History history 28/07/2018 30/07/2018 4 Reading and Critical Explaining Text 6 To Novel understanding reading by 04/08/2018 the Title enacting 4 Reading and Critical Explaining Text 06/08/2018 understanding reading by 7 To Novel the enacting 11/08/2018 significance 13/08/2018 8 To I Internal Assessment Test 18/08/2018 4 Chalk and Mangalore 20/08/2018 Talk, University 9 To Grammar Punctuation Punctuation Giving Text 25/08/2018 examples, practicing 4 Reading and Critical Explaining Text 27/08/2018 understanding reading by 10 To Novel the enacting 01/09/2018 significance 4 Chalk and Mangalore 03/09/2018 Bibiliography Bibiliography Talk, University 11 To Grammar and and Giving Text 08/09/2018 Advertisement Advertisement examples, practicing 10/09/2018 12 NSS Activities To 15/09/2018 17/09/2018 4 Reading and Critical Explaining Text 13 To Novel understanding reading by 22/09/2018 the theme enacting 24/09/2018 II Internal Assessment Test 14 To 29/09/2018 4 Chalk and Mangalore 01/10/2018 Talk, University Interpretation Interpretation 15 To Grammar Giving Text of Notice of Notice 06/10/2018 examples, practicing 09/10/2018 4 Critical Explaining Reading and 16 To Novel reading Text understanding 13/10/2018 4 Chalk and Mangalore 15/10/2018 Talk, University Dialogue Dialogue 17 To Grammar Giving Text writing writing 17/10/2018 examples, practicing

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Taluk, Udupi District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of

June 2018 -0ctober 2018 Programme / Semester III sem BCom Subject Code Total Number of Hours

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference 25/06/2018 4 Fiction Meaning and Language and Explaining Text 1 To Types of the Literature 30/06/2018 Part I 02/07/2018 4 Fiction History of Literary Explaining Text 2 To Fiction History 07/07/2018 4 Chalk and Mangalore 09/07/2018 Talk, University 3 To Grammar Punctuation Punctuation Giving Text 14/07/2018 examples, practicing 16/07/2018 Background of Literary Explaining Text 4 To 4 Fiction the Billy History 21/07/2018 Biswas 23/07/2018 4 Literary Explaining Text 5 To Fiction Background History 28/07/2018 4 Chalk and Mangalore 30/07/2018 Bibiliography Bibiliography Talk, University 6 To Grammar and and Giving Text 04/08/2018 Advertisement Advertisement examples, practicing 06/08/2018 4 Literary Explaining Text Author s life 7 To Fiction ’ History history 11/08/2018 13/08/2018 8 To I Internal Assessment Test 18/08/2018 20/08/2018 4 Reading and Critical Explaining Text 9 To Fiction understanding reading by 25/08/2018 the Title enacting 4 Chalk and Mangalore 27/08/2018 Talk, University Interpretation Interpretation 10 To Grammar Giving Text of Notice of Notice 01/09/2018 examples, practicing 4 Reading and Critical Explaining Text 03/09/2018 understanding reading by 11 To Fiction the enacting 08/09/2018 significance 10/09/2018 12 To NSS Activities 15/09/2018 4 Reading and Critical Explaining Text 17/09/2018 understanding reading by 13 To Fiction the enacting 22/09/2018 significance 24/09/2018 II Internal Assessment Test 14 To 29/09/2018 4 Chalk and Mangalore 01/10/2018 Talk, University Dialogue Dialogue 15 To Grammar Giving Text writing writing 06/10/2018 examples, practicing 09/10/2018 4 Reading and Critical Explaining 16 To Fiction understanding reading by Text 13/10/2018 the theme enacting 15/10/2018 4 Critical Explaining Reading and 17 To Fiction reading Text understanding 17/10/2018

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Talk, Dupe District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of

June 2018 -0ctober 2018 Programmed / Semester B.A/I Subject Code HIST-011: IN THE EARLY HISTORICAL PERIOD Total Number of Hours 60

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference 6 1 INTRODUCTION a) Historical writing in Chalk 1. Sail S.A India, changing and talk stone age in approaches to Indian India. history 2. Tripathi RS 25/06/2018 b) Sources, Archeology, history of 1 To epigraphy, ancient 30/06/2018 numismatics, India. literature,indegenous and foreign, their nature and functions.

1 INTRODUCTION c) Geographical Chalk 1. Sail S.A features and their and talk stone age in 02/07/2018 impact. India. 2 To 2. Tripathi RS 07/07/2018 history of ancient India. 09/07/2018 Pre-historic a) Early stone age sites Chalk 1. Sail S.A 3 To 2 beginnings and the and culture, and stone age in 14/07/2018 Harappa transition from old talk India. Civilization stone age to new 2. Tripathi RS stone age, beginning history of of agriculture and ancient settled life, copper India. bronze age cultures, contacts with Iran and central Asia. 2 Pre-historic b) The hardpan culture, Chalk 1. Sail S.A beginnings and the major sites, rural and and talk stone age in 16/07/2018 Harappa urban centers, details India. Civilization of town planning 2. 4 To 21/07/2018 3. Tripathi RS history of ancient India. 2 Pre-historic c) Harappan economy: Chalk 1. Sali S.A beginnings and the agriculture and and talk stone age in Harappan crafts-social India. Civilisation structures- political 2. Tripathi RS 23/07/2018 organizations- history of religion- script ancient 5 To 28/07/2018 d) Chronology of India. Harappan culture- internal evolution- theories regarding the origin and disappearance 3 The Vedic Age a) The Aryan Problem- Chalk 1. Sali S.A Indo-European and talk stone age in languages- India. archaeological record 2. Tripathi RS of the land of the history of 30/07/2018 Seven rivers- ancient 6 To Interface of India. 04/08/2018 Harappan and post- harappan cultures b) The vedic literature, the samhitha and later texts, nature of the literature. 3 The Vedic Age c) The early vedic Chalk 1. Sali S.A period, nature of and talk stone age in economy, pastoralism India. and its social 2. Tripathi RS organization, political history of forms, religious ideas ancient and practices. India. d) Later vedic age, geographical shift, 06/08/2018 the advent of iron, 7 To painted gey ware 11/08/2018 culture(PGW),agricul ture and its role, social changes and the emergence of varna division, break uopo of old political forms, changes in religion and philosophy.

13/08/2018 8 To I Internal Assessment Test 18/08/2018 4. The age of a) Agrarian expansion, Chalk 1. Sali S.A mahajanapadasa the archeology of and talk stone age in second urbanization, India. 20/08/2018 the rise of gahapatis 2. Tripathi RS and setthis, the history of 9 To 25/08/2018 emergence of ancient mahajanapadasa, the India. political forms, Persian and greek contacts. 4 The age of b) The rise of heterodox Chalk 1. Sali S.A 27/08/2018 mahajanapadasa religions, the material and talk stone age in background,questioni India. 10 To 01/09/2018 ng of orthodoxy, 2. Tripathi RS Jainism and its history of doctrines, Buddhism ancient and its doctrines, India. thefortunes of Jainism and Buddhism, their contributions. 5 The age of a) Rise of kingdom Chalk 1. Sali S.A mauryas Magadha, The and talk stone age in nandas, India. chandraguptha 2. Tripathi RS maurya, asoka, history of 03/09/2018 hissuccessors. ancient 11 To b) The arthasastra, India. 08/09/2018 indica and asokan, edicts, categories of the edicts. c) Economy and society, uneven character of the empire 10/09/2018 12 To NSS Activities 15/09/2018 d) Asokas policy of Chalk 1. Sali S.A dhamma its sources and talk stone age in 17/09/2018 and function. India. e) Maurya art and other 2. Tripathi RS 13 To 22/09/2018 cultural history of contributions. ancient f) The decline of the India. mayuras. 24/09/2018 II Internal Assessment Test 14 To 29/09/2018 6 Post-mauryan a) The north west, the Chalk 1. Sali S.A India the regional indo Greeks, and talk stone age in 01/10/2018 states. kushanas, kanishka, India. trade, inland and 2. Tripathi RS 15 To 06/10/2018 foreign, mahayanism history of and the gandhara ancient school of art. India.

b) The gangetic plain,disappearance of mauryan institutions, sunga and kanva, dynasties, bagavathism and the Mathura school of are 09/10/2018 Chalk c) The deccan, 16 To and X expansion of 13/10/2018 talk agriculture, trade and trade guilds, sahavahanas, cultural contribution, kalinga, kharavela, penetration of northern institution.

d) The tamil country 1. Sali S.A “sangam” literature, stone age in 15/10/2018 roaman trade, policy India. 17 To under theearly 2. Tripathi RS 17/10/2018 cholas,cheras and history of pandyas. ancient India.

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Kundapura Talk, Dupe District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of

June 2018 -0ctober 2018 Programmed / Semester B.A/III SEM Subject Code HIST-031 Medieval India Total Number of Hours 60

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference 6 1 The delhi Struggle for the Chalk 1. Benerjee,a sultanat establishment of strong and talks new history of 25/06/2018 monarchy, medival India 1 To 2. A.L 30/06/2018 shrivastava, the mughal empire. iltutmish, razia, balbhan, Chalk 1. Benerjee,a the problem of north west and talks new history of 02/07/2018 frontier, medival India 2 To 2. A.L 07/07/2018 shrivastava, the mughal empire. 3.

1. Benerjee,a new history of 09/07/2018 eastward expansion, Chalk medival India 3 To consolidation of the and 2. A.L 14/07/2018 sultanat, talks shrivastava, the mughal empire. 4 16/07/2018 2 The khalijis and The expansion of sulthan Chalk 1. Benerjee,a To tughluq under allaudhin khaliji, and talks new history of 21/07/2018 internal reforms, medival India agrarian policy and A.L shrivastava, the market experiments mughal empire. 2 The khalijis and 1. Benerjee,a tughluq muhammed bin new history of 23/07/2018 tughuluq, his medival India 5 To experiments, firuz PPT 2. A.L 28/07/2018 tughluq and the road to shrivastava, disintegration the mughal empire. 3 Economy, Economic and social life, Chalk 1. Benerjee,a society and trade, nobbels, the and talks new history of 30/07/2018 polity under “forty”, slaves, castes, medival India 6 To thedelhi social movement cusoms, 2. A.L 04/08/2018 sultanat bhakthi movements, sufi shrivastava, tradition, delhi sulthanat the mughal and caliphate empire. 3 Economy, The central Chalk 1. Benerjee,a society and administration and the and talks new history of 06/08/2018 polity under sulthan, proovencial and medival India 7 To thedelhi local administration, art 2. A.L 11/08/2018 sultanat and architecture shrivastava, the mughal empire. 13/08/2018 8 To I Internal Assessment Test 18/08/2018 4 South India South India in early Chalk 1. Benerjee,a under fourteenath century, the and talks new history of 20/08/2018 vijayanagar and foundation and fortunes medival India 9 To the bahamanis of vijayanagara empire 2. A.L 25/08/2018 shrivastava, the mughal empire. 4 South India The bahamani kingdom, Chalk 1. Benerjee,a 27/08/2018 under the conflicts between the and talks new history of 10 To vijayanagar and to, apogee of medival India 01/09/2018 the bahamanis vijayanagara and its 2. A.L decline shrivastava, the mughal empire. 4 South India Administration, economy Chalk 1. Benerjee,a under and society, vijayanagara and talks new history of 03/09/2018 vijayanagar and and the external world. medival India 11 To the bahamanis 2. A.L 08/09/2018 shrivastava, the mughal empire. 10/09/2018 12 To NSS Activities 15/09/2018 5 Establishment Plassey, the significance PPT 1. Benerjee,a of british of the third battle of new history of 17/09/2018 paramountcy panipath, double medival India 13 To government in bengal 2. A.L 22/09/2018 shrivastava, the mughal empire. 24/09/2018 II Internal Assessment Test 14 To 29/09/2018 5 Establishment Warren hastings and Chalk 1. Benerjee,a of british Cornwallis, revenue and talks new history of 01/10/2018 paramountcy settlements,expansion medival India 15 To under Wellesley and lord 2. A.L 06/10/2018 hustings. shrivastava, the mughal empire. 1. Benerjee,a new history of Conquests of sindh, 09/10/2018 Establishment Chalk medival India Punjab under ranjith 16 To 5 of british and 2. A.L singh, dalhousie s 13/10/2018 paramountcy ’ talks shrivastava, annexation the mughal empire. 15/10/2018 Revision Chalk 1. Benerjee,a and talks new history of 17 To 17/10/2018 medival India 2. A.L shrivastava, the mughal empire.

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Talk, Dupe District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of

June 2018 -0ctober 2018 Programmed / Semester B.A/ 5th SEM Subject Code HIST- 051/ Colonial India Total Number of Hours

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference 6 1 What is Forms of Chalk 1. P.E Robert, Colonialism ? domination, and talk history of 25/06/2018 economic, britidh India. 1 To political, social 2. S.gopal, 30/06/2018 and cultural, british policy in India 1858- 1905 What is Colonial Chalk 1. P.E Robert, Colonialism ? knowledge and its and talk history of 02/07/2018 forms, their britidh India. 2 To impact, 2. S.gopal, 07/07/2018 orientalism. british policy in India 1858- 1905 Chalk 1. P.E Robert, and talk history of The government The evolution of 09/07/2018 britidh India. under English government and 3 To 2 2. S.gopal, east India systems of control, 14/07/2018 british policy company army . in India 1858- 1905 16/07/2018 The Police, civil service Chalk 1. P.E Robert, 4 To government and judiciary, and talk history of 21/07/2018 under English racial relations. britidh India. east India 2. S.gopal, company british policy in India 1858- 1905 The Economic policies, Chalk 23/07/2018 government transport and and talk 5 To under English communication, 28/07/2018 east India princely states. company 3 Society and Rice of the middle PPT 1. P.E Robert, culture class, education, history of 30/07/2018 orientalists vs britidh India. 6 To anglicists, 2. S.gopal, 04/08/2018 macaulay and british policy Charles wood in India 1858- 1905 Society and Western Chalk 1. P.E Robert, culture liberalism and and talk history of 06/08/2018 reformist britidh India. 7 To impulses, “The 2. S.gopal, 11/08/2018 Indian british policy renaissance”, in India 1858- 1905 13/08/2018 8 To I Internal Assessment Test 18/08/2018 Society and Brahmo samaj, Chalk 1. P.E Robert, culture missionary and talk history of 20/08/2018 activities, press britidh India. 9 To and vernacular 2. S.gopal, 25/08/2018 literature. british policy in India 1858- 1905 4. The Rebellion Nature, cause and Chalk 1. P.E Robert, 27/08/2018 of 1857 course, the and talk history of significance, the britidh India. 10 To 01/09/2018 queen’s 2. S.gopal, proclamation, c british policy in India 1858- 1905 The Rebellion the queen’s Chalk 1. P.E Robert, of 1857 proclamation, and talk history of 03/09/2018 changes in britidh India. 11 To bureaucracy and 2. S.gopal, 08/09/2018 army british policy in India 1858- 1905 10/09/2018 . To NSS Activities 15/09/2018 5 Genesis of Contradictions of Chalk 1. P.E Robert, Indian colonial rule, and talk history of 17/09/2018 nationalism economic britidh India. exploitation, social 2. S.gopal, 13 To 22/09/2018 and cultural bases, british policy reform in India 1858- movements, Arya 1905 Samaj, 24/09/2018 II Internal Assessment Test 14 To 29/09/2018 Genesis of Ramakrishna Chalk 1. P.E Robert, Indian mission ,alighar and talk history of nationalism movement , britidh India. 01/10/2018 egucation ,press 2. S.gopal, 15 To and literature ,the british policy 06/10/2018 early associations in India 1858- and the birth of 1905 Indian national congress Chalk 1. P.E Robert, Agrarian policy and talk history of famine policy 09/10/2018 britidh India. Colonial policy ,policies to us 16 To 6 2. S.gopal, in 19th century , towords native 13/10/2018 british policy states , commercial in India 1858- policies 1905 17 15/10/2018 Colonial policy Racial relations Chalk 1. P.E Robert, To in 19th century ,viceroyalites of and talk history of 17/10/2018 Litton and ripon , britidh Indian reaction India. 2. S.gopal, british policy in India 1858-1905

Shankaranarayana Kundapura Talk, Dupe District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of

June 2018 -0ctober 2018 Programmed / Semester 5th sem BA Subject Code HIST052, History of Europe Total Number of Hours 60

Unit Reading / Heading Details Method Reference 1 The Expantion of trad Chalk and talk 1. Vienna settlement(1815), Vienna, frankfurt, aix-la-chapelle. industrial development in 2. German occupation in 1994. revolution agriculture , rice of colonies in America asia and Africa , Technological development from guild to factory , economic and social changes , the economic and social theories of the industial era ,utiliterinisum ,classical eonomics , utopian socialisum and marx and seintific socialisum 2 Congress of Vienna , Chalk and talk Matternich holly alliance , 1 Vienna settlement(1815), Vienna, frankfurt, aix-la-chapelle. and concert of urope the 2 German occupation in 1994. reaction astrian empier (1815-1848) reaction agenist Metternize,revolution of 1830 to 1832, the july monarchy , the revolution of 1848 and their character The second Bonapartisum , Louis republic nepolian as president and the nepolion 3 as 3 Chalk and talk second emperor , domestic empire reforms , foreign in policy. france 4 Nationalism Rise of nationalism in Chalk and talk 1 Vienna settlement(1815), Vienna, frankfurt, aix-la-chapelle. and Europe, its 2 German occupation in 1994. unification expression, early Italy and Italian ascociations, germany. Mazzini and garibaldi, Italian unification under the Sardinian leadership, the work of victor Emmanuel II and Cavour 5 The making Early attems at Chalk and talk 1 Vienna settlement(1815), Vienna, frankfurt, aix-la-chapell of the germun unification , 2 German occupation in 1994. germun the Prussian lead , nation the work of Bismarck, The three wars and the worth of the gurmun empiar 6 The eastern The meaning and Chalk and talk 1 Vienna settlement(1815), Vienna, frankfurt, aix-la-cha question natur e “sik man of 2 German occupation in 1994. urope “,pan slavisum the greek war of independence The eastern The palmestonian Chalk and talk 1 Vienna settlement(1815), Vienna, frankfurt, aix-la question diplomac 2 German occupation in 1994. y , the Crimean war the congress of berlin , the estean question till 1914

I Internal Assessment Test

7 Europe in Bismarks and the Chalk and talk 1 Vienna settlement(1815), Vienna, frankfurt, a to camps gurmun empair , 2 German occupation in 1994. kaiscr williom to , the scramble for colonies and the parshions of Africa Europe in The formation of the PPT 1 Vienna settlement(1815), Vienna, frankfur to camps triple alliance and 2 German occupation in 1994. tripul entente , the era of armed peace 8 The first The 14 points , the Chalk and talk 1 Vienna settlement(1815), Vienna, fra world war league of the nations 2 German occupation in 1994. and the and it organs , the leagua of work of the leaug of nations the nations and its failure

NSS Activitiess

9 The The czarist Chalk and talk 1 Vienna settlement(1815), Vienna Russian absolution, economy 2 German occupation in 1994. revolution and society under the czars,the revolution of 1905, beginnings of industrialization, ideological factors in Russian revolution II Internal Assessment Test February revolution and Alexander Kerensky, Chalk 1 Vienna settlement( Mensheviks and Bolsheviks, work of lenin, NEP and 2 German occupatio and the five year plans,stalin and the “iron talk curtain” The aftermath of Versailles, the economy, the great depression, Italy goes fascist, domestic and foreign policies of Europe 1 Vienna settlem Mussolini, the 10 between Chalk and talk 2 German occup Weimar republic and the wars the rise of the Nazi party, the ideology and methods of the Nazi party, the foreign policy of Hitler. 11 The second The causes of world Chalk and talk 1 Vienna settlement( world war war II, the important 2 German occupatio and after theatres, the new technology of war, the end of the war, the new technology of, the end of the war, the UNO and its work, the origin and the working of cold war and end of cold war

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Talk, Dupe District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of

June 2018 -0ctober 2018 Programmed / Semester B.Com/III Subject Code Total Number of Hours

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference 25/06/2018 1 To 30/06/2018 02/07/2018 2 To 07/07/2018 09/07/2018 3 To 14/07/2018 16/07/2018 4 To 21/07/2018 23/07/2018 5 To 28/07/2018 30/07/2018 6 To 04/08/2018 06/08/2018 7 To 11/08/2018 8 13/08/2018 I Internal Assessment Test To 18/08/2018 20/08/2018 9 To 25/08/2018 27/08/2018 10 To 01/09/2018 03/09/2018 11 To 08/09/2018 10/09/2018 12 To NSS Activities 15/09/2018 17/09/2018 13 To 22/09/2018 24/09/2018 II Internal Assessment Test 14 To 29/09/2018 01/10/2018 15 To 06/10/2018 09/10/2018 16 To X 13/10/2018 15/10/2018 17 To 17/10/2018

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Talk, Dupe District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of

June 2018 -0ctober 2018 Programmed / Semester B.Com/III Subject Code Total Number of Hours

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference 25/06/2018 1 To 30/06/2018 02/07/2018 2 To 07/07/2018 09/07/2018 3 To 14/07/2018 16/07/2018 4 To 21/07/2018 23/07/2018 5 To 28/07/2018 30/07/2018 6 To 04/08/2018 06/08/2018 7 To 11/08/2018 8 13/08/2018 I Internal Assessment Test To 18/08/2018 20/08/2018 9 To 25/08/2018 27/08/2018 10 To 01/09/2018 03/09/2018 11 To 08/09/2018 10/09/2018 12 To NSS Activities 15/09/2018 17/09/2018 13 To 22/09/2018 24/09/2018 II Internal Assessment Test 14 To 29/09/2018 01/10/2018 15 To 06/10/2018 09/10/2018 16 To X 13/10/2018 15/10/2018 17 To 17/10/2018

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Talk, Dupe District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of

June 2018 -0ctober 2018 Programmed / Semester B.Com/III Subject Code Total Number of Hours

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference 25/06/2018 1 To 30/06/2018 02/07/2018 2 To 07/07/2018 09/07/2018 3 To 14/07/2018 16/07/2018 4 To 21/07/2018 23/07/2018 5 To 28/07/2018 30/07/2018 6 To 04/08/2018 06/08/2018 7 To 11/08/2018 8 13/08/2018 I Internal Assessment Test To 18/08/2018 20/08/2018 9 To 25/08/2018 27/08/2018 10 To 01/09/2018 03/09/2018 11 To 08/09/2018 10/09/2018 12 To NSS Activities 15/09/2018 17/09/2018 13 To 22/09/2018 24/09/2018 II Internal Assessment Test 14 To 29/09/2018 01/10/2018 15 To 06/10/2018 09/10/2018 16 To X 13/10/2018 15/10/2018 17 To 17/10/2018

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Talk, Dupe District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of

June 2018 -0ctober 2018 Programmed / Semester B.Com/III Subject Code Total Number of Hours

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference 25/06/2018 1 To 30/06/2018 02/07/2018 2 To 07/07/2018 09/07/2018 3 To 14/07/2018 16/07/2018 4 To 21/07/2018 23/07/2018 5 To 28/07/2018 30/07/2018 6 To 04/08/2018 06/08/2018 7 To 11/08/2018 8 13/08/2018 I Internal Assessment Test To 18/08/2018 20/08/2018 9 To 25/08/2018 27/08/2018 10 To 01/09/2018 03/09/2018 11 To 08/09/2018 10/09/2018 12 To NSS Activities 15/09/2018 17/09/2018 13 To 22/09/2018 24/09/2018 II Internal Assessment Test 14 To 29/09/2018 01/10/2018 15 To 06/10/2018 09/10/2018 16 To X 13/10/2018 15/10/2018 17 To 17/10/2018

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Talk, Dupe District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of

June 2018 -0ctober 2018 Programmed / Semester B.Com/III Subject Code Total Number of Hours

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference 25/06/2018 1 To 30/06/2018 02/07/2018 2 To 07/07/2018 09/07/2018 3 To 14/07/2018 16/07/2018 4 To 21/07/2018 23/07/2018 5 To 28/07/2018 30/07/2018 6 To 04/08/2018 06/08/2018 7 To 11/08/2018 8 13/08/2018 I Internal Assessment Test To 18/08/2018 20/08/2018 9 To 25/08/2018 27/08/2018 10 To 01/09/2018 03/09/2018 11 To 08/09/2018 10/09/2018 12 To NSS Activities 15/09/2018 17/09/2018 13 To 22/09/2018 24/09/2018 II Internal Assessment Test 14 To 29/09/2018 01/10/2018 15 To 06/10/2018 09/10/2018 16 To X 13/10/2018 15/10/2018 17 To 17/10/2018

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Talk, Dupe District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of

June 2018 -0ctober 2018 Programmed / Semester B.Com/III Subject Code Total Number of Hours

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference 25/06/2018 1 To 30/06/2018 02/07/2018 2 To 07/07/2018 09/07/2018 3 To 14/07/2018 16/07/2018 4 To 21/07/2018 23/07/2018 5 To 28/07/2018 30/07/2018 6 To 04/08/2018 06/08/2018 7 To 11/08/2018 8 13/08/2018 I Internal Assessment Test To 18/08/2018 20/08/2018 9 To 25/08/2018 27/08/2018 10 To 01/09/2018 03/09/2018 11 To 08/09/2018 10/09/2018 12 To NSS Activities 15/09/2018 17/09/2018 13 To 22/09/2018 24/09/2018 II Internal Assessment Test 14 To 29/09/2018 01/10/2018 15 To 06/10/2018 09/10/2018 16 To X 13/10/2018 15/10/2018 17 To 17/10/2018

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Talk, Dupe District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of

June 2018 -0ctober 2018 Programmed / Semester B.Com/III Subject Code Total Number of Hours

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference 25/06/2018 1 To 30/06/2018 02/07/2018 2 To 07/07/2018 09/07/2018 3 To 14/07/2018 16/07/2018 4 To 21/07/2018 23/07/2018 5 To 28/07/2018 30/07/2018 6 To 04/08/2018 06/08/2018 7 To 11/08/2018 8 13/08/2018 I Internal Assessment Test To 18/08/2018 20/08/2018 9 To 25/08/2018 27/08/2018 10 To 01/09/2018 03/09/2018 11 To 08/09/2018 10/09/2018 12 To NSS Activities 15/09/2018 17/09/2018 13 To 22/09/2018 24/09/2018 II Internal Assessment Test 14 To 29/09/2018 01/10/2018 15 To 06/10/2018 09/10/2018 16 To X 13/10/2018 15/10/2018 17 To 17/10/2018

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre

Shankaranarayana Kundapura Taluk, Udupi District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of Commerce

December 2017 - April 2018 SUB: International Trade and Finance Programme / Semester IV Subject Code Eco401 Total Number of Hours 75


Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre

Shankaranarayana Kundapura Taluk, Udupi District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of Commerce

December 2017 - April 2018 SUB:INDIAN ECONOMY Programme / Semester VI Subject Code Eco601 Total Number of Hours 50

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference 05 1 POPULATION COMPOSITION SIZE DENSITY Chalk and Indian Economy PROBLEM SEX RATIO LITERACY RATIO talk,PPT, :Agrawal A.N 11/12/2017 RURAL URBAN RATIO AND Group Indian Economy 1 To OCCUPATIONAL discursion :Mishra and Puri 16/12/2017 DISTRIBITION CAUSE AND COSEQUENCESE OF POPULATION 05 2 POVERTY AND NATURE POVERTY Chalk and Indian Economy 18/12/2017 – UNEMPLOYMENT ALLEVIATION talk,PPT :Agrawal A.N 2 To IN INDIA PROGRAMMES-SSGSY-PMY- Indian Economy 23/12/2017 ANY-VABY :Mishra and Puri 24/12/2017 3 To Christmas and New year Vacation 30/12/2017 05 3 INDIAN AGRICULUTURAL CREDIT Chalk and Indian Economy 01/01/2018 AGRICULUTURE SOURCES-AGRICULUTRAL talk,PPT :Agrawal A.N 4 To MARKETING Indian Economy 06/01/2018 :Mishra and Puri 05 3 INDIAN AGRICULTURAL PROBLEM Chalk and Indian Economy 08/01/2018 – AGRICULUTURE Ag POLICY IMPACT OF talk,PPT :Agrawal A.N 5 To GLOBALISATION ON INDIAN Indian Economy 13/01/2018 Ag… :Mishra and Puri 04 4 Indian industries Industrial policy Chalk and Indian Economy 15/01/2018 1991,industrial sickness talk,PPT :Agrawal A.N 6 To Indian Economy 20/01/2018 :Mishra and Puri 04 4 Indian industries Causes and remedies of Chalk and Indian Economy 22/01/2018 industrial sickness small talk,PPT, :Agrawal A.N 7 To scale industries-problems Group Indian Economy 27/01/2018 discursion :Mishra and Puri 29/01/2018 8 To I Internal Assessment Test 03/02/2018 05/02/2018 04 4 Indian industries Measures taken by Chalk and Indian Economy 9 To government solving problem talk,PPT, :Agrawal A.N 10/02/2018 of SSI-Industrial reforms Group Indian Economy since 1991 discursion :Mishra and Puri 05 5 Reforms in Transport sector Reforms Chalk and Indian Economy Tertiary sector talk,PPT, :Agrawal A.N 12/02/2018 since 1991 Group Indian Economy 10 To discursion :Mishra and Puri 17/02/2018

05 5 Reforms in Trade sector Reforms Chalk and Indian Economy 19/02/2018 Tertiary sector talk,PPT, :Agrawal A.N 11 To since 1991 Group Indian Economy 24/02/2018 discursion :Mishra and Puri 26/02/2018 12 To Cultural and Sports Activities 03/03/2018 03 05 Reforms in Financial sector Reforms Chalk and Indian Economy 05/03/2018 Tertiary sector talk,PPT, :Agrawal A.N 13 To since 1991 Group Indian Economy 10/03/2018 discursion :Mishra and Puri 03 5 Reforms in Fiscal sector Reforms Chalk and Indian Economy 12/03/2018 Tertiary sector talk,PPT, :Agrawal A.N 14 To since 1991 Group Indian Economy 17/03/2018 discursion :Mishra and Puri 05 06 Centre-State Centre state financial Chalk and Indian Economy 19/03/2018 Financial relations. talk,PPT, :Agrawal A.N 15 To Relations Group Indian Economy 24/03/2018 discursion :Mishra and Puri 26/03/2018 16 To II Internal Assessment Test 31/03/2018 05 06 Centre-State Recommendations of Chalk and Indian Economy 02/04/2018 Financial 13, commissions. talk,PPT, :Agrawal A.N 17 To Relations Group Indian Economy 07/04/2018 discursion :Mishra and Puri 05 01 revision Revision of all syllabus and Chalk and Indian Economy 09/04/2018 02 old question paper talk,PPT, :Agrawal A.N 18 To 03 Group Indian Economy 13/04/2018 discursion :Mishra and Puri

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Taluk, Udupi District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of Political Science

June 2018 -0ctober 2018 Programme / Semester B.A 1st semester Subject Code Total Number of Hours 70

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference

I Political Meaning, PPT , Principles Science definition and Of Chalk and Nature political 25/06/2018 Talk, Science J.C. 1 To Group discussion Johari 30/06/2018 Political Theory


I Political Significance of PPT , Principles Science the study of Of Chalk and political political Talk, Science 02/07/2018 Science Group J.C. II State Meaning 2 To discussion Johari Theories on 07/07/2018 origin of Political Theory State-Devine origin, Social M.P.Jain contract

Social Principles Of contract, PPT , political 09/07/2018 Evolutionary Science Chalk and Perspectives J.C. 3 To II State Talk, Johari on state- 14/07/2018 Liberal and Group Political discussion Marxist Theory M.P.Jain II State PPT , Principles Perspectives Of Chalk and on state- political Talk, Science Liberal and J.C. Marxist Group discussion Johari

Political Theory 16/07/2018 M.P.Jain 4 To Sovereignty PPT , Principles 21/07/2018 Meaning Of III Chalk and Perspectives political Talk, Science on J.C. Sovereignty – Group discussion Johari Monistic and Pluralistic Political Theory M.P.Jain

Perspectives PPT , Principles on Of III Chalk and Sovereignty – political Talk, Science Pluralistic 23/07/2018 J.C. Group discussion Johari 5 To Globalization Political 28/07/2018 and Theory Sovereignty M.P.Jain

IV Basic Rights PPT , Principles Concepts Meaning and Of Chalk and nature political 30/07/2018 Talk, Science Theories of J.C. 6 To Group Rights – discussion Johari 04/08/2018 Natural Political Rights, Liberal Theory


IV Basic Rights PPT , Principles Concepts Marxist Of 06/08/2018 Chalk and perspectives political 7 To Talk, Science ii. liberty J.C. 11/08/2018 Meaning Group discussion Johari

Political Theory



8 To I Internal Assessment Test


Principles Liberty Of Two concepts PPT , political 20/08/2018 Science of liberty- Basic Chalk and J.C. 9 To IV Negative and Talk, Concepts Johari positive 25/08/2018 Group liberty Political discussion Theory


IV Basic Equality PPT , Principles Concepts Meaning Of Chalk and Dimensions of political 27/08/2018 Talk, Science equality-Legal, J.C. 10 To Political, Group discussion Johari Economic and 01/09/2018 Social Political Theory M.P.Jain

IV Basic Inequality and PPT , Principles Concepts Affirmative Of Chalk and action political Talk, Science 03/09/2018 Justice J.C. Meaning Group 11 To discussion Johari Justice and 08/09/2018 law Political Theory M.P.Jain

IV Basic Social justice PPT , Principles Concepts Of Chalk and political 10/09/2018 V Ideologies Democracy Talk, Science Group J.C. 12 To Meaning discussion Johari 15/09/2018 Political Theory


13 17/09/2018 V Ideologies Democracy PPT , Principles Of To forms- Chalk and political Political, Talk, Science 22/09/2018 Social and J.C. Group Johari Economic discussion Political Theory


24/09/2018 II Internal Assessment Test

14 To


V Ideologies Democracy PPT , Principles Of Kinds-Direct Chalk and political 01/10/2018 and Talk, Science representative J.C. 15 To Group discussion Johari 06/10/2018 Political Theory


V Ideologies Nationalism PPT , Principles Of Nationalism- Chalk and political 09/10/2018 Meaning and Talk, Science Bases J.C. 16 To Group Fascism- discussion Johari 13/10/2018 Meaning, Political Basic tenet Theory


15/10/2018 Revision

17 To


IA – 1: Before August 20th 2018 Assignment : Social Contract Theory

IA – II: Before Project work : Democracy in India September 24th 2018

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Taluk, Udupi District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of Political Science

June 2018 -0ctober 2018 Programme / Semester B.A /III Subject Code Total Number of Hours 70

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference 6 I Introduction The making of Chalk and Austin:Indian the Indian Talk Constitution: constitution : Cornerstone PPT, Composition of a nation D.D.Basu: and role of the Group 25/06/2018 Introduction Constituent Discussion to the 1 To Assembly 30/06/2018 Constitution of India Preamble of the Constitution .

6 I Introduction Salient features Chalk and Austin:Indian of the Talk Constitution: Constitution Cornerstone PPT, of a nation 02/07/2018 2 To D.D.Basu: II Major Fundamental Group 07/07/2018 Introduction Provisions Rights Discussion to the Constitution of India Chalk and Austin:Indian Talk Constitution: Cornerstone 09/07/2018 Major Directive PPT, of a nation 3 To 6 II Provisions Principles of D.D.Basu: Group 14/07/2018 State Policy Introduction Discussion to the Constitution of India 6 III The Union The legislature; Chalk and Austin:Indian Government Composition Talk Constitution: 16/07/2018 Cornerstone and Functions 4 To PPT, of a nation 21/07/2018 of Lok Sabha D.D.Basu: and Rajya Group Introduction to the Sabha. Discussion Constitution of India 6 III The Union The Executive; Chalk and Austin:Indian Government President, Talk Constitution: Cornerstone Prime Minister PPT, of a nation 23/07/2018 and Council of 5 To D.D.Basu: Ministers- Group Introduction 28/07/2018 Discussion Composition to the and Functions Constitution of India

6 III The Union Ministers- Chalk and Austin:Indian Government Composition Talk Constitution: Cornerstone and Functions 30/07/2018 PPT, of a nation 6 To D.D.Basu: 04/08/2018 The Judiciary: Group Introduction composition Discussion to the Constitution of India 6 III The Union jurisdiction of Chalk and Austin:Indian Government the supreme Talk Constitution: Cornerstone court of India 06/08/2018 PPT, of a nation 7 To D.D.Basu: 11/08/2018 Group Introduction Discussion to the Constitution of India 13/08/2018 8 To I Internal Assessment Test 18/08/2018 6 IV The State The Legislature: Chalk and Austin:Indian Government Vidhana Sabha Talk Constitution: Cornerstone and Vidhana 20/08/2018 PPT, of a nation 9 To Parishad – D.D.Basu: 25/08/2018 Composition Group Introduction Discussion and Functions to the Constitution of India 6 IV The State The Executive: Chalk and Austin:Indian Government Governor, Chief Talk Constitution: Cornerstone Minister and PPT, of a nation 27/08/2018 council of 10 To D.D.Basu: Minister- Group Introduction 01/09/2018 Discussion Composition to the and Functions. Constitution of India

6 IV The State The Judiciory: Chalk and Austin:Indian Government High courts – Talk Constitution: Cornerstone 03/09/2018 composition 11 To PPT, of a nation and jurisdiction. 08/09/2018 D.D.Basu: Group Introduction Discussion to the Constitution of India Contemporary Chalk and Austin:Indian Issues and Party system: Talk Constitution: Features of Cornerstone Concerns PPT, 10/09/2018 Indian Political of a nation 12 To 6 V D.D.Basu: Parties, 15/09/2018 Group Introduction Coalition Discussion to the Politics. Constitution of India 6 V Contemporary Judicial Chalk and Austin:Indian Issues and Activism: Public Talk Constitution: Interest Cornerstone Concerns PPT, Litigation of a nation D.D.Basu: 17/09/2018 Right to Group 13 To Introduction Information Discussion 22/09/2018 to the Act: Meaning Constitution and Features of of India the Information Act of 2005 24/09/2018 II Internal Assessment Test 14 To 29/09/2018 6 V Contemporary Identity Politics: Chalk and Austin:Indian Issues and Dalit and Other Talk Constitution: Concerns Backward class Cornerstone PPT, 01/10/2018 Movement of a nation 15 To D.D.Basu: 06/10/2018 Secularism: Group Introduction Meaning and Discussion to the significance Constitution of India Chalk and Austin:Indian Talk Constitution: Democratic Cornerstone 09/10/2018 Contemporary Decentralization PPT, of a nation 16 To 6 V Issues and :Features of 73rd D.D.Basu: Group 13/10/2018 Concerns and 74th Introduction Discussion Amendment to the Constitution of India 15/10/2018 6 Revision 17 To 17/10/2018 IA – 1: Before August 13th 2018 Assignment : The legislature; Composition and Functions of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha.

IA – 2: Before September 24th Project work : Right to Information Act: 2018 Meaning and Features of the Information Act of 2005

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Taluk, Udupi District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of Political Science

June 2018 -0ctober 2018 Programme / Semester B.A /V Subject Code Total Number of Hours 60

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference 5 I Public Public Chalk and L.D.White , Administration Administration- Talk Introduction to Introduction Meaning, PPT, Political 25/06/2018 Definition, Group science 1 To Discussion Rumki Basu, 30/06/2018 Nature and Public Significance Administration- Concepts and Theories 5 I Public Public and Chalk and L.D.White , Administration Private Talk Introduction to Introduction Administration- PPT, Political 02/07/2018 similarities and Group science 2 To Discussion Rumki Basu, 07/07/2018 differences Public New Public Administration- Administration Concepts and Theories L.D.White , Introduction to Meaning Chalk and Political 09/07/2018 Principles of Talk science 3 To 5 II Organization PPT, Rumki Basu, Organization: 14/07/2018 Group Public Hierarchy Discussion Administration- Concepts and Theories 5 II Organization Unity of Chalk and L.D.White , Command, Span Talk Introduction to of Control, PPT, Political 16/07/2018 Chalk and science Centralization 4 To Talk Rumki Basu, 21/07/2018 PPT, Public Group Administration- Discussion Concepts and Theories 5 II Organization Centralization, Chalk and L.D.White , 23/07/2018 Decentralization Talk Introduction to 5 To Agencies of PPT, Political 28/07/2018 Organization : Group science Discussion Rumki Basu, Line, Staff Public Administration- Concepts and Theories 5 II Organization Agencies of Chalk and L.D.White , Organization : Talk Introduction to Line, Staff and PPT, Political Auxiliary Group science Discussion Rumki Basu, agencies Public 30/07/2018 Forms of 6 To Administration- 04/08/2018 Organization: Concepts and Departments, Theories Corporation, Boards and Commissions

5 III Personnel Civil Service- Chalk and L.D.White , Administration Meaning and Talk Introduction to Features PPT, Political 06/08/2018 Group science Recruitment 7 To Discussion Rumki Basu, 11/08/2018 Public Administration- Concepts and Theories 13/08/2018 8 To I Internal Assessment Test 18/08/2018 5 III Personnel Civil Service- s Chalk and L.D.White , Administration Recruitment Talk Introduction to Training PPT, Political 20/08/2018 Promotion Group science 9 To Discussion Rumki Basu, 25/08/2018 Public Administration- Concepts and Theories 5 III Personnel Morale Chalk and L.D.White , Administration Conduct and Talk Introduction to Discipline PPT, Political 27/08/2018 Group science

10 To Discussion Rumki Basu, 01/09/2018 Public Administration- Concepts and Theories 5 IV Financial Budget- Chalk and L.D.White , Administration Meaning, Talk Introduction to Principles and PPT, Political 03/09/2018 Significance Group science 11 To Discussion Rumki Basu, Budget- 08/09/2018 Public Meaning, Administration- enactment and Concepts and execution Theories Financial Accounts and L.D.White , IV Administration Audit Introduction to Executive, Chalk and Political 10/09/2018 Control over Legislative and Talk science 12 To PPT, Rumki Basu, Administration Judicial Control 15/09/2018 V Group Public and New Lok Pal and Lok Discussion Administration- Trends Ayukta Concepts and Theories 5 V Control over Development Chalk and L.D.White , Administration Administration Talk Introduction to and New Good PPT, Political 17/09/2018 Group science Trends Governance and 13 To Discussion Rumki Basu, 22/09/2018 E-Governance- Public Meaning and Administration- significance Concepts and Theories 24/09/2018 II Internal Assessment Test 14 To 29/09/2018 5 V Control over E-Governance- Chalk and L.D.White , Administration Meaning and Talk Introduction to and New significance PPT, Political 01/10/2018 Group science Trends Administrative 15 To Discussion Rumki Basu, 06/10/2018 Law-Meaning Public and Administration- significances Concepts and Theories 09/10/2018 Revision 16 To

13/10/2018 15/10/2018 Revision 17 To 17/10/2018 IA – 1: Before August 13th 2018 Assignment : Organization

IA – 2: Before September Project work :Development 24th 2018 Administration

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Taluk, Udupi District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of Political Science

June 2018 -0ctober 2018 Programme / Semester B.A /VI Subject Code Total Number of Hours 60

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference 5 I International Meaning and Chalk and Hans .J.Morgenthau relations –An Nature Talk ,Politics Among outline Scope PPT, Nations:The 25/06/2018 Group struggle for Power 1 To Discussion and Peace 30/06/2018 Mahendra Kumar , Theoretical Aspects of International Politics 5 I Importance Chalk and Hans .J.Morgenthau Approaches Talk ,Politics Among Classical PPT, Nations:The 02/07/2018 realism, Neo- Group struggle for Power 2 To Discussion and Peace 07/07/2018 Liberalism Mahendra Kumar , Theoretical Aspects of International Politics Nation and Chalk and Hans.J.Morgenthau Talk ,Politics Among State PPT, Nations:The International National Group struggle for Power 09/07/2018 system – power : Discussion and Peace 3 To 5 II Concept and Meaning Mahendra Kumar 14/07/2018 actors ,Elements Theoretical and Aspects of International limitations Politics 5 II International National Chalk and Hans .J.Morgenthau system – Interest : Talk Politics Among Concept and Meaning and PPT, Nations:The 16/07/2018 Group struggle for Power actors nature 4 To Discussion and Peace 21/07/2018 Instrument of Mahendra Kumar , national Theoretical Aspects interest of International Politics 23/07/2018 5 III Instruments of Foreign Chalk and Hans .J.Morgenthau 5 To Talk ,Politics Among 28/07/2018 inter-state policy: PPT, Nations:The relations Meaning and Group struggle for Power Importance Discussion and Peace Diplomacy : Mahendra Kumar , Theoretical Aspects Meaning and of International kinds Politics 5 III Instruments of Balance of Chalk and Hans .J.Morgenthau inter-state Power: Talk ,Politics Among relations Meaning and PPT, Nations:The 30/07/2018 device Group struggle for Power 6 To Discussion and Peace Collective 04/08/2018 Mahendra Kumar , security: Theoretical Aspects Meaning and of International significance Politics 5 III International Collective Chalk and Hans .J.Morgenthau system – security: Talk ,Politics Among Concept and Meaning and PPT, Nations:The 06/08/2018 Group struggle for Power actors significance 7 To Discussion and Peace

11/08/2018 Mahendra Kumar , Theoretical Aspects of International Politics 13/08/2018 8 To I Internal Assessment Test 18/08/2018 5 IV International The UN: Chalk and Hans .J.Morgenthau arrangements Principles and Talk ,Politics Among Objectives PPT, Nations:The 20/08/2018 General Group struggle for Power 9 To Discussion and Peace 25/08/2018 assembly Mahendra Kumar , Theoretical Aspects of International Politics 5 IV International General Chalk and Hans .J.Morgenthau arrangements assembly: Talk ,Politics Among Composition PPT, Nations:The 27/08/2018 and functions Group struggle for Power 10 To Discussion and Peace 01/09/2018 Mahendra Kumar , Theoretical Aspects of International Politics 5 IV International Security Chalk and Hans .J.Morgenthau arrangements Council : Talk ,Politics Among Composition PPT, Nations:The 03/09/2018 and functions Group struggle for Power 11 To Discussion and Peace

08/09/2018 Mahendra Kumar , Theoretical Aspects of International Politics 10/09/2018 International Security Chalk and Hans .J.Morgenthau 12 To IV arrangements Council : Talk ,Politics Among 15/09/2018 Composition PPT, Nations:The struggle and functions Group for Power and Peace Debate on UN Discussion Mahendra Kumar , reform Theoretical Aspects of International

Politics 5 V Process in Non- Chalk and Hans .J.Morgenthau International alignment : Talk ,Politics Among relations Meaning and PPT, Nations:The 17/09/2018 relevance Group struggle for Power 13 To Discussion and Peace 22/09/2018 Globalization: Mahendra Kumar , Meaning and Theoretical Aspects Impact of International Politics 24/09/2018 II Internal Assessment Test 14 To 29/09/2018 5 V Process in Environment: Chalk and Hans .J.Morgenthau International concern on Talk ,Politics Among relations global PPT, Nations:The 01/10/2018 Group struggle for Power warming 15 To Discussion and Peace Humanitarian 06/10/2018 Mahendra Kumar , Intervention : Theoretical Aspects Meaning and of International implications Politics 09/10/2018 16 To Revision 13/10/2018 15/10/2018 Revision 17 To 17/10/2018 IA – 1: Before August 13th 2018 Assignment : International system –Concept and actors

IA – 2: Before September Project Work: International arrangements 24th 2018

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Taluk, Udupi District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of Management

June 2018 - October 2018 Programme / Semester BBA/I Subject / Subject Code Accounting - 1 / BM 103 Total Number of Hours 48

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference Origin and Development of Accounting B S Raman thought, Book- (United Keeping, PPT & 25/06/2018 Introduction Publisher), Accounting, Chalk 1 To 3 1 to Jain and Accountancy- and 30/06/2018 Accounting Narang Meaning and Talk (Kalyani Objectives of Publisher) Accounting- Functions of Accounting; Accounting Principles- Concepts and Conventions; Accounting Standards B S Raman (Meaning only). (United 02/07/2018 Introduction Basis of Chalk Publisher), 2 To 4 1 to Accounting-Cash and Jain and 07/07/2018 Accounting System, Mercantile Talk Narang System (Kalyani and Hybrid Publisher) System; Systems of Accounting-Single Entry System (Meaning and features only), Recording of transactions under double Entry B S Raman System-Journal- (United Journalizing, 09/07/2018 Introduction Chalk Publisher), preparation of 3 To 3 1 to and Jain and Ledger Accounts. 14/07/2018 Accounting Talk Narang Recent (Kalyani developments in Publisher) Accounting- Computerized Accounting. B S Raman (United Introduction Chalk Publisher), Problems and 2 1 to and Jain and Solution Accounting Talk Narang (Kalyani 16/07/2018 Publisher) 4 To B S Raman 21/07/2018 Purchases Book, (United Sales Book, PPT & Publisher), Subsidiary Purchases Returns Chalk 2 2 Jain and Books Book, and Narang Sales Returns Talk (Kalyani Book, Publisher) Cash Book-Simple Cash Book and Three Column B S Raman Cash (United Book, Petty Cash 23/07/2018 Chalk Publisher), Subsidiary Book (under 5 To 4 2 and Jain and Books Imprest System), 28/07/2018 Talk Narang Bills Receivable (Kalyani Book and Bills Publisher) Payable Book (Meaning and format only); Bank B S Raman Reconciliation (United Statementmeaning- 30/07/2018 Chalk Publisher), Subsidiary causes- 6 To 4 2 and Jain and Books preparation of 04/08/2018 Talk Narang Bank (Kalyani Reconciliation Publisher) Statement. B S Raman (United Chalk Publisher), Subsidiary Problems and 2 2 and Jain and Books Solution Talk Narang (Kalyani Publisher) meaning and definition-causes, 06/08/2018 methods of 7 To charging B S Raman 11/08/2018 depreciation- (United PPT & Original Cost Publisher), Depreciation Chalk 1 3 Method, Written- Jain and Accounting and Down- Value Narang Talk Method and (Kalyani Annuity Publisher) Method (excluding change of methods); 13/08/2018 8 To I Internal Assessment Test 18/08/2018 20/08/2018 Depreciation Trial Balance- Chalk B S Raman 9 4 3 To Accounting meaning, methods and (United 25/08/2018 of Talk Publisher), preparation – Jain and Errors and their Narang rectification- (Kalyani meaning-types of Publisher) errors-rectification of errors- Errors located before the preparation of Trial Balance Errors located after B S Raman the preparation of (United 27/08/2018 Trial Balance and Chalk Publisher), Depreciation 10 To 3 3 before the and Jain and Accounting 01/09/2018 preparation of final Talk Narang accounts- (Kalyani Suspense Account. Publisher) B S Raman (United 03/09/2018 Chalk Publisher), Depreciation Problems and 11 To 4 3 and Jain and Accounting Solutions 08/09/2018 Talk Narang (Kalyani Publisher) B S Raman meaning of Final (United Preparation accounts - PPT & 10/09/2018 Publisher), of Final Trading Account, Chalk 12 To 4 4 Jain and Accounts of Profit and Loss and 15/09/2018 Narang a Sole Trader Account and Talk (Kalyani Balance sheet Publisher) B S Raman (United Preparation 17/09/2018 Chalk Publisher), of Final Problems and 13 To 4 4 and Jain and Accounts of Solutions 22/09/2018 Talk Narang a Sole Trader (Kalyani Publisher) 24/09/2018 14 To II Internal Assessment Test 29/09/2018 B S Raman (United Preparation 01/10/2018 Chalk Publisher), of Final Problems and 15 To 4 4 and Jain and Accounts of Solutions 06/10/2018 Talk Narang a Sole Trader (Kalyani Publisher) 09/10/2018 16 To 3 Revision 13/10/2018 15/10/2018 17 To 1 Revision 17/10/2018

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Taluk, Udupi District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of Management

June 2018 -0ctober 2018 Programme / Semester B.B.A/I Subject Code BM 104 Total Number of Hours 48

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference Form of Nature scope Chalk & S A Business objectives, Talk Sherlekar- Business essentials of PPT successful Organisation Case 4 I business; B. S Raman- 25/06/2018 Forms: Sole study Business 1 To proprietorship: Organisation Definitions, 30/06/2018 C B Gupta – Features, Business Merits and Organsiation Demerits Chabra- Business Organisation Partnership: Chalk & S A Sherlekar Talk 02/07/2018 Definitions, B S Raman Features, PPT 2 To 4 Merits and C B Gupta Case 07/07/2018 Demerits, Joint Stock study Company: Definitions, Features, Chabra Merits and Demerits, Co- operatives: Definitions, Features, Merits and Demerits; Public Enterprises: Departmental Chalk & S A Sherlekar 09/07/2018 Undertaking: Talk Definitions, B S Raman 3 To 4 PPT Features, C B Gupta 14/07/2018 Merits and Case Demerits study Chabra Public Corporations: Definitions, Chalk & S A Sherlekar Features, Talk B S Raman Merits PPT 16/07/2018 and Demerits C B Gupta Case 4 Government Chabra 4 To Companies: study 21/07/2018 Definitions, Features, Merits and Demerits 4 II Business Meaning Chalk & Sherlekar 23/07/2018 Combination Talk Definitions, B S Raman 5 To Causes for PPT business C B Gupta 28/07/2018 Case combination study Chabra

4 Various types Chalk & Sherlekar 30/07/2018 of business Talk combination B S Raman 6 To PPT C B Gupta 04/08/2018 Case study Chabra

7 06/08/2018 4 Merits and Chalk & Sherlekar Demerits of To business Talk B S Raman combination 11/08/2018 PPT C B Gupta Assignments Case Chabra study


To I Internal Assessment Test 8 18/08/2018 4 Recent Chalk & Sherlekar 20/08/2018 Talk Trends in B S Raman 9 To Business PPT C B Gupta Combinations 25/08/2018 Case study Chabra 4 III Sources of Sources of Chalk & Sherlekar Business Business Talk Finance B S Raman Finance - PPT Types of C B Gupta Case Business Chabra Finance: study 27/08/2018 Long, Medium 10 To and Short Term; 01/09/2018 Sources of Corporate Finance: Issue of Shares, 4 Public Chalk & Sherlekar Deposits, Talk B S Raman Retained PPT Earnings, C B Gupta 03/09/2018 Institutional Chabra Financing 11 To (IDBI, IFCI, 08/09/2018 ICICI, SFC), Objectives, Functions and forms of assistance;

10/09/2018 4 Seminars- Chalk and Talk 12 To Presentation of Seminars 15/09/2018 Assignments Sources of Chalk & Sherlekar Talk Short Term B S Raman Finance: PPT Trade Credit, C B Gupta

Bank Chabra Credit, Inter 17/09/2018 4 Company 13 To Loans

22/09/2018 Lease Finance, Accounts Receivable, Financing Customer Advances.

24/09/2018 II Internal Assessment Test

14 To

29/09/2018 Elements of Chalk & Sherlekar Insurance - Talk B S Raman Meaning, PPT Significance, C B Gupta 01/10/2018 Principles, Chabra 15 To Types- Life 4 IV Elements of Insurance: 06/10/2018 Insurance Terms and Conditions, Types-Fire Insurance:

Features, Chalk & Sherlekar 09/10/2018 Types and Talk B S Raman 16 To 4 Proceedings for Claim, PPT C B Gupta 13/10/2018 Marine Chabra Insurance: Features, Types, Clauses, Warranties and Marine Losses Miscellaneous Chalk & Sherlekar Talk 4 Types of B S Raman 15/10/2018 Insurances PPT and Recent C B Gupta 17 To Changes and Chabra 17/10/2018 Development in Insurance Sector.

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Taluk, Udupi District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of Management

June 2018 - October 2018 Programme / Semester BBA/I Subject / Subject Code Principles of Management / BM 102 Total Number of Hours 48

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference meaning and definition of management - management process – Management as L.M. 25/06/2018 Nature and PPT, a science, an Prasad, 1 To 3 1 process of Chalk art or a Koontz & 30/06/2018 management & Talk profession Weihrich difference between administration and management significance of management; Managerial functions- brief L.M. 02/07/2018 Nature and explanation of PPT, Prasad, 2 To 4 1 process of various Chalk Koontz & 07/07/2018 management management & Talk Weihrich functions- managerial skills - role of managers. Management thought: Classical L.M. 09/07/2018 Nature and Theory- PPT, Prasad, 3 To 3 1 process of Scientific Chalk Koontz & 14/07/2018 management Management – & Talk Weihrich elements principles criticisms Administrative Management- L.M. 16/07/2018 Nature and principles of PPT, Prasad, 4 To 2 1 process of modern Chalk Koontz & 21/07/2018 management management; & Talk Weihrich Contributions of Peter F.Drucker. meaning, definition, features, L.M. PPT, benefits and Prasad, 2 2 Planning Chalk limitations of Koontz & & Talk planning Weihrich process of planning how to make planning L.M. 23/07/2018 effective- types PPT, Prasad, 5 To 4 2 Planning of plans-types/ Chalk Koontz & 28/07/2018 kinds/ & Talk Weihrich forms of planning; MBO- process- importance- making MBO L.M. 30/07/2018 PPT, effective; Prasad, 6 To 4 2 Planning Chalk Decision Koontz & 04/08/2018 & Talk Making- Weihrich meaning- process- types of L.M. PPT, decisions, with Prasad, 2 2 Planning Chalk case study Koontz & & Talk discussion Weihrich 06/08/2018 meaning - 7 To definition- L.M. 11/08/2018 PPT, features- Prasad, 1 3 Organisation Chalk principles of Koontz & & Talk organisation- Weihrich process 13/08/2018 8 To I Internal Assessment Test 18/08/2018 Types of organisation- line -functional- line & staff - matrix (in brief) L.M. 20/08/2018 PPT, - project (in Prasad, 9 To 4 3 Organisation Chalk brief)- Koontz & 25/08/2018 & Talk committees (in Weihrich brief) - Organisation chart-meanings & content Organisation manual- meanings & content - L.M. 27/08/2018 PPT, Authority & Prasad, 10 To 3 3 Organisation Chalk power-(concepts Koontz & 01/09/2018 & Talk only) - Weihrich Delegation of authority- principles - Centralisation & Decentralisation -

Span of management ; Staffing – meaning & significance - L.M. 03/09/2018 PPT, Process of Prasad, 11 To 4 3 Organisation Chalk staffing (in brief) Koontz & 08/09/2018 & Talk ; Leadership – Weihrich meaning, qualities – Styles of leadership. Motivation - meaning – importance and L.M. 10/09/2018 objectives, PPT, Prasad, 12 To 4 4 Motivation Morale and Chalk Koontz & 15/09/2018 Productivity- & Talk Weihrich Communication – importance and objectives. Coordination – Meaning- Need - Principles – L.M. 17/09/2018 Control – PPT, Coordination Prasad, 13 To 4 4 Meaning – Chalk and Control Koontz & 22/09/2018 Process – & Talk Weihrich Control Methods or techniques; 24/09/2018 14 To II Internal Assessment Test 29/09/2018 Management Audit concept - SWOT, KAIZEN, TQM, MIS, ISO, L.M. 01/10/2018 PPT, Coordination Change Prasad, 15 To 4 4 Chalk and Control Management, Koontz & 06/10/2018 & Talk Knowledge Weihrich Management (Meaning only). Emerging Trends 09/10/2018 16 To 3 Revision (Case Study Discussion) 13/10/2018 15/10/2018 17 To 1 Revision (Case Study Discussion) 17/10/2018

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Taluk, Udupi District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of Management

June 2018 - October 2018 Programme / Semester BBA/III Subject / Subject Code Business Maths / BM 201 Total Number of Hours 48

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference Business Quadratic Mathematics Formulation equations - PPT & – Rajmohan, 25/06/2018 of simple solution of Chalk Or Problems 1 To 3 1 simultaneous quadratic and and solutions 30/06/2018 equations and equation by Talk in their solutions factors and by Mathematics formula; - V K Kapoor Business Mathematics Formulation Matrices-Types- – Rajmohan, 02/07/2018 of simple Basic concepts- Chalk Or Problems 2 To 4 1 simultaneous addition- and and solutions 07/07/2018 equations and subtraction- Talk in their solutions multiplication; Mathematics - V K Kapoor Determinants- Business value of Mathematics Formulation of determinant- – Rajmohan, 09/07/2018 simple solving Chalk Or Problems 3 To 3 1 simultaneous simultaneous and and solutions 14/07/2018 equations and equations(with Talk in their solutions two and Mathematics three variables) - V K Kapoor by Cramer’s rule. Business Mathematics Formulation simultaneous Rajmohan, of simple equations(with Chalk – Or Problems 2 1 simultaneous two and and and solutions equations and three variables) Talk in their solutions by Cramer’s rule. Mathematics 16/07/2018 - V K Kapoor 4 To Adjoint of a Business 21/07/2018 matrix, inverse of Mathematics a matrixsolving PPT & Rajmohan, Minors and – simultaneous Chalk Or Problems 2 2 cofactors of equations (with and and solutions matrices two and three Talk in variables) by Mathematics matrix inverse - V K Kapoor method; Business Progression- Mathematics Arithmetic – Rajmohan, 23/07/2018 Minors and Chalk Progression- Or Problems 5 To 4 2 cofactors of and Definition- nth and solutions 28/07/2018 matrices Talk term-sum of n in terms Mathematics - V K Kapoor Business three Mathematics numbers in AP; Rajmohan, 30/07/2018 Minors and Chalk – Geometric Or Problems 6 To 4 2 cofactors of and progression- and solutions 04/08/2018 matrices Talk Definition- nth in term- Mathematics - V K Kapoor Business sum of n Mathematics termsthree – Rajmohan, Minors and Chalk numbers in GP- Or Problems 2 2 cofactors of and Practical and solutions matrices Talk problems related in to AP and GP. Mathematics 06/08/2018 - V K Kapoor 7 To Proportion - Business 11/08/2018 Direct Mathematics proportion- PPT & – Rajmohan, inverse Chalk Or Problems 1 3 Ratio proportion; and and solutions Simple interest- Talk in payment Mathematics by installment- - V K Kapoor 13/08/2018 8 To I Internal Assessment Test 18/08/2018 Business Mathematics True discount – Rajmohan, 20/08/2018 Chalk Bankers Or Problems 9 To 4 3 Ratio and discount and and solutions 25/08/2018 Talk Bankers gain- in Mathematics - V K Kapoor Business Mathematics – Rajmohan, 27/08/2018 equated due Chalk Or Problems 10 To 3 3 Ratio date; Trade and and solutions 01/09/2018 discount- Talk in Mathematics - V K Kapoor Business Mathematics 03/09/2018 cash discount – Chalk – Rajmohan, 11 To 4 3 Ratio invoice price and and Or Problems 08/09/2018 selling price. Talk and solutions in Mathematics - V K Kapoor Definition- Laws of Logarithms (without proof) common Business logarithms Mathematics antilogarithms- PPT & – Rajmohan, 10/09/2018 mathematical Chalk Or Problems 12 To 4 4 Logarithms calculations and and solutions 15/09/2018 using common Talk in logarithms; Mathematics Compound - V K Kapoor interest- Formula for compound interest- Business interest payable Mathematics half yearly or – Rajmohan, 17/09/2018 quarterlyinterest Chalk Or Problems 13 To 4 4 Logarithms for fraction of a and and solutions 22/09/2018 period, nominal Talk in and effective Mathematics rates; - V K Kapoor 24/09/2018 14 To II Internal Assessment Test 29/09/2018 Annuities- Amount of an immediate Business annuity and Mathematics annuity due, – Rajmohan, 01/10/2018 present value of Chalk Or Problems 15 To 4 4 Logarithms annuity and and solutions 06/10/2018 immediate and Talk in annuity due Mathematics present values of - V K Kapoor perpetuity due and perpetuity immediate. 09/10/2018 16 To 3 Revision 13/10/2018 15/10/2018 17 To 1 Revision 17/10/2018

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Taluk, Udupi District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of Management

June 2018 - October 2018 Programme / Semester BBA/III Subject / Subject Code Commercial Law / BM 203 Total Number of Hours 60

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference Branches of Law - N.D. Kapoor - Sources of Elements of Mercantile Law- 25/06/2018 Nature and PPT, Mercantile Law of contract- 1 To 4 1 significance of Chalk & Law, Definition, 30/06/2018 Law Talk S.S.Gulshan Difference between - Business Agreement and Law Contract, essentials of Contract-Types of N.D. Kapoor - contract based on Elements of 02/07/2018 Nature and formation, PPT, Mercantile 2 To 5 1 significance of performance, Chalk & Law, 07/07/2018 Law enforceability; Offer- Talk S.S.Gulshan Meaning, types- - Business Rules governing Law offer. Meaning of cross offer, Meaning of N.D. Kapoor - Standing offer, Elements of Nature and PPT, Meaning of Tender; Mercantile 3 1 significance of Chalk & Acceptance- Law, Law Talk meaning and S.S.Gulshan - types, Essentials of Business Law valid acceptance. 09/07/2018 Meaning- Rules 3 To governing 14/07/2018 consideration- N.D. Kapoor - Stranger to a Elements of contract PPT, Mercantile 2 2 Consideration cannot sue and its Chalk & Law, exceptions - Talk S.S.Gulshan - Exceptions to the Business Law rule “no consideration no contract’’; Capacity to N.D. Kapoor - 16/07/2018 contract- Minor- PPT, Elements of 4 To 5 2 Consideration effects of minor’s Chalk & Mercantile 21/07/2018 agreement, Persons Talk Law, of S.S.Gulshan unsound mind - - Business Legal incapacity; Law Free consent – Coercion - Undue influence – Fraud – Misrepresentation - N.D. Kapoor - Mistake. Differences Elements of between Coercion 23/07/2018 PPT, Mercantile and Undue 5 To 5 2 Consideration Chalk & Law, influence, 28/07/2018 Talk S.S.Gulshan Differences between - Business Misrepresentation Law and Fraud. meaning-Unlawful objects-objects forbidden by law, N.D. Kapoor - objects Elements of 30/07/2018 defeating the Mercantile Legality of Chalk & 6 To 4 3 provisions of law, Law, Object Talk 04/08/2018 fraudulent objects, S.S.Gulshan objects injurious to - Business person or Law property, immoral objects, N.D. Kapoor - Agreements opposed Elements of to public policy; 06/08/2018 PPT, Mercantile Legality of Discharge of 7 To 4 3 Chalk & Law, Object Contract Modes of 11/08/2018 – Talk S.S.Gulshan discharge - Breach - Business of Contract Law 13/08/2018 8 To I Internal Assessment Test 18/08/2018 Remedies for breach N.D. Kapoor - of Elements of contract – Wagering 20/08/2018 PPT, Mercantile Legality of agreement and 9 To 4 3 Chalk & Law, Object contingent contract ( 25/08/2018 Talk S.S.Gulshan Meaning only) Quasi - Business contract meaning – Law and types. meaning, features and presumptions. Bills of N.D. Kapoor - Exchange, Elements of 27/08/2018 Negotiable Promissory Note and PPT, Mercantile 10 To 5 4 Instruments Cheque- (meaning- Chalk & Law, 01/09/2018 Act form or specimen, Talk S.S.Gulshan features - Business and differences) Law Crossing- (meaning and types only) dishonor of Cheque N.D. Kapoor - 03/09/2018 Negotiable under PPT, Elements of 11 To 5 4 Instruments section 138; Chalk & Mercantile 08/09/2018 Act Intellectual Property Talk Law, Rights S.S.Gulshan - Business Law N.D. Kapoor - Elements of Meaning– Patents – Negotiable Mercantile Trade Marks Chalk & 2 4 Instruments – Law, Copy Rights - Talk Act S.S.Gulshan Industrial designs. - Business Law Objectives - Digital signature (meaning 10/09/2018 only) 12 To – Cyber Crimes N.D. Kapoor - 15/09/2018 – Meaning, legal Elements of Information provisions – Crimes PPT, Mercantile 3 5 Technology against Persons – Chalk & Law, Act Crimes Talk S.S.Gulshan against Property – - Business Crimes against Law Government - Right to Information Act – Meaning Request for obtaining information – N.D. Kapoor - Disposal of Request Elements of 17/09/2018 Information – PPT, Mercantile 13 To 5 5 Technology Exemption from Chalk & Law, 22/09/2018 Act disclosure of Talk S.S.Gulshan information – - Business Grounds for Law rejection. Duties of Information Officer. 24/09/2018 14 To II Internal Assessment Test 29/09/2018 The relevant legal point, facts and the judicial decision relating to the following 10 case laws are to be specifically dealt with –1. Balfour Vs Balfour 2. Carlill Vs N.D. Kapoor - Carbolic Smoke Ball Elements of 01/10/2018 Information company 3. PPT, Mercantile 15 To 4 5 Technology Felthouse Vs Chalk & Law, 06/10/2018 Act Bindley 4. Lalman Talk S.S.Gulshan Shukla Vs. - Business Gauridutt 5. Law Durgaprasad Vs Baldeo 6. Chinnayya Vs Ramayya 7. Mohiribibi Vs. Dharmodas Ghosh 8. Ranganayakamma Vs Alvar Chetty 9. Hadley Vs Baxendale 10. Planche Vs Colburn. 09/10/2018 16 To Revision with Case Study discussions 13/10/2018 15/10/2018 17 To Revision with Case Study discussions 17/10/2018

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Taluk, Udupi District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of Management

June 2018 - October 2018 Programme / Semester BBA/III Subject / Subject Code Corporate Accounting / BM 206 Total Number of Hours 60

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference Advanced Shares and share Accountancy capital-Meaning and II , S.P Jain types: Book and K.L building- 25/06/2018 PPT, Narang, Or Process and 1 To 4 1 Issue of shares Chalk & M.C Shukla, advantages: Stages – 30/06/2018 Talk T.S Grewal application (over- and S.C subscription and Gupta - undersubscription), Advanced allotment and call: Accounts II calls-in arrears, calls-in-advance: forfeiture of shares- reissue of forfeited shares Advanced (Theory only); Accountancy Underwriting of II , S.P Jain shares and and K.L debentures- SEBI 02/07/2018 PPT, Narang, Or guidelines on 2 To 5 1 Issue of shares Chalk & M.C Shukla, underwriting - 07/07/2018 Talk T.S Grewal Partial and S.C underwriting- Gupta - complete Advanced underwriting – Open Accounts II underwriting and firm underwriting: Calculation of underwriters’ liabilities Advanced Accountancy II , S.P Jain and K.L 09/07/2018 Problems and PPT, Narang, Or 3 To 3 1 Issue of shares Solution with Chalk & M.C Shukla, 14/07/2018 Journal entries. Talk T.S Grewal and S.C Gupta - Advanced Accounts II Advanced Accountancy II , S.P Jain Debentures- and K.L Redemption of Meaning, kinds: PPT, Narang, Or 2 2 preference Redemption of Chalk & M.C Shukla, shares debentures- Various Talk T.S Grewal types of redemption and S.C Gupta - Advanced Accounts II Advanced Accountancy II , S.P Jain and K.L 16/07/2018 Redemption of Problems under PPT, Narang, Or 4 To 5 2 preference redemption of Chalk & M.C Shukla, 21/07/2018 shares preference shares Talk T.S Grewal and S.C Gupta - Advanced Accounts II Advanced Accountancy II , S.P Jain and K.L 23/07/2018 Redemption of Problems under PPT, Narang, Or 5 To 5 2 preference redemption of Chalk & M.C Shukla, 28/07/2018 shares preference shares Talk T.S Grewal and S.C Gupta - Advanced Accounts II Advanced Accountancy II , S.P Jain Pre- Introduction, and K.L 30/07/2018 incorporation Meaning, objectives Narang, Or Chalk & 6 To 4 3 and post - of pre and post M.C Shukla, Talk 04/08/2018 incorporation incorporation T.S Grewal profit or profit/loss and S.C Gupta - Advanced Accounts II Advanced Accountancy II , S.P Jain Pre- Problems and and K.L 06/08/2018 incorporation solutions under pre PPT, Narang, Or 7 To 4 3 and post - and post Chalk & M.C Shukla, 11/08/2018 incorporation incorporation of Talk T.S Grewal profit or profit/lossess and S.C Gupta - Advanced Accounts II 13/08/2018 8 To I Internal Assessment Test 18/08/2018 Advanced Accountancy II , S.P Jain Pre- Problems and and K.L 20/08/2018 incorporation solutions under pre PPT, Narang, Or 9 To 4 3 and post - and post Chalk & M.C Shukla, 25/08/2018 incorporation incorporation of Talk T.S Grewal profit or profit/lossess and S.C Gupta - Advanced Accounts II Advanced Accountancy II , S.P Jain Meaning-Calculation and K.L of value of right; 27/08/2018 Right shares PPT, Narang, Or Bonus 10 To 5 4 and value of Chalk & M.C Shukla, shares: Journal 01/09/2018 right Talk T.S Grewal entries with and S.C problems; Gupta - Advanced Accounts II Advanced Accountancy II , S.P Jain and K.L 03/09/2018 Right shares Valuation of shares PPT, Narang, Or 11 To 5 4 and value of – Methods of Chalk & M.C Shukla, 08/09/2018 right valuation; Talk T.S Grewal and S.C Gupta - Advanced Accounts II Advanced Accountancy II , S.P Jain and K.L Right shares Valuation of Narang, Or Chalk & 2 4 and value of Goodwill Super M.C Shukla, – Talk right profit method T.S Grewal and S.C Gupta - Advanced 10/09/2018 Accounts II 12 To Advanced 15/09/2018 Accountancy Introduction to final II , S.P Jain accounts, different and K.L terms used, PPT, Narang, Or Final accounts Presentation of 3 5 Chalk & M.C Shukla, of companies profit and loss Talk T.S Grewal statement and and S.C balance sheet in Gupta - vertical form Advanced Accounts II Advanced 17/09/2018 Problems and PPT, Final accounts Accountancy 13 To 5 5 solution under final Chalk & of companies: II , S.P Jain 22/09/2018 accounts Talk and K.L Narang, Or M.C Shukla, T.S Grewal and S.C Gupta - Advanced Accounts II 24/09/2018 14 To II Internal Assessment Test 29/09/2018 Advanced Accountancy II , S.P Jain and K.L 01/10/2018 Problems and PPT, Narang, Or Final accounts 15 To 4 5 solution under final Chalk & M.C Shukla, of companies 06/10/2018 accounts Talk T.S Grewal and S.C Gupta - Advanced Accounts II 09/10/2018 16 To Revision 13/10/2018 15/10/2018 17 To Revision 17/10/2018

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Taluk, Udupi District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of Management

June 2018 - October 2018 Programme / Semester BBA/III Subject / Subject Code Income Tax / BM 205 Total Number of Hours 60

Planned No of Reading / Week Unit Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference Agricultural Income Tax - Income, Assessee, HC Person, Income, Mehrothra, 25/06/2018 Introduction Assessment Year, Chalk and Or 1 To 5 1 and Previous Year, Talk Handbook of 30/06/2018 definitions Residential Status Income Tax - (Individual Dr. Vinod Assessees only), Singhania Income Tax - Scope of Total HC Income (Incidence Mehrothra, 02/07/2018 Introduction of Tax); Problems Chalk and Or 2 To 5 1 and on Residential Talk Handbook of 07/07/2018 definitions Status and on Income Tax - Incidence of Tax. Dr. Vinod Singhania Such as Gratuity, Income Tax - Incomes Commuted HC exempt u/s Pension, Leave Mehrothra, 09/07/2018 10 as Encashment, Chalk and Or Handbook 3 To 4 2 applicable to Leave Travel Talk of Income 14/07/2018 a Salaried Concession, Tax - Dr. Assessee Compensation Vinod received under Singhania VRS Retrenchment Income Tax - Compensation and Incomes HC House exempt u/s Mehrothra, 16/07/2018 Rent Allowance; 10 as Chalk and Or 4 To 5 2 Deduction u/s 80 applicable to Talk Handbook of 21/07/2018 as applicable to a a Salaried Income Tax - salaried Assessee: Assessee Dr. Vinod Sec. 80C, Singhania 80 CCC, 5 23/07/2018 1 2 Incomes 80 CCD and 80 Chalk and Income Tax - To exempt u/s CCF. Talk HC 28/07/2018 10 as Mehrothra, applicable to Or a Salaried Handbook of Assessee Income Tax - Dr. Vinod Singhania Meaning & Income Tax - Definition, HC Characteristics of Mehrothra, Salary income, Income from Chalk and Or 4 3 Allowances, Salaries Talk Handbook of Perquisites, Income Tax - Deductions u/s Dr. Vinod 16, Provident Singhania Funds. Simple Problems Income Tax - on HC Computation of Mehrothra, 30/07/2018 Taxable Salary Income from Chalk and Or 6 To 5 3 and Deduction Salaries Talk Handbook of 04/08/2018 u/s 80C & 80 CCF Income Tax - (excluding Dr. Vinod problems on Singhania salary grade, Income Tax - HC retirement in the Mehrothra, 06/08/2018 middle of the year Income from Chalk and Or 7 To 5 3 and conversion of Salaries Talk Handbook of 11/08/2018 URPF into RPF). Income Tax -

Dr. Vinod Singhania 13/08/2018 8 To I Internal Assessment Test 18/08/2018 Meaning, Computation of Annual Value of Let out Income Tax - and Self-occupied HC Property, Mehrothra, 20/08/2018 Income from Unrealized Rent, Chalk and Or 9 To 5 4 House Deductions from Talk Handbook of 25/08/2018 Property Annual Value, Income Tax - Problems on Dr. Vinod Computation of Singhania Income from House Property;

Profits & Gains Income Tax - from HC Business and Profits & Mehrothra, 27/08/2018 Profession: Gains from Chalk and Or 10 To 5 4 Meaning, Business and Talk Handbook of 01/09/2018 Business, Profession Income Tax - Profession, Dr. Vinod Vocation, Singhania Speculative Business, Permissible Deductions u/s 30 to 37 (other than detailed discussion on Depreciation), Payments not Deductible, Deemed Income; Problems on Computation of Business / Professional Income, Income Tax - HC Mehrothra, 03/09/2018 Computation of Chalk and Or 11 To 4 4 GTI Gross Total Talk Handbook of 08/09/2018 Income. Income Tax - Dr. Vinod Singhania Meaning and definition, Transfer, Capital Income Tax - Asset-Short term HC & Mehrothra, 10/09/2018 Long Term, Cost of Chalk and Or 12 To 4 5 Capital Gains Acquisition, Talk Handbook of 15/09/2018 Exemptible Income Tax - Capital Gains; Dr. Vinod Problems on Singhania Computation of Taxable Capital Gains Income from Other Sources: Meaning, Interest on Securities and other incomes, Income Tax - Grossing up of HC Interest, Mehrothra, 17/09/2018 Deductions u/s Income from Chalk and Or 13 To 4 5 57, exemption u/s other sources Talk Handbook of 22/09/2018 10(15); Problems Income Tax - on Computation of Dr. Vinod Income from Other Singhania Sources (excluding calculation of collection charges on net interest realised). 24/09/2018 14 To II Internal Assessment Test 29/09/2018 01/10/2018 Problems and Income Tax - Chalk and 15 To 4 5 Capital Gains solutions HC Talk 06/10/2018 including all the Mehrothra, heads of income Or Handbook of Income Tax - Dr. Vinod Singhania 09/10/2018 16 To Revision 13/10/2018 15/10/2018 17 To Revision 17/10/2018

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Taluk, Udupi District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of Management

June 2018 -0ctober 2018 Programme / Semester BBA/III Subject Code BM204 Total Number of Hours 60

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference 5 I Introduction Meaning & Chalk & Marketing to Marketing Definition of Talk Management Management – Philip Kotler market, PPT marketing & Karunakaran marketing Case 25/06/2018 management - study K D Basava 1 To Evolution of B S Raman marketing 30/06/2018 Aquinas management Chabra

Pillai & Bhagavathi

Sontakki 5 Traditional v/s Chalk & Marketing modern Talk Management marketing, – Philip Kotler 02/07/2018 PPT Emerging Karunakaran 2 To concepts of Case marketing, study K D Basava 07/07/2018 marketing B S Raman management Aquinas functions Chabra

Pillai & Bhagavathi


Marketing Management – Philip Kotler 09/07/2018 2 Karunakaran To Chalk & Talk K D Basava 14/07/2018 Contemporary 3 issues in Case B S Raman

study marketing Aquinas PPT Chabra

Pillai & Bhagavathi


Marketing Management Product : – Philip Kotler Meaning & Karunakaran 09/07/2018 definitions- Chalk & features , types Talk K D Basava Marketing To of product II mix & its Case B S Raman (consumer & 14/07/2018 3 study elements Industrial Aquinas

goods) PPT Chabra core concepts of product Pillai & Bhagavathi

Sontakki 5 product Chalk & Marketing dimensions ; Talk Management – Philip Kotler Product PPT planning & 16/07/2018 Karunakaran development , Case 4 To stages in new study K D Basava product 21/07/2018 B S Raman development , failure of new Aquinas products – Chabra reason - Pillai & Product life Bhagavathi cycle – Sontakki meaning , stages and strategies 4 Pricing : Chalk & Marketing Meaning Talk Management – Philip Kotler ,definition, PPT importance and Karunakaran objectives of Case 23/07/2018 pricing , factors study K D Basava affecting 5 To B S Raman pricing 28/07/2018 decisions, Aquinas methods of Chabra pricing ,pricing Pillai & strategies - Bhagavathi Case Study. Sontakki 1 III Promotion Marketing Chalk & Marketing and Communication Talk Management – Philip Kotler distribution mix & its PPT elements Karunakaran Case 23/07/2018 study K D Basava

To B S Raman

28/07/2018 Aquinas Chabra

Pillai & Bhagavathi


5 Advertising – Chalk & Marketing meaning and Talk Management – Philip Kotler objectives ; PPT 30/07/2018 publicity Karunakaran personal selling Case 6 To – meaning and study K D Basava 04/08/2018 significance ; B S Raman sales Aquinas promotion – meaning and Chabra tools, Public relations – Pillai & meaning Bhagavathi Sontakki 5 Distribution : Chalk & Marketing meaning and Talk Management – Philip Kotler definition of PPT channel of Karunakaran distribution , Case types of study K D Basava channel, B S Raman criteria for 06/08/2018 selecting the Aquinas 7 To channel, Chabra channel for 11/08/2018 consumer Pillai & goods and Bhagavathi industrial Sontakki goods retail management – meaning, retail mix, retail formats


8 To I Internal Assessment Test


20/08/2018 1 Case Study Chalk & Talk 9 To

25/08/2018 4 IV Rural Meaning, Chalk & Marketing Marketing definition, Talk Management 20/08/2018 – Philip Kotler feature and PPT To significance of Karunakaran Case rural marketing 25/08/2018 study K D Basava

5 Chalk & Marketing 27/08/2018 Rural marketing v/s Talk Management 10 To – Philip Kotler urban PPT 01/09/2018 marketing, Karunakaran challenges and Case problems of study K D Basava rural markets, B S Raman


3 Opportunities Chalk & Marketing in rural Talk Management – Philip Kotler 03/09/2018 markets, PPT challenges in Karunakaran 11 To Case Indian rural 08/09/2018 study Pillai & markets - Case Bhagavathi Study. Sontakki 2 V Services Meaning, Chalk & Marketing Marketing Talk Management 03/09/2018 definition, – Philip Kotler features of PPT To service Pillai & Case 08/09/2018 Bhagavathi study Sontakki

10/09/2018 Students Talk and Seminars Chalk To Case Study 15/09/2018

5 Chalk & Talk 17/09/2018 Goods vs Services, PPT 13 To Classifications of Services Case 22/09/2018 study Marketing Mix for services

24/09/2018 II Internal Assessment Test

14 To


01/10/2018 5 Services Marketing marketing Management 15 To Segmentation – Philip Kotler 06/10/2018 Recent trends in Karunakaran services marketing Chabra

Case study Pillai & Bhagavathi


09/10/2018 Revision of 16 To 5 Syllabus 13/10/2018

15/10/2018 5 Discussion with students- 17 To previous 17/10/2018 question papers

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Taluk, Udupi District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of Management

June 2018 - October 2018 Programme / Semester BBA/V Subject / Subject Code Cost Accounting / BM 304 Total Number of Hours 60

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference R.L Gupta – Definitions of Principles Cost, Costing and Practice 25/06/2018 Functions, and Cost PPT, of Cost 1 To 4 1 Scope, Cost Accounting, Chalk & Accountancy, 30/06/2018 Concepts Limitation of Talk M N Arora Financial Cost Accountancy Accounting Distinction between Financial Accounts &Cost Accounts, Cost R.L Gupta – Unit, Cost Principles Centre, Methods and Practice 02/07/2018 Functions, of Costing, PPT, of Cost 2 To 5 1 Scope, Cost Techniques of Chalk & Accountancy, 07/07/2018 Concepts costing, Talk M N Arora Classification of Cost Costs. Accounting Preparation of Cost Sheets and simple problems on Tenders or Quotations. R.L Gupta – Principles and Practice Functions, Problems and PPT, of Cost 3 1 Scope, Cost solution under Chalk & Accountancy, Concepts cost sheet Talk M N Arora Cost 09/07/2018 Accounting 3 To R.L Gupta 14/07/2018 – Principles and Practice Introduction to PPT, of Cost 2 2 Materials materials in Chalk & Accountancy, production Talk M N Arora Cost Accounting Purchase& Storage- R.L Gupta – Classification of Principles materials, and Practice 16/07/2018 Material control, PPT, of Cost 4 To 5 2 Materials Purchase Chalk & Accountancy, 21/07/2018 Procedure – Talk M N Arora Pricing of Cost receipts of Accounting materials. Storage Classification & Codification, Bin R.L Gupta – card, Setting of Principles Stock levels, and Practice 23/07/2018 PPT, EOQ, ABC of Cost 5 To 5 2 Materials Chalk & analysis, Accountancy, 28/07/2018 Talk Periodical and M N Arora Perpetual Cost Inventory Control Accounting System. Issue of Materials, Material R.L Gupta – requisition, Bill Principles of Materials, and Practice 30/07/2018 Material returned Materials Chalk & of Cost 6 To 4 3 note, Material Pricing Talk Accountancy, 04/08/2018 transfer note. M N Arora Pricing the Cost material issues – Accounting FIFO, LIFO & Weight Average methods. R.L Gupta – Principles Problems under and Practice 06/08/2018 PPT, Materials stores ledger of Cost 7 To 4 3 Chalk & Pricing FIFO and LIFO Accountancy, 11/08/2018 Talk Methods M N Arora Cost Accounting 13/08/2018 8 To I Internal Assessment Test 18/08/2018 R.L Gupta – Principles and Practice 20/08/2018 Problems under PPT, Materials of Cost 9 To 4 3 weighted average Chalk & Pricing Accountancy, 25/08/2018 method Talk M N Arora Cost Accounting Meaning, R.L Gupta – Classification & Principles 27/08/2018 PPT, Control. Labour and Practice 10 To 5 4 Labour cost Chalk & turnover, Idle of Cost 01/09/2018 Talk time and Accountancy, overtime(meaning M N Arora only) Time Cost keeping and Time Accounting booking – Purposes & methods. Labour Cost computation; Remuneration & Incentives- Systems of wage R.L Gupta – payment Principles – Essentials of and Practice 03/09/2018 sound wage PPT, of Cost 11 To 5 4 Labour cost system, time rate Chalk & Accountancy, 08/09/2018 system, piece Talk M N Arora rate system, Cost differential piece Accounting rate systems (Taylor, Merrick & Gantt’s) Bonus &Premium Schemes- R.L Gupta – Principles Problems under and Practice Halsey premium Chalk & of Cost 2 4 Labour cost plan and Rowan Talk Accountancy, premium plan. M N Arora Cost Accounting 10/09/2018 Classification, 12 To allocation & R.L Gupta 15/09/2018 – apportionment of Principles overheads. and Practice Overhead Cost PPT, Primary of Cost 3 5 Classification Chalk & Distribution Accountancy, & Absorption Talk Summary and M N Arora Secondary Cost Distribution Accounting Summary Direct Distribution, R.L Gupta – Simultaneous Principles Equation and and Practice 17/09/2018 Overhead Cost PPT, Repetitive of Cost 13 To 5 5 Classification Chalk & Distribution Accountancy, 22/09/2018 & Absorption Talk methods- M N Arora Computation of Cost Machine Hour Accounting Rate. 24/09/2018 14 To II Internal Assessment Test 29/09/2018 R.L Gupta Problems under – Principles 01/10/2018 Overhead Cost both primary PPT, and Practice 15 To 4 5 Classification and secondary Chalk & of Cost 06/10/2018 & Absorption distribution of Talk Accountancy, overheads M N Arora Cost Accounting 09/10/2018 16 To Revision 13/10/2018 15/10/2018 17 To Revision 17/10/2018

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Taluk, Udupi District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of Management

June 2018 -0ctober 2018 Programme / Semester BBA/III Subject Code BM 305 Human Resource Development Total Number of Hours 60

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference 5 I Human Concept of HRD- Human Resource Objectives, Need Resource Chalk & Management: 25/06/2018 Development and Talk Significance of HRD L M Prasad 1 To PPT C B Gupta 30/06/2018 Case study V S P Rao

Tripati 5 Differences between Chalk & L M Prasad 02/07/2018 Talk HRM & HRD, C B Gupta 2 To Techniques of HRD PPT V S P Rao 07/07/2018 Process of HRD Case study Tripati

Chalk & L M Prasad 09/07/2018 Talk Principles in C B Gupta 3 To 2 designing HRD PPT V S P Rao Systems 14/07/2018 Case study Tripati

09/07/2018 Employee Employee Training- To 3 II Training & Meaning & Chalk & L M Prasad Executive Definition of Talk 14/07/2018 Development Employee Training, C B Gupta PPT Objectives, V S P Rao Importance Case study 5 Types, Assessment Chalk & L M Prasad of Talk C B Gupta training needs, PPT Methods of Training V S P Rao 16/07/2018 Case (on-the-job training Tripati 4 To and off-the-job study training), 21/07/2018 Principles of an effective training programme.

5 Executive Chalk & L M Prasad Talk Development- C B Gupta Meaning & PPT Definition of V S P Rao 23/07/2018 Executive Case study Tripati 5 To Development

28/07/2018 Objectives, Methods and Principles of sound executive development. Assignment:GD 5 III Performance Meaning & Chalk & L M Prasad Appraisal & Talk 30/07/2018 Definition of C B Gupta Employee Performance 6 To PPT Empowerment Appraisal, V S P Rao 04/08/2018 Objectives, Process, Case study Tripati Merits & Demerits

Chalk & L M Prasad Talk 06/08/2018 Methods of C B Gupta Performance PPT To V S P Rao Appraisal(Traditional Case 11/08/2018 5 & Modern Methods), study Tripati 7 Pre- requisites/essentials of effective performance appraisal.


8 To I Internal Assessment Test

18/08/2018 2 Employee Chalk & L M Prasad 20/08/2018 Empowerment- Talk C B Gupta Meaning, Elements 9 To PPT and Importance of V S P Rao 25/08/2018 Case empowerment. Tripati study 3 IV Human Human Resource Chalk & L M Prasad 20/08/2018 Resource Records-Meaning, Talk Control C B Gupta To Objectives, PPT Significance V S P Rao 25/08/2018 Case study Tripati 5 Types and Chalk & L M Prasad Talk Principles. HR C B Gupta 27/08/2018 Research-Meaning PPT and Objectives. HR V S P Rao 10 To Audit-Meaning, Case study Tripati 01/09/2018 Objectives and Significance. HR Accounting 5 Meaning, Chalk & L M Prasad Talk Objectives, Merits C B Gupta 03/09/2018 and Demerits. HRIS PPT -Meaning and V S P Rao 11 To Case Features. Tripati 08/09/2018 study Assignment: Case Study Analysis

5 V Emerging Globalization - Chalk & CB Gupta 10/09/2018 Talk Horizons In Concept of LM Prasad To HRM globalization, Impact 15/09/2018 of Globalization on HRM.

17/09/2018 Students Seminars Chakl & Talk 13 To


24/09/2018 II Internal Assessment Test

14 To

29/09/2018 5 V Organizational Chalk & L M Prasad Change-Meaning, Talk 01/10/2018 C B Gupta Causes, Meaning of PPT 15 To Resistance to V S P Rao change, Causes of Case 06/10/2018 Tripati resistance to study change Measures to overcome resistance to Chalk & L M Prasad 09/10/2018 change. Workforce Talk C B Gupta 16 To 5 Diversity - Meaning PPT and its implications V S P Rao 13/10/2018 Case on HRM. HR Tripati Outsourcing - study Meaning, Benefits and Limitations 5 Meaning of Flexi Chalk & L M Prasad 15/10/2018 Talk Time, Moonlighting, C B Gupta 17 To Knowledge PPT Management V S P Rao 17/10/2018 Case study Tripati

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Taluk, Udupi District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of Management

June 2018 - October 2018 Programme / Semester BBA/V Subject / Subject Code Export Management / BM 303 Total Number of Hours 60

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference Meaning of Aseem Kumar International Trade – -Export and Benefits of Import 25/06/2018 PPT, International International Trade Management, 1 To 4 1 Chalk & Trade for the nation –for Or 30/06/2018 Talk business firm and to Balagopalan - the individual Export citizens. Management Aseem Kumar -Export and Balance of Payments Import 02/07/2018 –Disequilibrium PPT, International Management, 2 To 5 1 in BOP –Kinds of Chalk & Trade Or 07/07/2018 Disequilibrium in Talk Balagopalan - BOP Export Management Aseem Kumar -Export and Import Causes Methods to PPT, International Management, 3 1 correct disequilibrium Chalk & Trade Or in BOP Talk Balagopalan - Export 09/07/2018 Management 3 To Aseem Kumar 14/07/2018 Export Promotion -Export and Measures and Export Import PPT, Export Incentives- Management, 2 2 Chalk & Promotion Institutional setup Or – Talk Export Balagopalan - Promotion Council Export Management Board of Trade – Aseem Kumar Export Promotion -Export and Agencies, Chamber of Import 16/07/2018 PPT, Export Commerce and Management, 4 To 5 2 Chalk & Promotion industries, ITPO Or 21/07/2018 Talk ,FIEO,IIFT, Indian Balagopalan - Council of Arbitration Export , Management 5 23/07/2018 5 2 Export STCObjectives PPT, Aseem Kumar To Promotion ,Functions, Deficits of Chalk & -Export and 28/07/2018 STC –MMTC –Export Talk Import Houses / Trading Management, Houses Or –Free trade zones - Balagopalan - 100% EOU’s -SEZ’s. Export Management Export Management – Features –Scope – Aseem Kumar Functions and -Export and Principles. Export Import 30/07/2018 trade Export Chalk & Management, 6 To 4 3 procedure – Management Talk Or 04/08/2018 documents used in Balagopalan - foreign trade – Export substantive Management documents –Bill of Lading Classification of BL- Aseem Kumar Airway Bill –Marine -Export and Insurance Policy –Bill Import 06/08/2018 PPT, Export of Management, 7 To 4 3 Chalk & Management Exchange Type of Or 11/08/2018 – Talk Bill of Exchanges Balagopalan - .Auxiliary documents Export –Commercial Invoice, Management 13/08/2018 8 To I Internal Assessment Test 18/08/2018 Consular Invoice, Customs Invoice- Aseem Kumar Certificate of Origin, -Export and Inspection Certificate, Import 20/08/2018 PPT, Export Packing List, Trust Management, 9 To 4 3 Chalk & Management Receipt. Foreign Or 25/08/2018 Talk Direct Investment Balagopalan - (FDI) – Significance Export and Management Impact. International Aseem Kumar Marketing –Features, -Export and Problems-Scope, Import 27/08/2018 PPT, International Methods of Export Management, 10 To 5 4 Chalk & Marketing Marketing Or 01/09/2018 Talk .International Balagopalan - distribution Export system/Channels Management Aseem Kumar -Export and Types of Export Import 03/09/2018 PPT, International Marketing Management, 11 To 5 4 Chalk & Marketing Organization. Trade Or 08/09/2018 Talk Barriers/Restrictions Balagopalan - Export Management Tariffs-Non Tariff Aseem Kumar 10/09/2018 International Barriers - GATT - Chalk & -Export and 12 To 2 4 Marketing WTO -Trade blocks – Talk Import 15/09/2018 ASEAN - NAFTA. Management, Or Balagopalan - Export Management Aseem Kumar -Export and Export Pricing Import – PPT, Objectives- Management, 3 5 Export Pricing Chalk & Importance Types. Or – Talk Export Finance- Balagopalan - Export Management Aseem Kumar -Export and Terms of Payment Import 17/09/2018 Packing Credits-Pre PPT, Management, 13 To 5 5 Export Pricing shipment finance and Chalk & Or 22/09/2018 post shipment Talk Balagopalan - finance. Export Management 24/09/2018 14 To II Internal Assessment Test 29/09/2018 Aseem Kumar -Export and Import 01/10/2018 PPT, FEMA-EXIM Management, 15 To 4 5 Export Pricing Chalk & Bank-ECGC Or 06/10/2018 Talk Balagopalan - Export Management 09/10/2018 16 To Revision 13/10/2018 15/10/2018 17 To Revision 17/10/2018

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Taluk, Udupi District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of

June 2018 -0ctober 2018 Programme / Semester B.Com/III Subject Code BM 301: ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOUR Total Number of Hours 60

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference 5 I Introduction Meaning- Chalk & Organisational to OB Definitions, Talk Behaviour: Nature-Key PPT Fred Luthans elements- Historical Case study Stephan Robins 25/06/2018 Development- Seminars Fundamental 1 To Ashwathappa Concepts- 30/06/2018 Relevance Acquinas and SS Khanka importance of OB in modern LM Prasad business organizations. 5 Personality- Chalk & Fred Luthans Meaning and Talk Stephan definitions- PPT Robins 02/07/2018 Determinants 2 To of Case study Ashwathappa Personality- Seminars Acquinas 07/07/2018 Personality Traits: GD SS Khanka Personality LM Prasad traits influencing OB-Theories of Personality- Intra-psychic theory of Sigmund Freud,

Carl Jung’s Chalk & Fred Luthans Talk Introvert Stephan Extrovert PPT Robins 09/07/2018 theory, 3 To 2 Sheldon’s Case study Ashwathappa Physiognomy 14/07/2018 Seminars Acquinas theory, Carl Roger’s Self SS Khanka theory. LM Prasad Perception - Chalk & Fred Luthans Meaning and Talk Stephan definition- PPT Robins Nature- 09/07/2018 Importance, Case study Ashwathappa To 3 II Perception relevance or Seminars Acquinas application 14/07/2018 of perception SS Khanka in OB- LM Prasad Principles of Perception- 5 Factors Chalk & Fred Luthans influencing Talk Stephan perception- PPT Robins Process of 16/07/2018 stages in Case study Ashwathappa 4 To perception- Seminars Acquinas Distortion in 21/07/2018 perception; GD SS Khanka Attitude- Debate LM Prasad Meaning and definition

4 Chalk & 23/07/2018 Nature and 5 Components Talk To of attitude PPT 28/07/2018 Formation of Case study Attitude- Seminars Functions of Attitude- Changing attitudes. 1 III Motivation Meaning- Chalk & Talk Motivation Fred Luthans Process PPT Stephan 23/07/2018 Case study Robins To Seminars Ashwathappa 28/07/2018 Acquinas

SS Khanka

LM Prasad 5 Theories of Chalk & Fred Luthans Talk Motivation- Stephan Maslow’s PPT Robins theory, 30/07/2018 Herzberg’s Case study Ashwathappa 6 To theory, Seminars Acquinas Vroom’s 04/08/2018 theory, SS Khanka McGregor’s LM Prasad theory- Financial 5 non-financial Chalk & Fred Luthans Talk incentives; Stephan Group PPT Robins Dynamics- 06/08/2018 Meaning- Case study Ashwathappa Nature- Seminars Acquinas 7 To Types-Group 11/08/2018 behavior- SS Khanka Group LM Prasad Norms, Group cohesiveness

13/08/2018 8 I Internal Assessment Test To 18/08/2018 1 Group PPT Fred Luthans effectiveness Stephan 20/08/2018 Robins

9 To Ashwathappa

25/08/2018 Acquinas SS Khanka

LM Prasad

4 IV Conflicts Meaning- PPT Fred Luthans Intrapersonal Chalk & Stephan conflict- Talk Robins Reasons- Case Ashwathappa 20/08/2018 Inter personal study conflict- Acquinas To Reasons- Seminars SS Khanka 25/08/2018 Transactional Analysis-Life LM Prasad Positions and Johari window- 5 Intergroup Chalk & Fred Luthans Talk conflict- Stephan causes- PPT Robins Resolution of 27/08/2018 different Case study Ashwathappa types of 10 To Seminars Acquinas conflict; 01/09/2018 Power- SS Khanka Meaning- LM Prasad Power Dynamics- Determinants 3 Types of Chalk & Fred Luthans Talk Power- Stephan 03/09/2018 Acquisition of PPT Robins 11 To Power-Power Seminars Ashwathappa Tactics. 08/09/2018 Acquinas

SS Khanka

2 V Stress Meaning and Chalk & Fred Luthans Talk definition- Stephan What is not 03/09/2018 PPT Robins Stress - Case study Ashwathappa To Causes of 08/09/2018 Stress Seminars Acquinas SS Khanka

LM Prasad

10/09/2018 Seminar Talk and Chalk To Students Presentations 15/09/2018 5 Stress Chalk & Fred Luthans Talk management- Stephan Individual and PPT Robins organizational Strategies; Case study Ashwathappa 17/09/2018 Counseling- Seminars Acquinas 13 To Concept- Types-Career SS Khanka 22/09/2018 Appraisal, LM Prasad Grievances- Uses of Employee counseling

24/09/2018 II Internal Assessment Test

14 To

29/09/2018 Emerging Chalk & Fred Luthans Talk issues and Stephan challenges- PPT Robins 01/10/2018 Managing Case study Ashwathappa 15 To 5 diversity- Work Stress- Seminars Acquinas 06/10/2018 Ethics in Work Place - SS Khanka Emotional LM Prasad Intelligence (EI) and other new emerging issues.

09/10/2018 Discussion of 16 To 5 Various Case Discussion Studies 13/10/2018

15/10/2018 5 Revision of old Discussion question 17 To papers 17/10/2018

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Taluk, Udupi District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of Management

June 2018 - October 2018 Programme / Semester BBA/V Subject / Subject Code Project Management / BM 302 Total Number of Hours 60

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference Project Management - Introduction – 25/06/2018 PPT, Gopalakrishnan Definitions - 1 To 4 1 Project Chalk & , Mcmillan India Classifications – 30/06/2018 Talk Ltd, Project Project risk – Scope. Management - S Choudhury Project Project Management – Management - Definitions 02/07/2018 – PPT, Gopalakrishnan overview – Project 2 To 5 1 Project Chalk & , Mcmillan India plan – Management 07/07/2018 Talk Ltd, Project principles Management - S applied to Project Choudhury Management Project Management - Project management PPT, Gopalakrishnan 3 1 Project life cycles and Chalk & , Mcmillan India uncertainty. Talk Ltd, Project Management - S 09/07/2018 Choudhury 3 To Project 14/07/2018 Management - Scope – Problem PPT, Gopalakrishnan Project statement – Project 2 2 Chalk & , Mcmillan India Planning goals – objectives – Talk Ltd, Project success criteria Management - S Choudhury Assumptions – Risks Project – obstacles – Management - 16/07/2018 approval process PPT, Gopalakrishnan Project – 4 To 5 2 Project Chalk & , Mcmillan India Planning 21/07/2018 and Strategic Talk Ltd, Project planning. Project Management - S implementation Choudhury Project resource Project 23/07/2018 requirements PPT, Management - Project – 5 To 5 2 Types of resources Chalk & Gopalakrishnan Planning – 28/07/2018 Men – Materials – Talk , Mcmillan India Finance. Ltd, Project Management - S Choudhury Project Evaluation – Control Management - 30/07/2018 Project network Gopalakrishnan Project – Chalk & 6 To 4 3 technique Planning , Mcmillan India Monitoring – Talk 04/08/2018 for Monitoring and Ltd, Project Evaluation Management - S Choudhury Project Project audits – Management - 06/08/2018 Project Management PPT, Gopalakrishnan Project 7 To 4 3 Information Chalk & , Mcmillan India Monitoring 11/08/2018 System – Project Talk Ltd, Project scheduling Management - S Choudhury 13/08/2018 8 To I Internal Assessment Test 18/08/2018 Project PERT & CPM – Management - 20/08/2018 Project PPT, Gopalakrishnan Project 9 To 4 3 communication Chalk & , Mcmillan India Monitoring – 25/08/2018 Post Talk Ltd, Project project reviews. Management - S Choudhury Project Recruitment – Management - 27/08/2018 organizing human PPT, Gopalakrishnan Project Team – 10 To 5 4 resources Chalk & , Mcmillan India Management – 01/09/2018 Team operating rules Talk Ltd, Project –Project organization Management - S Choudhury Project various forms of Management - Project 03/09/2018 PPT, Gopalakrishnan Project Team organizations – 11 To 5 4 Chalk & , Mcmillan India Management Project organization 08/09/2018 Talk Ltd, Project charting – Project Management - S contracts Choudhury Principles – Project Compilation of Management - Contracts – Practical Gopalakrishnan Project Team aspects Legal Chalk & 2 4 – , Mcmillan India Management aspects – Global Talk Ltd, Project tender – Management - S 10/09/2018 Negotiations – Choudhury 12 To Insurance. 15/09/2018 Types of Project Project Termination – Management - Strategic PPT, Gopalakrishnan Closing the 3 5 implications Chalk & , Mcmillan India project – Project in trouble – Talk Ltd, Project Termination Management - S Strategies Choudhury 17/09/2018 Evaluation of PPT, Project Closing the 13 To 5 5 termination Chalk & Management - project 22/09/2018 possibilities Talk Gopalakrishnan – Termination , Mcmillan India procedures; Project Ltd, Project Inventory Management - S Management- Nature Choudhury of Project Inventory- 24/09/2018 14 To II Internal Assessment Test 29/09/2018 Supply and Transportation of Project Materials; Recent Management - 01/10/2018 Trends in Project PPT, Gopalakrishnan Closing the 15 To 4 5 Management- Chalk & , Mcmillan India project 06/10/2018 Concept of Project Talk Ltd, Project Quality-Quality Management - S Management Choudhury Systems. 09/10/2018 16 To Revision 13/10/2018 15/10/2018 17 To Revision 17/10/2018

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Taluk, Udupi District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of Management

June 2018 - October 2018 Programme / Semester BBA/V Subject / Subject Code Working Capital Management / BM 305 Total Number of Hours 60

Planned No of Reading / Week Unit Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference Meaning, Nature, Concepts and Definition Financial of Management, working capital, Text and significance of working Problems and capital- determination of PPT, cases - M.Y 25/06/2018 Working optimum Chalk Khan 1 To 4 1 Capital investment in current and &P.K.Jain, Or 30/06/2018 Management assets, approaches to Talk Fundamentals financing current assets- of Financial concepts of Management - Operating Cycle, Prasanna Problems on operating Chandra Cycle Financial Determinants of working Management, capital, Text and Assessment of working Problems and capital requirements PPT, cases - M.Y 02/07/2018 Working (Problems on working Chalk Khan 2 To 5 1 Capital capital and &P.K.Jain, Or 07/07/2018 Management requirements).Working Talk Fundamentals capital finance- Sources of Financial of working capital Management - finance- Prasanna Chandra Financial Management, forms Text and of Credit-Trade Credit, Problems and Bank Credit, and Bills PPT, cases - M.Y 09/07/2018 Working discounted, Letter of Chalk Khan 3 To 5 1 Capital Credit - Tandon and &P.K.Jain, Or 14/07/2018 Management & Chore committee Talk Fundamentals recommendations on of Financial Working Capital Management - Financing Prasanna Chandra 16/07/2018 Management Meaning- Facets of Cash PPT, Financial 4 To 4 2 of Cash and Management – Objectives Chalk Management, 21/07/2018 Marketable of Cash Management- and Text and Securities Motives of holding cash, Talk Problems and determinants of cash cases - M.Y needs. Cash planning and Khan control- &P.K.Jain, Or Fundamentals of Financial Management - Prasanna Chandra Financial managing cash flows – Management, techniques, optimum Text and cash balance, investing Problems and Management idle cash. Principles of PPT, cases - M.Y 23/07/2018 of Cash and Cash Chalk Khan 5 To 4 2 Marketable Management - Cash and &P.K.Jain, Or 28/07/2018 Securities Management Models- Talk Fundamentals Baumol model- and of Financial Miller- Orr model Management - (theory only) Prasanna Chandra Financial Management, Tools for cash planning Text and and control- preparation Problems and of cash budgets. Management PPT, cases - M.Y 30/07/2018 Marketable securities – of Cash and Chalk Khan 6 To 4 2 Meaning and Marketable and &P.K.Jain, Or 04/08/2018 Characteristics- selection Securities Talk Fundamentals criterion - of Financial Marketable Securities Management - alternatives. Prasanna Chandra Financial Meaning – Goals of Management, Receivables Text and Management- Factors Problems and determining size of PPT, cases - M.Y 06/08/2018 Receivables accounts Receivables- Chalk Khan 7 To 5 3 and Payable Crucial decision and &P.K.Jain, Or 11/08/2018 Management areas in Receivables Talk Fundamentals management (Credit of Financial Policies, Credit terms, Management - and Collection Prasanna policies) Chandra 13/08/2018 8 To I Internal Assessment Test 18/08/2018 Financial Management, Cost and benefits of Text and extending credit- Problems and determination of optimum PPT, 20/08/2018 Receivables cases - M.Y credit Chalk 9 To 4 3 and Payable Khan policy- Problems. Payable and 25/08/2018 Management &P.K.Jain, Or Management –Meaning, Talk Fundamentals Trade Creditors, payment of Financial period, Management - Prasanna Chandra Financial Management, Text and Bills Payable, Cash Problems and Discounts, Credit PPT, cases - M.Y Receivables Worthiness, Creditors Chalk Khan 3 3 and Payable turnover ratio, and &P.K.Jain, Or Management Evaluation of creditors Talk Fundamentals management. of Financial Management - Prasanna 27/08/2018 Chandra 10 To Financial 01/09/2018 Management, Text and Meaning – Objectives of Problems and holding inventory- PPT, cases - M.Y Inventory Motives of Chalk Khan 2 4 Management holding inventory. Cost and &P.K.Jain, Or and benefits associated Talk Fundamentals with inventory of Financial Management - Prasanna Chandra Financial Management, Text and Problems and PPT, cases - M.Y 03/09/2018 Techniques of Inventory Chalk Khan 11 To 5 4 inventory control: Management and &P.K.Jain, Or 08/09/2018 Fixation of Stock levels Talk Fundamentals of Financial Management - Prasanna Chandra Financial Management, Text and Problems and Problems under EOQ, PPT, cases - M.Y 10/09/2018 Stock Levels, ABC Inventory Chalk Khan 12 To 5 4 analysis, Management and &P.K.Jain, Or 15/09/2018 VED analysis and FSN Talk Fundamentals analysis. of Financial Management - Prasanna Chandra Financial Management, Text and Meaning and definition of PPT, Problems and 17/09/2018 Lease leasing, types of lease Chalk cases - M.Y 13 To 4 5 Financing agreements – and Khan 22/09/2018 advantages, Talk &P.K.Jain, Or Fundamentals of Financial Management - Prasanna Chandra 24/09/2018 14 To II Internal Assessment Test 29/09/2018 Financial Management, Text and Problems and disadvantages of leasing - PPT, cases - M.Y 01/10/2018 Lease Lease evaluation from Chalk Khan 15 To 4 5 Financing lessee s point of and &P.K.Jain, Or 06/10/2018 ’ view Talk Fundamentals of Financial Management - Prasanna Chandra Financial Management, Text and Problems and PPT, cases - M.Y (Problems involving 09/10/2018 Lease Chalk Khan 2 5 calculations for 4 years 16 To Financing and &P.K.Jain, Or only). 13/10/2018 Talk Fundamentals of Financial Management - Prasanna Chandra Revision 15/10/2018 17 To Revision 17/10/2018

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Taluk, Udupi District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of Commerce

June 2018 -0ctober 2018 Programme / Semester B.Com/I Subject Code C104- Paper Business Statistics and Mathematics Total Number of Hours 48

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference 04 I Popular Averages: CHALK Statistics : Quantitative Meaning and AND B.N.Gupta 2. Tools used in Importance TALK Business Business 1.2 Statistics and Arithmetic 25/06/2018 Mean, Mathematics : 1 To Median and Vittal 30/06/2018 Mode: Definition, computation by Direct Method 04 I Popular Deviation CHALK Statistics : Quantitative Method, Step AND B.N.Gupta 2. Tools used in Deviation TALK Business Business Method, Statistics and Combined 02/07/2018 Arithmetic Mathematics : 2 To Mean, Causes Vittal 07/07/2018 for popularity of Arithmetic Mean and Caution in Application Geometric Statistics : Mean: B.N.Gupta 2. Harmonic Business Popular mean, 09/07/2018 CHALK Statistics and Quantitative Definition, 3 To 02 I AND Tools used in Computation Mathematics : 14/07/2018 TALK Business and Vittal Application of Arithmetic Mean Absolute and Statistics : Relative B.N.Gupta 2. Measures of Business Dispersion of Statistics and Data. 2.2 Standard Mathematics : Quantitative Deviation: Vittal 09/07/2018 CHALK Tools for Definition, 3 To 02 II AND Risk computation 14/07/2018 TALK Management by Direct Method, Deviation Method and Step Deviation Method 04 II Quantitative Co-efficient CHALK Statistics : Tools for Risk of Variation AND B.N.Gupta 2. Management 2.4 Causes TALK Business for Statistics and 16/07/2018 decreasing 4 To utility of Mathematics : 21/07/2018 Standard Vittal Deviation and Co- efficient of Variation 04 II Quantitative Variance: CHALK Statistics : Tools for Risk Definition, AND B.N.Gupta 2. Management Computation TALK Business by Direct Statistics and Method, 23/07/2018 Deviation Mathematics : 5 To method and Vittal 28/07/2018 Step Deviation Methods, Causes for its Popularity 04 III Measurement Meaning and CHALK Statistics : of Economic Definition of AND B.N.Gupta 2. Activity Index TALK Business Number. 3.2 Statistics and Application 30/07/2018 of Index Mathematics : 6 To Numbers and Vittal 04/08/2018 the caution to be exercised while using Index Number 04 III Measurement Simple Index CHALK of Economic Number AND 06/08/2018 Activity using TALK 7 To Arithmetic 11/08/2018 Mean or Geometric Mean. 3.5 Weighted Indices: Laspeyres Method, Paasches Method and Fishers Method. 3.6 Consumer Price Index: Meaning, Application and C 13/08/2018 8 To I Internal Assessment Test 18/08/2018 02 III Measurement Steps in the CHALK Statistics : of Economic Construction AND B.N.Gupta 2. 20/08/2018 Activity of Consumer TALK Business 9 To Price Index Statistics and 25/08/2018 Mathematics : Vittal 02 IV Evaluation of Meaning and CHALK Statistics : Business Types of AND B.N.Gupta 2. 20/08/2018 Choices Matrices. TALK Business 9 To 4.2 Matrix Statistics and 25/08/2018 Algebra Mathematics : Vittal 04 IV Evaluation of Transpose, CHALK Statistics : Business Minors and AND B.N.Gupta 2. 27/08/2018 Choices Co-factors. TALK Business 10 To 4.4 Inverse Statistics and 01/09/2018 of a Matrix Mathematics : Vittal 04 IV Evaluation of Solving CHALK Statistics : Business Simultaneous AND B.N.Gupta 2. 03/09/2018 Choices Equations by TALK Business 11 To Matrix Statistics and 08/09/2018 Method Mathematics : Vittal 04 V Evaluation of Meaning of CHALK Statistics Business Determinant AND : B.N.Gupta 17/09/2018 Choice s and its TALK 2. Business 13 To through Properties Statistics 22/09/2018 Determinants and Mathematics : Vittal 24/09/2018 II Internal Assessment Test 14 To 29/09/2018 04 V Evaluation of Evaluation of CHALK Statistics : 01/10/2018 Business Choice Determinant AND B.N.Gupta 2. 15 To through s TALK Business 06/10/2018 Determinants Statistics and Mathematics : Vittal Evaluation of Statistics : Business Choice Solving B.N.Gupta 2. 09/10/2018 through Simultaneous CHALK Business 16 To 02 V Equations by AND Determinants Statistics and 13/10/2018 Cramers TALK Rule. Mathematics : Vittal Problems Revision Chalk Previous 15/10/2018 and Talk year 17 To Question 17/10/2018 papers

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Taluk, Udupi District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of Commerce

June 2018 -0ctober 2018 Programme / Semester B.Com/I Subject Code C102 PAPER: FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING I Total Number of Hours 60

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference 06 I Accounting Meaning, PPT, Advanced Standards Definition and Group Accounting- (AS): Importance. discussion, Shukla M.C. 2. Statutory Chalk and , Grewal Bodies to Talk T.S. 2 -do- 25/06/2018 prescribe Gupta R.L. 1 To Accounting 30/06/2018 Standards NACAS and National Financial Reporting Authority 04 I Accounting AS-1 : Chalk and Advanced Standards (AS): Disclosure of Talk Accounting- Accounting Shukla M.C. , Policies :- a. Grewal T.S. 2 - Need for Disclosure b. do- Gupta R.L. Fundamental Accounting Concepts:- Going 02/07/2018 Concern 2 To Concept, 07/07/2018 Accrual Concept and Consistency Concept. c. Major considerations in selection of Accounting Policies: - Prudence, Substance over form and materiality. 02 II Bank Preparation of PPT, Advanced Reconciliation Bank Group Accounting- Statement Reconciliation discussion, Shukla M.C. , Statement when Chalk and Grewal T.S. 2 - Talk 02/07/2018 balance as per do- Gupta R.L. 2 To pass book or 07/07/2018 cash book and reasons for their differences are given Bank Preparation of Advanced Reconciliation Bank Accounting- Statement Reconciliation Shukla M.C. , Statement when Grewal T.S. 2 - 09/07/2018 balance as per do- Gupta R.L. 3 To 06 II pass book or 14/07/2018 cash book and reasons for their differences are given 02 II Bank Preparation of Chalk and Advanced 16/07/2018 Reconciliation Bank Talk Accounting- 4 To Statement Reconciliation Shukla M.C. , 21/07/2018 Statement Grewal T.S. 2 - do- Gupta R.L. 04 III Depreciation Assets that PPT, Advanced Accounting AS are not Group Accounting- 6 : covered by discussion, Shukla M.C. , AS. b. Chalk and Grewal T.S. 2 - 16/07/2018 Meaning of Talk 4 To depreciable do- Gupta R.L. 21/07/2018 assets. c. Factors determining economic life of the asset 06 III Depreciation Methods of Chalk and Advanced Accounting AS depreciation Talk Accounting- 6 : (Change of Shukla M.C. , method of Grewal T.S. 2 - depreciation 23/07/2018 excluded): i. do- Gupta R.L. 5 To Straight Line 28/07/2018 Method ii. Reducing Balance Method iii. Annuity Method iv. Sinking Fund Method 06 IV Rectification of Classification PPT, Advanced 30/07/2018 Errors of Errors Group Accounting- 6 To Rectification discussion, Shukla M.C. , 04/08/2018 of Errors Chalk and Grewal T.S. 2 - Talk do- Gupta R.L. 04 IV Rectification of Before Chalk and Advanced Errors Preparing the Talk Accounting- Trial Balance Shukla M.C. , ii. After Grewal T.S. 2 - preparing the 06/08/2018 Trial Balance do- Gupta R.L. 7 To and before 11/08/2018 preparing Final Accounts Suspense Account 02 V Final Accounts Trading Account PPT, 06/08/2018 of Sole Trading and Profit & Loss Group 7 To Concerns Account. ii. discussion, 11/08/2018 Chalk and Balance Sheet Talk 13/08/2018 8 To I Internal Assessment Test 18/08/2018 06 V Final Accounts Trading Account Chalk and Advanced 20/08/2018 of Sole Trading and Profit & Loss Talk Accounting- 9 To Concerns Account. ii. Shukla M.C. , 25/08/2018 Balance Sheet Grewal T.S. 2 - do- Gupta R.L. 02 V Final Accounts Trading Account Chalk and Advanced 27/08/2018 of Sole Trading and Profit & Loss Talk Accounting- 10 To Concerns Account. ii. Shukla M.C. , 01/09/2018 Balance Sheet Grewal T.S. 2 - do- Gupta R.L. 04 VI Final Accounts Meaning and PPT, Advanced 27/08/2018 of Non- Treatment of Group Accounting- 10 To Trading Revenue and discussion, Shukla M.C. , 01/09/2018 Concerns: Capital items Chalk and Grewal T.S. 2 - Talk do- Gupta R.L. 06 VI Final Accounts Preparation of Chalk and Advanced of Non- Income and Talk Accounting- Trading Expenditure Shukla M.C. , 03/09/2018 Concerns: Account and Grewal T.S. 2 - 11 To the Balance 08/09/2018 Sheet with the do- Gupta R.L. given Receipts and Payments Accounts and other information 06 Problems Chalk and Previous 17/09/2018 Revision Talk year 13 To Question 22/09/2018 papers 24/09/2018 II Internal Assessment Test 14 To 29/09/2018 04 Problems Chalk and Previous 01/10/2018 Revision Talk year 15 To Question 06/10/2018 papers 02 Problems Revision Chalk and Previous 01/10/2018 Talk year 15 To Question 06/10/2018 papers Problems Chalk and Previous 09/10/2018 Revision Talk year 16 To 06 Question 13/10/2018 papers 06 Problems Revision Chalk and Previous 15/10/2018 Talk year 17 To Question 17/10/2018 papers

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Taluk, Udupi District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of Commerce

June 2018 -0ctober 2018 Programme / Semester B.Com/I Subject Code C103-Paper: Principles of Management Total Number of Hours 60

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference 06 I Nature and Nature and functions of PPT, Principles of 25/06/2018 functions of management Group Management 1 To management discussion, : H.Koontz 30/06/2018 Chalk and and C. Talk ODonnel 04 I Nature and Evolution of management Chalk and Principles of 02/07/2018 functions of thought-Contributions of Talk Management 2 To management F.W Taylor and Henry : H.Koontz 07/07/2018 Fayol and C. ODonnel 02 II Planning and Planning-nature and PPT, Principles of Decision importance of planning- Group Management making planning process-Types of discussion, : H.Koontz plans-managerial decision Chalk and and C. making Talk ODonnel Planning and Chalk and Principles of 09/07/2018 Decision significance of decision Talk Management 3 To 06 II making making-scientific : H.Koontz 14/07/2018 decision making process- and C. ODonnel 02 II Planning and guide lines for effective Chalk and Principles of 16/07/2018 Decision decision making-group Talk Management 4 To making decision making : H.Koontz 21/07/2018 and C. ODonnel 04 III Organizing Principles of PPT, Principles of organization-types of Group Management organization structure- discussion, : H.Koontz Line organization- Chalk and and C. Functional organization- Talk Line and staff ODonnel organization-their merits and demeritsDelegation of authority 06 III Organizing meaning and benefits of Chalk and Principles of delegation-barriers to Talk 23/07/2018 Management effective 5 To : H.Koontz delegationguidelines for 28/07/2018 and C. making effective delegation ODonnel 06 IV Staffing Concept and importance PPT, Principles of of staffing-recruitment Group 30/07/2018 Management and selection-concept of discussion, 6 To : H.Koontz recruitment and Chalk and 04/08/2018 and C. selection- sources of Talk recruitment ODonnel 04 IV Staffing selection process-training Chalk and Principles of and Talk 06/08/2018 Management developmentimportance 7 To : H.Koontz and methods of training- 11/08/2018 and C. Performance appraisal- meaning and objectives ODonnel 02 V Direction meaning and elements of PPT, Principles of 06/08/2018 direction- Controlling Group Management To meaning and importance discussion, : H.Koontz 11/08/2018 of controlling Chalk and and C. Talk ODonnel 13/08/2018 8 To I Internal Assessment Test 18/08/2018 06 V Direction control techniques (brief PPT, Principles of discussion only)- Group Management 20/08/2018 Communication - discussion, : H.Koontz 9 To concept of Chalk and and C. 25/08/2018 communication - Talk communication process- ODonnel types of communication 02 V Direction barriers in Chalk and Principles of 27/08/2018 communication Talk Management 10 To essentials of effective : H.Koontz 01/09/2018 communication and C. ODonnel 04 VI Motivation Concept and importance PPT, Principles of 27/08/2018 and of motivation-Theories of Group Management To leadership motivation-Maslows need discussion, : H.Koontz 01/09/2018 hierarchy theory- Chalk and and C. Herzbergs hygiene theory Talk ODonnel 06 VI Motivation McGregors theory X and Chalk and Principles of 03/09/2018 and YLeadership qualities- Talk Management 11 To leadership leadership styles ( : H.Koontz 08/09/2018 Autocratic,Democraticand and C. Free-rein leadership ODonnel 13 17/09/2018 06 Problems Revision Chalk and Previous To Talk year 22/09/2018 Question papers 24/09/2018 II Internal Assessment Test 14 To 29/09/2018 06 Problems Revision Chalk and Previous 01/10/2018 Talk year 15 To Question 06/10/2018 papers Problems Revision Chalk and Previous 09/10/2018 Talk year 16 To 06 Question 13/10/2018 papers 06 Problems Revision Chalk and Previous 15/10/2018 Talk year 17 To Question 17/10/2018 papers

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Taluk, Udupi District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of Commerce

June 2018 -0ctober 2018 Programme / Semester B.Com/III semester Subject Code C303 : COST AND MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING - I Total Number of Hours 60

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference 06 I BASIC Meaning, PPT, COST 25/06/2018 CONCEPTS definition, Group ACCOUNTING 1 To limitations discussion, – M N ARORA 30/06/2018 Chalk and Talk 02/07/2018 04 I BASIC Systems, Chalk and COST 2 To CONCEPTS methods Talk ACCOUNTING 07/07/2018 – M N ARORA 02 II INTRODUCTION COST UNIT PPT, COST 02/07/2018 TO COSTING AND COST Group ACCOUNTING 2 To SYSTEM CENTRE discussion, – M N ARORA 07/07/2018 Chalk and Talk 09/07/2018 INTRODUCTION COST Classification 3 To 06 II TO COSTING ACCOUNTING of cost 14/07/2018 SYSTEM – M N ARORA 16/07/2018 02 II INTRODUCTION Chalk and COST Classification 4 To TO COSTING Talk ACCOUNTING of cost 21/07/2018 SYSTEM – M N ARORA 04 III COST SHEET TENDERS PPT, COST 16/07/2018 AND Group ACCOUNTING 4 To QUOTATIONS discussion, – M N ARORA 21/07/2018 Chalk and Talk 23/07/2018 06 III COST SHEET TENDERS Chalk and COST 5 To AND Talk ACCOUNTING 28/07/2018 QUOTATIONS – M N ARORA 06 IV MATERIAL TYPES OF PPT, COST 30/07/2018 CONTROL PURCHASING, Group ACCOUNTING 6 To PROCEDURE discussion, – M N ARORA 04/08/2018 Chalk and Talk 06/08/2018 04 IV MATERIAL ABC Chalk and COST 7 To CONTROL ANALYSIS, Talk ACCOUNTING 11/08/2018 EOQ – M N ARORA 02 V PPT, COST 06/08/2018 Group ACCOUNTING 7 To discussion, – M N ARORA 11/08/2018 Chalk and Talk 13/08/2018 8 To I Internal Assessment Test 18/08/2018 20/08/2018 06 V PRICING OF Methods Chalk and COST 9 To MATERIAL Talk ACCOUNTING 25/08/2018 ISSUES – M N ARORA 27/08/2018 02 V PRICING OF Methods Chalk and COST 10 To MATERIAL Talk ACCOUNTING 01/09/2018 ISSUES – M N ARORA 04 VI Labour Meaning, PPT, COST 27/08/2018 direct and Group ACCOUNTING 10 To indirect discussion, – M N ARORA 01/09/2018 labour Chalk and Talk 03/09/2018 06 VI labour Talylor, Chalk and COST 11 To halsey and Talk ACCOUNTING 08/09/2018 rowan plan – M N ARORA 17/09/2018 06 PROBLEMS REVISION COST 13 To ACCOUNTING 22/09/2018 – M N ARORA 24/09/2018 II Internal Assessment Test 14 To 29/09/2018 01/10/2018 04 Problems Chalk and Previous year 15 To Revision Talk Question 06/10/2018 papers 01/10/2018 02 Problems Revision Chalk and Previous year 15 To Talk Question 06/10/2018 papers 09/10/2018 Problems Chalk and Previous year 16 To 06 Revision Talk Question 13/10/2018 papers 15/10/2018 06 Problems Revision Chalk and Previous year 17 To Talk Question 17/10/2018 papers

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Taluk, Udupi District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of Commerce

June 2018 -0ctober 2018 Programme / Semester B.Com/III Subject Code C302 PAPER: FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING III Total Number of Hours 60

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference 06 I Partnership Admission of PPT, Advanced Accounts a Partner. Group Accounting- 25/06/2018 discussion, Shukla M.C. 1 To Chalk and , Grewal 30/06/2018 Talk T.S. 2 -do- Gupta R.L. 04 I Partnership Admission of Chalk and Advanced 02/07/2018 Accounts a Partner. Talk Accounting- 2 To Shukla M.C. , 07/07/2018 Grewal T.S. 2 - do- Gupta R.L. 02 II Partnership Retirement of PPT, Advanced 02/07/2018 Accounts a Partner. Group Accounting- 2 To discussion, Shukla M.C. , 07/07/2018 Chalk and Grewal T.S. 2 - Talk do- Gupta R.L. Partnership Chalk and Advanced 09/07/2018 Accounts Talk Accounting- Retirement of 3 To 06 II Shukla M.C. , a Partner. 14/07/2018 Grewal T.S. 2 - do- Gupta R.L. 02 II Partnership Retirement of Chalk and Advanced 16/07/2018 Accounts a Partner. Talk Accounting- 4 To Shukla M.C. , 21/07/2018 Grewal T.S. 2 - do- Gupta R.L. 04 III Partnership Admission PPT, Advanced 16/07/2018 Accounts cum- Group Accounting- 4 To Retirement discussion, Shukla M.C. , 21/07/2018 Chalk and Grewal T.S. 2 - Talk do- Gupta R.L. 5 23/07/2018 06 III Partnership Admission Chalk and Advanced To Accounts cum- Talk Accounting- 28/07/2018 Retirement Shukla M.C. , Grewal T.S. 2 - do- Gupta R.L. 06 IV Partnership Death of a PPT, Advanced 30/07/2018 Accounts Partner, Joint Group Accounting- 6 To Life Policy discussion, Shukla M.C. , 04/08/2018 and Individual Chalk and Grewal T.S. 2 - Policies. Talk do- Gupta R.L. 04 IV Partnership Death of a Chalk and Advanced 06/08/2018 Accounts Partner, Joint Talk Accounting- 7 To Life Policy Shukla M.C. , 11/08/2018 and Individual Grewal T.S. 2 - Policies. do- Gupta R.L. 02 V Partnership Dissolution of PPT, Partnership Group 06/08/2018 Accounts Firms discussion, 7 To (Excluding Chalk and 11/08/2018 Garner Vs Talk Murray 13/08/2018 8 To I Internal Assessment Test 18/08/2018 06 V Partnership Dissolution of Chalk and Advanced Accounts Partnership Talk 20/08/2018 Accounting- Firms 9 To Shukla M.C. , (Excluding 25/08/2018 Grewal T.S. 2 - Garner Vs Murray do- Gupta R.L. 02 V Partnership Simple Chalk and Advanced Accounts Dissolution Talk Accounting- 27/08/2018 Insolvency Shukla M.C. , 10 To (Capital loss Grewal T.S. 2 - 01/09/2018 to be borne in the agreed do- Gupta R.L. ratios). 04 VI Partnership Sale of PPT, Advanced Accounts Partnership Group Accounting- Firm to a discussion, Shukla M.C. , 27/08/2018 Limited Chalk and Grewal T.S. 2 - 10 To Company Talk 01/09/2018 Entries in the do- Gupta R.L. Firm, gradual realisation of Assets 06 VI Partnership Piece Meal Chalk and Advanced distribution of Talk 03/09/2018 Accounts Accounting- cash 11 To Shukla M.C. , (Proportionate 08/09/2018 Grewal T.S. 2 - Capital Method only). do- Gupta R.L. 13 17/09/2018 06 Partnership REVISION To Accounts 22/09/2018 24/09/2018 II Internal Assessment Test 14 To 29/09/2018 04 Problems Chalk and Previous 01/10/2018 Revision Talk year 15 To Question 06/10/2018 papers 02 Problems Revision Chalk and Previous 01/10/2018 Talk year 15 To Question 06/10/2018 papers Problems Chalk and Previous 09/10/2018 Revision Talk year 16 To 06 Question 13/10/2018 papers 06 Problems Revision Chalk and Previous 15/10/2018 Talk year 17 To Question 17/10/2018 papers

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Taluk, Udupi District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of Commerce

June 2018 -0ctober 2018 Programme / Semester B.Com/III Subject Code C305-PAPER: BUSINESS TAXATION I Total Number of Hours 48

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference 04 I Introduction Definition PPT, Income tax - assessee - Group mehrothra person discussion, assessment Chalk and 25/06/2018 year and Talk 1 To previous year 30/06/2018 income agricultural income - gross total income 04 I Introduction taxable Chalk and Income tax - income - Talk mehrothra Permanent Account Number (PAN) 02/07/2018 Income tax 2 To rates of 07/07/2018 relevant assessment year for individual assessee Individual Income tax - HUF Firm mehrothra Company 09/07/2018 Determination Residential Chalk and 3 To 04 II of residential status Talk 14/07/2018 status of individual - Incidence of Tax (Scope of Total Income) - Meaning 04 II Residential Indian income Chalk and Income tax - status Foreign Talk mehrothra income Deemed 16/07/2018 income - 4 To Computation 21/07/2018 of total income based on residential status 02 II Residential Computation Chalk and Income tax - 23/07/2018 status of total Talk mehrothra 5 To income based 28/07/2018 on residential status 02 III Tax-free relating to PPT, Income tax - income computation Group mehrothra under Sec. of salary discussion, 23/07/2018 10 income Chalk and To Gratuity, Talk 28/07/2018 Commutation of pension, Leave encashment 04 III Tax-free Income tax Chalk and Income tax - income paid by Talk mehrothra under Sec. employer, 10 Receipts at 30/07/2018 the time of 6 To voluntary 04/08/2018 retirement, Foreign allowance and perquisites 04 III Tax-free House rent Chalk and Income tax - income allowance, Talk mehrothra 06/08/2018 under Sec. Leave travel 7 To 10 concession, 11/08/2018 Receipts from Life Insurance Policy 13/08/2018 8 To I Internal Assessment Test 18/08/2018 04 IV Income from characteristics Chalk and Income tax - Salary of salary Talk mehrothra income 20/08/2018 allowances- 9 To perquisites 25/08/2018 and their valuation tax- free perquisites deduction under sec 16 04 IV Income from Provident Chalk and Income tax - Salary funds income Talk mehrothra tax provisions relating to 27/08/2018 statutory 10 To provident 01/09/2018 fund, recognized provident fund, 02 IV Income from unrecognized Chalk and Income tax - 03/09/2018 provident fund Talk mehrothra 11 To Salary and public 08/09/2018 provident fund 02 V Computation of Deduction u/s Chalk and Income tax - 80C, 80CCC, Talk mehrothra 03/09/2018 taxable salary 80CCD, To 80CCE, 08/09/2018 80CCG, 80D and 80E 04 V Computation Deduction u/s Chalk and Income tax - of taxable 80C, 80CCC, Talk mehrothra 17/09/2018 salary 80CCD, 13 To 80CCE, 22/09/2018 80CCG, 80D and 80E 24/09/2018 II Internal Assessment Test 14 To 29/09/2018 04 V Computation set off losses Chalk and Income tax - of taxable of other heads Talk mehrothra salary against salary 01/10/2018 income and 15 To derivation of 06/10/2018 taxable income of salaried assessee Problems Chalk and Previous 09/10/2018 Revision Talk year 16 To 04 Question 13/10/2018 papers 04 Problems Revision Chalk and Previous 15/10/2018 Talk year 17 To Question 17/10/2018 papers

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Taluk, Udupi District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of Commerce

June 2018 -0ctober 2018 Programme / Semester B.Com/III Subject Code C501-Paper: BUSINESS LAW Total Number of Hours 60

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference 05 I Introduction Meaning of Law, PPT, Business meaning of Group Law Mercantile Law, discussion, by 25/06/2018 sources of Chalk and Kulashestra 1 To Mercantile Law Talk 3. Business 30/06/2018 Law by N.D. Kapoor 05 I Introduction Indian Contract Chalk and Business Law Act 1872 - Talk by Meaning of Kulashestra 3. contract, 02/07/2018 Business Law essentials of a 2 To valid contract by N.D. 07/07/2018 Classification of Kapoor contract based on validity, creation and performance 05 Offer - Meaning, PPT, Business Law legal rules and Group by termination discussion Kulashestra 3. Acceptance - , Chalk Offer, Business Law Meaning, and and Talk 09/07/2018 Acceptance, legal rules Lawful by N.D. 3 To II Consideration, Consideration - Kapoor 14/07/2018 Contractual Meaning, legal Capacity rules, Privity of contract (stranger to contract) with exceptions 16/07/2018 05 II Offer, Exceptions to the Chalk and Business Law 4 To Acceptance, rule ’no Talk by 21/07/2018 Consideration, consideration no Kulashestra 3. Contractual contract’ Business Law Capacity Capacity to by N.D. Contract - Kapoor Persons disqualified from contracting, effects of minor’s agreements 05 III Free Consent, Free Consent - PPT, Business Law Lawful Object Meaning and Group by and essentials of discussion, Kulashestra 3. Contingent Coercion, Undue Chalk and Business Law Contract Influence, Fraud Talk 23/07/2018 and by N.D. 5 To misrepresentation Kapoor 28/07/2018 Mistake - Mistake of law, mistake of fact, bilateral and unilateral mistake (meaning 05 III Free Consent, Lawful Object - Chalk and Business Law Lawful Object Meaning, Talk by and Agreements Kulashestra 3. Contingent opposed to public Business Law Contract policy, wagering 30/07/2018 agreements by N.D. 6 To Contingent Kapoor 04/08/2018 contract - Meaning and rules, distinction between wager and contingent contract 05 IV Quasi Quasi Contract- PPT, Business Law contract, Meaning and Group by Discharge of circumstances discussion, 06/08/2018 Kulashestra 3. Contract and Discharge of Chalk and 7 To Business Law Remedies for Contract - Talk 11/08/2018 the Breach of Meaning and by N.D. Contract various modes of Kapoor discharge 13/08/2018 8 To I Internal Assessment Test 18/08/2018 05 IV Quasi Remedies for the Chalk and Business contract, breach of Talk Law Discharge of contract - Various by 20/08/2018 Contract and remedies Kulashestra 9 To Remedies for available for the 3. Business 25/08/2018 the Breach of aggrieved party Law Contract by N.D. Kapoor 10 27/08/2018 05 V Special Contract of PPT, To Contracts Indemnity - Group 01/09/2018 Meaning and discussion, essentials only Chalk and Contract of Talk guarantee - Meaning, essentials, rights of surety and discharge of surety distinction between Indemnity and Guarantee 05 V Special Contract of Chalk and Business Contracts Bailment - Talk Law Meaning and by essentials, duties Kulashestra of bailor and 3. Business bailee Contract of Law 03/09/2018 Pledge - Meaning by N.D. 11 To and essentials, Kapoor 08/09/2018 Distinction between Bailment and Pledge Contract of Agency - Meaning, rights and duties of agent only 05 VI Contemporary Right to PPT, Business Issues in Information Act, Group Law Business Law 2005 - Meaning of discussion, by ’Information’, Chalk and Kulashestra ’Right to Talk 3. Business Information’ Need Law for Right to by N.D. 17/09/2018 Information Kapoor 13 To Public 22/09/2018 Information - Request for obtaining information Grounds for rejection of information 24/09/2018 II Internal Assessment Test 14 To 29/09/2018 05 VI Contemporary Central Chalk and Business Issues in Information Talk Law 01/10/2018 Business Law Commission - by 15 To Constitution and Kulashestra 06/10/2018 powers 3. Business Information Law Technology Act - by N.D. Purpose and Kapoor significance Cyber Crimes - Types of crimes, nature and punishment Intellectual Property Law - Patent, trademark, copyright and industrial design 05 The relevant legal point, facts and Business the judicial Law decision relating by 09/10/2018 to the following CASE Kulashestra 16 To 10 case laws are ANALYSIS 3. Business 13/10/2018 to be dealt with: i. Law Balfour Vs Balfour by N.D. ii. Carlill Vs Kapoor Carbolic Smoke Ball Company 05 CASE iii. Durgaprasad Business ANALYSIS Vs Baldeo iv. Law Nash Vs Inman v. by 15/10/2018 Ranganayakamma Kulashestra 17 To Vs Alwar Chetty 3. Business 17/10/2018 vi. Derry Vs Law Peak by N.D. Kapoor

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Taluk, Udupi District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of Commerce

June 2018 -0ctober 2018 Programme / Semester B.Com/ SEM Subject Code C505 Total Number of Hours 60

Planned No of Unit Reading / k Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference 05 I JOB AND Nature,purpose and PPT, COST BATCH procedures of costing Group ACCOUNTING:K.S COSTING discussion, Adiga 25/06/2018 Chalk and COST To Talk ACCOUNTING:B.S 30/06/2018 Raman COST ACCOUNTING:M.N Arora 05 I JOB AND Advantages and Limitations Chalk and COST BATCH Talk ACCOUNTING:K.S COSTING Adiga 02/07/2018 COST To ACCOUNTING:B.S 07/07/2018 Raman COST ACCOUNTING:M.N Arora 05 PPT, Group discussion, COST Chalk and Talk ACCOUNTING:K.S Adiga Features of 09/07/2018 COST CONTRACT contract To II ACCOUNTING:B.S COSTING costing,Types 14/07/2018 Raman of contracts COST ACCOUNTING:M.N Arora 05 II Cost plus contract,escalation Chalk and COST 16/07/2018 and de-escalation Talk ACCOUNTING:K.S CONTRACT To clause,Recording of value Adiga COSTING 21/07/2018 and profit on contract COST ACCOUNTING:B.S Raman COST ACCOUNTING:M.N Arora 05 III PROCESS Meaning –Diffrence between PPT, COST COSTING job costing and process Group ACCOUNTING:K.S costing discussion, Adiga 23/07/2018 Chalk and COST To Talk ACCOUNTING:B.S 28/07/2018 Raman COST ACCOUNTING:M.N Arora 05 III PROCESS Problems on process costing Chalk and COST COSTING with process losses and Talk ACCOUNTING:K.S without process losses- Adiga 30/07/2018 Normal loss, Abnormal loss COST To and Abnormal gain ACCOUNTING:B.S 04/08/2018 Inter process transfer at Raman profit-only theory COST ACCOUNTING:M.N Arora 05 IV JOINT Meaning of joint products PPT, COST PRODUCTS and by products,Accounting Group ACCOUNTING:K.S AND BY of joint produts discussion, Adiga 06/08/2018 PRODUCTS Chalk and COST To Talk ACCOUNTING:B.S 11/08/2018 Raman COST ACCOUNTING:M.N Arora 13/08/2018 To I Internal Assessment Test 18/08/2018 05 IV JOINT Apportionment by physical Chalk and COST PRODUCTS measurement,Apportionment Talk ACCOUNTING:K.S AND BY on market value at Adiga 20/08/2018 PRODUCTS separation point, Apportion COST To ment on market value after ACCOUNTING:B.S 25/08/2018 further processing. Raman COST ACCOUNTING:M.N Arora 05 V ACCOUNTING Non cost and sales value PPT, COST FOR BY method:other income Group ACCOUNTING:K.S PRODUCTS method, total sales method discussion, Adiga 27/08/2018 and net cost method- theory Chalk and COST To and problems Talk ACCOUNTING:B.S 01/09/2018 Raman COST ACCOUNTING:M.N Arora 03/09/2018 05 V ACCOUNTING Cost methods:Opportunity Chalk and COST

To FOR BY cost method,standared cost Talk ACCOUNTING:K.S 08/09/2018 PRODUCTS method and joint cost Adiga method-only theory COST ACCOUNTING:B.S Raman COST ACCOUNTING:M.N Arora 05 VI OPERATING Meaning,features,cost PPT, COST COSTING unit,operating cost Group ACCOUNTING:K.S statement discussion, Adiga 17/09/2018 Chalk and COST To Talk ACCOUNTING:B.S 22/09/2018 Raman COST ACCOUNTING:M.N Arora 24/09/2018 II Internal Assessment Test To 29/09/2018 05 VI OPERATING Problems on transport Chalk and COST COSTING costing only Talk ACCOUNTING:K.S Adiga 01/10/2018 COST To ACCOUNTING:B.S 06/10/2018 Raman COST ACCOUNTING:M.N Arora 05 Problems Chalk and Talk Previou 09/10/2018 Revision year To Questio 13/10/2018 papers 05 Problems Revision Chalk and Talk Previou 15/10/2018 year To Questio 17/10/2018 papers

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Taluk, Udupi District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of Postgraduation Studies in Commerce

August 2018 - December 2018 Programme / Semester / I Semester Subject Code Total Number of Hours 60

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference 07/08/2018 1 To 11/08/2018 13/08/2018 2 To 18/08/2018 20/08/2018 3 To 25/08/2018 27/08/2018 4 To 01/09/2018 03/09/2018 5 To 08/09/2018 10/09/2018 6 To 15/09/2018 17/09/2018 7 To 22/09/2018 24/09/2018 8 To I Internal Assessment Test 29/09/2018 01/10/2018 9 To 06/10/2018 09/10/2018 10 To 13/10/2018 15/10/2018 11 To 20/10/2018 22/10/2018 12 To 27/10/2018 29/10/2018 13 To 03/11/2018 05/11/2018 14 To 10/11/2018 12/11/2018 15 To 17/11/2018 19/11/2018 16 To 24/11/2018 27/11/2018 II Internal Assessment Test 17 To 01/12/2018 03/12/2018 18 To 08/12/2018 19 10/12/2018

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Taluk, Udupi District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of Commerce

December 2018 - April 2019 Programme / Semester Subject Code Total Number of Hours

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference 1 11/12/2017 To 16/12/2017 18/12/2017 2 To 23/12/2017 24/12/2017 3 To Christmas and New year Vacation 30/12/2017 01/01/2018 4 To 06/01/2018 08/01/2018 5 To 13/01/2018 15/01/2018 6 To 20/01/2018 22/01/2018 7 To 27/01/2018 29/01/2018 8 To I Internal Assessment Test 03/02/2018 05/02/2018 9 To 10/02/2018 12/02/2018 10 To 17/02/2018 19/02/2018 11 To 24/02/2018 26/02/2018 12 To Cultural and Sports Activities 03/03/2018 05/03/2018 13 To 10/03/2018 12/03/2018 14 To 17/03/2018 19/03/2018 15 To 24/03/2018 26/03/2018 16 To II Internal Assessment Test 31/03/2018 02/04/2018 17 To 07/04/2018 09/04/2018 18 To 13/04/2018

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Taluk, Udupi District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of commerce

June 2018 -0ctober 2018 Programme / Semester B.Com/V SEM Subject Code C504 PAPER: FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING V Total Number of Hours 60

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference 05 I Company Redemption PPT, Advanced Accounts of Group Accounting- 25/06/2018 Preference discussion, Shukla M.C. 1 To Shares Chalk and , Grewal T.S. 30/06/2018 Talk 2 -do- Gupta R.L. 05 I Company Redemption Chalk and Advanced Accounts of Talk Accounting- 02/07/2018 Preference Shukla M.C. 2 To Shares , Grewal T.S. 07/07/2018 2 -do- Gupta R.L. 05 Redemption PPT, Advanced of Group Accounting- 09/07/2018 Debentures discussion Company Shukla M.C. 3 To II (Sinking , Chalk Accounts , Grewal T.S. 14/07/2018 Fund and Talk 2 -do- Gupta Method R.L. Only 05 II Company Redemption Chalk and Advanced Accounts of Talk Accounting- 16/07/2018 Debentures Shukla M.C. 4 To (Sinking , Grewal T.S. 21/07/2018 Fund 2 -do- Gupta Method R.L. Only 05 III Final Latest PPT, Advanced Accounts of Vertical Group Accounting- 23/07/2018 Companies form with discussion, Shukla M.C. 5 To relevant Chalk and , Grewal T.S. 28/07/2018 Notes Talk 2 -do- Gupta R.L. 30/07/2018 05 III Final Latest Chalk and 6 To Accounts of Vertical Talk 04/08/2018 Companies form with relevant Notes 05 IV Valuation of Problems on PPT, Advanced Shares valuation of Group Accounting- 06/08/2018 sharees discussion, Shukla M.C. 7 To Chalk and , Grewal T.S. 11/08/2018 Talk 2 -do- Gupta R.L. 13/08/2018 8 To I Internal Assessment Test 18/08/2018 05 IV Valuation of Problems on Chalk and Advanced Shares valuation of Talk Accounting- 20/08/2018 sharees Shukla M.C. 9 To , Grewal T.S. 25/08/2018 2 -do- Gupta R.L. 05 V Valuation of Problems on PPT, Advanced 27/08/2018 Goodwill valuation of Group Accounting- 10 To goodwil discussion, Shukla M.C. , 01/09/2018 Chalk and Grewal T.S. 2 - Talk do- Gupta R.L. 05 V Valuation of Problems on Chalk and Advanced 03/09/2018 Goodwill valuation of Talk Accounting- 11 To goodwil Shukla M.C. , 08/09/2018 Grewal T.S. 2 - do- Gupta R.L. 05 VI Holding Problems PPT, Advanced Company with Single Group Accounting- 17/09/2018 Accounts Subsidiary discussion, Shukla M.C. 13 To only Chalk and , Grewal T.S. 22/09/2018 Talk 2 -do- Gupta R.L. 24/09/2018 II Internal Assessment Test 14 To 29/09/2018 05 VI Holding Problems Chalk and Advanced Company with Single Talk Accounting- 01/10/2018 Accounts Subsidiary Shukla M.C. 15 To only , Grewal T.S. 06/10/2018 2 -do- Gupta R.L. 05 Problems Chalk and Previous 09/10/2018 Revision Talk year 16 To Question 13/10/2018 papers 05 Problems Revision Chalk and Previous 15/10/2018 Talk year 17 To Question 17/10/2018 papers

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Taluk, Udupi District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of commerce

June 2018 -0ctober 2018 Programme / Semester B.Com/V SEM Subject Code C503 : FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - I Total Number of Hours

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference 05 I Nature of Meaning and Indian Financial Definition 1.2 Financial Management Scope of Market - Financial Machiraju 2. 25/06/2018 Management: Financial 1 To 1.2.1 Under Management 30/06/2018 Traditional - M. Y. Khan Approach and P. K. 1.2.2 Under Jain Modern Approach 05 I Nature of Objectives of Indian Financial Financial Financial Management Management Market - 02/07/2018 1.4 Growing Machiraju 2. 2 To Importance of Financial 07/07/2018 Financial Management Management - M. Y. Khan and P. K. Jain 05 Meaning and Indian Definition of Financial Capital Market - Structure 2.2 Machiraju 2. Debt 2.2.1 Features 2.2.2 Financial 09/07/2018 Merits 2.2.3 Management Capital 3 To II Demerits 2.3 - M. Y. Khan Structure 14/07/2018 Equity: 2.3.1 and P. K. Jain Features 2.3.2 Benefits 2.3.3 Limitations 2.4 Debt Equity Ratio: 2.4.1 Meaning and Significance 2.4.2 Computation of Debit- Equity Ratio 05 II Capital Zero Debt Indian Structure Capital Financial Structure 2.6 Market - Trading on Machiraju 2. Equity 2.7 Preparation of Financial 16/07/2018 Statement of Management 4 To Income 2.8 - M. Y. Khan 21/07/2018 Operating and P. K. Jain Leverage 2.9 Financial Leverage 2.10 Combined Leverage 05 III Basic Indian Financial Financial Concepts Market - 23/07/2018 Machiraju 2. 5 To Financial 28/07/2018 Management - M. Y. Khan and P. K. Jain 05 III Basic Indian Financial Financial Concepts Market - 30/07/2018 Machiraju 2. 6 To Financial 04/08/2018 Management - M. Y. Khan and P. K. Jain 05 IV Issue of Rationale for Indian Equity Issue 4.2 Financial Shares Public Issue : Market - 06/08/2018 External Machiraju 2. 7 To Procedure 4.3 Financial 11/08/2018 Rights Issue : Meaning Management - M. Y. Khan and P. K. Jain 13/08/2018 8 To I Internal Assessment Test 18/08/2018 05 IV Issue of Book-building Indian Equity 4.5.1 Meaning Financial Shares 4.5.2 Market - 20/08/2018 Rationale Machiraju 2. 9 To 4.5.3 Financial Financial 25/08/2018 intermediaries Management 4.5.4 Issue - M. Y. Khan Procedure and P. K. 4.5.5 Merits Jain and Demerits 05 V Stock Meaning and Exchange Characteristics 5.2 Role and Function 5.3 Types of Dealings: 5.3.1 27/08/2018 Cash Market 10 To (Rolling 01/09/2018 Settlement) 5.3.2 Options and Futures: Meaning and Settlement of Contracts 05 V Stock Listing of Indian Exchange Shares: Financial Meaning, Market - Listing Machiraju 2. Procedure 5.5 Financial Speculators : Management Bulls, Bears - M. Y. Khan and Arbitrager and P. K. 5.6 Jain Speculative 03/09/2018 activities: 11 To Rigging, 08/09/2018 Cornering, Wash sales. Dividend Stripping, Bonus Stripping 5.7 Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI 05 VI Time Value Concept of Indian of Money Interest 6.2 Financial Compound Market - 17/09/2018 Interest and Machiraju 2. 13 To Discounted Financial 22/09/2018 Cash Flow; Net Management Present Value - M. Y. Khan 6.3 Perpetuity and P. K. Jain 24/09/2018 II Internal Assessment Test 14 To 29/09/2018 05 VI Time Value Future Value Indian of Money of Annuity 6.5 Financial Present Value Market - 01/10/2018 of Annuity Machiraju 2. 15 To Financial 06/10/2018 Management - M. Y. Khan and P. K. Jain 05 Problems Chalk Previous 09/10/2018 Revision and Talk year 16 To Question 13/10/2018 papers 05 Problems Revision Chalk Previous 15/10/2018 and Talk year 17 To Question 17/10/2018 papers

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Taluk, Udupi District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of Commerce

June 2018 -0ctober 2018 Programme / Semester B.Com/V SEMESTER Subject Code C502-Paper:MODERN MARKETING Total Number of Hours 60

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference 05 I Introduction Meaning , Marketing 25/06/2018 to marketing importance , management 1 To limitations Philip 30/06/2018 – kotler 05 I Introduction Features , Marketing 02/07/2018 to marketing objectives, management 2 To limitations Philip 07/07/2018 – kotler 05 Market Marketing 09/07/2018 segmentation management Meaning and 3 To II and Philip importance – 14/07/2018 consumer kotler behaviour 05 II Market Buying motives Marketing 16/07/2018 segmentation management 4 To and – Philip 21/07/2018 consumer kotler behaviour 05 III Product Meaning and Marketing 23/07/2018 strategy definitions management 5 To Philip 28/07/2018 – kotler 05 III Product Branding , Marketing 30/07/2018 strategy trademark, management 6 To Philip 04/08/2018 – kotler 05 IV Advertising Meaning,affecting Marketing 06/08/2018 and sales factors management 7 To management Philip 11/08/2018 – kotler 13/08/2018 8 To I Internal Assessment Test 18/08/2018 05 IV Advertising Media selection, Marketing 20/08/2018 and sales sales management 9 To management management Philip 25/08/2018 – kotler 05 V Marketing of Meaning and Marketing 27/08/2018 services characterstics management 10 To Philip 01/09/2018 – kotler 05 V Marketing of Classification of Marketing 03/09/2018 services services management 11 To Philip 08/09/2018 – kotler 05 VI Emerging Rural marketing , Marketing 17/09/2018 trends in importance, management 13 To marketing features Philip 22/09/2018 – kotler 24/09/2018 II Internal Assessment Test 14 To 29/09/2018 05 VI Emerging e-marketing, web Marketing 01/10/2018 trends in marketing management 15 To marketing Philip 06/10/2018 – kotler 05 Problems Chalk Previous 09/10/2018 Revision and year 16 To Talk Question 13/10/2018 papers 05 Problems Revision Chalk Previous 15/10/2018 and year 17 To Talk Question 17/10/2018 papers

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Taluk, Udupi District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of commerce

June 2018 -0ctober 2018 Programme / Semester B.Com/V SEM Subject Code C507 : BUSINESS TAXATION Total Number of Hours 60

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference 05 I Deduction 80 DD, PPT, BUSINESS U/S 80 80DDB, 80G, TAXATION 25/06/2018 Group – 80GG, 80GGA, MEHROTRA, 1 To discussion, 80GGB 8GGC, SADHASHIVA 30/06/2018 Chalk and 80P, 80TTA Talk RAO and 80U 05 I Set-off of set-off of Chalk and BUSINESS losses, carry losses intra- Talk TAXATION – forward, and head and MEHROTRA, 02/07/2018 set-off of inter-heads of SADHASHIVA 2 To losses income RAO 07/07/2018 leading computation of Gross Total Income 05 taxability of PPT, agricultural Group BUSINESS income in 09/07/2018 discussion TAXATION Assessment indirect way – 3 To II , Chalk MEHROTRA, of Individual taxability of 14/07/2018 and Talk SADHASHIVA share of RAO income of HUF and Firm 05 II Assessment computation Chalk and BUSINESS 16/07/2018 of Individual of total Talk TAXATION – 4 To income and MEHROTRA, 21/07/2018 tax liability SADHASHIVA RAO 05 III Assessment Meanings and PPT, BUSINESS 23/07/2018 of characteristics Group TAXATION – 5 To Cooperatives discussion, MEHROTRA, 28/07/2018 Chalk and SADHASHIVA Talk RAO 05 III Assessment computation Chalk and BUSINESS 30/07/2018 of of total Talk TAXATION – 6 To Cooperatives income and MEHROTRA, 04/08/2018 tax liability SADHASHIVA RAO 05 IV Assessment computation PPT, BUSINESS 06/08/2018 of of firms total Group TAXATION – 7 To Partnership income and discussion, MEHROTRA, 11/08/2018 Firm U/S tax liability Chalk and SADHASHIVA 184, Talk RAO 13/08/2018 8 To I Internal Assessment Test 18/08/2018 05 IV Assessment computation Chalk and BUSINESS of of individual Talk TAXATION 20/08/2018 – Partnership income of 9 To MEHROTRA, Firm U/S partners from 25/08/2018 SADHASHIVA 184, firm taxable RAO U/S 28. 05 V Assessment Computation PPT, BUSINESS of of Book Profits Group TAXATION – Companies: and tax 27/08/2018 discussion, MEHROTRA, Computation liability 10 To Chalk and SADHASHIVA of Total (applicability 01/09/2018 Talk RAO Income of Minimum Alternate Tax: MAT) 05 V Assessment Taxation of Chalk and BUSINESS of Non-Resident Talk TAXATION 03/09/2018 – Companies: Companies. 11 To MEHROTRA, Computation 08/09/2018 SADHASHIVA of Total RAO Income 05 VI Wealth Tax Definitions PPT, BUSINESS Act Assets Group TAXATION – Deemed discussion, MEHROTRA, Assets Chalk and SADHASHIVA Exempted RAO 17/09/2018 Talk Assets 13 To Valuation of 22/09/2018 Immovable property & Business Assets Debts owned 24/09/2018 II Internal Assessment Test 14 To 29/09/2018 05 VI Wealth Tax Problems on Chalk and 01/10/2018 Act computation Talk 15 To of Net Wealth 06/10/2018 and Wealth. 09/10/2018 05 Problems Chalk and Previous year 16 To Revision Talk Question 13/10/2018 papers 05 Problems Revision Chalk and Previous 15/10/2018 Talk year 17 To Question 17/10/2018 papers

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Taluk, Udupi District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of Commerce

December 2018 - April 2019 Programme / Semester Subject Code Total Number of Hours

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference 11/12/2017 1 To 16/12/2017 18/12/2017 2 To 23/12/2017 24/12/2017 3 To Christmas and New year Vacation 30/12/2017 01/01/2018 4 To 06/01/2018 08/01/2018 5 To 13/01/2018 15/01/2018 6 To 20/01/2018 22/01/2018 7 To 27/01/2018 29/01/2018 8 To I Internal Assessment Test 03/02/2018 05/02/2018 9 To 10/02/2018 12/02/2018 10 To 17/02/2018 19/02/2018 11 To 24/02/2018 26/02/2018 12 To Cultural and Sports Activities 03/03/2018 05/03/2018 13 To 10/03/2018 12/03/2018 14 To 17/03/2018 19/03/2018 15 To 24/03/2018 26/03/2018 16 To II Internal Assessment Test 31/03/2018 02/04/2018 17 To 07/04/2018 09/04/2018 18 To 13/04/2018

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Taluk, Udupi District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of Postgraduation Studies in Commerce

August 2018 - December 2018 Programme / Semester / I Semester Subject Code CMS401- MANAGEMENT THEORY AND PRACTICE Total Number of Hours 60

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference

5 1 Development Definitions, Chalk and 1. Allen L A., of Modern Features, talk Managfem Management Functions and ent and Thought and Importance of Organisati 07/08/2018 Patterns of Management on- Tata Management McGraw 1 To Analysis Hill 2. Glueck W. 11/08/2018 F. Managem ent: The Dydon Press

5 1 Development Evolution of PPT 1. Allen L A., of Modern management Managfem Management thoughts ent and Thought and Organisati 13/08/2018 Patterns of on- Tata Management McGraw 2 To Analysis Hill 2. Glueck W. 18/08/2018 F. Managem ent: The Dydon Press

20/08/2018 1 Development 1. Allen L A., Evoultion of 3 5 of Modern PPT Managfem To management Management ent and 25/08/2018 Thought and thoughts Organisati Patterns of on- Tata Management McGraw Analysis Hill 2. Glueck W. F. Managem ent: The Dydon Press

5 2 Planning and Types of plans, Chalk and 1. Allen L A., Organising Steps in talk Managfem planning, ent and Decision Organisati 27/08/2018 making process, on- Tata Types of McGraw 4 To decisions Hill 2. Glueck W. 01/09/2018 F. Managem ent: The Dydon Press

5 2 Planning and Organising- Lecturing, 1. Allen L A., Organising organisation chalk & Managfem sturcture, types talk ent and of orgaanisation Organisati 03/09/2018 structure on- Tata McGraw 5 To Hill 2. Glueck W. 08/09/2018 F. Managem ent: The Dydon Press

5 2 Planning and Decentralization Lecture, 1. Allen L A., Organising and delegation Chalk & Managfem and recent talk ent and trends Organisati 10/09/2018 on- Tata 6 To McGraw Hill 15/09/2018 2. Glueck W. F. Managem ent: The Dydon Press

5 3 Human Human Lecture, 1. Allen L A., Resource Resource Chalk & Managfem Planning and Planning, talk ent and Development sources of Organisati 17/09/2018 recruitment, on- Tata Selection McGraw 7 To process Hill 2. Glueck W. 22/09/2018 F. Managem ent: The Dydon Press


8 To I Internal Assessment Test


5 3 Human Training & Lecture, 1. Allen L A., Resource Development, Chalk & Managfem Planning and Performance talk ent and Development Appraisal, Organisati 01/10/2018 Internal on- Tata Mobility in the McGraw 9 To organization Hill 2. Glueck W. 06/10/2018 F. Managem ent: The Dydon Press

5 3 Human Behaviour and Lecture, 1. Allen L A., Resource styles of Chalk & Managfem Planning and leaders, talk ent and Development Motivation Organisati 09/10/2018 concept, on- Tata Theories of McGraw 10 To motivation Hill 2. Glueck W. 13/10/2018 F. Managem ent: The Dydon Press

15/10/2018 5 3 Human Communication Lecture, 1. Allen L A., 11 Resource system- barriers Chalk & Managfem To Planning and to effective ent and 20/10/2018 Development communication, talk Organisati Job enrichment on- Tata McGraw Hill 2. Glueck W. F. Managem ent: The Dydon Press

1. Allen L A., Managfem ent and Organisati

22/10/2018 on- Tata Control Process, Lecture, McGraw 12 To 5 4 Control Critical control Chalk & Hill talk 2. Glueck W. 27/10/2018 points and standards F. Managem ent: The Dydon Press

5 Requirement of Lecture, 1. Allen L A., Effecive Chalk & Managfem Control, talk ent and Information Organisati 29/10/2018 system and on- Tata control McGraw 13 To 4 Control Hill 2. Glueck W. 03/11/2018 F. Managem ent: The Dydon Press

5 Control Lecture, 1. Allen L A., techniques and Chalk & Managfem recent trends talk ent and Organisati 05/11/2018 on- Tata 14 To 4 Control McGraw Hill 10/11/2018 2. Glueck W. F. Managem ent: The Dydon Press

5 5 Strategy Levels of Lecture, 1. Allen L A., strategy Chalk & Managfem formulation, talk ent and approaches to Organisati 12/11/2018 startegic on- Tata decision making McGraw 15 To Hill 2. Glueck W. 17/11/2018 F. Managem ent: The Dydon Press

5 Strategy 1. Allen L A., Managfem ent and Organisati on- Tata 19/11/2018 Setting goals, Lecture, McGraw missions, 16 To 5 Chalk & Hill purpose and talk 2. Glueck W. objectives 24/11/2018 F. Manageme nt: The Dydon Press

27/11/2018 II Internal Assessment Test

17 To


5 5 Strategy Types of Lecture, Business Chalk & environment- talk Analysis and 1. Allen L A., diagnosis Managfem ent and 03/12/2018 Organisati on- Tata 18 To McGraw 08/12/2018 Hill 2. Glueck W. F. Managem ent: The Dydon Press 5 5 Strategy SWOT Analysis Lecture, 1. Allen L A., and Recent Chalk & Managfem trends talk ent and Organisati on- Tata McGraw 19 10/12/2018 Hill 2. Glueck W. F. Managem ent: The Dydon Press

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Taluk, Udupi District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of Postgraduation Studies in Commerce

August 2018 - December 2018 Programme / Semester / I Semester Subject Code CMS402- BUSINESS ECONOMICS Total Number of Hours 60

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference 5 1 Business Nature Lecture Adhikary M economics significance & business & decision scope of economics, 07/08/2018 making business excel books, 1 To economics, new Delhi 11/08/2018 positive & normative economics 5 1 Business Role of Lecture, Baumol economics business Chalk & ,William j & decision economists & talk :economic 13/08/2018 making responsibilities, theory and 2 To decision operations 18/08/2018 making risk & analysis, uncertainty prentice situations hall,London 1 Business Risk & Chalk & talk Baya, 20/08/2018 economics return micheal R: 3 To 5 & decision analysis, managerial 25/08/2018 making business economics adventures and business & business strategy behavior, ,McGraw hill GDP Inc. New York 5 1 Business Core economic Lecture, Chopra, O.P: economics concepts – Chalk & managerial & decision incremental talk economics, making principles, prentice, opportunity Tata cost principle, McGraw Hill, 27/08/2018 discounting Delhi 4 To principles time 01/09/2018 value of money, equi- marginal principle & strategic business planning 5 2 Demand Individual & Lecture Graig theory market Peterson, H analysis demand & Cris Lewis, 03/09/2018 functions : Law W: 5 To of demand, Managerial 08/09/2018 determinants economics of demand Pearson education 5 2 Demand Shift in Lecture Mithani 10/09/2018 theory demand & D.M. macro- 6 To analysis elasticity of economics: 15/09/2018 demand, Himalaya meaning & publishing importance , house price elasticity, income elasticity & cross elasticity 5 2 Demand Change in Lecture, Varshney RL theory demand, Chalk & & analysis application of talk Maheshwari elasticity in KL: 17/09/2018 managerial Managerial 7 To decisions, cost economics; 22/09/2018 benefit Sulthan analysis, chand & market failures sons, New Delhi


8 To I Internal Assessment Test

29/09/2018 5 3 Production Production Chalk & Varian ,H.R: theory function with talk International analysis one, two & micro 01/10/2018 multi variable economics: 9 To inputs; Stages A modern 06/10/2018 of production; approach, Economics of East west scale press, New Delhi 5 3 Production Estimation of Lecture Peterson,

09/10/2018 theory production H.Craig &

10 To analysis function, W.Cris production Lewis: 13/10/2018 possibility Managerial curve, cost economics, theory & Prentice estimation; hall, Delhi Economic value analysis 5 3 Production Short & long Lecture, Baya, theory run cost Chalk & micheal R: analysis functions – talk managerial nature, shape economics 15/10/2018 & inter and business 11 To relationship, strategy 20/10/2018 law of variable ,McGraw hill proportions, Inc. New law of return York to scale 4 Price Price Chalk & Adhikary M theory determination talk business analysis under different economics, 22/10/2018 market excel books, 12 To 5 conditions and new Delhi 27/10/2018 pricing practices, pricing power 5 4 Price Characteristics Lecture Varshney RL theory of different & analysis market Maheshwari structure – KL: 29/10/2018 price Managerial 13 To determination economics; 03/11/2018 & firms Sulthan equilibrium in chand & short run & sons, New long run under Delhi perfect competition 5 4 Price Monopolistic Chalk & Varian ,H.R: theory competition, talk International analysis oligopoly and micro 05/11/2018 monopoly economics: 14 To pricing A modern 10/11/2018 practices- approach, methods of East west price press, New determination Delhi 5 4 Price Price Lecture, Mithani theory discrimination, Chalk & D.M. macro- analysis international talk economics: 12/11/2018 price Himalaya 15 To discrimination, publishing 17/11/2018 dumping, house transfer pricing and profit management 5 Business Business cycles Lecture Chopra, O.P: cycles nature and managerial 19/11/2018 analysis phases of economics, 16 To 5 business cycle prentice, 24/11/2018 Tata McGraw Hill, Delhi

27/11/2018 II Internal Assessment Test

17 To

01/12/2018 03/12/2018 5 5 Business Game theory, Chalk & Dwivedi D.N: 18 To cycles information talk Managerial 08/12/2018 analysis super highways economics, , small- world Vikas model publishing house, New Delhi 5 5 Business Theories of Lecture, Baumol cycles business cycle- Chalk & ,William j analysis psychological talk :economic ,profit theory and ,monetary operations 19 10/12/2018 ,innovation analysis, ,cobweb prentice ,samuelson hall,London and hicks theories

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Taluk, Udupi District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of Postgraduation Studies in Commerce

August 2018 - December 2018 Programme / Semester / I Semester Subject Code CMH404- BUSINESS STATISTICS Total Number of Hours 60

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference

5 1 Indices, Laws of Indices Lecture, 1. Ajay Goel, Surds and and Surds, Chalk Alka Goel: Binomial Operation with and talk Mathemati 07/08/2018 Theorem power functions cs and Statistics 1 To 2. Kothari C R: 11/08/2018 Quantitati ve Technique s

5 1 Indices, Operation on Lecture, 1. Ajay Goel, Surds and surd, Chalk Alka Goel: Binomial Rationalising and talk Mathemati 13/08/2018 Theorem factor, Root of a cs and mixed surd Statistics 2 To 2. Kothari C R: 18/08/2018 Quantitati ve Technique s

1 Indices, 1. Ajay Goel, Surds and Alka Goel: 20/08/2018 Binomial Binomial Lecture, Mathemati theorem, 3 To 5 Theorem Chalk and cs and Position of talk Statistics 25/08/2018 terms 2.Kothari C R: Quantitative Techniques

5 1 Indices, Binomial co- Lecture, 1. Ajay Goel, Surds and efficients Chalk Alka Goel: Binomial and talk Mathemati 27/08/2018 Theorem cs and Statistics 4 To 2. Kothari C R: 01/09/2018 Quantitati ve Technique s

5 2 Arithmetic Arithmetic Lecture, 1. Ajay Goel, and Progression, Chalk Alka Goel: Geometric Sum of series in and talk Mathemati 03/09/2018 Progressions AP cs and Statistics 5 To 2. Kothari C R: 08/09/2018 Quantitati ve Technique s

5 2 Arithmetic Representation Lecture, 1. Ajay Goel, and of terms in AP, Chalk Alka Goel: Geometric Geometric and talk Mathemati 10/09/2018 Progressions P:rogression cs and Statistics 6 To 2. Kothari C R: 15/09/2018 Quantitati ve Technique s

5 2 Arithmetic Sum of series in Lecture, 1. Ajay Goel, and GP, Chalk Alka Goel: Geometric Reperesentation and talk Mathemati 17/09/2018 Progressions of terms in GP cs and Statistics 7 To 2. Kothari C R: 22/09/2018 Quantitati ve Technique s

8 24/09/2018 I Internal Assessment Test To


5 3 Time Series Meaning, Lecture, 1. Ajay Goel, Analysis Components, Chalk Alka Goel: Measurement of and talk Mathemati 01/10/2018 Trend cs and Statistics 9 To 2. Kothari C R: 06/10/2018 Quantitati ve Technique s

5 3 Time Series Measurement of Lecture, 1. Ajay Goel, Analysis Seasonal Chalk Alka Goel: Variations, De- and talk Mathemati 09/10/2018 Seasonalisation cs and of Data Statistics 10 To 2. Kothari C R: 13/10/2018 Quantitati ve Technique s

5 3 Time Series Measurement of Lecture, 1. Ajay Goel, Analysis Cyclical Chalk Alka Goel: variations and talk Mathemati 15/10/2018 cs and Statistics 11 To 2. Kothari C R: 20/10/2018 Quantitati ve Technique s

1. Ajay Goel, Alka Goel: Mathemati Probability, Terminology, cs and 22/10/2018 Random Schools of Lecture, Statistics Variables thought, 12 To 5 4 Chalk 2. Kothari C and Permutation and talk R: Theoritical and 27/10/2018 Quantitati Distributions combination ve Technique s 5 Theories of Lecture, 1. Ajay Goel, probability, Chalk Alka Goel: Bayer’s and talk Mathemati Probability, theorem, cs and 29/10/2018 Random meaning of Statistics Variables 13 To 4 random 2. Kothari C and variable, mean R: Theoritical 03/11/2018 of random Quantitati Distributions variable ve Technique s

5 The expected Lecture, 1. Ajay Goel, value of Chalk Alka Goel: Random and talk Mathemati Probability, variable, cs and 05/11/2018 Random Binomial Statistics Variables 14 To 4 distribution and 2. Kothari C and fitting a R: Theoritical 10/11/2018 binomial Quantitati Distributions distribution ve Technique s

5 Poisson Lecture, 1. Ajay Goel, distribution and Chalk Alka Goel: fitting a Poisson and talk Mathemati Probability, distribution, cs and 12/11/2018 Random Normal Statistics Variables 15 To 4 distribution and 2. Kothari C and fitting a normal R: Theoritical 17/11/2018 curve Quantitati Distributions ve Technique s

1. Ajay Goel, Meaning, Alka Goel: Causes of Mathemati 19/11/2018 Variation in cs and Statistical quality, The Lecture, Statistics 16 To 5 5 Quality purpose, Chalk 2. Kothari C Control advantage, and talk R: 24/11/2018 theory and Quantitati technique of ve SQC Technique s

II Internal Assessment Test 27/11/2018 17 To


5 Process Control, Lecture, 1. Ajay Goel, Mean Chart, Chalk Alka Goel: Range Chart, and talk Mathemati Fraction, cs and Defective Chart Statistics 03/12/2018 Statistical 2. Kothari C 18 To 5 Quality R: Control Quantitati 08/12/2018 ve Technique s

5 Number Lecture, 1. Ajay Goel, Defective Chart Chalk Alka Goel: and Number and talk Mathemati Defective Per cs and Statistical Unit Chart Statistics 19 10/12/2018 5 Quality 2. Kothari C Control R: Quantitati ve Technique s

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Taluk, Udupi District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of Postgraduation Studies in Commerce

August 2018 - December 2018 Programme / Semester / I Semester Subject Code CMH405- MANAGEMENT SCIENCE Total Number of Hours 60

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference

5 1 Introduction History, nature, Chalk 1. Guptha approach, and P.K and Quantitative talk Hira P.S 07/08/2018 analysis operationa l research 1 To 2. Kothari C R 11/08/2018 introducti on to operationa l research

5 1 Introduction Model Chalk 1. Guptha development and P.K and data talk Hira P.S 13/08/2018 preparation, operationa Model solution, l research 2 To Report 2. Kothari C Generation, R 18/08/2018 Phases introducti on to operationa l research

1 Introduction Management Chalk and 1. Guptha talk P.K and 20/08/2018 Science techniques, Hira P.S 3 To 5 significance, operationa functional l research 25/08/2018 areas, 2. Kothari C limitations R introducti on to operationa l research

5 2 Linear Chalk 1. Guptha Programing and P.K and Problem Basic Concepts, talk Hira P.S Model 27/08/2018 operationa Formulation, l research 4 To Assumptions 2. Kothari C underlying LPP, R 01/09/2018 Examples and introducti graphical on to methods of LPP operationa l research

5 2 Linear Simplex Chalk 1. Guptha Programing algorithm for and P.K and Problem solution of talk Hira P.S 03/09/2018 maximisation operationa and l research 5 To minimisation, 2. Kothari C LPP: Big-M R 08/09/2018 Method and introducti Two-Phase on to Method operationa l research

5 2 Linear Special issues in Chalk 1. Guptha Programing LPP: and P.K and Problem Infeasibility, talk Hira P.S 10/09/2018 Unboundednes, operationa Redundancey, l research 6 To Alternate 2. Kothari C optional R 15/09/2018 solutions, introducti degeneracy, on to Dualtiy in LPP operationa l research

5 2 Linear Construction of Chalk 1. Guptha Programing Dual problem, and P.K and Problem Shadow Price, talk Hira P.S 17/09/2018 Importance of operationa Duality l research 7 To Concept, 2. Kothari C Important R 22/09/2018 results in introducti Duality on to operationa l research 24/09/2018

8 To I Internal Assessment Test


5 3 Transportation Concepts, Chalk 1. Guptha Problem Mathematical and P.K and Model, talk Hira P.S Relationship to operationa 01/10/2018 Linear l research programming, 2. Kothari C 9 To The R 06/10/2018 transportation introducti method, Finding on to an Initial operationa Feasible l research Solution

5 3 Transportation North-West Chalk 1. Guptha Problem Corkner Rule, andtalk P.K and Least Cost Hira P.S method, Vogel’s operationa 09/10/2018 Approximation l research method, Test 2. Kothari C 10 To for Optimality, R 13/10/2018 Stepping stone introducti method and the on to Modified operationa Distribution l research method

5 3 Transportation Degeneracy in Chalk 1. Guptha Problem Transportation and P.K and Problem, talk Hira P.S 15/10/2018 Unbalanced operationa Transportation l research 11 To Problem, 2. Kothari C Maximisation R 20/10/2018 case introducti on to operationa l research

Meaning and Chalk 1. Guptha comparison with and P.K and 22/10/2018 Transportation talk Hira P.S Assignment problem, operationa 12 To 5 4 Problem Mathematical l research 27/10/2018 representation 2. Kothari C of Assignment R Model, introducti Formulation of on to Assignment operationa Model l research

5 Hungarian Chalk 1. Guptha Method for and P.K and solution of talk Hira P.S 29/10/2018 assignment operationa model, Special l research Assignment 13 To 4 cases, 2. Kothari C Problem Maximisation R 03/11/2018 case introducti on to operationa l research

5 Multiple Chalk 1. Guptha Optional and P.K and solution, talk Hira P.S 05/11/2018 Unbalanced operationa problems, l research Assignment 14 To 4 constrained 2. Kothari C Problem assignment R 10/11/2018 problem introducti on to operationa l research

5 5 Network based Terminoligies, Chalk 1. Guptha project common errors, and P.K and scheduling rule for drawing talk Hira P.S techniques network operationa diagrams, l research numbering of 2. Kothari C events by R 12/11/2018 Fulkerson’s introducti Rule, CPM, on to 15 To Characteristics operationa 17/11/2018 of CPM, Finding l research CPM in Large Network, Using Forward pass Computation and Backward Pass Computation

5 Network based Significance of Chalk 1. Guptha P.K 19/11/2018 project Critical Path, and and Hira 16 To 5 scheduling Slack Time and talk P.S techniques Critical Path, operational 24/11/2018 Activity Float research Analysis, 2. Kothari C Programme R evalutaiton and introductio Review n to technique(PERT) operational research

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17 To


5 5 Network based PERT Chalk 1. Guptha project procedures, and P.K and scheduling computation of talk Hira P.S techniques the variance operationa and standard l research 03/12/2018 deviation of 2. Kothari C 18 To Acitivity times R for PERT, introducti 08/12/2018 Probability on to aspects of operationa Project l research completion time

5 5 Network based Cost Chalk 1. Guptha project consideration in and P.K and scheduling PERT, CPM, talk Hira P.S techniques project cost, operationa cost slope, time- l research 19 10/12/2018 cost trade-off, 2. Kothari C crashing of R Project time introducti on to operationa l research

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Taluk, Udupi District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of Postgraduation Studies in Commerce

August 2018 - December 2018 Programme / Semester / I Semester Subject Code CMH406- ADVANCED FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING Total Number of Hours 60

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference 5 1 Valuation of Factors – Lecture M.C.Shukla: goodwill & precautions Advanced 07/08/2018 – shares needs accounts 1 To S.Chand & co. 11/08/2018 New Delhi 2009 5 1 Valuation of Methods of Lecture, R.L.Guptha: goodwill & valuation of Chalk & Advanced 13/08/2018 shares shares talk accountancy, 2 To Sultan chand 18/08/2018 sons, new Delhi 2010 1 Valuation of Methods of Chalk & S.P.Jain & goodwill & valuation of talk K.L.Narang: 20/08/2018 shares goodwill Advanced 3 To 5 accounting, 25/08/2018 Kalyani publishers, New Delhi 2009 5 2 Amalgamation, Purchase Lecture, R.L.Guptha & absorption & consideration Chalk & M. external talk Radhaswamy: 27/08/2018 reconstruction Advanced 4 To accountancy, 01/09/2018 Sultan chand & sons, New Delhi 5 2 Amalgamation, Methods of Lecture S.P.Iyengar: absorption & calculation Advanced 03/09/2018 – external liquidation accounting, 5 To reconstruction expenses Sultan chand 08/09/2018 & sons, New Delhi 5 2 Amalgamation, Accounting Chalk & Shukla & absorption & treatment talk Grewal: 10/09/2018 external Advanced 6 To reconstruction accounts, 15/09/2018 S.Chand & company ltd, new Delhi 5 3 Accounts of Requirements Lecture, S.P.Jain & holding – principles of Chalk & K.L.Narang: 17/09/2018 companies consolidation talk Advanced 7 To accountancy, 22/09/2018 Kalyani publishers, Ludhiana


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29/09/2018 5 3 Accounts of Consolidated Chalk & R.L.Guptha: holding balance sheet talk Advanced 01/10/2018 companies – accountancy, 9 To consideration Sultan chand 06/10/2018 sons, new Delhi 2010

5 3 Accounts of Estimation – Lecture R.L.Guptha & holding treatment M. companies Radhaswamy: 09/10/2018 Advanced 10 To accountancy, 13/10/2018 Sultan chand & sons, New Delhi

5 4 Inflation Need – Lecture M.C.Shukla: accounting objectives, Advanced 15/10/2018 Adjustment accounts 11 To for general S.Chand & co. 20/10/2018 price level New Delhi changes 2009 4 Inflation Current Chalk & S.P.Jain & accounting purchasing talk K.L.Narang: power Advanced 22/10/2018 accounting & accounting, 12 To 5 current cost Kalyani 27/10/2018 accounting publishers, (CPP & CCA) New Delhi 2009 5 4 Inflation Preparation Lecture, S.P.Iyengar: 29/10/2018 accounting of financial Chalk & Advanced 13 To statement talk accounting, 03/11/2018 Sultan chand & sons, New Delhi 5 5 Recent International Lecture S.P.Jain & developments financial K.L.Narang: 05/11/2018 in accounting reporting Advanced 14 To & accounting standards accountancy, 10/11/2018 standards Kalyani publishers, Ludhiana 5 5 Recent Indian Chalk & R.L.Guptha & developments accounting talk M. in accounting standards Radhaswamy: 12/11/2018 & accounting Advanced 15 To standards accountancy, 17/11/2018 Sultan chand & sons, New Delhi 5 Recent Human Lecture, S.P.Jain & developments resources Chalk & K.L.Narang: in accounting accounting talk Advanced 19/11/2018 & accounting accounting, 16 To 5 standards Kalyani 24/11/2018 publishers, New Delhi 2009

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01/12/2018 5 5 Recent Social Chalk & M.C.Shukla: 03/12/2018 developments responsibility talk Advanced 18 To in accounting accounting – accounts 08/12/2018 & accounting environment S.Chand & co. standards accounting New Delhi 2009

5 Revision Previous year Assignments 19 10/12/2018 question and project papers works

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Taluk, Udupi District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of Postgraduation Studies in Commerce

August 2018 - December 2018 Programme / Semester / III Semester Subject Code CMH502- FOREIGN TRADE AND POLICY Total Number of Hours 60

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference

5 1 International Factors affecting Chalk 1. Principles of Trade International Trade, and foreign 07/08/2018 Theories of International talk Exchange-A.K Trade, Theory of Chatterjee 1 To Comparative cost 2. International advantage, Modern theory trade and 11/08/2018 finance frontiers- Kenan peter.B

5 1 International Factor Proportion theory, PPT 1. Principles of Trade J.S Mills theory of foreign 13/08/2018 reciprocal demand, terms Exchange-A.K of trade, foreign trade and Chatterjee 2 To economic growth, Foreign 2. International trade policy, free tade, trade and 18/08/2018 protection finance frontiers- Kenan peter.B

1 International Chalk and 1. Principles of Trade Tariff and Non-tariff talk foreign 20/08/2018 barriers, Import quotas, Exchange-A.K Dumping, Trade blocks, Chatterjee 3 To 5 International and 2. International Regional economic trade and 25/08/2018 integration, Foreign finance trade policy of India frontiers- Kenan peter.B 5 1 International Commercial policy, Inward Chalk 1. Principles of Trade looking and outward and foreign 27/08/2018 looking policies, Indian talk Exchange-A.K foreign trade pattern, Chatterjee 4 To Trade direction and recent 2. International trends in foreign trade trade and 01/09/2018 finance frontiers- Kenan peter.B

5 2 Balance of Components of BoP, Chalk 1. Principles of Payments Current Account BoP, and foreign 03/09/2018 Capital Account BoP talk Exchange-A.K Chatterjee 5 To 2. International trade and 08/09/2018 finance frontiers- Kenan peter.B

5 2 Balance of Disequilibrium in BoP, Chalk 1. Principles of Payments Measures to correct deficit and foreign 10/09/2018 in BoP talk Exchange-A.K Chatterjee 6 To 2. International trade and 15/09/2018 finance frontiers- Kenan peter.B

5 2 Balance of Adjustment mechanism of Chalk 1. Principles of Payments BoP, India’s BoP problems, and foreign 17/09/2018 recent trends talk Exchange-A.K Chatterjee 7 To 2. International trade and 22/09/2018 finance frontiers- Kenan peter.B


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5 3 Exchange Objectives, Exchange PPT 1. Principles of 01/10/2018 and Trade Management, Exchange foreign Control control in India Exchange-A.K 9 To Chatterjee 06/10/2018 2. International trade and finance frontiers- Kenan peter.B

5 3 Exchange FERA and FEMA, RBI Chalk 1. Principles of and Trade provisions, Trade control and foreign 09/10/2018 Control in India talk Exchange-A.K Chatterjee 10 To 2. International trade and 13/10/2018 finance frontiers- Kenan peter.B

5 3 Exchange Statutory Provisions, Chalk 1. Principles of and Trade Import and Export control and foreign 15/10/2018 Control Act, EXIM Policy, recent talk Exchange-A.K trends Chatterjee 11 To 2. International trade and 20/10/2018 finance frontiers- Kenan peter.B

Chalk 1. Principles of and foreign 22/10/2018 talk Exchange-A.K Foreign Documentary credit, Chatterjee 12 To 5 4 Trade documents in foreign 2. International Contracts trade, Foreign draft trade and 27/10/2018 finance frontiers- Kenan peter.B

5 Transport documents, Chalk 1. Principles of Insurance documents, and foreign 29/10/2018 other documents and talk Exchange-A.K Foreign recent trends Chatterjee 13 To 4 Trade 2. International Contracts trade and 03/11/2018 finance frontiers- Kenan peter.B

5 5 Intellectual Intellectual property need Chalk 1. Principles of property , intellectual property and foreign 05/11/2018 Rights system in india, Genisis talk Exchange-A.K Aurther and development Chatterjee 14 To Drunkel 2. International proposal trade and 10/11/2018 finance frontiers- Kenan peter.B 5 Agreement on trade Chalk 1. Principles of related aspects of and foreign 12/11/2018 intellectual propert talk Exchange-A.K rights(TRIPS), copy rights Chatterjee 15 To and related rights,trade 2. International marks, geographical trade and 17/11/2018 indication, industrial finance designs, patent and micro frontiers- Kenan organisms peter.B

Chalk 1. Principles of and foreign 19/11/2018 Industrial vareities, talk Exchange-A.K integrated ciruits and Chatterjee 16 To 5 trade sectors, world 2. International intellectual property trade and 24/11/2018 organisations(WIPO) finance frontiers- Kenan peter.B

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5 Commercializations of PPT 1. intellectual propery rights Principles of by licensing, WTO, foreign objectives, Exchange-A.K 03/12/2018 functions,agreements,WTO Chatterjee 18 To and TRIMS, Recent 2. International developments trade and 08/12/2018 finance frontiers- Kenan peter.B

5 Revisions. Chalk 1. Principles of and foreign talk Exchange-A.K Chatterjee 19 10/12/2018 2. International trade and finance frontiers- Kenan peter.B

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Taluk, Udupi District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of Postgraduation Studies in Commerce

August 2018 - December 2018 Programme / Semester / III Semester Subject Code CMH503- BUSINESS ETHICS AND CSR Total Number of Hours 60

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference

5 1 Ethical An overview of Chalk 1. Agarwal theory ethical theory, and Corporate kantianism,Nature of talk social 07/08/2018 ethics responsibility in india 1 To 2. Madumitha 11/08/2018 chatterji, corporate social responsibility

5 Ethical Ethics and its Chalk 1. Agarwal theory relation to values, and Corporate norms and morals, talk social 13/08/2018 ethics, economics responsibility and law. in india 2 To 2. Madumitha 18/08/2018 chatterji, corporate social responsibility

1. Agarwal Corporate 20/08/2018 Congnitivist and non social congnvitivist Chalk Ethical responsibility 3 To 5 theories, Virtue and theory in india ethics and conflict of talk 25/08/2018 2. Madumitha interest. chatterji, corporate social responsibility

5 2 Business Scope, relevance, PPT 1. Agarwal Protocol ethical issues in Corporate marketing, ethics in social 27/08/2018 financial services and responsibility financial markets in india 4 To 2. Madumitha 01/09/2018 chatterji, corporate social responsibility

5 Business Ethical issues in Chalk 1. Agarwal Proctocal hostile take overs, and Corporate arguments against talk social 03/09/2018 insider trading. responsibility in india 5 To 2. Madumitha 08/09/2018 chatterji, corporate social responsibility

5 Business Self regulation, social Chalk 1. Agarwal Proctocal values, surrogate and Corporate decision maker and talk social 10/09/2018 corporate responsibility whistleblower. in india 6 To 2. Madumitha 15/09/2018 chatterji, corporate social responsibility

5 3 Corporate Nature of corporate Chalk 1. Agarwal social social responsibility and Corporate Responsibility and environmental talk social 17/09/2018 disclouser,approaches responsibility to corporate social in india 7 To responsibility. 2. Madumitha 22/09/2018 chatterji, corporate social responsibility


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9 01/10/2018 5 Corporate Dimensions of social PPT 1. Agarwal To social responsibility sachar Corporate responsibility committee’s social 06/10/2018 suggestions responsibility in india 2. Madumitha chatterji, corporate social responsibility

5 Corporate Arguments for and Chalk 1. Agarwal social against corporate and Corporate responsibility social responsibility, talk social 09/10/2018 corporate responsibility reputations, recent in india 10 To trends in CSR and 2. Madumitha 13/10/2018 new CSR Act in india. chatterji, corporate social responsibility

5 4 Social Social responsibility Chalk 1. Agarwal responsibility and sustainable and Corporate and corporate development of talk social 15/10/2018 governence corporate, corporate responsibility citizenship models in india 11 To and corporat 2. Madumitha 20/10/2018 excellence chatterji, corporate social responsibility

1. Agarwal Corporate Corporate social misgovernence, 22/10/2018 Social responsibility corporate Chalk responsibility in india 12 To 5 governence, and and corporate 2. Madumitha advantages,corporate talk governence chatterji, 27/10/2018 frauds, corruption, corporate reporting practice. social responsibility

5 Social Governence and Chalk 1. Agarwal responsibility charities, charities and Corporate 29/10/2018 and corporate and external stake talk social governence holders, scope and responsibility 13 To dimensions, internal in india 03/11/2018 aspects of 2. Madumitha governence. chatterji, corporate social responsibility

5 Social Ouster of board of Chalk 1. Agarwal responsibility directors and and Corporate and corporate chairmans and talk social 05/11/2018 governence exemplary responsibility employement in india 14 To practice, corporate 2. Madumitha 10/11/2018 frauds impact on the chatterji, development of corporate economics social responsibility

5 5 Global Globelisation and PPT 1. Agarwal business and business changes, Corporate cross cultural values per global social 12/11/2018 diversity managers, values responsibility west can learn from in india 15 To east and vica-versa. 2. Madumitha 17/11/2018 chatterji, corporate social responsibility

Global 1. Agarwal business and Corporate cross cultural social 19/11/2018 diversity Cross cultural responsibility Chalk comparision and in india 16 To 5 and managing cross 2. Madumitha talk 24/11/2018 cultural diversity. chatterji, corporate social responsibility

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5 Global Parochialism, good Chalk 1. Agarwal business and corporate citizenship, and Corporate cross cultural transperency, talk social 03/12/2018 diversity relation bulding in responsibility global level. in india 18 To 2. Madumitha chatterji, 08/12/2018 corporate social responsibility

5 Revision Chalk 1. Agarwal and Corporate talk social responsibility in india 19 10/12/2018 2. Madumitha chatterji, corporate social responsibility

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Taluk, Udupi District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of Postgraduation Studies in Commerce

August 2018 - December 2018 Programme / Semester / III Semester Subject Code CMH504- E-COMMERCE Total Number of Hours 60

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference 5 1 Electronic Nature & Lecture Kalakota Ravi Commerce scope of E- & Marcia commerce & Robinson M- (2001), 07/08/2018 commerce, Business 2.0: 1 To Global - E- Roadmap for 11/08/2018 commerce, success (New business Delhi: environment Pearson education) 5 1 Electronic Evolution of Lecture, Singh B.D, Commerce www. & Chalk & Managing 13/08/2018 future status talk conflict & 2 To of web based negotiation, 18/08/2018 business role Excel books, of website in New Delhi – E-commerce 2008 20/08/2018 1 Electronic Alternative Chalk & Awad Elias 3 To 5 Commerce modes of talk M(2007), 25/08/2018 customer Electronic relationship commerce: mgt., e- From vision mail to fulfillment etiquette & (New Delhi: e-mail Pearson security education) 5 2 E- B2B, B2C, Lecture, Kalakota Ravi Commerce C2C, B2G, Chalk & & Marcia models O2O & other talk Robinson models of E- (2001), 27/08/2018 commerce Business 2.0: 4 To Roadmap for 01/09/2018 success (New Delhi: Pearson education) 5 2 E- Service Lecture Laudon Commerce digitalization, Kenneth C & models remote Carol servicing & GuercioTraver online (2002) E- 03/09/2018 marketing commerce: 5 To Business, 08/09/2018 technology, society (new Delhi: Pearson education) 5 3 Electronic Different Lecture Singh B.D, 10/09/2018 payment types of E- Managing 6 To system payments, E- conflict & 15/09/2018 cash, E- negotiation, cheques Excel books, New Delhi – 2008 5 3 Electronic Credit cards, Lecture, Smith P.R & payment smart cards, Chalk & Dave Chaffey system electronic talk (2005), E- 17/09/2018 purses & marketing, 7 To debit cards excellence; 22/09/2018 the heart of E-business (UK: Elsevier Ltd.)


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29/09/2018 5 3 Electronic Legal risks of Chalk & Awad Elias payment E-payment & talk M(2007), system options of E- Electronic 01/10/2018 payment commerce: 9 To system From vision 06/10/2018 to fulfillment (New Delhi: Pearson education) 5 4 Conflicts Features & Lecture Laudon in E- perceptions Kenneth C & commerce of E- Carol 09/10/2018 business commerce – GuercioTraver

10 To conflicts (2002) E- commerce: 13/10/2018 Business, technology, society (new Delhi: Pearson education) 5 4 Conflicts Functional & Lecture, Kalakota Ravi in E- dysfunctiona Chalk & & Marcia commerce l conflicts in talk Robinson business E-commerce, (2001), 15/10/2018 levels of Business 2.0: 11 To conflicts Roadmap for 20/10/2018 success (New Delhi: Pearson education) 4 Conflicts Causes of Chalk & Singh B.D, in E- conflicts in E- talk Managing commerce commerce & conflict & 22/10/2018 business conflict negotiation, 12 To 5 resolution & Excel books, 27/10/2018 negotiation New Delhi – through e- 2008 mail & its strategies 5 5 Security Digital Lecture Smith P.R & issues in identity & Dave Chaffey E- electronic (2005), E- 29/10/2018 commerce signature, E- marketing, 13 To commerce excellence; 03/11/2018 security the heart of E-business (UK: Elsevier Ltd.)

5 05/11/2018 5 Security E-commerce Chalk & Awad Elias 14 To issues in threats, talk M(2007), E- protecting Electronic 10/11/2018 commerce from E- commerce: commerce From vision threats to fulfillment (New Delhi: Pearson education) 5 5 Security Security Lecture, Laudon issues in tools, Chalk & Kenneth C & E- encryption & talk Carol commerce its role in E- GuercioTraver commerce (2002) E- 12/11/2018 business commerce: 15 To Business, 17/11/2018 technology, society (new Delhi: Pearson education) 6 E- Recent Lecture Smith P.R & commerce issues, Dave Chaffey policy language & (2005), E- 19/11/2018 culture in E- marketing, 16 To 5 commerce excellence; 24/11/2018 the heart of E-business (UK: Elsevier Ltd.)

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5 03/12/2018 6 E- Legal Chalk & Kalakota Ravi 18 To commerce environment talk & Marcia in E- Robinson 08/12/2018 policy commerce, (2001), its border & Business 2.0: jurisdiction, Roadmap for contracting success (New & Delhi: contracting Pearson enforcement education) 5 6 E- National & Lecture, Singh B.D, commerce international Chalk & Managing policy cyber – laws, talk conflict & 19 10/12/2018 ethical & negotiation, moral issues Excel books, in E- New Delhi – commerce 2008

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Taluk, Udupi District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of Postgraduation Studies in Commerce

August 2018 - December 2018 Programme / Semester / III Semester Subject Code CMS505- CORPORATE ACCOUNTING Total Number of Hours 60

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference

5 1 Conceptual Introduction, Lecture Gupta, Basis for Meaning & Ambrish, 07/08/2018 accounting definition, Financial Understanding accounting for 1 To forms of mgt.-An/ 11/08/2018 business analytical organization perspective, Pearson publications 5 1 Conceptual Basic Lecture, Dash A.P., 13/08/2018 Basis for framework of Chalk & Financial accounting accounting, talk wisdom – 2 To Objectives & Finance for 18/08/2018 purpose of non-finance accounting executives, information Biztantra 1 Conceptual Users of Chalk & Gupta, Basis for accounting talk Ambrish, 20/08/2018 accounting information, Financial Branches of accounting for 3 To 5 accounting mgt.-An 25/08/2018 analytical perspective, Pearson publications 27/08/2018 5 1 Conceptual Basic Lecture Dash A.P., 4 Basis for terminology, Financial To accounting fraud & ethical wisdom – 01/09/2018 issues in Finance for accounting non-finance executives, Biztantra 5 2 Orientation to Income Lecture Ramachandran 03/09/2018 Financial statement & Kakani, How statements to analyze 5 To financial 08/09/2018 statements, Tata McGraw HillS 5 2 Orientation to Balance sheet Chalk & Palat, Raghu, 10/09/2018 Financial & Notes to talk How to read statements account – annual reports 6 To Terms and & Balance 15/09/2018 jargons in sheets, Jaico financial publishing statements house 5 2 Orientation to Accounting Lecture, Ramachandran 17/09/2018 Financial concepts & Chalk & & Kakani, How statements conventions & talk to analyze 7 To GAAP financial 22/09/2018 statements, Tata McGraw Hill 24/09/2018

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5 3 Measuring & Current assets, Lecture Vijaykumar 01/10/2018 reporting Inventory M.P., First Assets, valuation lesson in 9 To liabilities & Accounting 06/10/2018 equity standards, Snow white publications 5 3 Measuring & Cost formulas Chalk & Chandra, reporting (AS-2) Fixed talk Prasanna, 09/10/2018 Assets, assets Cost of Finance sense 10 To liabilities & acquisition – Finance for equity (AS-10) non finance 13/10/2018 executives, Tata McGraw Hill 15/10/2018 5 3 Measuring & Depreciation Lecture, Vijaykumar 11 reporting methods (AS- Chalk & M.P., First To Assets, 6), Liabilities & talk lesson in 20/10/2018 liabilities & its Accounting equity classification standards, Snow white publications 4 Analysing & Objectives of Lecture Ramachandran interpreting financial & Kakani, How 22/10/2018 financial statement to analyze 12 To 5 statements analysis, financial Sources of statements, 27/10/2018 information, Tata McGraw Standards of Hill comparison 5 4 Analysing & Quality of Lecture, Agarwal, interpreting earnings, Chalk & V.Rakesh, 29/10/2018 financial Window talk Systematic 13 To statements dressing, approach to Beating cost 03/11/2018 window accounting, dressing Bharath publications 5 4 Analysing & Techniques of Chalk & Tulsian & interpreting financial talk Tulsian, financial statement Financial 05/11/2018 statements analysis, reporting, 14 To Analysing S.Chand financial 10/11/2018 statement using ratio analysis & Du- Pont Model 5 4 Analysing & Cash flow Lecture, Gupta, interpreting statement, Chalk & Ambrish, 12/11/2018 financial Understanding talk Financial statements annual reports accounting for 15 To & earnings mgt.-An 17/11/2018 releases analytical perspective, Pearson publications 5 Contemporary IFRS, Human Lecture Chandra, issues in resources Prasanna, 19/11/2018 accounting accounting, Finance sense – 16 To 5 Forensic Finance for non accounting finance 24/11/2018 executives, Tata McGraw Hill 27/11/2018 II Internal Assessment Test

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5 5 Contemporary Environmental Chalk & Dash A.P., 03/12/2018 issues in reporting, talk Financial accounting Corporate wisdom – 18 To social Finance for 08/12/2018 reporting non-finance executives, Biztantra 5 5 Contemporary Target costing, Lecture, Agarwal, issues in Life cycle Chalk & V.Rakesh, accounting costing talk Systematic 19 10/12/2018 approach to cost accounting, Bharath publications

Government First Grade College and PG Study Centre Shankaranarayana Kundapura Taluk, Udupi District, Karnataka - 576227 Department of Postgraduation Studies in Commerce

August 2018 - December 2018 Programme / Semester / III Semester Subject Code CMS506- CAPITAL MARKET OPERATIONS Total Number of Hours 60

Planned No of Unit Reading / Week Heading Details Method Date Hours Reference 5 1 Introduction Evolution & Lecture Van Horn development James C, of financial Financial system in mgt. & 07/08/2018 India, policy 1 To structure of (Prentice 11/08/2018 financial hall) market, financial institution 5 1 Introduction Introduction Lecture, Prasanna to investment Chalk & Chandra, attributes of talk Investment 13/08/2018 – investment – – analysis& 2 To investment mgt. 18/08/2018 process & avenues of investment

3 20/08/2018 5 1 Introduction Mutual Chalk & Machiraju, funds, The To concepts, talk working of 25/08/2018 constitution stock of mutual exchange in funds, India functions of (Wiley) asset mgt. companies 5 1 Introduction Regulation of Lecture, Machiraju, mutual funds Chalk & Indian 27/08/2018 & recent talk financial 4 To development system 01/09/2018 in the (Vikas financial publishing system house) 5 2 New issue Methods of Lecture Martin J market & holding new Pring, 03/09/2018 stock issues – stock technical 5 To exchanges exchanges – analysis 08/09/2018 growth & explained functions (McGraw hill)

5 2 New issue BSE – OTCEI – Lecture Hampton market & NSE – ISE – John, 10/09/2018 stock Stock market Financial 6 To exchanges operation – decision 15/09/2018 insider making trading (Prentice hall) 5 2 New issue Legal control Lecture, Francis Jack 17/09/2018 market & of stock Chalk & Clark, 7 To stock exchange in talk Investment 22/09/2018 exchanges India – SEBI – – analysis & market mgt. indices – (McGraw methods of hill) computing market indices


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29/09/2018 5 2 New issue Recent Chalk & Sharpe market & developments talk William F, stock in the primary Alexander 01/10/2018 exchanges & secondary Gordon J, 9 To markets Bailey 06/10/2018 Jeffrey V, investments (Prentice hall) 5 3 Behaviour Fundamental Lecture Van Horn of capital analysis – James C, market economy, Financial 09/10/2018 industry & mgt. & 10 To company policy 13/10/2018 analysis – (Prentice technical hall) analysis 5 3 Behaviour Dow theory & Lecture, Machiraju, of capital its basic Chalk & The 15/10/2018 market tenets – talk working of 11 To charts & stock 20/10/2018 signals – exchange in technical India indicators (Wiley) 3 Behaviour ROC – moving Chalk & Martin J of capital averages – talk Pring, 22/10/2018 market oscillators – technical 12 To 5 stochastics – analysis 27/10/2018 relative explained strength (McGraw index hill) 5 3 Behaviour Valuation of Lecture Prasanna of capital securities – Chandra, 29/10/2018 market equity shares Investment 13 To – bonds – analysis& 03/11/2018 valuation – mgt. immunization – duration 5 4 Efficient The concept Chalk & Machiraju, market of efficient talk Indian theory market – financial 05/11/2018 forms of system 14 To efficient (Vikas 10/11/2018 markets – publishing weak, semi house) strong & strong forms 5 4 Efficient Tests of week, Lecture, Martin J market semi strong & Chalk & Pring, 12/11/2018 theory strong form – talk technical 15 To market analysis 17/11/2018 anomalies explained (McGraw hill)

19/11/2018 4 Efficient Implication of Lecture Hampton 16 5 To market random walk John, for technical Financial 24/11/2018 theory & decision fundamental making analysis, (Prentice market hall) rationality

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01/12/2018 5 5 Bonds Type & Chalk & Sharpe bonds, talk William F, valuation & Alexander 03/12/2018 bonds, return Gordon J, 18 To on bonds Bailey 08/12/2018 Jeffrey V, investments (Prentice hall) 5 5 Bonds Risks Lecture, Francis Jack associate with Chalk & Clark, bonds, talk Investment 19 10/12/2018 duration & – analysis & convexity of mgt. bonds (McGraw hill)