WG75/08 3Rd October 2008
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01 Dec, 2010. Our Ref: TB/BW Administration, Environmental Licensing Programme, Office of Climate, Licensing & Resource Use, Environmental Protection Agency, Head Quarters, P.O. Box 3000, Johnstown Castle Estate, Co. Wexford. Re: Reg. No. DO275-01, Kilmacthomas Waste Water Discharge License. For inspection purposes only. Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. Dear Sir or Madam, I refer to our letter of 26thOctober , 2010 regarding Waste Water Discharge License application for Kilmacthomas , Co. Waterford, and submit hereunder additional information. (1) We have assessed the likelihood of significant effects of the waste water discharges from the agglomeration on the relevant European sites by referring to Circular L8/08, issued by Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government and have concluded that there will be no significant effects and it is therefore not necessary according to L8/08 to assess the impacts. /… F:Groups:Sanitary:Maread:TBourke:Letters10 EPA Export 27-07-2013:00:19:29 -2- I attach hereunder a screening flow diagram adapted from Circular L8/08:- Kilmacthomas WWD Screening Flow Diagram. [adapted from Circular L8/08.] 1.Is the development in a NO no action required nature conservation site. 2a.Is the development in NO no action required the surface water catchment of a nature conservation site 4.Is the development in the NO no further action required surface or ground water catchment of other water dependent Annex ll species, other rare or protected species or salmonid waters. The proposed WWTP will improve water quality in the River Mahon and the construction works will not interfere with any protected sites. For inspection purposes only. Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. I attach herewith the relevant section of part of our Draft County Development Plan 2011 to 2017 dealing with the Habitats Directive, which mentions the Seven Villages Sewerage Scheme of which Kilmacthomas forms part. I also attach herewith a document prepared in 2005 for the proposed W.W.T.P. for Kilmacthomas titled “Determination whether Kilmacthomas Sewerage Scheme would or would not be likely to have significant effects on the environment”. The River Clodiagh SAC is at least 8 km. away and is a different water body with no interconnection. The Commeragh Mountain SAC is at least 6 km. away and up gradient and no adverse affects are envisaged . The Coastal Zone SPA is at least 9 km. away and no adverse affects are envisaged. Both of the above reports support our argument that there will be no negative effects to the relevant European sites. F:Groups:Sanitary:Maread:TBourke:Letters10 EPA Export 27-07-2013:00:19:29 /… -3- There is a private development in Kilmacthomas comprising of fifty houses , which has its own private sewerage plant but will be required to connect to the public scheme when it is in operation. The population served by the private scheme is 125 pe.. This development has a section 4 license to discharge treated effluent to the Mahon River and I attach herewith a copy of the license. The licensee is J.F.K. [Developments] Ltd.. Yours sincerely, ____________________ Tim Bourke, Senior Executive Technician, Water Services. For inspection purposes only. Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. F:Groups:Sanitary:Maread:TBourke:Letters10 EPA Export 27-07-2013:00:19:29 License No: WPW/01/2004 Licensee: J.F.K. (Developments) Limited Waterford County Council License Issued Under Section 4 of The Local Government (Water Pollution) Act 1977 & 1990 License Number WPW/01/2004 Licensing Authority Waterford County Council Licensee J.F.K. (Developments) Limited Address of Licensee Kilmacthomas, Co. Waterford Address of Operation Covered By Housing Development, License Graigueshoneen, Kilmacthomas, Co. Waterford. Date of Issue 21/07/2004 For inspection purposes only. Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. Page 1 of 6 EPA Export 27-07-2013:00:19:29 License No: WPW/01/2004 Licensee: J.F.K. (Developments) Limited 1. Scope of license 1.1. This license is issued to J.F.K. Developments Limited for the discharge of treated domestic effluent from the Housing Development (PD 03/437) at Graigueshoneen, Kilmacthomas, Co. Waterford arising from 24 houses associated with it. 1.2. All effluent shall be routed to an EPS 125PE treatment system and pumped to the River Mahon. 1.3. The wastewater treatment system referred to in condition 1.2 shall be decommissioned and removed from the site following the upgrading of the public sewage treatment facilities serving Kilmacthomas and environs in accordance with PD 03/437. 1.4. The Licensee shall not alter the infrastructure of the licensed premises or treatment plant in such a manner so as to lead to a breach of any of the provisions of this license. 1.5. This license shall be operated in compliance with the Local Government (Water Pollution) Act 1977 & 1990 and all other relevant current and future Government legislation. 2. Management of facility 2.1. All pump sumps or other treatment plant chambers from which spillages or power failure might occur should be fitted with an alarm system. The alarm shall be signified by a signal on site. 2.2. The Licensee shall enter into a contract with a competent firm for the maintenance of the treatment plant. The name of the competent firm shall be as submitted with the application to the Licensing Authority. 2.3. Any revision of the maintenance agreement shall be submitted to the Licensing Authority for approval within 1 month of being made. 2.4. The Licensee shall inform the Licensing Authority immediately of any change in the ownership of the facilities referred to in this license or any other material facts relating to the company that could affect the compliance with the terms of this license. 2.5. The Licensee shall have available at all times on the licensed premises a copy of the current Effluent License and all records that are required to be keep as defined in section 10.1. 2.6. The Licensee shall, at all times, For inspection provide purposes free only. and unhindered access to its premises, including the treatmentConsent ofplant copyright and owner requiredmonitoring for any other chamber, use. to any authorised representative of Licensing Authority, or any persons nominated by the Licensing Authority, or any other authorised persons as defined under Section 28 of the Local Government (Water Pollution) Act 1977 & 1990, for the carrying out of such inspections, monitoring, reviewing of records and any other investigations that the Licensing Authority deems necessary. 3. Facility infrastructure 3.1. The Licensee shall provide a readily accessible monitoring chamber on its trade effluent discharge pipe following secondary treatment. 3.2. This chamber in condition 3.1 shall incorporate a manual sampling device that includes a removable V-notch weir or other suitable non-electronic means of measuring the flow rate. 3.3. The sampling portion of the chamber shall be 250 mm below the nominal invert level of the chamber. 3.4. Details of the above chamber shall be submitted within 1 month of the granting of this license. The chamber shall be installed and operational within 2 months of approval of the proposed plans by the Licensing Authority. 3.5. All uncontaminated storm water from roofs roadways and other paved areas shall be discharged in a separate storm water pipeline to the River Mahon. Under no circumstances shall trade effluent, sewage effluent or contaminated wastewater be allowed discharge to the storm water pipeline. Page 2 of 6 EPA Export 27-07-2013:00:19:29 License No: WPW/01/2004 Licensee: J.F.K. (Developments) Limited 3.6. A readily accessible monitoring chamber shall be constructed on the storm water pipeline to allow for sampling the storm water being discharged. 3.7. Details of the above chamber shall be submitted within 1 month of the granting of this license. The chamber shall be installed and operational within 2 months of approval of the proposed plans by the Licensing Authority. 3.8. All monitoring equipment shall be calibrated to traceable National Standards in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. 4. Restoration and aftercare 4.1. The Licensee shall be responsible for submission to the Licensing Authority of detailed plans for the removal of the treatment plant and all its associated infrastructure and restoration of the original landscape within 2 months of the plant becoming obsolete. 5. Facility operation and waste management 5.1. The treatment plant shall be operated within the terms of this license at all times. 5.2. All solid waste shall be disposed of in accordance with the Statutory Legislation in force during the period of the License, and in a manner which would not endanger human health or harm the environment, and in particular: (a) Create a risk to waters, the atmosphere, land, soil, plants or animals (b) Create a nuisance through noise, odours, or litter or, (c) Adversely affect the countryside or places of special interest. 5.3. The Licensee shall enter into a contract with a competent firm for the disposal of sludge from the treatment plant. The name of the competent firm shall be as submitted with the application to the Licensing Authority. 5.4. Any revision of the waste disposal contractor shall be submitted to the Licensing Authority for approval within 1 month of being made. 6. Emissions 6.1 The emission limits for the effluent discharged from the plant to the River Mahon shall not exceed those outlined in Table 1 of this license. 6.2 The emission limits for the Foreffluent inspection purposesin any only. grab sample taken at the monitoring chamber shall not exceedConsent the of copyrightlimits inowner table required 1.