IFM-GEOMAR Report No. 50

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IFM-GEOMAR Report No. 50 RV SONNE Fahrtbericht / Cruise Report SO233 WALVIS II 14.05-21.06.2014 Cape Town, South Africa - Walvis Bay, Namibia WAL 233 VIS O I S Walvis I Bay W 4 1 ge a l 0 id v 2 Cape i . R s 5 Town s B 0 i . a v 4 l y 1 a 2 1 n W . w 0 o 6 T . 2 e 0 p 1 a 4 C GEOMAR GEOMAR REPORT Berichte aus dem GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel Nr. 22 (N. Ser.) November 2014 RV SONNE Fahrtbericht / Cruise Report SO233 WALVIS II 14.05-21.06.2014 Cape Town, South Africa - Walvis Bay, Namibia Berichte aus dem GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel Nr. 22 (N. Ser.) November 2014 ISSN Nr.: 2193-8113 Das GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel The GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel ist Mitglied der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft is a member of the Helmholtz Association of Deutscher Forschungszentren e.V. German Research Centres Herausgeber / Editor: Kaj Hoernle, Reinhard Werner, and Carsten Lüter GEOMAR Report ISSN N..r 2193-8113, DOI 10.3289/GEOMAR_REP_NS_22_2014 Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel / Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel GEOMAR Dienstgebäude Westufer / West Shore Building Düsternbrooker Weg 20 D-24105 Kiel Germany Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel / Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel GEOMAR Dienstgebäude Ostufer / East Shore Building Wischhofstr. 1-3 D-24148 Kiel Germany Tel.: +49 431 600-0 Fax: +49 431 600-2805 1 CONTENT Summary ................................................................................................................................................. 2 Zusammenfassung.................................................................................................................................. 3 1. Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................................. 4 2. Participants.......................................................................................................................................... 5 2.1. Ship´s Crew............................................................................................................................ 5 2.2. Principal Investigators for WALVIS II ..................................................................................... 5 2.3. Shipboard Scientific Party ...................................................................................................... 5 2.4. Institutions .............................................................................................................................. 6 3. Major Objectives and Background of SO-233 WALVIS II ................................................................... 7 3.1. The Hotspot Hypothesis......................................................................................................... 8 3.2. Walvis Ridge in Context of the Tristan-Gough Hotspot System............................................. 8 3.3. Biological Investigations....................................................................................................... 10 4. Cruise Narrative ................................................................................................................................ 12 5. Bathymetry and Rock Sampling ........................................................................................................ 20 5.1. Methods ............................................................................................................................... 20 5.1.1. Bathymetry (Simrad Kongsberg EM120) ................................................................ 20 Data Acquisition...................................................................................................... 20 Data Processing ..................................................................................................... 21 5.1.2. Sediment Echo-Sounding (Atlas PARASOUND) .................................................... 21 5.1.3. Dredging, Site Selection, and Laboratory Work...................................................... 22 Shipboard Procedure.............................................................................................. 22 Shore Based Analyses ........................................................................................... 23 5.2. Rock Sampling Report and Preliminary Results of Bathymetric Mapping ........................... 23 5.3.1. The Bifurcated Southwestern Part of Walvis Ridge (DR3 - 13) .............................. 23 5.3.2. The Narrow Central Part of Walvis Ridge (DR15 - 35) ........................................... 27 5.3.3. The Broad Central Part of Walvis Ridge (DR37 - 64) ............................................. 32 Major Morphological Features ................................................................................ 32 Rock Sampling........................................................................................................ 34 5.3.4. The Northern Part of Walvis Ridge (DR66 - 90) ..................................................... 40 6. Biology............................................................................................................................................... 49 6.1. Methods ............................................................................................................................... 49 6.1.1. Shipboard Collecting Procedures ........................................................................... 49 6.1.2. Meiofauna ............................................................................................................... 49 6.1.3. Macrofauna ............................................................................................................. 49 6.2. Preliminary Results and Discussion ............................................................................................... 50 6.2.1. General Observations and Collecting Report ......................................................... 50 6.2.2. Meiofauna ............................................................................................................... 50 6.2.3. Macrofauna ............................................................................................................. 51 6.2.4. TV-Observation of the Sea Floor ............................................................................ 51 7. References ........................................................................................................................................ 52 Appendices: I. Sampling Summary/Station List II. Rock Description III. Biological Sampling 2 SUMMARY R/V SONNE cruise SO-233 WALVIS II conducted geological, morphological, and biological studies in the area of the aseismic Walvis Ridge and the adjacent ocean floor (South Atlantic). The Walvis Ridge is a textbook example of a hotspot track connected to a continental flood basalt province and represents the Atlantic “type locality” for the enriched mantle one (EM-I) geochemical endmember in intraplate volcanic rocks. Despite its importance in the global hotspot reference frame, endmember geochemical composition, and uncertainties in its formation and evolution, basement sampling of the Walvis Ridge remained poor to date, in particular along its easternmost 1500 km. The geological studies carried out during SO-233 therefore aimed for extensive multi-beam mapping using a SIMRAD EM 120 echo-sounding system, sediment echo-sounding using a ATLAS PARASOUND sub-bottom profiling system, and hard rock sampling by dredging and TV-grab of the Walvis Ridge and associated features. The major targets of the WALVIS II project are (1) to test for age progressive volcanism along the ridge, (2) to differentiate between classical hotspot and plate fracturing models for its formation, and (3) to constrain the origin, temporal and spatial evolution of melting conditions and source compositions (in particular regarding the EM-I endmember and proposed zonation models of mantle plumes). The biology program conducted on SO-233 comprised sampling of benthic organisms and meiofauna using a TV-multi-corer, a TV-grab, sediment traps installed in the geological dredges, and by collecting marine invertebrates from the hard rocks yielded by dredging. The biological investigations of the WALVIS II project intend to describe the benthic diversity of deep-sea invertebrates of the Walvis Ridge and will help to identify proxies of species connectivity and dispersal between the Walvis Ridge and neighboring ridge like structures (e.g. Agulhas Ridge). Another objective is to test whether connectivity of benthic communities in the Angola and Cape Basins is interrupted by the Walvis Ridge. SO-233 multi-beam mapping revealed that the southern bifurcated section of the Walvis Ridge appears to have formed through the coalescence of former volcanic islands. The new bathymetric data also yielded several evidence for large-scale extensional tectonic movements which are most likely related to the separation of the Walvis Ridge and Rio Grande Rise that were rifted apart by the mid Atlantic Ridge. Seventy-one dredge hauls have been conducted during SO-233. Of these, 28 delivered massive lavas, 24 volcaniclastic rocks including breccias containing lava fragments, 22 sedimentary rocks, and 11 Mn-Fe-oxide crusts and nodules. The volcanic rocks comprise a broad variety of lavas as well as epiclastic, hydroclastic, and pyroclastic rocks. Carbonates dominate among the non-volcanic rocks, many of them represent relicts of fossil coral reefs. Despite technical

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