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On Thursday, 24 April 2014, 16:23, Paul Dunne < [email protected] > wrote: I reside on Island, , Co .

The reservoir lake, Loch Illauntrasna, is replete with algae and one septic tank is located in this lake another five septic tanks are located above the same lake and empty into it daily. The algae in the lake is complemented by five barrels of chlorine added at bizarre intervals (it is not measured) to the water exiting this lake for human consumption which results in a toxic water supply which everyone boils or filters. Algal water plus chlorine generates a carcinogen which causes bladder cancer. I have the specific references, however, I expect you will disregard all scientific evidence.

I do not use the water from Loch Illauntrasna, Gorumna Island, Co Galway. I harvest rain water and I buy water from Galway Water, Road, Galway every two weeks. I retain the receipts. The electricity supply was interrupted 35 times in the 7 years I have lived here which automatically reduces the water flow, this is important. The amount of leaks from the water pipes within 1 and 2 km of Loch Illauntrasna is alarming. The road surfaces are poorly repaired and are re- visited by local operatives to dig up and fill in with comic regularity. The complete shut off of the water supply irregularly for many hours makes me feel so very welcome to Lettermore! Irish Water will inherit this serious public health issue.

I remind you that you seek submissions prior to May 16, 2014. I wrote to all of the Galway TDs. I received an excellent written reply in response to a question in Dail Eireann to an Taoiseach as to the future water supply in this area from , Co Galway.

I do not now provide or ever will provide permission for Irish Water to install a water meter. Irish Water are in contravention of the 1995 Consumer Protection Law on this lack of consent issue alone. Irish Water have no right to impose water meters installed on public land and charge private owners of land for water which falls freely from the air.

I expect nothing from the Commission for Energy Regulation thus and therefore I will not be disappointed.

Volker Bruch