Empowering Legal Power…. Indian Institute of Legal English An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Organization

Proper Names Proper Names (also called Proper Nouns) are the words which name specific people, organizations or places. Proper Names always start with capital letters. So, proper name is the special name of person, place or organization.

For example:  Months, days of the week and holidays: January, March, Monday, Christmas etc.  Awards, vehicles, vehicle models, brand names : The Noble Peace Prize, Maruti 800  Each part of a person’s name is a Proper Noun: Jawaharlal Nehru, Bill Clinton, Michael Jackson etc.  The names of Companies, organizations or trade marks: Wipro, Infosys, Red Cross, Maruti etc.  Given or pet names of animals: Tommy, Jumbo, Pussy, Micky etc.  The names of cities and countries: London, Paris, , , , Pakistan etc.  The names derived from proper names of cities/countries: English, British, Americans, Mexicans etc.  Geographical and Celestial names: The Red Sea, The Alps, The Himalayas, Jupiter, Pluto, Mars etc.  Monuments, buildings and meeting rooms: The Taj Mahal, The White House, The Oval Room, etc.  Historical events, documents, laws and periods: The Industrial Revolution, World War I, The Criminal Law , The Law of Gravitation, etc.  Deities, scripture and religions: God, Allah, Christ, Islam, The Bible, The Quran, The Ramayana etc. Common Names A Common Name (also called Common Noun) is a word that names people, places, things or ideas. They are not the names of a single person, place or thing. A Common Name always begins with a lower case letter unless it is at the beginning of a sentence.

For example:  People: Man, boy, girl, woman, mother, father, teacher, doctor, engineer, student, etc.  Animals: cat, dog, fish, elephant, snake, rabbit etc.  Things: Book, table, chair, pen, pencil etc.  Places: School, city, building, shop, park, mall, office etc.  Ideas: Love, hate, pride, disgust etc.

Add:309, 3rd Floor, Om Chambers, Final Plot No.711, J.M.Road, Shivajinagar, Pune(MH)PH:7447780083 E-mail:[email protected], www.indianinstituteoflegalenglish.com Page 1

Empowering Legal Power…. Indian Institute of Legal English An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Organization

Exercise 1: Write Common names and Respective Proper names:

COMMON PROPER NAMES NAMES 1 Lawyer Shri , 2 Courts 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Exercise 2 Find the mistakes regarding Proper names & Common names and correct the paragraph:

Constitutional and Administrative law the constitution of india, which came into effect on 26 january 1950 is the lengthiest written constitution in the world.[9] Although its administrative provisions are to a large extent based on the government of india Act 1935, it also contains various other provisions that were drawn from other constitutions in the world at the time of its creation. It provides details of the

Add:309, 3rd Floor, Om Chambers, Final Plot No.711, J.M.Road, Shivajinagar, Pune(MH)PH:7447780083 E-mail:[email protected], www.indianinstituteoflegalenglish.com Page 2

Empowering Legal Power…. Indian Institute of Legal English An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Organization

administration of both the union and the States, and codifies the relations between the federal

Government and the State Governments.[10] Also incorporated into the text are a chapter on the fundamental rights of citizens, as well as a chapter on directive principles of state policy.[11]

The constitution prescribes a federal structure of government, with a clearly defined separation of legislative and executive powers between the federation and the states. each State Government has the freedom to draft its own laws on subjects classified as state subjects. laws passed by the parliament of india and other pre-existing central laws on subjects classified as central subjects are binding on all citizens. however, the constitution also has certain unitary features, such as vesting power of amendment solely in the federal Government,[14] the absence of dual citizenship,[15] and the overriding authority assumed by the federal Government in times of emergency.[16]

The indian penal Code formulated by the british during the British Raj in 1860, forms the backbone of criminal law in India. The code of criminal procedure, 1973 governs the procedural aspects of the criminal law.[17]jury trials were abolished by the government in 1960 on the grounds they would be susceptible to media and public influence. This decision was based on an

Add:309, 3rd Floor, Om Chambers, Final Plot No.711, J.M.Road, Shivajinagar, Pune(MH)PH:7447780083 E-mail:[email protected], www.indianinstituteoflegalenglish.com Page 3

Empowering Legal Power…. Indian Institute of Legal English An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Organization

8-1 acquittal of kawas nanavati in k. m. nanavati vs. State of , which was overturned by higher courts.

In february 2011, the ruled that criminal defendants have a constitutional right to counsel.[18]

capital punishment in India is legal. The last execution was conducted on July 30, 2015, when the mastermind of 1993 bombay serial blast, the terrorist yakub memon, was hanged in .

The main contract law in India is codified in the indian contract Act, which came into effect on 1 september 1872 and extends to all India except the state of jammu and kashmir. It governs entrance into contract, and effects of breach of contract. Indian Contract law is popularly known as mercantile law of India. Originally indian sales of goods Act and partnership act were part of

Indian Contract act, but due to needed amendment these acts were separated from Contract Act.

The Contract act is the main and most used act of legal agreements in India.

Add:309, 3rd Floor, Om Chambers, Final Plot No.711, J.M.Road, Shivajinagar, Pune(MH)PH:7447780083 E-mail:[email protected], www.indianinstituteoflegalenglish.com Page 4