Gardening for Bumblebees Top Tips for the North Pennines

Aim Avoid Sourcing and seeds for at least using two kinds of pesticides in Bee-friendly gardening can be Mail-order plug plants your garden. Grow bee-friendly enjoyed on any budget. Here are Available from a growing for each a few ideas: a succession number of online shops. The of plants that period. Garden centres and plants are well established with flowers of the flower from spring to nurseries a good root system, but small. same kind in groups autumn, so there is You will often need to wait a or ‘drifts’. Bumblebees always a supply of Plants are often for sale when year until they flower. like to stick to one type nectar and Plant they are flowering, so let the of flower whilst foraging, pollen. flowers that bees choose for you. Simply put Seed packets and can waste energy are simple in the plants that have lots of Only the ‘annuals’ will flying from place to form, rather than bumblebees feeding from them double- flower in their first year. place. Most into your trolley. Avoid flowered. perennial Propagation flowers that herbs and Local growers of bee-friendly produce little or no traditional plants include: Many bee-friendly plants can be pollen and nectar. cottage-garden split at the roots or take well Eggleston Hall Gardens Plants like pansies and plants are from cuttings. Why not make double begonias offer ideal. friends with other bee-friendly little for bumblebees Most Pennine Perennials gardeners and arrange seed and 5 and other perennial Grow 7 plant swaps? pollinators. herbs and Plant a selection of atr saedlietciotinoanl of flowers of different flcoowtteargse o-gf adridffeen rent shapes, such as bowl-shaped, shapes, such as bowl- 6 plants are bell-shaped, ‘lipped’ and shapedi,d beeall. -shaped, tubular. These will appeal to ‘lipped’ and tubular. Thes4e Avoid flowers that different of will appeal to different produce little or no Aim for at least bumblebee with species of bumblebee Leavpeollen and nectar. Plants two kinds of bee- different tongue with different tongue part of thel igkaer dpean nsies and double friendly plant for lengths. less intensively lengths. begonias offer little for each flowering cultivated and more informal, to provbiudme nbelesbtieneg s and other period. sites. Some species npeosltl iinators. long, tussocky grass, others will create nests in undisturbed compost heaps, in walls or underneath hedges.

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This publication has been funded by: k 2 / 4 1 / 5 0 all S like Alliums Allium spp . ummer Flow Jun ers ees Snapdragon Antirrhinum majus e - August Autumn F B S lowers eptember - Octo … Columbine Aquilegia spp . ber ibles ese Butterfly bush Buddleja davidii mer Ed th Sum e - August f Anemone hupehensis, A. hybrida Jun o Heather & heaths Calluna vulgaris, Erica spp . Japanese anemone Winter Flower Bellflowers Campanula spp . Perennial asters/michaelmas daisies Aster No s spp. & vember - February Cornflowers & knapweeds Centaurea spp . Chives, leeks, onions and garlics Allium spp . Trailing bellflower Campanula poscharskyana Thistles Cirsium spp . Vegetable asparagua Asparagus officinalis Chrysanthemum – simple flower forms Crocus biflorus, C. tommasinianus, C. vernus Delphinium Delphinium cultivars Borage Borago officinalis Chrysanthemum spp. & cultivars Daphne Daphne mezereum Foxglove Digitalis purpurea Nepeta (lesser) catmint Calamintha nepeta Autumn crocus Colchicum spp . Winter aconite Eranthis hyemalis Coneflower Echinacea purpurea Marrow/courgette Cucurbita pepo Autumn flowering crocus Crocus speciosus Ivy Hedera helix Globe thistle Echinops spp . Globe artichoke and cardoon Cynara cardunculus spp . Perennial sunflower Helianthus × laetiflorus Snowdrops - single flowered Galanthus nivalis Sea holly Eryngium spp . Fennel Foeniculum vulgare Ice plant Sedum spectabile Hellebores Helleborus spp . Joe Pye weed Eupatorium maculatum Strawberry Fragaria × ananassa Stonecrops Sedum spp . Honeysuckle - winter/spring flowering Lonicera × Fuchsia Fuchsia spp . Hysopp Hyssopus officinalis purpusii Hardy geraniums/native cranesbills Geranium spp . Lemon balm/bee balm Melissa officinalis Mahonia/Oregon grape Mahonia, Mahonia × media Rock rose Helianthemum spp. & cultivars Garden mint Mentha spicata Laurustinus/Viburnum Viburnum tinus Sunflower – single-flowered forms Helianthus Bergamot Monarda didyma annuus Majoram Origanum spp . Field/macedonian scabious Knautia arvensis, Runner bean, French bean Phaseolus spp . Spring Flowers K. macedonica March - May Rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis Sweet pea, annual & perennial Lathyrus latifolius Edible blackberry Rubus fruticosus Bugle Ajuga reptans Lavender, English & French Lavandula angustifolia, Raspberry Rubus idaeus Aubretia Aubrieta deltoidea L. stoechas Sages and clarys Salvia spp. & cultivars Gold-dust alyssum Aurinia saxatilis Mallow Lavatera spp . ibles Thymes Thymus spp. & cultivars Linaria purpurea, L. vulgaris Spring Ed Barberry/Berberis Berberis darwinii, B. thunbergii Toadflax March - May Broad bean Vicia faba Elephant's ear Bergenia spp . Honeysuckle Lonicera spp . Cotoneaster Cotoneaster conspicuus Purple loosestrife Lythrum virgatum, L. salicaria Wallflower/winter orchid Erysimum spp . Forget-me-not Myosotis spp . Japanese quince Chaenomeles speciosa, Chaenomeles x Snake's head fritillary Fritillaria meleagris Catmint Nepeta spp. & cultivars superba Hebe Hebe spp. & cultivars Field/opium poppy Papaver rhoeas, P. somniferum Crab apple and apple Malus spp . Bluebell Hyacinthoides non scripta Red bistort Persicaria amplexicaulis Cherry, plum, damson, almond, blackthorn Prunus spp . Perennial candytuft Iberis sempervirens Roses - simple-flowered forms Rosa spp . eastw orth w.n Pear Pyrus communis Grape hyacinth Muscari spp . Sages and clarys Salvia spp & cultivars ww hy ap Scabiosa spp . gr Black/red/white currant & gooseberry Ribes spp . Cowslip Primula veris Scabious to o h P Golden rod Solidago spp. & cultivars fe Primrose Primula vulgaris li d il Stachys byzantine W Lungwort Pulmonaria spp . Lamb’s ears t s a E Symphytum officinale h Flowering currant Ribes sanguineum Comfrey t r o Pussy willow Salix caprea, S. lanata Vervain Verbena spp . N Skimmia Skimmia japonica Weigela Weigela florida