T »f 'ir-Tw National Shrine to Mary Immaculate y s'.T Record Enrollment Causes School To Double 1st and 2nd --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- Member of Audii Bureau of Circulations P) Contents Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc., 1947—^Permission to Reproduce, Except on St. Francis’ to Have Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue. Split Sessions for DENVER CAm aic Primary Youngsters Nearly 1,000 Pupils Registered R E G ^ T E R In Southside Parish Classes The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register. We For the first time in the history of the archdiocese, double Have Also the International News Service (Wire and Mail), a Large Special Service, Seven Smaller first and second grades will be conducted in one of Denver's Services, NCWC and Religious News Photos (3 cents per copy) parochial schools. The Rev. Gregory Smith, pastor of St. Francis de Sales' parish, announced Wednesday that the VOL. XLin. No. 1. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1947. $1 PER YEAR. heavy school enrollment has necessitated the new educational procedure and the addition of a new classroorh in the grade Annual Report Issued school building. ’ By Bishop-Elect The priest also announced that nearly 1,000 pupils are enrolled inm the high_ and grade_ school departments of the South RODERICK WILL GIVES side school, making it the largest $8,000 FOR BURSES Catholic Schools in State Saved parochial educational establish­ ment in the archdiocese. More than Fr. 'M ac' Leaves 460 pupils enrolled in the high school at a special registration held Taxpayers $2,000,000 Last Year early this summer; 480 pupils have Entire Estate to signified their intention of attend­ By P a u l H e n n e s s e y ing the grade school classes. Catholic schools In Colorado saved the taxpayers of the state more than $2,000,000 last Educate Priests year, according to Bishop-elect Hubert M. Newell, former superintendent of Catholic Double Session schools for (Colorado, in his annual school report for 1946-47, which will be Released this week. In First Grade The education of students for The report also revealed that Catholic schools in the state are providing education Mother Anna Joseph, principal the priesthood was the prime con­ for the greatest number of students in history, as more than 18,500 students are enrolled in of the school, revealed that the cern of two recently deceased pio­ the various institutions through­ first grade wifi operate on a double neer residents of Denver— the RL session, half of the children re­ out the state. Rev. Monsignor Hugh L. McMena- Fr. C. 1. Bonnet “ The greatest contribution of the Chaplain 'Forced' porting in the morning and the Catholic school, however, is not its rest in the afternoon. An addition­ min and Miss Harriet V. Roderick. savings of tax moneys to the na­ al classroom in the grade school Sums totaling $9,100 were left to Named to Faculty tion,’’ writes Bishop-elect Newell Japanese Ministry building will take care of the two Archbishop Urban. J. Vehr in their second grade classes. Sister Agnes "Rather, it is its unchanging wills "for the maintenance and edu­ emphasis upon morality as the ba Bernardine will be ,in charge of the cation of' students for the priest­ Of Regis College sic principle that gives order and To Establish Refuge first grade and Mrs. Mildred Al­ signiflcance to human life.’’ ders will assist in teaching the sec­ hood at St. Thomas' seminary.” ond grade. The report based its figures of ‘Bluff’ of Salt Lake ‘Reg­ Monsignor McMenamin, who Jesuit, Who Studied in the money saved on a national Plans to enlarge the school build­ left a cash estate of $1,100, all of break-down, according to average ings to accommodate all the chil­ Rome, Will Teach Re­ ister’s’ Editor Saved which was contributed to a burse, daily attendance, of the cost of dren of the parish had to be post­ Shown a b oT s is the architect’s drawing of the 19S4, the centenary of the declaration of the ligion, Philosophy educating a single pupil. The na­ ^ Lives of Thousands poned until next spring because of continued through his will the work projected National Shrine of the Immaculate Con­ dogma of the Immaculate Conception. Collections tional average is $124.67. The av­ material and labor shortages. Be­ for which he had been famous in cause existing facilities are now ception, on the grounds of Catholic unirersity, are being taken in all dioceses this year for funds The Very Rev. Raphael C. Mc­ erage in Colorado is slightly higher By Rev. John Ebel life. He had been a constant pro­ Carthy, S.J., president of Regis crowded to capacity, even with the ^VaslMngton, D. C. The Hierarchy of the U. S. to complete the work. The appeal will be made —$128.88. A fazt-talking little ex-chaplain moter of students for the local sem­ is desirous to haTO the structure completed by in the Archdiocese of DenTer Sunday, Sept. 7. college, announces that the Rev. Catholic schools in Colorado addition of a new classroom and of Irish ancestry told in Denver the doubling of the first m d e , inary. It is estimated from records + -r + Christian L. Bonnet, S.J., who gained more than 1,000 pupils in i ’ T completed his studies at the Gre­ the past year, and show^ an in­ last week how he persuaded the more than 100 pupils had to be re­ in the Cathedral office that he had gorian university, Rome, has been crease of nearly 5,000 students in Japanue Home Ministry to estab- fused admittance to the classes, fostered approximately 45 vocations added to the faculty of the col­ school officials report. the past decade. Eighteen thou­ Ksh a refuge in the ruined Osaka to the priesthood in the Denver lege in the divisions of philosophy sand, six huniteed and sixty-nine Collection to Be Taken Sept. 7 area that saved the lives of thou­ Faculty Changes archd?ocese. , and religion. young people are now being edu­ sands of war victims. “ It was Working together with the Rev. cated in a program that includes mostly bluff,” he admitted, “ be­ Are Announced Miss Roderick, whose funeral James F. Walsh, S.J., who has elementary and secondary schools services were conducted in the Q - cause the American military gov­ Faculty changes in the high and colleges. ernment could not back me up of­ thedral Aug. 21, left an estate of For National Shrine to Virgin “ Any consideration of national school department at St. Francis ficially; I had to convince the and state enrollment figures imme­ de Sales’ were announced this week $8,000 for the establishment of A generous response to the plea of the American tlierarchy funds to complete the diately brings home the threat gen­ by Mother Anna Joseph. Sister seminary burses. A generous sup­ erosity of our Catholic laity, whose Colma, Sister Mary Vera, and Sis­ porter of the Church during her National Shrine,oi the JUnmaculate Conaeption in Washington D. C.^^is asked in a letter sent ter Jean Fontbonne have been re- this week by the Most Rev* A r^ b lsn ^ U roa irj. Ye^^^^ shrine^IKdtioil itf the willingneas-ta oacrificB foe. the re­ endre.lifetime, Mi&s .Roderick, iuid arch-h ligious education of their children yhtwnl diocese will be taken up Sunday, Sept. 7. The Archbishdp*^s letter follows: has made the Catholic school sys­ Falgenda Joseph, and Sister An- contributed much time -and energy, ARCHDIOCESE OF DENVER tem a reality,” the report states. cllla. Sister Anthony replaces Sis­ as' well as funds, to the work of Chancery Office Nearly 3,000,000 young people ter Dolorine in the eighth grade, providing vestments and other Heights to Offer and Sister Mary Angela will re­ Record Is Foreseen 15.36 Logan St. are now being educated under the equipment to the clergy of Colo­ Denver 5, Colo. (Turn to Page 3 — Column S) place Sister Mary Augusta as mu­ rado. Aag. 24, 1947 Full Schedule of sic teacher. In Establishment Reverend Dear Father Msgr. Sheen Tells and Beloved People; Of Seminary Burse The Bishops of the United States Saturday Classes are inaugurating a campaign to 7,000 People Denver Grandmother Dean The seminary burse in honor of complete the National Shrine to A full schedule o f Saturday the Sacred Heart, being sponsored Mary Immaculate, situated on the classes at Loretto Heights college, by Archbishop Urban J. Vehr in grounds of the Catholic university, Denver, was announced Tuesday. Of Catholic Magazine Poets a popular subscription drive, en­ Washington, D. C. The cornerstone Regular classes and laboratory World Crisis tered its fourth week with a total was laid 26 years ago and over the courses will be offered in the to date of $606. With one-tenth of span of years, approximately $2,- following departments: Biology, By Ruth Vincent Nowack track in the world of rhyme. In the grand total already contrib­ 000,000 has been expended on education, English, philosophy, Th^ undisputed dean of Colorado four years, she has sold more than uted, it is expected that the burse the crypt of the shrine, which is French, Spanish, mathematics, his­ Is Religious poets contributing to Catholic peri­ 500 poems to approximately 85 pub­ will be subscribed in record time. spacious and probably as lovely an tory, music, and sociologry. odicals is Inez Clark Thorson of lications, including 26 Catholic artistic conception as can be found All courses will be directed and Seven thousand persons jammed Denver, who waited until she be­ periodicals.
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