Reports to the General Assembly 1997
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GENERAL ASSEMBLY of The Presbyterian Church in Ireland 1997 ORDER OF BUSINESS Notes: Business commences at 9.30 a.m. each morning. Luncheon adjournment at 1.00 p.m. each day. The figures printed in brackets are page references to the Annual Reports. References to the Minutes of Assembly are given in full. NOTES ii MONDAY, JUNE 2 Within Church House 7.00 p.m.— Divine Service Constitution of Assembly Memorial Roll Election of Moderator TUESDAY, JUNE 3 Within May Street Church 9.30 a.m.— Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper (Intermission 15 minutes) Within Church House 11.00 a.m.— 1. BUSINESS BOARD: Report and Resolutions (80-87). Arrangements Committee 2. Mission Assembly (1997) Committee: Report and Resolutions (311-312). 3. Reports of Synods and Presbyteries (70-79). (11.30) 4. Reception of Corresponding Members and Delegates. Church of Scotland: Right Rev. Alexander McDonald, Rev. Charles Heriot, Rev. John Campbell. United Reformed Church: Dr. David Thompson, Mrs. Doreen Courtney. Presbyterian Church of Wales: Rev. Arthur Winne Edwards. Church of Ireland: Very Rev. J. Dinnen, Rev. Canon W. A. Lewis, Mrs. R. Bailey. Times in brackets may be anticipated but should not be passed. iii NOTES iv The Methodist Church in Ireland: Rev. C. G. Walpole, Rev. S. D. Anderson, Dr. D. E. Robb, Mrs. Lynda Neilands. Irish Council of Churches: Dr. David Stevens. Other Delegates and Visitors: Christian Church in Sumba: Rev. David Umbu Dingu, Rev. Johanis Jusuf Radjah. Eglise Réformée de France: ................... Spanish Evangelical Church: ................... 5. UNION COMMISSION: Report and Resolutions (50-66). Personnel/Planning, City Area Committees 6. Memorial of First Londonderry Kirk Session (66). 7. Memorial of the Carrickfergus Presbytery (66). 8. Memorial of Cloughey and Portavogie Kirk Session (67). 9. Memorial of the Tyrone Presbytery (68). Lapsed Business. 2.00 p.m.— 10. NOMINATION BOARD: Report and Resolutions (101-103). 11. BOARD OF COMMUNICATIONS: Report and Resolutions (88-100). Publications, T.V., etc., Public Worship, Church Architecture, Historical Society Committees. (3.30) 12. BOARD OF EVANGELISM AND CHRISTIAN TRAINING: Report and Resolutions (169-202). Evangelism, Irish Mission, Christian Training, Divine Healing, Christian Marriage, National and International Problems Committees. (4.00) Intermission (15 minutes). Times in brackets may be anticipated but should not be passed. v NOTES vi 13. HOME BOARD: Report and Resolutions (136- 146). Assignment, Home Mission, Church Extension. 14. Overture on the Books anent Par. 73(d) of the Code (146). Lapsed Business. (6.30) Close of Business. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4 9.30 a.m.— 15. TRUSTEES: Report and Resolutions (279-285). 16. FORTUNE MISSION TRUST: Report and Resolutions (286). 17. COMMISSION ON TRUSTS: Report and Resolutions (242). 18. GENERAL BOARD: Report and Resolutions (1-33). Church and Government, Moderator’s Advisory, Forces’, Chaplains’, Doctrine, Peace and Peacemaking Committees. (10.45) Intermission (15 minutes). GENERAL BOARD (Continued) 19. Memorial of the Armagh Presbytery (33). Lapsed Business, if any. 12.15 p.m.— Worship. Times in brackets may be anticipated but should not be passed. vii NOTES viii 2.00 p.m.— 20. PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION: Report and Resolution (147-152). 21. OVERSEAS BOARD: Report and Resolutions (116-134). 22. Overture anent Pars. 289-299 of the Code (134- 135). (3.30) Intermission (15 minutes). 23. INTER-CHURCH RELATIONS BOARD: Report and Resolutions (104-114). Irish Church Relations, World Church Relations, World Development, Race Relations Committees. 24. Memorial of the Synod of Dublin (114). 25. Memorial of the Tyrone Presbytery (114). (4.15) 26. Strategy for Mission Committee: Report and Resolutions (287-310). Lapsed Business. Close of Business. Meeting of the General Synod of Ulster. 7.45 p.m.— Evening Rally. Times in brackets may be anticipated but should not be passed. ix NOTES x THURSDAY, JUNE 5 9.30 a.m.— 27. BOARD OF EDUCATION: Report and Resolutions (213-227). Church Education, State Education, University Education Committees. (10.45) Intermission (15 minutes). 28. BOARD OF STUDIES FOR THE MINISTRY: Report and Resolutions (228-240). Studies, College Management, Magee Fund Scheme, Students’ Bursary Fund Committees. 29. UNITED APPEAL BOARD: Report and Resolutions (264-269). Lapsed Business, if any. 12.15 p.m.— Worship 2.00 p.m.— In Private 30. Recognised Ministries Committee: Report and Resolutions (35-36). 31. Committee on Reception of Ministers and Licentiates: Report and Resolutions (240-241). 32. Ad Hoc Commission: Report and Resolutions (37) 33. JUDICIAL COMMISSION: Report and Resolutions (38-43). 34. Overtures on the Books anent Pars. 11, 13, 85(6), 205(2)(b), 205(4) VI, 212(3) of the Code (44-45). Times in brackets may be anticipated but should not be passed. xi NOTES xii 35. Overtures anent Pars. 137, 176(2)(b)(ii), 340(1) of the Code (45). 36. Memorial of Kirk Session of High Street, Holywood (45). 37. Memorials of Richard Boucher and Others (46- 47). 38. Appeal of Mr. R. Boucher and Others (47). 39. Appeals of Second Dromara Kirk Session (48- 49). (3.45) Intermission (15 minutes). In Public 40. BOARD OF MINISTRY AND PENSIONS: Report and Resolutions (270-276). Central Ministry Fund, Committee on Retirements and Pensions. 41. Overtures anent Pars. 313(1), 315(3), 316(1)(a) of the Code (276). Lapsed Business, if any. (6.00) Adjournment. Meeting of Secession Synod at Adjournment. 7.00 p.m.— Lapsed Business, if any. FRIDAY, JUNE 6 9.30 a.m.— 42. YOUTH BOARD: Report and Resolutions (203- 212). Youth Events, Youth Training and Resources, Youth Home Mission, Youth Overseas, Youth Centres, Committee. Times in brackets may be anticipated but should not be passed. xiii NOTES xiv 43. SHANKILL ROAD MISSION COMMISSION: Report and Resolutions (277-278). (10.45) Intermission (15 minutes). 44. BOARD OF SOCIAL WITNESS: Report and Resolutions (153-168). Social Services, Alcohol and Drug Education, War Memorial Hostel, Kinghan Mission, Social Witness Centres, Presbyterian Residential Trust, Retired Ministers’ House Fund Committees. 45. Overtures anent Pars. 281(2)(g), and 288(2)(e) of the Code (168). Lapsed Business. (12.15) Worship. 2.00 p.m.— 46. BOARD OF FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION: Report and Resolutions (243-263). Finance and Staffing, Incidental Fund, Getty Bequest, Church House and Assembly Hall, Statistics Committees. Late Business, if any. Lapsed Business. BUSINESS BOARD, Final Report. CLOSE OF ASSEMBLY. 7.45 p.m.— YOUTH NIGHT Times in brackets may be anticipated but should not be passed. xv NOTES xvi BUSINESS BOARD A Guide to Assembly Procedure 1. Members of Assembly consist of all ministers in active duty or retired and some elders, ex officio, together with a representative elder from each established congregation plus other elders commissioned by Presbyteries to correspond with the number of ministers serving in special appointments. Deaconesses, representatives of the Women’s and Youth Movements and some others have now been invited to “sit and deliberate” as associates — i.e., to take part with members freely in debate but without voting. The Assembly quorum is fifty members. 2. While members should bear in mind any opinions or concerns of their Congregations, Kirk Sessions or Presbyteries, neither ministers nor elders attend as “delegates”, obliged to vote as instructed by any of these. The Assembly should be a gathering of fully responsible, free Christian men and women, always open to spiritual guidance and information on a Church-wide basis, not a device for counting up decisions already made elsewhere. 3. The Moderator is chairman of the Assembly, in charge of proceedings, but he should not take sides in debates. Former Moderators may deputise from time to time at his request, should he wish to take part in debate or to withdraw from the House. When the Moderator rises to speak at any point all other members must yield to the Chair. Members should stand when the Moderator enters or leaves at the beginning or end of proceedings. Members may enter or leave at any time during proceedings, but should do so with as little disturbance as possible. It is a courtesy in so doing to give a slight bow to the Chair. 4. With the changing composition of the Assembly the recommended form of address to the House is simply “Moderator” (not “Mr.” Moderator, etc.). Speakers should face towards the House and the microphones, not towards the Moderator. xvii 5. Work for which the Assembly is responsible is generally entrusted to various permanent or temporary (“ad hoc”) committees. These must each present a report to the Assembly. Working Committees concerned with related matters are grouped under a supervising Board. A Commission of Assembly is a committee entrusted with the executive powers of the Assembly, within the terms of its appointment. Members of committees, etc., are appointed by the Assembly on the nomination of various bodies and have a Convener (i.e., executive secretary, in Irish usage) in charge. 6. Reports. While the Assembly is obliged to “receive” the report of each committee, etc., it does not “adopt” or accept responsibility for the contents of any report. Reports carry only the authority of the committee concerned and not of the Assembly. If found too unsatisfactory, the report may be received and referred back. Any matter to which the Assembly is to be committed must be stated in a specific resolution. Resolutions should be kept to conclusions, rather than include arguments in support such as are appropriate to speeches. Similarly, speeches in the Assembly carry the authority only of the speaker. 7. Reports, together with any appended resolutions, are first of all “presented”, usually by a Board or Committee Convener. There is then an opportunity for questions to be asked. These should quite strictly be asked only for further information or explanation, whether of something in the report or not in the report but for which the Board, etc., carries responsibility; they should not be rhetorical or debating “questions”, to score a point.