Research and Monitoring in Australia's Coral Sea: a Review
Review of Research in Australia’s Coral Sea D. Ceccarelli DSEWPaC Final Report – 21 Jan 2011 _______________________________________________________________________ Research and Monitoring in Australia’s Coral Sea: A Review Report to the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities By Daniela Ceccarelli, Oceania Maritime Consultants January 21st, 2011 1 Review of Research in Australia’s Coral Sea D. Ceccarelli DSEWPaC Final Report – 21 Jan 2011 _______________________________________________________________________ Research and Monitoring in Australia’s Coral Sea: A Review By: Oceania Maritime Consultants Pty Ltd Author: Dr. Daniela M. Ceccarelli Internal Review: Libby Evans-Illidge Cover Photo: Image of the author installing a temperature logger in the Coringa-Herald National Nature Reserve, by Zoe Richards. Preferred Citation: Ceccarelli, D. M. (2010) Research and Monitoring in Australia’s Coral Sea: A Review. Report for DSEWPaC by Oceania Maritime Consultants Pty Ltd, Magnetic Island. Oceania Maritime Consultants Pty Ltd 3 Warboys Street, Nelly Bay, 4819 Magnetic Island, Queensland, Australia. Ph: 0407930412 ABN 25 123 674 733 2 Review of Research in Australia’s Coral Sea D. Ceccarelli DSEWPaC Final Report – 21 Jan 2011 _______________________________________________________________________ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Coral Sea is an international body of water that lies between the east coast of Australia, the south coasts of Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands, extends to Vanuatu, New Caledonia and Norfolk Island to the east and is bounded by the Tasman Front to the south. The portion of the Coral Sea within Australian waters is the area of ocean between the seaward edge of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park (GBRMP), the limit of Australia’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) to the east, the eastern boundary of the Torres Strait and the line between the Solitary Islands and Elizabeth and Middleton Reefs to the south.
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