[email protected] | www.winclap.com Winclap Market Publisher API V2.1 - 2017, Aug Version History Version Date Description 1.0 2016, May First Version 2.0 2017, Jan Added all offer information on list endpoints. Added new fields for offer object and reorganized others. This version allows paginated responses. This version allows filtering by parameters. 2.1 2017, Aug Endpoints: /apply and /offers are not necessary. Desired fields: Added new desired fields for offer object. Countries list added.
[email protected] | www.winclap.com Introduction Welcome to Winclap’s Market Publisher API. This service will allow you to automate your work and access your account data remotely. Integrating with Winclap’s Market Publisher API is pretty simple, you only need to generate HTTP requests to a determined endpoint, and you will get a JSON response from us. In this document you will find every available endpoint, the parameters you need for each of them, and the method you will have to use to generate the request. Also you will find the format of the answer you will receive, and an example for you to get familiarized with our tech. Supported Endpoints Winclap’s Market Publisher API supports the following endpoints: offers/approved/ - List of offers that you are approved to run offers/<pk>/ - Obtains the offers detail. Access to the API Every Affiliate user that would like to access Winclap’s API will have to go through its Account Manager, who will trigger the process, and provide access from an internal platform. This will generate a unique token that will be later used to authenticate the Affiliate, and the Affiliate will use it to access the API.