The Country Dancer
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A LONG-PLAYING RECORD FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT THE SWAPPING SONG BOOK THE JEAN RITCHIE by JEAN RITCHIE sin~in~ the traditional Illustrated with photographs sonRs of her Kentucky by George Pickow. $2.75. COUNTRY .. mountain family with Twenty-one songs from the guitar or dulcimer, or Southern Appalachians: without accompaniment. $4.45 The Swapping Song DANCER Lazy John 0 Love Is Teasin' The Tree in the Valley-0 Jubilee I Built My Love a Big Fine House Black Is the Color Over the River to Feed My Sheep A Short Life of Trouble Old Roger Is Dead One Morning in May (or Jubilee The Nightingale), two Two Dukes A-Riding versions Shady Grove Old Virginny The Old Soap-Gourd Skin and Bones Old Woman and the Pig The Little Devils The Old Man in the Woods \ My Boy Willie Pretty Fair Miss Hush, Little Baby Jackaho VOLUME 8 Gypsum Davy Ground Hog ! The Cuckoo, two versions The Deaf Woman's Courtship Little Cory Skin and Bones Keep Your Garden Clean The May Carol (a version from the Ozark Hush, Little Baby mountains of "The Seeds Little Bitty Baby of Love") Pretty Saro NUMBER 4 TO SEE SUMMER DANCING ENGLAND'S DANCES ON ~ WINTER EVENING- AND HEAR THE TUNES .. By DOUGLAS KENNEDY WAKE UP AND DANCE Here is a practical book for the use and inspiration of folk The 16 mm . color film dancers, and a guide with sound taken at to English tradition WINTER an E.F.D. & S.S. Dance in dance and music. Festival at Stratford 1952-1953 on-Avon. There are 158 pages and sixteen pages of This may be rented photographs, and a map from the Country Dance showing distribution Society. of America: of ceremonial dance $10 a showing traditions in England. plus mailing costs. SJ. 75 10% discount to C.~.S. Members and C.D.S. Centers on these Books and the Record when ordered from The Country Dance Society of America, 31 Union 35c Square W., New York 3, N.Y. Send no money with order. We will bill you fo& c~ plus mailing charges. "HAPPY NEW YEAR" THE COUNTRY DANCER "0! THE THIRTEENTH DAY OF DECEMBER-" EDITOR RECORD REVIEWER BOOK EDITOR May Gadd Edward T atnall Canby Roberta Yerkes Once more Hunter College in New York played host to the merry throng of revellers who gathered to usher in Anne Davis ART EDITOR Ruth Sanders Maggie Mahon Genevieve Shimer William Sellers the Yuletide with song and pageantry, dancing measures and the antics of the v aliant men of the Mummers' and Published four times yearly Sword plays. by THE COUNTRY DANCE SOCIETY OF AMERICA The program began in a lively vein with "extra" 31 Union Square West, New York, 3, N. Y. dances for early arrivals. As guests continued to arrive, Tele: ALgonquin 5-8895 all had an opportunity to admire the colorful and $1.00 a year ; Thirty-five cents a copy elaborate decorations which furnished all the warmth and Copyright 1952 by T he Country D ance Society of America brightness needed to transform our hall into a truly festive scene. ANNIVERSARIES A series of favorite and familiar square and country THE COUNTRY DANCE SOCIETY OF AMERICA lS now in its dances was followed by songs by Oscar Brand and his trio. t~irty-ninth year. It changed its name, to indi c ate its Later, Rosemary McLain sang Southern folk songs, ac w1dened scope, but continued its policy and it has func~ioned without a break since it was launched 1n companying herself on the guitar or dulcimer. This was March, 1915. followed by group singing of Christma& carols under her My own connection with the Society dates back to my very able direction . arrival in America in August, 1927, so that 1952 saw , the completion of my twenty-fifth year. I want to take The Boar's Head was ushered in by a company of dancers the opportunity, in this issue marking the end of one whose processional kept time with the Wassail Carol sung year and the beginning of a new one, to thank the many by John Langstaff. After the circle dance - or Caroliel, friends who demonstrated their friendship during my as it was once properly called - the dancers formed sets twenty-fifth year. for . a brief dance in honor of the Boar's Head. Then Particularly, I would like to thank the anonymous everyone present was invited into the Circassian Circle. friends who at Pinewoods 1951 - the beginning of my anniversary year - presented me with a most generous Another interval of general dancing, including the check; and the members and dancers in New York and ad jacent areas who gave me such a wonderful surprise at graceful Green Sleeves and Yellow Lace and square and the 1952 Sprin~ Festival. contra dancing to the calling of Dick Best, one of our guests from Massachusetts, was brought to its climax by This surprise was nicely calculated to be of immedi ate as well as lasting use. The two handsome air-travel the Mummers' Play. suitcases and the pigskin briefcase created quite a sensation in England this summer, while the beautiful This season's play was an adaptation of the amusing silver pin has been worn almost constantly. Its in and colorful elements of several traditional plays, scription gives a most pleasant expectation of happy including the ancient folk sword play with its sword years to come as well as in the past : "To Gay - For dance and symbolic sacrifice . Since adaptation and addi many happy years with us in C.D. S. May 1952" . A later benus of personal equipment finally put me into the tion of elements and personages is-charac teristic of the luxury class! folk play, this version had a truly traditional and spectacular quality. To each and all fri e nds many, many thanks. .MAY GADD Continue d on page 55 50 51 Our Featured Caller Players" C.D.S. Record Series) as well as Caller and Teacher for the Society, Phil's versatility is shown by hi~ ease in changing from American to English dances and tunes, and back again, and from accordion to piano to Orcon flu ~ e. He calls, teaches and plays regularly Phi I for groups in and around New York. He is also a member of the faculty of the Diller Quaille School of Music in New York and of the Hoff Barthelson Music School in Scarsdale. In the Summer he PHIL MERRILL i s a Caller is to be found at the John C. Campbell Folk School in ( rare nowadays) who can North Carolina, the Craftsman's Fair at Asheville, N.C., supply his own music - and Pinewoods Camp in Massachusetts. with his accordion - or lead his own orchestra, Here is his adaptation of a favorite Texas call. and call at the same time . ROUND JUST ONE Perhaps th1s partly ac Head two couples forward and back counts for the quality Go right through and across the back of his calling. Separate and around just one Come in through and have som~ fun Being a musician by Go right across to split the sides instinct and by training Round just one and right and left home - he is a graduate of the Right and left across the set Eastman School of Music Go back home, you're not through yet - his calling is perfectly All around your lefthand lady timed and phrased, and ''• Seesaw your pretty little Taw has a quality of rhythmical gaiety that is most stimula Four ladies in with a righthand star ting and infectious. It produces dancing that is rhythmi Fo~r ladies chain if it takes all day cal. an_d gay, never noisy and uncontrolled. Chain 'em back in the same old way Take your lady with a lefthand whirl A native of Maine, Phil has studied calling in the All the way to the corner girl West and the South, as well as in the East, and can Corners all with a righthand round turn easily from one style to the other. This last Partners all with a lefthand round Summer he visited England at the invitation of the And promenade your corner as she comes down. English Folk Dance and Song Society and called for dances and held Callers' courses in London and man y REPEAT for head gents until all get own partner.s, then other cities, towns and villages. His style of calling repeat with side couples leading. and his repertoire were welcomed with delight by the English dancers, who are highly interested in American EXPLANATION: Call is mainly self-explanatory. After square dancing that has flavor and quality. head couples have passed through, partners separate and go around one person to pass through side cou~les and As Music Director of the Country Dance Society of across the set, then go around one person aga1n to meet America (and Orchestra Leader for the "Pinewoods partner and cross' the set to ·home place. 52 53 PHIL BIRJLL is seen in our picture, NEW CENTER calling at the STRATFO~ON-AVON 1952 POTSDAM, N. Y. Affiliated December 1952. &MdER FESTIVAL of the EN<l.ISH FOlK DAN'CE AND SONG &X::lE'IY. MR. IXXJGLAS Inter-Collegiate Folk Dance Association. KENNEDY is in the picture too - front President:·Miss Dorothy Wilson. row, right. This group is made up of students from Clarkson One . purpose of the Yisit of Phil and myself to England was to help with the College and Potsdam State Teachers College. The Inter understanding and enjoyment of the Collegiates dance at regular intervals and are dancing American Square Dance.