Tighten Your Borscht Belt __________________________ A full-length play By Hilary Bluestein-Lyons Hilary Bluestein-Lyons 132 Laburnam Crescent Rochester, NY 14620
[email protected] (520)275-7240 CHARACTERS: HATTIE ZELIG: 30, is a Jewish stand-up comedian, working in and around NYC and the Catskill resorts. She was born and raised in New York City, and has a slight Yiddish accent, which is stronger when around family. ZEB ZELIG: 32, is Hattie’s husband and manager. Prior to going overseas during WWII, he and Hattie had a vaudeville act, so he knows the ins and outs of entertainment. He also manages several other entertainers. LILLIAN (LIL) STERN: 30, also Jewish, is Hattie’s best friend since childhood. Her husband passed away in 1944, fighting in WWII. Lillian had a steady career as a comedic Hollywood actress, but in 1950 became blacklisted. She is now a stand- up comedian, working primarily in the Catskills. RUTH: 52, is Hattie’s mother. She was born in Germany, but has lived in the US since she was 6. She speaks with a Yiddish accent. Ruth’s husband abandoned her and her two daughters (Hattie and Sophie) when they were teenagers, but she has never given up hope that he will return. Ruth has devoted her whole life to raising her daughters, supporting them as a seamstress. She watches Hattie and Zeb’s 8-year-old daughter, Frieda, when Hattie is performing. TIME: SUMMER 1952 PLACE: From the 1920s to the 1980s an area of about 250 square miles in the Catskill Mountains of New York was home to hundreds of resorts, hotels, motels and bungalow colonies frequented by vacationing Jews from New York City who, due to anti- Semitism, were denied accommodations elsewhere.