FEBRUARY 24,1992 NUMBER 17 Students Come out Inforcefor Flagforum Bykevinmiller Dents on Campus

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FEBRUARY 24,1992 NUMBER 17 Students Come out Inforcefor Flagforum Bykevinmiller Dents on Campus "THE SOUTHS FOREMOST COLLEGE WEEKLY" VOLUMELXXX11I MONDAY,FEBRUARY 24,1992 NUMBER 17 Students Come Out InForceFor FLAGForum ByKevinMiller dents on campus. "This is an swer to the "big" questionon the Solomonexplainedthatshedid nationandcruelty towardshomo- OnWednesday,February 19, issue, something we should be issue,"IsthisrightinGod'smind?" notget an opportunity to see her sexualshas tostop. "By speaking thenewlycharteredFLAGorgani- talkingabout," hesaid. A student didask Hasty what sonas oftenas thenormal parent to groups, Ido try to change zationheldits firstopenforumin Thompson, a father of a son hewoulddoifastudentposedthis becauseofherdivorce. Thus,when people'sbeliefs. Youcanbelieve the900room. StudentBodyPresi- "bomgay",toldhisstoryofhowat questionto him,andheanswered her sontoldherduringavisitwith what you want tobelieve,butyou dentAnthonyFoxxchairedapanel age eight, his son showed,after by saying, "I would never say himatcollegethathe wasgay,her havenoright tohurt mychild,"she that included Campus Chaplain psychological testing, the possi- whether it was right or wrong lifelong image of him as the nor- said. Chuck Hasty, FLAG president bility of being gay, and by age becauseIdon'tknow thatperson's mal,loving, youngboy was shat- Bone opened by saying that Beth Willard,Davidsongraduate thirteen,homosexuality wasa re- situation. Iwould tell them to tered. She said that the PFLAG when he was at Davidson there EricBone,'91,and twomembers ality. He explained how hard it search theirscriptures." saying,"when children comeout wasnowayhecouldhavepossibly ■* of the Charlotte area chapter of was to learn that his son would Thompsonalsoasked the au- of the closet,parents go into the spoke out about his homosexual- PFLAG (Parents and Friends of neverbethepersonhehoped for. diencetoputthemselvesinagay's closet,"directly appliedtoher. ity.Hesaidthatalthoughhisexpe- Lesbians and Gays), Milt Th- But,hesaid,ashissongrew,sodid placeandtothinkofthelittlethings Shesaid thatshewentthrough rienceatDavidson waspositive,it ompsonandMarciaSolomon.The he,andhisloveforhim wasnever they would have to tolerate in a grieving process, and that she was positive only because of a paneltalked withagroupofsome compromised. almost every social situation. He went through a grievingprocess greatamountof supporthereceived 150Davidsonstudents facultyand Today,asamemberofPFLAG said that,aspeople,homosexuals with the realization that her son fromasmall groupoffriends that community members,about their and the Disciples of Christ,Th- are nodifferent than anyoneelse. wouldneverreproduce. But,with allowedhimtobehimself withno personalexperiencesandviewson ompson believes that religion "Members of theband don't dis- thehelpof PFLAG,she said,and fear ofridicule. the topicof homosexuality. everywherehascontributed tothe criminateagainstthefootballteam, the recognition of the "world of Hesaidhereceivednosupport Hasty openedby stating that negativity thathomosexuals face and marketing majors don't dis- hate" that surrounds her son,she fromhisparentswhentheylearned 10%ofthepopulationoftheUnited everyday. Bynotasserting itself criminate against engineering came out ofher closet. Now,she of his homosexuality during the Statesis homosexual,and that,by as a leader and a supporter, the majors. So whyshouldgays and says, she iscloser than ever with summerafter his freshman yearat the numbers, there could be as church has left many gays and lesbians be discriminated against her son. many as150 gayandlesbian stu- lesbians searching for agoodan- bystraights?" hesaid. Solomonsaidthatthediscrimi- See "FLAG"onpage2 MedicalHumanities Speaker Addresses Assisted Suicide ByJeffOiler apatient'srefusalofantibiotics. Furthermorehecitedaprece- On Tuesday,February18,Dr. Throughouthis talk, Greene dent inJewishlaw thatrefers the Velvl Greene.jtprofessor of epi- insisteduponreferring toassisted idea thataperson'sbodydoes not demiology atBenGunonUniver- suicideas murder,noteuthenasia. belongto himself,butinsteadbe- sityofNegev,Israel,gavealecture Hesaid,"thisistheageofeuthana- longs toGod. Therefore,life can- concerning assisted suicide as a sia,andI'mgoing tomakeacase not be tampered with except to part of the Medical Humanities againsteuthanasia of anykind." preserve. Series. Greene pointed out that the He pointed out the fact that, At the beginning Greene as- subjectofassistedsuicidehasonly "euthanasia was performed dis- sertedthathewasbasinghisinter- been a public controversy since creetly." Theidea of euthanasia, view on personalopinions drawn the 1980's.Heassertedthatthisis hesaid,arosefrom thedesire todo fromhisexperiencesandhisstudy largely in part of the fact that, away with thosethat wereseenas PAofofcy Wo/fHathaway Mental pa- of theJewish tradition. He then "technologyallowsus toconsider unworthyor useless. B'easyHelms and BaileyFoster of Warner Hallparticipate in option." tients,mentally retardedpersons, definedassistedsuicideas,"inten- euthanasia asarealistic the annualDavidsonPhonathon,which raises moneyfor the handicapped tional infliction withoutmalicein Greene,insupportofhisas- severelydeformedor Annual Fund timeofsevereillness." sertion thathewoulddrawgreatly individuals and others who were Euthenasia is defined as the upontheJewish tradition,referred "incapable"ofcontributing toso- action ofkilling anindividual for to the Bible several times. He ciety were seenasaburden. reasonsofeuthanasia. A fewforms citedJonathan's mercy killingof Greene described his deep Wilson Discusses of euthenasia that Greene cited Saulinthe book of Judges. Jon- concernabout thefact thatwe,asa were a patient's refusal of pain athan wasputtodeathforputting society,are considering allowing DavidsonStudents killers,apatient'sdecisiontochose Saul outof misery. He also re- doctors toeuthanizethosepatients another person todecidewhenthe ferredto the threecardinalsinsin whoare either dying,inextreme doctor is todiscontinue treatment, the Torah, incest, idolatry and discomfort orhavenohopeof liv- "Breaking theBarriers" a patient's refusal of intravenous murder, and he referred to the inganormallife. Greenereferred ByLeslieGofT WilsonstatedthatDavidsonisnot hydration,suicideforacause, sui- book of Genesis with its con- Last Monday evening in the uniquein facingsuchhurdles that ' See "Greene" onpage4 cideforanother sprcservation,and demnation ofassistedsuicide. 900 Room, Dr. Greer Wilson, a arccurrentlyplaguing thecampus. faculty member at University of Other schoolsabout whichshere- Details Genetic Research Virginia,lectured toagatheringof portedare WakeForestandUVA. UNCProfessor studentson theissueof tolerance. Bothschools areexamining their ByCindyEbbs cine at theLakeNormanMedical tosomal recessive traits. These While many students missed the currentsituationsas well. usuallypoint Dr. John Graham, Emeritus Park. typesoftraits toin- chancetohearthis speaker,Wilson Wilson began by describing appear- Professor of Pathology at UNC Graham's lecture wasbased breedingasacause forits presented a serious message re- threewayscollegeshandlemullic- time, Chapel HillMedical School vis- on the importance of family his- ance 25%ofthe as Graham garding the breaking of barriers through specific ited Davidsonon Thursday,Feb- toryinmedical genetics. Through proved two fam- amidst our college community. See "Wilson"on page3 ruary 19 and discussed "Using hisclosestudyofthegeneticfamily ily studiesof thesetraits. inClinicalResearch". history, Graham illustrated ex- Grahamprovedthroughge- Genetics studies, INSIDE Graham graduated from amplesof hereditarygenes. netic family thatrickets trait, Davidson in 1938,and then went Throughaderaileddiagramof is an X-linked recessive a : family containing traitwhichislocatedonlyon the NEWS: lARTS: on to UNC ChapelHillMedical thehistory ofa X-chromosome. Also, Graham DavidsonArts Departmenttoget ScottMcLeanreviewsFinalAnaly- SchoolandCornellUniversityfor elevenfathersandeighteenmoth- discussedthedifference between new professor. See page3. sis. See page 8. further study. Graham, with the ers, Graham used Hereditary lethal,unable to beperpetuated, help ofmany student interns,has BenignIntraepithelialDyskerato- and sub-lethal, able to be per- writtenover185 scientificpapers, sis,aconditionotherwiseknown OPINIONS: SPORTS: a type of many of whicharelocated in the as"RedEye",toshow anexample petuated, traits using Spainhour addressesquiet dorms is- Davidson sports week. See page dominant Muscular DystrophyandHemo- E.H.Little Library. of a simple autosomal sue. See page6. 10 philiaasrespectiveexamples. Credit for the appearance of trait. FirstClassMail proceededtoswitch Dr. Graham goes to a student of Grahamalsodetermined that Graham DaveThompsonandlove? U.S.PostagePaid his,Dr.Donald L.Copeland, '56 the HagemanTrait andanabnor- Seepage7. Permitif1 "Graham" 3 who now practices family medi- mal blood clotting trait are au- See onpage Davidson,NC28036 24,1992 2 THEDAVIDSONIAN NEWS MONDAY,FEBRUARY WIRE! Colleges Celebrate Black History (CPS)- Universities through- portunity togainbetter understand- LangstonHughesandAfro-Carib- Snowball Twostudents - Bradley Sel- out the United States celebrated ingof thepastheritageandculture beandances. Fight turnsAggressive vig,20,and George Yarbrough, Black HistoryMonth bysponsor- of black people," Harriet Taylor, Harvardeducator AlvinPous- MOSCOW,Idaho (CPS)-Two 26 - were arrestedand charged ing speakers, plays, poetryread- anadviser atButlerCountyCom- saint, author psychiatrist and so- UniversityofIdaho studentwere with unlawful assembly to dis- ings,dancesandconcertstorecog-
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