The Mineral Industries of Countries of the Baltic (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania
2008 Minerals Yearbook COUNTRIES OF THE BALTIC REGION (ESTONIA, LATVIA, LITHUANIA), CAUCASUS REGION (ARMENIA, AZERBAIJAN, GEORGIA), CENTRAL ASIA REGION (KAZAKHSTAN, KYRGYZSTAN, TAJIKISTAN, TURMKENISTAN, UZBEKISTAN), AND EURASIA REGION (BELARUS, MOLDOVA, RUSSIA) U.S. Department of the Interior December 2010 U.S. Geological Survey THE MINERAL INDUS T RIES OF COUN T RIES OF T HE BAL T I C REGION (ES T ONIA , LA T VIA , LI T HUANIA ), CAU C ASUS REGION (AR M ENIA , AZER B AIJAN , GEORGIA ), CEN T RAL ASIA REGION (KAZA K HS T AN , KYRGYZS T AN , TAJI K IS T AN , TUR km ENIS T AN , UZ B E K IS T AN ), AND EURASIA REGION (BELARUS , MOLDOVA , RUSSIA ) By Richard M. Levine and Glenn J. Wallace The countries that are covered in this report are grouped also can include a number of the above cited minerals, as well into the following four geographic regions: the Baltic region as gallium, hafnium, tellurium, and selenium, are produced as (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania), the Caucasus region (Armenia, byproducts from the production of bauxite, copper, lead and Azerbaijan, Georgia), the Central Asia region (Kazakhstan, zinc, and uranium ores. A number of these minerals have been Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan), and the designated as critical and strategic by various Governments. Eurasia region (Belarus, Moldova, Russia). These countries Other elements could possibly be added to this list now, and all had been republics of the Soviet Union prior to 1992, still others will emerge as technological developments take although the United States Government never recognized place. This report, however, is only an initial effort to assess the incorporation of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania into the production of such commodities in this part of the world.
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