THE INTERNATIONAL BRIDGE PRESS ASSOCIATION Editor: John Carruthers This Bulletin is published monthly and circulated to around 400 members of the International Bridge Press Association comprising the world’s leading journalists, authors and editors of news, books and articles about contract bridge, with an estimated readership of some 200 million people BULLETIN who enjoy the most widely played of all card games. Bulletin No. 582 July 13, 2013 President: PATRICK D JOURDAIN Editorial 8 Felin Wen, Rhiwbina Cardiff CF14 6NW, WALES, UK May-June has to be the favourite time of the year for fans of serious bridge. Trials (44) 29 2062 8839 are held in all eight WBF Zones to determine World Championship qualifiers.
[email protected] Since the European qualification process takes place in even-numbered years Chairman: nowadays, this year we also had the European Open Championships, an event PER E JANNERSTEN modelled after the Rosenblum/World Open Pairs Championships and now copied Banergatan 15 SE-752 37 Uppsala, SWEDEN by many other Zones. Most of these events, with some of the more-interesting (46) 18 52 13 00 boards, are reported here.
[email protected] Last month we were critical of the WBF‘s policy of denying a place in the Bermuda Executive Vice-President: JAN TOBIAS van CLEEFF Bowl or Venice Cup to NBOs not taking part in the Olympiad. The Jamaican Prinsegracht 28a women were the latest to run afoul of the regulation preventing participation 2512 GA The Hague, NETHERLANDS and we predicted it would not be long before this happened again.