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National Shrine to Mary Immaculate y s'.T Record Enrollment Causes School To Double 1st and 2nd ------Member of Audii Bureau of Circulations P) Contents Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc., 1947—^Permission to Reproduce, Except on St. Francis’ to Have Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue. Split Sessions for DENVER CAm aic Primary Youngsters

Nearly 1,000 Pupils Registered R E G ^ T E R In Southside Parish Classes The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register. We For the first time in the history of the archdiocese, double Have Also the International News Service (Wire and Mail), a Large Special Service, Seven Smaller first and second grades will be conducted in one of Denver's Services, NCWC and Religious News Photos (3 cents per copy) parochial schools. The Rev. Gregory Smith, pastor of St. Francis de Sales' parish, announced Wednesday that the VOL. XLin. No. 1. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1947. $1 PER YEAR. heavy school enrollment has necessitated the new educational procedure and the addition of a new classroorh in the grade Annual Report Issued school building. ’ By Bishop-Elect The priest also announced that nearly 1,000 pupils are enrolled inm the high _ and grade_ school departments of the South RODERICK WILL GIVES side school, making it the largest $8,000 FOR BURSES Catholic Schools in State Saved parochial educational establish­ ment in the archdiocese. More than Fr. 'M ac' Leaves 460 pupils enrolled in the high school at a special registration held Taxpayers $2,000,000 Last Year early this summer; 480 pupils have Entire Estate to signified their intention of attend­ By P a u l H e n n e s s e y ing the grade school classes. Catholic schools In Colorado saved the taxpayers of the state more than $2,000,000 last Educate Priests year, according to Bishop-elect Hubert M. Newell, former superintendent of Catholic Double Session schools for (Colorado, in his annual school report for 1946-47, which will be Released this week. In First Grade The education of students for The report also revealed that Catholic schools in the state are providing education Mother Anna Joseph, principal the priesthood was the prime con­ for the greatest number of students in history, as more than 18,500 students are enrolled in of the school, revealed that the cern of two recently deceased pio­ the various institutions through­ first grade wifi operate on a double neer residents of Denver— the RL session, half of the children re­ out the state. Rev. Monsignor Hugh L. McMena- Fr. C. 1. Bonnet “ The greatest contribution of the Chaplain 'Forced' porting in the morning and the Catholic school, however, is not its rest in the afternoon. An addition­ min and Miss Harriet V. Roderick. savings of tax moneys to the na­ al classroom in the grade school Sums totaling $9,100 were left to Named to Faculty tion,’’ writes Bishop-elect Newell Japanese Ministry building will take care of the two Archbishop Urban. J. Vehr in their second grade classes. Sister Agnes "Rather, it is its unchanging wills "for the maintenance and edu­ emphasis upon morality as the ba Bernardine will be ,in charge of the cation of' students for the priest­ Of Regis College sic principle that gives order and To Establish Refuge first grade and Mrs. Mildred Al­ signiflcance to human life.’’ ders will assist in teaching the sec­ hood at St. Thomas' seminary.” ond grade. The report based its figures of ‘Bluff’ of Salt Lake ‘Reg­ Monsignor McMenamin, who Jesuit, Who Studied in the money saved on a national Plans to enlarge the school build­ left a cash estate of $1,100, all of break-down, according to average ings to accommodate all the chil­ Rome, Will Teach Re­ ister’s’ Editor Saved which was contributed to a burse, daily attendance, of the cost of dren of the parish had to be post­ Shown a b oT s is the architect’s drawing of the 19S4, the centenary of the declaration of the ligion, Philosophy educating a single pupil. The na­ ^ Lives of Thousands poned until next spring because of continued through his will the work projected National Shrine of the Immaculate Con­ dogma of the Immaculate Conception. Collections tional average is $124.67. The av­ material and labor shortages. Be­ for which he had been famous in cause existing facilities are now ception, on the grounds of Catholic unirersity, are being taken in all dioceses this year for funds The Very Rev. Raphael C. Mc­ erage in Colorado is slightly higher By Rev. John Ebel life. He had been a constant pro­ Carthy, S.J., president of Regis crowded to capacity, even with the ^VaslMngton, D. C. The Hierarchy of the U. S. to complete the work. The appeal will be made —$128.88. A fazt-talking little ex-chaplain moter of students for the local sem­ is desirous to haTO the structure completed by in the Archdiocese of DenTer Sunday, Sept. 7. college, announces that the Rev. Catholic schools in Colorado addition of a new classroom and of Irish ancestry told in Denver the doubling of the first m d e , inary. It is estimated from records + -r + Christian L. Bonnet, S.J., who gained more than 1,000 pupils in i ’ T completed his studies at the Gre­ the past year, and show^ an in­ last week how he persuaded the more than 100 pupils had to be re­ in the Cathedral office that he had gorian university, Rome, has been crease of nearly 5,000 students in Japanue Home Ministry to estab- fused admittance to the classes, fostered approximately 45 vocations added to the faculty of the col­ school officials report. the past decade. Eighteen thou­ Ksh a refuge in the ruined Osaka to the priesthood in the Denver lege in the divisions of philosophy sand, six huniteed and sixty-nine Collection to Be Taken Sept. 7 area that saved the lives of thou­ Faculty Changes archd?ocese. , and religion. young people are now being edu­ sands of war victims. “ It was Working together with the Rev. cated in a program that includes mostly bluff,” he admitted, “ be­ Are Announced Miss Roderick, whose funeral James F. Walsh, S.J., who has elementary and secondary schools services were conducted in the Q - cause the American military gov­ Faculty changes in the high and colleges. ernment could not back me up of­ thedral Aug. 21, left an estate of For National Shrine to Virgin “ Any consideration of national school department at St. Francis ficially; I had to convince the and state enrollment figures imme­ de Sales’ were announced this week $8,000 for the establishment of A generous response to the plea of the American tlierarchy funds to complete the diately brings home the threat gen­ by Mother Anna Joseph. Sister seminary burses. A generous sup­ erosity of our Catholic laity, whose Colma, Sister Mary Vera, and Sis­ porter of the Church during her National Shrine,oi the JUnmaculate Conaeption in Washington D. C.^^is asked in a letter sent ter Jean Fontbonne have been re- this week by the Most Rev* A r^ b lsn ^ U roa irj. Ye^^^^ shrine^IKdtioil itf the willingneas-ta oacrificB foe. the re­ endre.lifetime, Mi&s .Roderick, iuid arch-h ligious education of their children yhtwnl diocese will be taken up Sunday, Sept. 7. The Archbishdp*^s letter follows: has made the Catholic school sys­ Falgenda Joseph, and Sister An- contributed much time -and energy, ARCHDIOCESE OF DENVER tem a reality,” the report states. cllla. Sister Anthony replaces Sis­ as' well as funds, to the work of Chancery Office Nearly 3,000,000 young people ter Dolorine in the eighth grade, providing vestments and other Heights to Offer and Sister Mary Angela will re­ Record Is Foreseen 15.36 Logan St. are now being educated under the equipment to the clergy of Colo­ Denver 5, Colo. (Turn to Page 3 — Column S) place Sister Mary Augusta as mu­ rado. Aag. 24, 1947 Full Schedule of sic teacher. In Establishment Reverend Dear Father Msgr. Sheen Tells and Beloved People; Of Seminary Burse The Bishops of the Saturday Classes are inaugurating a campaign to 7,000 People Denver Grandmother Dean The seminary burse in honor of complete the National Shrine to A full schedule o f Saturday the Sacred Heart, being sponsored Mary Immaculate, situated on the classes at Loretto Heights college, by Archbishop Urban J. Vehr in grounds of the Catholic university, Denver, was announced Tuesday. Of Catholic Magazine Poets a popular subscription drive, en­ Washington, D. C. The cornerstone Regular classes and laboratory World Crisis tered its fourth week with a total was laid 26 years ago and over the courses will be offered in the to date of $606. With one-tenth of span of years, approximately $2,- following departments: Biology, By Ruth Vincent Nowack track in the world of rhyme. In the grand total already contrib­ 000,000 has been expended on education, English, philosophy, Th^ undisputed dean of Colorado four years, she has sold more than uted, it is expected that the burse the crypt of the shrine, which is French, Spanish, mathematics, his­ Is Religious poets contributing to Catholic peri­ 500 poems to approximately 85 pub­ will be subscribed in record time. spacious and probably as lovely an tory, music, and sociologry. odicals is Inez Clark Thorson of lications, including 26 Catholic artistic conception as can be found All courses will be directed and Seven thousand persons jammed Denver, who waited until she be­ periodicals. It is the hope of Archbishop in the world. It had been planned came a grandmother about four Although it was not until her Vehr to establish a number of taught by the regular faculty R«v. Cbriitian Bonnet, S.J. the Denver City auditorium originally to complete the building members and professors of the Wednesday evening to hear the years ago to start burning up the daughter had a daughter that Mrs. burses for the education of sem­ long since. The architect now ad­ been professor of philosophy at Thorson actually hit her stride, inarians studying for the priest­ college. By attending the program address of Monsignor Fulton J. vises that some portion of the Regis since 1944 and who before Bishop-Elect Newell’s poetically speaking, her first inifjb. hood at St. Thomas’. The annual of Saturday classes, it is possible Sheen of the Catholic university Rev. Jemei C. Coyne superstructure must be built so to receive six hours of college that held similar posts at Loyola of America on “ The Cross and the Consecration Sept. 24 tive to deal in rh;e came when cost Is currently $450 per year, that the crypt does not disintegrate university, ; Rockhurkt were plunged and, with more than 50 archdioc­ credit in each semester. Crisis.” “ The crisis in the world,” Japanese officials that the military due to the action of the elements. Enrollment is open to the reli­ college, Kansas City; and was as­ government wanted the refuge es­ The date of the eon^eration of into desk inkwellsr by mischievous esan students in the seminary, the said Monsignor Sheen, “ is not so Buhop-elect Hubert M. Newell, This superstructure may cost tS,- gious and to all young women who sociate professor of philosophy at much political and economic, as it tablished, unofficially.” boy classmates “quite a few years financial burden is severe. Coadjutor of Cheyenne, hat been ago.” 000,000. Some of you may have have the required high school Creighton university, Omaha, Fa­ is moral and religious. The crux of This week’s gift of $25 from But the Rev. James C. Coyne, set for Sept. 24, it wat announced At this period in her life, poetry visited Washington and may have credits for college entrance or the ther Bonnet will take the place th crisis is the cross.” an anonymous Denver donor brings now editor of the Intermountain by the Chancery office Wednes­ was a medium of expressing per­ seen the lovely crypt. It serves prerequisite courses in college, of the Rev. William J. Stackhouse, “ It is rather self-evident,” de­ the Sacred Heart burse to $606. Catholic Register of the Salt Lake day. Nearly a Score of Bishops are sonal anger. She decided even in nobly as the church for many work. S.J., who has been assigned to clared the famous radio orator The goal is $6,000, which will be City diocese, got the idea across, expected to attend the ceremony, her extreme youth that it was far large important ecclesiastical func­ Registration for Saturday teach scholastics at St. Louis uni­ and convert-maken “ that for the invested, and only the accumulated and the Home Ministry turned which will take place in the Denver better to vent her feeling in rhyme, tions in our national capital. courses should be made on or be­ versity. past 400 years Catholicism h u interest from the burse will be Every country has a worthy fore Sept. 13 in the admissions Ranrnd in St. Lonii over a number of abandoned army Cathedral, with Archbishop Urban on paper, than to make derogatory spent each year. been exiled from Western civili­ barracks near the central railway J. Vehr at conseerator and Bishops remarks to others concerning her shrine dedicated to tfaa Virgin office of the college. Father Bonnet grew up in St. zation, not in the sense that it has station in Osaka. First he had to Joseph Gilmore of Helena and Jo­ momentary “ hate.” As a matter of Mother of God and our Mother. Further information regarding Louis and received his A.6. de- played no role in literature, art, Many l^ay Leave break down the innate pride of the seph Willging of Pueblo as co- fact, she not only “ got even” in The United States has been placed the class schedule or a particular n e e from St. Mary’s college, St. politics, or science, but in the Japanese officials, and convince consecrators. Bishop-elect Newell this manner, but exercised her Inquests to Cause offirially by the Holy Father under course may be secured at the Marys, Kans., in 1926 and en- sense ^ a t the epirit of the mod­ them that the agencies they is the first Denver diocesan priest funny bone as well. Contributions in any amount are (Turn to Pages — Column S) dean’s office. (Tum to Page t — Column i ) ern world was definitely opposed (Turn to Page S — Column i ) to be chosen Bishop in 45 years. (Turn to Page S — Column i ) 'more than welcome. It is only to it. through the establishment of “ Now that the world has reached burses that the archdiocese can another great turning point in carry on this essential educational Attend Guidance Clinic history, with the evaporation of program. As a matter of fact, gifts milk-and-water Christianity, the Chest officials Visit Convent to such a cause form one of the minds of the present day are face most meritorious works of faith. to face, on the one hand, with For those now financially unable Catholicism us the sole representa­ to join in this public demonstration tive of Christianity and on the of religion it may be possible to other with a completely secularized remember the work in a will. No civilization. The choice before our more commendable remembrance generation is between an organic could be suggested. spiritual unity and an organized Address all communications to techniial unity, or between a phi­ the Most Rev. Urban J. Vehr, losophy of life which says that man Chancery Office, 1536 Logan, is a potential child of God and a Denver 5, Colo. philosophy of life which says that there is no God but Caesar. As Christopher Dawson has expressed EASTSIDF PARISH it: ‘The new secularized civiliza­ tion is not content to dominate the outer world and to leave man’s SECURES CONVENT (Turn to Page i — Colum n i )

The Rt. Rev. Monsignor Charles TWO-DAY INSTITUTE Hagus, pastor of Annunciation parish, has announced the purchase FOR SODAIISTS TO for $8,000 of the grade school con­ vent that for more than 40 years BE HELD THIS FALL has been owned by the Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth. Miss Dorothy. Willmann, "We hope that the grade school a represantativa o f t h o convent will fit fully into our plans “ Queen’s Work,” St. Louis, for development of the school,’’ said Mo., will be in Denver Oct. Monsignor Hagus. "But at the 11 and 12 to direct a two- present time we do not know ex­ day institute on parish so- actly what we will do in the future, dalitiai. Miss Willmann has except that further expansion will been in Danver previously, be forced on us." end is well known among so- Included in the purchase of the dalists and sodality moder­ building were seven lota, near the ators. convent on the comer of E. 36th Fourtean religious orders from colleges and tion of young people. The clinic was under the A praliminary moating of and Lafayette, which allows the high schools in .15 states were represented at the direction of the Rev. Gerald A . Kelly, S.J., pro­ a city-wido planning commit­ parish sufficient territory for an conferences of tho 10-day guidance clinic, which fessor of moral theology at St. Mary’s eollega tee will be held in Holy Ghost mergency building in the imme­ closes at Loretto Heights college on Thursday, in Kansas. A group of the sisters who attended the hall Wednesday, Sept. 3, at diate future. , . . ,« Aug. 28, concluding the 27th annual summer pro­ meetings is shown in this picture. In the canter 6:30 p.m. Representatives of - Th* Community Chait budget committee it and Mrs. William H. Ferguson, who inspected han­ Annunciation p & r 1 s h has 18 gram of the Deans, high school principals, of the front row is Sister Francis Maria, president all parishes in the Denver •hown on e visit to the Convent of th* Good diwork in the home' economics department on a. teachers housed in two separate and studenA | H | | B ^ o r s participated in the discus­ of Loretto Haights college; at her left is Father area have been invited to at­ Shepherd, 1401 S. Colorado boulevard. Left to visit to the institution Aug. 26. Other budget com­ convents connected w a corridor. sions, whicf^^^l||fccusad on a practical applica- Kelly, director of tho guidance clinic. tend. A buffet supper will be right are Harold F. CoUini, chairman; Milnor mittee members are Mrs. Louis A . Pollock, John (Tnm to Page S — Column 4) tiea of moifHPHmbles in the guidance and aduce- served ta those attending. GUavett Mother Mery of th* Angeii, superior; L. Rice, Harry Litxenbarger, and Emerson Carey.

«lia iniiiniiiiiniiiDiinimimininiiiitiiiiiuiiniiiimiiinitiii^^ CHAPLAIN USED CLEVER METHOD Office Is Opened Dine in the Cool Atmosphete of Collection Asked NOW AVAILABLE TO GET JAPAN TO BUILD REFUGE By Ex-Navy Dentist THE AIR RING CANDLE LIGHTER 615 17th St. AND EXTINGUISHER Between Welton For Mary s Skrine (Continued From Page One) peals, they shared their Christmas Returning to his native city claimed already were in operation packages from home with, the sis­ after two years’ service with the and This is the newest, simplest and most efficient were mostly on paper. Finally, ters. navy, Dr. John E. Thompson of Extinguisher on the market. { Continued From Page One) however, they decid^ to coK>per- "Both officers and men," he says, St. James’ parish is opening up a the patronage of Mary. Inunacnlaie. ate 100 . per cent, and it was on “brought so much stuflF to my of­ bungalow dental office in his resi­ The Ring is perforated with small holes, which 1^ ^ RESTAURANT The centenary of the declaration the suggeation of a representative fice thet instead of the one bar of dence at 1660 Kearney street in allow the air to reach the wick from all angles at the of the dogma of the Immaculate 0^ the ministry that the refuge candy for the children and the pa­ East Denver. same time. Conception of Our Lady occur* in was named the "Home of the Holy tients in the hospital, I was able The young dentist was gradu­ 1954. It U hoped that a etately Family.” to break it down and distribute it ated from Regis college in 1942 Very easy to operate. shrine in onr national capital to and from the dental school of While Listening t o . . . G Is G i t * Food among several Catholic institu­ Merely hold the Ring over the lower part of the Mary Immaculate, erected by the tions, the Catholic girls’ high Creighton university, Omaha, in Catholic* of the United States, may Though the Welfare ministry 1946. Shortly after leaving Creigh­ flame and squeeze the bulb. Rose Duncan at the Hammond Organ allocate to the center the daily school, whose sisters and pupils be solemnly consecrated then to provided the choir for our Mid­ ton Dr. Thompson joined the navy Prevents Wax from falling on Altar Cloth. serve for centuries as onr corporate food ration given by^ the govern­ and served as a dental officer on ment to every orphan and patient, night Mass; the Japanese Marian- tribute to the sinless Queen of ist Brothers, who conduct a large the West coast and in Colorado. Does not break the wick— making it easy to relij^t "Spedal Sanmd Daily 4 P. M. to 9 P. M. Heaven. the actual total fell consistently His first assignment was the Treas- the Candles. far short of what was necessary high school for boys; tnd several When distributed over the Cath­ ■priests, French, Japanese, and use Island naval base in San FVan- Made of substantial chrome plate, except the bulb, olics of onr country, the cost of for bare subsistence. Father cisco, Calif. Later he was on the ROAST YOUNG TOM TURKEY Coyne turned to his GIs for help Korean, whose people were among vvhich is made of heavy rubber, and will last for a long the completion of this national the very destitute.’’ staff of dentists at San Leandro shrine will not impose a hardship in supplying the Sisters of Char­ naval hospital in Oakland, Calif., time. Can be easily replaced at very low cost. Gibl*t GraTy, Dratiing, Cranbarry Saaca ity, who st^ ed the refpge, with Every day the sisters of the in­ upon any one. The Archdiocese of and another transfer brought him Made in three sizes Selling Choice of Potatoa* and Vegetable ne^ed food, medicine, and other stitution scoured the neighborhood to the 15th AAF headquarters in Denver will want to be duly rep­ in search of the pitiful victims of Roll* 8 5 resented iii this living national supplies. In response to his ap- Colorado Springs. He held the 314 ft. each 111.00 total warfare, particularly chil­ Coffee Tea Bottle of Milk Iced Tea monument in stone to our heavenly rank of lieutenant, junior grade. 6 ” ” 14.00 Patroness, the Queen of all man­ dren, refugee mothers, and those Immediately after his discharge suffering from wounds or disease, 7 ” ” 17.00 kind. Our own Cathedral and Dr. Thompson made plans for pri­ and saved thousands of lives. The archdiocese are dedicated to Mary [ vate dental practice and his office ininiiiiiiiniHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiwniiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiimiiniiniraiiniiiiiiiuiin projwt received the wholehearted at his Kearney street residence is Immaculate. We love and honor blessing of the Most Rev. Paul The James Clarke Church Goods House her in a special way. May she guide now open to the public. and protect all of us. Taguchi, Bishop of Osaka, whose The doctor’s wife is the former A Complete Line of diocese, once among the most Please give what your means Virginia Piccoli, an alumna of flourishing in Japan, suffered Loretto Heights college. j O H n s o n s permit, and I will forward your severely as a result of bombard­ CHURCH GOODS AND RELIGIOUS ARTICLES donations to the proper authori­ ment and population displacement 5T0RACE & mouinc CO. ties. (Continued From Page One) Our Lady of Guadalupe Established 1902 1636 Tremont Place The chapel in the high school con­ To Sponsor Cai^paign May God bless you. TA 3789 * Denver 2, Colo. vent was dedicated this spring. Though he left'th e institution tJO€:AL A. M.OWC Di%W/kl%l€E Faithfully your* in Christ, plentifully supplied when he left Parish Plans Benefit Ot/ier Parishes Japan, Father Coyne says these M O V I I V O Continue Expansion supplies have now mostly beefi (Our Lady of Guadalup* Meanwhile, in several other par­ used up, and he is contemplating Parish, Denver) 7 ^ ishes in Denver, expansion work is using the columns of the Inter A benefit picnic and dance For ihe Safety of Your Hoods mountain Catkolie Register to being continued, although in some SDonsored by Our Lady of Guad­ ART REPAIR instances the difficulties of secur­ sponsor a campaign for their aid. alupe church will be held at Vassa Use Johnson Service on Every Move ing labor and material are imped­ Though his regular work as an park, one mile west of Lakeside on W e Are Now in Position to Do Art Glass Windows army chaplain kept him busy, Fa­ the Arvada road, Sunday, Aug. 31. AGENTS FOR UNITED VAN UNBS, INC Archbishop of Denver ing progress. ther Coyne was induced, because of All those who do not have trans­ Repair, Bracing, Bulges, Etc. **TO A^D PBUM BVERYWBERE” At S t Franefs de Sales' high acute need and suffering he saw portation will find cars and trucks STORAGE . PACKING - SHIPPING school, work is continuing on the among the Catholic Japanese and waiting for them in front of St. Box 298, Boulder, Colo. second floor, where the whole floor the pagans, to lend a hand to the he­ Cajetaij's church and the chapel Phone PE 2433 Denver 221 Broadway FORD is being redecorated and a new roic priests, sisters, and brothers after the 12 o’clock Mass. Other­ classroom constructed. in their terrific task of rehabilita­ wise, take the Arvada street car or PHONE 248 MIDWEST ART GLASS BEHER SERVICE In the grade school, workmen are tion. A number of the priests were No. 83 to reach the park. HANSEN & HANSEN A.B.C. DOLL SHOP completing redecoration on the en­ French missionaries, t who had The dance will begin at 8 p.m. SWAYNE tire school and finishing the addi­ spent years of personal sacrifice and the music will be furnished by JEWELERS New Doll, and Toy. MARSH tion of a new classroom. Because in the building up of flourishing Kaluana’s Hawaiian Serenaders. SelNt N«w tnd Uie Onr Lt^-Awaj of a very large enrollment, there religious institutions, only to see All proceeds will go toward the 1628 17th St. I Plan for Chrlitau WIMBUSH, Ine. will be two first grades and two them reduced to ruins. new church. There will be enter­ ONE STORE ONLY I Raligiou* Stataei Repaired 850 Bannock St. TA. 6113 second grades this year. Missionaries Heroic tainment, different types of food, [l515 Arapahoe MA. 7617 Selling Fordt Sinea 1912 The program originally sched­ One old missioner, a ■ Father etc., throughout the day. Everyone w uled for St. Francis de Sales' par­ Outre, was living in the ruins of is assured a good time. ish did not materialize because of his sexton’s cottage the last time SAVE UFUP TO 50% labor and material difficulties. The Father Coyne saw him, and despite Nun Returns to U. S.; % parish had planned to build an ad­ his 73 years was trying to piece dition to the con^nt and grade together a chapel for his flock. Nursed Lepers 10 Years New & Guaranteed Used Tires school and make general renova­ Another, Father Jupillart, was tions, but this work has been post­ commissioned by the Bishop to re­ Dubuque. — Sister Mary An- poned. open the diocesan seminary in the nunciata >Kelly, a Sitter of Mercy, Boraoin Spares Holy Family Church ruins of an orphanage that had has returned here after spending been confiscated by the Japanese 10 years in the mission fields JOE KAVAIVAIIGH Being Enlarged army during the war for use as among lepers in South America. Lincoln at 7th Phone TA. 1261 At Holy Family parish, work is an armament factory. The su­ Sister Annunciata has been en- *■ rapidly being completed on en­ perb courage of these men, he says, in nursing lepers at the largement of the cnuilch. A full 18 a living _ sermon on priestly zeal. anaica leprosarium nea? George- YOUR GENERAL TIRE HEADQUARTERS basement is being dug under the He gives full credit for the as­ to\ra, the capital of British Gui­ church, which formerly had only a sistance given his refuge project ana. half basement, with the new space by the vivid imagination and sales­ being used for shower facilities and manship of a Sergeant Duffy. Fa­ as a storeroom for athletic equip­ ther Coyne overheard him making COTTRELL'SI ment such appeals as: “ Father here .has (if I told him six he would say 12) The church is being extended 30 poor sisters who are pretty bad AN APPROPRIATE SERVICE feet BO that it will reach the alley, which now gives the church the off in the way of eats. Most of them are French right from Clare WITHOUT FINANCIAL BURDEN shape of a T. Two classrooms will be built on top of the new addition where your mother came from .. . ” Opportunity for Church to the church to allow for a heavy Of the future of the Church in increase in school enrollment IMPORTANT NEW ARRIVALS Japan, Father Coyne says that he v5'l Lov* and respect lot the departed may be fittingly express^ in a Boulevard Families Donat* Brick* for Church heard from experienced Bishops, service at the most moderate cost. Boulevard has everything to offer At Our Lady of Guadalupe par­ priests, and missionaries that now '"^‘3 ish, work on building a new church is the golden opportunity for the which can contribute to providing a complete service without unaather«i in honor of the Blessed Virgin has Church in Japan. Under the wise FOR THE FALL CHANGEOVER! ixed charges. started with families of the parish and statesmanlike direction of donating bricks for construction Gen. Douglas Mac Arthur, Japan r.iip Every family served by Boulevard, regardless of circumitaneei, i'l entitled The cost of donating the bricks is has cast off many things that $35 per thousand. Any person who to all of our experience and skills and our every facility. . . and gets them. shackled the progress of the it desires to contribute the cost of the Church before the war. The new i bricks is asked to get in touch with ’ X Whether the price of ihe service selected be high or low, there ar# NO constitution guarantees that many the Rev. Andrew Burguera, C.R., things that hindered the work of ' at St. Cajetan’s parish. unexpected extras. One charge covers all costs and every service is the Church in the past will no FAMOUS complete. This considerate policy has deservedly won the coniidenca The following people have do­ loiter be hindrances. nated bricks in the past week: Mr. One of the things attracting of thousands of families in the Denver area. and Mrs. Jaques, 4,000; the A. great interest in the Church on hi Marquez family, 1,000; Mrs. Je- the part of Japanese is the ex­ MANSFIELD DELUXE suita Perez, 1,000; and Mr. and PHONE FEDERAL AT NORTH SPEER ample of Catholic missionaries %■' Tt1.1 Mrs, A. Soto, 1,000. who stayed at their posts to share the privations and suffering of r their people. It is the corporal Fr. F. L. Bonnet works of mercy practiced by the 1 missionarifs that has called the attention of the Japanese to the SUITS i‘v- Named to Faculty fact that Shintoism and Buddhism contain little or nothing in that '.i • t VfV’I MRS. JAS. P. HcCONATY • JAS. F. HcCONATY • JOS, P. McCONATV. regard. O f Regis College Father Coyne was bom July 18, i 1907, in Malden, Mass. He attend­ Tailored from (Continued From Page One) ed St. Mary’s parochial school in tered the Society of Jesus the Melrose, Mass., and was graduated FRANKLINSHIRPS following year. He received his from Boston College high school M.A. degree at Florissant, Mo., in Boston in 1926 and from Bos­ in 1930 and was sent to Europe ton college in 1929. He then en­ WORSTEDS to major in philosophy at Rome. tered St. Joseph’s seminary, Dun- Since his return to the United woodie, N. Y., and was ordained CHOOSE FROM THE BIGGEST VARIETY IN YEARS States in 1933, he has taught at for the Diocese of Salt Lake City St. Louis university and at St. by the late Cardinal Patrick Hayes bfary’s college. In the summer of June 8, 1935, in St. Patrick’s Ca­ A T MILLERS — The West's Greatest Food Show 1946, he came to Denver to teach thedral, New York. at the Regis college summer His first appointment was to school. Notre Dame de Lourdes parish in Will Teach in Downtown Division Price, Utah, where he served as Picnic Suggestions In addition to his courses on assistant for two years. After a the Regis campus, Father Bonnet year and a half as assistant in will teach a class in general ethics Our Lady of Lourdes church, Salt Hi-Q Bread 4 Hi-Q Sandwich at the Downtown division of the Lake City, and a period as admin­ Extra Matching college, 711 17th street. istrator of the parish in Mama, Whit* or \Vh«Bt, RaguUr 14c valu*. | U v Father Bonnet is well known to he entered the army chaplain No chuBg* in weight. Gicnt sIm loaf ” ’ ’ B u n s Pkg. ef 8 for.. 1 5 c radio listeners by his work in the corps. He received his commission Trousers $15.00 Sacred Heart program heard from Port Devens in November, locally over KMYR five days a 1944, and after two months at Pototo Chips ..., 23c Rip* Olives S."17c week. Fort Knox, Ky., went overseas. He served in the Pacific theater Frenklinshire’i CO-GO-TEX is a remarkable 2 9 c with the 98th and the 24th in­ Jumbo bsg.______Dulauay Tiny Irish The Denver Catholic fantry divisions and went to Japan 100% all-wool worsted fabric which will out­ with the army of occupation in wear any other cloth regardless of cost, thanks Pork & Boons ...... 1 4 c Pofntoos n.. t c _____ 1 5 c September of 1946. For 16 months Register he lived on the three largest is­ to a patented process which calls for knotting Publishtd Weakly by th* lands of Japan— Honshu, Shikoku, each thread before it is woven into cloth I No. 2% can------1 9 c Hunt** WbeU Now Catholic Press Sodety, Ine. and Kyushu, where, in addition to his re^ la r chaplain’s duties, he CO-GO-TEX resists shine, is press-retaining, 938 Bannock Street, Denrtr, Potato Salad ____ 2 2 c n,. , i«. - 2 5 c cams into fr^uent contact with shape-retaining and amazingly durable I Colo. missionary priests and sisters and “ assisted in their problems of re­ Subscription i $1 Per Tear habilitation by every legitimate PIcklos K " Oovilod Ham S “ ...... 2 0 c Entered u Second aaaa Hatter means.” Whole Sweet A l l f s at the Post Office, Denver, Father Coyne left Japan in Jan­ Cola. uary of 1947 and received his dis­ DOUBLE AND SINGLE BREASTED STYLES— WITH VESTS. charge in February. Ha is now a major in the chaplains’ reserve. NEW FALL PATTERNS IN BROWNS, BLUES, GREYS. Since his return he has been ad­ ministrator of St. Therese’s parish Croon Olivos ._ .4 6 c « « « C®'" y ; ; .s i y ------2 5 c in Midvale, Utah, near Salt Lake 5 W. J. LAWLESS City, and since July has been editor of the Intermountain Cath- FURS olio Register. All Miller Super * Repairing Reds Use Ration Cards * Storing As Anti-Christian Lure Markets Will Be Closed * Remodeling Munich, Germany.— Clothing ra­ m i L L E R ' S tion cards are being offered by Labor Day! * Qeaning Communist propagandists to young * Custom Made Furs peopl* in th* public schools of Berlin to lure them away from 1602 ADAMS EA. 8159 their Church, according to Ckrist- THE mnn'S store. 62l sixteerth SUPER niHBKETfl lieher Naehriektendient (Christian News Service). Thursday, August 28, 1947 Office, 938 Bannock .Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 PAGE THREE

For the Folks Back Home Dr. Lee G. Haney Drs Richard L Haney Optometrists SAVE S llO U l Itlemherg of St. Vincent de Paul Parish 827 ISfli SI. - Phone TA. 2600 (Continued From Page One) (Loyola Parith, Denver) auspices of the Church in the na- tion, and at a saving in taxes for The Fathers’ club is responsible education of more than 320 millions for the repaired swings on the of dollars. playground, and Messrs. Roatzon, Betlu, and Beebe for all the re­ High School Enrollment decorating and cleaning of the WHERE POPULARITY IS DESERVED! Shows 588 Gain in Decade classrooms and Loyola hall. Mrs. Nell Hebert was called to Deliciott*, Appetising Luncheons and Dinners! In planning for your fapiily’s future wel­ High school enrollment in the Washingrtbn, D. C., because o f the fare, consider the wisdom of securing parochial schools of Denver was illness of her sister, Mrs. Paul FINE COCKTAILS 1,872, an increase of 688 in the Monahan. FOUNTAIN SERVICE FUTURE NEED PROTECTION now, past 10 years, with 19 non-Catholics AIR CONDITIONED during the years of earning income. Under attending classes. Mrs. Lorene Tierney, a former member of Loyola parish and one FOR YOUR COMFORT O LING ER ’S FUTURE NEED PLAN you High schools in Denver with an of the faithful worxers at the an­ can secure this intelligent provision for enrollment of more than 300 are nual Loyola bazaar, as well as the Cathedral ...... 486 every member of your family— regardless weekly games party, was found St. Francis de Sales’ ...... 422 o / age. The cost is very little. . . only a dead of a heart attack last. Sunday St. Joseph’s (Redemptorist) . 333 morning. URF few cents a day. Consult Olinger’s Advis­ Holy Family...... 311 >HY’S A surprise birthday party was ory Department. . . there is no obligation. The enrollment in the parochial riven in honor of Ann Patrice high schools outside Denver was Doherty by her mother, Mrs. J. E. 35C, an increase of 88 in the past Doherty, and the members of the decade, and 11 non-Catholic pupils Loyola senior Girl Scouts. Paul f m t jfo O D S we^e registered. 16TH tt SPEER tt Doherty and Joseph Reischman The largest high school outside were the only young men in at­ BOULDER SHERMAN the see city is S t Mary’s, Colo­ tendance. miRTD.BRIfS rado Springs, with an enrollment Father Edward P. Murphy, S.J., BROADWAY AT ELLSWORTH of 193, an increase of 23 in 10 has been making his annual re­ Open 11 A. Ms to 2 A . M. Closed Tuesdays Departments Call, GLendale 3663 years. treat at Regie college. Denver Grade Schools Father Ray Connell, S.J., is vis­ C A T H O L IC MEMBERS of our personnel and the iting his family this week and is Enroll 6,820 Pupils a guest at the Loyola rectory. finest equipment and facilities are assigned to Parochial grade schools in Den­ Almost daily in the past weeks Look at Your Hat— every Catholic Service. ^ ver had 6,820 pupils last year, an Loyola parish has been host to increase of 1,914 in the past 10 priests who have been on vacation ** Everyone Elsi DoesP* in Denver. Among them was Fa­ years. There were 141 non-Cath­ The Well-OretMd Han it Uiing ther Philip Sullivan, a Jesuit army olics listed. Schools whose enroll­ Thit Service ment is more than 300 are: One of the first aeti of the Rt. chaplain on his'way to Japan. barsky. Each CARE food package FACTORY FINISHED Sacred Heart...... 726 Rev. Montignor Licino Refice on contains 21.S pounds of'vital sup* Loyola school children reported Annunciation ...... 464 Arriving in New York to start the plies far out of reach of the aver, for their book lists and were reg­ Blessed Sacrament...... 432 American tour of the Roman age Italian family. It may be sent istered at the same time. The sis­ ROBERTS ¥ St. Francis de Sales’ ...... 407 Singers, whom he directs, was to to 14 other European countries ters report a record enrollment. Cathedral ...... 387 purchase five CARE food pack­ through CARE, SO Broad street. The window frames and all out­ — the hat man side woodwork and trim have been St. Catherine’s ...... 378 ages to he sent to needy persons New York 4, for $10. Delivery is LADIES’ HATS TOO! St. Dominic’s ...... 371 in Italy. He is shown with his guaranteed. receiving two coats of paint in SPruce 4726 PICK-UP AND DELIVERY 258 Broadway Holy Family...... 354 U.S. representative, Vladimir Lv- the past week. St. John’s ...... 363 classes in Loyola school will be St. Cajetan’s ...... 342 resumed on Tuesday, Sept. 2, at St. Louis’ (Englewood)...... 339 DENVER GRANDMOTHER DEAN 9 o’clock. There has been no Mt. Carmel...... 323- change in the faculty. fridt of owning o diamond domondt that St Joseph’s (Redemptorist) . 310 Father Murphy baptized the fol­ lowing: Carla Ann Bell, daughter tho quofitjr bo obovo rtprooch. Whon buy­ There was a totgl enrollment of OF CATHOLIC MAGAZINE POETS KEEP YOUR OAR IN A-1 60NDITI0N ing diamonds, bo luro you buy from a jowolor of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bell, spon­ 2,195 in the parochial grade schools sors being Mr. and Mrs. James R. with a ropufotHH) (or intogrity ond honoit voluo. Siio ond cut alono outside Denver, an increase of It may need a Tnne-np or (Continued From Page One) Dolan; (Gregory Michael Sprigg, do not dotomHRO diamond voluo. Only o vory low of tho diomondi 289 in the past 10 years, with 62 second, published in the Messenger of the Precious Blood, is typical of son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Complete Engine Overhaul shown to our Mports oro soloctod for our stock. Tho quolity of thoso non-Catholic students registered. “ My initial efforts were horrible Sprigg, sponsors being Donald Schools with more than 200 pupils doggerel,” Mrs. Thorson declares her mystical works: EXPERT MECHANICS — GENUINE FACTORY PARTS muit bo such thtit thoy roprostnt honosf vofuo.* Frawley and Mary Agnes Hamil­ are: with a shudder, “ but my family WHO SEEK A STAR ton; Vincent Ralph Campbell, son COMPLETE EEIVDER & BODY DEPT. IL L U S T R A T ID i todlos platinum meuntod St. Mary’s, Colorado Springs..386 thought they were wonderful.” De­ Men do not touch a star b; of Mr. and Mrs. Harvley A. Camp­ St Anthony’s, Sterling...... 271 diomond of roro brillionct.. . from our stock. spite her family’s manifest admi- In the mud that murl bell, sponsors being Eugene and. FREE PICKUP SERVICE St. Mary’s, Leadville...... 258 ratio/i of her pen children, how­ stream— Virginia Lemansky. I ffrgenzio Sacred Heart, Boulder...... 203 ever, the little poetess allowed an The stars are reached by men, who ^ A tl ORDiRI INVITiD early marriage, three children, etc., C / y BROTH ERS i College Enrollment singing. 4641'^^VINER CHEVROLET iBdwy. to postpone any real efforts along Climb the ladder of a dream. Meeting of Committee ittc itv or tiiTiNcrioK Reaches 1,115 Total the writing line. TAbor 2309 • 2200 THE WORD College enrollment in Denver was Dislikes Juvenile ‘Horror’ Tales God spoke a word . . . the word For Dominican Sisters' 3ND nOO R UNIVIRSITY BUIlOINa, SIXTIINTH AND CHAMRA STRUT 1,115, an increase of 704 in 10 Recently, the Nursery Schools was Flame, I years, with 50 non-Catholic stu­ Association of Britain condemned And from the dust a red rose Bazaar Slated Sept. 2 AUGUST dents attending classes. The figures the tale of Little Red Riding Hood came; 1 FUR SALE for the two Catholic colleges are: as “ cruel, deceptive, and likely to Earth only, heard Him speak and The fine! meeting of the For Values I'alhedral Loretto ...... 336 create fear complexes among chil­ knows dren.” Mrs. Thorson was years Dominieen Si.ter. of the Sick Vst sf World War Ns. 1 (Saturday and summer The burning word that shaped Poor baxear committee will be ahead of Britain’s educational the rose. COLFAX AT WASHINGTON students) ...... 267 held Tueidav evening. Sept. R eg is...... ,...... 386 group, for, as she explains: “ When Mrs. Thorson has won too many K E 4 B 7 S my two girls and boy (the latter 2, et 8 o’clock in the Domin* i :r o i % o M Y (Evening classes) ...... 126 prizes, nationally and locally, to icen Sitter.' convent, 2601 now dead) reached the ‘tell-me-a- enumerate them, but a few should Noxt to Clarlto'o Cboreh Goodo story age,’ I rebelled at relating Gaylord .treet. ‘OIENVES’B HOST PBOGBBSSIVB” be mentioned. She captured the A complete report on the ^Wh0n in iom fpiHU call Imrr^ Students Retracing to them what I considered juvenile national prize for poetry awarded horror’ tales—for instance, Han­ reiulu of the Juljr baxaar will The Cascade Laundry & Dry Gleaners ^OCOtN annually^ by the exclusive Leag;ue be reed bjr J. L. Rice, treas­ VifiVtlL, 1634 Tremont KE. 4554 sel and Gretel escaping murder at Journey of Marquette of Amencan Pen Women, compet­ urer of tho baxaar committee. Complete Laundry & Dry Cleaning Service KREB DBUVKRV rRRB PABKINC the hands of a witch; Jack and ing against thousands. It is a well- the cruel giant killer who pursued AH those who helped in this Wa CaO for and Dslivsi Green Bay, Wis.— Two Univer­ known fact that Colorado has more project are cordially invited to sity of Montreal students are at­ him down the bean stalk; Bluebeard than its share of "writers. And yet 1847 Market St Tabor 6370-6379 and his terrible vengeance on his attend the meeting. Refresh­ A REPUTABLE DRUG tempting to retrace the journey the small, modest poetess walked ments will be served. DOWMNG STREET of Joliet and Pere Marquette from wives. And so I concocted my own away with first prize for the third STORE Harold A. Kiley, chairman Montreal to New Orleans. The stu­ stories for them, in verse—and I straight year for poetry in the PHARMACY honestly wish I had put many of of the committee, announced GEORGE U HILL. Prop. dents, Jean de Heame and Jacques adult division, sponsored by the St. Vincent de sPauPs Parish them on paper.” that the bexaar proved to be Proft>**ianat Pharmacitt Flahault, are making the trip in a Colorado Authors’ leag;ue. This very successful. Phon* CBrrr? I7t7 16-foot canoe. Even though the poetry-reading past year, she also won first prize COMPLETE LINE OP COSMETICS AND The route of Joliet and Pere public was not really aware of Inez in the juvenile division, and thus MEBCBANDISE Tbs firms listed hsrs dssarvs to HODGE GROCERY Ond«r N«« Manwcmrat Colfax at Downing Denver Marquette goes through Lakes On­ Clark Thorson’s name before she took top honors in both classes of bs rsmembsred wbsn you sra dU- tdl Downint Bt. Orartr KEratone S2I7 tario, Erie, and Huron, the Bay de was a grandmother, she had been competition. She is not a club tributiac your pstrons(s to tbs dlf- 2105 E. Virginia SP. 7505 Noc, the Straits of Mackinac, Lake preparing for her “ debut” for sev­ woman, but was active in the Colo­ fersot lines el business. W e have added complete BILL EHJGEIES, Prop. Michigan, and Green Bay, and then eral years through private study rado Catholic Poetry society when Line of FROZEN FOODS Complete Food Service goes down the Fox river, across to and taking courses in poetry, com­ it was in existence and does have Meats . . . Groceries COLFAX DRIVE-IX the Wisconsin river, and then position, journalism, short story, membership in several writer’s or­ STILL 598 South Gilpin MARKET down the Mississippi. etc. While she was conditioning ganizations. Fresh Fruits & Vegetables *^t*s Smart to B« Thrifty* herself about 10 years ago, Mrs. • Christian Thorson, who retired Free Parking Space Order’s First Thorson sort of felt around and July 31 after 45 years’ affiliation ONLY n. U. GUNUUU sold a number" of poems to the "with Western Union, has been his LEN’S Pharmacy Phone TA. “ 1776” Denver Poet. The 86 publications Golden Jubilarian pretty wife’s chief admirer for L. C. FEHB, Prop. Service Station AL BONINO, Urr. 10c accepting her works in the past four their more than 40 ypars of wedded Usnbsr 6t Vincsnt ds Panl’s Parish O. 1.. DAHl.. Prep. years have included sucji leading life. Next to him are the couple’s Have Your Doctor Phone secular magazines and newspapers That’s all it costs for each check Ut Yonr Prescription SPECIALIZING IN LUBRICATION two daughters, Mrs. Ramona King you write, when you have a “ Dime. TIRE REPAIRING AND RECAPPING as the Saturday Evening Pott, 2707 E. Louisiana RA. 3739 of Petaluma, Calif., an expert A-'Time” Special Checking Ac­ HATHAWAY’S American Mercury, New York skater who has appeared with the At LoniflaBa and 8oath CUjtoo 2001 So. Univ. PE. 9841 Timet and Wathington Evening count at The Denver National famous leecap^es, and Mrs. Hazel Bank. Star, and the foremost Catholic Hojje Hutchin, whose ringlet- City Lace Cleaners ‘ magazijies, including. Extention, topped daughter is interfering with Enjoy this time-saving conven­ St. Anthony Mettenger, and Ave her poetical aspirations just as ience, and pay your bills this busi­ 218 East Seventh Ave Vhone TAbor 7907 Maria. three young-u'ns once did with ness-like way. An account may be B01\]\IE BRAE Travel Gives No Inipiration Grandmother. opened for any amount, from CURTAINS PILLOWS CAREFULLY CLEANED AND RE­ $1 up. TURNED SAIME SIZE. SPECIAL CARE GIVEN TO TABLE Unlike many writers, Mrs. Thor­ Mrs. Thorson is a regular and Chopping District son does not feel the urge to travel No minimum balance required. .UNENS. BLANKETS LAUNDERED WITHOUT SHRINKAGE. welcome contributor to 25 Catholic for inspiration. As a matter of fact magazines, yet she is not a Cath­ You may also ” bank-by-mail” . . . IPORK CALLED FOR 4ISD DELIVERED she does not like it, and when in olic. Reared in a town predomi­ or open your account by mail. transit secures a roomette or draw­ nantly Catholic, she has made an Open a handy “ Dime-A-Time” GUNUUU PRUnUGTS -HOLTZ- ing room, and remains there expect intense study of the faith. Her case Special Checking Account today RED & WHITE for meals. She writee almost all is more than slightly reminiscent . . . at Lnbrication, Car Washing, Balteriet her waking hours while traveling, of Frances Parkinson Keyes, who THE DENVER NATIONAL Recharg^. Tire Vnlcanizing FRESH MEATS — nSH “but I do much better in my own wrote so beautifully of the Little BANK Groceries & Vegetables back yard.” BONNIE BRAE LOECHNIR AND LTNCN, INC Flower and who later entered the 17th sod CbsmpsL Mmaber Fedeisl Tour Patronas* Appivetatad FINE FLOOR COVERINGS Mrs. Thorson writes about almost Church. Deposit luurance Corporstion CONOCO SERVICE DELIVBRT SERVICE SP. ItU every topic under the sun, but she 724 So. University - PE. 9909 2626 E. Lonisiana at S. Clayton A Complete Line of Rugs, Carpete and Linoleum* definitely prefers dealing with na­ ture—and God. The following two INTERIOR DECORATING SERVICE Sister Mary Benedict (ebove) DRAPERIES — CONTRACT WORK INVITED quatrains are among her favorites Prelsser’s Red & White BONNIE BRAE is the first golden jubilarian of the —the first, which appeared in the DRUG CO. 7501 E. COLFAX AVE. FR. 3008 Congregation of the Presentation American Mercury, expresses her of the Blessed Virgin Mery, Aber­ Grocery and Market ALFRED a ANDERSON. Owncr-Mantgn EVE BY APPOINTMENT actual opinion on attaining what IF YOU ARE A FANCY MEATS, VEGETABLES. AND Prescriptions Filled At deen, S. Dak. She observed the is really worth while in life; the SOth anniversary of her religions QUALITY GROCERIES AT ¥our Doctor Orders LOWER PRICES profession at a Solemn Mass in FOUNTAIN SERVICE the convent chapel in Aberdeen, Outdoor 'Stations' Part Free Delivery SPmee 4447 “NEWCOMER” SSSl B. OU. Ava. (Be. UaH. aad Obtol 763 So. University RA. 2874 celebrated in the presence of Jokn HarvvT Prank L. Smith Bishop William O. Brady of Sioux Of Holy Name Rites Falls, who preached the sermon. to Denver and are short of funds, we invite you to see JOHN HARVEY A native of County Clare, Ire­ land, she is one of the four of New York.— Prayers for world us. W e have made many loans to those not having an SOUTH GAYLORD her family to enter religion. One, unity will be offered at the filth established credit here, to pay for shipment o f house­ QUALITY FURNITURE a Sister M. Theresa, also a member Holy Name religious service Sept. hold goods, to renew mortgages on automobiles, to make of the Presentation community, is 28 in the Polo Grounds, at Shopping District 2404 East Colfax ATenaa deceased, and the other two are down payments on real estate and for other worthy at Josepbins members of the Dominican order in which Cardinal Spellman will pre­ 4 Natal, Sooth Africa. side and deliver the principal ad- purposes. Any inquiry will receive our prompt and Term*, of Cour*« ^ 9 C a fl& U tx dress. courteous consideration. Mary Anne Bakeries Desv«r,6olA Monsigflor Joseph A. McCaffrey, [ominunitij Ploiuer' Specialists In Telephone EA. 4679 I W 1 iU o r ^ a 3 ^ / O O H spiritual director of the Holy Name societies in the archdiocese, said LOANS QUICKLY MADE ON PARTY PASTRIES StOFB PHONE SPrticc73l8 65,000 will take part Autos, Furniture, Collateral, First and Second Mort­ II Broadway IH4 a .. Oaylotd SAVINGS SP. 7415 PE. 7515 The ceremonies will include gages on Improved Denver Real Estate and to Salaried VAN ZQIUERUAN. Manasar Stations of the Cross. The 14 NOB HILL INN stations will he constructed around Employes on their plain note, without any assignment Phoaw CLARK’S FLOWERS PE. 8 4 6 4 42« BAST COLFAX Let your savings earn the i^ield, and 1,400 girls from of wages and .without notifying the employer. BOB’S PK. 8 4 «5 COCKTAILS ^COUPLETS UNB OP CUT PLOWBBS^ more...SAFELYI 14 Catholic high schools, in color­ Baylord Drug Go. AND POTTED PLANTS Higher than average ful costumes, Will represent the Delicious Dinners SWt Dsllvn TA. MaV earnings on savings. individual nations of the world in Loans Made Outside Denver by Mail Uroeery eid Market J* ROT Prop^ 1059 Soe Gaylord SP* 3345 Floral Sprays and Coraagee —protected by gov. prayer at the foot of each station. Groeoriee, Meata and Fancy h o t AND COLD LUNCHES [COLFAX DRIVE-IN l ilt B. COLFAX/ ernmant Insured and Vegetablee Prescriptions Careftdly Pilled Tear Boslntss Ir ApprsciataS Btrs guaranteed llrst mort­ French Edition Planned by Registered PharmaeisU gage home loans. With­ The Store >t Quality and Price drawal at any time. By Ohio Catholic ‘Comic’ The firms listed here de- SCHOOL HDQS Dtrpotils by 10th earn Dayton, 0.— A French-language SOUTH GAYLORD from 1st. Mail daposits JIM FURLONG The Arms listed here de­ edition of Treasure Chest, comic- lerve to be remembered welcome. type magazine publiaheci here by SUPER BfARKET serve to be remembered vhen you are distributing MINTKEN'S 4IS MaiasHc lid g . George A. Pflaum, will be inani 1735 Welton St KEystone 2224 Hcmbar of Aaaoclatod GroMia of Coleradt ZIt 16th SL, Denver when you are distributing Finect Quality Meats. Fmhs. mur patronage in the dif- OPEN* EVES. TILL t:H rated in September for C a n a l’s OPSB Dsilr liM to t:t « ! Bstardsrt tit] 1 P. M. Oar Branch Off is. Vegetablei, Groeeriea your patronage in the dif­ French Catholic children. The at Farisag Ants Cs.. t it Broadwap, Is Opsa tiU liM P. M. ‘erent lines of business. 1509 E. Colfax KE. 4667 ^ 1 uml)it\ S c\ v i n o s new edition will appear under the FREE DAILY DKUVRRIEB ^ ferent lines of buainiie. n^me Exploits. 1004 S. Gaylord spl IMS

1 PAGE FOUR Office. 938 B annock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, E E yston e 4205 Thursday, August 28, 1947

ELAINE F. COURTNEY WILL BE WED ITERARYI Lourdes Parish 1 •AGEANT IN CEREMONY BEFORE PRIEST-UNCLE •VPAUIHHAUOT (BUtseii Sacrament Parish, the usjiers will be CapL Mark Planning Rally Th» Saving Sente, by Father Denver) Wilson iind Leo Bottochio. A wed­ Walter Dwight, S.J., (N. Y., Declan Prior to a Nuptial Mass, Sept ding breakfast and reception will K. McMullen Co., |2.75). 1, at 10 o’clock Miss Elaine F. be held at the Denver Country club. (Oar Ladjr of Lonrdes After a short wedding trip, tjie Parish, Denver) We did not know of the ex- Courtney, deughter of Mrs. C. R. Courtney, will become the bride of young couple will make their home Our Lady of Lourdes shrine iatence of this author, a former Pierre Dominique, son of Mrs. P. in Denver. rally will be held in mid-Septem­ literary editor of America, who Dominique, of North Hollywood, Out-of-town guests at the wed­ ber. The Altar and Rosary society died in 1923, until we received this Calif. The Rev. Michael Maher, ding will be Mr. and Mrs. Ray A. will sponsor the party to raise uncle of the bride, will officiate. M a W of Des Moines, la.; Mr. funds- ■ for - the • Lourdes - 4CalifenitaSt. Catholic who reads her shrewdly Revolution of Love I Oppo.lt* Dtwvt Dry C«*Si Co. I PhoneM AIn5155 < spending the summer with his humorous observations it will be “ The choice,” he concluded, “ is uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Carl apparent that Mrs. Grant will be clear: Either the world will have Moroney of San M4teo, Calif., will “modem” again some day, or true a revolution of violence or a revo return to Denver this week end. He Dine in the Cool, Majestic Splendor of the Christian civilization will never be. lution o f love. The revolution of will enter Regis college next month. Form of Bequest for Windows Westward, by the Very love cannot jnst be preached, it Richard (ionway Miller, infant Rev. Stephen C. Gulovich (N. Y., must be lived by souls enkindled son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Establishment of CHARBONNET ROOM Declan X. McMullen Co., $2.50). as the burning heart o f Christ Miller, was baptized on Sunday It is frequently said by even Those of us who believe and live afternoon. William J. O’Brien and Funds for Education learned writers that the differences the revolution o f love have only Ruth Bums were sponsors. SERVING DENVER’S FINEST one objection against the revolu­ Meeting Advanced a Week of Priests: between the Church and the sep­ tion of violence, which means we SEA FOOD AND STEAK DINNERS The first fall meeting of the arated Eastern communions in have only one basic objection Altar and Rosary society, usually volve not only rite and govern­ against Communism— it is not Enjoy the Refined Atmosphere of Our held the second Friday of every ment, but doctrine. It is the main revolutionary enough. It leaves month, will be held on Sept. 6, a Beautiful Cocktail Lounge purpose of this writer, the Chan hate in the soul of man I” week previous. A large attendance cellor of the Diocese of Pittsburgh, Present on the stage at the City Byzantine-Slavonic Rite, and head auditorium, besides Monsignor is expected. Announcement will be made of several new officers of the of the Department of Philosophy Sheen, were Archbishop Urban J. of Duquesne university, to show Vehr and Bishop Edwin V. O’Hara 'various committees. Ensign Donald L. Hathaway. that “ the preachment of hatred of Kansas City, Mo.; Monsignors USN, spent the past week in Den­ against the Holy See and reunion William Higgins, Charles Hague, ver after returning from an At­ [by the schisma^cs] has never John T. Mulroy, and Matthew lantic cruise aboard the U.S.S. been and is not today based upon Smith; and the officers of the Randolph. He will be based at doctrinal disagreements, as is the Catholic Biblical Association of Yorktown, Va., the coming three RESTAURANT case with the Protestants.” Those America, the Rev. Patrick W. doctrines that are commonly ad­ Skehan o f Washington, D. C., pres­ months. * Private Entrance duced as evidence of heresy in the Members of S t Anne’s circle * Air Conditioned ident; the Rev. William J. Ken- will enjoy a luncheon and bridge Eastern Churches Father Gulovich * Completely Carpeted * Convenient Parking neally, C.M., Denver, vice presi­ as guests of Mrs. Mayme Fletcher explains as peculiar to non-repre­ dent; the Rev. Joseph Lilly, C.M., in her home on Tuesday, Aug. 26. Catering to sentative theologians and brought Washington, D. C., secretary; and A son was bom to Mr. and Mrs. BREAKFASTS, LUNCHEONS AND DINNERS up as pretexts for continuing dis­ the Rev. John Steinmueller, New Walter Kranz in SL Anthony’s union rather than as expressions York, (treasurer. hospital, Oklahoma City, Okla., Call SP. 9700 - PE. 0955 of the belief of the majority of The address of Monsignor Sheen last week. He •will be named Ri 1S78 So. Broadway For Retervationt Oriental Christians. The sole was presented under the auspices chard Harris Kranz. Grandparents ground of cleavage, he insists, is of the Catholic Biblical Associa are Dr. and Mrs. Walter Kranz of the misrepresentation that the tion of America, which will con Denver and Mr. and Mrs. J. How­ Holy See desires to abolish the elude its two-day convention in ard Ashby of Oklahoma City, Okla. Call a . Greek and Slavonic Rites. Make Denver today. The lecture was Mrs. Ste.phen Nowicki of Chi­ United Photo Studio’s the schismatics see the falsity of free o f charge to the citizens of cago, III, is visiting her daughter, *'CommereUl. Portrmits. Weddinff** this propaganda and there will be Denver. Mary Nowicki. MAIL ORDERS ACCEPTED ZOIVE €AB no further difficulty. The Russian BROADCASTS Mr. and Mrs. Willard Hutchins, MAin 7171 Church, which never had any di­ TO BE GIVEN Huntsville, Ala., were guests of 1521 Cuctit TA. 3412 Prompt Coartootn Sorrlea rect controversy with the Holy CHEAPEB RATB8 Radio station KFEL will re- Dr. and Mrs. Walter Kranz last "If UndecWed - Call Onlud" See, the author sees as the leader week. CLEAN NEW CABB in the healing of the schism. broadcast the address of Monsi­ gnor Sheen Tuesday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis left I Sept. 2, from 10 to 11 p.m. On by motor last week for a vacation station KOA Thursday, Aug. 28, in California. lOO-Year-Old Parish from 6:30 to 7 p.m. the Rev. Wil­ Miss Agnes Egan, who is a pa­ liam Kenneally, C.M., will give a tient in St. Joseph’s hospital, is To Get Newest School summary of the purpose and ac­ much improved and will be re­ BAD NEW S FOR^ complishments of the summer turned to her home this week. A PERMANENT BURSE FOR THE PERPETUAL EDUCATION OF Rochester, N. Y.— The century- school and convention of the Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Foley have had as guests the past week Mr. and old Mother of Sorrows church, Catholic Biblical Association of A SEMINARIAN IS $6,000. ANY PORTION OF America. Wednesday night’s talk Mrs. Dennis Daly and son, Gene, of BURALARS! which had Indians as its first par­ was nationally broadcast over the Casper, Wyo.; Mrs. Mark Hamling ishioners, has started construc­ Mutual network. and her three children of Hugo; THIS, HOWEVER, CAN BE LEFT. tion of an all-steel, pre-fabricated, Mrs. Foley’s sister, Mrs. John R. Rent a Safe Deposit Box from new and pre-insulated building to house Beavers, Hugo; and Margaret its 200 school children. Jeanne Cfiifford of Durango. installations in the great vaults The Rev. Daniel B. O’Rourke, Parish Lights Bonfires Prater Dunston Anthony, a pastor, reports that the one-story, Franciscan of Holy Name college, ^ of this bank . . . and protect all 128x40-foot structure will be com­ For First Native Priest Washington, D. C., is visiting his pleted and ready for the children parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert THE SUM OF $450 WILL TAKE CARE your valuable papers, jewelry, by Oct. 1. It will be completely Dublin.— When Father Martin Dooling. Sister Anne Vincetta, St. Louis, etc. against fireproof. Until last fall, the old de Bhailis. S.J., first native priest parish never had a school. At that of CarragoB, Connemara, County Mo., and her companion. Sister OF A STUDENT FOR ONE YEAR t h o f f a a • time. Father O’Rourke purchased Galway, came home, bonfires lit Margaret Ellen, who are visiting a residence and converted it to the seven-mile route from the par­ Sister Vincetta’s cousin, Mrs. S. P. f i r « a a a classrooms, which barely accommo­ ish boundary to the church at Keating, Jr., are guests at the dated 100 pupils. When a reristra- Pointe, where he offered his first Blessed Sacrament convent this COrMlMStHMSS tion of 140 students faced him, Solemn Mass- Virtually every man week.______the priest decided he needed a in the parish carried a torchlight bigger building. Since a conven­ in the procession. For Further Information, Apply at $5.00 PER YEAR RENTAL AND UP tional type would require nearly Father de Bhailis was presented (Less than a d im e a weekU a year to build, he favored the pre­ with a gift by his kinsmen, the fabricated school. poorest of whom scraped together a few pennies to add to the token Ogdensburg Priest Helps o f esteem. Dedicate Army Chapel La Salette Provincial Sendai, Japan.■pi — The Rev. CHOnCERV OFFICE On Official Europe Visit COLBPIOlllATIONiUBAlIK George M. Phillips, army chaplain from the Ogdensburg, N. Y., dio­ Order Now I mm AT CHAMPA . DENVn Hartford.— Very Rev. Francis cese, offered Mass at the dedica­ P. Crane, Provincial of the Amer­ First Communion 1538 Logan Straol Oonvor, Colorado MIMKR FIDCIAl DSPOSIT INSUIANCC COIFOSATION tion of tK new post chapel of the ican province of the La Salette Fa­ Confirmation Graduation Ninth army corps here. Assisting thers, has left here for England, at the cer^ on y was retired Bishop Ireland, and France, to make a 975 B war CK 3926 ..Jrl Januarius of Nagaaald. canonical visit.

L_ l Thursday, August 28, 1947 Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 PAGE FIVE

Catholic Action Trio Archbishop's Guild HOSPITAL AND MEDICAL 1 Members Fete 60 EMERGENCY LOANS j - Orphans at Picnic ‘m • Money quickly Sixty girls from Queen of to meet any emer-. PBIESHECTiBEB Dear Mi$* Guidoni Heaven and St. (Clara’s orphanages Becauee It wot not pouible for were the guests o f the Arch­ gency. =• me to live with my wi/e «u a bishop’s guild at a picnic Aug. 26 Christian, I have obtained eecleei- in City park. The popular and casual expres­ . • Fast, reliable, astical permission to live in separa­ The social action committee sion, “ Grow up,” took on a much tion from her. The circumstances deeper si^ificance when the Rev. members, Elizabeth Saya and low-cost loans on do not permit a declaration of Billie Lou Weber, who planned the Gerald A. Kelly, ,S.J., advised par­ nullity by the Church, since the ents to help their children ac­ picnic, were assisted by the follow­ AUTOMOBILE, marriage teas perfectly valid. There ing friends and membere of the quire a maturity of thought and are no children, I cannot hope for guild: The Denver Tramway cor­ FURNITURE action before they enter fnto mar­ a reconciliation, since my wife riage. poration, which furnished free plans to obtain a civil divorce and transportation; Henry Nadorlf and or other suitable The noted educator spoke be­ later to remarry, Mr. (ionover; Mraes. Anna Keith, fore a meeting-of parents at Lo- I want sortie basic advice on this B. A. Cullen, Ethel McCarthy, COLLATERAL. retto Heights college on Aug. 25 PREARRANGEMENTS situation, whose implications you Rose Mary MeShane, Lillian in conjunction with the 10-day probably realise. How am I to Leiker, Margaret Volk, Marie ASSURE PEACE OF guidance clinic for deans, princi­ reconcile myself to this situation? Kavanaugh, Eileen Koester, Phyl­ pals, and student counselors from MIND How can I live a normally happy lis Delhaute, and Dorothy Dand- high schools, colleges, and schools life without abandoning my faith row; and Misses Margaret Lynch, of nursing. Far-sighted men and or giving in to the temptations Jessie Pasquale, Isabel McNamara, Phene: KE. 6221 “ Consider marriage as a true that are sure to surround m e? I Catherine Corcoran, Virginia S women find that making vocation, just as you would con­ Vaughan, Catherine Maloney, The Most Rev. Robert E. Lacey, Action, which was held recently in am extremely ‘‘eligible,” since I sider a religious vocation,” ad­ Mary, Frances, and Catherine funeral arrangements Archbishop of Sen Antonio (cen­ the Texas city. am rathet well o ff and have aver­ ECURITIES vised Father Kelly. "A vocation Nadorff, and Madelyn Nalty. ter), is shown with the Very Rev. The final session of the summer age looks and intelligence; but ahead of need gives them is a pattern of life, desi'gned and CREDIT CORP. Anthony F. Droad (left), director school, which is sponsored by the what is more to the point, I still guided by God, to save one’s soul the same peace of mind as of Catholic Action in San Antonio, central office of the Sodality of have the instincts and desires that I4t|i Cr Broadway 7401 E. Calfax for all eternity and to give glory 3531 South Broadway buying life insurance or and the Rev. J. Roger Lyons, S.J., Our Lady, St. Louis, Mo., was held my broken marriage failed to sat- Unbreakable to God during one’s lifetime. St. Louis, Mo., associate director at the Morrison hotel, Chicago, Ufy. making a will. “ Surely, a Catholic marriage of the Sundkier School of Catholic III., Aug. 24-30. — Frustrated, must be a me%ns of saving one’s Dear Sir: NEW PLASTIC For full details of our Own soul and the soul of your You will notice that I have re­ prearrangement plan, call marital partner,” he continued. fused to adopt your own choice _ Father Kelly then outlined and of a psendonym. A frostrated STATUES KE. 6297. Your inquiry discussed in detail the seven posi­ Christ Founded a Society person is one who has suppressed puts you under no obliga­ tive points of character develop­ his instincts because he has not ment and Catholic living upon the courage to give them play. That 3" High tion. which he based his whole appKach is definitely not the same as sup­ to the parents in helping them To Perpetuate His Work pressing one’s instincts because prepare their children for mar­ their urging runs counter to one’s Infant of Prague riage. principles, the reasoned convic­ By R ev. J o h n B. E bel Word of God until tha Charch Sacred Heart of Jesus tions and Cod-given faith that give The seven characteristics that had designated them. And The tall spires of the Catholic meaning to life. Frustration means Mother of Grace would aid young people in grow the Church always under­ churches that lift the cross to the a wrecked personality, and Cod ing up emotionally were: Deci­ stood that these books did St. Anthony Horan & Son Chapels does not give commands to His sive thinking, which would enable sky in almost every city and vil­ not contain everything that KEystone 6297 KEystone 6298 creatures merely to min them. Assumption them to form practical, calm, and lage and hamlet are signs that Christ had taught, but that ■v 1527 Cleveland Piece reasonable judg[ments; the ability Christ has not left the world. He Tradition also contained His Yon have asked to be reconciled to accept criticism and profit by to your situation. I want to sug­ is there within those churches, un­ Word. More than that, with­ it; the ability to control emotional out the Church to interpret gest to yon that there is only one 35c en. outbursts; the ability to face real­ der the appearance of bread, in the what was contained in the sensible, healthy way to look at ity; a generous spirit of unselfish­ tabernacle upon the altar. Every books of the Bible, a hundred the apparent evils that come to us from adopting the Christian ness; a sense of personal responsi­ day in Mass He re-enacts His sac­ different meanings might be bility in family affairs; and a rifice of the Crucifixion for the re­ code in a pagan world. Yon must wholesome, well-balanced attitude demption of mankind. And His read into it— as in fact there realize, interiorly, that God’s plans on sex. teachings are carefully guarded have been outside the Church. for ns on earth involve the most “ The education of d child be­ and made known to the world from And indeed, what does anyone far-reaching development of our human selves that our nature will gins as soon as his eyes are these thousands of churches, all do when he wishes to promote, pro­ united under the authority of allow, thus to increase the certainty opened, so it is never too early for tect, or propagate an idea? He Christ’s vicar upon earth, the Holy of our achieving heaven and the parents to begin training their founds a society. Hence men have Father in Rome. depth of our happiness there. children for their vocation in life, societies for the prevention of COMPUTE tINI OF RElIGtOUS ARTICLES FOR CHURCH AND HOME whether it be for marriage or for The Protestants who rejected You do not sharpen a knife by cmelty to animals, for the appre­ passing it repeatedly through a Denver’s Largest Dealer the religious state,” concluded the Church but kept the Bible ciation of Hindustani poetry, for Father Kelly. were really standing Christ’s re- cake of lard. Yon need a hard, the cure of all human diseases by unyielding substance, something A . I * . W a g n e i e The guidance clinic, which was lipon upon its head. For Christ Yogi exercises. It is only natural that can'^wear away the rust and **After All, I fs Service That CountsT attended by 80 religious sisters, Himself never wrote a book to be then that when Christ wanted to impurities and restore the knife to ( III lit II G O O IIh ( 1338 Acoma conclude the 27th annual summer the only possible way of dealing ------* — 1 society or Church. This was His snpernaturaL by passing through educational program at Loretto with men if He did not wish to per­ this life as unconcerned specta­ Ob ClTit C«aUr Heigths college. primary concern, not the writing of form a miracle of inspiration and tors. Physical “ growing pains” a book. He gave to these men the illumination in each case. may be a myth, but spiritual DR. JAMES P. commission, “Going therefore, We need no further proof that growth nrarly always involves suf­ teach ye all nations” (Matt, xxviii, 300th Anniversary Kept this is the kind of Church suited fering. GRAY 19); fie did not tell them to write to mankind than a glance at those Optometrist and Optician Carry it a bit further. To sharp­ a book. who repudiated it and claimed that Of Saint Margaret Mary en a knife against a grindstone Optometrist Tha Scriptural, then, came the Church is a purely interior af­ yon must hold it in a certain way, Helen Welsh INSURANCE later, ai a help to the Church fair. We find them soon giving Paris.— At Paray-le-Monial in or yon will ruin the edge and nSVAL CARE AuoelsU in fulfilling the divine com­ themselves over to the secular r' Burgundy, where at the Convent W . R. JOSEPH mand to teach. They were princes, so that the King of Eng­ EYES EXAMINED JOS. J. CEUJV of the Visitation lived St. Mar­ entrusted to the C hur^, and, land became also the head of the bTES KXAMINBD indeed, there wai no rommon Church of England; the heads of 1120 SecnWtB Bldg. garet Mary Alacoque and where riSUAL TRAINING ' PImb* TAboi ISBO agreement upon the books tile governments of Prussia, Den­ PHONE KEYSTONE 2633 she received the revelations of the that were really the inspired NalMtir BM* mark, Norway, and Sweden, be­ by them. The ^ t s of God often Sacred Heart, fetes have begun came the heads of the Lutheran 212-18 Colo. Bldg.. 1615 Calif. St. marking the third centenary o f the Refugee Organization Church in their domains. The Phone for Appointment birth o f the saint in the neighbor­ spiritual treasures were handed over to the hands of the political ing village of Verosvres. tive acknowledgment that God’s TA. 8888 To Aid 'Voikdeutsche' despots. The jubilee was opened with a wisdom is sufficient for ns. Contrast with this uncer­ Pontifical Mass celebrated by the That is what I caU “ basic ad­ Basel, Switzerland.—^Some 200,- tainty of truth, and this slav­ , . . ike effeei o f Auxiliary Bishop of Paris. Fiffeen vice,” which is what yon asked thousand women took part in a 000 “ Volkdeutsche,” most of them ery to earthly politicans, the for. But I realize that it sounds procession o f the Blessed Sacra­ Catholics, are eligible for legal living voice of the truth of dreamy and impractical, and so ment. N Other days were planned Christ presented by the protection and resettlement oppor­ I want to apply it to your own I T ’ S T v m i especially for men and chil^«n. Church. The Catholic world case. tunities, the International Refugee possesses a voice of infallible For the Family Christ, appearing to St. Mar- Yon have lost from your life the aret Mary, revealed to her that Organization has decided. certitude in the decrees of the Holy Father, and of the unifying factor thaf had seemMl “TO DINE OUT” fEe desired that a feast be kept The '“Volkdeutsche” are mem­ to make it worth while, and yon in honor o f His Sacred Heart and Bishops of the Church united AND bers of German-speaking minori­ with him. Surely this is the must find another to lake its place. in reparation for man’s ingrati­ Since this blow has come, so to ties which have been settled in way Christ wished things, and COSTS LESS tude. From this beginning devo­ speak, from religion, turn to re­ various countries of Eastern and this is what Ha promised to THAN THE SAME HEAL WOULD COST AT BOMB tion to the Sacred Heart became Southern Europe for centuries. ligion for your solace. Your mbery St. Pater and the Apostles. U » SEATS — A public and in time universal. St. They had their origins in widely comes from your faithfulness t Otherwise H i s tsachings CLOSED UONDATS . / ( T a . I®* PARKING Margaret Mary died on Oct. 17, separated areas, including Aus­ make your faithfulness the cause t h M D B AIR CONDITIONED would become more and more 1690, and was canonized in 1920. tria, Flanders, Lorraine, and Sax­ of your joy. Yon are making a V he uncertain and clouded as time Her body rests in the Visitandine ony. All of them are now refugees great sacrifice t make that sacrifice went on, until only a vestige chapel at Paray-le-Monial. in Austria. fruitful by offering it willingjy, by of them would reu.ain, as in­ 0olden n Lantern keeping in mind the high motive deed we see in tha world that originaUy prompted it. It Is JESUIT IN CHINA FIRST INVENTED called Christian outside the only in this way that yon can co­ 1265 Bdwy. Naar 13th Ava. Restaurant KE. 1204 Catholic Charch. operate with G ^ ’s plan for you; A glance at the activities of the He, in torn, wUl not suffer you STEAM-DRIVEN AUTOMOBILE IN 1678 -\posties after Pentecost will show to be tempted beyond what yon that they understood the Church are able to sustain. as Catholics understand it today. (Address all correspondence to Shanghai. — Father Ferdinand smooth polished pavement of the In the Acts of the Apostles we see that the Church was a Hier­ Miss Roberta L. Guidon, Box Verbiest, S.J., a missionary priest Chinese palace a small wooden car 1620, Denver I, Colo.) who lived at the Imperial court of glided swiftly for more than an archical society, governed by the Cleaning at Its Best hour while its inventor, clad in Apostles, who exercised the three­ Peiping in 1678, has been called the colorful mandarin robes, explained fold power of teaching, governing, inventor of the steam automobile, 3 DAY SERVICE to the Emperor the driving force and sanctifying. Peter, for exam­ Registration Dates, according to a Shanghai historian of steam. ple, presided over the election of Pickup and Delivery and a Massachusetts scientist. Matthias to fill the place of Judas Hours, Listed For Writing in the Shanghai Cath- The exploits of Father Verbiest have received official recoMition among the Apostles (i, 12-26); TWO STORES olie Review, the Rev. Francis Rou- Peter delivered the first sermon in Cathedral Students le^au, S.J., professor of history at outside of China. Leroy Tnwing, professor at the Massachusetts In­ the Church, and 3,000 were bap­ 594 So. Broadway — PE. 4686 Zikawei, declares that over the tized (ii, 37-43); those who joined stitute of Technology, calls him the Regiitration date* *lightly the Church would sell their prop­ inventor of the first working model different from thoie of other 2025 W. Alameda — RA. 0612 erty and bring the money to the of a steam-driven automobile. Denver parochial tehool* were (Acroaa Prom Valverde School) Apostles for distribution (iv, 85- announced thi* week by Cathe­ SHOE REPAIRIMfi Father Verbiest, bom in Bel­ 3 'f); and it was the Apostles, as t*s Eltiaboth Arden's newest formulo—for flottery, gium in 1623 and trained in Eu­ recognized leaders among the dral nigh and grade uchool*. Cathedral high tchooI (tn- WHILE YOU WAIT faitMul, who -were -arrested and SOUTH DENVER CLEANERS l^n entirely new type of cream that somehow brings rope as a physicist, went to the Im­ denta will report to regitter for perial court of Peiping in 1660. He scourged by thp Jews (v, 28-41). benefits of beauty to every type of skin. Feel Dozens of other examples could be the 1947-’48 *chool year at 9 o’clock Tuesday morning. Sept. Hs rich emollience. See its amazing effects.. • was the author of 80 books. In­ cited. 2. Grade school pupil* will reg­ structor to the Emperor, court en­ Yes, the Church founded by how it helps skim the lines from the ister the following morning, gineer and architect, maker of Christ is the Catholic Church as WHEN PLACING OR RENEWING 1 Wednesday, Sept. 3, also at 9 surface, softens the skin of too- we know it today. In it-and through L s y s s M in im e cannon and of astronomical instm- o’clock. thln faces, Is almost a protector ments that may still be seen in Pei­ it He brings His teacning,_ grace, V O U S S H O tS and salvation to all men. The INSCRANCE egalnst time. Fragrant, ping, and an outstanding mis­ sionary. Church is there before the eyes of all men, for their salvation; if they REMEMBER and fantastically re­ When he finished his automobile. freshing, you'll find Father Verbiest made a small boat do not find it the fault is often FRANK ENGLAND. JR. their own. Perfection Cream with sails, blew steam into the sails' I Go* * Blsetrle BaiWai Dsuvw 1, Colorado belly, and watched the boat sail # TELEPHONE TAbor 6356 a perfectly away on the Emperor’s private Young People's Council heautiful experience. lake. t Father Verbiest died in 1688. d.OO and 10.00 Just before his death, he wrote to Plans Harvest Festival AS B'tCM ska IBM Rubber beela, top lifta, toe the Emperor: Don’t Fret . . . Forget Washday! USi; OUR Try Clly-Ellto’s “FLUFF DRY” . . . Douvor’a Most piecea, half aolea^ full aolea, “ Sir, I beg ^ u to remember that Th« Knights of Columbus hall, E in everything I have done, I had but 16th avenue and Grant street, BUDGET PLAN Popular Family Laundry Sorvieo. All flatwork (Ublo • <1 attached by experienced one desire: To make the most will be the scene of the first an­ UttOB, bod linen, and Idtehen linen) washed, ironed and All Amacvmmts Caa B* Mad* ready to uso. Hankies finished, 2c each extra. Shirt* mighty monarch of the Orient a nual harvest dance to be spon­ br PboB* ■hoemakera while you work protector of the most saintly reli- sored by the Denver Catholic finished, 10c each extra. All ether arti­ cles neatly folded and ready for ironing or shop. We also remodel gioion of the universe.” [NCWC Ra- Young Peoples’ council on Satur­ dio and 'Wire) day evening, Sept 20. Arrange­ STREETER - 1 ^ . . . so beautifully dona that many of our •boea, cut out toea or heela, ments are being made by the com­ customers even use them without iron­ NOTICE TO CSEDITOB8 IS A HARD COAL THAT ing] Minimum bnndlo, only 98c. EBTATB OF Aanis Bstl WUeox. Msntal mittee in charge to decorate the STORES WELL rebind^ take in sides to fit, Incompetent. No. S0S70. hall in harvest colors for this fes­ fQ Notice is bercbr given that on tha Sth tive occasion and it is believed - All Grada* of Lignita and make shoes longer or wider. day of August, 1947, letters of conservator­ ship were issned to the undersigned as con­ that the affair will eclipse in pop­ Bituminous Coal* Fer Queiitj Sko» RtpaMng mt servator of the above named estate and all ularity the successful ball spon­ CITY-EUTE LAUNDRY ______1'- persons having claims against said estate sored by the council last January. PHONE GL. 4715 ropttlar Prfeua Ftsfl Our Sfur* are required to flle them (or allowance In the County Court of tha City and County Bill Petrie’s orchestra will fur­ a^;!;iil'IUirprnillT I-IVI(IM!ll!!ljlitil D 'UANITQNF •nnm Ow»r ri» MB* Cn^a^-KlyiSeeB «w Rapeir Dept. . . . Bmetmeni of Denver, Colorado, within six months nish the music. Tickets will soon THOS. WILLIAMS from said data or said claims will be for­ be on sale and may be obtained AND SONS T A b o r 3 3 8 5 ever barred. 10"-',) Off for Cosh i Carry at 2T0I Laurrnet. 1462 Tork, 1809 Cha.upa JOHN T. HORAN. from club officers and council U9S lIUi 8L ' Biac* Ittl Conservator. delegates. PAGE SIX Office, 9S8 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Sisters Are Brides ALTAR SOCimr OF ST. ANTHONY'S Officers Named MAX’S BAKERY CONDUCTS ITS FIRST MEETING

MAX LOWDEBHILK, Pxo». In Double Rites (St. Anthony’s Parish, Danvar) The election and meeting were By Credit UnioD DELICIOUS CAKES The first meeting of the Altar conducted by Mrs. Sedlmayer as and Rosary socie^ of St. An­ director, ghe is president 6f Pres­ AND PASTRIES (St. Catherine'i Pariih, Denvar) thony’s parish was held in the entation parish Altar and Rosary (Sacred Heart Paridi, Denver) In a lovely wedding which took home of Mrs. J. V. Renaud on society. < At the meeting of the Sacred Heart parish credit union Monday Decorated Cakes place in S t Catherine’s church Aug. 16. There were 22 members Eloise Carol Kolacny, daughter For AU Occasions and seven guests present. Election of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Ko- night the following were elected: July 30 prior to a Nuptial Mass, of officers was held. Mrs. Rita iaeny of 1463 S. Knox court, be­ Board of directors, Terence Healy, Try Our Dutch' Crunch Bread Miss Delores Lorraine Lovelace be­ Traynor was named presi(Jent, came the bride of John W. Reu 3230 Arapahoe street, term expires 719 W . 8th Are. came the bride of Thomas L. Shep Miss Eleanor Scutch, first vice aud, son of Mrs. J. V. Renaud of 1950; Joseph Kilker, Jr., 2748 Walnut street, term expires 1950 pard and her sister, Miss Margaret president; Mrs. Nelly Hart, secre­ 6500 Morrison road, at a double­ tary; Mrs. Leona Reichert, finan­ ring ceremony in the Church of Clarence L, Wyatt, 2094 Ogden Ann, the bride of Martin J. Lally. cial secretary; Mrs. Will Nider, the Presentation Sunday, Aug. 24. street, term expires 1949; Teofilo YOUR PAVORITB OAIET AND The ceremony was performed be­ treasurer; Mrs. Gertrude Bunce, The Rev. A. A. Boeding, a close Martinez, 2923 Firth court, term MASTER (Cl CREAM SPOT fore Father Norbert Walsh of ways and means chairman; and friend of the bridegroom, offici­ expires 1949; William Jenkins, Stoneham, who had taught the Mrs. Clarice Boeding, reporter. ated. He was assisted by the Rev 2312 Franklin street, term expires The meetings will be held the sec­ expires 1948; PRODUCERS DAIRY four young people in their school Michael Maher. ond Wednesday of each month Officers — President, Terence days at Holy Family high. Servini The bride, given in marriage by KEY SHOP in the homes of different members Healy, 3230 Arapahoe street; vice 933 BANNOCK at the Mass were Robert Jones am her father, was gowned in ^ d i- tional white satin with rowe point president, Qarence L. Wyatt, 2094 803 18th St. TA. 0812 O lnctlr Actom th« S tm t P to a Walter O’Hayre, who were school­ Ogden street; treasurer, Joseph / Tb* R*«ist«t mates of the young couples. Fa­ lace inserts that also encircled the 8th Grade Pupils train. She wore a gold cross and Kilker, Jr., 2748 Walnut street; ther Joseph lOoontz was present Credit committee— Chairman, J LUNCHES in the sanctuary. chain given her by the bridegroom. Spaghetti U “i6-o®:":;n!.';!r_10c 1 Her veil was o f finger-tip length Albert Harris, 2938 Arapahoe COFFEE FOUNTAIN SERVICE The brides are the daughters of Register Thursday with a crown o f seed pearls. Her street, term expires 1950; Arthur and the best in Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Lovelace bouquet was o f orchids, white Mayfield, 2847 Do'wning street, Airway Pork & Beans 13c of 4441 Meade street. 'Parents of roses, and sweetpeas. term expires 1949; Peter Hotra SEBVICE CALLS AUTO KXYB DAIRY PRODUCTS the bridegrooms are Mr. and Mrs. At St. Philomeno's 2856 Curtis street, term expires l-lb. b ta _ 41c HAIL ORDEBS ACCEPTED The bride was attended by Mrs. Pork & Beans Nr"> 4 « d._ 1 9 c Howard Sheppard of 4673 Bryant Leona Reichert, sister of the 1948; Nob HiU street, and Mr. and Mrs. Emmet (St. Philomena’t Parish, Denvar) bridegroom, as matron of honor. Supervisory committee — An Lally of 3956 Wolflf street. Registration of eighth grade She wore a white net dress with thony A. Martinez, chairman, 2074 l-lb. baa____ 43c Beenie Wienies 19c Miss Dolores chose Miss Therese pupils of St. Philomena’s school is yellow flowered hwddress and Clarkson street, term expires 1950, Weslerkamp Bros. Duffy for her maid of honor and taking place this morning from 9 carried a bouquet « yellow and I. G. Marquez, 2831 Curtis street, Edwards ' Snacks ______Me Miss Rosemary Barth for her to 12 o’clock at the schod. Pupils white carnations. The bridesmaids term expires 194#; Robert Kilker, l-Ib clu* or can_ 50c KE. 9043 5106 Wash. bridesmaid. Miss Margaret Ann of grades one to seven are to reg were Mrs. Clarice Boeding, an 2748 Walnut street, term expires Pirlrlne 1948. r ic K ie s suc., 2<-o*. aiu*. __ 35c EVERYTHING A GOOD GROCERY had Miss Delores Artese for her ister Friday morning during the other sister of the bridegroom, and Folger’s SHOULD HAVE maid of honor and Miss Jean same hours. It is necessary that Miss Marion Kolacny, sister o f the The temporary office of the O l i v e s ^**’*’^ Giant Rip* BEST rbODS AT LOWEST PRICES Manes for her bridesmaid. all prospective students be regis­ bride, who were dressed in blue credit union will be in Sodality or can_ 85i-oi. can__ 43c —WE DBUVEB— l-Ib alaji 50c Bill Sheppard was best man for tered on these two days. and pink net gowns, respectively, hall, below the church. It will his brother, Tom, with Don Bums The Rev. George Evans, who has and had headdresses to match. be open after all the Masses each Sijpday for the convenience of R«d Seal acting as usher. Martin LaUy taken over the duties of athletic Each carried a bouquet o f pink Potato Chips 814-01. pka... 25c EGGS chose his brother. Bob, as best man director, has procured the services and white carnations. The flower- members who wish to make pay­ ments on shares, or to purchase Breekfeat Gems and another brother, Harry, of Alex Risoli as coach for the girl tvas Mary Ann Southerland, Ritz Crackers l-Ib. box__ 30c The House of Quality Meats and Groceries usher. boys’ teams in the Junior Paro, dressed in a blue floor-length taf- new shares, or for any members Grade A of the parish, men or women, who Miss Mary Rose Dalton, chial league. Mr. Risoli, who etta gown. She carried a basket of Cheese Pimento, 614-0*. ch*dZ IT INTERMOUNTAIN ELEVATORS Miss Emily Johnson was maid e ■ iiipii.i ..o m m DENVER Robert M. — PanI V. — M. T . Marram of honor, and bridesmaids in­ cluded Miss Joy Cummings, Miss Betty Ann Costello, and Miss A . A . A . ' FORT MORGAN ASK Maryjane Costello. They were GROCERY AIVD MARKET, INC. attired in tiered go'wns o f taffeta EARL BAILLIE and ANDY SERFOZO, Proprietor* FLOUR MILLS in Chinese Peacock blue and car­ 4 05 8 Tejon Street GLendale 7753 -ANXOrXCEM EXT- YOUR ried colonial bouquets of Talisman FORT MORGAN roses with salmon-colpred stream­ Ham*, thort thank. 44< White King, ers. The same flowers fashioned Smoked Picnic*, lb.„... Large pkg...... 31 BRANCHES AT— GROCER LONGMONT . . . YUMA their headpieces. Mr. Terry was Pot Roait, Paiteuriaed Creemery y p e attended by Hugh P. Emmett, best HUDSON . . . HILL ROSE AAA Grade, lb...... 48’ Butter, lb...... FOR man; D. V. Craven, and his broth­ MILLERS AND HANDLERS OP ers, James and William Terry, as Wiener*, Pet Milk . 4 9 Q c FLOUR, WHEAT. CORN. BARLEY. ushers. A A Grade, lb...... 48’ Tall Can* ______G for G O OATS, AND MILL FEEDS After the ceremony a reception Lindner'* Slab Bacon, Del Monte Country Shipperel was held in the Majriair room of Sugar Cured, lb...... 49’ Pineapple, No. 2 can. 29‘ Consign Your Shipment To Vs the Brown Palace hotel. Mr. and (FREE DELIVERY! HENRY'S Mrs. Terry will reside in Denver after a wedding trip to Minnesota. PRSIIN HAUG BROS. mams MARKET Monntam Frozen Foods CORN FED MEATS HOME PUBJMC MARKET n S H AND POULTRY 416 W . Warren PE. 7574 (94. Park Free Shop and Save J k ) 1030 W. Colfax TA. 7297

AS NEW AS THZ ATOMIC AGE ONE HOUB CLEANING SERVICE Beaver Cleaners &. Tailors REWEAVING. REPAIRING, REMODe LiNO IF FISH B e SUKETOgAT Phoaa MAin 9613 Large Auortment of Potted FRANK BEAVER ItS 15TH STREET IS YOUR DISH Ai Hod«rn Ai Tomorrow Plants and Funeral Designs

W ASHING MACHINEiS AS MODERN AS TOMORROW REPAIRED JERRY BREEN FROM 2 IGA STORES TO SERVE YOU A L L MAKES ■ t !( GR. 0159 * GALL Quality Meat Mkt. Florist “ IFe’ r* Qualified for Quality** 1456 Cslifomla UA. 2279 FAGAH’S **The Whole Town's Talking** Fine Sea Food MA. 0541 ALpiue 4641 Delivery DRIVE CAREFULLY t Free Delivery “ You might kill one of our customers" ADDISON’S “ You Will Always Play Safe” When yon get Quality Meau at Mountain Fruit Co. TA. 2758 Jspen Tee ...... 1.00 Ib. Quality Fruit* aad V*c*tabie* Formoie Ooloag Tes....«1.20 lb. RONNIE VERNON BOB WEBER Gunpowder Tea Jess Bob Wsber ii ■ aeaiber e f^ L Ro*e *1 (pinhead) ...„...„.._...1.20 Ib. U s * P*r


As You Shop For Food, Shop For Modem Heat . . • And Be Comfy This Winter. RELIAJVCE HEATm G COUfPAA Y B - 4 - U BUY STOP AND SEE OIJR VALVES KE. 1075 KE. 1677 Thursday, August 28, 1947 Office, 9S8 Bannock Street THE DENVEB CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone PAGE SEVEN

Denverites Attend ^ THE THING TO DO SUMMER MASS SCHEDULE Lewis Bride When You Can’t Afford Disappointment IN DENVER ARCHDIOCESE ENJOY AN INVIGORATING DRIVE Sodality School Of Fred Boofils To (Chritt the King Pariah, Denver) Tk* summer eahedule of Masees daysl 8. tnd and 4th Bandays. H Holland’s LA RAY HOTEL Theatre Misses Gloria Hallen, Catherine ^ the Denver archdiocese tn par­ days. 9 40. (Holy Family Peritb, Dearer^ SWIM Morroni, and Mary Lou Wolfe left ishes that have reported the Mass HOLYOKE. S t Patrick's. I, 1st trd. and On Aug. 23, Miss Betty Ann PARK PE. 9877 5th Sundays; 940, 2nd and 4th Snn- IN GOLDEN In Clean, 1028 S. Gaylord by plane Aug. 24 to attend the time to the Register is given below. days. Holy daya, I. Lewis, daughter of Mrs. Anne M. sodality Summer School of Cath­ Paetore art asked to send in the HUGO, S t Anthony of Padua’s, 7 49. Lewis, and Frederick G, Bonflls, Wcdnefdar-TliBnday-Fridar-Satnrdajr. olic Action being held in Chicago. schedule of tksir parish if not lat Suaday; 9. 2nd Snnday, IL led son of Haj. and Mrs. Frederick For U bcIm o i or Dimer Aaiat IT-fUKSOi The girls are students of St. and ith Sundays; and 11)15. 4tb Sun­ Heated listed, tn order that a eomplsts day. W. Bonfils, were united in mar Mary’s academy. schedule may be made for the bene­ IDAHO SPRINGS. S t PanI'i. 9. riage before Father W. J. Koontz. Yott^U Like the Food, Service and Atmoiphere Van Johnaon - June Allyton in Mrs. John F. Murtaugh has re­ fit of tumtner vieitore, Drinking ILIFF, St. Catharine's, 7 40 and 0 40. Miss Virginia McGarry was maid HIGH B^BAREE turned from Our Lady of the ANNUNCIATION. 1611 Humboldt. 1:11, DINING ROOMS OPEN DAILY IRONDALE. 7 40 (at tha Iron dais of honor, and John E. Sutton From 12 to 2 at noon— 6:30 P.M. to 9:80 P.M. Rockies summer camp near Ever- 7:10, 8:30. 9:30. 10:45. and II. school). Water and Zanc Qrey’a acted as best man; The bride, Sundays and Holidays From 1 P.M. to 9 P.H. reen sponsored by the Denver BLESSED SACRAMENT. 49S0 Mont- JOHNSTOWN. 8 40. trd Snnday and lat CODE OF THE WEST feanery o f the Archdiocesan Coun­ alow Blad.. 7, 8, I SO. 10:45, and 11 who is a Holy Family school Saturday, graduate, was attired in gray, SUNDAY THRU cil of Catholic Women. Mrs. CATHEDRAL, CoKax and Locaa, 0, T. 8, JULE8BURO. S t Anthony's, 7 40, 8 40 Phone Golden 68 for Reservation, or Snndar-Monday.Tnndar-t^cdnatdar, Murtaugh is co-chairman of the 0, 10. 11:30. and 13:30. and 9 40. with matching hat and accessories, just drive out and come in SATURDAY Anput ll>Sapt«Bbcr camp project HOLY GHOST. 638 19th atratt. 6. 7 a5. KERSEY. 8 4 0 . lat Snnday and trd Sst- and her corsage was of purple SU5. 9:16. 10:15, 11:16. and 12:15. arday. orchids. l l o 5 P.M.-7 to 10 P.M. Shirley Temple • Guy Hadiun Mr. and Mrs. Paul Horan and HOLY ROSARY, X. 47tb Ava. and Ptarl, their son, Paul, Jr., are vacation­ 6 and 10, KIOWA, 9. trd Sunday (July. Aug.. Father B. John Paolozzi was . Adults 60^, Children 3 5 f ■ Franehot Tone in bet): 11 (July. Sept, Nov.). organist, and the vocalist was Miss ing at Sun Valley, Ida. LOYOLA. 1101 York St., I. f. 140. SCHWINN-BUlir KIT CARSON, 10:46. litland tnd Sun­ Mela Carrerra. The young couple HONEYMOON M ot* Into Horn* 10:80, and It. Bolr dajri, 0, 7. I, Come Out to Beautiful and I. days; 9. trd Sunday; and 1045, 4tfa are making their home in Denver. PROGRESS PLUNGE and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Fahey and 6th Sundays. OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL. 1540 KREMHUNG, 9, Sundays and holy 3300 W . FLORIDA Edward G. Robinaon recently moved into their home at Navaio St., 6, 7. 8, 0, 10, and 11. Baptism Admioiatered t BIki. W. rtd. BWd., daya. CLUB PALOMINO Lon UeCalliater in 1395 Glencoe. PRESENTATION. W. 7tb Ava. and Ja- Father William Jones adminis­ Xilw ft. Losan bus a t AUmeda and Mrs. Lamont Smith, the former LA F A Y nT X . S t Ida’s, 109 W. Cannon. Bdwy. THE RED HOUSE lian St„ I, 7, 8. 0. 10,' 11. and It. 7 40 and 10 40: tered the sacrament o f Baptism AT 2680 WEST HAMPDEN Miss Amelia Pfeffer, and her hus­ SACRED HEART. 2760 Larimtr, 140. PH. WESTWOOD 386.W LXADVILLE, Aanunelatlon. 7 and 9. Aug. 24 to the following: Patrick AVENUE band of Wichita, Kans., are spend­ 7 40, 0. 1040. and It. Week daya, 7 40. Cornelius, infant son o f Mr. and ALSO FULL Port Logan Rd. ing their vacation in Denver and ST. CATHERINX’S. W. 41nd Ava. and LXADVILLE. S t Joseph’s, 424 W. 2nd. Fadaral, 0, 7 40. 9, 10 40. and 1148. Mrs, Edmund Coffey, with James LINE OF are living at 4716 E. First avenue. 640 and 6 40. O’Boyie and Ravena Barnes as TRICYCLES Mrs. Albert Seep was a ^ e s t ST. DOMINICS. 1006 Fadaral Bird. LIMON, Onr Lady of Victory, 9:11. 1st 6 40. 7 40, 0, 10 40. and It. sponsors; Marilyn. Louise, infant of Mr. and Mrs. Ro^er Musick Jor and trd Sundays; 7 41, tnd Sunday; SPECIAL— FINE FOODS ST. ELIZABETH'S, lltb and CurUa. 8. and 9 4 5 ,'4tb Sunday. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur several days at their “ L Quarter 8. Oils, 11, and 1245. Wtokdapa. Famous Pennsylvaiiia $ 4 98 UTTLXTON, S t Mary's. 8 and 10. Deandrea, with Arch and Mar­ COCKTAIL LOUNGE Ranch” near Eagle. 6, 046, and 8. garet Smith as sponsors; James Tires, X6-in. only...... • Retarnt to Wiclilt* LONGMONT. S t John tha Baptlafi, ark lane hotel ST. FRANCIS DX BALES’ . Alaraada and 8 40. 8, and 10. Edward, infant son of Mr. and and Tube* at OBe DANCING Miss Ruth Faman, who has been EL Sbennan. Snndaya and Holy days. COCKTAIL LOUNGE 1. 8, 7. 8, 9. 10, 11, and It. LOUISVILLE. S t Lonlt’. 7 and 9. Weak Mrs. Claude Marsh, 'orith Mr. and TO visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. daya, 7 40. Mrs. Aloysius Seaman as sponsors; PRESENTS ST. JAMES', 1248 Newport. 640. 740. ROXIE DeCARLO’S J. P. Faman, left by plane Aug. 8 40. 10, 11. and 12. LOVELAND, S t John the ETange)lat*s. the three children of Mr. and Mrs. fxpert Kepairiag 24 to return to Wichita, Kans., 8th and Grant Sta.. 8 and 9 40. Junt; Our Prices Are Right ORCHESTRA ST. JOHN'S, FUtb and Joaaphina. 0. 7. 7, 940, and 11, July and Aug. Charles O’Connor: Charlotte Ann, Music In A where she has been working for 8, 9, 10, 11. and It. Waakdaya 7 and 8. HANITOU SPRINGS, 8 40 and 9 40. with Mr. and Mrs. John O’Connor SENTIMENTAL more than a year as secretary to ST. JOSEPH’ S (Polifh), 517 X. 41th • MEAD, Gnardlan Angel church, 9. as sponsors; Frederick Allen, with AMERICAN aCLERY MOOD Monsignor .William Farrell, rector Art., 6. 7:80, 0, and 1040. Albert and Peggy Mayfield as OPEN FROH 16 A.M. TILL 2:00 of St. Mary’s Cathedral and Vicar ST. JOSEPH’ S (Redemptoriat), W. 8U> MEEKER, 9. tnd Sunday. CARL J. HAUSEN, Prep. With the sponsors; and Gelina Francine, Ifamlwr of St, Vlncaat 6* Pssl'* Psrish Cloft^d llondiTi General o f the Wichita diocese. and Galapago. 6 40, 7 40, 8 40. 140. MARYVILLE. 8. , 1140, and 8:80 (St. Annt’a ehapal). with Robert O’Connor and May 1401 So. Bdwv. PE. 3180 Dr. and Mrs. William L. Earley MONUMENT, last'Sunday In month: ST. LEO’S, 008 10th SU 7. 0. 10 40. Juua. July, and OeU 11; Aug. and Alice Schreiber as sponsors; and Johnny Neill entertained at a barbecue at their and 11:15. Sept, 9. Sandra Lee, infant daughter of home. Their guests were Dr. and ST. LOUIS’. 8300 S. Shannon SU 0. 7. MT. HARRIS, 10. 3rd Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stanich, with Quartet Mrs. P. C. Allen, Dr. and Mrs. 8. 0. 10, and 11:10. NEDERLAND, 8. William Stanich and Frances Edmond Glessner, and Dr. and ST. MARY MAGDALENE’ S, W. tSth NEWCASTLE. 12, lat Sunday. Checkas as sponsors. ENTERTAINING NIGHTLY and Dopaw, 6 40, 8, 10, and It. Mrs. Donald O’Rourke. OAK CREEK, 10 40, tnd and 4th Sun- On Aug. 25, Father Koontz Weekdays Dancing 8 :3 0 to 12:30— Sondays 4 to 8 Mrs.' Thomas J. Flaherty and ST. PATRICK’S. W. tSrd at Paeot. 0. dayi. 7 40, 9, 10 40, and 12. Weak daya, I. baptized Judith Ann, infant Greene s Drive-In Restaurant No Cover For Bciervationa young daughter, Jane, returned PARKER. 9, lat Snnday (Jana, Aug., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George ST. PHILOMENA’ S, 2810 E. 14th Ava. O e t); 11. lat Sunday ■ (July, Sept Aug. 26 from an extended vaca­ and Detroit, 5:45. 7. 8:16, 9 40, 11, Not.). Sever, with Margaret Maney as ^ West 8th Ave. at Speer Blvd. 450 So. Marion Phone P L 4611 tion in Califoraia. Mrs. Flaherty end 12:16. Waakdaya, 0 40, 7 45. PEETZ. Sacred Heart 7 40 and 9. Week­ sponsor. visited relatives in San Diego and and 8:15. days, 7 ;80. S t Ann’s circle met Aug. 26 N Featuring .... friends in and San ST. ROSE OF LIMA’a 18t0 W. Naaada PLATTBVILLK, 9. for luncheon and a business meet­ Francisco. PL. 8 and 10. RED CLIFF. 9. 4th Sunday. • BREAKFAST from 45c MASTERSON SIGHTSEEING TOURS ST. VINCXNT'a 4200 LowaU BWd.. RIFLE, 9 40, lat Sunday. ing in the home of Mrs. E. M. Miss Mary Cecile Earley, daugh­ 8:16. ROGGEN. Sacred Heart 6, Miaalonf, I. Gaylor. IN BUSINESS 30 YEABS MAIN OFFICE «11 SEVENTEENTH 8TBEET SHERIDAN LAKE. 8, 1st Sunday. - PHONE CHERRY 3040 ter o f Dr. and Mrs. William L. ET. VINCENT DE PAUL’a E. Ariiona The members of the three • LUNCHEON from 45c Earley, and Miss Roberta Swigert, STEAMBOAT SPRINGS, let and trd In Lobby of Sea Hotel and S. Joaephlna Sta.. 6 40, 8, 9, 10 40, Sundays, 7 and 10; tnd and 4th Sun­ upper grades of the high school , •DINNERS from 65c Laxariena T Faaacngar Cadillac Can City and Moantalna daughter of Dr. and Mrs. William and 12. days. 8 and 10. arc reejuested to report Friday, Swigert, recently returned from COLORADO SPRINGS STERLING. S t Banedlet’ s hoapitaL 719 Aug. 29, at 9 a.m. for class pro­ •Booth and Counter Service Wahbuga camp near South Boul­ 8. 6th Ava., 6. CORPUS CmilSTl. Coaeadt at Jaokton. STERLING. S t Anthony’ s. 172 8. trd. grams and assignments. THE FAMILY RECREATION SPOT der. 7 40. 9 4#; and 11. 6, 7 40, 8 40. and 10. OPEN 24 HOURS DAILY Miss Suzanne BrubeclL daugh­ PAULINE CHAPEL, Broadmoor, 7. 0. STuNEHAM,TOK“ E t John tha EvangeUat’a, ter of Mrs. Albert de Bey, left and 11. Waekdayi, 8, 8 40, lat Sondar; 10 40. tnd Sunday; Fr. Bloomer to Review ^ I For Your Convenience — Courteous Curb Service ^ Aug. 27 with three former class­ SACRED HEART, 2026 W. Colorado 10:30, 3rd and 4U> Snndays: and 8:30 Ava.. 8, 10, and 1140. Waakdaya, 8th Snnday. mates from St. Mary’s academy, 7 40. STRASBURG. S t Oertmde’a. 1140, 2nd 'Miracle of the Bells' Misses Jeanne Coughlin, Mary Far­ Sunday; 7:80. 4th Snnday. rell, and Jeanne Steinhart, to at­ ST. MARY’a 21 W. Kiowa. 0. 7. a 0. STRATTON, Bt Cbarlas’. 7 and 1040. I 11. and 12:10. Week days, 7. tend the fiesta at Santa Fe, N. VICTOR. S t Vletor’i, 8 40 and 10, al- The Rev. Louis Bloomer, S.J., FOB DINNERS DE LUXE OR MIDNIGHT SNACKS Mex. OTHER CHURCHES OF temata Snndays, beginning June 16 Will review The Miracle of the Misses Mary Ellen and Jo Anne ARCHDIOCESE (8 4 0 ). Seep, daughters o f Mr. and Mrs. YUMA, 8 40, Sundays and holy days. Bells at the meeting of S t Vin­ plon AKRON, St. Joaaph’ t, 10:80. 1st and trd WELBY, Assumption. Boots 8, 6 40, Albert Seep, are spending two Sundays; 8:10, 2nd. 4th. and 5th 7 40, and 9 40. cent’s Aid society>! on Tuesday, ^ N o t c -^ weeks at Buckley’s camp at Winter Sundays. Beclnnlng Sept. 7, Matiaa WRAY. St Andrew’s. I and 9 40. Holy Sept 2, 2:30 p.m., in the home park. at 8 40 and 10 40. days. 7 40 and 9. of Mrs. Frank Fleisch, 860 Penn­ Mrs. WUliam Swigert and chil­ ARVADA. St. Anna's. I and 10. sylvania street IThere Quolltf Food StOl Fropafts and at Uodaratm Cost ASPEN. SL Mary’s. 8 and 10. 1st. 3rd. Becomes Bride dren are at the Swigert family and 5th Sundays; 8, 2nd and 4th Sun- An invitation to attend is ex­ net) near Steamboat Springs. days. tended to all members of the so­ They were joined by Dr. Swigert AURORA. S t Thtrata’a, 9606 X. 14tb ciety by the hostess and by the 1644 GLENARM Opea 11 A H. to S A. this week. Ava.. 8 and 10. president, Miss Eva M. Walsh. BASALT, S t Vlneant’a, 10 40, 2nd and 4th Sundays. This will be the first meeting fol­ RED CROSS STAFF BOULDER. Sacred Heart of Jtaoa. l i l t lowing the summer vacation and a pr'w WWW urw w w w w w w w w large attendance is expected. 14th S t. 640. 8. and 10. [ BEST FOLKS OF ALL NEEDS VOLUNTEERS BRXCKENRIDGa 040. 2nd Sunday. SIGHTSEEING BRIGHTON, S t AnonaUna’s. A 6th and y ‘‘EAT^T-THE-HALL** CHECKER CABS Mrs. E. Fraser Bishop, chair­ Bush Sta., 6:80, 8, 9 (Spanish), and Denver Cleaner Opens ) Jo* M. Bland, Mgr. BOGGIO’S man of staff assistants, Denver 10:80. Watkdayi, 8. ED DUNDON, Mgr. chapter of the American Red BRIQG8DALE, S t Joaepfa’a, 10 40, 2nd * Hall Hotel Coffee Shop TA. 2233 AcroM and 8th Snndaya: 8:80, 4th Sun^y. New Plant in Aurora D t i / r e r i e Cross, has announced that vol­ ^ 1121 Curti* Straat 4*4 ITth S t TA. 4628 from BUFFALO, 10. unteers for the staff assistance t AOh A A A A A A A A A A A A d Cosmopolitan LUNdlEONS . . . SOc corps will be needed beginning BURLINGTON, S t Catharfna’a. 840. In keeping —— ' ■ ■ ■ Hotel » Sept. 2. CAMP ST. HALO. 8 and 10. street deveTo; • CAMP SANTA MARIA. 8 and 040 Tremont DINNERS . . $1.00 This need offers an opportunity (Jana 8 to Sept 14). at to volunteers to assist in the im­ COZEN RANCH CHAPEL, 8. CoekUil Grill portant work the Red Cross is Broadwaj CASCADE, Holy Roaary, 9 and 10:80, HOT SULPHUR MIHERAL BATHS doii^ and also to brush up on CASTLE ROCK, lit and 3rd Snndaya, 11 shorthand, typing, filing, and (Junt. Ant.. Oct), 0 (Jnly. Sept, mimeograph work. Nov.). AInIJ Interested volunteers are asked CENTRAL CITY. 10. to telephone ALpine 0311 and CHEYENNE WELLS. Saertd Heart register before Sept. 2. 9:80, 1st Sunday; 0, 2nd Snnday: James Deloherj 10:45, 3rd Snnday t and 9. 4th and SWIMMIHG POOL 6th Snndaya. Cleaners.” 128 BROADWAY Local Catholic Author's CUMAX. 840, 3rd Sunday. CRAIG. S t H lehatra--940. Fine Food Wine and Beer Novel H ig h ly Praised CRIPPLE CREEK. S t PtUr’i, 8 4 0 and MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT JIM’S 10, sltamata Sundays, baglnnlng 140 Bide-o-Wee Cafe Hot Sulphur Springs, Colo. A novel of old Mexico written by Jnna 8. Frances G. King of 1132 E. 16th CROOK, 8 and 10. CoBaelataly RaaoTatad sa4 Rodaesrstad DEER TRAIL. S t Joseph's. 11. 1st Son- a AB. ta 740 r.B. talljr Eiai*t taadais avenue, Denver Catholic author, day : 7 :80, 3rd and 5th Snndaya. was chosen by Ben Ames Williams EAST LAKE. 9. O Breakfast O Lunebeon as a "poweiiully and beautifully BATON, 8:80, 2nd Sunday and 4th Sat­ 0 Dinners ‘‘Come to Church written book.” _ urday. Mrs. Kind’s novel, Firm Stands ELBERT, 8, 2nd Sunday; 10, 4th Sun­ New Fountain Service the Sky, will be her second pub­ day (June, Aug.); 9. 4 ^ Sunday 1023 Broadway KE. 9731 in the Mountains’’ lished novel. She is a member of (July, O et). I Mrs. Cbarloa Strong ( a b o T o ) , Cathedral parish. ELIZABETH. 10, tnd Sunday. daughter o f Mrs. Clara Krouse, ERIE, S t Scholaatica’a. 9. was married Aug. 17 in Annuncia­ ESTES PARK. S t Waltars, 7, 9 40. 0 40. tion eburch. Her hnabend, Cbarlei and 11. Strong, ia tbe ton of Mr. end Mr*. Cahrini ESTES PARK EVERGREEN. 8 and 10. Frank Strong of Denver. Father FRAZER. 8. James Moyninea officiated at tha Shrine FLEMING, S t PaUr’s, 7 and 0 (Sun­ ceremony. days and holy daya). Visitors ESTES PARK LUMBER CO. FOUNTAIN. 9, 1st and 3rd Snndaya. FORT COLLINS, S t Joaaph’a, 808 W. Br Papular Daaumd 'PLANNING FOR A BETTER PLACE Mountain avenue, 8. 7. 8:80. and 10. G. E. CASEY, Mgr. TO UVE” Weekday!, 6:30 and 8. Wa bars a llnaitad nombar FORT LOGAN, S t Patriek’a. 7:30. I. of Imported Holy Water and 11. Omtainers to bring water FORT LUPTON. 7 and 8. boms from the Bbrine, FORT MORGAN. S t Helena's, 801 SUte only 8Se poatpaid. S t. 7 40 and 9. Holy daya, 7 Il5 and 8 40. Otbar Shrins Artlelaa FREDERICK. S t Tharata'a, 7 40 and 1040. The Tepees HARDWARE . BUILDING SUPPLIES GEORGETOWN. 8. t 1 GILCREST, It. ★ SWIM 'r: Kt. I Borgsa Pork TH B BEST OF EVERYTHING" GILL, 8:80, 4th Sunday and tnd Satnr- For DhiMr ReaarraUoA day. Ph. Loskoat 2932 LISTON LODGE OLSNWOOD SFRINaS, S t Stapban's. A Wealth of Health 7 and 9 until Ind Sunday tn Sept TOURIST ACCOltHODATIONB GOLDEN. 8 and 10. Jim Litton. Owner—Vtt. War 2 ErprsTMa llC GOLD BILL CHAPEL, 8:80, Jnly and Aug. Fun in the Sun GRAND LAKE. 8, 9 40, and 1140. I ROOSEVELT A Swiss Chalet in the Rocky Mountains and 9. Aug. II. at GREELEY, S t Peter’s, 9th sveano and Oar dinner! hare otade Brook 12th itreet 7, 9, and 10 40. GRILL Forett Inn, Fanoni GROVER. S t Mair's, 10 40. lat Sun­ day; 8 4 0 , 2nd Snnday. Vlalt tho New Alpln* Cocktail Famous for Room RAXTUN. 9 40. 1st Srd. and 8th Bnn- s p o r u ju id For Rate! and Inferautiea Ph. FINE FOODS Irarrreea II Chrit E. Maurer, Owner Cocktails BEACH Fast Courieoms Serviea COME IN AND MEET "THE PERSONS" J- 18th and Cnlifomia Dancing ererjr Eve. Delicion* aandwiehes and eoff**. Beer on tap. Cockuili. The Evergreen. ★ Each New Record Evergreen Trading Post NOW OPEN Each B*w Alb«m . . . brings ponr library • RED AND WHITE QUALITY FOODS graatar ability to uatiufy your «T«r-cbaB^Bg GROCERIES — MEATS — FRUITS — VEGETABLES mood. NIGHTLY MAKE OUR RECORD DEPARTMENT YOURS wlih __Ht*9s Hsadrfxt • Fraukrtmk ftf**M ’H L 9:00 thshsMi Fsttsf*** • a* ED. CORBIA’S DRUG STORE Record Ployers Liny Vsuag • Niw (EVERGREEN DRUG STORE) r EVERGREEN, COLQ., U.S.A. ALTITUDE 7,039 FEET GE and Zenith Radios ★ DUKE’ S G] FINEST OP FOODS NOW SHOWING! Under New Monatement of BREWER'S "EVERGREEN BY THE LAKE'.' Rea. Evorfraca f l COLORADO APPLIANCE CO. 32nd and Monroe DOmNIC CROW 18th at ALpin* The ‘’Sramnu Oop" Calif. 1421 Smorcaabord Dlnnan, Steaka, Proa Lata. Franeh Fried Shrimp, Liqnen WHERE FRIENDS MEET DENHAM D a n ein g to SHORTY, SUE AND SALLY AND THE BOfS 2 8 Broadway 1135 Broadway Phone t DE. 5919 1620 E. 34th Ave. TA. 9240 Dancing Nightly Op«a Daily

J PAGE EIGHT Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEyatone 4205 Thursday, August 28, 1947'

Wins Scholarship BACK TO SCHOOL STUDENTS ACCM WILL SPONSOR LUNCHEON Quick Service Quality Work i - YOUNBSTERS-JUNIORS—SENIORS "W '.-l; ^AT CONVENTION Of STATE NURSES Reasonable Prices Itart y«iir Khool wtlli BdaUun BMt. prapcriy flttcd ituMA Brtnkhnt, the borne o< the ebeolntcly lavUble BEACH BLENDED BIFOCALS (Arclidio€e4«n Council of Cotholic served as press chairman for .mini Nur4t*) Mercy hospital. B r o a d m o o r C l e a n e r s Ev«tT Type of Bifocal Lenics. AO StylM of Modem MonntlBsa. According to an announcement Sister Mary Lawrence will be Burke Broe* (Members of St* FrencU de Sales Parish) • l^eo Examined • Olanes Fitted • Lenaes OnpUcmted by Mise Mary Louise Maloy, chair­ the new superior at Mercy hospital, man, plans for a luncheon to be Durango. PE. 8485 712-718 So. Pearl sponsored by the Denver Archdi­ Colorado Coneral Hospital AT MT. CARIilEL ocesan Council of Catholic Nurses Mrs. Edward Hicks, a recent at the annual State Nurses’ con­ convert, is on the general staff. (Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish, vention have been made for Mr. and Mrs. James Gentleman, Denver) Wednesday, Oct. 29, at 12 o’clock Silver Creek, Neb., are spending A triduum in honor of St. Ce­ St. France de Sales* in the Cosmopolitan hotel. a week with Misses Margaret and cilia will start Thursday, Aug. 28, The principal speaker will be Eleanor Scheuth. The Seneuth sis­ at 3 p.m. High Mass will be cele­ the Very Rev. Raphael C. Mc­ ters spent the past week at brated Sunday, Aug. 31, at lO >GEO. W . ABC Hardware & Carthy, S.J., president of Regis Ouray. o’clock. The procession will take college. Father McCarthy will ad­ Miss Alice Van Valkenburgh, place about 5 p.m. The outside Sporting Goods Store OrrOMETRlSTS ob4 o m c i A i i s ______dress the nurses on “ The Nurse MASTER ACC!IN membership chairman, Col­ festivities will be held Saturday I n 'I S t li St. IstwtM dMMH « 4 Stwrt Stt. IMIr 1760 and Mental Health.’’ This will be orado General hospital, is treas­ and Sunday evenings, Aug. 30 and Complete Une of an opportunity for the nurses of urer for the graduate council of OPTOMETTRIST t The 1 BrlnkbaiH Bret, ud Bey L. DUleo, Anedate 31, on the church grounds. The 5 Broadway ' 8HERWIN-WILLIA5f8 AND KOMAC Colorado to welcome an educator the hospital. PAINTS — ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES who has contributed greatly to the committee consists of Mrs. Rose Mrs. C. R. Valkenburgh, Chick- Di Pace, chairman; Mrs. Mary Dia- development of nursing education asha, Okla., is visiting her daugh­ ■1282 So. Pearl SP. 7196 FACULTY MEMBERS standards through his work at ter, Alice. mico, and Mrs. Concetta Cerrone. Marquette and St. Louis univer­ Miss Patricia Collins, 1344 Eu- St. Philomena’s Study club will have the annual picnic on Friday, Edward Jaraea Smith, 18; out- sities. Nurses are urged to secure dora, is working in Uie pediatrics Aug. 29, at 12 ;30 p.m. at Chaffee AND TEACHERS ataading student and athlete of their tickets at the earliest possi­ department. TOOLEY’S park. Games will be played and Dwyer Drug Pueblo Centennial high school ble date to insure a place at the Miss Mary Kassentchuck, R.N.A., prizes awarded. and brilliant quarterback of the luncheon. Tickets may be obtained has returned from a trip with the GIVEN SPECIAL ATTENTION Mrs. Elvira Capra announces FOOD STORE State All-Stars who outclassed the from Miss Mary Louise Maloy, mountain club. -Gal Rale Droge- 1422 Grant. The price of the ticket Miseellanoous Nows the engagement of her daughter, CHOICE MEATS . FISH pick of Denver’s high school foot­ Edith, to James White, son of ballers in the sixth annual prep is $1.60, and should accompany Miss Nell Porter, surgical su­ Prescriptions Called GROCERIES the reservation. pervisor, St. Luke’s hospital, was Mrs. Prances White. No definite Annunciation classic last Friilay night, was an­ date has been set for the wed­ For and Delivered FRESH FRUITS AND nounced as winner of the 1947 Mrs. Mary Downing and Ifrs. secured as a new conneu member ding. VEGETABLES scholastic tcholarthip award to the M a ^ r e t Cart, ACCN telephone by Mrs. Margaret Cart. Wines • Beers, Etc. chairmen, entertained the commit­ Miss Elizabeth Hogan, 1800 S. Mr. an<} Mrs. James Gibbons are By BottU or Caso BIRD’S EYE FROZEN FOODS nRUB!» PBI(^ W^'oENVEB University of Notre Dame, made the parents o f a girl, Florence annually by the Denver Notre tee at the home of Mrs. Downing Downing, former staff nurse, Nar FROZEN FOOD LOCKERS - BISHOP’S - I Aug. 20. Members present in­ tional Jewish hospital, has ac­ Jewel. Mrs. Gibbons is the former 1400 So. Broadway Dame club to a Colorado boy, Josephine Patch of this parish. FRA N K LI DRIJGW 5c TO $1.00 STORE Jimmy Smith is an honor stu­ cluded Mmes. Dorthea Hoell, cepted an appointment to the Vis­ RA. 2405 900 So. Pearl SP.6587 dent and graduate of Pueblo Cen­ ACCN president; Mary Baker, Jo­ iting Nurse association, effective Irene La Badie Wed sephine Anderson, Bernice Kittrell, Sept. 1. Joo Dsvyor Harmao Lldko 8TOBB 1626 E. 34th A ve. tennial high school, where he Miss Irene La Badie of 3967 3g2S£§ gained scholastic distinction as a Esther Neavill, Ann Miller, Ceci­ Miss Doris Wright, 131 Colo­ Navajo street became the bride 1411 FBANELtN ST. TEL. CH. 7507 m e^btr of the National Honor lia Riordan, and Helen Pritchard, rado boulevard, is office nurse for of Frank Laurita of 3947 Navajo society, member of the student and Misses Gertrude Downey, John M. Lipscomb, M.D., and Leon street on Sunday, Aug. 24, prior Alameda Drug Store Mary Cronin, and Agnes Coyne. T, Howard, M.D. to the 9 o’clock Mass. The best Buchanan's SAVE MORE ON council, and as sports editor of the V. O. PETERSON. Prsp. The firms listed here de­ high school yearbook. He was also According to Sister Mary Je­ Mr. and Mrs. William Blakely, man and maid of honor Vere Louis ITEMS GALORE rome, chairman of the spiritual Cafe & Cocktail Lounge a member of the Junior Newman 1352 W. Alice place, announce La Badie and Margie Coach, re­ Cat Rate Drags serve to be remembered life committee, the intention for the birth of a boy July 23 at club. spectively. The Rev. Thomas Lo- Fountain Service ■ School Supplies when you are distributing WE RECEIVE NEW the month of August is to pray Mercy hospital. Mrs. Blakely is the Cascio, O.S.M., pastor, officiated. Fine Foods MERCHANDISE EVERY DAY! No. K-417 for the spiritual welfare of the former Margaret Durkin, Colorado Your Btuineti Appreciated your patronage in the dif­ NOTICE OF PURCHASE OF REAL E8 Miss Marie Capolungo of 3548 369 South Broadwa.v Shop BISHOP’S Often TATE AT TAX SALE AND OP AP nurses. training school for nurses. Lipan and Daniel Longo of 3437 Alameda and Broadway ferent lines of business. PLICA'nON FOR ISSUANCE OF Contributions for the purse for Lt. Laurette Dwyer, ANC, Osage were united in marriage on TREASURER’S DEED the Most Rev. Hubert M. Newell, Fitzsimons General hospital, is a Sunday, Aug. 24, prior to the TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, snd (Coadjutor Bishop-elect of Chey­ new council member. more apscitlly to J. A. Miller, Public 10 o’clock Mass. Witnesses were JACKSON’S Trustee, Max Bronstine, CItv snd County enne, should be sent to the chair­ St. Joseph’s Hospitel Raymond Longo, brother of the Blessed Usaeramenl of Denver. The Moffat Tunnel Improve­ man, Mrs. Edward Geiger, 1320 E. ment District, Frank G. Richardson. Mr. and Mrs. John Galligan, bridegroom, and Rose La Bate, Cut Rate Drugs 13th avenue, 325 E. 18th avenue, announce the sister of the bride. Father Lo You and each of you are hereby notified PRESCRIPTIONS iMcMahan’ sl that on tha 25th day of November, IMS, St. Anthony’s Hospital birth of a boy, Thomas Michael, Cascio officiated. Both Marie and — ANNOUNCEMENT — FOUNTAIN SERVICE Rental Library the Manager of Revenue, Ex-Officip Treea- Mrs. Caroline Casagranda of Aug. 17. The maternal grandpar­ Daniel are members of the senior IDA V. MITCHELL urtr of the City and County of Denver and FEES PBOHPT DELIVBBT Stale of Colorisdo, sold at public salt to Blackhawk announces the mar­ ent is W. F. De May, Denver, and choir. Can 8P. 1444 Dowaluf 4 AUassda WUhM to enneonee to h*r maar PARK HILL Frank G. Richardwn, the applicant, who riage of her daughter. Miss Caro­ the paternal is Mrs. Helen Galli­ Betty Cole Is Bride Cleaners Friendi of Park HID Flower Shop has made demand for a Treaaurer’t Deed, gan, Denver. •ho li Bowr aaooelated with line Casagranda, to David L. Sval- Miss Betty Cole and Joseph Tar­ BOOK STORE the following described real estate, situate berg. Sister Anne, obstetrical super­ Y o o r Vogue Flower Shop MAKGARrr GRIMSTEAO in the City and County of Denver and State visor, has been assigned to St. antino were united in marriage on of Colorado, to-wit; Mrs. Hazel Sleeth of Kimball, Sunday, June 27. The best man Neighborhood 1T71 Hamboldt TA. 1171 4624 E. 23rd Are.’ DE. 1S61 Lota Twenty-Nine (29) and Thirty (80), Neb., announces the marriage of John’s hospital, Leavenworth, ROTOLO’S and maid of honor were Dominic in Block Twenty-Two (22), Claytons Ad- her daughter. Miss Patricia Ann Kans. dhioD, that said tax salt was made to sat- 796 So. Broadway Cleaner We Speciaiixe in Permanent BOULEVABD VACUtni Sleeth, to Bud F. Svalberg. The nurses’ unit of the Needle­ lify the delinquent apeetal taxes aaaeaaed Standard Go* and Oil* .Waving and Hair Styling SWEEPEB CO. against said real estate for the yaar 1986; The bridcCTOoms are the sons work guild has started its drive 1383 S. Pearl SP. 4 908( 1424 Colorado Boulerard | t)»t said real estate was taxed in the name of Mr. and Mrs. David Svalberg for donations. This committee is Op«n Ertrr Dar THEL91A KASSON Phona OEztor 4214 . Doartr, Colo of Rita Mahoney; that the statutory period composed of Mrs. Genevieve An­ of redemption expired November 25th, of 1462 S. Sherman, Denver. BEAUTY SALON WE BEPAIB 1988; that the same has net been redeemed; The double-ring ceremony for drews, Mrs. Viola Fanger, and Ida Badloa, Vacnam Swtepen, Lanpo, that said property may be redeemed at any the two couples took place in St. Maye Miller. In place of purchas­ 1874 COLOBADO BLVa Toaitan, Iron*. Waihln* Machlnta. time before a Tmx Died ii issued; that a PHONE DEXTEB 1144 Irontri, Mixer*. Etc. Catherine’s church, Denver, Aug. ing garments, the unit collects 50 MERK’S Tax Deed will be issued to the said Frank cents from each member and then DENVEB. COLOBADO WORK CALLED FOB G. Richardson, lawful holder of said cer­ 27. THELMA KA8S0M. Hanaawr BUCHANAN’; AND DELIVERED tificate, on the 19th day of December at 5 The brides wore identical white Sister Rame, St. Joseph’s baby an­ DRUG STORE o'clock p.m., 1947, unless the same has lace and net gowns with finger­ nex, purchases the baby garments. Christian Bros. Wines PHONE; MAin 6066 JOE LOFFREDA been redeem^ before 5 o'clock p.m. of said tip length veils. The maids of Helen Crowley is on vacation (FORMERLY MAHONEY DRUG) dfttc. Prescriptions AccnraUly PilUd All Popular Bctn WITNESS my Rknd and seal this 18th honor were Miss Alice Haggerty in California. MAY WE SERVE YOU 7 AAA Landscaping Co. day of August. 1047. and Miss Georgia Slee^. Mr. and Mrs. Kentzel Bradley Ico Crtass — FoaDteln Ssrries Wa Deliver HARVEY D. WILLSON (Seal) The best men were James Sval­ are visiting Mr. Bradley’s sister, 1300 So. Pearl PS. 7539 PE. 1777 377 So. Bdwy Landtcapa Dtigning Manager of Revenue, Ex-Officio Treasurer, berg and Charles Svalberg. Mrs. Margaret, Wilson, in Palo Treea and ShmlM Tiiaraod and Remored — Sprayinx — Lawni and Flowar Bada City and County of Denver in the State of Colorado. Miss Casagranda is a graduate Alto, Calif. 900 E. 12TH AVENUE By ROY W. CASS, Edith Strunpsler, '44, who Is BOOK TOUR ORDEB8 EARLY LICENSED AND INSUBED of Gilpin County high school and Deputy Treasurer. of St. Anthony’s hospital school of working at St. John’s, Santa Mon­ St. Philomena's First Publication Aug. 28, 1947 Last Publication Sept. 6, 1947 nursing, class of 1947. ica, is visiting friends in Denver. Miss Sleeth is a graduate of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. ^ Fitz­ IVlarsoiek’a S t . No. K-414 Expert Radio Ropairing 0 Joseph's Parish NOTICE OF PURCHASE OP REAL ES­ Kimball high school and of St. An­ simmons, 2568 Birch s'treet. Radio & Blessed Sacrament parish, left TATE AT TAX SALE AND OF AP­ thony’s hospital school of nursing, Appliance PLICATION FOR ISSUANCE OF class of 1947. Aug. 19 for a visit in Chicago. TREASURER’S DEED David Svalberg is a graduate of Miss Helen Madden and her two i Store \ Bob & Van’s TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, and nephews from Chicago are visiting j 3404.04 East Colfax =i------NATIONAL mors apccially to Alvin B. Diniels, Den­ South high school, Denver, and is EA. 5141 nis She^y, City and County of Denver, attending Denver university. He in Denver. Miss Madden was for­ MEAT MARKET the Moffat Tunnel Improvement Dlateict, served three and a half years in merly obstetrical supervisor at St. RADIO REPAIR BRANDS STORE J. Max Wright. Joseph’s. Free Pickup 90-Day CuarantM 24-Hoor Serrlce 744 Santa Fe Drive You and each of you are hereby notified the army. HIGH GRADE MEATS that on the eighth day of December, 1928, Bud Svalberg is a graduate of Sister Edna, who is in charge and Delivery PHONE TA. 9104 of the pharmacy, accompanied by VEGETABLES and GROCERIES the Manager of Revenue, Ex-Officio Troaa- South high school, Denver, and is Reatonable Price* FRESH n S H nnr of the-City and County of Denver and SHUnO BROS. 741-743 Santa Fe KE. 0747 attending Colorado State school of her two sisters, is visiting relatives Stata of Colorado, sold at public sale to agriculture at Fort Collins. He in Buffalo, N, Y. j ALL OUR WORK GUARAN'fEEE FINEST IN FRUITS City and County of Denver, assignor of THREE MONTHS J, Max Wright, the applicant, who has served three years in the army. Sister Anne Leonard, former' AND VEGETABLES Watldns & Sons made demand for a Treasurer's Deed, the A reception for relatives and night supervisor at St. Joseph’s, 8311 E. Colfax following* described real eatate, situate in THE BLARNEY SHOP (FORMERLT BILLY VAN'S) Call friends was held at the home of who has been at St. John's, Santa Mrs. Joseph Tarantino ^ EA 4586 FR 1909 the City and County of Denver and State t2#5 Eaat Colfax at Steel# FR 99M of Colorado, to-wit; Mrs. John McNeil, sister of Miss Monica, Calif., the past three Pres DcllTrry Quality Foods—Meats Lota Thirty (20) to Thlrty-Six (34), In Casgranda. years, was in Denver Aug. 19. and Rita Minellono, respectively. W.lcoms Tonrists Fish—Groceries Block Twenty (20), Argyle Park Thomp­ After a trip to California, Mr. Sister Mary Thomasine, super­ Margaret Hadley was matron of VICK’S sons Subdivision that said tax sale was intendent of nurses, St. Mary's, honor. Rose Bellanti was brides­ Wa Dell Tar Ordait ef $2.04 or More and Mrs. David Svalberg will re­ made to latisfy the delinquent general taxes Grand Junction, was in Denver maid, and Frank Sparacino was BLOCK WATCHES & WATCH BANDS 820 Santa Fe TA. 0538 assessed against said real eatate for the side'at 720 S. Alcott street, Den­ WINES, BEERS, ETC. year 1932; that aaid real astate was taxed ver. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Svalberg attending a board of directors’ usher. Mr. Tarantino served in the FLORAL CO. BRIDE GIFTS in the name of Eatate of Alvin B. Daniels; will reside in Fort Collins. meeting for the Colorado State U. S. army for three years and Bottle or Case that the statutory period of redemption ex- Nurses’ examining board. was stationed overseas for two 3238 K. Colfax at Adami WATCH REPAIRING pired December 8th, 1934: that the same hai Mrs. Gertrude Marshall, former Alfred M. MOSER Staff nurse on pediatrics, is work­ years. EM. 3351 ITe Deliver not been redeemed; that said property may Room 204 KE. 7873 Fine Watch and Clock Repairing be redeemed at any time before a Tax Deed Opp. Blue-Bird ing at the Veterans’ hospital, Fort NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT AND All Work>rlc Guaranteed(juarantc is issued; that a Tax Deed will be issued Lyons. « Member 1530 CHAMPA 8T. 258 Santa Fe Drive to the said J. Max Wright, lawful holder St. Vincent's Unit DETERMINATION OF HEIR.SITIP Florlita Telegraph Delivery Aaaodatlon of aaid certificate, on the 19th day of De­ Misses Helen Helgoth, Eleanor ESTATE OF CHARLES E. NEELEY. DE- W. T.r. owErOWENS KE. 7943 cember at 5 o'clock p.m., 1947, unless ths Hager, Dimple Stampfel, and Ro­ CEASED. No. 80766. earns has been redeemed before 5 o'clock salia Hammes attended the ACCN NoUc« U hereby given that on the 30th To Convene Sept. 4 day of September* 1947, I will present to 730 Santa Fe Drive VaWaVWaWiViVaWaVWa^ p.m. of said date. picnic at Washington park. Wnl^ESS my band and tea] this 18th the County Court of the City and County day of Auguit, 1947. Mrs. Ella Coleman is employed of Denver. Colorado* my aceounta for final S t . HARVEY D. WILLSON (Seal) in the maternity departmMt, and In Hall at School aettlement of the adminietration of aaid INTEMANN’Sl Ja n ie s ' Manager of Revenue, Ex-Officio Treasurer, eaUte, when and where ail persona in in- Miss Esther Tonyan, 1117 Penn­ tereet may appear and object to them, if Ted Clinton Fino Candies Ico Cream City and County of Denver in the State sylvania, is in the nursery. of Colorado. they ao desire. (Oar Own Manafaetors) By ROY W. CASS, Mercy Hospital (St. Vincent de Paul’s Parish, Notice is also hereby given that there 3225 E. Colfax EAst 2690 FRANK E. BRENNER, INC. Deputy Treasurer. Miss Lois A. Burk, former staff Denver) haa been filed in aaid eata'te a petition ask­ First Publication Aug. 28, 1947 ing for a Judicial ascertainment and de­ Last Publication Sept. 6, 1947 nurse, N.J.H., is employed in the The Altar and Rojiary society termination of the heirs of aucb deceased* Complete Motor Service on .All Makes nursery. will meet in the school hall Thurs­ and setting forth that the naiiea. addresses BCDT A PAINT DEPARTMENT—MOTOR TUNEUP OUB SPECIALTY Mrs. Stella Nearing, Granby, has day, Sept. 4, after recitation of and relationship of all persons* who are or TIRES—BATTERIES—GAS—01L claim to be heirs of said deceased* so far See DOYLE’S been released as a parent. the Rosary at 1 p.m. Refreshments as known to the petitioner, are as follows, HUDSON MOTOR CARS Sister Mary Urban, assistant su­ will be served. The members will to-wlt: Joseph R. Neeley, ScottablufT, Ne­ FRAIVK AI>nrONFLLI 6001 E. Colfax DE. 1533 PHARMACY perintendent, left Thursday for receive Holy Communion in the 8 braska. Route 2, son; Perry Karl Neeley, 1410 North Street, Gerlng* Nebraska, son: at iiiiiiiiiiunnniiiiiitffHmnuniimtiHmmuuNmiiniiiiiiiamQfflDJitmtti The Particular Dmggtat Mercy hospital, Durango, where o’clock Mass Sunday, Sept. 7. she will be superintendent of Alpha N. Neeley, Beatrice, Nebraska, The R t Rev, Monsignor Francis daughter: TED’S Skyline Dining Room 17th AVE. AND GRANT nurses. Sister Urban will be mem­ J. Walsh, founder of St. Vincent Accordingly, notice U also hereby given PETER ANN that upon the date aforesaid, or the day KE. 4147 FREE OELIVEBT bership chairman for the ACCN de Paul’s parish, sai(l Mass in the for Fine Wine* and Beer* Infants’ and Children’s Shop 5904 East Colfax Avenae in Durango. While in Denver she to which the hearing may ^ contiDue^l. WELCOME TOURISTS church on his recent visit to Den­ the Court will proceed to receive and hear WE DELIVER A compltts lins of ver, and was greeted by many of proofs concerning the heirs of such de­ Kstlonslly Advortitod Brsnds t e l e p h o n e FR 4214 ceased, and, upon the proofs submitted* 3504 E. Colfax FR. 8881 blanagement: Ann and Dick Janckc. the old parishioners. will enter a decree in said estate determ­ 5724 E. Colfax at It j Helen L. Williaraa The Rev. Cullen F. Deckart, ining who are the heirs of such deceased SjniimniiiiiiuniiiMiiiuutinfliiiHHiiinmHiinimBaauiiiiuHsssn O.M.I., of San Antonio, Tex.; person* at which hearing all ))eiwni claiming to be heirs at law ol (i^de Father Alvin Druhman, C.PP.S.; ceased may appear and present their Holy Family and Father Sullivan, C.PP.S., of proofs. Carthagena, 0., were visitors in B. C. HILLIARD. JR.. St. John's Parish BacktOiScfiool Administrator. the parish in the week. 0 K CORN FED MEATS The Rev, Thomas M. Fitzpatrick POULTRY AND nSH BROWN & WHITE of the Holy Cross Foreign Mission ALTAR BREADS PUCKETT’S Radios & Appliances ^ SADDLE SHOE society spoke at all the Masses Conoco Service CLEANERS t DYERS TEXNYSON Aug, 24 for the missions in the SEWING Sale* and Service FOR ACTIVE care o f his order at Dacca, Bengal, HONEST WORK—FAIR PRICES B A T. THOMAS. Prop. Little Girls* Dresses. Embreidtry. Washing and Greasing India. Meat Market GROWING FEET Uonognualiif. EU. Cars Cailsd for and D«UTtrs4 lHay We Serve You? 4016 Tennyson GR. 0443 The weeklym eetings o f the THE SISTERS OF TME AL-FIN RADIO' Pinochle club ■will be resumed 4120 TennFson ' CL. 5084 GOOD SHEPHERD 6fli Ave at York. EA. 9932 2316 E. 6th Ave. FR. 9586 BROWN Thursday, Sept. 4, at 8 o’clock in the schoool hall. All men of the TELEPHONE PEARL 1411 SHARK.TIPPED parish and their friends are in­ - BROWN’S - /SMART, STURDY vited to attend. The new officers COnOUER’ S Woodman Pharmacy of the club for the coming year Red & W hite BILLY’S INN WILL NOT SCUFF FOOD FRCSH MBATS— FISH, GS0CER1R8 CHARLES H m . Prop. 4400 Tenny«»n GR. 1321 are John DeGroot, president; Ben STORE Braconier, vice president; and fftnntnlu A VageUblea. Frulta, Bakery Qooda Gc>od Foods PHONE EA. 1844 The Sick Are Never Thomas Smith, treasurer. l>\ll ^ III I W I nil s Meet Four Friend* Here SIZES 8’2-12, A-E A large number of parishioners Daily Delivery 44Ui a Lowell Phone CL. 9733 Refused at This Store enjoyed the picnic at Genesee park i;i8 E 6TH AVf., KKM ?7S9 2306 E. 6 th Ave. at University last Sunday, the first o f which Father Boyle expressed the hope The firms listed here de­ will be an annual affair. Winners preaipt terriee Enchanting. : . Irresistible serve to be remembered REDDISH’S of the various contests were: Base­ Red a White ■' ball thro'wing, Dick Rausch, Jim when you are distributing Hegge, and Barry Tharpe; men’s eciemHOc taitimg GROCERY and MARKET OLIVER’S your patronage in the dif­ sack race, Charles Finder; boys’ COMPLETE POOD SERVICE sack race,' Ray Tharpe and Dick mil work gaoroadeed ferent lines of business. 8971 Teaaysea GL- 4719 Rausch; football kii;king, girls, Mary Ann Sullivan and Mary towoet prtoo* MARKET Bauer; women, Mrs. Robert J. A. 4 W. J, WOLF A joy to have . . . a Denver** Finest SHOP Bryant and Mrs. Edward Hegge; joy to wear, because For Quality Bakery Good* LITTLE YANKEE boys’ foot race, Robert Maier ancl Over Quarter Craturr ia Selection of CLARK’S HARDWARE CHIIDKEN'S SHOES St. Francis ds Salsa. it*4 cool, comfort­ Try Joseph Lehman; running race, men able, so completely beautiful Call us n s t i & POULTRY Complete line of Hardware, ROUGH RIDERS 8 3 0 15TH STREET more than 50 years old, Fred Wen- today for vour Rillinir COLD WAVE. GRAIN-FED MEATS Paint, Sporting Goode and Gift*. AND TRIMFOOT zinger and Frank Kohler; ball WEISS BAKERY NEAR CHAMPA ON 13TH, DENVER throwing, women, Mary Ann Sul­ J4.\V(.| W >sho|) MYLADY EDITH BEAUTY 1312 East 6th Ave. Phone PE. 4629 4034 Tanayten St. CL 9282 livan and Mary Bauer; women’s] II ERS; BflVRUD fllll. • SPI573" 4 02 4 Tennyton St. shoe kickii^, Barbara Kroft and ^H ik, Msr. SHOPPE Mrs. Dick Heaney. 2804 E . 6th Avu EA. 0788 Thursday, Auguslf 28, 1947 Office. 988 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, K E ystone 4206 PAGE NINE

PresentatioD PTA ST. DOMINIC'S PTA WILL BEGIN St. Elizabeth’s ACTIVITIES WITH SCHOOL OPENING Individual Instruction SCHOOL OPENS Gregg or Dickineoii Shorthand and All Buiineii Subjacti To Plan Activities (St. Demiaie't Parish, Deavar) tween the parents and teachen, for Pupils Register The activities of the PTA will the major project or supporting POSITIOIVS SECURED start almost coincidentally with activity, ancf for outlining tne pro­ TUESDAY, SEPT. 2 (Presentation Parish, Danvar) the opening of school. Mrs. A. C, gram of meetings for the year. (St. Elisabeth’s Parish, Denver) 1232 Penn Denver KE. 144R A PTA council meating. will be Reid, president, announces a tea The listers assigned to the Registration for new students held in the home of the president, and council meeting at her home, W e are prepared with thousands of new and Mrs.’ Frank Knafele, 456 King teaching staff of the parish school will continue every afternoon St 2716 Raleigh, Thursday, Sept. 4, for the present scholastic year, as street, Friday, Aug. 29. Various used School Books for all Schools in the at 2 o'clocK. Two officers, Mrs. announced by the pastor, the Rev. St. Elizabeth’s convent Word has activities for the coming year will Robert Bennet, vice president, and V._ R. Hughes, O.P., are: Eighth been received that Sisters An­ Diocese. be planned at this time. Mrs. J. K. McCarthy, treasurer, grade, Sister Eugenia, principal; thony, Bartholomew, Cecilia, and Commercial Art On Aug. 16 Miss Betty Jean will auist Mrs. Reid in pouring. seventh grade. Sister Dorothea; Our Used Books are sound, clean, and / Marina will be succeeded by Sis­ The Art That Earns Sawyer and Robert Louis Brown Mrs. Reid has made the follow­ sixth grade. Sister Rose Clare; sanitary. were united in marriage prior to ing committee chairmen appoints fifth grade. Sister Theodora; ters Aniceta, Mildred, Monica, a Nuptial Mass. Witnesses were ments: Membership, Mrs. Clyde fourth grade, Sister Viateur; and Patricia. Sister Patricia was Fall Term Day & Night Opens Sept. 2 — Mary Louise Gruber and Rai^ond Marchese, assisted by Mrs. M. J. third grgde, Sister Marie Eliza­ formerly a member o f St. Eliza­ —^Reasonably Priced J. Hartman. Mrs. Brown is the Silk; ways and means, Mrs. J. J. beth v second grade. Sister Dolores; beth’s parish. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Konrade, assisted by Mrs. Joseph and first grade. Sister dementia. During the summer months the Sawyer and Mr. ®rown is the son McCloskey; hospitality, Mrs. A. H. The grade school will open THE DENVER ART INSTITUTE of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Francis Garbella; program, Mrs. Herbert classroom floors and corridors Tuesday, Sept. 2, at 9 o’clock. were revarnished, additional rest­ BARGAIN (DENVER’S COMMERCIAL ART SCHOOL) Brown of S t Dominic’s parish. Strelesky; publicity, Mrs. J. P. Ma­ Registration nas already been held rooms were installed, and the fur­ Father James O’Sullivan, C.M., honey; social service, Mrs. Nicho­ and a capacity enrollment is on 1425 Welion St. Denver MA. 3339 officiated. las Jamsaon, secretary; and health, nace was converted from coal to record. It has been necessary to gas. Outings were enjoyed by the On Aug. 23 Miss Lucille Rich­ Mrs. George A. Bugg. restrict new pupils to those with BOOK STORE (Thii School Approved for Felerant’ Training) ter and Dean H. Summers were graduates, tbe choir, and the altar Hoorn Mothers residence in the parish in order to boys.' united in marriaM. LaVerne Gose accommodate the many applicants. 406 IBth at Trament KE. 1418 and Robert E. Bauer were wit­ Named for Year High Mass in honor of tne Holy Statues Are nesses. Mrs. Summers is the The following members have Ghost will be offered for the school Redecorated daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry been asked to serve as room moth­ children in the parish church at J. Richter of this parish. The Rev. ers during the year: Boys: First 9:80 by Father Hughes. The regu­ Arthur Pat jo of Colorado tnOURT ST. GERTRUDE Michael A. Maher officiated. grade, Mrs. Myron J. DeFrancia; lar schedule of classes will start Springs redecorated all the statues CLEAN SCHOOL The Needlework club will meet Thursday morning at 9 o’clock. on the side' altars and in the The Children’s Comer second CTade, Mrs. W’illiam Mc- CLOTHES NOW Thursday, Sept. 4, in the home of Graw; third grade, Mrs. Thomas The Holy Hour services will be shrines of the church. The mon­ We feature NeOenUIy Advertiied Mrs. Mike O’Brien, 1066 S. Sheri­ B. Stewart; fourth grade,pad Mrs.I held on Friday evening, Aug. 29, astery chapel, library, and parlors Brands for Denver Youth and Infanta RT THE ROCKIES dan, at 10:30 a.m. John W. Hoelscher; fifth grade, and will be conducted by the Rev. were repainted and decorated by : QUEEN CLEANERS Corridor, lOt Rtpublle Btdf. Mr, and Mrs. Pat Phillips and Anton Schwaerzler of Denver. BOULDER, COLORADO Mrs. Jerry Buckley; sixth grade, Arthur Kinsella, O.P., who will 1231 E. 13th Avo. Ph. Tabor 2>10 family, who had been vacationing Mrs. Carl C. Coleman; seventh also deliver a sermon on “ The On Aug. 19 Sister Xavier cele­ lis t E. Calftx Avt. Ph. FremoDt HU Conducted by the Sisters of Charity, B.VM. in Denver, have returned to their grade, Mrs. E. J. McCloskey; and Banquet of Love.’’ The usual no­ brated her silver jubilee as a pro­ QUEEN MEANS CLEAN home in Lincoln, Neb. eighth grade, Mrs. Robert Ben­ vena prayers to the Infant of fessed Franciscan with a High A Boarding and Day School for Girls Recently baptized were Clarinda nett. Prague, Blessed Martin, and St. Mass at Marycrest, the mother- Jane,-daughter of Mr. and Mrs. The room mothers for the girls Frances Xavier Cabrini will be re­ house of the community. Father Mea(l Kennedy, with Joseph Mur­ Fully Accredited University Colorado Healthful Location will be: First grade, Mrs. Joseph cited and veneration of the relic Felix ReitHngshofer, O.F.M., pas­ phy and Wanda Murphy ai spon­ Hartnett; second grade, Mrs. Fred of Mother Cabrini will take place Spacious Campus tor, celebrated the Mass and ad.- REGIS HIGH SCHOOL sors; Stephen Lewis and Christo­ Sabon; third grade, Mrs. E. J. after the Holy Hour. dressed a few words o f congratu­ pher James, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Saturday, Aug. 80, is the Feast lOTH ST. AT AURORA PHONE 343 Phelan; fourth grade, Mrs. F. C. lations to sister. On the preceding Harold James Spring, with Agap- Bartle; fifth grade. Mrs. L. S. of St. Rose of Lima, a Dominican College Preparatory School for Boys FOR CATALOG ADDRESS BISTER SUPERIOR Saturday Sister Cecilia made her ito Atencio and Mrs. Henrietta Hoffman; sixth grade, Mrs. J. K. Tertiary, who was the first canon­ perpetual vows at Marycrest in the Hunt as sponsors. Conducted by the Jesuit Fathers Weigel; seventh grade, Mrs. John ized saint of the Americas. High presence of Archbishop Urban J. A former Denver girl. Sister Reilly; and eighth grade, Mrs. Masses will be celebrated at 6:30 Vehr. Mary Bernarda, Missionary Sister Dominic Grisenti. and 7:46. RESIDENT AND DAY STUDENTS of Our Lady of Victory, has been Plans will be discussed at the The Very Rev. Martin A. Mc­ visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. gathering for the coming school Dermott, O.P., formerly stationed **lt is no longer permitted for anyone to be Standard Flnid Process Appointments for Entrance Examinations Castulo Marquez of Presentation year, for closer co-operation be- in this parish, now prior of SL An­ mediocre."— (POPE PIUS) Vaxiah. She was accompanied by thony’s church. New Orleans, is Until August 29 \\ Sister Celeptine, also a former spending a few days visiting at Duplicator Families Are Present Call the Principal GL. 3633 Today, more than ever before, 4 sound Catholic educa* Colorado girl. the rectory. Sister Mary Bernards left Mon­ The Rev. Denis FitzGerald, Gelatin tion will be your strongest asset. day for Victory Noll, the mother- As Two Denver Youths O.P., who has been assigned to St. Stancil house at Huntington, Ind. From G eode’s vicariate. Grenada, Brit­ Ink f there she will leave for Panama Advance in Religion ish West Indies, it stopping over ■^7P« ' DON’T LET THE FACT THAT YOU City, Panama, where she will be en route to his home in Birming­ No COLORADO’S stationed this school year. ham, England. It will be his first HAVE TO WORK PREVENT YOU FROM Sister Celeitine, who will be Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Wagner re­ visit to nis native land in seven Duplicotor Supply Co. only stationed at Ely, Nev., for the turned from ceremonies at St. years. RECEIVING A FULL COLLEGE TRAINING school term, is now visiting her Boniface’s monastery in Patpson, The St. Anthony card club re­ !•» WILTON Senior College family in Las Animas. N. J,, this week. They wei% ac­ cently made a substantial donation TA. 0286 Sister Mary Bernarda was companied by Mr. and Mrs. Robert toward the equipment of the St. TA . 0286 Danvar 2, Colo. for W om en REGIS COLLEGE graduated from St. Joseph’s high D. Milner. Both couples had sons Anthony chapel. school in the class of 1932. She participating in the rites. has been doing mission work in The son of Mr. and Mrs. Wag­ DOWNTOWN DIVISION California for the past seven ner is known in religion as Fra- years. ter Elmer Anthony, O.F.M. COMPLETE COLLEGE COURSES IN Frater Jeremias Francis, O.F.M., THE HBBEV SCHOOL FOR MEN AND WOMEN Former Denver Couple is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Art, hem* eceaemiei, ehemiitry, dietetic., Jearasl- D. Milner. iim, iBBguaiei, literature, mathematic., mu.ic, pre- Visit Canada Shrines After making their profession, Junior and Senior High School hr Boys nur.ing, phiie.ephy, religien, icience, secial .tu d ic. .seratarial etudi*., .p * a » , and voice. Fully accred­ Evening classes at 71117th St.—College Credits the boys went to St. Stephen’s AT CANON CITY, COLORADO Mr. and Mrs. John J. Dunn, house of studies, Croghan, N. Y., ited in every department. Liberal Arts Courses formerly of St. Dominic’s par­ to continue their studies for the priesthood. The Wagner (Church High Scholastic Standards— Limited Enrollment— Craft Work Year ’round program of social activities and \ ' ish in Denver, have returned to campus and mountain sports, including Loretta’s Business Administration their home in New York city after goods store had been closed since Complete athletic program, including Horseback Riding. Ideal Aug. 7. It was reopened Monday, beautiful mountain lodge. Chalet Marie, 45 an extended vacation in Canada. climate. Conducted by Benedictine Monks. minutes from the campus. While in Canada, Mr. and Mrs. Aug. 26. Mr. Wagner stopped in New Dunn visited the Oratory of St. FOR CATALOG, Address the Headmaster Placement examinatien. tar fre.hmen PREPARE FOR A BEHER JOB AND A Joseph in Montreal, and attended York and Chicago, and obtained Benediction in the Shrine of St. new. merchandise for his store. and new etudant., September IS and IS MORE ACTIVE WORTHWHILE LIFE Anne de Beaupre, near the city of Fre.hmen Regl.tratien September 17 Quebec. Mrs. Dunn is the former Upper Claiiraen Regi.tration September 16 Phone For Full Information Miss Patricia Lucy. ClaiM . begin September 18 CH. 1406 GL. 3633 THEN TO SCHOOL Limited Enrollment Still Open for Resident and CRAFT and ART Day Students SUPPLIES— For Further Information, Write The Dean **Everything for SHOP SEARS LOREHO HEIGHTS COLLEGE Handcrafts'* FIRST TO Night Law School. In the Shadow of the Reekie* . . in luburban Denver ELCRAFT AS ALWAYS LORETTO, COLORADO WESTMINSTER LAW. SCHOOL 1631 Court Place DENVER Duly Accredited by the Supreme Court of Colorado FOR SAYINGS Free Catalog to Schools A Private Day School for Girls THREE-YEAR COURSE OF STUDY LEADING TO LL.B. DEGREE A U U m D NUHBER OF HIGH SCHOOL BOARDERS ACCEPTED Classes Begin September 2nd, 1947 ST. MARY'S ACADEMY Special Values L Ferguson Building on Pre-First through High School. Accredited by the State Uni­ 711 17th Street at California It's an Old American Custom to Outfit Your Youngstera at versity,'a member of the North Central Association, and affil­ iated vrith Loretto Heights College. Hence it enjoys all of the Address: SCHOOL SUPPLIES Sears. Folks Have Been Doing it for Sixty-One Years. That privileges and the recognition granted to approved schools. Clifford W . Milli, Dean, 425 C. A. John.on Bldg., MA. 2277 Is Because it has Always Been Sears Policy to Bring You William E. Doyle, Registrar, Ferguson Bldg., KE. 7551 at 1370 Penniylvanla CHerry 0583 Roland W- Coffay, Asst. Registrar, Fargusoa Bldg., KE. 7551 Everyday Needs at Low, Money Saving Prices. Yes. KENDRICK- Sears Straight Line DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM DENVER, COLORADO BELLAMY'S Makes it Possible for You to Economize Daily. REGIS COLLEGE 1641 California BACK TO SCHOOL NO VACANCIES Buy everything and any* FOR BOARDING STUDENTS SPEQAL V ita-F ln ff thing you need for going-back, Tha World’s Finest Shampoo to-echool. Purchases totaling Openings for a limited number of day students Is Available at $10 or more on Sears easy pay­ Foil liberal Arts Education proven by more than 400 AVALON BEAUTY ment plan. years o f Jesuit teaching throughout the world SALON Pr^profesiiolial Giurses 4 * 325 E. Colfax Ave. St. Scholastica Aeadem;y School of Business Administration CH. 0545 CANON CITY. COLORADO Plua.. . . Denver 3, Colo. ROEBUCK AND CO. Reiident and Day School for Girl, of Senior High-School Ago A Complata Program of Tha Txarge Economy Sise SEARS U .m bn of North Contral AMOdotioe May Be Purchased by Mail Extra-Curricular Aetiritiea 1740 Broadway Phone KE. 1155 College Prep., Pre-Vocational, Music, Dramatic Art, Enough to last Home Economics, Commercial a Whole Plenty Free Parking Space W, 50th and Lowell Blvd. GL. 3633 s p Limited Enrollment, Integrated Learning. Spacious Campus. School Term.... w w Pr.aal4 Vnexeelted Climate. Under Direction of the Benedictine Sisters. A PAGE TEN Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, EEystone 4205 Thuraday, August 28, 1947 Birthday Congratulations S t. John's School September - Meons School Teacking Staff School means clear eyed vision. Perhaps your child is hamp­ To Open Officially ered by defective sight. Poor grades may be traced to faulty BOSWORTH, SULLIVAN vision. Glasses— ^if needed, make study easy—^without blur Is Announced With Mass Sept. 3 or distortion, without fumbling, without fatigpie. It’s worth & C O M PA N Y a find-oui (St. John’s Parish, Danvar) CWESTlIIElVr RANKERS S t John’s school will open Suee***or to SWltiERT BROS. For St. Patrick’s Tuesday, Sept 2, at 9 a.m. Stu­ dents will be dismissed at 11 o’clock BOSWORTH, CHANUTE, LOUGHRIDGE & CO. (St. Patrick’* Pariib, Danvar) the first day. A High Mass in Better FUlon Optometristg Good and Service Registration for the ensuing honor of the Holy Ghost •will be for Every Age Af Right Price* school year is expected fB reach offered in S t John’s church on SULLIVAN & COMPANY 1550 California KEy*tone 7651 capacity enrollment on Tuesday, Wednesday, Sept 3. This Mass JOHN J. SULLIVAN, Pretident Sept. 2. Claeaes will start on will officially open the school year, OLASaiS INDIVIDO ALLY aTTlLSl) Wednesday, Sept. 3, with the same and all students vrill be expected 17th at (^H fom ia Street# Denver 2 , Colorado teaching staff. Sister Cecilia Jo­ to be in attendance. seph will be principal and music Members of the faculty for the instructor, and will have coming year are Sister M. Veron- charge of the choirs and or­ ice, principal and eighth grade REQUIESCANT ganists who will assist at all/Re­ teacher; Sister Lorraine Therese, Welcome Tourist* THEODORE quiem Masses during the year. seventh grade; Sfcter M. Placide, Mr. Walter J. Kerwin Sister Leocritia Joseph will teach sixth; Sister Ann/Virginia, fifth; IN PACE grades seven and eight; Sister St. Sister Mary Elsie, fourth; Sister Associated with Cecilia, grades five and six; Sis­ Mary Angda, third; Sister Jean HACKETHAL ter Mary Wilfrid, grades three and Mane, second; and Sister Anna JOS. M. FISHMAN FRANK ARMORTH. Malian'horn, for four; and Sister Mary Roberta Marie, first grade. Air Conditioned the aa«l. Requl.m Maas was offered In grades one and two. The govern­ Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Kenney Jeteeler and Optometri*t the Mullen home chapel Auir. 26. Inter­ DIAMONDS - LOCKETS ment Mt. Ollret. W. P. Horan A Son ment hot lunch program will be are the parents of a boy, born Aug. service. continued tinder the management WATCHES . ROSARIES 23. Maternal grandparents are Mr. CROSSES . COMPACTS MORTUARY | ELIZABETH ANN BRYANT. 1770 of Mmes. Anderson and James and Mrs. Murton H. Willson, and ST. CHRISTOPHER MEDALS Hudson street. Funeral services were DeRose. The Rev. Theodore Haas the paternal grandparents are Mr. MIRACULOUS MEDALS and CHAINS held Au». 26. Interment Mt. Olivet. SCAPULAR MEDALS 1449-51 Kalamaih Su | W. P. Horan A Son service. will be in charge of all details and Mrs. James B. Kenney, Sr. ANNIE WILLIAMS, 609S Eaton connected with the school. Exten­ Miss Virginia Flower is ill in St. Glasses on Credit Phone MAin 4006 | street. Wife of Charles W. Williams. sive repairs, including a new roof, Joseph’s hospital. tnmimiinimimuiimmiuiiimiiiiiimnninimiimninmimiiMnini^ Requiem Mass was offered in Holy have been made on the building. Edward Moffat is recovering in 807 l.'ith St. TA. 0029 Family church Au». 27. Interment Mt. St. Joseph’s hospital from surgery Olivet. Boulevard mortuary. _ The senior choir held its annual LORENE DAISY TIERNEY, 6046 W. picnic in Clear Creek canyon near performed Aug. 25. Girard. Wife of James H. Tierney; Golden, Aug. 13, with an attend­ Miss Beraieta Erickson is ill in w w w"ww www^wwwww ww w vr LET US GUIDE mother of James Ernest and Richard H. ance of 20 members. St. Joseph’s hospital. Tierney; daughter of Mrs. Lottie Flick, ; CONVENIENT ECONOMICAL SHOPPING ^ Los Angeles; sister of Fred Stewart. Re­ Miss Mary Cirolini of St. Pat­ Mr. and Mrs. C. D. O’Brien and quiem Mass is being offered in Loyola rick’s will marry Charles Pasic of family, former St. John’s parish­ ► church Thursday morning, Aug. 28. at 9 Blessed Sacrament parish preced­ ioners, returned to their home in > o'clock. Interment ML OliveL Boulevard t.lassified i%ds mortuary, ing Nuptial Mass on Saturday Colorado Springs after a short ► It will pay you to read ALL of tho following advertisamonta. MARY MURPHY, Burlington. Mother morning, Sept. 6, at 9 o’clock. The visit in Denver. of Jamet P. Murphy and Patricia McCoy Rev. Achille Sommaruga will offi­ Janet Marie, child of Mr. and L of Burlington; grandmother of Jimmie ciate. Mrs. Elvin Potarf, was baptized William Murphy; sister of Mrs. Michael Staruh and Mrs. Steve Herman of Pueb­ John and James, twin sons of Sunday by the Revyjohn P. Moran. PAINTING a PAPER HANGING WANTED TO RENT lo. Requiem Mass was offered in Holy Mr. and Mrs. John Gardner, and Sponsors were J(^eph McCarty Ghost church Aug. 28. Interment Mt. Margie, their daughter, have all and Patricia Callahan. KOR PAPER HANQINO and patntins sail CATHOLIC couple, both employed, desire Olivet. Capitol mortuary. A Bn’inrer. 168 Madison. EA 22U furnished or unfurnished apt. Call Mrs. LUCARDA A. CORDOVA, 1426 Mari­ recovered from operations per­ Mrs. Alice Carmichael is ill in Piro. TA 1162, Ext. 866 days—EA 4362 “jour e^emorial Selection posa atreet. Wife of Juan F. Cordova; formed at a local hospital and will A thou*aa 20 in St. Gertruds Erwin of Denver, and an aunt, Aug. 31 in Buffalo Shepherd nome for girls in Shang­ dence. Backing up our own Francis' sanitarium after two years* Mrs. Clyde Robinson. Miami, Okli. Re­ Sign . . . . . quiem Mass was offered in the Cathedral hai and was pleased with the reputation in the monument illness. Mrs. Vigil was born in Las Vegas, N. Mex.. and came to Denver in Aug. 26. Interment ML Olivet. Capitol healthy, ba{Ipy appearance of the CALL Gl. 2549 mortuary. Buffalo.— Mass wil be cele­ business, we offer you the writ­ 1926. Hera she attended schools, and, brated at 10 o’clock Sunday morn­ children, according to a letter re­ ten guarantee of the long estab­ in .1983, she was married to Sie J. Vigil. ceived from Mother Mary Francis BUILTWELL Surviving, in addition to Mr. Vigil, are MRS. JENNIE SHANNON ing, Aug. 31, in the community lished, financially responsible three children, Larry, Geraldine, and Funeral services were held Aug. 26 church. of Assisi, superior. The first lady Lillian Vigil: three brothers, Eddie. of China told the children that FURNITURE firm that quarries and processes for Mrs. Jennie Shannon, 260 Columbine The following young women Fred, and Max Garcia: two sisters. Mrs. street, who died Aug. 28 in a local hos­ they are happy “ because they have Tiilie Contaros and Mrs. Stella Duran; spent an enjoyable week at the UPHOLSTERING CO. the famous Rainbow granites. pital after two years' Illness. Mrs. Shan­ Jesus,” and asked them not to be her mother. H n. Isobel Maes; and her non, who was bom in Indianopolis in Rusche cabin: Patricia Murphy, Your purchase is fully protect­ grandfather. Simon Dominguez. Requiem 1868* came to Denver in 1871* Her Madonna Nalty, Dolores Pairton, selfish but to spread their happi 3420 Quivas ed, down through the years. Mass was offered in St. CajeUn'i church husband. Michael Shannon, an engineer ness among others. Aug. 25. Interment Mt. Olivet. Capitol on the Colorado A Southern railroad* was Charlene Phelan, Elaine Rusche, mortuary. killed in an accident 61 years ago. Before and Arline Schuster. retiring eight years ago, Mrs. Shannon VALENTINE BLEA had operated the Capitol Hill and May­ JACQUES BROTHERS Requiem Mass was offered in Sacred flower laundries for many years. Surviv­ World Meeting to Study Heart church Aug. 26 for Valentine ing are a son. Fred R. Parkfson. Denver: Beantifnl Services a sister. Leah C. Green. Phoenix. AHs.; s in c e 1902 Blea. 72, of 2824 Welton street, who died Aug. 21 in his home. He had been and a brother, Will W. Carr, Mount Ver­ Catholic Radio Problem At Coots Any Family atONUMENTS OF DISTINCTION ill about six weeks. Bom in Los Alamos, non, Waah. THE FINEST SO £ . SU> Ave. NOTICE OF FINAL SEYTLEMENT Can Afford ALpina 2019 FLaW ERS ESTATE OF HENRY BOYEEL DECEASED Fribourg, Switzerland.— An In­ ^ «o4 CaB SiMcisl Fao*ral Spray Bad. of StasoBSl No. 60621. ternational Study Week on the NAME IN Flowtrs Notice it hereby siTcn that on tho Zld Problems of Radio Broadcasting Wr.ath of srast buoty, lit. An appro- day of September, 1947, I will preaent to will be held here Oct. 14-17 un­ ICE CKEAM prist. .zprtaslan of aympathy from a fira the County Conrt of tho City and County of or a sronp. Denver, Colorado, my aecounta for Final der the auspices of the University GEO. P. HACKETHAL fl«ttl*ment of th* adminiatratlon of ,ald of Fribourg and UNDA, the inter­ 2612 E. Colfax EABt 4581 THE BLOSSOM SHOPS catato when and where all persona in in­ FUNERAL DIRECTOR COLD SPRING Brown Palace Hotel TA. 1821 national Catholic radio and tele- terest may appear and object to them if viaion association. Dr. Joseph Fil­ Aetota from East High Open ETrenings and Sunday MONUMENTS Uptown, 221 Bo 7Ui Avo, CH. 5458 they to d a Ire. 2206 East Colfax at Gaylord IUAU7I6UL OhAniTfS Pork Hill* 15U Looiit DB. 1591 ler, former President of the Swisa S. C. HILLIARD, JR., EAst 1867 > *XALL AND CHARQI I Adasiaistrator. CouncU o f State, will speak. IV' Thursday, Augrust 28, 1947 Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 PAGE ELEVEN

The Denver Catholic Register President— ______Most Rev. Archbishop Urban J. Vehr, D.D. 1 Editor.;...... R t Rev. Matthew Smith, Ph.D., LL.D., Jour.D. R eiSliistorialii f:r' Managrina Director...... Rev. John B. Ca^nagh, M.A., LittD. Associate Editors— M. F. Everett, Jour.D.; Rev. Walter Canavan, Hear J.C.D., Litt.D.; Rev. Francis Syrianey, M.A.; Linus Riordan, A.B., ^ / to read: “ And distributed . . . a fail somewhat in orthodoxy or LittM .; Rev. James B. Hamblin, M.A.; Rev. John Ebei, M.A.; Rev. INO INQISin ^ Q K C roll o f bread, a portion of meat, The Literature sanctity, are not strictly Fathers, Robert Kekeisen, M.A. and a cake of raisins.” They also but they are usually included in Entered as second class matter at the post office at Denver, Colo. Bible for Us! omitted the story o f the marriage Of the Fathers Patristic compilations because of feast of Cana, where Christ hon­ By Rev. John B. Ebel . the great value of their testi­ A s k a n d L e a r n Published Weekly by ored the occasion by His first mir­ By Paul H. Hallktt monies. There is a 400-year-old accusa­ acle, the turning of water -into THE CATHOLIC PRESS SOCIETY (Inc.) tion arainst the Church, daily dis­ One of the -strangest spectacles wine. (What Say You? by David in the history of publishing is the 938 Bannock Street, 1 proved but still made, that she Goldstein). I , - , Unable to Explain does not encourage her children The loving protection o f the pr^ent rivalry of two firms in KOA Telephone, KEystone 4205 P. 0. Box 1620 to love the Bible. The Biblical as­ Bible and the earnest scholarshipP- bringing out at the same time two. B y R bv. J a m e s Bi H a m b u n sociation's summer school and con­ spent in its study by the Church different translations of the works Emory S. Bucke, one of the Subscription; $1 per year. vention, climaxed by the magnifi­ and her members is entirely for­ of the Fathers of the Ci>urch. Con­ seven Protestant clergymen who Club Subscription, with The Register, Local Edition, |1.80 per Tear. cent public meeting in the City eign to the attitude of those who reported that everything it really 11:15 No Club Subscription Price Offered Outside Colorado. auditorium in Denver Wednesday would turn the Holy Book to their fusing and apparently needless as hunky-dory in Yugoslavia as far as evening, should once and for all own uses. Thank God, we still this duplication is, H is indicative the Church is concerned, said Tues­ quash this accusation. Thursday, August 28, 1947 “ look on altering the Scriptures of an interest in a bodF of litera­ day he is “ unable to explain” the EVERY SUNDAY NIGHT It seems to be forgotten in some as a sin,” and hare escaped having ture of incalculable importance. beheading of a priest and the seri­ quarters that if it'were not for the “ raisin cakes” in our Bible. ous injury done to a prelate by The Fathers, like Scripture, con­ OFFICIAL! ARCHDIOCESE OF DENVER Church there would today be no Tito’s mob. We pre.sume he is also tain evidences for religion that Bible. It was the Church that pre “ unable to explain” the murder Questions on religion submitted b j the radio The Denver Catholic Register merits our cordial approval. cannot become antiquated; much served and cherished and repro Personal Column: and mutilation of the pastor of the We confirm it as the official publication of the Archdiocese. What­ that we consider modern can be audience answered on the archdiocesan, broadcast. ever appears in its columns over the signature of the Ordinary or duced the Bibl& in the dark cen Istrian town of Tolazzo, whose turies of the barbarian invasions; found in them. It was a study of those of the Officials of our Curia is hereby declared official. Sign of the Times the Fathers that brought Newman body was found in a woods and bore it was the Church that determined marks of terrible torture. We hope The Register will be read in every home of the into the Church, and it is at least which .books were inspired in the By Rev. John Cavanagh Now that statement about being Booklets on Catholic Church available free of cost Archdiocese. plausible that this sudden plethora We urge pastors, parents, and teachers to cultivate a taste in first place, and hence which were For the most part I have no rea­ “ unable to explain,” adds a lot to to all inquirers. part of the Bible. son to read the want ad section of of translations may ultimately pro­ the chfldren of the Archdiocese for the reading of The Register. duce a radical change in the reli­ the conversation, does it not? Of With St. Jerome Catholics hold the newspapers once a year, but I course he is unable to explain; he « URBAN J. VEHR,- chanced to look over the want ads gious situation in America.' WRITE TO Jan. 29, 1942. Archbishop of Denver. that “ ignorance of the Scriptures has not yet received his script is ignorance of Christ.” And one the other day in one of our dailies Who are the Fathers of the from Trieste or Moscow. Undoubt­ o f her most illustrious sons, Cardi­ and I was distracted by the con­ Church? A good starting point for edly he will in a few days; then ASK AND LEARN, Station KOA, tents of the “ personal columns.” a definition is furnished by one of nal Newman, declared that the watch the words fly. Denver 2, Colorado Denver's New Parochial School “ Scriptures may be said to be the Taken at random the sentences in their number, St. Vincent of Lerins, As a matter of fact, Tito’s who designates them as “ those By Rev. Francis Syrianey tries to educate while excluding medium in which the mind of the various ads began: “ Buckles and mouthpiece, the ATI news agency, only who, though writing in dif­ the most important element of ed Church is energized and devel­ buttons covered;” “ human hair is already working on this assign­ It was with mixed emotions that ferent times and places, remained ucation—man’s dependence on his oped.” bought, 12 inches up;” "false teeth ment It seems a bunch of the boys iBWflwiiiiuai'in.ifiihnBiaigaDiflniBtiKiwiBiiffiHH!!cnaiiBinniBfl>^ we read the good-sized advertise­ repaired;” “summer clearance. true to the faith and communion ment in last Sunday’s papers in­ Creator and the task of achieving, The Catholic Church so loves got religion all of a sudden last Save on. odds and ends;” “ baby of the one Catholic Church and Sunday and wanted to hit the saw­ viting inquiries concerning a new his eternal destiny, reunion with the Bible that she wants it pre­ have become accepted as approved that Creator in heaven. served exactly as it came from safety gates;” “live fish bait;" dust trail. And so, singing hymns parochial school. No, it was not for “feet hurt?” “let us locate dead­ teachers.” This definition states or one of our Catholic schools. It was God. Hence her vigorous fight at and carrying palm branches, with beats :” and “ mechanical pencils re- implies three of the four require­ doves floating around their enrap­ MORGAN, LEIBMAN & HICKEY • for a junior high school to be oper­ the time of the Protestant Revolt ments for a Father: Orthodoxy, No More against the false, perverted, coun­ paireo.” These are just a few, and tured countenances, they set off ated by representatives of a com­ they indicate that the personals are holiness, and ecclesiastical appro­ paratively new religious denomi­ terfeit translations of the Bible down the road to the church where t m V R M C E SIIVCE1897 no more personal than a worm on val. But it is also nece.s8ary that Monsignor Jacob Ukmar was ad­ nation. Sergeants circulated by the dissenters. As a he have lived in the early centur­ matter of fact, nine-tenths of the the end of a fish hook. The columns ministering Confirmation. B u t BUY MORE FIRE INSURANCE NOW , What particularly struck us was By James T. Feeley ies of the Church, usually fixed as perverted translations the Church indicate a sign of the times. We then a terrible thing happened; the admonition: “ Send your chil­ No more sergeants! have lost contact with accuracy; we the first eight. For the Fathers, some awful men tried to keep them dren to a Christian school.” A great forbids her children to read have being interpreters of Scripture and Go* aad Elactrl* Bids. Pkeoa TAhot UM Many an ex-GI who served his been rejected by the Protestants have changed the meaning of out of church! That made them deal is suggested in those few stint in the array air forces in words. witnesses of that body of religious feel just terrible because, you words. Not only are they a positive themselves. truth found outside the Scriptures the late lamented war will be hit Entirely foreign to the Church’s The other morning, drying to know, they were so loyal to the statement that this school will be by a wave of nostalgia when the work, I tuned in on a local radio and known as Tradition, must have Pope that they did not want their based on Christian principles, but protective love of the Bible is the lived at a time when that memory old army system of non-commis­ attitude displayed by Luther, who program. The preacher was telling own Bishop to confirm them they are also a strong insinuation sioned officers is abolished and the world (within the limits of the was still fresh. Just as in the (they had raised such a fuss, in that our great public school sys made the Bible the sole rule of interpretation o f our Constitution the new system planned by the faith, but then’ proceeded to trans­ station’s wave length) that the sun fact, that he had to leave tow n); tern is not Christian. The cliarge is air forces goes into effect never sets on the doctrines of sal­ the fathers of the American re­ they wanted a personal representa­ not made in so many words, but the late it to suit his own notions. Since public like Jefferson, Madison, and No more bucking for that next he denied the value of good works, vation propounded by his organiza­ tive of the Holy Father. fact that this religious sect feels it stripe, or perhaps even a “ rocker." tion. Strangely enough I somehow Marshall have greater weight than Now it just so happened that GAS CONVERSION necessary to open a school that it for example, he inserted the word any modern authority, because No more hundreds of men wander­ "alone” in the text of one of the agreed with the speaker, but not the boys had brought along a few characterizes as Christian shows ing about an air field proudly for the same reason. The sun never they knew the, mind of the framers hammers and a sickle or two. And that other sincere Christians are Epistles, so that the passage read sporting their newly acquired set on his sect because it never and the conditions of the time, so in their llagemess to get into the becoming aware of the fundamen “ man is justified by faith alone." in determining the dogmas of the stripes. Not even a Pfc. to pull When Catholic objection tp this rose on it, • church they brought the knives and BURNER FACTS tal deficiency in our public school his “ rank” on the still lowly pri­ It has always seemed to me that Church recourse must always be cudgels with them. And it just so system— ^the fact that religion is corruption was called to his at­ had to Cyprian, Jerome, Augustine, vate. , As a matter of fact, not tention, Luther replied: “ Your converts to our Church must at in­ happened that the sickles, started excluded from its classrooms. even a private handy for KP or tervals be amazed to discover the and other luminaries, who knew to fall on the floor and the priest’s More and more every year non- Papist makes a great fuss about what was held in their own gener­ The Killam Gas Burner Company latrine or clean-up detail. this addition of the word alone. real meaning of words, which the head got in the way. And when Catholics have been applying to Instead, the new Department of Church uses rightly and the world ation and in those before them. they went to pick up the sickles sells conversion burners direct from our Catholic parochial schools for Tell him that Dr. Martin Luther Air will have airmen, senior air­ wills that it should be translated uses wrongly. For instance, the con­ In time, the Fathers reach from they accidentally pushed the prel­ the manufacturer to its customers admission. Only the fact that our men, and chief airmen. Airmeh, vert discovers that •“scandal” does S t Polycarp, who knew St. John, ate sent by the Vatican and he got schools are unable to accommodate that way. We do not wish to be in the Denver area. As a manufac­ according to the plan, will be di­ disciples of Papists, who look on not mean “ gossip;” and the sin of to St. John Damascene, who died R skull fracture and several knives all our own prevents us from vided into six classes, with salaries causing it does not mean that it is a century after the Mohammedans just happened to be found sticking obliging those sincere parents who altenng of the Scriptures as a sin. turer, Killam offers a complete ranging from a private’s $75 a And of the translation of the always wicked to set silly old had begun to engulf the East. The in his kidneys.—And that is all want their children to be instructed month to a technical serg^eant’s women wagging their tongues. quantity of their writings may be there is to it; an unfortunate engineering service in planning the in a religious atmosphere accord­ Bible made by Tyndale, another $135 a month. Senior airmen of the early Protestant leadera. Scandal means scandal, what it gauged from the fact that the Latin string of accidents that happened installation and also provides con- ing to religious principles. would get pay now accorded to a orifpnally meant in Greek and writers alone fill 222 folio volumes to a bunch of the boys who were We Catholics as are Canon Dixon, an Anglican his­ tech sergeant, makter sergeant, or Latin: The tripping up of some­ of Migne’s Patrologia (more than on their way to church. And would .tinuous maintenance as required. . proud of our great public school torian, says: "Every one of the lit­ junior warrant officer. The chief body else when he is trying to be 500,000 pages). In the matter of you not be offended, too, if you system. It is our system, because tle volumes containing portions of airmen would correspond in rank the Sacred Text that was issued by good. Or he will discover that ve­ quality, it must be remembered were kept out of church just be­ we share the burden of the ex­ and pay to the army’s chief war­ nial sin, which means nothing at that the Fathers never wrote to cause you happened to have a ham­ pense of its upkeep. But we Cath­ 'Tyndale contained also a prologue Killam has been performing rant officer. and notes written with such hot all in the newspapers, has a please but to instruct. Neverthe­ mer and sickle with you? ' olics have undertaken ^ double Though we think air force offl quite intelligent and interesting less, two Patristic works have an This is the story that the Com­ these functions for more than 20 burden, and thousands of our best fury against the prelates and cler­ cials might be a bit more imagina­ gy, the monks and friars, the rites meaning' in the manuals of moral unassailable place in world liter­ munist-controlled ATI news agency years at the same Denver location, young women have devoted them tive in their choice of titles for theology. He will get a pretty fair ature: The Confettions of St. Aug­ is putting out And that is the “ ex­ selves self-sacrificingly to the and ceremonies of the Church as the new non-com ranks, we are notion of it when he learns that ustine and Boethius’ Coneolation of planation” we can expect from the cause of instructing Catholic were hardly likely to commend it glad to see that at last they are it is equivalently-spiritual halitosis. Philosophy. To these we would add seven clergymen who were “deeply youths. The reason that we do ac to the favor o f those who. were taking steps to correct a situation Soi^lso for the meaning of “ dead a third, at least for the English- impressed by the fact that, despite Killam Gas Burners are sold cept this double burden is found attacked. Tyndale rejected some that actually resulted in many language.” 'Wd have often heard speaking world, the Ecclesiastical the behavior of certain Church in our own conviction that reli­ of the ecclesiastical terms and sub­ and known throughout the United grave - injustices to enlisted men stituted others, in the interest of that the language o f the Mass is History of St. Bede the Venerable leaders and individual priests, gious training is the most import­ throughout the war. a dead language. Ordinarily one Included in the writing's of the Fa­ there exists in Yugoslavia a wide States and Cana'da— and have been ant item in the curriculum. his anti-Catholic propaganda. The effort to fit the g^reatly Church’ became ‘congregation,’ thinks of the secular definition of thers are a novel, many histories tolerance toward religious worship in use for more than 30 years. If our Catholic youth are solidly expanded air forces into the strait dead as degenerating, but actu­ and philosophies of history, theo­ grounded in the principles of their and the Churches.” jacket of ground forces’ organiza­ ally the language of the Mass is logical and ethical treatises, phil­ faith and are trained in the obliga­ Just what Churches and what tion was an abysmal failure. It a real example of iron immortal­ osophies, manuals of grammar and Church leaders they were talking tions of the moral code of Chris­ caused more headaches in the per­ ity. It is not a question between rhetoric, allegories, itineraries, about is not yet quite clear. They tianity, we need have little fear of image;' John xvi, 2, became 'they sonnel offices and more heartaches shall excommunicate you’ for 'cast a dead language and a living lan­ poetry, catechisms, pamphlets, did not bother to interview either their present or future conduct. among enlisted men than any other guage; it is simply the difference apologetics, and an encyclopedia. the Papal Regent in Yugoslavia or Catholic parents, moreover,' have you out’.” single factor. between a temporary changing The bibliography-of the history of the Patriarch of the Serbian Or­ the serious obligation of seeing There have been many grotes­ G A S e U G N e S C O . I There were hundreds of non- que mistranslations of the Bible, tongue and an everlasting lan­ England practically begins with thodox Church. And just how they that their children are so trained coms who had only the vaguest guage. Bede and that of France with St and instructed. The action of var­ but the prize-winner in this coun­ can be sure the “ tolerance” is so notion about handling troops in the The same error# show them­ Gregory of Tours. ious Protestant denominations of try came out during the Prohibi­ wide is also hard to explain, since Manufacturers and Engineers field. Yet many air base com selves in the letters we get from imitating the Catholic parochial tion days, when some Yale uni­ From time to time we shall in Tito is unwilling to permit exper mandera insisted that they pass versity profes-sors, a departmental non-Catholics about the Reforma­ this column give an interpretation ienced newspapermen to go beyond school system should serve to give written and oral exams on the man­ tion. Since it was not a reform 236 Broadway Call RAce 2871 us a deeper appreciation of the editor of Soribner’s magazine, and of the most noteworthy of the three miles of Belgrade unless they ual of arms before they could be some scribes in the YMCA and but a revolt, we prefer to call the works of the Fathers. By "most are under escort and are politically values of that system and th^ in­ advanced in rank. These men religious revolt just that. Calling creasing failure o f the system that YWCA issued a Shorter Bible, now noteworthy” we by no means mean friendly to Russia. knew their jobs; they could take in wreckers to break up a ship does iiiiiiiMmiimimmiimmiMiiiiimmmmMHUiiiimiiaiMitmintmimiti; known as the “ Raisin Cake Bible.” the most important theologically And under the heading of things an airplane apart and put it back Hosea iii, 1, which reads: “ Who not turn the ship into one of its but those that have most univer that need explanation, we might CATHOLIC together, but because they had nei­ look to other gods, and love flag­ own timbers. Actually all the re­ sal appeal, or those whose influence also add this: How come these Hours: 9 to 12t 1 to S Phono MAin 3437 ther the time nor the inclination ons of wine,” was changed to read: ligious revolutionaries of the 16th on Western culture has been most seven are such pals of Tito and to learn something they could “ Though they* turn to other gods century did was to throw rocks perceptible, or those that are most his Communist mob that they were RADIO LOG never use in their work, they failed and love to eat raisin cakes at fes­ through the windows of the interesting for the light they shed favored with the invitation in the Station KOA to get promotions. tivals.” n Samuel vi, 19, which Church. It is still there, but the on the times of the writer. By this first place? Melish, Shinier, and Dr. J. J. O ’Neil, Dentist CATHOLIC HOUR — Sunday, All through the war the air reads: “ And he dealt among the men who set about wrecking it are standard -we choose the following Williams are known Communist forces continued to issue new reg­ people . . . to every one a cake of remembered only because of the writings: Barlaatn and loasaph, sympathizers, but the other four A S K ^ N D LEARN — Sunday, ulations in an effort to meet the bread, and a good piece o f flesh, infamy of their actions. We call by St. John Damascene; the Ec­ clergymen have a lot of explaining Suite 722 Mack Building, 16tb and California Streets lltlS p.m. promotion problems peculiar to and a flagon of wine,” was changed Protestants Christians, but what clesiastical History of St. Bede the to do. Station KVOD that branch of service. All of them we actually mean is that they are Venerable; the History of the They are letting their names be HOUR OF FAITH — Sunday, failed miserably, simply becaute corns, will be promoted in accord­ Catholics gone wrong. They are Franks, by St. Gregory of Tours; linked with the enemies of religion. 9:30 a.m. . they were endeavors to patch up a ance with their ability to do the diseased Catholics, and every step the Etymologies of St. Isidore of They are playing into the Com­ Station KMYR system of rank devised before an job; not their familiarity with they take to cure their disease is a Seville; Eusebius’ Ecclesiastical munists’ hands with their state­ SACRED HEART PROGRAM— air arm was even dreamed of. ground force techniques. step in the direction of Rome. And History; the letters of St. Jerome ments about “tolerance.” It is not Week dayi at 7:15 a.m. In this new and—for the services The plan should make the air once a person has come home, he and of St. Basil the Great; St. only the beheading of Father Bule- Station KFEL —revolutionary system, technical forces much more popular. If the shares the same experience as was Augustine’s Confessions and City sich, the slaughter of Father Kris AVE MARIA HOUR— Sunday, skill, whether it be in the hangar officials now would go to work on expressed by a recent noted con­ of God; Boethius’ Consolation' of tian, and the injury to Monsignor 5 a.m. and II p.m. or the shop or the office, will be some plan' to eliminate the shine vert: “ I cannot explain why I am Philosophy; Clement of Alexan­ Ukmar they are “ unable to ex­ FAMILY THEATER — Thurs­ rewarded, ssen who can do their from new lieutenants’ bars, every a Catholic; because now that I am dria’s Exhortation to the Greeks; plain.” If they are pals with athe day, 7 p.m. job, but wa„b none of the onerous one— even the lieutenants— would a Catholic I cannot imag;ine myself and Tertullian’s Apology. Clement, ists, they first have to explain their MOVING & STORAGE hutiiiiiiiiiiHiiiinwwnimmimtHtmnlliintnnuimininniiimniiiniiiii. duties ordinarily tossed to the non- be happy. as. anything else.” Eusebius, and Tertullian, since they claim to be Christians.

Llittn t* STORAGE SPruc€ 2671 FULTON LOWEST PRICES A Service for All! LEWIS. JB. IN THE CITY I2.SR So. Pearl Daily, Hooday Everyone and anyone can enjoy the convenience of thm Friday t :l* PJd. a checking account •with Checkmaster—exclusive KFEL at the American National Bank of Denver. No YOU PAY ONLY 5 0 ^ A ROOM A MONTH minimum balance is ever required. In fact, you may open an account with as little as $1. You simply pay as you go— 10c for each check used. MAin 5314

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BANK, BAR. AND STORE FIXTURES u Uliltcork of AU Kinds FRANK KIRCHHOF, P n M m t 1232 ARAPAHOE ST. C. F. STAHL, Seentsoy DENVER. COLO. . PAGE TWELVE Office, 9^8 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 Thursday, Augrust 28, 1947

Biblical Summer School Faculty and Students HOSPIIAL AUTO INSVRANCE EQUIPMENT RATES REDEfED Hoepital - • • Inetitutional SAV t M o m Wheel Chairs • Dish Trucks Yon pajr on« flat preninm each «tz month* and (et— Wheel Stretchers • Tray Trucks • Inhalators 15,000/110,000 BODILY INJURY LIABILITY Instrument Tables 15,000 PROPERTY DAMAGE Electric Pood Conveyors 80/20 COLLISION Casters # Industrial Trucks^ FIRE and THEFT ARMSTRONG WINDSTORM, CYCLONE, TORNADO, HAIL CASTER CO. Currmt Six Month* Rate* for Denver 828 14TH ST. TAbor 4692 Most 1937 to 1942 Cars... ' '''I'■ — « < II'iL*wr Most 1946-1947 Cars PE, COAL 4679 Wftdiri and Hmrrlf Lump or Egg...... $ 1 1 . 9 0

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Ahevo are the faenlty and (tndant body at the Biblical lummer tehool held at Martin McGuire, left, dean, of the graduate tehool of arts and sciences, Catholic St. Thomas* seminary, Deneer, under the auspices of the Catholic Biblical Association uniTersity, and Dr. John A . Wilton, professor of Egyptology at Chicago uniycrsity. of America. The eight dpys of lectures by noted authorities in Scripture or in At the l^ft of Dr. McGuire It the Rot. Joseph Lilly, C.M., of Catholic unirersity, science* closely allied to the study of Sacred Scripture came to a close Tuesday, secretary of the Biblical association | and at the left of Father Lilly it the Rer. W il­ BROKEN GLASSES? Aug. 26, being followed by the twb>day conTention of the Biblical association that liam Kenneally, C.M., of St. Thomas’ seminary, vice president of the association. When your glattet are broken coma* to a close today, Aug. 28. In the center of the front row is the president of The student body of the summer school was composed of many Scripture profettors you need— and leant— prompt the Biblical association, the Rer, Patrick W . Skehan of the Catholic unirarsity, Wash­ from throughout the country, and others specialising in the study of the Bible. repair service, ington, D.C. He it flanked by the two laymen on the summer school staff. Or. Paul Weitt Optician can tcien- tifically and promptly duplicate Stotion Will Air Life broken lentet. Protect your ILTim SOGIEK Annunciation High School Will Reopen Of St. Francis Solano eye*! L.nM* - T.rnpln . Brldrta - Frtatt

The life of St. Francis Solano, Open 9:00 to Si30 Daily For 23rd Year With Expanded Curriculum a model for modern advocates of 9:00 to 1:00 Soturdoys Rnckley Rros. Ulotors IS the underprivileged, will be the subject of the Ave Marla hour 1ST. 1894^ (Annaneiatlon Pariih, Denver) boulevard, Thursday evening, Margaret Cassidy has been^^it- dramatisation on KFEL Sunday Sales — STIJDERAKER — S erv ice Aug.ig. 28. ing in Kansas City, Kans. at 11 p.m. Francis, a Franciscan With three new faculty mem­ Plans for a picnic by this noup Denver'* Flne*t and Bett Equipped Shop FETED IIEUDGHbers, an expanded curriculum, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wood missionary, left Spain for work in t l t a r M y AUTO REPAIRING ON ALL HAKE CAR* have been completed. It wul be and children and Mrs. F. Telg- th# New World, where he won re­ EXPERT BODY AND PENDER WORK - QUALITY PAINTING an estimated enrollment of 260, held at City park Sunday, Aug. mann spent a week at Red Feather nown as an eloquent preacher. approximately the tame as last 81, at 6:80 p.m. ^^ARAPAHOC^^ STEAM CLEANING • WASHING - LUBRICATION • SERVICE (St. Mary’i 'Parish, Littleton) year. Annunciation high school lakes. Among the many blessings be­ 6 6 0 So. B’dwy. — New Location — RA. 2826 Mre. CharloR Bolii was hosteii will swing into its 28rd year, Sept Mr. and Mrs. .Walter Anderson The Stage Hands held their an­ stowed upon him was the rare one \ at a luncheon for the members of 2. and family have returned from a nual picnic Sunday at Brook given to the Apostles—-the gift of OPTICIAN i - the Altar and Roaary loeiety and vacation at Sslida. Foreit park. tongues. th# other women of St. Mary'a par­ Sister Anne Clarice, principel, Dodge-Plymottth Owners ish Aug. 21 in her home at 438 announces that Slater Mary Luke Rapp avenue. Honored guests were replaces Slater Albii as librarian, We’ve Got the Parts and the “Know Biehop-elect Hubert M. Newell Sister Mary Corine replaces Sis­ and Father Forreit Allen, who has ter Xavier in the commercial de­ How” to Give Your Truck New Life been temporarily assigned to St partment, and Sister Mary Loyola Your Best Inmlment May Be a Complete Mary’s church. Mrs. BoHa served replaces Mrs. John Paprocki in the Reconditioning Job by Our Shilled Mechanic* an Armenian luncheon, buffet English and language departments. style, to her guests, approximately Continuing their work in the JAMES MOTOR CO. 30 in number. fields of religion and guidance are- Among those present were Miu the Rt. Rev. Monsi|mor Charles' 1278 Lincoln Dodge A Plymouth Safes A Service KE. 8221 Anna Martin and Mme{. Sigmund H- Hagus, pastor; the Rev. James Jurkiewics, Jerry Rooney, Benja­ Moynihan, and the Rev, Donald min Spahn, Louis Doerfer, William Mt^ahon. AUTO REPAIIIING Stegeman, Emma Cecchin, Peter Sisters Marietta, Mary Irene. PAOKARD *T » v.ce“ J. Anderles, John B. Qannon, T. F. Bernardine, Mary Eugene, ana Maher. W. W. Heckethom, Theo­ Priscilla likewise resume their re­ Experienced Mechanice Th* Only Ptekard Ssrrlc* In Dcnrtr All Msk* Cart dore A. Koldeway, 8. Whitmore, spective classes in Latin, English, All Work Ouarantasd Veto LaRocco, Anna Brooks, Al­ speech, art, drafting, history, Packard Denver Co. math, science, and music. Dlstribatcrs bert Singer, W. H, Jones, Everotte Holly's Auto Service Now In Our Now Balldiim Johnson, Robert Smith, Joseph Five new courses have been I7W Linanin TA. 1188 Zoulek, John Lievens, James Mc­ added to the curriculum, Spanish S90 So. Broadway 8P. 1187 Carthy, Edwin Conrad, B. F. O’­ II, Latin III, algebra II, crafts, Brien, and Earl Meader. and chemistry now being avail­ Miss Frances LaRocco is spend­ able. ing her vacation in Chicago, 111. The grade school reopens Tues­ LOGANS GARAGE She ia the daughter of Mr. and day, and a record enrollment is assured. More than 60 children are We Specialite in From End Work Mrs. Veto LaRocco, who reside on Littleton Broadway. on the waiting list. Wheel Balancing — Body and Fender, and Auto Repairing Mrs. Elinore Walks is seriously Altar Boys ill in Mercy hospital. Hold Meeting , Mrs. A. McQenty is recovering 275 So. Logan SP. 3811 from a serious bone fracture in­ The altar boys of St. Mary’s curred in a fall. church met Aug. 28 in the rectory, The Elyria-Swansea group will John B. Gannon was In charge of meet Thursday evening In the DENVER’S FINEST the meeting, and Father David home of Mr. and Mrs. William Maloney was also present Sehweider at 8 o'clock. All mem­ BODY A PAIIVT SHOP An Anniversary Requiem Mass bers are invited to attend. Plane for George Gardner was held on QUICK SERVICE! for a picnic Sunday at City park Monday mominfr Aug. 25, in St will be completed. Rody * Fender * Paint * llpholatery Mary’s church. He was the hus­ Some $12,600 was netted on band of Mrs. Myrtle Gardner and the basaar, it was’ announced at a A ll Makes the father of Mrs. Harold V. recent meeting of the workers. Im Craig, both of this parish. ^ QUALITY AT A FAIR PRICE mediately following the business Miss Constance Marie S t Ger­ meeting, the workers were guests satisfaction iii tKaFthe’tvamxth main, infant daughter of Mr, and of the pastor, who served the re­ Mrs. William St. Germain, was freshments. heat will be available immediately for your family when the first cold day comes CAPITAL CHEVROLET CO. baptised Aug. 24 by Father Allen Items for the Denver Catholic Sponsors were Mrs. Louise S t Ger­ 13th and Broadway TAbor 5191 Register may be called to Mrs. along. main and Henry Teiken. Ralph Moore, CH. 0417, or left Miss Gay Lee White, Infant at the rectory. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. The next meeting of Our Lady If your gsi heating pilot is not lighted now By doing this NOW— during the month of I SEAT COVERS I White, was baptised Aug. 24 by of Grace Founders' association OOM PLETE Father Allen. Sponsors for the will be held at the home of Mrs and you desire help in lighting it, notify your August— you will avoid the delay certain to Plastics - Fibers child were Mr. and Mrs. John W. Sehweider. 5801 Colorado Kaden. heating contractor, or dealer, or thia company occur in the rush on the first cold day* MOTOR TUNE-UP Rayons Misses Mary O’Brien and Gloria Avellablt In Many Popular Cecchin attended the play, Fears —NOW. ^ Speedometer Service Pattema and Colon Ago at Elitch’s (Jardens on St. Anne's Women Automotire Parts Wednesday evening, Aug. 20 Wholesale and Retail CONVERTIBLE TOPS They wer4 In the group that rep­ INVESTIGATE OUR Plan for Luncheon Approximately 57,000 gai heating uniti will be in operation in Denver this fall. The first EAST PAYMENT PLAN resented th,e Littleton Business and Scott Battery Go. Professional Women’s club. cold day will bring thousands of requests for lerVice to light gas heating pilots. : Woodrow Wilson :: 2 Sisters Received (Shrine of St. An^, Arvada) Willard Batteries Mmes. M. 0. Carmack and Jo­ : Aulo Upholsliry : Into Church sephine Wartner will be hostesses I4tb at Bannock for the luncheon and card party Learn how to light your gas heating pilot Usually 5 out of 6 customers take care of , Mtmbcr I t Pmnslt dc Salts' Parish ' | Misses June and Norma Jean Clylc Cantar MA. 0258 at St. Clara’s orphanage at 1 p.m. Grant were received into the their own pilot lights. This year, however, :: 692S.BdWy. PE 5264 Church on Monday evening, Aug. Sept. 3. All members may donate 10 that you can operate your heating installa­ 26, when they were baptised by garments for the orphans, which tion as you desire. because of the tremendous increase in gas heat­ 'EXPERT Bishop-elect Newell. Their spon­ will be on display at the auditor­ sors were Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy ium Sept. 28 to Oct. 3, by The Best W ay—as many customers now do ing installations, it is estimated that about AUTO REPAIR Ritter. Mrs. Ritter is the girls’ sis­ the Needlework Guild of America. All Makes ter. Engagement Anneunoed —is to let your gas heating pilot remain on 18,000 customers will request assistance in Elsy Time Payments Mljs Mary Ann Spahn was host Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Pachello o? ess at an outdoor lawn shower N. Sheridan boulevard announce during the entire year. lighting pilots. NorlhwatleniAHloCo. honoring Mrs. Peter Facchinello, the engagement of their daughter, 849 Broadway TAbor 6201 the former Miss Doris McNeil, on Isabelle, to Glenn Solomon of Tuesday evening. Aug. 26. The Broomfield; The wedding will be Customers who wait until cold weather begins before calling to have gas heating event was held at her home on held this fall, % Datura avenue. She was assisted A girl was born to the Pachellos 1.000 ITEMS TO MAKE YOUR by her mother, Mrs. Benjamin In St. Anthony's hospital Aug. 18 pilots turned on may encounter delays of as much as ten days to two weeks. It Spahn, and Miss Shirley Spahn and and named Lillian Roxanne. CAR SAFE FOR SUMMER Miss Dolly Cecchin helped In the The Altar and Rotary society will take that long for gas heating service men to complete all calls— with every DRIVING serving of refreshments to the 28 will meet at the church hall Sept. guests present. Blue was the pre­ 2 at 2 p.m. Mmes H. A. LaMoure available man on the job* dominating color used for the and Rudy Gihnder, 8r,, will be shower. hosteues. As this is the nret meet­ MARSHALL ing of the leuon all members are Dr. Q. J , urged to be preeent to aulst with Bl RIADY AVOID DELAY PHONE TODAY AUTO SUPPLY the work of the society. Mmes. Harold Shoemaker, Q. H. J. B. DONIPHAN. Mgr. Sohaeuble Gilbert, and Emil Schneider, Jr., will be hosteeees at the St. Anne AL. 2083 circle meeting at the church hall 1880 BROADWAY Optometrist Sent. 2 et 8 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. 8. A. Skaati and Speeleiltl Tom Kinney of W o^ River, Neb. For Vltnel CHRYSin-PLYMOUTH' are guesu at the T. R. Smeaton UPTOWN MOrORCO. “Joe” Young Eye Care home. |l908BRaADW8YCHJ6I6l PACKARD SPECIALIST 310 Mack Bldg. KE. 5840 WILL MAKE YOUR CAR YOUNGU Catholic U. Proftiior Th* Urns lltisd k*r* dMtrv* t» ^Dr# D. C* H'erthiuan^ b« rsraembersd «rh*o you sro dis- Auto Service Station It Vliitlng Poronti trikutlni your pstroosst w tk* #11- Bannoak and Twelfth CH. 8284 tsrSBl ITros el butlRtst. ► and AMoclate > DentlHB James Patrick Hoare, instructor at Catholic university. Washing- I ' PUTE8 ton, D.C., is on a short visit vritn BRAKE RELINE 810.96 AND UP - ^188 nth ttrsri Itll lltk Itrsttl his parents, Mr. end Mrs. P. J. I KErstSR* I7tl TAkor 1711 i Hoare, 2210 Lowell boulevard, FORD, CHEVROLET, PLYMOUTH Denver. Otbrr Cars ProportlratUly Lew He will appear on a muilcal pro- Rave Your* Checked Noie^Avoid the Rtuhl ^ LES T ER ’S frtm at the Woman’# club, 1487 * STATE INSPECTION DUE NOW Glenarm street. Sept. 3 at 8 p.m., sponiored by Betty Jana Moore WATOH REPAIRS end Robert fi. Moore, membert of A R T UfALNATI T-Dty StrriM Public Service Company of Colorado Ont-Tur OatruitM ' St. Jos^h’i high eehool orchestra. TIRE AND BATTERY SERVICE Anne E. Hoare and Myra Mae 1733 Gleaami TAbor 8287 1529Wclton CH.2447 Brown will aasiat. The public is invited

1/ , Thursday, August 28, 1947 Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 PAGE THIRTEEN Colorado Springs I Over 100 Attend FUNERAL SERVICES ARE CONDUCTED B t ^ d Sdciety AEKOKA FOR COLORADO SPRINGS RESIDENT NEW FASHIOIM GAMBLE’S Cleaners A Dyers “ The Town’a Finest” JOHN ■. JOHNEON Greeley CCW Meet Colorado Springs. — Mrs. Jo­ cascaded from a halo of orange AmnsesPaities /Veto Slocks in Daily hanna Ryan died Aug. 18 in her blossoms. She carried a prayer E. V "TED" MURPHY Offlee Plaal home, 429 E. Bijou street. Bom book and an orchid with shower SPrveo M74 H17 E. Csifas Em. 2513 or An>9 IH B. Alaaioda Ava. Aarors Greeley.— More than 100 V t- June 9, 1868, in Columbus, Neb., of stephanotis. Brighton.— (St. Augustine’s Par­ tended the one-day meeting of the she was a resident here 36 years. The maid of honor was Mar­ ish)— The first o f a series of games Greeley deanery of the Archdioc­ A member of St. Mary's church garet Gotterer, cousin of the parties, sponsored by S t Augus­ esan Council o f Catholic Women and St. Mary’s Altar society, she bride, and Lou Foley was brides­ tine’s Altar and Rosary society, FAMILY SHOE STORE held Aug. 26 in Newman hali in is survived by three* daughters. was held in the parish hall on B A G A N ’Si Holyoke, Eaton, Ault, Briggsdaie, maid. They were gowned in pink Miss Catherine Ryan, Mrs. Madge and blue with matching horsehair Aug. 23. These parties will be held; INVITES TOC TO AUEORA St. Peter’a church, Greeley. Dele­ X-Ray Fitting Lijou, and Mrs. Joe Walters, all halos, and carried Colonial bou- biweekly. Tickets' Inay be pur­ Ntwiy Bemodtlad Blight Spot gatee came from Frederick, Mead, of Colorado Springs; four sons, queta. The beat man was Edward chased at the rectory, Smith Drug SHOES AND HOSIERY FOR Plattville, Fort Lupton, Br^hton, Edward Ryan, Chicago; Clarence Wojcieckowaki. Bernard La Noue Co., the Brighton Hatchery and 9758 E.Colfax Aurora77 Keeneeburg, Rog^en, Yuma, wrty. ENTIRE FAMILY JIM BAGAN. Prop. Ryan, Los Angeles; Robert and and Charles Gotterer were ushers. Farm store, or from members of Sterling, H o l^ e , Eaton, Ault, Francis Ryan, both of Colorado Miss Grace Fitzgerald sang. She the Altar society, Mrs. John Beals Briggedale, ariO^Comiah. Springs; three brothers, Martin was accompanied by Charles Day, is in charge of arrangements, * The program waa begun with and John Hayes, both of Denver; organist, who also played the wed­ with Mmes. Gene Beals, George J. D. Crs«r)i C D. Onirifa invocation and words of wejcome and Allen Hay^s of Columbus, ding marches. A reception was Roth, Fred Starbuck, and Carl from the Very Rev. B. J. Froegel Neb.; two sisters. Miss Catherine held in the home of Mr, and Mrs. Caranei assisting. SHANGHAI CAFE of Greeley. Mra. J. Fred lic- Hayes, Colorado ^rings, and Miss PERKINS-SHEAIIEB Charles Gotterer, 1331 N. Wah­ The following delegation from Aurora’s Finest Cafe Court, preaident of th.e deanery, Margaret Hayes, Denver; and two St. Augustine’s parish attended presided at the meeting satch avenue. After a wedding andchildren. Requiem High trip in Glacier park and Choteau, the quarterly conference of the Am e r ic a n and CHmssB f o o d s 102 No. Teton The luncheon address, “ Catholic ass was sung in St. Mary’s Mont, Mr. and Mrs. Hentges will Greeley deanery of the ACCW in OOLORADO SPRINGS' Education,” was mven by the Rev. f AU. 1145 9746 Ea. Colfax ETtrythlnt church Aug. 20. Burial was in make their home at 1614 Wood Greeley on Tuesday, Aug. 26: AURORA DRUG SMARTEST STURJt Thomas Doran of Platteville. The Evergreen cemetery. Mmes. Fred Starbuck, Joseph Qoe. W. Hefirldo AU. Ill rraa young people of S t Peter’s par avenue. Mary Hunt li*Br!da Will Visit In California Matthews, 0. Baldwin, C. C. Star- Store for Men ish, Greeley, provided music dur­ back, James Hilker, Frank Nies, ing the luncheon. A piano trio, Miss Mary Regina Hunt, daugh­ Mrs. Roy Page will leave Fri­ PURSE BROS. HATHRFNS Boys Shop ter of Mrs, Mildred Hunt, 627 N. Stephan Cosick A. A. Kipp, including Delores, Jo Ann, ana day for California to join her James McMorrow, John Irsik, Carl I.G.A. HOME SUPPLIES Shirley Smith, offered selections. Wahsatch avenue, and Walter daughter, Pegrgy, in Berkeley, Women's Casual Shop Eugene Hentees, son of Mr. and Caranei, T. J. Luttrell, Frank GROCERY & MARKET HARDWARE PAINl Audrey Bachman offered a vocal where she has been a student at Mancini, George Mancini, John Mrs. John Hentges of Choteau, the University of California. The ROOHNG * Aug. 26, with Father' REALTOR more than $30,000. Mrs. W illiam Vandenberg, Mahrer officiating at a Solemn 530 E. ALAMEDA 10033 EAST COLFAX St. Mary’s school and a member of Gifts were presented as follows: chairman of the ticket committee St. Mary’s parish. She made her Requiem Mass, and with Father IN S U R A N C E $100, Harold Brumbaugh, George­ John H. Lugert, pastor of Forman, SALES SERVICE ■ for the annual parish social, re­ home with her sister, Mrs. C. E. town; $50, Henry De Linde. Idaho quests that All those who now Cox, of Colorado Springs. She is as deacon, and the Rev. John - L O A N S Springs; radio, Mrs. M. Winkles, have tickets make their returns survived by another sister, Mrs. Simeling of St. Francis’ convent, Idaho Springs. before this coming Friday night, Frances Anken, Santiago, Calif.; Hankinaon,- N. Dak., as subdeacon. The Ladies’ Aid society will brother, Charles M. Schneider, The sisters of St. Francis’ convent GREELEY 126 »/2 E. Pikes Peak ROOFING A convene for its monthly session at Mr. and Mrs. Robert McBrine, Denver; two nephews, and a niece. and academy, Hankinson, N. Dak., Ave. WATERPROOFING the Stanley hotel, with Mrs. J. B. Jr., of Dallas, Tex., have been visiting recently in Colorado A Requiem Mass was offered in were in charge of the choir. Three COMPOSITION & Furstenburg as hostess on Thurs­ grandchildren served as crossbear­ South Greeley Fuel Colorado Springs ROLL ROOFING Springs. St. Mary’s church Aug. 25. Pall­ day, Aug. 28. er and acolytes. Sisters M. Jane The Eaton Hatchery ASPHALT & GRAVEL ROOFS bearers were James N. McCul­ and F e ^ Joseph Sziich of 520 Manitou Frances and M. Cyrilla of the Wo Hatch AU Year for Broiler Planta Re p a ir in g lough, Joseph Murray, Walter Coal, Salt. KIndUni and Grata boulevard Recently underwent an Order of S t Francis, grandchil­ Baled H17 ana Straw 141% Palloraa Toeted GOOD WORK ■ FAIR PRICES Cothollcs of France operation at St. Francis’ hospital. Coloura, Merton Robbins, Walter TOURIST HEADQUARTERS Barthal, and Fredrick Mitchell. dren of the deceased, were among a. 0. 8TBONG, Prep. Peal A Melvin Boesel FREE ESTIMATES Funeral services for Mrs. Mary the mourners. LARGE STOCK OF RELIGIOUS Collins were held last Friday at Burial waa in Evergreen ceme­ 607 13th St. Ph. 66! l i t lit Pk. U > Eatea, C e| e. Produce Top Movie tery. Mr. Mahrer was bom in De- GIFTS AND GREETING CARDS FRANK VIDMAR Sacred Heart church. The Rev. corah, la., Sept 7, 1883, and came John F. Nelson. O.M.I., celebrated Miss Justine Anne O’Lear, 2213 Boll Are. Phone 3822W Los Angeles.— The Catholics of to North Dakota with his parents THE WIGWAM the Requiem Mass, daughter of Mrs. Justine M. in 1880. The family at the time O’Lear, 212 N. Hancock ave­ l« l E. PIKES PEAK AVE. France, convinced that talk has got­ The Rev. Paul Porrcca, O.S.A., had 50 cents in cash, a team of ten them nowhere with movie pro­ has been a recent visitor of the nue, became the bride of George ox6n, and a lumber wagon. When C. Pfeiff, son of Mr. and Mrs. BKIGHTON ducers, are going into the producing Oblate Fathers at Sacred Heart they arrived at Wahpeton, N. Hak., In “ 47** Save With Safety rectory. Charles H. Pfeiff of Perth Am­ they were hired by a rancher near OFFICE MAIN 4181—RES. MAIN SI7t business themselves. By national boy, N. J., Aug. 17 in St. Mary’s ENnRPRISE TENT The Sorrowful Mother novena Barney, N. Dak., for a mere exist­ subscription, says William H. Moor­ church. The Rev. William Kelly ence. In 1882 they moved on a M. E. MeCARTY > devotions will be held at 7:30 officiated at the double-ring cere­ BUFF’S GARAGE AND AWNING CO. ing, Hollywood Catholic movie o’clock Friday evening instead of ho,nestead near the present town PontlM — GMC Traclu G«teral Btpalr — WiJdInt LOANS — SEAL ESTATE — BONDS mony. The bride, who was given of Forman at a time when there Briffhton'* Brifht Spot critic now on a tour of Europe, 7:46 because of the pariah social. I ! 128 Sonih Novada Avenaa FIBS — INSURANCE — AUTO in marriage by her uncle, John were no railroads or towns. French Catholics have financed a Miss June Horine and James T. Broskey of Pueblo, was gowned PH. 1264 IVl W. Talon film entitled Monsieur Vincent, In 1889 Mr. Mahrer was united STORE AWNINGS NOW Wright, Jr., were married at in white satin with a train, the JAM BAR and RESTAURANT which deals with the life of St. Sacred Heart church last Satur­ in marriage to Katherine Kulzer finger-tip veil of tulle cascaded of Greenwald, Minn. The Mahrers EXCELLENT FOODS • ‘ Vincent de Paul. ^ day. The Rev. Joseph R. Kane, from a heart-shaped cap made of O.M.I., witnessed the wedding remained on the homestead until M. SMITH, Prop. 124 NO. MAIN STREET' Professional aytori and techni­ lace. Her bridal bouquet was of 1925, after which they purchased cians were employed. According to ceremony. The couple will take Coma to Church In the Mountains—"In God’s Country" gardenias and white rosebuds with a farm near by, leaving the old PURIKA FEEDS — FARM SUPPLIES — SANITATION DAISY SUPPLIES the present outlook, the movie will up residence at Manitou Springs ANOTHER a shower of stephanotis. homestead to the oldest son, but will leave for the East In be a smash hit American Catholics Matron of honor was Mrs. Paul George. In 1941 they moved to BRIGHTON HATCHERY AND FARM^ STORE September where Mr. Wright BLUE SPRUCE RESTAURANT should take a lesson, Mr. Mooring, Schneebeck, sister of the bride, Forman, where_they resided up to says. wifi enter college. Phone 27W, 3rd and Bridge, Brighton, Colo. LOCATED IN THE CASCADE COMMUNITY BOUSE AT THE FOOT OF and Mrs. Richard Wilhelm, sister the time of his death. SCENIC PIKES PEAK HIGHWAY Mrs. Frances Whitman and of the bride, and Marianne Staako FOOTWEAR daughters were the recent guests of Denver, niece of the bride, 4 SISTERS JOINT BRIDES of Mr, and Mrs. Jesse Garvin of served as bridesmaids. The matron Quebec. — Four sisters, daugh­ MANITOU SPRINGS 55 Tears of Quality West Colorado avenue. Mrs. Whit­ of honor’s dress was of turqouise ters of Mr. and Mrs. Horace La­ man left this week for California ALSO HOSIERY AND BAGS blue, and the bridesmaids’ dresses voie, were married at a joint cere for a teaching position in a Cath­ were of dusty rose. They carried mony in the Church of St. Denis “ NEW IN olic college. Colonial bouquets of peace and de Kamouraska. MANITOU MANITOU The Vorhes 8hoe Co. The Rev, Joseph Bollard, white gladioli. Electric Service Cf=ISC-nDE COLORADO O.M.I., of McCook, Neb., is on a Paul Schneebeck waa best man, Dieppe Invadon Recalled RUTH'S OVEN Admiral and Hotpoint Applianeat Clareneo 0 Wilton A Son At Ui* Junction of Boot* 14 and PIkta Ptak Elltfawayl short visit with the Oblate Fathere and Richard Wilhelm was usher. Montreal, — The Rev. Armand MOST DISTINCTIVE COFFEE SHOP of the Sacred Heart parish. Frank Hammer played the wed­ Sabourin, heroic chaplain who ac­ Phone Hyland 424 Serving Nationaltf Famoni BLUE SPRUCE FOOD ding marches, and Miss Grace companied the Fusiliers de Mont FINE PASTRIES 120 Canon Are. WILLIAM C. CRARON The Oblate Fathers announced 120 Canon Ava. H BUu N. W. of OK Town OecJi Frora^ 11:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Except Mondays a drive for members for the St. Fitzgerald was soloist. The wed­ Royal when they stormed the For Reterrations Call M. 1687 or Cascade 867-R3 Optometrist Vincent de Paul society. ding. breakfast was held at the Acacia hotel, and the reception was Father Fitzgerald of the Con­ Itl Nerth Tejoa Sk in the home of the bride’s mother. The firms Hated here de­ gregation of the Holy Cross will HARRIS LINEN FHONS WAIN MOa After a wedding trip to Yellow­ anniversary of the Dieppe attack. preach on the Bengalese missions serve to be remembered COLOEAOO BPEINGS. COLa stone park they will make their at Sacred Heart church this com­ Siotero Reach High Jubilees Back at the old stand In when you are distributing ing Sunday. home In Perth Amboy, N, J. Manitou Spa your patronage in the dif­ Wagner PETE BERONl Wallace Frederick BIschof of Colorado Springs and Maria Jose­ GIFTS - FINEST IN LINENS ferent lines of business. FIIRNITIJRE SBOP phine Hemker of St. Louis and Betty Jeanne North Komb- UPBOLSTEBING. EB-UPR0L8TBKING AND Colorado Springs were united in WELCOME TO MANITOU REPAIRING marriage at Our Lady of Perpet­ brated their 25th anniversary. Kleaned Slip Covtn and Dnporloe ual Help church, Manitou Springs, Will Become Bride Mads 10 OrOsr Aug. 16. Father Kane officiated SKIFFIXGTOIY’S Fomilnre Made lo Order at the ceremony. The young cou­ Fort Collinii BEG. PRABMACIBTB BTLANO M» TH 8. Castadi Ara. Male l ilt Mr. and Mrs. Clyde North an­ ple were attended by Robert Mc­ nounce the engagement and forth­ Sweepers knight and Helen Hemker, sister coming marriage of their daugh­ 61ST YEAR of the bride. A number of rela­ ter, Betty Jeanne, to Charles Fort VISITORS ARE ALWAYS Bulova & Gruen tives and friends of the couple at­ of Louisville, Ky. Miss North was WELCOME AT CLIFF HOUSE HOTEL tended the wedding ceremony, born In Cheyenne, Wyo., Dec. 24, Watches Mrs. Rita Smith, daughter of 1922. She is a graduate of St. 8HINN’8 PHARMACY For Reservationa Call HYland 7 SIGHTSEEING 750 Mrs. Johanna Lang of Sacred Mary’s high school of Cheyenne NORTHERN HOTEL COR. PARADISE DUDE RANCH KAPELKES Heart parish, is recovering from with the class of 1941 and of Call Hyland 8 9 S. TEJON her recent illness at Glockner hos­ Bames school of commerce, Den­ PH. 62 Ft. Collint pital. ver. Miss North is a member of Holy Ghost church and the Cathe­ In Ft, CoUiru dral Young People’s club, and is OH Hiways 87 and t87 Visit the Wonderful a junior hostess of the USO-NCCS. Mr. Fort served in the army six DREILING MOTORS and one-half years with three Cave of the Winds IKniWiDEhuvELbysiEH years oversets’ duty. Buiek and G.M.C. The wedding will take place in SpaelalUta the Geological AUTHORIZED AGENTS FOR THE St. Brigid’s church, San Fran­ ^^JFVRHITVRE W. Sale# and Expert cisco, Father Richard Prendeville Miracle of the COLORADO SPRINGS AIRLINES AND STEAMSHIP LINES officiating. After a short wedding Service trip, the couple will make their B. J. O’LEARY. Manager Lst Us PoroslaintMs Your Car Rockies home in , where Mr. IP ICIALATTfiyTIQy XQ ILfiyGIQUS Fort is employed. \ Telephone 626

' 1 ) J._. PAGE FOURTEEN Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGiSTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 Thursday, August 28, 1947

HOMEMAKER’S Procedure Is Set Squalor, Shortages Plague Neapolitans Exterminating Files — Mosquitos — Bed Bugs — Ants DEPARTMEIVT Rats — > Mice — Roaches — Termites For Regis Pupils Safeguard your family against polio and other diseases by Patronize These Reliable and Friendly Firms destroying these pests with DDT and other Scientific Chemicals (Regi* High School, Denver) APPLIED BY EXPERIENCED MEN The procedure to be followed by OR FOR SALE AT OUR STORE students attending Regis high THE ACE PAJCmNiG FUMIGATION SERVICE CONTRACTORS, Ine. school, which begins its academic McVeigh Company year on Sept. 2, was outlined this 8TCPHEN U SCHAPP. Prop. week by the‘ Rev. Paul Distler, Denver Pest Control PAINTING AND M'MURTRY'S PAINTS * S.J., principal. Prospective stu­ 24 E. Alameda Phone SP. 4673 DECORATING VARNISHES WALL PAPER - KEMTONE dents are urged to observe this CONTRACTORS Kim lictlMtM procedure carefully to' save them­ 1328 inca RE. 0718 1934 So. Brosdwsr' PE. 0265 selves confusion and delay in ob­ taining entrance to their classes. FLOOR SAJVDING AND -EARL J.- Regis hi|h school will not hold REFIIVISHING class on Sept. 2, the day after CSTIMATKS — EXPERT WORKMANSHIP ROIISH Labor day, but all students who Refrigeration Service STROHMINGER are registered-°at the high school CERNICH Floor Sanding & Refinishing Co. are required to attend school on 4 4 B S. SHERMAN g | s , 7 9 5 2 Household & Commercial Electrical Contracting that day in order to receive their LlMKMd and Bondad In CIO ol Oanvtr books, lockers, and class cards. Gasrsatsed Serries 817 14th St. m T Boarding students are asked not KE. 1657 848 B’dwy, to report before 5 p.m. on Labor day but they must arrive before Draper’s Fimiture- ASSOCIATED 5 p.m. Sept. 2. It is preferred that Gaa Furnace* in Stock they arrive on the morning of Upholstery Shop DECORATORS ftD U O i Sept 2. Upon their arrival board­ Ci3ulhLa^i:hhl.-B- Can install now. ing students will report to the pre­ — Cnstcm Built — Decorators fect’s office in room 415, Carroll Remodeling & Repairing O’Brien Furnace & Sheet hall. Seniors, however, will report PLCMRING to the main desk in the Adminis­ All work guaranteed 1 Emsrgtney Work & Service Metal Works tration building and ask_ for the & Painters lUl Laiincr KK (S47.CB iSS3 prefect of the Administration FREE ESTIMATES COMMERCIAL — SPRAY 1163 WELTON TA. 4444 building annex. A homel*** woman ileaping in a vacant lot in I of thousand* of Neapolitan* plagued by shortage* 83 years experience Jeck J. Werd, SiipL Day students are to report at Naples, Italy, typifies peace-time impoverishment | and squalor. US Federal Blvd. PBarl II7J Ttltphcn* the school between the hours of 9 26 W . 6 Ave. Ma. 4507 BA«a UK RAc* 2 i » m m o 9jin d 12 in the morning or 1 to Denver 4, Colorado 3:30 in the afterenoon on Sept. 2. GOLDEN ALTAR SOCIETY WILL HOLD |g( pjfjgjj (jjfl JAMES ANDERIES F^lure to report on Sept. 2 will Interior - Exterior Painting tW considered an absence requir­ Plain and Ornamental Plaiter- ing a letter of excuse the next day FIRST MEETING OF FALL ON SEPT. 3 inf - Patching - Stuccoing Phona CH. 6581 just as in any other absence case. 4M Sonth Tork 8 t DaiTii t,' Cole. Denver 6, Colorado Day students, upon reporting, 1042-44 Santa Fe Drive will go immediately to the student Golden— (St. Joseph’s Parish)— meeting, a social time was enjoyed. To Become Nun cafeteria, where (1) they will call St. Joseph’s Altar and Rosary so­ Several members of St Joseph’s at the proper desk for ^ eir class ciety will hold its first meeting of parish heard Monsignor Fulton J. schedule, (2) purchase their books, Sheen’s address at the Denver and (3) then go to the locker the fall season Wednesday after­ auditorium Aug. 27. n R n i f l i i room to be assigned a locker. A noon, Sept. S, at which time Mrs. Young People Visits Family 1543 LARIMER » A lp in e H 2 2 f locker deposit of 62 is required, Anna Douglas and Mrs. Clara Lay- but it will be returned if the locker den will be hostesses. As this is Are Entertained (St. Lonii* Parifb, Englewood) is surrendered in good order at the an important meeting, all women The Cathedral Young People’s Sister Joseph Louis of the pnd of the year. Sisters of S t Joseph, from S t of the parish are urged to attend. club spent an enjoyable time in Each boy. has been assigned to Louis, Mo., daughter of Mr. and Installation of new ofQcers will be Golden Aug. 24, and were served SOUTH DENVER classes in accord with his wishes lunch and supper by women of the Mrs. J. Jaap, visited her parents as far as possible. Changes will be' held and plans outlined for the ELECTRIC CO. coming year. Altar society in the recreation room for two weeks recently. Sister Jo­ allowed only for the most weighty of the church. Mrs. H. E. Short, seph Louis is the first of the vo­ Electric ITiring Specialists reasons. ' St. Ann’s circle is sponsoring chairman, was assisted in serving cations from the parish to the JOHN WARD The firm* Hated here deserve to It is estimated that books will another card party this evening, sisterhood. be remembered when you are dla* by the following members of the FREE ESTIMATES cost approximately $15 this year Thursday, in the church hall at Altar society: Mmes. Hugh Beers, ■Twenty-five more children than tributiof your patronafe to the dif* 8 o’clock. r « l 8. Colorwlo BWd. SP. 77S« ferent iTnee of buainaaa because of increased prices by the Robert Dalton, Ed. Hoppes, J. E, it is possible to accommodate, in publishers. St. Agnes’ circle held its monthly Conahan, and L. A. Gurule. the first grade alone, have made Although daily Mass at .the meeting in the church hall Aug. Seven members of the parish application for admission to the Sunglo Announces 24 Colors now school is not obligatory, a Mass 21. Mrs. Alfred Gallegos was hos­ attended the retreat at El Pomar, school. Most of the children are will be offered at 8 ;30 every morn­ tess to the group. Election of-offl- Broadmoor, Colorado Springs, last from outside the parish limits. ing in the student chapel. Stu­ cers for the ensuing year was held. School will reopen Sept. 2. GAY COLORFUL STRIPES Available in Baked Enamel ' week end. They were Mmes. R. H. OR SOLID COLORS dents are urged to attend Mass in Mrs. John Polosky was chosen Graves, Anna Douglass, E. J. An­ Hostesses for the Altar society Steel Slat Venetian Blinds their parish church or at school president and Mrs. Robert Allen, derson, Owen F. Acers, Charles party Aug. 28 at 10 o’clock are since there is no better way to treasurer. Following the business Bilstein, and Peter Hokanson, and Mrs. J. Markey, Mrs. T. Romero, MA. 1295 DtUvny la Cnitam-Umd* start the day then to pray for On. W*«k in Dtnvtr Miss Mildred Hokanson. and Miss M. Marquez. Luncheon God’s blessing on the day’s work. MAGAZINE 25 YEARS OLD will be served at 1 p.m. This will FREE ESTIMATES SERVICE E. J. Anderson attended the re­ SALES Detroit.—The 25th anniversary treat for men at Regis college last be the last of the summer parties of its founding will be observed on week end. sponsored by the society. 1350AcomaSt. Ph. MAin 3644 Inaugurate Experiment Oct. 1 by the Apostle, Catholic Dr. Long, new head of the phys­ University students from the monthly magazine, published here ics department at the Colorado Lisle Fellowship who were guests For Scientists of 2 147 by the Marianhill Fathers of De­ school of mines, has moved his of the Very Rev. Joseph P. I troit family here. Dr. Long comes to O’Heron in the past week are Schaefer I i Specializing in Quality Plumbing and The present editorial staff in­ Golden from Bradley Tech in Silvia Biancalaui, Smith college; Notre Dame.—When the corner­ cludes the 'Very Rev. Joseph Reiner, Peoria, 111. Dazelle Dean, Mahary medical col- Tent A Awning Co. ^ '• Heating Repairs stone of a new laboratory for germ- the Rev. Reinald Hubert, and Ed­ H. R. Bixler of Pueblo is visiting l?ge, a Colored student; Edgar Ha- ? free life was laid at the University ward J. Kubaitis. with Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Short. verland. University of ; and 1541 ARAPAHOE STREET • f; of Notre Dame, Aug. 27, some Henry Passmore, Oberlin college. long-range scientific experiments During their stay in the parish SLATTERY & COMPANY the students were housed by Mrs. were inaugurated. Famed Basilica of St. Anne NEW 8EBVICE- M c G U I R E Robert Hayes. ^Visits to Catholic Repeiring of Oriental Rugs PLUMBING and HEATING CONTRACTORS Enclosed in the cornerstone were institutions were conducted by biological specimens to be observed By a Master Craftsman Moving: - Storage 1726 MARKET STREET Father O’Heron. The students RUG CLEANING il and studied by scientists when the with the exception of Miss Bian­ moth proefed and Insared Express JOHN J. CONNOR, President PHONE MAIN 7127 or 7128 building, which is expected to be calaui are non-Cathblic. used for more than 200 years, is MacCRACKEN Low R ates razed. They included bacteria, Succeasors to Vsndcrpool Ttr Uncoln CH. UTT KE. 6425 2149 Weltoo St. viruses, protozoa, insects, worm Jeggs, and fungi; samples of peni­ Provincial in Group le i 11 i n, streptomycin, and sulfa drugs; samples of earth and water, Marking Siiver Jubilee GAS CONVERSION types of human blood, every^ vita­ min known to the medical 'world ■Washington.— Eight members of Completely Installed in Your Furnace at Once today, and historical material on the Holy Ghost Fathers observed microfilm. No Down Payment — Three Years to Pay the 25th anniversary of their or­ It is expected that information dination. Among them is the CASH Foretd Air Gisrlty of vast interest and importance to Very Rev. George J, Collins, New Furnaces snd Bsssment Water Heaters science will result when the corner­ C.S.Sp., Provincial, of this city. We Will Pay Cash for Small stone is opened. The others are: Father* Andrew M. Bedntresyk, Ridsefleld, Conn.; John L. Homes in or Near Denver. T h e R a ^ C o 1165 So. Penn. Phone The flnne listed here deeenre to Hasson, Fbllsdelphls; Anthonjr F, La- Established 1918 PE. 4604 be remembered when you ere dis- ehowsky, Conway, Ark.: Henry J. Quick Action — Call or See trlbutinf your patronafe to the dif« Thessinz, Emiworth, Pa.; John J. Todor- ferent Hnea of business. owskl. Mu Ctmnel, Pa,; Anthony J. Walsh, Shreyeport, La.; and T. Joseph Wrenn. Holy Ghoet Fathers' mission band. tuiiLiiims & GRttne Call RENEWS CATHOLIC HOUR 1641 Stoat TA. 6266 REASONABLE PRICES Washington. — Radio station SMILEY^S Samples of Fabrics WIRE of Indianapolis after a FOR FREE ESTIMATES ON lapse of several years once again Gladly Submitted at will carry the Catholic Hour ra­ UPHOLSTERING Your Home dio program. DExter 0988 RESTYLED and Y O U R R O O F MODERNIZED 5 IMP PMNSK'JlIlPHUiai,^'" ^ AMERICA’S GREATEST 8i\ee LEAK? MiilHiet pilHitt J9£3

COLORADO .44 TRAVEL BARGAIN ROUND-TRIP Coach Fare from Denver, 383S E. Coliuc DEactar 0988 O c T^ Colorado Springs ond Pueblo to

BEST IN LUGGAGE The firms listed here de­ All Klsd* Glenwood Springs serve to be remembered when you are distributing your patronage in the dif- $ 7 0 0 ■ pins Federal ■ Tax cof 11.05 GO ANY DAY STOP LEAKS ' GO EITHER WAY whdeit'srttmiogwith KILLS BUGS GO ONE WAY— RETURN THE OTHER WET- as SURE as Shootin’! ON ANY REGULAR TRAIN * Colorado River • Royal Gorge OCTA.Kia U a KILLER—oot a re- via or PATCH Scenic Shortcut Route peiisnl Ii KILLS inseelt at tursly as pulling a 44 caliber bullet W a t-P o tc h will stick tight through each bug—AND IT KEEPS to wet surftces, snd stop leaks ON CIUING FOR WEEKS AFTER Return Limit 10 Days while it's raining. Mikes last­ ONE APPLICATION! Leaves no ing repair to broken roofing, Denver A Rio Grande Western Sallroad dutl-oolleimng Him Issve* a around flashings, vents, in vat* pleasing,tweei.cisan esdsr aroma. leys, gutters and other danger TICKET OFFICESi points on roofs. Always keep a ' can handy. . K IL L ’EMI ROACHES. ANTS. -HOPPERS 647 17th St. ApWdi. MetqaHee*. Wtb Harms, ■seti**. Bags ted headrsSi af etbaf* 1531 Stout St. At top is the groat Basilica of St. to he done, was started in 1923. TAbor 1162 Thoms Anne at Beaupre, about 27 mile* Below it the femont statue of St. MR r e i from the city of Quebec, Canatia, Linoleum Studio Anna bolding the Blessed Virgin, Counties* wonderful cures have her daughter. Numerous cures O C T A -m i 1438 Court PUea been worked in the churches that have occurred at the statue, which have succeeded one another at this has relic* of Sf. Anne close by. MA. 2288 A P rtn U ir *. «. i placa, all dedicated to St. Anna. See the "Listening In’’ department ChfmiCAl Corporation of Colr.r-i|o The present Basilica, on which todky for the story of the shrine. there it still a great deal of work Of n>er. Color.idu