Index Dummy Thru Vol 103.Indd
Curtis, Asahel, 75(4):167-69 review, 61(3):162-64 Cyrus Walker (tugboat), 5(1):28, 42(4):304- correspondence of, 33(4):461 Custer Lives! by James Patrick Dowd, review, 306, 312-13 and Mount Rainier, 21(1):18-22 74(2):93 and Olympic National Park, 99(3):107-20 The Custer Semi-Centennial Ceremonies, photographs by: of A. L. Brown Farm, 1876-1926, by A. B. Ostrander et al., 71(4):162-71; acquired by University 18(2):149 D of Washington Libraries, 33(3):369; of Custer’s Gold: The United States Cavalry Chicago, Milwaukee and Puget Sound Expedition of 1874, by Donald Jackson, D. B. Cooper: The Real McCoy, by Bernie Railway, 72(1):30-40; of eastern Wash. review, 57(4):191 Rhodes, with Russell P. Calame, review, irrigation projects, 72(3):112-20; of Custer’s Last Battle, by Charles Francis Roe, 84(2):76-77 Yakima County (Wash.), 73(2):78-89 18(4):307 D. M. Jesse and Company, 19(3):206-11 works of: “A Mount Rainier Centennial,” Custer’s Last Stand: The Anatomy of an Dabney, Ellen P., 20(2):109 21(1):18-22 American Myth, by Brian W. Dippie, Dacres, George, 20(1):38, 49 Curtis, E. J., 35(4):332, 334-35 review, 69(2):89-90 Daedalus (ship), 6(1):54, 56, 58-59, 6(2):86, Curtis, Edward S., 4(1):53, 75(4):164-70, Customs Service, U.S. 11(1):6, 24, 27, 12(1):47 78(4):141-44, 81(2):50-53, 82(2):51-52 in Alaska, and liquor smuggling (1867- Daggett, Floyd L., 84(1):9-10 works of: In the Land of the Headhunters 99), 66(4):145-52 Daggett, Stuart, History of the Southern (fi lm), 78(4):141-44, 81(2):50-53; on Puget Sound, 16(4):265-72, 83(3):102- Pacifi c, 13(4):305 The North American Indian, 30(1):71, 103 Dahlie, Jorgen, “Old World Paths in the New: 75(4):164, 169-70, Vol.
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