Extensions of Remarks E711 HON. MICHELLE LUJAN GRISHAM HON

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Extensions of Remarks E711 HON. MICHELLE LUJAN GRISHAM HON May 14, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E711 My colleagues, please join me in thanking While we should honor their acts of valor THE WUNSCHE BROTHERS CAFE´ these veterans of Honor Flight of Eastern and and memorialize the sacrifice of the fallen AND SALOON Portland Oregon for their exemplary dedication daily, National Police Week affords us the op- and service to this great country. I especially portunity to join together as a nation to honor HON. TED POE want to recognize Bend Heroes Foundation their courage and salute their sacrifice. I ask OF TEXAS Chairman Dick Tobiason, and Trip Leaders that the members of the 114th Congress join IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Erik Tobiason and Pam Kelsay. Their tireless me in saluting the sacrifices of the Virgin Is- work will result in over 450 World War II vet- lands Police Officers who have died in the line Thursday, May 14, 2015 erans from Honor Flight of Eastern and Port- of duty. They are: Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, located just land Oregon visiting the memorials and U.S. Patrolman Leopold E. Fredericks; Patrolman off the railroad tracks in Old Town Spring, Capitol. Leroy Alvaro Swan; Patrolman Rudel Albert Texas, sits a quaint cafe´. But this is no ordi- f Parrott; Patrolman Allan Williams; Patrolman nary joint. The Wunsche Brothers Cafe´ and Patrick Emmanuel Sweeney; Patrolman Wilbur Saloon has been around since 1902. The cafe´ HONORING HAROLD DAUM Horatio Francis; Officer Dexter L. fries up great American classics like burgers, Mardenborough; Officer Steven Hodge; Officer fries, onion rings, chicken-fried steak, basically HON. MICHELLE LUJAN GRISHAM Cuthbert Ezekiel Chapman; Officer Ariel Anton all the makings for a post-lunch nap. OF NEW MEXICO Frett; Officer Akeem Basil Newton and Officer It originally opened its doors as a hotel and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Colvin Terrance Georges, Sr. saloon, but the cafe´ has stayed in business for Thursday, May 14, 2015 over 100 years. f ´ Ms. MICHELLE LUJAN GRISHAM of New Wunsche Cafe has morphed into a commu- Mexico. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor HONORING MIKE GRGICH AND nity icon and is somewhat of a local legend. Harold Daum, an exceptional individual who GRGICH HILLS ESTATE It even attracts out-of-towners, why? Because has worked tirelessly to ensure vulnerable it’s haunted. seniors receive essential legal services. HON. MIKE THOMPSON It’s said that the original owner, Charlie It is with fond recollection that I remember Wunsche, roams the restaurant, pranking OF CALIFORNIA my time working alongside Harold during the workers. A little mischievous, but good na- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Legal Resources for the Elderly Program tured, the spirit of Charlie hides items, messes (LREP)’s infancy. His persona struck me in- Thursday, May 14, 2015 with electronics and employees and is even stantly; Harold had this vibrant personality, de- said to have been spotted. Mr. THOMPSON of California. Mr. Speaker, Charlie, I’m sure, is just watching over his termined fervor and you could sense that any- I rise today to honor Miljenko ‘‘Mike’’ Grgich thing he undertook would feel the full weight of business, wanting to make sure it serves its and Grgich Hills Estate Winery as they cele- customers well, who can blame him? his energy. brate the thirty-fifth anniversary of the ‘‘Great For over 27 years, as a retiree, Harold has Sadly the century old cafe´ suffered a mis- Chicago Chardonnay Showdown.’’ At a tasting hap recently. The newest addition to the committed himself to LREP. When seniors of more than 200 wines thirty-five years ago would call to inquire about the program Harold Wunsche Brother’s Cafe´ burst into flames in this month, Grgich Hills Chardonnay was rec- the early morning hours. The flames engulfed was the first to answer—he took in their con- ognized as the best chardonnay in the world. cerns, assuaged their worries, and was instru- the cafe´, however thankfully there were no in- In the spring of 1980, Craig Goldwyn, the juries reported. mental in our commitment to guaranteeing wine columnist for the Chicago Tribune, orga- seniors quality legal representation. But here is where the story gets interesting, nized a tasting that went on to be known as or maybe a little spooky, the original wooden, Those at LREP will tell you that his vitality the Great Chicago Chardonnay Showdown. is endless, and his charismatic smile is a 1900’s structure only sustained smoke dam- Chardonnays from across the world, from age (that’s the part that is haunted). The new pleasant welcome for anyone coming into the France to California, and even Bulgaria were office. Harold is a truly remarkable person and additions, put into place around the mid 80’s, collected for an historic first, the largest blind suffered the most destruction. The historic deeply loves his country and community. He tasting of one single varietal. Grgich Hills Es- can often be found sharing an exciting story foundation still stands strong, showing the tate’s very first vintage was announced the community that amongst the piles of soot and about his service as a United States Navy winner, just a few short years after Mike medic during World War II. insulation, there is hope. Grgich won the Judgement of Paris wine com- The cafe´’s new owner, Nathan Lavaige, has As Harold enters his retirement and we cel- petition with his Chateau Montelena ebrate his contributions, we are reminded of remained firm in his promise that they will re- chardonnay. The Chicago tasting is credited build. It will keep on standing, making deli- the joy that he brings all of us. It is through for helping to make chardonnay the most pop- Harold that we recognize the profound impact cious meals for Texans and tourists from all ular varietal in the United States. over. Haunted or not, someone was watching one individual can have on an entire commu- In his native Croatia, winemaking was a nity. I am honored to have had the opportunity over the cafe´ in those early morning hours. I family passion, and Mr. Grgich continued the am more inclined to think it was Charlie, but to work with Harold—he is an inspiration to us tradition through his studies at Zagreb Univer- all. we will never know. sity. Inspired by the stories of a better life Thanks to the Wunsche Brothers Cafe´ for f abroad, he made his way across the Atlantic, 113 years of serving up comfort food to hun- HONORING U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS and in a true demonstration of the American gry customers and here’s to the next 113 LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS dream, went on to found his own winery. Ac- years. Best wishes in the rebuild. The Houston cording to Grgich, ‘‘There is no scientific for- community cannot wait until the cafe´ reopens. HON. STACEY E. PLASKETT mula for making great wines. You make wines And that’s just the way it is. with your heart. You pour your love into them OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS f and nurture them like children, and transmit to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES them the richness of your spirit.’’ HONORING IRWIN STOVROFF Thursday, May 14, 2015 Currently, Grgich Hills produces 70,000 Ms. PLASKETT. Mr. Speaker, as we com- cases of wine each year using exclusively HON. LOIS FRANKEL memorate National Police Week, I solemnly their own organically-grown grapes, and much OF FLORIDA rise to honor and salute the sacrifice of our of the winery is run by solar power. Methods IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES law enforcement officers around the country that have become standard practice in the and in my district, the U.S. Virgin Islands. wine industry can trace their roots to Grgich. Thursday, May 14, 2015 Law enforcement officers risk their lives His influence has even spread back to his na- Ms. FRANKEL of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I every day to ensure the safety and security of tive Croatia where he opened a winery and in- rise today to congratulate and honor Mr. Irwin our communities. With endless dedication they troduced these modern techniques to the in- Stovroff of Boca Raton for receiving his hon- bear a great responsibility, as their family and dustry. orary doctorate from Florida Atlantic University friends share their sacrifices. I know that sac- Mr. Speaker, it is appropriate at this time on April 30th at age 92. Irwin was an Air rifice first-hand as my father was an NYPD of- that we honor Mike Grgich for his lifetime of Force 2nd Lieutenant and bombardier who ficer for 30 years and my grandfather was the success and influence in the wine industry, flew over Normandy in the D-Day invasion Virgin Islands Deputy Police Commissioner. both at home and abroad. during World War II. VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:14 May 15, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A14MY8.026 E14MYPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS E712 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 14, 2015 Florida Atlantic University (FAU) awards the another alarming attempt by the Republican PAIN-CAPABLE UNBORN CHILD Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters degree Party to deny women their constitutional right PROTECTION ACT on a very selective basis to recognize to family planning. The Supreme Court has achievements in the arts or high distinction in spoken on the issue. This is settled law. SPEECH OF public service. With his golden retriever Cash This legislation is out of touch with the rights HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON by his side, Irwin addressed a group of 2,400 and health care needs of women.
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    NEWS OPINION A&C ASCSU BACK IN ELECTION TERMINOLOGY PUNK BAND EMPHASIZES SESSION EXPLAINED INCLUSIVITY Vol. 127, No. 82 Thursday, January 25, 2018 PAGE 5 PAGE 7 PAGE 20 Grace Colavailu (23) and teammates celebrate a basket late in the second half against San Diego State. The Rams defeated the Aztecs, 72-43. PHOTO BY ERICA GISENHAGEN COLLEGIAN Offensive explosion leads to statement win By Luke Zahlmann rhythm was virtually non-exis- period to go along with three re- plan.” Further aiding the Rams’ ef- @luckzahlmann tent. The opening proved to be bounds. Trailing by a pair going into fort was a clean-up of their mis- an anomaly, though, as the strug- A revival of tempo occurred the second, the Rams continued takes from their past two games After abundant offensive gles gave way to an offensive ex- late in the first quarter to steal their hot streak, changing a defi- with only seven turnovers and struggles for the Colorado plosion. the show for the Rams, highlight- cit to a lead quickly. A glimpse one foul in the half. The stat State women’s basketball team After their first matchup of ed by an and-one to end the quar- at the Rams’ lofty offensive po- proved to have inflated impor- throughout the year, the cold the year, the clear focus for the ter by senior Hannah Tvrdy. The tential was on full display in the tance given the Aztecs’ nine streaks were a thing of the past Rams was to limit Aztec (9-10, three points were just a portion first half following a slow start.
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