Wimbledon 1957

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Wimbledon 1957 WIMBLEDON 1957 Thanks to Mike Moseley Updated 2.5.2013 Friday 19th April 1957 Wimbledon Stadium, London Wimbledon Dons 73 Poland 34 (Challenge) WIMBLEDON: Barry Briggs 3 3 3 2’ 3 14 Cyril Brine 2’ 2’ 2’ 3 2’ 11 4 Ron How 3 E 1 2’ 6 Alf Hagon F 3 3 2 3 11 Cyril Maidment 3 3 2’ 3 3 14 1 Split Waterman E 2’ 3 F 2’ 7 2 Bob Andrews 2 2 1’ 2 7 1 Ivan Mauger 0 1’ 2’ 3 2 POLAND: Edward Kupczynski F 3 1 3 3 3 13 Adolp Slabon 1 1 0 1 F 0 3 Alojzy Frach 2 1 1 1 1 6 Konstanty Pociejkowicz X 1 F F 0 1 Jerzy Bloch 2 1 0 1’ F 1 6 1 Tadeusz Teodorowicz 1 0 2 2 1 6 N. Kosierb 0 0 1) Briggs, Brine, Slabon, Kupczynski (Fell) 68.2 5 1 5 1 2) How, Frach, Hagon (Fell), Kociejkowicz (Exc) 68.6 3 2 8 3 3) Maidment, Bloch, Teodorowicz, Waterman (EF) 67.8 3 3 11 6 4) Kupczynski, Andrews, Slabon, How (EF) 70.0 2 4 13 10 5) Maidment, Waterman, Pociejkowicz, Frach 68.0 5 1 18 11 6) Briggs, Brine, Bloch, Teodorowicz 66.6 5 1 23 12 7)^ Waterman, Maidment, Kupczynski, Slabon 68.0 5 1 28 13 8) Briggs, Brine, Frach, Pociejkowicz (Fell) 67.8 5 1 33 14 9) Hagon, Teodorowicz, How, Bloch (F.Rm) 67.2 4 2 37 16 10) Kupczynski, Andrews, Slabon, Mauger 66.4 2 4 39 20 11) Hagon, How, Frach, Pociejkowicz (Fell) 68.2 5 1 44 21 12) Maidment, Teodorowicz, Bloch, Waterman (F) 67.8 3 3 47 24 13) Kupczynski, Hagon, Andrews, Slabon (Fell) NO TIME 3 3 50 27 14) Maidment, Waterman, Frach, Pociejkowicz (Fell) 68.8 5 1 55 28 15) Brine, Briggs, Teodorowicz, Bloch (Fell) 69.6 5 1 60 29 16) Kupczynski, Andrews, Mauger, Slabon 69.0 3 3 63 32 17) Briggs, Brine, Frach, Pociejkowicz 69.8 5 1 68 33 18) Hagon, Mauger, Bloch, Kosierb 68.4 5 1 73 34 ^. For some unknown reason a re-run was ordered for Heat 7 following the original result of Maidment, Waterman, Slabon, Kupczynski 69.4 JUNIOR HANDICAP: Maidment (30 yards), Gil Goldfinch (Gate), Andrews (20 yards), Mauger (Gate) 70.8 DEMONSTRATION CAR RACE: Ted Friend beat Charles Batson 78.2 Monday 29 April 1957 Wimbledon Stadium London WIMBLEDON DONS 67 SWINDON ROBINS 29 (Britannia Shield) WIMBLEDON Cyril Brine 2* 1 2* 2 3 - - 10 (2) Barry Briggs (C) 3 3 3 3 3 - - 15 Ron How F 3 2* 3 2 - - 10 (1) Gerald Jackson 3 2* 3 1* 3 - - 12 (2) Split Waterman 2* 3 2* 1 1* - - 9 (3) Cyril Maidment 3 1 3 1 1 - - 9 Bob Andrews 1 1 - - - - - 2 SWINDON Bob Roger 1 2 1 3 3 - - 10 Mike Broadbank 0 F 0 0 0 - - 0 Ian Williams (C) 2 0 1 2 2 - - 7 Ken Middleditch 1* 2 F 2 0 - - 5 (1) George White 1 1 1 0 2 - - 5 Ernie Lessiter 0 F 0 0 0 - - 0 Al Sparrey 2 X - - - - - 2 Ht 1: Briggs, Brine, Roger, Broadbank (5-1) Ht 2: Jackson, Williams, Middleditch, How (fell) (8-4) Ht 3: Maidment, Waterman, White, Lessiter (13-5) Ht 4: Briggs, Sparrey, Andrews, Broadbank (fell) (17-7) Ht 5: How, Jackson, White, Lessiter (fell) (22-8) Ht 6: Briggs, Middleditch, Brine, Williams (26-10) Ht 7: Waterman, Roger, Maidment, Broadbank (30-12) Ht 8: Briggs, Brine, White, Lessiter (35-13) Ht 9: Maidment, Waterman, Williams, Middleditch (fell) (40-14) Ht 10: Jackson, How, Roger, Broadbank (45-15) Ht 11: Roger, Brine, Jackson, Lessiter (48-18) Ht 12: Briggs, Williams, Waterman, White (52-20) Ht 13: How, Middleditch, Andrews, Lessiter (56-22) Ht 14: (Re-Run) Jackson, Williams, Maidment, Sparrey (f, ex) (60-24) Ht 15: Roger, How, Waterman, Middleditch (63-27) Ht 16: Brine, White, Maidment, Broadbank (67-29) Junior Match-Race: Ivan Mauger, Gil Goldfinch Spring Scratch Race: Brine, Middleditch, Maidment, How Stadium Handicap: Andrews (10 yds), Goldfinch (Scr), Sparrey (10), Mauger (Scr) All-Star Scratch Race: Briggs, Waterman, Roger, Jackson Monday 6th May 1957 Wimbledon Stadium, London Wimbledon Dons 56 Wembley Lions 40 (Challenge) WIMBLEDON: Barry Briggs 3 3 3 3 0 12 Cyril Brine 1 1 1 2 0 5 Ron How 3 3 2 3 3 14 Alf Hagon 1 1 0 3 5 Peter Moore 3 2 3 3 1 12 Cyril Maidment 2’ 0 0 2’ 1 5 2 Bob Andrews 2’ 1 3 WEMBLEY: Brian Crutcher 2 3 3 3 2 13 Mike Broadbank 0 1 1 1 2’ 5 1 Split Waterman 2 2 1’ 1’ 1 7 2 Gerald Jackson 0 0 2 2 0 4 Eric French 1 2 E 2 3 8 Ray Cresp 0 0 2 1 0 3 Dennis Newton 0 0 0 1) Briggs, Crutcher, Brine, Broadbank 4 2 4 2 2) How, Waterman, Hagon, Jackson 4 2 8 4 3) Moore, Maidment, French, Cresp 5 1 13 5 4) Briggs, Andrews, Broadbank, Newton 5 1 18 6 5) How, French, Hagon, Cresp 4 2 22 8 6) Briggs, Waterman, Brine, Jackson 4 2 26 10 7) Crutcher, Moore, Broadbank, Maidment 2 4 28 14 8) Briggs, Cresp, Brine, French (EF) 4 2 32 16 9) Moore, Jackson, Waterman, Maidment 3 3 35 19 10) Crutcher, How, Broadbank, Hagon 2 4 37 23 11) Crutcher, Brine, Cresp, Hagon (EF) 2 4 39 27 12) Moore, French, Waterman, Briggs 3 3 42 30 13) How, Jackson, Andrews, Cresp 4 2 46 32 14) Hagon, Maidment, Waterman, Newton 5 1 51 33 15) How, Crutcher, Moore, Jackson 4 2 55 35 16) French, Broadbank, Maidment, Brine 1 5 56 40 EPSOM HANDICAP: Broadbank (10 yards), Waterman (20 yards), Brine (15 yards) [Cresp (10 yards), Goldfinch (Gate) 68.0 ASCOT HANDICAP: Newton (Scratch), Andrews (10 yards), Maidment (15 yards), [French (20 yards), Jackson (20 yards) 68.2 STADIUM SCRATCH RACE: Crutcher, Moore, How, Briggs 66.2 Saturday 11 May 1957 Abbey Stadium, Swindon SWINDON ROBINS 40 WIMBLEDON DONS 54 (Britannia Shield) SWINDON Bob Roger 2 2 2* 1 3 - - 10 (1) Ken Middleditch R 3 1* 3 2 R - 9 (1) Ian Williams (C) 3 2 0 3 2 - - 10 Al Sparrey X 0 0 - - - - 0 George White 0 2 1* 0 0 - - 3 (1) Ernie Lessiter 1 0 2 1 R - - 4 Mike Broadbank 2* 2 0 - - - - 4 (1) WIMBLEDON Barry Briggs (C) 1 3 3 3 3 - - 13 Cyril Brine 3 R 1 1 F - - 5 Ron How 2 3 3 3 3 - - 14 Gerald Jackson F - - - - - - 0 Split Waterman 2* 1 0 1 2 - - 6 (1) Cyril Maidment 3 3 1 2* 1* - - 10 (2) Bob Andrews 1 0 0 2 2* 1 - 6 (1) Ht 1: Brine, Roger, Briggs, Middleditch (ret) (2-4) Ht 2: (Re-Run) Williams, How, Jackson (fell), Sparrey (ex, foul riding) (5-6) Ht 3: Maidment, Waterman, Lessiter, White (6-11) Ht 4: Middleditch, Broadbank, Andrews, Brine (ret) (11-12) Ht 5: Maidment, Williams, Waterman, Sparrey (13-16) Ht 6: How, Roger, Middleditch, Andrews (16-19) Ht 7: Briggs, White, Brine, Lessiter (18-23) Ht 8: Middleditch, Roger, Maidment, Waterman (23-24) Ht 9: How, Lessiter, White, Andrews (26-27) Ht 10: Briggs, Broadbank, Brine, Williams (28-31) Ht 11: Briggs, Maidment, Roger, Sparrey (29-36) Ht 12: How, Middleditch, Waterman, White (31-40) Ht 13: Williams, Andrews, Maidment, Broadbank (34-43) Ht 14: How, Andrews, Lessiter, Middleditch (ret) (35-48) Ht 15: Briggs, Williams, Andrews, White (37-52) Ht 16: Roger, Waterman, Lessiter (ret), Brine (fell) (40-54) Monday 13th May 1957 Wimbledon Stadium, London Wimbledon Dons 44 Norwich Stars 52 (Britannia Shield) WIMBLEDON Bob Andrews 1’ 0 0 0 1 1 Barry Briggs 2 3 3 3 3 3 17 Ron How 2 3 0 2 0 0 7 Gerry Jackson 0 2’ 2 1 5 1 Split Waterman 0 3 2 0 3 3 11 Cyril Maidment 1 1 0 1 3 Ivan Mauger 0 0 0 NORWICH Aub Lawson 3 2 3 2’ 1’ 11 2 Geoff Pymar 0 2 0 1 0 3 Phil Clarke 1 1’ 3 1’ 2 8 2 Ove Fundin 3 2 1 3 2 11 Billy Bales 2’ 0 1’ 2 2 7 2 Harry Edwards 3 1 2 3 1 10 Wal Morton 1’ 1’ 2 2 1 Lawson, Briggs, Andrews, Pymar, **** 3 3 2 Fundin, How, Clarke, Jackson, **** 5 7 3 Edwards, Bales, Maidment, Waterman (f), **** 6 12 4 Briggs, Pymar, Morton, Mauger, **** 9 15 5 How, Jackson, Edwards, Bales, **** 14 16 6 Briggs, Fundin, Clarke, Andrews, **** 17 19 7 Waterman, Lawson, Maidment, Pymar, **** 21 21 8 Briggs, Edwards, Bales, Andrews, **** 24 24 9 Clarke, Waterman, Fundin, Maidment, **** 26 28 10 Lawson, Jackson, Pymar, How (e/f), **** 28 32 11 Edwards, Lawson, Jackson, Andrews, **** 29 37 12 Briggs, Bales, Clarke, Waterman, **** 32 40 13 Fundin, How, Edwards, Mauger, **** 34 44 14 Briggs, Clarke, Morton, How, **** 37 47 15 Waterman, Fundin, Lawson, How, **** 40 50 16 Waterman, Bales, Maidment, Pymar, **** 44 52 Stadium H/c – Andrews (20), Jackson (30), Mauger (0), Edwards (40), Bales (30), 69.8 Norfolk H/c – Clarke (30), Maidment (20), Pymar (20), Gil Goldfinch (0), Morton (20/f), 70.8 International Scratch Race – Fundin, Briggs, Lawson, Waterman, 66.6 Saturday 18th May 1957 Weir Stadium, Rayleigh Rayleigh Rockets 8 Rayleigh Squibs 10 Wimbledon 20 Ipswich 15 (4TT) Abandoned After Ht9 Rockets Les McGillivray F 1’ 1 2 1 Peter Clarke 2 2 2 6 Maurice McDermott 0 0 0 0 Ken Adams (res) Squibs Jack Unstead F 0 F 0 Eric French 3 3 E 6 Pete Lansdale 2 2 E 4 Ken Adams (res) Wimbledon Barry Briggs 2 3 3 8 Split Waterman 1’ 2’ 1 4 2 Ron How 3 2’ 3 8 1 Leo McAuliffe (res) Ipswich Peter Moore 1 3 3 7 Cyril Roger 3 1 2’ 6 1 Danny Dunton 1 0 1 2 Johnny Fitzpatrick (res) R S W I Ht1 Roger, Clarke, Moore, McGillivray (f) 73.2 2 0 0 4 Ht2 French, Briggs, Waterman, Unstead (f) 72.6 2 3 3 4 Ht3 How, Lansdale, Dunton, McDermott 73.4 2 5 6 5 Ht4 French, Clarke, McGillivray, Unstead 73.0 5 8 6 5 Ht5 Briggs, Waterman, Roger, Dunton 73.4 5 8 11 6 Ht6 Briggs, How, McGillivray, McDermott 73.2 6 8 16 6 Ht7 Moore, Lansdale, Dunton, Unstead (f) 73.8 6 10 16 10 Ht8 How, Clarke, Waterman, McDermott 74.4 8 10 20 10 Ht9 Moore, Roger, French (ef), Clarke (ef) 75.2 8 10 20 15 Monday 20th May 1957 Wimbledon Stadium, London Wimbledon Dons 64 Rayleigh Rockets 31 (Britannia Shield) Wimbledon Cyril Brine 0 3 2’ 2’ 3 10 2 Barry Briggs 2 2’ 2’ 3 3 12 2 Ron How 2’ 2’ 1 3 3 11 2 Gerald Jackson 3 3 3 3 3 15 Split Waterman 2’ 3 2 E 1 8 1 Cyril Maidment 3 F 0 0 1 4 Bob Andrews 3 1 4 Rayleigh Eric French 3 0 2 2 2 9 Jack Unstead 1 1 1’ 3 0 2 8 1 Les McGillivray 1 1 1 2 1 6 Ken Adams 0 0 0 0 Pete Lansdale 0 E 0 0 Maurice McDermott 1 1 1 1 2 0 6 Peter Clark 0 0 0 2 2 1) French, Briggs, Unstead, Brine 2 4 2 4 2) Jackson, How, McGillivray, Adams 5 1 7 5 3) Maidment, Waterman, McDermott, Lansdale 5 1 12 6 4) Andrews, Briggs, Unstead, Clark 5 1 17 7 5) Jackson, How, McDermott, French
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