E1698 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 2, 2015 up to the end to provide thoughtful forecasts and illustrious life, Mr. Moore received many for many local medical organizations. He has for executives and investors. I knew firsthand impressive awards, including a Purple Heart worked in the Santa Rosa, California area of his influence as my late father was a loyal while serving in the Navy during World War II. since 1971, and has been a member of the subscriber who knew Mr. Kiplinger’s judge- He was also the first recipient of the Lifetime Sonoma County Medical Association (SCMA) ment was fully trustworthy. The following obit- Achievement Award presented by the Water- and the California Medical Association (CMA) uary was published November 21, 2015, in the ways Journal in 2014 for his work with inland for 44 years. He has twice served as Presi- Wall Street Journal: waterway usage. dent of the SCMA and CMA, elected in 1987 WASHINGTON.—Austin Kiplinger, the long- Mr. Moore began working for Dry and again in 2007, and previously served at time chairman and editor in chief of a finan- Dock & Repair Co. Inc. in Cape Girardeau, the U.S. Army hospital in Frankfurt, Germany. cial publishing company that bore his name, Missouri in the early 1950’s as a welder and As a civic role model, philanthropist, political has died, his son said. He was 97. fitter before soon being promoted to vice activist, and medical professional, Dr. Klay’s Mr. Kiplinger died Friday at a hospice in president and general manager. He distin- work has placed health care for all Sonoma Rockville, Md., where he was treated briefly after receiving hospice care at home, said his guished himself within the industry with his in- County residents in safe hands. son, Knight Kiplinger. The cause of death novations for propellers that are used by in- Mr. Speaker, it is appropriate at this time was brain cancer, most likely a melanoma land towboats and barges and their repair that we acknowledge Dr. Len Klay for his ex- that had spread to his brain, his son said. process. He continued assisting and advising traordinary work. A prominent figure in Washington jour- Missouri Dry Dock about propeller and other nalism and civic life, Mr. Kiplinger led the boat operation issues into the early 1990’s f publishing company founded by his father for until he fully retired in 2009. nearly 35 years. Before taking over Kiplinger Mr. Curtis Moore modeled what it means to TRIBUTE TO FORMER CONGRESS- Washington Editors Inc., he worked as a WOMAN SHIRLEY CHISHOLM newspaper, radio and television reporter. The be a hard-working and patriotic citizen of our company publishes newsletters and maga- country and it is my pleasure to recognize him zines on personal finance and business. before the House of Represent- HON. The company was founded in 1920 by his fa- atives. OF TEXAS ther, W.M. Kiplinger. Austin Kiplinger took f it over upon his father’s death in 1967. Even IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES after circumstances forced him to become a PERSONAL EXPLANATION Wednesday, December 2, 2015 businessman, he remained a journalist at heart, his son said. Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. ‘‘He wrote, he edited, he conducted the HON. MARLIN A. STUTZMAN Mr. Speaker, I rise to recognize and celebrate weekly lead meetings for the Kiplinger Let- OF INDIANA the legacy of former Congresswoman Shirley ter,’’ Knight Kiplinger, who took over for his IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Chisholm. On November 24, Congresswoman father in the 1990s, said Saturday. ‘‘That’s Chisholm was posthumously awarded the our tradition going back to our founding.’’ Wednesday, December 2, 2015 2015 Presidential Medal of Freedom. Mr. Kiplinger’s professional journalism ca- Mr. STUTZMAN. Mr. Speaker, on roll call reer began at age 18 while a student at Cor- no. 650, 651, 652, on December 1, 2015 I In 1968, Chisholm historically won a seat in nell University in Ithaca, N.Y. He worked as was unable to cast a vote on S.J. Res. 24 due the House of Representatives in New York’s the campus stringer for the Ithaca Journal, to being unavoidably detained. 12th Congressional District, becoming the first and some of his articles were picked up by African American woman elected to Congress. The Associated Press. Had I been present, I would have voted Yes. In 1969, Chisholm was one of the founding He served in the Navy during World War II, members of a group that would become the piloting torpedo bombers off aircraft carriers f in the South Pacific. Congressional Black Caucus. Chisholm served In 1947, he and his father founded what is HONORING DR. LEN KLAY, M.D. seven terms in Congress with a historical run now called Kiplinger’s Personal Finance, the for the U.S. Presidency in 1972. Chisholm was first publication dedicated to personal-fi- HON. MIKE THOMPSON the first majority-party African American fe- nance advice for American families. In the male candidate to run for President. OF CALIFORNIA 1950s, he worked for several television sta- During her time in Congress, Chisholm IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tions in Chicago and for ABC News there. worked to improve conditions for inner-city But he turned down an offer to join NBC Wednesday, December 2, 2015 News in New York to return to the family residents. She vocally fought for educational business. Mr. THOMPSON of California. Mr. Speaker, opportunities, better healthcare, increased so- Mr. Kiplinger was a trustee and board I rise today to honor Dr. Len Klay for his lead- cial services, and reductions in military spend- chairman of the National Symphony Orches- ership, commitment, and determination over a ing. Chisholm was an outspoken opponent of tra, and he presided over a family foundation decade to update the Geographic Practice the Vietnam War, opposing the draft and the that has made millions of dollars in grants Cost Index (GPCI) system in California and expansion of weapon developments. Chisholm to nonprofits education, performing arts, abolish the flawed Sustainable Growth Rate fought to ensure that women and people of history and journalism training. He lived for color had the opportunity to contribute to pol- decades on a family farm in Seneca, Md. (SGR). ‘‘He was best known for his exuberance, his Medicare’s GPCI system pays physicians icy and the legislative process. positive attitude, his interest in people from based on the cost of providing care in their After leaving Congress in 1983, she re- every walk of life,’’ his son said. ‘‘He talked geographic region. However, since 1997, the turned to her career as an educator. Chisholm as easily with a carpenter or the janitor in Medicare geographic payment localities have taught undergraduate courses in politics and the building as he did with presidents and not been updated, leading many Sonoma sociology at Mount Holyoke College from 1983 senators.’’ County physicians to be underpaid. This prob- to 1987, starkly different from her career prior His wife of 63 years, Mary Louise Cobb to serving in Congress in early childhood and Kiplinger, died in 2007, and his older son, lem was exacerbated by concurrent flaws in Todd, died the following year. the Medicare Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR). elementary education. Nonetheless, Chisholm Since 2000, Dr. Klay has been a tireless ad- provided valuable contributions to not only f vocate for GPCI and SGR reforms. His pro- Mount Holyoke, but also the 150 campuses RECOGNIZING CURTIS MOORE posed changes would have updated payment where she gave speeches, telling students to localities for physicians, and improved access avoid polarization and intolerance. HON. JASON SMITH to high-quality care for all Sonoma County Chisholm passed away in 2005 after suf- OF MISSOURI residents. Dr. Klay led a nationwide letter fering several strokes. However, her legacy IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES campaign, encouraging Congress to consider will always remain with us. As one of the funding the proposed changes while writing ar- founding members of the Congressional Black Wednesday, December 2, 2015 ticles to keep peers informed of his efforts. Caucus, as the first African American women Mr. SMITH of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I rise Those efforts ultimately paid off, as the geo- elected to Congress, Chisholm has provided today to recognize Mr. Curtis Moore of Mis- graphic payment system has been updated us with many firsts and has paved the way for souri for the patriotism shown by him over the and the SGR has been eliminated. Dr. Klay more opportunity. I urge my colleagues to course of his military career as well as his was essential to that progress. honor former Congresswoman Shirley Chis- many wonderful accomplishments completed Leading by example, Dr. Klay continues to holm and recognize her for winning the 2015 during his civilian years. Throughout his long assist in surgery and volunteers his services Presidential Medal of Freedom.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:00 Dec 03, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A02DE8.015 E02DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS December 2, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1699 RECOGNIZING CHARLES LEWIS printing in the Extensions of Remarks countability within the Federal gov- SCOTT (CHUCK) section of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ernment, an original bill entitled, on Monday and Wednesday of each ‘‘Federal Asset Sale and Transfer Act’’, HON. STEVE STIVERS week. an original bill entitled, ‘‘Federal Real Meetings scheduled for Thursday, De- Property Management Reform Act of OF OHIO 2015’’, and an original bill entitled, cember 3, 2015 may be found in the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ‘‘Administrative Leave Act of 2015’’. Daily Digest of today’s RECORD. SD–342 Wednesday, December 2, 2015 10 a.m. Mr. STIVERS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to MEETINGS SCHEDULED Committee on Commerce, Science, and recognize Charles Lewis Scott (Chuck), who DECEMBER 8 Transportation Business meeting to consider pending passed away on November 20, 2015 at the 9:30 a.m. calendar business. age of 91. Scott was a photographer and co- Committee on Armed Services SR–253 To hold hearings to examine improving founder of the widely respected Ohio Univer- Committee on the Judiciary the Pentagon’s development of policy, sity School of Visual Communication in Ath- To hold an oversight hearing to examine strategy, and plans. ens, Ohio. the Federal Bureau of Investigation. SD–G50 Scott was born in Grayville, Illinois in 1924. SD–226 10 a.m. He became a Photographer’s Mate First Class Committee on Energy and Natural Re- 10:30 a.m. in the U.S. Navy after training in Pensacola, sources Committee on the Budget Florida. Scott went on to receive the Distin- To hold hearings to examine S. 2257, to To hold hearings to examine moving to a guished Flying Cross and three war medals prepare the National Park Service for stronger economy with a regulatory for serving during World War II in the Pacific. its Centennial in 2016 and for a second budget. SD–608 After returning home from the war, Scott century of protecting our national parks’ natural, historic, and cultural 2 p.m. earned his degree from the University of Illi- Committee on Armed Services nois and worked as a photojournalist for the resources for present and future gen- erations. To hold hearings to examine the nomina- Champaign-Urbana Courier and the student SD–366 tions of Marcel John Lettre, II, of newspaper. Scott worked as a photographer Committee on Health, Education, Labor, Maryland, to be Under Secretary of De- at various newspapers early in his career, and and Pensions fense for Intelligence, Gabriel was later named the graphic director for the To hold hearings to examine opioid abuse Camarillo, of Texas, to be an Assistant Chicago Daily News. He earned his master’s in America, focusing on facing the epi- Secretary of the Air Force, John E. demic and examining solutions. Sparks, of Virginia, to be a Judge of degree in 1970 and became the picture editor the United States Court of Appeals for for the Chicago Tribune in 1974. Throughout SD–430 Committee on the Judiciary the Armed Forces for the term of fif- his career, Scott earned over 100 awards in Subcommittee on Antitrust, Competition teen years to expire on the date pre- state, regional, national, and international Policy and Consumer Rights scribed by law, and the following competitions, including the Photographer of To hold hearings to examine the AB named officer for appointment in the the Year award in 1952 and the Newspaper InBev/SABMiller merger and the state United States Navy to the grade indi- Editor of the Year award in 1966 from the Na- of competition in the beer industry. cated while assigned to a position of tional Press Photographers Association. SD–226 importance and responsibility under title 10, U.S.C., section 601: Vice Adm. He was first approached by Ohio University 10:30 a.m. Committee on Foreign Relations Kurt W. Tidd, to be Admiral, all of the in 1969 to expand the visual education pro- To hold hearings to examine the Millen- Department of Defense. gram in the School of Journalism. Following nium Challenge Corporation, focusing SD–106 two years at the Chicago Tribune, Scott re- on lessons learned after a decade and Committee on the Judiciary turned to Ohio University in 1976 in the Col- outlook for the future. To hold hearings to examine the nomina- lege of Communication. Two years later, Scott SD–419 tions of Susan Paradise Baxter, Robert co-founded the Institute of Visual Communica- 3 p.m. John Colville, and Marilyn Jean Horan, tion with his son-in-law Terry Eiler. By 1986, Committee on Commerce, Science, and each to be a United States District Judge for the Western District of Penn- the Institute became the School of Visual Transportation Subcommittee on Space, Science, and sylvania, Mary S. McElroy, to be Communication and was eventually moved Competitiveness United States District Judge for the into the College of Communication. Alumni of To hold hearings to examine promoting District of Rhode Island, and John Mil- this program have gone on to work at The open inquiry in the debate over the ton Younge, to be United States Dis- New York Times, National Geographic, The magnitude of human impact on earth’s trict Judge for the Eastern District of Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, and climate. Pennsylvania. many other prestigious publications. SR–253 SD–226 There is no doubt of the enormous contribu- 2:30 p.m. tion Chuck Scott has made to the photo- DECEMBER 9 Special Committee on Aging 9:30 a.m. To hold hearings to examine sudden price journalism industry and the tremendous impact spikes in off-patent drugs, focusing on he had on Ohio University and especially, his Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs perspectives from the front lines. students. Business meeting to consider S. 2171, to SD–G50 f reauthorize the Scholarships for Oppor- DECEMBER 10 SENATE COMMITTEE MEETINGS tunity and Results Act, S. 2127, to pro- vide appropriate protections to proba- 10 a.m. Title IV of Senate Resolution 4, tionary Federal employees, to provide Committee on Energy and Natural Re- agreed to by the Senate of February 4, the Special Counsel with adequate ac- sources 1977, calls for establishment of a sys- cess to information, to provide greater To hold an oversight hearing to examine tem for a computerized schedule of all awareness of Federal whistleblower terrorism and global oil markets. meetings and hearings of Senate com- protections, S. 1915, to direct the Sec- SD–366 mittees, subcommittees, joint commit- retary of Homeland Security to make Committee on Homeland Security and anthrax vaccines and antimicrobials Governmental Affairs tees, and committees of conference. available to emergency response pro- Subcommittee on Regulatory Affairs and This title requires all such committees viders, S. 1492, to direct the Adminis- Federal Management to notify the Office of the Senate Daily trator of General Services, on behalf of To hold hearings to examine the impor- Digest—designated by the Rules Com- the Archivist of the United States, to tance of following through on GAO and mittee—of the time, place and purpose convey certain Federal property lo- OIG recommendations. of the meetings, when scheduled and cated in the State of Alaska to the Mu- SD–342 any cancellations or changes in the nicipality of Anchorage, Alaska, H.R. Committee on the Judiciary meetings as they occur. 1557, to amend the Notification and Business meeting to consider S. 247, to Federal Employee Antidiscrimination amend section 349 of the Immigration As an additional procedure along and Retaliation Act of 2002 to strength- and Nationality Act to deem specified with the computerization of this infor- en Federal antidiscrimination laws en- activities in support of terrorism as re- mation, the Office of the Senate Daily forced by the Equal Employment Op- nunciation of United States nation- Digest will prepare this information for portunity Commission and expand ac- ality, S. 1318, to amend title 18, United

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:51 Dec 03, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A02DE8.020 E02DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS